Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 14, 1874, Image 2

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tVedaeedar. Jaaaarr 14, Wit.
B. F. SOU WE I Ell,
kmtob raorBiiToo.
There. are eighty granges of the
Patron of Husbandry ia this Common
wealth. Br act of Lepslsfore bogs are pre
vented from running at farge in West
The X"ew Tori State debt, with
" Siuktrg Fnad" fnnds deducted, ia
lit proelarostion Governor Ilmrt
ranft liaa announced the adoption of tht
new Constitution.
Helena, Montana Territory, was !
noat entirely destroyed by fire on the
morning of the 9th inst. A high wind
aped the f! a rues.
f iatob McCllbb haa a bill on iti
passage through the Legislature that
will greatly change the present election
law, particular.; in Philadelphia.
T'.fDr.R the new Conatitution all bills
for special and local legislation must
needs be advertised in the locality
where the law will operate.
Till fiate Grange of the Patrons of
Husbandry was in session at Uarris
burg last week. The ilrange adjourn
ed to meet at Williauirport one year
PrekiiiEnt Grant has nominated
Caleb Curbing for Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the IJuited States,
Mr. William having declined to allow
his name to go before the Senate for
The State of California, through its
Legislature, offers a reward of $15,000
for the explore of a noted robber
w, m .-A VaviuM aim witli 111 K . till '
u Buii u i .injuia, ...... -. . ... ,
bare troubled the honest people of the
Golden Sute a great deal.
IJndeh the new Conatitution the
members of the preseut Legislature
wilt only be entitled to seven hundred
dollars. The fundamental law doea not
allow a member to increase his own
salary. lie can vote to increase tie
salary of the oember who is to take
bis plsce. The present Legislature
falls back on the old law, with its $700
Tbe French are talking about making
an inland sea in the interior of Africa,
in their possessions in that dark land, j
by cutting a canal from tbe Mediterra
nean Sea to a low piece of country
about two hundred and a quarter miles
long. When flooded the average depth
of water iu the created sea would b
about eighty feet.
Once the Krein'u
get over the effects of the Prussian
war, if they ever do, they'll do it.
A bill was introduced into tbe Uni
ted States Senate on the 9tb inst., that
explode polygamy among the Mormons.
Tbe exp!odiug clause reads, M that any
woman now holding tbe relation of
-spouse or 'consort,' and not a lawful
wife to any man who eohabita with an
other woman, as his wife, spouse, or
consort, may file a petition in tbe United
States Court to be discharged from such
relations, and shall be adjudged dis
charged therefrom, aod be given the
eostody of her minor children and such
portion of the property at it equitable.
The bill declares that no alien practi
cing polygamy shall be entitled to citi
atnship, vote, or hold olfiee."
Justirea of the rear Vnt Swear te Sun
port the 'ew Constilatioa.
Orricx or tbe Arroastv Gixebsi.
Tf AaatsaraG, January 8, IS 7 4.
"?a. M. S. Qasy, Secrtlary of tht Comma -rtaith
In answer to letters of inquiry addressed
to you snd referred to rue, as to whether
section SO of the schedule, new ceustitu
tin, viz. ; "All Statu and judicial o Ulcers
heretofore elected, swrrn. stunned, or in
oflicewhea this constitution shall lake ef-j
fret shall severally, within one month alter
nt h adoption, take or aubrcribe an oath or
atiirmation to support th;. censtitution,"
embraces justices of the peace. It applies
to all State and judicial officers in office at
I lie time of its adoption, who nust neces
sarily have baen elected or appointed under
the old constitution, or laws enacted in
pursuance thereof.
Art- 5, ?c. I, of the old constitution,
cutUlrd Judiciary," provides that the
jiidicul powe. of this Commonwealth sha'l
Ihi vested in certain courts therein named,
and in justices ol' tne feace, and io such
other courts as tbe Legisiature may from
time to time establish.'7
Tbe Supreme Court has decided that
jjsiiceaof the peace are judicial officers.
They are clearly embraced within the otG
rers designated by section 30, schedule,
new constitution, who shall, within ene
month after its adoption, take snd subscribe
an oalh or ailirutatiuu to support the new
The act a June C9, 1839, provides that
justices of the peace shall be sworn or af
firmed before the recorders of their proper
counties. It would, perhaps, he proper
that the oath, required u ltd el the new con
stitution, should be taken before the aasae
otlkcr. Very respectfully, your obedient
SawtEL E. Diamcx,
Attorney General.
A despatch, dated on Monday at
l'ottsville, says that the collieries of
the Philadelphia and Reading coal and
iron company and most or all of the
private operatives in this region are
idle this morning. The men are on
A despatch of tbe 12th inst., from
Tennessee says that ex .'resident John
son baa declared himself in full accord
with the Grauge movement.
The two"eoIleges established in the Turk
ish Empire by American enterprise are pro
nczsseea) fiwioentiy successful.
A Few reatarei wf Gaverawr
IlartraafVa Message.
Tat rissses or m coaaoawcALTa tw
saw cossrrrrrios coarcuoBT rbtC4-
Governor Hartranft'a first annual
uesssgs is an attractively written doc
ument. The financial panto that baa
visited the esuntry first claim the at
tention ot His KzcelUncy. From the
question cf the general financial die
distress he gracefully glides to the con
sideration ot the finaoce of tha State,
and presents the following statement :
Debt redeemed during the year end
ing Hot. 30, 1873 consisting of six
per cent, loans, five per cent, loans, and
Cbaiabrrsburg certificates $1,504,
672.70. Receipts during the yearend
mr Nov. 30, 1873, $S.559,178 81.-
Disbursemeots during the year ending ;
Nov. 30, 1&73, $6,734 (W7 57 on
aiating of ordinary expeuses, loans re-
deemed, and interest psid on loan
leaving a balance in Treasury, Nov.
