The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, September 24, 1908, Image 1

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    The Honesdale Citizen.
nice Next door In Post Uffloe.
Formerly occupied by lion. W. (I. Dimmlck.
llouesdale. Pa., April, 1908.
Wn. n. i.KB,
A rrollNKT tr. OOUNHKLOB-it-L W
Office over Post Office.
All leal business promptly attended to.
Uoneadale, Jan. 1, 1MB. lyl
a. miimfoko,
Offlee Llbtrtv llatl hiilldiue. onnoslte the
l'ot UIMoe, Uonendl. Pa. 3Syl
Patents and Penelons secured,
Ufll In tbe Court llouie,
Honetdalo, Pa. i7yl
HON1DAM, l'a.VN'A.
Special and prompt attention given to the
olltxiUon of nbvltna. Olhco over Ilelf'a lie
lore. HSyl
JffloM M rioor Old Havlnga Bank b'jlldlnc
JSyl Uokbsdalb. I'A.
r. KiunitK,
Over the Post Office, Uoue.dale
May Wl. 112. 11
At tbe ofiloe late ol Waller k. Searle.
doneidale. i'a. unos over Pott Offl4-e
Jan. 1, lsia. yl
OMUU ailKKNk..
Ollloe oyer Relf's New Store.
Uoneadale, I'a. Uyl
Maionlo building, 2d Boor.
V k II V A Nil 1111 Nl HUH I .1 N H..
1 l ... t"l "1 1 .1 C ! .. ., llllln
III (IUVI win envoi,,. UUA UUUUIlip
nonisDAU Pa. Soyl
Office, and Resilience 1118 Church afreet
opposite Baptist ChUKib. Telephone.
Office Uours-2.00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 8:00m
Yyn- w- T- McCONVIIiU,
OBoo 4518 Seoond itreet, formerly occu
pied by Dr. J. J. O'ConnelL.
Honeedale, March 13. 1S02. yl
New Malay Opium Cure
Doing Distributed Freo by a New
York Society.
(to-operating with missions In Malay
sia, tho Windsor Laboratories o New
York have secured a supply of the won
derful combrctura plant, which has dono
so much to revolutionize tho treatment
fcf tho opium habit.
' A cencrous supply of tho new remedy,
together with full instructions for its
esc, and United States consular reports
bearing on the subject will bo sent to
any sufferer. To obtain a freo supply
of this remedy and the consular reports,
131 East 25th Street, New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Office: 2nd lloor Masnnlo Rulldlng, ovei
J. (!. Jadwln's drug store, Honesdale.
How Are Your Eves?
With a praoticftl ez()irlenc of. many year
1 am ablMo mukn a iarcf ul. ncientltki exam
.nation of the eye, which will reeult in tbe
application of j pUa t hat will rHipve and
help j tni. if )ou ftM'l the nft'd of aid for
Four tyt, at' my id lojiy.
You are blind to your own tniert'it If you
cutglfct to take care of your eyei. It liu't
every on who can properly nt you with
clanttea, and when you cet.theni you ihoutd
not think they will do, just becaut you tee
siiuie hit. lou muut know iney art-
cKiu'iiy ripnu e are ueaiKjuanrrt ni
Dpttcul iioih of all kliidi.
All leiiflcH duplicated and fiamcri boIiIh
on short notice, cheaper than elsewhere.
Poat 'JUlce Building Uoneadale I
rk Daily Press
on, w v ,ai "k V!
The Cltlien. Uoneadale, Pa
After June 1st, 1908,
9:00 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Kodol will, without doubt, ruako your
stomach strong and willalmoit initEDlly tb
Upva von of all tbetiviiititotDiof Indication.
It Hill do IbU v cause It ! made up of tbe
natural dimllve Julcosof tbe itoruac-h so
nAmiiinAei t bat 11 ioiiiDletel v dlsetts the food
juat a tbe stomach will do it, so tou te Ko
dol can't faU;to help you and lilj tou
promptly. It li old here by i'EIL Tbe
MUN WEALTH hK Till. lit Al'l'JUJVAL Oil 1U
JCCTlUN itV 1HU (i UN El t Ala ASHUltLT
1'LTiI.lMiEh 11Y OltUEU OP TUi; tEL'iiC'l AHV
or AitTitLu xm or tui: cunstitl'tiu.s.
NumtK r Olc
TropoitlnE AmtnJuiiiiti to ibo Cont-tllution of the
uuiino!ie.mij oi I'tniiyivnnia si ai iq -vn-
KOilditf) lh finirtii nf I'otnriiou I'lcu ol I'tilia
dclbia unJ AllfRhmr rounmii, nn tn dire
the littieral rtr to LI'tiLUih n
Sfl-arato Court la pLilatl ll-hla f'outttjr, with
rrtmliial ntid U Itu (linn' niiat J urivrilf tlfin.
StttioD 1. lie u rrooltta l-r tle soate and
liotne or lUttrtpontntltCH in urturai Anntmii)
iticl. TLnt fho frillfiHltiir nmcnclm lit n lo Uio I ou-
stltution nt l'cnnrrivauia lc, nod th same arr
Tti at lection tlx vt arthle five to arotndcj Ij
fetrikloft out tno iaid (K'Ltion ana itistriitiK
l.lNfn thrfenf thn f(jlltilnc
Section C. In tbe nuntim of rtilltvUlphl.i nnd
AIltKluiiy all tlic Jurlsdlitlon and jiomtrs nnw
vcpud In the ncTcral numb red rourtu of common
pit an MiaII lie tnted In ono courL of common
In eati of a1d (ountles, rouipo-cd of all
Mm Judge in commitmlon In laid lourti. buh
Jurifdlition and pnrr suntl extend to nil pro
eedll)Ka at Inw utid In equity which thill have
Utn inotituttd in tho acwral cumhirtd courts,
and nhnll lie ftuhject to ruth thanks a mar l-
made tr taw, nud fuhlert to chaLRft of Mliuc as
pruVldtd 'j h The prfsldcnt judge of taih of
i no uio touria miuii tie mihku aa proTiatu ly
la. Tho iiUHiUr of Judge In at h of (ald courts
inny to, y law, n reused from tlluo In time
Thla amendmtnt rhall tako tITitt on the ftrt
M(.mlay of Jantmry auirtttiinR it ndcrtlnn,
iiicilott Z. Thai arilcU hrc, mtlou tlsht. Ic
nninidcd Ir making an addition the rot o to that
Die same nhnll read na folio r
Fccilon 8. The paid rourti In tho counties of
I'hiUdi Iphla and Allegheny, rtapealnly, rlitll
from time to time. In turn, ditull one rr tnurr
of their Judv.-ea to held tho courts of oyer and
tirmlncr and tho courts of qunrhr Fcailont ef
tho ptate of aald countifx. in Ul h mntmer an
may t'e dlrt'ttd ly Ian I'roMdtd. That In the
futility of I'lilU'lrlphln the (icncrul Al"'tiihly uliall
have r'nf" I" esfnMlith a m paratt ' onrt. mi -iIhr
or not more thin four juIfce-. hith shili cmluFi Jurledd tlon In ctlminnl ca"ea
And In audi othtr mattcta ns may to troidd
t.y la
A true eery f.f Joint llerolutlon No 1.
itonniiT McArni:.
