Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 05, 1873, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 1").
Evangelical Alliaare.
V. mtm of Goi, of every uw and tungaa
Wnsra Cnrlsl'a ookBudi ar kaewa. Hit praises
SBBf ,
Here Uy your hoaors down, accept the King,
Aaa villi one vuira Hie g lerieve anllisai stag.
Oas 0u4 the Mighty Baler of as all.
Ukt Savloar at wans feet we sapF'tanta fall.
. Crass the ease the Mas ef Sorrows bw.
On. Holy Ghost tat Spirit we adore.
One Tribse Ooa UU Uvlnf presence here
Eallgateaa all our thoagnta, ear path auakee clear;
oae Hoiae bervail -there dwalla eteraal peace.
Wnsrs creed, are wne aul questioning's may rea-wi.
Oa. Father God oas Ciiaifurlsr aad Beat
Ot. Leva liirlae I Thoa be lie for aoula oppressed
fcea oVwa Thy Light, oar drooping faith innpire :
fie Thorn oar Christ, our Uope, oar ilemrt'. delre .
We BOBibly bow, a. Tlioa haat uu.Lt to pray :
b. ifcoa oar auu yea, oar Trath aiid W.y
. "TLy Blagduu coute. Thy will be doae," oar plra ;
Ccile our hoaru, till w. are Oo with TLee'
Tte Bubleet avaa I koow on earth.
Are aaea whoae haad. are brow with loll ;
Who, backed by ao ancestral graves.
Hew do we the wood sad nil the soil,
dad win thereby a prouder fame
Tkaa follows klcg or warrior's earns.
Tte Woralagmea, whate'er their task.
To carve the atone or bear the hod.
The aweat upon their honest brows.
The royal stamp and seal of God '
a.Gd trlhtei ars their drops of ivl
ir.aa diamoads la a coronet.
Oci lieet the noble Worl imf uea
Who rear tne ciues ol the plaiu
Who dig the mines and build the ship?,
and drive the commerce oa the msm ;
trod Lless them ' lot their swarthy hand
Have wrought the giory of all laadv
I I i 1 1 i ,y .
A Welsh I.eceuJ.
twain and Dafydd were on their way
to the barvext tield oue evening, to re
sume the task of gathering in the corn
- a duty rendered urgent by the need
of making the best of the harvest moon,
tLeu at its brightest. They took food
Witli them fur their evening uieuL
"Bk)V," said Ovrai j to his companion,
"wonlil it not be well that I should run
to ('euiaes at supper-time to get my
felloes from the cobbler? Our master is
not likely to come to us to-night ; aud,
even he should. I could get bnck in time
to resume work after supper."
"Yes, you can easily do that, was
the answer.
Snpper-time having come, Owain pnt
his bread and cheese in his pocket and
btarted on his errand. After going
some distance he perceived close to his
path a circio of little men aud women,
some of grotesque, and all of playful
aspect At the sight, he was, of course,
greatly frightened : but, after pausing
a moment to recover breath, he sum
moned courage enough to approach
them, nnd on doing so saw a little wo
man of rare beauty iu the midst of the
group. She was so surpassingly fair
that honest Owain was quite smitten by
her charms. Seeing his attention fixed
tin herself, she ran frori among the fair
crowd, and, clasping her soft arms
rouud his neck, invited him to join
them ; to which he joyfully assented,
for his fears had now left him, and he
thought only of this, the loveliest
creature of her Bex he had ever seen.
Long was the time he spent in company
of his new friends company so delight
ful that he forgot the lapse of time.
Hut at last, remembering his duty, and
fearing that Dafydd might need his
help, or that his e'mployer might come
to the field and discover his absence,
he unwillingly returned without going
u Ceniaes.
When he reached the Held the scene
was wholly changed. His fellow ser
vant was not there. The field was a
pasture in which cattle were quietly
grazing. While wondering at this, a
keen sense of hunger came over him.
Putting his hand into his pocket, for
the food he had brought, he found it
Lard as stone. Ou going to the farm
house, he found there, not his master's
household, but strangers, to whom he
was as unknown as they to him. Ut
terly bewildered, he started to look for
a lodging at the house of some neigh
bors, and ou the way met one whose
appearance seemed in some way fami
liar. They both hesitated a moment,
until Owain asked
"Are you Dafydd ?"
"Yes," was the answer. "15nt who are
you? Sn rely not Owain?"
"Yea, I am Owain."
"Why, where did yon go that even
ing?" "Take me home with yon, and 111
tell von. How long is that ago ?"
vVeU," rejoined Dafydd, "let me see
I have been married fifteen years,
and you went away five year9 before
" vThat became of my shoes ?"
"The shoemaker kept them till we
gave vou up for lost, and then sold
They started for Dafydd's home to
gether, Owain on t he way telling Dafydd
his experience of twenty yenrs with the
lairies, and hearing of the mny changes
that Lad taken place while he was away.
Tlse Arena I'liFaUMail.
rri. iDpi,intAf Sumatra and j
;i. v.:. i.olit;a It most imposing,
arthonEh manTothers surpass it in
brilScolorS. It is named in refer-
ence to the ill fated Argua, whose hun
dred eyes never slept simultaneously
untd charmed by the magic lyre of Mer-
This magnificent bird is remarkable
for the very great length of iU tail
leathers, and the extraordinary develop
ment of the secondary feathers of tne
wings. While walking on the ground,
or sitting on a bough, the singular
length of the feathers is not very strik
ing, bnt when the bird spreads its wings
they come out in all their beauty. The
bird is not a good flier, and when it
takes to the air only goes for a short
distance. In running, its wings are
said to be efficient aids.
Although the Argus Pheasant is
scarcely larger than an ordinary fowl,
the plumage is so greatly developed
that its total length is more than five
feet The head and back of the neck
are covered with short brown feathers,
and the neck and upper part of the
breast are warm chestnut-brown, cov
ered with spots of yellow and black.and
similar tints are formed on the back.
The tail is a deep chestnut covered with
white spots, each spot beiug surrounded
with a black ring. WTien the bird
chooses, it can raise the tail so that it
stands boldly in the air between the
wings, and is partly spread. The secon
daries of the wings are most wonderful
examples of plumage, and would re
quire many pages to describe them fully.
Suffice it to say that the gradations of
jetty black, deep rich brown, orange,
fawn, obe and white, are so jnstly and
boldly arranged as to form admirable
studies for the artist, and totally to
baffle description.
