The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, September 03, 1908, Image 1

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The Honesdale Citizen
fflce-Next door to l'ottunioe.
Formerly occupied by Hon. W. U. Dlmmlok.
Honesdale, !., April, 1908.
WM. 11. IiEH,
Office orer Poit Offlce.
All legal butlnett promptly attended to.
Uonetdale, Jan. 1, 1HM. lyl
i utiHCniin
a'i- AmmHir anii C:nnNflr.nsuAT-fjAW
Ollloe Liberty Hull building, opposite the
Poet Ulllce, Uonesdale. 1'a. 39yl
Patents and Pensions secured.
Office In the Court Ilouse.
Honesdale, Pa. 47yl
rinAniiEa a. mccaiity.
Special and prompt attention given to the
oiieutiou oi oiauns. uince over ueus new
tore, 3iyl
Offloe 2d Kloor Old Savings Bank building
ttyl Hohbsdali. Pa.
Orer the Pott Offlce, Uonetdale
May , 1W2. 11
UoniaiiALi, Pbmr'a.
At tho offlce late of Waller & Bearle.
Honotdalo. Pa. Ufflce orer Pott Office.
Jan. 1,1884. yl
Ollloe oyer Holf't New Btore.
Honesdale, Pa. Ssyl
Offloe - Maaonlo building, 2d floor.
Knar of Alton Uoute Uonetdale, Pa.
Dec. 1, 1902. tlyl
DIl. E. T. nilOWN,
Offlco lit Floor Old Snvll ? Hank building
UONIKDALB - 'A. 36 7 1
HaNiaiiALE, PA.
OOlce and Itesldenoe 1110 Church street
oppoalte Uaptist Church. Telephone.
O fllce Uours-2.00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 6:00 r w
n. 17. T. McCONVILIj,
Office 618 Beoond street, formerly occu
pied by Dr. J. J. O'Connell.
Uonetdale, March 13. 1002. ttyl
Now Malay Opium Curg
Being Distributed Free by a New
York Society.
Co-operating with missions In Malay,
sla, tho Windsor Laboratories of New
York havo secured a supply of the won
derful combretum plant, which has done
so much to revolutionho the treatment
of the opium habit.
A generous supply of tho new remedy,
together with full instructions for its
use, and United States consular reports
bearing on the subject will bo Bent to
nny sudcrer. To obtain a free supply
of this remedy and the consular rcxirts,
nddrcsaWindsor Laboratories, Branch 23,
131 liast 23th Street. New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Ofllre: 2nd floor Masonic. Building, over
C. C Jadwln's drug store, Uonetdale.
How Are Your Eves?
With a practical experience oflmauy year
I am able to make, n careful, sclentltio exam
inntlon of tho eye, which will result In the
application of a glass that will relieve and
help you. If you feel the need of aid for
your eyet, delay Is folly.
You are blind to your own Interest If you
neglect to take care of your eyes. It Isn't
every one who can properly tit you with
glasses, and when you got.thetn you should
not think (hey wllldo, hut because you see
a little better. You MUST know they are
exactly right. We are headquarters for
optical goods of all kinds.
All lenses dupllinted and frames solde
on short notice, cheaper than elsewhere.
Post Oiflee Building Uonesdale Pa
TTie New Yni Dai'y Press
on- .Jar $4 50
Honesdale iim,
utl .ear I 50
Address Tbo Cltlton, Uonetdale, Pa
After June 1st, 1908,
9:00A.M. to 12 o'clock noon
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Hero It Ilcllof lor Women,
Mother Uray a nurse In New York, dls
covered an aiumnlic, pleasAnt herb cure for
wouen I lilt, called Australian. Leaf. It it
the only certain regulator. Cures female
wcakiio'scs and llackachu, Kidney and
lll'iddernud Urinary troubles. At all Drue
Ulilt or by mall Me. Sample FltKK. Ad
Urets,Tuu Motuu Uray Oj., Li lljy, ti , Y
nr.poiiT op tiii: condition
or Tin
Honesdale National Bank,
At the close of business, July IS, 1908.
Loans and Discounts f4,81" 68
Overdrafts, secured and untecur
ed 1 T5
17. H. Tlonds to secure circulation, M.0O0 00
Premiums on U.S. llondt.. .. IWu) nr)
Ilonds, securities, etc 1,.1M,M0 in
Hanklng-house, furnlturx, fixtures 40,000 00
Duo frum National Dunks (not
Keserve Agents) 3,677 60
Due f'm State Hanks and Bankers HIM
Due from npproved reserve ag'ts 132,27-1 H8
Checks and other cnh Items.... 0,2IU 00
Notes of other National Uanks.. 100 00
Fractional papercurrency, ulck-
elt and cents riM (W
Lawful Monit Ilcsinvi in Dank viz.
Bpecie fS3,UI 00
Ijegal tender notes.. 1,880 00 BS.3I3 00
Redemption fund with U. H.
Treasurer, 6 per cent, of circu
lation .. . ji.TfiO 00
Total 11,907(10 01
Capital stock paid in 1150,000 no
Surplus fund 160,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and tnxet paid Gs,tnt 10
NatlonalUankiiolcsoutsUinding 66,000 00
Blate Hank notes outstanding . . otr m
Due to other National Hunks I 414 .14
Due to Slate Hunks and Hankers ICS 0.,
Individual deposits subject to
check l.tvj.llll c,
Demand certificates
of deposit 23,3)1 00
Certlllcd i hecks M Oil
Cashier's chts-ksout-
staildltlK '.'."ll 8.1-1,470,716 44
Honds borrowed None
Notes and hills redlscouutcd .... None
Hills pajnblo IncludliiK ccrtlll-
cates of deposit for money l"r-
roweil None
Llalillltlesnthcr than these above
stated Nonr
Tolal I,WJ,;J 01
Stntonf 1'cnnsiivnnln, Counlynt Mimic, ss
I, Kdwln K. Torrey, Cashier of the linnet
dale National Hunk, do solemnly sucar Hut
the above statement Is true to Ihe liesi of
my knowledge anil beller.
r.DWIN K.TimUKY, Cashier.