Pecretary of tho ConinioneItl
V i'im:ii to tiii: uitixbns ok tiiip uim
jkition itv tiii: fii:i:itAij assbmiilv or
Tin; roMMnNWKAtaTit or pcnns iaani.
i'rni,iiii:it it v iiitiicu or tub Hi:nti:iAitY
or tub roMMfiNwr.Ai.Tif. in mrnsrANcic
Number Tun,
A .101 N'T Itl'FOLt'TlON
Propolnc an Anundment ft the Conslltutlnn of
the ('cmmonralth, Allonlnc Oountlef, CitKs,
Ilormitrh. Townahlp, School IHPlrlfts. or
other Municipal r liuorporutod Iltrlt, to
Increase Tin Ir Indchtedntss
lie It npolved l-y the Sennto and lIoue rf Kfp
reftntatlics of tho Commnnwrnlth of PennMl
anla In (leneral AMeinfcly mi t, That aei t mil
c leht, nrtlclc nine, of thn Common wealth of I'ctin
"jliimla, read in a; ns foiloma
"Fee tlon h. Uio dcht cf any county, elty
liorousti, tonnihlp, 'chwl dlLtrlrt or mlitr mu
nlrlpallty or Incorporated dl-trlit, rx- ( j t iin
herein proTldcd, fhnll never fitted ncn pfr
centum upon tho aMcpvd a!uo cf the taxable
property therein, nor shall nny ku li munl Ipalifj
or dlatrlct Incur any new debt or Increase Us ln
debtodnesa to an amount exccedlnR to per
centum upon such nacesaed valuation of property,
without tho araent of the electors thereof at a
public elertlon, tn such manner aa rhall be pro
vided by law; but nny city, the debt of w filth
nnw exceed acen per rectum nf such assesned
taluntlon, may be authorized by law tn increase
iho same threo per centum. In the BRKregntf,
at any ono time, upon such valuation," le
amended. In nccordanee with the rrorlsions of
inn eighteenth artlrlo of said Constitution, so
Hint said rectlon, when amended, rhall read as
Section 8. Tbe debt of any county, city, tor
ouch, township, school district, or other munici
pality or Incorporated district, except as herein
provided, shall wrer exceed tin per centum upon
the aeacsccd vntuo nf tho taxablo property then
In; nor shall nny such municipality or district
incur any new debt or Increase Its IndiMcdiie.' s
to an amount exceeding two per centum upen
FUh assessed valuation of property without the
auRtnt of the elcctora thereof at a public e-lec
Hon, In surh manner as shall bo provided by law.
A true eopy of Joint ltesolutlon No. 2.
Rccretnry of the Commonwealth.
pitiiMsiu:i iiy oitDEit or tug skcubtaii.
or the commonwealth, in pursuance
Number Three.
proposlns Amendments to .-cctlon Eight nnd
Twcniy-Ono of Article Tour, Sections Eleven
nnd Twelve of Article rive. Feitlons Tw ,
Three and Pourteen of Artlclo Eight, Pot tlon
Oijo of Artlclo Twelve, nnd Sections Two and
Seien of Artdlo I'nurten, of tho Constitution
of Pcnim1anln, and Providing a Srhcdulc fur
(arDlng the Amendments Into EfTect.
fct-ttlon 1. Ho It resolrd by the Senate and
Houie of Itcpremitatles of the Commonwealth of
l'enntuhanla In Central AFscmblr met. That tho
(nl low Inn aro pn poad us uuaeuduicntft to the
niibuiuiion or me ueimiuonwtniiu ni i tiiiibj i
auln, In nrcordancc with tho provisions of tno
Isbteeuth arllcl3 thereof.
Amendment One To Artlclo I'our,
Section ElRht.
Seetle.n 2 Amend cectlon i letit of artlrlo four
if the t'ou-tiiutlon of Pe nnFj hanla. whUh reads
its follows
He Mian nominnio nno. iy ana nun ine nu-
vlte and eonunt of two-thirds of nil tho im ml rs
of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of tho Com
monwealth and an Attorney-lit aurmc pluatt-
a Kui'trinienueni oi i-unnc icairucuon ur
four years, and soch other otllccra of the Com
monwealth aa he la or may bo authorized by the
Contitutlon or by law to appoint, ho shall hae
power to 1111 all vacancies that may hanir&a in
offices lo which ho may appoint, during the re-
i ess or iuo rscnaic, i y KranunR e ouimiBsicnx
which Bhall cxplro at the end cf their next n -
on: no snail nao iiowcr to nu any ac;urj iu.h
may happen, during tho retcss vt tho Senate, in
tie oilltu or Auaucr inncrai. .-iitio inuaun f,
ie-trttary of Internal Ahah or huptrlntcndint ot
Public Infftrurtlon. It) a judicial otllto, or In nn
iior iiiiiiip iiiie wnitn no is or iii.iy no nu-
thorlfd to fill. If the vacancy ha!l happen during
ho MSnlou or iuo M naif, mo iaoe.rnor nii.iii utiui
inntft tn iho St i. ate. before their final admuni'
ment a rroi-cr itrnon to fill said vataiKi. but in
nnv surh e:ifc of vacfttn r. In nn tItttU tilllin,
ptrhtm phall lo chosen to said tillUe at Iho next
L-n. rul ion unli'F tliu vaancv ha I nai
1 n within three calendar motithn Imiiu'dlattly
IirtCtHiiiic pui ii pii'iiiuu, hi iin ii ia( im i'
r snm i.nne btinii i o ih ki hi ui huhw u
e dlntf Fineral election In nitlnc on exuutu
iiilnatloim the m iiato ihi.ll pit with Hin door-
and. In e-ontlrmti-K or rJetme tho tiiiiuinaiioti-
r iiu niirnnr. i t.ti- Mn no iaM n y i
ml iin. nnd thill bo enttrid on tho journal,"
u us tu read as follow-
tin thn 1 1 ttmnln.ilA nrnl hv nnd Willi the ndllce
nnd consent cf two-ihlrdi cf all tho members of
ibo senate, aip"int a aetrtiary ti inn uiaimon
wealth and nu Attorney (mural during pita
lire, a Kupcrinttnucnt or 1'uniic mtirui tidii u
four jenrs, unil sui h ollar otlWtrs of the Com
inouwealth as ho Is or may ho authorized by Hi
I'otistUutlon or by law lu tippolnt, ho th til hat
power to till nil vacam leu that may happen. In
otli'eg to whiiU bo m:i lippoint, during the. nc
of tho Semite, by grauliug e ommUsioiiS whl I.
Ii.ill ixilro at mo enn oi ineir nvxi musiiui, m
-ball hmo jowtr to nil any atamy tt
haiipen, during the recess of lit' Senate, tu tin
..illie of Auditor dene nil, Stnto Trtar-urtr. Sn
reuiry of Internal Affairs or Kupttinundent oi
public lmiruttlon, In a Judicial oltlce;, or In Mi)
other tlrH .ltne which ho Is or may bo au
ihorlzed to 11.1, if tho vacancy shall happen dur
nig the fcCHtbm of the Stljate, the Oovtmor shall
nominate to the Senate, before their ntinl ad
journment, .i proper perbon to fill taid amnty.
but iu nn ui Ii i aso or vaeincy, lu nn elective
i.ttbe, a person hill be i In. hill to said otlli e oti
the next election day npropri,ito to such otll e,
aiiording to iho provisions of thn l'.iti-lilutl"!i
uitlfa tho va ancy shall happen within two ah n
Jar niontht liuini'dUtcIy rcditig such tlitilem
dt. lu which iav the tUttion for t,aid ofih-c fehall
bo held on tho fenmd tun tiding ekcllon di
aiinnrlatei to huch otlb e In acting on exciUtUe
iM.mlnatlonb the senalo fchall i-lt with open door-,
and. In coiinrming ir rc-Jecttng the nominailon. of
ihe- (iovernor, tho vote shall be taKen by car
and na)N nnd shall bo enured on tho Journal.
Amendment Two-To Arlltii) 1'our, Seetioil
Section 3. Amend fccciion twenty-ono of article
four, whl. b Had ns follows:
i he term f iho Secretary of Internal Affairs
4 i nr T ' 'ho Auditor Ocmral three
T. . 'lim-urir two )ear-
c ho- ii iho qualltlc d
t t-i i. r ! t ki-tlnriB, N
i of i.ll' r Ointral oi ui butaiim t
jiih t run," do as l
lit' A
i .r
f line rnal Affair
i nt ral,
tli" Mato Treasuui
and llnV Shall b
hull IMI li tiO four
tiottill h) thu ijualtflid
torn of I fio State ai
.....I . i. !.,, n Cliiln Trontiliri F. rlrCIt'd
In the ear ono thousand nine hundred nnd nine,
.i.... t... .t.t..A t,t it,., LTinral election In tbt
vi nr hup thousand nine hundred and twthe, and
every lotirin jr nninnni a. '"-;
ted t the otilee of Auditor Ocncral or btb
Iri-u-unr i-hall b- iapain or noiaiuu iuo aun
illbe for two mliM i Ulive t rniv.