A liberal education, a handsome per
son, and a wealthy and indulgent father
were among the agreeable things that
were vouchsafed Robert Anson by emil-
: t 4 it:- .1 i f - i -
i ,k V V 1 naturally at list, however, and the
"is early youth, and the father and son i w; ,. J, ".,
-the ouly members of the family left-! v,"! T'
had afterwards been more like brothers . J6 L?fn Xr An - ,
iu their relations toward each other, j WDlled showm nr perfect teeth in a
had made a European tour, and Z&&g?l?i
had traversed every nook and corner of jJ5 . 6
America together, seeking in rational "ihopw not"
nTnfVnlff "'Sr?5??!.4 ' "S r and even the widow's pretty
a colossal fortune. But at hist there frown captivated him.
w ? .8t"ParMn. ?' yr- Anson pardon," Le added, crest
desired to again visit Europe and his tMe.i mefa ttMt to
father preferred a trip across the conti- matte. over with you. Do JonthitA
nent to the Pacific coast ; there ore each matc ..together a good one ?"
went his way. followed by the good .. ur dpped appro
wmhes of the other. ,, '.. t.;.i ...??7 '.
Mr. Anson, senior, spent six mouths
ou the plains and in California, and
uiade a discovery on the return trip,
Stopping a few days iu Chicago, he
i iinMiiMiiiiiiiv ma r 1 1 mi i . t i iiu nviur.in.kA .
i : i . ii i r . i .
m uiautui, rriuute ui ins ueceaneu wue a
.1 : .. . . . I . : . t i : . i i . -r
a girl whose parents had not long
' l.f. .l;.. l lo.niio.il,. .lnnl.l 1.
u'i u, iii tuc u.iiuici lie
pendent npon her own exertions for
j support Mr. Anson sought her out,
! finding in Flora Mightmay a pretty,
intelligent girl of eighteen, holding a
, position as teacher in one of the public
sehool. He was charmed with her, aud
, at once offered her a home.
"But I should dislike to be a burden
' to anybody," interposed the iudepeudent
iuuiiK lauj.
Ike obligation would be ou the Here the widow turned her glorious , at the pyramid of oblong bladder-like
other side,' lephed Mr. Ansou ; "I am ! eVe9 full npon Mr. Anson, aud managed j pastry, called lrai n, Inch covers the
rich and have, only one relutive-a son j to show her arm, which happened to be ! table ; at the smoked tongues, pig
aho is iu Kurope. He will be home enclosed iu a loose sleeve. It was a ! cheeks, feet and bologna sausage hang
soou. Both of us have had our all of i particularly round, smooth arm, aud ing from the ceiling. Light and air are
traveling, and will want to settle down ; aa white as possible. i admitted by a large open window, but
iu a home By making your home with , ... , pardon." hastily con-; the atmosphere is so impregnated with
us you w ill ad 1 to it a social attraction tiunpJ ft Aufn ..,'know the odor of cummin (the favorite spice
relieve it of being a bachelor s hall and , beantiful and lovable, but-" of the Tyrol, found iu bread, in dishes
we 11 all be as happy as larks together , 4iJj t . su of vegetublea, in puddings aud pastry)
The outlook was cerUiuly alluring to ' u h j Jo fee, that any Fense of great freshness is ex
the lonely orphan, and sheaeeepted the Mef liohert. My love for him eluded. JUdely-made presses contain
offer, retiiruiu" to New lork with Mr. ... , . . . ... ! l; , j i; ,i y,llKn f..r oei.lHiita nr Rnrnins
Thereupou the old mansion was reno
vated, refurnished, and soon become i
the headquarters of a brilliant
clique. Mora at onee took her place as
a favorite, aud Mr. Auson was proud of
his pretty protegee.
i. . .. i ...
now dailv exptd it may be well to
f WUw Thim ouTunrausXuti Z,J?
He w
liefore his eves fell nnon the form of a
eyes lell upon
landsome and da
A widow anybody could have told that
, by Ler air of independence. ot much
past thirty, and at the zenith of her
' charms, she was a really bewildering
creature. So Robert thought at first
i sight, and so he found hex upon ac
- V . - r i a
..f-arT !
tected' on her vovage, which had been i offended and grieved you. Pray forgive : Kathi and Moidel, experienced cooks !
! made to visit some distant rehitives in j me-" : and honsewives work steadily on.with- J
England. The steamer consumed nine i "There, don't pity me," said the out feeling the least anxiety for the sue-!
Ulavsinthe passage. On the first day j widow, in a trembling but musical , cess of their stupendous efforts. They ;
' Robert managed to gain a speakinsr ac- voice ; "I can bear it I have only are only amazed that we should be sur
' quaintance. On the second he hail im-! Robert's welfare and happiness at heart i prised at the quantity of their work ,
proved it so far as to be on easy chatting j if he can be happy I ought to be con- that they can remain, in fact, so cool in ;
. terms, aud before the close of the third j tented. ' , the midst of their hundred and one i
he was enslaved. They walked the 1 "Then you release him ?" ' boilings, singings, choppings, and fry-1
deck by moonlight on the fourth and
; fifth ; and before the seventh their
. billintr and cooincr had attracted the
' attention of the passenprers. On the
eichth. Robert proposed and was ac- I
. - . . i 1 .
1 cepted, and on tne ninin iney reacueu : me consciousness in unviug nacnui-eu . '
i New York. i myself for your son." repeat their Hail Marys hurrying back-
' Arra. Afnrrow owned a little house in "w U appreciate your sacrifice," , ward and forward. Then Moidel retires
! lS$rZa Sad a" j and Mr. Ansou'wiped .'tear from each , to snat,., a few gjg.J
from property left by her husband. To Mrs. Morrow wept afresh and ! night, when, attended, rather than
ve'veiLTd SSTSLt his S?' The I hSlZdhZl I aiSed! by two maids in waking stupe
I cEauirihe his 1 shoulder. Her form shook convulsively. ; faction, the baking, boiling and steam-
i tesur! ; and lputhia arm around her waist to g receive, -"spmpetus .Kath,
: P"f.. i ..;.i Me Anun . l. wel- "My dear madam." he said. "I can-1 phaut efforts.
said Mr. Anson, as he wel- i
corned him. "do you recognize the
! dingy old house ?" '
j "Scarcely, father," was the reply;:
I "everything is new, blight aud cheer-'
j f ul. Vhat does it mean ?"
"A Woman."
