Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 03, 1873, Image 2

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Wednesday, nec'r 3,' IT3
EblTOK AND roftrTO.
Tie new Constitution will be toted
for on the third Tuesday of December,
being the lih Jav of raid tucDtli.
Tbe Constitution.
It is a cr.itificali.in to know that the
iuetinn, as to whether the l.'oastitu
tional Convention lias the right to re
ject o!d laws, and put thorn aside and I
make new laws for the government of
the people before receiving the assent J
of the jeoptc to tb-ir work, has been j
ei:rled t'p to tin Supreme Cmrt for i
derision Without tbe thought of a j
leBeclion on the Secretary of State for '
dt reliction of duty, the wouJer is, thtt
lie dJ not immediately move in that
d reiion, for the Convention by its ac-
tiou on the rj'i-;tion of submitting tbe 1 to the people as a whole, although one
('oostitutiou to the people was like a J bird of alt the members thereof did
"deuhlo-ended" body; it said that j require tbe separate and distinct sub
throughout the State it shall be sub- mission to a popular vote of Article V
luiited this way, aud in I 'biiadelpbia it j of the said constitution, relatiug to
shall be submitted that way. How '"the judiciary,' and that the copy
x.'j.d the Secretary ot the Common
wealth strre two masters !
11 y leaving the question go unchal
lenged until after the electtou it niijht,
and doubtless would have become a j rfvTeu'lants are utterly illegal, and that
source of the most unpleasant legil j uo money or property of any kind be
difficulties throughout the State, By I longing to the eiiy of Philadelphia cau
Lading the Supreme Court to decide on it be lawfully appropriated, ced, it ex
previous to ihe election the matter will pedded m holding the election propos
be dTi'.feJ of until another Convention l ed to be held by tbe said defeudauts
iscaiied. If tbe Court decides in favor
of the rciro-aeiive wcrk r.f tbe Con
vention, the mandate must be obeyed.
But at the calling of the next Conven
tion, whenever that tuy be, the people
will see Jo it that the dangerous rcvo-
lutiontry power that the Convention
asin.ned is entirely takeu from rt.
We here publish the petition aj filed
in ti.e Supreme Court relative to tbe
trouble. Head it carefully.
lu tbe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
in aud for tbe Hasten: listrict, sit
ting in l.Vjui'y, ef January Term,
1874, No. .between Francis Weils,
Clsiles K. Warburti-n, Gibson
D l'ea.
eock, Ferdin-Bd 1j. Fetherstnn and
llir.nsi.u- NetT, plaintiffs, and James
Hair. Aleiunrter MeCcen. Thomas
M. Locke, Edwin H. Filler, Edward
I3row.:i.,r, Jot ul Verree, Henry S.
II.,:ert, and John OJames, and the
City cf I'hiladelpliia, defeudauts.
Vnur ois'ors rnmnlaill and SSV :
X'Cjers iu the city of Philadelphia.
Second. That the said defendants,
Jstnrs Uain, Alexander Mci uen, and
Tliiinas M. lx.uk e are City Commissi'"
ers of the city of Philadelphia;- nd
that tbe said K-lwm H. Fitlo Edward
Krowuin;-, John P. Verr-. IIenrJf S
llasert, anl John O. '""ne to
be -Cooimis-tioner
,t Election' undei
and by virtue
certain ordinance
passed by
" Convention to revise
aud sJ voiiBii.uxioa 01 iuis
which wss canvened under the
provisions of the act approved April 11,
1S72, enti'.t.'rd " An act to provide for
Ca.Img a c. nvention to amend tbe con
stitution," a copy of which ordiuancs
will be found hereto annexed.
Tittrd. That tbe said defendants Ed
win II. Fitler, Edward Krowuing, John
1. Verree, Henry S. Hsgert, and John
O. James prrpo to bold an election in
tbe city of i'uiladelpbia on the third
Tuesday of December, 1S7S, for tbe
purpxwe p.i i ia the manner prescribed
lit the said ordinance, to assume and
exercise all the powers therein and
tbeteby attciL.t';d to be conferred
uj on them by the said ordinance, to
d:Mv.ird and set aside the requite--rents
of the sixth section i f the said
aet i f April 11, 1872, and to prevent
the election officers of tbe city and
county of Philadelphia from discharge
iu the duty incumbent upon them of
holding tbe suid uUction, and that the
said defeudju;, James Bain, Alexan
der Me uen, aud Thomas M. Ijocke,
City Couiuii.-fcioiiers as aforesaid, pio
pose to aj.end a Urge sum of money
belonging to the treasury of tbe city of
l'hilade!!iin, i i defraving the expeuses
I tbe said proposed election.
