B.'F. SCHWEIER, THE C0SST1TI TION THE VXIO ASD THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXVII. MIFFLINl'OWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, rENNA.. NOVEMBER i, 1-73. NO. 46. Pootry. t'naald. For dajs and aeelts apea lh lip bu aang A precions something for aa absent ear Sine tender confidence bat lately sprang, Soni. laar eeafeselea t at bat oar matt hear. Tbt heart repeat It (m day by day, Aad fancies how aad whea the words will fall What nnswering entile npoa the face will plar. What leader light wiii linger OTer all. But eager eyes that watch for one aloae Slay grow relactant ; for the open gate Leu la, with him, perchance a goeet aakaowa. On whom alow words of courtesy most wait. Or when the presence waited for has cucuf , It may be dolt or cold, too sad or light ; A look that shows the heart away from hone t an often pal the dearest words la night. l'erhaps the lime of meeting, or the form. May chill or wither what we've longed to ray ; What flu the enanhine will net 11 the storm W hat bleads with Iwilig ht,j are wUh nawa of day . Again, when ail things seem our wUh to serve. Fall oppertaalty may strike as dumb May sink enr precious thoughu in deep reserve, Aad to the surface bid the lightest come. Aed often are oar friend Is onl of sight. We start ; the thing caa scarce be credited We have been silent, or our words been trite, Aad here's the dearest thing of all uassM ! Repaying. Because 1 hare kissed you, Mingatllj, Mr mother Is scalding me so. tiakh 1 (nick ! glvs ms back the tin. duUag I guv ya than Urns ago. As it's don we have gt to undo It Far mother, you see. Is so cross , Bus a kUs g.rea back to the giver. After nil, is act much of n loss. But, heyday! WngnlUo! whtt's this air? Why, here we are, worse than before ! I bade yea reoore me my kiss, sir. And sow you haTe taken two mere ! j wrinkle marred the marble smoothness A Story efMoaUey Sagacity. ot her brow the golJ.bright hair waved It was awild and dreary part of the in luxririantma from her blue-veined country, in the plains of India, w hile temples, and the bloom on her cheeks journeying, that one day a friend aud ntl !" H'at ot 'l""". myself sat llown under the shade of , l yet she never had had an offer, banran tree, and we were enjoying a ' It was hard, too. Augusta Vivian meal of various edibles, when we were had all the wifely instincts that belong disturbed by the arrival and noise of a to every woman worthy of the name ; troop of large black-faced monkeys ; ' she had her aspirations, hopes, and the branches overhead literally swarmed ! dreams sn.l it was dispiriting to see with them- ,They looked ou us as in- J them blighted one by one. terlopers, no doubt ; and for some time , "Nobody cares for me," thought their -gestures appeared so menacing j Augusta, mournfully, and not without a that we were apprehensive they would ' spice of bitterness in herdejection. "So dispute the ground with us. , man ever spoke to me of love ; no home We had just risen from oar meal. ever yet opened its portals to greet me when to onr surprise one of the mon- ' as its queen. Why not, I wonder? Am keys (a young one) fell down from a 1 1 unlike other women ? Am 1 unworthy a high branch at our feet. It was quite : of the destiny fate has reserved for dead. The clamor that arose above us ! them ? Here I live in my little cottage on the occurrence of this calamity was ! among the roses, solitary and alone, deaiening. The whole assembly of mon-, save for Aunt Bessy and the kitten, and keys clustered together for a confab, j here, for aught I can see, I am Likely to Long and loud were the chatterings.and ; drag out the monotonous series of my various the grimaces of the tribe, each , days. I wish I were a man ; Men can individual vieing with the other in the go out into the world and forget all loudness of his tongue. Their looks : personal trouble in that keen hand-to-and gestures made it apparent that they : Land conflict which invigorates while it suspected us of being the cause of the ' occupies them ; but women can only sit death of their juvenile comrade. at home with folded hands and aching But we were unarmed, and the good , sense of the monkeys seemed to tell them that there must be some other culprit. Having come to this conclu sion, one monkey, apparently the senior and leader of the whole tribe, separated himself from the rest, ran to the spot on the branch whence the young mon key had fallen, examined it carefully, smelt tne branch, and then glided nim bly down one of the pillars or pendant roots; and came to the corpse of the monkey, took it up, examined it mi nutely, particularly the shoulder, where there was a small wound. Instinct im mediately turned suspicion into cer tainty. "He placed the corpse on the ground again, and turning his gaze in every direction, endeavored to pierce the foliage in search of the murderer. After a little while something seemed to rivet his attention. In an instant he had mounted thetree.sprang to the spot, and with one clutch had seized a long whip snake, with which he hastened to the ground. Sow there occurred a most curious scene. The whole monkey rabble, fol lowed their leader, were on the ground almost as soon as he ; men as many an , the snake. Each monkey put his hand on the reptile, clutching hold of the skin of the back tightly. At a given signal, the executioners dragged the writhing snake backward and forward ou the ground till nothing was left of the mur derer but the backbone. The mode of the execution was effectual, aud in the war it was earned out, showed the clear i .lni. wln'nli Sli mnntAV Ian- 1 uawveyV guage conveys. 