Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 24, 1873, Image 2

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Wednesday, fec'r 34, ItTS.
BDrroa ikd rtopsirrca.-
Congress bas tdjcoroed until tie
5th of January.
. - - m m
Tut majority tar the new Coostitu
tton is about 145,000.
Tiucsedixg8 bare been institcted
against ballot-box sluCers in Pbiladel
It it tport4 that Dr. Living
stone in aboat to retura one nrnre to
CtLOKKL FltCDBIUCK De.1T, father
f Mr. Grant, died at a late hour on
Monday night, the 15tU inst., at Wash
ington, in Li SSih year. He remains
were taken to St. Louis for totermeDt.
DisPATCllts from New York report
Bieney matters much improved, and ex
jrss the expectation that after the 1st
of Jatruary business matUri will gen
erally improve.
President Grant has issued an or
er granting pardon and aroncstv " to
a!) tailor and tcaripers, deserters from
the service, wbe return on or before
February 1st, 1871."
Lapt week we publishes1 a despatch
relative to the captcre of the murder-
us Bander. Siooe then it hat been
rp'ii.ed that the parties referred to in
the despatch front South Carolina are
cot the 'lenders, bat that they bave
keen tracked into northern Mexico.
People from Daucwo's Island, down
along the Susquehanna, are expecting
an abuiiuaut aupply of fresh shad in tba
iprir.fr, in consequence of the fib-way
that bas I 'ca put in the Columbia dan.
The firh-way is 64 feet wio'e, and had a
fall of threo feet to svery hundred and
twenty teet in length.
Till senseless commander of the
pan'.i ai.ip of war that captured the
Virginias and murdered a rurge portion
of fcer erw, is the source of a great
eUal-o trenhie r Spain. The latest
sea iu regard to the result of his
-work is that r.nglanu has order a large
fleet of war Testis iuto Cuban waters,
to give s'.reagtn t her demands, a
made in eotif.'qassce of the acts of the
eesaiauder of the Tornado. England
elaiuis that there were a number of
British snbjesis on board of the V ir
gti:iu. V hat diffiaulties one man can
surround a government with.
BOSTON and Philadelphia held large
tea parties last week in commemora
tioa of the resistance to the British
tea tax by throwing cargoes of it into
ath sea at Boston one hundred years
ago. Tbey were also intended as a
movement in aid of the Centennial Ex
hibition. There seems to be a cord of
sympathy that unites the two cities just
named on the tea question. It has been
transmitted from the days of the revo
lution. Philadelphia was tbe first in
open town meetings to condemn the tax
n tea and other articles without repre
sentation, and the probability is that
had the tea ships happened into Phila
delphia instead of Boston, Philadelphia
would be entitled to the honor of hav
iug thrown it into the sea.
Tni Cnban and Virginias question
las, by late despatches, assumed a new
phrase. Well informed people never
even suspected her of being a lawful
American vessel. They were well con
vinced in their own winds that ber
American character was only assumed
for protecticn in the event of just the
kind of difficulties which she reached.
President Grant thus far baa acted
anttous'y on the questitn, and evi
dently doe not intend that a parcel of
outlaws shall plunge the country into a
war. The latest turn in the case is that
the "right of the Virginius to carry the
American flag has beau put in ques
tion.' Tbe President submitted the
qnastion to the Attorney General, who,
after reviewing all the facts, and evi
der.ee bearing on tbe ease, says :
"Assuming the question to be what
appears to sou form to the interest of
tbe protoocl at the time cf ber capture
bad no right a against the United
States to carry the Asserican flag, I aaa
f the rpiuinn that she bad no such
right because sbe had net been regis
tered according to law ; but J am aha
of the cpinxon that she teas as much er-
rmpi from intetfrrtnet on tht hxsh sens
y ar.Uher pover, on thai ground, as
tkn.gi she hid been Uv fully registered.
" J-'jaiL Las no deubt a right to cap
ture a vessel with an American register
and earrjirg the American flag, found
in Lar own waters, agisting or endea
voring to assist, tbe insurrection in
t uba ; lut the has no right to eaptnre
ancb a veisel on the high teas upon an
appraheiaiou that, in violation f neu
trality ir the navigation la we of tbe
United States ate was en ber way to
assist the said rebellion.
Ssain may defend ber territory and
people from ike hostile attack of what
la f r appears to be an American vessel;
but she Las no jurisdiction whatever
over tLe question at to whether such
vessel is on the high Bess in violation of
any laws of tbe Uuitcd States.