Fourth. Tiiat it is alleged in support
or jasiifieatiou of tbe proposed action
of the sa.d defendants, that the said
cocveti'.i ni, wbijb was called to revise
aud a:urud the constitution of ibis
Sts;, sai and is invested with the ab
solute sovereignly of tbin Cotuin ju-w-a!tb
; that it can disregard and set
aiide the exi.-::i-g c instituticu and laas
of I'c'.i (.'M-;ioot:nalth ; and that, iu
sbrt, the c;tiz-tis of this Common
wealth were aiti are auljoct to the
power of tbe said convention in the
same rense that the inhabitants of an
alj!u!e monarciiy are the tuj-cia of
tb reigning monarch ; but that your
orators ckai -;e tbe contrary, and aver
thai the uieuibers of the said conven
tion wre seiccted in tbe lusnner pre-tnh-M
by tbe sid act of April IT,
lb2, for no other purpore than that
f pi?p:3rii!g the dratight or form of an
ttiiejd.d w litutim, and submitting
the sanse to the people for adoption or
r-j-ctien at au elccl'on to be conducted
a;cordiug to Jiw j'that theUeueral As
sembly of this Commonwealth could
liot posiiUy luve convcurd an absolute
and soTereigu cooveutinn invested with
all the legislative, judicial, aud execu
live per of ibis Couiiuuiixeal'.b iu the
wDner iu which tbe now existing con
vention as convene'; that tbe delegates
to t!e saiw convention were not tltcted
bj, cor diJ ti er rcrrcsnt, the people
F,rzt. Thai the- are citiiens and!" tucin' W J"'" " "'.pucuou
oiir..d voter. of Pennsylvania, and I preliminarv until hearing, and perpetu
ride: t boidrs of real estate and tax J theater, from holding the said
in inj sense which is consistent with
the ideM "of election and representa
tion as reeogmzed by tbe constitution,
lawn, customs, and traditions of tbif
Commonwealth ; that nearly one-half
of tbe delegates to the said convention,
including those representing, in theory,
the entire Slate, as well as those so
representing its various subdivision
under the raid act of April 11, 1872,
weienot tbe choice of a majority of
the elector? of the said Sia'e, or of the
said rubdivisiuus ; tbafof the twenty
eight delegates trout tbe State at large
fourteen represented a insjority of
,ljr,ut 332,000 voters, and the same
number represented a minority of about
315.000 voters, and the saute division
,,f dc! fate would Lave been the case
jf th uiaj- rity bad Consisted of six
hundred thousand voters and the un-
t,(,rjtv of sixty voters.
Fiflh. That by the sums ordinance
tbe amended constitution prepared by
tbe said couventiou is to be submitted
hereto annexed is a true Copy of tbe
satd proponed constitution.
Sixth. That y. or cratois, therefor,
charge that the proposed acts of tbe
Fitlur, Verree, ISrowuiog, Iligcrt, and
Jamjs ; that such appropriation, use j
or exj-enditure, would be a bieaob ofj
the trust upon which said money or j
other property is held ; aud that all tbe J
proposed doings of tbe sail defeudauts
' in tbe premises are contrary to law and
prejudicial to tbe interests of tiie cow-
Your orators being therefore reme
diless at common law, prav equitable
.... (
telief as follows ; j
First. That the said defendants, and
each of them, be enjoined by injunction !
j preliminary until tearing, ana pcrpeia
j ally thereafter, from appropriating, !
using, ci expsiding any money or other
! property of the city of Philadelphia in
about preparing for or cona'ticting
" "1 election proposed be held
j 1Glu dsy of Deivn-ber, 1873, j
J defendants, Filler, erree.
Drowning, Ilagert,ad James, and the
skid defendants "t named, and each
. . . ...
1 lf.oil All., .ttiAi rmimf ma ttia
lonrt may seem fit.
I certify that there bad not beec
time to print the above bill.
J. E. Gowtx.
Teacher' In-tltute-4 Tlslt to
it on the Ei enlnp of Thank---rivlugr
Only a generatios of people have
passed away into the never-ending un
known future world siuce the Common
School System wss espoused aud cham
pioned Ly Governors Wolf and llitner,
both of them of German extraction.
In our day and generation wc do not
yet fully comprehend the scope of tbe j
Biiods and the benevolence of the hearts '
of Woif aod Ritner, that moved tiicu)
to witliHtand the opposition of a well
meaning, but highly b goted, t rejudic-d
and ignoran. people, so that the Com
it i on School System might be establish
ed in this Commonwealth.
They were not time-servers ; they
worked for the good of coming gener-;
We are now scarcely more than get
ting a glimpse of tbe great go;d that is
to flow from the system, if it be kept
within its natural channel, and be not
turned into some other system that con
tains tbe gerci of au evil that in time
will develop abuses thst cannot fail to
outweigh all the good it has ever done.
Among the ch:ef features of the sys
tern is the Teachers' Institute. By vir
tue of ofnee, the County Superintendent
is its Pre-ideut. Its .bjct is vsried, but
in the main it is to give teachers an op
portunity of an interchange of opiuian,
and allow them to strengthen tbe bonds
of friendship by a clo.'-er acquaintance
and familiarity themselves with a rou
tine of business is a publij atoetubly,
&c, all of which is very well, and by a
reflex influence lucre than compensates
for the loss of time by tbe teacher while
attending the Institute.