1 The Maraadims Habit fAitt. Huber was walking in the environs of Geneva, between four and five o'clock in the evening, "when he saw a regiment of sreat ted ante crossing the road. They marched in good order, with a 1 front of three or four inches, and in a j polished as Chevalier Bayard, had al column eight or ten feet long. He fol- j ready singled her out to be his wife ! A towed them, crossed a hedge with them, i keen pang of envy shot through Angusta and found himself in a meadow. The Vivian's heart, none the less keen in high grass plainly hindered the march tiiat she felt how base it was thus to of the army, yet it did not disband ; it gmdge the royal crown of wedded hap- liad its object, ana reacuea iu aum was 1 the nest of another species of ants, blackiah-gray ones, whose hill rose in the grass twenty steps from the hedge. A few blackish-gray ones, were scat tered about the hill : as soon as these perceived the enemy, they darted upon ( the stranger, while others hurry into : the gaudies to give uie aiarnv Aue oe- SSSJ i-folP- very short but very spirited struggle. drive the black-gray ones back to the bottom of their Boles. One army oorps presses after them into the galleries, j WUUU VU1C1 gwufT selves an opening with their teeth into the lateral parts of the hill. They suc ceed, and the remainder of the troop ... e. . makes ita way m' the oesiegea city oy. o before the breach. Peter Huber hadseen bat- ,Je m dio- t felt t h an1 Tt.ermi nations or ants Deiorw this ; he supposed they were slaughter imr each other in the depths of the caV' eras. What was his amazement, after three or four minutes, when ha saw the assailants issue hurriedly forth again, ach holdins between its mandibles a 1 larwaorTrfrmuha of the conauered , tribe! The aggressors took exactly the , though I've been Miss man to tne aame road agaSby which they' had end of the chapter, just as you will be! oome. passed through the hedge.crossed 1 And Aunt Bessy fell into . such a the road at the same place, and made reverie concerning old times that she their way. still loaded with their prey, ; never heeded when AngusU slipped out toward a field of ripe grain, into which of the room. the honest citizen of Geneva, respect-l Down into the garden, ttwugh ing another's property, refrained, with ! hedges of budding lilac, whew crocus refret from folowg them. J blossoms sprinkled the borders with B mm-rn , gold, snd pale snow-drops were already A wicked Bostonian cans Lis wue "Birdie" because she always meets him with a bilL Billing and cooing are always associated with love the cooing with courtship and the billing afterwards. THREE TIM EM A BRIDESMAID. "AngusU Vivian ! why, what on c arth are you crying about ?' Miss Vivian dashed the crystal drops petulantly from her eyelashes. "Crying! What nonsense! I'm not crying." She sat there on the low velvet-covered divan, with the exquisite brides maid's dress in her lap white tarlatan, barred with shimmering lines of silver while just beyond l.y the weddiug cards, tied together with snowy ribbon, like drifted snow. And Aunt Bessie, seeing that remon strance and argument would alike be unwelcome just at that moment, went quietly out of the room with the ivory needle-case she had come to seek, leav ing Augusta alone once more. "Three times a bridesmaid, and never bride !" Was it, then, that there was actual truth in the words of the old saw which people quoted aga;Tit her with so much malicious fun ? For the third time she was to be a bride's attendant now and herself? 'Why does no one como to lead her to the altar also, to fulfill a woman's sweetest, proudest destiny ? It is all sheer nonsense to say that a girl must not admit visions of love and matrimony into her head. She would be but a lifeless, loveless statue other wise ; the visions will come unbidden, and existence would be incomplete : without their enchanting glitter. So it was with Augusta Vivian at J eight-and-twenty. People were already i beginning to speak of her us nn old maid ' lite voniir it.. tt.vear-iili- lum. ; sels thought her "shockingly old," aud ; -Lily, her married sister, with two babies ! patronized and pitied her. ! "Poor OuMsie I" said Mrs. Lathrou. I "it is'nt likely she will ever marry now ! ' Why, I was engaged ttefore I was etgh- teen, aud Gustiie is nearly thirty. How 1 ever, I always wanted an old -maid sister j to live with me, and help about the cbildreu and the housekeeping. Yet Augusta Vivian was lovelier uuw than Bhe Had been at eighteen. ot a hearts, waiting lor the day to come which may never dawn. And so it happened that Augusta Vivian had let a bright tear-drop or two fall upon the 6hining folds of a silver barred tarlatan as she sat there all alone. "Augusta," said Auut Bessie, pres ently re-entering, and sitting herself down to work in the sunny corner of the bav-window, "how old is your sister Helen?" "Sixteen next month," answered Augusta, spiritlessly. "I thought so," said Aunt Bessy, sagely. "Do you know, AngusU, I've got a new idea in my head ?" "What is that?" asked Augusta, forcing herself at least to appear to take some sort of interest in the subject matter under discussion. "Major Culthorpe, next door don't you notice that he comes hens every day" "He never siieaks to me,"said Augusta, coldly. "But he does to Helen. They wero out an hour yesterday, looking at the h-acinthbejs. 1 j really believe he means something, Augusta. Helen is young, to be sure only sixteen aud he must be more thau thirty." "Thirty-one," said Augusta, with a little sigh, so soft that it was scarcely perceptible "But he's very rich and very hand some a great deal more brilliant match, in a worldly point of view, than Lily's husband. Helen couldn't do better than to accept him, if he should happen T ,..,. it tll hr " Aufrusta dare not answer. Marrying and giving in marriage how naturally they came to every girl but herself ! Here was little Helen, wearing short dresses still, and scarcely out of the school-room, and Major Oulthorpa, one q k thousand, handsome as Apollo, and pmess to ner young siaier a wver. "Helen L the last of the flock," added Aunt Bessie, meditatively, "ex cept yon, Augusta, and I don't Buppose you will marry now !" Vn " AnoTiata. echoed, looking down airily at the white tarlatan folds, almU marrT now." 1 j Jare Ur. - went on Aunt By, inconsola- tory vein, "l'eople that uon t nave any ujh are never tumbled with the dntvn. Dear heart alive, I'm an old maid my self, and I'm sure my life has always an easy one ! 'Y. but von had a lover once." "Of course I had; I should have married Hugh Revere if the Lord in His good providence hadn't seen fit to : 1. ... ... .. 