Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 26, 1873, Image 2

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Wfdnwdar, arT'r 36, UTS.
ftDfro Ato rsorsirroa.
Sew Coaitltatlwa.
Tbere are two questions before tbe
people of tbe United State generally,
that affect each indit idusl, if not di
rectly, indirect!. They are tbe Span
ish or Cuban (Juestioc, and tbe fiaan
cial question. TLere U f tLird qoes
tion, which, however, k limited to tbii
('oaimuuwealtb, but it of more impor
tance to tbe penpie of tbia State than
tbe two former one. It tt tbe que
tioa cf tbe adoption or rejection of tbe
trot-osed New Constitution. It shall
cot be onr fault if it ia not lead. With
in two weeks there will be eootigb copies
of tbe i.roposed new fundamental law
circulated in tbia county to p'ace a eopv
in t ie Licus of er f jr voter.
' Tbe following addreM bap been issued
bj tbe Kxecntitre Committee of tbe
Cun.titutioual Coaveution to tbe people
of Penosjlvaoia as a statemect of tbe
werk tccoiuplibiied Ij tbst body, and
slowing wberein tbe New Constitution
differs from tbat now in foree :
Executive Committh Rooms,
Piiiladi-lpuia, Nov. 18, 1973.
To the V toy It of fdulMJU I
"i be convention assembled hj jour
direction to reform tlie constitution of
tie State have finished tbe work jou
gave theni to do. In submitting it for
jour approval we invoke jottr careful
eonuieiati-in. Tbat it is without fault
we dare not affirm, but tbat it adds new
and valuable securities to tbe rights of
person aud of property we confidently
assert. The modi by which Ibe mem
bers of tbe eouventiou were elected se
cured a body of men who Lad neither
the opportunity nor tbe inclination to
mould tbe instrument in tbe interest of
any party or uf any private interest
' It would be manifestly inappropriate
to attempt any detailed analysis of tbe
proposed constitution, bat it is proper
that its leading features should be
briefy indicated. It consists of eigh
teen articles, vis. : 1, Bill of Rights
2, Tbe Legislature ; 3, Legislation ; 4
Tbe Executive ; 5, Tbe Judiciary ; 6
Impeachment and Removal from OfEoe
7, Oaths of OSce ; 8, Suffrage aud
Election ; 9, Taxation aud Finance
10, Education; 11, Militia; 12, Pub
lie Officers i 13, New Counties; 14,
County Officers ; 15, Cities and City
Charters ; 16, Private Corporations
17, Railroads and Canals; 18, Future
To these is added the schedule,
whicn embraces such temporary provi
siuos as are necessary to regulate the
changes whiob have been made, and to
put the new constitution, if adopted.
into active operation. Under these
Leads are embraced all matters which
were thought to be appropriate to con
stitational provision. It has carefully
avoided matters of detail, except in
such particulars ss it was auj posed
either from their great importance or
the difficulty attending legislative en
actment, might render legislation diffi
cult or insufficient.
Tbe committee desires to call atten
tion to tbe following important partic
ulars, in which tbe proposed constitu
tion differs from tbat now in force :
Tbe General Assembly will consist
of fifty (50) Senators, and such number
of members of tbe House of Repreaeu
tativea as skall be determined by diw
ding tbe population of tbe State, as
ascertained by tbe most recent United
States eeoeus,' by two hundred ; but
every couuty shall bare at least one
representative. Under this apportion
ment tbe Heuse will eonsist of about
two hundred members. This change
is accompanied by such provisions as
will for the most part avoid legislative
apportionment, which experience has
shown to be made usually in the inter
est of tbe dominant party and some
times at the saorifioe of fair represen
Tbe regular Sessions of tbe Legists
ture will be held only every otbet year,
but tbe Qovemor may, in an emergen
cy, convene it in special session.
The incresscd number is not equal to
tbe ratio of represention when tbe ex
isting constitution was adopted, and it
was debited important not only as main
lainiug a ratio of representation ap
proximating to oar increase of popula
tion, but because it was believed tbat
an inereaae of members would render
improper influences more dimcn.lt, and
would insure a more faithful exercise of
legislative functions.
Tbe article on legislation requires
tbat every bill shall be lead at length
on three different days in each bouse,
and no bill shall become a law unless
passed by a majority of the members
elected to each house , nor unless on its
final paassge tbe vota is taken by yeas
and csjs and the tote of each member
entered on tbe journal. Tbe Legisla
ture is restrained from passing local or
special laws open number of specified
abject which it waa thought could be
tbttch more appropriately embraced
within general laws of uniform opera
tion. Among tbe subjects upon which
j ecia! laws are prohibited me : Laws
regulating the affair! of counties, cities,
or trwnLip, or prescribii g the duties
ol their officers changing the lawa of
deaecot or succession ; granting di
vorce ; regulating the practice or jnrie
dietion of courts, aldermenf or justices
of the peaee ; tar change tbe method of
collecting debts or tbe lien of judg
ments; regulating official fee or re
mitting flnr, penalties, and forfeitures,
or refunding moneys legally paid into
the State Treasury ; or exempting prop
erty frost taxation ; or erecting corpo
rations or grabting special or exclusive
privilege or Immunities to corporations
all of which were fruitful sources of
popular suspicion of legislative corrup
tion, and all of which can be more effi
ciently and justly provided for by gen
ual laws, and some of which are pecu
liarly within the province of judicial
determination, and ought not to be open
to tbe shifting and uncertain action of
tbe Legislat&rsV
Tbe Legislature is also restrained
from limiting the amount to bo recov
ered for injuries resulting in death ; or
for injuries to persons or property ; or
from exchanging cr releasing any cor
porate obligation held by tbe State,
except by payment of tbe money into
tbe Treasury. No local or special bill
can be passed unless notice of the
intention to apply therefor shall have
been published in tbe locality where
tbe thing to be effected may be situ
ate, at least thirty dsys prior to the
introduction of such bill, and evidence
of such publication shall be exhibited
to tbe Legislature before the act shall
be pawed.
