The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, September 17, 1908, Image 2

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6. A. Puckihaim
WM. HOWARD TAW, of Ohio.
FOR VICC rilUIBtllt,
JAUK8 8, BUKltMAK. ol New York.
MOItllH U CLOTII1KU, ot l'blIJsl.hls,
UENJAMINF. JONKB, Jr., ot l'ltliburp.
run district xi.tciona,
1 John Hurt
2 11. A. Davii
3 F. T. Chandlr
-K. A.OImbel
6 F- W. I'M ton
C-U, J. Klllolt
7- (l. II. llflfl
17 W. S. Settle
18- llobt. O.Neal. Br.
10-J. (). BUneman
m TbomM bhlpler
w. F. Itetnoldi
11 A. W.McCullouRh
a 1. T. Ilogerf,
8-J. I). Abbott
24 JuiIrh J. r. layior
ol. m. I', llauiman 25 J. F. llowWDg
10- Col.U A. Pbllllpa ai-llernian Slinou
11 J. L. Wewell -J7-T. T. WlLou
Il-Jobu MatLIM M-l U. Hoe.
13- A. II. Miller W-O. C.Bhultr
14 W, T. MoCatie 30 O. A. HibcocK
16-ro. W. Wllllami 81-A. It. IVaiwk
18-1). J. Waller, Jr. !W II. U Wllllami
roil judoi or icpibior court,
WM. I). 1'OKTEIt, ot Allenbenr.
run coKORifS,
OH MILKS 0. l'RATT. of Buiquebanna.
roR mrnraiKTATiva.
W. E. rERU All, of Mount I'leaisnt.
roR .uimit,
M. IiF.E DltAUAN, of Uoneidale.
WALLACE J, BARN KB, ot Berlin.
ALFRKI) O. BLAKE, ot Botbauy,
roR oouktt coumkmoniiu,
J. K. I1UUNUECK, of Equtnunk,
TUUUAB V, MADtltN, ot Dreber.
ARTBUIt W. LARItABEE, of Blarucca.
W. BROCK LKBI1EU, of Bteillnu.
MYHON E. BIMONB.ot Uoneidale.
Election Tuesday, Novembers, 1008.
Another Constitutional Stumbling Block.
Tho Demooratlo "trust-buster's" al
legation tbat the Republican party has
not sent a single trust magnate to Jll,
or enforced a (23,000,000 Hoe against a
trust, Is now relntoroed by tho oharge
that the party has not prevented the
anthraolte roads from carrying t'lelr
own ooal to market, in competition willi
other shippers. The failure on the lat
ter point Is a fresh Illustration ot the
faot that there are oertalo aspeote ot the
trust and monopoly question wuloti
our experience has not yet taught us to
deal with sucoess folly.
The Hepburn bill for the regulation of
railroad rates in Interstate commerce,
passed, lu 1900, contains the following
provision :
"From ami after May 1. 1003. it shall
be unlawful for any railroad company to
transport from any State, Territory or
the Ulstrlot of Columbia, or to any
forelgu oouulry, any arttoie or com
modity, other than timber or the manu
faottirfd urodnots thereof, mauufaoiur
ed, mlued, or produoed by It or under Its
atmmruy or wuien it may own in wuoie
or in part, or In whloh It may have an
interest, illreot or luuireat, exoepi eucu
articles or commodities as may be neces
sary or Inteuded for Its use In the con-
duot of its buslnets as a common car
This provision was designed to pre
vent the coal carrying roads, which
mine coal, from discriminating against
tuelr mining competitors whose ooal was
hipped over their roads, and to seoure
this1 result It prohibited the former from
oairylng their own coal, while requiring
than to carry for tuetr competitors.
we priuoipal roads in this Btate,
affeited by this prohibition, are the
Mew Jersey CentraJ, Lehigh Valley, Del
aware, Laokawanna and Western, Del
aware and Hudson, Krie, Philadelphia
anil Heading, and Pennsylvania, The
'oompanlesownlug these roads,and others
whoso stook Is held by them, own ninety
percent, of the anthraolte coal remain
lug unmlued, and ship about four-fifths
of their uroduot over their own roads.
ijnder the foregoing provision of the
Hepburn act, known as the "commodity
olauee," the government last spring be
gan a proceeding In the U. S. Ciroull
Court at Philadelphia, to restrain the
oompaules mentioned from transporting
ooal mlued or owned by themselves.
Last Thursday, a decision was reudered
by'twoot the three Judges by whom the
oase wan heard Gray and Dallas de
claring the elaiife unconstitutional,
while the third Judge Ilulungton dls
seated, but without Qllng an opinion.
The chief ground of the deolsluu
against tun constitutionality of th
clause In question Is that, without due
prooess ot law, ltdeprives the companies
ot an Importaut property right, whloh
was lawfully enjoyed aud exerolsed by
them prior to the enaotuieut of the
statute, under the laws of the States In
whloh they operated ; that It Is unrea
sonable in effect ; and is an Invasion ot
the rights of the State "by striking down
the liberty hitherto Innocently enjoyed
by Its oltlxous to engago In interstate
oommerce to the fullest extent, us to all
harmless artloles, whether owned or not
owned by the oarrler."
A LAW that went Into etleot Sept. 1st
compels Now York olty employees to pay
their debts. Under Its provisions the
City Controller is compelled to pay Judg
ments eutoied agalust them. These are
tnr tliliia mirnliuau.l r. . ..A-..... ..I
oount, and Inolude everything from the
grooer'd bill to the saloon keeper's reck
oning. Slnoe the begluulug of the mouth
the Controller has been reoelvlng execu
tions agalust the employees ot the olty at
the rate of fifty a day, uud he must pay
10 per oeut. of these eaoh mouth, deduct
ing tho amount from the salaries. Most
ot the debtors are polloeiueu and firemen
and luAuy of the creditors are saloon
keepers. IN Jilgh lluaure, the operators of our
free republic have very oapable rivals lu
officials ot the effete monarchies of Eu
rope. M. Albertl, Daulsti Minister of
Justice from 1901 until his resignation ou
the 231 ot lust July, Is found to have been
experimenting with Aiuerloau gold mini,
stooks, sluuo with the result of drop
plug Ills own fortune, besides several
million dollars belougmg to the "llundes
taudelil Sparkustf," u Uuauolal Institu
tion ot whlrhe was Presldeut. The
Danish Vf jits' Mutter Association
loses about ( 1,500.000, and thousand ol
mall dinners suffer the loss of Individ
ual deposits that praotlcally ruin them.
Albertl last week surrendered to the po
lloe, aud ooufessed a long series of frauds.
TllK statistics presented at the recent
National Kuoampiueut of the (I. A. It.,
at Toledo, show that during the jeur
1907 the number of deaths atuoug mem
bers of tho order was 10,24.', aud ttiut the
number in good standing at the close of
the yeu,r whs 227,157. Henry M.
Kevins, ot lied Hunk, .V. J., was eli-etul
Coiumamler-lu-Clilif, Durlug the enr
5,407 were added tu the roll by musler lu
pr reinstatement.
The Depoilt Guaranty Que it Ion Again.
When Col. Bryan, In hia Topeka peeoh,
aid that between Deoeiuber, 1907, and
My, 1908, the banks ot Oklahoma, under
the deposit guaranty system, had gained
about four and u half millions In de
posits, while the national banks whloh
were outside of tbat system had lost more
tlian a million, he omitted some Import
ant details wlilsh have sltioe been pub
lished. In the aet ot Congress providing
for the organliatlon of the two Terri
tories as a State was an appropriation of
5,0W,O0O us a toboul fund, and In No
vember, 1907, this was paid Into the Htato
Treasury, and deposited In the natloual
banks. On February 4, 19J9, the deposit
guaranty law went Into ellect, and as
fast thereafter as praotloable the State
deposits were withdrawn from the na
tional banks that deollueil to accept the
guaranty law, and transferred to tho
banks subleot to this law, the amount
Involved being about 45,500.000. It is
also tald that a similar course was pur
sued, to a large extent, with the deposits
of oounty and municipal funds. And
thus Is the milk In this ooeoanut account
ed for. It will further appear that slooe
the natloual banks, with nuoli a large
withdrawal of deposits, have sustained a
net loss of only $1,101,807 80, the discrimi
nation against them by depositors can
not be serious. Three-quarters of a oeu.
tury ago, In the State of Mew York, the
guaranty of bank deposits, as a remedy
for panics, proved a failure. Now tbat,
under somewhat different oondltlons, the
same remedy Is being "tried on the dog,"
In Oklahoma, It will be well to wait until
Its effeot Is clearly shown before It Is ad
ministered to the whole country.