This same feature, under different
names, tins thiough every system of
religion and government lad parly
lu religion we Cud it iu tbe Synod
Presbytery, Copfereuoe and ecclesias
tical todies with other names.
la government, we Bud it ia mere
binding form, ia Congress, Legislatures
aud ( abinet meetings.
In parties we Cud it in conventions
aud other political bodies; and we find
it in the council meetings of tbe North
Autcricau Indian, ludced the feature
is natural to every organization, wheth
er of civihzed or uncivilized men, and
the Cvmuiou School System could not,
in the nature of thing-, exist long with
out developing the feature in some way.
No more appropriate name tbau
"Tescbers' Inctitntes" has suggested
itself to designate the assemblies, an
nually, of the teachers of tbe respec
tive counties of this Common wealth.
Last wrt-k bad been set apart as the
proper one for holding the annual In
stitute for this county, and Monday tbe
day for its opening. Accordiug to pro
gramme busiuess was commenced at 1
o'clock 1. M., under most favotalic
auspices. Eighty eigb't teacher,
number of ex-teachers, and (till more,
a riuaiber of teachers from other coon
tics were in attendance, which,- When all
uombered, considerably exceeded one
An unusual interest from the begin
ning centered in the Institute, and
found no abatement from that day to
the last one, Friday.
On Monday evening the questioo of
Compulsory Education was discussed.
Of Ibe ciiiius vf tbo town J. Lyons
was tbe only oce who took a part in its
discussion. Tbe despotic system bad a
uumber of advocates.
Prof. W. W. Woodruff, of Bucks
county, was in attendance at all tbe
meetings of the Institute, and took an
active part in diseasing questions with
local celebrities. lie delivered a lec
ture on "Music," whieb ia bighly spoken
of by those who besrd it ; one on ''Lan
guage ;" one on Failure and Success
of Teaching ;" one on " Spelling and
Pronunciation ;" and it is proper, just
here to observe, while the subject of
pellingsnd pronunciation is mentioned,
tbit H. McMeen asked a number of
questious and deliveted seme remarks
on the spelling aai pronunciation of
tbe word "Imperturbable." Mr. V ocd
ruff also lectured on "The General
Management of Sebools," aud on Geo
eral Information."
Dr. T. L. Griiwold, Principal of
Blooinsburg Norma' Seheol, was also in
attendance a day or two. He lectcred
ou Anatomy." and bad a skeleton with
him to belter enable bun to explain tbe
sjlj-cl to his audience To say the
assembly was oniy interested in the
lecture does cot express the sentiment
or feeling f tbe people who saw the
skeleton and beard tbe Professor speak
of it. They were excited. They bad
never witnessed such an exhibition be
fore. He also lectured on the Ven
tilation of School Booms,' and ou
Physical versus Mental Training."
Ihrtctors and.citir.ens from different
parts of the eonnty were in attendance,
and thus wbo expressed tbemseUes.
pronounced it tbe most complete Insti
tute ever held ia Juniata county. Such
expressions were a merited compliment
(o tbe present Superintendent, aud
doubtless ' cheered and thrilled the
heart aud elevated the mind of Mr.
Lloyd, tbe late Superintendent, wh d'.d
so n.nch for the schools in this connty,
to know that tbe work has not retro
graded, and that the mantle be so hon
orably wore, and so recently put off,
has not fallen on unworthy shoulders.
His besrt is yet in the work, and not
withstanding bis impaired health be
came once more to see hew the work to
which he ave bis time aud best days
is progressing. He was present at the
Institute on Friday.
Prof. David Wilson, proprietor and
President of Airy View Academy, and
wbj has no superior as au Academic
teacher in Pennsylvania, was in attend
ance on Director's day, and addressed
tbe Institute on questions that came be
fore it.
Cspt. Mcflellsn delivered speech
to support of a rule advocated by di
rectors of tbis borough, to exclude pu
pils who hive missed attending school
two days in succession, unless returned
to school again by express permission of
the board of directors.
The Institute adj mrncd on Friday
evening, after listening to a lecture
subject, " Honor" by"J. C. Ami-, of
tbe Pittsburg Comneicui! newspaper.
Our bu-itiesi relationship was of such
a cWacfr list week that we bad to
forego tbe pleasure of attending the
Institute, excepting the merest peep at
if, as on one or two occasicuj wc passed
the Court II mse. On.Thnrsdsy even
ing the evening of Thanksgiving day
however, we determined to be precut.
We went early, expecting by so doing
to get a favorably located place lo sit.