To insure official fidelity so far as
possible, it is provided that any mem
ber of the General Assembly who shall
solicit, demand, or receive, or consent
to receive directly or indiieetly any
money or thing of value, or appoint
ment, or personal advantage, or prom
ise thereof, for his vote or official iu
flueooe ; or for withholding the same,
shall be held guilty of bribery, and be
disqualified from holding any offioa or
position of profit in tbe State ; and
the like punishment is provided for
any person who shall influence, or at'
tempt to influence, corruptly, any mem
ber of the General Assembly.
Some important changes have been
made in tbe Executive Department.
Tbe Governor shall hold bis office for
four years, but shall sot be eligible
for the next succeeding term ; but this
provision does not apply to the term of
the present Governor. A Lieutenant
Governor (hall be chosen at the same
time and for the same term, who aball
be President of the Senate, but ahall
have no vote unless tbey be equally
divided, and shall exercise tbe office of
Governor in tbe event of tbe death or
disability of that officer.
Executive appointments are to be
made by and with tbe advice and con
sent of two-thirds of tbe Senate, who,
in confirming or rejecting aominations,
shall sit with open doors, and the vote
be taken by yeas and nays and be en
tered on the journal.
The Secretary of Internal Affairs
will take the place of tbe Surveyor
General after his term expires, and
will have charge of tbe Land Office ;
bis department will also embrace a
bureau of industrial statistics and aucb
duties relating to corporations, to
charitable institutions, tbe agricultural,
manufacturing, miniug. mineral, tim
ber, and other material interests of the
State, as may be by law assigned there
to. Tbe duties which will devolve up
on this department will be of great
advantage to the State, in presenting
sbch reliable and valuable information
of natural reaurces and rapid develop
ment as will attract to the State both
population and capital.
This article also authorizes the Gov
ernor to veto any one or more items of
any bill making appropriations of
money, and to approve tbe rest. This
ia to correct an abuse of great magni
tude and long standing, by which ap
propriations introduced into the general
bill providing for the expenses of the
State, and which of themselves could
not be sustained, must be approved, or
leave tbe State without appropriation
for its support. It is most valuable
provision. This article also prohibits
the Governor from granting pardons or
commutations of sentence, exeept upon
tbe recommendation in writing of tbe
Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the
Commonwealth. Attorney General, See
retary of Internal Affairs, or any three
of then;, after full bearing, upon due
publio notice, and in open aession ; ana
such recommendation, with the reason
therefor at length shall be recorded and
filed in tbe office of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth.
The judiciary article requires tbe
eleotion of all judges, aod continues the
term of all present judges until the ex
piration of their commissions.
The number of judges of tbe Su
preme Court ia increased to seven, and
judge of that court elected aider this
constitution will be commissioned for
twenty-one years, and ineligible to re
election. All patronage by appoint
ment or otherwise is taken from them,
and duties ean be imposed upon
them except snob as are judicial.
Each county having population of
40,000 ia constituted a separate judi
cial disttict and entitled to elect i
judge. The office of aaoi' judge
not learned in tbe law is abolished in
counties forming separate distriota, but
aasooiate judge in ofioe, when this
constitution accepted, serve for their
unexpired terms. .
Tbe increase of judges tinder this
provision is not large, and the increase
ed expense not great. Whilst some
additional duties imposed upon judges
will render this provision of great con
venience to tbe peorle. more especially
of sparsely settled districts, it Is to be
observed tbat whilst tbe provision en
titles any county having tbe requisite
population to be constituted a separate
judicial district, it does wot require
(hat there ahall be, as has been errone
ously stated, judge for over 40,000
of population. - . . - - i
Tbe Court of Nisi Pfios is abolished
and no court of original yoVisdictioa, to
be presided over by any judge of tbe
Supreme court, can be established.
This great inconvenience to which tbe
appellate busineas of the Supreme
Court was subjected by reason of this
court ia well known, both to counsel and
To the end tbat judicial system of
the State should be harmooiaed, and
the law and practice of tbe court
brought into unison throughout the
Commonwealth, District Courts have
been abolished, aud their jurisdiction
merged into that of the Courts of Com
mon Pleas ; and their judges will be
come judge of the Cowrie of Common
Tbe Register's Court is abolished as
being supernumerary and Useless.
In counties wberein' the population
exceeds 150,000 tbe General Assembly
thtll, and in any other couuty nay.
establish a separate Orphios Court,
and thereupon tbe jurisdiction of the
Court of "Common Pieaa in. Orphans'
Court matter in such county ahall
cease The judge of the Orphans'
Court, assisted by tbe register, who
will be ex ujjicxo clerk of such Orphans'
Court, ahall audit all accounts which
require auditing Vithatd txptnst to th
part let.
In civil cases the partiea may, by
agreement filed, dispense with trial by
jury, and submit tbe ease to tbe deci
sion of the court, with riehl to writ of
error as in other ease.
'Justice of the peace continue with
out aay material change.