Spain caaoot rightfully raise that
question as to the Virginius, bat the
United States may, and si I under
stand the protocol tbry bave agreed
to do and be governed by that
agreement, and without admitting
that Spain would otherwise bave any
interest in the question, I deoide that
the Viiginiua at the time of ber cap
ture was without right aad improperly
uawing tl-e A woman C;;."
Tlie Vllle d- Uavre Oleaster.
Saturday's Eiropean mailt brought
London papers ef the 9ih iott , nn
tailing the r.fficial report of Captain
Robertson, of the Loch Earn, takeu
from his log. An imperfect and nnsat
isfactory synopsis of this historical doc
ument bas already been tent hither by
cable, bat the full text cannot but be
read with great interest.
"November 22, 2 A. M., latitude 46.
54 north, longitude 35 6 weMt ; wind
S. 8. W., true. Ship biaced up on
port tack, beading by standard com
pass N. W. by W., or V. 4 N. true.
A steamer's masthead was seen from
one to two points on port bow ; oatside
light out and burning brightly. Short
ly after we saw the steamer's three
lights ; she war coming straight fur us.
Alnio.-t immediately she showed only
her p3rt and masthead lights and wa
steering apparently to pass under oir
stern. After a short time we rang out
bell md ported tbe helm, as we thought
she wis coming too near the steamer
still showing only her poit light. When
close to the bow the steamer's helm was
starboard and sbe was across uur bow.
A collision was rendered inevitable
The ordur was given to back our after
yards, but before the bracea conld be
let go tbe two vessels came in collision,
tbe Locb Earn striking the steamer
amidships. 1 he ships immediately sep
arated. We threw our afteryards aback;
half the crew then shortened sail, and
the remainder cleared away the port
litebnst. The carpenter, being at tbe
pumps, reported that the ship was ma
king no water, and then went forward
and found tbe ho sprit gone and how
smashrf completely in, but the colli
sion bulkhead was apparently uninjur
ed. A boat from the Ville du Havre
then came alongside, containing an offi
cer and four sutn. 1 asked if the
ateamer was much injured. He said
she was injured, but did not say she
wauted assistance. Aa no signals of
distress wers made by the steamar, 1
thought at the time thai the brut was
sent to rentier as assistance, but while
talking to tbe officer I saw the slsaa.ar
apparently settling down, and lowered
tbe pott life boat at once in charge of a
second officer and four men, who made
towards tbe sinking ship. Oar cutter
and starboard iifaaoat were then cleared
away, and in a few initiates dispatched
to the scene of tbe catastrophe, their
only gnida being the cries of the brown
ing people, tbe steamar having disap
peared. We kept our boats out till
daylight, until every one floating among
the wreck was picked up. We suc
ceeded in saving eighty-four persons
ont of three hundred and six,- a large
proportion having gone down with the
steamer. Tbe Ville) du Havre only
floated about fifteen minutes after being
Jclia Ward IIowe classifies women
in this style, Men's Women and Wo
men's Weinen," and this is what she
said after she ha tbtin classified :
Moo's women were like tbeoloudsof
our northern climate the brighter they
were the colder they became, and wbile
they glittered they chilled. Such wo
men were recognised as charming in
society and in the ball room formed the
center of many admirers. But they
lived alone for self, and tbe quality of
their mtods grew daily more feminine.
Tbey bartered their gifts for the glit
tering jewels of fame. But " women's
women" these were of tbe painstaking
and laborious kind. Tbey were domes
tio women ; tbey loved the sewing ma
chine ; tbey could not ruffle ibeir dress
without ruffling their tempers ; and
when tbey met one another they conld
talk about their dresses, and tell bow
beautifully the gray mingled with tbe
blue. Tbey were sometimes unchari
table, and when they did not marrv
they made useful old maids. But men
select wives from this class quite as
often as from their more brilliant sis
ters. Pi thole Past and Present. Pit
bole past and Pitbule present are two
very different places. As an illustra
tion of the present deadueas of things
there, we mention the fact that the fa
mous Danfourtb House, which cost $-3,-000,
was sold a few days ago for a ten
dellar nete, and the furniture, which
cost $3,000, brought less thao $90.
From a village of 15,000 inhabitants,
it bas cow nine families remaining to
denote where Pitbole formerly stood.
Once it bad seventy hotels, but it bas
none now. Ouce it had a daily news
paper, a theater, extensive water works
and all the paraphernalia of a city, but
now nothing reuiaineth. Even tbe Pit
hole and Oleopolia railroad runs but
one traiu ef ous car a day. An ex
change truly aaya that tbe once buzzing.
whirling, swarming hillside now pre
tents the gloom of death, the silence of
tbe (rave.
