SEXTIXEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN: WHneMajr, Octtir 99, 1ST3; PENN'A. R. ILTIME TA.ELE. Passenger train leave MilBlh Station tit follows: EASTWARD fbiadelphia Express, I 10 a nr. Fast Line, 4 08 a ni: Southern Express, 6 57 a lu. Hamsbarg Accouimo., It 28 a ra. Mail, 6 33 p m. Faeilic Express, 10 07 a m. Cincinnati Kxpress 8 60 p ri. WKSTWABD. Pittsbnra: Express, 1 08 a m. Cvrvnnatl Espttss, 1 63 a tn. Southern Express-, 4 10 a ui. Pacific, ( 6 4f a m. Vay Passenger, 10 07 a m. VjiiI, g 3.4 p 0l. Fast Line, 6 S3 p ni. Mifflin, Msy 2o, 18T3. LOCAL IXTELLIGEXCE. Corn busking is the chief concern of farmers now. Mapleton, Haotingdon countv. Las had a revival meeting. Simon Albright is making great changes in bra hotel building. A gardener in Lehigh count raised 8,000 heads of cabbage this year. Applcbutter sells at 25 cents per quart, and apples at $1.00 per bushel. The mountains above Altoona were covered with three inches of snow last Thursday. The Winter Session of Tuscarora Academy will btgtn November 4th. ir!s till te reeeiVed as day scholars and a boarders. XV ci. II. Karti has become the pro priei-r of the Store at Vanwert, for merly conducted under the name of licrtiler &, Kurtz. The wealth of a continent cannot give happiness. It may give notoriety and distinction, but notoriety and dis tinction do not impart b.pptoesa. Rev. Mr. Anghey, of Newport will preach in the Lutheran Church of this place on nest Sabbatb, morning tod evening, and in the Liciing Creek Lutheran Church in Ibe afternoon. Stauibaugb Hrothers have the best assortment of Cloths and Cassimeres for nrcn's clothes, in the county. Tbey have just the material for wedding gar tutnts, dresa aud business suits. 15. F. Kepner has tsovtd his drug store into the parlor of Simon Albright's hotel until a suitable room can be pre pared fur him in that part of the build ing formerly occupied by David Watts. The present fsh lew has broken np the Gsh-basket way of catching eels in the fall sca:on. All will be abundantly compensated for the loss of eels within the t.eit four years by the increased number of fi.-h that day be Caught in the river. Tue lead mines that the Indians used to visit not far from the residence rd .Mr. Peter SheaU, on Licking Creek, have never been discovered. The re cent development in that region is the Xes Store of A. J. Ilertiler, now being fiiled with New Goods. iWl. I'ost-aiacter Hooks bought a fcrty prund him. Ua was permitted to get only oiie meal of it. A thief stole the meat last Thursday night. Hooks is looking for the fellow. He don't care fr the ham, but he wants the fellow who stole it The lcwistown Gazelle says : Thieves dii-turb hen roosts about town. Vo cal niusi2 is being taught in our public tehnuls gratuitously by several public- Fpirited citizens John Merrision shot a five prouged deer in the moun tains across the fiver. A letter received last week from Rev. D. M. Blackwelder and wife, who have gone South to visit their relatives, states that they arr ved at Romaria, S. C, on the ICth inst. Tbey eipect. ed to remain there about two weeks, and then go to Concord, C. where Mr. Blackwelder's father resides. We trish tbem a pleasant visit. Colored people of Bedford recently held a tournament, and after it was over wound it up as such things are al ways wound np, by crowning the "Queen of Love and Beauty." The tournament was a favorite amusement of the Southern people. Were the colored people