In Philadelphia tbe office of alder
man is abolished, and in lieu thereof
there sball be established fur each 30,
000 inhabitants one court, not of record,
of police aud civil causes, with juris
diiion not exceeding one hundred dol
lars. Tbe magistral are to bold of
fice for five years, and to be elected by
general ticket by the qualified voter
t large. No voter sball vote more
than two-tbirda of tbe number t be
elected. Tbey sball be compensated
only by fixed aalaries to be paid by
said county, and all Sues, fees, and
penalties are to be paid into tbe county
treasury. Under tbia system it is be
lieved tbat competent and reliable al
dermen, approved by official experience
and integrity, will be retained, and only
men of approved fitness will be elected,
since the mode of election allow large
discrimination in choice, which in so
large a constituency will be freely ex
cised. Tbe sixth article subject tbe Gov
ernor and all other civil officer of the
Commonwealth to iinpsachrrent for
misdemeanor in office, and subject all
appointed officers other tbao judges
of the Court of Reeord and the Su
perintendent of Public Instruction to
removal at tbe pleasure of tbe p er
by which tbey shall have been ap
pointed. Tbe seventh article require Senators
and Representatives, and all judicial,
State, aud county officers, to take and
subscribe tbe usual oath to support tbe
constitution and discharge the duties
of tbe office with fidelity ; and, in addi
tion, tbat tbey havs not knowingly
violated any election laws of the Com
monwealth, or procured it to be don
by other, and that they will not know
ingly receive, directly or indirectly,
any money or other valuable thing fur
the performance or non-perform auce of
any act or duty pertaining to aucb of
fioe other than the compensation al
lowed by law ; and provides that any
one convicted of having sworn or af
firmed falsely aball be guilty of per-
juty, and forever disqualified for hold
ing any office of trust or profit within
tbi Commonwealth.
Tbe article on suffrage and election
provide that the general elections shall
be held annually on tbe Tuesday next
following the first Monday of Novem
ber, but tbe General Assembly may by
law fix a different day, two third of all
tbe member of each bcuse consenting
thereto. Election for city, ward,
borough, aud townships officers will "be
held on tbe tbird Tuesday of February.
In election by the ci tixeos, every bal
lot voted sball be numbered in the or'
der in which it shall be received, and the
number reoordercd on tbe liat of voteia
opposite the name of the voter. Sol-
d.ers in seivice may vote nnder such
rrgulations as may be prescribed by
law. All laws regula ting election by
the citixeus sball be uniform tbrongh
out the State. Any person who shali
give or promise, or offer to give to any
elector, or any elector who shall re
ceive any money or other valuable con-
cineration for his vote, or for withhold
irg bis vote, shall forfeit bia right to
vote at such election, and if challenged
for such cause, shall be required to
swear or affirm that tbe matter of the
challenge i nntrue, before hi vote
sball be received. Any eaudidate for
office guilty of bribery, fraud, or wil
ful violation f any election law, ia die-
qualified from holding aay office of
trust or profit in tbi Common wealth,
and to be deprived of the right of auf-
frag for the term of four years.
Th Court of Common Plea of the
several eonbUes sball have power upon
petition of five citixeus, lawful voters
of the districts, to appoint two over
seer of election to supervise the pro
ceedings of the election officers, and to
make report to the court, a may be
Tbe trial of contested elections of
lectori of President and Vice Presi
dent of the United State, members of
tbe General Assembly, mad all publio
officers, jajioiaL municipal, or local,
shall be by tbe court, a may bo pre
scribed by general law.
Tbe article on taxation and finance
require that all taxes aball be woiform
upon tbe aame class of subject. All
properly shall be subject to taxation.
but tbe General Assembly may, by
general law, exempt publio property
used for publio purposes', actual places
of rehf ions worship, place of burial,
not held for private or corporate profit,
and institution ot purely publis charity.
Neither tbe State, nor any county,
city, borough, or township, ahall loan
their credit or become stockholder ia
any company, association, or corpora
tion. Municipal debt ahall not exeeed
even per cent, of the assessed value of
iu taxable property ; but any city, the
debt of which now exceeds aeven per
centum of such assessed valutioo, may
be authorised by law to inoreas the
same three per centum, in tne aggre
gate at any one time, upon such valua
tion. Tbe State sinking fund shall be
maintaiued, and tbe. debt reduced by
not less than $250 ,000 per annum ; and
the money of the sinking fund aball not
be invested or loaned upon the security
uf anything except the bond of th
United Statea or of this State.
The making of profit out of public
money, or using it for any purpose not
authorised by law, shall be a misde
Bieanor, punishable by law and pait
ef tb punishment ahall be disqualifica
tion te bold office for a period not lea
than five years. ' j
Tbe tenth article require tbe main
tenance of an efficient system of public
schools, and an appropriation of one
million of dollar each year for this
pa. pose. It forbids tbe appropriation
of any of tbe school fund to th support
of oy sectarian chool, aod render
women eligible to any office of control
of tbe school.
The eleventh article provides for the
organisation of tbe militia.
The twrih artice forbids persons
heding offices of profit under the Uni
ted Statea from hoding offioe of profit
under the State, and disquaifies tJl
person who shaft fight due, or send
a cbenge for that purpose, or be aider
or abettor of a doe, from hoding any
office of honor or profit in this State.
The thirteenth artice forbid the
erection of any new county which sha
reduce any county to It than four
hundred square mie or ess tbao 20,
000 inhabitants, or tbe erection of any
county of ess area or ess popuation,
nor aba any in thereof pas within
ten uiiea of tbe county aeat of any
couuty proposed to be divided.
