0 The Honesdale Citizen. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908. volume XL. NUMBER 20 r M. SALMON, ATTOHNEY-AT-IeAW. emee-Next door to Pott Oflloe. Formerly occupied by Ilon.W. n. Dimmick. Uouesdale, Pa.. April, 1008. Wit, II. IiKR, rTOHMKY OODH8KIiOB-At.LA W Office oyer Tott Office. All legal builnei! promptly attended to. Uonetdale, Jan. 1, 19W. lyl T71 O. MUMKOUI), ATTORN T AMI COUKIILOR-AT-LAW (Mi-Llbartr Hull bulldlne. onnoslte the Poet DOlce, Uoneedale. Pa. 39yl JJEtlMAN nAHUES, ATTORNEY ANDCOUNSELOR-AT-I.AW Patent and Petitions secured. Office in tbe Court Rouse. Boneidk Pa. 47yl CIHAULES A. McOAnTT, J ATIOHNKY a OOL'NHELOB-at-IjAW UoltDDIll, PBKN'A. Special and prompt attention given to the olleotlon o( olalmt. Office over Keif's new tore, S6y 1 pBTEIl II. ILOFF, VTTORNEY AND COUNSELOO-AT-LAW Jffloe-Al floor Old Baring! Hank building Wyl HoNMUiLl. Pi. JTj P. KIMDIiB. ATTORNEY ADD COUNSELOB-AT-LA W Oyer the Poit Office, Uonetdale Mar , ItM. lyl X. BRAItliKS, ATTORNEY AND OOUN8KMM.AT-I.A DONMDALlt Paitn'A. At the office late of Waller k Bearla. y Ij. HOWIiAND, 1 ATTORNKY-AT-I.AW, Honeidalo. Pa. omce oyer Pott OOiie Jan. 1, 1884, yl gOHEH GHBENB, ATTOKNEY h COUNSELOR AT LAW Office over Keif's New Store. Honetdale, Pa. - S4yl BOW, ATTOKNP.Y UL. AND COUNSELOR AT LAW HoNlSDii.a Office Matonlo building, 2d floor. Q Ii. WHITNKY. LIVERY AND OMNIBUS LINE. Hear of Allen Home llonetd&le, Pa. Deo. 1, 1002. 41yl DK. K. T. IIUOXVN, DENTIST, Offlco-ltt Floor Old Saving! Bank building Honcsdali - Pa. Myl DR. II. B. HKAUIiKS. lIONcstiAi.t, Pa. Office and Residence 1110 Church street opposite Hapttst Church. Telephone O Dice Houre-.!.00 to 4:UU and 7:00 to 6:O0p u J-U. VT. T. McCONVIM,, phyhician and surgeon. Offlco 18 Second ttrcet, formerly occu pled by J)r. J. J. O'Cannell. Uonetdale, March 13. Wi. Myl New Malay Opium Cure Being; Distributed Free by a Hew York Society. Co-operating with missions In Malay, sia, tho Windsor Laboratories of New York havo secured a supply of tho won derful combretum plant, which has dono so much to revolutionize tho treatment i the opium habit. ' A generous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its use, and United States consular reports bearing on tho subject will bo Bent to nny sufferer. To obtain a free supply of this remedy and the consular reports, nddrcssWindsor Laboratories, !ranch23, 131 East 25th Street, New York City. Joseph N. Welch, FIRE THE OLDEST FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY IN aVAYNE COUNTY. Office: 2nd Uoor Masonto Building, oyer C. (!. Jadwin's dnij! (tore, llonesd&ne. How Are Your Eves? With a practical experience of mauy year I am ablntn make a careful, scientific) exnm Inntlnn of the eye, which will result In the application or a giiss that will relievo and help you. If you feel the need of aid for your eyes, ueiay is roily, BLIND. You are blind to your own interest if you neglect to take care of your evei. It Isn't every one who can properly tit you with glasses, and when jou pet.tbem you ihouM iiui 11 UK iumv win in. lUHi iinpniiflM vnii pw a little better. You ML'MT know they are exactly rifiht. We are headquarters foi u, urai kouuh 01 ail KII1U8, All lenues duplicated and frames tohlo on short notice, cheaper than elsewhere. C. F. SPENCER & CO , JEWELERS, Pott Olflcu Building Uonetdale Pa ie New York Daily Press if Bpi- Hav Ftli'ii" nr vrar $4 50 llllilL-u-.1 f ' ' l!r, 50 BOTH PAPERS TO ANY ADDRESS FOR SB GO Acldrn.. Tho Citizen, Uoneedale, Pa SATURDAY BANKING HOURS After June 1st, 1908, 9:00 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon EVENINGS: 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M. HOHESDALE HATIOHAL BAHK Kodol will, without doubt, make your stoiuaclisiroimnnil will ulmost Intlaully ro. Ilivc jou nf Hlltlinnjinploiniuf IliiilKe.Uon. It will do Mils btcausolt Is mado up of the naluiul (lli-'i'Uv Juices of Ills stomach so rouiMncil that It complclcly illm-ils the food just hi tho stomach will do II, so on sct K'o. iliil can't IhI1;io help ou and help you promptly. It Is sold lure by PEII. Tliu fi. C. HAND, I'resmiDL VYM. B. HOLMES Vice President, U. S. SALMON, Cashier, W. J. WARD. Ass I Cashier Afie all nving in largely at mutter of habit. Cultivate the habit, "o matter how much you make tt la the one aure way to Inde pendenrn. You will nnd courteous treatment and ample aecurttv at the WAYNE COUNTY AVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PENN'A. READ THE FIOURES: CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000 HUiti'iiUH aoo.ooo UNDIVIDED KARNINGS, OO.OX'j TOTAti CAriTAIj, $IC)0,OH2 Total Assets. - - $2,680,000 SAVINGS DKPOSITS made on or be fore the tenth day of any month will draw Interest from the ttrtt day of that month. INTKItKST will be paid for all Calendar months on moneys remaining on deposit lliree ("aitndar months or longer. iNTERbgTCOMP()UNI)EI IN JANUARY AND JULY. Small safes lo rent In our BURGLAR PROOF BTEK.I. VAULT. Special attention given to MERCANTILE AcKlUNTM. Deposits may he made by mail. DIRECTORS! II. ('. Hand, W. II. Holves, i J. Smitp, A. T. HCAIIt.lt, P. P. KlVnl.I, W. F. HL'TMAM I! J, Conuhi, II. H. Hai mov. T. II. Ci.Aiia. "Slellej..flrflnf( rnrnllotr" . the .nil (fc.u serves the fniifesl nnif fcst. Only $19.00 For thl rircllont Chumbor Suit In flwly neloctr! coldon Oak Tlic lrncr tim ilnf 4tJ0Oviil hn)r.l I'rtnch l-rr plate mirror, four drnncrs lncludlnir a two-1raer top, daintily cnrvnl mlrro. frame, easy runnlner dmners. I'ull nl7e lied can rtUo tnitch Dresser Commodrt bas splasher tmrk. two cabinets and large