Amendment Three- To Artklo live, Section
gfctinn 4 Amend section eleven of article five
whMi reads as follows ,....., ,,
Xxeept as otherwise rroviatrn m hub u - r
llion Ju liictt of I tic i i. c ur aldermtii fcUall be
i.,i..t in iIia a,, ii ml uiirds. Cir-LrliU. liorouuill
a .1 (l,n lima fif tl.A i lfil LlOQ Of Con
stables, iiy ine quaiuieu nu luvtcwa. . -
manner as shall be directed by law, and shall be
leimm aaloneii py tno i.ovtrnc.r r u tviu. i
m..- K. I.nln Hfi llUlrlft !if llUT
ough tball elect more than two Justices of the
Sieme or mutriiHu wuiioui iu
ctlty of tho tpjaiincd electors within suth town
shin, ward or borounli. no pin-on hall be i tlicttd
(osuih unite iinle'Sn in tPii naTt- ni utu uun
,.i.i.,,iiPii unrd or dlt-tritt for on
.. nevi ir'i,.dinc h' - ilwiion In titles con
ul nl nit over fifty thousand inhabitants not more
than one alderman shall to cicttta m cacu wara
or d strict," so as io renu;
Except as otherwlte provided In this Conitltu
, i, - ,.t nrnr ur aldermen snail bl
elected in tho several wards, districts, boroughs
or townships, by the qualified electors thereof, nt
tha municipal election. Id such manner as shatl
a., .a, - a V. w I-..- nnA hill till rommlSSlOned
by the Governor for a term of six jcari. No
lownfchlp, ward, district or borough shall elect
more than two JiiKtlccs of tho peace or aldermen
without the con'int of a majority cf the qualified
iia .ntiin iih tnwnhln. ward or borough:
no rerson shall I elected to such office unless
be shall have rrhJed within tno townsmp, nor-
aii.1i mr, nr .lUtflCt for OD ICar DCXt DTCCed
Inc his election. Iu titles roulatnlng over Ady
thousand Ibbabiunti, not more maa ono aiacr
man '1I1 bo '?.M,T,"i,0.41iiSCi
Section t. Amend section twelve of article flva
t.t thn t' initttuti'in. which reads as follows:
"In rtlladrlphU Uicrc shall be established, for
cai h thirty thousand inhabitaou, one court, not
rt reroril, OI I'Clirn ana ciu inutra. nu juiii-
diction not exceeding one hundred dollars; such
.nurti shall i heM br magistrates vthoie term
of (fflce shall be fit years, and they shall be
elected on peneral ticket by the qualified vottri
at larce, and la to tieciion oi ine saia msgis'
irmtim nn tnirr shsll vote for more than tWO'
thirds of the number of persons to be elected
when more man one are to no enosn; iney snail
!, rnmnrnuteil onlv bv fixed salaries, to be tislJ
by said county; and shall exercise such Jurisdic
tion, civu ana mmma, eicepi as nerein pro
vided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, subject
to such changes, not involving an inert aae of civil
JurtrdP Hon or conferring politlcnl duties, a may
tm made br law. In Philadelphia tbe office of
fildtimati Is flltoilshed," so as to read as follows:
In Philadelphia there shall bo established, for
laib thirty thousand Inhabitants, ono court, not
of record, of police and civil causes, with Juris
diction not exceeding ono hundred dollars; such
courts shall bo held by magistrates whose term
of office fhall bo six years, and they shall be
elected on general ticket at the municipal elec
tion, ly the qualified voters at large; and In the
election tt tho said magistrates no voter shall
vote for more than two-third of tho number of
ptr-ons to bo ducted when more than one are to
lc choeu, they shall be compensated only by
fixed salaric-c, to be paid by aald county, and
sii.iil ticrtl-o such jurisdiction, civil and crim
inal, except a, herein trovlded, as la now excr-
i-'e-d by aldermen, subject to suth changes, not
involving nn lucre bfc of civil Jurisdiction or con
ferring political duties, as tuny l-e made by law.
In Philadelphia tho offlco of alderman is abolished.
Amendment Six Tn Article Eight,
Section Three,
Frrtlon fi Amend see tlon two of artlclo eight,
which reads hs follows;
Iho M'tjcral election shall be held annually on
the lucMlay next following tho fim Monday of
November, hut tho Gent ral Assembly may by law
fix a diffrcnt day, two thirds of all the member
t i ai h House tonsi nil lag tilt re tn," so as to rend:
Thn untral election i-hall t-e held biennially on
the Tuesday next following the flret Monday of
NovtmNr in each cvtnnumbered )car, but the
(mral Afemhly may by law fix a different day,
tw -thirds of nil the members of tnth lloune eon
denting thereto Provided, That such election
hail ,.lway lo held In nn Miti-numt red year
Amendment Six Tn Atllcle Eight, heetion Tbnn
htctlon 7 Ami nd section threo of srth In eight,
wlili h rends as follows
All lt' tlons for city, ward, borough and
township offi'trc, for regular terms of nrvice,
shall bn held on tho third Tuesday of February,
ro as to read -
All Judges elected ly tho (lector of thn State
nt lnrv.o mny be elected at either n general or
muni'ipal elf tlon, as circumstances may require
All (lee Hons for Judges cf tbe courts for the s v
enl Judliisl dihlrhts, and for county, elty, ward,
borough, aad township offieirs, for regular terms
of service, shall be held on the municipal election
dny. namely, the Tuesday next following the
flr-t Mondny of November In each odd-numbered
tear, but Iho Gcuerat Assembly may by law tlx a
different day, two-thirds of all the ine ruber of
arh Home totiFcnilng thereto. Provided, That
such election shall always bo held In an odd
numbered year.
Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Section
Section S Amend section fourteen of article
eight, which reads an follows.
Hlstrit t election boards shall consist of e
Judge and two inspectors, who shall be cbosrn
annually b the citizens. Bath elector shall have
tlic rig in in voio ror mnjuage ana one inioeicor,
nnd each Inspector shall appoint ono clerk, The
fin-l election board for anv new district shatl U
selected, and vacancies In election boards filled,
ns shnll be provided by law. Election officers
shall be privileged from arrest upon days of elec
tion, nnd while engaged In making up and trans
mitting returns, cxttpt upon warrant of a court
of record or Judge thereof, for an (lection fraud,
for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. In
(lues mey mny naim rxcuiniuu truui jurj- uuij
during their terms of Bervlev," ho n to read:
HIMtitt election boards thall consist of a Judge
and two Inspectors, who shall bn chosen bien
nially, vy ine citizens nt ine municipal fo'cuuu
t U the Oene ral Assembly may require said, boards
to bo ait'Olntid in such manner as It may hi
iiw pruvlde. Laws regulating tho appointment
r snia t.oaras may no enaciea eo appiy co ciii-
nil) Provided, That such laws tie uniform for
iMes or tho same class. Each elector shall bavi
be rlcht to voto for the ludue and one Inspector
and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The
first election board for any new district shall if
selected, nnd vncaneles In election boards filled,
shall bo provided by law. i.icttion omcert
i-hall be privileged from arrest upon days o
Ictlon, and while engaged In making up anc
transmitting returns, except upon warrant of u
court of record, or Judge thereof, for an election
fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the
It ace. In cities they may claim exemption from
Jury duty during their terms of service.
Amenamcne iibui o aflicio awcitu,
Section One.
Sectfbn 0. Amend section ono, article twelve,
which reads aa follows.