A mcmbkr of atablet were burned
in Sunhury last Saturday night. Three
horses perished ia the fltimet. Lcf,
six to eif bt thousand dollars. Tbe fire
was the work of incendiaries. There
is a clue to the parties who fired tbe
An exchange is quits keen in its
criticism of tbe war spirit of certain
western eity. It says, there are seven
thont-and brave men in tbe city who
want a war with C uba, provided tbey
etn ge as tattlers.
Two Lock Haven boys broke f 150 worth
of glass in the windows of the Epitaopal
Church in that place lae Sunday a week.
Their fathers settled the !i.l.
Tbe antborities of Louisville. Ky.,
broke np a number of gambling dens in
that city last Saturday '
llorrlble Outrage'.
From the Atchison Champion, Dec. 11.
A most horrible outrage occurred
near Camp Supply, abent sixty miles
'roni Fort Dodge, one day last week,
that, for brutality and cruelty, has not
been equalled since tbe dsys of Craw
ford and the early Indian troubles. Tbe
perpetrators of tbe fiendish act were
fviowas, wbo, for some time past, bave
been causing considerable trouble in
and wroend their reservation
From A. G. Hanback, ronte agent on
the Atchison, Topeka and Sauta Fe
road, we gathered the following nartie
ulars of tbe crime : It seems that a
party of English tourists arrived at
amp Scpply a few days ago for the
purpose of engaging in a buffalo bent.
At t amp Supply they purchased a com
plete outfit necessary to carry on tbe
hunt for several days and bired a wagon
and lean., with a boy about seventeen
years old as a driver. After being out
several days their provisions gave out
and they dispatched the boy back to
tbe town for another supply, expecting
he would ensily make tbs trip in three
or four days at furthest, the distance
being abont thirty miles. The allotted
time pasd and a day longer, and the
hunters becoming uneasy at his extend
e J absence, started back for Camp Sup
ply. Here nothing bad betn seen or
heard cf him since the departure of
the party. A party ot hunters and
scouts were immediately organized and
set out in search of him, taking the
trial toward the hnntirg grounds. The
second day out th?y auddeoly came
npon th boy. He had been cap.torjd
by a band of Kiowas, tbe wsgon takes
apart and piled in a heap, tbe boy tied
to a stake, and probably burned alive.
He had also been scalped by the brutal
cowards, and his charred remains left
on the ground with all the proof of how
the devilish act bad been committed.
Tbe borees, of course, were stolen.
The ezciiement in and around Fort
Dodge ia intense, and the eld hunters
and trapper in that vicinity aay that if
the Government does not inflict sum
uary puaiahment upon the incarnate
I, ads they will take the matter into
their own hands and commence a war
of extermination.
Col. Bristol, in command at the fcrt,
says be has tbe Fifth Infantry and two
companies of cavalry in readme!, and
is only aw-iting orders from the VVar
Department. Tbe Kiowaj have only
about 2,000 warriors on their reserva
tion. The following is the latest story ont
on walking at night in a sleep : Abont
two o'clock yesterday morning, tayi
the Providence Journal of December
5th, as officer Augustus R. Taliman
was on his way home, after his seven
hours' beat, be heard tbe cry "Police 1"
"Murder !" borne on the night air in a
woman's voice. The cfiiser followed
the sounj as rapidly as he could, which
led him to the foot of Henderson street.
Slopping here he still heard the cries
of a woman in distress somewhere out
in the mud flats, but he could see no
thing in the intense darkness. He
aonnded bis whistle as a signal for help
in case be should need it, hastily took
off his clothes, with the exception of
bis shirt and hat, rolled them in a bun
dle and laid them on shore, and rolling
bis shirt up under his arms, he boldly
plunged into tbe mud and darkness.
Guided by tbe sound only, which
were growing fainter, and occasionally
shouting as an encouraf ement to who
ever might be there, the officer gallant
ly kept on his way, the mud growing
deeper and deeper, and stickisr and
stickier, till he found himself ia up to
bis waist, bis progress at the same time
growing more difficult and dangerous,
at times causing him to fear bia own
life was in danger. After wading a long
distance be reached a womao'a bead
and arms lying on tbe flats, her body
Doing entirely submerged in tbe mud.
He didn't stop to ask questions then,
but cheering ber aa well as he could,
he infused new life into her by his pres
ence, and getting her out of the depths,
the two started shoreward. The return
was at first even more hazardous thao
bad bco bis trip out there, for now he
bad two to look after, but as tbe mud
grew more shallow ber courage grew
stronger and their progress easier, and
in due course of time both arrived on
terra firms.
lle.e, other officers were in waiting,
who took charge of ber and carried ber
to the Richmond-street station, where
she wss cleansed, dried and warmed.