I 5rt -I8TQ ... 1 OOIIM oi
Tbe fuuded deot of the State con
sists of six per cent. loans, five per
cent- loaus, aud four and a half per
cent, loans, and in sum total amounts, aud necessary as the provisions of
to $25,599,934 01. The unfunded j Constitution may be t'oey will
debt of the Stste consists of relief j " cnr ua designed unless
notes in circulation, interest certificates j austained by a strong, active, heahhiol
outstanding, interest certificates nn-1 and intelligent sentiment that will in
claimed, domestic ere Jitors'certificatea, j aelf in public affaiis. It will
CbsmbcMbmg certificstes outstanding, not suffice to enact that integiity and
Clambersburg certificates unclaimed, 6'ness are essential qualifications for
which in sum total amounts to $197,- offioe, unless tha people see to it that
887.93, which, wbeu added to tbe fund- " without thtse qualifications are
ed debt, places the Slate debt, Nov. 30, ' aeleeted. It is the indifference and
1873, a. $25,797,8-Jl 94. Thsre are ' inattention of electors to their primary
proviaioned for tli. delt ia the Sinking t p-li'ieal duties, connected with nomi
Faad, bond t of the P.nnsylvania Rail- j nation and eleetioos, that despoil tbe
road Con.pany $5,700 003.00, bonds , law of its aanetity, aud afford security
of the Allegheny Valle) l'.ailroad Com- j wilfully disobey its re
panv SlJ.SOOO.OO, and eab in Trot- j quiresaenU. Men do not fulfill the ob
surj $1,825,1511:4, sreatiag a total of Illations of citixenship by amsrely en
$11,025,151.24. and living the State 'j"y'ng the protection our institutions
iudebteduess unprovided for at $14,-! afford. To perform hia whole duty to
Tbe Snances are further dwelt on as
follows : In 1874 be receipts front all
source will be $ 1,500,000 less than
the receipts of 1873, while the expen-!
ditureswill not be diminished. This '
loss of revenue is largely due to the (
repeal of taxes bearing heavily upon j
the industrial iuteresU of the Common- j
wealth, and partly io the prostration of!
bu-iness. Tbe receipts iu 1875 may be
t . . i .1 .a f 1 1 .
kDottt tue sjuie as tuose oi ion, oui(
the expenditures will be greater, owing
to ,be additioual ontlay necessary for
schools. Legislature and Judiciary, un-'
der the new Constitution, which will
then be in full force. Notwithstand
ing this enormous decrease in the re
ceipts, aod increase it. expenditures, it
it hoped aod believed, that by the roost
rigid economy ia every branch of the
government and moderate appropria
tes, tbe revenues in tbe future will be
sufficient to meet all the demands on
tbe Treasury, and leave a balance to
i - j-tL.-j .a? t
reauoc me lua.o.euue. oi .ue otac, a.
required by the Cousatntion.
The revenues of the Sinking Fond
art reviewed. Tbe Centennial celebra-
tion is considered of nstional impor-
tanee and preparation for it is nrged.
r 6
His Rveellenev'a ennsirle ration of th
new Constitution is in full as followe :
f . ... . .1. - n i
rnrsu.utao u -C. o. .e UC
a t i , v f-a
AssemDiy, apnrovea m unn s, u.
rl '
187l,tbepeope,bya largo majority,
' J
voted in favor of calling a Convention
! to amend tbe Constitution of this Com -
monwealtb, and the General Assembly,
by an act approved April 11, 1S7-J,
provided for the calling of tha tame,
and in compliance witb its provisions
tbe delegates elected theteto asmbled
at the Sute Capitol, at Harriaburc, on
the second Tuesday of November, 1872,
' '
and adjourned sine ite on Saturday, De -
ceniber 27, 1873
The Constitution
adopted by the Convention was sub
mitted to tbe qualified electors of the
Commonwealth, on the third Tuesday
of December, 1873, and by a certificate
of the said Tonveution, on tile in tbe
office of the Secretary of this Common
wealth, it appears 253.5G0 votes were
given for, aod 109.198 votes against
tbe New Constitution.
Ia tbe schedule of the New Consti
tution it is provided that it aball take j
effect on the first day or January, 1874. j
In the act calling the Convention, it ia '
....... . .. . !
provided mat me retains ot tne votes;
. . a . . I
ca tor ana against tne aew uonsiitu-
tion, "shsll be opened, coaoled and
published as tbe returns for Governor
tin now by law counted and published,"
and when so ascertained and certified,
"tbe Governor shall declare by procla
mation the renlt of th. election." Tbe
Constitution of 1833, as well at the
New Constitution, provides that the
returns of every election far Governor
shall be sealed np aud transmitted to
I tha. .a. I tf wnrommanl it i r.. I ail in t k .
(,-- --".--, a-
P(eidant of the Senate, who shsll open
and publifh them in presence of the i
uiembers of both Houses of the Gen-,
eral Assembly."
The Constitutional Convention, the
last day of its session, passed the fol
lowing preamble and resolution :
' Wberkas, It appears by tbe re
turns of election in the several coun
ties of the State, held on Tuesday, tbe
16th diy of December, A. D. 1873,
that the New Constitution baa been
adopted by a majority of one hundred
and forty-four thousand three hundred
and sixty-two : therefore,
u Resolved, That ilia Excellency, the
Governor, be informed by the Presi
dent of the Convention, of the remit,
and that be be respectfully requested
to issue hit proclamation thereof with
out delay."
1 respectfully call jonr attention
thereto, that there may be no nnoeaea-
ry delay in th. eonnting of th. vote
cast for and against tbe New Constitu
tion ; that I aisy in conformity with
the provisions of tha act calling the
Convention, and in compliance with fbe
resolation of tbe Convention, promptly
issue tbe proper proclamation.
Tbe New Constitution having been
approved by a very decided majority of
tbe people, it is expected that all citi
xens will yield cheerful obedience to its
behests, and unite to strictly a id faith
fully en for aw its provisions.
