The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, September 03, 1908, Image 4
THE HONESDAIE CITIZEN' : THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3. 1908. in CHOICE MISCELLANY Th, Prliomr. "ZTcrylxxJy In I-ondoa," Bld n. K. Adtlr, tho western Cotcctlvc, "1 wear tns noir, like uj, (lie eciul-total pledge button. Tbe iileilgo U. you kuorr, nn oath only to drluk at Uncli ana din ner. "In London I heard Lord Koatrts, tho head of the EuglUli movement, mako a speocli nt n banquet. , "One tbinf? the little uld soldier Mid wag that nlTca could without fpar al low Mml-total husbands to go to tho club. A ecml total husband would nb ways como ijoine from tho club early. "Thanlu also to the semi-total pledge, wives wouldn't bare to look sfter their husbands no vigilantly. There was an old soldier who said to a friend: "My wife does look after me well. Bho oven takes off my boots for inc.' " 'When you como home from tho club?' tbe friend asked. " 'No. When I want to go there.' " Washington Star. Dth and th Race Problem. According to Hip seventh re port of the pivernnicnt on stiilillcs of mortality for the jo:ir !!'. for cltleit containing as much as 10 per eent r over of colored people, tin' death ralu of the white population vvni 17.2 per thousand and that of the ncixrii raeo 28.1, or more than fin. per rent higher. In tbe state of Maryland the mortal ity rate for the colored w.m in compared wllb tlfi.l for the white, and similar high rales of death In the ncjrro race arc shown for all cltlct with a large colored population. Tor Instance, In Mobile, Ala., the rate for tho colored was 02B.2 nnd for the while S12. Here Is n statistical study. Ever stneo the negroes were set free Tho fioath rate has been Increasing, nnd this Increase has been made the basis of n claim lint extermination by dls easo would ultimately solve the race problem. Iloanoko Times. Advancing Microscopy. By n recent Invention the wonders revealed by the ordinary microscope are Increased n -hundredfold. Hence forth students may uso n high power lens as large as six Inches In diameter, thus bringing the whole of objects In stead of details only under observa tion. Dy this, means n common house Oy la magnified nil at once till It ap pears to lie ns large as an ostrich. Being Inclosed In nn open space, where It Is kept directly within the field of tho glass and yet has ample room, considering Its size, to move ntiout ami engage In Its usual occupations, tbe opportunities for observation are Im mensely In advance of anything pre viously enjoyed by scientists. American Princetsts. Two princesses, representatives of the only real American royalty, de scendants of that Mnss.isoll whose wont was law to thirty villages and 80,000 red men, arc living In poverty on the shores of Lake Aamwutupsctt, Massachusetts. They are Towcelooma and Wootonekanttske. An effort Is being mado to n-cure for Hies last of 'the royal blood of the W'ompanoags a 1 msterlal recognition of their tights and of the services which their nnecs tor, tho mighty sachem Mnsaolt, per formed for tbe pioneers of Now Eng land, for without Mass.inlt's friend ship and protection the struggling colo nists would hnvo been swept from tho land. Argonaut. The Qrain'to Biscuit Record. From standing grain In the field to well baked biscuits In twenty-two min utes was the record made In con Terttng the raw material Into the manufactured product at Waltsburg, WaslL, not long ago. Tills Is snld to beat tho previous record held by n Ulnncapolls mill by twenty-nine min iates. The Minneapolis record was mado Rcveral ,enrs ago and might bo (Improved on nl this time, but until tho 'Minnesota farmers begin using com bined harvesters and other up to date machinery such ns have made tho Pa cific northwest famous the record will remain on this side of tho ltocky moun tains. Port I. mil Oregonlan. Woof and Mutton. Twenty-five years ago nearly nil the sheep lu tlds country were Merinos, grown mainly for wool, and mutton was tho Incident. At this lime a ma jority of the sheep of the country nro raised for mutton, nud wool Is the In cident. Twenty-flvo years ago sheep were sent to market when they wen four or live years old anil averaged eighty to nlucty-flvo pounds. Now sheep are marketed earlier anil average 105 to 120 pounds. The ewes sold In 'the market nt the pret-ent outweigh 'tho wethers of former years. National Parmer. 'An Accessible Governor. On tho glass of the double doors lend ing to tho offices of the governor of Massachusetts there Is printed this cordial Invitation: "Walk In." And many visitors to the famous state houso lieneath the golden dome op Beacon hill who might otherwise pass by contenting themselves with furtive (glances feel that hero Is n welcome so plain and cordial that nn.u timidity they might nthorvvNo i conscious of Is entirely dispelled. -National Magazine. A Stiff Shirt. John Murphy of Si dalln was engaged tn unloading n car of cement. Ills shirt "wilted" and likewise was cov ered with cement. Tho cement "set" until It was ns hard as rock. When John went home hi' nltenipled t" re move the shirt, but he was not nblo to do so until Mrs Murphy had pounded the garment with n hammer for fully thirty minutes, breaMng the shirt Into pieces. Names of tho Days. Tho English names for the days of the week aro derived from the Saxon nnd tho French from the I.nlln. An Era of Polionlng. During the middle ages, when the aristocracy of Florence nnd Venice was so tyrannous