The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, September 10, 1908, Image 1

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    enenajaaw.,,.,,- ... ' -r? "asr" 'ear- ! .. .vr .. s.t-':.-
Pgv X JLlJji
i5 Tt. -LLJ
PZtirFtV WWB!-t floor to Jvtom.
fffrwmoouplebylIoo.W.H. Dlmi
April, 1008.
' -omneoTBT Poet Olnoe.
. y 1 1 1 apnTiTfitnrT T"i ff i." to,
iaoiiieflals, Jan. 1, lmu.
- ' " - " mmnlHatii
itSawmUM HAEKK8,
St -I musnts and 1'enstons Mourtid,
UlBoe In tbe Court House.
., Pa. 47yl
Homnxu, ram',
ul tiromnt attention elven to lli
a of olalms. Uflice over llelf'e hew
WatiW ad floor Old Saving Uank hulldlng
Xyl llOKBRnALl. I'i.
till '
ji r. XIKBUC,
'Over the Tort Offloe, Honeadale
3ba,ivu. lyi
At Ihe offioe late of Waller fc Searle.
I 2.aoWIiAMD,
JHaMtOale. la. OBoe over Poit OBie.
' Jan. 1,1884. yi
OBloe oyer Ilelft New Store.
JSimrsdal, Pa.
" BoranAui.
- Uuonlo bnlldlrjK, 2d floor.
Baar of Allen House Bonesdale, Pa
Deo. 1,1 W2. 41yl
1 TAR. B. 1. BKOVN,
. aBoe lit Floor Old Pavlncs Ilauk liullrtiiif
HOKEHDAU - I'A. 3flyl
V "
.SAK. H. B. SEAnlKH.
, &y QoKxsnALc, Pa.
'BSaama Residence 111G Oburoh itreet
- .innliuslle Baptist Churoh. Telephone.
'V. 1AAi.amiiW:nn to 4-nn and 7:00 to teoor m
Mi W. 1. X0OOSVTI.I4.
I Beoond atrttet. Tormerly ocou-
.J.J. O'Connell.
ilo, March IS, 1S92. 5yl
liwMila0mMi Girs
Being Dlarrlbutod Free by n Mew
York Sooloty.
CojiperatlnR with missiotiR in JInloy.
ela, tho Windsor Laboratories of New
York have secured a supply of the won
derful coxnbrctum plant, which has done
bo much to revolutionize the treatment
of the opium habit.
A pencrnus supply of tho new remedy,
together with full instructions for its
use, and United States consular reports
bearing on the subject will lie sent to
nny sufferer. To obtain a free 6upply
of this remedy and the consular reports,
cddressWinilsorLalinratnries.llranch 2b,
ISi East 23th Struct, New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Offloe; 2nd Hi
0. 0. Jadwlu's d
Mannnle nulldlnt;, over
slore, lloneHuale.
Hnw Arp Ymir Fvfis?
With a prnittlcal nxpnrimice ot.mauy year
I am utile to maktt a rarnful. ncitmtiltc nxuni
Inutlon of the eyn, whioh will rtnult in tli
application of a pi tint that will rolievo and
h(p you. If you ftwl tlm nwd of aid for
your eyes, an my m tony.
Tou are blind to your own interest lr ynu
neglect to take care of your eyes. It lsut
wvery one who run properly tit you with
p lasses, and when ynu pet, them you vhoiild
noi tmiiK tney win no, Jimi iieraiiMe you nee
a little better. You MUST know they are
eiaoiiy ripnt. we are neadiiuartero ioi
apnea. pooaH 01 an Kinas.
All leiiBHn duplicated and frnmet colde
nn short notice, cheaper than elnewhere.
Poit Olflue Iluildlnis Uoneadale l'u
Fit? New York Daily Press
Week Dav Etiou t.i - 50
Ad dross The Olttton, Bouosdale, Pa
After June 1st, 1908,
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Kodol, will. In a very short time, etiabli
thtt summon in uo ine wnrvii snoum ui
and the work it whould do is to dipest all tl
food vou eut. When ttie stoumrh cun't d
It Kodol does it for it, and in the meatitkiiie
thestomaeli is peitinp rtronper atm unlet
take nn its M'tzulur nutural work ucuin. K
dm dkpesls all you eat. It makes the stoiu
unhittt-et anil it Is pleasuut lo take, It ii
sold ben- by J'KlLThe Diupcist.
Mroni op the cotrniTiciN
or mi
HonesdBle National Bank,
At trie olose of huaiuee,, J illy Id, 1B06.
Loans and Discount aM,8l7 68
Overdrafts, murnd and unseour-
m i ,n
C. S. Tloniln to secure circulation, WsWn no
ITcmlum on V. B. Ilnntl z,i no
Honda, securities. ln l.lNiknrai ii
Tlanklng-housn, furniture, fixtures 4il,mH) 00
jrue zmm iMntinnai jiuuks iimi
llcorvi, Ammlfll , 3.HT7 Wl
Tue f 'm male Ilankn and Hunker f IM
iiupfrom approvpd rirvac u i-u:r7.i yn
7li(M!kn and nllmr raDi Itcnift.... 0,4 ill
Natmof othxr Nntiannl llankn.. Hki IK)
Fraiafona inwr curriMicy, im'k
fll and pmitj ........ . ......... o0 0"
HpPlt, ll
l-jral ImillMr tlliln.. 4.HWI ll f"..1l.1 (HI
Bpdmption fund with C H.
iTanurer, i, per ceiiu 01 i-iruu
latlon 2,750 (HI
,7MI (11
,00i) IK)
hIMHI 10
tr.i m
,IHHI 111
l"h IC.
Capital monk pnld 111 $IM,
Huriilu Tumi l.M.
IHllvldtMl prilllU, ltH expeUffl
and Ihzhw tmUI r.
NaUoimntiUiL.uol4woulrtUilitliliR U.
Hiale lfuiik lintel nulHtamllnj;.. .
Hue to other INatiniuil IIHUkii l
Due In Hinte llnnkK uud Hanker
llfllTiflUttl de(i,Hlll wlllijeet In
I' leek f 1.4.VJ.4.M li
Demand eertlhenlefl
III llennalt nn
(Vrllllell elei ku ... ).', Il
Cantuer' rhiM-kK out-
xtuudliic . .. ,11 M-1.47C.
Tir. 4h
Ilnnili liorrnwi'd
Knlenlid lilllt redleiiliuteil ....
Illllii payable Ineluilllif: eiTtllU
eaie oi uepiHii lor uinne nur
roweil None
liiihllitiet oilier than thoenhove
Ttu) .
..fl.lMC.TMl 111
titHtnf I'l'im-ylVHiiia, C.tuiitj nl uyuv,
I, Krtwin ' Tnrrry, ('ii-liUr ul the linin
dale Natintiii Itiink, do f-olcninlj- fwcur tijmt
tll hImi rUl. IlitMlt in tnii' t tin hint ol
ray kiiiinli'ilcc titiil liolict.
