THE CITIZEN iu iuwk. . ,, r ua fnUistsa a, THCBSKAY-MOKXINO. UT. 10, UEFCUUCUI TlCKt-T. XATIO.VAU rtm raxsnuxseT. WM. HOW AUD TArT. fit OLIO. WB T7C rKiurT, JAVE5 H. PHK&MAX. tf Tort. ron axrcroB at LtBac MOK&l L CDurHIEH, I Ituladt-lplila. lltNJAMLK F. JONES. Jr ol Ilttstmre. m nmici siacrosa. Dirt. 1 Jottn Run S H. A. Davis X r T. imdk K. A. GlnitM. 1 K. W. fall mi C ;, J. FJliMt T-o. r tiMs S J. II. Ihn. IT ST. 8. f-lt Jft-Robt. C Krai. Sr. 19 J. C Mllswman 31-Ttotrm Htillsv n vc. r. lisrmiiat J A. W. MlCuUouft XX J. T. IUrt-r" i'l Juflpr J. r. nvinr J s.'. I. stsiMinao r. i.owumi lt-41nl. & A- PluUlJit 3-Urnnu Simroi 11 J. Is J-Wfll 4. 4. llro tj John XlalLiaS 5- KlM It- A. II. lllUrr i-J. G Mi ultx llW. X. Jiit TO-O. A. MalKtnrk n ;s w. wmiMrn si a. il Mw 1C II. J, Wailrr. Jr. X2 H. L. "'""illianis STATE. rus jciksk or srrxsioa corar, Wit 11. PORTER, ol Allitbur. KISTRICT. rtta ctoobbss; CHARLES C I'RATT, of Susqosiialioa. eOCNIT. roa urwmtnn W. E. PF.BHtM, T Mount l-ssaaant. rua s&ekut. M. LEE BitAMAX. ol Honrtaale. roa rsornoKOTAJiT, lie, fALLACE J. BARKER, o( Bnrlm. ios minn axis beocibuck. ALFRED U. BLAKE, ol Brtbasv. rUK COLX11 COMMISSI CTTrn. J. E. BORKBECKjOl Equiuunk. THOMAS C MADDEN, ot Ilrabvr. ro mint AcmroBK, ARTHUR W. LARRABEE, ol Plann-ia. W. BROCX IXSflEtt. of Blnlim. FOB ItlSTJUCT aTTOSTBT. MTRON E. SIMONS, of UoDale. Elect! oa TneadBy, Moremtwr t, lwfi. The Ctmiac Election in Kline. Tbe State election in U aise will be be Id next Monday. Unlike tbe Vermont State elections, is not to be retarded M in ay ftabelantial ienee an indication of tbe rtwolt of tbe Presidential election to be bold In "oremter. Wben tbe BepnbUean majority at tbe Vermont State election in September ba (alien below 23,000, tbe Ee pnbliean can didate for President bas been defeated iu tbe following November. Till ban hap pened twice in lftst and 119i, and on both oooaaious UroTer Cleveland was elected President. In Maine, there bas been no rucli eequenoe between State and Preeidential elections. In Septem ber. 19S0, tbe Republicans lott tbe Uot ernorby 18; but In November liarQelJ waa elected President, and carried tbe State try a plurality of S,f over U an eock, and majority of over all oi pooentfi. In IBM, tbe Republicans elect ed Inji Uovernor by a plorallty of 19.SS1, bat Cleveland was elected PrmidenU In 13931 Republican was elected Governor by plurality of lS.ML, but in November ClAela&d was again elected President. For tbe past loax yean, tbe State elec tions in Maine have been largely affected by tbe question of Prohibition. In 1D04, Oobb, Republican, was elected (iovernor bya plurality of SC.tKKI, with a Legisla ture baring a Republican majority of S3 In the Senate and S iu the House. Iu 1903, tbe Legislators inassed tbe "Stargis law," for tbe enforcement of tbe crasti- tational prohibition of tbe sale of liquor. Th operation ot this law gave much dis satisfaction, and in 190G, while Cobb wa re-elected, bis plurality was only "'MS, and .tbe Republican majorities In tbe Legislature were cut down to 15 in tbe Senate and SS in the House. la I'.KJT the legislature repealed tbe, Sturgls law, but tbe repeal bill was vetoed by Governor Cobb. An unsuccessful effort was also made for tbe re-rnbinllon to tbe !eople of tbe question of prohibition. This tear the question of resubmission Is a direct issue. Tbe Republican State Convention declared against It, and in favor of prohibition, while tbe Demo eratio Convention declared for resub mission and for tbe repeal of tbe Sturgis law. The candidates for Governor are B. U. Feruald, Republican, and Ubadlab Gardner, Democrat. Thus the national issues are largely mbordinate to tbe State issue between continued prohibition and the resubmis sion ot the question to tbe tieople. A Yietory ou either side will be no test of even tbe vote of Maine on the Presidrnr) In November. OSS ot tbe stock campaign gags it the oharg of extravagauce by the party in P3wer; aodCol. Bryan clinches this with alleging that the Republican party hat "created ninety-nine thousand new of fices." It would be much more to tbe purpose to point out unnecessary offices, or ofSors not required for tbe enforce ment ot laws approved by the mas of tbe people. With the growth of the eoootry, and tbe consequent expansion of tbe public service, tbe uuuibrr ot of fice neoessarl! increases. And when the Bryan plant of government ownei- ahip of railroads, and keeping tab ot tbe Industries of tbecouatry to see that none exeeed tbe percentage of production ap portioned to tnem, and of prices, trans portaiouelprue,etc, to see that prod acta are everywhere sold at tbe same net prlte, go into effect, the incumbents of tbe offloet now exittiug will look like a thin skirmish line, eompareJ with the army of government officials and em ployees that will then be uecessary. In stead of plans for reducing tbe uuuibrr of ofiioer, Bryan's projects will call for a large luerease. A.D uow Col Kryau couiplaiks Ibat Taft doe not ue lauguage bard enough la shaking of the trust. a)t he "Read bis language, and compare II with tbe fiery denunciation made iu tbe Presi dent's message of last Jauuary." In bombarding tbe trusts wKb campalgu denunciation, Bryan would not use a word softer tbau a paving stone, or miljrr than "a big, big. It." This neither costs au)thfng or accomplishes anything. Ue further objects to Talt ou tbe ground that be does not promise euougb, and "criticize lue becaue 1 do promise re lief H There is uothlug cbeaiM-r than tbe premise of an clSce seeker. Fur a doxeu year Bryan ba been unloading promises, beginning with the bjucodoi lar, and fohowiug with free trade, tbroa ingaway the l'bilipiine, "butting lb trut." Ibe guaranty of lnuk deiKtslls, aud other varieties of political elaplrai Tatt 1 rerlatuly unable to keep uj. with film In rainbow promise. Koi.4 will, aitbout doul.l. make )iur eiouiatlietfoigsnj wiilaJoitttt lustantl) llelr )u ti ail lhe)U.)t!u.! abdlsetUtfU. It will iiuini n.-ust-it iviaiJeuptt! ine natural di;eui ut tu- stMiis.Usu rouibined Ihal ltK.miilel) dlrsts ILefooJ Jut- the 4Cill U see Ka. dwl 4 an 1 fail tu tsm U4 U-uit wu ixouiplll. II it sold Life t) ftii. ILe iJruAaist. Offiuiaty BtiVic is Hictcrj. j Tis pVn of swtablMiliM: a icnarstitv 1 food to .soars both bank circolatloo and bank dsjwslu m tna onw In tbe Stat- ol VorE, o4 It hlf tory if Itirtract ecrolal rxatntoBtira v( tb Mifcjrrt, and Clwtbefolloirlnj; rrrlw ot thr StAteV If Mr. WilliBm J. Brrsa 1 Iimiilkj b cocSit 'o thf alrmi? kucw tbt oni"J w York to try porut; iiic I'ar Idr tKrTofd, njnor o Mr. KrjMi'njjorttr will t iutretd to. irtriL lroaj diiiil. b up onriuikTor. ' Jofbnii Foraiaxi, p&id In bift:rlo 2Jnr j lr. 8ttf. Ol lorHrNpw Vork JJtBt batik rbar- ! ten thirty kmc to explrf from ls2! to i 1S5I. o UorTi nrcca caarButy ty- ; tnu for uw bauka. Tat "Saffly Foud Act" war tu-f-d in MS, iironijiur lor a )frly tax of iif ball prr oent on tbe : eafltal rtock ot uankf to rr Jwuj clrcala- j tiou buq iraBTviiy uriiM l. f naraaty lue JrKWt broopbt oollat. Hy 1MI Tion iauor mailt It iif erf- iBry to aii'Prp tiatjtfi lo suakr ccnd tue looa, tiy iTYjNiiuc lurir coming .tibnai tax. Ky IMS time airty loua baak hid failed and tbr land war f (. t oat. It a tbwaft liiult3 to elrralation lor atllatnrf bank' orranixod oudrr It. In all. uudf r thl ""nafrt f and yft-ui, out of StSbanka cbartrwl in w YorL Statt tut-u and now tLc rlebrvt Slat in tbe Union wxtn bank f aUd, ort-r one in HI. riirlund