1 i 1 31 1 : .s tk. eimA lint Tva trot reconciled to it now. "But if you had never had a lover ?" "Well, I don't know how things would have seemed to me then," said Annt Bessv. "I've always felt more like a widow than an old maid since, sending up meir siar u i's the rnstic bridire to the solitary walk among the evergreens, Augusta flitted along, scarcely knowing or heed ing whither she went Some new shadow seemed to have come oyer her life within the last hour some brood ing phantom of evil, she herself knew not what. Only that she was very, very sorrowful, and longed to be alone. "Miss Vivian !" She started like a frightened fawa. "Major Culthorpe !" For he had met ner at the little wire gateway which divided the Culthorpe estate from the less pretending grounds of the cottage. A tall, handsome man, with Spaninh eyes, a rich dark com plexion, and a beard soft and long as lloss silk. Major Cnlthorpe's cheek was slightly flushed, as if in sympathy with the touch of crimson which suf fused Angusta Vivians whole face. "Did I startle you. Miss Vivian ?" ' "No, but I did not expect " She stopped abruptly, not knowing what to say in her confusion. "Were you going for a walk ?" "Yes no 1 don't know." And Augusta blushed more hotly than ever at the thonqht of what a goose she was tanking of herself. But Major Culthorpe did not seem to notice it. "May I have the pleasure of walking a liftie way with you ?" he asked. "Helen's up at the cottage," Augusta ansvered, impulsively. "In she ? I hope bhe is very well ; but you have not yet answered my qnestiou ... ..... "in conr.1 certainly I shall be verv hitonv- buuiniered Augusta. And she thotigut to 1m rself, "Now lie is going .. - .:.i..i r to mk eoniidftut of me," She walked bIour by hisside in silence for some distance, and then looked up!"C" awav and instead Mice sits :.u t 3i 1. i Clear away, ana lusteau, .Mice bus with a forced laugh "Yon have something to say to me, Major Culthorpe," she began, "so you may as well say on." "You are right," he auswered with a smile ; "I have." "Well?" "Do vou know how tuauy yearn we have lived neighbors to each other. Miss Vivian ?" "Xot exactly six or seven, I believe." "Seven next November. And did it never occur to you that this constant companionship might suggest to me the possibility of a nearer tie?" "i supposed it was possible, an swered Augusta, almost inaudibly. ro you tliink I am tooold to marry?'' "Certainly not." ... . . . . .... "Augusta, wonid von tase me r "I lane you ! Jiajor Culthorpe? - s.v t 1,-tI i-i you aU these vears, yet never until now for m7 seltwhuess. We did not ait his eyes for sleep he w happy, and re have mustered courage to ask you to ' lwn immediately, though, but stoiid solves that he will try aud do his duty, be mv wife. I know it has been cow- j lkuig t each other, talkiug, and, -Good ni.ht I. lot mti. worj, aftllv" to keep silence so loin?, yet when I muklI1K three quiet shadows ou the Trt b-.uu.ai though hri.f. a man's whole destiny luTngs ou their And Arthur said we were always "f'?.: k"n answer to a single question he can but 1 etiug shadows wherever we went ; and .,. hesitate aud tremble. My own dear some were somber enough to many jroor lluband and Wifi-. one my Augusta oniy ten me tuai i i. i. ,n .i ti,..ii ..I nr. aLw i. f irtr.,'. - "V And when Miss iviau ,cme home from ner walK in the woods her accepted lover h. her side lover was by her side. "So it wasn t Helen, after all, said Aunt Bessy," when she heard the news, "Well, men are unaccountable creatures -and Augusta .- very handsome still. But I always rfi think she would be an old maid." The spell of the ancient proverb was dissolved for once : and Aususta man. naving oeen tnree times a i.n.iesmai.i, was a bride after alL 1 a .1 1-1 " 1 . . yiarmariog. I was tired of washing dishes ; I was tired of drudgery. It had always been j toe, and should never form new ties ; meau8 weaver.. xhe wie is ' j of purpose to grapple with those difii so. and I was dissatisfied. I never sat . that could be so intimately associated : r..t . : culties and snlxlne them. On half of down a moment to read, that Jamie didn't want a cake, or a bit of paper to i scribble on, or a bit of soap to make bubbles. "I d rather be in prison," I I said one day, "than to have my life teased out, "as Jamie knocked my elbow, when I eat writing to a friend. But a morning came when I had one plate less to wash, one chair less to But away by the wall in the dining-room ; j when Jamie's little crib was put .way in the garret and it has never come , down since. I had been unusually fret ful and discontented with the dark May morning that he took the croup. Gloomy weather gave me the headache, and 1 had less patience than at any other time. By-aud-by he was singing . ..r i in anotuer room, a want to ue au an- ; up uie long uiiung room, auu sat uowa np a hint of earnest, in-door, stay-at-gel ;" and presently rang out that mo-, iu my window seat to work out the home occupations as licing fitted for her tallic cough. 1 never hear that hymn J puzzling connection, while I looked out who bears this name." since mat it uon t cut me to tne near : for the croup cough rings out with it He grew worse toward night and when my husband came home he went for the j uocior. At uri uu nectueu to ueiu 111111, but it merged into inflammatory croup, aud all was soon over. "I ought to have been called in sooner, said the doctor, I have a servant to wash the dishes isitor comes, I can Aoin 1...- ;i.nnf now ; aud when a visitor sit down and entertain having to work all the time. v.muu ci . O ' 1 There is no little boy worrying ue to i-.vifAA then Ma wa i are no MI1HV1I1VM llVHr I lln I If M IT. SUM II1HII1KIIMW 1 - al. a The magazines are not soiled by looking over the pic - a . tures, but stand prim aud neat on the reading-table past as X leave them. "Your carpet never looks dirty," said a weary-worn mother to me. "Oh 1 no," I muttered to myself, "there are no little boots to dirty it now." But my fi-te in aa weary aa theirs weary with rutting in my lonesome par lor at twilight weary with watching for the arms that used to twine around my neck, for the curia that brushed against my cheek, for the young laugh that rang out with mine, as we watched the bias ing fire.or made rabbits with the shadow on the wall, waiting merrily together ( ior papa conuug noiue. a unve uie , wealth aud ease I longed for, but at i with crown pontons, driving to town or ! church, and my hair silvered I over with gray, I wish I had murmured leas. .ivlat; Heartily to Co!. . . , . . . -ii -i It ia related of Andrew i nller that on-1 a-begging tonr for the nmr T. rv a v T Til. JMI1IA. fT I. 1 . J v. IlilH- 8ions. he called on a oertain wealthy i . ... i nooieman to wiiouj no ' out wno nau nearu muou 01 '"""" After he had stated to him the object of his visit his lordship olnterved tliat he thought he should make him no do nation. Dr. Fuller was preparing to re turn when the nobleman remarked that there was one man to whom, if he could see him, he thought he would give something for the mission, and that man was Andrew Fuller. Mr. Fuller imme diately replied. 