Sbe gave ber owe a Mary Quinn, said
sbe was stopping at the bouse of Mi
chael Kelley, on Plane street, aud that
sbs went to bed as nsual Wednesday
night, and the next thing she was aware
of she was floundering in the mud, and
all her effort) to gtt out only served to
lead her in deeper. She had on noth
ing but a dreas aud chemise, and thinks
she mutt have got np in her sleep, pat
on tbe dress and walked out there, wa
king only when tbe mad began to chill
ber through, and make walking require
a great effort.
m m
Seventy childien wero rendered insen
sible in a fohool In Susquehanna county a
few days aio by coal caa. The foul air
had been driven into tbe room ly the
stove-pipe raving by tome means been
jammed apainst the back of the chimney,
preventing draught.
The trial of George Wenriek, for kill
ing Dr. P. R. Wa)r-n!ller, resulted in
the conviction of Wenrick, who wss sen
tenced to four yean and four months in
tho penitentiary.
The King of tbe Sandwich Islands
will not sign a reciprocity treaty witb
this eonntry for the reason that he fears
annexation so the United Slates.
A California despatch of the 16th
says : A tornado passed over Milton,
Calaveras county, this State, this after
noon, which nearly destroyed fhe entire
town. Several tmluiogs were blown
olear foundations, and ethers blown
down. Several persons wers badly
hurt but no lives were lost.
The same despatch says ; The Day
ton Hotel, at Dayton, Nevada, was de
stroyed by Sre last night. L. D.
Gould, Thomas Younger, John Norton,
U. Nash and Mr. Clyster wore burned
to death.
A despatch froai St. Louis, under
date of the 19th, says : A special to
tbe Democrat, from Sedalia, says that
information bas been received there to
day that a farmer living near Cam
bridge, Salina county, sold a lot of bogs
in that town yesterday, receiving there
for abont a thousand dollars, and that
while returning home be was overtaken
on the road by fivs men, headvd by a
desperado named Tom Stanton, who
shot and killed him, and then robbed
the body of the money. Shortly after
the tragedy, a gentleman residing near
by discovered tbs body lying in the
road, and hearing an angry altercation
in an adjacent tnicket, comprehended
th situation at once, and quietly raised
a number ot neighbors, whn captured
three of the murderers, hung them to
a tree, and then atar'.ed in pursuit of
tbe other two, but at last account it
was not known whether tbey had been
captured or not.
Tbe Northern Pacific Railroad is not
yet deaj, as may be learned from the
following despatch, dated at Portland,
Oregon, Dec. 13th : Tbe Pacific Divi
sion. 115 miles in length, of tbe North
ern Pacific Railroad was finished yes
terday. This completes the rail con
nection between thet'olumbia river and
Taconia, tbe Pcget Sound terminus.
A despatch, nnder date of the 19th,
from Santiago de Cub, says : The sur
viving pa9ji!?rs and crew of tbe
steamer Virginias were deliveied to-day
to commander Brains of the United
States steamship Juniata. Tbey were
sent on board that vessel, which soon
after took her departure (ot New York.
A despatch from Key West, Florida,
under date of the 18th, says :n regard
to the surrender of the Virginius : Ad
miral Scott,- commander of tbe North
Atlantic squadion, has received official
despatches relative to the delivery of
tbe Virginius Sbe was surrendered to
the Uuitcd States representatives at
nine o'clock Tuesday morning. The
coaibiandcr of tho Spanish frigate Isa
bella la Catolica, tbe man of-war which
had conveyed tbe captured vessel from
the harbor of Havana, foimally deliv
ered the Virginius to Commander Whit
ing, of tbe United States steamer dis
patch, at Bahia Honda. On the arri
val of the Dispatch at Bahia Honda,
the Spanish commander, who wss wait
iug her arrival, visited the vessel, md
the instructions of their respective gov
ernments were mutually interchanged,
t'oniuiandei Whitiig then placed a fleet
Lieutenant of the squadron, witb thir
ty nine men, in charge of the Virginius,
tad conveyed her eight miles out to
sea. The Virgimm then steamed for
the Tortugas to take coal which bad
been conveyed tbera on Tuesday from
this port in three schooners, in charge
of the si'oop of war Oss pee. Cordial
courtesies were interchanged between
Whiting and tbe Spanish commander.