wa rlliKUttvJ in 1S1, and tbr StaTr itowl itr o n im rrvt t-irar-lnc clilUratioii to kwj ibe pnaranty cood, repayinj; it-lf latr tiy atH,.ini; tbr col r cut bank. Tbry pBld op in tbr note of tbe broken bank, an unfrati factory aeet Settieuiente under tbe eafety fouddraccl on lur twenty jeaie, tolCT. A tbe New York tiaua enjier. mteudent, F 1. Kllbouru. eald iu a jm Ir on tbe eubject iu lsw?. uTbere were debts to tbe amount of many tbtuand, prineipaUy oatrtaudiuc note, wbicb were never tiCed. Tbl (erienr ended eafety fond banking in New York. It failare then. to wbieb J nice Tail lately alladed, bowe bow wriioa are eoeb iiro)Klttcn for tbe guaranty oi uauk oeiio-4t. FCbl. returns of the Vermont election show a vote ot j1 for tbe Republican State ticket, 1S.X03 for tbe Drmocratir. for the ludependeuoe L-acoe'" Hearst's party, VSO lor tbe Prohibition. and 479 for tbe racialist ticket. Tbe Rpub!icau plurality i sn.STC ouly a few hundred below those of 19.4 aud IX.cj and larger than iu any year prior to lMtG Neither tbe Republloau nor tbe Drmo- eratie party pulled as large a vote utual, though tbe aggregate vote. fiG.74? 1 larger than that ot iVH. whicti OG.CIj. Tbe Democratic vote is the small est since 187C, except that ot which was ILSTta. The Democrats elect one State Senator, tor tbe firsl time rinre 19113; audtheHout-e will con tain about 30 Democrats aud Got the lu deendence League, against Demo crats and 11 lnde(iendence member at present. Democratic organs, iu viewing tbe result, are trying to get their feet warm by pointing out that the Demo cratic part; did better than the Reimb licau in "holding its own,1 since tbe Re pnbliean falling off was a little lee than six jK-r cent, and tbe Democratic but a little less thau four. This recalls the old story of Democratic exultation over the party gain iu Huukrrvllle: "Republican vote four years ago, S15;tbts ear, 2 Republican gain only 2 J percent. Demo cratie vote tour jears ago, 10; this Jcar, 2J; Democratic gain llKJ er cent. Beach Lake. Tbe flash ot the boarding season 1 past, jet there will be some more guests aurcng we ytiar. Tbe drought seems to be local this year and not general, some so near us are uaviugtloodswulle we are really suffer iug for lack ot rain. Mary Bradbury is visiting ber grand mother in Connecticut, and from there will go to tbe West Chester State Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hector came home from Port Jervlsto visit his mother, who was very ill. Ou their arrival here the lound that she bad just gone to Port Jer vis ; so tbev missed each other. Coristoph Hilltr is very feeble with tb inflrmitie of old sge. His daughter. Me. Oiverot Serantou. ririted blm iat week. John Marshall ua a little masculine addition tu hi- lamllv. Mr. aud Mr. Cuarie S:irv both have tbe grip, or severe colds. Mrs. Wheeler is exiected to eutertaiu the Atd Society ou tne l(i!b inst. It has beeu dropjted during Jul) audAugust. Tbe W. C T. U. are contemnlattui: trip to Haalev to attend the convention Much ueeded Improvements are street lamps ana sidewalks. An Improvement Society would be a good tblug. Elbert Best who recently returned from tbe Philippine ltjaud, i now i teacaer ol matnematic in Moulder, uol. Nothing out ol tbe ordinerv Just uow transpiring, tbe little fall crops having beeu gathered But soon more buildings are to ue erectem. Clinton. SKIT 7. The Clinton Center Baptist euaren uas teen improved uy briug re paperea, wuicu work wasdouein a very satisfactory manner by Messrs. Uerm and toyeri, of Carbondale. The high schocl commeuced last Mou day with Principal Halderman urhari:e. Mrs. Liuie Varooe, who was so serious ly sick a few das ago, is reported ou the gam. Mls Hattie Sutton, ot Hoiiesdale, b been a recent guest at V. O. Norlon'sand Mr. aid Mrs. tsheldou Nortou, of Mine- .11.. v- v- .. . . .. - , ur, i,arrt;iielni lue same place Claude Arnold wa cnoeeu suiH-riuten dent of the Sunday school in place ot Warren f. Norton, who leaves to-da for Factorvville Aeademr. where he ex pectt to attend school tor the uext two years. The Dann reuuiouwas beld lat Satur davat tbehouieof Jiuisr Daun wou, those from a distance were Mi.ruui V- B Dann, and daughn-r. Mi Matlie, of Waverlv. N. Y Mr. Dauu wa a mem berol'.o il. lliti i'riiu avairt H-g. uirnL prtug and wells Hint have not gone dry Iu tnirty jear are reKrti useless The third sou came to gladdeu th i oneoi Mr. ami Mrs. Orson Llille, Au; Sjd. Tbe Society of Farther Lights receuti; elected Amanda Norton. Prerideul; lren Curtis, Secretary, aud Charles banders. ireasurer. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Adams. Sept. 1st. a sou. S. S. Drake aaj Myrou Norton are paiuling their homes Win II llarrisouand wile, tl i'lilit dlpnia, wtre receut callt r iu Ihi place- bis beeuesusod intlirei'ily Lv eoustipstiou. aultonst-ijuently you mutt Sist of all take something 10 move ILe bowel Ibl is a nut Ls made KenueU)' Laxttive tvu-:h ryiup so suoce!1.! and so i:eueral oe manded. It doe not c-onstlpnte like most ttf the old fasillODed l-OUllh ille. hut on Ihe other hand it gently mote ihe oaaeir and at 1Ue same lime heal-, nutation aud alisls inntuimation ol the tbioat Bold hy I'rlll, Tbo DrufjtisU Ktxsl Fncl Fiu:e! The Philadrlpbia l'i- roomily completed a handsome premium catalogue wbtch Ibe) are dis tributing free If ou are already a rtodcr ot a Philadelphia daily neat paper, nle to-day for premium cata logue and get nert to tbe twentieth c-?c lury way cf Kcunng beautiful (rean urn, c lie red to (xvpie wbo subscribe by innl. Address Tbe Press Circulation Deparlment, JTlb and Chestnut streets, i I'biiaatipnia. KoJol. will, iu a eiy thwt lime, enable Ite tiomaib lo ao ihe sural! tiiould do. and lh.n ffrrk It should doi lo dices! all Ihe lll )u sal ben Ihe slolastl) liau I do it sloii does it lor il. anl in the meaniime us i4u. u if xeiiiuc sttufcer sls aw,-10 las up ii lejuiar nsiural mt s;m tv 0.4 a a.i joueat. II make iLe K-Hu- kltdll 1. 4evalll lo lake. Il It Le i4u. u if eiiiue stronger and iMr 10 sold liese t'J I'lUL ILe Diucgltt, Aitnil Hear'T rerfotten Facu. Jcq jZdntooli as first api-Mit' 3 Javur of Uis PvACf in Ciena levcns i.p D, GiTCtccr Otores VVclt, ia Jicur: IBS. fcsd iritb the eicct.UCTi o! bit ' Sbfrifl tai Prjtbtastsrj-, ctlj- lb' wbole ol bit earewdics lcrc life dale. aioi:tira,cfiiTTCsantr.prt-.-n--n ta- crtiro of a oiv e iu-j'.y ol pine si Wsytr sai Pi. 1-. 1 i I r Vb? pjsa?.'". btb-IjprirV-tare. h .' wa t.pproTd on tbf 1; of Ajril by GsTercnr liitntr, erocti.-ig conn tl, but itited of VTajtic bri.-g jl-'igfi lo give tip pxrt cf her tr rrit - ry !o that purpnee in cra&erUon witb Pi N rtb aaiptaa, the raotberof bMb. juiJ. 1 tbe oweshtpa of Hv. Ctttmt II 11 7 - snci, Poc;m, Harai'trn S"rid i,t-d sitbfield n.rtb of tt Diu.- Jloaa: 4nf Absut.ia r(jnlaannt of trrritvy r- cut eff froai Pike. coajpriHt.c B-rrf Coalbxagh, Paraiie, Price sol Midi - SmiihSeld. Svea jr oo th" erection of Cur baa county, Uooro lost part cf the original Tobyhaoi. wti-'-. had bsen erected tato Pena Koret totrr - Lip. When tbe question ot thel-x"- lion of tb scat of jutioe for M .nroe couaty came up for conilers'i a htdf doxen ot tbe wtJMo do ciHI".: of Stroudsbarg cllered to put up ua!n tial building' tor a court how- uad j -il to ciBO the seoale voted to locate tb"a I on tbe lands of c. J. iIiUiubfai in tbt pUci Itivals lor thebtnivjr of b"noc j ing the county ect were Datitfburg ' (now Delaware WalejGk! aud Keller- -1 ville. Attbe tlrsi clecuoa tfiirt- w m choice, but at the :x.n, la whicli h. J of fourtein wira end to bare btrt. til- lowed to vote. S rjud'burg c&rri-d to day. Tbe frauds cre clanatd to b so outrageous and palpable, tbe Middle SsiithfielJ election board. Join Plare aud Samuel Guaoauh, were iniic".