to Its dependents, murder was considered ns u small crime, and poisoning was so skillfully effected that many pooplo lived almost entlitdy on bulled eggs. Tortoise Shell Hats. In Ramon tho smart ladles wear tor toise shell bats. BrItUu Colonial Governor!. British colonial governors are ap pointed, ttiu premier having political power to oppose or acquiesce In n sug gested nppolutmciii. Tho governor has practically Hie kiiuu power lis ono up pointed to pivorn n territory of tho United Btates. The D.ard. Tbu growth of ibv U-ord Is strongest In must men on t lu- ilglit baud side. Robin Hood. Itobln Hood is n traditionary English outlaw and popular hero. lie Is snld to Imvo been born at I-ocksley, Not tinghamshire, nlmiit 11171 IItt lived In the woods with his band either for reasons of his own or because ho was really outlawed. Prater Park. Tho largest park In Kuropo Is the Trater, In Vienna, measn log eighty square miles. tTnele Sam's Forester. Thirty-nine young graduates of our Lnllmial forestry schools have lately repaired appointments rs assistants In the forest service. There Is a growing lutcrctt lu the profession of forestry, end many young men are asking how to get Into It and what rewards It promises. Itecintly the chief of the forest service wrote on this subject as follows: To be a irood forester a man should eomMne something of the tmtunill.t with a trcM deal of tho 1,u1iuim man. To know how to u the forst he must be AbU to study tt Inmost hav, thern for, tho iiower of cssr.-citon, a fond ness for nature and t a ability to pene trate her secrets. Hut If hs la to fiuc ceed ha must also have good practical Judgment and th ability to hainlui men. ltu must by resourceful, able to stand by himself. wUUng to undergo the. privations of rouffh life and catmble of oontnmndtnx the rsspeet of rough men, who tiutekly rceojrnlse virility nnd aenulnenem of character, but will not tolerate pretense, or the Assumption of authority. A for ester needs a vigorous mind In n rigor ous body. He must bo of tho kind that likes to get tMogs done and does not give up when things are not gotng his way. He srUl have to fsco duncultles and work out problems far from outsldo hetp. relying solely upon himself. He ought to be bard to whip. On tho national forests Uie assistants often act as advisers to tbe super visors In charge, who nre experienced In all practical matters, but liave not had technical training In the science of forestry, or the assistants may be assigned to tho ntudy of some particu lar problem which needs to be investi gated in tho interest of good forest management. As scientific forestry means knowing bow to get the most out of a given piece of land, It calls for studies and exivrlments, lsth sci entific and practical, much like those which have to lie made In the Interest of good farm management. If tbe for ester's temperament Is scientific he will have the Joy of the discoverer nnd organizer of knowledge In on almost Tlrglu field, nnd If It lie practical ho will have the chance of sharing In u national work of viral Importance to tho people of the pnwent day and of the future. "Dean of American Playwrights." Financial success lu n new and diffi cult profession was by tin means the boIc reason for calling the late Itronson Howard the "dean of American play wrights." He wrote for nn active the ater and produced plays to meet the requirements of his time. Hut he worked carefully nnd conscientiously, and his plays by winning recognition from the public opened the way for native effort Mr. nowanl himself struggled long for recognition. When he began for eign adaptations were the vogue here and disputed the field with the clas sical drama. Tho first to pnsluee n noward play, Augusttu Daly, was him self an adept nt adaptation. It whs easier nnd cheaper for n manager to borrow plays from foreign sources or pirate them, as tho phrase was, than to experiment with the efforts of na tive authors. Howard fought for the recognition of American authors, and if his direct Influence was ephemeral Ms general service to tho American drama was considerable. When he lie gan there was little Interest nmong playgoers in purely American types and more especially none In distinctly American themes. Nowadays man agers give the preference to plays deal ing wholly with American life, nnd the New theater, which proposes to strike out In now paths, announces tbnt the American typo of play will bo made the most of on Its boards. Oeorge Bronson noward, tho novelist, should not lw confounded with the family of tho dead dramatist. Mr. Howard bad no children, nnd It is said that the nov elist was not related to him In any way. Moral Law and the State. A forward march of tho school teachers In the right direction Is what tho Chicago Interior calls tbe action of the National Education association with respect to tbo lllhlo In the schools nt the recent annual conven tion. Tho action referred to was a resolution npou the subject of charac ter training, ns follows: Wo earnestly recommend to boards of education, principals and teachers tho continuous training of pupils In morals and In business and professional ethics to the end that the coming generation of men of affairs may havo a well developed abhorrence of unfair dealing and dis crimination. Tho National Education association wishes to record Its upproval of thu In creasing appreciation among educators of the fact that tho butldtng of character fs tho real aim of tho schools. We hope for such a change of public sentiment as will permit and encourugn tho reading nnd study of the KngllAh Bible. Tho Interior holds that the above declaration for tho lllhlo as a stand ard of moral ethics Is especially satis factory because the stato has the un disputed right to uphold n "social mo rality which covers Justice and truth tietween man and man," and what It Intends to maintain ns tho standards of conduct It should duly Inform Its citizens of in advance. Arguing for tho Blblo as tho standard, tho In terior cites tbo teachings of secular history "that nations which havo ob served the morality of tho Scriptures have bceu strong nations, of perslst '".S vitality nnd steadfast orderliness." Campaign contributors are oxpccti-d to Is-stow- their nnnoy with the same generous freedom with which tho less nllluent auditor bestows his applause. And If the funds uro lu proportion to tho cheering nt Chicago and Denver It will bo n record for contributions. Our Heeprct For Law. People who nre fond of comparing what they choose to call English re spect for law with our alleged disposi tion to lawlessness must hnvo rend with astonishment thu calm endurance of thu woman suffragists reccntlj turn ed back In un effort to take their e.nis.o Into the prlvac) of I In. siinuner f.ipltal nt Oyster Hay. The t-utlro Mifi'raglst mission was conducted with n ulimv of decorum vastly different from the dem onstrations of zealous suffragettes which havo recently marred tbe peace of British statesmen. Tho suffragist party which attempted to reach President Unosoult was led by n. woman who Is snld In have par tlelpntisl In demonstrations ng.ilnt tho British houso of commons nud else where lu Ijindon She round that the usually iios-shlhle pri-sl.leni or the United Rtalea has means of safeguard lug bis privacy Had u,o tactics of tho Ijindoii suffragettes been followed nt Oyster Hay tho president's eocrot servleo men would have bail their tars lioxed, and perhaps there would hive l"cn some window smashing, followed by Incarceration la tho J:il. Aft er all, It may 1m that our MirrrugUts gained more lu being repulsed nnil u accenting their repulsu with puIiuiiim mid dignity than would Iiiimi been pos klhlo bad they been rough uud obstreperous. The New Boldltr's TJrenm. The destruction of I tin Zeppelin nlr lp No. 4 In a measure leadjusts tho Euroican Imlance In Ihe matter of "lb" nations' airy nnvle." Authorities re cord the fluctuations In aerial equip ment the same n. the do Hint of the marine nrmament" Zeppelin's accident puts Ihe Pretn hi uk In Ihe pl-i.-e from which the trl i' r hi of Ihe iliu'liig nnd resourceful Gor m -op irnrll) dis lodged Ihel-, nn 1 I' t.. tenv h 1 1 ev en airship. Pve ef Pi in ct niprovi.! typo She on.ilti illj h:. I ilv anil o--t the P.urK whl 'i v i'. pit'Ti, fe the iither. IJe-i i!t 'm.' I1 e iitiiiury ntrshlps, jnd fh" ' 'm i 'in , nt Nu I mimed the to fn . : i!y his two. The IT.'- 1 V! neirlng t on pit icm. Is clas with Italy The po'sltilll nl' II war machine iiminnie ' h two r In iho ii'cv'ilp ns a ii f-t'-'lteitlng topic of .,oout iilon 1., ii'litiM circles the world over Expel limnts Willi dirigible balloons and aeroplanes nre everywhere reported. Itecontly n Brit ish authority cm military aeronautics. Colonel Cnpiiers of Ihe Iloyal engi neers, discussed tho probable uo of dirigibles In war Assuming that dir igibles can Is? perfected, the colonel says- Iirge vessels of from tOCM) to l.oin. 00O cubic feet capacity capable of trav eling at a speed of fortv miles an iur In a calm nnd of carrying consMcr.iblo quantities of high explos les. set out nnd, with a favorable wind, can cover vast distune In n few hours When they will come and what thetr nb iocUvo will be cannot poslbly be known to the enemy, who c.tnnot always lie looking with guns ready pointed Into tho air, while they will pass over thH coun try so nulclcly as to be out of range nl most ae soon ns seen. Keening high up In tho daytlmo nnd descending at nlrht. thov can kfep thel. direction with praetlcil certalntv nnd. hov ering cloe. over an ilvslitel sp-it. nuiy launcn ct-,1 ..sun which will - ii 1 l safe dletancu l, 1 r ' or they ln.iv pm i i te feet some tie Their obji emys nrmt l n 1: nals, storcb, us in lei iv nrtl'in fues. il r. i. n- t , k cxiil ni in occurs, 1. slrnrilon to cf- I i 1 ilic cn- I K- t ! nrs, a .! , tc , Where tbu mi Htlii "i of , l en . , in be Cftust-it at n n-lnh i i ! i si r.,lbly they might even nit i k tic , it, tnv'ii navy If he lias otu , l it p -sai'Mv lie nimit effect w-otiM bf pr-l i "1 In n more hu mane mtnner bv m. !!- lug the docks, etc Th,-n weul.l np-ar to bo but Illtl. dlRlcuM In I'tliclnr Hie cs ptnlves will. SH tl accuracy If good plans are nvnll.tbl.- to w rlc bv while the espene.