SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN jiiFFLlxiowx: fTedoesiay. floT'r 1, 18T8. ,"' PENX'A. E. jTIME TABLE. f aoerurer trains leave Mifflin Station a Mo" ; - ' t4 phiadelphia Express, 1 2o a m. Kst Line, 3 20 a m. llarrtsburg Accoinmo., 11 28 a ra. ilaiL, 6 12pn. l'aeitic Express, 10 1J a ni. CiDCinuti Express, 8MpB. WEVTWAIB. Pittsburg Express, 1 20 a m. Cincinnati Express, 2 23 a m. Pacific, 6 00 a m. Way Passenger, 10 04 a nu Mail, 28 p iu. Kan I.ine, (U pn. Mifflin, Nov 2,1875. LOCJL lXTELLlGKKCt.. Scarce Apples. In demand Fat bogs. Xot plenty Sour kraut. Approaching Thanksgiving. Coming The rerival season. Puck On the river and creeks. Uojs are looking op their skates. ISoots and Shoes At Xeal Hartley's. Mifflin Eportsmen don't hunt dear tbis fall. The e is a tub dam cr two in the Xarrows. The Teachers' Institute commences on the 24th inst. Over Wal, hickory, chect and other nat gathering. The boys are fcorry. TLe best family paper in the county The Sentinel and Republican. Mr. John S. Gray bill and family, of this place, Lave removed to PLiladcI j'Lia. Mining operations in this county have been greatly curtailed. Cause the panic. le thankful if you have a place to sleep, enough to wear, and plenty to rat. Thousands now bave not. The new Metasdist Church is under roof. The building is the most impos ing church edifice in appearance in the county. All subscribers who are in arrears one year or more, on the 6th day of January next will be charged two dol lars pet year. The editors of Centre county held a meeting and resolved tlat no paper should leave their respective offices af ter the first of January next unless pre paid. Wednesday will be Pireetors day at lie Comity Institute On that day FcLool Louse plans, classification and grading of common schools, grading (f tearhers salaries, ic, will be consid ered. Cyrus Jeffries' "Legends of the Ju riata," as published in the Altootia Tribnn is a " whopper' of a tale. (I nters of Indian stories will bang up after reading it. i'cep it a moving, Jeffries. I)ceaa Boot and Shoe Store in Pat terson was robbed of about one hun dred dollars' worth of boots and shoes on last Saturday night. An attempt was also made to enter Kuudio's Drug Store. There was an enl of the grand fall weather tbat every one enjoyed so much on last Friday. That day came in with a clouded sky and chilling breeze from tbo East tbat boded winter at the door. Cornelius Hartley will supply you with any kind of Boot or Shoes you wish. He will order from the East for you, or Le will make just what you want in his own buMue&6 place, lie is bound to accommodate. The Register and Democrat people bave our thanks for tbeir kind invita tion to call, when we come from the country, to town. In that call they express the general desire of town peo ple to see country people in the bor ough. Tb fact is, the torn would starve if it were not for tht country. Bat we must reciprocate, which we do by inviting the town gentlemen afore said to put that in their pipes and come out to see us and we will smoke and talk over it. Compare views that's all. The performing bear, that papers along the upper Juniata bave beon an nouncing within the past week or two, appeared in town on Thursday evening. It was the first real sensation for young America in many days, and tbey enjoy ed it highly. A considerable portion of older America was also so taken w'uh the bear that everything was suspended for the time being, to see the perform ance. The keeper sang a new song. The old nnniotonoua Hong, dnng, dotig' Was dispensed with. IssTrTTTE. The Teacher"' Institute of this county will convene in the Court House, at MiBlintown, on Monday, "November 2Jfh, 1873, at 1 o'clock, P. M. i he services of the following named gentlemen have been seenred as instructors and lecturers: Prwf. W. W. Woodruff, of Bncks county; Dr. T. L. Griswold, Priacipal of Bloonn-burg Normal School, and C. J. Arms, Esq., ot tfce Pittsburg Commerrial. Compulsory Education will be discussed on Monday evening. Prof. Woodruff will deliver a lecture on Tuesday evening, on "Fai'nre and Success in Teaching." On Wednesday evening Dr. Griswoid will lec ture on "The Professional Training of Teachers." On Thursday