-. end tried at Uillord for comr.l:at ,n tbem. Judge Scott, wbofortaaay jeu- presided over our Wsj dc county co'irw with his associates Ibngrnau and t'ooi btugh, were on the bench. Georce V." Wondward. of Bethany aad M K. Dimmick were tbe lawyers f'r th" p- ecuuoa. aud an attornsy from K-'iou. nstned Burke, appeared for tb def. . rne maaaer iu which the c-- wa di pucdof is worth relauag. Aftrrtb-' reading of the indiitmect Jujge S;o.t I quashed two of the count, sod ttieui temporarily left the borh. The A- ate took prompt adraatc-of i tr-1 - opportunity. Judge Digta-n t ot-1 tbe fact that the preetJut jujg; hii esn fittoqunh several count? in tb" iodit-tment "oj ground' of ourujn law." Aodnow,',be-jnuaU''d. "-Bab' (illudiair to Jjlg- Cjo!tiUbt "aol I do'ttno mi-j lr, but I tnoa- a,i about the Ljgisiafirs, be-usj I"veb?eLi a member, and 'ymg hi hiai im pressively on -ipy of piaphlet ! "Bab and 1 quxsh the other? on grounds of gislature " And lh-y did. Tbe writer ba before bim a copy o! tbe "General Advertiser," s daily Phils delpbia paper for S;pt. Iti.h, Is is -ju oae hundred years acoto-diy. (It wi. Wednesday of the wec, however, ia steid of Taarsliy ) It with others in an po:33ioa, is in a fio; slate of pr?r ervation, with good plain prin, and ex- oelleat typjj;rphy generally II i tourpxge piper, in six: a1ai3. prete.., bait that of The Oitizks til tvfui- nisb;d subseribjrj at niu: dollars a j ?- la pjlltica it is DiUDri;!'- .a.i ,ir ites tbe electioo ot Ji-ne-. M.ii'jn f - Presilentaoi Ueorgs '.latja f jr Vi; President Tae first aud fou-ta pi;. are derotsd eattrely to alVKrlisio eat medicine Suriogmoi prjjiu'iillt with offers of rewjrdjfjr la; i;.,ir i.-i sioo of dssiriersaa I lulaturl s.'r.r-- - tices a good secoid. Ou; would h-rii expect to Had any aa-iojactarn: fr ibis far-away norio-easierii coraer theS.xteia aPniladelpbiupipjrpriv . luairii yoin t-j, n-ia.i V , couaty was ouly taa jairo oil, ?, i-i'-ly as in tbe early days, ur'jrr " Mirror" was st.rted la Bmh-iuy. ui . t of our legal advertising si djrit io Kision and Wilkes-Bar.-.-' But u tri.l be remembered tint Wayu; cjaty laads at thu Hole w-re tanair o ueJ ay PhiladelphUna. a-,d it tvsfor s.x? llmeusLa-narv Torn ir .Miintv f roA-n.. r to occupy auoffl-e for ,sverl du, ,u each j ear lathe City of Brotbcr.i I.jVl-. for greater oonveaienee in r c-ivi- ; tbe taxes due from the lirgs huld-rs u . their unseated tract. AMrJ.agl aming other notii.-ei lb" 1 !!.. :ng : NUT10K i brlt-by civ-ti 1,1 tu,- i-i-ffni of uni-i-'itej lam m tn- - i.-in ot Wij , tLal the sut.-i nl.r-r. trui -r -if ttj. . nt. . will attend at tne liou wl JkIjTi Hu I ..iu-at--prr. nouli Kourtti -tit-i, i'n iti iij . Iroui Ihe 31'.U to lUf ilu of - J.' Ic.r Itie purpj- ot re, -i iuz u- iti sul rml tm lusuiittis uti-ea't l lum in tail county. i"iiM i i. ?ith. Dr. Francis AI .-juitb, who vs , son of Dr. Francis Jo-t-ph rfmithi.V'.-ri.! and gmal'03 of Z H. Arts, Lord of Opiorp and Iumcrseele. was in Bru-w-ls, aad cirne j this oouatry tiis an flhr lain?, whoa tiieia'ter j na-d lue American army, ii.' s-.-t.leJ u iiil ford. b:omingadru.visl aal pbysio-iau and marrying Mirgaret o iuk O'..-oi bis dtugbters was ii laaua. tvil-s a'. J.-t-fri-y Well. l one time i I'lVcrn ie-per atHilrui Comers, this eojutj i,ud t.n' other Jau- woo married ftumaC r. for many years hotei tixr itimT cbaat in WajmiM. ifce hrst n il of our esteemed townsuin. Ktbert A. dstlh, J. P.. was a da'jj;t.lvr t.f l& las. named coufle Dr. baiitn. ls ui ar- fr-m ihe above nonce was rrt""S'drer ol thu couaty before Pike was et oil nu : j in lsl5 be was first Tu i.urfr of Pit He was ttlso Sheriff ot Ibatcuuty i. 13. 10 1-13 la l!i7 2s be was oae ol ih-j board of Count) Commusiji-eie and iu tae former yior hi isUiMi-t.. J "Ibe Ktgleof tbe Nonh,"in Mil'oro, tbe office being locatod iu his own oou c, thu same in which be died. Aoother nouce reliticg o ih tt,xes on Wayne county unseated lands, ap pears in .the same issue of the General Advertiser, signal tiy Dtmei D.aiiiiick aad Tceodore Wojibrild-e, Cwn'y CimmiMUccrs- and s;il another au nouacement of loitlintere.l is fa.ii in ahirb Kmanuel Unak riii hi credi tors notice that be has applied u the J a Jgeu cf Wayne for tbe beneht of Ibe insolvent Act, and Hint a bearing has U-tn lixsi for the -ij:h. at h Cjurt House in lttthiur. Tne General Adverlis-r wi tilted anl publnhel by WiliiaaiJ lijan. a t . . , very distinguished man. aal at one nine Socretarr of Ibe Uoited Slates Ireiattiiy. I ' . .. , ,,. ,,h.r. II -lie wti iuc isit-cr ot iw.,., f Data. ! or tr rwi resrt rsiAcr et Grsc: et-rca, this b:rarb. 7b- T?.3r3 HtTt' Mtsm-mVcirA, ijjj; ia ibe Ail.-a Boas; lortbt ;: I -tj Stt it h b?m prwolpa to c3 - . j,HF! u .a p0.t bj a. S. Alton. j Xa; M?sajriil u bic3aiir!y !i. ri vr ..bir.,. tit- bbi-ist .! .' T.:: :ia rr, uai v.c pjrtrits of Presi d;a. Luoja iiii G;o-rlf S:jtt sod I 51 liaa It lire? ti axati cf tbe I T -i 1 OSes.- i the Tib 3scimit, Pa. 1 He rve V j. Corp aal tbe viEier and j roiMbru o' Csnpiay C. (Uoneelalej trdarii 'nth tae eucieantij which j in 'jCBpin uii p iruii: d up to tbe I tim- th' M j.-i1 w, pnntel. Tb Cjoxpir-y uoJ'"rf)b;)?!.t' rv- it at HdrtKL.jrc M.) lv 1 hnS ialu U J -ci s-rvif at WMatoa. Jaiy ft lsl ail bfre tb: cas of lSJ bii'ii .- i.o killed or cjjudel ia' y-bf - if Jrsovillr. BAI Hjh. rrjlb Kjaaiaia Aciittara knl Krcdrr i:t"jr. lb Marixl wa; p exrated to ta lilt Sinn?: A itz while tb3 regi atii n (-imp i i..rlax Siti3, Vju. Juir i, 3sM. ani ws iM3ajp!knied j to "'iTiig letter: Iiti tfiB: Ve. tb a1ir- rnel nui-ei-tmi -i'ire I otk r-r, ol tti Mrtou.3a1' uai i. pr -nti' j a hlk bi t. ! our t ai(ajv. KB.- a pi-- a H-p. a- a inms- rial tf aat e-tet ja ' or i nv. fc "Ty r-i.--lIa'iy. HatH it- . S itl .aul. ll'-erc t. M lt. Nl i-arlau3. rd JauasC. wrieu'. it " tie.ei Artliur. lib Xl Hr iBK, ilti N. V. ajaseniSolf, lt forpl Isaat-N. esail. 1 Nalaati llnap. ,".1 " Csee AiaiBiinyaa, lib " Jw siBrrus. ua Mm:ii A oih iiii Ks.isif, 7tsi Sarnnel AHo j wiu thus bonDred b- Uiesdsie lirst v niinieis for tbe c tu war, tti-a tu 1-ri oad of tbo-e x-Iijw amis aregirun aojrc. all with ict exefpuoa of -orge II Arthdr, Uco. Atnaxroiaa, i l-i 11 Ball bite uueHred lb fijl ru:i c!L Tae death r r of. bill.- 'iiC lijird? duriu the tin all cicsn. numbered "S;i:s f A u-guuo'd its lo5- from dist o.uir eaaaat &. waaals li; fratu dia omtjca'cssdfej sdCuoer' ii'.ij c;turt-. Hi. o. 4esfui i, by ttau-ter, i: by aimtiiseat 1 s.n 7tb. 'f ie foundation for u'sbe.1 near Iim sent!', bouse lia tsneu tmilt aid tnsti.s have t,et-n plaeed upon same. and douiit tneshed win sc.ou te elect ed iiu same. T- H-rnn se tools viii o;k-u on Mon ua, - ll'li. avtrai uew teachers bue te-n ad led t j la iit. Tie4traxu-:Tc under the direetioi' vf li. llaii. lutrtid tv palot irang 11 -.. Jsj 2di iji Mr- INyltttjl favored sei raiul;ii- r ii,,i i-io jwrtj et !tie.r l.-w ion.- on i'iiuria vniing iai it. wtre ir.-. 