drawer. Entire fult well con Btrucied and liennttrullv flnishel. Slml Ur miIU always mall troml23 to lois 00. Carefully pi.cVtM and tttilpixxl frcltibt charges prepaid for 1 190). For fire hundred more designs of handsome and well-made Furni ture, see our factory-price cata logue. Free on request. BINCHAMTON, N. Y. SnEIUFF'HSALK of VALUAHLK HEAL KMTATR. Uy virtue of procps issiind out of thu Court of Common IMojw nf Wavno county, and Htnto of I't'im-yt hiiUi, a to tin direct I'd and delivered, 1 have levied tin and will expoiitt to public wile, at the Court House, Honesdale on FRIDAY O iroUKU 0, at J p. m. All of detenfHnt's risht, tltlo and luter- st In ttiMfolLiffiiii: It-i.Tihii prutHriy. to All that certain pleo or pre-l of I in t siluAleiu thH toiviHhtp of Cnui'Ui, Cointy of Wayne, Hlat ot IVnu-ylMiiii, bounitiJ and ileerihftd ti- follow: "BKUINNINU at the MlUord and Oweeo Turnpike; tlient foutli seventeen tlejiieeji west about twenty-iu'ven rod nut tweniy two links; thentM sixtv-four degrees eisl about nine ro Is and six link ; ttp'iiee not (ti KHventeen dej;reeii east twenty-four rois to the turnpike afotesiid; thence wtMt alo ij; said turnpike about eiirht roiU an I oix links to tbe ptaee of t)eninnini! C)S TAINI VH one and one half iieres of Und more or less. UeitiK same Uu l which Mortlmare Tuthlll i-onveyt-d to Tiuin.m Sprague by ileed dat ed recorded in Deed Hook No. 07, pace 1G5. Upn sat 1 premises U a one aul a Inlf story house aud frame bttru aul olbur Im provements. Seized and taken in exfcutlon as the proii erly of Truman Spramio at the suit of (i. H, (lulher. No. W .Iuiih Term 10h, Juilmont tsW; real debt W. Mumford, Attorney. TEKUS OF HALE, CASH. Purchaser to pay It. fordeoJ as in Sheriff' ales. VM. II. UOAOKNIQIIT, SherttT. BherifT's Othce, Houertdalt. NOTICK OF INCOU1OUATIO.V,-No-tice in hereby mveii tbut an application will be made lo the Oovi rnor of tho Com roonwealtii nf l,enti!ylvania on Monday. October 6, IWW. b Ctmrles IJ. DodllUKer, K. II. Ilardenberli, Martin 11. Alli-n, Henry Wilson. E. A. I'ennlman nnd W. W. Wool, under the Act of tbi Assembly of the Com monwealth of 1 Vim) I v. mm, entitled "An Act to piotide for the incorporation and re. pulation of certalu corporations," approved April TJ. lr", and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation lo be r Ailed 'The Cillncn PubllsbiiiK Com pany, of Honewlale, l'a." the character and obj-ctof which It to puhltitli a newspaper and conduct a peneral publishing and printing buine, and for thene puipOHen to have, ponccfs and eiijoj all the rights, benHUe and nrlvlleces of the said Act of Assembly and Its suiipieinenls. I0wi A. T, LSKAKLE, Honcttdale, Ph., Sept. t'JUH. bolu itor. Tim Card In Effect June 21st, 1908. SCRANT0N DIVISION ;io mi A HIV i hIi.t.v r.in.Mi r' r iv ,11 Ovi 1 M Ar . .i u..u I v0 tot, in t isl inn'MS'tt line' is I05;U " . Hsillcllf . " 2 30 llu3lin " . n, . ..I .. a u ,11) 1DH 13 " r I , t . II. j j ll " ,u 3 35 b sj II Hi " I 1, I l ' a t SVl li M I 1,1 Ir.lrt I Bt4 tt 11 1 " ' I " 8 s p it iiui " i ' u ! ,n n.a j. v ioii u ' ei t oj i. llill.'.i , I V.I. ' in ik 1 1,1,11019 ' IUIIH ' sroiosi 1 HiinT' Ulioit ' ur v m i v S4I0W ' 3i i o fji 4 t fr ( II SOI 1 17 son 4 IJ - Ifl IIS tn sir 4'0 Hi) 4 S3 Oil 4 33, C'.l 4 ST !J 111 I 30 m r w 11 . Arfi, hU.. " .... Wllitnn... ' ...IVClTlllS.. " .. (ilri hsnt .. ' .. JHcki n ... .... 'i'hrnop . Proil I.M1C9.. ..rsrk V .Co.. M r...bCranUiu...Ar A)1llhnAl trslns Wi rnrrnn.lilo for Hiy. esld Yam fit fl ei n in hii). i n S4 pia rtily SlfOpl Siln.Ujr AillIM nal IrMim ln.ro Ma). ntld v ar,l for CArlhin.uiu o ss a ui dally si.a t ;A p. in. dAUy exci'pt ijuiiJAy J. 0. Akdih.o. J. E. Wrlsn, Trsmo llADAirer, IraTclini Afsnt, It Dtarer tit., Kuw Vurk, ticrauion, Vx I.I5T US TAKl! CAKIi OP YOUli l-YIJS? It "III p.iy you lo call at tlie finely ciulppcd GOLDEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS 11. South Main St., OAHIIONDAt.K, PK.VN'A. Ask for Allen'. I 'out Kaso, A powder for swollen, llrml, hot, smart InK ftct. Hutniil" sent KKKK, Also Proo Hmiiplunf th FiniT'Ktsc HAMTAur t'ons. Pap. a new lineiilion. Addro.8, Allen 8. Olmtteud, Lcltoy, N, Y, SEE VICTORY FOR HUGHES. Saratoga Thinks fie Will Be Named Today. LONG CONFERENCE HELD Le.dsrs Talk Over Nomination For Hours Without R.tult Efforts lo ln dues Secretary Root to Enter Field Against Governor Prov. Futile. Struggle Expected Over Platform Planks Indorsing Measures Pushed by Present State Administration, Saratoga, N. Y Kept. 15. rictionil nullon of fiorernor Charles H. Huglien li the rtcptitillcnu etato convention at Its pension this afternoon accins the certain outcome of n bntttu In whu.li inosl of the light Itii; h.ls hveu ilouu by the opposition. No stone lm Iweu loft unturned by the Iciidcrx who desired and still de sire to precut the Kmcrunr'H reiiotnl iiiitinii, aud there is still a cImikc th.it the 111 llud noun.1 way to acintnplMi Ills ilefeiil. At times It ii'cmcd as If the huil le.iihetl Home plan th.it mlKlit le.hl to sue,'., hut us the ths-UlM hour upproiu-lics luip.titl.il itierai's mim no iiieaiis li which tho defeat uf the imi ei nor can aitually lie :ici'oiuillln-l, an. I the antl Htitflies leinlcis them- ves lieu-mi to admit lh.it their eiiuo i t- . 