'My name, air, is An drew Fuller. On this account the no- liieman with aomA hesitation, cava him I airuinoa. Observing the indifference of the doner. Mr. Fuller looked him in . , T. . e I the face with much gravity, and said, "Does this donation, sir. come from ! your heart I If it does not, I wish not to receive it The nobleman was melted and overcome with this honest frank ness, and taking from his purse ten guineas more said, "there, sir, these oome from the bottom of my heart" Men should give to the cause of mis sions cheerfully. They should do good with a good motive. "God loveth a cheerful giver. Only Tare mt V. j There were only three of us left in the 1 old house, the Thanksgiving night be-1 fore Arthur went away, and past as tne twilight was falling I climbed into one of the old-fashioned windows to look without. The prospect was drear enough, and the pang I was to feel at parting sharpened the whole scene. The elms were stripped of leaves, and the water was dripping tearfully from their spray: and beyond the sloping bunk, the unsteady waves looked like dark clouds dropped on the surface of the lake, and the rocks and pebbles of the shore were wet with the late rain. The wind swept around the house in con fused gusts, for it had not yet decided which way to blow, and sometimes it would shake the doors and windows as if with a heavy hand, and anon hush its your owr Leart an j arouse ono in an voice to a whisper and come moaning I otnt.r insom- uh, try the mighty efli to us through the crevices. Icacyoflove. Oue smile of eeuuine svm- "It is au old bonsc, 1 said, turning to Arthur, who, with Alice, was standing near. "It is an old house," he repeated, "and like all old houses has its ghosts. Do not question my veracity with doubting eyes, and 1 will tell you of apparitions that haunt it daily." "At twilicht I come iu here often from hard study, aud I see our grand- father aeatnl. aa of old at other Thanks- I " ; ,; ,mi.;, j f 'T"Z '. " . 7 . L a Z ! 4 i yonuer uu inrn. "j-"" "-" , .',""uc; . .;. J3??? HZSt radiant beiore me, and you hover around HJ1U rOJ)OUUU IU IUB LUIHfd l-UIWUl questions, and the ghosts are gone. I do not mean that I really see them, you know," he explained, in order to do away with my incredulity, "aud I do not mean that there are real ghosts to be seen here, only the specters that fancy falls up ; but we are only specters ourselves, little cousin, that flit here until God calls us away. ' It was irrowini? darker now. Betty 1 had gone to spend the night with a sick j child, and I thonght it would be a relief j to hear her stirring in the kitchen, and ; getting down from my window I said lual 1 wisnea certy iiaa not gono away. ' iot lt w8 K'(omJ hight, and a large l.rknoA f.-kv ..tilw lliyu. r.f lis Th-ati AliA ..... "e-y ; : placed our ohiirs. rebukuiir me eravely - . , " . v, . i : era cool and refreshimr that fell where , : they were most needed in the heat and , ,,T. ,. , w.--- " .. " n " J"" Alice," he said, after we had sat down, . ' -J6 l 1? f0"SIt i fnd touted, until we quit wrgot mat ; 2 ; and that the ; 'SS ta ; row Wtt8 AnansMgwiBg iay. : There would be many changes in all , three of us. Arthur said, beiore we I 1 A . I . 1 1 A ; coma meet agam ; ouj no tiopeu . , Le . b . no othe would be all just as it should be. lie:,'- . i..j . :....,! went forth with high hopes, it was true. but he was strangely attached to the I old house, and it was hard for him to leave. He was attached to the inmates, with dear remembrances, for by natnre he was conservative ; so much so, that ' he felt he could never be happy to mfike choice ot a ule companion without the I limits ol that household, it was a pity tua a wa. coumu, ,u a 0 was his cousin, for in time wife. He looked " r i iked very steadily at me . aoco.jinrfv waa cIqA -it, and I made answer that u .ocorajPP1T caU01 m k, buu """" . . , or wife ; aud another remnant of while speak in; '"'the world 1 would never marry Ainu I thought too much of him. Ua looked , mused, and said that I was a strange thTbdTmrtherVwaTo that beside me there was only Alice lelt for him, and that she, too, was my - , . , , . . T 1 1 1 "But she 18 not mine, he said quickly, catching up her hand, and I walked ; ii I 1 i l into uie uara mgui. f e all left the dear old house the ' next day after Thanksgiving, Arthur to I pursue his theological studies, Alice to j live with a relative in another town and I to attend school in a little village not t... ik4..,it ?:. and visited the old house together, for ! w left it nniubabittfd Th swal own ! built their nests in the chimneys, aud ! the robins wove theirs in the corners of . , . i . ... ine oia wiuauWB ana trauies. ami mer always welcomed us with their happy . i , xt' ... . U Wtaj D WCILVUIVAI UO WUU bUCI K UOlLIV flutterini and their eontrs. for tiiese ! i.aai a in., n . 'i r I wa-AaAiua w.i l.a enwuAn&o. l.aeawna. vviwu auu xuu nivncuw v. imuuiu I7 i ings. The deserted house looked less cheerless, made alive with their busy, social habits so we called them onr tenants, Alice and I ; and wrote Arthur long letters under the brown apple trees, of their quiet ways and thrifty little lives. And we would make our letters just as fresh as description of peaoh and apple blossom and rose and rosemary, and all the fragrance of sum mer could make them ; for we said they must fall like fresh bouqnets among the musty tomes of the old books he 1 was continually poring over. And thus we strove to keep him mindful that there were two hearts very tender of his happiness during his absence and toil. j Well. Arthur came back at last. I ;i,. -.i r.. i?hiF ; ajf three of ns. He had worked hard! I 1 he said, during the yean, of our sepa-! I ration, and had enjoyed many a rich least Htnayuik me om masters, lie ' thought they had brought him nearer to I ii .,i.;Un,.v.i;m i miimik u. turj iisu ifii'UKiii uiui umirr w , ... . , P . , i . . .i l 1 ,iir.. 1 T 1 .. .1 : ' Ml Ultt WUllU. 11SU 1 UUUC lUUUU VUUU i . . ,i.