'i i.iea-til aim Ilje wa- ine u;er-el. eltainedb llifil Jiosl and bo-le-- A joun is-m-r arrived at tb, borne of Mr and Mr- Jo njldarsliad lilt Height i- eie-t-u Jay, i.I M'chian. whobtb. siiend the suiuilier with ins aged j.atn'-at this place, a ill return borne on Ttiur-Jay n-xt. Clmrle Spry intends to aocompauv aim Mr tpry luteals to go to Denver, -ritere be will meet bis titotner John, ul Arizona. C. Neal intends to have n vendue about the 1 ith ol tai month, to sell !! some of hh Neariy every farmer ia this vicinity luakiug exten-.e repair on hi out Uuudins, sou.e are tearing doan and er-ctiug l-ew. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Bant ii-g aud lsmn mti-nd to leave us this cjjiug ;irm-. Tuey Unve a host of 'r.t-nds in thi- vicinity who regret to net! tile tie. hii 'Jouiu. siouer G. W. Tuylor.otTor --j. was a pieM-sut cr.ilr Ht tills plac oi Jiluri--ii --st A gri jit-r i-iri oi lie bosrjers have leit t-, lti.,- tut, in ;o 'i.fir nomet 7,.e li-ucl. Lai.e date Sil team vxii 'o drrou-tj ir oi, l,i,jut,3 .a-t. W n ! net: 1 tl e :e;Uit oi the gull.t u 'ioiit bf did them t-iaartiCa-e was - vitii-'.r at Narroas- llj. au. jnv .ast. L-t liaunei. titiied tnends at Cher-y 111 -e ia-t 'iUurrd'.y. lir. C Ham is trn-it-ling with bis tb -.-uin ontfiT, tad be Cuds tbe crop a -ui, . tHje. A'liiiam Wtrfleld, f P. cltville, has pui .i..d teteral head of coa and young ci'- e ii"m i'ariuer iu tti - viointty. C V. W-ek-. nas lli-tnll-d u gHtyltue e.u'.ne a i... f J-r riiant. Ada Hnj, .f liaai'.. i- vjt-iting ber fa ier aod s -r- .ii tli ...itee M'. 'ei.rge li-is.-, ul New Yoil;Cit. is vs' nl H 'i-u 1,-ike. Miss M;uui if Mutth. of .1 i-nil. w.iu Luii'i-ari'-w i"t ner U r Maud, i 1 rettaru ttwur. II 1.. Bal Cily gUe-ts left OU Sit- urua utst. lr. Ba. intend-to enlarge I bis itisusi uf - "X ; ju ,u Hctr. t..a- ciui;. on -s-tmrday even :v -a-i- 1 mug tneirstcy at Adams , '" y euier'.a.ued a Uut uf Visitors, ul wnotii were royally ttevtted bj , mi li'iiK 1 . - J i at- nas bei-u Visited bj nunirei-of lujr and camper dar- j mg iti ih' tj:iuier. u I of uiiom speak ier; nigiii ine lake and ,:f surrouul- I mh. ' Betaaaj. ! Ma-i. J. V. Staiuej r.nJ aoa1- aud i Was a C r :,avv b-ic-a ivortin; cn j Aium Wnr . siju- toe psl vees. ' Hi mi 'lit- tljward Jjbasand 11q ttsrd. Jr., i.l F Tiki t'i'i, wire htreover ioaudi ai i L.ojr Day with the tcr lrutrt ptireuls. Mr. nad Mrs. Jnmte ! J .l.nt W -U r WilUiro. wife and dsuphtcr, of New Jersey, Miss KtbelUunlsa, f fumli a;. . ij ,n;ir louring r-.r lo 'p '.1 iz.iy wa h neir cotins Mr. and J hu ii. s rongraa. lr Br-i..ts, ij,' V. i tt Uarrc, uns n col..'f 1-. t viilie, SJoaday. L-'jis- U'l- J, ot Kiasisn, is lisii ic rtltiuves hr, . SI.- and M-? Elwsrd Woodward and JjL-tter. Noeli. returned toNew Yuri: tbtj week Tb-s Kcibilm X,ldies' Aid ssrv? jver -,. lj pauciise oa Wednesday " i 11., il:- '. ! j PiiyMer uad dttuhter, i-.h - .jr. 1 U Caru!.dile. iSua da, ul. .imge vcril e.-hsbere A cu'ui.oin nic social v.i.i be beld in tbA IV o!j irrun t:Uur.-ii dining room, tt-i . ercmng. S-pt. 11. Toete .ill oii rn-j-ic tl -nit rininmeniaaj ine priue of rrir'tirai-'ii s will be i rtents. ittrold AndtioB, ! New York, is ;b . jes: ol tns 'lofle, W ilium P. Aa- i son nad faiuiy. Jr andir-i Lroy ilnuser, of Honw dale, fpfal -adni with the former's pirtnls, Mr. and Mrs. William Llouser. Cb'iy," iid tb leacber, "btw ma iy xoct are iberet ' "Tm ,' auswertd Bjaby. with a little ,d-'.l -uing note in his oie.j. Tbrn e-tiiii; the puztled look that csme into in tcch'T' tan he rattle! on wiiboul u elyp: "Uai tri-ilc and oao female; the male .10 h; u-mp:ral or intemperate, iLt f-.ia-.l3 f'ig d or tcrni " sad bo icpttd fir briaih. "Wu-tt's the oil lady doing nowl" it ktd the old sluvi-iog 10 Ibe work bus keu "She's getting out ber n.l!.( and arii." repped tbe scissors. Well, w II " exeiai-ued tbe U ck log, ' 1 .1 o- darced. liar .'J "Papi, did .-: jlonioo have r viveal " l'apj -"I believe be did my sin "' "Was he the mao who said, 'Givo me liberty cr gif e me deulh'l'" Ctoa-trol of tae PariSe. j Betr Airslrid Sprry w-sh rlxteeo iBtlXdps Is co. Us -way to llx-ana. Iar AlialrtJ irtal'crat wlti sierra arxsored crdixra, txilcb are lo as f LraiSat- ss tls" Wg !; nf ?r.err-r"f tet. Is t" fo3nw tbe -Time rtctf as ftr lul.- tire Paetfie a Sansna. Itat frw Araerscsat lWJere tbtt til" na cru1 narsd Bf3rity l-r-.p-a-i-i war Y- -.'jere ! lK-ie trat-tlnn la lulaZ? s-.-jde-' that aer- .Iht tie:- 3rc-, , nv. a -?tttrr"e for "It " - - ' tli ra'fcV. Amaal tint griJig a in-tat. -ae-rr clrJ'.L' 't. iriibia tb- 1st ciarory tbe car'-.. f natloa til-lnr itrs. talgity le-ly "f ttiter b&ve J-sk'ltl lata life or bmv l--ii tnia--f.ra-i by tb If-w-b f proervs --Vtotli and "entml .vertex bare l-ei'e free fr.i--i Spsln Mexic Lii grwaxi sialle Ssi it cp-ti mr:H--at-71. wcsTt -.-a jiart tar- rafted State b.i 't4i devt-'.-iittd. and tar:lur -ultfc the C-tVl etd4. Tne-Iit -f "t?. tbe sb it "t tbe Pseifle lta U-on l-aane'l lr.t ae ft tbe carles saa -.f ?Le e-.r-.U Sl---?em Cinala ba ctid-r--:' n 1 t: Ibe Fume traafur-mati -a a tbat.-e-a la tbe PaeMic stste Krea lev lock-! Alaska n-ta lta tisacbe.1 ly tbe taacl rraisl f r"rTt.. Oa tb ere-tera slK-re of the great fin a t!v aw-akemoc Li li vrtt-D---ied TartMtrb Ibe irrext mila-tey from I!u-4.i ea-ts-ni 5Il'rUi li-es marred la: lut. nts: ber cl1le vta ne-re Ilk.' b-!-":!-: AmereaTj tvx-a tlaiti liny .! . rk- 1's nrV-r it iHMI an.1 -.leit Ki--ii 1 a-s-akt-Tili'g "f lo'tre IV a Il'p Vua VCiaVV- -lar '-t-r of 3 si -t.'ir-t Vn-if brt i lM-lur prttlded I: t c1J.i i"b'na. thald:- tc tbe 31j4- .-I'.v of J'-Js Hr. le -c. '.rk of tiie r-3-i fi nul tie- trans of tbf abV. nt IVtd-i, It ssy is-ldiig of tbe t-:1'Ui2t Jaj.aii 1 ! tbe 1hresbf-ld of a ue-si dre A f Jotian. b-r tran fv-r: ii .... 'ti -c lis- fstifrl ri-;lt of : .t -.lio' 1'tTT-t li.-. l-o. n 1b" man-el t.T Us- mi' 1 Aiii-rtt u bti th Pbi'lj. p Tt- ati 1 Itrlnglng tlstn liil . ibt J1-.K- tu if j .rjTst. A-uJr-ulisU a Bts-'1iiig tl-e JJf iHliantt-1 i l.-a- 11 grenemin-t-iit rtsd jmttirg tls-m latt jcattiee. In the cwiter of till this the sler of 1 life Hawaii, a-bo'-e I'll .f tn uantment tntbraJl all vlit.r i- alrttiidy a-suulng AmerUnn etifllza-ti-tn atsl lioab: Tba tl-c imtli-ii- sklnttig tbe Pat-Uc and tbe 1'lands ir. it a.ldt all bare 1a tourbed t.y tb wand f tb.- -n-orl.l s;.J-.t and an Ucbi ed bj the dw-ii of a riesc daj It is -c-tb-.ugb God bad decreed that a aec and blglier clrilixati'i is to etcue la1-iK-ing iii tbe charts of earth's greatest oeeau and that tbis tranfcinaatl'oa bad taken ple.e a tbe rc-salt of tbo dlvlae omiiiand. Hour Admiral RLVy's uJ n-ui rts ut ooacrralng the naeal lif t' f.iu-rhl "2" Ssntiag.t na "The -cirto-rj U lari:-' ea.r:gh for us all S- i- tb Pa'-l'ii 111 tllt-e l-emy lo-rlnz dsy-tle- -at.-it.--Ti .f trifle and eatcr-;-ri- not tie -tii of -Bar. should tlttlde lie luii-tt ry f 'be I'si-lfie The Wireless TtbpLotie. In tbt. iflet fetv ytar- several In ventors halo clailood to have ill-cn a practif-ai iu'tlj.-.l uf u-liiir tli other Tilc-atlous itblcb Mareoal eni jd.'.vs la viirel.s,s la -nlre lee 1elej.!-tiay. A k-1 while ago Trofes-or wtcte-l a sx-beiae of troatlug a sulitiiantje -aMe so that it i.ilirht Is- ---tod a- a tt 11 bone. 1-r n :h.4 fuitlit-r i-as-s 4 It Now a lavt-nt-.r lia- a-1ually prc-j-.'ed 1o l:i bJl niipdratc- Llcb v.lli n.akt 1 Isviwe to tall: ccro-ss the Atlnt. Oae id the reason-- why l-jjilaV systems of tiiarlae tel--e--:i3ihT did not ln-eome oj-t'ratl-.e iras l-aae tbos, trlen pareba- d his jiat.-at made uj. Ibelr nil'ids that the vent are would U..1 1 in I prt-jitable TSje In rvril'C of the -tie-n Fystera t.f -aln-lt-.'