burlesquing their former masters, or were they in dead earnest with their amusement t The Perry Tounty freeman says : Chestnuts are selling in Bloomfield at 14 cents per quart George Simons, nf Landisbunr, a soldier of the war of 1S12, aged about 78 years, was found dead in his bed last Friday morning, about 3 o'clock, by his grand-daOgh- ter. He had retired complaining of feeling not quite well, but was not sup posed to be dangerous. Gold and silver is now worth no moie than United States paper money, for most purposes. Those who failed to seil their coin when it was at a premi um have lost considerably. A man having gold or silver may do as he pleases with it, board, give, or throw it away ; but it does not pay to hoard it, give it, or throw it away. The best thing to do with it is to invest it where it will do the most good foi the owner. Ir. S ferret of Academla, wes thrown from his buggy last Thursday at the lower railroad crossing at Patterson. The horse he Was driving frightened at a locomotive, and before the doctor could' recover and manage the scared animal if bad wheeled and upset the buggy. The doctor was considerably hurt, but not to such a degree as to prevent him from returning home the game day. The boggy caught at a post at the road side, where it lodged. The horse ran toward the river bridge, but was ra'ijrht before he reached it.. Eight incbei of snow fell in Arm- bttong coUBti this Stile, on the 21m instant. Tbl Winter Session of ..Tuscarora Academy will begin November 4th Girls will be received aa day scholars and aa boarders. Teachers' Inbtitctb. The Coun ty Institute will be held in the Court House at Mifflintown, and will com uientB on Monday, November 24, 1873. A Nick PrkseS .-Tbe very hand some e American Sewing Machine exhibited at our last county fair, which drew the Erst premium, was purchased by Mr. Win. Thompson, of this county, as a birthday gift for his daughter. Airtkiios, J est at a Scorrs ! Ton are hereby oniwd to parade at Perrysville, on Saturday, November 9, 1ST 3, at 10 o'clock A. M. AH men not present will be de barred from pay tsnless a reasonable exense be oflerred at the time. Setni-anr.oal in spection. By order of J. K. ROBISOK, Captain Commanding. Mattwiw Rocras, U. S. Save voce. Doctor's Hill When Dr. Wiatar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry will CCRI coughs, colds, bleeding hi the lungs, and arrest tbe fell destroyer, Consumption, it doe more than most physicians can do. Tbe use of a sin gle bottle, costing one dollar, will sat isfy tbe ineredilous that they need look no further for tbe required aid. Si Tak Juniata Valley Camp Meeting Association has declared a dividend of seven per cent. So says tbe Hunting don Journal. The same paper says : The barn of Mr. Andrew Decker, in Henderson township, about two miles and a half from this borough, was to tally destroyed by fire, about 4 o'clock a. in., on Saturday laU The barn contained all bis grain, hay, and farm ing tools, all of which were lost. The fire was evidently tbe work of an in cendiary, as the fiend was hacked to and from tbe premises. Mr. Decker estimates his Iocs at about $2500 ; no insurance. A stove-pip hat on a woman's head attracted great attention at the Union Depot the other day. For some time past a man named Michael Dillon, aged thirty-five years and a former lesMent of Huntingdon, but at prestnl employed at a coaling on the mountain, oiue riitaiice tuck of Freedom Iron Works in Mill! in