Tuk combination of raoe track gamb
lers and grafters In general In the State
ot New York, whloh has made every ef
fort to defeat the renomlnallon of
Governor Hughes, received a knook-out
blow at the State Convention on Tues
day ; the Governor being renominated
on the first ballot, by a vote of 827 to
131 for Speaker Wadsworth and ill fur
ex-Rspresentatlve Stewart. The State
machine," whloh led the opposition to
Hughes, tried to Indue various promin
ent itepublloans luoludlug Kl-Seorotary
Root and Joseph II. Choate, to staud
for the nomination lu opposition to the
Governor, but without buoocss.
TllK New York Dally Times pub
llshee a dispatch from Galveston, con
talnlng the startling auuouuoemnnt that
150,000 negro Republicans In Texas have
repudiated the Uepublloan tloket and
will support ilryau. As the whole Texas
vote for President in 190-1 was but OU,
008, of whloh only 51,342, ot all oomplex
ions, were couuted for Roosevelt, It will
be seen that a transfer of 150,000 from
the Uepublloan to the Demooratlo Bide
may change the result, uuloss the re
turns are carefully pruned by tho return
ing boards.
Skit. "Dry, dryer, drlost," will
express our condition Here lor some
time past. Our never falling springs
aud wells are getting very low and some
i armers r re ueguiuii'g tu cart water.
John Uilluer Is very III with nueumo-
I la aud D-s. Slmous and (illpln are in
oonstaut ntteuilauoe.
Ou the 7th. waiter Musrovs took his
wile to a hospital in Borautou to be oi
erated upon for appeudloltls. We are
pleased to hear siuoe the operation that
the symptous are favorable. Mr. Mil-.-grove
also bad the misfortune to lose a
rood Horse last week.
Stella, Myrtle and b loyd Uross leave
for Wyoming Seminary this week. Also
Moses Ubau aud Mason Uilplu.
Uraoe Glllner left for Perklomen last
week aud Earl Cross goes this week.
Mrs. Morilla Gdnln Duuu aud dauirh
ter, of Beaoli Lake, are visiting Sterllug
Lenora and Nettle Cliff, of Sorantou,
are visiting In town.
HenJ. L. Dsoker Is stilt living, with no
proBiieot ot Improving.
J. 1). Gilpin has been oouQued to the
house (or the past lew week", but Is now
on me menu.
Prof. Jaoob Crew Hue. of Stroudsburi?
Is prlnolpal of the new high sohool and
iiaura unpin ami untie uross are as
sistants. About 70 pupils were in at
tendance l:ist week.
A new bell In in town aud in due time
Its LUUiljitl tunes will be heard tloatiui;
over these hills aud valleys oalllug the
chlldreu to duty aud pleasure. We nope
all tile iiuiiiis will au;ireaiate aud I in
prove tuese gomen momcuta as tuey are
George Gilnlu Is tenoning the Webster
John Smith lias sold his old home
stead to George Stevens for (1,500 ai-il
a pleoe ot laud to Frank M. liarues for
t'XW. In the near luture Mr. Smith will
dispose ot his personal elTeots.
Last week W. W. Miller, ot Ktusoui,
was the guest of his sohool chum, David
All who desire to avail thomselves of
the 5 per aunt, reduotton lu taxes must
pay ttieui uy rjept zutu.
I. D. Uilplu is having his house re
C. 13. Webster and ton are now on an
outing. They have takeu lu Portland
Maine, and Uoston, Mass.
Beit. 7th. James M. Snyder, eocro
tary, and Dr. It. J. Buckley, president
ot tho Bitoty Mutual Insurance Co., of
Labanon. were la town last Thursday.
to adjust tho loss on W. J. Cjbb'd saw
mill. Thero was 500 insurance in tbo
Safety in Bingham's agency and tbo loss
was paiu in run.
The 25th anniversary of tho W. C. T,
U., which will bo held in Hawley Sept.
lbtn and 17(b, will present a most ad
mirable programme, the principal foa-
mrosoi woicu win ue afternoon liiblo
loadings and ovecinc lectures.
A degree team and a delegation from
mo ocrunion loago, A. U. U., vtsitod
liuwloy. Hjnday.
Preparations aro betas madn la rn
ceivo Evangelist Davidson hero ou San
day, Sept. iu, when ho will bjgiuutbroo
woeKS eerios ot ovauKoiiaua serviucs.
Preparatory sorviooB. consisting ot throe
ovciiiags eucu ween, win bo held until
tho arrival of Mr. Davidson. Many of
our people will remember Mr, Djvid
eon's good work done lu Uawloy tltteeu
years ago.
Mihs Orra Hollison. who has boon
spending tho summer vacution at thu
noma ot ner sister. Mm. a. vickcr, left
last Ibursday for Hammond, Virginia
where, she has u position teaching echo jl
Miss Uraco Malolott Monduy lor Corn
wall-on tho Hudson, to bigin tho duties
ot school tcaubiug.
Miss Mao Killam is sponding a wook
at Um.'IIu Park. N. J.
Mrs Irene Hums, ot Dunmorn, epunt
last week in ilawluy, ut tbo homo ot
her cousin, u. uionam.
Mr. and lire. 1). F. Hoffman, of Iloyt
vino, Pa., uro guoBtsof friend in town
Miss ftettio Klwards, ot H-nuitou
uud Mrs. John Madixan. ot Port Jcr
vis, aro visiting their purcnts, Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. KdwarJs, at iho Kmt Knd,
M s M ibcl Hodman left a week ai:o
for llruuklyn, N. Y,, whtuusho will begin
proparutiun for a traiuod nurso in tbn
Juwish Hospital,
A now profession, known as that of
tbo "two-ioggou dogs," has beon lutro
duuod by tbu Paris authorities. A tax
of ton francs a ycur is imposed on every
dog. Many owners ovudo tho tax bv
DavineS frauos a voar tJ their cou
uieriru. When the tho olllciuls ruako in
fiuirioa the concicrgo denies tho exis
to.ii'O of tbu dogs, and tbo rovonue is
defraudod, Tho authorities aro now
Diving guod wages to a number of ex
pert human mutators ot the ciuino
bark. The men wulk along the streets
it ulght, b.irk outsido ovcry housn, and
wbmi a dog replies lavu noiuoi inu uu
dross uud toad around tho tax collactor,
Additional Nearly Forgotten Facts.
Des Fiscii.
Tha writer's recollections ot Honcs
dlo. so far as notable features of the
towu's mi'.erial and social lite go, ex
tend boctt fully tbreo scoro years. In
deed some special episodes in his even
earlier days are vividly remombered',
but naturally they aro of a childish
nature, and can only be fairly utllizad
.when an appeal is mido to the appro.
elation and sympathies ot tho little
folkp. ' f
Every village, however, i he nu"Vr
of course depending lar.;?ly upon th"
iK)of the community, hu it" porcon-
tag9of cranks harmlojs or ntbjrwipc
and when It is remembered that for
many years Honesdalo was u boomiug
town, somotbiug after, or porhapi
rather typical of tho style ot the mush
room cities of the fur Won at a later
period, it is not to be wondered at tin.
It soon became tho Mecca ot at toast its
share of tbo morally and mentally dis
So it falls out that early Honesdalo,
or at loaet the writor's association with
Honosdale's oirlicr history, brings up
to his mind's eye character after char
acter whose ways, to say tho least w-.r.)
peculiar. Among theeo were Dan More,
Qcorge McQeo, Jane Green, Tho 'TiUh
too Ponies," Ben Kiacb, Crazy Sil,
Jonathan Hicks, and porhaps a dozen
mora needless to name, unless tho fu
ture drift ot this ssries should loud them
into groater prominence than ut present
seems probable.