evening C. J. Anns, Esq., will lecture cn " Boys." In tins lecture Mr. A. ''analyses the character, habits and possibilities of the Boy, ar.d girea some hints as to his education at home, at school, and by the way."' This lecture is highly entertaining, and instruc tive to teachers. Some other sebjeets wilt bo disenssed duri-ig the evening sessions. A nu niber of the teachers of the county will bike an ac i'V eirt in the discussions. W oods are felled. Fields are clear and fertCe, ' v ' r Roads are made, ' Kailroads are built,' V The rxtope of usefulness is large, The chances to all who labor are open. The comforts of life are here. ; We havo towns, , . 7; Iloeses and barns, .--'' Horses, cattle, swine, and fowls in abundance, - Schools and churches. These things are all here and need not be wrought out for us. Why should we complain, If the country is in debt, " Work it out. Our fathers worked to procure ns a home and country ; cannot we work to save them from financial disruption. Attend to yonr business, and ape not the mosey kings. Their end is grief. List of Jurors for Dec. T., 1873. GRAND J L' BOER. Tnscarora Joseph Anderson, Dan iel Fosselman, J G Kennedy. Beale James Bratton. Fermanagh Henry Bergey, John McCoy, John M Sioner, Geo Schrader, Daniel Sieber. W alker Michael Coldren, G S Pat ton, Wellington Smith. Perrysville Henry Ebberts, J C Gil son, Benjamin Stiniuiell. Patterson William C Gum, James Kerlin. Turbett Samnel Klinepeter. Monroe G S Metterliog. Lack Ephraim Robison, G W Sny- aer. Greenwood Enoch Sbellenberger. Fayette Theoplilus Thompson. Mifflintown Samuel ilson. PETIT J I ROES. Beale David Adams, John Coff man, Wilson Pefier. Milford Emanuel Bortle, Samnel McFidden, David Shover, WinSeld Wilson. Lack Robert Buchanan, Dewalt ("rouse, J H Campbell, J S MnCahan, Samuel Ramsey. Tuscarora KM Bartley, John Showers, Alexander Wallace, John Zeigler. Patterson James Buck; F M Mick ey, Joseph Peunell. Monroe Jacob S Baoui, J W Suoup, Abel Shirk. Fermanagh Solomon Beshoar, Jon athan Kauffiuan; Isaac Saylor. Suequebanna-IIenry Comfort, Eman uel Long, David Zeiders. Fayette Lewis Degan, Bcnj. Hep ner, John Phillips, Abraham Sansuian. Delaware George Ford, M Farra, David Smith. Walker Isaac Gingrich, Jacob Kline, Daniel Miller, Jatuuel McMeen, Peior G etrler. Turbett John E Hemler, James Koons, Wm Laudis, A Y McAfee, Hen ry Ilittiuan. Perrysville lohn Lnkens. MiElintown Joseph Martin. Greenwood Cornelius Zeiders. Wanted to Kent By an experi enced Farmer A productive farm, within five or six miles of Mifflintown. Stock end utensils found by the renter. Inquire at or address this office Ref erence given if required. Sewiso Machines. It is not our inten tion to five the history of the various ma chines on exhibition at our b. County Fair, but merely to take np the best one j and speak a word in itg favor. We refer to the U rover &. Baker Family Sewing .Ma chine. It has been long and favorably Known in this wction of the country, and we are confident that the Committee who gave the Agent, Mr. J. B M. Todd, or Pat terson, a Diploma for the b-st machine and the finest executed work, did but an act of justice to bis well known enterprise. We predict an increase of sales for the New Improved Midline in this county, and will say for ourselves that we know ot none in the market so complete in all its parts ; in tart, there in no kind of sewing it will not do. The recent improvements are so elab orate and yet so simple that it can be read ily handled by even a child. Wo say this from no mercenary motives ; it is ou!y an set of justice. Public Sale. Messrs. Stone & Pat terson, of Actd'-mia, will sell at pub lie sale, at the farm of James J. Pat terson, at Doyle's Mills, Juniata coun ty, on Thursday, November 20, J 873, the following personal property, viz : Seven bead of work and driving horses, one first-class mule, a good leader ; oue colt three years old next spring, four milk cows, sever head of young cattle, wagons, carriage, buggy, sleigh, sleds, and many other Tarmirg implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. See handbills. PAY XJi?. All persons indebted o us for sub. seription, job work or advertising will oonfer a favor on ns by settliog