county, was taken violently ill. He had been engaged at hard work all day long and npon returning in the evening to his lonely cabin, he at once proceeded to nuke coffee, of wbich he freely par took. A short time at ter drinking it he was siczsd with a fearful sickness and pain in his stomach. Ills head reeled and he was attacki-d with paiuful vomit ing. After the lapse of a time he grew better and instita ted an examination of the cotcnts of his coffee pot. Who can ima gine the nervous horror that possessr him wheu on raising the lid of the pot tbe form of alarpc copperhead snake was seen among the coffee grounds. S ubseqnent examina tion of the dead snake led to tbe belief that it was kilied before it was put in Dillon's coffee pot. Hiram Ari, Deputy Sheriff, went to MoVejtown last Saturday to arrest Mr. West, an attorney-at-iaw, for the pur pose bf bringing him to Mifflin to re cover costs of a certain law-suit in wbich Mr. West was a party. Jlr. West informed tbe Deputy that his warrant was defective aud that he need not aceouipany him. but said he would go as far as Lewistown. That place was reached in doe time, and there Mr. West prepared to leave the car. The Deputy ordered brni to remain and ac company biru to Mifflin nndcr the wr rant. This he refused to do, aod pro ceeded to leave tbe car. Mr. Ard laid hold of him and prevented biiu from getting out. Meanwhile Mr. '.Vest kept up the dreadtnl ery of "Murder ! mur der !" most lustily, thereby exciting the passengers of the ear to a high degree. They, of course, interpreted the cry to mean what it expressed. By aod by Ard and West arrived here. Tbe prob ability is that the proceeding will result ia another lawsmt. Michail Fetzer, of Snow Shoe township, says tbe Bellefonte fVaich man, went out bunting the other day, having with bim a couple of dogs that were in for fun and full of expectation and eagerness. Mnch to Michael sur prise, and the discomfiture of tbe dogs, however, almost tbe first tbiug tbey run against was a huge bear, which showed fight. Michael shut at and wounded tbe animal, but did not disable it, and bruin made an attack npon his assail ants so vigorous and rapid that Micbael did not get an opportunity to reload bis gun and directly found himself in the close bug of tbe ngly monster. A des pcrate fight ensued, the hunter nsing bis gun as a club and the dogs strain ing every muscle to create a diversion in favor of their master. After some time, Mr. Fetxer, badly bugged and hurt, succeeded in tearing himself loose from tbe bear's embrace, and escaped, with tbe dog, to safer quarters. Bruin won the battle, bat Lis bearship bad better keep himself out of sight, as the bnnters of that region are on tbe alert, and a doxen bullets are ready for him as soon as he shows bis shaggy bide. Democratic fowls, just a little sick, with plumage out of fix, oo their Way to Ohio to crow for Allen.- Artificial Butter. The increas ing consumption and price of butter are working the usual consequences when demand outruns supply, and bave es tablished a factory for tbe manufacture. The fact has been known for some time. A correspondent of this journal recent ly explained the theory and process. Ueef suet h the basis; It is hashed and ground until tbe fat comes out as a sort of white jelly. The fat is next raised to the temperature of boiling water in steam vats to separate the sol id margarin aod stearin and fluid olein, of which about ninety per cent, is pro