' All officers, whose selection la not provided
for In this Constitution, shall ho elected or ap
pointed aa may. bo directed by law," eo as to
All ofiiccrfl, whoso selection h not provmea ror
in thin Constitution, shall bo clciiid or appointed
a may bo directed ly law Provided, That elec
tiMiit. of State o flic cm shall bo held on a general
-lie tlon day, and elections of local o Ulcer a fehall
be held on a municipal elettion day, except when,
in either eat-p. si'Crial cltttiou may bo required
to fill um xplrcd terms.
Amendment Nino to Arucio fourteen,
Section Two.
Seillon 10 Amend section two of article four
i ii, which reads as follows
' County officers shall be elected at tbe general
elections and -bnll bold their otllces for tho term
of three jenrs, leginnlng on tho first Monday oi
lanunr i.e.-xt nfter their election, and until their
sue i-e sjirit diall be duly qualified, all vacancies
ooi nthtrwlse provided for Minll bo filled In such
iniiiiiifr iu may bo provided by law," so as tu
te id -
( ounty ofnecra shall be elected nt the municipal
thiuouK nnd i-linll hold their offices for tho term
' four jc.irs. In ginning on iho first Monday of
l.muary nut nNcr their election, nnd until the Ir
fUMc--ors i-hall U duly qualined. nil vacant li
ii i otherwise provided for, shall bo filled in suth
n.unncr ns may bo provided by law.
Amendment Ten To Artklo Fourteen,
Section .etn.
Sot inn 11. Amend section seven, artlclo four
tn ii. which reads ns follows
Threi (ouuty eommlafloncr nnd three count)
'itiditor fchall le elected In each county where)
ui h office nro hoen. In the car ono thousand
nnht hundred and heventy-five and every third
vi .tr the n after, nud in the election of said officers
i . ti nullified elector shall vote for no more than
two f roiiH, nnd the three jersona having the
hiKhiM mitnncr or utch snail no eiecieu. nny
i.i-ual vaiamv in the office tif county commis-
Mdiitr er county nuditor shall bo filled, by the
" un of common pltaa of tho county in whlth
n ii v.o.iuty '-hall occur, by tho appointment of
in eh dor of the rroncr county who shall have
voted for tho eommlsKiontr or auditor wbobt
l-l ue i to tn nilcd," so ns lo read
Three- i ounty e oinmlsioners nnd three county
tuditot-. shall be elected in each eounty where
jii- h e lb- c is are rho-i n. lu tho it ar one thousand
tune hundred and eleven nnd every fouilh jear
tin renfte r, nnd in the t lei tion e f said oflli t r- t ai h
inaliiud cln tor sh.iil vote for no more ihan two
pii-on-, and tho lime I ri-oiss having the high-i-t
nuinlir M votes shatl lu fleeted, any casual
i.ainj in the ollli e of county toinmlHsiotie r or
..unity nuditor snail ir ihilj, n ino court oi
.utuiiKHi pi. as of tho county In which suth a
uk hdll oi t ur. bv ttio niiioiutment of an
i nr OI ine in'(er touiiij wcui man oit-u
tho coiutulaioncr or nuditor whoo ptaco Is
tu filled.
Kiheilule for the Amendments.
Snrtlon 12 That no iinonvcnUmt' may nrie
n ttie changes m mo t-on i nut ion oi ine
.monwealih, and in order lo tarry the Mine
. compute operation, it la lureby declared,
1 1 j i
In the ca of officers eiecie-j ty um tropic nu
rim of oIIko fixed bl act of At-smibly at nn
II number of jcars hhnll each be lengthened
e ar, but tho i.tgii.uuro may euauge ui
icth of i he term, provided iho ti rmt. for whib
. h office rs nte tinted shall alwaja bo for nu
, n iiiiml,! r nf t nn.
I he above extension of official term "-hall not
fleet otlnr cletud at tho general i if tion
io thousand nine iiuinirid auu tigin. nor uuj
iv, ward, borough, township, or iieiimn ui
ion uihiers. whot-e ternis cf offii e. undir ex
utiL taw, end in the )eur ono thousand nine
noma ana ten.
In the v ir one thousand nine hundred nnd ten
immi'ii'al election shall be held on the thin
iint.,1.11 nf Cebruarv. as here tofoit . but nl
lner e lumen nt Hint election io ail njnre ine lerm ur wniiti it iwti years, nmi ni"o nu
tuition nflirers nnd assessors chosen at
tion. snail servo until ine iirn .Mouuay ot
lit.tiiibcr In thn jrar one thousand nine hundred
1 eleven All eitnccrs cuostn nt mat eietuou
oft.ees tho term of wlileh Is now four scars.
or if made four jeurs !')' the operation or tnese
ndmeiits or thin schedule, sua serve until
nr-t M.mdty nf lttctmler in iho year one
liumd nlno bundn-d and thirteen All Jiinn-i
fit. i n!itr iti - nil) iiKicrint n inc u
thnt i b i t.i.n. yhnll re until t.e tlml Monday
l m ri n.t r in the ir ono thoute md iilne hun
n .1 a .1 llitnn, AHir the j i ir nln ii , n bun
HI nd I. 'i nod unlil ttie la itisliit im sb ell
'ifi i yt-. i b nil lain U of i il , ward, bur
h t'.w usl.ii nnd 1 1 1 1 l"ti division othi i r- sintll
Lin on tb. nr t Monday of Hicemler in an
l l nut ibi r l v- ar
AH city, ward, borough, nnd tnwnhlp efl'.r'
odditig office at Hie dale if the npprovnl of thc-r
mu ndini nt , whc-e te riiis or oitu e iniiv i nd in the
n,ir one thome.ind nine hundred and ebivn,
hull eoiilliitie to hoi t In lr office until the first
Monday of Iierember of thai ear
All Judges tr the rourtu for the several judicial
ilo-trlits, nnd alo nil county officers, holding
tn- c at thi date or i lie approval or iin ant-on
m nt who e te mil e f oflle e may t ud in Hiv t ar
ite thou-"imt nine hundrid nmi iluni shall
..i.tinuf tn in 1,1 i hi Ir i illlci h mil 1 1 the first Matt
! i of .imuarv, in ihiiusund nlno hundred and
i we lie
A true eoty or Joint iiesoiunon o a
iiuiiKitT Me fi:i:
erre,ar) of the Commonwealth.
is hereby given tbat anapplication
will oe nmoe io ine liovernor oi ino i;om
monwealtb oi lVnna., Friday, September
lo. IDOtl. by llarrr J. A Ik iison. Sadie II. At
kinson and Anthony J. Lobb, under the Art
of Assembly or the Commonwealth or Penn
sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the
incorporation uuu regulation nr certain
corporations," approved April l!9, 174, aud
ine supplements inert-io. ior ine cnarier oi
an intended corporation to be called, "The
Atkinson Box and Lumber Company," tbe
i harai ter and object of which I. to manu
facture lumber, boxes, sbooka and partaof
same, and for these purposea to have, pos
aeaaauil tnjoy all the rights, beneflta and
prlvllrgea of aald Act or As.embly and Its
suppleuienta. A.T. BKAIILK.
Honesdale, Pa., Sept, 1,150(1. 18wl
0. C. HAND, Pretldcnt
VTU. D. OOLUEa Vice President.
U. 8. 8ALUON, Cashier,
W. J. WARD, Ass t Caabler
Aftar sill vtnej is tmrgmty m raattarof
Cultlvstbn the habit, no matter how much
you mke It la tha one sure way to Inda
You will find courtaoua treatment and
ample) aacurltv at tha
OAPITAIi STOCK, - ft 00,000
suiti', ....
TOTAI, CAPITAIj, (400,083
Total Assets, $2,680,000
SAVINGS DBPOSITS made on nr be
fore lhf tenth day or any tnonln will draw
InLTpat from the Mrat day of that month.
INTKKE8T will lie paid for all Calendar
nontba on moneya remalnlne on depoait
ttire? (Tbundar mootha or lonxer.
Small aarea lo rent In our OUROUAIi
Special attention Riven to MERCANTILE
Depuait may be mado br mall.
II. C Hand, W. n. IlOLnao, (:. J. Smith,
A. T Seahle, F. P. Kimbli, W. F, ScriiAU
II. J, Cokoeb. U. 8. HatMoy, T. II. Clare,
TVunrrd Ifce Bttetlry-Ttrtmlf
cAfafftjeuefo Jreep posted on Fur
ultarv fftyiea.
Only $1.47
For thla handaonte Dining Room Chair
In coMcn (JUAtlTKItKD OAK. Il.nd
mae open rane ecat, braoe anna, dalntllr
carved top and back alata. fancy tamed
hack aptndlca. front and back poata,
apron front giving Chatr box act ap
pearance. A atiictlr hlgb-gndft Plntng
Chair that alwara rctalla for tl.73 and
above. Six chalra carefnllr packed and
ahlppod freight obanrea prepaid for l&BZ,
Why not buy from the manufac
turer, game as dealers do. Send
TO-DAY for our factory-price
catalogue of Furniture. Free.
ESTATE. Iiy virtue of proroaa iaaut.d
out of the Court of Common Plena of Wayne
coumy, aua oiaie oi I'euusyiTftiua, ana to
me directed and delivered, I have levied on
ind will expose to public aale, at the Court
House, Houeadale on
FRIDAY, OUrOBKR 9, 1301. at 2 p. u.
All of detendant'a rlcht. title and inlereat
in the following deiunued property, to wil:
All that certain piece or parcel of land
alluateiuthe towuahlp of Canaan, County
oi vvnyue. oiaie oi ienn,yivania, Dounaed
Hud deacrlbed aa follow.:
"BEGINNING at tbe Uilford and Owego
rurnpike; thence aouth aeventeeii deirreea
weal about twenty-seven rod, and twenty
two llnke; thence elxty-four degreea ea.l
about nine roda and aix llnka ; tbence north
.eventeen degrees eaat twenty-four roda lo
the turnpike afoieaald; thence we.t aiouf;
iaid turnpike about eight roda and aix link,
to the place of beginnlnc CONTAINING
one and one half acre of land more or lea,
'leingaame land which Mortlmore Tuthlll
conveyed to Truman Bprague by deed dat
ed recorded In Deed Book
No. ST, pace 1C5.
Upon aald premiaea la a one and a halt
lory houae and frame barn and other Im
provementa. Seized and taken In execution aa the prop
erty or Truman Surague at the ault of G, II.
Guther. No. 137 June Term 1908. Judgment
tMK); real debt Ij7 05.
Mumford, Attorney,
I'urchaaer to pay ti. for deed aa In Snerlff'a
Sberlff'a unlce, Uoneadale.
tice la hereby given tbat an appllcatlou
v.111 be made to the Governor of tbe Com
monwealth nf Pennsylvania on Monday,
Octobers, 190S, by Charles H.Dorlllnger, E.
B. Uardeubergh, Martin U. Allen, Henry
Wilson, E. A. I'ennlman and W. W. Wood,
under the Ac! of tbe Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
Act to provide ror tbe Incorporation and re
gulation or certain corporations," approved
April , U71, and the aupplementB thereto,
ror tbe charter of an Intended corporation
to be called "The Citizen Publishing Com
pany, of Honesdale, Pa ," the character and
objHct of which la to publish a newspaper and
cuuduct a general publishing aud printing
business, and for these purposes to have,
possess and enjoy all tbe rights, beueuta and
privileges of tbe said Act of Assembly and
Its supplements.
19w4 A. T. SEARLE,
Honesdale, Pa.. Sept. 8, 1908. Solicitor.
Tim Card In Erfact June 21 rt, 1908.
I' ".11 IMbV V.W 4MHI Arl
' iiw iMir'.... ii..u rr
'III 9X11 U ' . M.TiClf . "
114MS ,5 " . Rlarlljht
10 ii! IS SO ' l'reatou Park "
pianiiaaii" ..wiuwom .. M
ho 1011 m " ..Pujnu-lle., "
a ,11 as - ....lira m ....
VI1 t I'laaaant Ml "
Iwiirl lIi,loiiil.ln.. "
tun ! .Korcat t'llr,
;t Html ' Crh'nlAlc Yd '"
siouio" 4;arif)i(aAft,
t , " WhlieUrlVa
tuios ...j.rrarn .. "
Uio ft , Archibald.. "
rojOM - Wlntnn "
ihiost," rerkTilla. '
J,.iut H.itir uaoi.,
".io, " .nicksoa ,
B a-l 10 SH m ....Throon.
S5ioi .rrovlleiiofl, "
1 60 10 SO tv... ecranton ,Ar
a le I
Adlltlnnal trains leave Caroandale tor Uar.
(laid Yard at t &0 a. ro datlr, and S.St p tn dally
txeepi fiundaj, Addltl'inal tralaa uay.
said Yard for Oarbondala a is a ta dally aLd I u
p. m. dally except Sunday.
J.C. Aaaaaaov, J, B, Waua,
Tramo f anagar. Traveling Agent,
M D,aver St, Hew York, Bcraaton, ra
It will pay you to call at that
finely equipped
11 South Main St.,
Aak for Allen'a Foot Eaae.
A powder for awollen, tired, hot, marl
ing, feet. Sample aent FREE. Also free
Sample of the Foot-Easi Haair. - Coun.
i aii, a new invention. Addiwaa, Allan B,
Olmstead, LeRoy, N, Y.
Has Letter Showing Taft
Disliked Senator.
Nominee Stated He Did Not Care For
Prealdency if It Had to Come by
Compromise In a Matter of Principle.
Roosevelt Calls Aceuaed Statesman a
Resolute Opponent of "Policies of In
ternal Reform."
Oyster Uny, N. Y Popt. 22.-Pecn-
tnry Leh timde public u foriiuil ptate
mcnt by the prcaldctit, which a tail
ed forth by tlic recent exchange In
tnecn Wllllntn 11. HcarM nml Seiintnr
oraker of Obbi. Mr Ilcnri-t In public
utterances bad nccuscil the aunntor nf
relntlotiH with the Stiitidinl Oil (-aatia-
pnny IticnnalHtciit with Ills duties ns u
eenntor and liH uttltudc n n rcprc.en.
nthe of Itcptilillciiti policies nml pM
fi.lona. In his statement President
lliae,vwlt ninki-4 nnntlier for
be etippnrt of Mr Taft nnd dcclnn s
that Ida defeat would brltitf "Inatltm
antlnfnctlon t but one Net of men
nnmely, to thrwe men wlm, na almun
the corrtP'inilcticc imblSlicd by
Mr. McarM, were l lilnd Mr. Toriiker.
the opponent of Mr. Tuff, wltlilu hi"
own party, nnd who ii"W nre lM-lilnd
lovernor Itaakcll nnd Ills niH?l.itc,
the opponents of Mr. Taft In tin- p
alte party."
Rafera to Brownaville.
The atatcmi'iit In part
"Senntor rornlter tins been a leader
ninoiig tboao incinU-rs of cnnnres. nf
both parties who have resolutely op
IKised the great policies of Interna! re
form for which tbe ndmlnNtrntloti lias
mude Itself responsible. Ills nttlttule
lias been that of certain other public
men, notably (as shown In this same
correspondence published by Mr.
Ilenrst) CJovernor Haskell of Okla
homa. Then- Is n striking difference In
one respect, hnweV4-r, in tbe present
iHHltlons nf (Jovernor Haskell nml
Senntor Tornker. (invernor Has-Ucll
stnnds high In the councils of Mr.
ltryan and Is the trtnnrer of bis na
tional campaign committee. Senator
Fornker represents only the forces
which In Imhlttercd fashion fought the
nomination of Mr. Taft.