1 1 1 1 1 1 hopeless. The fact that no llepiililli'.iu of national pruiuliieiice I'olll.l lie found to tu!.c the Held amillHt 4IuelllMl' llliulies flllllislles the llilef IumIs for the belief of Hie Koicruor's Kiippniters that his renoiiiltiatlon Is CCIlHlll. Leaders Held Cenference. A lomr confeicuce of Hie Hepuhltcnti ie.nlerM of New Yolk stale was held In the Lnlted Stall's hotel. Tor Imui-s the question of H"' ii'tioiniuatlon of the governor was debated, nnd then the conference broke up witliout any an tiounccit reMilt Klihu ltoot. chairman of the couM'iitl'iu. came out smlllu.' and silent. William L. Ward, nntlon .1 comtnilleenian from New York, sa' I in a tune that Indicated tli.ii;riu, "We've done iiothini: but chew tliirnir." lmtilnr the conference ttie following stateineut was sent out by ('halrnuin Timothy I. Wmwlruff: "This Is n cuifcienee for Hie eil lais consideration of the present situ i Hon. niefliody knows theie is con sliloralile sentliiieiit both for alo HL-alii'-t tlie reuomlnatlnu of (iovern Iluiihes, atul we are coiisltletlni; win' action should be taken that will prov, for the best Interests of the Itepule Heap party. We "ate takltur Into con deration each and ociy factor which has etilered into the ease. These fac tors incluile the position of the In Mulcted delegates and Hie known atti tude of President Itooseclt." Those present In the mectluK Includ ed Chairman W Iruff, Seenlary of State Doot, e-i;ocu,ir Odell, Nation nl ('oniiultteciuan Ward. Speaker Wiidswotth. Senators White and It. lines. State Committeemen ltiirnes llendiliks. Aldiiilife, rasMtt. Piirsoiis, OTIrlen and Mott. Coni;iessnian Mi 1 by, Secretary llleiison anil Treasurer Ceori?,' Sinllh of Hie state coiuitilttee. Postmaster !iieiier of llutTalo, i' ('onstossintin I.lttauer of .Montjronicr nnd William Itenl of Kluirs. Hughes' Strength Develops. Detinlle icports fiotii the county del orations, sotne of whiih caucused, de elus'd ileudly tuoiv stivunlh for tlie I'enoniln.itiou ,if the governor tlian an of the polls had shown before, l'li; ures obtained from an nntl-lhiKhes leader K"M' Himhes but twenty dele jrates In Klni;s enmity. The caiH-us of Hint deleuatloii showed thirty-slv votes for 111 in npilnst William Herri, tbe "fiiMiilte son" of Klmi, nnd it was stated on what appeared to bo Kood aulhoilty thai on the ballot In Hie eou M'litlon there would be at least lifty Klaus county votes for the uoveinor's lenomlnatiou. It Is reiiorted that, while the reuoml Iintlon of liovciunr Iluphes may be ef fected on the Hist ballot, a hitler llchl will come on the other places on the tli Lot and on the platform. There wcie Indications that theie would be a stniKle over the platform as bitter us that which seems to hae come lo Its , rlsis over the cuberuato. ila nomination or even more so. Ibeie was Utile difficulty In cettlni; Hii'ouuh u ueuer.il Indoisenieiit of the administration of (!oernor Hushes, '1 he trouble was over specific allusions. hii li as the passive or Hie anlh.iie tr.uk Kaiubliui; bills, but most par lb ulaily to the noieinor's rccounnrn dallon of the on.ii tinent of u direct iiomliiiiHui: pi iiii.il elei tlona law. No s He mi'iitioli Is llkel to lie in of the aulliace tr.uk k.i l i i I 1 1 i i u li'.'lsl.itlon or illicit prlin.irli's. but these tiieisnies nic held by the sul (OUllliltlee on tcsnliitlous to be cov ered III the poiilon Hint coiumends (loMinor lluuhes anil the leKislaturc. Willi 111" rcnomliialloii of HukIics H'einlutil.v "made almost certain by his linloi'Miiiieiit by l'resldcut Itoosetcll, a new Interest was Injected Into the situation, alieady raised to tho high est p'lnt of excitement, by tho effort in. i co Induce Kllhu Hoot, secretary nf .to. to penult tho use of his name. TI- came after It was announced al most definitely that Mr Hoot was by no inesns lo be mnsMered for the nom'iutlon II Is lepnlted thit Mr Itont told ths bsnluis thut he could not think nf tak Imx the uumliiatioii "I tun the senior llieliilicr III I'lcsiil. HI :..ns,'M'lt H illbl 11,'t," be WHS illloli',1 lis sllll "It 1 should do suili a tliliiL-. either I would be incused, ami rlshtly, of disloyalty to the president or he would be ac oiisisl, with p d icuson, nf luslmciltj III Ids altitude tiiwanl tho Kovciuor's rcnnmliiatloii." The tnoemetit to Induce Mr. Hoot te consider the nomination came aftct his nddies's , piesldliirf i.HUer nf the i"ii,-iitln '1 he tlllll Unfiles le.ub I'S seemell to hue slaked ilielr all lii the ciTort to ladiKu Mr Hoot In accept the nouilna. Hon or Koeiii,,r In Hie stcinl of (iov eruor Hughes That Mr Hoot was tin piessed by the strength of the move incut in bis behalf und by the Impor tance of his decision as iilTivtliii; the party leaders, can be stated with tho inmost cuiitldeucu. Nor did lie consid er the Uestlon alone. In Its decision U Is known that he smithl the counsel of men liliih In the leadership of the party. The demonstration which followed Secretary Hoot's mention of the mime uf Mr. Tuft lusted not quite two min utes, ami tho participation wus ton cm!, the entire coiiwutlim rlslnu to lulu In tlio cWiIuk. vUU cue of the bands In tho (tallery played "Tlio Star RpanKled Banner." The applause stop ped when the band atopped playing, but was enthusiastically renewed when n man In the gallery called for "three cheers for William n, Tnft" and again when a New York county delegate pro posed further cheer for "the next president ef the United Statet." Roet at Presiding Officer. Mr. Root will continue to preside over the convention. He Is an Ideal providing officer and evidently held by the men who make up the contention In a regard which borders upon affec tion. UU voice la not particularly strong and seems even husky, but It la heard Id every corner ot the hall, and bis commands nl presiding officer aro Instantly obeyed. That the con vention would welcome an opportunity to make him Its ehalce for governor was remarked