"Xo. no; but
hush I There comes
the "cause of it all. Clara, this is my !
son Robert"
! l.e;ble tlio wiilrtv tlAjl ftllA APPn tllA
impression that Clara produced on her
lover, would have felt less secure in
ner con miest For Clara had improved
! in spirits since her residence with Mr.
; Anson, and was even prettier than when .
she hrst came there.
j That night, over a social bottle of ,
j wine, the father explained to his son .
the manner in which he found Clara, j
and the light and happiness she had
I 1. 1.1 1 il.n,. knmii
J UrOllgllli W IUCI uom.
i "And I have formed a plan in
ence to her." concluded Mr. Y ilaou.
"What is it ?" asked Robert
"You shall marry her."
Thus brought to the point. Robert
confessed his engagement to Mrs. Mor
row. "How old is she?" asked Mr. Auaou.
And vou are twenty six now u us urn
leopie win laugu at you. v.iaia io juuue,
T. , . . , . ii :
pretty, and I know she will love yon.1
CUV I love me wiuow.
"Father !"
"There, my bov. don't take offence.
I only meant that you have misUken!
admiration for love. That yon really
love a woman four years your senior
and a widow at that, is absurd lou ;
r. - . i . l . .l- VV.w I
. j imna you uo, uui jou won . - - ;
l will till yon what I will do. Not
another word shall be said on the sud- ;
I ject for one month. At the end of that ; This ia M 8impie that one would sup
i time, if you persist in marrying Airs. e u giy possible that difference
Morrow, 1 shall marry Clara myself. , of opiniorj niatt anj yet there are
! "I agree." replied Robert I some who think it a breach of polite-
i The month passed quickly, and at .its j negg Jf one neglects bow although
! close the situation was about like this: , meetin bajf a jOZeu times on a proni
! Robert was fenced between love for i enade of in jriviI1 Custom has made
Clara and his duty to the widow , .,im
;is deeply in love with ltobert ; airs.
- mi . i
Morrow was tronoieu oy irnu ...- . tetiol,8 jg yery properly not expected.
! ing-off in her lover's ardor, and Mi. . rbe jifrerence between a conrteous and
I Auson, who had steadily refused to see m ,1 should be remembered
; the widow, hoped for the best for his . gputieme,, wbo wi8I1 to make a fa-
plan. The father aud son met after yonibie impression. A lady dislikes to
: supper. , : receive from a man with whom she has
"Well, Robert," said the former, the bnt g- ht acquaintance a bow, aooom
! month ia up. What have yon decided panied by a broad 8miie, as thongh he
Ion doing?" , .were on the most familiar terms with
"We have always made confidants oi , ber faJ. better to err on the other
each other," began Robert , 8ije ajid give one of those stiff, ungra-
"Certainly. . cious bows which some men indulge in.
"And I shall not hide anything from jj, gentlemen who smile vith their
you now. I love Clara, and btlieve she ev instead of their mouths, give the
loves me, but I am engaged to Mrs. , mQflt banning bows. As for men who
Morrow, and cannot honorably break j bow cbarmingiy at one time and with
the engagement ' excessive hauteur at others, according
"Then leave the matter entirely to M tbeT fa m gooj ot bad humor,
me." they need never be surprised if the
"What will you do?" persons thus treated should ceane speak-
"I will secure your release by the ing altogether. A man should always
widow." ' lift his hat to a lady.
"By fair means? w , . T
VB? he.ufre? f-Lelosed. Traveling along the sea coast of Flo-
$ r&ttlUS-S ' ffikr. Anson tS22&
SediTcST She Jedjplf the man; "why. w. live on a
EHe seated npon the sofa, npon and strangers.-
which she also gracefully sunk. Mr.
Anson had made op his mini to be brief
and business-like ; but the gorgeous
widow quite upset him before he even
had broached the subject of his son's
engagement. They came to speak of
I pilBKII, juuui'jnii .line . .Ul wim-
paratively poor."
j "Indeed I do not. The financial as-
i IHct of the affair has never been cou-
j uJl lv me."
! . . ....
i iih .lull. rf. lui'rf-Mi niiu luu m
. : i 1 - ; -i i - . : 1 1 . -
; look Of CTatltllue
"It was the difference in, in
"In social position?" suggested the
"Xo, no
"Ah ! I see. You mean in age ?'
"Y'es, he replied, sheepishly. "You
divined the reason, and I will be per
fectly frank with you. My son is very
ilitar t niA anil it Ima I ui..n tl.ik .Ironm
' of m v life to see him happily married
( i0 gome ueautilnl and loving woman.
I have petted and admired him as a
mother might And he loves me-
"Bnt not exactly as he should a wife.
! He loves another woman not a hanj-
somer or better woman, my dear madam
; bnt one younger aud better suited to be
! his wife."
TliA wi.lsior linrot intr. ioora l.rpkilul.
ably, at lt. as she buried her' eyes in
1 her handkerchief, and her boson rose
tnmultuously. The widowers
courage quite lomooa uiui at, mis vo
n.m unexeu crisis. A preuy woman
' n t.ars is
oiT.f m wn tl.o wi.l..wr w.m nil that
la a uieii.iu uujn-., uu 1111;
Mrs. Morrow could have desired. She
sank down on the sofa in her grief, very
close to him. He wanted to console
her. and so be took her hand. It was
' whifo aifr. anil warm
"I'lease don'I crT." he said : "I have
"Certainly." i
"And lose fortune you are a noble : spiration off her brow, but .Moidel can
woman." ' nt even allow herself leisure for the
"WW iu monev in me ? I am alone act. The dinner would not lie in time
and unloved I shall try to be happy in
. i - 1 l : 1
"XjAevc madam,"
...i:; !.,.. t.v- pl.x.et
no. uux it iu luj ueaii tnnj a.wva. -
from you."
"liobert," she sobbed, "I shall never ;
see him again. I have nothing left to j
desire except your respect and esteem. !
Without those I should indeed be nn-'
happy." ;
Mr. Anson drew her closer to him !
fo close that sae lay trembling on his
ureast, auu tie preaseu a aina ou uei i aiuuai jjiim aim iiuan ou mu aiieui.,
forehead. j balmy air as the sound of advancing
"Yon have both aud my deepest admi- i wheels is heard. Then several one
ration." ! horse gigs are seen approaching, and
"Then I am content Let Robert i the geese hiss drowsily at the happy-
marry the girl of his choice. I ouly j
claim the privilege of retaining an
interest in his welfare, and a corner in
. I rnnr MfjuiTn
M Angou pTomia0lX a9 be 1BAle tLe
wiJow the door caU again
AnJ he v t hig ise wel,
hat next eveiing found him there
"Victory !" murmured the widow, as
she heard him enter the hall ; "he will
propose to me before he leaves to-night
Robert is a very pretty fellow, bnt he is
inconstant. The father is handsome,
infatuated with me already, and the
money is all his. I prefer the father."