The entire ngltntioii over ltrowns-
vllle was in large part not a genuine
agitation on liehalf of colorisl incn at
all, but merely ono phase of the effort
by the rcpresentnthes of certain law
defying corporations to bring discredit
upon the administration because It was
seeking to cut out the evils connected
not only with the corrupt use of
W4alth, but especially with the corrupt
alliance Iictween certain business men
of large fortunes nnd certain politi
cians of great Itilltioticc. The tcnninnus
hostility of tbee Interests and of their
spis'I.i! rcprce!itatles In public life
and lit tbe press to the nomination of
Mr. Taft was merely the natural so-
pience of their hostility to the picas-
ures of thu administration for the reg
ulation of great corporations doing nn
Interstate business nnd to the attitude
of the ndinlnlstratluii In consistently
Tijsecuting nil offenders of great
wealth, pmlsely as It has pro-xs uted
nil other offenders."
Taft'a Letter.
The letter of Mr Tn ft Is as follows:
"'I wish to impress iiiy-olf with as
much I'lnpliasls ns po-sihlc ns to
whether I would objis-t to a compromise
resolution which shall Include nn In
dorsement of injsclf for the presidency
and Senator 1'ornker for the senator
ship. In my Judgment It would Is- not
only a great inlst.iko something more.
It would be accepted invo'-nrlly as a
compromise on my behalf and there
fore with my noqulcscciu-e or nt least
with the acquiescence of my friends,
for whoe nctlou I am more or less re
sponsible. It would totally misrepre
sent my position. 1 don't care for the
presidency If It has to come by com
promise with Senator I'orakcr or any
else In a matter of principle lb-
has opposed the vital policies and prln-
Iples of the administration ami In bis
ipposltlon has sei7sl upon and iii:ilmiI-
tlisl nn Important but Incident, il mat
ter to umbairiiss the adiulnisttatlon,
uslng In this without scruple a blind
race prejudice to nicomplisb his nuln
'Representing the policies of the
administration. I cannot stultify my
self by acquiescence in nny proposed
inpromlse which iicecssmiiv u,,hes
the admission that the llcpiililliniis of
Ohio icgard this fiinilaunutal illiler
etice of opinion as of no linpoiiamc
and one that cm Is- wahed In tbe In
terest of patt harmony or the settlis
ment of factional differences.'
"I publish this letter without Mr.
Tllft's knowledge, bis'llUce I feel It my
luty to the public that his attitude
should ls known. The inun who tin-
besliatlngly resists temptation, who
antiot Is- unci veil by anj considera
tion of personal lntereet from follow
ing the course whit h his loftv concep
tion of duty dictate-- to hi '. the in, in
whoso whole concern Is for -h . wclfnie
f Hie people and who bus ,,ved 111 a
lifetime of dllll. nil and u-i lul public
r'lre bis cMtaordln ir. apai'lt.v as
an administrator. Is t-nivlj the man of
ill others to be llitlllsted with thi pies-
Ideiiey. 1 appeal lo all cllizeiis,
to all high mlmlisl nsrlctitloiis men
who love tl.elr i-oiintry for the sake of
their lounfy to put a man at Its
Steel Honda Back to Work.
Pittsburg. Sept. 'Si. i irib rs lmo been
Issinsl at tin' large ll"ll and steel pl.mta
of the 4olllltr) to prep lie lesiillip
Hon by Oct. 1. A pi. ill has Iss ii evoli cil
at a series of inotliigs In New Yoil. to
get the JohWrs and dealers to stock up
anil not wait until nfter election. As a
result fully Iisi.ins) Idle Iron nnd steel
workers In tbe country will find Inline
di.itu employment.
Mr, Roosevelt Apologlzee.
Oyster Hay, N. Y.. Sept. .-Presl-ib'id
lloosexelt Intlttsl Charles Kurs
man, the dry goods merchant of this
village, who was treated with dls
rnurtesy by one of the secret service
men nt the president's reception last
Thursday, to Sag.mioro Hill and apol
ogised to hi iu In person for tho treat
ment Mr. Knrsman tvcclvisl.
Saloons Closed For Primary,
Trenton, N. J 22. Attorney
General (Intkell expressed the opinion
that the law prolilMtlng the sale of
liquor nn nny day on which a peneral
P4-clal or municipal election Is b
held uppllea ta today's primary i
- - tr
HIs &peed Lat'.s Long Enough In
Gravesend Race.
New York. Sept. 22. An ordinary
card was offered nt (irawsond. The
feature was the Ilrookwoisl steeple-i-liase
over the short course, which re
sttltisl 111 nn eay victory for Water-ss-ed.
She took the lend the last turn
of the field nml steadily Increnslne
her ndvnntnge, won by ten lengths.
He Mund made hl speed last and
won the handicap, tit nlsiut six fur
longs, easily by three lengths. Sum
linirle": I'lr-t Itnce. He Mund, first; Fort
Johnson, second; Pcllrlum, third.
Sis-olid Itniv. Wntersp.-jl, first; ri
r.ite, second; Stellnland, tliTid
Thlnl Race. Wise Mnsoti, first; The
Hardener, second: County l'nlr, thlnl.
routth Itaci'. Mooiishliie.llrst; Spoon
t r, seisual; Par West, third.
I'lfili Race.- Whip Top, llrst; Samuel
II. Il.itrls, second; (irettia Hreim, third.
SlMh Race. (loldcii View, first; Ijidy
Ss-llnn, second; Itosslare, third.
Garnet Played In the National and tha
American Leagues.
At NVw Yntk- rittstturp, 2. New Tork,
J Ili-'- rlrn- Willi nn.l; Mathew
li'in mi 1 f ir
At I'hllml. Iphia-ThlCftKn. J; Ihltadel
1 hla. 1 (H IntilnBH) Hnttprlos Kroh, Ov
irnll hil Kltni, tSparki Ami Dnoln.
SitoihI limn. Ohlcnk'o. 9. riilUdclrihla,
2. n.ntrrl. -OcmkUy nml KltnK, McQuIl
tin ntnl I'.m.
At ltnikl. n- Procklyn, Pj Ft. LnuU, 1
ltntUrU - Hue ki r ntnl Tarnier; Sal If,
Luh Unm"nd nn It!ls,
At ttnttun-nncltinntl, 8; I .niton, S.
It.ittf-rtoit O'Tonle, IutMe nnd Schlel;
lVri:uTi, nnil Muttcrmnn.
w. t rc. w. i. p.c
NfwYorkS" 1; .CM Clnrlnnntl 87 71 ,4S2
hlftca. 7 3 m lioaton .. 57 81 .410
l-iilfliim- t; 54 xlT Ilrcoklyn. iii t .148
rt.Ua phla 73 St Luule. 47 92 ,SU
At ntrolt HiUcn, 4, rtrntt. X TUt
tc rlr n-Iturchcll nml Crlsor; Kllllan and
At rhve1anl-Cle eland, 5; Now York,
3. HnUerlts-llcnrcr and Ilemla; Lake
nnd lUalr
At Cliicaffii-Chicnco, 2; Philadelphia, a
It.itf rl n Wiilsh and Sullivan; Schlltcer
nnd I'uwc-rn,
At St. I ami Is St. IouIs, S: WtuhlnRton,
0. 1 tit t tr rleB- Pci well nnd Spencer ; Kee
ley ftml street.
l. r.c. w. is. r.c
Oloveland f-1 fti .574 n.vton. ... &J 73 , 47S
Jctrclt . 79 59 J.72 I'hlla'phla 71 .474
"htcnTCT. . Nl CI .IVC Wash'ton. 59 7fl .417
St LfiiiU 77 .2 .r4 Ne w York 40 91 .SSi
Furnishes Small Amount of
Bail and Escapes.
Now York. Sept. K. I'ldlnwlnir the
dentil of Mrs. Trances liosenthnl Mc
4,'al e, twenty yens old, wife of a
wealthy iu iiiufacluti r of buuMlnK ma
terial. In St. Mary's li i-pltnl, llrooklyu,
Captain Isaac I'r.uik of the Now Jer
sey ntcutio poll.-e station telephoned
tile walden of the Ul.Mllond street Jail
that Samuel Minnies, twetity-slv years
old, who sled her three times In the
b:u k, would have to answer toiM-hnrire
of murder.