In many Quarters, and that the anti-Hughes allies had hope of prevailing upon him to yield to their Importunities was made plain In many ways, not lemt when the cheer ing which followed the close of his speech was led by State Committee man William names, Jr., chief of tho nntl-IIUKhee leaden. Mr. Itoosevclt's position on the ques tion of tho rcnorelnation of (lovornnr Hughes was set forth In an official statement. The statemont follows: "The president has been In communi cation with Secretary Root nnd Con gressman Cocks In reference to the governorship situation nud has author Ins! them to state that, while ho hns no Intention of dictating, yet to all his friends w ho have spoken to him on tho matter he has said In tiie strongest possible terms that he favored tlio re nomination, of liovcnmr Hughes." BRYAN ON THE K0HRS LETTER Says It Was Expected President Roosevelt Would Praise Taft. Baltimore. Kept. liV-WlllUm J. ry nn Hpoke twice in Mnrylund, tbe first time at Ammpolls, where be discussed the Issue uf tbe c;unp)itti, nnd in tbN city In tbe fifth llcts'lmeut tinimry lie also Nsued a reply tu President ItooieveltH letter to (mrud Kohra con m lend tnir Mr. Taft. In bis address here Mr. Ilryan de voted most uf hU time tu a dUctissluti uf the name lnues tb.it be 1ms pre-tetit-cd elsewhere, but he added a little lo cal culorlmt by cpluli.ini; tint In some of the titles of the east the ltemo.-rat Ac party was at a dls-tdvnntane. btv cause It not only lacked the mc.ms of pcttluu bemocr.iltc polities hefme the voters, but was subject to mNrcpre pent nt Ion as to such policies. He stated with emphasis that there was notbltitf In tbe Democratic pl.it form that need alarm any legitimate tult-r est. "A few plain, simple sentences from Mr. Taft will be worth more than tho euloRy that tbe president pronoun, ed The president's Indorsement Is of no value unless tbe president will agree to stay In Washington nnd see that Mr. Taft makes sood." In tbee words William J. Bryan RUinmed up his opinion of the letter of President Hoonevelt commending Mr. Taft. "It was expected, of course." said Mr. Hryan, "that President Itoos?. volt would support Mr. Taft." Mr. Itrynn cxpresHed hlmnelf ni CToatly pleased with the result of the Mnlne election, lie said It Indicated n trend toward the Demorrntle party extending over the entire country. PRISCILLIAN WINS HANDICAP. Conceding Weight to Hit Field, He Takes Occidental Easily. New York, Sept. IS. -Prlscllllnn, car rylm; top weight, 1.M pounds, and con ocdlnir weluht to his entlio Hi'ld, won the Occldcntiil handicap, one and nnc idKhth miles, at CiniM'sond In the fust lime of 1 .",2. lb- had to lie ridden nut at the end to win. as Muster Hubert closed strong. Daiiilcllon was third, l'rlsclllluii went Into the lead early mid. making all the pace, won. Pashlon Plate hi w limine, the I'lnt 1 mils stake made a new track record for the and a half furlongs, running the distance In 1 t hi l.,-,. Suiumuiles: Plrst Hace.- liar None, first; De Miiml. second: ltcrij Maid, third Sccouil Hace I'conoiny, tlrst; Stel l.ilund, sccuel; Haiiirod, Ihlrd. Third Haie-ra-hlo'i Plate, first; I.iiwtoti Wlunins, s,-,.,,ii,); Hojul C'ap tlie. 1 1 It si. rouitli H.ue.-Pilseililan, lirst; Mas ter Itnbeit. second; Taiiilelion, Hilnl I'lrth Hace The Sipilie. tli-st; Lord St.mboie, s md; Tajlor. Hilrd. Sixth Ilaie -Wall Plowtr f.rst; De. teethe, second; r.ffttiidl, Ihlrd. BASEBALL. fie te of Games Played In the Na na! and the American Leagues. - NATIONAL LEAGUE At Now York Now York. 4; flrooklyn. 3 (to InnliiK"). Ilattorlss-Wlllsn und Ilresnahan; Hurker, Pustortus and Dunn At riillauVlphla-lJoston, I, I'litludul ptila, .1. llittterlss chsppalle and Uower nian; McQulllen and Dooln. STANDING OP THE CLUBS. w. I P.O. w. L. P.O. New York S3 M .641 Cincinnati 4 70 . 474 chlCHfo.. H CI A3) Boston ..M 77 .til I'lttslmrk- S3 tl .C17 nrooklyn.4l SO .311 I'hlU'ihla71 Si MS St Louis. 44 87 .931 AMKHICAN LEAGUE. At H.istnnUoston, 2. Nw York, L ItAtterU-s Mttele and Donuhuo, Luke and Klulnow At Hi. I.ouU-St. I-ouls, t; Detroit, t IlAttertos Powell and smith; Dunovan and Schmidt. At ChlciiKo-ClSTeland. 10; Chicago, 4. Batteries Joss and llemls; Owrn, Man uel nnd Bulltvan At XX'ashtngton Washington. 2; I'hlla dclphtn. 1 (10 Innings). Ilatt.rles Kts'luy und Streut. Sulve and Powlts Second Game Philadelphia. 5. Wastilliff ton, 0 (1 Innings) Huturttjs Cuombs und Iuip. Ket ly and Btruvt Hl'ANDING OP THi: CLUDB. W L. P C IV I. P C. II, Irilt 71 M 5T.1 I'lillil'I'lils i.l 7 iXS I'tilonKO 7f "J fiil Iloslnn . iifl OS 4SS i'l. s.-l mil 7f. ul f,. WsshMntl 71 IM tit l."UU TJ t US New York 43 Us 3J Bank Examiner Exonerated. Washington, Sept 15.-John II. Oin nliiKham, the national bank exiimlntr xvho reienliy closed the Cosmopolitan lunik of l'lttslairu', was In Waslilnuton In consultation with Comptroller Mur ray. A curcful Inquiry has heen in ado of the puhl shed statement that air Ciiunlnghuui had heeii Irlukl n tr. and It Is stilted at the deputtmcut that uo proof bas lieen found. Wind Too Strong For Wright. Washington, ScJ. lfi-On lUe Wrlulit tested tho motor of his aeroplane, and when he returned to tho ncronautlca tcstlni; irrouiids a stroiiK xvlnd xvns lilowlmf from the northwest. Ho there fore decided not to take tho aeroplane out of the shed. While Mr. WrfKht says te cau fly In a xvlnd, he says he would have had dltllculty In starting. Bulgarian-Turkish Row, Sofia, Kept. 15. J. K. Ouechotf, the lliilRiirlun diplomatic nirent nt Con stantinople, has returned hero as a protest iiKiilust the failure of the Turk ish foielEn minister