No other vessels were present at the
surrender. Tbu prisoners are now at
Santiago, where tbey will be formally
delivered on the 25th of December,
when tbe American flag will be saluted
with tweuty one guns. The tame salute
is orderen by tbe Spanish authorities to
be fired from Moro Castle, at Havana
harbor, which the volunteers declare
shall never be done.
A Kansas City paper of a recent
date, tills of a lato snow stcrm as fol
lows : Jay t'ooke's isothermal belt was
swept by a terrible norther last week,
and two herders who arrived in Kansas
City on Saturday told a fearful story of
suffering. A party of five, including
Prof. L- F. Cooke, of Woolhampton,
R. I. ; Col Sam. James, of Los An
geles, and three herders, named Lloyd,
Grespy, and Sayers, left Platte Valley,
Nebraska, for Ellsworth, Kansas, with
one wagon, drawn by two mules, Lloyd
and Sayers mounted on Ponies. On
Wednesday night ef last week they en
camped in a ravine near Solomons ri?er.
where tbe snow hurricane struck them.
They tried to reach timber, but tbe
trail was lost iu tbe drifting saow, and
they went into camp beneath a rocky
bluff. An attempt was made to kindle
a fire with dry weed and willows, but
the wind was too fierce, and tbe party
wrapped up in their blankets, Isaving
tbs mules and ponies to shift for them
selves. Toward midnight tbe storm
increased, the wagon cover was blown
away and the men found thessselve
freezing. They arose, propped op the
wagon bed as shelter from th pelting
sleet, and made firewood of tbe wheels.
They crouched around the fire, but it
was impossible to keep warm without
scorching the clothing from tbe body.
Breakfast was cooked with tbe wcgon
bed. The food and whisky wre dis
tributed, and tbe party scattered in
search of the stock, sgrecing to meet
en the sontb fork of the Solomon Four
of them reached camp in safety, but
Savers was not again seen alive. The
bones of a man, picked clean, were
fonnd scattered over tbe snow about
two miles sooth of the Solomon.
For selling liquor, contrary to the local
ptiot) kw, eight persons paid 1400 into
the Blair county treasury, at the last
A yonnt, lady in Illinios recently be
came so much etubarra.-aed by a proposal
from her lover that, in her agitation, she
swallowed a needle.
The Union Banking Company, in Phil
adelphia, which suspended during the
panic, has resumed ou-ine wi.h its cap
ital increased to tTiW.Ow.
A man said it too oil to get up.
and his wife said it wasn't her place to
kindle fires and ihe wouldn't, and they
hlh lay abed thirty odd hours in Port
land. Mtkine. She. pretty hungry Ly that
liaie, thought betrer ef it aud got lip.
A western girl swld her piano on her
wtddiug day and bought a sewing ma
chine with w ich she uiaile her husband
a new suit f clo'bws. The husband pro
claimed the industry aud frugality of his
wi!e, and her three sister found hunbandy
in a fortnight.
La.t Friday afternoon a wek, the Rev.
J. B. Wycking, of Port Cliutnn, Pa , in
company with another gentleman, while
hunting, happened to run a rabbit into
tbe hollow of a tree, and, while shakini
to get the rabbit starteJ, the tree broke
into three pieces, one of which struck
him, injiirine him so badly thai he died
in a few minutes. He leaves a wife and
f iur children.
A Boston till-tapper recently pnrcha-ed
ahail'callon of molasses at a grocery, and
in default of a jug, got the grocer to pour
it in his h:it, which was na sooner d'Oie
than he clapped the hat over the grocer's
head, and, woiie the latter was sputtering
through the flood of syrup, deliberately
r;ibbed the drawer and decamped. Ex
perience is a harsh teacher, but an infalli
ble one; and that grocer has probably
now learned tho meaning of the proverb,
"Swoet are the u.-es ol adversity."
A new military boot has mado its ap
pearance in Englttud, the inveutor being
Sir William Pnliiser, adilinTuihedarui.v
officer. It has been trial in various regi
nients and proved entirely saii.-dltctory.
