SL'TiSJ;ir& REPUBLICAN ..-.W7KUXT0WS-. , f cdnckdaj. January 11, IS74. ' pEXS'A. E. E. TIME TABLE. passenger traiua leave Miftliu Station a follows: FASTWAD. liiadeljihia Ka press, , . 12am. Fast Line, J . I !l I m. Ihirnsburg Aecnnimo., 11 i'S a in. .Vail, 12 p it), l'acitic Express, 10 l-i a m. Ciiti'i:niitii Kxprcss, 8 t-tl t iu. -'J' " "wrTwx. Vitfe-baejr. Kxpress, 1 20 a n. Via maati Kaprt'ss, . ' 2 "J a in. :t1r, , ? ? a nu Vt y Passenger, W t)4 a m. M m, S -K p iu. Vast Line. 6 o3 p ui. Xitilin, Nov -I, 1ST3. . LOCAL IXTELLIGhXCk. Thursday muruuig was wintry cuou jb to satisfy the most ardent advocate of cld ,rcathe.r. The rnstsble of Lewistowri arrest dis. order'y boys about the churches of that town, dunug service. Siephen Reno, of Femiannrh township, "Ul.eilon the 3rd of 'aUrch n.-xt, bis firiu- I u2 unlfiiH.N and live stock. ; wentv-seven iranips in inc sonp nonsc i 1 1 1 Viirfv-f.inr i t:l;i mini. ! . . , ... . , .. i ocr n j-onca . n, ..u.e o, ,ue ..i,-.P-t..r l Thnrd n..rv.r i cttlUb bliai oa, iuji a ui .7 v j u iil i lust ThurtdiT luominr; a locomo- tive exnded on tU Troae and ( lear- field T!;c crgincer and two train-men were severely hurt. A Teachers' Institute will beheld at 1'vrrysville, beginning on Friday even ing, the 30ih ff Jannsry 1S74, and ciioiii.uiiig n tha following day aud cvc-airtg. ' 1.3!t ?atnroar a son of Tobias Au kar, while coasting had his sled run against a porch, by which accident he vm bo severely hurt that the attention of a physician becaiua tieueas-jry. The late snow brought tut but few sleighs. The roads were too rongh. The tingling gingling be'is were scarce- I y heard above the gruff noise of the ' I miners cn the rutty aud Loof-tracked j id. Ik-;i;fonte, Centre comfy, is J A ehnst visits the suhurbi of th -s town i even aor. i.iSni. rnT:.en a.-.- ii klivuler at it. It BculJa'l scaro, but gut ariMir.d hehind him. That uioveinent aj t.H. mneh f-.r the nia: v.iih the shooting iron JlcH.'a! Itti kd iulu M BAiut. thc.'i 'ml ni. from wmvh be d,d,.'t stop till he I didn't stop till he I isa-t s bit eu-io-is ! JSll ,-U'ra reichcd his house. He itw to iuvcsti'-Mttf ghjstly .ia--!; snl ins la-in-ru. i Ma.W sur ralher thai take nau-. scocs tnenieiiie ; and lh:s is not to be I ViondcreJ at, as the remedy is ofseu 1 worse than :he disease. Sufferers ftca j cieghs, col is, lnnuerzi, sore inroai, or n.,tjee tenJen-y to (Viisuwpti. n, will find iu j ;;rJ f ,,e ft,r.ffoinjff is not com Ir. V. islar"s llaisaiu of WiiJ Cherry , plied with, ihey will have to answer to a reajedy as rr.-cable to thi palace asj the Sheriff of Juniata county for hav- r ..!;..-. I ii'C Government inupcrty without au- t nectcl iu rcmoius oisease. i- . i t j ii,...itif i,aM.-un..ay mvru.i.g .n oil, cl:ie vl llie ioniaouiary uepari-j , - t- . i i.i incnt, of this place, reerived a despatch t!i; men who had robb -d Lnvdon and Nortii's business places, were in custody i iu t!.at city and wouM le held, subj-ct j ' to information from this place. On 3Ienday f fficcr ilson went to I'itta- ; Lurir. lie La uot vet returned. I Mr. John Stousr, of Fermanagh, was rrccntly the recipient of a handsome und valuable pocket-bock, by ihe stJiulars of " Happy Hollow School., which he teaches. It was an evidence : ot the esteem in whi:li Mr Stoaer is lield by the young people in that por tion of Fcinunagb township. He has been in the "harness" of a cousuiou school teacher a number of years, aud iie has taught a number of terms at the above named place. He is a man of correct judgment and great inste modesty. The latter quality passes Lim in the eyes of the public below bis worth. I.misr. Crkfk Valiu, Mii.rn ) Towssiiir, Jan. lt4. $ Editor Sentinel : Thinking your read ers would love something