to Invito blm to nn otllcl.il dinner ulvcn to tbe diplo matic body. ELECTION IN MAINE. Republicans Win, but Plurality Showt Falling Off. Portland, Me., Sept. 1.", Although the Hepuhllcatis came off victorious in the state election, Pert M. Pernalil of Poland being choen Rowruor over Obadiah Gardner of Hocklmul, the Democrats bad the satisfaction of see ing the normal Hepnhllcan plurality cut to less than lo.uti votes for the first time In a presidential year for more than a quarter of n century. All four Hcpuhllciiu candidates for concrrcss were elected, mid for state auditor Charles P. Hatch of Augusta, Republican, defeated his opponent. The result as far as known shows a Republican loss of 4 per cent mid a Democratic gain of 32 per cent. On this bnsis tbe Republican plurality In the state Is estimated at about S.iss). Tbo result, which was much closer than nny of the Republican leaders bad anticipated, showed not only the warmth of tbo contest, but tbe popu larity of Mr. Gardner throughout the state. In tho cities us well us in the little rural districts, whore his fame as the head of the state grange, pa trons of Industry, proved a groat vote gainer. The Republicans were on the de fensive throughout the campaign, seek ing to hold the state by the usual pit), rallly by answering the various Demo cratic arguments, which were mainly for resubmission of the prohibitory law, taxation of the wild lands and reform In administrative Method Hut little was said nf national Issues, al though the Republicans tlii'imiji out side speakers sought nt veil Inns points to bring such sulijis tn to the attention of the paople. Tbe vote was the heaviest since lfviS, running well up to 14ii,in. The gain, however, was mainly by thn Democrats, the party xnte increaslin; more tbun la.ism oer Hint of linn, while the Republican vnte fell off about a.rsx). The two patties split even In the twenty cities, euell c.litllllllg ten. The voting wns particulaily heaxy In the rural districts, whore the Democrats made grcut gains. NOTE TO POWERS ON MOROCCO. Germans Raise Objection to French Proposal. Rerlln, Sept. l.V The rr.inco-isp.in Ish note to tbe powers cm Hie Memo can ipiesllon, as published heie, doe not include the repu.unctit of the e Itenses Incurred by the occupation nl Casablanca as one of the enudlllous nf tho recognition of Mulal Hatld, hut re servos tho right Immediately after Hie now sultan has been recognized to de mand u settlement of the iiiestfons af fectlug the Interests of the powers, par. tlcularly the reimbursement of Hie ex penses of occupation. This is an important consideration from the German view point, for the German government Iiuk already stat ed that It would resist any endeavor to put such u burden on -Mni-occo at tho beginning of Mulal Ilatld's lelgu as the payment of sin h a vast sum. which amounts to about iJ'.'ii.isiii.iiik). Germany's position from tlie begin ning uf the occupation has been that tho Trench action was precipitated and that it was prolonged uuiiecessai lly unci, furthermore, that Prance, not Mb rucco, Hhuuld pay the costs. New York Slate Fair Begins. Syracuse. N. Y, Sept. I.", The slxt eighth annual stale fair opened witli Ideal weather and an attend. nice of O.nOO people. In the hitler the fair coin- inissloners were disappointed and ci In cised the railroads for not giving bet ter rales The exhibits In every de partment are menu uumeioiis than ever before. A loading attraction Is the new mantif.ictuieis and llborul alts building. Lieutenant Governor I.. S. Chaulor, president of Hie fair commis sion, was on the grounds and express ed himself as highly pleased with tile completeness nf the exhibits. Hearing In the Thaw Case. Scranton, Pa , Sept. in. Attorney Al bert I'. Mjera of Pittsburg appeared before Judge Archhald In the federal court here to ask for a rule to slnuv cause why Harry K. Thaw should not be declared 111 contempt of court for his failure tu appear In Pittsburg on Priduy last at the hem lug betore Ref eree Itlalr In the Thaw hnif.utplcy proceedings, .ludge Archhald granted the rule and llxed Monday next to hear the argument. Reception For Our Admiral. Albany. West Australia, Sept. in. Hear Admiral Speiry, coiuinnnilcr In chief nf the American battleship licet now vlslilng this coaling port, and a number of otlleors caiue ashore. The admiral was received at thu Jctly by the premier of Western Australia. X J. Moore, and the party proceeded to the Rotunda, the route tu which was thronged with enthusiastic natives, who constantly cheeieil the vlsiiors, 8ee Woman Fall From Vlndow, Chicago. Sept. IS -Mrs. Il.utlet Sle vens, twenty-four 5 ears old, wife of Charles II. Stevens, general agent of the Chicago, poena and St I.oui- i.iil road. Jumped or loll trom the window nf her apaitinent and died afb r strik ing II roof seventy feet below. Ste vens told tin' police that lie h.nl ipi.ir ribsl with bis wife P.isenuers 011 a panlng street car suw hrr full. Weather Forecast. Pair; fresh northwest winds. Live Slock Market, CATT1.I. Hull'1) Un'1' i" ilkel tnrly: hoi. 1 . I'to. 1'.. Iilllll'. f"..l.''"' Vial eiilv. l-.is MuiiS It'icll'l. fnlr. mirk, t dull; prime heavlis T 3.'..7 I'l; ineitl'llns 17 till 73:,, ii. my XuiU'Ts I7iu7;a. hum v..iu crs f,. 7i'.e'. '.' plus $i.iti ur,, roughs i.- ,, t)lli:i:P AND I.AMI1S - SiilipK Imlil. nutrkit stonily on tainlm and lovvn en stic-p. prime vvetli, rs. njf.ul.!.'