Hul writ iffl and pwnrn lo Imloit' nn line
ailh day nl Jul), lwrs.
Correi't Altit
J. ( lllltl I'M AM,.
Order vmir (urniturr hv mnll nnd t&t
tm torj I'-
Only $3.92
fnTthlt fine, brn it-trim mctl Iron bed In
liny ulic Lacquered tirnut rod, nrna
mcnt and vacs IlrnutlluIIv enameled
in every detail Ucvernc rails to fit nny
kind of fiprin? A bed of nimilar 8tjlo
and Quality rctalln In store for S S).
Carefully packed, shipped
for $3.92. Do you wish to
save fully a third in buy
ing your furniture?
Send today 'T our Faetnry-TWcc Cat
alogue, hentlrce nn requem "htlckley
brandt" furniture Is the kiiMl that nerves
you lonircst nnd best.
H. C, HAKII. iTesintm
WM. B. IIOI.Mr.S Viee 1'ret.ident.
Li. S. SALMON Otshlor,
W J WAUD. As t Paahior
Armr k- HVitifi m iwrnty m n.Mttrrol
CultlVHtn the IimIhi, no mutter hownnirti
ynu mitke it ih tttr uiio Hitre wh y to inclf
Yf.11 will tind rnurtnoiiM troHtmnnt nrt
mjiln Mooi.rttv hi iIio
i;.M)iviiinn r.AnxiNGfi, oo.oHt:
Total Assets. - - $2,680,000
SAVINGS I)in(lSITH niiide on or lie
tore the tenth day ot any mouth will ilraa
interest rrom the nrst day ot that mouth.
lNTi;Ui:ST will l,e mud for all Caletlilur
months on moneys reiiminliiR on deposit
inree i;hh noar rnniiins or loimer.
Small safes lo rent In our IIUllGLAll
HimmmkI ailention civeu to MF.I1CANT1 Lr
Deposits nitiy be made bv mail.
H. P. IlAKn. W. H. Hoi.mkr, f. ,1. Rsnn,
A. T. HKA ICl.K, F. I". KtMllI.E, W. F. RCV1IAM
11 J. CoNUtll, II. b. Halviin. T. II. Cl.AIIK.
Time Card In Effect June 2Ut, 190B.
13 II,,
vs. r
II 4. ,S I'j
tii lin
: 111
B t&
4 16
4 45
t 00,
8 W
a :3
8 XI
V8J11 89 " l'litHhiint Ml
S ll 8IJ . I itl'Uiiliilf..
as'l! H " .rnrent 'ltv
tO I811US " CYlt'mlate Vd
in nr'ri .
Slfftl 10 ('artsiiiriaie
4 Ul 1, EU
4 us t7
4 ii sni
4 it s in
4I tit
in tn
4 sr r. t7
in r, 3
4 us f.i
r, sfi
wiilli- nrMw
.Muytlom d
60811 N
sftllOM "
S iH in 47,
4-l 44 "
fl0W '
SMH' wi
. WlUlnn.
,. JVOkTlllfl...
.. .PickH n .
, . Thump ....
, lTnvl tnf..
iiir riso
... horuiitou
,Al, 4 40 CtO
4 U A
r n r w
Adititlonal trains Ipsvs rarrmnitsio for wst.
field nrd nt u fill n m dally, itiul M ) in Oslly
fzpcm hundsr Afldltlnnsl trains lssve Vs.
nsid yard Iiit onrimiiiluli' fl n a ui dully ai.diu
p. m dally exeupt Hunan.
J. C A suss. us, J H Nn.n.
Trurnc Vitiiaur. '1 ruuiiiitf Acsnt.
Ulusvurhl., Nis ui-k, hauutgn, l'a.
It w III pn ii u to call at the
finely ctulppud
11 South Mum St.,
SALVE For Plies, Burns, Sore.
Disasters He Foretold Never
Come to Pass.
Cold Standard Does Not Blay, Not
Don It Writ, Future In Blood,
As n prophet William .lennlnpi Rry
nn lins never ls-on a aucroea. The ca
lamities which he hns fon-told n'onlrt
linve briiucht tinllmlted disaster to the
ciiiintry If they bail ever tieen reallwil.
Hut they never came to pass The bar
rowlnc plcttiri-i Mhlch be pnluted were
merely tlcmeulH of bis liiiiiclnntlon,
linMeil nn uls.ululol.v llo feuadatlon
It Is well to bine Anierlcnus remem
ber thai prnjilntli-M uttered by the nru
tor of the rintie must Is' dlHcountil
full lli i'r ii'iit. for till slKtis Inill
cnte thllt lie fiH'ls the fates nlnv more
ntiil l iilsiut to Is-cln proplHsiyliis
iil'iiIii A linn,' t'liHHiiiiilra, Mr ltryuti
nuuht I i.v tbls time lime learned that
the fnreaiKt of ell will never Is. I
llmeil lij those who linve foinid that
In the post his vaticinations have Is-en
but empt ii lr
"Driving Country to Ruin.'
For liisintii-e. when Mr ltrjtih was n
tiieiulsT nf the bimse of r'presenta
IIm-s In ls;i2 he was iilisolulely certain
tluit prnteetiiin w-iis iliivlnc the cmiti
to heiiilliiuc to nick nnd ruin, ntid lu
bis apiss-h ilelleri'd March Hi of Hint
year he drew tin- followlus ncnnizluc
"Frnteellnn bus Iss'ii our cliuillbal
tree, nut io. one nfior unnther uf our
faritierh bus Iss'll ilrlven li the fol-ce
of circumstance upon tbnt tr,s and
bus Ih-cii crushed wltbln Its folds bis
C'ltnpillilims hnve stissl lirouud all'l
shiiuteil, ireiif Is protection!' " Tlni
tll ever? Htllte. hii far lis tlu-se Htutl'-th-s
btiv,, liiHin collected, the proportion
of hnnie owntni; fnrtuerH Is (bfreiiKlns
anil that of teiuiiit fnnuers liicreuslus
This nieiin-- but one thluc It tni-iins n
html nf luniliiirds nnd teuniitH, nnd.
1 l.eil by the hlsinrj of ever nation
tint h,is cone llnwn. 1 Ml lu you till '
u pi-npli- can cniitliiue n fn-e nsipli-utiilel-
a ttce ii,eriiltieut when tin
trini iiiiijnrlt of Its eiibeiis are ten
urns nf a siimll ltiliM.rlty Your s
lein (prnits-the tnrlfTi hns driven 1li
furui owner Iruui his Innd and sui,
Htltllleil tile furui telllllll "
How far tills iilctuie portnijs tin
Aiiierlcn i,r tiuliij or the America
llll year slm-e he lniide thllt "Hpis'i Ii
inij Aiiierli-im can iiusucr Ken n
Mr Itr.Min's own stale he can tinil nn
nnswer rlalit at his dunrs. for the farm
luiiils of have doubled pi
"Murderou, Gold Standa-d."