- Mn.i.i , 1 1 ... I i m..AK 1 . T ...i t . . our grandfather ? I did not know. ; But Alice," I said, "with her it had , been quite different ; she had one of tnose large nearts wmcu me werui so much needed ; she could understand all . . . the needs of people who had had quite a different experience from hers. She was a noble woman, and would make i an excellent such an excellent minister's ' wife." Arthur plucked a flower from his ' buttonhole, analyzed and described it ' to me. and explained how much more . luxuriantly he had seen it blossom in a : warmer clime. And then he told me j tiint a iiaa tia.1 rttvimai v r.vyrr iice uao prutuiseu to uecome iu ; u5 relt WI7 nnworthy, but su- , premely happy. I Well, they were married, Alice and Arthur, inst aa the robins betran to sins in the buddinsr cherry trees. I went down with them to their new home, j whose white walls cleam ont so plea- santly from the locusts and lilacs sui-. rounding it In our quiet heartfelt ways we are very happy here, all three of ua. And we thank God hourly for his loving kindness to us in our orphaned lives, and for 'his tender mercies shown to us. littral Sew Yorker. Klndnem to Children. Deal with your children as God deals with his. Do not meet their anger with your anger, their petulance with your own, or their obstinacy with willfulness still greater. Overcome evil with Rood. 1 When God called himself a father, he chose a name which he designed to be significant of overflowing love, tender mercy and long continued forbearance. 'Parents, provoke not yoar children to wrath." What will love not do ? Who can de scribe its powerful subduing influences? Who ever accomplished anything by re proaches,or violence,or harsh measures? Ynn crrntifv u Tkrivnta an,1 flrk rtflauinn patuv jH WOrtlt all vonr purse to the beir- nueueir- gar. "Ueloved, jet us love one another; for love in of (iod ; and every one that loveth is born of God " 1 John iii :7. 1'arents, commend your little ones when they do right, perform that which is good and praiswortliy. Whenever they are quick to oley cheerfully, ex- , prees your grateful approbutiou ; tell 1 .i.Pm i.liw WPii nlea..e.l 'imw ' ..;u...i s n ; : ""B'j b' "; c iu. im- ' Pement iu weu uoing uet a mother , approve 01 a cuiid s conduct whenever sue can. iiet ner snow mat uis goou I La.vit,r uattt 'or. sincerely happy. WW-, blm,ff T "aiT1V rjleas bv sniiles anil nfriictioii. In tin . way die will cherish iu her child's heart some of the noblest and most desirable feelinsrs of onr nature. She will culti - vate iu him a lovely and amiable dispo-1 sitioa and a 1 cheerful spirit Yonr child lit. lAaan vara vil aa ui ri rw uiwl . l ux 1 iunt through the day. Just beforo putting mrongu me iay. just oeioro putting Lira to sleep for the night, von take Lu hand and say: "My sou, you hav. been very good to-dav. It make me very happy to see vou so kind and olwdient Ci-xl loves children who ar6 dutiful to their pa' . rents, aud he promise to inakb them j happy." I Thi9 approbation 'roui his mother is 1 to mm a great reward. And when, with ! a more than ordinary aflectioiiata tone, ' vr.n .u 'I . .1 . 1 mvlt .l.-iai. .. . . ' . ' " ' " ;j -u. . j full of feeliutr. Aud where l.e eloses Ti;.i i. i 'lins- baud" explained ? ...... It means literally j, the support of it, -.. ,, IE "T"" "Tn TZ'C, .V . , - r .-0....... - i band keeps together a sheaf of com. j Xuer0 are tallDr maied men wUo are i husbands ; because they are not the house Trulv in manv ! caTs, the wife is theT husband ?Tor I often times it is she who, by her prn- I thrift.aud economy.keeps the ,0.;,r -n, ,..i'm i. . . , . ... Btr:DSh:a i,Uusa ' f n .mf.,rf w -. . i.aKo.i . ; ... w - for ; he is not a house-band ; instead of i keeping things together, he scatters i them among the pawn-brokers. I And now let us see whether the word ! .-;... i,a . t. n ! fuotorie8 ne o tUe nrinniai mwmn. ; ' l, I th' f .-tj j rliithin- everv! lml-, it, T. '. ' i -- . , ,,M , . rh . , f I oiuu tunv WUVtma aw tU ksAsiJ. W AAV w I, A V. a Iu. , ,. ,.,.. li. .i ! therefore, calleil spinsters; the thread vu vnvpn mm r nlh hv their mother, j euver ww M trnta W!lg m. iu tLe worl ,w, .. ,ied to ,d ieoe of furnitur whi1cU ' dow to ...;.,... t,;..i. i. ...i ... .1 : llUUlbUlC, W UiHI luiug UWtll IA IUI I wLich tLonSu jt bai th t loon, once a most important article means weaver and aa Freneli well re- marks, "in the word itself is wrapped . . ... ' 1 The .treuit of America. I the ' Cist a momentary trlance over surface of this broad continent. You , ' see at once that it is the most mag-! inifieent theatre noon which human : Pw has ever had an opportunity to exert itself. Tu;member that upon it forty millions of beings are already placed. nd that the future will doubt-1 In.. w.iitnl.iit anrinul n.M!;n. iS. .n i oVo..,n...;i,n rHn V,.n will .Ioa ever-increasing ratio. w muuv.u. .u , r " . note that flocking in from abroad tiiA i)t tiiA TAntn t). Afpiofln th ! rushing in to lorrn parts ol one huge conglomerate mass of restless hnmauity, upon whose fiat depends the realization j i of the highest hopes ever yet formed sxf .n.-.ul.i.,, tKa " . ntnn commonwealth. Surely never in any preceding record of human history has orv has there been a fairer opening for the full ! J - i. i.l a : a.: ! ucvmuiriucui ui alio jiii-riw nnuixauuuzi j for good, which the Divine Being has been pleased to implant in the bosoms of his creatures. Here is ample space and verge enough for the most far-seeing statesman, the most persuasive orator, the most profound philosopher, the most exalted philanthropist Here I is a field the like of which Aristotle or , Plato never trod. Here are problems ' on which Cicero never could have spec- ! united, or lUeon exercised his wonder- ful sairaoitv. Answer me. if von can. I ! Py yon, shall it indeed be' that this marvelous scene will be occupied by j t , actors worthy of their place, who wUjdoT " r"" . utanA tuiael-lmilt a dax7lin eiy great emergency, and do for their , "a P"nN ilneir fellow-men all that mortal power has',na,7-. 'nr parents sang tueir . J o o rllna.n..n n !,.. n..i i,a iMMkn altlA tn .tV.'fr ainna tliia f i irf ..! t n r.. 1 11 . . . 1 . . I ' ... , ..... .. ..... uepn nmn ui Hnwr. ainee i I M mrieiriir t of Paradise? Retilat the Beglanlns. i iih .