Hhe proved reliable in her prediction.
Before her caller had kissed her good
niefht Iia hn.l nflpreil her his hand.
heart and fortune, and she had accepted
Tlia ru,H ... . .lnnl.l we,1.1in ami
rirSd hTs-
I band, and Mrs.. Morrow made Li- .
. P"
faithful and affectionate wife : while
both paternally watched over the
, .llhnnl,i. .iHTOrIT
fll , ., nnn ,.
g f it anJ neVer Lad cause for 1
ffl j
Th KUaaill fBowing.
cary to bow only the first time
jn passjng . gj, that exchange of salu-
ii, urcmnBi . mi ww vu.y " .
A TbankAsiTing tavsl mC the Ty
ro leu.
Autumn hail stepped in with the
the month of September. The harvest
was carried, and, according to an
an old custom, the village held a thanks
giving service before the sowing of the
seed-corn began ; and whilst all were
generous to their relations.none showed
greater hospitality than the worthy
Hofbaner, who expected not only all
his own connexions, but also those of
his dead wife, to share in the annual
Arduous were uow the labor of the
womankind prepartorr to the feast
Xanni Xo. 1 and Xanni Xo. 2 of the es
tablishment might be met carrying
pounds and ponnds of fresh meat into
the cellar. In the stnbe sat Kathi,
seated on oue of the wooden settees
which surrounded the room, her good
old face bent silently over a paste board
placed on oue of the square tables at
which the large family took their meals.
This was more convenient than in the
(jrwnlbe, or huge pantry, which was
half buried in proveuder: besides.Kathi
thenght it struck damp. But Moidel
might be found there,with a quiet-smile
on her dear ruddy face, whilst her
healthy bare brown arm moved back
ward aud forward with marvelous agility
in the beating of eggs. Let us step into
the gcwolbe, Kathi 's domain proper. It
is a marvelous place. - Look at the
travl v-uainted chests of the lowest deco-1
rative style of art, choking with Hour !
and buckwheat meal ; look at the racks
full of heavy, flinty household bread ;
j 1 '
i whilst endless lotions and remedies are
carefully preserved iu a long range
of little drawers cloves, ginger, dried j
hyssop, fennel, auis and sage, all excel- i
lent remedies for keeping the cold out I
of the stomach, to say nothing of a ,
discreet liottle of schnapps for the
. Same pnrpOFe,
There is uiuuv another '
herb, dried by the careful Kathi be-1
1 twee,, the two Lady Days Mary's as- j
fusion and Mary's b.rthday. wh.ch
j y .
. 'oVJh'inTe-toaT
j j , 1 ,
! plantain, wormwood, red and white
1 lungwort : nor are the scrapings of j
hartshorn bonght from a mountain
j huntsman forgotton, At this moment,
however, no one is dreaming for an in
stant of being ill : that might Happen
i after, but must not precede the feast
'nR, Kathi certainly wije8 the per-,
mey stopped 10 enter iiie cuapei.eyen
fi, l!iuti1fMnv all tliA wnmankinil
A 11 ooi 1 1 111 1 me iiuimi'iu ami aukiu
are equipped in their gala attire for
church, Moidel and the maids, in spite
of their nocturnal labors, following
them bri.ikly ; so that they have not
only said their prayers and endeavored
to understand the sermon, but actually
joined in a procession before the guests
t ii;n.n,.n.,n .
arrive The sweet notes of a proces-
faced Lutirr aud luiueriun, and their
flocks of healthy, chubby children
stuffed in before and behind ; and so
they drive carefully into the large yard,
where Onkel Johaun, acting as hostler,
proudly though bashfully receives them.
There is a sober gayety and rejoicing
about the elders, a suppressed merri
ment about the youngsters. They do
not expect much waiting npon before
the feast They know that a strong bnt
silent friendship exists between them all
and thei.' host that they are ready to
help each other in any possible emer
gency without making a fuss about it
So the Uofbauer can walk back leisnrly
from church, and Kathi can attend to
her onerous duties in the kitchen, with
out a single, visitor feeling slighted.
Soon the crowd of simple guests is
8".aleu ' ,.UUJB ,u l"B 'i" """"K-rwmi
wltitli w hovo trabatAel fur IIiAiWiAn
The Uofbauer stands at a side-table and
Onkel Johanu, however, sits at table.
The aunt and Moidel are bnsy dishing
below : they will have their share of
fathl 'FJ?J
Of p ckings and leavings there
! are none
it would be an insult to
! send away
a half-emptied plate ; and
for the same reason no dish is un
touched, though it is a banquet that
might even satiate a work-house. Soup,
sausage, roast veal, baked apples and
stewed prunes ; stewed liver, fried liver,
millet pudding; boiled beef with
horseradish and beef-root ; hung beef ;
cabbage dished with tongue and pork ;
noodles ; and then a second soup to
wash down what has gone before, bnt
followed by more substautials in the
form of liver-cake, in which that ingre
dient has been baked with breadcrumbs,
eggs, onions and raisins. Then come
batter dnmplings, one sort of kttodel
sprinkled with poppy-seeds, roast beef
with salad, and finally coffee.
There is little talking ; only a clatter
of plates, dishes, knives and forks as
the honest guests deliberately bnt per
sistently vanquish each stage of the
feast LippiitcotCt Magazine.
Heart and Mind.
The heart and mind are correlated,
and so interdependent for health and
vigor. It is, however, true that the
mind exerts the greater influence, as is
the case when we compare it with any
organ of the body. There is, doubt
less, a physical consciousness of the
heart otherwise that organ would not
respond so readily to mental emotion ;
but as for its being s consciousness,
like that of the mind, we do not be
lieve. Otherwise the heart would be a
thinking, intelligent organ, instead of
a machine provided for the purpose of
ministering to life.
Tke Slavey Person.