Hut ibirluc the four years succisslliu
tluit speech Mr. llrj mi's ncltatlou cri'
no lists luir nid the demon which be
bud raised In his own liiuiclnntlon bid -with
diminished ln-n.l. fur in lsiai h,,
nsaln sow destitution threatening the
i-iilllltr.V lie had a reined fur It i
I .iiin-ea. n retlsh which he held up fie
wiirshlp free sliver. Here are soni"
"t the things Ml Itrjiin said won I
happen If the cold standard were con
"1 rcplj tluit If protection has slnin
lis thousands the cold standard bus
s tiln IN tens uf thousands." From
Speei-h nt IteniiM-ratic National dm
Aelitnm .Inly . Ispi;
"lln not let the Ueplllillcntis Is-Clllle
fun iilinut the future The future Is
written lu blum! (rushed out of jou b
t-uld " From Spis-ch nt Urle, l'a.. An
Ciist. lv.ul
"Ah. inj friends, there Is nnotlicr rcn
in why penpii. hne fniie Into the
cities and left the farms It Is lns-ausc
.niir legislation bus bis-u cuusliiff the
fnris Insure of tuortffiipes upon th--
farms Marl; my words! If tin-c,.,
siaiidiird irist on and people continue
to eouiplnln the cold standard ndve
elites lustend nf trylnc to Improve th
imlliion t if the jnsipi,, w'lll Is- recom
iiietnlliiir thai ou close your sclusils so
tluit the people will nut realize lnrn
toiieli the are suft"erluc." - From
is-h nt Moiimoiitb, 111,, octuls-r.
IS! Ill
Hut whoin has the cold stimilnril
niiiV What future illil It write In
I, I. ...IV Wlcit district sclniiils did 't
Aculn the condition of the
iintry innkes a calm reply eonfiitlui
He- iuipiissiiiiied orator
( iimpalnluc aculn lu IP'in Mr. l'.r
nn decided that Imperialism was an
thei dancer to the i-iiuutr . If It were
uiiriiitiisl the Fourth of .lit! would b"
to ci' ten Ii nil Americans mid th-
spirit of 'T'i" woiilil Iss-otne a thins
ul the past Speukliic ut Lincoln Mr
Hi' nn said:
Snea Death of Patriotiam.
"The hcht Ibis j ear will he to earn
out the si'iilbneiit nf tluit souc we h:ie
s,i ni'teii repented. 'My ('oiiiitr;, TIs of
Tins ' If we lose, our children ami our
i nlelien's chlldien w-ill not succiss to
l'u siii,i ui that souc, and celebrations
of the Fourth of July will puss away,
fui the spirit of the empire will Is' upon
Is there nil spot lu thi-so 1'nlteil
States where the spirit of 377H Is dead
nnd forpitleii and the Fourth of July
a inciiuluclcss date on the calendar?
fine of the most rldlciilnus nf these
prnphts'les was I'lititnllnsl In n ss-i-ch
Mr Itrwu, tnitih In support nf .Tudce
l'nl-kel dMl'luc lh I'lllliptllCIl ill Its si.
When be llTtn.-k.stl I'l-esldellt llisist.,,.lt
liltler'.t 'Ih'. ptopheej hnd It that
iiililinM distjxitlsiii was sure to fulluw
the decrease 111 tin- sl7e ol the stuudlus
rrni In this siss-ch Mr llr,uii also
i'iiililaist'd ibe tin'l that he wus then
uud always would bo u llrni ln'llcvcr In
Ibe principle of free sliver, lie sum
iiusl up Ids i, m on this ipiestluu In
the fnlinv, Uc sentence:
"1 Isillece tnilll III the prlllcljilis. set
forth at I'hlcnc" mid Kansas City UI
In li and shall continue to llcht for
those principles."
Making or Keeping PromUet.
The difference biiMisn Mr. Tnll'f
pi iiiiilsc ul tin 111 rev IMun mid Mr llry
mi's pled;es In tbe same (llrectiuii l
thnt Mr Tn ft If ehs'tisl will be In )
sltloll In redeem Ills pledCi . while Mr
lll'.will 11 chs'tisl Wetlhl be puwerlesstl
nmpllsli anything with 11 Uepubllc
mi senate urritcd iicalnst bis fris
trade plant (imnhu llee.
Not a Wall For Bryan.
'Is't us linM' the Worst," suys th
F.r.Biklii :ucle That snunds like
tbuucli It lsii'l a ilecliiratloii fur llryuu
New nri. Tribune
Ctuiillduln Hhomitm bus Iss-n pro
keiileJ with a lovluc cup. The in-xl
thliiE lu order Is tn present ('niidldtiM
Kern with 11 hliialnt cup. Ouiuhu llee
Dr. lustra Waitel Death
te Iml NatsraL
Omaha Ooctiw 8trnBly Bhot tfl Hli
Own Porch Also Inoculated Himaolf
With Lockjaw, but Thla Waa Neu
tralixed by the Favar Carried
Around and 8howad to Frianda Taat
Tubaa Containing Deadly Bacilli,
Omaha, Seh Spt. 6. In connection
with tho murder or nulclde of Ir.
I'ri'cWrlciV Uustln, & jmjniliieM eurpeon,
who wan shot on his iHrcli In Oniuha,
the Omaha World-Herald print" n sto
ry of nlli'fifd former attempts ot Ir.
ItUKtln to commit suicide by lnoculut
lnc lilniftelf with various dlseaHes,
'Jhe World-Herald boJ'h:
"Ir l.ustin hud iKjfure attempted to
commit KUicldf In a manner ho clever
ly ntiil runniuRly devUed us to nvoid
tin- upiM'jinmee of suicide and which
wun ho novel nnd unUiiu- In the method
enipln.MMl that It lh probably without
a pnriillcl lu milcldul iiiuihIh
Mlr lliHtlu liuK'ulatt-d himself with
the haeilll or typhoid frver for ttie pur
pusc nf ttiklnc hlu own lift., with Htnefc
en v Ith the fever und wn ho near
uVml thnt thf atteiidliic pltytlclans de
spulred of his life.
Also Cava Himaalf Lockjaw,
"It It- nWo Ktatrd that at that time
he hmcutatfd hlini'lt" wltli the ciTinn
of tetimu, or loi'kjiiw, as well, hut the
effects uf thih verr oM-reome hj the
"In May, liwCi, Uustln Necured from
the htteterlolncii'iil lalmratorj of the
1 UlUThltJ or rhleilE" two test tUlt
etititaiuliic pure cultures, one of tetan
Us bacillus, or liM-kjuu, and the uther
nmhciiaiit tplmnl fcur The-e tett
tubes he caiTied In Iaa MM-Uet and e
hihlted thfiu to hi- friends, tellluc
tlu-iii that If lu- put a little of ttie t.
plead cerms iutu their l,er the would
liae typhoid fever within two weeks,
or If he Kcralehed them and put the
lettiiiiiH baeilli In the wound tlit wiaild
die of litckja w.