Ben Finch and Crazy Sil were e nil
tho king and quojn of tboso celebrities,
with roigos far outlasting tho others in
tale of yearn and with idiosyncracles
attracting much groitor public nttcn
Don Finrh was a tall, straight, llncly
proportionel man, bearing upon lui
shoulders a head of remarkable hIzi;
but, as the writor rocollocts him, with
a long and loose jointod strld) while on
tho etroots, and a babit ot throwing one
leg ovor tho other halt-way abov) tin
knee when seated in a houso. Ho was
a good mechanic, and during tho carl
portion ot his lifo worked at the carpen
ter's trade, nnd his diligence and thrift
in this calling was, as will appear, in
considerable moasuro tha cause of his
mental undoing. Evon after bis reason
became eoriously impaired, he remain
ed capable, and did good manual sei
vice, whon, on very rare occasions, he
could bo induced to work. Ho could
givo a connoctod and corroct acount
of a sormoo, and was ablo to exhort
effectively and offer a fervent pruyur m
religious meetings. Although hie. mind
was in ruins ho rotaind bis natural
shrewdness in a rcmarkablo degrco aud
could reason and converse well except
in reteronco to certain matters concern
log which bo was subject to nil munuer
ot curious fancios.
His paramount idoa was that ho was
a distinguish".! personage. Ho was Im
mensely lickW with tho title of "Sir
Beujimiu,' bestowed upon him by the
boys, with whom he was always on thu
best of terms, and whose protonded def
erence and homage ho acccptod as ten
dered in ell sincority as due his rank
and social position. The red, white and
bluo ribbons with which they were ac
customed to bodock him, the feathers
stuck ia his hat, and tho gay scraps of
cloth with which ho was often bodix m.'d
made him vastly proud, and were won.
ith an air which would liavo don
honor to a Knight ot tboOarter. U'cry
thing of that nature was tikua un
kindly, and regarded ns noeesary ou'
wiri evidonoos of his superiority vur
properly suppliol by appro)iitw
frioaip. Oa sjvoral whii
thus doorutji he went tocbirch, tu
upon some pUuublo plot woill g.-Aci-
ouily permit the eex'.on to disrobe bin,
of bis Query before taking his sous wit
th) cjugregition. U) wh aa f.U itivo
listener, and had a rj-jur'kabl') .tpiiiud
tor applying wbitho rjgard-j as special
hits t.i such ot the iviIijicj as hu full '
hivo boeu tho objects ot tho
reproof. At suoh times he would lorn
about, and oa discovery o' theimagina.,
oilprit, would nod his head at him -'
miohas to siythi; t'n 1 ) ; t-1 j - wi
giod and applicable; soui.'timos nljiui;
ia aa auiiblo voice, "Yes, tha.'ti it I'
Oivo it to them I" or "That's a wipe I"
In order to oieourij t'n prjiciuru
lay ou thitru'.h a littb inrl:r, aril nj.
spire tbo wiokej onoj in thj least. I'
his piouj hoirt o'aeriJh )i uuy aversion
to a fellow bslng. whether, it wai t.
Elder Miller, ot Abmgtoa or Harford
or somewhere thitherward, with whom
ha was in hopelosi varum:-) ou nemo
doctrinal points. His c.Htjmary cli
max to adujjuioa or nrgimin: with
anyone, in which he fanci'ii lunu)i( to
have been the victor, wh, "la its a
good one on Eldr Miller I"
Ben never forgot thit he was na un
married man, and he was ever on too
verge of taking to wife mm) rich or
especially diatingulshel heiress. For a
time, in tho height of hor popularity ,ai
a vooalisc, and her reputation as a phil
anthropist, his fancy turned to Jenny
Lind, tbo SwelisttNightiDgalo. Doub'.
less it he could hive sooi hir nad gain
ed her consent he would have marri 'l
her. but botoro the allitr reie'n.l til it
interesting st age, much, to his disappont-
ment Otto Qoldsmith carried her ill
His next bright particular Btar wup l.idy
Jane Grey, although it is hard to under
staud why ho overlooked iJD'ii Vic
toria or Mrs. Franklin I'iiu-oj, ni.-t
matrimonial entiiuglom'.'U'n leeuinig 1 1
oiler butsmill obilacliut) hist inc. i
in this direction. Ho noor nr.) 1 o(
talking ot Lidy Jane, and was nccuj-
tomui to repeat, as showing thu pop liar
sympathy with his lUluchmeiu
"To Hyraouio I took a i ruin',
To sen my lady lliat Imiki ao spriii'n .
An ) uu ihr ay tliii p "iiili i),
lie's goltiK lo see, III,, 1-ildy l,li')."
But hu was not aslliili in Ins doiiro t'i
socuroa rich bride. Ho cherished biotid
Bcheines of philanthropy wmch ho in
tended to put lu oxeeution ue siou us hu
could comnianJ tho necessary amount
ol funds. Hn planned the building (it a
ratlroad to thu I'acillu long before such
a projoot wus seriously considered by
pioplu uf sound mind, uud pruiuiHcil ov
cry inbiibitaiit ii froopms fur u round
trip ou ltd completion. Another ol Ins
railroad sohomes wus u piiHsongi r n.
cliuo from Iiidywood Lino to tlm hiiui
mit ot Irving Cliff, tho hoisling power
to bo a pair ot lusty lions, llo designed
la nil so tho wages of the laborer iiiiJ lo
ussist tho indigent. The widow and thu
orphan wero never to look fur brc-id,
la short, hu pledged himself to wipu suf
fering from tho faco ot llo rartli win r
evor money could accomplish I hat
Kxcellout Christian that Ben wu, and
with u blamoluts life, hu still had eomu
idlosyncracles. Oa ono occasion some
boil? givo hint a worthies? 15 bill, lie
trhd to p5si it, but hilod. llo cntricd
it niih him, baiw-.r, mid not elow
t) rcallsj on it ot llvi flrat opportunity.
LI? tvm phlding Riant; tho roil on one
of hh piVtiai Hoao day, wheuacloeo
filled ojuti tmrtoolr him with n wagon.
aaa wu3 ns'ed for a ride
Ucgave Uen a
iit 0 nf0W miles, and on setting him
down demanded'a dollar for the service
noa out t.-i h hla wullet. and tendering !
,.,, fl50 doll ir hill received four dollars
i.' . Uj h?n vrrut on hl way
f . .- .. i ii h tu ' oiu, mid telling
'i . .: j o- r a jd or ng iln with the ,
gr i"r miiio, The miiur, lieing p irtlv !
i.n,).i' irei, no Jcr uslsod fur Iho redemp
t.o i ot tho bill, and the good dolhrs fur-'
nil iad liu with many good supp"rs
vh u lie might hive otherwise gooe
Fi n'li imigmed hlinsslf a musician,
anl bdbitutlly eirri-d with him a sti
pirinuui'jl lla-o or II llh which lie
t) jk gro u d.MuU' in looting or ftcrapi-g
f jr ,h" suppn-T.-d dtloctation ut liu tus's
Hcir loJ r u. , 1 nmjng his tiiad9 in
diiljr 3t pi i.'ji us ate i lily us tho oirtli
a -jii'id tlr; sun. Wniln not tbinkiug ut
h in or sjpo-j iug him to ba nigh his
cn iarful fnco would bo aim nnd tbu boy s
would run tj greet him. His trampifg
ground wan Wayne, S isquehimi'f and
Luziran cauotii's, ,.nd his orbit brought
him tj llonclalu every tew months. It
wh not nr.cessar) , when he put in un
appjur rieo to say, ".-ir HenjMiiia, will
yo.j ojmn in and iliu'i with us )'' for lie
felt in tun.. ,'. lib-rtylo no whnro bo
pie is-1 us iki wind to blow where it
li-tnh. If nut entirely ojiivcniont to
ootjrlaiu hi.ti,h"r, ho would sug
ijiii; a Ij.iii uf u tow Inindreds of Ihoue
an l- fjrprMu.r esigi'inMo", but uuuld
ch j 'rfully ucvp- acjuploof shillings to
ptyfir ins ii'ght'e lolging rlsiwhere.