of a romantic nature (especially Ihe huuter portionl we concluded to try our band at a few jottings. Whether we will succeed or not, we leave for yourself aud readers to judge. Hut now, Mr Editor, our little story is that of a hunter not a hunter ex actly, cither, but a frail woman hunt cress and we thiuk it deserves men tion in your columns. Some few weeks biuce a Mrs. Tabitha Shrcffler, wife of Mr. Charles Shreffler, of this township, while at home with her three children, heard their old favorite rlog, Jack," bark and make a terrible fuss near the Louse. She sent one of the little chil dren to where Le was, to leurn the cause. The cLild came back and told her mother that old Jack" bad a"gry fox" upon a little papling. Mrs. Shref .er, thinking she aiight make a couple of dollars, picked up a hickory club itnd started to the assistance of the dog. hen she reached the tree she looked .up into it, and here, O horror ! aat on a little limb, a monstrous " wild cat." Fler first thought was, "What can I do to kill it 1 cannot shoot the rifle.' The gun was in the house loaded at the time, but, like a true pioneer, she would not have her game, and she soon dislodged "Mr. Wild Cat" from the limb, and instantly the dog mounted it, and with the woman assistance cuceeeded in killing it. And now, Mr. Editor, we think Mrs. , deserves the laurels of victory and the banner of the hunters of this coun ty, for ber bravery, for she has done -what many an old hunter would not Lave undertaken without bis rifle. Mrs. iShreffler ia the eldest daughter of John 'PiTlen,' Sr., of Tuearora township, one of. the pioneer hunters of this county, and we say long may she live and prosper. ". ' . Yours, . ' " ' ' " CAR-TErRAC. ".--- . ." A correspondent from Tbouirsjiitor n write a follows 'A rather sitigtilar occurrence look place in a stnus qnsrrv fear her?, be- ! TT,..:.i v...:.!. c- - t ' named J. 1$. Frj and Isaac Yodei, were engaged q-iarrjiug stone for J. Loudonslager. They had drilled a ho e in the rock 41 feet deep, and half filled it with powder, inserted the fuse and n.ien u.e oaiance ot the hole, in tbeivouoe kind enough to notify the au miiiincr known to men acquainted with I thorities in jour town to keep a look blasttrg rocks. All things being ready out Tor a tramp, answering the follow- m, cui uraase m some antnuwn defect the fire in it was om ened. After a lapse of time deemed necessary to warrant a safe approach, the men went to the nnexploded charge aud immediately b.-gau to re drill the J Hole, all the while using water freely, The work progressed fiuely, ix inches oniy oi the charge remained to be re- short distance front this town vestcr moved, when suddeuly an explosion j day, late tti the afternoon. A tramp took place making an opening in the j soeu here cuswrring the above descrip- rock above six feet long and three in- ches wide. The men received a tcr- j rible shock, and were nearly knocked Lir ,h - , T- . ., . cned wuh powder and bespattered with , , . . ... ,. 11111(4 .till tlldl. Al A. fllln.l will. .. ' " A clove R the Land of nna i.f thi men j - was blown nuite a diManaa ftfrav. Tli ! - j w dri11 w not entirely raised out of the l'oia- " tb explosion had Ulten place si oner, or when niara powder was iu the hole, it would uioot probably have resulted in the death of both of the men. It serins pirange that an cxplo swn should take place under the amount of water that they applied. This should stand as a warning to those 1 who may have this kicd of work to do.' Mexico, Jan. 1C, 1874. 