Became III of Typhoid,
"Shortly after that lr Iluntlu hIiow
ed eMdeheeM ol typhoid fe er. He iiImi
enillplailieil tiT bavliiC Ihm-u hlttell on
the lec b a doc and exhibited a hear
It fs thmicht iossible that he tufecled
this wound with the lockjaw cerniM
and aln that they were overciane by
ttie typhoid fewr. Dr. llustiu iK'canie
seriously 111 with the typhoid
'After a lone, hard Ktece he ftually
pnlled throujrh Notlilnc was hald by
libn eoiHvniine the manner in which
he contracted the typlm'd fever until
Seplemlter, likC, one jear aco, he ad
mitted to friendH that he hnd taken
the typhoid fever bacilli with ttie In
lent to end bis life In sy"h a manner
that It would nppenr to'ave resulted
friim natural causes"
Bankruptcy Referee Directs Him to Go
to Pittsburg For Examination,
New York. Sept fi Harry K Thnw
t xperts ti !' taken to ritisburc Thurs
da upon nn order Issued by William
11 ltlalr referee in baiikruittcy, repre
sentlne the district court of the Tutted
Stales for the western district of IVnn
sjlvuula Thaw is wanted in littsbure
Friday momlnc
If the order of the Tnlted States
reroree Is rarrled out. there Is a suspi
cion thnt Thnw mny never I returned
lo the Asylum For the Criminal Insane
at Matioawnn It is fearod Thaw mny
be able tit piin bN absolute freedom
thrnueh a new writ of habeas eorjais
proceedinci tn tn- ftarted In littsbnru
the luotuent he renclies the Jurisdiction
of iViiniylvimW.
The order direct lnp the slayer of
Stanford White to jipjwjir in .uiirt 1
likely to proe ll li'it ense uf whelleT
n man nf TIimwV peculiar statu In the
eyes if ihe law can ! withdrawn
from the Inr-inH, tioa or tbe stale In
which be I I -Id lis ttiere Is nn prece
Shotting at Sea Girt.
Sea CUl, S .1 . Sept s In the pres.
ence or an almost unpreeedrntedl larce
lield or spectators the tlowcr of the
expert military riflemen of the Fnlted
Slates competed m the ble Sea Girt
r-hoottnc tournanieiit. The evnts run
off were the company team match of
the New York State ltllle association,
the Thurston match, nn individual New
Yoik association event, the Hale mntch.
an Individual New Jersey association
contest and the revolver tenm match
New York captured the company and
revolver team contests and Ohio the
Hale and the Thurston matches.
Death Doom For Soldier of Fortune.
Sun Francisco, Sept H.-I'assencers
on the steamer City of Sydney, which
arrived here from rntinma and Cen
tral American ports, brought the news
that Captain Cannon, a cnidimte
of Cornell, who is said to ! one of
the lenders In the Hniidurmi revolu
tions w-ns c -tuie nnd has been sen
teiiifd to death Aceiirilinc ti, reports
hoard t the passenceis I'nlilinli killed
tin. .en men In his Inst stand, but was
r.onllj eaptllled
Soil From Abroad to Cover Dead.
Cniiiiells ille. Fa., Sept S- Thnt the
thlrtsuie lluupirlnu victims of the
linrr mine disaster of lust winter
mlcht have their Html resting place
beneiith soil nf their Is-lnved notlvi'
land cround wns liuiirted from Aus-tru-lluucur
nnJ tho rnvcrtiin nf the
crms with this soil constituted a fea
ture of the ciinsiK-rntluu of St Emory
cemeter. the burial jiluce of lluucn
rliuis uf tbe cuke regions.
Head of New York G. A. R. Robbed.
(IcdensburK N V . Sept b Heturn
inc f nun the (irund Army of the Re
public eiiciinipnieiit lit Toledo. Major
W. II liaiilels, stute department com
miinder. 5 A lt and Mrs Iinnlels
found that during their itlisenoc bur
glars had entered their residence by
fiotltie nut ii nniiel nf a disir and cur
ried off every urtlcle of Jewelry in the
house, Including muuy heimsmi.
uRawbiiv Mivnr" Defeated.
nniiitm Keti.. Sent N. - l'raftlcullr
complete returns froui tbe mate wide
prluuirles are now- in ana snow tnut
. n Cl,(,tl..,,l...r.. ,.r , Inui li.Hda
Muynr Iiahluum or Oinnhu by about
S.inKi votes, with Hurge. the Fopullst
iiitidlilnte third lu the race for the
licimicrullc liuumutluu lor goveruor
Tatcee Goiden Rod Stakr, From Half
Doxen Starters at Sheepshead.
.Nfff VorL. Sept S. The lioldell T!od
Rtakit,, ou tbe turf course nt Shocp
bead Hay. bad n half dozen starters
nnd Hnrrlcan proved nn eay winner
lie pot away In front nnd. opetiltic tip
a lend of n couple of tench. wn
never bended, wluuliis easll bj n
letictb nnd n half
rirestnnc wou the Omnium handi
cap, lcadlnc from start to finish mid
wlnnlnc without effort from Moufort
nnd Dorante. The stniccle wns ls
twoen the trailers, as Firestone alwnys
bad a comnintidltur leud Monfnrt
came from last place to second In the
biRt three furlnnss. ntitrunulnc llnynl
Tourist I'oraiitc and Fnr West The
time for the ruce was ljlirc, which
lient tbe track record uf 3 ,M 4-, made
by ltur Chief. Jt wn a cnud raiv from
a time standpoint, us the track vrns
nippy and alow
MIlTord wn un easy winner In the
mile and tlin-e-quartur race. Sum
maries First liner. Tom Merjmth. first;
Cresslnn, second. Mnotisbltie. Ihlrd
Second llnoo -Thlstlednle, lirst; le
iiIit. second; Hnt. third
Third llace - llarrlcan. first. Fash
ion Flnte, second; Snnilplper. third
rotirth Knee - Fin-stone, first; Mon
fnrt. second, Jioratite, third
Fifth lini-c Mllford. llrt: Miss
Crawford, second. John V. McMillan,
rilrth ltnee field laly. first. Miss
Kearney, second. Fractlcnl. third
Knocks Oirt Stanley Ketchel and Wins
Middleweight Title.