. te'..h',t.y d.s laros that the api-aratnr r -,-.irl to j'Tjt h'.s Fchene- 1-1 oi-r:. tl-ta woull It- etit. rmratn -;. lutx;e-:j slve PUli. be Is J...1 t-rj.slully eat!, slarllc t.or tbt- eqniw'r. yil ui-ct-:s , -thtt uaJt-rtaVIiig It b, noi at all t-r trJa that there s! t a -strong dcsjre to tviaifrse at tie- dUtanne of f-sts' iiini-:. "im- t.f the eliVf .l.Jeion agdast tele-rrapliy li th.-.t ni'sc- int-Tidid fr on, jierr-rtn are 7'il'e oa-l- 1 lTi1erc-ei.i-l lii iitilier It b-i-ih-'p jH' .. ! trs, frt-ijUi-MJy -hrit fs-o-yigin --i-nt froi.i Marts-rir- sti-.ti n li N0T3 Scotia h-ive Ii.-.- r 1 T.-. I-er-xins uno were rttli-ats of Tr---, s-. lliey were st,:ely for n-!Jfnt of Great Itrluln. Thi-s Is the e;ie thing bk-h ba- laterft-rtsl cr!e:' tillb tl.,. tiili-an-e of the wirelt-, telt rri;i e. n ooTin-t-rri-il prox-t-illi-ji. I'nftCIuaait !y clrel.-M Is il..rt it, 0 similar !lix.itatl"a. &t Cagraat have the -a1e-ii-t -s.niits-i-1 with the interiYj'tbig of tli.-i.-- mess a cits IssstTai' that H li-s 1,,. 1 found w-x-.s ir.c tu fonntilate lv r-i llonal ruses cm-eru tin- matt.-r 1-Iim- of -i-rar II tronl.! tK-t ! 1 1 n". agreeat-ltt for ibe eonimatsb-r . f a Sett to ! uneertaia a to w nether tV l.nir? aatbnrliies -ntre the tinly .1,. Li i-TS'tsloa t.f iho f-.-cr.-t - tranru!t ed l.y Mireles-s ITo TVO-lld feel "laite i nnromfi.nalde over th- pos-sH.lllt.-i that be was p-wirlng Ms tiaral oinfl tltie-oti into the roc-i-ptlro car of the ent -ty Of -ourt-e 1h-see fsnlt.s. -rrbt. h st'-i d"!ay ihe Tfts-t stiin---s .1 .- dlsts-.ti-. tt"!! I.- n-iutslhsl In t.-,,. 0. 11y It aniioylng that Ibe eim ,v--. ri t mako greater liasto In sitg-n-tit Itself. fai-utla J. H. Watt, retiring tv.nimo tlore of Ilea Cuuanl fleet. deelar that lb I.n-ltaiila. nhtcb recfntly e-tale !Iht-l a new Iransttlaiitk- rect.rl of i days l li.iiirs. can oros tbe l.ig la four .la flat If the air ship doesn't licrrj up ant arrive, r flit- sd reoortls will U usee';-. Mr,-! 1. y lisp .wsja grty littunds nisi the tlitiii-.b-rlaat express. Stortcs arc st-i.-lile tUlngs. Jame J Hill while ilnki-rin-; Willi Ids suto i.;'!-::,. sniti-bol 1.1 hin-l. ami ulien tlio tens struck Wall sire. I Croat Northern aal Nortlera Pat-He drt-j-j-td three i-jln's loj.k ist-i r of Isiliot lu-ru stoh-u and rt"e In ilse nst-at l'I.1"pi 't slot ii'iH. Who will lion- tp 1'. 1 J.e rillpln.-s an? not lts'.ntlng n g---. ira uVroi-elve i the .!Ti-il.-an n-inl l"lll )trs ao Ibe fliat una ea lie was !sll. Now t span tbe Pa title and nlit Cltttn ro- t!.- At lantle. Mircur.1 1 stulhu wlivless nit-s-es re-r,,- tlie Ailaatle every lay, and !e Porett l.-Hc-M-i that frotq Ibe lofty Meirof-olltaa lower In New York be will ! 0Ho to say: "Hel lo: Is this Ibe Klfftd tower, Paris?' '.'le pun l-ndkl what woBtbs la ldiTrriphy will ! tleio(sl In ihe (viala-i fifty jts-stl F.easxat Jaocst. TrTEJlllCB -Th Vr. t.t Vsa Xrilltnee. nf Tt'wxii-.n. w.ta their i-tuldien. are some t-me at Inemas I'aytoe's. Jcr. and Mrs r. I tj-eueer sieat -eualay In t-ies'oa. Dr. W a. ;t-tr and family were -raesls cf tb Ir. s motber. -sirs. Grwee Si-ctt-i. over -eundsy. Itr. Ueor'ee IX Wik-ex is very much more oomfortable at ttis wnuce. tier aauxbur. tits. Avery, of sjettaay, sj-eat 1 -art cf last k wiib titr- tsertrude brown, cf w-jkes-Barre, 1 suy tic a taeatii in I'leassat xioust. Mr. and M;. Waiter Lae win attend Ibe 51 !-; 1;. wedd-nr la Dutmrreoa Hozt- Ir-T t I Iti (, 1 YT. anl Vr. saiTinrliiTsif lt-r rn--L :-t-v a-'OrreAlexaadtr.pastorof Cmversity . lie' j -enan taur.-n, cf New Yora 0 lii A t-Xkadert-ta-upied the pulp.tot me Piesh-..e:iaa caurxn ruete last Mind? evenifcg. yortl Leal devoltOT i tteu&e beld In lloe Catzislsr t LutlJ.. Its Ladies' Aid Soteiv of tbe M. E. t-t-art b will meet 'lib Mrs. J. IV. xtt-ase. on IZiuisjay atit-rnooa ot inis wees. xtrs. Manna Kxbardron. wile ota tbe late William Winger, aiel ai the ttoine ot tier nset-f. Mis. literett laintor, last z-aturdaT atIt-nCKin.a:edovereirtat)-iwoyears. Mrs. tVidger was pom and bvea tin hie 'here in Ibis town. Uisvut sister of Ltvi Rich aitisoa. and leave one sister. Mrs. Lorenzo Lake, of ILus plats-. Tor two years sue wa almost a Le.piess invalid, and for the lat nine r-ontts as -ared lor in tae bomect bitrtit 1 ai-tor. Ircm vliott resideuc-etbe lunelall a.a tii-e on xlendar atler-noon: .unawted L) Hev. L. r. Vanmien.oI tbe -M-1- t . n. -sneaaiaij 10 rest 11 ine side ol Ler l.arents in linleide emelerv. We ale rt-que-ted to announee mat the nexi aenneay reunion will me-ei in .arpen urs giote. Luoudale. on August linn. I KM. Tue -.Cioer elet led were. I'c-naUent. Fred. KenuMay ; js-r tetary. J. rd Kentedy; Treas urer. imhii Keuneav. TLe drongLt heroatiouts is getting 10 be a maiir zor seriousoonsijerauoa. Use Tear Leixore Tune. If you have an hour to ppend each don 1 lale 11 aw.y l .r time is vatu- stj'.e. It will pay you to write to tbe rculauou Dt paruutnt ol 1 ne 1'ciladel- fCia t'ress, menldoniog tnis paper, and tbey will svrjd you an luterestit.g book ot advice, telling how to make use ot our f pare moments and how to make u coaeiderat-le sum of mor-ey lor a little work you can do viry ea A Do tai card will bring this ml nation tu ou. Don 1 put it cfl. write at once, lor it will mean dollars to you. Address Circulation Department. Tbe Frfsg, Tij.. and I. nosinut street, t'niiadeipbie sleene. tEl-T Tib. There will be an ice cream s-ci-i at the borne ot Mrs. W. Mills on elnrsdsy ctecing, Sfpt. ICji, for tbe benebt cf tbe new chat-el. Albert Udell bas the bnest piece 01 com to be seen in Wayne count) . He nae also erected a large eilo, and ha- fodder suffiaeut to winter twenty cows Ue also has several hundred bushels ol corn. Frost here lat k, damaging con. sd buckwheat. J oho trbort is improving his proper! ana (. psinl brush. Farmers arc busy in Ibis section gait f ring their com and buikwbcat. Ihi litt'.-r will be only a third of a crop. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Ciift. of Ctrbou da'.e. have returned borne, after passtrg two wctfcs with relatives bere. Tbel-.t tner is will stocked with fish stones. Norman Arnold hi rtlurned to Car bondale after a week's visit with bis fa thtr here. Geo Caapman. wbospenta week here witn i-riativf-s, bas returned to Carbon dale l.,t Wedcetaday mcrning wben Mr I j .!--; a cat to bis barn he found a lan tru and several pieces of rope by tbe rubdside in lront ot the building. There was a light in tbe lantern. There bas two do call for the article. Mr. Dsn lels is now sleeping with one eye open, .wsuicE a return cf Ibe mysterious one Frank Msgloeki. who is operating a threshing machine in thin section, says that oats are only about ball a crop. NOTICE TO WATER GONSOMERS Owing to the continued drought, patrons of the Hones- dale Consolidated Water Co are requested to use care in the use of water. Particular attention is called tu article 7 of rules and regula tions -stated on back of bill. s. a. Mcmullen Jr., Superintendent. Lyric Theatre liKXJ. 11. IllTTKR'Il. Ltoedc Uanacer iMonday EvenLu? SEPT. 14. Don't let the two of you miss 'The Three of Us'." Alan Dale Calin and Treadwell present JANET WALDORF in IUt tit-1 t"rotbti Greatest of All Aiot-ir The Three of Os" It- Mali-on :'iuarr iveord PRICES, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, SI.50 faEAT ALK at tUt- Box Uttt-c at 9 a m.. SsituriUr. SfptfOibc-r VL Vl'DITOH'S XOTirK. Mi i C rent- of t-il -rt4a(f of Armory A-t ali'Hj lllIittUtlO(J o! Ji-r-J . Iti uii i f- yiiv- t. htj Aulitor at-iKontt-1 to r-isrt '1 rtfi'MJlMTlOf ) I w!t. TlllaltfDl to Iti lulirr of ti.F ai'ioiiitui-ut. ou FIUbAY, UT 1-. at 10 o lock. a. it ti ofluf in tbf isoroub of iloutialt. at wtiit b liajf fcud pUtf all claim fasainal aal J f ul1 mut tf iirev.