One feature of it coTimnH in placing two
tli Ici s!av3 of coik. reaching from t e to
heel, underneath the inner sole of the
boot, which renders the sole quite imper
vious to wet. The bji.ct of employing
to .-labs is in orier that the cork in one
s'ah may cover any fl.iw allien u;y exist
in I be other. It is expected that these
water-proof soles will inufer a great boon
upon all briuches of tho service, for there
is no doubt that the cavalry soldier, hav
ing wetted !ii feet on dismounted duty,
often suffers severely froai cold whtn
Those nations who eat fi-h with one
uiesl each day are undoubtedly the most
active in intellect, and the uiot capable
ot brain labor without exhaustion or fa
tigue. Not only is such phosphatic fixxi
conducive to the activity of the brain, but
it promotes fecundity and increases the
a! ility to endure cold, fatigue, etc , and.
while the facilities for obtaining it are
constantly increasing, it would be well for
the rising generation were they made to
partake of and realize it as second only
iu many respects to the staff of life ; and
the husband and father who occasionally
takes half a day from his legitimate bu
siness to fi!l his hai-ket with delicious fih
should uot be considered as a mere sports
man, but a good provider lor his fami y
ol those things whicn are ot vital utility
There was a report on Saturday
night a week, at ''orry, Pi., that a man
had been murdered and his b dy drag
ged through tbe alley near the lock-up.
The citizens turned out with lanterns,
made a search and found where the
body had been dragged, and found bis
pants, bit, eto. Sinally tbey traced it
to a barn ou South street, the door ol
whicb was fastened on the inside. Some
of tho citizens broke open the door and
found the dead body of a man lying o i
the floor with an old strap around his
neck, the body covered with mud where
they bad dragged bim along. He was
recognized as a mac by tbe name of
Pratt A. Shoemaker , who lived at Spring
Creek, and about two weeks ago. His
body was taken to Corry by a doetor to
dissect. He had it in bis office, snd
was likely to be found ont, so under
took to move it, and was canght. Some
of them came in tbe night and loaded
the body on a wheelbarrow and took it
yew Advertisements.
Kotice of Appeals and ttevisions.
THE Board of County Commissioners
will meet all taxpayers who teel ag
grieved by the lata assessment, tor tbe pur
pose of bearing appeals and making revi
sions, at tho following times and placta :
For Tuscarora township, at List Water
fold, January VI, 174.
For Lack township, at Bast YTaterford,
January 13, 1874.
For ooruce Uiil township, at Spruce Hill
School House, January 14, 174.
For the borough of Prrvsiille, at .Vc
Maiiigal's hotel, in the forenoon of Jnu.try
15, 1K74.
For Turbett township, at McHanigaTs
hotel in ths boaough ot Ferrsviil, iu the
aiternoonof Janiuuy 15, 174.
For the borough of Pattrot, at Parkor'a
hotel, in the forenoon of January Id, 1874.
For MUtord township, at Parker's hotel,
in the afternoon of January 16, 1874.
For beale township, at Halteman's hotel,
January 17, 1874.
For Walker township, at Ileid'a hotel.
Mexico, January 19, 1874
For the borough of Thompsootown, at
Snyder's hotel, in tho forenoon of January
3, 1874.
For Delaware township, at Snyder's ho
tel in the alterooon ot January 20, 1874.
For Greenwood township, at Cos's hotel,
Januaay 21, 1874.
For Susquehuina township, at Frejmoy
er'a hotel, January 21, 1874.
For Monroe township, at Pellman's hotel,
Kk-hfleld, January 23, 1874.
for Fayetie :oaship, at Cyroa Sirber'a
hoel. McA'iterviilu, Jauuary 21, 1874.
For the borough of MiiHiiitown. at the
Commissioner's Oidco, iu the Court House,
Mitiiioiown, in the forenoon ot January 26,
For Fermanagh township, at the Commis
sioner's Otbue, in the aiteraoon of Jauuary
28, 18; 4.
By order of the Board of Count- Com
missioners. JAMES DEEN, Clerk
Cuxiiissiobkbs' Orr cs, I
iKc. 24, 1873. J
A large assortment of Queensware, China
waie, Uiassware, Crockery ware, CeiW
ware, &c, lor sale heap Ity
l-arce SlOCk Ol iea.!vmii1 f :ioll.inr f..r
lby fJAKLEY & CO.
Sew Aiteertisments-
enrvi WTT.T.FR. of M illerstowo,
Perry county, tenders his services to the
public aa Auctioneer, and will attend
promptly to the crying oi saie mi -in
the county. (J ive him a call.
Dec. 2t, 1873-2m.
Main Street, Fatteraon.
Here a complata S;sortment of
may constantly be found to suit customers,
and are offered at a BARGAIN.
ZT" REPAIRING neatly atid expeditious
ly executed.
Roofiiu? and Spouting
of tbe BEST MATKRIAL, made to order
on short notice.
M m mlmr, h.K. tiifnrSMxl that t TmlarlV.
very week, run a car to and tmm Phila
delphia, going to the city on 1 uesaay ana
reluming to Patterson on Thursday. Per
son percussing goods in Philadelphia, ca
k... th.m Srnnvht rrimiilY here bv order
ing them to 1224 Market street, in e are of
Clark W rMcht'a Market lar. 1 also
ibe attention of those wbo aaip produce to
tbe east, to tbe facilities offered, and earn
estly solicit their patronage.