cured. These are parted and placed in bags in an oil press, from which a rich yellow oil is procured. The oil re ceives one-fifth its own weight of sotlr milk and is then converted to soft but ter ia a churn. And the oil is substan tially one with that procured from milk. Tbe butter so obtained is soon nndis- tinguishable from that usually sold ; and experiments already made indicate a good ' demand, and that the shipment ean be indefinitely extended owing to the cheapness ot the butter. The new effort succeeds a course of experiments that bave been successful, and so much so as to render tbe artifi cial product nndistinguishable from the natural The only difference is said to disappear in a few days, and consists in the comparative firmness of the pro duct. Perfect success will be required to make the effort all that its promoters anticipate for whatever identity chem istry may show in the material, those who can afford to choose will nnques tionably prefer the butter from the dairy. But it may happen that the effort will lesson the Cost of all grades. North fmerican. Report of mifflintown schools. School No. 1. Whole No. of pupils during month.... 81 Average attendance 2fi Per cent, of attendance 87 Ellie B. Crawford, Christy, Clara J. Dean, Rebecca Dot, Alberta F. Kepner, Jennie R. Londea, Junia Panne baker, James C. Hamilton and James C. Watts were present at every roll-call. D. A. Hakmas, Teacher. School No. 2. Whole No. of pnpil daring month.... 45 Average attendance............ ..... 41 Per cent, ef attendance 91 J. E. NOLEN, Teac: sr. School No. 3. Whole So. in attendance dnring month 87 Average "81 Per cent of " "91 WVole No. in attendance every day, 17 " present at every roll-call, 12 IIolxei DmxoEa, Teacher. School No. 4. Whole No. in attendance dnring month 64 Average 54 S I'er cent, of (14 Claba V. Daiohfbtt, Teacher. But few parents have visited the schools. Tbe teachers are anxious tint the parents, . especially, visit them in their schnol-rocn. Others, who are friends of education, ire invited also. Our artist declares that hi Mrds have jilst gone through a hard Campaign, and that's why they appear aa they do. Ho advises men not to mind the Pad looks of the fowl but to improve their own apiarance by going to Strayer's for tlieir new clothes, he having just bought a nt-w lot. PAY UP, AH ppfsens indebted to ns for sub. scription, job work or advertising will confer a favor on ns by settling the same as soon as possible, as we. desire to close up our business without delay. We can be found at our eld offise dur. ing tht next thirty days. After that time we shall send postal card to all who fail to settle. ALLISON &. WILSON. October 10, 1873-4w. 31 A Kit I ED: AbAVS RANCK In Mifflintown, Oc tober 22nd, by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Mr. Jefferson Adams and Miss Hary Ranck, both of Walker township. HIED; LAWSOX-On the ICth inst., in Tnsca rora township, Samuel S. Lawaon, aged about 00 vears. Taiarrc or Respect. At regular meeting of McCeysville Lodge, So. 674, I. O. ol O. P., on Satur day eiening, October 2-5, 1878, the follow ing preamble and resolutions were unani mously adopted : Wheseas, It has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove by death from onr mlrtit our well-beloved and muck esteemed Brother, P. G. Samuel S. Lawson, there fore be it Rtnlttd, That while we recognize tbe band of Him that rides npon the stor-nv winds and calms the roaring seas, w at the Same time