T.os Ancelet. Col.. Sept i - The mid
fllew'elcht ehamphiiiship of the world
chanced hands hen when Itlllj rapke,
the "lllliiii Thundeibolt" practically
knocked out Stanley Ketcbel of irand
Uaplds. Mich., lu the twelfth round tf
What wan (scheduled to ! a twenty
fix e round content The lictit took
place In Janie .1 .1elTile' arena the
fnriner heavywelpht champion olhchil
1np an refere'.
The flcht was practlcnlly oer a min
ute nnd twenty semnd. after the cone
sounded. Troiii that time on 11 wa
merely a question ns to bow lone
Ketchol would last Tupke tore Into
Ketcbel with Mich fur that the tin
defeated champion was simply lifted
off his feet four times within the tirst
minute I'apke knocked KelehH to
the mat for the count, and from hw
firnt knockdown Ketcbel neer reallji
recoven-d his form lie was a de
feated man. (lazed, bleedlus, strus
cllnc from twenty blows In the face,
and ,et he came back and staved with
a terrible deUTmiuatlon. And for nt
lenst three rounds be held bis ouu
with the victorious ehalleneer
Attell-Moran Fight a Draw.
San Francisco, Sept m.-Abe Atteb,
the champion f eatberw eUrht nf Amort
ca, nnd uweu Moron, nnelnnd's pre
mier boxer In the tame division, foueht
a flraw battle at the Folma ojs'n
arena In the presence or about ioti
siH'tatorH The battle lasted twenty
three rounds, nnd at lt enuclustnn l!ef
eree Jack Welch imhesltutmclj erast
ed botli lads bj the lutnd. sienifylne
that the ticht was a draw The fitbt
on the whole wan rather tame, but this
was offset I'J the cleverness uf both
fighters It was a very even furl it and
was marked b Mnran"- ncirresM . ..
uess and Atiell's vh- ernes m bhi k
Inc and his all roii'.d work from a t
fense Ktaiidponit
Auto Trip In Switzerland Nearly
Proves Fatal.
Oencvn. Sw Itzcrlnud. Sept Penn
ir l'hlintidi r C Knox of l'eiiusjlMinin
had a narrow escape from serious In
Jury while roturnlnc from Kvliin-l.-s-
Halns tn tieiteva by nutuniulille. senii
tur Knox was accompanied by bis son.
nnd the latter also escaped with a few
irulscs and torn clothes
The mishap occulted while the nutn-
mnblle was piucts-dinc alone n nar
row road at a cnud rate of speed.
PuRslnc over n soft sput the nun blue
skidded and run over the bank Into n
deep ditch Senator Kimx was practl
cnlly unhurt, and bis smi. who iinin
need to lump from the car. was only
sllchtly bruised about the amis and
The autouioblle was extrlrnted from
the dlnh with dilhoulty. mid It was
found to be so badly datunceil thnt It
cnnld not be operated. A i nlmcl It
was taken to (Jelievn. from which
plnce It w ill be shipped to Fnris
Scnntnr kiiux. wim nn iss-n inn-e.t
tempnrnrll In nlmudon his atitoinobllu
tutir, left beri' for Hiisle
Threaten, to Tell Masonic Secrets.
Olusgow, Sept h -The Soclnlist lead
ers In the agitation a . is the utiein
liloyed, which lias bei m here
for scleral d:is past, - ..ilntaiu
a llireiitenliig attitude i "i uf Hie
lenders lniide the cvtnnmllliiir lhrent
thllt unless tlie niunli Iplll eouin il did
iiiiethins pr i,ii, ii 1oi tie- unomp'uj
il within ii in.iiiili he w.nild nu'ii1
ill tin sei-lets ill the Mnsulin- urcnul
7.iitluu mill i ut t-er num. wiuuan mid
hllil in lilnsciiw in liussissslun of all
the tokens, gups and p.isswnrds nf tbe
Abruirl-Elkin, Match Again.
Home, Sepl , Tlie Mllnu Viiium
a clerical pup-T. publlshi nn iirtlelo,
which bus I ii mprnduiitd b. tl'
whole ltnllnli press lu Ihe effect that
the luike uf 1lu MiriiKXI will pl'uliiibl
sunn C" to the 1 nlltsl Mules to un ke
detlnlle nrraiiceiiieiits foi his iuariii.;e
with Miss Kntherine Klktus. the
Juiighter or Vnlti'd states Seuulor
Stephen H lllklus uf West Virginia,
and Hint It Is icpnricd the is-rennuiy
inn take plmf nu Jim. the duke's
Taft Speaking In Ohio.
Sandusky. O., Sept S- Stopping bere
on Id, way to Cincinnati dining lib
apeaklng tonr nf the state, Judge Taft
toduy made a political address ut the
theater The liuioi-taice pnlltlcnlly uf
th; meeting was aceeiitunted by the
assurance that Fernier imenmr ller
rlck would Bis-ak on the subject of the
guurautee of bank deposits b the gov
4'rumeut. General Kelfer spoke on the
subject of the tariff, mid 3eiieral Hen
Ty C Corbln was also scheduled lo
make nn undress Judge Taft and Ids
party nuide a sin at the home of For
xuer I'lrsldi-nt llnjes lu Freuioiit.
mm makes
Denies Casting Slnr ei
Declarer In Davenport Adc'rcta Tbat
Demorratlc Candidate When Con-gresar-isn
Called Union Men 'Public
Beggar," Alao Makes Attacks on
Samuil Gomptra end on Chairman
Haskell of the Democratic Finance
Committee Calls Latter a Foe to
Organized Labor.
Cbicnc Sept s -William .1 Bryan,
tbe 111 i MHTlith candidate for presi
dent, wns nsked If li" hnd read the
spissh lu which William It Hearst
iittin ked bis teeurd on Inlior mutters
He relill. d that be hnd lint, but tluit be
tiiiderstu 1 thnt Mr Hearst hnd nuide
smile cri icisin ul him
1 am lighting Mr Tuft," snld Mr.
Hrviih "Hither Mr Taft or I will lie
ns'teil If Mr Hearst will declare
thnt he Is elnlenvolilic to help elei-t
Mi laft and Mr Tart will Indorse Mr
Hearst as n representative ur ltepllb
lli-nii Ideas nnd Mr Hearst's metbisls
or I'umpiilghlug. I will answer Mr
Hearst utlierwise I do nut reol called
Up. ill tn do si,
Denies Making Published Statement.
"1 hit to lint read the uflljnvlu. offer
ed b Mr Hearst or the Hearst
sK.,-h." said Mr ltrynn, "but 1 cun
say that 1 never snld 'Worklncmen nro
a lot ul public ls!gcnrs ' "
In nu address t Iuivenport, la
William 11. Hearst nttacUed Mr. Ttry
an and linternor Ilaskull. the treasur
er ut the licinucratli luttioiial eominit
tee before a crowd of lubur union
ists Mr Hoarst said thnt Mr Hryan
when n meiuls'r of the ways and
mentis couuuillec or the bouse or rep
resentati,. in lsld told ineinls-rs of
the lntcruntiuiial Assudutlon of Wln
dnw Clnss Workers of the Vuitrd
Stales. Helgltitii nnd France that they
wet,, "public lioccnrs" fm ni)s'nrlug
bt'tuie the isotimlm i- tn iileml fur the
nilitlileunnis ur tin wage
stnliilnnl. Ml lb il'st snld that Mr
ltl-itli Inid tin c. iss w-irkels their
"lllploers wele "rn'.b'ls" He plo-dm-eil
lltlidn its ill Hies, .issertluus
Attack tn Governor Hfiskcll.