The fourteenth artica provide for
the eection and qualification of coun
ty lifficers- In counties exceeding 150,
000 inhabitants a county officers sba
be paid by fixed saarie, and ul fees
coectcd sha be paid into the county
treasury. In the ecetioa of county
comtuissioneia tn any county each eec
tor sba vote for na more than two per
sons, and the three person having the
highest number of vote sha be eee
ted. This ia to seeure a representative
of the minority party in every board of
Under the fifteenth artice cities may
be chartered whenever any town or bor
ough of not ess tbaa 10,000 popua
tion aha vote in faver of it. Tbey
sba contract no debt except in pursu
ance of an appropriation previnusy
made, aod they sha create sinking
food pedged for it payment.
By the artice oo private corporations
tbe State may, nnder its right of emi
nent domain, take the property and
franchise of incorporated companies
and subject them to pubic use, tbe
same as the property of individuas.
Foreign corporations are required to
bave a pace of business and an author
ised agent within tbe State upon whom
proces may be served. Corporation
are confined expreay to the business
authorised by their charter. Aasess-
ment of damages aha, on demand of
either party, be determined by a jury.
All fictitious increase of stock or in
debtedness is forbidden-
Any association or corporation or
ganised fur the purpose, or any individ
ual aha have the right to construct
and maintain iues of teegraph within
tbe State, and oonnect the same with
other Tines, subject to reguation by
Tbe seventeenth artice on rairoads
and canas piovides for a free rairoad
aw in tbe lutst and most expicit
manner, and gives to every rairoad
company tbe right, with it road, to in
teract, connect with, or cross any other
rairoad, and requires them to trans
port each tbe other's passengers, ton
nage, and cars, oaded or empty, kith
out dcay or discrimination. It re
quires them to maintain an office ia tbe
State, where transfer of stock are to
be made, and where books sba be kept
for inspection by parties in interest.
All persons aha bave equa right of
transportation, and no unreasonabe dis
crimination aha bo made in charge or
ia faciitie for transportation, and per
sons and property sba be drivered at
any charge not exoeedicg the charges
for transportation of persons and prop
erty of the same cass in tbe same di
rection to any more distant station
Railroad companies are forbidden to
consolidate with, or own, or control
competis; line, or to engage in any
other basinet than that of common car
riers, or to own or acquire lands, ex
eept such as shall be necessary for car
rying oa their business ; discrimination
in charge by drawback or otherwise
re forbidden. Flee passes, exeept to
officers aod employee, shall not be
issued. 1
Street passenger railroad aball not
be constructed without the obnsent of
local aulhonbea.
The article oa future amendments
athoriae amendments to the eonetita-
tioa when proposed by tbe act of two
succesaiv Legislature and submitted
to and approved by the people, but no
ameaJoseot ahall be submitted oftener
than one ia five year. - Wbea two or
more amendment arc submitted tbey
shall be voted upon separately. , .
The ftbdule provide that the eon
ntntion shall take effect oa tho irt
day of January, 1874. Tb first lee-
tioa for Governor shall be io 1875, for
term of three year, and thereafter
the term shall b four years. The
Lieutenant Governor ahall be elected ia
1874 for four years. Provision, is also
mad for tb first election of Senators
and members, for judge aud county
officer aod other matters of detail, but
it is not deemed accessary to refer to
them specifically.
Tbi review of the proposed consti
tution gives a brief synopsis of its lead
ing leal area, bat it i aot intended te
supercede the examiaatioa of it fall
text We confidently believe teat tbe
more carefully it i considered, nd it
dependent bearing understood, the
more it will comaieod itself to public
approval. It t th re salt of careful
and impartial deliberation by the con
vention upon th true relation -of the
government to the people, end is sub
mitted with full confidence that if adop
ted it will correct great abase, insure
more perfeet system of popular elee
tion, greater fidelity ia th discharge
of legislative and official duties, save
vast sum of money to tbe Treasury,
reduce taxation, and by the additional
aecurities it will afford to business in
vestments will insure to our State both
population and capital. With hope
and eoofidence that the new constitu
tion will receive your approval, we sub
suit it to yonr judgment.
Hart White,
( has. R. Buckaliw,
Tqomas Howard,
Robert A. Lamberto,
George V. Lawrence,
James W. M. Newun,
John Gibson,
John R. Read,
John Prior U ethekiix,
'J axes P. Bare,
Ra&selas Brows,
Frank Mantor,
Executive Committee of the Convention
Aetw A tlrrrtutement-
White Pine Shaved Shingles, Lap and
Sawid Shingles, Plastering Lath,
Picket aod Pry Boards,
For sale by
Milroy, Miffiio County, Pa.
Eleetlea for the Adept i or ReJrtioa of
the Aew tetitaUoa,
Tuesday, December 16th, 1873.
In pursuance ol instruction received from
tbe secretary of the Commoawejlth ol
Pennsylvania, public notice ia herebr given
that tbe amended Constitution will be sub
mitted to ibe qualified elector of the Com
monwealth, lor adoptiou or rcjertion, at aa
election to be held o the third Tuesday ef
December, 1873, being the 16th day, which
electron shall be he d and conducted by the
regular election officers in the several dis
tricts named brlow, nnder all th regnla
tioss and provisions of existing laws rela
ting to general elections.
On tbe outside of th tickets to be voted
hall be tbe wards "New Constitution ;" iu
tbe inside for all persons giving affirmative
votes the words, " for the New Constitu
tion ;" aaJ for all persons giving negative
votes, "Agsiiist thu New Constitution."
I alse hereby make known and give notice
thai the place ol holding the aforesaid elec
tion in the several boroughs, districts and
towanhips within the county of Juniata is
as follow a, to witi
At lb Court Honse in the borough of
Miminlown, for the borough of MuHin
to, At th Court Douse in the borough of
Muttiatown, for Veruiaaagk township.