1 lie "Juniata Scouts ' met here to- i 11 u"5 ,uc '"" day for the purpose of settling up the j f lls- Tl,cse g"'ed smouldered accounts of the t oinpany for the p,st jjntil, making progress alowly, it reach year, 1873. Notwithstanding the cold I J the space hetwewi the piastring and weather there were forty-four members , present, shnwing the "Espirit du corps'1 to be iu a splendid condition. Asectet scssiou was held in the school house, l I, I, r. -nn'toil in f,.!l...n K- .! .-J unanimous vote of the Company, they fee!e, jijat Jt r0uld be better to he rid- q sunins . c I,an'' n "'JurJ - "".XEIal OniiKR, No. 1,C. S 1874 1st. i lie lollowni'; named members of the Juniata Scouts are hereby dis '"""-'--""' ") - honorably dicl.arped for not attenduig j the re-'uiar drihs, A;e., viz : L. . lo tv, hA . DUIin,'KJwar.l lle.kes, W. . ' Aa'ittinan, Joseph l.oiigacre, illiam j Longacre, Liieien llauck, J. V. Mc-1 Mamirl? Isaac Si -her. ! J-.d. They are hereby cirdercl to j ' ! a!1 A Sfocial OrJtr w as then r.ron.ul- SPKriAt. Oar.nt. No. l.O. S.. 1S74.' Jst. S.rg"t lieiiry Shelienberger, of - . "i: i I.-1 Fayette township, is hereby reduced to i 'he rai ks for nou-atteu iaucc at the ro!"r ' c, . f Corp. Harry Shcllenberger, of ,oallahipj ; ,,creby promoted Seierant. 3rd. Privates Iavid Shover and S. j r. Watts are hereby promoted Corpo rals. 1 hev wul be obeyed aud respect- j ed accordingly. J. K. KOBI.O.N, Capt. Commanding Company Matthew Kw;ias, O. S. The Company was then paid for the j year 1873 Adjourned to meet in , Johnstown on the 21st of February, I 1ST 4. ours, JfSTICE. Coixtt Normal Schools. We understand '.be ountj Normal School is to be re opened again this season at 1 Tbomj'sontown, under the supervision of tho-e tried and able teachers, T. I), and John M. Garuian, This school, since its first establishment bj G. VV.j Lloyd, the Countv Superintendent, four j ears ago, has steadily grown in favor! with the teachers and people. It has done a great deal toward improving and preparing teachers for their laborious duties, and at the same time enabled them to ' si prepare at less expeuse than could possibly bodor.e elsewhere. The Messrs. Garaian bring to the school a long and successful experience as teachers in the best schools of the county. John M. Uaruiau is a grad uate of the State Normal School at Bloninsburg, and while there stood at the head of his classes, aud left it with an enviable record. It is proposed to make this school a success, if work and attention to duty can do it. Several new features aie to be introduced, and the preparation of teachers to be carefully attended to in the model or normal class. The qualifications of the gentlemen earned are such as to leave no doubt of the success of the school. We hope the people will sustain them as they de serve, ia this laudable effjrt. Public Salk John Motier, Ad ministrator of the estate of Samuel Dunn, dee'd., will sell at public sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, January 21th, 1874, a Lot of Ground situate iu Mexico, having thereon erected a good two-story frame dwelling House, Stable, and other ne cessary outbuildings and snrrounded with a good fence. This property is in excellent condition and is pleasantly located. A man, who was to have been tried in the Dauphin county court, next term, for theft, eoniuiitted suicide on last Saturday, at Ilarrisborg, by di? charging a loaded musket in his mouth. Xearlr the whole head wis blown off. Fuom Justice Krcider we received the following letter. It explains iigelf. Oa the evening sl :he. daj oo -which" Mr Kreidcr received the I -Iter he vis ited the toup Louse for the purpose of idetitifjing the man described iu the letter. No man there answered the description. TnoMPtj.ixTowx. Jan. II, 1874. Mr. II. Keeiiier: Dear Sir, Would trig ru-scrip'-iou : A rather In mail, wiiu kLort thiekly set whisker and mustache, sandy colored : full fac d, ar.d