As atea day's experience reveals the
method of administration, the convie
tion crows stronger ia bit mind that
I gencl government depeuds not so much
! upon written laws as upon lbs disposi-
tion of tbe people to comply witb the
dao-ends of the laws, and tua determi
nation of tliots delegated to execute
them, to sea that their mandates are
enforced, lteform, it w.l! be conceded.
nB0' obtained by mere eoostttu
tiooal enactment, nor by sairounding
office and trusts with additional re
Tht world's history from the earliest
ages has shown tha. no code of laws,
however comprehensive or restrictive,
will evade nun's ingenuity if bent
upon overstepping their bounds, and
the Stat every citixen ahoald actively
MM in rvAlitteftl MtsHiil when tLa
e . .,-..!
recmrriag elections invoxe ois attention
and interference. Ja oar tyatein or
government every man entitled to vote
invested with a grava public trust,
nl through indifference or neglect,
be fails to discharge the sacred duties
imposes, he is almost as culpable as
the other who deliberately violates tbe
law. With this ne tparture in our
! Asaania 1 ssr In fk sal art last KaTt tan ja I
- 6 - -
eompanyiog rssomtioa on ne part oi
, all good citiiens that they will attend
J'lfc'enlj conscieutionsly to tha
; selection of men for office whose digni-
ty of character and intellect will be an
adequate guaranty that tbe new Con-
tilnhnn aa-i 1 1 ,m mi In t Kail r IfMrlna
. i i . j
I pon tbe present Legislature de-
voles a duty iovolviug great care and
Isbor, aud which if discharged, at I
believe it will be, with a proper regard
! for tbe public interest, will redonod to
's credlt ai honoT- To Jon eom'
mitt spsI thaw iMirwirtsiii t rtvat f.f tnrsnlri tntr !
. r- -
"g'" conformity
-"b the change nbon, to be inaugura-
j " fundamental law of tb. Mate.
j . . , . ... . - .
'r'K perfro,n f bls h'8h
, i . I, - ,
and rejponsible duty all the wisdom
I .. .. ..
" JOO possess, Civett yourselves Of all
! elfi,, considerations, devote time and
i thnuolit to the work, and with the Xew :
- - - - - " J -
I Tainatitnf inn annr .nnilint trmnirn
j ts 1
. l 1 1 ii . I
U,IJ P and symmetrical sys-,
. , , , , . , ....
teu oS ' nJ s !
1. .... .-. .
our ability etart tha Mate forward,
P0 her future career, clothed with
-- 1-wer. to extend her cn.arpris,
t .
nd fu'hl her great destiny.
To another consideration I invite :
cublio attention. All sneeial enae,- i
menta are not necessarily bad laws, !
: while it may be equally accepted as!
at. . i. i ;
i nie that all general enactmenu are:
. . ... '
.... i
! BOt S00" ' 1 enjoiu upon the peo -
pie of tbe whole State increased vigi-
lance in thei, watch over .11 legislation.
Attempt, wivf-doubtlcs. be made t0 1
obtain special objecu through the io-j
. , i ii , .
strumsntality ol General laws, which,
i -i ai i. e. - . .joiiii; hcii, sdu auuinci set ui woras ou
while tbey may benefit one interest or! , '
. I-.- - . - . i a small scale will probably eo on within
locality, might prove very oppressive to . 76
. . . . ah.rt time. Thirty-five hundred
others. Let every citizen who bit tbe ,
intere.! of tbe State at heart lend bis : Uda f the refined rt,cIe were r
assistance to the Legislator, and Exec- j n,y 'PPd San Francisco, and
ttt'T to de,ect nd frustrate ancb
A considerable portion of tbe met-
.... ..v. : .1. :.t .: ,
-6- - -p " uc'",uu u
.nkmll Ul.mMna Cl 1 J aaa7..l 1
v-v uv.wia ou -001-1
d,eM Orphans Schools." Tha only
e,"UM -herein that contains the merest
intimation of compulsory education is
eoutained in the following :
More thorough examination of the
subject strengthens ue in tb. convic
tion that the State must adopt tome
mode to compel tbe attendant, of those
children whose par ants are uuwilling or
nnabl. to allow their offspring to avail
themselves of the benefits onr school
system affords. Tbe solution of this
important question presents grave dif
ficnltiea, bnt I expect to tee. them all
sarmonntcd. Some plan aast b. de
vised to snstcL these children from the
career of idleness and crime to which
ignorance will consign them. By far
tbe greater portion of the inmates of
our penitentiariea never attended
schools, or bad the advantages of edu
cation. Is modern civilization nneqoal
to tbe task of rescuing tb. children of
the indigent and the ciiminal from such
a fate ? This views expressed ia the
report of the Superintendent of Com
moc School, upon thi. very point, em
brace in toy opinion, feasible plan to
aeenr. tb. attendance at school of every
ebild in tba State, and I earnestly so
licit yoar consideration of that part of
bit report.
That portion of the report of Hon.
J. P. Wickersham, Superintendent of
Common Schools, to which the Gover-
nor directs attention, reads as fellows :
1 have shown ia former reports that
a compulsory faw fining and imprison
ing parents, and others in charge of
children, for not sending them to school
would not be enforced in this State,
and if enforced eonld not enre the evil.
Many of the neglected children are or
phans, soiue of them are homeless, tbe
relatives of nearly all of.
them a.re too poor to furnish them it I
clothing to attend school, or boahu to
use if there, quite a large proportion j
indeed are dependent upon the earn-j
ines of their children for a livellho.id: !
t eoll.- fi... from aneh narenta wonld ?
to collect Hues from such parents would ,
be impossible and to imprison them
would be te a; cravate tbe eviL it a
. I
a a j
compulsory law would not bring our
neglected children to sc jooI, wbat would
da it Tb'u :
1. Pass a genet al law making it tbe
duty af all parents, guardians and em
ployers to see that all children nnder
their eoulrol atteni school for a certain
number of months in the year, op to C. , . ... , ,k. . . . , ,
I tactory in Abmeton, Mass on the night of ,
eertain age.