-nt. or rnura to tbt? luDd fortlietnoulion Im Iot- W U. LEK, Auiltor. UODedaltf. SrpU 5, ltKK. 1?U VOTICK OFINXOItroUATIOX. No ll ii- 1.1 bereby eirru Ibat an applk-atiou m ill n rul-to tbt (jov-roor ot tbu Com-motiUi-cslib of l'fiint)lTania on ftlondar ictst-i S. liii t) rnarle 11. OoitltDSer, E. 11. Hnri. hIm-iIi. Miilm 11. Allni, llfurr Wiir K A IVitniiDtin ani W W. Wool, unirtb- A' of tbt Ai4-mbly of tbn Coiu-lii-bwaitb of Vtit.)lvaui, t-UHtlrJ "An A t tu pjot .ill- tor It inrioration and f - truia'ii'U of .--rtain-jrittir4!ion,'apprort1 Ai-nt.J lTi ani tbf f-uiiplt-meuu tbert-to, I ir lb--bart-r ol an iulfUJl iororatlou to bv r!.4 rb l"itirr-n lubllbiuE Com pany. uf Ilone-Mlal', la tbcbara4-trftod ubj-ito( wbiibli lopublit'tia ot-wtpaperand c-ondut t a cueral publubiDs and pnntibK bUfitJt-tJ. and for lb- puipo to bar-. ItorKr-M and -b jo) all tbt riKbu, tM-uellU and piivllrrtaof ibeaaicl Act of AaMrmbly aud iti ui pluatiit. Slfwi , T.8KAHLE. Iltybtedfelf, Pa. Spt. , Sol nit or. NOIICK OK INCOltrollATlOS - No i.ix ul.s-ft-l.) siirru tbat an application Mill te inadt lu ib (iort-rcor of ibo Com ixioiiailb of lVnnaK Friday, Sept-mbT w. li, b llartr J AtkiDMn. badiv U. At kinwu and Autbouy J Lobb, uuJtr tb Act of AtsHinbly of ibe Common r-Al lb of IVon j Ifauia, t-blitlex "An Act to provide for tbe In tor io rati on aud rcu!tion of certain i-oiporttioua,' approTrd Apnl 9, U7I. aud tbetuppletuH'l ibti lo, fur Ibe c bailor o( an (Dlt-iiJrJ toriraUoti u be lalled, Tbe A ll.iL.t--jo Hoi aud LuruLrr Cptaftaoy.'i tbe i haraflrrandobjtA-lof wbitb l to manu facturu iufntj-r, tox, abooka and paruof taiuf anl for tb- purute to bare, poa-M-ta!J t-l'iny a!l Ibe licblt, bttxttil aud f nrit. ct i! mi Ait of Arto-tst'ly and ita tuppltUiruU A.T. tiKAULK. tiulH-itor, HfLeWalr, t'apl. I, Iftfe. Uf A Mr-XXJltEXT TO THE C0X 1 1 : 1 1 iox rto-'. . ivsi-u iu ant i inzxs or this con- m tfS n HAX.T11 riK Till I a AT. alft tlJT. Junius m lii. oi-NLtuu THE t-vKM.NUUAt.IH ui" flANt L AN'IA. Vr THE !XiJSuNWt.l,3H( iN ftBslAME ur AkULLL XliU ur THE lO.UITCTtO.N. a Joint kljlltzo:: CBMt.fwtll ? !. li7 iTLilA CM- tbt cru k cnm pvv-av. c rail JSU Ul AiitisfX CoUlJtf. Usa to GlK t- n-rr-l A.- ; f tm Et-iaUitti M.tvrau on u. futi.tatt Cwurr. Jk SUtyjt 1 LK 1: tswC -j - lluf- c fti-r-tr ..,,. 1 ,tj 1 W. Tkt lb fitJ h.H- L . I t Ki,.-.' Tut t-rUM. n ttf rt t fx Bit-.-viw w int.i dirt fULrC tw-" m J-T.r ja S-n"iVXl 4. iL Tin- H-Ul'X- fh Ktl il,i,i aiftst Aa4Ctllif tUl 1lM .Urj-.. Mil; MllA t iea in fst-'j iiirtei-- 4sHMri ai 1 1 iiif-sn 2k-a 1- i-ffl in . ax van & .iiwsi IX M'2l f ts 13 t'aOi'it. rtOllt-J stff all Ur ltCC II miliWait.sJi jjB asxbtS luttrlt nstB rtCiLff 1 imm aft iii 'qn- -aj(fe t-amJj ht li-rtJt it ih - xtaniMfv-t vuitru. rnTa-a XT ib ; w ir-twmm d mi Thl AZlrtlt4li) 1 ftomj UiL tbt $ttt l-ltfltt OC JslI UfTJ fsUL tUl $ il MtJJ.l KKft. Urf aIW tLL 1 fl ft TOiicvf MJi Tt (itrti la tbt .i:tr. ItOjia.Jjiii 4." j Ail-. rsrT-lr. batl trva Jiiisf 1" i J . i .tirr- fS"ii tu ' t mat TlrS-lT JUia-.-. 14 lis.)fl tbf f-1.ft f tlUI Mi HmiBnr us ix '-our- o: imn'T mwiim It !' Of Mt, ( attlf. It. U'Jl S&BXr f it- .rtifl it ium i- ,o.a Tfca ia Iff list J IKK SLMTi BUTj (ST .Bja-'' bMB (lia'I rite 4tJBil .UTlll'1stl 1fi JUL TiaJ ttlid iti oi L vtltsr mrtr as mar irov4'4 IT Ik EGBERT JScAFCE, fTrexTT 7 Ue riiTni i miili Avnvi vnxT t the cos-i-TiTiTicix rno-If-aEJ. 1 THE CITIZEN OP THI OM- .1 in 1 i.Tll M Ml TIIKl II riHOVL. fl Jil.- Hi K tieuMrVl.l.7H IfZNNs I.a AM il iiUHEl 1. oi:;.ER '!" TIIE .E K ETA Hi I" THE X.X"NWE.LTH IV ltKl'NCE Non-l-T T(i A JOINT HE-IATION le (iiwn'irUi. AUci-ilisl frwltt. Ci! lw- vf t T tliij". Srkacfl Ii-.rirtft. r IiHTt Tin ir Ilia-ttte2tt lu tt r wi 1 e4 j u -rtiMe t3 llmjf tX KT unit k Dinr. or il minij aiiJiL of Pili, -tjimjua. rcflitp a fpito lsxih jriTiflti. t-tiu'.l utvrr wa Mt.s utn .isrti tlie tf-w-sM-fl iftue 01 lb iiia ; riiTlr t,br in. j-er tU any auui i. ijml i .it cinri'l im-ur at.T -t34tr trr-at- i-j l: fliiiilir to ati azMrcrt ftntditic t 11 1-1 tin t,strQ FUC attS-fSfsfs. t alCaliSM. jf lraXnsntT j it 4tMsia. In Fwb xnaxstrtr f- t&ail r i.r liflt-d It lut atr crtj. tbe 4-M f -wiurx. neo uc tT xtcia eri at wtw-a xm- aiD itire jtr eXTtBi. m in- ac.m?ai 1 at xie tin-, vztm crii taltttsttuTi ' 1 j-HMsSftl, lo aworiitw -vllb tbe j rerikt tie taCbittiiti aruiie cr r&ia wmnwttrh. 1 bat said M-itKlL ltfn aiUH-caf. t-ba.U ruifl j 1,. l 1 Tbe oM arr ittr. -tr. or- LCb iuiii ftfimoj oivrni. t cftttr no r m mrraMed ais-trirl. ".t aF !.:- n toa naij iitr sc-ta i v jkt 1. inum i it ' nor t-bal asr fu b jouuh iiiaJitr cr dif-iTxi t ur aty i ' Oel-t e-r ttKTftw itr- ltidrfmidtM't-f an aiutui.t ixci-aiii to ifr rmi uib at;fi-ea ailotion f irrrxTtr TnJtbotn ib a-.Ll il ibe Klcrr- twTwt at a j-uHtc le mi iu tun. txiktitxr a Usui if irerioi-s tr in A true 1T Joitil JlcwJinwui No ; lintlEKT M Aii'n. F-r-rTxtarr T tbe r,r-ir.if)fiti-aiiv A' VENHMENT TO THE CONfTITl T. N Thu lNi;il TU THE CITIZENS Ol" T11I C.iM- nu kltii roi: THEin ArriMVAL uk ri: JEI-TJON liY THK liENEKAL, ASSEHBU THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNs-i EVAN! i'i 1 1-1!!!.!! uv oiinrn or the i-keti: Ol- THE COVKONWEAL.TH. IN PIT.5UANCE N LiobfT Tbe A JOINT i:Eoi.moN I 'nr-J K.fcC AlDtliimtiU to S t vZ EiClt T"nir-Oue ci Article IToTir. f'fii'-t.- Kl -atid llr AnlcJe ntf, 5-fjun' T Tbiee and rtTanNii ArJcJe Cigbt, f-t't)t Ote ,r Artltle TlTe, hd3 iMiiio. - Tmc a mwu of ArUile rur.tit. T tbe l1h CxT IVbUfHiUiia, azid a Stirtslule ftii CamU.iT Ibe AllreiiarM'CU lbt ECc:1 Mf-tioa I lie it rtoltd It tbe Mimte a&d Hotiw ci ltejre-ct:tatiei ct tbe CoictDon altb of IiiSrjlTaLla la Gi.erI Afcsesiilr mtt TLat Ibe J(tlitiii.f. are inius"d a& aafesssiDeiii. to ibe ritiistiiution ci tb? (DomzQcnrnfaltb of IVncfil ranla. In airordazre itb tbe irotisltms cf tbt icbteeitU. aruae intrexi. Atnenfliocst OneTo ArtiiJe l"rcr, SsxUoii Eicbt. Jswtlon Z. Az&exkd Jcn elebt c! snir-le ot tbe cc4.fXltUL.oa or ivxnf jJvaEi. mbi& aa TMlo i "He tvball xcrxlziate and. It and wlib tbe a 3' vk aisd conMxt of tao-tbird of all tbe tw-iiils. r ! tbe Sieiate. aipoiEl a wwury ci tire uci' rutE-caHh and an Atu-rser -General daricc jet vre. a t.imniencmt ci retne insiratuon n: Uvt riirs. and tocb ctbT cSttri of tfce Com xnotixaltb aj be u or nar t mbibomed tr tb Conrutvudn or ir i u ;idii:x, ue toT ta 11 all varan c 5e tbat znar Lun. offlct to mbStb be x&ar arpoict. dvrirc tbe r cf of tbe Senate. Ir crailltc odtumiUH blfb aball expire at tbe end cf tbtir xit fJn. Le aball La.e pcr lo 11 aty tjcwkt V n. i t hiiwii. dcritr tbe recest of tbe iu. tbe oaic of Auditor CntrsL State Trtai-urT Sstxretary or imTui Arairt or tujnnina.iii labile IcBimclloiL tn Jl lufilaal cfite, cr In ai flber krUe oa wbitb be is or te a. tbcirued to XUI II tbe tarancr zui huhu cur.i tA Miuoa if tbe Ntite ibe GoTtrncr tLsill u .lie to tbe jMnat- tKftire tbt'r &al d. uni uti.t a ini-ir jrKa to tli J3 ra'ai ty. t .i u t u(b a of 'aii t. in an tl-i- 1j ;roa abaii le tliuKS to k33 ;t at ibe iau ftirl tlWUllB. UlsSttV 'Ut IJlUsJ 'IUU I-tn vitbin tbree f-altnSar cjcjliLi. imnifd . j re-dine utb k uoi. . m ubitb um tbt titxi-' f..r Mjd fsbail le Lld at ibt M-'il4 fu fdt.c central tkiKin In actu.c on iUiv T,f,rr.iLiit),iis tbe St cite tbaU Fit ilb oieo oc ? and. in -tnrnJLe or re;tx-ticr tbe txim:r.iT5ciiv of tbe iifcit-ixor. llie wt uisui t ua ij j -and nr, and tbail t tnured on tbe Jourji-i. ba ai la rtaa at i&iioaF He "ball iMsitickie and. by ati3 itb tbe taw abd eot-MLl of io-tbirds if all tbt ix ilU.