lament that one whose sympathy was so ardent for the welfare of onr beloved Order should in the prime of life be re moved from ns, hsving been a member of the fraternity for twenty-three years. Jttt Irtd, Thst in his death this Lodge has sustain" d an irreparable loss, a to both energy and consistency. Resolved. That We bow with submission to this severe dispensation ot Divine Prov idence, and that We extend to the bereaved family our bearttelt sympathy in their sore affliction. Rttolvti, That the Lodge be draped in mourning and the members wear the usual badge for the spare ol thirty days.and that these resolutions be published in the coun ty papers, and a copy of the same be trans mitted to the bereaved familv. " 1, M: MtDnrtALB, P. (i J. Wilsos, P. U , Con. Geo. S. Cos, P. O., Xcw Aetvertinemenla. BIG RUN FOR gEWING jyj&GHJNES. Aa agency for the New American Sewing Uacbine has been established in MiHintown under the management of Messrs. John Sberruer and J. W. PletU Persons wish. ing to buy the simplest, most durable, light est running, most noiseless, and, because of these qualities, the cheapest Machine, should before purchasing elsewhere see the Anicri can. The tension are exceedingly simple, and unlike any other Machine ; the shuttle requires no threading. Sold by lease, note, cash and on terms to suit any purchaser. Oflijest WHrsTtotrlf Sep 2fi, l"73-8m CO MM KItC J 41s. XIFFLI3 UD PATTETSOS MARKETS Corrected weekly by the Mifflin arid Patter son Board of Commerce. kirrLixTOwa October 10, 1873. ABKsriaa Butter, prime rll....i. 20 8 8 2t 10 Tallow Efg, per dot Vinegar, per qt roaa. Hams, lb Shoulders k. Sides.... VABtarms, 12 7 4 SO 00 So 8 12 & 8 40 40 225 Lake Herring unions Beeswax, per ib... .......... Soap, dry.;;i. ............. Candles ...... Wool, washed... .......... Rags..; KVAILKD ASTICLCS Petroleum Fluid............ Coal Oil, pr gall Salt per sack... fist is asd srabs. Corrected weesly by D. P. Sulotifl"Co Wheat, red. .:.$! 35 Corn ......... Barley Oats old " new .... Clovtneed ... Timothy seed. Max seed...... Potatoes ..... . 61) 60 35 30 4 60 2 5C 1 75 60 J- L H. A- Stamlwnitb' Price Cnrrrnt, Urrected M eekly, Oct- 8, 173. Prime Roll Sutter k.r pound 25 Eggs, per doxen-. ...... .......... 25 - Dried Apples per pound........... 8 Tallow 8 Lard, 8 Chickens, lire " 0 Bacon, H ............ Shoulder, ID Ham, w yew Altirrtictnenl. JEW FURNITURE STORE. The undersigned would inform the public that he his opened a FLRMTIRE STORE In the o trough ol Patterson, where he has for salu K1LB0DRN & GATES' BEDROOM SETS, Walnut Bedroom Sets, ALL STYLES OF BEDSTEADS, Sofas, Locnges, Extession Tables, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, MARBLE TOP STA.DS, Sofa, Cane-seat and Common Chairs, Wash Stands, Also, a Large Lot of Carpets. As I run a ear to Philadelphia weekly I am prepared to 611 all orders for furniture, carpets, Lx.., in person. F. F. EOHM. Oct 22, 1873-tf NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. We have opened out lu Jacob Thomas' parlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel, 1 ,ue largest and best stock of B00T3 AND SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S GAITERS, ever brought to tin county. We buy our stork from ManiifaCtWcTS and in large lots. We pay cttk and expect to sell for rJA, which will enable Us (o offer GOODS At Prices far Below the Average. WORK M ADE TO ORDER. This branch of th-i business will be srf perintended by A. B. FASICK, one