To out surprise such desirable places,
as well as all undeirnbie places, bad
an earnest aud eager accnpiut, and all
on the qui vine. Tbey were looking for
t!:e lion of tho occasion. They were
expecting Mr. Arms, who was to lec
ture on "Boys." There was uo place
left but good standing room." Mr
Lyons having an office quite conveni
ent to the t curt Il.-u-r, which is quite
au item for a practicing lawyer wbo is
con. polled to cot iantly oscillate be
tween tl.vj Temple of J ustice and bis
office in the dispen-ing of law to bis
clients. Ws stepped into it aud found
him busy at work at " legal lore."
which Arms says is as hard work as
breaking stone ; aud as ht has bad ex
perience at work at law, and possibly at
breaking stone too, he ought to know ;
but be that as it may, we borrowed a
chair from Mr. Lyons and went baek to
the Institute and saw our company
comfortably seated. The next thing
was a seat for ourself, which we found
oo tbe steps at the left of the Judge's
seat. "A bad place for you," said a
voice in a wuispai, as ws sat down;
"don't you see you are on the left side
of the J udgment seat !" 1 ruly
enough, it is so hen, but we hope aud
pray it may not be so in tbe next world,"
we breathed back in a whisper, ind then
we looked and saw between ns and the
J udge's seat a lawyer aud a Danker, and
to our immediate left was a preacher,
and we could not help but note the
order cf tbe tow which was as follows :
First, the banker ; Second, the lawyer ;
Third, tbe editor ; Fourth, the preach
er, and we did not refrain from ob
serving to ourself that the preacher,
as in all other places there, too,
held the most advantageous position
by being tne furthest removed from
the law, and we confess, too, that we
were a good deal liko tbe Pharisee and
forgot our own miserable situation and
pitied tbe lawyer and banker who were
so near tbe seat of Justice. We broke
from this serious vein of r flection and
elevated oar eyes, and away off toward
tbe north side of tbe room, near the
orean, which Mis Annie Wise man
aged, all say, during the sessions of the
lustitute with so much skill, sat Mr.
Bobison, the efficient Superintendent of
Common Schools of this county. Tbe
intelligence, integrity, and fixedness of
purpose ef tbe "old Covenanters." from
wL'iu be is sprung, modestly beamed
from his fsce, and caused thoso wbo did
not know huu to inquire of him. 1'rof.
Woodruff, with his attractive face and
quick ejes, sat near, and J. C. Arms,
the lion of the occasioa, whose face
does not, excepting under searching
looks, bears oorrect evidence u the
treat talent of which be is possessed,
was also one of the group, and D. '"Ti "T fnJ''JZ
r Henry Ward Beccuur lanuly newnaj.tT
Parker, Ksq., wboae face at a aide view I give everv subscriber ria of the l&igest
alwaya reminds us of the pictures that I ' lEOS n AFH9o i.it
' r attractive subjects, that "late" as nght
we have seen of Cuvier, tbe great Uninted br Mrs Anderon, as routraMs and
French naturalist, was in that immedi- co.tpan tons lor her ...d
"Fftl Atlttp." A fonts have IM iL.N.-'fc
ate vicinity, too ; and scattered about, I Sl'CCVSS ; call it tbe bent bnme ever
cbitfly on that aide of the audience were I ", ers." Vo turni.h the light
1 I est and muelsuiucit ontht, and jay very
tbe noticeable faces of prominent teach-I high eeiuuiiMioas. Each subcrirs ro
erswbo had taken earnest aud active ceWes Ku t delay tiro Ijeaat ''' Pf'7
, i which are ready lor liiMKDiAit DfaUY-
part in the work of the Institute SKY. The piner iiself stands peerless
Amour; them we noticed Wellington '"n family jwumaia, being se .popular
",,,. , . th.it ot its cliis it has the largest circuU-
rinith, J. U. Allen, Holmes Dysmger, ! llo tht u-on-i tu.pl va tha bet liter
D. A. Ilsrman, J. W. Flett, F. P. j "' talent, tdwanl Esltor.'s serial sto-
... ry Ujnsl begiuningj bo. chapters snp
lienoh, JoLn barman and others. i v;iod losicb uoseribe.-. Mrs. Siowe's long
to have a passing look at the t expected sequel to -My H if and best-
, , t- T, , . gins iu tlie u.-w year. Any one winning a
yists, .VJISSL. V. UaugUirty, jj or lndcpenicat busmew,
lady essay
Miss Ida J. Patron and Miaa Mary J
Hunt, but before that compliment was
afforded us, Mr. Arms was introduced
and launched out on his lecture ou
"K.ijs," and that was an end te inter
ests iu other directions.
Arms went back to the Deluge, and
away beyond, and began with tbe boy
Adam, whom he uufolded iu the regu
lar orthodox sty le, leaving out and en
tirely ignoring Parwio with his tadpole
and monkey theory, but reeognising,
definitely a special creation, and thence
be pleasantly aud humorously delin
eated the boy, steadily , along up to this
time, and Suisbed with bis own expe
rience as a boy. One of tbe most stri
king qualities cf the lecture is, that it
puts the moral traiuing of tbe boy far
above tucro iniel'ec'.uil aoquiremeu ts.
Everybody was highly delighted.
Some one not realizing how diSeult
it i, without preparation to speik after
a set lecture or speech has been deli
vesed started a call for E. 1 Tcrker,
a.'Tcr some besitaucy sbich only served
to multiply the calls from all quarters
in the room, Mr. Parker took the floor.