Whm ho h id vmU'J "il of his friends
h ' would disippp irns qiiicttly nsho had
ionic, lifiving a liirewr-ll rarJa; simply
vaiuuing, id uno kniA'ui whore he
InJ g i, f ,r i i ono ioulJ ink ium.
He iv is udniii 1 to l;. i.v his busiuccs,
uud no oil') w mil pr.MUin ) to uuddlu
with liH all U'S
I '. is uuri jiii to tr fld th" d 'volopmont
ut Ibn'u hiiliun i hi in. in youth ho win
s ib r uud m et" i ly ni his truJo U3 any
iii4ti could b.-. U'lul accumuhitud a
li'i.iuiam" sun of money, cnrrii-d a gold
winch and dn j d hntter than th") nver-
iii;o iiit'chanlc 11" waa on thu pjint ot
burg inaintd uen a lollop worhisn
chciit-.j hira outot ull of his property.
His change o! fortune resulted in his be
ing jilted by hi ioU"idJj und from that
m. . liu ru.jii h"g i-i tjtottjr. Ho
u mill not ti"nr .ipagainiT tho loss of his
lady-!oe nnd oi? trevmw, w:J evont
ujlly Id boui'ii) h) insau".
Ilenco the peculi ir formot his delusion,
ll'i wis ovji-i'i love and rv.-r CjUi tiuu
his hoards. Aiihis fun ;ics Iriftcdiu thi
chauni'l. 'sir l!-rj:n'ii wn upvayi
hopmg th P, hi" re nan bl vri'is wi ul i
.bi grntilled, und ever im wuo know
hirn h"lp J him to liopj. li poy Ueti 1
Bui finch di" 1 on H.e o-h'Teiloif
tho Moo-iiu forti i.r moro j .go.
us hupe that wh in h i o.r Tjd upon the
otcrtiil life tho qihU, whui forsomnny
ye.irs chrouiel Ins oirthly pxistpuoo
wero mercifully swop; uw.iy.and tho
roward pro-ur-oi th? trulj gool accord
ol himt
THE MUllTI'AIir llFC'mll.
John AungiT
Itii hard it. Hi j am,
M. i.i v II -a s" ...
.fell. 15, Is
..lull' lr., I-
,Jiil 1.1, l-c
I mi ,
llr. W n.
Apil, 7. !!'
I r,
Mini. 10, 1" .
an: f, I..-.
'JB. u, H-ll
. u i l ' iir'uiii'. -
I III I, l. I Ml ,iHLr ..
I I , A. I) -.1 ,1 ,
tiii i I'.. I) .n--i...
Kl.i . I ". I), .mi ii,
J ill ll'. IKij
it lie". I, 1--Ji
Hurl Ki,-, tiiv
w.f ' mm. K j. : '
!l. '.. v t I". I
1 1 In ,1. " H- .1- i
Ot. i 1' Ko, I m a
.1, '.n ! ly
J l II il II -, I'll -ir It, l
I-. .t.i. I, Jill V
i 'll ul m K M.'.l 1
i ,i e- IVIi . -i-a
-I l -tu -! 1'rll .v ll le i. .-ir ,
.1 .In i'. Iteilly
tu I- U .ipi"ie..
i.u H Int. ilei
.,i n -pl'Z -i
Ill-, -ilallllii, SVurte'i'ilo, . V,
Kl l i A H. 10111, ikiiM
Hiiuili A. '. li' 1
I'.lliilml-'t V . I, 21
Alli.-i i r h .-ii.l
hl.ii 'ill. ! Ill .1. W
K, 1 in Ij, A'
Rohiil WiBfJii.
...SIiiK-h .1. IMI
M IV ii. Is. il
-Vl.t 7. Is,"
Illll.. W l-'ili
ipi a III, l-,;ti
fell. I, WI
..I) ,'. .1,
.Jinn 1 1, ;
..fell. 2.1, l-'Jl
...Klill (I, I-!
.-Jl'pt. 17. IH
. u-; . Hi, I'll.
..IJ.'l. 2.'. IsJ
'...pill IS, lM
.ifllt. 0. I
,, lieu. 11, lstl.1
.. Iii-e. Int.)
. 'ipill 1.1, 1-)'
. Apiil U, ISM
..K.I'. -Ii, IS
. Am:, in, t'n'i:'4,.rjjtl
. ..,1 1 is, W
HlilT 11 Ii. Mrs. 1). II. ili-,i,ili nnr
Mis. bi iUi' U trpi nit r liavu recovered
IIOIII lilt .I' It'll...,! ,1)111 nh.
J. J. lleUinioiiii r.'iuiiii'd from llui
hauiio, on 1-Viita ia-l.
ili- Ji-iiuii- Ii.'li.iu, ul Deposit, N. Y
iit-i'.i, Visitoit tier lucee, OUs. Ilenr
Mr.-.H . orge Iloiilriil,;i-, of Krnnklyu, Ii
vifiiiu ner reiuiivia ill nils lilliun.
Mrs. uiiil cinlilreii haven
turiu d t i tlit-ti h ium ut I)iit.m iri',
tin!,,- Sim i .-r h i returned liuu.ii iru:
L'ik.' lliiiiti.i.iniiuiid Ali i JuOt-.ju 1,-oiu
uai'i ouii i;ei t, a.
(leolill l'i inner left fur Wvoiuliii:
isi'iumarv on i-.-' jut ium.
Mus Itiuneli , .--.tnpsoij, of Niuvark, N
.1., is visiting her i-.. iter, Mm. liiiujmai
Ai i-r in llliium lius ri'liitiiiil to Vroj
Ii A. C vrpenti'i-, who hits been
H.iraii )ii ii. i h.isiuuss, Is u gutstof Mrs
1) II. H.i. eh.
liitiu'-liy MoUiillough has ii'tiirued tu
ill Mary ll-iroanr liai returneil lu
l,ri .1- i-v i - tft.-r speii-liu bjiui? weel.s
Willi ir , ml-- In tin.- vieiuii).
Mr- r. Siuiii, ., ,t Tiiliy f ,t llili
.Illlu. ll ll 'Li.ll- . I. mil IV Willi IllDMil.
'1'ii'U-, id A I a iHn-v.lli', I'.i , ti-iliiile.
il' -I Ull.'rt ..u'i, Ijjrii.-'i lind I'..
11. i.l, .letiruliT, l.'oruell I. lid
I'll i huh-. Hi leu jl.alrn.ler uud Duuulil
il, Irudi-r, who Iiuvh spent tun siiiuiut-r
a- "Fulis" rutuiii' d to llnuliljii last
M:. .III!
ft, nr l.iiii
Vltitl 1 'I'
l-Ul t Ll UCl
i'u 1. 11 1 .,('.1, of Hroo'il) l',
1 1)) hi iltiu'iuetiiu. l'ii"y
i'- r.iii" ' mill i-spt ut in 11
I i) I, IiiiiiuiiiiiU,
Bethany. .
riKIT. l-"i 1 --Til i"i, 1 "r nt tu iur
1 initio Wi ilnei-I l ovi'; m.h ,iy
ui'iiili i-iiJiivimI. tlv'i'i -r.1 iii til'-'ti' il uiiil
ill ,'l' nll'.ll ol iillluera ul tlui I.ulk".' A ul
tiii'U pliici', Aim, Ulmrli'K Wi'hli hi'luir
I .-1- i-. 1 l'i.lilnit mil Mm. Uhur.t'i,
HI'iki', Vn'i' I'ri'iHili'iit,
Tin' I'liiuiiKiu iii) biielu', FriiKy jvi'ii
iuir tu tlm l' t'-riun cumuli with lih
i r ill) 1 itl 1 urn , i I unit lii ll.iil in.
Mr. iiuilMip. V. I. AuiUthuu auil fuiu
lly ntiiriii-il In tluir liuluo In Willti'f
Hum', flu 1 11 nl ,1 y.
Ailiurt IIiiiIit H" nt Miiinhiy with (lay
It uu I M. J- H- '-' ' ly i-utd-Inn,-
1 11' ii-, --r, iuiMl.i ut tin
i,,t 1 ii M ',1, 1 .ll i't-. llo, n -r Ii illmi.