of tlfc best practical mechanics in the county. All kinds of repairing done. ALL WORK WJRRJXTED. rOKNELIUS HARTLEY. July 2, 1973-tf g"lJ. LOUDON, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Crystal Palace Building, on Water Street, Mifflintown, Pa., FASUIOXABLE GOODS always on band. CUSTOM WORK DONE on the short notice. GOODS SOLD by the yard or pattern. PERSON'S buying goods can hae them cnt in garments free of charge. BUTTERICCS PJTTERXS tiho for sale. ALL WORK WARRANTED". PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 1873-lf rCN'IATA VALLEY BANK. Pomeroy, Patterson. Jacobs & Co". irriitow, jcsiati cotrccrv, ra. CAPITAL, 911O,0OO. JOSEPH POMEROT, President. T. VAN IRV1N, Cashier. ftiaccToas : Joseph Pomeroy, Jerome N. Thompson, John J. Patterson, George Jacobs, John Balsbac'n, II. H. Bechtel, S. Frank Eagle. United Stale SfinrUiet, Bonds, bought and sola Seven-tkvrltfs eichatiged for Frct-tirentitt at market rates. United States coupons past. Gold csd Sitter bnn;ht at bizhestt rates Deposits received, collections maite, drafts On the principal citus, and a general banking ULstness transacted. Bonds and other valuable papers received On special deposit. juneeVit-tf T3BTANTANEOCS RELIEF A SOUND, M. KtrBESurxo lskp jt isAsrrrrn KY USlNti K Y Rsrirr relikf for the asthma, it acts int..niiv, relieving the paroxysm imiue.iiatc'r, and eitblinz the miient to lie down and sleep. I sulfered frcm this dis ease twelve years, but sutler no more, and work and sleep as well as any one. War. ranted to relieve in the worst case. Sent by mail on receipt of price, one dtliar per box ; ast your Dnifrgmt Tor .t. CHARLES B. HURST 'Rochester, Bearer k. Pa. Iron, nails, glass, faints, oils. Builders' 3; A SPECIALTY. The Place For Blacksmiths AND Mechanics. Si rJl i CRYSTAL IF YOU WANT A N Y T IT A Rftf-T J?- A i WW "US . t.. A.llS 111.11 At TO INSURE A GJood Article, Call at the 1500T ami SHOE STORE of J. W. DEAN, Dridge Street, Patteison, IVnn'a. IIK CUEISRFITIsIaY Repairing Promptly lUemlrd to. I l J THE FALL iW IN ALL ITS GLORY. AT J. fc H. As STAMBAUGH'S MAMMOTH STORE ! ! .A IN IMMENSE Stock of Goods JUST RECEIVE. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. "KV GOODS.Es,XOTIOXS. QUEEXSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, NEW CASH STOKE AT LOCUST GROVE, One and a half miles THE subscriber wonla tWl re.ictfiity fn'orni the pnlilic he has just fpcnel s I Store at Ihe ulxive place, where he is pre'pared to snpply all who ni y favor him w it it their patronage with the latestand most select DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QrEENWARE, WOOD AXD WILLOW WAh, OIL ' CLOTHS, BOO IS & Sll'.'r.S. TTAArr T "PiT? ( JTV A'" T ? V'r Xl. J A ALi A. V U A J VJJKJ U-D) AilUxC, IVlW., All of which he offers to tell or exi-h..nge fir c-Mintr ptoJucc at THE VERY LOWEST IrtlCI'.S. TlTi lower, in fact, than (roods have been Me will pay the highest maiiel pfiCe lor either in cash or goods. o .0 , Iaeust Grove, Anf. 8, 1873-tf. D. W. Harley & Oosjpt Is tbe place where von can bay iJIfi BEST ATiVt THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING UJTS, CJPS. BOOt'S, SUOKS, JISD FVRSISUtXG OOOLS. ' WE are prepared to exhibit one ef the most choice and l -ct stocks ever oTerel in this market, and at jtSTOXISHIXtiLY LOW PRICES! Also, measure, taiesf fo, -cits aud Kl lUUfl UU.ILV, .VI J iwwimuiu. Kemember the place, iff JlojTaian's Watc fectif, Mlt"FLINTOVX PA. WHET TO mm AKD HOW TO WEAR