I feel inclined to speak only with the
most profound respect of the Stagey
Person. I am chagrined to find that
the adjective here applied to him, while
thoroughly descriptive, is at the same
time somewhat jaunty to the ear and
savorous of diseeteem. I would wish
my language, while conversant with
such a theme as this, to move with fit
and becoming stateliness, expressive
not only of the character and bearing
of the person alluded to, but of my
appreciation of his many virtues and
my awe of his deportment
For he is as eminent in manners as he
is in morals. In a word, be never for
gets himself. More than that, he never
forgets his part nor his audience. It
is, moreover, one of his most character
istic traits that the complexion, social
grade, appreciativeness, and numbers
of his audience are all alike indifferent
to him. lie is a true artist He plays
to well-nigh empty benches with the
same lofty standards in view as ever
animate his action before a inu and
imate ...a acuon oeiore a inu anuianJ BtrMgtlieM onr fainting spirits.
thnsiastic house. The applause of i Ah t, , , f mfl fn th.
n nit let it lie said to his credit is : , . . , . . .? ."""H1' ,a t.tl,e
L?iVe!?.V 5I!.f7 i Vi"! cheerful face ! It charms us with
received with the same flattering as
sumption as that of the private boxes.
Of course my gentle reader has not
allowed this seductive simile of the
stage, so easily suggested by the cir
cumstances, to mislead him as to the
object of mv tribute. He is not a pro
fessional at alL Indeed, I never heard
of his indulging even in the amusement
popularly known as "private tueam
f. ... . -tit.
cals, although this phrase might be
his movement, his voice, his phrases,
M tTe"res"t weTf a he rTit
situation which includes occupation
? f .i i .hif A
. , r. "
stndied nee icence in dress, diction, or
surrounding, forms, of course, a legiti
. u ' - ,
mate part of the adaptation of every
thing to the intended effect. I can
hardly find language sufficiently subtile
by which to convey an impression of the
fine modulations of his art. For thongh
a loot oi nair may nave strayed, as u
his entire method of life. j dTo e svmpatJir ' pend?1 nJ co",ntcd myself with the
Ife never forgets himself I said- . i ' fnPa"'T-; remaining one. I assure you it was a
Z"L i.!. ZL .may..a.arkr;I, around us, but igreat aun6OTanee to me to have my pants
v. a va ai na aaia vd.miui., uau I-"-" i antft alt rw 1 1 I u litf la f iial avoc nlmioa
uy scuurm, iroui apiiiueiiu, ir-K.n-. WUyWarj natures ! When care and sor
mate position-mark you, it is with tio row would snap our heart-string asunder.
irov or tTutiltlllMll ur-nigu. oilb uieit-iy
grave simulation of that in
purely artistic and in such a mauner
that no one is deceived. She would not
luvcT jvu vii a uiwiuv-u. Dnq. j lioil bless the tlieerliil face! i;iess
motives were anything but jesthetic, it ? He ,,as blesscJ it a'r,,a,iy ; the
and yon do not so suspect ; her picture stam of hpaven is ou tvery feature,
(to change the figure) is full of the deli.Wuat , jrea orll thls won)a
cacies of half-tints and reflected lights. ; without this heaven-born light ! and
Ah that is the trouble. It is art, : he who has it not should pray for it as
not nature. I have said often as she he would pray for his daily lnva.l.
has swept by me on the street or in the ! I'lifrnoloijiisaL Journal.
saloon What a master ! never, What a ;
woman f . Old Fores.
liAirA vrnn lit am tnXktAtit anciuuil tlinr Tiaat
And yet I know that she is truly kind
. . , i - .... i
experience of mine in such matters, 1
rteuce oi mints iu aucu waiter?, a
am reasonably certain that even if her
eyes are upon these words she will never
suspect that her portrait has been
placed in the Old Cabinet Senhnert
... . . ?. i i
History or I he 1 regit AP-!
The inventor of the Creek alphabet ;
. .
was one eqnoyan, or ueorge wist,
1 . r. . .
Anmmnnlv eullnil llnou a I hsmriw .
the alphabet
he was a thinker
nm . m 1111 it Tnili.na T f n waa ntnii r in
handling tools and "in working in metals. ;
rrons life .X'hTu presncetn her i wading a vivid description of a' famed and declared it was a mean shae, that
1,1 . l L'. J$LTl fP ivi.nf ' tropical city, my mind involuntarily re- 1 was au abused boy, and other sputter
teSt"rlA?Si sunny in accordance
.Sfia'SS?' l TeUDy bk-h I haTlived iuTn yearn goue bv.' " Abo necessary
son with Alfred de Mussel ? when -fter Mme f e-B ym to bnT me fcnit of c,othe9 AnJ
I see that I have betrayed myself, and ; sbot through my brain, like electric gave myself and my father the immense
that my readers have discovered that flashes. Throwing the book aside, I chagrin of trying them on before the
my stagey person is by no means a man, i gi the library, and buried myself dealer, with those old strings over my
as I at first weakly pretended. Xever amor)g mnsty books aud albums. There back. I tried my best to conceal them,
mind ; I shall not change the pronouns, j were 0i j school-books, old romances, but it was with doubtful success. I
I feared that she might read this and be anj 0i,j books of travel, some belonging , felt like the boy with the fox under his
hurt and I would rather cut off this to geuerations long past. Among those cloak. I tried to keep mv face straight
hand than bring even a passing sorrow 0 raore recerit ,iate, was one of my first but it gnawed my very vitals. Finally,
to her heart. But I am sure she has : photographic albums. Ten years ago I went to father when he was asleep,
not read far enough to discover my ( twas fresu j new ami the portraits and said, "Father?"
ruse, aud, judging from some former , Ar. nf nna rnr-a rtli.rinr It ha1 He opened his eves and a:.L "Well?"
IjTOOrant Of English Or Of tuiiurcuucu, mru aim wouieu nun. iu "& "ui'-vi v vi j jiiuiiucu.
of any European language aunts onematernal,one paternal long was anxious I should enjoy it, grieved
and a man of ingenuity one their last nome. a xavoriie over my loss oi cornion anu temper,
Seeing whites recorded their language Pre. Une inend an oi u-er in the - '
by writing, he began in his own miml army, was killed while assisting in the ' U and ;ComE- -"If you want
to analyze the Cherokee, and to adopt ! storming of Atlanta ; and another, a business done, says the proverb "go
a sign for each syllabi sound that he Pfted statesman, lost his life by a rail- and do it ; if you don t want it done,
could distinguish. These signs were T accident. Another was an eye- send some one else
all of his own invention, but when his ! ness of a teirible earthquake that An indolent gentleman had an estate
varieties were pretty well exhausted, he destroyed one of the fairest cities of that yielded him about five hundred a
haP1ened to pick np a bit of newspaper. , outh America himself bnt just cscap- year. Becoming involved in debt, he
and adopted some of our alphabet to ! hg the jaws of death; and.still another, ; sold half the estate and let the re
express syllables not yet noted. In this . a bright, distinguished intellect, is now mamder to an industnons farmer for
way he gave a letter for every syllable ! an inmate of an insane asylum. Many twenty years. At the end of the term
that enters into the Cherokee language, j bad gone to their long sleep and as the farmer called to pay his rent and
imiiablvlmMii. .n.lr,s,lhi.!manymore have married aud drifted asked the owner if he would sell his
: . T. stf.a -
uaiive iiouifiie. luaii is iiao ucici Lrcu ".. . .