- rum usie si mum a I st The Arabs have a fable o f miller I u , startled by a camel's r HJ TlL -7? XI i.f ZZt. ' UVWrO ILIA LAaj AU ItlfJ naaAUW VI 1U aiVIU I 1 w O where he was sleeping. "It is very cool sunlight by day, and glittering in the outside," said the camel ; "I only want starlight by night From court and to get my nose in," The nose was left terrace waters welled out, and the iris in. then the neck, and finally the whole i crested cascades fell down to cool shady . " . . V. ... r - ti.i.i - at. - a. t. body. TeseBtry the miller began to be 1 o-tremplv innnvtiiMin.I hw tha nn. : KajiT companion he had obtained, in a ! rrm nAi4n.nl v nnk. lunrA AnrkTi a it fnr ' wh. "If you are inconvenienced von I -j,- ienVe," said the camel; "as for ; i a - i w a BTSelf I shall stay where I am, The moral of the fable concerns all When temptation occurs, we must not yield to it We must not allow so much aa ita "nose" to come in. Evervthinir like sin is to be turned away from. He! who yields even in tha smallest degree will soon be entirely overcome: and the last state of that man is worse than the nrst The newest walking suits are shorter and scrntier than heretofore. "It Can't Be Doner This is the cry of weakness, indecision indifference, and indolence. What can't be done ? Something that some other man has done. Well you can doit or you can do something toward it. At all events, you can try. Until you have tried tried once and again tried with resolution, application, and industry to do a thing, no one is justified in saying "it can't be done." The plea in such a case is a mere excuse for not attempting to do anything at all. "Mother, I can't do it," said a little boy looking up from bis slate, on which he had been trying hard to work out a sum in algebra. "Try again, my son," said the mother ; "never give up until you;do it Stick to it like a man.' The boy would be like a man ; he was en couraged by the hopeful words of his mother. He stooped down again over his task, and applied himself. The dif ficulty cleared itself away before his . . 7- .. . j 7. t", . , u 1 in few niiuutes after, he looked np ! ,r"n,.f"." " wuu an air 01 triumph, Well : asked the mother, "how is it now?" "I have done it?" said the boy; "nothing like stickiug to it !" BigLt, my son ; when you have token any good work in hand that must be done, never think for a moment of abandoning it until it has been accomplished. That is the way to be a man." He took the mother's advice, and it . served him throughout life. The boy is now a man one of the most famous teachers in our most famous university. "It can't be done," ruins the beet of projects. The very words mean failure a.u AueT,are " fJcniaon 1 ol imPotanoe and despair. hen they ?.ro n"f rea 'flution nJ deterouna . uou-.l"e 8001 01 811 roMM-MW g )gone out of the man ; and unless he be m- ?pir,Ulw,iUl newhfe and energy .7. . i no 'lU d0" I f.,7ounS 1 I ..u!? word J4, rench officer of artillery should be banished from the 'nary. x ue omen was -apoieon i "aP"- aou mT remember tne story 01 ai mour the .Tartar and the spider in the cave. Trying to climb to a certain point the spider fell to the ground again aud again ; but still the little creature rose again to the task, and at the for tieth eHbrt it succeeded. "Surely." said i Tlnmnr if a spider can succeed after n..v fuilnreI a van I after mw ! m""y ,li--ureat can l alter my do- fotj .,..1 l.t. 1 i ; i: . I ' -1 ...... i ii luce wuu new nopes. rauieti nis men. and ultimately conquered. So in all tilings. We must try often, aud try with increased resolution to ! succeed. Failure seems but to disci - pliue the stronir: only the weak are over - ' whelmed by it Dilhculties draw forth the best energies of a man : they reveal - . ' ",txI uuw siteugiu, sutt inuu utui i the exercise of his noblest powers. DilUculties try his patience, his enenrv , . . ,-- f- i.. m-i, f,na "f3 W0TMll faculties. Ihey test . the strength of bis purpose, and the 1 wilL i no one say that because he knows ! "!;, and cado a little, he ought. therefore, to rest where he is. and. dis- ' ,lifficnlties give np with "It can't be done it's of no use trviue." Would you lie in the gutter if thrown down there? No! cet up. act. work i , ctuuvaie your nature, uetermine to au- 1 ; and H you are resolute, you niust eventually succeed. There may uum.uiu iu eucouuter, out wo dawn wiU 8rely come to him who has patience to await it and who haseuero-r the difficulties will be found imaginary, when they are fairly fronted. Hope aud diligence are the life and soul of success. The temper in which the words "it can't be done." are uttered la . . --- , havo no kinshin w th theae. "It enn't ng ;-,t is a giving "f lu "enijmr. iui. - i. can ue uoue, ..V. i . . ... . . it snail oe done. always achieves wonders and in the end seldom fails. Ktrons-lindcd Women AnHtrla. in The women in Austria, in the agri- cared "" the bird nntU its broken wing cultural regions, are, like those of 1 was wel1 He taught the bird to Switzerland, the master minds of the i sinB n1 to do many wonderful things, family. Thev are strong-handed and I 411,1 became at last very much attached strong-minded, and can take care of! to it One day while tho window was themselves, and their husbands also i V?u the bird suddenly fluttered its when necessary. They are evidently : I'Rht wings and flew out of the house, the "lords of creation" outside of the ' alighting in au adjoining tree, and de cities, aud need no one to take care of j lighted with its newly-acquired freedom them. There is no labor too hard for them to undertake, and perform a full " work at While writing, my eye ?s upon twenty or more of them engaged iu the construction of a new Tnnkhal n the rear of the hotel. The whole business of mixing and preparing the mortar is m the hands of stalwart women, the carrying of bnck and mortar up the ladders, in tnrm balanced on their heads. is Hem ir cTacefnllv aud with arjrjarent ' . . . . . . . . m 11 Ia J l by bright-eyed lasses and their more trrave-lookiiicr motiiers. meir vocatiou, auu vouiu scorn to be pitied by what we call the sterner sex. For all we may know, they 11" t 1 .1 a- i i 'may he wives and daughters of the dozen I OT Til OTP fiUtOmfi.ticfil-lool 11117 mCIl flTl the scaffolds slowly laying the brick and ! spreading tne mortar wmcu is urongut spreading the mortar which is brought them on the top of the blonde locks or anKnrn imrla nf tVia ontl bat Thai That v. e- these women should be allowed to vote. and will have the franchise whenever it is given to their husbands, there is no manner of doubt, and they will then virtually have two votes, as no husband in the rural districts of Austria or Switzerland would dare to vote against the sentiments of his wife. " An Arab Tradition. , i trad.lt,on' .,? man7 untunes " ' - J.? Man dare not utter it splen- Ieep in the midst of F.den it ! aane- j r vesper ... i DUUKa 111 UIU . 