IT :0: Just step into SAMUEL STKATEK'S CLOTHING STORE, Bridge street, l'attersi Pa., and be will tell von all about it. Uavint jnst returned from Philadelphia and New York, he ran an- ply yon with the Latest and CKiicert S tjle t f ClaOTillNG OF ALL KINDS, Coats Pants. Vests, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Watches and Jewelry, Xotiohj. Tr.r huhing Goods in endless variety, Carpet , Floor Oil Cloth, Furniture, to., Cheaper than the cheapest, for the same quality ot gomisi Call in and be convinced. Measures Taken and Suits Made to Ortfer. Patterson, My 10 leT. flardwnrc a Si PALACE. U I i 2 THAT CAN I3E PURCHASED ' SHilF RTflRf ' V V56si ,..v v nan v.x i i J n.ii' the Lowest Prices! INVITES IKlICTIO.. 1873 ntvnz mM MILFOPvD TWP., southwest of Patterson. assortinenl ol Also, Willi a lull siipiy 01 sold within the county for niJny years. f Locust Posts, Kaiiroad Ties and Wood,: A T TTFRT7T,P1J ' J.Jn IAIjIVAJAJIjU. t j -i - i part, of euiU, wbich will be uiaJe to order New Building, corner nf Kride and may 8, l7S-tI SAMUEL PTRATK!?. CBYSTA-L You can get any OTWS yoil uant at FRAIVCISCVS'. HEATERS A SPECIALITY: , Prices !L6w.- o STOVE! VTAREROOilIS! TUB GIIEAT l:EiIEDY FOR USV3PTI0N vtiifli nftn lif r-iii'rvl lw !t ........ timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as Iia.s been proved ly the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged hy many prominent i plvysicians to bo the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and i !! t)I a!I lallUg COinplaintS, aild is oilcrcd to tllC pilbli c-anetioncdbythccxixTiciiec 0f ovcr forty years. AVheil a., l a t resorted to ia season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy t cases oT Couglis, IJronchitis, ! Croup, Yriioopinir Couh, I I niiiicnza. A stluna. Colds. Sore Throat, 1'ains or Sore- . ..v. , ,. Z-. . c.. . No leet!! ii,lTv.-.i t' Ii ive lue Mice "B ness in the Chest and Side, u the patient hMrt&o. Liver Complaint, Bleeding , Jc":' r.;;11"'1, ' 'I v :rI at thcLunsrs, t!cc. A istar s w u ,e r.r vr.s nuot? alsain does not dry up a . , Cougli, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the jun ana aiia irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. pis re urn r.T BZm V. F0T7U1 et. SONS, Bostoa, Kasa., Aad KU1 ly VTUtfgisi cU Dealer concrally. - yy : snoirr k co, FORWARD AX ccnaisMox jlEUCIIANTS, iEALCHS 1.1 Gtt.U.V, LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER, Salt ' i C K MEN T, ' ( S T n. T N V. n P T. A S T T. P. ' rntmrv. Tlif'VlCT'i;"ial..k. ,.,t..,, S!,.ittl- .Mutiii.e. with Sell setting I chii ..flWt-1. An iiicr.-ase- ol ov.-r SCO I -r cent. tn s i! s ot 1ST- over lt-il. rr t Te'-ns A..e!n-!-s, 71CTOK SSWlMi .MACKIX'E ( (.. ll.esti.ut St., PhiUd'a, Pa. -rra-rv t,tt -v t VALUABLE F.EAL ESTATE ,t PNt-mvdl- jmT PRH .iTL .tLL. rpnE Bnd -rsiT at niv.-,Se saf-. i 1 .. 1 Ill res, si". ed in ; :'. uiil.-s w.-si ! Miiliin- ,! 4 nt' I s.i k- t.'uss u;id . roin P.t'crs .u to Johns ton 11, ll ivi::p lh'-r-o 1 tr .'!.-1 j Two Goou Bellir.: Houses, i a 15. ink P.irn. Spiiir; Hons.-. a:l i';.t o'-.t. ' bniid!-i i- a i':irun of water rnr nXv.jL near : tZl ZX : Orchard on lw preniis- s. r:lt.-.-n ere. ot Me i- ta-iu is lu.-ailow lin-t Eii'it." , . are in a g I ft.ite of cultivation' and , i ih b dim e in r.K:d ;ii.b.r. Wisl b.- s.1 1 . j ZtZ'l't 1 CilKldlorKEH FAG ELY. Oct 8, I5:;;-i,t (-'KAVniLL & CO., sj WHOLESALE CfVLiTRS IX Oil Ootlif, Miet. bronnii, t arptt Cliain, Baitir, Wadding, Twines, &C, axo a Visa as TtiT or WOOD & WILLOW WARE, N j. 420 Market Street, above -hn, PHiDADri.PUfA, pa. June 27. 