found necessary to add to his letters. ! ble Why have yon thus deprived me
, , , . ,.- x.- i of the friends of my yonth ? in early
Whenhehaditwellinhisown miud,,,,. . - J Jng . '
arranged according to rules adopted by ,
himseii ne oegan w teacn some cnu- ng bnilJ ns ,; . t anJ airy temples, "i'hat is very strange," observed the
dren. He then laid the matter before !who8 rtala arJ roseK.rowneJ ana gentleman ; "pray tell me how it hap
the chiefs, but, like all inventors, met; wiloSeeVery nook and corner are golden-1 pens that while J could not live upon
great opposition. He was looked upon hued then ,iuk b ,ink( you tter twice as much land, for which I paid no
as a dreamer, and little attenUon paid 0Qr ailken fetcrs an1 the fairy strnr-1 rent, yon are regnlarly paving me two
to him ; but when he wrote down sen-; tnrpfl Jlssolve in mist j9 ,mt , : hundred a year, and are able in a few
tences and his pupils read them oj moctery, that you play with us thus ? . years to pnrebase it ?"
people began to listen to him. He would;. , ,ieve it. ibe miuj that; "The reason is plain " was the reply.
write down at the dictation oi others,
auu jci, um jjuiina iron.
The iliscovery was at once taken np,
and the Cherokees, old and young,
began learning the eighty-five characters
invented by Sequoyah, and it was won -
derful to see how readily they acquired
This was in 1S2I5. It was at once seen
how powerful an instrument was here
given for elevating and improving the j
tribe. The missionaries adopted it, a
font of type were cast, and a paper
started, called the Cherokee Phenir,
in which these characters were used.
Other publications
began to pass between
for the first time.
But Sequoyah had
his cup of satisfaction. A sturdy ad- ,
herent of the ancient pagan ideas of his
tribe, he set his face firmly against :
Christianity, and when he saw parts of ;
iVin VmTi.I.iiiiiiI an.1 ksidra ti TiFniia.
gate Christianity disseminated by means I letters upon the lower portion, aud , fot a ance to go and do likewise ?
of his alphabet among the people, he ! npon the apex a butterfly encircled by j 7", , , .
lamented the great work of his life. I , 'serpent ; the symbols of immortality ! CuARAPE -I am a word of two sy la
When the Cherokees were forced to and iiernity. in gold also. The vanit , i, olwh Yi? iaL.l
leave their old home, and departed is covered with I rude, heavy stone, ' bread ; my second has been made by
beyond the Mississippi, Sequoyah I encircle.d by an iron fence, aud within 'bole on the desUn.es of his conn
shared their fate. He lived for a time i this a lew ivy plants are just l-egiuuing , iT7. -. ?J bole is the u.t distin-
at Brainerd, in the Cherokee portion of ,
Ihs I rut inn I prntnrT. tint ne was restless
and unhappy. similar, and placed also against the
' In 1S12 he accompanied a party who ; walL A bronze bust of the sweet song
set out to seek a new home within the maker stands in a niche formed by a
limits of Mexico, but he was soon ! doric portal of granite. Below is in-
attacked by sickness, and died at San j scribed "Music buried here a rich pos- , than table napkins, they are of exqni
Fernando, in Augustl&13,aged seventy- j session, but still fairer hopes. Franz site color and quality. Their linen Is
three. I Schubert lies here. Born, 17i7. Died bleached in the pure mountain air ; it
Such is the curious history of the I Xovember 19, 1828." i lies pegged out on the slopes of the
American Cadmus and his Cherokee ' green hills, aud is as pure w hite as the
alphabet j Scoresby and other arctic voyagers hot sun and heavy dews can make it
, aud whale" hunters have observed that . The blankets are rarely white; the more
The "fall season begins when the whales have some means of communica- , common sort are du i brown, bnt the
sidewalks are covered with ice. It has tion with one another at great distances. elegant ones have bright strijies of blue
been known to set in, however, in orange
and banana time. The "spring" sea -
i . a
son comes when the streets are sloppy Dnt quite wiinin tne range oi me rem
and muddy. ' cean ear.
The Cheerful ree.
Xeit to the sunlight of heaven is the j
sunlight of a cheerful face. There is '
no mistaking it the bright eye, the!
unclouded brow, the sunny smile, all '
tell of that which dwells within. Who !
has not felt ita electrifying influence ? ,
One glance at such face lifts us at '
once out of the arms of despair, out of :
the mist and shadows, away from tears '
ana repining mio me Deauuiui realm
of hope. One cheerful face in a house-1
noia wiu seep everyminir ongui anu
warm within. Envy, hatred, malice,
Selfishness, despondency, and a host of
evil passions, may lurk around the
door, they may even look within ; but
they can never enter and abide there ;
the cheerful face will put them to
shame and night
It may be a very plain face, but there
is something about it we feel, yet can-
not express ; and its cheery smile sends
the blood dancing through our veins
for very joy ; we turn toward it as the
leaves of the plant turn toward the sun,
and its warm, genial influence refreshes
111 1 1 1 . I - 1 1 . .!
a spell that reaches into eternity and wuen yoa are mg 0 for them."
we would not exchange it for all the j Bat j LaJ long cuitiTatcd a false in
soulless beauty that ever graced the dependence, and ref used to ask properly
fairest form on earth , or thing9 j neeUed. I had fixed on a
It may be a very little face ; one that r. ...; i,i1v.i
i f ne8Ue on 0 bosoms or sing to sleep
illlt ,:f
u uw auius wim at low, tTi luiiauj ,
ls such a bright, cliecry litUe
face! I he scintillations of a joyous
npiiis are iiaamiiK iiuui cveiv icuuuc
; An1 wLat a .er it ,ia3 over tLe Lonse.
spirit are noshing from every feature.
"" "176
I 5'? T
1 ,7 . ""'7
.. " wnnkled fat, but
ii is au tne aearer ior mat. anu none
' t... ti-. i; . . i
.lie irw VI iieilw ? o
gaze tenderly upon
bless this happy face
it with us as long as
will lose much of its brightness when
this sweet face is gone."