11 p. II 1. i -i A. Wiiu In ni-ti in,i.ii:t tu
ri'tiirn ' o 11 j.i - lull', Wi'itiii'ejiij lor lit,,
win: 1 r.
I. ii'.-i' ll ily will rotiirn to hurhomu
In K.n .''o 1 tu- lny-
i:,-i-,i il.iiuiiici lrnre fur Htntu Cul-U-Kf.
Kulul, will, m umi v tiuu t IIii.ii, 11111I1I11
III' tlulllll'll tu l1u I Ul) HOI It It ill llll'l 1I11,
uu I Hu' mi.i ii a liuiilii iln la t,i iliKi-m nil I'm )"tl '"I- Win 11 Illll 4tUtll lUIl O.lli'l Uu
It Ml 'Im It till It. UU I III till) lllDilllllllltl
ihiiioitfui'ii i- ui ttuiK tiruiiKur mi l uliii in
I11K1' ll lt Hlilllilf llullll.ll Viork lU'llll. Ku
dul ilinla ull Jii'liul. II uuikt-a iliu .10111.
lull 1 u.t I urn) 11 ii , luu, ,int tu Hike, ll Ii
uM luio by I'KII, luo DiuKiat.
Fifteen Day
Piano Factory
Whim i nu httVM a cold vou mnv ht sure It
hnn linen en u end imllrwtlv hv nnHtliiH.fmn.
ati'l t nriiHiUHnlly you tamt flrt or nil take
rjomWtiltiK to inov'M ttio bowclrt Tilt? le
nhui Ium iiitiflu Ktnncdy'a Iiaxutlw Coimti
vrup ho fucrpS'rii1 auil o m-nemlly ih
mninltil. It iloi lint i'onitlpatu likti m pt
ot th" nil fiiPhiotit'il coiiL'h curt'i. hut mt tlu
otlu r h Kid it tntly mut'H tint huwt'Io nii'l
ut thh fiiim tiniM hciiU Irrltulum mut nt!ii
mil nnmatioii ot thu ttinmt. Hold by I'-FII
l'im DruIft.
)Hvitt'ri Ta'-bolizeiJ WHth Uaz ! Sulve if
rtH'omin'i)tled as th liftt IhltiK to um toi
pin b. it iri, ot 'ouri', rooiI lor ainuniK
wh"rt naive tu upedMrt. Ituwant of Imitii
tioue. HuUl by PKHj Thu Druirfilcl.
I1KNJ. II. Dm'lllcn.Ii'Mi'ufc Mnnmi-
SEPT. 22d.
Mildred flnUand' Ureateet Hucoeea,
Tlio Hdiutltiil Ilomantio Draruri In
Four ComtiH'tti Al-Ib.
TIiu Entire I'roiluctloii i-iiriitiil hy Iho
Compiiny. A Cn-t of DijtlURiiltitiecl
Orclicitra, $1.00 ; Ortt Circle,
75. nnd 5oc, Bulcony, 75c. 50
and 33c, Uall.ry, asc.
Smt SnK- at llox Olllce at V a. m., MONDAY.
SEPTII.MIIUK 21. Uuth I'hono.
Lyric Theatre
bl XJ. II. niTritlCII. Luifcii & Muniificr
XSf SEPT. 23
Moving Pictures
Aiicli nt Binl Moilurn Ilame, EiiKland,
Norway, (ii-riDiiny, Ituly, elu.
PRICES, 15c, 25c, 35c. and 50c,
.-KM' rtATiK lit tll Uaz linl.-o ut
11 111. Tumiluv . Hi'iilimilier
Until t'holipa,
Owinu to thi? continued
diouhL jMlronsul tin Ihnes
vhL GMiboliJatcd WaUT Co,
aic KMiiested to use caie in uc
Uhe of v ator.
Particular attcnt ion is called
to article 7 of rules and regula
tions stated on back of bill.
s. a. Mcmullen Jr.,
xi 01 iri. or incoupoua tion No-
t tu c in iM'irhy uivui that aiiapttllu itiuti
mil tin ni i'lv In thn Ouv.'runr of thu Cmu
luuuw.ullh nl IVm.'rt.. FiMay, Hfitt;iiihtir
2 MH, by Harry. I Atkliuou. tUiliu 11. Al
kiiiMim mitl Atithouv J Lohb, uniler Iho Aot
nf Ahm fulily ot thn (.'uinmotiweaUh ol I'uun
i 1 1 viiin ti. i titlilfd "An Art to nrovhlt) for tho
hii-itiinratlor. iinil rtuulalloh of icrtain
iti iMiraiioiirt," upjinnfil April tfli. 1H7I. ami
tin- iiippliMniit Ihyit'tu, for tho i hnrtur ot
hii Uilt'ii'lfi rmporalioii to bo caUixl. "Ttif
.UUniMm lox himI l.utulHr Company ' thi
charm tr ami ohjHft of whb-U In to maim
f.ii iuu luuib'T, Itoxuii, c book a and pirl of
uiiil-, alii for thHHM purpnfH to have, po.
...aj .nil i-nliv all Iho tiuliU. biMitUU anl
nrUilf:' ol ia.J Aut of Armh1y aittl it
ppltMIH'Ut. A. i . WhAHhl.,
Jloiu BJnlf, Ta., tit'pt. 1. 11K)4. Uwi
In " Prince
New Upright Pianos
An Event that Marks a New
Era in Piano Selling;.
ly First Class Instruments for less
regular factory prices. Piano Price
are down. The factory sale enables
you to own a high-grade instrument for very
little money and on very easy terms. Don't
pay a big price for a good piano and don't
buy a poor piano at any price.
Take ailv.inl.-ige of the great Factory Sale' Wc quote tlicsc tiilic-ul'iush low
prircs on strictly High Class I'ianos simply to introduce our superb instiiiincnts in
this locality. You take no rhances wliatccr. Our written guarantee is liberal; it
protects you fully ; it holds us responsible for the behavior of the piano for tin ji.irs.
Pay a Little Cash Down.
The balance in easy monthly payments Come and select the piano now. Now is
the time. Small monthly payments will soon close the account.
1'usKu iu un: riiiziiNs or this com
jiu.nui;alui run tiikik aitkoval ur uk
jLcnu.N uv thi: cuM-ntAb asskmiilv or
l'Lbbl.SIU:il ll OKIiKK OP Illll SKCKCTAKY
or tin: commoni;altii. in lLltUANC:
or AitiicLi: win or thu consiii-ution.
.Number Ouu.
riujxihlnti AimiiJint'iitri iu iho CouwtltutloQ of lUe
( uiiiiuuwu iltti or l'liuifl) Ivaula bo us to Con--nlilito
tin- 1'uurtn uf Com mou Vlt-nn ot l'lilla
li lj'hU .mil AIli'Ktuny Cuuntlta. anJ to Give
Itii Asfiiubly I'ouit tu KbtabllsU a
Mj,ir.iti' Couu tu I'lilladcljihia Count)', with
Cliinliial uti'l MIbiiUuihuus JuriaJUIIon.
M' tiuu 1. lit' It rt'folvtd by the Siu.ite and
IIuum) uf Itnni'tiit.itit'H in ik'iit'ral AHBiiubty
nut, 'I ha l tin1 fulIiivUng ttuutiduunts to tlio Con
fliitutlou uf l'uiti)lunla be, and tho a.tuio arc
licit by, I'ro.ioM'd In uuiordanco with the clgh
ti (.-ii tu urticlu ihircof:
That tiictlou nix of article Avo bo amended by
Birlklus out the nald section aud inserting lu
l-l.ito tiitreof iho folloHltig:
Suctlou ii. In tho count tta ot Philadelphia and
AlleKhiu) all tho Jurlsdlctlou and iouvrt now
Mated In thu smeral inimbtTed courts of common
I'll in. Ehall bi tsted lu ono court of common
I'lt-as in mth of nll lounilcs, cuniposcd of all
thu jmlgiB in toinuilsaioii in tald Luurta. Such
juriH.lii lion nnd bowcru shall extend to all cro-
n,ftitiK at liu and in t'luliy which shall have
mid fh.dl In- tu fuili chaii(B as may i't
titiiilo i-y law, ium ciibjtt (o change of venuo as
i ruWl'd by liw Tlio prt-MldtMit Judgo of each of
mo b.n i j tuuriH -nan io scuucti as proviUFU by
Utw Tho numbir uf judges in each ot said courts
y Iv. by law. in reascd from llmo to time.