1,1 II If 1 1 fe DUIHIU.a 111 1 1.11 I u . courts ; for there were pillared halls i -l..: 1 1 i 1 i and cloisters of emerald and pearl, where , fountains sprang aloft in the sucnt moon; : : and long, luminous vistas, where, hand m hand, these two lovers walked in sin-' less beauty. Then there were pinnacles and dome of sanlnre. blainr? in the oeiis oi aspnouei oeiow, ior tae tempie was plaeed far within the privacies that vallev of Eden whence the fc ! OI four I rivers flowed eastward. However, sad to relate, upon the day that Adam fell this glorious temple was scattered into . . . i .. . m ...-- a million of fragments, and thrown 11 aLUCll 1.9, broadcast over the earth. These frag ments we now light upon, and gather up with cost and care, and call them ru bies, emeralds,sspphires,and diamonds. but they are, after alL only the primeval palace. The sunset splendors and the 'diadems of princes, the milky way in the heavens, and the spray that sparkles in the entanglement of a maidens's hair, are alike, but the costly dust of that sanctnry the sad remembrances of a departed Eden. " Voutais Column. Beady Obedience. If yen are told to do a thing. And mean to do it rtailv, ,-v.r let It be br helve. ; Doit fully, freHy I Do axw make a ponr W.ltittw. wittK. uiwb'sdy : All orjfdieiMe wurtli the aaane Mwt be promi and rval. When father calls, though pleasant be 'the play you are pursuing. Do uot say. -I'll come whea 1 liake Ubisbed what I'm doing. Brother Bob's Htoiesb. "Put on your hat, Nettie," said brother Bob ; "I've something to show you two things, I ought to say. Did you think I had forgotten this was the first of March, and your birthday? So, in deed ! And here are eight kisses for you, one for every year of your life." Nettie, delighted, ran to get her hat "Was there ever snoh a dear brother Bob in the world before? She thought not She was quite sure Tom Snow was not half so good to his sisters, for she saw him throw Lucy's pet doll quite over the woodshed, and Mollie's little white kitty he dropped out of the third story window, aud when the girls cried, he only laughed and said, 'It would take nine tumbles like that to kill the kitty,' which I don't believe do you. Bob ?" for Nettie was telling all this to her brother, as, with her hand in his, he led her down the garden-walk. "Where can we be going?" asked Nettie, as Bob turned toward the barn. "I'll show you in a minute," and Bob nnlatched the barn door, and led Nettie i along until she came to a box with slats nailed across it, then bidding her look in. Nettie :iaw two beautiful white rab- I Kits She clapped her hands. "Oh ! how cunning they are ! Where did you get them. Bob? Are they truly for me? And what are their names?" Bob felt as much pleasure in seeing Nettie's joy as if he had received a present himself. "I bonoht them of T,i,k Sawver for . v,vtv.,i , x .."; . j IliAi'r n.mu I.V ...1 RnW their names are Jack and Gill. But let us go now, for I have something else to show you, and then I must go to school. I forgot to say that Nettie had been sick, and was now just able to go out of doors, and the doctor said that before she went to school she had better play around, and try to gain some color in 1.- .,.. 1 1-. "c Back of the house was a grove of ; sprue and maple trees, and they made sucu a delightful shade in the warm 1 weather that Nettie's father refused to 1 have them cnt down. It was here Bob j hl Nettie, aud before she guessed what . uo could oe going to snow ner, sue , , , , .i...-.i r v I ope swing, fastened between two nice ma- "Oh Bob van all 1im ennl.1 anv ijou - was an she could say , but Bob knew well enough by her looks , how glad she was. "ou see, Nettie," said he, "it is so ! low that you could not hurt yourself, . even if you shou.d fall from it There was a board fastened in for a seat, and a roie tied across to form the I hack, and Nettie was not at all afraid to try it Back and forth she went. ith T1 1.; u..l..- 1 n L v-.l. 1 puamuK oruiuu. mou no nuoweu her how, by touching her foot to the ground, she might be able to swing herself when there was no one to push her. "You see, Nettie," said Bob, "this swing is the paint-brush, and the air is the paint and I want you to come here every pleasant day and paint vonr cheeks until they are red as roses. 'r Nettie laughed and promised she would do so, and Bob, snatching an other kiss, ran off to school. Young J-'oU;' Acr. T Farlb.- , ... . ,.. ( )riA ilftT vnifA s rnnnff hnv wai wiilkine . .. i . . . -j-o j : . in the field he found a wounded bird. ! which being too much injured to fly j away, suffered itself to be caught and carried home by its finder in triumph. Being a kind-hearted boy, he tenderly it reiuseu every lnuuoementits late mas ter could offer it to return, and with a shrill chirp, that seemed to say, "catch me if you can," it flew away into the summer air and was soon out of sight The summer months passed away and the autumn came, the leaves grew crim son and golden aud dropped one by one from the branches. The bleak winds swept them away. Then the air grew u cueeneBs suiu tne nrst snow- , , , . , . flakes began to fall, and the wintry The boy stood again by the open window, warmly and comfortably clad, gazing with admiration at the newly fallen snow. Suddenly his attention was attracted by a faint chirp near at hand, and looking in the direction of j ruu imu chilled with cold. He called to it gladly ! and the bird timidly approached him, a little distance at a time, and at last taking oourage, it alighted on a bare branch by the window, and from thence flew into its master's hand, lt was soon back in its cage again in the kitchen corner singing its old song, safe from the cold. Moral. Truant chickens invariably come home to roost. The bad young: boy and the foolish girl who leave a j happy and comfortable home, when circumstances seem bright and fair, are glad enough to return again, when win ter comes and adversity overtakes them. Sy care-Word F-vioiiv. 1. An animal never found in Ireland. 2. An ancient a A bachelor who put off getting j j - . .. . . 1 I .... II. .1 .... ..... marrT t-im 4 -7 uuuncu dv iuuk suai. uu nuu wviuu t A commencement. Anf'r r-F R O G O M E M A l: K M K O G As Ou Pczzle. If the Bit pnt : If the B. putting : Answer : It the grate be empty, pnt coal on. If the grate be full, stop put ting coal on. A raeft. Where do most men find their great est help or their greatest hindrance to success in their business I At home ! Frugality there commonly means pros perity. 