Anil after it is gone, now the reiuein-
iTanctj ot it softens onr
we can ; for home r.L!v ai i.;m t i.oto.i ;n .
spirit ' t:"? rank,e?1 ,fof: Ioo.ks lloWU nP? ns allowed to tear my clothes in that man
auner'ff'1 tLe. pa'ul t?ni,"'D gruWS b8f. ner, and sent to get a tow string for
tho way ioS9 K!IlTX auj the sorrow less
. an a a - a
1 X 1 1 ' i - 1 ' T .
. ill H rM-iiL DiiniiHV eve l I"' amir?
Ijq laid away wit
jj, iaij awav with otbt.r preci0u9
things for years, aud I took it up with
reverential awe. As I slowly turned its 1
heavy gilt-edged leaves, and face after
fae0 told its decade of history, a thou-,
gand memories crossed my mind, and
untold feelings thrilled my heart .There
were the dear faces of my parents and
m7 brother, each wearing au expression
f I,,.. An.1 ...... 1 .... .1.. n . ., .1 1 1 .. -.i l.i. I
" eiu" , ."m .w, ,
11. t n t n Kill.. 1 i.
were 111c intra vi hit nine tuiuiu.-i
ea, aud they left him in remote Singa-
from mv knowledge. Ah. Fate iuexora-:
Jhe ch;in8 of ,oye aud friemi;hip about :
weaves thpSo visions bright has iu them
,m (ojtaste of its immortality. The .
; chains are not broken, but ouly length-
j eued, and the loved ones in whose grasp
rest the farthest shining links draw ns
1 thereby, surely, gently, after them,
jhe temples of" roses mount to Heaven,
j and we at last, enter their long-sought ;
doors, never to descend. 7V.7ii-
cat Jonmat.
IWl.nn i. l.nril in the villare c m-
two composers are planted a train
0. wall in a most barren style. At the
bead of Beethoven's grave is a simple,
flat monument of granite agaiast the
11 I -C .1 i...!. 1 mil 1 a..!.." in rr.-.l.l
their existence in the strip of poor earth
.m tlm vfnnn SSi'lintvert a trrave is
It is probable that the animals bellow
: in tone too grave for the human ear,
1 a . -al . it. a il. - antn
1 cousin 4 an oliieer in the navyi died at wuiie i was keeping mm and mvseii out
,.t Wl.nxe mum tl,i nnnns """" ,v r
issued, and letters : , u l-'ranz Si-1. tbert. i f. and he took the umbrella from her
young Cherokees ; The nrteirlJ sma!l but a very pr. tty band opened ,t, and then tied her par-
I oue. filled with plants and trees and ce s togemer in oue wun a s.o.t, siring,
abitternesstodash Lell-kept graves. Yet the graves of the .."Thank you very much, said she
"Vout Column.
l'p the rlrnlag.
The sun is getting warmer -Cliijilrea
turn irH up ton?
I'a-t asleep you may not keep
w ben thie sua is calling you ' .
Von and the birJa and blnaaoaia
Must all ymr voM-ea rai-e.
With a "Hurrah ! how glad we are
We hate got theae beautlf ill uay. !'
I ASKEBthe little twinkling startthotangbt bini ho
lo sliiue.
, im.
"''fnX" '" " ,hi"
! his little tiny kuup to cheer the winter
u'Khu . ,
Foolish Obstisacv. When I was a
: well-grown boy, being away from home
' for A Tacati0n, I very naturally broke
I one of my suspenders. I immediately
; p08se88jon of an extra pair that my
father was using for another purpose,
, without so much as saying "By your
ieave." When he discovered it, he fade
me return tbem to their formernse. He
1 tnen ajJe)1 . .. do not ijke to hTe
; ..t. ,.r v,;. i,;.
, I r
1 17;- It LaVAnaaTr W
i ax,liraf7. way' 11 ? . l
bad habit in yon. But I know that you
need .n.Denijeri,. Mj von Mn hava them
We, and instead of asking for things
; arjth m exDression of thanks. 1 had re-
j ged tuat a statement of my wants, as
T tdsTMllil lilras atn-tr Lnf taw wnss a as f . w.
vuiv iiavw avauvj atii bo:, i a ws ta-x cm ioi
I could bring myself to go.
1 could not therefore, ask lor ans-
! . Abont five weeks after this my father
j had a plain talk with me about my folly,
Li8 to give me what I needed.
i ,n.i mrt,.hiA rih;t T w. arrantrtli.
an l"e .wretc.nea "aDl1 1 wss strengtn-
frankly told him I hated to give
I had heid out so long. Ho said it was
easier than after I had held out longer.
Still, I was not ready. And as my
suspender was tearing off the top of my
trousers, I changed it over to the other
I . i 1 1 - L, .1 r 1 1 i i..
another suspender. It cut my shoulder
so bad for a week that I brought myself j
to say, when he had given me some
money for another purpose. "I am sick
of wearing these old strings, and I think
it high time I had some decent sus
penders. Can't I take this money and
get some ?"
He simply said, "Yon know yon can
have them when you frankly and
squarely ask for them. Bnt you know
this hintiuir in a ronnd-abont way is not
mrl.ot a Mnnir.J ' Tlian T Mn.1
J it-iuui-n. a ueu m. ko. siimu.
"1 wculd like some suspenders,'
said I.
He paused a moment, and then said,
"I think you might have phrased that
request better ; but you will find a pair
in that upper drawer."
I went to it, and took ont a nice new
pair that had been lying there nearly
all the time I had been sawing my
ulinnlttpr with Ihnu llil atnnrr. I fi.lt
- "., -------
lloafTllv ali.tlioil ravia f IT.. Iw. 1 I
J mi acu. iuu
1 "Will yon bny it ?" asked the owner,
les, provided we can agree about
the price."
"You sat still and said go ! I got up aud i
said come ! lou laid in bed aud enjoyed
your estate ; I rose iu the morning and
minded my business,"
So it will always be. It is by industry
that we thrive. "Go to the ant, thou
sluggard," says Solomon. Consider
her ways, and be wise." fhiUlren'
I "Let Me, Ma'am." "Let me, ma'am,
, let me," said a little boy to a lady, who,
on a raiuy, windy day, was struggling
l" open au uoiore.m, ami iu. aaiue
a stranger.
"O ! it's no trouble, uia'vtu," said he,
with a smile ; 1 like to help people."