2. Establish, by the combined aid j
of State, and county and private indi
viduals, an institution in every county,
ar in several counties formed into a dis
trict for tbe purpose, a home for Irieud
less children or an industrial school to
be governed in its main featuns in !
tbe same way as suck private institn-
tions are now governed. j
S. Make it the doty of boards 0f j
school directors, through competent
agents, to sea thst tha law iu reference
. . - -I i : v. j -a
. ..icouauc. kuW .. ourjeu, or
not, after proper notice and warning,
let tbcm exercise the power of takin g
the children amy from those who neg- j
iu.t .1. . J ,l , ,1.. . i
ILVI lUt U. Bill. U U (UCBRI IU I 1 1 WMUtlJ
or d'.rtrtet home or school, compelling
the pirents or others responsible for
the neglect, if able, to pay in whole or
in part the neeessrry expense.
This plan in its main outlines, haa
been previously presented in my reports.
Much refisetioa on the subject has gone
e .i
to oon.rm me ia ma opinion tnat it is
tba only plan that ts feasible aod sua-:
ciently comprehensive to cover tbe whole
Otber particular Darta of the mes-
ssge will be presented in fature issues.
Tub tract of country known as tbe
Slate Range Valley is probably one of
the most curious that sathern Califor-
! ni ean boast of.
It is there tbe im
mense deposits of borax were discov
ered somethini; like a year ago, and at
that time tbe whole lower or central
part of the basin was covered with a
white deposit, breaking away in some
plsces ic large soda reefs, in ot'iers re
I e tabling Ibe waves of tha ocean, ar.d
. ... . .
in still others stretching out for miles
io one nubroken level, from which the
sun reflected its rayt with a flare al
most unendurable. Cut aue of tbe
most singular features in connection
with this section was tbe absence of
, r,ic of mutw tbe d
f ;
i nve years, it is said, by those who ciaira
, i ,, t. , l .,
to know, there bad been no rain there,
t ' .
nutil tome three months since the im II
, r
was broken. Suddenly, and with scarce
ly any warning, rain commenced to fall,
;mJ for tbirt honr
. -
it came down
, , .
steadily aud unceasingly, nnaccotu-
b f
pained by wiuc, bnt vet a thorough
v . .. i
, dreii2lilfi9 rsin. For tun nr thrp iliri.
j " " peasant, wueu suuuen.y a
",ndln8. "J
thrnilfrh fhA Takllov It aitiaw in a vis.
i O ' J - 6
' aI . . . a .1
"s cuur" "cro" ena OI ,D'
Uke 8,r,k,U the of "" 00 ,h
u J" "d conr8,D "Pid,J '
intani. I lis 9l.rnta tsr.r-1 twrnrtaaw sav aas-
soon filled with water, which poured
from tbcm m fearful volume and snre.H
.... t t
. . "
'T " "r nd denixen of ,be
P' " for another dry .eason
f 6vS ,r-. The bonx Cou,P'n'
now in operation there are .aid to be
.. ..
i .1 II J .I a t
ten tons of crude material. Lot
ftel Express.
Ox Friday morning an engine at-
ttched to a freight train at Sunburv
suddenly broke loose from tbe tender
and started off on a full run. Tbe en
gineer was in tbe office receiving orders
.. ... ... c. . . ,
at the time, and the fireman, who had
opened tbe throttle valva to start the
train, stepped into the tender, when the
coupling suddenly broke. Tbe engine
ran rapidly on to Northumberland, and
passed Mnntandon with snch speed that
it was hard to tell, remarked an eye
witness, whether it was a locomotive or
a wheelbarrow. Finding that the eonld
not-be overhauled, orders were g. van to
open tbe switch at Milton and "ditch
ber." Th. switch-tender bad barely
time to execute tbe order wben tbe
came thundering op the track, and was
immediately thrown off, running for a
tquare or mote on the ground, causing
the atooet to fly in all directions, one of
which passed through the window of a
bouse. hen thrown off ahe bad one
hundred pounds of steam, and was
good for Wiliiatusport if ber progress
bad not been to suddenly stopped.
There waa much excitemeut along tbe
road, a. tha mail train wat known to be
approaching. She mad. th. distance
from Son bury to Milton, eleven miles,
in seventeen minutes. n
A gsng of masked thieves entered the
house of ITenry Nicholson, on the line of
the Long Island Railroad, on the evening of
the 6th inst., and bound and gagged the
servants, tbe only ocenpaats, and robbed it
f all portable articles.
Brigham Toung'a cannon factovy haa
turned out tfne.v -eight pieces of artillery,
and he haa 1 7, OX) stand of arms.
According to Dr. Livingstone, the Victo
ria Falls on the Zambesi are 600 feet wider
than the combined Falls of Niagara. Their
,. u - .
nature name is Mysioatunva.
To keep seeds frem tbe depredations of'
I : :. : u i
..... , J; . ... .
with the seeds Camphor placed in draw-
lrnB. . m MT traia ioinr
era or trunks will prevent mice Irom doing
them injury,
A earto of torpedoes arrived at 'ew
Tork recently, from England. Tbev were
ordered lor harbor defences during the re-
' 'l 9 pain, and will be nn -
.,... ' " ,
lo " Po""',,Kl eretMj
' I
. . . . ., . , .. .
B. i lair, tne man sntieeiea 01 navmg .
. . d .1 j . . I
set Are to Portland, Oregon, In Angus! last,.
was arrested on the 8th inst., in that city. '
It as seen on the dav previous in the act i
of attempting to cause another conflagra
tion in the same town.
Pour marked men overpowered, bound,
and xE2ed the patrol watchman between i
l- - v.,: t n.w. i .u. ...w
auv AWiuajBvsa .suvNa. -r"s, auw an-aa,
factory in Abineton, Mass on the night of i
tbe ath inst and started for the bank, half !
a mile distant from the scene of the strng-
gte. The watchman managed to free him
self, gave an alarm, and the ruthana Bed.
Carbon ite is a new article of fuel found !
nnlv in the James river, Virginia. It is a!