Subscribed and shoiu to before me this
mth day of July, IU0.
Co rreet Attest!
AN DltrV THOMPSON, Directors.
J. C. UlltDSALIi. I
PuitLio notiok of niHsoiiinioN
Ol' I'AII I'NKItHIIII Nollceis here
by given, tlmt Ihtt partnership heretofore
existing between Klen II. ClurK and Churlea
C. llulloek, under the llrni name of ClarK fc
Ilullock, bus teen dlssolued by the death of
Rben II. Clark. All bill due the firm should
be paid to the surviving partner, Charles I'.
Duilock, who will continue the bulsness un
der the firm uameof Clark & llulloek.
Uonesdale, Aug. 10, 1004. 151.1
II. V. HAND, 1'resmini
WM. U. IIOLMF.H Vice President,
U. B. SALMON, Cashier,
V. J, WAIID, Ass'l Cashier
Aftar H HRVinti m rargely a metterof
CultiVHta tli hnblt, no malter how much
you itiHke It la tlie oua euro way to title
You will hnrt courteous treatm'.nt and
ample security at tile
CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000
HUltl'MJH 11(10,1)00
Total Assets. - $2,680,000
SAVINGS Dt'.POHITB made on or be
fore the tenth day uf any month will draw
Interest from the llrst day of that month.
INTKKI'.HT will be paid for all Calendar
months on moneys remaining on deposit
three Ctm ndar months or longer.
Small sares to rent In our I1UHOLA11
Special ariention given to MF.HCANT1LF,
Deposrte may be made bv mail.
II. n IlANr), V. B. Holmes, C. J. Hm(th,
A. T. BiAnr.rr, F. P. Kmuta, W, F. HuvriAM
II J. Uosoxo. II, 8. BAl MOV. T. It. I'LAnK.
Tlmt Card In Effect June 2 1st, 1908.
,07 i
K ss
k yn u i a
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HSlt 39 1
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O rb'ndslo & "
White Urt Vp "
. ..Icrinyn .. 11
..ArciiieaM.. '
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...l'eekvlllt... "
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swtoie.Lr. .Hcranua...Ar
Addttlinst trMnt leave CarbonilMo for Mnr.
fitld Tarn t 0.60 a m dlly, um dally
Hffpt Sunday, AOllllunal trains litto Maj.
OPld vara rT Oarb'in'lale 0 88 a in daily aiid s a
p. m, dally except tgunjay
J. O. Asnsaaoit, , E. Wsrjin,
Trafflo Manager, Traielln Agent,
tt Dearer St., Now Yorlr, Bcranton, 1'a,
Kbtate or
Lnte of Honesdale, deeeased,
All persons indebted tosaid estate are no.
tilleil io make Immediate payment to tho un
dersigned s and these Inn inn claims anin.t
snid estate ate not itleil to ptesent them, duly
attested, for settlement.
Honesdale, Pa., July In. Itiii". lU'r.
I.nle of Promptou bornutih, deeeased,
All persons indebted to said estate are no
tified lo make immediate payment to the
undersigned ; and those having claims
against said estate are notllled to present
them, duly attested, for settlement.
Administrator de bonis uon.
t'utn lestamento anuexo.
All payments to be imnleand all bills to be
sent to said Company, Scrantou, Pa., or to
A.T HF.AULK. Atlnrney,
130 ilunesdale, Pa.
It will pay joti to call nt the
finely equipped
II South Main HI,,
The little altaeks of slomai h trouble and
ttomaeh disorders will utiLlouhtedly lead to
ehronie dyspetisia unless you take some
thing for a sulllelt nt time lo strengthen the
ttomaeh and give It athaueo to get well.
It you take in the beginning the bal
attacks of Dyspepsia will be avoided, but
If you allow these little attacks to go un
heeded It will take Kodol a longer time to
put ) our stomach in good condition again,
(let u bottle of Kodol to-day, Hold by 1'KIL
The DruguiiL
Mrs. Meyer Is Prostrated by
Result ot Theft,
Wenlrnm, MnH., Sept, 1,-Mn.
(lourge Von L. Mejer, wife of the pott,
tntnter general, la prostrated at her
homo at n result of the theft of all of
her Jeweli, ninny other valuablet and
mhs (i. von u mi:yi:ii.
i'ii-Ii. nuiiiuiitliig III nil to thousands of
dnllnrs, while the family wnt nt illie
'Ihe I hlcies or burglars ransacked
the entile upper perthm of the house
and gel sulci) uwnj with their booty.
Smiie nf the gems wcie pnS4nta nle
tnlued wliit,. the postmaster general
was xlatloncd us ambastnilor In V.n
rope and were of priceless value to
Mr. Meyer and Mra. Meyer on account
of their associations. There was out
string nf black pearls' given to Mrs
Mi'jer while In i:im', the loss ol
willed Is most keenly felt.
Mother Snyt Marriage Will Not Take
Place 8oon.
Lincoln, Neb.. Sept. 1. The announce
nicnt nt Mllw-aiikcc of the engagement
or Miss Helen llctger, daughter of n
wealthy miller of Milwaukee, nnd VII
Ham J. Itryun., Jr., was not taken en
tlrely verlolisly by those close to tin
5 "ling i'mi,..
Mrs. William J. Itryan, while not c
Illicitly ilenjlng the engagement, s i l-1
If her son mid Miss llcrger tunrrled il
would be n long time In the ftitnie
William Junior, she said, was but nine
teen joins; old, bis education was uu
ilnlsheil, ami lull, nf mi c.uly wedding
which has been Indulged In from thin
to time, was premature.
That the joiiug people nre very fond
of each other Is generally known. Thej
bate known eiiib other for Rotcinl
j ears and last jenr while both wen
xtuilcnls in the I'nlteislty of Nebrask:'
Ihey were together whenever oppoitu
tillj olTcn'd, mid j-otnig llrjnii'H ntteti
tlvetiess to his awectlic.irt was fre
iliicntly remaiked.
William .1. Ilrjiin, Jr. who was born
In Lincoln, Is the only son and tecon.l
i MM of Mr. and Mrs. llrjau.
Tellt How Murder Wat Done.
Illnghaml N. Y.t Sept. 1.- Daniel
rndeihlll was arrested In Oneoula on
Ihe eh irge of being one of the miirdci
ers of i:idrlilge liatls nt West Itnln
bridge He was taken to It.ilnbrldgi'
for a bearing. In a confession to the
ollloers it is said that ruderhlll claim.
Hint Tail Hill, who winked for DntN
timing haying, did the shooting, lie
unjs that he and Hill lay In amlm-h
behind" a fence for Davis when tin
farmer went to get his cown on
Wednesday afternoon, planning te
come up behind him and stun him bj
hitting him on the bead with a club
Instead of that Underbill sny that
lifter D.ivls had passed them Hill shut
li I in twice through the head nnd bmk
from behind Then they shot lilin
three times after he was dead and left
one ot their revolvers In Davis" hand.
"Well Done," Says Roosevelt,
Oyster It.ij-. N. Y Sept. 1 - Presi
dent Itooscvell entertained seventj
one members of the Ameilcau victors
of the Olympic contcMs who visited
him at bis summer home at Sagamore
Hill They were praised by him as
men who bid accomplished an undu
pllciiti'd feat, and they cheered him
as Hie hot president of the United
Males" It was a daj for the
team and for Mr lioosetelt, who show
ed an Intimate knowledge of each
man's record
Vermonters at the Polls.
Montpcller, Vr . Sept. 1 I'lnal argu
incuts in the political case in Vermont
wore uunle on the stump, and today
the Jltrj of the people In I loosing a
governor, other state olliceis, two mem
bers of enngtess nnd members of the
stale icgl'-l.iiule Is deciding on the
lllelits of the ill Litis questions stlh
inlllid to them dining the iccctit cam
paign, many of wlilib have been of
national Importance.
Named by Day State Socialists.
Huston, Sept. 1. The Socialist party
at Its ftnte convention, held In P.ilne
Memorial hall, nominated .Inmea V.
Carey of Haverhill for governor nnd
John Hall, Jr., of Chicopce for lieuten
ant governor Collective ownership,
abolition of child labor, ral-lug of the
school age and abolition of tho Inlune
tton In l.ilioi dliutcs nre advocated in
tht platlonu udoptid by the conven
tual. Dryan and Johnson Get Together.
St. Paul, Minn , Sept 1 William ,1.
lli.Miu was the guest here of (tovcruor
John A Johnson, who was bis princi
pal 1 1 v ii I ill Denver, and they were
ihcenil bj ,M i.t ii hi Mliinesotnns as the
"two gicatest living Democrats" ns
they rode through the stieets side by
side, spoke twice from Ihe same plat
fotui anil breakfasted, lunched and
dined together Mr. ltryau's
theme litre was cvtiavagauee in tun
ning tiie govci unit nt. Hit speaks today
at r.ugo, n. i.
Albany Silent on Governorship.
Albany, N V.. Sept. 1 - At a meet
ing of the delcg.iles elci tcil to the lle
pulillcaii stale convention from the
Twenlj-tlilnl congressional district,
comprising Albany ami Schenectady
coiinlleH, uo action was taken regard
ing the gubernatorial nomination.
Atlantic City Protettt.
Atlantic I'llj, N. ,)., Sept. l.-A
meeting of citizens was held here at
whit h piuleslK bj speakem weto made
ngalnst (inventor I 'oil's nctlon In Is
suing n proi'lamnlhiii last week In
which he beltl up Athiulle City In an
unenviable II.LL
Kr. Hisgen Notified of Bis
Candidate Declares Control of Govern
mtnl Hat Slipped Away From tht
PtopU Into th. Hands of Maohlne
Politicians and Bosses Resards tho
Nomination as Call to Publlo Service,
Ht 8ayt Gathering Cheers For
Hearst Gravtt It Unable to De
New York, Bpt. 1. In exclusive
slramercy aijuare, where thirty yoars
ago Samuel J. Tllden, leader of the
Democratic party, resided, tho Inde
pendence; party notified Ita caudldatu
for the presidency of hit nomination,
denounced the older parties and made
a bid for popular favor.
Ited fire, bands nnd constant cheer
ing invoke tho echoes of thu famous
old plaro for the flnt time In runny
years. The old (lorard mansion,
where Dome of thu mott celebrated to
clal functions of bygone dayt were
held, rung with cheers "for our next
president," more cheers for "that great
leader, William Randolph Hearst." and
c clone of approval of the denuncia
tion of both Mr. Ilrynti nnd Mr. Tuft,
uttered by Thonins L. Illsgen, the can
didate, mid Mr. Hearst, the sponsor of
the new party John Teniplu Craves,
the candidate for vice president, was
unable to be present, but sent a tele
gram predicting success fur tho new
Nomination a Call to Service.