A look or two of embarrassment, a few
common piaJe words to get the bearing I
of the situation, which was soon done,
a:d then tLe words flowed freely, and !
the thoughts of bis mind rippled i
out over Ins face in advance of words,
plainly indexed what wss coming wheth
er words of humor, sarcasm, or whole
some advice and instruction. Among a
tnousand speakers few can be found
with tiie facial cxpres-non that Mr.
Parker is endowed with. He docs not
speak iu a mechanical way, simply by
moving his lips and uttering words tbat
must carry their owu meaning.
With bin every sentiment and word
reflects itself through bis face and
stamps its meaning into the feeling
of the bearers. If it be jest, or
uuuior or whatever oilier thought, you '
see it thrusting itself through every
lineament of bis countenance before
you hear it expressed iu words, you see
and bear the thought near about one
au'l the same time. Of course be was I
soon ou the topmost wave of popuiar j
applause, ringing peals of laughter and
hearty applause greeted him time after
time. Tbe stage aud the play-loviug
and play-going world missed a great
light when be took tbe law for a piof
fefsion, but his own native county gain
ed a good lawyer, ou the couclusion of
bis speech tbe institute adjourned aud
we with our better half cu oue arm and
tbe borrowed chair oo the other
walked home talking about boys and
meu and how essily they may miss tbe
the highest places for which they were
fined by nature.
Congress convened on Monday.
Alexander II. Stevens, Vice President
of the defnnet Southern Confederacy,
took his seat as a representative from
Georgia. It is proper now for Demo
cratic journals to denounce Congress
for oppressing tbe Southern people m
allowing them to send ex-rebel officials
to Washington It would also now be
ia order for them to Dominate Jeff.
Oaris for tbe Ptesideucy.
Despatchis represent tbe Spanish
question as about settled, ou the fol
lowing basis :
Firl. Tbe restoration of tho ir
ginius. Second. T'ae release uf the surviving
Third. Indemnity for tte families of
tbe men murdered.
Fimrih. The punishment of the mur
derers. Fifth. A satisfactory guarantee
against future outrages of Cuba.
A MAN who was to have been
.ft. I . 1 , .T..
at Aiiauta, ua., on last r rider
mittcd suicide on Thursday.
, coiu-
Wm. Tweed is iu the New York pen
itentiary, lie was entered on the 29'h
ult. I' doesn't pay to be a rascal It
wou't wear.
A Dumber of Congressmen ate ready
with schemes for tbe relief of tbe pre,
ent financial distress.
Financial matters have greatly im
proved in the cities, among tbe banks.
The army of tbe United States num
bers only about 30,000 men.
Jew Adrcrllnement. jew aucwst
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i'aui ou, ilin.ere, Md.
I suffered with CTAaaa thirty years, and
whs cured by a simple reineJ). Will send
receipt, o. age lieu, lo at lait'lcted. Kev.
T. J. MEAD, Drawer 17ti, Sjiacuse, N.V.
White Piue Shaved Shingles, Lap and
Saved Shingles, Plastering Lath,
Pickets and Dry Boards
For sale Iy
Miir-iy, MifUiu County, Pa.
IS HEREBY OIVK.V, Thjt, in ord-ir to
raise money to m I in the construction of a
new Court House in Mil'Iiutovrn, the under
signed, Commissioners ol the county of
Juniata, have iMoied and am .nw prepared
to sell, at tl: -ir oifjoe in Milt!intown,
The Bonds of the County,
of such di-nmuhuitions as mar l desired
not lets tli-n Filty Dollar- with cuwpuns
allaeheil, at the rati of six per eeuium iu
lerest, to be paid anutially. Oal'l Bonds to
be payable iu one, tvo, or mora years, nut
exceedirg eight.
These ttonds are issued u:id(;r the provi
sions or tiio Act of Assembly of the Uth of
April, Ibiitt. a;t.l u i!l be a s .le and desira
ble investment, exempt from taxation for ail
lotai and municipat purjioses.
Jams Pats, Ckritr.
Comm-sioncn' C!lkc, l;fil;n- )
town, Nov. 7, 172.
rtotlee of DlMAlittlnn.
THE p.vrtn.'r hip bereto'or? eviun le
tween .b Hertxier and IVillis-n H.
Kurtz, in Hie name and 3tv!. of llertil-r &
Ko.-tx. at Van Wert, in Walker township,
Juniata county, has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent. All jiersons hsvin; un
settled accounts will p'eose call on V. H.
Kuils, at VaL Wert, and make settlement,
and th-se having claims will rr-sert them
lor pnynint, as Ibe books and accounts are
in his bauds lor settlement.
WM. U. KLiilZ.
Oct. 22, 1S73.
W. n. Krarx will eontit u; the business
at the old stand. Tbanktul tor a!l -.st
favors, he is hopeful of litture -atroii"K,
and heartily invites ail to call and xa.uine
bis stock.
A fine a-soitmer.t of cl Uis, csMumrrr,
vesiing", &c, aiwrvs tin hand an:i for sale
bJ t. ii LOTDOX.