is supposed to have a pecu- liar sort of a grin or expression, ahich perhaps was assumed, possibly it is j tiataral. An outrage was attempted! j upon the person of a youug girl only a j tion is supposed to be the beast we are ! look:ng fur. If tuch a mau comes to your toan please uotify cither myself cr Dr. V. L. tueenleaf ol the fact. Very respectfully your?, N. S. IllSKLES. TllE frame back building of the Da c vis House was discovered on fire Thurs day evening of last week. The alarm was sounded shortly after 9 p. m. On the preceedirg day, in the course of the annual butchering, a fire was made in the fire-place. -The health is under laid with sand, mortar and the usnal appliances to the depth int-nded to pre vent the heat from reaching any wood . extensions beneath it. In this instance this precaution has failed, the beat -f llie Cr2 permeating to the joists raising toe weather-boarding, ana remained uu- i detected until Thursday evening, for-1 innately it was discovered m time to prevent greater injury. Mr. Fiery j Iocs was about 5-00. His Jamaje was t . .. . assessod at $03.20 on the building and ' $30 on fnruiiure, bv the llea liug t.'om- pany, in which he is insured. On the same evening, and at about t'le same hour, a barn belonging to Francis II. Miller, who was in Lewis town that, near Soradoviile, on the S. town mat, near soranov & L railroad? disc , . , , ' h" 'f f""" seovered on fire, farming liip'emeuts, I :.. t.. .l cu.nvV His loss on the building an J contents is stated as al.ove $2 000. which is cov- ,0 (lu exu.Ilt f $l,0l'0 by inu-1 rancc on the luildinc All the cir- j cuinstances appear to pomt tr the con-j victlon that it aas a ease of deliberate j ir.eendiarisiu. The farmin? iinpicments j and stock belonging to the tenant, Mr. j llumiiiell, were carefully removed and' releised from the barn, out of reach o j danger, while the property of Mr. Mil ier s K'ft ,0 ,,( elyed It would seem to be a malignant act, espeeially - .if- it V -. . . : aimed at Mr. M-, who cannot imagine of any person holding such enmity towards him. It is to be hoped that the pei petrator will be discovered and brought to justice. Lrvnslovn Sfnlf nel. Ill ED i MIMES Jan. 10th, 1ST4, ii Ciledonii, Fayette township, Vis. M.try Mimes, i(e ol Andrew Mimes, aged 85 years, o nios. ! and 14 da vs. KrSi:i.F Jan Mlh. in Terrysvjlle. Gcor-e E. son of j. E. an i Marv J. Uus- sell, aped t years, fi months and 1" days "03IMEKCJ Vli. 3IlFILi AM)PATTi:itSO MAIlkETS ; Crreried w.-ekly by the X 'son Hoard ol Co:uiii:ree. Milllii. and i'atter MirvLisTows. Jau. 21 , lf74. M RKETIN1 Butter, prune r-il Lard TiliuS 1"?S, fT lliiZ..... Y inrgar, -cr qf . ........... SO CO lt OKAl A Nil SCKIIS. , Corrected neealy tjr D.V. SuIuiI&Cu Wheat, F olti and Lancaster Ked ii C I ( Rtsl . .... 1 Corn, old 60 " new 55 Oats 40 Uurlev : t Clovf rseed 5 ml Timothy seed 2 5t. t-laxsecd.. 1 75 I'otatoes ...................... 60 J. k H. A- StamhausliN Prices Current, Corrected He kly, Jan. SI, lb. 4- I'rime Koll Putver Kr pouud 30 Kggs, per dozen- 30 I.ried Apples per KJUiid 6 Tallow " H Lard, " 8 Chickens, live " 8 Bacon, ........ Shoulder. " 10 II am, " yew AtleertiHftnents. Sl'LOl'FF Ai CO, FORWARD A'D COBTIISMOri MERCHANTS, DEALERS I.f GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER, SALT CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTEE Sentinel ant Repnblican $1.60 a year SEW .IDl'ERTlSEMci.YTS. HEAD ' a Bridge THIRD ARRIVAL eavy set;of xr flnrwla this Spnsnii ' -iO.- vl Ci .V PRICES! 