This uuKudniml ehall tnko cflect on the first
.Munuuv or January Buctcvainir its auoDt on.
tcllon 'I hat nrttclo flvt. pcttion pitrht. be
amended by uiaklrn; an addltluu thcioto so that
inc Biimo tnaii rca-i oh ioiiowb;
Mciion b 'i no said courts lu tho counties of
Philadelphia and Allegheny, shall.
from time to time, in turn, detail one or moro
of tluir judeca to bold tho eourts of over and
unniiur nnu mo courts ot ijuarter eessians or
the 1'iaio of said counties. In huih manner as
may be dinetid by law Provided, That In tho
i uniy uf Philadelphia Iho General Assembly shall
hi. power tu iHtiiblltsh u m-parato court, ton
iniiii( i.f not more tlmn four Judges, which hall
hae t st luslvi! Jurisdiction In criminal c-aties
and In Htieh other matters as may ho provided
by Uv,
A truu topy of Joint Resolution No. 1.
houi;ut McArnE,
Secretary of tho Commonwealth,
posr.n io Tin; citizkns or this i om.
MONW i:LTII roil TIlHflt APPItOVAL ou iti:
thi: ('oimonh'i:aiii or rnNNsviaVANiA,
pi itf.isi ii:u my tmiiKit or thi; skckbtaky
or thi; coMMoNvi:.bTH, in pumsuanck
or AKiicbi; xvm of tiw constitution.
Number Two.
Proposing nu Amendment to tlio Constitution of
tho Couiniuiiuialtb, Allowing Counties, Cities,
HorouKh, Townships, School Olstrlcts, or
Other .Municipal nr Incorporated UUtrlctB. to
IlMn.isc Tluir Indebtedness,
Po Ii refcolwd by the Sennte and House of Rep
resiiitaihes of tho Commonwealth of pennpyl
am,i lu Central Assembly met, Tlut section
i Uiit. aiticlu nine, of the Commonwealth of Peun
Byhiuila, reading as follows:
Section 8. 'Iho debt of any county, city,
borough, township, hchool district, or other mu
nUipnliiy or incorporated district, except as
bereiii provided, (thnlt never exceed seven per
lentuin upon iho nbbessed alue of tbo taxable
property therein, nor shall nay such municipality
nr lis:rl t Incur uuy new debt or Increase Us In
flebtcdncss to an amount exceeding two per
i-etitum upon sudi nbsessed valuation ot property,
without the nt-sent of the electors thereof at a
public ih'iion, In fcwh manner us hlmll bo prn
Mii d by law, but any city, the debt of which
now vHh Kevin per renltira of such nssessed
Milu.iHini. my be nuthorled by law to increnso
ttiu came thren per Leutum, In tho aggregate,
ut nuy oro lime, upon such valuation," be
nmemhd, In accordance with tho provUloua of
tin ejgliteeuth nrth lo ot taid Constitution, so
that -ald section, when amended, fchall read as
followH -
S.tion 8 Tho debt ot nny county, city, bor
oukIi, township, school district, or other muolci
pillty r Im i rporntcd district, cxnpt as herein
provided, bhall never exceed ten per centum upon
ihe assessed value of tho taxable property there
in, nor I nny buiu munirlpnllty or district
In ur any ucw debt or tncrcaso Its Indebtedness
to an amount txitcdlng two per centum upon
sin h assessed valuation of property without tho
.i hi nt ut lite electors thereof ut a public eleo
tiuit. In u h maniii r ns eh.UI bo provided by law.
Alii.i tup) t f Joint R. Mitullnn No. 2
RdiiKitT m. Arni:,
.surctiry uf thu l'onnimiiw nlth.
MI'M M tN I '1 1 1 I 111: f ONS'l ITl'TION PRO-
; mi 'uu: crtizi.Ns or tihh com-
n , l .ll I'ull '1 Hi:iR APPROVAL OR UK-
in'imv i, tiii: ci:m:raIj assi:mihy or
111) i i t M N RAI.'I II Ol" t'l.NNHUA'ANIA,
i't 1. 1.' i ik 1 1 us oiii'Cit or Tin: si:rui:TAUY
or Ainicbi; xvm or nu; coNhin UTio..
Number Tbreo.
proposing Amendments to Sections P.lght and
'1 we iiiy-Ono of Article 1'our, Sections Eleven
nnd Twelve of Article Five, Sections Two,
'Ihrcc and Fourteen of Artlclo tight, Section
one of Article Twelve, nnd Sections Two and
Mvm ut ArtUlo I'ourteiu, of the Constitution
uf p. nmolvanla, and PiovMIur a Schedule tor
t in l j UiK the Annulment Into Effect.
1 mu I. Hit it nmiUid bv tho Senate and
11 ii i Id pr Miitittivei, nt tho CnmmniiWi allh of
lt in. )lvuiil.i In (ieiurnt Assembly nut, That the
' I Miii'ii in pinpu n a nun nuiiit nii iu inr
i n ut ion uf iii rmiitiuniH. .ilth of Pi nu sy I
i tu i i i. lain e with iho provUloiu ut Ihe
ii ' iiiii m ut iu tin in r
Amvndiix m One T Artb lo Four,
Miltuu Eight.
limi 2 Ai l it tiuu iiubt of nrllrle four
uf the Con.-tiiulUm of pum)lvauta( whkh reuds
.is lullnws
"Uu hha nominate and, by und with tha ad
Vko nud louscut of two-tblrds of all Iho ineinberi
of tbo Senate, appoint a Secretary of tbo Coin
inouwenlth and an Attorney -OiMierftl durlug plesi
un, a Superintendent ot public Instruction for
fiiiip tmm mill such other oltlceri of the Com
int.uwonllh ns be Is or may bo authorizes! by tho
('(iiHtitiilloii or 17 law to appoiui, no suaii navu
pow.r lu till nil vacancies tbat may happen, lu
ill c lo whit.Ii ho may appoint, during ihe c
. . i f the Senate, by granting commliBloiis
wit. i h fchall rxpiro at tho end uf their next
mu, be- shall buvo power to 1111 any vacancy that
1 1 i.i y happen, during tho recess of Iho Senate, la
he umie of Auditor Ocneral, stato Treasurer,
r-retury of Intel nal Affairs or Superintendent ot
public lubtructlon, lu n Judicial olllce, or la any
ut In r elictlve oiltio which hu Is or may bs au
thorized lo fill. If Iho vacancy shall happen during
the MiMon of thu Senate, tho Oovornor shall nom
inate to Iho Senate, Ufore their final adjourn
imiit, a proper pcrsou to fill said vacancy: but la
nny such case of vacancy, lu nu elictlve office, a
perHon shall bo chosen to Bald oifico at the next
general election, unless tho vacancy shall hap
pen within three calendar mouths Immediately
preceding such election, In w hlch case the election
for said cmce shall be held at the second sue
icidlng general election. In acting on executive
iiumluutions the Senate (hall sit with open doors,
and, In confirming or rejecting tho nominations
of tbu llovernor, thu veto bhall bo takeu by yeas
and iiii)s, and thall bo cutiuJ uu tho Journal,"
h.. ii t nad as follows: . , , ,
ii.. bii.iii n.iiiiiiiitA mill, bv and with Iho advice
and consent uf two-thirds cf all tbo meiober of
the Senate, appoint a Secretary of tho Common- i
wealth and au Attorney Oeneral during pirns- 1
ure, a superintendent ut Public Instruction fui
four years, and such otbrr officers nf the Cum
mouwealth as lie Is or may bo authorized by tho
Constitution or by law to appoint, he Fliall luivi
power to fill all MiiuiHlcs that may happen, in
u1IUos to which ho may nppolnt, during the rco
of the Senate, by granting commissions whidi
Khali explru ut the end of their next eihhIoh, hf
hlmll huvo power to till uuy vacancy that ma
happen, during Iho recess uf the St nate, in tho
otitic of Auditor General, State Treasunr, Sec
retary of Internal AtTuIrs or Superintendent of
Public lnt-tructiOD, In a judicial olllce, or lu any
other clcc-llve ulDic which ho Is or may be nu
thurlzed to fill; if the vacancy shall happen dur
ing tho session of the Senate, the Coventor shall
nominate- to the Senate, before their final ad
journment, a proper person to fill said vaenncy.