Ill bis all- i-k un li.oeinur Hnskell,
wbn lie eh ll-","1 was p tn,- ur uuiuu
Inlsif lu Mii-kncs'. I. T., Mr Hearst
pruilui-od the alli-ced minutes or a sis
eiet moc'lng nr i In- rni.-us' alliance
ur Mnskocoe. wlcch iiiiitulued a 1 -sis
llltliill o'Ti.fis"' li I' Haskell, tem
pnrary ehi'lrmnii ur t'n i.iei'tliic. The
resolution enlli'il ntlelitlnn to prnspec
1le union lubur troublii nnd resolved
1hnt Hie seete' iilllnliee Is' urcaulzed
in diserluotoiie ucntiist any and all
lubur union men out fur tlie purpose
ur inlurliic llo- iie-n iii'rsniuilly.
but tn i-ln- k Hils eiit'li'iiiplible fatiutl-
I-ISIU ur tr.lll'S lllliulllslll "
Mr lb-nrsl also ntln.l.ed Sntuuel
nniH'ls. w!u he said, wus asking
tin- lubur iiiii.uiivts in ia, their bal
lots In n basket, like ilutllul political
hens, so tluu i lumpers mlcht carry
tlit-m to murk, 1 nut sell tln-m to the
bicbiM bidder
'J'he uutituml cimimlttts' niet here to
da 1n tnlli mer enmpnign plana with
Mr Hryun and Mr Kern There were
nicotines also ,,r the ndvlsnry nnd
fiu-'iioe eunimitioos. und Chnlnnnn
Mio-k tniktsl with each ineinbnr of tbe
ciiiiinlttee mi tlie sltuntlou In bis stnte.
FITnrts nte lielne made to hate Mr.
lln tin make a long swlim through the
1 ,t western stiiti'i during OctuWr. nnd
It is a, ,i nnlikel that be may cunfumt
tu uiiti.e ibe lour.
Voting on Hughes In New York.
New York. Sept. s -There Is little If
any Interest In 1he prlmnry election
bi-iiic bold In New- Yolk 1udny timotic
the fulliiwers of either pnrty aside
rrom the test vote ner the Hughes
priipnsitlnu which will Is- cast lu 1eu
districts, the icsult id which may hnve
a direct bent lug upon the candidacy
nr Umomur Hughes rnr the Hi-publlc-un
liiiniluutloii fur governor The dis
trict where ihe lests are to Is' made
bine Im'oii di'sicnnted b County Chair
lnuu Farsuns tn diieriulne the attitude
uf Hie itrguhiziiliun vuterc toward the
Tennessee Republican Split Closed.
Now Yuri.. Sept s Chairman Hltrh
enck uf Hie llopubllcun Tintiunul eum
tulrtee enriv ludii.v reis-hed a telegram
iinii.iunclnc the wnhdruwnl nf .lurtgs
Wright, the liuniinee fnr cmernnr of
one of the llcpuhhi-un ttiet lulls in Ten
nossiM- This lenMs a clear bold ror
I uliiliilnti- 'llllluuti. Hie lliimlnee or tbe
otber liepulihenu Taction
Warns Taft of Murder Plot.
Topeka, Kan., Sept. h.-The Stnte
.lonrual tiubllsbcs n letter mnlled in
Tojiekn In Ihe hitter part or August
nnd nddresstil to .lodge Wllllnin II.
Tuft to whieli tin, writer wnros the
llepublleuu presidenlial nominee or an
alleged plot to assassinate 1dm lln
lorter is signed "An Fuknown Friend '
Melbourne's Police Hunt Our Tars.
Mclhiiiirin , s. pt s, .fc tin- search
of II pnlllil 1 1 .tilt tlie AllH'tleail flist fnr
1 1ll- loi-U whu lulled to go llbuard their
ships when l ho bntlli-sliip. left here
fur Albany, A-t Ausirnllu, bus not
met with much ncoss reward- linie
1 ii inTered Tur the hciisluu of
Rose Breaks thotput Record.
Ot-lt I'ark. Y Seiit s.-lu tin
njs'ii all around nnintour nthletlc ham
Jilnlishlp euiitevts bold belore JS.mK
spo.-tiitniv here lli, I .li Uosi- of Cailfor
jiiu liroki the w nrld's reeurd with tin
slUenn isiuud shut in bis lust put wilb
3h lis t 1" tnehes
Shot by Jealous Wife.
Mays, llli-. Ky.. Sept h - F.dHnrtl
Flnunl was shot four times In the bncli
at I'lemlugslnirg by bis wife and lu
stnnH killed She then tried lo UN
berself b sllnotlng belself 111 the arm
.lealousy was the ciiu-e.
Weather Forecast.
Fair; warmer; light to fresh varlublf
Live Stock Markets.
CATTIX-Suppli fair, nmrki-t flow unfl
losi-i cliuit-i l'isl.5,, firlmt: tr-CuCAi;
,eul 1-a.U'im IsuS M.
lHiS-Hislpts fair, niarki-t active;
Iirlioe Is'ses-s ana medium, 11 Hat.a..
Inv Yurkera. ITnusTlu. Uitlit Yurkira,
jl,.utai;Hi. litna It, Tt-al, rmiRlis S-"'Ul.
HHIICI' A3WH JJkMKS Supplj llf-lit;
maikM Ktisull' on sliis-i, imil n.sir on
Innilia, lull. weiliera. HHis4wi. 'UUe aua
i oniiuun, s;'u3 lamba, S4sl m,
American Mountaineer Again Breaks
World's Record.
Lima. Tern. Sept V-Mlan Annie S,
reck, tbe Anicrlcun mountain cllmliT,
ucceedefl on Iht second attempt with.
in a mouth to reach the summit of
Mount Unascerau. She calculates the
belght ot tbe summit nt 2fi.t0 feet.
-A Swiss companion nf Miss IVck
tad a foot and Isrth bands frozen,
w hich caused gangrene to net In, nnd
an Indian guide was miraculously
ravel from death after falling a thou
sand feet down & ravine.
Tbls last attempt of Miss Ti-ck to
scnle tbe Huuscaran wns Isjgttu on
Aug. SI. Two weeks previously she
cnmtied The mountain to a height of
iTslsiO ftsrt, but was comis'lled tn re
turn to the lowlands on account nf the
Illness of one nf her gulden.