Hi- was astounded by the Informa
tion that tin. tu. in had been released on
ball of Mai. Investigation showed that
Mamies had leii released by MrrU
ttate lielsiuir, 4hi said ho hud ac
cepted ball when told the man was
held only on a thaw-pf attempted
suicide. A general alarm was. sent out
for Maiines. No trace 4it hlni was
Colonel Stewart's Caae.
Washington. Sept. 'J2.-Ordcrs were
Issued dheelliui Colonel William K.
Stiwnrt, now nt Fort llrnnd, Ariz., to
teport nt Washington to ho before a
retllltlX bnnld.
Is Theodore Junior Engagcdf
Itostnn, Sept. 112. A rumor was cur
rent in society that Theodore Hoosp.
o!f, ,lr tbe president's son, and Miss
Carrie Muuii of Washington nre cn
Kiice,! Weather Forecast,
l'alr, with llk'ht to fresli south nnd
southwest w inds.
Live Stock Market.
CATTblV-Snnply llshl; market strnna;.
but slow , eli. .Ice, Kill 15, prime, (f .16; 1 s t i J.'.
IbsIS It.'-lpls fitr; mnrkt t stn.nK;
I'rlnii In-iivl.-s 7I'm7i, mi-ilhima, 17 -ia
7J. In.tvv VoiKirs. f7 IViT yi; ItKlit Vurk
1M. f.lnej, plus. ."rl.ia75, rnUKhs, $."1 50
let 'J..
General Marketa.
New York. Bept. Ti.
I.1VH rnt'l.TKV-riim ami In goodile'l. fowls. l.vL.il5e. , old ron.tera, 10
p.i-.e . spilni; cttli K. ns, lliltc, sprhiR
On. Ics llnlli... , ol.t do., lu' -1.1 lr
Ulir.MSi:!) IliI'l.TIIV-rirm end In fair
fl. m.iml: fn sh killed foul., lio!t-e, 124.a
Hi , do, fair to Kiio.1, l.'VUSc : old roe.t
. rs. ..'-.c ; lirollirs. utatiru. Il.il7c.; ronst
Intf III. ki ns. I7alsr
I' I'cnnsylvnnta, per
biisht I. 7S.1SI0 ; New York, js-r bushel, 7S
u7..i . .1". f.tlr to Kooil, r.7"c
Hl'TTrlt-Cnaliury, specials. 2la24He.;
(Kir.ts, -.H-uia'.c. ; firsts, ZlHaJZHc; state
dilry. K00.I to tin, st, Kni.'vc , process,
t- I lis. Cln'.'lV- ; exlrua, ni2uHc ; bnl
tjiii'.ti . ri'snn ry. tlrata. rj'iaS'ie ; lnil!.-a.
tlisis IV: taiklni; stock. Nn. I, 17-te.
"Hi:i;tii:-Hlati-. full cream, specials,
lc,.illl4c : fancy, small, 13c . fancy, larne.
HV., poisl to prime, llil.'c , aktiits, 14
lM.un.1 Fs-i l.ll. l'l'tc 1 tllte. KH9r.
IM:S-Pr. -h .-.illored .xlrna Ic : e
tri firsts .'lill,e, firsts, SSaJ-Hc , soe
otnl, .-iuLl1.' illrtks fresh Wllhered,
.V. 1 cuii.ll. .1. lvi.nlV.. Nn. 2, 17al.;
eli, !. 1"..i17i . 1. fritter itnr. Urals slur,
n.-.- pil'l, Wae ; s.-ceiels, atoriiKe psld.
Lei. i.ltc
MII.K I'l.e wholesale prlre la II CI par
4'J uunrt ran.
Cholera Eapert to Report.
Washington Sept. fi- (in account of
the rapid spieail of cholera tu ltusla
Suit'coii (iciural Wjiiiun of the public
health and marine hospital sen Ice has
decided tn send to that country nn
au'cnt of the bureau who will In' a chol.
era expert.
More Wagea For Setting Type.
Washlnutoii, Sept. '.-.'.-All the lino
type ui'i iiioiiotyis' oiH-rators In the
Kovernmciit pi Inline olllce after Oct. 1
will rccehe 1(1 cents more mt hour,
iiiaklin; their dally wiikcs f I.NI Instead
of $1.
Willi American wives bossing faring
around the house tho question "Shall
tho people rule?' seems a trlflo am
biguous. Every week day Is labor day, but
only once n year Is thcro n ble pro
cession "down oil the bills."
. t tcvin.i that tho boomers of the
utllnlty croze forgot tliat this Is the
orliflnal bhotijt coanrry t. , j
If ear Bvcorda In tbe Air.
Unusual interest attaches to the bal
loon contest at Derlln toeaupe of great
BTtrldes made In aerial navigation In
this season's testa. While among ex
pert the balloon and the filing ma
chine are separate propositions, tha
public la prepared to bear that cither
style of airship has solved the prob
lem of aerial navigation, and consider
able burdens may be rapidly transport
ti anywhere. At present, however,
U airships nre popularly believed to
bo as erratic as a broncho and aa unre
liable as an auto on tha rampage.
Many nations prepared to share tn
the Derlln contests. In tho remarka
ble flights of the past few months
three nations havo scored progress to
a degree that Is Inspiring Germany
with the dirigible. France and Ameri
ca with the aeroplane,
In tho aeroplane teats of the year It
has been demonstrated that successful
flight requires not merely a good ma
chine, but a good operator. For years
tho attention of experimenters has
been directed to the perfection of the
machine. Whether "heavier than air"
or "lighter than air," It must be sub
ject to human control at all times. It
has long K-cu recognized that the sim
ple balloon can remain In the air a
long time long enough to cross the
Atlantic. Hut It Is the sport of the
elements, and should one cross the
ocean from these shores It might land
In the North ran or In the Mediter
ranean or vveu In the sands, of Kgypt
In spite ot lot navigator. The flights
from Rt I-oula, In which several bal
loons moved many hundreds nf miles
In tho samo direction. Indicate that
knowledge nf ncrlal currents Is a prime
factor In systematic lajllnonlng. This
Is an old theory, and the latter day
problom Is how to make the transfer
from unfavorable currents to favora
ble currents. This solved, and the bal
loon can cover long distances In a
short time.
The problem the aeroplanlsts seem
to be wrestling with at present Is the
ability to get Into the air nt all with
a machine under perfect control and
gradually Increase the duration of tho
flight Tho balloonist goes where the
wind carries htm. Tbe aeroplanlst
hopes to go with tho wind or against
It or across Its track at will. Steady
trips for comparatively short distances
will be success for the aeroplane, and
the balloon, which now beats around
for a thousand miles or more, will be ,
a success when It lands Its freight at
the point fixed upon In advance by Its
navigator. If the dirigible shall con
tinue to obey tho will of Grant Zeppe
lin and those ot his faith, 1008 will
open a new era In tho history ot bal
looning as well aa that ot (light In
Milton and America.
It Is fitting that there should be a
counterpart ot the cclebrutlon In Eng
land of the tercentenary ot the birth
of John Milton on this side of the At
lantic Englishmen will duly com
memorate his birthday, Dec. 8, n
somewhat belated honor to this re
publican poet Leaving his fa mo as
a poet to tako care of Itself, tho people
of this republic can acknowledge a
deep debt to him as tbe author ot tho
principle of commonwealth building
which we havo carried further on tho
road to completeness than any other
nation on earth. The self government
for which Milton fought against coer
cive feudalism long before he wrote
tho poetry which placed him among
the Immortals appears aa tho power
of progress In every American com
monwealth of this century.