but In any such ease ot vacancy, In an elictlve
office, n person shall be chosen lo tsald ofllce on
the next election day appropriate to such offle,
at cording to tho provisions ot this Constitution,
unless iho vacancy shall happen within two calen
dar months Immediately preceding such election
day. In which rase the election for said olTlce shall
bo held on the second succeeding eleilion dis
appropriate to such olllte. In acting on i ueutlve
tiominatioint the Senato shall hit with open door,
and, in confirming or rejecting the nominations of
the (iovernor, the vote shall bo taken by yeas
and nay, andhall be entered on the Journal,
Amendment Two To Artlclo Four, Section
Section 3. Amend section twcnly-ono ot article
four, which reads as follows:
"The term of tho Secretary of Internal Affairs
shall bo four years; of the Auditor General time
years; and ot the Stato Treasurer two je.irn.
Thii-e o Ulcers shall bo chosen by tho qualified
eieitors or tho State at general elections, .mi
person elected to the oBlio of Auditor General or
State Treasurer shall bo capable ot holding the
same office for two consecutlvo terms," su us to
The terms of tho Secretary of Internal Affairs,
tho Auditor Oeneral. and the Stato Treasurer
shall each be four years; and they shall be
chosen by the (.uallfUd electors of the Stnto nt
general (lections; dui a fciaio ireasurer, eieciei.
In ihe year one thousand nlno hundred and nine,
shall servo for three iear. and his successors
shall be eleited nt the general election lu Ihe
year one thousand nine hundred ana twelve, ami
to every fourth year thereafter. No person
elected to tho oillco ot Auditor Oeneral or State
Treasurer f-hall be capable of holding tho same
omce for two consecutive term?.
Amendment Three To Article Five, Section
Section 4. Amend sectlou eleven of article fire,
which rends ub follows:
"Except aa otherwise provided In this Consti
tution, jufllres of the pence or aldermen shall be
elected In tho several wards, districts, boroughs
and townships at the time ot the (lection of ten
stable)!, by the untitled electors thereof. In such
manner an phall be directed by law, and shall be
iommlslontd by the Oovcrnnr for n term of
five years. No township, ward, district or bor
ough, shall elect more than two justices of the
peace or uldt rmen without the consent of a ma
jority of the Qualified electors within Buch town
htiln. ward or Woucn: no rcrson shill ho elected
lo such olllce unless he shall have resided within
ihr township, borough, ward ur district for one
)oir tit xt preiedlng his elvtlon. In titles con
taining over fifty thousand Inhabitants not moro
than ono alderman shall be elected In each ward
or district," so as to reads
Except as otherwise, provided In this Constitu
tion, Justices of the peace or aldermen ehall bo
elected In the several wards, districts, boroughs
or townships, by the qualified electors thereof, at
tho municipal election. In such manner ns Bhall
be directed by law, and shall bo commissioned
by the Governor for a term of six years. No
township, ward, district or borough shall elect
more than two Justices of the pence or aldermen
without tho consent of a majority of the qualified
electors within Buch township, ward or boroush:
no person fhall be elected to Buch office unless
he shall havo resided within the township, her
nmih, ward or di'rlct for one ear next preced
ing his (lection, fn cities containing over fifty
llmusand InhnblUnts, not moro than one alder
man shall be elected In each ward or district.
Amendment Four To Artlclo Five, Section
Section 5. Amend section twelve of artlclo five
of the constitution, which reads as follows;
"Ia Philadelphia there Bhnll be established, for
each thirty thousand Inhabitants, one court, not
of record, of police and civil causes, wlth-Juris-dictlon
not exceeding one hundred dollars; suin
(ourts shall be held by roiRlstratrs whoso term
of oftico shall be five years and they shall be
elected on general ticket by the qualified voters
nt large; aud In lbs election of the said magis
trates no voter shall vote for moro than two
thlrdB of tho number of persons to be elected
when more than ono are lo be chosen; they ah ill
bo compensated only by fixed salaries, to bo paid
by said rounty; and shall exerclFe such Jurisdic
tion, civil and criminal, except as herein pro
vided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, suljtet
tu hucIi ihaugc-s, not involving au lucieubi! of ilvil
JurUdttliou or conferring political dutlm, uk may
be made by law. In Philadelphia tho ofllco of
uldmnau l abolUhed, ' so us to read ns lollows.
In Philadelphia thero shall be tstablibhed, tor;
mill thirty thousand inhabitants, ono court, not
ot record, of policu uud civil euuses, with Juris
diction not exceeding ouo hundred dollar, ouch
courts shall bo held by magistrate whoso term
ot ofllco fchall bo blx years, uud they shall be
elected ou jtntrul ticket ut tho munulpal elec
tion, by tho qualified voters at large; aud lu Ihe
election of tho said magistrates no voter shall
votu for moro than two-thirds ot tho numbir ol
pc-ri-ons to be fclccwd when moro than one are to
bv chosen; they shall bo compentaled only by
fixed salaries, to bo paid by said lounty, aud
shall cxerelcu such Jurisdiction, civil and crim
inal, exiept as heniu provided, as Is now exer
cised by aldenuiu, subject tu fcuch changes, nut
Involving un lnereae uf civil Jurisdiction or ion
ftrriug pulitltul duiiis, u may b made by law.
lu Phitudt Iphlu the olllt u of uld ruiau Is nbollkhc-d,
Aiutuduii-nl Six To Article Eight,
Section 'three
Si'tion G Ameud xcctiou two cf urllclo tight,
whiih nads us follows
'Ihe general election shall bo held annually on
the luexday next following Iho firt Monday of
November, but tho Oenerul Assembly may by law
fix a different day, two-thirds ot all the members
of each House consenting thereto," so as to read:
The general election shall be held biennially on
the Tuesday next following tbo flrtt Monday of
November la each even-numbered year, but the
Oeneral Assembly may by law fix a different day.
two-thirds of all lhe members of each Huumj (un
denting therclu: Provided, That fauih election
shall always be held lu an evin-numbertd veur.
Amendmeut Six To Article Eight, Si e lion Three.
hictlou 7. Amend sectlou thrco uf urllclo eight,
which reads aa follows;
"All lectloo for city, ward, borough nnd
township offlcers, tor regular terms of Krvleo,
shall ho held oa tho third Tuesday ot February,
""a? Judges ilcctcd by the electors of tbo State
at large may bo elected at cither a general or
municipal election, us circumstances may require.