In rcncblnc this altitude, however.
Mlsa IVofc ucbleved tbe record In moun
tain climbing, having nsconded higher
than any man or wniuau in tbe world.
The previous record was held by W
W. Grabnm, who ronrbi-d a height of
feet In the lllnuiliiyns
Connecticut Republican Convantion It
Enpactad to Nominat Him.
New H a t en. Conn Sept S. Con
rreisman (?eirire L. IJlley of tVntoT
bury will, It is exiieclea. W nominated
for cmenmr at the Kepuhllcan Htate
eoux'iittin. which open here tonlcht.
This Tvnult 1r forecast by the v.rte In
the caucuseh, whert1 I.lliey aiijM'nrp tn
have hnd a wnlkieiex II Ih only real
opponent hns lHen I.lcutciiitiit tSoviTn
or Evrett .1. Lake
It is estimated that I.Uley will have
41o dehnratefi, l.ake 117i nnd Gt-vernor
Woodruff U)
Senator llrundepee will le tempo
rary chairman nf the e invention
It Is exited,'! that at the convention
lreRldent llnoqevi'lfp administration
will In- Indors-ed, and Judpe Taft will
le eulocized lu remdutlons nnO by the
h icakers
Flames Fanned by Winds Are
Threatening Towns.
Iuluth, Minn., Siit 8. The Mesnba
rauce is acalu tlirouteiied 'with the tire
horror which swept nway Chltdiolm
and wliied out thousands of acre of
standing tlmlicr. After u day of quiet
tbe flames were fanned into renewed
fury nsuln by wlnd and swept on to
ward nihlilnc, l.uhl and Nashwauk
from the Houtli.
The town of Snowball, 100 Inhabit
ants, was completely desti-oyed. The
jieople had no opportunity to flcht the
Humes and fled lu terror. Snowball la
about two miles from Nashwnuk,
Itrooklyn, a smnll suburb if Jllblduc,
Is threatened with lire, and If this por
tion of the town catches the rest Is
doomed. Ituhl and Nnshwauk nre
acaln In dancer Aurora Is entirely
surrounded by forest Cres, and the
citizens ure fighting the flames. The
town Is 1 relieved to be fcafe unless a
strung wind should rlne.
Mitchell, a small town about one mile
southeast of lllbblng. wan threatened
with destruction and was saved only
by berolr efforts. Several hundred
men are btlll guarding the place The
pine tlmlier which surrounds Mitchell
lias Ikh'U almost entirely coneumwS.
1 let ween Nnshwauk and lllbblng, a
region twuty-two miles limg, the for
ests are a continuous mabs.of fiumes
From lllbblng It Is an appalling sight,
and the big clouds of smoke which
poured over the threatened city hid
the sun as though the sky was over
cast with black clouds.
Reaulta of Games Played In the Na
tional and the American Leagues.
At lhUadliilila New York, f.; mila
delnhia a ItHtt.rl. TVlltse and llmna
hun, ru,.'n Ittciiif nnd Itonin.
Sncund Gurnt- - I'ttlladi'ljihla, 2; New
Tork 1 llaiitricB Cnrrldnn. nichie and
3(ioin, CrandaJl utid Ilresnuhnn.
Al rmshur4K-3'ittKburB. , St lunula, X
ltHtii-rit-n-Lit'vr und Gibson, Huj-numd,
LalU-i ut id Ludv !c
St fund Gaini' l'lttaburg. 7; St Loula. I.
llatn-rii-t Willi und Gitison, Jtect? und
Ludn lc
At Clilrnpft Clnrlmiatt. 6. Chicago, a
3Iatti-rl Iiut-er nnd McLean, rraicr,
Kruli, Kline und Marwhall
Second Gunii Cl.lcaci) 4. Cincinnati 0.
Hatterim Oouklt y und Moraii, Sjiado und
At Urooklj-Ti Kutton. 3; IlrookJyn. 0,
Jiatttrlti riiuriHlli.- und SJiltt, I'uBtorl
Uri and Hi rcen
Bi-i-ond aimif linnton 1: r.rDDkli'n. 0.
Jtuttr- b-J.iiicjiman and Graham, Mcln-
tri Jit-ryi-n and Fumipr
w j, r c xr l. r.c
Nw York i. 4. t.:3 r-lncli.nnti Q m .VQ
I'liiKburt; 7n 4:- tii4 H. ix ton U i .O
VliM'iEO. 77 :j fiiC Itrooklyn. 44 HO .XX
J-liii. J'lllii t .41 iSt L.tiutti ii tX .5
Ai New York - Washington. 4, Nf
York, fi ItatUTUfl-JuM.Bon and Ptn-et
Clifbhru and Klmnow
Sfptmd Gume WnBhlrrton V. Ntw
1 hi k 3 liall i rli w 1 1 ugtti r Ftrf t and
Smith, Hogg. Ih.yli-. imilard. ICluhu.w
und illclr.
At lctrnlt-lietriitt. 4, St LouIb. 3 Ilal
tcrl a-Winter und Schmidt; Powell and
St-cund Game iM-troit, K, St LouIh. S
1 lattiTli-B-M ullln and Schmidt . J low. U
tlraham and Sin-neer
At Cleflund fliv-land fi. Chh-aci. 0
l.nitiritH Jow and Iwmi, Walsli Mun-
u I AUriMk Sullivan Shaw and V. ,.t.
h 'i.d (iktiii tTli-t eland, t. Chlcuc" 2
jiuiUfitH PtnTh and lltfn.l. Smith Sul
IH-ati nnd HIihu
At liu.i,.u. c. 1'hlladelnhla 1.
Jtaturltn- turtht,il and Crigw, I 'lank and
Sfcond Game llnston. 8: Phlladf li.hla.
2 Ilatti-rlsia Arrt-natifi, Iionahue and
iTipr Kender and Smith.
W 1. ! r w i, r c
J'-Trult 73 M & I'hllu'nhlafsl C3 4t
l.i t-i Tl U IVC4 H'mlnn . Q i 4A
isi J.-UIH ui ..t, i,w U nch ton 1.4 C7 4i
ili'i.'iiiiii 71 foi. Nru Y oik 40 tffl SJt
Long Auto Race Won by St ran n.
3 Lowll, Mass., Sejit K Kuctng at
tirea knock spi'd and with remarkabk
g(id fortune over the roads of th It
chy and the adjoining town of Tytigs
btiro for more than l!fiO miles, lVwh-
Strang in a slriy hnrwjiower car left
all his competitors fur In the rt-ar and
easilj won the automobile road race
for the Hntler Ames trojihy. The ex
act length of tbe run was 5EM 4 miles
imprislng -4 circuits of & course meas
uring HM1 miles. The winner's time
was 4 hours 40 xnluutes M tteroitds.
Trnttlno Rcfrd Broken.