At tbe fcchool Uous in Mexico, for
Walker townthip.
At Smith's Echool House, for Delaware
Al tbe School House in Tbompsootown,
for the borough of Thouipsontowu.
At the Public House of Thomas Cox, for
Greenwood township.
At the School Honse in RtchQcld, for
Monroe township.
At Frpmoyer'a Hotel, for Sisquehanna
A I th Schsol (Joase in hlcAhstcrraV,
Tor f ayetle towasbip.
At Ibe School House in Patterson, for
tbe borough ol Patterson.
At tbe school House in Perrysville, lor
tbe borough of rerrysvilw.
At th Locust Grove School House, n ear
the retidence of Mr. Stewart, for Milfurd
At Spruce Hill School House, for Spruce
Hill tewnbip.
Al the School House at Acidemia, for
Beaie township.
At tbe School House near McColloch's
Mills, fot Tuscarora township, except that
portion or it lying north-westward of the
summit of the Shade Moaalaia.
At the Lick School House, near the resi
dence of Benjamin Walla, dec'iL, lor Lack
township, except that portiow of it lying
north-westward of the summit 4 the Shade
At the Centre School House, for so much
of the townships of Lack and Tuscarora as
lie aorth-west of the summit of the Shade
At tbe Church Hill School House, for
i uroeit lowassup.
I ALSO MAK.K KXOWX andgivero.
tsce, as in and by the 3rd section of the
aloresaid act I am directed, "that every per.
sob excepliag justice of Us peace, who
shall hold any office of trust under tb
United States, or this Stale, or any city or
incorporated district, whether a comuiia.
siooed otticer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agentnho is or shall be employed
under the legislative, executive or judkriarv
dt-pamnent ol this Stale, or of the United
States, or of any incorporated city or dis
trict, and also that every member of Coo
grvss and of the State Legislsture, anf ot
the select or eonxuoo council of any crtyer
commissioner of any incorporated district,
i by law incapable oi holding or exercising
at the tarn tbe omc er appointment uf judge
inspector or cleik of any election ot this
Commonwealta, aod no judge, inspector or
other vificur of sura election shall be eligu
We to any otcc tbea to be sotod lor. :
In case tbe person who shall bar re
ceived the second highest number of vote
lor Inspector shall not atUod oa the day of
election, then th person who shall hare
received the second highest number of
vote lor Judge at the Brxt Drecedinr eleo I
tinn .k. II ut . . i. . i : 1
Ami in case the person who ha. tVecirrtlJJJj
w. aunvviur iu ukv-i
JtYsw Advertisement.
the highest number of vote for lasfector I
thall aot attend, tbe psraoa elected Jedge
sball appoint an Inspector m his place, and
in case tbe persoa elected Judf uall not
attend, then th Inspector who received
the highest Bum her of vote shall appoint a
Judge in his place ) aad tt aov Tacaaey
shall coatiaue ia too board tor tbe space o f
one hour alter the time fixed br law far
trpenirtf the vice tioa. tbe township, ward or
district fur which such officer shall have
beeu ei.-c(d, present at the time of tbe
Xaetioo, abaii eject on of their Bumbor to
IU tho vacancy.
II shaU be ibe duty of th severs Asses
sors, repcctivey, to attend at the place of
ho&iuig avury (iononj. Specie or Towa
fain eioctioa darinx the wboje time said
kction U kept opoa, lor th purpose of
giving iDforuutioa to th Inspector or
Judgv, wbea exiled on, in reatioa to tbe
right ol anv person assessed by them to
vole at such ejection, and oa such other
mutters in retotioo to the iHeHattl u
solera sa the said la pec lor, or itr of
thetn, shali from time to time nqurre.
The lax mast have baea fmMxilj as
sessed oa the votur the requisite time baton
tbe election.
Keaideace ia a Question of intention, but
to constitute a change of residence there
mast be aa actual removal.
Anv nersoa who mav be eoastitutionary
qnairied to vote m any city or coanty of
this Commonweaib, but may bave removea
from one ward to sa other within aay bor-
oech or towashiD ia such eoantv, within
tan eys next pree-aiBf Ibe election to oe
held therein, sha be entitled to vote at
said taction at Ibe ward, borough or town
ship Ires which such person may have so
The ret lira Jadgee wiU meet at tbe Conrt
Floose ia Mifflintown, on Friday, December
Itfch, 18T, lor the pnrpvso performing
their dutiue aa prescribed by law.
I all elcctiuoe bM ander tb awa of
this Cominonweath, the polls shali be open
ed between the hours ol six and seven o'
clock a. aand clue at seven o'clock p m.
Given ander my hand at my omen m Mif
flintowa, thi twenty -fourth day of No
vember, in the year of our Lord on thou
sand sight hundred and seventy-three,
and ia tb ninety-eighth year of the Inde
tandunc el'th UuittJ States.
JOSEPH AKD, Sheriff.
MifflintowB, Not. 24, 187S-U.
IS HEREBY U1VEN, That, in order to
raise money to aid iu the construction of a
new Court House in Nifflintown, the under
signed, Commissioners of the county of
J uuuu, Lave issued ana are now preparea
to sell, at their ofhee in Mifflin town.
The Bonds of the County,
of snch denominations as may be desired
aot less than Fitty Dollars with coupon
attached, at the rate of six per centum in
terest, to be paid annually. Said Bonds to
be payable in one, two, or more years, not
exceeding eight.
These Bonds are issued nnder the provi.
ions of the Act of Assembly of tbe tth of
April, iBoe, and win be a aafe and desira
ble investment, exempt from taxation for all
local aad municipal purposes.