Can't some of onr reader look out
The Austrian housewife has her heart
in her linen. It is beautifully fine aud
thin. If the sheets are but little larger
and pink.
A Tale college professor is a member
of the Xew llaven Common Council.
it, and Say, "iod ' or-Mino- thin frr.m !.! tl..n!.!
lU&n UC41 i. auu , pninre lla tr.1,1 His inn ,l nnvanl
! We must keep ouiy be ha1 b astjn,; for them. I
of a
11 . I. I ... I I ... . I I . II 1.1
it the lun are very pome to ttu so uiui-u tor
Biers tad t, the artist, is to winter in
In what tone does a ghost speak ? In
a tombs-tone.
Young men iu Panbnry bny their
sleeve buttons by the pound.
A fabric woven from bamboo fibres
is a new material for ladies' dresses.
The gentlest step that ever entered a
sick-room is that of the Great Physi
cian. Froude claims to have ouly cleared
five hundred dollars by his lectures iu
Xew York.
A stone cutter in Detroit keeps ready
made gravestones with the name
Smith cut thereon.
The first Eve-angelical Alliance on
record is said to have taken place in
the garden of Eden.
Suffering seasons are sifting seasons
in which the Christian loses his chaff,
and the hypocrite his cvru.
The flower of yonth never appears
more beantiful than when it bends to
wards the Sun of Righteousness.
A Michigan paper recently closed an
oKtuiry notice with the mis-quotation,
"He is not dead, bnt squeaketh."
A veiy snperior quality of champague
is now made with petroleum as the
chief ingredient The manufacturers
claim that it is the best that has ever
A little girl was a-iked what was the
meaning of the word happy. She gave
a pretty answer, saying. "It is to feet
as if yon wanted to give all your thing's
to your little sister."
Au old chap whose wife is as ugly a
sin, was recently reading au elopement
case which seemed to affect him. Said
he: "I should be tempted to shoot a
man, if he was after my wife." "Well,"
said a hearer, "a man ought to be shot,
if he ran off with your wife." Verdict
for the hearer.
God's word comes with authority ; it
falls upon the heart like the rising sun
light upon the mists of night, dissipating
the doubts, illnmiuating the pathway,
and inspiring the conrage needfnl for
the struggle unto victorv. It is the
end of all controversy. Whatever els
may fail, this world will abide.
It is a popular delusion that men
never envy women. Of eonrse they do,
bnt they are too wise to confess it.
Doubtless it would be better never to
be boru at all ; but, if that misfortune
does occur to one, it is some elevation
to be born a woman to be accounted
an angel here, and predestined to be an
angel hereafter
Xear Delaware Water Oap, Pa., there
is a cave in the face of Mount Minsi,
opposite the river, whence issues con
stantly, with considerable force, a cur
rent of cold air. A small stream of
water issues from the cave. It has beeu
ascertained that the water trickles down
from the roof of the cave, and the
cooling of the air ia suposed to be due
to contact with the wet surface of the
There are at present in Canada eight
chief Signal Service stations, eleven re
porting telegraph stations, oue hundred
and four ordinary stations, besides oue
in Prince Edward Island and two in
Newfoundland. The expense was ouly
$5,0t)li las', fiscal year, and wilt be Sl.
000 this year. The United States, with
sixty-five stations, maintains its system
at a cost of about 100,000 per annum.
Alphonse Karr, a white-haired old
gentleman, is one of the most popular
of the Parisian feuilletonists. He ha
had a singular career. A loug time
ago he quarrelled with M. Bertin, of the
Journal Uks b oat, which resulted in
his swearing that he would not write a
line for the press for twenty years.
This odd vow he faithfully kept not
withstanding the most tempting offers.
He bonght a beautiful villa and garden
near Nice, and became a zealous horti
culturist. He sent thousands of bou
quets to the Paris market, bnt the ven
ture was not profitable. When the
twenty years had expired Karr returned
to his newspaper work, and is to-day as
brilliant as ever. '
Gerald Massey has been clubbed and
welcomed in a sjieech, to which he re
plied in honest aud hearty fashiou, as
became a man who made his mark a
sympathy for the poor which made his
heart poetic and touched his tongue
with music. Some of his early poeni-i
are full of the very spirit of humanity,
and seem prophecies of a redemption
for labor which is already beginning to
dawn. With some of his later musings
and mystic speculations the world ha
less interest, and admirers of the early
poet will regret if tho lecturer confines
himself to clondland aud descants en
tirely upon the Eternities. If he gives
ns the plaint of poverty with his unfor
getable poetry and pathos, he will strike
the rock aud make onr sympathies
spring forth as freshly as at the first
A remarkable change in the channels
of commerce, consequent npon the
building of the Union Pacific Railroad,
is shown in the report of the monthly
imports of raw aud other silk. Prior
to 1870 the silk importations at San
Francisco were insignificant in amouut,
the September report of that year show
ing that only oue hundred and twenty
packages, valued at $ljO,0IO, tmd beeu
received, against fonr hundred and
thirty-five packages, valued at SSlSlfc!
received at Xew York. For the same
month the next year the balance was iu
favor of San Francisco, the importations
to that port being valued at $rCl,OM,
and those at Xew York at $177,277. Iu
September, 1872, the values were 3303. -0-J5
to San Francisco, and $202,586 to
Xew Y'ork. The silk, whether received
at San Francisco or Xew York, is used
almost altogether by Eastern manufai
A MasschnsettH woman, it ia Baid,
has lately patented self-fastening hut
ton, which needs no button-hole, which
holds as fast as the most desperate per
son can desire, and which yet can be
unfastened by a simple touch. The
time will come when that unhappy, too
ingenious woman will be denounced s-
one of the worst foes of her sex who has
ever existed. Xothing is a greater pro
vocation to connubial ideas in the mind
of a forlorn bachelor than the difficul
ties which he has with his apparel ou
the subject of buttons. How these use
ful fastenings leave his wristbands and
collars, and vests and pantaloons every
man who has been single can sadly tell,
and how he himself has made absurd
attempts to repair the damage by sew
ing on buttons himself he would be
ashamed to tell. Despair at inability
to conquer this annoyance of single life
has made many a man double, reduced
the wild bachelor to the discipline of a
home, taught him his duties as a citizen
and made him in time respected as a
husband and a father. And this Mas
sachusetts woman, who undertakes to
emancipate the male sex from the social
influence of buttons, will become, after
years, scorn and byword to her sex,
especially among single sisters.