the same as soon as possible, as we desire to close np cur business without delay. We can be found at our r.ld office dur. icg tht uext thirty days. After tbat time we shall send postal cards to all who fail to settle. ALLISON & WILSON. October 10, 1S73 -4w. BIG RUN FOR An agency for the Kew American Sewing Machine has been established in Mifflintown nmler the management of Messrs. John Sbermer and J. W. Plctt. Persons wish, ing to buy the simplest, most durable, light est running, most noiseless nd because of these qualities, the cheapest M achme, should before purchasing elsewhere tee the Ameri can. The tensions are exceedingly simple, atd unlike any other Machine; the shuttle requires no threading. Sold by lease, note, cash and oa terms to suit any purchaser. Office at WiU's Hotel. Sep 26, 1873-3m. A large assortment of Queens wnre, China ware. Glassware, Crockery ware, Cedar wnre, &r., for sale cheap bv .f. A H. A. STAMTUrGH. NeigKboruig Ife ws. , . , , . ( KlFFLUr COCNTT, A8 PER LEWISTOWS . papers. :'" : ' The last sale of money by the Mif flin county Loan Association brought 34 premium. ' f : " - " ; - M rs. Ann Foster's ben roost, on Gra ham's farm, was robbed about a week ago of nineteen fiue young chickens. John McCormick, who is boarding with the Steward of the Poor House and nearly every morning goes across the river to see bis farms, which he rents to Gen. Bnrns, made the trip on the morning of the lft barefooted. The ground was frozen bard and partially covered with snow. We took a stroll on tbe big ridge after dinner on Sunday last, and in the course of a few bonrs heard more than doten discbarges of guus on Shade mountain below town. These Sunday hunters are perhaps not aware tbat on a calm day tbe sound is carried dis tinctly up, down, and across the valley for at least three miles, and that $25 fine and costs would hardly pay for a few squirrels or pbeasauts. Let Sun day be a day of rest for animals as well as men. On Friday night last a dog or bound got cuiorjgst R. M. Cooper's sheep, on Huling's ridge, a mile from town, and killed seven or eight. Eliphas Fultz, of Menno township, baa shot ten wild turkeys already this, fall. Six men of Brady township, Hunt ingdon county, adjoining this county, recently made a bunt for squirrels, and shot 86 in one day. John G. Snoop; of Reedsville, went out gunning ou Wednesday of last week, aud brought home two wild tur keys, ene of which was shot whilst "on tbe wing." After Capt. John Winn's dwelling bouse, on the now famous Licking Creek property, owned by Wbeeler & West, was fired and burnt to the ground a year or so ago, Winn converted a former pig pen into a dwelling, and re mained there with bis son and daugh ter until one day last week, J. English West, esq., aecompauied by Deputy Sheriff Hugheo, armed with a legal "whereas," &c., made a second raid. As good or bad luck would bave it, Capt. l inn was not at home himself, else possibly a severe battle, with great loss on both sides, might have eusued. As it was, tbe boy and girl (who are both full grown) were otdered to leave the shanty ; after which tbe furniture (which a gentleman from np the river says probably consisted of a table, two chairs, and a jug of whisky) was car ried out and deposited in tbe public road ; then Mr. West set fire to the "shebang," and in a short time only a.shcs aud smoke remained. Thus Wiun city is ended, though in the minds of many tbe question whether it was loca ted in Juniata or Mifflin county, is still i mooted one. HUNTINGDON COUNTT, AS PER HUNT INGDON PATERS. By reference to tLat eagerly songht for department of to-day's paper, bead ed "Married," it will be seen tbat the general form in a certain marriage is somewl at altered, aud the ages of the eonple are respectively given. Tbe groom's sge is 78 years, and the age of his bride is 67 years. Tbeir names are Mr. John Hefner nnd Mrs Catharine Kriger, and both reside near McCon ncllstown, located five miles from here. Tbis is not a Juue aud December mar riage, of whish we have heard so many recently, but it is the joining in wed lock of a couple ou whom tbe frosts of time bave left their mark, but yet are buoyant in anticipations, and fully real ize the practical relations