Attest i
Jane Diss, CZcrfc.
Coministioners' Office, Viffiin-
town, Nov. J, 1873.
Rcflater'a Hotlce.
TV OTICE Is hereby given that that tbe
XI following named persons have Bled
their Administrators, Executors, and Guar
dian accounts in the Register's Office of
Juniata conntv. and the same will be pre-
stnted for toiiflrmalloo and allowance at
the Coiwl Honse, in Milflintown, on WED'
1. Tbe account of C G Shellev, Guar
dian of Amos G Shelley, minor child of
tloory bbelley, dee'd.
2. The account of Joaeeh A Reuben
Lairver, Administrate ra ef Jacob Lauvei,
late ot rayett township, dee'd.
8. The account of Eliliu Bennerand Geo.
King, Executors of Elijah Clair, bte of
Delaware township, dec d.
4 The account of C. B. Barttey, Guar
dian uf Stewart Valentiae, minor child of
Thompson Valentine.
t. The account of John H. Campbell,
Bxeeator of the estate of Aad raw a Camp-
Den, ute ot L.BCK townsatp, fl.ee 'O.
8. The account of Samuel Rouse, Exec
utor of George Rouse, late of th borough
of Perry svtlle, dee d.
7. The account of Joseph B. and Andrew
P. McDonald, Administrators of Joseph
wcUonaH, late of Beale township, dee'd.
8. The account of T X and J H Neely,
Administrators of William .Neely, tale of
Lack UiWOMiip, dec d.
9. The aecouut of Leonard Groninger,
Administrator or Jamea Dixon, late of Mil
ford township, dee'd.
10. The final account offfC Laird, Ad
ministrator of Michael M. Mitcbel, lata of
tbe borougb or Patterson, dee'd
11. The account of Jacob Smith. Guar
dian of Mary E. Pifer, minor child of Elias
B. Piter, late of Northumberland county,
who is bow aead.
ELI DUNN, Mtfitttr.
RroisTia'e Orrica, 1 .
Miffliutown, Oct. 29, 1873.
BT virtue of a writ of Vnd. Erpvnu, le
aned out of the Court of Common
Pleas ot Juniata county aod to me directed.
whi oe rxposra to puoiw sale, al thv Court
House, in the borough of MirHm-owe. at 1
o'clock P. M., on KKIDAT, NOVEMBER
ZPtn, lei, the following real estate, via :
A tract of land situate in Monroe town
ship, Jnnuta couuty, contain Sixty Acres,
more or less, bsving thereon erected a Log
House and Log Barn, about 25 acres cleared,
bounded on the east by land of Jacob Wil
low, south by Benuruia Poele. wot hv jKi
hi Snyder, and north by Solomon Shrawder.
aierea, taken la execution, and to be sold
as the property of John Cluck and WUUam
u crown.
A tract of land situate io Greenwood
township, Juniata county, containing Nine
acres, more or less, nsvmg tarreon erected
a Log House and Pig Pen, bounded on the
east, north and west by hunts of Joseph
Furguson, and on the south by land ol Hen
ry uurer. dieted, taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of Daniel a weger.
A tract of land situate in Fermanagh
io- uauip, uuuua county, unimproved, con
taining Twenty-five Acres, more or less,
bounded on tbe north and east by John
Balentine, on the south by Emanuel Meyer,
and on the west by Calvin Bartley. fliesed)
taken tn execution and to be said aa the
property or John Kotestiae.
JOSEPH ARD, Sktriff.
Sheriff's Office, MitDintowa, i
Novembers, I87S. -
a the Orpbana Ceart mf Js
alata Cotiatr.
E axair' Crrics, Mtrunrrow, )
Hovesaber , 187.
lit matter ttkt Pmr Uion end Fetoiea
f tkt Real Ktlutt tf Outrln J. Tkomp
son, Imtt H-aJntr TsumaAt, enisle
Chanty, iutmtH.
TAKE VOTICE, that by virtu of tbe
above Writ of Partition to me directed, an
inquisition will be held on the premises
therein described on THURSDAY, the 27th
day or NOVEMBER. A. D. .UTS, to ascer
tain and inqn ire among other things whether
the said prniises ia said writ mentioned
and described, can be parted and divided
among aU the parties interested without
prejudice to or spoiling the who! thereof,
or otherwise to value and appraise the same,
when aod where you may aitoad if job see
Respectfully tout,
, . k JOSEPH ARD, Sktrif.
Th Vary Ann Thoenpsoo. William P.
Thompson, James H. Thompson, Charles
Allen Thompson, Dr. George H. Rnmbaugh
and Martha J. hi wife, J. H. Wright aad
a. nia "tie, in. T. Maaoa aad
. . . m
I a etc jhii"" i . . -w
' n v er lO
the Mob. Baw. F. Jewaw,
J.dre of the Court of Common
..... ir.i.i ni.hi.1. ranmosM las
eonnties of Juniata, Ferry and Camber-
UbJ. and the Uonamoies "
T 7!- r Jndree of the said
Court of Common Pleas of J on lata county,
bare issued their precept to me '"'
bearing date the 9th day wt Ser-rew.h'r I. ,
for holding a Court of Oyer aod Terminer
and General Jail ueuvery, au
Quarter Seasons ef Ibe pesce, nt Jlifma
town, on the first MONDAY of December,
1U7. being the 1st day ot tbe
Motic. is Ilv Giv., to the Cor-
oner, Justices oi ine r oc- y "
of tbe Coenty of Juniata, inai ij
and therein Iheir proper persons, nt one
o'clock oa the afternoon of sad day, wnn
their records, inquisitions, examinatwe
and oyer remembrance, to do those things
that to then- offices respectively nppertain,
aod thee thai are bound by recognisance to
prosecute against the prisoner that nro or
tbea may be in the Jail of said county,
be tbea aad there to proeecatien against
theaa shall be just.