After slating that be regarded his
nomination as a call to public service
Mr Hlsgeu In Ids speech of luieptauce
went right Into the mnlu Issues of the
campaign and gave a vigorous outline
of the principles and policies be stands
for. He dedal cd It was necessary to
organize a new party to hi lug about
needed reforms, nnd so the Independ
ence party came Into existence. The
candidate inserted that the pro, cut di
vision of the reform elements had per
mitted the control of the government
to slip from the hands of thu people
Into the hands of machine politicians
nnd party bossis, and be said (hat to
take control out of their hands he ad
vocated "direct nominations, the Inltla
tlvt). the icfcrcndom and the recall."
Mr. lllsgon said In part:
The" only way to unite the reform
elements of Itoth the old parties Is in
it new purtj', nnd the only way to de
feat the reactionary elenmnts of both
the old partlea la with a new party.
Thanks to the present senseless divi
sion of the reform or progressive ele
ments, the control of the government
has slipped nvvny from the people Into
the hands of machine politicians and
party bob'es.
I believe that tho first essential of all
reform Is to take the conduct of public
affairs out of the bunds of siectal In
terest anil their tools, the corrupt
bosses, nntl restore It to the bauds of
the people.
To accomplish this I heartily advo
cate, as does our platform, direct nomi
nations, tho Initiative, the referendum
and the recall.
Favors Full Campaign Publlolty.
I believe, furthermore, that to ob
tutn genuine popular government tho
corruption of money roust be eliminat
ed, nnd I Indorse our platform declara
tion which not only cells for full pub
licity of campaign contributions, as do
Ihe platforms (but not the legislation)
of the ltepubllcau nnd Democratic par
ties, but which prohibits, ns they do
not. tint use of any money in elections
except for meetings, literature and the traveling expenses; uf can
didates. With the cost of living constantly
Increasing, with i nmpetillon stilled, hi
dividual oppoitunlij In business slcadl
ly lessened and a ban placed at the
same Unit upon tho light of laborers
and farmers to nrganUo for their own
protection, tin- bu-lness man, the woik
liigmaii ami the fanner want plain
speaking. 'I his they get pre-eminent
ly In the Independence p irtj platform,
and I ciinlnlenllj submit Us clean cut
declarations to mj fellow cltlens.
The trusts have grown nnd faltened
upon ltepnblli an rule, ami the Demo
cratic platform has nothing to offer on
the subject but a fanciful scheme of
federal license and meddlesome and In
effectual regulation and Inspection.
Qamai Played In th National and Ihe
American Leagues.
At Cincinnati -lMttnburp, 5; Cincinnati,
0 I Inttorlufi Willis and Ulbeon; Spadt),
Public ami Mcl-enn
At Chicago Chicago, 2: fit. Louli, 0.
IlfitUrleH- Overull and Kllng; Raymond
and Montn.
W Ij P C W Ida I Ci
NtwYorlces 45 .05 Cincinnati M 60 .IS!
Chicago.. 71 47 .602 Doston. . . . 60 67 . 427
Pittsburg. 70 47 .C98 Brooklyn. 41 71 .377
PhlU'phlaCO (2 .(34 St. Louis. 12 71 .801
At New York - Philadelphia, 1; New
York, 0. Uattorles Dygert and Bchreck;
Lake and KlInow.
Bt-rnnd Gamo- Philadelphia, 2; New
York. 1. Uatturlis-Bchlltien and lllue;
Hogg and Kllnow,
At IMrull Cleveland. 7. Detrutl, X
Itatutl'M riuch and N Clarko, Hum
mers nnd Hclinitdt
At Ht 1'iuls Ht Iuts. 4; ChtcsKO, 0.
Ilnlttrlia Wail.KIt and HniUh; Walsh,
uwtn and Bvilllvnn
At Washington Itoston, 7, Washington,
3 lltttterlos Young nnd c'rlger, Tanne
hlll, Johnson and Warner.
w. l. rc. w. l. p c.
Detroit . SK IS .Mil Phlla'pht M 67 .BtVI
St Leuls ST M .671 Doston.... It) 0! .475
Chicago. M 12 65S Wiisli'ton 4H tltl .l.'l
Cleveland Cti 63 655 New York 38 79 ,1.2
Shoots Herself by Accldtnt,
Lockbaveu, lu., Sept. 1. Mrs
Charles ('hitbb, tvventj'-four year old
vv Iff of a farmhand, dropped a loaded
ahotgun butt downward through t
stovepipe hole In tV celling uf a room
to her husband, when the trigger
xtrlklng a projection, exploded th
gun, Instantly killing Mrs, Chubb.
Crowds Great Our Sailors.
Melbourne, Kept. 1. The atresia ot
Melbourne were filled with surging
good humored crowds numbering hun
dred of thousands, all out to do honoi
to the visiting Americana who arrived
here aboard the sixteen great battle
ships, and the scene challenged com
parison with that of an election nlghl
In New York, though happily th eai
tickler nnd blast from tin trumpcti
were dispensed with. The crush lu
the principal thoroughfare was sc
great that many women fainted and
several pu'euus were Injured,
Bvtn Htdln, For Whom Feart Were
Fait, It Heard From.
Stockholm, Kept. 1.- Hven Hedln. the
HwedltU explorer, who In lfssj started
from Chinese Turkestan on n Journey
of exploration to Tibet and who was
last heard from lu the summer of 11)07,
hat sent a letter to bis parents here,
which they have Just received, stating
that he nnd his party nre safe and that
they will nrrlvo at Simla early In Sep
tember. Sven Ander Iledln, geographer and
explorer. Is on his third expedition to
central Asia. When he was last heard
from, In July, 1P07, be had arrived at
the Mansarowar lake. He first crossed
one of the least known parts of centrnl
Thibet from north to south, nrrlvlng nt
Shlgatse, on the fanpo, or upper Ilrnh
tuaputrn, and afterward carried out nn
Important Journey to the west.
Luter the absence of news from libit
wns the causu of much anxiety on the
part of his family and In ollklal cir
cles, nnd the Swedish foreign olllce re
quested the Indian government to do
all In Its power to find the explorer.
Seven-year-old Lad to Be Wit
ness For Father.
New York, Sept. 1.-Announcement
was made by Joseph A. Shay of coun
sel for the defense that the sewn j ear
old nou of t'aptalu I1, t". IluliiK, Jr.,
Toter Conovcr Ilaliis .'Id, will be called
to testify In defense of his father at
the father's trill for the murder nf
William rc. Annie.
"The child will be a valuable wit
ness," said Mr Shay "We illellke to
draw the lad Into the ease, but us It Is
a matter of life or death for thu father
It cannot be helped."
The child, with bis two j-onngei
brothers, Is still living with hs father s
parents at Kurt Hancock. Mrs. Mains
their mother, ha taken no active sti ps
ns yet to get possession of her children
through the law.
Mr. Shay also announced tint Mr
Teter C. Hnlns, Sr., would take the
witness stand nt her son's trial He
"Captain Hnlns was In n highly liys
terlcnl conditio)) when he went to Ills
mother's room In the doad of night
nnd laid bare the story bis wlfu had
told him, He raved nnd rambled ns
he talked to his mother and showed
lioj'ond n doubt that he had suddenly
lost his reason Mrs. Hnlns realbod
that he had gone Insane aud Is ready
to go before a Jury nnd tell her storj "
Mr. Shay said that he hnd found
proof that on the day of thu shooting
at the yacht club Captain Hnlns ami
his brother, T. Jenkins Hnlns, had
gone to Ilnyslde on dlHorent missions
and met only by accident thorn
Anticipating that tho Halns broth
ers will be 1111110111! by the speilal
grand Jury which will convene In
Long Islnnd City Sept. 21 next, Dis
trict Attorney Darrln notllled counsel
for the defendant that he will la
ready to try the case on Oct. fl, thf
opening day of the October term ot
Woman Accused ot Husband's
Murder Relates Story.
New York, Sept. 1. A sensation wn
caused near th.1 end of the m"o-Ioii of
the commission appointed lo nsoeittiln
the menial condition of Mrs. I111 1 1, tl 1 1
Hitchcock, occiu-etl of the minder ot
her husband, when Dr. Ira T Van
r.elsen, nn expert of the board ot
health, testified that lit- had placed Uu
woman lu "nn Intermediary bjpnotlo
slate" by holding a lighted candle ovot
her bend and that while In this com II
tlou her subconscious self rulatctl the
story of the shooting last Nov. -O.
Dr. Vim Uciscn volunteered to hyp
notiso Mrs. Hitchcock In the picmmici
of the couitnlshtoii The tei-tlniouj ot
Dr. Vnu tJIcsen followed 1111 elToit oil
the part of the attorneys for the de
fendant to have It agreed that the com
mission In lunacy should confine Itsell
entirely to the mental condition ol
Mrs. llltcbcoik at the time her bus
band was shot to death hestdc her in
bed and she was wounded
JuiIl'c Foster dltectcd that her pres
ent coudltlon should 11U0 be coiibld
Fish Rise to Taft's Dait.
Middle Itnss Island, O., Sept. 1,-In
two bonis' fishing Judge Tuft l.iutleil
four Mailt lmsi-, the largest being a
three pounder Ills brother ('hallo
caught two good Mzed bass. There l
a possibility that Judge- Taft's stay
hore may bo prolong I until Sept. s
The original pluu, ten ! . dnptcil
was to leave here on S- c I hat be
ing Labor day. It was fcateo that trav
el may be too heavy to make his till'
to Cincinnati as comfortable as it will
b on the following day.
Ending D., L. and W. Row.
Scrantou, p.i., Sept I The troubb
between tin Delaware, I.atkawauui
ami Western railroad anil the swttth
men will probably be disposed of linal
ly Thursday. The grievance cnmnilltci
In session licre had a confeiciuc will
(ieueral Superintendent T. I'bukc Tin
possibility of a strike seem to ho n
Flood Vlcllmt Destitute.
Augusta, fin. Sept 1. Ten thousand
people In Augusta, vhtlins of the
lloo.l, me lu aitiuil need of clothing
and bedclothlng Cnptnln A. II Ilu
guet, 1'. S. A, sent here from l'oit
Mcl'herson, nfter n iluj's luwMlgitlon
found tl.ooi) In such need. Augiita Is
battling bravely to ward off Millcrliig.
but still declines to ask outside aid,
though saying the illy will accept all
contributions. Thousand of men 1110
at work clearing up tho damage done
by the Hood.
Prlnet In Auto Accident.
IScrlln, Sept. 1. -rarllculnrs of nn
automobile accident to Crown l'linco
Frederick William and the crown pi In
cess during their recent visit to Metz
have Just leaked out. A bay curt
forced the prlncu's motor Into n dlti h,
where It turned over. The occupant
of the car sulTerisl no Injury, but
were unable to get from under the ma
chine until peasants cuiue to their assistance.
May Have Been Near Shoot
ing, Says Detective.
Their Statements Do Not Establish an
Absolute Alibi, According to Atlantic
City Sleuth Callt Baltlmcrean
High Liver, Subject to "M.ntsl Ex
plosions" Rumor Declares Wielder
of Pistol to Have Been Jealout Ad
minr of Mrt. Williams.
Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. l.-On re
turning from Baltimore, where he
pent four days trjlng to llnd the man
who shot Charles II, Hoberts here
when he was riding In n chair with
Mrs. W S. (1. Williams, Detective Wlb
on said be was not jet Hiitlslled that
Ihe hiisb.itid of Mrs. Williams was not
n this city on the night of the shoot
lug "I tunj be compelled to go back to
Hultlinoii.. but will work here for
awhile llrst," said the detective. "I
bilked with servants In the William
household In Long lltis'ii, nnd they
coitobor.iied Williams' story that ho
was I mi 1 1 ,. on Wednesday and Tliur
daj liluhts Hut these persons were in
leicsted witnesses, and I don't take
mm h stock III whnt they say Still,
other pel sons who were not Interested
(old stories that substantiated Wil
liams' storj. Their statements do not
prove nn absolute nllbl, and then' nre
several points I'd like to clear up.
"Don't think for n minute," went on
Wilson, "that I um through with this
Inv cstlx'itlon t am going to get to the
iiom of this mystery If I make It my
life's work "
Found Williams In Bad Way.
Wilson said be found Williams In a
hint way He thought he was a lit sub
Ject for a satillatlutu because of his
nervous condition. Wllllums win n
high liver nnd subject to "mental ex
plosions," Wilson thought.
Tlte,-e was a strong tevlval of the
tumor that the local pulh e, Mrs. Wil
liams and Unbelts himself know who
did Ihe 'hooting 'I be tepott wns Unit
tho assailant w.i it Jealous udmlrer of
Mts. William
If Unbelts I iters It Is Is-llevcd no
Inloimatlon will be obtained from el
thw liiinil.i. 'lb.. Ilililiuoio authorities
are d-cluied to lie apathetic, but thu
polke hole lime got lui luitiiiinlca-
tlon with an old -eivaut and have ob
tained a II. t of old iiilinlicrs uf Mr.
t.lYnrts lene hoi 11 tmule to ascertain
tbo w bcieaboiils on Wednesday night
of cveij pci-oii vvlio-c name Is 011 this
1W, mihI it is as., ueil that lu this way
Ihe iolUo li.ivo obtained evldenco
pointing 1,1 ,1 certain num.
Calls Attack on Roberts a Simple At
tempt at Robbery,
Uallltnoie. Sept. 1. Scaled In the
drawing loom of her home at Long
linen, ll.ilihnore coimtj. Mis. W. S.
1! Williams, lu the picM-ucc of her sis
ter. Mis Slniloik Nuami. wife of the
pioslileni of the police board, describ
ed lu detail the shunting of Charles
It. ltobotts, Jr., win. was wounded
on Wednesd.iv night 011 the boardwalk
at Atlantic Cltj while In her com
pan.v Mrs. Wini.ims discussed the nffnlr
w Ith the utmost uindor.
"It was an nlteinpt at robbery pure
and simple," Mie declared, "and Mr.
Huberts vvus t-hnt because be refused
to complj with the demnnds of the
man In the mask, who had ordered
him to gi e up his money.
"Words have boon put lu my mouth
about this sad alTnlr that I never
spoke Sentiments hnve been nscrlb
cd to me that I never had. The whole
thing has been distorted and greatly
"Ililngs have been written nnd read
lu this episode that are cruel and
frightfully unjust. I bud scarcely got
back to my hotel that night when
detective of the Atlantic City force
started to Interview me, and we had
not spoken together n minute when he
asked. 'Where is jour husband' Itlght
then nnd them I realized what his at
tltuile wns and about what his theory
would be T'tterly Ignoring the fact
that .1 robbery had been attempted and
Unit Mr. Huberts bad been shot down
bj 11 holdup man, Ihe police of Atlantic
City went to wmk trjlng to substan
tiate and prove a wkkisl theory that
had 110 basis in fact. 1'iom that time
011 their course has been the same ill
vvajs seeking to llnd a hidden motive
Instead of the leal one, whlib they ob
sllnalcly Ignored."
Bryan's Day In New Jersey.
New Vntk, Sept. 1. -Hubert S. Hud
speth, chairman of the New Jersey
Democratic state committee, unuounc
od Hint William J. Hryan would be In
Jersey City all of Tuesday, Sept. 1,1.
In the morning he will confer with tho
members of the state committee. Lat
er he will deliver an address In the
plaza ot the city ball, and nt night
there will be a meeting of the local
Demoirats lu tho Majestic theater,
with Ihe presidential candidate as tho
main attrm tioii. Chairman Hudspeth
said that this would be Mr. llryan'a
onlj vjsll to New Jersey. Plans art)
being made to give Mr. llrjan an en
thusiastic reception.
Weather Forecast.
Showers nnd cooler; light to fresb
variable winds.
Live Stock Markets.
CATTl.r: Supply fnlr. mnrket slow)
rbnl. 1. V f 11 5e. prime, tiSilafi'A;
lahm I'i'm
ll'Xi lt,.ilpts fnlr; market higher,
prime heiixlm nnd mediums, 7 25; heavy
xntker. iTKiiTJn light, m con
ii SO, riles, r,linn5 75, reuirhs, IRnG.
Slli:i:i' AND I.AMItS - Supply fair,
mioket stecily; rrune wethers, tl Goal t,
fulls jind common, t.'.iii, spring lambs,
l;l Knit.
Lditors In Fatal Duel.
Mnnz.inlllo, Sept. 1 lu a street duel
will, I was the outcome of a political
ii!urrcl. Maigiel I', cdllnr of tin
Conerullo 111 Vigilante, was shot
and Killed by Manuel Kstrada, cdltnt
of the l.llicial paper i:i lleporter ami
also a Lils ral candidate for congress
Blgfjer Than the Lusitanla,
London, Sept. 1. The Times slate)
that the two new steamships of tin
White Star lino, Just laid down at llel
fast, will be bigger lui not speedloi
than the Lusltuula.
Courage or Lincoln.
Tho Telcbrnllnn of vnrlou Illlnoli
towns of the fiftieth nnnlvernnry of
tho Lincoln-Douglas debate recalls
the moBt remarkable oratorical con
tcrest In tho nation's) hlttory. Lincoln
and Douglas were rival candidates for
tho Illinois eenutorshlp. Lincoln was
tho head 0f tho newly formed Repub
lican party In Illinois. Douglas, tho
Democratic candidate, wns seeking re
election to the United Btntes senate.
The year was 1853. Tho slavery ques
tion was tho question of tho hour, nnd
practical politicians were handling U
In a very gingerly manner. Douglas
favored nonintervention with slavery
In the territories, n doctrine known na
"popular sovereignty" nnd derided as
"squatter sovereignty." The day fol
lowing his selection as candidate for
senator Lincoln, despite the dotermhv
ed opposition of his friends nnd well
wishers, went on record licforo tho
ncpubllcnn atnte convention as fob
Oentlomrn of tho Convention - If wo
could first know whero wo nro and whith
er we arc tending, wo could then better
Judge what to do and how to do It. Wo
orj now for on Into the fifth year tlnco n
policy was Initiated with the avowed oh
loct and confident promise of putting an
end to slavery outtntlon. Under tho op
raton of thy policy that agitation ha
not only not ccneed, but has continually
augmented. In my opinion It will not
eeaw until a crUl hall have Wen reach
ed and patted "A house divided ngalnst
lUclf cannot stand." I hcllovo this gov
eminent cannot endure permanently half
slayo and half free. I do not expect tho
t nlon to bo dissolved, I do not cxts-ct the
house to fall, but I do expect that It Will
ceaso to bo divided. It will become all
ono thing or all tho other. Klthor the op
ponents of slavery will arrcit tho further
spread of It and placo tt whoro the pub
llo mind shrill rest In the belief that It Is
In oourso of ultimate extinction or II
advocate will push It forward till tt shall
bcoomo alike lawful In all the states, old
as well as new, north at well ns south.
Prophetic wonll Whnt n reninrkn
ble mental vlalon of the future! What
courage tho man who saw It possess
ed! "No words so daring," anya Btod
dard. "No such unequlvtcal state
ment of tho great problem had yet
been uttered by nny man of polltlcnl
prominence nnd power."
Eleven out of twelve leadlug men of
Lincoln's acquaintance who saw the
srecch before It wo delivered con
demned the lold utterance ns mean
ing tho destruction of the party nt the
hands of Its captain, as being tho po
litical death warrant of the captain
himself. Dut Lincoln said, "If It must
be that I go down because of this
speech, then let mo go down linked
to truth die In tho advocacy of what
I right and Just."
Then camo the debates with Doug
las. Thoy revealed to the entire Amer
ican people tbo commanding stature
of Lincoln as consummate political
tactician and national statesman. Lin
coln compelled tho "Little Glnnt" to
fa co and commit himself upon n ques
tion either answer to which must bo
fatal to him It would lose him the
senatorahlp or alienate from htm the
south' support In tho coming presi
dential campaign. Douglas won the
Bcnatorshlp, hut1 Lincoln, who pos
sessed far moro wisdom as well ns
courage than his friends, actually
uaed tho debate to defeat two years
In advance his most formidable presi
dential rival, Douglaa' attitude on
slavery pleased northern Democrats,
who nomtnnted him for the presiden
cy, but tho south nominated John C.
Drecklnrldgo Instead of Douglas, nnd
Lincoln was elected.
The Llncoln-nouglas debate led to
tho fulfillment of two of tho chief
propositions of two of tho great found
ors of the republic that of Jefferson,
that human slavery should bo abol
ished in all tho states, and that of
ITamtlton, that this Bbould tx not a
mere league of states, but an Indis
soluble union.
A Oefense or Newport.
From time Immemorial It has been
thu Journalistic habit to brand llhodo
Island's former semtcnpltal ns the hap
py hunting ground of Mammon and Its
votaries. Newport has liocomc tho
sj-nonym for nil that Is obnoxious to
tho great majority which has never
felt the magic of Its Influence or tasted
tho sweetness of Its delights. The ac
cepted vlovv of those who hold tho
Newport colony In contempt, nllielt
that scorn Is tinctured with a geuer
ous flavor of envy, Is that tho dwellers
of the exclusive city by tho sea are
n group of degenerates upon whoso
hands time hangs so heavily that they
nro ready to snatch nt nny prospect of
amusement, 110 matter how absurd or
depravtsl, that will servo to release
them from n moment of laircdom.
At last an energetic apologist for
the mallgmsl Newporter has risen In
the well groomed person of Mr. (Ion
venieur Morris, whose very name
should curry convlcllon, even though
his pen fnll to do the trick. Ho cotnes
to the defense of the rich leisure class
with n vim Hint must excite tho won
dor uud admiration of thu luost languid
cliff dweller. What nre the facts? ho
domands. Instead of waiting for
some ono to answer he dove. It him
self. "Tho facts, of course, nre," he
declares, "that tho rich leisure class
contnlna perhaps ns largo n percentage
of honest fathers, i,ood mothers and
well brought up children ns the poor
working doss; that 111 this respect It
compare favorably even with the
poor leisure class."
Then Mr. (Jotiverneur Morris makes
n statomont which must have required
all tho courage ho could summon to
his nld. Hear him! "Now, If thoro Is
ono thing that tho American people
cannot and will not (If they can help
HI stand It 1 the person who en
deavors to live his own Ufa In hi own
way nnd mind his own business, Tho
American considers those who differ
with him In llfo, means and point of
view not merely Inferior but immoral
Is It posslblo that Mr. Morris ha
mado nn original discovery t
It seems to bo a fact that two
French naval olllcers havo lieen talk
ing nt n distance of 310 mlli-s by wlro
luss telephone, but It Is hard to see
how they got along without tho gesture.