they now sus tain to each other. May the trials of life rest lightly npon them ! Some af our citizens were snapped np by tbe suspension of Lloyd & Co's bank in Altoona. One party loses about $14,000, and another party was to pay one of our business firms $8C00 on the morning of tbe day the bank suspended, where it wis on deposit. Blair township, Blair county, is tin fortunate in its collectors. Last spring William Uenderson disappeared with a portion of the school taxes, and now D. L. Goodman, collector of county tax, is under arrest for not paying over the funds in bis bands. A successful religious revival has been in progress in the Baptist cbnrcb, of tbis place, for a week past. Mrs. Rebecca Gorsuch bas been bound over to answer 'he charge c-f burning the barn of Mr. Andrew Deck er, in Hendcrsou township, on tbe 18th of October. On Wednesday morning, about half past fonr o'clock, an engineer running an eastern bound freight train, gave an extraordinary alarm of fire, and in a few minutes the lurid rays of the de vouring element shot up to tbe beavens and were reflected from tbe clonds and surrounding objects. Tbe Cincinnati west bad tbrewn a spark which had lodged on the roof of weather-boarded log building, owned by John W. Mat tern, bich was not discovered until the wind bad fanned it into an incon siderable blaze. When first discovered a single bucket of water would have extinguished it, but there was no means of reaching tbe fire until the inmates could be aroused and made sensible of tbeir peril, which took some time. Five hours of bard work were required to extinguish tbe fire and place tbe re mainder of East Huntingdon out of danger. There were five families loft houseless. Much of tbeir goods were saved1. John W. Mituro experienced tie bcavieet lo&s, as be was entire! Without insurance. The following is an approximate estimate of the' loss, viz : Andrew Johnson, esq., brick building, $2,000 ; insurance $2,000.y ,A. P.W. Johnson, drug store, $2,000, furniture $100 ; insurance $1,500. Joseph R. Cartoon, bouse and furniture, $2,500 ; iosurance $2,C0O;-- John W.'Mattern," bouse and furniture, $4,000 ; no insu rance. Mrs. Sarah McCauley, furni ture, 4c, $500 ; no insurance. Miss Maitba K. Xolte, furniture, $100. No insurance. This is the first important fire that has occurred in Huntingdon for half a dozen years. PERRT COCSTT, AS PER BLOOMFIELD PAPERS. On the 22nd ult. a Miss Ellie Freck, daughter of Capt. Freck. of Liverpool, was drowned in tbe canal a couple of miles below Liverpool. Miss Freck was steering the boat, when the tiller came out of the rudder post, and she lost her balance, falling overboard. She was seen to fall by ber brother and sis ters on the boat, but before tbey eoeld render assistance she was diowned. Tbe body was recovered and taken to Liverpool for burial. Previous to the accident Capt. Freck had left tbe boat at Fry's wharf to take bis wife, who was sick, back to Liverpool. Engineer Kntz and bis fireman, em ployed to manipulate a freight engine on the Pennsylvania Railroad between Altoona and Harritburg, were fired at yesterday morning in the vicinity of Millerstown whilst eastward bound. Several shots were fired, although it is not known who the scoundrel or scoun drels were that bad hold of tbe revol vers. They were lurking in the bashes on tbe roadside in the vicinity named. Last Friday a brakeman on the first stock train west, by name M. E. Groff, fell off the traiu near Bailey's station, and wis instantly killed. His remains were taken to Mifflin for interment. It is an established fact that con sumption can be cured ; but it is far better to prevent the cruel disease from fastening itself on tbe system, by the timely use of a remedy like Dr. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Tbis standard preparation wilt speedilv cute a cough or cold and even Consumption often yields to its great power. SIFr LI AXD FATTERS0 MARKETS Corrected weekly by the Mifflin and Patter son Board, of Commerce. KirrLisTowx Nov. 12, 1973. ABKCT1XO Butter, prime r-.ll 2"i I.ard 8 Talloa 8 Efrrs, per dox ih Vinegar, per qt 10 FORK. Hams, lb 12 Shoulder Sides......... .. 