By aa Act of Assembly, passed tb 8tb
day or May, A. D., Id, it ia made the
duty of tbe Juaticea of th Peace, of tbe
several counties of this Conunonwcaltb. to
return to the Clerk of this Court of Quartur
Sessions of the respective eonnties. aU the
recogniaaace entered into before I bent by
any person or pursona charged with the
. ...... .n v t rime, exeeot such cases
as mav be ended before Justice of tha
Peace, under existing lawe, at rew -
k. .mmsiiuiHiit of the session
DVlin -
of th Court to which tbey are made 're
turnable respectively, ana in niicasee ww.
... ra entered into Un
the ton days before the CO m menc eweol
of the session to which tbey are mad re-
the same in the same manner aa if said act
had aot been passed. Dated at Simto-
th. Tik dav of Uclober. in us
year of oar Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-three, and IB si w
year of tb Ataericaa intepeoaence.
JOSEm AKD, Sheriff,
tibenu-i Office, Miffim, Oct. 27, 1875-lc
Trial List far neceaker Term.
1. Dr. O. V Graham vs. Overseer of
Turhrtt townshin. No.41. April term, 1873.
2. State Bank va. Neal McCoy. No. 123
.T.t tMrm. IHI.
3. George W. Gorton va Samuel Hoff
man. No. I "4, Sept. term, 1872.
4. J..hn Wilson vs. Michael Bare. No.
14. December term. 1872.
6. B. F. C rouse vs- John McManigie. No
49. February term. 18i3.
8. John Thompson vs. David Smith. Hi
68, February farm, Ii3. -
7. John ShenelofT vs. Exekiel Campbell.
No. ft. Auril term. 1873.
8. William Wagner ve. John Light. Ko.
Aoril term. 1H73.
9. Jonathan Burns v. Elias Snvder. No
49. Aoril term. 8.
10. Margaret M. Hunter vs. H. R. Shear
er. No. 64, April term, 1873.
11. Richard Johnson t. David Smith.
No. 110. April term, 1873.
12. Jesse Reed, Adro'r of Susan Graham,
deceased, vs. Samnrl T. Dtmm. No. 119,
September term, la3.
13. P. S. Liggett v. B. F. Cro use. No.
6. Soptember torm, 1873
14. Jacob Weiser vs Henry Bey. No. 7,
September term, 187.
15. Was. Given, Assignee of C.J. Cnam-
berlio, vs. Wiiber F. McCahao. No. 8,
September term. 1973.
16. Jess Briner vs. William C. Beale.
No. 106, September term, 1873.
17. Elisabeth Stouffer, Executrix of Hen
ry StouOer. No. 141, September term.
Pbothosotiby's Ovvkb,
Miffliutown, October 18, 1873.
We have opened out in Jacob Thorns a'
parlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel,
the largest and best stock of
ever bronght to th county.
We bey onr stock from Manufacturers
and in large lota. We pay caaa and expect
to aelt for cA, which will enable as to
offer GOODS
At Prices far Below the Average.
Thie branch of the business will ho su
perintended by A. B. EASICK, oo of tho
best practical mechanica ia th county. All
kind of repairing done.
July S, 187S-tf
is room ia rear of Crystal Palace Building,
on Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa.,
CUSTOM WORK DONE oa th aborts!
GOODS SOLD by th yard or patten.
PERSONS buying goods can have them
cnt in garments frre of charge.
BUTTERlcrs PATTERNS also for
Oct 22, 1878-tf
Th undersigned wonld respeetfoEy in
forni th public that h has epsmd a
this residence, on Bridge street, th
mm, is now prepared to do
at short notice aad ia the moat durable aad
mmrnut m'ttm cae
Ue intends to not oat nana Kt k
and aak a ahar of the public patronage .
nt na
Fall rfr r Lower SetU as Lew a $
No teeth allnarxl i U... .I-
- aw . ute uiuta US
lev th patient is satisfied. .
laeia remodeled aod repaired.
Teeth &Ued to last for life. ' ' 1
Dental nro k done t.r :v .
them k-aviBg their boaee, if desired.
Toothache stopped m Bve miotrte whh
oot extracting the to., at the Dental 0
Bee of O. L. Daaa ealabhaard ht Mifflin
" m loom i i
raafclmmileB Pieipectaf.
It represent sample pages aad stile ot
binding or SO intensely Interesting anil
nseful nooks, thai ami ia every familr.
Best thing ever tried by canvassers. . Ae&U '
WlBtfd, to make a permanent business m
tbea worms in every county., i lueo-iiua .
sent post-paid on receipt of price, V. -C.
for circular and liberal terms, adiiresa
JOHX G. POTTEH at CO., Publishers,
Philadelphia, Pa. . ,
OOLAK13 MTSTERIKS aorred: disastrra
I and escapee vtvidhr pertrayed. - Xa
Freaea Zone and its Explorers. A splen
did octavo of W pages, most profusely
illastrated with elegant steel aud wood en
gravings. A fascinating history of Arctie
dveatiure Tb moet amicable BOoC oat.
Agents Wanted. Send for terms aaJ saas
ple page to Mutual Publishing Co., Hart
ford, Coon.