Dec 21, 1873.
TS pursuance of an order issuer! out o f
J. the Orphans' tonrl or junraia county,
and to lha undersigned directed, will bo
expos-d to public sale, at Johnstown, Beale
township, Joniala coanfy, Pa., at 1 o'clock
P. M., on
Saturday, January 17, 1874,
The following real estate, to wit : The nn-
dit Med two-lhinfs of a niece or parcel of
land situated in Beale township. Juniata
county, adjoining lands of John had Cttas
Bardell, containing
more or less, with a
and STABLE thereon eracted.
Also, a LIME QUARRY, containing
about THREE ACRES, oljoining tbs lands
of John and Cbas. fjatdell and Evard Dies.
One-hslf of tbe purchase money to be
paid on the eonfl-mation of the sa! by tbe
Com t, and ttw baiacce on to fl-st day of
April, 1874, when a deed will bo made and
possession given.
Adui'r of V illiam Hosier, dee'd.
Dec. 17, 1873.
Proposals for School House.
THE Board of School Directors of Walk
er township will meet at Locnst Run,
on SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, !874,at 12
o'clock M., for the purpose of letting the
building of the house at the above place.
Said house is to be bnilt of brick ; site, 28x
36 feet ; ceiling 12 feet in the clear. Said
house to be completed witb desks; black
board the entire length of North end, to be
finished with pttent wash j outside a vesti
bnle 6x feet. Said honso to be completed
by October 1st, 1874. Tho Directors will
receive sealed proposals lor said house at
the time and place above mentioned.
By ordur oi the Board of Directors.
DA VI1) P1VEN, Praxdnt.
S. D. YaKDTKE, Stcrttary.
THE undersigned, having completed bia
new Warehouse in Perrysville, would
respectfully invite tbe attention f ths
farmers of the county to tbe fact that he is
at all time
Raving introduced new facilities for hoist
ing, weighing. Ax., we are njw prepared to
unload with tbe least possible trouble.
Eark, Railroad Tiea, Locust
Posts, and all Saleable
Country Produce
will be bought at all times, either for
which will be sold to suit purchasers, either
and at the lowest rates ruling.
At my Store in Turbett township may be
found a complete an assortment of
Queensware, Hardware, &c,
all of which will be sold as low, if not a
little lower than elaewhere-
Dec. 10, 1873-tf
Fomeroy. Patterson, Jacobs & Co.
mrrusTows, josiart coostt, ra.
T. VAN IRVIN, Cashier.
Joseph Pomwroy,
Jerome N. Thompson,
John J. Patterson,
George Jacobs,
John Balshacb,
11.11. Bechtel,
S. Frank Eagle.
United Slaltt Srnritus, Bonds, fc,
bought a-i'1 sold
ievtn-thirliet ez haneed for Fiu.mi.
at market rales, tmu-d States coupons
Gull and Silver boui'ht at hiirhestt rt.
Deposits received, eolltctions -ode, drafts
on tht principal citus, and a general tanking
simi'mss transacted.
Bonds snd other valuable papers received
on special deposit. (jmieHo-tf
"head quarters.
Bridge Street.
Of New Goods this Season ! PANIC PRICES !
10 PER CENT. Tj is the ckt 1
Water Proof Cloth at 83 eta. 4 -
per yard. w MOTTO :
"Quick Sales and 3mall PrcSt!"
Velveteen at 50c, 90c, and
11.00 per yard. gjQL
Colored Blankets at $1.33 and$l.7& W1 Sold a. low a. $1.60.
a piece.
" 7Z7Z T Siawls of Every Description
mht Blankets at $2.25 J
Upwards. Sold at a Sacrifioe.
TABLE LIIVElSr - Four Border Eacd-ercMefj
As Low as 3Cc per jard. TOR 25 CEST3.
IMITATION BUCK GLOVES Bnyln. my Goods for Cash enables
AT SIXTY CENTS. me to make tbos Qreat Redactions.
Respectfully Yours, &c,
IS HEREBY GIVE", Thr, in order to
raise money to aid in tbe coostuction of a
new Court flonse in Mifflin town, the under
signed. Commissioners of tbe county of
Juniata, Lave issued and are now prepared
to scu, at their otbee ia Miffl mtewn,
Tbe Bonis of the County,
of a oca denominations aa may be desired
not less than Fifty Dollars with coupons
attar bed, at tbe rate of six per Centura in
terest, to be paid annually. Sairl Bonds to
be payable in ooe, tww, or more years, not
exceeding eight.