.; culls and common, S.Xi3; lambs, flaS.sS. General Markett. New Yoik, S"pt II nUTTEn-Stendy nnd In fair ,1'iuui'l; eilra vcslein creamery, S'to ; d i , mar by prints, 27c. UCIGS-l'Irm nnd In good demand; Penn sylvania und oihir nearby Ursts rue cases. J4c. nt mark; do., current rec. Ipts, In returnable cases, 23c. nt mark, vveBi crn tlrats, free case b. 24c. at mark, elo., current receipts, free cases, 23c. ut mirk. CIinESE-rirm und In fulr demand; New York full creams, choice, Ual3c,; do , fair to eood. H'toUc. LIVE TOULTRY - Dull, but steady; fowls, !Vil3iic 1 old roosters, faSHc; spring chickens, Italic. DRESSED POt'l.TIU'-Bteady and. In fair el. round; fresh kilted fowls, c holer. lIHaltc.i do, fslr to good. 12Hal3c: old roosters, 6He-1 nearby broilers, 17al9o.; western, ao., ItilJc. is s u ' , wc- EXPECT FIGHT IN ROCHESTER, Unseating of McCarren Men May Bring War Today. CONVENTION BEGINS WORK Opening Session Devoted to Temporary Organization, the Real Labors of As semblage Coming Tomorrow Chan ler and Gerard In Lead For Guberna torial Nomination Brooklyn Sena tor's Men Barred Out by State Com mittee. Rochester, N. Y, Sept. 1.". The Dem ocratic state convent Ion which met here tenia' to tiotuluatei a candidate for governor and the sU other state olllees will eemllnc itself toilny to tem porary organization, listening tu tbe speech nf .ludge' Meirgau J. O'Rrien as teuiporaiy 1 bali iiiaii and itppeilutltig of cointullti'es on organization, contested seats an.l n-solutlons. It will then ad journ until tomorrow. The Indications are that the proceed. Ings of the committee nn ceiiite'sted seats will be chararterlzeel by turbu lent preice'i'dlngs as the result of the ue Hon nf tbe state committee In re moving from tlie temporary roll the tinines nf two McCarren delegations fmtn Kings districts mnl tbe refusal nf the1 ceiminlttiHi to suli-stltute the names nf up state delegate's for tlioso representing factious defeated at the rccont primal les. rollovvlng Hie action of the state committee In casting out the two Mo C.irreti elele'gatbuis the llrnoklyn dele gatus, representing eighteen ellstrlct.s, caueuseel unit decldexl after n moet ex citing session to Insist upon the Heat ing nf the entire fifty-four delegates representing those districts or to walk out nf the ceuiviMittoii In u body. Fight May Not Result. It Is not nt nil certain, however, that mi nf the" .McCarren ebdegates will lie thrown nut or that any ilolcuatcs not e'lltltleel tee tbell se'llts limy In. permit ted to retain Ihe'in ii.. lb Cb.ulcs K. CONVIINTION IIAI.I., Itc it'll HSTKR .Muitdiy .met Mute' Cliaiitiian Couners itiillc.'iteil as 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 when the assured .linlge lioii'i'-li., nf tllold.l tliat the eloiegiites from ills 1 .iiiniy will be scat eel It Is said Hut II Is Murphy's Inten tion to lull in with Hie hannoiiy pro gniiiiiiiii nl Cemneis after llm report of the ceiiumitte e eai e I eib'iitbils litis been lece'lve'il mnl thai leeilli be anil Con nors will Igiinie Me Canon in the con stitution of the state ticket and tho adoption nf the platform. At tbe c oue'litsioti nf extended nnd .significant cniifcreiices. participated In by all of tbi' Democratic state leaders, Hie nebulous conditions surrounding Hie nomination nf a candidate for gov ernor tneik definite1 form, and the prob lem was doe I. iie'il to have' been reduced to n choice between Lieutenant Gov I'lnor I.i'wis Stiiyvesant Chnnler, who was ingest by State- Chairman William 1. Centners, and Justice .tames W, Gt rard nf New York city, who was an iioiimeel as the choice of Charles P. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall. The lace seeme-d to have resolved It self Into a contest betwi'on Hie up state elelcgatcs, who we're declared to be stiongly In favor nf Mr. Chanler, and the Tammany delegates, with their alliances throughout thu state, who follow eel the suggestions of Mr. Murphy. Gerard's Name a Surprise. .Tustlce Gerard lias long been promi nent In Democratic councils In New Yoik 1 Ity. .n one participating In the confer I'liees was willing to say positively that the race had boon settled In favor either nf .Iutko Gerard ur of Mr. Chaiili'r. The name' nf Supreme Court Jusil, ,, Philip II IMigrn of New York city was also brought Into the discus sion of eaiiilieliiti's for llrst place on the tlekel, and It was Intimated that l.o was looked upon by Tatiimany Hall Willi favr si'iniid niily 1n thai of Jus Hie Gei'.uil himself. The names of prai Ih ally all other c aiullelates took cm seiouelai.v Interest. The friends ot Ceiiigri'ssinaii William Sulzer. however, lontlnueil his i.iiiillelai y and ilechireil th.'.v felt sure ur RW voles. A dele gation nf lis) r.lmlru Dcinocrnts came nil to urge the iiiMiiluutlun of Colonel I MX Id C. Robinson of Chviiiiiug for governor. The' slate platform will Indorse tho cninllil.il y and policies of William JcnniiiLs Hr.v an In glow lug terms. Tho eiitlti' Denver platform will be hearll l.v iippi-nied. c-pe'e billy the planks as to labor and Inliinctlons and the guar nut f bank ele .isis. The administra tion e,r c; or Hughes will be con- lle'Ullle el. Italian Uses Pistol and Poison. Deibv, Conn. Sip'. t-V M'eila tin laro. 1111 Italian. llU'd I've shots from a levedvcr nl Mis Tei'slna Presla, n fellnw countrywoman, tbii'e nf Ibem taking elTeet Ro1.ii" then tied and IIS the polloe were about to attest 1 1 1 til 0 Khe.it ti l iter kw allowed two nunii'S nfeaiboll, in lil living soon aftcrvvard. The' motive lor Hie Khootlug Is thought to have- been revenge'. Mrs. Prnda's condition Is kiiiii in ne v 1'iy serious. Honors Even In Golf Match, Gatdeli City, N. Y.. Sept. in.