10 PER CENT. CUZ.1PFR TILLS EVER ! Yatcr Proof Cloth at 83cts.i ! per yard Velveteen at COc, 00c, and;- 51.00 per yard. Colored ElaTiket&at $1.38 awf$1.75! a piece. U'hiie Elankd el $2.25 and Upwards. TA XiLIC LIsrEI As Low as 3Ce per yard. IMITATION BUCK GL0YE3 AT SIXTY CENTS. ! Resfectfclly A'ocrs, &c, JEMIL SCHOTT. ROOT AXI) SHOE STORE. VTe h ivc opened out in Jacob Thomas' parlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel, the largest and beat stock of C03T3 m SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND CH1LPUE.VS GAITERS, .ver bro.i.h, ,o the coun.v. e buy our stock from Manufacturers snd jn iar;;e lots. We py catk and expect u, .. fr ra,hj whuh wi!l enable us to o(j-t.r HOOPS At Fric33 far BelOTT the Average. WORK M 4DC TO ORDER. This branch of th business will be su perintended by A. B. F ASICK, one of the Iwst practical mechanics in the county. All kinds of repairing done, .iLL WORK W.iRRJSTEU. COKNELirS HARTLEY. July 2, lKT3-tf g . LOU DON', MERCIIAXT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Fal-ice BniMing, on Water Street, MiSintown, Pa., I FAS1IIOXABLE Gu!)S j baud. aiways on CCSTOM WORK POXK on the shortest notice. OOODS POI.T) by the yard or ittern. FEKSOXS buung goods cau hate them cut in garments Iree of charge. , BVTTEIUCKrs P.1TTEJINS also for' sale. j ALL. WORK WAR RIOTED, j PRICES LO W. ! Ort 22, IsM-tf l ETF TAILOR SHOP. -0 The undersigned would respectfully in- ioru me f u. nc iiihI lie lias opemu a TAILOR SHOP at his residence, on rride street, in the Parker Mansion, and ii now prepared to do cusTOii Yomc at short notice and in the most durable and fashionable manner. lie rlfteiuls to pin out none bnt good work and asks a share ol the public patronage. W1UJAM WUSK. RESUMPTION. JOHN D1K1II. hereby announces to his old customers and the public eenerallr. that he has ag un returned business at his old stand, on Water Street, MimintoTern, Where he will manufacture in a satisfactory manner, Harness, Light and Heavy, to Suit All, Horse Collars, Riding Saddles, Wagon Saddles, Bridles of all Kinds, Plow Lines, n fad everything in, His Lint. REPAIRING neatly and. expeditiously executed. Call aud inquire before going elsewhere. JOHN DIEHL, On Water Street, a frw doors orth of the Crystal Palwa Untitling. .Nor Ii lfTi-iJm LFREP J. PATTERSON, ATTOEIJEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, J I'M ATA CO., PA. C7 All business promptly attended to. Orrici With Jeremiah Lyons, Esq. , . . A larpe assortment of Qneensware. Chin mrtr .-sstiiii-iii v u...i ware, Glassware. Crockerjware, Ud.r - ware, ior saic rueno ov i J. IJ. A. S I AUUAIUIU IQTJARTEES1 Street. GOODS SOLD AT i , . PANIC FllICES! BARGAINS for EYESYBODY t iCIlEAP ! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ' IS TUE CKY ! TRICES TO SUIT T EE TIMES i . i MOTTO: I" Quick Sales and Small Profits !" LARGE SINGLE SHAWLS Sold as low ss $1.50. Shawls cf Every Description Sold at a Sacrifice. r Four Border 'Handkerchiefs ron 25 CESTS. Buying my Goods for Cash cual.L-s me to ninke these Great Uedactions. GBAW, LUMBER, THE nndcrsijrncd, having completed his new Warehouse in rVrrysville, would resiectlnlly invite iho attention if Ih farnirrs of the county to the fact that he is at all times PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR Al-L KINDS OF fill AIX, SHEDS, A.V., Ao. Havinp introduced t-w facilities for hoist injr. weijihiiig. ice., we an; now j re pared to unload with ihe least possible trouble. Bark, Efcilroad Tie3, Locust Peats, and all Saleable Country Produce will be bought at all times, either for CASH OK IX KXCIIAXKE FOR MER I'HAMHaE. HAVE FOR SALE COAL, LUMBEE. FISH, SALT, which will be sold to suit purchasers, either WHOLESALE OR DETAIL, and at Ui lowest rates ruliog. At my Store in Turbett township may be found as complete an assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, iKOTiors, . Queensware, Hardware, &c, nil of which will be