-. even "hoel.1 airships be lost, would be Innlgnhlc.uit But Hiram Maxim, nlso nn expert In military Innovations, declares Hint dir igible balloons must sooner or Into yield supremacy to perfected aero planes. It Is well known that nein planes cannot carry large crows o. much cargo and lie-nco could not be very effective tn destroying arsenals, storehouses nnd railway i enters They might perhaps torpedo or lame Ihe dirigibles cncounti-ied Anyway, the dream of "airy navies grappling In the central blue" still vooins far from real ization. Ttiibor's Forward .March, T-abor has triumphs to celebrate nt this time Irrespective of thiv-e nn claled with orgnnbed elTort. two centurh Mgn man dliln'l even own his labor. ' s lime L'ihi jears ngo Lnndgnive t ' of IIi-sm-Ciis.cll itml. n notion to ennsrnict n magnlllceut playhouse near his summer plnov to en tertain Ids royal friends, nnd the whole elaborate structure was created with out expense oxcept for foreign talent to design nnd superintend. All the In lr of quarrying, carving, digging, hoisting, grading, etc., was wrung from his people something in tho way mml cm road taxes nre worked out. Every subject was assessed Fn many days' work a year to build n toy for the prince. The burden lasted many year". This piece of folly Is still to be mh-ii by tho tourists who visit Wllhelms. hoehe. Imperial flermnny now has about 2,210,000 organized worklngmen, and labor unlous nro even more Influential there than lu any other country nn the glolie. Ocrmany has detviojied sys tems of worklngnien's Insurance- vhlch aro the models of the world. It Is alio active In Insurlnt employment nnd Im proving the standard of labor among Its memhers. An evldenco of the strides made by labor Is tho act which went Into effect Aug. 1 In this counlr;, granting com ponsnllon for Injuries received In go. eminent cniplovipi-it. f'nrl of Ilesse Casell got his crtiu-i tn, tent work done for nothing T-tl.ij labor I- pihl for on government work- nnd the laborer Is practlc-aPy Insured ngilnsi lulury when eo eiuployeil Th.-, principle nf liability for lujurb- Inni reil In the service of others I- g'tlnhig streuaili everywhere and lu more or Ii-ns modi fled form will douhtl-ss hemmo the rule generally lu Hi", co in'r.i. The frequency with which Hie term ' 1 1 1 .. legislation" Is use 1 Itnlltale-, that hu man toll must not be lonlKentcd innlm any guise A single hi' or law K nn en taring wedge, ami una win fultow. I'rlvutc Helling ninl fiaiiiblliig. No well balanced pet-on eer con tended that prhalu ladling Is a erlitiu, lind Judge (inyiiol'H reivul ilechlolt lu a Brooklyn cmirt Is a rebuke to Ihie-o who wish to oliti iire Hie I-suu In wars Uhii gambling bj making n iei.t on private belling. tho laws aim In regulate nnd chock. Is not tlm wuger between man nnd man upon n golf or ball gaum or the sKfd of an until, a turbine eieamer or even a race horse. What Ihe mill gambling laws nre meant to reach aie those ibigrnnt onus) of belling whh-h under the nt-sumcd sanction of Inw urn eiiiueiiine-, eouduei il as a pulille Ini-liiess for the sole profit of professional gamblers. Tioi Vho think that they can Involve tho Is sue raised by efforts to control this hurt of trallleklng with the i-sue of per sonal lllierty ns ntit-od In the laying of bets mi games or au. form of Imio cent recreai'.on nie either Ignomntly wasting the lime of Ihe courts by bringing up stub aetlons or nre ma liciously H'el.lng lo ill-credit thu prin ciple of laws which Justly restrain mid rout ml. Mr. llnrrlmnu now tonliols seven teen railroads. He Is u joutig innn ret. Noah, It must be remembered, ivns CfiO jenr. old when bo cornered the transportation business of the world. In spite of Its tragic end Count Zep pelin's record breaking nli'shlp tnnj llg uro In tlm hlsior; ns the renl ploneo. In mnn's conquest of tho nlr A lliisslan who has lived 11!I veal's was puented In Ihe enr Ihe oilier day- as n sample. vu siiijhisi. ol whiil n llii-flnii eiin do by not uiirttct lug Ihe uttentl m n n'hlllsts n ml Isuub tlirowi ih It U llilinitl Hint there nre only r,fJCi "dope II !," lu all Kew Vui. These Dginvs, bnivever. tin not Uieludu tlio Outb.nullos wUo linly iranlus cliurti. FACTS IN FEW LINES In the Pren h Pyrenees, n quart of milk costs 4 cents Theie are more than ,V motor boats nlreid; on the cunnls of nollnnd, ''Uu expoils of camphor from I'nrinon Inst year nuiounted to 4.121, fsW Isumds. The capacity of the Atlantic uibles Is 8isi.ncm.nnii wetd anuii.ill). l)nl) 2r,,t'iXniiii sre oni. I'lsh worth f.vT.cciO.iurt is landed ev. cry year In England nnd Wales HiM lug einployiuent for 4O.OU0 men and lio-s. Piiraeuay, once the "hermit htate" par excellence, Is mhih to bo lu direct communication by steamer with the I'lltbd States nisi Europe. Potelpiers may now open nnd man age drug stores In some Mexican cities provided Ihej untioiiiicn or the front of their slore Huf they bnve no local title Time was when tho patent l;ld made In Prnnoo w unequnled. but now the Prt 'icb tlieineles are ald lo prefer Ihe American leather cf tills kind as Iwlng less liable tn rrack. Of the r.p.cWi men employed on Ilrlt-l-h sailing ,-i.l, U2-- nr one lu sixty oe their lives by drowning, whore ns of ihe li:",12U men einiilned on i-tonmshlps only i"4 or 1 lu 211 are drowned. The Mllford (N. II.) Cnblin-t entered upon Its one hundred and sixth vol ume nu July " The paper has been published by tbe family of Its preent owner. Colonel W. H. Itotch, for nlue-ty-clght ears Tho capital Invested In breweries In the fnllcd States, according b, the last federal census, was 5 1 1.".i t,c i The experts of the Vnlteil States Hrewlnc nsoclnton say that It Is now nearer S7iW).hisi A quantity nf Saracen wheat has been mw!i In Chile, with line results. The first hane-t showed u yield of Sixteen bushel-, for one lltnl of II verj' flue qunllly. It grows verj strong and nearh font teet in height Experiments nude In Hlclly have shown that rubber inn be successfully cultivated there but It will tnke ten jears ti, tiring the trees In prolltable productiveness; lience the assistance of the got eminent Is being ned. A mask of niumluluui wire In ubsorb mercury vapor Is the suggestion of Slgnor Tarugl. an Italian, for avoiding pnl-iiulng In merciin mines, mirror factories nnil otln r placi-s whole work ers are expo.ed tn this Mtlallle metal. Iirought has never lustti known lu the southwoKtei ii illstrli ts of Austra lia, nor are rabbits found there, but pnsiurullst.s cm a large scale are bam jiond b several varieties nf poison bushes which prove lutriiiful to stock. A 2 caliber bullet plajed n unique trh k In (Inidliicr, .Me., recently, lodg ing lu it tclcphnuc cable and cutting twenty out or sixty wires therein In closed. It lequlrid hccn hours to ln- ate the trouble and ennsltleralily nioro time lu making repair. Jipui i ttniriliute.s more than ono half of the stn.isiil.nnil eiarelti-s (on Mimed annual) by the 2'i,Nm.Miti K,,-ri-iu- New Ivae.l ptulcrs . Igaretles (n tile nlil t ishloneil pipes, snnie of which were so long a sonant was re qulicd at tho far end In nppl the ui'ilcli. Sam Jell of Winchester. Ivy., has u thousand acre ranch In Hreathttt ciitiuty. It Is liiouululn laud uud Ls In clnsisl by a wire feme. Ills speclulty Is Ihe Angoiii blued. Tho fleece of this goat Is what Is known In trade ns mohair find Is cr icltabte. Tho ranch Is pricing quite u -iinmn. Prom n Hrltlsh newspaper: "A gen tleman lu good social position llmls Hint wherever he gis-s friends plj him with whiskies nnd sodns, which he does nnt like and which disagree Willi him They re-ent It If he re-fu-es them. lie would like Introduc tion to society In which whisky nnd sod'i tlo not form so Important nn element." Prm.i Sept IP to .10 tin exposition will be In Id nt Nuremberg In the Inter est of etillnnn art, general fsl prod ucts nnil.'- Fti-ii'iinn-e and of meat shop confc" Horn r bikery, hotel nud If ' copers' lippll It. es. etc The expo sit' ci Is to c ntatlieu. inile the twenty llftli anniversary of the Innkeepers" Assn-latlon of Nuremberg and Is under the protectorate of Prince Alfonso of Havurla. President f! Stanley ITilll of Clark '.nlverltv nnnouufes that college pro ftwsnrs must ors'iuize for self protec tion nnd boycott nil news gatherers ns i nemles to academic dlgnltv nnd weight. Ie -inys-- "College professors tlltl-t do soctethtti:- t , t cop thoicsolvos from beln" m-ide r'llleuioits The time Ins come w hen i c ilU-go profes-or can not open his mouth without being made to look, speak nnd net like n fool." An "fncle Itemus" home for chll dren Is to be established near Atlanta, 'la., ns a to Joel Ch iiidler IlurrU The Juotillo Prole llve as soelntlon Is to hue ehn-ge of the hi slltulMi which will (otituln n school gvt iici -ittai nud toe. h inb-al worksle No'ir 1! In lo "' ' 11! lie sevt I ' l of wli' l ,ni I l"i vl,o!e i 1 ollti r h .-lll 1 n't "Jif, ' One llcrlin , 'i n- the 1 1 I '. .. -lb!,, el 0,, tn lii pi- ro an ti cur r H.s I". .in i' .;.!. " Ii s'l-er or - Il eli o I Il 1 on . . nn d v liti colored rib ' e'll I 'il w ifl l.lll cop 'I ' ii'i tin- the uppeur- "cliieso j, 1 Kai h c ak o;' h niipng'i" eiistbi't ' i'i w bo' lil"aln repre o'idlMltv nf solltelhltll' III-. '.III! I' d. thoi:- " ' . gilt c.O thin r...'- . l-ons an ' per bllll mice of ' ' Is fiom :. nboui .r, sent t nu ej S'.'ii.issi. Allegheny Iron Company Sold, I.e.-, h. tiru I'n.. Aug "" - The eon- trolllt'g IlllelHsl In Hie AI!oholl Iran n id Steel ennii auj at llrni licuridgii, one of Hie lurgosl sheel mills In Ihe Pittsburg illstticl. was sold by Cap 1. In AtPied Hick The purchasers are II .' " i'. rli..ldou. tot iiier superintend- enl ,,t Ihe Kllkpatllek i". Co. mills, liu.l s " cml men. Tho Rhododendron. The nail e homes of Ihe rliodcslen- I dron are tin t. .1111.01 ate regions of North ' Ainerli-a uud the mountains or India 1 Many splendid species of tho plant went dlsciuuied 111 Ihe Himalaya by Hi". Hooker nnd othcts mid were In troduced by them to Europe. Korea, Korea Is exactly Ihe Mzo of Kansas, b'.',IWI eqll.'llo miles. Tho Quakers. According to the Journal of Pox. tho torm "fjuaker" originated ns follows: "Justice Heiiiiet nf Jiorlo, was Ihe 11 rst lo cull 11s (.ninl, era, because I bmln I it iti quake ninl treiuhlo at the word of the leinl" This whs ulioiit tbo year HOT. Up to Date. "Whore aro you going to, my pretty IllOl't?" "I'm King to a leaiure, sir." she snl.l. ilh 1 go with you. my pretty malil?" "Vou won't nn.l. rstunel Ii, sir." sliu said. "What Is Iht sul.j, ct my pretty la.lltlr "It's on won, .111 ruihle, Kotsl lr," slie said- Then you won't murry, my pretty OtaWr 'Jf ibey'll m out 'obey 1 win." h ihatd e-Juilg's Library, SONS AND SIRES. Oeorgo Painter of I.lmn, O., who had suffered seveml years from paralysis, was cured by fulling from a hammock. Dr. James Augustus Henry Murray, one of Hie greati-st scholars of England nud famous n editor of tbe Oxfoid New English IMetlonnry, lias been made n knight by King Edwnrd. Eighty-one years old and never a toothache and nover n tooth lost that Is, slum he lost bis linh) teetb' This nan Is Captain William Ills o West Tremont, Me bale nud hearty, who ro.nw without glasses. l.lentcnnnt Commander IleUmnnn, recently In commnnd of the battleship Braunscliwolg. has been selected as the Merman naval attache nt Wash lntton This will be his first diplo matic assignment. He Is young nnd a bachelor. Willis Fletcher Johnson la the head of New Jersey's new state civil serv ice commission. Mr. Johnson Is a Journalist of standing, having been connected with the New York Tribune since l-o-n. He Is also connected with n number of progressive societies. Lord Wol-eley. who