-Ken-iielli lMwauls nf Ibe Mldlotliliiti Conn try club. Chicago, ellvleled the beinurs with Waller .1. Travis of iiatloual mid I li I .'in a 1 1, ma I fume In the llrst medal play round nf eighteen holes, which opened Hie foiiiteentli annual chain plntishlp t e u 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 -11 1 uf the I'ulted. States Golf iissoe liitbui nn thu Garden City links. Iloth went around In TU. Ball Player a Suicide. Nashua, N. II., Sept 1,". Charles Van Zaiult, u ei'iilcr Itchier of Hie Al liaiiyJt'iiiu of Hie New Vork Stale tnltle'i1 sulildc at his homo iiere by aliootlm' T.elf through the heart. ----i- . JUL The County Fair. An a general preposition then? Is at least one ndvantage which tho Amer ican county fair has over all similar functions In other lands. It Is held t a tlmo of year when It is n delight Id this country to be nllve. For many reasons the county fair Is perhaps tho most attractive of our national Insti tutions. Bo long os It remains true, ss has been sahl, that the typical American is either a former, a farm er's son or a farmer's grandson so long must the county fair, which Is our harvest home, remain tho most significant of our social Institutions. The county fair brings about the chlof annual reunion of tho whole body of people In n district, giving busy neighbors a chance to brush up In ac quaintance nnd compare notes on prog ress and also on problems. There are numerous side features, such as tho flirting and tlio courting of tho young folks, tho shows from town and tho candidates looking for votes tho while they talk shop to tho farmer. How ever, thl ail belongs to life, es It averages and mokes everybody feel kin to everybody else. A fair wholly devoted to the scientific sldo of agri culture would be nnothcr hint to the boys to leave tho farm or die of the blues. For another thing, the county fair places honest nature on exhibi tion and puts up a show that Is really entertaining In spite nf Its plain, mut ter of fact character. In those days of shnm nnd pretenso and overdone sen sationalism the genuine thing Is n nov elty, and that nionc makes It Interest ing. Long may the ts'st traditions of tho American county fair survive as an uplifting force for the whole commonwealth! Opening New Coal Illn. American enterprise Is now at work upon rullnsuls to run Into n section of British Columbia where a now coal bin has been discovered, comprising an area of 80,000 square miles. A Canadian geological expert says that 22,OeTO,000,000 tons of fuel will be avail able by the time tbe roads aro ready to transport It. Alberta Is the center of this now coal lielt, which lies not far from tho Unit ed States boundary In the cxtrcmo northwest People In this country can now burn all tho coal they can pay for without shivering at tho thought that a few more winters will exhaust our national bin, which, after nil, has done very well In keeping Jack Frojt "moving on" during the last half cen tury. Then to think that tho 22,0(X), OcXt.000 tons "Immediately available" over there ore barely worth mention ing In comparison with what remains to bo brought to tho BurfaccI Recently the cables told of a visit by the king nnd queen of Spain to the cx Empress Eugenic of France la her re tirement In Kent, England. This Spanish tody, who as tho consort of Napoleon III. rat the fashions In dress I for the women of the wholo civilized world nnd the memory of whoso cx qulslto taste and fancy Btlll lingers In the French capital, Is nosv eighty-two years old, but In good health, alert of mind and the prldo of her small neigh borhood. In a land where tho vast mapoiity of people live by the work of their lunds tho celebrants of public holidays aro ueeeuBurlly working men and working women. Consciously or unconsciously two of our most widely observed holi days signify man's adaptation to na ture. Memorial day Inaugurates the summer outing season, and Labor day marks Its close. The Japs ore as angry over tho post ponement of tho world's fair and the prospective inflow of foreign money as they would hove Iieen over putting up taxes to finance tho scheme, so In call ing It off the mikado landed "between tho devil and tho deep sea." According to tho London Mull, both labor and capital nro Idle In England to nn extent which may well cause alarm. The most noticeable slump Is In tho shipbuilding trade, traceable, It Is sold, to "tho abnormal cost of produc tion nnd the shrinkage In freights." Tho transition to Jean do Rockefel ler as the name of the oil king Is very simple and manifestly proper In view uf recently discovered noblo lineage of tho American Rockefeller clan. Tbe true polllicil spellbinder can stand nlinoit an thing from his audi t'lice, but Is more or less Jarred when tho morning pipers merely mention that ho "also fpoke." Wo never hear of the votca of dead men figuring on thu sldo of tho dead candidate. They are uIvvii.vh charged up against the fellow who wins. The man who recently started a yel low fever alarm "as n Joko" ought to dream nf fire olid crush himself to death In his own panic The fame nf the aeronaut and aviator Is short lived this car, for a new world's reeeiiel Is often nnnoiinccd Is) fore the real slgnllicance of tho for mer one Is properly sized up. That Itoiubeiii duke who Is to tour this country will bo likely to feel "llko a cat In a strange garret" when ho strikes the ever widening prohibition belt. When city policemen get to ahootlng stray dogs by tho wholesale, "Innocent bystanders" 6a well to stand on the BOfo slds of "nine good armor belt. J. P. Morgan came home after a rest and recreation trip abroad declaring that he knew absolutely nothing about business, but