, . . . . I
aubstitute for cannel coal, and costs two-
thirds as much, burns freely, nut without ,
,oioke. aulphur or bituminous odor, and so
nearly consumes itseir that but 2J percent,
ot a.hes is left. It burns longer than an-
'hracite or cannel, rf aflorda a beautiful
and pure flame.
Mt. C. Macnamara relates, in a late num
ber of the Indian Medical Gaxette, that he
. to jnUnt chiM ot Bin.
weeks old, belonging to a native gentleman
reiding in Calcutta. The mother ot this
''uru, only ten years and a half old
Mr. Xarnamara atates thst he baa often
! known instances in which Hindoo females
have hud children when twelve and thirteen
years of age, but he never remembered
meeting with so jcuug a mother before.
A funny scene occurred the other night
at the Bowery Theatre, New Tork, where
the stage was occupied with the representa
tion ol a bed-room at midnight, with ao old
gentleman reading a letter. To the soui.d
, . .
snd with a cat-like tread approached the
! old man. clutching in his hand a glittering
' knife. lie approached slowly, and tbe ex-
i citenient among the gamins iu the gallery
oecame intense, jusi as me wouiu-oc aiux-
dcrer was abont to Biakt the deadly plunge
at hia unsuspecting victim, a boy who was
leaning with open month tar over the rail
ing of the gallery snng out with frantic
earnestness, " Look behiud you, guv'ner.
There's a feller goin' to stab yer." The
assassin dropped his knife and roared with
the audience, and tbe curtain was rung
down without an body being murdered.
Xew Ailverttaement-
Executor's IVellce.
Etlalt of Samntl Stimt. decuted.
"IT rilEREAS Letters Testamentary on
v V tiie estate of Samuel Stine, Sr., late
of Fermanagh township, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to the said estate are requeued to
make immediate iviii nt, and tho-e hiving
claims or demands against the estate of said
decedent will make known the same with
out delay to
Uifliiutown, Jnnlsta Co., Pa.,
Koland, Centre Co., Pa.,
Or to William Given, Attorney in fart for
Samuel Stine. Jr. janM, TI.
BY virtue of a writ of Vtud. rooas, is
sued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Juniata cmintv and to me dim-ted,
will bo exposed to public sil at th Court
House, in the oonnigh of Mitttin.own, at 1
o'cl.H-k P.M., ..n KRIUAT, JAM'AKT
30th, IS74. the following ,-cal estate, vis:
A tract of land situate in Faretfe town
ship, Juniata county, Pa., containing TEX
ACHES, tuote or less, having thereon erec
ted a Weather-boarded Log House, Frame
Barn and other outbuildings, bounded and
deprived as lollows: On the south by
Ephraim Mvcrs, on the north by Jacob
. i - - . . . a a- . , :
: ,iine,ron me rs o j. a,a aiaiuiwHi, sou
a on the west bv Jacsb Smith. Siezed. tak
en iu execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of William Dunn.
By virtu, of a writ of Fi. ".. A tract of
land situate in Tuscarora township, Juniata
roiintv. Pa., bounded on the north by Jos.
Dowhng, east by Daniel Kenepp, south by
Josialt H'aters ami John Dnilesbtugh, aud
oi: the west bv Tuscarora creek, containing
TIIKEK HL'NDRED ACUES, more or less,
having thereon erected a Log House, Bank
Barn. Wagon Shed and othr outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
tbe I roperty of J. Calvin Dobbs.
WSI. II. KXOL'SE, Sheriff.
SherifTa Office, Mifliintown,
January 13, !t)74.
TflE undersigned offers at public sale, on
the premises in Beale township, Juni
ata county, about a half mile from Acade
mia, at 1 o'clock F. At., oo
Friday. February 13th, 1874,
The following real estate, viz i A valuable
'a for . i.gon lllake;, in tbe
heart of Tnscarora Valley, containing about
or nrst-rate tana, cleared. Tne improve
ments are a -
SIMI tieeeasarv Aiilhi-ilrlinM ilmailaa..
of witer convenient. A variety of choice
Fruit Trees on tbe lot; blacksmith abop
snd mill utarj store within sight; also
churches and schools convenient. Taken
all in all it is one of the most desirable sit
uations for a wagon maker in thia county.
If not sold on the day above announced
the property will be for rent.
January 14, 1874.
Dixaalntiaa af Ce-Partnershlp.
NOTICE is hereby g:veu that tbe part
aersbip heretofore existing between
D. 8. Ewtng and Alexander Woodward,
trading under the firm name of Ewing a
Woodward," in the general merchandising
business, was thia day dissolved by mutual
consent. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the aaid firm, and :hose having
claims against the saute, will please call and
settle their accounts on or belore the loth
day of Febf uary, 1874. After that time all
unsettled accounts will be placed in tbe
bands of proper officer for collection.
Johnstown, Jan. 1, 1874.
The business will be continued at the old
stand by the undersigned, who asks a con
tinuance of the patronage of his old cus
tomers, and the public.
Jan. 7, I874-4w
Sentinel and Republican laV a year 1
Jfese advertisement.
I be Hon. ttssj. '. Jtsajs, President
Judge of the Court of Coiuwod Pleas for
the nh Judicial District, composed of the
counties of Juniata, Perry and Cumber
land, and the Honorable Jonathan W riser
jam - John Koons, Judges of the said
i Court of Common Pleas of Juniata county,
j h4tf tMr ,o dirw,,f
. bearing date the 5th day ol December 173,
tor hoMiu Court of Over and Terminer
land General Jail Delivery, and General
- u'i.
i 0,"rtw ?.J',I?
..i,,.. OB .he hrst .HON DA ot I ebruary,
lti4, being tlie 2d day ol the month.
Notice is HcacsT Gives, to the Cor
oner, J ustices of the Peace and Constables
ftle Connty of J;tuiaU, thai they be then
! and there in their jiroper persons, at one
l - 'k on the allerroH.n ol said day, wHh
their reconls, inoiti-Mtions, examinations
land oyer remembrance,, to do those thing.