7 TAKIKTIK. Lake Herring 4 50 Unions 0) Beeswax, per ib i Soap, dry 8 Cnnille 12 Wool, washed 6r Uagt S CTAILKD AariCLKS. Cal Oil, pr gall 40 Salt per sack 225 GB.MX AND SKKI. Corrected weeKly by l. P. Sulonft"Co Wheat, red $1 of Corn 60 Barley 611 Uats, old 85 " new 30 Clovreed 4 60 Timothy seed 2 5. flaxseed....................... 1 75 1'oUloes 50 J. k II. A- StanihanirhN Price ( lim it, lorreetea Meekly, Auv. 12, Prime Roll PuUer per pound 25 E?k, per dozen- 25 briol Apples per pound 8 Tallow " 8 Lard, 8 Chickens, live " 8 Bacon, " Shoulder, " 10 Ham, " PHII.APELPHIA MARKETS. Philadelphia, Xov. 11. Flock The market is quiet but Meadv. The demand is mostly from the home con sumers. About MM) bbls sold, including Superfine $4 25a4 75 Extra 5 Wia-5 75 Iowa . Wis. ex. family 6 75a7 00 X innesota do. do 7 -": 7 75 lVnn., Ohio k. lii'l. do. do.. . 7 2.i3 25 Fancy branda 8 50alO 1)0 Giais The wheat market is dull, and there is no inquiry except from the local miliar for prime lot. Sale oi' 30X) bus. red at $1 4 al a'J, and amber at $1 dual Gl. Kye is Killing at 80a5c. Corn is quiet at a tiirther decline. Jsales of 5M0 bus yel low at t3c, wentern mixed at l'Oaf)2c. Oats are without essential rhwe. Sales of 8, O0 bns western at 4'Ja51c for white and 45 at 7 for mixed. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. The market for Beef Cattle was dull this week, and prices fere rather lower. Sales of choice and exlraat I JiTc, fair to good at 5a6c ; and common at 3a4 Jo. Keceipta, auou head. Sheep declined and sold ai 4JvJc per lb; stock brought $2a3 per hssd ; receipts 11, 000 head. Iioga were more active, but at 1 iwer prices ; sales of cc-rnfed at S'jaC 2 per 100 lbs net; receipts 9. XXI head. Sew Advertisement- Auditor Notice. THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the Orpbais' Court of Juniata county to distribute the assets in the hands of Philip Harlej, Fxecutor of Jobn Sell, de ceased, late of Fayette township, to and among the creditors ol said deceased, here by gives notice thai h will be in his office, in, on Wednesday, November l'J, to bear all parties interested in the distribution. ALFRED J. PATTEHSO.V, Oct 23, 1873. Jtudilor. Auditor's notice. TFIK andersigned appointed by the Court of Common Picas of Juniata county Jmd iter to distribute the balance in the bauds of James S. Cox, Assignee ot Peter For, to and among tbu creditors of the said Peter hbv, hereby gives notice to all parties interested therein that be will be for that purpose at bis ottice in Mittlin town, on FRIDAY, the 14th DAY OP NO VEMBER next. LCCIEN W. DOTY, Oct 22, lS73-ti Jndilor. Why u Housekeeper's Manual Sells. A successful agent says : Unlike; all other books, it has a claim on woman's at. tention. A bonse-to-honse canvass pays '." 970.00 in one wees was made by a single agent. AGENTS WANTED. For terms and territory appW to J. B. Fa it Co., New York, Bo stow, Chicago or San Frffactsco. M1SCELU1M EO US 1 IF YOU WANT ' : . A iY lrTIIIi .... THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT A BOOT & SHOE STORE AND THAT CAN BE HAD At the Lowest Prices TO IXSUBE A Good Article, Call at the BOOT and SHOE STORE of J. W. DEAN, BriJge Street, Patternm, rerm'a. HE CHEKRFULlaY ISYITES i:SPECTIOJi. Repairing Promptly Attended to. THE FALL OF 1873 IN ALL ITS GLORY. AT J. & H. A. ST A MBA UGH'S MAMMOTH STORE ! ! .A. Is IMMENSE Stock of Goods JUST RECEIVED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, r QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAp BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS, &C &C. NEW CASH STOKE AT LOCUST GROVE, MILFORD TWP., One and a half miles south.west of Patterson. THE inbwrtbcr wnnld most rcapertfully inform the public that he has jusi opened a Store at Ihe ebore place, where he i prepared tosnpply all who may favor him with tbeir patronage mith the latest and niott select a--.vjri:nert ol' DRY GOODS. tJF.OCERIFS, QrEKXSWAKE, WCOI) AS!) WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, L.OOTS & SIIi'E-S. Also, with a lull supply of HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C, All of which he ofTera to aell or exchange for cotintrr piodnce at THE VERY T.oVttsT I?RICES. Much lower, in fact, than goods have been void within the eounty for many years. lie will pay