sold as low. if not a , jitlo lower than elsewhere NOAH IIKRTZLER. Tec. 10, lf(73-tf CLARK YrRIWHT'S TINWARE AND SIIEET IRON STORE. SSain Street, Patteraon. I Here a complete assortment of . rrrrrr 1TBT, RXT'P'FT TPfiY X7ATt"FI 1 Ull Wll III I amw.. v may constantly lie found to suit customers, and are otl'cred at a.BARUAlX. E7"REI'AIUI"G neatly and expeditious ly executed. Hooding aud Spout itiy of the I'.EST MATEEIAL, made to order on short totice. THE PUBLIC Are also hereby informed tl' it I regularly, every week, run a car to and Iroiu Phila delphia, going to the city on Tuesday and returning to Patterson on Thursday. Per sons purchasing goods in Philadelphia, c-n have them brought promptly here by order in? them to T1 Xlarkrt street, in care of Clark Wright's Market Car. 1 also invite ihe attention of those who sMp prmlnce to the east, to the taoiliti"s oirerwl, ami aru estlv solicit Iheir patronage. CLAKK WRbSUT. Dec. 21, 1873. JUNIATA VALLEY BASK. Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co. irrnsTows, jcsiat4 coiktt, pa. CAPITAL, $110,000. JOSEPH POMEROT, President. T. VAN ISVIX, Cashier. treiCToas : Joseph Pomeroy, I John Balshtcb, Jerome X. Thompson, I 11.11. Beehtel. John J. Patterson, I S. Prank Eagle, j George Jacobs, Vnitci Slalft Secxriliei, Bonds, $c, ( bon:ht aid sold i ' fiire-sirie exchanged for Fire-timtiet ! at market rates. United States coupons l paid. Uold evd lrr nonent at nijrtirjtt rates. I l)tooilt rtctxvtil. collection mailt, draft uTmnmtisml cUus. .mi . .enrol tJn., nMal cilta mwd , rCMerai banking j ' , ' tramwtl. - t J liouda aud other valuable papers i-oceived , oa special deposit. . - J juaets 7-rl i mi a ni m ii i i ii " ' ' ' " ' ' ' 2. ' . .1llSCELL.-7.SE0 IS .IDrnRTlSEMZ.Y!!. j Mivtfr-Har J. fc II. A. STAMBAUGIi V- " " HAVE REIIOYED THEIS I13IEX3E STOCK OF it . TO THE NEW ROOMS OF OI SULOWF & CO. and C. B. JBAHTLEY, ""OK BRIDGE STREET. GREAT REDUCTION BOOTS & SHOES, HATS. & CAPS.: IF YOU WANT Ails iTHINd THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT A BOOT & AN D THAT CAN 1!E II i D At th(3 Lowest iPrices TO INSURE A ChoimI Article, Call at the F.OOT aud SHOE STORE of J. W. DEAN, rjlMge Street, Patteison, Penn'a. HE CIIEERFl IiXaY n V.TIS IXSPECTIO. Repairing Promptly Attended to. CASH 1 ? AT LOCUST GROYE, MILFOI1D TAVP., One and a half miles south.wett of Patterson. rjTiin i:berilH-r would miwt rvj'i.',l''u'!y .1 Store, at ihe iil'tivu pl.:ee, v. liw-:e Iij i i - their airuuirj with :bvlat-.aMaiii most "j.-lL-ct prt goods, t.of-crnir.--. Qrrrx -VAun. "v-tin am tvtt.t.ot warf, ot. CLOTHS, l':ill S 4. Sll.'KS. At-..,, i;h a ti;!! sn-;ly of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C, All of whi. h he oRers to sell or ' Xrhag for coS'Urr piodiice at TITK VlIlY T,OAV"EST I'lIC'IiS. Allien lower, in i.u'i, inn g-ito'is nave u.tii If., t. i I . ... .1,- t,,..l at i.i i-li.t ....,. t .te rith'-T in ejsU or gotrls. I.ociikt drove, Aug. S, D.W. -Harley .&'Co.'s I the flics whera jcu can buy TIIIJ V.i:ST AAE T5I1J CSJ53APEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING iuts, c.i ps. jijojs, shoes, .i.xn ycnxisnryi; goods. t. are jnepared to eMiili.t one ol the most tiiis market, and at .ISTOMSHlXtSf.Y LOW t'MCE: Also, i:.raMires taken f..r suits ami at s.iort notice, very r.-ujiuabic. Remember the place, in Hoffman's LIXT0WN, I'A. Water s'rwets, MIKFLIXTO W WHAT TO mn AND :(: ... . just pi." pinto SAMUEL STUAYEK-.S ri.'iTHIXC tOW.. 7..