IIM V IIKH WlUiV. ' - ''p. . . . .
.iH ilwiw th.t .r hoouil he reeosniiaance to
. 7 S .
prosecute azui:uttlte nnsonera that are or
fhcI B lhe Jai IBaid county,
i. then and there to prosecutien against
tna ji as snail be just,
Bv an Act of Assembly, passed the 8th
day of May, A. D., 1S-VI, it is uiade the
dutv of the Justices ot the Peace, of the
several counties of this Commonwealth, tv
return to tha Clerk of this Court oi giartor
Scssiona ol tbe respectivea counties, ail the
rocogmiances entered into before them by
nersona chaiaed with the
or chl
coiuunion ol any criiue, except such cases
as may be ended before a Justice of tlia
Peace, under existing laws, at least ten days
belora the coiuiuenceiueiit of tbe session
of the Court to which they are made re-
turnaWe resectively,aud in all cases where
any recognuancea ate entered into leia
then ten davs belore the commencement
uf the to whicn ,UeJ . n.
mrnablc, thu aaid Justit-es are to return
the suiue in the same tuauuer as it said act
had not been passed.
Dated at jiitllintown, the Sth day of
December, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-three,
aud the ninety-seventh uf American Inde
pendence. W. H. KXOUSE, SktriJ.
SherifTa Office, MiHIintown, i
January 7th, 1b74. )
Register's Xeflce.
IV OTICE is hereby given that that tbe
i.1 following named persons have B ed
their Administrators, Executors, and Gnar-
I dun accounts in the Register's Office of
J uuiata county, aud the saiue will oo pre
sented lor conflrmation and allowance at
the Court House, in Miltlintown, on WED
IxKSDAY, FEBKt'AKY 4th, 1874 :
1. Tbe account of Kobert McMeen, Ad
ministrator of El'ixa Eika, late of Walker
township, deceased.
2. The account of Samuel Leonard, Ex
ec il lor of Martha Kmaer, late of Fayette
i township, deceasi-it
3. Thl megmtat oi
Edmund S. Dotv,
Gaurdian of Hannah Emily (iroce, minor
child of Daniel Groce, late of Perrysville,
deceased .
4. The account cf Vary A. .tench. d
ministratrix of George E. ilencb, late of
Turbett township, deceased.
5. Tbe account of Lewis Auker, Admin
istrator of Christian Auker, late of Fay
ette township deceaseal.
6. The account of Benjamin Jacobs, Ad
ministrator of William Kice, late of Tur
bett township, deceased.
7 The account of John PivW, Execntor
of Daniel Dirfal, late of Lack township,
8. The account of G. W. Jacobs Ad
ministrator of Maria Coder, late of Juniata
county, deceased.
!r. the account of Jacob Beidlcr and
James M. Hosteller, Administrators of
John Hostetler, late of Walker township,
The acconnl of Edmund S. Doty,
Administrator of Augustus Khine, late of
Eeruauagh township, deceased.
J. T. MKTI.1N, Reritttr.
Ktr.isTia's times:.
Mifilintown, Jan. 3d, IS
Trial 1.1st for Februair j Term,
1. Jesse M. Bryner vs. William C. Beale,
No. 106 September term, 1873.
2. George W. Gorton va. Samoel Hoff
man. 3io. 154 September term, ISt'l.
t. John S. Lnkena vs. David Shuman
No. 81 December term,
4. B. F. Cronse va. John McManigte.
No. 4'J February term, 173.
5. James Magruder, by his next friend,
Jackson Magruder, vs Darwin C. Smith.
No. 66 February term, 1S73.
6. William Wagner vs. John Light. Nc.
29 April term, 1873.
7. Jonathan Burns vs. Klias Snyder. No.
5 September term, lb73.
8. John M. Mooney vs. David Coder and
Stewart Anderaou. No. 79 September
term, 1873.
9 J Calvin Dnhbs vs. Emily Keiser. No.
108 September term, 1873.
10. J. Calvin Dobba vs. Josiah Waters.
So. 1 12 September term, 1873.
11. John B. M Todd vs. Elias W. II.
Kreider. No. 116 September term, 1873.
12. George S. Mills II Co , vs. John M.
Hibba. No. 129 September term, 1878
13. El zabeth Stoull'er, Executrix of Hen
ry Stoutier, dee'd, vs. Dsni d Stouffer. No.
131 September term, 1873.
1 4. Peter Rreimiholtz va. John P. Whar
ton and Sarah A Wharton. No. tto De
cember term, 1873.
15. Absalom Weaver, for use of Caroline
Weaver vs. George W. McElwee and Darius
McDaniels. No. 78 December term, 1873.
16. Absalom Weaver, for use of Caroline
Weaver, va. George G. McElwee and Dariua
McDaniels. No 79 December t:riu, 1873.
17. The Franklin Printing Co. vs. Jeob
Will, Administrator of W. . Davis, de
ceased. No. 86 December term, 1873.
1RVIN D. WALLLS, Pralk'j.
Mifilintown, Dec. 20, 1873. (
aiafe County, SS :
At an Orphans' Conit for the county of
Juniata, bld at Mifilintown the 6ta day of
December, 1873, in the matter of tbe par
tition and viluation of the real estate of
Chasles A. Thompson, late of said county,
deceased. On motion the Court grant a
rule on all the parties named or interested
therein to be and appear at an Orphana'
Court, to be held at MitlUutown, in and for
lhe county of Jnniata, on the Hist Monday
or February, 1874, being the 2nd day of
the month, at 2 o'clock 1. M. of said day,
to accept or ret use to accept the said real
estate iu the aaid writ el partition and in
quisition described at the valuation thereof,
or show cause why the same shold not be
sold. By the Court.
Clak of Orphans' Court.
To William P. Thompson, Charles A.
Thompson, Martha J. wile of Di. Geo, II.
Knmbaigh, Emma S. wile of J. H. Wright,
Eliza E. wire of Dr. J. T. Mahon, Adda M.
wile of Jeremiah Lyons, Anns M. wife of
Jacob Kickenbacb.