The stories of special correspond
ents grow more Improbublo year by
year. Ono of them recently delnred
that a lrnnd of trntnpa had robbed a,
Pennsylvania Bonp factory.
Why Is It that so many people are
trying to sell Judge Taft n home when
be already has en eJepbant to rtdtt
Takahira Asked About Re
ported Alliance.
Agitation For Understanding Between
China and Unlttd 8tattt and Pret
ence of Two American Fleets In Pa
cific Causing Concern In Tokyo Chi
nese Minister Not Informed of Ru
mored Intention to Call Him Dack tt
Washington, Sept, 1. The secret ot
Ambassador Tuknhlra's visit to Presi
dent Hoosovelt at Oyster Bay became
The representative of Japan went to
Oyster Hay to sound President noose
x fit on the question of a Chlneio
Amcrlcan alliance.
llaron Tukahlrn wnntod to know
whether the president favored tuch
compact. If not, he wn anzloui to
have Mr. Hoosovelt give out a state
ment that nothing of the sort wat con
templated. Huron Takahira, It I understood,
told the president bluntly that he bid
been ordered by the mikado to Inform
Mr. Roosevelt that the presenco of trrs
American fleets In the Pacific wot
causing much concern to the Tokyo
government. This, coming on top of
the agitation In certain quarters tor a
Chinese-American alliance, the baron
said, had aroused public opinion In his
country to such nn extent that changes
might hnve to be made In the plans
for tbo reception of Admiral Hporry's
fleet in Japanese water.
Report About Wu Ting Fang.
All this has come to light in conolc
tlon with the report cabled from Pe
king that the Chinese government Is
considering the recall of Minister Wu
Ting Fang.
Minister Wu says he ha heard noth
ing about being recalled. lie said:
"Tho only Indlscreot speeches or In
terviews I know of nre some which I
never made or gave out What few
speeches I have mado since my return
to America have been mainly to col
lege aud universities and have been
educational In character and In fur
therance ot the effort to cement the
friendship between Clilua and the
United States. I have scrupulously
avoided politics.
"If the utterances credited to me re
late to the so called Amerlcan-Chlnete
alliances, I wish to say that I have
not committed myself In any way on
that subject more than to remark that
It was "Interesting."'
Beglne to 8top In Strtteh, but Is
Whipped to Victory.
Sheopshead liny, N. Y., Sept. 1.
Ilrother Jonathan, with E. Dugan up,
won the Turf handicap, one mile and
three-sixteenth, nt Sheepshcad Bay.
Ilrother Jonathan wns well suited for
the turf course, nnd Dugan sent blm
to the front In tho first quarter. Round
ing the lower turn, he took a big lend
and Increased It to four length nt the
far turn. In the stretch he began to
stop, and Dugan went to the whip ami
managed to win by a length. Mo
quette wns second by half a length,
with Master Hubert third.
Lady Bedford, who Is to be shipped
to England this fall nnd Is owned by
J. E. Madden, won the Autumn Maid
en stake, nt live and a half furlongs.
She went to the front at the start and
won easily by halt n dozen lengths.
First Hace.-l'eter Quince, first;
Hrookdalo Nymph, second; Nimbus,
Second Hace. Lawton Wiggins, first;
Fluroul, second: Court Lady, third.
Third Hace. Hojal Tourist, first;
Moufort, second; Tllelng, third.
Fourth Haci.-I.ady Bedford, first;
County Fnlr, second; Strike Out, third.
Fifth Hace Ilrother Jonathan, first;
Moquette, second: Master Hubert, third,
Rlxth Rnco.-Sci Wolf, first; (Hid,
second; Tiasli, third.
Tbo of the b n lln .-nl. r.)
In the Wo-d rnlm In bu aul Um
suspension for a jc.u- of slf others
was a triumph for law nnd discipline.
Tho haters did what they did In alsso
luto defiance of law. What sort of
officers would such young men make!
How would the defenseless private
soldier faro nt their handst 1
Hear Admiral Spcrry, In command
of our rUtecn battleship, knows how
to save coal Would bo could Im
part tbo secret to tbo hired girl In a
million homes!
General Markttt. '
OIIKESK-Stnto. full cream, specials,
KMlS'r : fancy, smnll. 12c , fancy, large,
11,i , Kuuit tn inline, UallHo. 1 skims, IV,
pound sperlsls, 9Vic; flne, 7aSc.
noos-Fresh gathered, curat, sse.; ex
tra lirsts, 130 ; firsts, 20a2ic, ; seconds,
Ik'-ialMie ; illrllta. fresh gathered, Nt. 1,
cnnilloil, H'iiITo , No. Z, ISHaUcs ebecsstt
13nir,c , refrigerator, firsts, zlHssi; to, lViii3Hic.
I.I Vi: I'Ol' fowls, ISa
lS'tr , old roosters, 10c.; spring chickens,
1UIK8SKI) POULTRY Firm; fram kill
ed fowls, tholce, ISVVlllo., do., fair to
good, KalSc , old roosters, tttc.; ueurby
broilers, Isaac; western, do., Iftaltfe.
IOTATOES Firm; choice, per barret,
!2a!KI: fair to sood, to.
UUTTEH-Creamery, specials, Mo.- ex.
trat, 23Uc, firsts, tunc; state dairy, food
to finest, ZlHaBat protett, speclalt, lla
a He.; eitrat, KatoHe.; Imitation cream
ery, nrsta, HHaWc.i ladles, firsts. Uo.:
packing stock, No. t, Uc.
HILK-Ttie wholesale pel It IU1 pet
Blurt Mk