-i street, J'atinson l a., sikI he will tell yoj ai. about it. Itavine just re!tirmd from PUiludelphi and New Tv... '.i f au a:ipn!v- vou Willi ihe latest and Choicest Sty lesiT , ... . CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Coats, Pants, Vests, IfaH, Ops, Hoots und Shoes. Wafehes and Jewelrv. Notions. Fur- nishii'B IJoo-Is in end! js vaii- ty, Car-ietx. Floor ttil Clolh, Kiiniilnre. Jtc., cheaper tilan ! the cheapest, lor the s.uue ipiality ol goods. Cal. ia and Iw vw:iviiM-ed. Pleasures Taken and Suits Made to Order. j PattiTson, May lo, 1S73 SaMIEL STRATKR. j A"f?r Ailecrtieturnt. Manhood: HowLost-How Eestored Jutlfuilhhtd, ia a Sea.'ei Euttlope. I'rict ii f'rsj. t.ectiircon the Xature. Tr:-iln:er.t and li.ioiei v urc ot r'Leriuairri:ii;:i, ur e;i.i:i.ii U cakness, Involuntary Eiiiis;oi, ?exii:'.I Debility, and Jinp-dinifTiis to .V.irrije jr - a - era'.ly: Nervousness, Cnnn;npti-.n. Ki i- le-sy siid Kits; and Physical Inna- pa -itr. re-nltii.jf (root .WI-. Abuse, ete. !lv KtiuKUT J. CL LVEKWKI.I., II. I., Aii-th'M- ol the u.'eeu Uook," ic. Tie- wor!d-enow;ieJ a'lthor, ill t'.nt a.l niir.ih!e Lecture eleailv ji.ves tro'o las own experiejiee that Ihe alul . conse pien- ces ol JSt II-Abuse may bci lf --tii.illy renrov. ed wiiliotit medicines, and without d.iiii'-r ons surpical 0ei-ati'iiis, bougies, insJrn ments, rin.Ts or conlia's, poin'in out a mode uf cure at once certain and ertiu ui.l by wftirh KVzry siUferer. no matter whit his couoiitou iuy b r, may cure bimscii chcaplv, privately mid 1 his Lecture wiil pruve a Ooou t Uioiisands and ihoii.uiids. -eni. unucr seal, -to any n. Iress, izt a rilaltl etivelolH. on il. n.i-i:it ol tiro t-nsl. i r-j r - r - age .tamps a ,-ms Inel uolislie.s, CUAJ. J.C. KI.I.NE 4. CO. 1"7 Bowerv, New York, Post-O.lice Box 4'V?0. Jan. 21, 1874.1 r. THOMAS A. ILDER, 51. iX ; p, . . n if nySICian and baTgeOn, JSJEFLIXTOW.V, fJ. Oilico honrs i from 0 A.'x. tt r. . Of. I , - it-.', cnJ vT W,tet ,trect- fice in his fathers residence, at the south ctii-tf Lare stotk of Ready-made Clothin for 1. Kt Himrvm sale bar ..I TT7T r TT A AT T i C 1 I I j -a i IX THE TRICES OF SHOE STO it hi'orm ri - iaro i tho yy.wh that hoh isjiisf op i,i a t-i ":!;.-a"I wtl iuv lavo.l:iiinri:h a-s.jrtii: nt ( w i r. j ;i iin rni.;iy ir litmjr vcir . i 1 n.-t I'ncTI U t 1;... m I W'..l ' A. J. 1TERTZLER. eleo- e a-t;l .u leet l. ki k- ever offLrI in , part of suit.--, which will be made to order ! N'w UuilJing, coracr of Juri.ljre and r.luly K, r.'-tl KOtV TO mm IT. JiitAiiic. Cnril. j- DBtu store. HANKS & HAMLIN, (')Id Poit OHVe Euiidlng.J , 'Iain Si r ect , ? t o Itrn, Pa. deai.e: j I Kl'tiS AND .MF.IiICIX f;S. . CISLMHIAIJ1, lVK STl ft PAINTS i H.S, VAi;.Vl5iiE.HLASS 1't'TIV. CtiALOii.. LAJIPS. IR hM-Hi. CiiiUXKYS, H i; t' sj i H a, HAiuhia i!Li.Ti.ii ll;L'.iit, PKU-riMKUV.C"ME.-i, SOAPS. IIA'R f..TiBA''. CO, fir; A MS, N.ll T I N S . STATION K h X L A K K V A K I K E i O T ' l'ATOT MEDICINES, Seleete.t with -ml ear, .-ind warranted p-om inh authority. cr-r-Vn-rt ..r wi-vrc ivn mwum ' Tr. . i or ir.t ih at crj-liKS JKU'TIONS eimwrnol"! with I peat care. f June 'ii-U. . L0U13 E. ATKIXSOX, " ' ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, i Julrr LINTtlWX, PA. r-rc..IIert-n-and Couvevancin nromrd- ' ly attendel to. "' I 0-rri-r 0.t Prld-e street, ornositj tlaa t Cor.rt Honse Square. . OB PE1NTING OF EVERV KIND dorws at ibis oiKce. i Laee stock of lirr nnnli i J ir I "r itt t.orwis at J. fc U. A Stam balsa's, Crystal Pafoca. " nra ciaAT kemedy you" VI :UV II Xvt.ll IS- V III ttj at tssnely resort to this btantl- ; anl pne juration, as lias ecn proved by tluj InuiJrcJs of lfstimonials rcccivctl hj the -proprietors. It L aclinowl- i t detl Iy ir.any prominent J pliysiemns to lie the mnst j rcliaLIo prcpr.rrtioii ever ia-. t trotlKcctl for the relief tm " euro of all Liintj coiupI;iiuts, and is oll'ercd to the public', par.clioncd by the experience , ' ot over forty years. Vheu 'Sr.I' cure in the most severe- ,' cases of Coughs, liroueliltLs.V-. Croup, Vhooj)ing ('oujjhr Influenza, Asthma, Colds,. ,", Sore Throat. Pains or Sore- l ncss in the Client and Side, ". "J Liver Complaint, Bleeding . r at the Lungs, ' Wi-tarV ; ' 'IlaTsaat does not tTry r.p Cough, and leaTe the cause behind, as is the caso with, '.' most preparations, but it -j loosens and cleanses tlto ' lungs, and allays irritation,, thus removing the cause of the complaint. pitrpAPrn Tir ' ET3 T. TOTTLE fc COKB, Bostea, Tts. Aad o!d by in:rlts siul ioulent aenet-Utj-- II. C. OUTil, .'