'Extravagance there commonly means vexation, temptation to business gambling and to eventual ruin. Half the married men who practice swindling are pushed on to it by an extravagant wife and family. A man's wife is either his best friend or his worst enemy. Pere Hyacinthe has laid aside his Carmelite garb, and appears now in simple civilian costume. "Varieties. High Elizabethan ruffles. ' " Open to conviction A pickpocket An unpopular Ism' The rheumatism. Inveterate smokers Steamboat fun nels. Low The new style of wearing the hair. The old -fashioned revolver The world. Neck-handkerchiefs fashionable in 1777, are revived this season. It doesn't matter much whether yonr new bonnetiias strings or not Ladic are shy about adopting the "fashion" of discarding corsets. A Kansas lawyer was fined for pro fanity and contempt of court the other day for quoting Latin to the judge. From all parts of the country accounts come of people being injured by tum bling out of carriages. Well, this it the full season. A reverend gentleman of Oswego, New York, was recently tined Slot for choking his wife, which ho did with a view to make her talk ! Krupp's world-renowned iron works at Esson, in Prussia, cover a space of 1,000 acres, and employ lS.OOH laborers. The buildings alone occupy 200 acres. The stupendous pumpkin, the enor mous pear, the gigantic gooseberry, and all the rest of them must now hide their diminished beads, for the Selma Timet chronicles, has on show iu its office, a sweet potato six feet two inches long. Good, kind, true, holy words dropped in conversation may be little thought of. but they are like seeds or flowers or fruitful trees falling by the wayside, borne by some birds afar ; haply there after to fringe with beauty some barren mountain side, or to make g'sd some lonely wilderness. .. M.""u ' teoraieu "cnipior or Lwedeu, is dead. Ii is most celebrated WU UO " restlers." representimr two men bound together at the waist, and armed with knives, struggling in a duel to the death, was exhibited at thai International Exhibition in 1862, and was considered one of tho most remark able works of modern times. A writer in a Philadelphia paper gnshes over Miss Xeilson, saying : "Bobbed of her youth and loveliness, Adelaide Xeilsou would still be a great and a glorious actress. Like the rose before the shrine of Aphodite, her beauty is but a heath, a fragrance, a delight, before the unfading image ot her noble aud imperishable art" So long as God holds you up by the will and determination to serve Him with which He inspires you, go on boldly and do not be frightened at your little checks and falls, so long as you can throw yourself into His arms iu trusting love. Go there with an open, joyfnl heart as often as possible ; if not always joyful, at least go with a brave and faithful heart A school-boys toothache generally commences at eight a. m., reaches its highest altitude at a quarter to nine, when the pain ia intense to an extraor dinary degree ; commences to subside at nine, and after that disappears with a celerity that must be very comforting to the sufferer. If at night that boy hasn't got four quarts of walnuts spread out to dry np stairs, it is because there is no place np stairs to do it A Virginia city (Nevada) man is said to have invented an ingenious plan of keeping his house clear of insurance agents and similar nuisances. On each side of the path leading to his door, he has fixed several sections of water pipe filled with small holes, and on the ap proach of a suspicious character a tap is turned, and instantly numerous iets of water enfilade the path in all direc tions, and effectually keep the invader at a safe distance. A pious old lady at Sew Bedford boasted in prayer meeting that she was not afraiu of the devil. A young chap present with a view to testing her faith and courage, followed her home, and in a lonely, secluded spot, crept up be hind her and whispered, "I am the devil. "But the good woman never heeded him, and again and again he introduced himself iu the same style. Finally, finding the thing was getting monoton ous, she turned to him with the ejacu lation, "Well, nobody denies it." That young man don't follow the frightened business any more. The writer of this saw a man who came in 1810, with his father, to Cin cinnati, from Pennsylvania, in a two horse wagon: They drove up Main street &d when they got np a httle above where the new post office is to be located a man came along and asked him if he owned that team. When told he did, he offered his father seven acres of land in a square block coming np to aiam street ihe old gentleman took a look around, and said "he wouldn't sell his team for the whole town. Irive on, boys. The team at that time waa worth between seventy-live and one hundred dollars. r The story is told of a woman who freely used her tongue to the scandal of others, and made confession to the priest of what she had done. He gave her a ripe thistle top. and told her to go out in various directions and scatter the seeds, one by one. Wondering at the penance, she obeyed, and then re turned to her confessor. To her amaze ment, he bade her go back and gather the scattered seeds, and when she ob jected that it would be impossible, he replied that it would be still more diffi cult to gather up and destroy all avil reports which she had circulated about otheis. Any thoughtless, careless child caa scatter a handful of thistle seed be fnrA triA wind ill a nwvm.nl line trie strongest and wisest man cannot gather them arain. The Southern negroes have a super ! stition that if, while upon the road, a rabbit crosses the path before them it ' is a sign of bad luck. A crowd of girls ' and boys were on their way to a oountry school, when a hare, frightened from his burrow, ran across the road in front of the party. The girls instantly, and with one accord, turned quickly around three times on their heels, pulled oil' their sun-bonnets, spat in them, turned them inside out, and, placing them again on their heads, wore then thus to school, congratulating themselves on the way that by these very essential manoeuvres they had averted some spe cies of bad luck that was abont to befall them. The boys likewise turned ou their heels and spat in their hata. Oue of the boys who had never before wit nessed such a silly proceeding, waa very much amused and laughed heartily at his companions. The girls looked upon him with an expression of holy horror and with clasped and wringing hands implored him to follow their example. This br- refused to do, and they set upon 'ii 1 with violence, pulled his hat , from h ead, and made him spit in it r . I ill . ! ! .-