These Bonds are issued nnder the provi
sions or the Act of Assembly of the Vth of
April, 11368, and will be a aaf and desira
ble investment, exempt from taxation for ail
local and municipal purposes.
A. A. CR023KB,
Jaacs Dxsm, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Mifflin-
town, Nov. 7. 1873.
Eff Dure STORE.
(Old Post-Otfice Building,)"
Mai- Street, 9Ilf-l-t, Pa.
DRrros vn aipnrnvirvi
vii..-s, v ait1i3ins,ULASS,l'UiU ,
ilAlh BRL'ttilES, TOO I'll
Selected with great cam, and warranted
p-wni D1RI1 auiDoruv.
for medical purposes.
PKj JKIPTIOXS cmponaded with
great care. Jaaa Zi-U.
The undersigned would inform the public
that he bas opened a
In tbe oorough el Patterson, where be bas
for sale
Walnut Bedroom Sets,
Sofas, Lounges,
Extension Tables,
Sofa, Cane-seat and Common
Chairs, Wash Stands,
Also, a Large Lot of Carpets.
As I run a car to Philadelphia weekly I
am prepared to fill all orders for furniture.
carpets, Itc., in person.
o -- r.F.BOHM.
rail Taper r Lewer Setts as Law aa 16
No teeth allowed to leave the office un
less the patient is satisfied.
Teeth remodeled and repaired.
Teeta filled In last for life.
Dea'al wo k done for persons without
them leavins; their homes, if desired.
Toothache stopped in five minutes with
out extracting the tooth, at the Denial Of
flee or O. DikR, established in Mifflin
town in 1SCO.
J" 8 1373. Practical Dentist.
Notice af DIoIut!o.
THE partnership heretofore existing t -tween
Sanh Hertzlerand William H.
Kurtz, in I he name and stvle of Hauler
KurU. at Van Wert, in Walker township,
Juniata coanty, has this day been dissolved
bv mutual consent. All persons bavin-; un
settled account will please call on W. H.
Kwrti. at Vaw Vin .n4 ..i .
and tbse having claims win presnt them
.... ymj '"'"s s me dooks ana accounts are
id his bands for settlement.
Oct. 22, 1873.
W. H. Kuan will continue tbe business
at the old aland. Thankful iv. .1
-.- .ui Ml UMSl
favors, be 1 bopefnl of future pitrenaa-ti.
'j wile iu 10 can ana examine
ais stock.
done at this office.
Wa have period out in Jacob Thorns y
parlor, eaa dowr aortb of the Juniata Uetal,
taw largest and best stock of
ever brought to the county.
We buy our stock from Manufacturers
and ia large lota. We pay cash and expect
to sell for caik, which will enable as to
offer GOODS
At Prices far Below the Arerage.
This branch of ths business will be su
perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of tb
best practical mechanics in tbe connty. All
kinds of repairing done.
July 2, 187S-tf
In raom in rear of Crystal Palace Building,
on Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa.,
r ASH ION A B LK GOODS always 00
CUSTOM WORK DONK en the shortest
GOODS SOLD by tba yard or pattern.
PERSONS bnjing goods can hate thus
cat in garments fea of charge.
Oct 22. l97-tf
ew tailor snor.
The undersigned would respectfully i
forai tba public that he bas opeotd a
at bis residence, on Bridge street, ia tho
Parker Mansion, and is bow prepared to di
at short aotice and ia the most d arable an
!! iuteoda to nil t nnt ntiai Kit f axrf r rarer
nd aska a share of the public patronage.
n tu
JOHN PIEIIL hereby announces to his
old customers and the public generally,
that be has azain rmnad basins t hi.
old stand, on
Water Street, Mlffllto .
Where he will manufacture in a satisfactory
Harness, Light and Heavy, to
Suit All,
Mors Collars, Ridmg Saddles, Waon
Saddles, Bridle ef all Kinds,
Plow Lines, tit fact everything
in His Line.
REPAIRING neatly and expeditiouilr
Can and Inquire before going elsewhere.
On Water KtrMt v.v -r
the Crystal Palace Building.
sr ... .a.. -
0-0310 SEIBER.
Will visit Mifflin and Patterson verw
Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings
and will furnish the citizens of these bor
oughs witi the best of
at the very lowest prices. He respectfully
solicits the patronage of lha public.
pu 10 i A. 1 y.
'A SllSHnTlnml nt rlntha mkmmam.
vesting., etc.. alwrvs on hand and tor sU