Take notice that by virtue of the above
rule of Court you are notified and required
to be and appear at the Orphans' Court, to
be held at MifUintowa on Monday, the 2nd
day of February, 1874, at 2 o'clock P. M .
or said day, to accept the real estate of
Charles A. Thompson, deceased, or refuse
to accept the same, or show causa why it
should not be sold.
W. H. KNOCSE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Mifilintown,
January 6, 1874.
Fall Tppcr ar Uwer Setts as Law as ii
No teetb allowed to leave the office un
less the patient is salisned.
Teetb remodeled and repaired.
Teeth filled to last for life.
Denial wo k done Cir rtersons wiihnnt
them leaving their homes, if desired.
toothache stopped in Ave minutes with-
out extracting the tooth, at the Denial Of
fice of O. L. Dirk, established in Mifflin
town in I860.
Jan J4, 19721 Practical Dentist.
yet Advertisement'
5etle af Aff1a "evfele.
THK Board of County Commissioners
will meet all taxpayers who feet ag-
i .k. I. a.rm'n t lor tbe onr
Jose Shearing appeals and miking revi-
. . .. it : . . .....a ,iwl ijjrif,!
Bins, at me iouooiB - ' ,
For Tuscarora townsuip, "
fHi, January 12, 174.
For Lack township, at Bast Waterford,
January 13, 1874.
J. ..... . i. - 6mqm It ill
l or Spruce mu iooqii, - "
School House, January 14, 174.
For the borough of Perrysville, at Mc
Manigal'a hotel, iu lhe forenoon oT January
'Fo'Turbt tt township, at McManigal's
hotel in the hoaongh ot Perrysville, in the
alternoiMi of Jannaiy !, 1874.
Fi the borough of Patterson, at Parker's
hotel, in the forenoon of January 16, 18.4.
For Millord toWBsliip, at Parker'a hotel,
in the afternoon of Jauuary Irt, 18 I-
For tieale township, at Haltemau's hoU-I,
Jamuu-y 17, 1874.
For W alker township, at HeKl's hotel,
Mexico, January 1", l74.
For the borongh of Tbompsontown, at
Snyder's hotel, iu the forenoon or January
1874. ,.,.
For Delaware township, at Snyder' no
te! in the afternoon of January , 1874.
For Greenwood township, at Cox's hotel,
Janoaay 21, 1874.
For SusqtK trinna township, at Freymoy
er's h.tel, January 22, 1874.
For Mooroe township, at Pellman'a hotel,
Kk htield, January 23, 1874.
For Fayette township, at Cyrua Sieber's
a. U.. lll.lill. I d nll.rV !4 1H4.
UUM:i JldaiiaKI " li.w, j
For the borough of Slitttiutown, at tbe
Commissioner's Utfice, in the Court House,
Mittliutown, in the forenoon ot January 2t,
For Fcrmansgh township, at the Commis
sioner's Office, in the allernoon of Jaauary
20, 1814.
By order of the Board ot County Com-
Cohiiissioscbs' Ov cx, (
Dec. 24, 1872. J
IS HEREBY GIVEN', That, in order to
raise money to aid in the construction of a
new Court House in Mitttintown, the nnder
signcd, Commissioners of the county of
Juniata, have issued snd sre ow prepared
to sell, at their office in Mifliintown,
The Bonds of the County,
of snch denominations as may bei'esired
not less than Fifty Dollars with coupons
attached, at the rate of aix per centum in
terest, to be paid annually, dai'l Bonds to
be payable in one, two, or more years, not
exceeding eight.
These Bonds are issued under the provi
sions of the Act of Asembly of the trth of
Aunl. I8o8. and will be a sale aod desira
ble investment, exempt from taxation for all
loca. aud municipal purposes.
(,' aviuiarMTt.
Jauks Dbes, C7rfc.
Commissioners' Office, Viltlin
town, Nov. 7, 1873.
New esf Second-Hand, First-Class M ik
ers, unll he so- ot Lower Prices for raih,
or on Installments, in City or Country, dur
ing this Financial Crisis asuf Me llolidavs,
ft, HORACE WATERS SfIS, 481 Broad
way, iban ever before ottered in lorK.
ArVnta Wanted te sell store' Celebrated
Pianos, Concerto mnd Orchestral Orgaaa.
Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Great In
ducements the Trade. A large discount
to Ministers, Churches, Sunday -Schools,
8-3 to 820 I"' '.T ! enta wanted
All classes of working people,
of either sex, young or old, make more
money at work for ns in thur spare mo
ments, or sll the t.nte, than at anything
else. Particulars free. Address G. Stis
sob k. Co., Portland, Maine.
Old Maids!
Teachers, Students, Clergymen, Poet
masters, and wide-awake Young Moa and
Women of all classes :
Ton can easily earn a Brat-class Sewing
Machine ; or Books sufficient to stock a Li
brary ; or some valuable Pictnres to beau
tify yonr homes; or a sice Slereueeepe ;
or a good Time-keeper (Clock or Watch);
or a Music Bos ; or a Gold I'ec or a Pho
tograph Album; or a Stand Kerosene Lamp
for yonr Parlor ; er a Fine Acrordeon ; or
Webster's Illustrated Quarto Dictionary;
or Rogers' World-renowned Statuary
Groups ; or a Fine Violin ; or a Remington
Kitte Cane ; or a Remington Double Barrel
Breach Loading Shot G an; or a Cabinet
Organ worth $140; by simply working ap
your unoccupied time in a wav eiplaiued in
tbe circulars ot the M. II. P. Co. ITvrtect
ly legitimate and respectable; many would
aav philanthropic. Address a!. Ii. P. Co.,
129 East 28th St., New York.
conduct an Agency for the reception of ad
vertisements for American Nawararaas
the most complete establishment or the
kind in the world. Six thousand Msws
rspsas are kept regularly on tile, open to
inspection by customers. "o readi.ig
rnora, however complete, receives one
twenlieh of thia number. Every Adver
tisement is taken at the home price of
the paper, without any additional charge or
commision, so that an advertiser, in deal
ing with the Agency, ia aaved trouble and
correspondence, makitg one contract in
atead ot a doxen, a hundred or a thousand.