he promptly pulled off his coat and ret the wheels In motion llko nil old hand. Ilolley's comet Is expected after nn absence of seventy-two years, and It will surely blink when Inspecting th chauges around Uucla Gam's farm since Its last call, That "ofllco loy" elgbty-nino years old will hardly have thu gall to plead "grandmother's funeral" aa an excuss ,when tw nU lo to to a ball gam. LEADER'S VIEWS ON SOCIETY." Mrs. Astor Criticises Circus Methods. BEST WOMEN UNKNOWN. They Do Not Get Their Name. Into tha Newspaper!, Declares Aged Matron. Says Legislator! Dai. Titles to Pub Ho Favor on Uncouth Mannera and Lack of Refinement "Younger 8et" All Right, She Asiertt. New York, Sept 13. "I hone mr In. fluenco will be felt In ono thing, and that Is In discountenancing the undig nified methods employed by some New York women to attract a following-. They have given entertainments that oeiongeu under a circus tent rather than In n gentlewoman's house.' Midi Is perhaps tho moat strlklna- ut terance In an Interview with Mrs. Wil liam Astor, who was for years the leader of Now York society, tho pat cm of elegance nnd of refinement In the social world In America. Tlio Interview with Mrs. Astor U published In the .fiillneator. Mrs. As tor In continuing her reference to tbe undignified methoels of certain women Is cpioted as follows: Their sola object h notoriety, a thing that uo lady over seeks, but rather shrinks from. Women of this stamp nro few In Now York; but, alas, they nro so appallingly active! They have done untold harm to the good name of American society In tbe minds of foreigners. Rssl Society Leaders Unknown. "The host women In New York so ciety, those of the greatest Influence and those who give It Its true tone. are almost unknown outside ot their own circle. 'It Is perhaps true that our young people frequently go Into excess In amusement, but they are not degen erate, and they are not vicious. hen our girls marry tber rear large families of children. They are In lore with their husbands and de voted to their Interests. "Many of our senators and congress men seem to base their title to public favor upon their uncouth manners and luck of refinement, upon the fact that they hare discarded socks or once wore blue jeans. Although I hare been In Europe a great dcnl, I have always returned to my country with renewed Interest In It. I believe In a republic, and I be lieve In n republic In which money has a good deal to say, as In ours." TAFT REPLIES TO BRYAN. Says H la Willing to Run Far Offloa' on Hie Own Reoord. Cincinnati, Bept. 15. William H. Taft read Mr. rtryiu's comment on President Roosevelt's letter to Conrad ICohrs of Montana. He prepared Im mediately n reply to Mr. Bryan, In which he said: I stand on my record in office and on what I have sntd. Mr. Bryan should devote a little time to his own record. from which he seems to be struggling to separate himself with all the adroit ness acquired In a twelve years' hunt for an Issue on which he can be elect ed president." s Mr. Taft, who Is Bfty-one years old todny, will celebrate the dsy by ad dressing 1,(100 citizens of Greenfield, Ind., In the afternoon and attending the conforcnto of the African Meth odist Episcopal church of Ohio In the evening. Ten days of traveling, with almost constant speaking, have been planned for William II. Taft, the Republican candidate for president The trip will be made on a Bpeclal train starting from some Illinois point, probably Chi cago, about Sept. 25. The tour will ex- tend as far north as Minneapolis ana Forgo, N. D.; as far 'south as several points In Kansas and west to Denver. LETS DOG BITE HIM TO SAVE OTHERS. Boy of Twelve Proves Himself a Hero. New York, Sept. lti.-Arthur Blank, twelve years old, of Glondale, Queens borough, wus on his way to school with other boys nnd girls whsn n sav age dog threw the little party Into a panic. Arthur selsted the animal by the hind legs anil, notwithstanding It bit him severely on both of his legs, held It until the lot of the boys nud girl hud escape-el to places of safety. Then lie threw tho dog out Into the street nnd ran Into n hallway and closed the door. A policeman shot the clop, and the brave boy who had rl-ke ! himself to save others was taken la i'. i'"iinan hospital at sh'ii iulo o.c . : i i n-.l. Platters on-) Cu'.o. Although court plaster Is tit-.-fi.l hi protecting small scratches nr abrasions of thu skin from burin. It ihniild not bo used over any loiisic'.ciable cut or wound In process, of healing. These) will heal iniii.il faster If simply cov ered with u bit nf soft linen held la place nt the ends vvith strips of sur geon's piaster Considered by Connecticut Democrats. New Haven, Cnnn., Sept. 15. No Democrats of prominence who will have anything to Uo with the modeling of the stute ticket und pisiform at the state convention In Hartford, which will begin tonight, come forward with a prediction to tlie shite. It looks as If Judge A. Heateui Robertson of this city, n director of the New York, New Hnvcn nnd Hartford Itullroad compa ny, will lie named fur governor, and Joseph P. Tnttle of Hartford, an at torney, will be given second place. Railroad Men and Capitalists Join. Chicago, Sept. 15. Prominent rail way olticiuls and representatives of la bor organizations whose members are employed on rallwaya organized the American Railroad Employees and In vestors' association. Among the pur poses of the organization or the en couraiemeut "by every proper method of cordial and friendly feellnii on the part of the public toward Americas (aUrggda and their btjUiy."