All t lections for Judges ot tbo courts for tho sev
eral Judicial districts, and tor county, city, ward,
borough, oad township offlcers, for regular terms
of service, shall be held on the municipal election
day; namely, tho Tuesday next following the
first Monday of November lo each odd-numbered
year, but the General Assembly way by law its a
different day, two-thirds of all the membini of
t-arh House consenting thereto! Provided, That
such e-lcctlou shall always be held la aa udd-
nUAendmeutaSeven-To Article Eight, Section
Fourteen, , ,
Section . Amend tectlon fourteen ot article
right, which reads as follows:
"Olstrlct election boards ehall consist or a
Judge and two Inspectors, who shall W choita
annually t the litems. Knih elector shall havo
Hie- light to vote Ii r the judge und one limpet) or,
and ea ll iiifpiUir rliall nppolnt one chrk Tho
tlrM ileiilun boaitl i r uuy n w district Mm 11 bo
-ili.titl, m tul v.t'iuitm iu i In. no n buards tilled,
im hlinll be provided by law. Election ollicers
ihall it priviltMd Hum rie-l upoll dns of elec
tion, and while i ng.igi d in making up ami trans-
UlllliHg Itliilllh, (Ail,-! l.p 11 VMlttllllL of a (OUlt
nf let-old ut judKc- iliiHot, lor mi ild tiuu fraud,
rur f lui), or for wmiiuii breach of the peace In
Hits tin-) may claim exemption from jury duty
durum th Ir turns uf nrvui, ' to ns lo read:
Dirtibt i lei tion board shall consist uf u Judgo
and two tupciluri, who shall be chosen bltn
ulallv, by the citizens nt the municipal diction;
but the Ocuetiil Assembly may itquilo sahl boards
tu be uppottiti d lu such iiHiumr us It may by
iiw provide. Iiwa tegulating tho appointment
uf said boards may bo enacted to npply to cltlci
uniy: Pruvidid, '1 hat such laws bit uniform for
titles of l lie Fame (lass. Each elector fchall havo
Hi" right to vote for Die Judgu nnd one Inspector,
nud caih luspector shall appoint ono tlerk. Tho
.lift . lo. tlon board for nny new district fhall bo
hi li ii tl. nud vauinclen In election boards filled,
it Mull be provided by taw. Lie. lion officers
'-hall to privilege d from arrest upon ilajs of
il'i Hon, and wbilo engaged In making up nnd
iiaiibiuiittiig returns, iiit upon wutuiiu of u
toiiit of uiuid, or Judge tlitreuf, fur uu election
fraud, for fi luuy. or for wanton breaih of tho
ptaie. In uIiph ihcy may claim e-xi mptlon from
jny duly during their terms of service
Amendment Eight To Altlcle 'Iwelve,
Sec tiou One.
Keetinu I. Amend ml tiou one, artlclo twelve,
whl'h rials as follows.
"All iiitictrs, whose selection I not provided
fir in this Cun-lilutlou, Mull bo (lifted or ap
pointed ns may bo directed by law," so ns to
it u
All uillrers, whopo Fi-ldtlon U not provided for
in this ('ou'tllutiou, shall be (Idtdl ur appointed
may be dlricttd by law: Pruvidid, '1 hat elec
tions uf Statu shall bo laid on u etueral
ib cildu day, nnd dictions of lornl oiilcrrs Khali
be Im Id on a. inunli ipal cle-llou d ly, exctpt when,
in It Im r (iie, speriul elcctlous may bu required
to fill um xplred t" ruis.
Amendment Nine To Arliclo Fuurtecu,
Section 'Iwo.
Sertlou 10. Ameud tuition two of artlclo four
tcin, which reads us followo'
( ouuly ciilU i rn Hlial t be elected at the general
elections und t-hall hold their oHlccs for tho term
uf three f-nrs, Uglnnlng on the first Muiuliy of
January next after their election, and until their
ui cu"MurH hiiaii i)C duly qualified, nil vucancles
not olherwlho provided for shall bo filled Iu such,
manner us may be- provided by law," so us to
County ofllf rrt filial! bo elected at tho municipal
cImIIoiih and i-hall hold their oiilces for the term
of four jiurs, beginning en tlio liist Monday of
January iitxt utter their election, nnd until their
tiunert-ors bhall be duly qualified; till vacancies
um othirwlbc provided for, shall be filled in such,
manner ns may bo provided by liw
Amendmeut Ten To Artlclo Fourteen,
Section Seven.
Ft it ion 11. Amend net Ion seven, nrtlcla four
tin , vtiilch rends as follows:
ilirie lounty coinniifhluncis nnd thrco county
auditors shall bo elected lu each couuty whero
Mi h iilliccrh are ehoten, In tho car one llioutnud
tlk'lit hundred and scviuty-tlve nud cvny third
)ar tin re alter, and lu ihe election of paid olficers
ia h qualified elector t-hnll vole fur no more thatt
two persons, nnd the three pirtons having tho
highest number of votes t-hult bo (lei ltd, nny
uiMiai vaiaiuy in tlio ollli u or (ouiity
ur county uuditor shall bu filled, by tlio
court of common pleas of Ihe county In which
budi vui.iijjy -li.t 1 1 occur, by the appointment of
nu fit i (or uf the piopir county who hhnll havo
voted for tho commissioner or auditor whobo
phut W to be filled," so ns lo rind
Three tounty commissioners and three county
auditor-, shall bo elected In each eounty whern
sui h emu is are chosen, In tho jcur uno thousand
ni tie hundred and eleven and every fuuith jear
thereafter; und In. Ihe election of h.ibl milters tach
qualihtd elector shall vote for no moro thin two
pi r-oii . mid iho Ihree pmoiw having the hlgh--t
number of votes shall be elected, any casual
a. an y in the office of iciunty coininhsluiK r or
utility auditor shall be filled, by tho court uf
dmuiioii pleas of the county in which buch a
(uii.y hall occur, by Iho appointment of an
eliLtor of the proper county who bhall have voted
Tor tho tuiumUsloncr or uuditor whot-o place la
to bo filled.
Schedule for the Amendments.
Section 12. That no luconveuieiico may nrlso
fiuiii the changed In tho Constitution of tho
i 'iinitiuiiw ealth, und In order to carry Hi" -iuno
into (uiuplctu operation, It la Inreby di-tlaic-d,
lu lli mHo of officers eU'dcd by the wople nil
terms of ultlto fixed by mi r Asenibly ut nn
otl-l nuuilir of years t-liall eae h bo Pngthened
oi.e hut tl.o Legilaiun may lunge tho
tmuili -l Hie term, piuvided the- ti rins for which
ui h oiiutM aro chded hhall ulwa)s bu fur nu
i v n numb r uf e.irs.
'Ihe .it. ve i-xtenMou ot oiTlc Ul terms t-hnll not
.ifftd mtliiis elected at the general e lei Hon ot
int thousand nine huudinl und dUit nor nny
i Uy, vvurd, borough, township, nr tie lion dl
Ubloti uiilids, whon terms of i!lice under ex
pinig law. did in the one tlmusjnd ulna
hundred nud ten.
In ihe- nnr one thuu and nine iiunilr''d nnd ten
Hit. nn.iili Ipal t ltd luu shall lu held on tlio tain
Tu(day of Februiry, ns ncretoiore
oil'itrs choBin nf that clttUOIV-W Ti
remi ar 1 nu of whuh U Iwo learn, a
election officers and assessors chosen at that
election, shall servo until the tint Monduy ot
liieeinber lu the jenr one thousand nine hundred
and eleven. All ofllcrra c.iobcn at that clectloa
tu olTices iho term of which Is now four years,
ur If made four jcars by the operation of these
amendments nr this schedule, Bhnll rerve until
the tlm Monday of December In the year one
ihounuiid nl no hundred nnd thirteen. All Justices
tif the puie-p, maglstratcH, and iildcrmen, rliosea
nl (hat tin tlon, fhnll servo until tho first Monday
f licimtxr lu the year one thousund nine hun
Ind uud title i n. After Iho cur nineteen hun
dred nnd leu, nnd until the Legislature shall
oilirrwlho provide, all terms of city, ward, bor
ouch, luwtishlp. nnd dccilon division officers shall
begin on the first Monday of December In an
odd-iiumbircd ear.
All eliy, ward, borough, end township officers
huMIng uiMte ul iho date of the approval of these
uioeudmcnls, whot-r terms of office may end In the
ear one thousand nine hundred and eleevn,
shall continue to hold their offices until Ibe first
Monday of December of that sear.
All Judges of iho courts for the several Judicial
districts, and also all county offlcers, holdtn
ulliie nt Iho dato ot the approval of these amend
ments, whoe terms of office may end In the year
one thousand nine hundred and eleven, shall
(onlinue to hold their offices until the first Mon
day of January, ono thousand nine hundred and
A truo copy of Joint Resolution No. 8.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
HtierilT'a sala or real eitale ot Armory
Association Distribution of proceed.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed to
report distribution of aald eetate. will attend
to tbn dutlen of bli appointment, on
FitmAY.OOT. 2. 1008, at 10 o'clock, i.
at bli onice in ibe horousb of (loueidale, at
wbtc ti lime and place all claim against aald
fund rauit be prefentwl, or rceiourau to tbo
fund fordUtilbulion will bplmt.
WM H. LKK, Auditor,
Hrmeidalfl. Bept. 6, 1003. Ht3
SALVE For Plies, Durnn, Sore.