A Book of eighty pages, containing luta
of best papers, largest circulations, reli
gious, agricultural, class, political, dailr
and country paper, also tuagaxiuta and all
publications which are specially valuable to
advertisers, with some information abont
prices, ia aent FR EE to any address ou
application. Persons at a distance wishing
to make contracts for advertisinr in anv
town, city, county, State or Territory of
iu v mieu aiaiea, or any portion of the
Dominion of Canada, may send a concise
statement or what tbev want, together witb
a copy of the Advertisement they
desire inserted, and will receive informa
tion by return mail which will enable tbem
to dec-.de whether to increase, reduce or
forego lhe order. For such information
there ia no charge whatever. Publishers
not only send their tiles free, but pay
Messrs. Gso. p. Kosiu . Co. for their
services. Orders are accepted for a single
paper as well as for a larger list ; for a sin
gle dollar as readily aa for a larger mm.
Address American .Newspaper Advertising
41 Park Row NY
AI0t!V .rp. with Stencil ,
JlVaUal Key Check Outfits. Cat.
tognes and full particulars FREE. S. at
Srascra, 117 Haaover St., Boston.
t&l ( t flOO in Wall Street often
nyM.W leads to a fortune. No risk.
S2-page pamphlet for stamp.
VaiarrniB Traaaiaoa k Co., Bankers and
Broaera, 39 Wall-aU, N. X.
a. ING." How either aex may fasci
nate and gain the love and affections of any
persons tbey choose, instantly. This sim
ple mental acquirement all may possess,
tree, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with a
Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints to Ladies A queer book. 100,000
sold. Address T. WILLIAM fc CO., Pub
ushers, Philadelphia.
A LL persons are hereby cautioned
-f. against hunting or otherwise trespas
sing on tbe lands ol the undersigned in
Walker township. All persons so offend
ing will be dealt with to tha full extent
of the law.
ir Aftrertlxetnent:
Iron in the Blood
The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect
ed Solution of the Protoxide of
Iron, is so combined a to harm
the character of an aliment, m
easily digested ami asshntlttfetl
with the blood as the simplest
food. It increases the quantity
of Nature's Own ritalizimj
Agent, Iron in the Noott, and
cures "a thousand ills," simply
by Toning up-lnvigoratinn ami
Vitalising the System. The en
riched ami vitalised blood per
meates every part of Use hotly,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, and leaving nothing for
disease to feed xepon.
This is the secret of the won
derful success of this remedy in
curing Drtrpepeia, Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar
rhoea Boils, Xervous Affections,
Chills and Fevers, Humors,
Irfss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kidneys and
Bladder, Female Complaints,
and all diseases originating in
a bad state of the blootl, or ac
companied by debility or a lour
state of the system. Being frea
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energising effects are not fol
lowed by corresponding reac
tion, but are permanent, infu
sing strength, vigor, ami neu
life into alt parts of the system,
and building up an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands have been changed
by the use of this remedy, front,
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
happy men and women; and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itate to give it a trial.
See that each bottle has PERU
VIAN SYRUP Wof in the glass.
Pamphlet Free.
SETH W. FOWLE 4 SONS, Proprietort,
If. 1 Xlltew risM, Bulls,
lots it DateoisTa guiisiir.
Just Published, ta a Stole I Envelope. I'rtce
Six Cents.
I.ectnre on the Xature. Treatment ami
Raitic:il Cure of S permatorrhiea, or Seminal
eakness. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual
Debility, ami Imptilinients to Marriage gen
erally ; Nervousness, (onsumpti'.n. Epi
lepsy anl Fits ; Mental ami Physical Inra
pacitv, resulting from Self. Abuse, etc UV
thor of the "tj.-een Book." Ac.
The workl-renowneil :;:thor, ia this ad
mirable Lecture, clearly proves liooi hia
on experience that lhe awful consequen
ces of Self-Abnse may beXfccr.ullv remov
ed withont medicines, and without dancer
oils surgical operations, honour, instru
ments, ring-t or cordials, pointing out a
mode of cure at onre certain a: I ett'ertu:il
by which evury autlerer. ;u nutti-r what bis
condition invy be. any cire I r.isWt cheaplr,
I-rivately and radically. This Let-lure wi I
prove a boor to thoitsa:! j'nl thousand.
Sent, under seiil, to any n.Mress, in .v
plain envelope, on 1'ie receipt of" two post
age stamps. A lilress the PulUixhe.,
Bowery, New York,
I'oet-Oltice Box i.''i.
Not 19, 1873-ly.
(Old Post-O.lire Buildiug,)
3Iala Street, .MiOlintovTu, Pa.
Sekrted with area! earn, and warranted
p-oin high aiitktorHv.
for meiiiral purposes.
irT-PKES'JKlPTlOXS cniponmUtl with
treat care. June
H. C. OllTIT,
II A HIl I S B IIR G, pa.
lad all kinds af Musical Instruments.
This house buys for cash ;
never cave a note, and is. there
fore, enabled to offer induce
ments to its patrons. Employs
no agents, and cives all arrents
commissions to its customers
sea 6, 1873-ly.
Tbe amtersicned would resneetfnllv an
nounce to the public that ht has opened a
owu, sou onoec lore at bis residence on
Che-ry street, and Ee.'lia An r..n.l 1 .ra-ja
and well selected stuck of
He is also nrenared to nittt. It fttjt t lts9 AT
the best material, all kinds of
for gents, ladies and chiMrrn.
au, woaa waaaasTia.
Give me a call, for I reel confident that I
eaa fm-na.ii yea with any kind of work you
asay desire.
aLaraaJaKSirin ataana. aaatla ..I -uaaft-
B van. HV I auu l.atVa-
able ratea.
June 8, !?:. JOUN NOHTH.