the hitliest maiket pric lor Locust l'ostn, Railroad Ties and Word, either in cash or goods. , .r a r A. J. IIERTZLER. Locust Grore, Ang. 8, D.W.Harley&Co.'s Ii the place where joa cm bnj TIIK BEST A!) THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & ROYS' CLOTHING HJTS, C.1PS, BOOTS, SHOES, .ISO FCRSKlllXG GOODS. WE are prepared to exhibit ona of the most choice and .elect storks ever otTered in this market, and at .iSTOSlSMSGLY LOW PRICES ! Also, measures taken for suits auJ part of suits, which will be made to order at short notice, very reasonable. Itemembcr the place, in Hoffman's New Building, corner of HriJps and Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. may 8, l7;i-tt WHAT TO WEAR AND HOW TO WEAR IT :0: Just atop into SAMUEL STRATER'S CLOTHING STOKE. Bridge street, Patterson' Pa., and lie will tell you all about it. Ilavine just returned from Philadelphia and New Tork, he ran supply yon with the Latest aud Choicest Styles tf CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Coats, Fants, Vests, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches ami Jewelry, Notions, Fi.r mshiiif; Goods in endless variety, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Furniture, .c, cheaper than the cheapest, tor the same quality ot goods. Call in and be convinced. Measures Taken and Suits Made to Order. Patterson, May 1C, 1873 SaML'EL STRAYER. yy p. sixoiTF . co, FORWARD A5D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IX GRAIN, LUMBER, COAL, BLASTER, SALT C 13 !M III IN T. CALCINED PLASTEE AT WIXOEESi(E AXI KET.4IL. Double Guns, So and upwards ; Brecch-Loadrs, $ 10 to $H5, KiMes, Revolvers, Dart Gn:i and Cap Hides. Goods sent lo all parts of the country by express C O. D., to be examined bet ore paid for. We send a f wmne W. it C. Scott 4. Sons' Muzzle Loader, with flask, pouch and cleanine rod. nicely boxed, tor $35. Seud stamp for Price List. SMITH la SQUIRES, 62a Broadway and oO Caat haa atreet, N', Y .ID fE R TiSEME.VlSJ If If yctt are Sufsrirj froa any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Dotrn Coustltntlon Or require a remedy to rnrifj and Enrich tbe JlTocd, Ton wi'.i find rr.Crooti'sCofniMmnl Syrnp ef Fokr Soot to pwmt ffrmtrr mi I it, fnrl yoi mom speedily, nnd ito you loore eoo4 ttmn atv aii-l alt othfr r meliefi eomlmei. Tisut I'ale.Tellow.H rbl.r-lok!nxHM9 11 Ct..41Kei IO OI1A Of frbne-M fll:i ln-Tlll)l Thosr liraeii of tlo KklN.lkinli.laa tnl-w. HloU-li and Ihiiiw tire r--moveJ. Mroi'iiln. Isrrtraln of tbf.F.yra, Vtlilfv SSflliscN I lrr, 4114 Siorr ur any kind o; Utnuor rapidly owinii io I rts!preir nnrlr Im Infloi-nco. rtntil:T It Is mituf's own rustoicrl A siub.e oxyd of irou Cfr.ibkneit Willi tbe metileiiiMl ,"Ofe-te- of le I:ool oiveMe'l ol nil rtiatbte quniltl-. ft wiileoresny PnMa h-rtft real or Uiiwt ciu is linw nietl. Xla4-iiiaim. lnias in l.iiub or Hun. 'ontltmlon broken lenn b M 'Ti-iiiiM itroioer p:i.sfns. are all care.l br It. t' K pbii io. or .Hjpbil.tir l")ot. tfiire IK ntn.i:g eiual to li, A trial will orsvelu boia by Kotice f DIoIutltn. rtTlIlE ariiier.hip heretolorr exilin) be- J. tween Nwih Hertzler and w ilium II. Kurtz, in itte name and stvlp f Hertzl-r & Kurt, at Van Wert, in Walker township, Juniata county, ha this day been dissolved bv mutsal consent. All persons having q?i setticd account will please call on tV. II. Kurt, at Vak Wert, and make settlement, and those having c!aims will present them for payment, a the books and accounts are in his Manila lor settlement. SDAII KERTZLER. WM. H. tt'UTZ. Oct. 22, 1873. W. II. Kriri will continue ikj bnsioes at the eld stand. Thankful for all t favors, he Is hopefnl of future patronage, and heartily invites all lo call and vxamine his stork. Sentinel and Republican $1.V) a year. j .Miscrflaneout. - THE GKEAT liKMEDY FOlt gpfaSUrViFnQil which can bo cured by a timely resort to this fstantl anl preparation, as lias leen proved by the hundreds cf testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to Ix; the most reliable preparation ever In troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is olTered to the public,- ,. 