Hartford. 4Vmn.. Sejt H -For the
lirst time In the history if the Chanel
Oak classic, the flu,(to trot, a oon
liHttlctit bred horse. Hamburg Helle
wciu the 4'u-nt In doing o t.he not
only broke the track record for tin
ra, tut also estabbaned tbtt world'!
fnt u-iiu vIiimuhmI bv fullr 25.000 iieo-
ple, the largest Ttwd tlitt er4tr turned
out to grand ciruu aucmn
Nefhiig Ii Stiry, Saj Se
cret Service Xei.
Man With Revolver Pie seated Fraaa
Seeing Mr. Rooaevelt Me Vfanatei
Soldiers Sent to Boston to Kewp Out
law, From Terrorixing That City.
Before Being Taken to Coimty Jatl
He Admtta Confinement In an Insane
A, yl um Report of Alleged SHootma
Declare, Evecutive Wa, tn Peril Dur
ing Horseback Ride.
Oyster Roy. N. X, Kept- B. Tie
news that nn armed crank bad at-
terjpted to reach tbe president at 8a-
nmore Hill started a untie vt tlifi
usual rumors nriiimpairy lag siucb aa
Incident. The one moat widely circa
lated was tn the effect that a abut bad
Ihs'U fired at the president while Ire
ten out borseliuck riding last Satur
day. It ns said tbat the jirettident
vns riding along the Cove road near
the bouse of bis cousin. W. Emlea
llnnserclt. irbun be m fired rxpau try
some one concealed lu a dump
hushes at the roadside.
That there wns any foundation lor
tbe story Tvns dtinled by those la a
position to knotr. James Sloan. Jr.
the chief of tbe president's ffuard f
secret service men, emphatically Qe-nli-d
tlie story nf tbe ambuab, autd tila
denial was echoed Iry tbe other maa
who waa nnld to have been wttb tlie
Btor of Sheotlng TeuL
One srtory declare tbat the would tw
asanssln, bidden In tbe tiuahea at tba
roudKlda, fired nt tbe Jiresloent wltb a
revolver, tbe bullet wblrrlng -ewer Mr.
nisraevelt'a bead.
Tbe president, perfectly calm, polaul
up bU borne and wished to dismount
and nesreb tbe busbes. Tbe frtend
who was riding with bun Uatnadecl
bitu, and they rode un.
Oamffle WeldenfelQ, the Kew Tout.
banker; Mm. Weiaenfrid and Edward
risber, wbn waa drirtne them, beard
tbe abot. Tbe sasaasln escaped.
Wlien the president arrived at natu
ral ire Hill he dttscritwd -the Incident.'"
aa be called It, to Sloan.
H nlf a dosen eecret eerrtoe mon lnvB-
tened to the scene of the abootinx and
made a careful Investigation. They
uld find no trace of any one savins
lieen concealed In the thicket at tbe
roadside. Thinking that the ahot mbjbt
have come from a hunter's frnn, thej
made Inquiries alone that line, !jb$
could not fma that any Hunter oeta
lieen In tbe neighborhood that Uy.
Tbe came laws are in strict force-
Crank Caugnt Near Wbrba Haeaaa.
A crank with an old "bulldoK" re
volver was caught near the xirefld-
deut's bouse at Sagamore Hill ly tb
secret service guards. Tlie man d
scrltHd himself as John Oonehlln, a
detective, and when stopjied by the
secret serrice men jircsented a card
upon which was luacrilted his luune
and tbe word "officer." He aaia that
be had come to ask tbe president to
order out lO.OXKI troojrs to catch yen
men, who had tieen terrorising Boston
Coughlln walked the three miles to
Sagamore Hill from Oyster Bay. One
of the rules for vialtora at Sagamore
llin la that no one shall come on foot,
so when Secret Service Agent John
Adams caught Bight of Ooughlin ton
ing up tbe bill road he guessed at once
that something was wrong and mo
tioned for the man to tjo back. Oough
lin kept right on. but without quick
ening his pace, and Adams at once
ran down tbe road to meet him. In
response to tbe secret service man's
demand as to but business oougtum
produced his card and told his errand
to Sagamore Hill.
Tbe secret service man tried to ex
plain that tbe president was not see
ing visitors at tbe moment, boplnt to
get htm quietly out of the grounds.
Coughlln hesitated a moment, glanced
furtively ulsiut and then slid his hand
toward tbe back lsickct of his trous
ers. Adams took the hint and grap
pled with bis man without further
parley. Coughlln struggled for a mo
ment but be is a slightly built man.
and Adams had no difficulty in hold
ing him until Agent James Sloan, Jr.
tbe chief of tbe jiresldcnfl guard,
came to his assistance. Sloan svearch
ed tbe prisoner and fonnd In his nip
pocket a S2 calllsr revolver of the
"'bulldog" t.vpe. The weojsin was
wrapi-ed up In n woolen bag and, ac
cording to tbe secret sen lee men, was
not loaded.
Taken to County Jail.
Tbe slight struggle mar tbe tennis
court bud not Ist-u observed at tbe
bouse, and the wnet service men.
rnlthout iibimilng the presidinfs fami
ly, called one of tbe government auto
molilles and carried Coughllu down to
tbe Oyster Ilaj touu hall. here be
was arraigned itcfore Justice if the
Teacc l"Tahkllu on a eluirge of carry
ing isineciiltHl we.ijsins. .lustiee 1-Yank-lln
ooiuuiitti'd rnughllti to the oouuty
Jail at Miiittila. and he was taken
there nt once in the gmemmeut auto
mobile Iiuring bis ,leten1ion at tbe
county jull t'oughll.i will ! eiatnlned
us to bis sanity
According to tbe secret senli men
Coughlln told them tbat he bud Iwra
routined for three enrs lu an asylum
fur Ihe ius:me at Walpolc. Mass,
TVhen A -list Jleuti-rdshl, self ap
pointed critic ,t tbe naty. declared
tbut the armor on our buttlesblps wss
not low 4'tmugu be waa a target for
abuse There vui 4-t'U talk 4if rt.
ting blm ashore In some Puuth Ameri
can port, ts'caose any man b had
the nerve to do an? thing but prslsa
our biittkshlps wns jstsoub non grata.
Xow iitnes the gratifying news thst
tbe armor Ik-Ms are to lie lowered, a
T.euterdnhl and 4itber critics declared
they should t- Tbe ua,y la to lie c
gratulatod A Idow Js-low tbe fcrit
from UeuliTdabl la prcfemlile to aura
a blow from I'ucle Sam's next tsaewj
ou tbe high sens
"NeviT Unce tbe flood has water
reached SDcb a high tle as at prea
emt" oy the rrohltiitlan pretWentlal
candidate. An excellent examjAe ot
-dry wit."
An Amertcan-CSiliiew alManos-wfcy,
rr-J asks the New Tork Derail Vat
e. . J