.li JIAIiAEl' STllEST. II A IS IS I K 55 1 R wv PA. l'Etl.ER IX ' " ' iiiaxo.j & iA;.i.M;r :;iiAX3, ' Aud a'.l Liuus c: -Vuiietl Iuiriiiucuts si 1 1 :t:t i u ic. ; Thio Luuse Lus Cr c.'ifh ;. . ,,eVor :.ue a imfe, nnd is, there- 1 '. ' ,, , ,,. . , I litre, enabled to t llor inthiee- nieiits to its patrons. Jitnplovi- !no agent-, and give? ail agents jroiiiiniis.ons to it- cti-iomen to its . . lir-n t -. , jciKCULARS SEAT FREE.; -p 5, GREAniKDlXTION. V IN T!ir : .' rnicEs or tkktii!- Full rpp:T cr Lj-.Tr Sett a low as 5 ' 2t t'tU uHo... tl -vi t!;e uSee mv ! !!.e pati ;.t i rjritd. . . .. Teeth) r iuiileli-d ii:el rep.ire.I. ',' Teetll SlTe.l hi-t f-.r !ii. Ill n'-il wo h I'one fr per-or.. '.vithoTrt tl.nn h-iviPi tlo ir l.i mi , il .lesired.' Tooih:iche stuppr-d in firs minutes wifti mit rt'riis-nfT tin-to"i'i. s ih Ie'itil 'If i lice of i.i. f IH.iu:, e:.:!.ri:ie tri MilWia i town in W. n i. ni- n'r - j.,n 3., .r, i tw lienlrsfe V' l.TilEU:.' CENTilAI. KA li.W.'.Y. I 1 WINTER TIME TATTLE. T7iruiir and Piitrt Rvilr o l ( front ICuj'ii'iA'i,. Pa'fiKiutt, E ir. Y.lrlirttj Bnffe'., Rihntrr. nnJ .V.ifJ.ii Cn.v.darrr VirNIM,. f'K". r. TfT., ih trains on 'he y-rt!iem t'ei.tral Hi'llway will run as !"irs : NtT.rt:wr.n. , MAIL TUAIX, leaves!i. ore " '. d li'.v cxeert y. at !WnT I ivcs I!:r;shrt r I f' p nt leaves WiiH.ini' ort '- r I'tpm' a-rives at Elinirl l' ? p n FAST LINE braves KalriT.e.reil-iily exrept S'lifiays, al I 40 J m I..;'..- Ilarrisit ir-jr i i p m t . airi.e. at WiUianisporl it ll f hi j IIAII. ACC. leaves Dilti.i ore a lily .".."U put j arries at Hani-bur 4-pii IACinC LX. leave t J-.iiuo.-o - . j !ai'.y at IS 'ii) p m 11 irrw-'iTir nai:y, x.-ej t Siiji I.iy, at 3 01 a ni leaves '.Villi. liusvo t d :i- etc- p; S ri I zr 7 V i ni l.uves'E-ITiir-. ' 12 IMI p m at l;inatd i;rrti :l p lit KENOVo Arc. ie iv. s n irrir..i-; laily eseepi Sinwlay P 2-i a ni le.ives W:i:ianisirt I I'lpia auives u K' l. no " lUgn SOUTIIWAKH.- I MAIL TRAIN leaves F.lmira d.iITy j vxeii'f Sii'i.!a- jTarrt lr-v es Wil!i:':":is"r 'f- T a r b-ir -s H:t--N! n-;- ' 2 Tl p tti j .iTi'--s at b.iifi:n"re ' 4 p m ', CINCINNATI KX. leavf. isit- ' ! dfii.tlRiiy m.Srud'y It 4niji i ' b-vr K.l.nir 1 4-1 p'Hi I leaves Wlllianisp.r tt.Vpia ! haves II irrtrjiWily llrxipm a-rives at tfatrimo.-e -I'lani ' BUFFALO EX. leave- William- - ". ! . ji 'hnly ex. Jf'iikliy 1 10 ai ti an n e -.1 !!4TV'li:iri 4 'Ol ; FAST Li:.r. leaies'j; dai! '. l'Jm arrives at i. iltiui n-i' e a jji EiiLL ilAil. leaves . U'lillaui.suo.-t d n'y except eiimlay . lllOpm arrives at II irriii'u.- , : ila;'v e. l.'-.'v t.vcei t MoiiiUv . 3 0-j a ui ! RA f- AfC. Have' l arrieir - .t:W i exTj:t Sun l.iy 'S'J'im ! arrives at K.:itirti're '.i3Srti inA"'AC''' ,0:7s ro rt,J 4ftA4 ! ainves at llarrisbur lOo'Jpn, . Bufalo Express sonl!ianilEnj:.ulantli ' n u.l ... li : .1. .. ..!. V ... f i ... . i lor H.iitiiu- re for further. nfonnitinn a: pTy at th'?Ti;fc- Ct OfSeu in Ilia Ptun.Hv tvaiila Railroad De- i0,i A.J. CASS ATT,' ' f.enera! ilanajer. nsrrisburj, Dec. 21, l":;. A line ossoitniwt of cloh, cusim-rei. I esiiiir, Ac-a.rv on hmul :ml tor s.ln . a' - ... ibf !. U. LUU1XN. . .VVt-?-?" '-':"- V" A Ii i i ; i L I: I : t r t 5