1873-tf. La gu RtK-k of Iry GihsIssI J. k ll. A. Sta:u'wn?li's, Crystal P,:lac-. I I MARS ! A t (). want n il::')!'' iin.'It ne'Bi-fic Asentff PALACE! I Hitines'. Cartl. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, MirbLiSTorr.v, r.f. OtS'-c linn's from 9 . . f S r. if . f. fi-T in his fathers resilience, at til' eolith end of Water Mr jet. -i-'lii-rf A LFKKD J. l'ATTIT.SO.v, ATT0SIIEY-AT-LA77, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., P.. C"" All busiaeas promptly! to." Offuk With JereniLih l.voii"; f ATKINSON, j ' ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, j V TF UN TO WN, PA. I C.'ol'wlin; and Coi.veva?K-i:ig prompt ly mt--i:i!.-l to. Orrn r O.i rrM;.i street, rpjite the Cu:t llj i-e it- .11 -'- : a J t . w Tiuv. i i.- Thir-al iv and lav m .rnln-s w'' '"mih the -itizens of :" nor- bVKxilviroy . pokk, it. at h very l.-et rri.vs. IK- H-e,,Ve ol the public. Ap.-il ;i. If I GRh'Af KKDrOTlOX IN T'.IK li:iCI OF TJalaTl ! Foil 1'piht or L6mr a Low as ." ti.ei.i i avi..-ti,r!r i..m-..s. ii u- s-r-i. T'M)' linr'ie tn"jM-i in live runiTes witli- ..iitrtnict;iic:t;,"M..,.tii. m the iKntainr- lire of 1. I.. Dhltl eTiihl'sheil in -MiHlin- li.wn in lNi(. i L PKItU. I'r-c'ital lieiitist. J-ma-i, lif ewtairmiop. v The r.iHli'ri!n'vl w.uid rrspe -tfiilly ia; fortu lh pu .iie lii; he li i. u d a TAILOIl SHOP z resilience, on B:!-!,.' Nfrt-ft, h tho Tarkor Mansion, ar.l S- mtw jt'uo1 to tlt ! CUSTOM Y6 nic it lc t iic-ii.-e ;;tI !!i t'lj niii.-t uur.ih'e ainf l:llilr.. !': ll- i!;!.T I lie intend 1 N '' o:it nnm hilt od work ' anl a!;s a hare ol t!i '.'.' j.atron jri'. j 1UU.IAM wii:. s-j.f !: lTri-tf. t " - ' JjEn DRIU STORE. RANKS &7Ta?.IMX, Main Hrt-ct, ?ti2intt itu, F ' ULvi.i:...-. in I T'RlTiiS AND MF.lHt'INKS. 'cii::i'i, ivk sr it;-', i'ai.vt? l il.S, VAKMSjIES.UI.AS j n: T I ii w.w t'li.. L.tMrs, r.i,K.i.its, i iiiMM.vs, B k u s ii :; .s, n.i: h!;i'f!iK.s.T()(i!l iii:i s;ir:s, it. R- 1" I .M V.V- X ,C M Its , SOAPS. IIAlti OtL, Tf.irA'V c, n;,.i:.s. NOT I O X S . STATION KkV L A K d E V A H I V. K Y O F i ! PATE-NT JIEDICINKS, Seiert-d real err-i, and w.rr..fc t rr 'rf' itiM:ry. Ey-Pnrest of IXES AXD LKi'JOr.S ftr M.etiKiil fiirp ". ! Oy-PUES JiilPTioXS c:miin.:.-l with , care. Jure ll-V.j lw oox &. s:ioi?sToac IX RESIPE.Vr", fJ l CHEr.RY STREET, JIIFFI.iNTOW.V, The nndersirned wtn:I I n?rfnlle an nt.nree t lite -iilic tl it ha k'tip I a B"1 and Shoe Store t his' rei l:w 01 t'l:e-ry street, an! k.a on hand a Uirg'r and well sectc I s:irjl. of FEA2)V-MADF. VOKK. fr t.EXr, V.-OMSN ?n.l CL'II DIIE. He is aij-o prcpan d to nuin;T.ictiira, or the liest material, ail kinW el J'(H'1 l'V-1 A- W UAI IhUS for gouts, ladies and chil 'r.-u. . an. c ""-" - (Jive me a call, for I fe.l mniid-nt tint I ; can furnish yirt with any kind "f orit yoa iu.,-. .:i.-e. CT'K'jcfir'lre done n-ai!y an I at reason 1 " g:ai JOHN NORTH- , II. C. OltTII, 31i MARKET STREET, II A KKISii l ESCi, PA. EA.r.R f. plAXOS t fABINET QtttAXS, iai all Lit if M.s.'cal Ia-(runicntsv SlIKETIUSIC. This house buys fur cash ; never gave a note, and is, there fore, enabled to oiler induce ments to its jfc-itrona. Fmplovs no agents, and gitesall agents' cennnissivni io its ciistoniers direct. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. s.-j- 3, 187.3-It. r Sentinel ant Kepnhlicjri $1.30 a v-eai r tccr -sr 'Witi '' ?r