-s i tbe eiiaie. aiiiomt a SuKtary tf tb Ccn.n.t : ealLb and an Attorney Otntral doriac !! t- a nt-tss iHrjitTjds-Bt of 1 'utile Icitru Hon J- four t-r and utb ttbr tswr cf tbe "otn xucnatalth aa be Is cr u- y I autbond ty 1 1 n-uiiiin or iy law t a i tor to fill all latiniKi- ibat tusy bsia. . 2i to bnb be nJit, dur.te tb n .. i i-i. ct.iii. tr rrauT.rr eoii.mi-ioiiS bi' i s-iTlre at tbe u3 ol ibtlr ttf ut. bt bT i-oatr ti. 11 any a.aL'y ib-i n.-i Ltilt-n tJurjie ihe r.F i tb it. ..r Ani.i. ileiitml. tal- Trta ui-r. & r ary of 1l1 ASurs cr St Lt of lubli In-truiuon. in a jusictai s.-. .t tn anj . tbtT lttUTe t-ltf bitb Le is or tuij uu tborired to 11. if tbe .atanty sball Li;-a dur lite tLe station cf tbt Senate, tbe GoveiTsor tb-. ? to tfce 5aate. ltfpre tbfir teal ad urLmeLt. a tro:r t-trson to 11 aall;y but it. itr t neb caw cf Tacatey, ia an :tjTe . ip . a xrKin tall I cbcn to tald ci it.. iiTi tlttf-ilcn 5aT ariroinate to u b o2 a rdirs t ibe i.roiti of tb Cyn-i.tuuon . . ... lUtifinri it.i'.i taTt ti it bin no altn- rlir ni-nibs in.njediateJy jtJlct stk lt-5oi. d .r bi b ase tbe l ti'Hs tor . 3 ht-it hi . t.ia ibe Mt-tmd njtvtfdjnr .Kit-on ca a i n: tiatt to mtb offit la artlnr on irti i i - tie ena!e bll ut nii oj- u r j m oLCnLitu t-r rtit m c tbt nco. t-suon il- t,o..tiir. tbe it stw t-k. . irya ai.d njr. anj sball U eitert4 on tb J unnl. Abtbduititt Tvo To Ann1 l"oir. t- ma Tti1rtlLc Section S Attend -wiacn ttnty-ct.e tf trtliU four. Ma rtaJs a ftlloas Tfce i risi of tbe ncrttarr cf Internal Affairs sLall l-r It-ur 3tir. oi ue .yciitr ututraj ibih . a. - r. . i.f t Treasurer uo Teari 'll.. bJI U iboMO ly tbe sitalitieal ,. 'ors cf tbe Mite at J.l tw, ih-i.1 No itrMsii eleta to tbe ce cf Audiur Oenral cr Mat Tlraurr -tall 1 ;ab.e tf LolJiOfi tbe -ska tlZ.e for to toLiceutiTe tenet, to as t . t T.s is rrni f ibe ?rtTT cf Internal Affair Air ireral. atd tbe tate Tuat-ur .j, b t lovr .ar-. ana ib . b'n tr tb (juaLfitd tit-dors of lie tia:. ,-. . s-ri wtj(,iii. Let a Slate Treauf-r. e1 v In ILe year one tboufcanl cine buciri4 and riii a utc f..r ir rv-a- ts-ari and b. turtrtssr aLiii be rUai.-d at tbe ctxcral tieajon ia ib yat cne tbouKiil Line bundred and tatlte. an .s srsrr fmirlh Tt-mr Ittrcaflef No l-fT 1 w. isa. ra it.o .- of Auditor General or iat Trta"irer baU be aiable cf bcldmc tbe tatoe o3.'e for to tobtecutiTe ttnns A&tiidbitLt Ttrt To ArticJe. n, ectlca Eleven. &ttjoa I Amend aecuoa eltren cf article te. Lih teals as follows. "Ettett aa ctberalte t-roTlded la tbls Censtl- tt.i..D- rutucea of Lb lat cr alltnnta aball b It-led la tt fstTeral mards. dutricts, be roughs and toaiitbitss at tbe time oi tbe tiecuoa ci ecn stables, tr tbe qualified lectors tbereof, la tacb manetr as saau t-o turecin sy u, ana saaii ive "on.n.ifaionea it tne ijtjfeiccr it-r a it rua ' e.- T-irt. Wa tomctblD ward, dlittict cr be sball elect mere tban two JuiUces cf tbe 4-e or nw sii iue ulkii ti a u.a i 'fiiy cf tt qualite-1 t if tor v.'b.n su b iod t u b off, tiLless be sball bate rtiiiel .tb t tasBEtbii' tscrtrucb. rd tr tli -t ri it for o at,r irii ore' edit. st bis elar'ltua lo .ties CPU- talLir-c otr City tbruiADl Inbabiucts cot n re tbsa on alJerisan sball te electid ia Hb ard or dutrlrt. so is to resa. Extett aa etber la- crotllfd la tbls CoastltO' Hon, )uille of tb t-iace or aldcnoea sball t imfsj m live rvvcrai siiuki, wtwium or tcvoibtbs, tr iL qualified tlectcrs ibtrecf. at tbe tnunKif-'at elettloo, la filth tnanoir as shall be dttedetl tr lav. and stall Le coatalsslobM ty Ihe GoTernor for a ttrm cf tlx year. So tiatship, ward, dittritt cr u,rcuca sbaii ixt id 'ire I ban o Juil of tbe jxat cr aliern)a u.'tii .t ibe oc tct ci a uajoriiy - ibe qu; ." d tie tors wttttQ siscls toaasb.., ward cr lrouxb bo iroa Sball be elected lo stub effi e u'.tess be sball tate reside it bin tbe toai.fhj Ur ougb. ward er dJ'ritt for cne jear ben in d lac bis eledloa. la IUc ronuiolcc cttr fifty tbouuDd Inbabitiats, act more tban ote alltr man sball te cleeted la each ward cr dutrl't A Eft dot at roar To ArtlcU Kite, tvectKsn Twill. Seetlea I. Amed sedloo twelve of artMc fire of tb rontiitiiisOB. wbitb reads as follows lo fUUdelr Lla itere stall Le eUatiUted, fr eab tblrty tbousaed Isbabttant. on court. cxt or rtrcrd. of t-oliee sod rtrll catsst. itb Juris 4li. oa isOt trteeJic,; c-tv Land red dollars, sub t-curls sball le beld Ly taatiitrates wLose ttrn of & stall U Bte years, aad tbey UU t tleciesi oa feoersl IKktt Ly tte quaitttd voters at Uue, aod la itf cltctlca cf tt sail macu lrie co voter sball vote for more (ban to thirds cf ibe auaUr of f-erteas le L ele'Wd Ui mere tbaa one are to Le chosen. tby sball t eefwiatssaied ealy tr nttd aalaiie. lo L pa '4 Ly salt cowbtr: aad sbsll tserri siwh JuMMk Ilea, cl?Ll aad clinical, tuty ttilo br t tiw.i sJafJ-IG, VM i,. VI "a 1 1, -act ij-iaj tixft ckuial k - 1, tcr A a aii'l itiMMskd aXL.t-aa K l" 1C : ynistc axa .n '.. 1 Ana- t; Afrtat SMl i i Ls T J .ikX- tftk rt MsaU b i4 ir iau .-.;i'c --t- urn '. c4bc iuu h 1 . j . r at4 Vt r isl ! -ii pi, . in-,- u. z . S 1 V. tS-t Isia' t-3 t - -a 11 iaia- a.1 i i I 31 j. t.3 111 t-i-ltm iaah.a.Ji-t JX t . Vkal t Usa l -liifai t i 1. j-r n1 -a 4 ss . 1 1 Ml HsUt tbt 4 J ' t? ti ' "L J i - i-i x T 1 " fa, 1 . IJ . UC Ij Mufi a 1 j tl. t'TTf-.i. JitXTKV. a s V t. i(.t-tttu 4.t. f iii . . f a U F Mh U. - -si : . ttJ tVTTtrC. 1.- " - . ' a r-y ! n. tw. . J". J.t JJ -.- - auC4nt2: . - ' .fl AUtr&aflH : : " ATale t- . fr. JbTte -sm f. Aiti t i cf aruck t iu rtaTi jf; siia 3 fcM ai t . j-ca i waj ni,if4- :he rl X- r i lem.'svf. twt b u i ii'i AxS2r n it lar oli l!ff ii.i Jug bi&-.' tv is -ii .'i:.. tJ5iii ffcil Ik toll ! i U :-ral A-ni.i It xmf hr u a 4tr- ; i ir j hm it-sc :ir r a i. u it i . lYrtiatl. Tkat . i .a Unas ju it bil ia ia Te; -ii.r". s, rtar. ttHi n. . Aa2 strtiwa tu-i i . - ' ia. u mi.svb I- - - ti l's Ail itTit.t atr. vrd. I rh ara -I .I ! 1- 4 ii 'Lt tWrd TttrftAar 4 I n.-y, h i r . I .-it-, it r (; tti at i!ber j. c- or i : I . vi .r.iaitBaaJEkrii c ? r h 'Htii lar .caeca tbe miu )ir t . -2 dit.j atd f-r (nitti? 3. ufc. tifi uTi'-'ti &ts for tin. t i vim s-loiij 1- ti-id a tbe ttaaii j-.i 3 i.:ir. -ir 7t4.t-daf tun U . r r .1 - V- j Nci-raii-r -a rrti --!- 4 t ui i.m ytTl A'tmt4r aaar St k a afl-ji i cj. it-sl.ra -4 a'3 tbt ir i Urns' . t--it4a. tbSTt: Pr ,tc Tfct i aisxi i.- utj aJmars le brd iu u oil. j&o twfl4 jii' AXaMrDID.t i V 7 Tf ATUc; Eifl-T. IF- 3 1- nt j i Anud ica fitrixs cI ai. ia still l.i 11 'idf- ' -.'- i .-") . -,ib Niald ffTl c-f a - . r I . 1 t-liU -t- 1 4 i. i !r ii- i-r and t .i 1 u j ' t t-ba . . j'jtritit - lein t Ird i r itn tj.r- Tbe . l4 d. - d a nil' - .ll titMtM . rfi. t.l 1- TT'tids-d 1 law. EietlM .-.I it i.r.i f a tmit. arxcrt srnefe a. j -ifl ?l t i nist -4 tt-afcistsj rr; . t. if tt : u:i im,i ui a warra- a rt fe-rd it , -let ibttv-oa. trr mm tr. 'ict 'ritiC. tj. nr lur wail-Koi lrafb tt lb- . Ia n n.i.y itr ; - wa Jrv-iL ury duty ii-Tj -ul (- Lii! . -dr i 1, t-Uail f , - -tx moai ju '11 t, tj J a ! . ta.1 J BH tsjUire r- . snrd t- .i('i i j .i iii.iiii'r at- i : T T -w ji.a.ds Lbf itiltiifi tbe a: 't,t . 