.... . - . mssam,mmmmm mmtm
ectlea for the Adoption er ejeetIoi ef
the Sew Constitution,
tuosdaY, December 16th, 1873.
In pursuance of instructions received from
the Secretary 61 Ihe Commonwealth ol
Pennsvlvania, public notice is berebv given
that the amended Constitution will, be sub
mitted to the qnsiihed electors of the Com
oionweatth, tor alaptioii or re.iection, at an
ieciioa to ess beid o the third Tuesday r
Doeeu.be.-, 17-, Ocig d---v' u,h
lect'on snail be he d snd conducti-d by the
regular eleoiioB wilicers in the several dis
tricts named be'.ow, under all the regiila
tions and provisioua of existiug laws rela
ting to general elections.
I'll l!ie outside of the tickets (o be voted
shall be the wants "Sew Constitution ;' in
the in:de for all persons giving affirmative
votes the words, For Hie -New Constitu
tion ;' aai lor all persons giving negative
voles, "Araitist the New Const.lution."
I herrby make known and give notice
that the phsre ot bolditi? the Aforesaid elec
tion in the several boroughs, districts and
townships within th- county of Juniata is
am t. .1 !i . m tn wit
At the Court House in the borough of
Mittti.iluwa, lor the borough or atunin
At the Court House in the borough of
Uilliiulown, lor Kerluaoag1. towusbip.
Al tbe School llous in Mexico, for
Walker tuwuchip.
Al Smitb'a School House, for Delaware
At the School House in Thompsontown,
for the borough of Thou'pontun.
At the Fublic House 01 Thomas Cox, lor
Greenwood township
At the School House in RichflcM, for
Monroe township.
Al Frpmvyer's Hotel, for Susquehanna
At liie Scboi.I House in McAIistervtllej
for t'avettu township.
At tbe School lions in ratterson, tor
tbe borough of Patterson.
At the acbool House in Perrysville, lor
the boruuith of Perrvsvilie.
At the Locust tirove School House, near
the residence ot Mr. Stewart, for iiilfor l
At Spruce Hill School House, for Spruce
Hill tewnship.
At the School House at Acadeuiia, for
Beaia township.
At the School Home near MCnlloch's
Mills, lot Tusearora township, except tlusl
portion ot it lying nonh-wesKard of the
summit of the bh.ide Moimtaiu.
At the Liek School House, near the resi
dence of Benjamin Walls, dee'd., tor Lark
township, except that portion of it King
Dorth-estard of Ike summit ol the Shade
At the Centre Sehool House, for so much
of the townships of Lack and Tosearora as
lie mirth-west of the siuunit of the Shade
Hou -tain.
At tbe Church Hill School Hooss, for
Turbrtt township.
I ALSO MAKE KXOVTN and give ro
tice, as in and by the lrd section of I hi
aforesaid act I am directed, "that every per.
son excepting justices of tne peace, who
shall hud any olfieo of trust under the
failed States, or litis Slat-, or any city or
incorporated district, whether a cvmuiU-i"tK-d
otlk-er or oilier'!.-;, a sulonuiiiale
ot5cer or agent who is or sbuil be employed
un-ler the legishuive, executive or judiciorv
dep.irtment ol tins State, or of the I'nited
Stales, or ol any incorporatetl city or dis
trict, and also t!:at cverv memuer of Con-
UK ss and of the Sute Legislature, ant.' ot j
tne select or common council of any cityor
commnsioner of auv incor.oratetl district.
is by law ineapsble of holding or exercising
at (be same tleoniceorspwdnlmentol judge
iuspeclor or cieik ot any elections ot Ibis
Couiiiionweolih, aod nojihige, inspector or
other vtlieer of such riecliuii sliall tw eligi
a:e to any oltieai then to be voted tor.
Iu case tiie prrsol who shall have re-eeive-1
tiie second highest number of vot-s
!or lusp-vtor shall uul attend on tie day of
electiou, then the person who rhs'l have
recsived the second highest number of
votes lor J ii.l e s4 the next precedii.g elec
tion shall act as Inspector in his place.
And in case the person who has teceived
the highest number of votes tor Inspector
vhail nt att.M.d. the person clectcl Judge
shall appoint an Ia-pector in his place, and
in case tiie person elected Judge shall not
aiteud, Uiu the Inpeetor who rrxeived
the iiiglivst nuu.ber ot votes snail appoint a
Jutigo ia his place ; ami if any vacancy
sh i!l coutihue in Ihe board tor the snoceof
rue hour after t .e ti.nd tixi-d by law lev
opeuii.g tbe electi'in, the township, ward or
ditrlct for which such oitlcer shall have
been eected, present at the time of the
c.Vetiou, shoi rfcet one of their nuiulier to
tl1 tht! vseancy.
I hH be the duty of the severaf Asses
sors, respectively, to attowl at thu yf.ee of
ho ling every Uenral, Special or Town
ship eo-etion daring the wiiole time said
election is kept open, tor t? ptrposc f
giving inloiin.Uion to the Inspectors or
Judxe, nh'U called on, in relttion to the
rir!noi any p-rson siessei by tliem to
vote at such election, uud on sm-h other
milters in relation to the assessment ol
voters as the said Iuspcctor, or either uf
them, sha1 from limu to lime reipii:v
'1 he tax mnst have be. n personally as
sessed on the voter the requisite time bvtore
the election.
Residence is a question of intention, but
to constitute a ch ine of residence tiisre
must be an actual removal.
Any person who may be constitntionaly
qualified to vote in any cify or county of
this Commonwealth, but may have removed
from one ward to another within any bor
ough or township in uib county, within
ten days next prrc ding the election to be
held therein, shall be entitled to vote at
said election at thj ward, borough or town
ship trotn which such person may have so
I- The return Judges will meet at the Court
House in Mimintown, on Kri lay, December
l'Jih, 1H73, lor the pnrpse ot performing
th :ir duties s prescribed by law.
At all elections held under the sws of
this Cominonsreath, III ' sills shall be open
ed between Ihe hours ot six and seven o'
clock a. m., aud closest seven o'clock p m.
Given under my hand at my oflice in Mif
tl ntowu, this Iwenty-lourth day of No
vember, ii. the year of our Lord oue thou
sand eitht hundred and seventy-three,
and in tiie ninety-eighth yearol Ihe Inds
peudence at tile Cu tcd States.
Mifflintown, Nov. 24, IbTS-te.
The undersigned would restful!y an
nonnce to the public that h bas opened a
B'-t and Shoe Store at hia rerid nee on
Clie-ry street, and keeps on hand a Urge
and well selected stock of
He is lso prepared to manufacture, of
the best material, all kinds of
for gents, ladies and r.hil !ren.
Give me a col!, for 1 feel confident that I
cau rurnUb you with any of work you
may ii-sire.
ST" lie; airing don neatly and at reason
able rates.
June 8, 18T-t JOUJf XOUTU.
It acta insl.mli. reliuving the psroxvsu,
inuuediateiy, and enabling the patient tolir
don and sleep. I suilered from this dis
ease twelve years, but muffrr no more, and
work and sleep as well as any one. War.
ra:;tcd to rehire in the worst cae. Sent
by wail on receipt of pric-;, one dollar per
box ; ask "our Druggist tor .t.
Rochester, Bearer Co, .
fcb. 2!, 1873-y:
t not in Jacob Thomas'
perlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel,
. A
tbe largest a ad best stoca oi
ever brongiit to the connty.
VTe buy onr stock from Msnnfacturers
and in largo lota. We pay t and expect
to seH for os, which will enable to
offer GOODS
At Prices far Below tL.9 Arerage.
This branch of the business will be sa
perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of the
best practical mechanics in the county. All
kinds of repairing done.
July S, l?7-tf
in reora in rear of Crystal Palace Building,
on Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa.,
Cl'STOM WORK DOJfB on the shortest
GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern.
TEKSON3 buying goods can hao them
rut in garments tree of charge.
Oct 22, 1878-tf
The undersigned would respectfully in
form the pnhlic that he has opened a
at his residence, on Bridge street, in the
Parker Mansion, and is now prepared to do
at short notice and in the most durable and J
fashionable lusnner. I
lie intends to put ont none but good work
and asks a share of the public patronage. '
Fall Upper er Lower Setts as Lerr as if
No teeth allowed to leave the office un
less the patient is satisfied.
Teeth r-modeled and repaire.I.
Teeth filled to last for life.
Dental wo k done f.T rx-rsons without
them leas-in? their homes, if desire.l.
T'Mithache stopjied in Ave rrtinntes with
ont extractihg tiie lx t)i, al the IVniiil Of
rice of It. fx Df.rb, establishrJ in MinT'.n
town m lb60.
Jnn 24, 1372 Fra&ical Dentist.
(Old Post-Office Building,)
.Main Street, 91iaiintsTsi, r.
ir.ris and medic:: es,
11AIK Hil eliES, TOOlH
- CO, Cir.ARS.
Selected with great ear, and warranted
p-om high authority.
for medieal purses.
C7PKES JkiPTlONS eaapouaded with
great care. June 22-tl.
JOHN DIEIIL herebv announces tn his
ild customers and the public geuerallv,
Dial he has again resumed business at bis
old stand, on
Water street, MiaHsit--rA,
Where he will manufacture in a satisfactory
Harness, Light and Heayy, to
Suit All,
Horse Collars, Hiding Saddles, Wmon
Saddles, Bridle of all Kinds,
Flow Lines, ti fad everything
in His Lint.
REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously
Call and inqnh-e before going elsewhere.
On Water Street, a few doors -forth of
the Crystal Palace B.iilding.
Nov 12. l87 -6tn
If you are Suffering from any
Broken Down Conntitatlon
Or require a Remedy to '
Purify aod Enrich tbe Blood.
Tass swas 11 w .J ru rs i . '
r m iiz.. . zz": r"rB,-
yoa more speedlfy. and do yon mora rood
I s-s)M bmmsS to momma ri
hsn anv and au 'oihT; VmeflVS eTrot,
a doss s-aie,Tellww.ftrfcly.ls,iBs. Htllml
U enansed lo ons of frhnesa n he.lt"
Those States, of the Sm Im. IMiciBlcsvFsia.
Swteo. JtlaleSMss and t rssiiM. TiraTe--nov
Strr.fi.ua. (Serr,., iiCiS
H,lbL?rn- wlll-.s, TeTr
mF".OT"r k,nd ' Humor rspiuiy I
" "v. 1' Is nature's own restorer I A
soluble oxyd of iron combined, witn the
nediclnal prof erties of Foa.e Root divested
oaltdlaa(traeiibleqaalltl-. It willeureanr
IMssfsvs, whose ml or direct cause is
aUesstt. KkrwrnwilssM. fiM ta i.i?
or K4ssm. ItsMlMU,,, .isshea .
by Mnreurial orotnr pol-ops. sre sll eamd
ry - . F"swFii
there Is not lug euuai to 1
rsveit. feoidbj
"7 .'or njmmutm. or syskillsr ul.i
A trial i
A Urge assortment of Qucensware, China
ware. Glassware, Crockeryware, Cetlar
ware, Ac, for sale rteap hv
Xetv A rfrrrftemr-if.
which can be cured hy
timely resort to this btantl
ard preparation, as has been
proved by the hundreds of
testimonials received by tha
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be the most
reliable preparation ever In
troduced f or tho relict and
cin e of all Lung complaints,
and is offered to the public,
eanctioncd by the experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to efl'ect a speedy
cure in the most sevcro
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Sore Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave the cause
behind, as is the caso with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses the
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing the cause of
the complaint
ncrinn bt
EETH W. FOWLS 4 6058, Bostoa, Vies.,
aVad sold by ln: suU Issmlsrs (snsraUj.
tt-LMt sV MAM4
CO. ut reliable- and errric Ajvnte
ia this county. The VICTdK'' i Lx-.k.
stit-li, Stuttle M hine. with Self se'ting
Needle, best Buisho! atni most perfect Ma
chine oTereii. An incn-ese of over 099
percent, on sales of 17- orer !!71. For
Terms Addresss,
iTSi Chestnut St., Fhilsl'a, Pa
A Who'.esalo rurehisi-iji Ap-tit for the
Sewlxg MacHlve.
The Neexlle's eve is the only hoU to threal
thrnngh ; self setting NeedW ; rmis light ;:
sews last ; cheapest test rasde Vest fin
ished most dnraWo Machine in existenc".
For Circulars. TcrTs. Ac., 1 dress
22 N .Sr-nsdS treet,
IlarrLsburg, Penn'a.
Jsars Wasp, Manager
llsrrishurg, Sipt 19 llZ-Zm.
Iron in tho Blood
The Peruvian Sy ntp. a Protect
erf Solution of the ttrotoxUle of
Iron, ia so combined as to have)
the character of an aliment, am
easily digested ami aitsimUatetl
trith the Olowl am the simplest
food. It increases the quantity
of Nature's Out, Vxlalizinrf
Agent, Iron in the UokI, ami
cures a thousand ills," simply
bff Toning t, In vigorating ami
Tf italizing the System. The en
riched anl vlUUize-l blood per
meates ercrg part of the hotly t
rejtairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, and leaving noiliing for
disease to feed upon.
This is the secret of the won
derful success of this remedy in
curing iJyspcpsia, UTcr Com
plaint, Dropsy, Cltrortlo Diar
rhopo, Boils Xcrvons-VjTesrtlons,
Chills and Fevers, Humor,
IjOm of Constitutional Visor,
Diseases f the Kidneys' and
Bladder, Female Complaints,
ami all diseases originating in
a bad state of the blootl, or ac
companied by debility or a lour
state of the system. Being free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing effects are not fol
lowed by corresponding reac
tion, bnt are permanent, infts
ting stren'fth, rigor, ami ne9
life into all parts of the system,
and building vp an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands ham been changett
oy the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
nappy men and women x ami
invalids cannot reasonably hes
itate to give it a trial.
See that each bottle has PERU
VIAN SYRL'P hlown in tiie glast,
Iu-nphleU Free.
SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietort.
. 1 XUtasi fin., Bastesw
Sol v Dscocists otdiint
CANVASSING B-H.K3 SV.NT rilff roll
Prof Fowler's Great Work,
On Manhood, Womanhood and tbeir
Mutual Inter-relations; Love, Its Laws,
Power, etc.
Ajtents are selling from 15 to Zt copies
dar, and we snd a eanTsssim; book free to
anv bonk ajrent. Add -ess, statins; eiperi
rh-.ladelp'.iia, Fa,
La--;e stork of Pry Goods at J. A IT. A.
3tm'j.-.n;h's, Crystal Fahn-f.