has Just passed his seventy-tlfth blrtbcbi) , has proba bly had more narrow escapes from death than any other living Ilritlsh of ficer. In his younger days his lord ship wns so daring that he earned from the Ashnntees the title of "the general who never stops." Admiral Itostrcm, who has filled the post of assistant minister of marine In the Itiisslnu rnhlnct, has received com mand of the naval forces In the Illnck sea The present Illnck sen com mander. Hear Admiral Wlrcn, redrew nnd Is given the honornry position of member of the navnl council. The Writers. Edmund Clarence Btedmnn hsd his favorite cat sit nt the table In n high chair nt each meal. Hrs. Koht and Ellas, who were se lected by Ilenrlk Ibsen's relatives to edit the works nf the famous dramn tlst, have discovered n hitherto un known mnnuscrlpt. n novel entitled "The Prisoner of Akershus." Emily Ilronte has hitherto lsen known ns n poet by only about three score piece. Recently n collection of 13S unpublished poems from her pen has been discovered, nnd this Is soon to be brought nut In book form. The oldest author In Franco Is SI. rnincols Pertlnault, who has Just turned ninety-live. M. Fullx Nndnc mines next, having Is-en liom In 1S2D. Jules Hreynnt and Ernest l'nroudler both date from 1S21 nnd Armand En fpilnte and Frederic Pnssy from 1R22. Church and Clergy. Cash registers are used In a church tn Massachusetts The German Lutherans of the Mis souri synod have decided tn retnin Oormnn ns the olllclal languago nf tho church. The Primitive .Methodist Church of England tins on Its pension list 120 ministers, nil of whom are over seventy-live years of ngo. Although Itev. Thomas Hpurgeon, the famous I.ondon preacher, Is still In 111 health, be is much better now thnti ho hns been for some years. Itev Entbrop Cooley celebrated the sixty-fourth nnnlversnry of his entry Into the ministry at North Eaton, O. He Is now eighty-seven years old. Train and Track. The railroad mlleago of the United Slates has Increased more rapidly than the population. Tile mileage of the Transslberlnn railroad Is ij.bCiO, double that of the Canadian Pacific. More than HXl.nno railway employees In England nre working nt n wage nf less than ?i n week. Only nbnut 11 per eent get more than ST.fiO n weuk. There nro now fewer persons being Injured by accidents on tho railways of New York cltv, In proportion to tho number of cars operated and the num ber of persons traveling In them, than nt any previous time slnco the first line wns put In operatlou. State Lines. Since 1872 New York has been car ried three times by the Democrats nnd six tlmcH by the Republicans. Vermont wns the first state tn en ter the TTnlnn after tho original thir teen. This wns March 4, 17111. In tho matter of paper production New York. Maine nnd Wisconsin rnnk first, second nnd third respectively. Vermont pays Ihe lowest salary to Its governor ?$l.rssii nnd Illinois the highest (?12.rKii. New York's chief ex ecutive gets Sin.iBin. Science Sifting. Jupiter Is the largest planet of our solar system. There nre inountulns on the moon .lil.imi feet high. Neptune's menu distance from tlio sun Is proved to be nbnut 2,7-1 n,rlV),(00 miles, nnd It taken the planet HIT, years to make Its levolutlou about the sun. In other words, n Neptunian year con tlsts of 110,22." of our clays. Proverbs. Force can never destroy right. Iaitln Proverb. To lengthen your life, shorten your meals - Pntilsh Prmurb. Oil nud truth will get the uppermost at last.- Italian Proverb If you wish to be valued, make your telf scarce Oerinnn Proverb, It's n sort of prosperity truce when Mr Ilnrilninn nlieuds to rail roads nnd Mr. llnn-evelt to politics. Whatever the Dutch name for "big stick," Mr. Castro, it means the very euino tiling, Zeppelin's nlrshlp nulurnlly kicked like a steur when roped down, nnd nnt tirnllj Kcunetblug bud to "bust," Our grent Heel I- 111 the iitillpodci. Hut who cares? The antipodes has m votes. Office Seeking. The office ouaht 111 seek tho man. And yi-t It is a iirupta plan For men ere they tu nttleo come To provo that they enn hustle some. 1'tillaiU-lphtu I'rtss. 8ocial Blunder. "Why did Illnks" widow feel so In lllglinilt tn bis liinenil?" "The members of hi xnluuleer linse compniiy sent him a ilural file extin guisher." J udge. noucjh on Her Complesien. They sat within tin, parlor dim. Ali.l this Is what fIim eiild to him: "(borge, dear. If you can't behave 1 wish you'd go and act 11 shave '" Pittsburg Post. As to Messea. Newcome Wo hnd 11 lino mess ot fish for dinner Inst night. Subley I haven't Ihe slightest doubt, tld num. Your cook ouch worked foi lis, Puck. HUMOR OF THE HOUR Puzzled Her. Mrs. Rtubb-John, Is It cold nut nt tho baseball grounds these days! Mr. Stubb-Cold? Why. Mnrin, It Is as hot nn blazes. What tu tbe world gnvo you tho Impression It was cold ont there? Mrs. Htubb Why, John, the paper pays the features of yesterday's gnmo wero several warm muffs. fid. Ixnils Post-IMspntch. Heard Behind the Bcenea, Sweet Singer The leading lady says her complexion Is a picture from na ture. Comedian It Is n wondor she Is not nppivheiirled. Sweet Singer- What for? Comedian Why, nature faking. Chicago News. 6peed Desired. "I set my boy to sawln' somo wood today," snld Fnriner Korutop. "Did ye," replied Fnriuor Nenrbyc. "I'll send my ty over to help him If 5'e" "No. don't yel 1 want the Job did In n burn-" Catholic Standard nnd Times. Inexcusable. "Why do you persist In your nvcr Blon to that mnn?" "Hu's Impractical nnd Insincere, lie's ono of those people who say 'don't worry' one minute nnd tbe next ask you If It Is hot enough for you." Wnshlngbm Star. The Natural Way. "Your rival has pit nhend of you, Jenks. He won your lady's favor by presenting her small nephews with n big blllygont" "There! I knew tbe Impudent fellow would find n wny to butt In." Haiti moro American. A Quandary, "What nre you going to do when they nsk you for n campaign contribution'" "It's a problem," nnswerod Mr. Dust In Stnx "If I don't give they'll say I'm penurious, mid If 1 do give they'll say Pin nn easy mark." Washington Star. Nerve. Dentist I suppose it does take nerve to come to me. Fallout- Yes, mul Hti exposed one at that Philadelphia Press. Her Objection. Henham Why do you object to my wenrlng n lienrd? Mrs. Henham -It Isn't the ln?ard It self thnt I object tu. It would lie all right If you would only rnlso one which wnnld harmonize In color with some of my dresses. Bohemian. 8hameful. Mrs. Do Itlche (showing hor homo to Mrs. Windfall) What do you think of my Venus lie Mlln? Mr", windfall Ain't It n shame how careless servants nre! Hut couldn't jou gluo the nrms on ugalnV- Puck. Haggling. Tovvne Ho Rays he'll sell Ids place for it mere song. Ilrovvm That's nil right, but us sunn ns you start to give lib., tt in-; he tells you you haven't got t e right notes. Philadelphia Pieis. Particular. "Those unllh mi sold me yesterday were not verj clean," said the cus tomer "What did yon do," iiske.l the hard ware clerk- "have "em nuiulcured?"--Youkoi-H Statesman. An Important Distinction. "Thnt clog with u now muzzle acts at If he worn mad," said tho timid citi zen. "No," answered the man of precise speech, "not mad, only Indignant." Houston Post. Understood at Last. Lawyer- How Is It that you havt waited tlueo years before suing Mullet for calling you n rhinoceros? Countryman - Hecauso 1 never saw one of tho beasts till yesterday 11 1 tbd zoo. Fllegende Hlatter. Not Her Idea. MIstress-Ko, Hnlliida, you wnnt tn spend a day In the country. Do you enjoy bucolic times? Maid l,ini', Mis' Nellie, nobody don'l enjoy no colic no times. Houston Post Why Should He? rnssenger (on tram carl Don't you always sldver when you pass this cem etery? (Vmduotor- Not me. I'm going to lio ercmnted. Sketchy lilts. Might Help Some. "Is Clarence Applebj thu sort of per son ono s-ould euro to cultlvnte?" "Well, u little cultivation wouldn't Hurt lit m any." Cleveland louder. Her Position. "Henrli'tln." snld Mr. Meekton snntl mentally, "do you uver regret having murrled uie?" "Ilegret It? Of course not. I never notice It." Washington Stnr. Always a Striking 8uccees. Nuthtmr sure tn this life? That Is hardly right. Just start to llnd n gas leak With a nnkeil light. -Tialttmore American. After tho Dinner, Duiulelgb It was an nwful trial for mo lo make Hint speech tonight. Mlldinay Don't mention It, old boy. Just think what tho rest of us suffered, Huston Transcript. The Village Belles. Thu vlllitftu tsjlles wero wringing 1'rivy Uu not turn thu hose Upon inu when I telt you They were wringing nut the clothes. Ltpplncott'a Magazine. Another Kind. "Jlluffcr Iris gone Into politics," "is he 11 good mixer?" "I should any so! You ought to taste tho cnektnlls he prepares!" Denver News-Times. High Ground. The moral ground some men are found To taku Is hlsh tnpuKhi Hut. after ull, the highest ground lo frequently a bluff. Hoston Transcript. Mother's Instinct. Mother (llrmly to llttlo dnughter, who Is about to bnve n tooth drawn) Now, Mny, If you cry I'll never tnko you to doutlst'u aga'-t-Tlt-HIU. . , HONESDALE DIME BANK Accepts Deposits, Loans Honey in Small and Large Amounts It Gives A Handy Check and Free to All Household Bank Pass Book One to the Savings Depositor, the other to Anyone opening a Rusiness Account. Doing Business by Check is the up-to-thc minute way It Saves It Saves It Saves Wrangles Paying Twice Losses Because a Check is always a Receipt. Cheapest and Safest Way to Send Money to Foreign countries is by a Money Order issued by this Bank. Safety Deposit Boxes for Your Valuable Papers $1 and upward per annum. Open a Business or Savings Account Now. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a iicUie of new mixed paints. A condition brc.nph about by our enterprising dealers to "ct some kind of a mixed paint that we upplant CHILTON'S MIXK1) PAINTS. Their compoundb, beinR new and ea'ily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. TnrnorrTo ni.rM'K CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS ....IS.... JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons lor the pre-eminence 01 CHILTON PAINTS : tst No one can mix a better mixed p.itnt. d Tbe painters declare that it works easily and nai wonderful rovcrinc quality. 3d Chilton stands b ick nf it and will aprcc to repaint, nt bis own expense every surface painted with Chillon Paint that proves dclectivc. 4th Those who have used it arc perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend s use to otlicr THE DELAWAUli: .V HVHSON CO. HONCSDALC llllANCll. gait Hound Tratna In KtTeiM .ll'M: 3.. ins. wm tlonnct Tralni. Sunday ODly. Ditlj, except Hiiml.i). W M ! K! r. V. V. M. A.H I 6 191 1 lij 4'l M 8U t 'J 11 H ft) n 21 t V 01 ri nt ' to ta 1 a a n 13 lua Uu nt! Htnttorm. Umti1 ...vrrKe . ..