1 . j sanctioned by the experience ot over forty years. YV hen resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, fcjorc Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, c. "NYistar'a Balaam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays Irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rnr.raBFD bt tETH W. T0WLS & S0T.Z, B?icn, Aail Kjld by InTi3lBaiimca!cr generally. Trial List far DercnhtrTerm, fits. I. Ir. G. M. tiraliain Ts. Overseers of Turbett township. No. 41. April term. 1ST:!. 2. Slate Bst.k vs. e:il MeCov. .Nu.1 Sept term, 1,. 0. tieotge U". Gorton r Siinnel Hoff man. No. 1 4, Sept. tiTin, 1X72. 4, John Wilson vs. Michael !?are No. 14, IVeenib T term, lfTJ. 5. H. K.C'oiiim v- John McManipV?. No 40, t eovtiarv term, 173. G. Jo'm Thompson vs. David Smith. N 58. February (arm, 17.). 7. Joh:i Sheiiclotl vs. Ez.kici CamplxU. No. 8, April term. 1673. 8. William U'ajrner vs. John LigM. No. 2'J, April term, W3. 9. Jonathan Hum vs. Elixs Snvder. No 4'.', April term, l7;5. 10. M. Hunter rs. It. R. Shear er No. 54. April term, lbTJ. 11. Hichanl Johnson vs. David Smith. No. 1 10, April term, 1S73. 12. JesM: K-el, Adin'r .Tf Susan Graham, deeensti, vs. tiuuittel T. Iiiiiin, No. H'.1 Scpleiitler term. 7o. 1. t. P. S. Lh.iett vs B. F. Crotlse. No. ft, S-jptrmbi r teitn, 1873 It. Jacob Weiser vs Henry Bey. No. 7, Septem!H.r term, lv7:. 15. Wm. Given. Assignee of CJ. Cham ber tin. vs. Wilber K. McCahiVi. No. 8, Septeii?h--r term. 1?7:. lo. Jew Driuer vs. Wiilia'm C. Beale. No. I Oil, Septeiiib.-r term, 1873. 17. Kiiz ioeth Stoull'er, Kswutris of Hen rv 8touHer. o. 1J1, September term. 183. IRVIN D. WALL'S, Proay. POTHoxoTai's Orriei:. i Miltlmtuttii, October 1873. 11HOC 1. 1?1 W II K RKAS. the lbn. ll J. t . JrsKiX, rp-snlenl Jnda of the Court of Coninon I'less lor the VI b Judicial Di.-lriel, i-iuij'oki' of Ik-I counties ol Jluiata, l'errv and CniiN-r-1 liii, and the Honorable Jonathan Wriser and John Koons, Judges of ths sail Conrt ofCobiiin.ii Tkas ol Jtiniaia county, have L-snel their pw.-pt to me directed, bearing date Iho bi b day ol Sej temb'r 17.;, for hold ing 1 Court rf Oyer an. I Terminer and Grneral Jail lh livery, and Geu:ral y-.iartef Sessions of tie? peace, at Mill'.m towu, on the first MONDAY oi December, 173, being the 1st day ol the month. Notice is Hi niBT (itvtx, to the Cor oner, Justices ot Ihe I'eace and Constables ot the Coii'ity of Juniata, that they be then and therein their pro'r persrns, at one o'clock ou the afternoon of said day, with their records, in:i;isiiinis, exa:.'in itims anil oyer remembrances, to do those th'ns thai to their offices resjx-ctively appertaiii, and those that are lioiind by recoirtiiaaiice to prosecute the prisoner tint are or ihcu may be lit the Jail of said county, be then and there tu prosweutica ag.iiust Ibe.u us shall be just. By an Act of Assembly, pas-;! tbe Jth day id' May, A. D., ItCit, il is maiie the duty of the Justices ol the J'eace. of She several comities of this Commonwealth, to return to Hie Cb r'i ot this Curt ol (jiartor Sessions i,i the ep-ctives cotiiilies. ail the recognizances ertered into belore theui bv any person or js-rsous chaiged with tht comtiilsiou o! any crime, exeeot such cas,-s as may be euded belore a Justice of thj 1'r.M-e. lllldtrr exi:.tlnz laws, at least ten l:ivs l..inn. fill. CiiI10IHIliCeiIie!it Ol' th(- i-v.i..n 1 of tho Court to which they are made re turnable respectively, and iu all cases wh -re any recognizances are entered into leis then ten days belore llu- commencement oi th'! session to which ihey are made re turnable, tbu said Justices are to return Ihe Mine in the same manner as if said act bad not been passed. Dated at 31 ittlin- town, the 2ilh day of ttctober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight h nrdred and seventy-three, aud the Mi th v car of the American Independence. JO.SKFH AKD, tfheritr. t?herili"a Oflice, Miltiiu, Oct. 27, l73-tc. TnE VICTOR SEWINO MACfllNE t'O. want reli.ible snd t"nZ"tic AyenM in tlih ni:my. TI.e VICTCU"' is a !.. k-itil- h, Shntf!.- Jfacliiije. with Sell setting Needle, best 8ni.