D'ilavrUl' CSsalWealBT w B
one agent's profit on Krvant a Library of
Poetry ana songi l so as wwca
on The new nouaeacepc e auaau, ey
)lia Beechcr and Mrs. btowe. Any aruv
nmi or woman ean have an agenry. J. B.
FOKD a. CO . New Tors. Boston, Chicago
and San Francisco.
No Fluctuations ! Always Improving la
Tkt Wtaltk of A Cnanfry is maJs y O
Mwamet ra Ktal sfes.
Millions of acre of th flnest laode oa
the Continet, in Eastern Nebraska, now for
sale many ot them never before in tho
market at price tbat DEPT. COMPBII-
five and Tea Tears' Credit GIvea, witfe
IatemUt Six per Coat.
Th Land Oiant Bonds of thin Company
taken at par for lamia. Tbey can bow be
purchased at a Urge disconiiU
Q7" Full particulars given. Dew Onlde)
with new Maps mailed free, bviAddreeaicg
. K . V. V LI,
JLrnd Commissioaer U. P. R. JL,
Ohaha, St:
stso roa cavaiooc.
20 SAVED !
Tt meet tkt argtif itmtrmd tf tht timet tkt
Florence Sewing Machine Go.
has dt trrmiiud fe
REnrcK re ice,
ana wif ktrtefter til their SCO .VacAiee
far 943, end ttktr itU in prtpcrtim.
is ikt OKL T Sttnrnf JfarftnM iaef rasa tt e
work bat averd end forward, or ta rig mnd
left, as tht pmrrhmter may frtftr. It a
sm grcaf'y IMfAOVHl SIMPLI
FIED, W it far ktlter tham say attar wta
ckint ia fa wanktt.
ptt TToasJ.
Tlarenct, Jfmt Sow. 1, Tt.
riUrjiOtUEi FOR srjN ct!IMETH.
made by PLrjI C Jt ATWvOD, pre-
duce the laricoot libt. Can be used en
any eoal oil lamp. Por auto by all lamp
K ING." How either sex may fasci
nate and gain the love an.t affisetUns of aay
prrsone cbey choose, instantly. Tbia sim
ple mental acquirement al! ciay pnsjnss,
tree, by mail, tor 35 cents ; together with a
Marriage Buide, Egyptian Oracle, Prea,
Hints to Ladies A neer boo. 100,000
sold. Addresa T. WILLIAM ft. CO.. fab
luher. Philadelphia- t :
WOMEN Boy wnnted to sal!
our French and .f utrrican Jewelry. Books,
Games, Ac., in their own localities. fs
capital needed. Catalogue, lerrss, Ae..
sent tar. P. O. TICK Eh T A CO., .fu
gnsta, Maia.
inTV Jtut ftrpK&ajwith Sbraril ft.
JlV.lIil Ky Chech OutBte. Cata
ioguea aod full psrUrulars KKKK S. at.
Sraaerm, 117 lisnover St., hVstoo.
Splendid asaortruent 1 Largn sa!s t Large
profits! Address HAASIS A Ll'BRKCUT.
Empire Map and Chtrt Establishment, luT
Liberty St, New York. i
Those who propose investing, (aad wh
doe not f) ia tickets (or tho
Fourth Grand Gift Concert
roa tb aaxrrr tbb
Which comes off In Loniavilfo oa the 14 ef
December next, have ao time to lose.
bavb bib isscrn, aii
13,000 CASU CIFTI,
iioiirn to
One Orand Cash Gift. $20,000
One Grand t'ah Gift ino!r
One Grand Cash Gin fttt,'XX
One Brand Cash GUI ...... ..... 25,'otX
One Grand Cash Gifl 1709
10 Cash Gilts $10,IM each... lOn.UOO
0 Cash Gift 5,000 each... 150.C4O
60 Casn Gift 1)00 each... 6O.C0O
MCaahGifU 60 leach... 40,000
100 Cash Gifts, 400 each... 40,000
ISO Cash Gifts gOO each... 45,000
250 Cash Gift 200 each... 60.C0O
S25 Cash Gil U W0 each... 2,50t
llOU Cash Gifla SO each... 550,000)
Whole Ticket tiO. CU7oos(TeUls,)e-
For ticket or wtforniation, addrwso
Agent PuUic Library Eeotncky, Louisville,
Ey., or
TOOS. 11 lift YS Jr. CO.
9 Broadwaj, M-T-
otice n parti not.
la tkt matter mf tk Ftte. -f r. a a
Icy, dee'd.
1 be ComronsrweaTth of PetmsTtrania to
Marearet Lenlev. wMn q v .. .1
Jonathan Hugh, Margaret." w:fB of Bos
Donley, ChriBtiaDna.ni.eot Abraham Zeig.
er, aiauraa, wife of Tihonn Lesley, arkj Pe
ter. AmU. JaCoK. tw. V.mn1 tt.ilv
heir at law of Jacob Baih-y, dec'
ere urrrof cilea toCxrsTxl appear DS
fore our Judges of enr Ori hana' Court ts
be held at Miffltntowii, county of Juoiatn,
o th oral Moexmy of Uecemcwr, A. IX
IbiS, at 2 o'e!ck s. M , then and there to
r - - mt uwe tae? real esvaw vi
Jacob BahVy, doceaaed. at tho acpraiaed
upon it oy aa tnajiwel auiy
awarded b th aavi Conrt, and roturBed by
tb Sherift the l. th day ef August, A. D
lrjs, to wit: LJ5 acres at aad for theauoaoC
96 21 1 per acre.
Sntanr's Orrnra,
Miffuitowij, OeVlSTS-w?: J
in H PrtoUcal Dwrtta.