('.irlinml ill- . .. .I.llii'nlti Ail',, vv inn's. . . Kiirvlt'w .... Cut 11111 ...liKo !.nili,ro.. VVii)in.iri Ki-c'lli' Klri'lie .... rrniiiiuou Vorli'iiU .... ....heel llle. .. r. a. s 4111 rv 511 15 M. fi; 11 to U u I 9 06 X si V to e 41 in 61 r s s n n t 04 11 u 114 7 0?!tS3I at nun 41 o a r: in t 44 m ;ii n wi r 2 41 r.i :h t: J4:n ti n k r; m 1 v n 4v e w 9 m 6 3H r sit ta sv rs 41 r 4 ID CI 111 IH 10 04 10 1 to IS r. u, A. H r.M. r. m. A.M.iX'fflve.. t ai ii u ft) .llOIU'Mllilll.. f Indicates nai; sut Ions. V a. BIMs.Sd Vice rrrnldont. Jfg is the most mi V lr Pracucai noipiui, NeW-YOrK useful, entertaining, Tf.k n national illustrated IliDUtie AGRICULTURAL FAMILY Cormnr weekly in the rdllllbl United States. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Send your name for free sample copy. New-York Tribune Farmer, Tribune BuildinR, N. Y. THE HONESDALE WILSON & PENNIMAN Proprietors. Established In 1844. Book and Job Work Promptly Executed. KRAFT & CONGER, successors to E. n. mmn General Insurance Agents HONESDALE PA IirmiltTIHO TEX TCLLCW1KQ CCsTiUIII; AJTNA, nt Ilartrnrit, AAOBBN ft MUNICH, of Germany, fl-MEUIOAN, of Newark, N. j. CONTINENTAL,. of New York, FIRR ASSOOIA.TION, of I'bllRiteliilila iiivEurooi,& 11ONOUN & of Knelnud, NORTHERN, of England. NORTH BRITISH & MEROANTIIiK of Knclund. NORTH S E8TEUN NATIONAL,, nf Milwaukee BPII NOPIEU) P. & M. ot SprluRtluld, Mans. TRAVEliEU'BI,IPK & AOOIUENT, ot Hartford. FIDEliITY CABUAI.TY, of 1'tillndolphla. H.J. CONGER. J. ADAM KRAFT Kodol For Indigestion Oar Guarantee Coupon If, tttar vstar twtHhlrdi of a li.oo bottle of Xodot.roo mo hootittr i7 U fats net bene Clad yon, wa will rcfond yonr money. 1 rr Kodol todty co tbii tatraotet. Pill oat and tlm the following, preiint It to tbe deiler at the time of parcbiae. If It falls to ntlifr you return the bottle containing one-third of the medletae to tbe dealer from whom you bought It, and we wilt refund your money. SUa here. cattbudui- DigestsWhatYouEai And Makes the Stomach Sweet S. C. CoWITT ft CO., Chtcuo, XIX. Sold by PEIL, The Druggist. -SSbS - - MARTIN GAUFIELD VnntifAoturer ot Monumental Work Honesdale Pa. Inflanimalory Illtonmiittara Oarna In Three Pv. EMonnnIJ.IIIll,ollv6DanoD.lDdiAyHt "Mr wlff ad luflmnmatiry itheuiuutiim m evury muHrto and joint j her aunerlotfwaa terrible and tier body una aon were swollen almost beyond recognition; bad been Is bed for sis weeks and bad elk' lit nliyhieUua, but reoelTed no beneQt unUlahe tril IUh lljutln cure for Jtueuinatbuu. Unavelmiaedlutu relief and sou wu able to walk about lu tnree days. 1 am nure t saved ner lire." bold br Uuii. Popus, DnurtfHt loneadaIa. pa. avma PARKER'S ' n nAlCAU 01 . I i.niirw lha kill .'as? mi Mimliiy oui) . T,i Iim TtvT HI "ftt '87 a.m i-.h r. m. & in r.M. r m. r. m. r. w 05 1 Mil T M 1 V" fi r 1 ir, r: n.i ti; ft- 11 M in r,i 7 19 13 4rt ; 1: i-j 41 11 17! b All I, II fi in IA III 1 in1 l'J CHI1 H 41, II .17 II .II1 II "."J II 11.1 11 ".'ii, II If. II IS 1 II cn 11 Oli a.m.! r M 4 W. 4 r,i n vi 115 a tn I 7 (I 0 tl'J SV 14 4V n ev in ,11 n 11 17 cm in i: 17 BO Ill II' VI tt at t t If. ..l-iivr a.m. r.M C, 65 VI W II So r.M. 1 7 u, J. VV. lllilililL'K, ransrner Tratlie Atan.tcer thoroughly Both of these papers one year for only $2.00 if yon send your order and money to THE CITIZEN Honesdale, Pa CITIZEN THE CLARK & SNOVERCO. (live below u list nf Dealers In Honesdale and Vicinity vho handle G. & S. TOBACCO Honesdale fVrliiT nrotliurK A I'.tifrltHKlt W II Ilalini-H .1 Omni Turri'l Inriu lltitiutirt II lllslmp TtiHdilnni (' llruui;: Mm. F Krnll (li'iirco 11 Kimlild .1 II MlHcuur II Itullly J W HlitirprttiMui & Ilrntlior UKV SecllR A A (JrumliH MtUIUlT ii Co Kutz JlrotluirM 1,'lurk .V lliilloi.k Mm N (' l'mt lluiiry Freuud W I. llurnurd Antoulu lliirliiori VV I, ilcriuuti .IllCIlll A Will'!' Ii Huilili Mm 1'utrii'k Weir Hawley Atklnaiui yultinj M II Hurri'tt VV II llicurt l'J llnwi M Con-nrnu Frnnk Fimiiir Alrh T Miuurtin (' II VViiuilwiiid U J ltirtittrdhoii liiiui. I) Ames lliuy A wmcrnon F F Hwiuslo .Inlin tliirmu F IiTuttlnK Co Wi' & AlUhe K I. Hchlnutir lli'orpu A wen llcury F Hi'ii 1. 11 I'i illz White MINI Hnniuul Hiiuutliirs F.ilulil T Kidltiy VlurKuri't Hliivin Il vvc should attemjit to give a list of those who TTSIE IT it would take a dozen newspaper! Ono nf llm Iii-iii testimonials ul tun ox I'ellHiit iimllt) ut Clark & Snover Tobacco 4 thu flint that tlnn whn unw iim it iirtttft thirty yrars iipo, nmi not nin nt hmii wnul a rhtnv nr ituiokn any oilier unuiij it It wen k I veil lo tln'tn. THE CLARK & SNOVER CO., 1 13 lu !.' Ailumi. Ave., HCltAIS'TON, I'A LIMP, LIMP 4 Oh, That Corn!" How ohm fnn ("tiffftr with nuoh a corn 1 Tu look ut, it' alniodt nothing, hut tlm hurt ttmt'tf whtrt) tornB (mint. Now the littU'HiiritTinf: tlionu who Intvi' luithlully tried loin or corn fin ru wltiiuul ttllfnt, may (jucntion our Blatf inHiit, hut, ni'vuithnlnes, we raaku It, ntwl it'tt truo. We imvo a corn ni iu thnt will tukd out your I'oniB roots and all. If utHl accordiUK to (ilruution It will leavtt no nori'iii'e, V warrant it your mnuoy haok If you ure not untuned. Call for RUSSIAN CORN CURE. O.T. CHAMBERS. Pharmacist Opp. I). & II. STATION, IIONKHDAliK, V J WM. CIESEKE THE PEOPLES TAILOR. You pay less and dress better. Get. the habit ol lmyinn our too per cent, pure wool, strictly fast color noods. You will find our clothes very differ ent from the ordinary ready-to-wear garments you meet at every tum. Latest Stvles and Perfect Fit Prices Reasonable at WM. GIESEKE'S 1107 Main St. ITnnesdiiic, !, Near TJn-Town. Bridge I Ii.tll) , excepi iMiiiUn). t- 97 K I, R Ul 7 61 ; 47 7 41 7 : 4