-l-.eil and most perfect Ma chine offered. An iTcrease of over 309 percent, on ssles of b"i'l uvct ltf71. Vor Te-ms &.C., .VMress, VICTOR SEWING MACHINJ! CO., I2J7 Cbesti.nt St., 1'hikid'a, Ta. CASVASSfStl BCMKS StXT FIIEE TOR Prof IWler's Great Work, On Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutual Iuier-rtlatioDs ; Lore, Its Laws, ; i Power, etc. ! I Agents are foiling fnun ! to 2 copies a . dar, awl we send a canvassin-r bHJt free to1 1 I inv biiok aeent. Address, extr-ri- ' tA4ft MAM (4 ence.etc, NATIONAL Pl'CLisIliStt CO. 1 rt aw 1 Fuiladelphia, Httfiine Card. THOMAS A. EiHrJU)..' Physzeiai and Snfgeoa, xiFFListon r.i. ( Otfirfl hours from 9 A. . L r. . Or. . flee iu his fa:hi "s rexiiice, at thi? ni;:ti i eud of Water street. f oetii-tf LFHED J. PArf EKSON, ATT0E5ET-AT-L&W, MIFFLIMikr. X, JCX UTA CO., P.t.- ! $y All hymens promp'Ty attended to. j Orricr VTtli J-rennaN Lyons,- Ki. I JJ tVIS K. ATKINSON, ! ATTOR NET -AT -LAW, j MIFFf.I.VTOT, TA. CyCllecting aud Cor.vyat:i:ig prompt ly a:icnief lo. Orrirr On FtcM- strwr, oppiite Atf Court Hm?e Sq un-. Will viatt Mifilin and ratlcrson ever? TuexJav, Tnuraday and Saturday oiornrnvci and wiil lnrni?h the -KUcui 91 tht- bur' ou ill wit i iltr bet of jBhl-.F, VEAL, JIL'TTOX, FOliK, c. lh" l,,K't r - sol.cit the p.ttroa.iire ot the fu April 3, 1 -. rc-si-Hcttuirf blic. GKEAT KEDUCTlOft IN TIIK PltKES OF TEETH! Foil Tppi''or Lower Seit as Liw as ii No teeth aow- il in leave the office nn-lt-s the p itieiit is ntistieJ. Tee lli n-modeht! m:d repiircd. Teeth tilled lo bisi lor iile. Dt-n'al w k done tr p-rsiiis withmtf tuein leaving their homi-s, it desirrvl. T"Oth;ielie sMp d in liv minute witii oih f-xtrtu-lin tiie. tooth, ai ihe IVnial rli-e of U. Dk.Mlc, established iu .Milil.r: town ii: Iftitr. G. L. PKlt'.t. Jan 24. ISTJ Practical LVrrtist. TAlLOti SHOP. The rindersiprr.'d wmrld rVpe-ft'iy m-, form the pui.lic that be has- ir-eie d TAILOR SHOP at his n-siilenre". on B. ioce strefft. in the" 1'arker U insiou, anl is new pre.i. : : d CUSTOM AVOR1C I at short notice anr! i.i the nnst ditr.ible an4 tasiintruTe manner. He intends tu put oirt noire' hut good worl and asks a share of th'? puhlie (utlrouaie. WI'.LIAM VISK. sept 3. lS73-tf. jEY DHFU TotlE BANKS k HAMLIN, .Main Mrect.Mlfillnlunn. Pn DK.VI.Eli.- IN PRIMS AND .MEDICINES, CllEMRALf, DYE ST FF; 1AINT9 01L, VAKNlSHKS.ULASS.riTTY, I'll A L OIL. I.A1IS, Bl'KNEKS, CHIMNKYs. H H I' S II K -j, 1IAIH hKl'HES, TOOl II JBUi;.S!!ES, I'EH Fl'MKRY.rtlMES, -SOAl'S.lfAlK OIL, ToSAC Cl, C1UARS. X II T 1 O S S , ST A T N E h T LAHGE VARIEEY O f PATENT MEDICINES, Selected wi;?i frvil carw, and Warrantert jrom bili C7-rurett WINES AND LIQIOU-? for meoical purposes. rCi'KE ."Kil'TlONS cmpounded with preal rare. June J-J-tr. TEW HOOK J SIIOC S'foRf iM hi;.sior..NrE, ox CHERRY STREET, MirrLlRTOV'X, Tlie nnd-'rstjneil TronH r.ertfiilty an n,;iinre to the j'olic l;rt hi Im. oiv-nivl Bo .t and Slioe trre at is rsde;i-e ni Che-street. a-1d keejis ou land a Lsrg' and w-U selected stjck of READY-MAPS WORK, for MEN, WOMEN snd CIIILDbEN He is slso repareil td maniifactlfe, d the best material, all kinds trf B'JOTS, SHOES AXD OAITER3 for gents, ladies and i-hil:?r;-n; a:x wore wtrKA.Tib. tine me a call, for I feel co tijeni tbat I ran fitniUh yen with any kind of woik ) mav ib-sire. ny Repairing difnd heatly ami at reason able rates. June , lisTf- JdllN XrtUTIf- n.cToHTir, 310 MARKET STREET, It A R K I S B i: 11 ii, PA . l'F.AbfcR IM JlANOS . JAWXKT Qli'l:.-;, Anil all kinds of Mnsifal Instnuiirnfs. SI'tlKT CSLC. This lioe Liivs I'-jt cas!: ; never gave a note, an 1 is, there fore, enabled to oiler indtne menfs to its patrons. EiiipVA s no agents, und gives all atgfriifs' coniinisi'.ons to its cittofin.'!"3 direct. CIKCULAIiS SENT FitLir-:. aep -t, lS?3-Jy. A Wholes lie rim-ha-'in" Ae-t f r tin; New amkiiican SeWINTi M ACIIIXE. Tho Needle' eve is theonlT hole . e.l lUroorh; self svtling Needle: nuts I ,''i: : ! sews fast ; cheapest let imui.V b lin- rshet nM'st durable M.irh.'nc m ex. : iu;. ; WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR 3 VI. AILS. For Cirenl irs, Tertrs. Jte., .Mr.-ss AMEIIILAN S. xM. '., H N, SccomI i.-e. t, Jarrisburg, ?c:.n'a. JllM Tfltfl, js! j,'er 11 irrisbrfrg, Sej.t C. 1873-fltu. Caution. VLL per S".itit 1 ron are hrey c'nvje hunting or ntbcrih rr..-:';..s siiii i n the ot ii;p v.r. :i r:rc-' in Walker townshiin, A It .ic.ioi.s -n t1''i' ! si:i sm hj tu.: e..i.i ..