1 l.iura- BJiF t- t:..1--d to aj , " ..d. ,hj r- b law I u ' ti tor tit .ui' 'td.f Eeck els-M. i : . ' L,ave t . i to u.i Jr-r i'' judiM awd ' -it ir. nd b iti-iti . t fba.l aagsiwit i.i i-'k Tb .t . . ij li.tiTd tte any &tw tSidt. tl u 1 la J- i. ud a am t 1m JtTjta li 1- 1 ... d. -b-u u ty U. e; . . - -rs t-ill te :i.ihc4 ln-ta aiTr4 ujm-h t. cf utn. uii. fi;wt-d la msA lc tj;i and in- q. 't.i.: rftur:f. tfj'. srjwui w i-. ot a ouil tj tt-. i. ,tdc Ibtm-ij. ftt j. a a raud. It-r 1-. nj. r lor wawtoa Im tl tbe - . n . ib j uaT tlataa t ti : j - fii&i .cry tSu y d. r uc :b t :t nns tsf tatrin AiwtJ'iiie-i Wiin-1 Aiunt wi-L - inn One. f-ii i j ATuBd fs iou tmr. inn .e tmclre. Li a j' i i- "' - t. 1 4.- .r, lii iVi-:'ra IS I 'fl I T 4fd I .1 ibii- I iTliiU'.. 'ball U t i r I i it S itr u.ny I dtntls3 by law. t aa te t,ii . ff -t. wli'iM m V - 'ia 5 JKrt jm ' 1 for a itii- 'iiiaiitu'iott. tsbaii tx tleicltd t . 1-d n. j tt 3 rft-d y law I"rsid' d. li.jt t Jp,--. f f-i j . otbitT t-bull be areid en a tn itral i-i ti dny. and ejttrtions tf lex .1 OsL rg ,',i;t 1 dm taut ' iJ.Jil elttKrti day. i , ' wb -IU '-j- t. hi 1 tltijti.'- may 1 ze.cirt4 l rd i- rui Aaut itstiut at Niix Tt Ar.uJe rsverteen, ua Tw-a y'inn I- Allseed i.a ta ci artiJe foar i. wb h rctd. a fi 'lw.; rutty t.i.-.i s. i f tltTted 1 tbe FfTsfTll st- m s uad -ball bold iIktt oSc4-s for Ibe ttnn is t i - it c t-n tbe tt Mo d y of j ty i i iiiir tXytioD. and tin1. tbeir - tjualifit'd. i.I Ta an iea i u! ir -ball l-e CJlfd la sorb itr ly law. m is to c-.i ' f -.r .1 1- lnd at tbe txua'' Jial . t-.-.. i.i- i j: t-ba'i boid tb'ir at f.r tl, una ' r j -.-. t p : iu s os the first 3d i day of i u ? T1 afr tU.r elelitm. and cr I tbt-lr -j. . ii ' Ik duly quallfit-d. all tarancie . i .'tn rix , rotidt d ler. tball te tiled la suth jli it at- Kiy lt- iroviSt-d Ly Isw. Attn tlinc2.t Ten To Article rcunots, SctUoxi S KB. 5-!f-lK: IE A rot iid t-crxna wrrca. article forr ttn. wbub rtads as folioas Tbrt t ont.iy eaxa.iKaotiers and ttrte county auditor sball le alerted la each ccrtinly wbtre u b iAtr are tbeses. tn ibe ytar one tboaicaad titbt busn-resd and anl vry third i . ar tbt r afltr; aad ia tbe election cf Fail ofSeera ta, b '.uiii&t-d eleritkr sltall vote fer to lurre tbaa. to I'trtiic. and tbe three ttrttx&s Larc tbe chi Lui-ltr of vote tball le cV-ttd, any - ul in jL'J in tb t2b' of .t -y c EiCls- ntr r ttwuiy acttttcr shall 18 fi'.ied. y tb roun of cosnincn jJtas cf tbe county la wLKh fO'b taejiL-y fball oercr. ly tbe if;Ji.timct of a- t!or of tie jircjr county who ba31 bate i i j for the t-ttniniuioiKr cr aud, tor w bo j l- - u i f fi.ltsL o as t rtd Tint- '-"unty (vsCXiZL-iSitioiKtrs and tbne roaaty ji t..t- tball t cka-tr-d in each iLty wber a- b IT r- ar cboHB. la the ytr cvte ibn-jtand t 1 flr d md (knn and txcry ffrumb yar ibtrta'ur. arid ia ibt. tit- ttoa of f- d e.flr tach ja liiitd t r ebail Tdit for nu i re tba two " . im d ibe tfats-e jtiswi- bat tg te bifib- si liuiiib-r ett- ba.i lte.t. 3 any c-asasl ud'ji) it. tbt cdfct tf -tut3ty cotuu uicntr -r is audiur sball l-e filltd. Ly tbe r in of i 'i ji. of tb eomty In wbi a t a ra i lixH ur. t tbe Miuii cf aa r iti t r foumy ska i-ht I ' Toted i i t.n.ii..iwjtr oraudiur wb iace la U tj.t 1 S btdul for tbe AtteasdsifMa Stiitaa 1Z Ibat ittjii.jt ij' n uy arfse ii. tbat' in tbe rotittiii. i cf tbe n. !i3i -iid la ordtr to tarry l aoe tsOLilcu tj-Mtiion, t la L rt ly , .rtd. -i.jt In the ta o? tlt-lt4 by tl I : e all t.nivs cf fit' -"i ly a-t tf aa t-dd iiUt.tir tf j-.-; t-ball tath I: "ii-d oe ar v.1 "e I.Ti-laiure tx . 1 ye ue U n . 3t-d tb t. : r wfc. b f l b " 1 aie t.'ssttd rhall al ... I f -r aa .i.a tu:- l r if ytar- TJ.? ' taitn'jca of oftcial 1' r-.. fc "I dcI flfi ofL tr- eltctttd t tbe cental l, a tf t liittuMiitl nine bctsdrod and a r cr-y if. wrard. borough, lomtishlp. or c a di i - 'it ofbt-itF. whose tenia of f t t. ir ii la a. -.d in lue star one i k iitrd nine drtd Tjd tea. ln r oTit "btu's-d i.iiwr bj "r d r 3 ten ; l s-ii-'. b-ll le b'M ) t" e -3rd . '. i .f rlrcj7, a beict ic X A all .r- fbt-fxt, at tbat ekTtioa to ; ) r, e lfc i.j'.r'in. of W Mb 1 twti year t'J ,1a all ('tlea oflicers c&d aaseasors itt -i ' t'at t-i.i rrtt tsiitil tbe fi i V " y cf 1 ui L-r .i. lb staroxe thousand r tz dred j t AI tilli-tr CMOt-ea at that clt 'Joa t . , - c -f - i.nn of wbl'h Is tow ur -irs. ii -d- : r ttar.- by the tira- a cf l'fe . i I i'i' t.r thif ftbtdule. sha-i. rv3 until i f W . '!it f I'ftnjUr in tbe r c-.e i. - j : i burdrt-d end thirit A ,u t is i - 11 . . . i u inPtj t?-. : r d a.d -" " fiitMn ai tba l tioTi. fball ftrre until the fitt Monday ul iHtt r,l T .1. Ibe s-ar ore thouut d rlie hun-irs-4 md fir tn. Afr ibe year Ts r - a bun-4rt-d i-id t.-. i.d viLtil tbe IK.-.i:ure sb'ill "bri it;di.. ?i ttrnis tf tity, wtrd, !r "ich i. a i; --I'd ! 't n du is-oa ci -trs S-all Urta on tbe rst MoaJar of iHcc&tcT la an T'un trt-d yr. All tny. ward. K-roiiTi., and to-s ? oers li . 1 1 ,rt -t tbfr di t,f tt aw al of tbee i ii.,. i,i- wb umt '.f offi e ii , t 'd In ibe . r . ti- I'l-uk.nd t jtt hutidrt'l t"d elecTn, 1 . II f- : ' !iu- to l- Id ihr r 4t MUX I Ibe tn Monday f Ifiti!tr of that Jtir .ud. ff ibe cnun ft.r the several Judf "l d -in t. ard al' fi! --oiirty t.!5 n b Id!r; t-ft.-t jt iht date ft tbt aii-roral o its r"itd-mttit-. whs-e terms of T r may end t te yar ut- ihttUhaitd nine bundrt and Ictti, tbatl itjlint-- tn bld ibelr tiffin until tb first Mod- dav tif 'Miuary. one thousand aitt hundred and tWtltf A true ry of Jr-int ntw.iat-on No S. ItOliERT M Al'KK, fefrctary of tbe Coffin, mwealth. ailK.ltlFFSSXr.K of VAftUAHLEUKAL -j KTATE Hy rtrtut of pro1- inid out of iii( utirt uf f mitnon I'ltasof Wayne county, and iStalt of IVtinylrnnla, atid to m dirt tl and dihvt'iHil. I hartt It-rift on and will s-ijom- to publi'- Kilt, at tb Court flout". Ho:it-Hl- on FIIIUVY SKIT. 11, UK ftt 2 r. at. All of dflen Unf nzht. title an I Id tr-rest In ibt-fo'bwin lt;n'tl propvrtr, to i All tbat rtila p'.vi or pirc-I of situ tte m tbe to-aitiip m tVTiaan, Conutv ol ay . hute oi IVanjivaQU, bouil anl dt-sH'iibHl fallows: "RKUINNIXG at tbe UlUord and Owe Turntuke; tbfni-3 south epTentsn deete west iltout tts-euty-seven rol aiJ twnty- iwn links; ttit-uoi sixty-four dtree eavst about nine ron ana six linKt ; iun nnrta , tyi'nlu Uer(ea eitt tweatyfaur ro to ium uiQiesuti; taenon west ni9Dc ti'J turiiiikt about t lzht roll an I six lioki fnlbit plactt of l-?inrun. OONTAIKISU tut an t one balf a r- of laud more or lea, (.'einz tutt ltui whica Morlltuir Tutliitl onvcy-J toTruin:tti prazuetiy tlettl clat revrdtvj m Dee llook .No. IC, r-are ICS. L'pon irwnis la a ana anl a ball story bouse aul tram- bam aul olber Im proritcttits. Heiz-J aoi taken In oieculioa as tb prop erljr of Truman -rat:u al thn suit of ti, U. Outbtr. No.nrJuneTtrml.fch, JuJrment f-tJ; r raid tl.t MT Muoiforj, Attorney. TKHMti 01 SAMS, t'ASIL run-hasfrtopiy (. for Jt-e-iailu dhrrifTs alt-s. WM. It. HOADKKIQHT, Slieritt, bbenQ'a U 111 if. IInn- lali.., i A us IX I'JUT. ( Dlt. A, V. ISAMr-OllO. DKNTI8T. Will occupy Ibe houM of 1- a. TU WIS HJU1NCNK. I'A. Vtom Auutt 1. l'J0 oultl further notloe. I Ha a It. U1UHY, OeulUt, lluurada.e. IU OmCK UOCKS-eA. u. lo&j at ' Anyerniin- by apfoliiliiitiit CltlZfDs' pbontiXl, jUwadencwi, No. M X DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Plies, Burns, SOT X. t ivr- trttTtfA Vj alien. 1 AIMS HHtde. MT .lltl' aa C . ..a ,i ( l?njf j-. j. a, tuM if a la. i t siwiii.1 tbt BS1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers