B. F. SCHWEIER, THE CONSTITUTION THE C5IOX AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. vol. xxvir. MIEFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENNA., DECEMBER 24, 1873. NO. 52. Poetry. I'nnaid. For days an I weeks uj on the lip hit bnng A precious something for an absent ear Some tender canG I jnce but lately sprang. Some dear confession that but on mast bear. TLe heart repetts it over day bjr day, Anl fancies bow and when the words will fall What answering smile upon the face will play, Vihai tender light will linger over all. But eager eyes that watch for one alone " May grow reluctant ; for the open gate Lets in, with him, perchance a guest un known. On whom slow words of courtesy must - " - wait. Or when the presence waited for has come, It may be dull or cold, too sad or light: A look that shows the heart away from home Can often put the dearest words to flight. Perhaps the time of meeting, or the form. May chill or wither what we've longed to say : What fits the uniiine will not fit the storm Wii.it btenJs with twilight, jara with noon of day. Again, when all thing? seem our wisa to ecrTe, Full opportunity may ttrike us dumb Mny sink our precious thoughts in deep re srre. And to the surface bid the lightest come. And often ere our friend is out of sight. We start: tiie thing can scarce be cred ited We have been silent, or our words been trite. And herd's the dearest thing of all uniaid.' Lippincott't Magazine. rviiscellaiiy. Twenty Kules for Ileal! h. L E2member the author of the laws which govern the human body is the author of the Ten Commandments. 2. Infidelity to the laws established that mankind should be healthy and happy is the greatest sin of the pre sent generation. 3. Be cheerful, trustful of others, and faithful to your own best conception of duty. Never brood over troubles that you have, and be sure you never bor row any. ' i. Ho much in the sunlight, and pre fer li slit-colored clothing. 5. Drones must die. Exercise liber tlly and live. Be out-doors all you cau while the sun shines. C. Breathe pure air. Live with open windows, and the windows of heaven will be more likely to open for you. 7. Pray with a pure heart and a clean ekiu. Bathe often. 8. Avoid stimnlation by spirits of all kinds, strong coffee and tea, opium and tobacco. 9. Keep the head cool, feet and heart warm, hopes heavenward, and linger nails clean. 10. Eat only three times daily, and never between meals not a nut nor an apple. Drink nothing while eating. 11. One hearty meal of meat per day is sufficient The other two should be spare, 12. Avoid Lite, hearty suppers, pork. spices and popper, rich pastry, and im- j uerfectlv cooked beans. 13. Wheat, oat and barley meal, with beans, peas, lean meats, fish and wild game, are the best articles of food. 1 L Fruits are cooling to the blood, and especially adapted to warm weather. 15. Eat slowly, masticate your food well, and eat nothing for three hours before retiring. 10. Let tbe time spent at table be happy. Encourage pleasant, cheerful conversation ; joke, but do not argue. Eest a half Lour after every hearty meal. 17. Sleep eight hours of each day. 18. Brain, bone and muscle are built of different material, and the brain worker should have food different from tbe muscle-worker. He is not thor oughly educated who cannot select food adapted to his needs. 19. Avoid corsets, and suspend no article of clothing from the waist. Pro tect every part of the body from chill and exposure. 20. Study hygiene, attend health lec tures and read health literature. As yon are ignorant or intelligent in physi ology will your habits be wise or other wise. l'o 1 1 r a ben d." There is, perhaps, no land where one has a better opport unity to observe old customs than iu Germany. We wonder sometimes how she has contrived to whirl through tlM giddy mazes of time with her sister lands and yet get no more shaken up than she has. One of these old customs is the observance of the eve ning before a wedding. It is called "Pol terabeudV! The verb "to poker" means lo make a gxeat noise, and the evening rightly takes its name from the word. It is a proverb here that '-the more pots herds, the more luck; therefore the friends cf tbe bride collect all the old I earthenware" which is hors de coni&rct lor household warfare, and bring it and dash it asainst the house where the bride lives. Old cracked plates, saucers, earth en pots, handleless cups, and noseless pitchers close their crippled earthly ca reer bv the frantic plunge at the foot of the altar of Hymen. It takes but a short time for tiie news of the 'iwlter abend"' to reach the ears of the street Itoys, and then the work goes on merrily; for when could boy nature ever resist so . glorious an opportunity to smash some thing One living in the house, or even in the vicinity, feels as if Joshua with his armed band were compassing the pre mises for the seventh time, and as if the walls might fall at anv moment, or as if that mythical "bear" had at last really got into the "china shop," so continuous is the crash. The family are obliged to have these tokens of good luck removed as soon as it is light on the following morning, or be fined, as they obstruct the sidewalk. It often requires a horse and cart to do it. While this strange ceremony is taking place outside the house, the friends of the lady have gath ered within. No invitations are given, but the house is thrown open, and all the acquaintances are expected to come. Each guest brings some gift, and the presents are placed on a table as they ac cumulate for the admiration of the as sembled company. It is customary to have some short dramatic piece or pieces acted. These are usually prepared for j the occasion, and weave in many a Ely hit at the habits or tastes of the devoted pair, or hints at the peculiar incidents of the courtship. 1 THE FAT MAX'S DILEMMA' An English gentleman of true John Bull proportions weighing some eigh teen or twenty stone had occasion some years ago, anterior to the railroad era, to travel in summer by stage coach from Oxford to London. The stage carried six inside ; and our hero engaged two E laces (as, in consideration of his size, e usually did) for himself. The other four seats were taken by Oxford stu dents. These youths, being lighter than our modern Lambert, reached the stage be fore he did, and each snugly possessed himself of a corner seat, leaving a centre seat on each side vacant. The round, good-tempered face of John Bull soon after appeared at the carriage-door, and peering into the vehicle and observing the local arrangements, its owner said, with a smile: "You see am of a pretty comfortable size, gentlemen ; so I have taken two seats. It will greatly oblige me if one of you will kindly move into the oppo site seat, so that I may be able to enter." "My good sir!" said a pert young law-student, "possession is nine-tenths of the law. You engaged two seats. There they are one on each side. We engaged one each, came first, entered reguiany into possession, and our titles to the seats we occupy are indisputable." "I do not dispute your title," said the other ; "but I trust to your polite ness, seeing how the case stands, to enaoie me to pursue my journey. "Oh ! hang politeness !" said a hope ful yonng scion of some noble house. "I have a horror of a middle seat, and would not take one to oblige my grand mother. It's ungrateful as well as nn comfortable ; and, besides, one has no chance of looking at the pretty girls aiong me road, uood old gentleman, arrange your concerns as you please : stick to my corner 1" And Le leaned back, yawned, and settled himself with hOe!ess composure in his place. uur corpulent menu, though a man not easily discomposed, was somewhat put out by this unmannerly obstinacy. lie turned to a smart-looking youth with a simper on his face a jelerical student, who had hitherto""" sat in a reverie, possibly thinking over hi9 chances of a rich benefice in the future. "Will you accommodate me?" he asked. "This is the last stage that starts for London to-day, and business 01 urgent importance calls me to town. "Some temporal affair, no doubt," said the graceless youth, with mock gravity "some speculation with filthy lucre for its object O.kkI father, at your age your thoughts should turn i heavenward, instead of being confined I to the dull, heavy tabernacle of clay that chains us to the earth." And his companions roared with laughter at the joke." A glow of indignation just colored the ; stranger's cheek ; but he mastered the feeling in a moment, and said, with mnch composure, to the fourth: "Are you also determined that I shall lose my place ? Or will you oblige me by taking a central seat ? "Ay, do, Tom !" said his lordship to the rersoa addressed ; "he's something in the way of your profession quite a physiological curiosity. Ion ought to accommodate him." "May I be poisoned if I do !" replied the student of medicine. "In a dissecting-room he'd make an excellent sub ject. But in a coach this warm weather, too ! Old gentleman, if you'll put yourself under my care I'll engage in the course of six weeks, by a judi- j cious course of depletives, to save you, j hereafter, the expense of a double seat! I But, really ! to take a middle seat in I the month of July is contrary to all the rules of hygiene, and a practice to which I have a professional objection ! And the langh was renewed at the old gen tleman s expense. By this time the patience of the coachee, who had listened to the latter part of the dialogue, was exhausted. "Harkee, gemmen !" said he. "Settle the business as you like. But it wants just three-quarters of a minute of twelve, and with the first stroke of the Univer sity clock my horses must be off. I would not wait three seconds longer for the King God bless him 1 'T would be as much as my place is worth." And with that he mounted his box, took up the reins, bid the hostler shut the door, and sat with upraised whip listening for the expected stroke. . As it sounded from the venerable belfry, the horses, as if they recognized the signal, shot off at a gallop with the four young rogues, in whom their own rudeness and our fat friend's dilemma afforded a prolific theme for merriment during the whole stage. Meanwhile the subject of their mirth hired a postchai.se, followed, and over took them at the second change of horses, where the passengers got out ten minutes for luuch. As the post chaise drove up to the inn-door two young chimney-sweeps passed, with their bags and brooms and their well known cry. "Come hither, my lads !" said the corpulent gentleman. "What say you to a ride?" The whites of their eyes enlarged into still more striking constrast with the dark shades of their sooty cheeks. "Will yon have a ride, my boys, in the stage-coach ?" '" "Ees, zur !" said the elder, scarcoly daring to trust the evidence of his ears. "Well, then, hostler, open the stage door. - In with yon ! And--d'ye hear ? be sure to take the two middle seats. So. one on each side V . . The guard's horn sounded, and coachee's voice was heard : "Ouly one minute-and-a half more, gen'lemen. Come on !" They came, bowed laughingly to our friend of the corporation, and passed on to the coach. The young lord was the first to put his foot on the steps. "Why, how now, coachee ? What con founded joke is this? Get out, yon ras cals, or I'll teach you how to play gen tlemen such a trick again !" "Sit still, my lads ! You're entitled to your places. Milord, the two middle seats, through your action and that of your young friends, are mine. They were regularly taken and duly paid for. I choose that two protege of mine shall occupy them. An English stage-coach is free to every one who behaves qnietly, and I am auswerable for their gopd non duct So, mind you behave, boys. Your lordship has a horror of a middle seat. Prav take the corner one 1" "Overreached, by Jove !" said the law student. ."We give up the cause, and cry you mercy, Mr. Bull. "Blythe is my name." "We cry quits, worthy Mr. Blythe." "You forget that possession is nine tenths of the law, my good sir, and that the title of these lads to their seats is indisputable. I have installed them as my locum tenente, if that be good law Latin. It -would be highly unjust to dislodge the poor youths, and I cannot permit it lou have your corner." "Heaven preserve ua !" exclaimed the clerical student. "Yon are surely not afraid of a black coat," retorfed the other. "Besides, we ought not to suffer our thoughts to dwell on petty earthly concerns, but to turn them heavenward. "I'd rather go through my examina tion a second time than to sit by these dirty devils," groaned the medical stu dent. "Soot is perfectly wholesome, my young mend, and you wiil not be com pelled to violate a single hygienic rule. The corner you selected is vacant. Pray get in." At these words, coachee, who had stood grinning behind, actually cheated into forgetfulness of time by the excel lence of the joke, came forward. "Gen 'lemen, yon have lost me a minute and a qnarter already. I must drive on without ye, if so be ye don't like your company. The students cast rueful glances at each other, and then crept warily into their respective corners. As tbe hostler shut the door he found it impossible to control his features. "1 11 give you something to change yonr cheer, you grinning rascal 1" said the disciple of JSsculapius, stretching out of the win dow ; but the hostler nimbly eluded the blow. "My white pantaloons !" cried the lord. - .- . - "My beautiful drab surtout! ex claimed the lawyer expectant. "The filthy rascals !" The noise of the carriage-wheels and the unrestrained laughter of the spec tators drowned the sequel of their lamentations. At the next stage a bargain was struck. The sweeps were liberated and dis missed with gratuity ; the seats shaken and brushed ; the worthy sons of the university made up, among themselves, the expenses of the postchaise; the young doctor violated, for once, the rule of hygiene, by taking a middle seat ; and all journeyed on together, without further quarrel or grumbling, except from coachee, who declared that "to be kept over time a minute and a quarter at one stage and only three sec onds less than three minutes at the next, was enough to try the patience of a saiut : that it was !" Tbe Centennial Buildings. The Philadelphia I'rest sayi that the "area of ground appropriated at Fair mount Park for the Centennial Exposi tion is 450 acres, and is bounded by the Schuylkill Biver on the east, Girard avenue on the southeast, Elm avenue on the south, and Fifty-second street on the weft so that Ciirard avenue, when graded and paved, as is contem plated, wiil be the main approach to the buildings. Elm avenue and For tieth and Forty-first streets will also lead to the Park, and steps have been taken by Councils looking to the im provement of these thorough-fares, iu order that they may be made available before the opening ol tne exposition. The ground plans, as approved of by the Commission, provides for the erection of a machinery hall, agricultural hall. conservatory, art gallery, and the main exposition building. AU ol these will be so located as to be within easy reach of each other, and upon the most beau tiful portion ol the park. I he grand pavilion, or main Exposition building, will nave a frontage ol ll.Uu feet ou Elm avenue, or, in other words, will extend from Forty-first street, on the east, to Belmont avenue, and will have depth of 1,000 feet. Immediately north, and near to the Lansdowne drive, it is designed to erect the art gallery. est of the exposition building will be the machinery and agricultural halls the former to be 2,273 feet lng, and the latter 1,420 feet These are to be connected with the main buildings by a covered passage-way, and will also be upon Elm avenue. A better idea of the immensity of the work to be performed and of the extent of the ground to be occupied will be had when it is stated that the grand pavilion will cover an area ot acres, which can be in creased to 44 acres. Machinery Hall will occupy 9.5 acres, and Agricultural Hall 4.5 acres. Famous Trees. Individual trees, planted by famous men, are still to be seen by the pilgrims who visit their homes and haunts. In the last century there was quite a fash ion for planting willows. It is said that the first weeping willow seen in England was sent to the poet Pope, as a present, from Turkey, by his friend. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and planted by him in bis garden at T wick enham. It is the famous Haiti Eaby lunica of the Psalter, upon which, on the banks of the Euphrates, the weep ing daughters of Jerusalem hung their harps. Garrick planted two willows on his lawn, beside his Shakespeare tem ple ; in the midst of a thunder storm, which destroyed one ol them, the pious and devoted widow of the great actor was seen running up and down ex citedly, crying out, "Oh, my Garrick ! Oh, my uarrick I liie willow, known as Dr. Johnson's willow, at Litchfield, was blown down long ago ; it was said, in the Gardener't Magazine, to have been planted by him, but it is more probable that his admiration and talk of it developed the legend of his plant ing it. At the time of its destruction it was thirteen feet in girth. Pieces of household furniture and snuff-boxes were made of it ; and slips from it were planted by his admirers throughout tbe neighboring country : an offshoot of the old tree was planted on the same site. Thomas Moore tells ns that wlien iiyron first went to Newstead Abbey, Irom Aberdeen, at the age of ten, he planted young oak in some part ex the grounds. He had a notion (or thought he had) that as it nourished so should he. ' Six or seven vears later, on revisit ing the spot, he found his oak choked up with weeds and almost dead. Celling Ceadjr to be Happy. . That is exactly what most of ns are doing. We are not ready to be happy to-day, this week, this year ; to-morrow next month, another year, our cup of joy will be run. When tne promisea time comes, ana the acme ot our hopes in a certain direction is reached, health may be wanting, friends dead, aud life, however full of all we thought would make it rich and worth the having, be empty and dreary. Bnt he who "takes the best now and here" enjoys it, puts himself into possession of that which cannot be taken away. Certainly it is right to provide for the rainy day in health to prepare for sickness in yonth to lay up for old age; but there is much more time than many of as think while doing this to be happy in the present, and there are a thousand paths to hap piness if we but have the skill and the desire to find them. We are too eager in the pursuit of some far-off result to take time to be happy to-day. How often do we look back on years that have fled, and see many elements of truest enjoyment, which at the time we took no notice of, and which, could we count them in now, would fill our enp of joy to overflowing! Snail we learn a lesson from this ? Early Fruit. It was very cold at Nice ; that is my only excuse. Alas, by what slender threads one's happiness depends : It was all arranged I was to marry Mile. Louise early in June, and the Mar quise, her mother, was commencing to treat me with something less than her customary reserve. She was a terrible woman, that Marquise. " Be treacher ous," some one had told me. And I was treacherous. At particularly trying mo ments I looked in the eyes of my betroth ed, but one can form no idea of the circumlocution I had to employ to ex press to the Marquise the simplest things in life. In speaking to me of the trous seau the word chemise made her blush, and one day I caused her to leave the room (I don't know why), simply be cause I happened to mention a pair of suspenders. One evening Mile. Louise was even more charming than was her wont. The air was heavy with perfume. Coffee had been served in the conservatory, we sat beneath large magnolia trees, which were fairly bowed down with fragrant blos soms. Seated quite close to her, I sketch ed a thousand projects for our future, and while she listened with her great blue eyes, fixed upon me, I gazed upon her graceful head; her waving blonde tress caught up from the neck; her light robe rising in a snowy fraise at the throat and descending to a oiiit upon the bos- som; and I thought that in six weeks at the longest she would be mine. It is so difficult to siieak to young girls. Every moment there canio to mv mind stories which 1 louud too gay, and which would certainly have frightened so poetic and ethereal a nature. So. having plunged into a senseless anecdote which I did not know exactly how to get out of, I said suddenly, in order to change the conversation : "By the way. Mademoiselle, do you like strawberries ?" "I adore them," she answered, with dainty little movement of the liis : ' but I supiMise that it will be necessary to wait a little while." The fact is that it was only the be ginning of April, but I thought that one could get anything in Paris, and that very evening I sent my friend ltavmond the following despatch : Send me a large lx of strawberries from Paris at any price. Hector Three hours afterwards I received the reply : Little pots make up a box. Will send as soon as i)ssille. Bayjiovd. Mv frientl Kavnionu was a jewel. Be sides perfect taste and great amiability, he was so fortunate a3 to possess Paris, and, whenever I was away, I charged him with my commissions, trusting as much to him to order a coat as to for ward me a bouquet. The next day, early in the morning, I received a great box, well bound, and labelled with my address. It was enorm ous, and it was frightful to think of the number of little twts Raymond must have purchased to be able to send me a package of such respectable weight in so short a time. Under the circumstances, my present became a truly royal gift, and the same day I sent it to my fiancee, together with my daily bouquet of white lilacs. All that day I remained away from Mme. de lioisenfort's, so that the effect of my gift might be greater. The time seemed very long. I could see Mile. Louise oponiuji my box, the eagerness which her feminine curiosity would be sure to give rise to. Then I imagined her astonishment at the sight of the con tents. She would take a berry at randou (the largest), hold it delicately between her slender lingers the little finger in the air I could see it all as though I were there and nibble it with her white teeth, making all sorts of grimaces as she ate. Decidedly it was a happy thought to send to Paris When evening came I presented my self at the usual hour, studiously affect ing the indifferent air of a gentleman who does not think lie has done anything remarkable.' I opened the gate, and was a little surprised not to find Mile. Louise in the garden. Usually she came to meet me, and, after a cordial grasp of the hands, we would enter the draw;ng-rooin to gether. "Bah !" I said to myself, "I shall find her in the green-house." And I ascend ed the steps. She was there, to be sure. Her face was flushed and her eyes swollen, as though she had been crying. As soon as she perceived me she came forward and said ; "Oh ! sir ; it was very, very horrid of you !".' Then, throwing me a glance full of reproach she left the place. I commenced to feel a little uneasy nrion entering the drawing-room. The Marquise was staiidingbef ore theniantel piece, erect and haughty, something like the statue of the commander. "You received my package?" I asked with my most amiable air. "Yes. sir ; yes." ground out the Mar quise. (I awaited the key to this puzzle.) "And." continued she, "I consider it was a little too soon much too soon. "Good heavens, madame, these things have no value unless they are sent before the time for them as early fmit, you know." "As early fruit, sir as early fruit ! You continue your absurd mystification. Leave the house. Neither I nor my daughter will ever see you again. Leave the house !'' I was stunned. I went away complete ly disconcerted, asking myself if it was not some frightful dreain. Arriving at the hotel, my servant handed me a letter from Raymond together with a little box : "Mv deau Thievd : I send yon the strawberries you wish. Forgive me for not having sent them sooner, and more of them, but they are yet very rare.." Without finishing the letter, I tore open the little box ; it contained indeed some magnificent strawberries. What was in the box of the previous evening, then V A frightful suspicion crossed my mind. All at once I uttered a cry. There was a postscript : "I hope yon received last evening the box of flannel wa stcoats." A sheriff's officer was sont to execute a writ against a Quaker. On arriving at the house he saw the Quaker's wife, who, in reply to the inquiry whether her husband was at borne, answered in the affirmative, st the fwme time re questing him to be seated, aud her hus band would speedily see him. The offi cer waited patiently some time, but the fair Quakeress coming into the room, he reminded her of her promise that he shonld see her husband. "Xay, friend, I promised that he should see thee. He has seen thee. He did not like thy looks ; therefore hath he avoided thee, and left the house by another path." The buckwheat is sent. the cake" at pre- The Devil's Canon. IX THE CALIFORXIA GEYSER REOIOX. There are no spouting fountains in the canon, but numerous bubbling springs, that sink and rise with spasmodic action. These number a hundred or two, and are of varying temperature and constituents. A few are quite cold, closely adjoining hot springs; while others have a temper ature of 100 to 207 degrees. Some appear to be composed of alum and iron, others oi sulphur and magnesia, while a few are strongly acidulous. Here the water is pale yellow, like that of ordinary white suipnur springs; there it is black as ink. 1 he mingling of these different cur rents, with the aid of frequent steam injections, intensities the chemical ac tion, the sputter and fuming, that are incessantly going on. These phenomena are not confined to the narrow bed of the gorge, but extend for a hundred or two leet m places up its sides, which slope at a pretty deep angle. These slopes are soft masses of rock decomposed or slacked by chemical action, and colored brilliantly by crystallized sulphur, and sulphates of iron, alum, lime and mag nesia, ucpositeu troin the splines and jets of steam, which are highly charged witn them. As the rocks decompose and leach under the chemical action to which they are subjected, the soft silicious mass remaining, of a puttv-like consist ence, mixes with these salts. Some of the heaps thus formed assume conical shapes. They have an apnarentlv firm crust, but are really treacherous stepp-ing-places. One of the most remarkable steam-vents in the canon is in the top or such a pile, titty feet up the steep slop. It blows like the escape-pipe of a large engine. The beautiful masses of crystal lized sulphur which form about it, as about the innumerable small f umeroles that occur along both banks, tempt one to dare to climb, and face the hot steam; the mass shakes beneath the tread, and is probably soft to a great depth. Where- ever in these soft heaps a stick is trust in, the escaping warm air soon deposits various salts. Of comse a walk over such material is ruinous to lxxrt and shoe leather, while the spkish of acid waters often injures the clothing. Everybody stops to gather specimens of the various salts and rocks. The guide presents to be tasted pure Epsom-salts (sulphate of magnesia), and salts of iron and alum, of soda and ammonia. Few care to taste the waters, however, which rival in their chemical and sanitary qualities all the springs of all the German spas to gether. Perhaps the most remarkable of the Geyser springs is that called, happily enough,, the Witches' Caldron. This is a black cavernous ojx?ning in the solid rock, about seven feet across, and of unknown depth, tilled with a thick inky liquid, boiling hot, that tumbles and roars under the pressure of escaping steam, emitting a smell like that of bilge water, and seems to proceed from some Plutonic reservoir. One irresistibly thinks of the hellbroth in Macbeth, so "thick and slab," aud repeats the words of the weird sisters : "Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn an l caldron bubble." A clever photographer, Mr. Muybridge, conceived the idea of grouping three lady visitors aljout this caldron, with hands linked, and alpenstocks held like magic wands, in which position he photograph ed them amid the vaporous scene with telling effect. Another notable spot is the Devil's Grismill, where a large co lumn of steam escapes from a hole in the rock with so much force that stones and sticks laid at the aperture are blown away like bits of paper. The internal noises at this vent truly resemble the working of a gristmill. Milton's hero is sponsor for another spring rr.lled the Devil's Inkstand, notable for its black waters, specimens of which are taken off in small vials, and used at the hotel to inscribe the names of guests on the re gister. Scribncr's Monthly. Of Cronin: Old. When are we growing old ? A sound judgment and strict honesty are neces sary to answer the question fairly to one's self. Here is what the "C'uunfry Parson " says of it : " By growing old I now understand reaching a point midway between 40 and 50, not without a tendency to get nearer the latter age, once hardly imaginable as a personal reality. And.when one has in this grave sense grown old, is there any fact which is more pressed upon one than this: that there is such a long look back now ? The prospect stretches far. Memory is still keen and retentive; the distant prosiect has not faded into mist iness; and as you go on, aud now and then turn to look back, there is just so much added to the view, Once it was wonderful to hear a man tilk of what he had done twenty years ago; still more, what had hapiened thirty years ago; it seemed a vast stretch of time, possible indeed in the experience of others, but inconceivable in one's own. For every human being is like Sidney's shepherd boy in this, that he fails to take in that he will ever grow old. It seems yester day since the writer reading for the bar (how much English law lost in him !) diligently frequented Westminster Hall and the Guildhall ; and seeing vigorous barristers roaring away to common ju ries, or going on with a cross-cxamina-tioa in which every question began with the sharp and minacious Now, sir! listened with wonder to the assurance th it the vigorous barrister had worn a w!g and gown for live-and-twenty years or tive-and-thirty. Surely he ought to be dead long ago. That was the reflection then. It is different now. It has been discovered that time passes away to the amount of twenty yers or more; but that it is really a very short while; and it leaves the human being not so much changed; still with the old likings, hopes, and wishes: still with the old weaknesses aud faults; still the same man. Further more, as years accumulate behind one, so does work. You have done such a deal. It mounts np into something awful to think of. And this though very much of the work done leaves no permanent trace, but just suffices to do what is re quired by the day, and to keep the ma chinery going. You have written four teen letters this morning; you have visit ed eighteen sick folk this afternoon. It had all to be done. Had you not done it, you would have been miserable in the sense of duty neglected. But there is nothing to show for it. It is not like the abiding pages of inestimable theo logy or mild morality, which, being written, you lay up in a box the abiding memorial of past labor. It frightened one, in the old days, to hear men in advanced life speak of the work they had done. I remember the sense of awe with which I heard a clergyman of about CO years mention (with no air of recording an exploit) that he had at one period of his life, written one hundred and fifty lectures on St. Luke's Gospel. I gazed upon him with the feeling "And are you there living to tell it ?" "Brazen statuary" Street-corner and church-door loafers. The Capitol mt Waanlngton. The Capitol with all its defects, ia the greatest architectural triumph this country has produced, and which can lack a world-wide reputation only be cause Americans themselves have not known enough to give such to it Like all the most famous structures, it was not built in a day, but has grown gra dually into its present development ; and even unfinished as it is, hugely de fective as it is, and with unlimited ca pacity for additions and improvements. it crowns the city and the landscape with a glory unsurpassed by any secular building in existence. It is not all of white marble, dear reader, bnt at first yon take it to be ; and its extent its strength, its evident costliness, together with its singular external beauty, quite : it . i : . L - . , limine uuo wiui joyous patriotism ana pride, and in looking at it one feels that our money-loving and money-getting lirother Jonathan naa the divine spark of genius hidden somewhere within him, alter aiL The first surprise and exultation over. however, a succession of mortifying discoveries dawns upon the visitor, of which the most crushing to me was, that though splendidly situated upon the ridge commanding the city, the Capitol facet the wrong way! The front is to the bast, and those magnificent porticos, with their crowds of Corin thian pillars, their sculptured pedi ments, bronze doors, and countless sweeping marble steps, ths bronze God dess oi Ijiberty herself, everything, turns its back upon the city, the river, and tne west, and the wnole facade ex ists for the benefit of the trees that were idiotically planted in the East ixipuoi grouuus just across me street from it, and which have now grown so great that they make a lull or three- quarter view of the building impossible, and so beautiful that the threatened cutting of them down is "enough to kill one. Washington expected and intended that his namesake city should grow np in state and splendor on the hilL in stead of down in the marshy, malarial plain. Bat unfortunately he placed the President's house down there, and of course ail society inevitably clustered about it; beside which, the original property owners held the land about the Capitol at such exorbitant rates that for years people were actually forced to purchase elsewhere. So for a long time the hill was com paratively abandoned, while the plain was peopled. But the marvel of mar vels is, why, when the Capitol Exten sion was planned twenty-five years ago, and men had seeu plainly where, con trary to the original expectation, the city had budt itself, that occasion was not seized for making the grand facade on the west instead of on the east front and of placing the statne on the dome facing in the same direction ; for now the Goddess of Liberty looks as if. shrugging her shoulders at the hap hazard city behind her, nay, at the "great sloven continent" itself, she were gazing regretfully toward the ocean across which she had floated hither, and were vainly wishing herself safe back in tbe "tight little island" of respectabilities and proprieties that gave her birth. Atlantic Monthly. Tbls Will Do. If anybody has seen a black-and-tan dog answering to the name of "Pedro," roving about in Eastern North Caro lina in company with a hard-shell turtle, that won't answer to anything, and certainly won't answer to tackle, as the dog can tell yon if yon can get him to stop long enough, please halt the elop ing pair, as they are the property of the editor of this paper. We are fondly attached to tbe dog on account of his vagabondish Bohemian habits. He knows every dog in Craven county by name, and is on speaking terms with nine-tenths of the granger dogs that come in under the wagons and in market boats, and he knows more of the inhabitants of this city than the tax collectors do. The turtle sent np by Dr. Barker, from his plantation in Carteret county, is a more recent acqui sition. It was placed in the back yard, and the dog spent an hour and a half trying to entice it to come out of its shell and be sociable. The old iron clad maintained his reserve, however. until the deg crammed his nose against the forward part and began to snuff. The pair seemed to come to some sort of understanding at once, for the dog made an lmpetuons remark on a very high key, and they both started on a trip. hen the dog jumped oyer Dick lierry s cook-house we thought be had struck the Eastern current and would get right through, but we learn since that he changed his course and landed in Hyde county, and was seen saunter ing along like a whirlwind, the turtle staying by him. We should be very sorry to lose that dog now, as he has acquired a very important and manly quality. He knows more about turtles than any other dog in Xewberne, and it's mighty hard to find a real good turtle dog. Love by Wire. The report of Mr. Scudamore, the Di rector of Postal Telegraphs in Great Britain, contains a romance of tbe most original description, After saying how succesf ul he found the system of employ ing male and female clerks together, and how much the tone of the men had been raised by the association, and how well the women perform the checking or fault-finding branches of the work, he goes on to speak of friendships formed between clerks at either end of the tele graph wire. They begin by chatting in the intervals of their work, and very soon become fast friends. "It is a fact," continued Mr. Scudamore, ''that a tele graph clerk in London, who was en gaged on a wire to Berlin, formed an acquaintance with, and an attachment for'- mark the official style of language "a female clerk who worked- on the same wire in Berlin ; that he made a proposal of marriage to her, and that she accepted him, without ever having seen him. They were married, and the marriage, which resulted from the elec tric affinities, is supposed to have turned out as well as those in which the senses are more apparently concerned." Xor must the prudent reader run away with the idea that these young persons were very rash, or that they married without due acquaintance. For it is a fact that a clerk at one end of a wire can readily tell by the way in which the clerk at the other end does his work, "whether he is passionate or sulky, cheerful or dull, sanguine or phlegmatic, ill-natured or good-natured. ' The baby dog-fish hatched in the Brighton Aquarium continue to thrive, and are growing fast Fifty of them are now in one of the table-tanks at the further end of the building. They seem early to contract the habits of the parent fish, and are to be seen, lying two and three together, at the bottom of the tank. Youths Column. Children's Evening Hymn. The little birds now arck tbeir iwt ; Tbe bmbT eieepe on no ber. breast ; Tboo glTaU all IbJ caliiiren not. Had oitifwtmrj. Tbe nflor prmreth on the ees ; Tbe Uttle one at lumber's knee ; Suw Cuuts tbe iuuBt to The, Owl ot the weary. The orphan rata away hia fears : Tbe tronhleu hopes fur bDi wr t lor bapii-r years; Thon drttatt all tbe mourarr'R tears. - r h learn, God ol Hit weary. Thon aendrat rest to tired feet. To little tmlre slumbers sweet. To acbing bearta reooae complete. God of tbe weary. In frier , perpleTity, or pain, N' ue ever came t- Tnee in Tain ; Tbon makest ills a Joy ag-ito, God of the weary. We aleep that m may wke renewed. To serve Tuee as TUy children should. With love, and seal, and Kralitu le. Uud of tae weary. "What Would You Ltkb to Bk '" They were a comely, interestine crowd of cousins, male and female. There was Adolphus, Timothy and Augustus, and the like, with a sprinkling of Arabellas, Marias and Mary Anns, all to match : and, as a finishing touch. Bob. Tom, Dick and Harry. Xancy, Sally, Polly aud Sue, were not to be forgotten in a social gathering. As every party has its mixeu-up plea sures, there would be now and then a rumpus, and a luiL W hen a retrnlar loll did take place.said Itoger sprightly : v nat would you like to be, Jimmy? This question was pnt by the old gentleman of the house, who was sitting in an easy-chair, his foot being placed upon a stool, for he was a Uttle goutv. "What shonld I like to be ?" said Jimmy. What?" "A soldier," he replied. "Why shonld yon like to be a sol dier ?" said the old gentleman. Oh t I should like to march, and carry a sword, and a gun. Just lend me your crutch, old fellow," said he, seis ing it instantly. Xhe point accident! y struck the old gentleman's gouty toe. This made him grin a little bit "Shoulder arms I said the boy. "Oh, my toe I" savs the old man. "Stand at ease 1 We'll finht it out on this line ?" says the boy. Here the old gentleman said : "I wish I could. Now, young fellow, j yon would UKe to De a soldier, eh ? "les, replied the youth. "You can't get into any saw-pits. now-a-days," said the old gentleman ; but yon can get a bullet through yonr cocoanut, your ears lopped off, and the bike. How would you like that f" "Sot much," answered the youth. "Then you will never make a soldier" was the reply. so said the gentleman with the gouty toe. 'And what would you like to be. Master Squibbs?" he continued, ad dressing a cat-eyed little individual, with a sandy complexion and white eye brows. "Is it me that von are talking to ?" said he. "Why, I'm to be a lawyer. Yon must know I am very fond of catching flies and birds with bird-lime ; and if the law trade comes up to that, it will be bully for me. I sav. pappv. yon should see me catch old Brown's cat by the leg, going over the wall, the other day. It was done in a moment with a piece of cord." 'Now. you are wrong. Master Squibbs. You must not think of going into a legal profession on that principle. Yon are very much mistaken ; to be a good lawyer yon must be an honest man. Come, now, I will tell you a tory : I will see what sort of a judge you would make. "Once upon a time some boys were playing, and had thrown their clothes upon the ground : when the game was over, the boys gathered np their gar ments, and a big boy put on a little boy's coat, now, mind : this coat was too big for the little boy, but it exactly fitted tbe big boy ; while tbe little boy took np the big boy's coat which, being too small for the big boy, exactly fitted him (the little boy). Now, the litttle boy made a fuss, and would not have the great boy's coat. Supposing you bad been a king, what would you have done in the matter ?" "Why, of course," said the incipient lawyer, "I should have granted that die big boy should have kept the little boy's coat that fitted so well, and so with the little boy and the big boy s coat That s right, ain't it ?" aaid he. "ro, sir, answered tne old gentle man ; "tne true justice ol the case is this, that both boys should have kept their respective coats. The big boy had no right to the li' tie boy's coat, although his coat fitted the little boy, and the little boy's coat exactly fitted him. Here the young lawyer stood mute. while all present saw the reason of the decision. The hour of ten arrived, when the old gentleman soon found himself all alone in his glory. Thus a pleasant evening was spent by the mingling of the old and young, and in a social way they brought together arguments. While one taniiht wisdom, the other learnt good-nature. Doos. Dogs are great favorites of mine. 1 agree with the man who said there is no friend like a dog. Dogs are so faithful and so forgiving. They never get in the sulks. Tbey never want to borrow mony, and then forget to pay. They never go and tell tales out of school. They may sometimes stay ont all night, but they never expect to be furnished with a latchkey, nor do they come stumbling home in the morn ing, and go to bed with their boots on, and have a headache all the next day. They always remember favors, and are so thankful for them. A dog will wag his tail ami be con tented with a bone, end be just as grateful to yon as though vou Lad shared the best with him. Dogs are always ready for a frolic, and a man or woman, boy or girl, who cannot take real dfelio-ht in m mno-h-anfl-tnmblA nlav 1 with a dog, must be very cross -grained, There are some dogs, to be sure, who are cross and snappish, and would like nothing better than to bite you. Bnt then I am sure this is the fault of their bringing up. They have bad masters, who are responsible for their bad traits. Even the worst of dogs always has some ,i Tr.. ,ii k. ..ifh. fn t l;a nrl l.i'a mii-r'. i property. A T0Tfcrr&v TtiiUmmnrier lipi n cr asked by what method he had acquired so i much knowledge, answered, "By not j Koimr T.rmnfol l.v shame from aakinar ! questions when I was ignorant" A Co.N.NicTicfT schoolboy's composi tion upon the horse describes it as "an animal having four legs, one at each corner." Got. Powers has convened an extra ordinary session of the Mississippi Legislature to amend tbe election laws. "Varieties. "What chargps !" as Aunt Fanny says, applies to the weather. ' Tell us why it is vulgar to send a telegram ? Because it is making use of flash language. What is the difference between a jailor and a jeweler? One watches cells, and the other sells watches. Chas. Hall has been appointed Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, in place ot Sir John Wickens, deceased. The new cantata on words from Lang fellow's "Evangeliue," by George Car ter, has met with success in England. "It's really very odd. mv dear." said an old lady one very hot day to a friend. 1 cau t bear the heat in summer, and in winter I love it" The family escutcheon is disnlaved in colored embroidery on the fluttering veils of Parisian belles. This is to keep the men at arm's length. Said a woman to a physician.who was weighing two grains of calomel for a child, "Dinnt be so mean wi' it ; it is lor a poor latherless bairn. Why should a gingham nmbrel'a never be lent? Because those in the habit of borrowing umbrellas are not given to brin-gingliam back again. . A robust, elderly gentleman of North Newbury, Me., has had a handsome monument erected to tho memory of himself and his still living wife, leaving the dates of death blank. A merchant of Shanghai. China, lias actually sent a draft to thU country to pnrchase tickets in a lottery. This Shanghai will crow small aud beauti fully less for his money. Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, and wife of the Mirqnis of Lorne, is said to be ornamenting her London residence with busts and statu ary from her own chisel. The Young Men's Society of Cleve land, who kept the gas turned low dnr ing a recent lecture, evidently thonght they had every prospect of a full supply from other sources than the meter. The diamonds in rock-drills are usn ally from three-sixteeuths to five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and are very scarce and costly. They come from Brazil, and are used without being ground. Detroit street cirs nre afflicted with a ghost, iu the seuiblauce of a beautiful lady, richly dtess-ed. Tbe peculiar thing abont her is that rhen a conduc tor appeals to her for the f.tre. she sud denly vauishes a very pleasing and use ful performance, indeed, and one which would naturally be looked for in any sensible ghot , Au angler on Trout Luke, Ontario, lately had hia hat blown away, and while rowing hard to recover it was surprised to see it spinning across the water at a tremendous r.ite. Oa over taking it he fuiiri.l t'.mt a hurge tront had taken au artificial fly affixed to the hat, bnt the line broke before the troait could be secured. An exchange tui's ns that a negrc stole a carpet from a Tennessee church and cut it up into horse blankets, and the congregation thought a person who would do such a thing was bad euough to require inimersiou. So they took him over the river to immerse him, and all the people turned ont to see it And all would have gone well but for alittlo incident he was held under the water one minute too long. j Open your watch ; yonr eye fulls on the jewels there. But the sparkling jewels cannot say to tiie modest coil of steel beside them, "We have no need of thee," for that is the mainspring. And the mainspring cannot say to the tiniest cog wheel, "We have no need of thee," for without it the works stand still. It is just so in the Church of Christ One little worker can mar the whole by failing to fulfil his office. There is a place lor each. The steps being taken toward the complete union o all the musical socie ties in the United States for participa tion at the Philadelphia Centeunial seem to have a significant bearing on the future of art. This early provision, if matters are wisely administered, will insure us against the repetitiou of the gigantic Gilmore attempts at Boston. Something like nuity of purpose iu the choral organization of tiie musical ele ments, scattered through the country, has long been needed, and it is well that a snffijiont motive power is now furnished. There is no reason why a magnificent musicnl festival fully equal, superior, iudeed, to those of London and Manchester should not be one of the most remarkable attrac tions of the Philadelphia Exposition. It is curious to read, in Mr. Mill's autobiography, that, wheu tiie manu script of Carlyle's "S irtor Resartus" was put in bis hands, hn thought slightly of it He says: "I did not, however, deem myself a competent judge of Cariylf. I felt that ho was a poet, and that I was not ; that he was a man of intuition, which I was not ; and that as such he not only saw many things long before iu, w hich I could, only when they were pointed out to me, hobble alter and prove, but that it was highly probuble he could t-ee many J things which were not visible to me eveu after they were pointed out. I knew that I c-ouid Cot s.-e round him, and couid never tie certain that I saw over him ; ud I never presumed to judge liiiu w:t: any dctiuiteness untd he was interpreted to me by one greatly superior t ua both who was more a poet than he, and more a thinker than 1 whose own mind and n atnre included his and infinitely more." Iu this lust sentence Mr. Mill refers to his wife, "to whom," he says, "the world can never know how much I am indebted for what is best in my writings." Some of tho LiH tribes in Northern India, have a peculiar way of sending their babies to bleep, which is thus de scribed by a correspondent of a Bombay paper: "Near a hollow bamboo which served as a fpout. through which the 0001 water of the mouu'aia stream poured forth in a jet, was disposed the head of au infant, who was lying cov ered warmly aud fast a-ieep. The bam boo spont was so placed that tne water played upon the cro.vn of the baby's head over a port which seemed bald of hair, a consequence Perhaps of the ha- bitual action of the water. The rest ol the child's body was not touched by the water. The children (there were two of them) were lying oa their right side nd perfectly still one would Uiwj in a state of stupefaction. Tney had been lying for an hour and a haif. we were told, and would be there till nine at nisrht. in all fcetween four and five hours. I .elt the face of one of them and fonnd it cold, and theu held the wrist, bnt could detect no pulse. . Yet these hill people are convinced that the strange practice, which is qnite gene ral, helps to strengthen' the a and make tbe children not only healthy, but hardy and fearless,"