As n teacher Milton Is the most Il
lustrious exemplar of that Puritan
typo which left bo deep an Imprint
upon early American character. For
two centuries throughout Sew Eng
land and her offshoots Milton's "Para
dise IiBt" was read more universally
and more attentively than any other
volume, with the exception of the Bi
ble and Ilunyan's "I'llgrlm's rtog
ress." Everywhere as tho republic
grew serious and studious the Ncw
Englander felt himself uplifted and
encouraged as he recognized In Mil
ton that unity of piety, virtue nnd wis
dom with melody andbonuty which
makes tho true seer,
(rent, however, ns our debt may be
tn Milton, the singer of a lofty and In
spiring note, our highest obligation Is
to tho prose, so long neglected nbroad
because practically outlawed nt home.
In which he fought for representative
government. "He who Is not tnistwl
with his own net Ions (his ill lft not be.
lug known to be v ill ami Muudlng to
the hazard of the law und penalty has
no letter nr .anient tn think himself
reputed In the commonwealth wherein
he was born than If he were a fool or
a foreigner," wroto Milton In the years
when the power of autocracy was
most Insolent In that single sentence
lurks the whole principle; of our Dec
laration of Independence, and It Eng
land claims thu poetry of the roan who
IH'iinud It we nlone havo used bis poli
tics so ns tn be able to claim him as a
pioneer commonwealth builder.
The! church has again de
nounced Tolstoy, hoiilng thus to belit
tle him In the eyes of tho common but
superstitious people, who lovo him. It
ordctvd the feasants to abstain from
honorlnji Tolstoy's forthcoming birth
day on iMialty of losing their souls
through the Judgment of !od. Perhaps
there nover existed u man who In his
llfctliiio was so l.-loiisl nnd bo cn
orated an Count lasj Tolstoy. And tho
wonder of It Is that It Is nil tho result
of Ida moral teaching, hla profound
thought nnd his beuullful ersonal life.
With electric cars nnd others pass
ing thu gutin of tho county fair and
tnpplng villages ten to twenty miles
around, It Is not so difficult as It waa
onco to get a crowd for tho annual
show. Now that great fairs have
almut run their course the local fulr
is likely to ottract visitors In drou'S,
ami efforts to Improve tho exhibits und
other features, will be rewarded nt tbe
ticket ofllce.
That O. A. it. "vet" who ran away
with a young woman to get married
had the true soldier's Impatience with
long drawn out formalities.
The famine In chorus girls In New
York and In school ma'ams In Oklaho
ma may be significant only In that It
occurs during leap year
Acres ol New York Forest
Lands Burned Orer,
North Creek, N. Y Bept 22. Thou
sands of acres of public and private
forest lands surrounding this Tillage
nre Iielng burned orer, and If rain does
not fall within a few hours the de
struction will bo widespread.
The worst nre la nt Mllllirook. In the
southern part of this town (Johns
burgh), where a line ot flames eighteen
miles long nnd ten miles wide, accom
panied by great clouds of smoke. Is
oatlng Its way from the Hudson river
at Thumnn westward toward the In
terior of the Adirondack state park.
The Ore wardens are calling out ev
ery available man, and a force of 200
men under Fire warden Herrlll and
Oarac Protector Robert Somerrllte are
fighting this fire. They hare been un
able to hold It In check, although at
one point n line ot tire trenches Ave
miles long was dug.
Says It Was Easy Far Jerome.
New York, Bept. 23. In his raemo-
rnnilum to (lovemor Hughes on the re-l-irt
nf Commissioner Hand, who heard
the evidence In the proceedings for
tho removal of District Attorney Je
rome, Franklin Pierce of counsel for
the petitioners makes the charge that
the entire hearing was conducted with
the predetermined Intention of "white
washing" tbe district attorney.
Hat Works Closed by Strike.
Danbury, Conn., Bept. 22. Employ
ees nf the hat factories of E. A. Hal
lory & Sons and II. McLachlan & Co.
quit work because their demands for
money deducted from their pay en
velopes to pay for baht damaged In
course of manufacture were refuted.
Following this action the forming mills
were shut down.
8layer Eberhard en Trial,
nackensack, N. J., Sept. 22. Augus
tus Eberhard, under Indictment for
the murder of Mrs. Ottllle Eberhard,
his aunt, and the attempted murder ot
Miss Ottllle Eberbanl, his cousin,
whom he Is alleged to have lured to
this country from Austria with Intent
to kill and rob them, was put on trial
Oarnes Introduces the Govern ar at
Albany Serenade.
Albany, N. Y., Bept 22. Standing on
the broad stone steps of the stato cap
ital William Ilarnes, Jr., Albany coun
ty Republican leader. In Introducing
Governor Hughes to a host of sere
naders pledged to tho governor and
other candidates upon the Republican
state ticket the earnest support of the
Albany county Republican organiza
tion. Mr. Ilarnes tipiosed the renoml
nntlon of (Jovernor Hughes nnd at tha
recent stato convention worked for
the nomination of James W. Wads
worth, Jr., speaker of the assembly,
for the office of chief executive. But
bowing to tbe will of the party, he de
clared It becomes the duty of the mi
nority to proceed In united column
against our opponents.
Wants Court to Allow Her I2O,O00
New York, Sept. 22. Mrs. Katberlne
Clemmons Gould asked Justice Gle
gerich through Clarence J. Shearn for
nn order upon her husband, Howard
Gould, to puy her 120,000 a year ali
mony and $13,000 counsel fees for Mr.
Cornelius J. Sullivan asked for an
adjournment of the argument for a
month, setting forth that her suit for
n separation and Mr, Gould's amended
answer were served In May, 1007, and
thnt the affidavits on which the ap
plication wns mnde bore date In Sep
tember last.
His Vacation Period at Oyatar Bay
Comea to a Cloaa.
Oyster Ray, N. Y., Sept 22. Presi
dent Roosevelt today ended his vaca
tion nnd, with his family and execu
tive staff, left for Washington. The
party went by special train to Long
Island City, thence by tug around Man
hattan to Jersey City, where a special
train was In waiting.
No formal farewell hadbeen pre--pared
by the residents of Oyster Bay,
but practically every one In town was
at the railway station to see the presi
dent depart und say farewell to him.
Seven Gored to Death.
Paris, Sept. 22. A dispatch from
I.lslsin nniiounces that n great bull
fight wns tn have Ihsui held at Nollts.
In the course of tbe priMccdlng some
body op4'msl the luclosiire In which the
bulls were conllned, and twenty-two
of the anlmnls rushed out and charged
the spectators. S'en spectators were
killed nnd forty Injured.
Mrs. Anna De Payater Weda Again.
Johnstown, Y., Sept. 22. - Mrs.
Anna (1. itnss De IVysti-r nf New
Yuik, Hevcnly yea is old mid already
twice a widow, was niarrlisl at her
country home here to Ernest Helton, a
tweuty-tdx-yeur-nld Insurance broker,
also of New York.
Fire Hems In Four Villaaea.
Escaiiaba. Mich, Sept 22. Voreat
fires, tlionjh clinked by light rains on
Friday, br ke mil anew, ami four vll
Iag4's north of Ilseanaba are stirroiind
4.1 by Humeri. The O Hates threatened
nro Nl.ig.irn, (Julimess, Foster City and
White Plague Fair Open..
Washington, Sept 22, What It; prac
tically ii w oriil's fair mi tuberculosis
was formally opened nt the New Na
tional museum In this I'lty.
Orvllla Wright Cheerful.
Washington. Sept. 22.--Although snf
ferlng from ri-st lessncss, Orvllle Wright's
Miidltloii Is Kiillsfnctiiry, He succeed
ed In getting several hours' aln-p, and
ofter the nens nf his brother Wilbur's
fl breaking night tn France was
hoivii Mm bo was lu better spirits.
Another Fir. at Cheteea.
Chels4ii, Muss., 22,-When tbe
owners of the property destroyed In
the tiro In the luiuls-r )urd district
made careful estimates it waa found
that the total loss would amount Jo
nearly $400,000. This, following
closely on the conflagration of but
April, Is a sereraUoK to tha city.