The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 27, 1908, Image 4

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President's Son to Be His Photog
rapher on African Trip.
Young Roosevelt Blna Taught by F.
M. Chapman, Wall Known OrnHholo-
- sirtT'o Uss a Camera In tha Field.
Methods of Snapplnn Dlrdi.
Kermlt Iloosevelt li to bo Ibo offi
cial photographer with the presldent'a
party on the African bunting trip. In
preparation for this Important work
tho young man la studying with
Frank M. Chapman, tho ornithologist
of New York city.
The rcpoMllilIlty which will rest on
Kcrmlt'a ehoulderti will be heavy, for
all hli fnthcr'a account of hi ml ven
tures in the Junttlc.t of tho dark contl
ncnt aro to bo lllnatrntnl. It I, nln
anderatnnd that the pivMent In anx
ious to brine bark photograph of r.ui
African blnli and other nnlninN taken
In life for several of the Me iniwiinii".
Including the Hnitthmnlun ItHlllutlnii
at Waahlnctfin nnl the American Mu
seum of Natural History In Now
York. Tho preient vih anxious In
havo Mr. Chapman aceompany him,
says the New York Times, but when
this was found to Iw liniwslble It wan
decided that Kermlt should (ret n com
plete camera outfit and be trained In
Its use by Mr. Chapman.
Mr. Chapman has long been n friend
of tho president. As associate curator
of the department of ornithology f
tho Museum of Natural Ulstory lie
has mado frequent trlm Into the In
terior of Florida, photographing rare
and beautiful birds at close range and
In ttw end making tho collection at the
museum one of the most complete and
valuable In tho world.
It lias Ijccii unusual Indeed for hlui
to pass through Washington since Mr.
Iloosevelt has liccu president without
atopplng mcr for luncheon or dinner
at the White llnuse, when the presi
dent and he have discussed birds to
the delight of both.
'The president could not hae so
lected n tiellcr man to help him pre
paro for tho photographic end of tho
expedition," said n friend of Mr. Chap
man tho other day. "Ho has mode a
long and thorough study of birds with
the camera, and he is not only an ox
port In tho use of the camera, but
knows all the tricks of how to get
closo to tho birds." '
Tho question now under considera
tion by Kermlt nud Mr. Chapman Is
tho best kind of photographic outfit to
take. It Is expected that tho camcrn
alone, with the several lenses. Includ
ing a powerful long range lens, will
cost aliout Jj2.V. He will liavo to
snap birds hopping and flying and wild
animals In motion.
But tho mechanical operation of tho
camera and n thorough understanding
of Its mechanism, so that ho can repair
It In tho event of Ha getting out-of or
der far from the haunts of men, are but
a small part of what Mr. Chapman will
teach the president's son. It Is ono
thing to photograph youug folks on a
lawn, nil anxious to bo In the picture,
and another to catch a wary bird In
tho heart of tho Jangle.
Mr. Chapman's success has boon duo
to the fact that he has been nblo to get
very closo views of birds. Ono of bis
favorlto methods Is to construct a
Wind, cover It over with brush and
then It for weeks until tho birds
have become thoroughly accustomed to
It Then bo has slipped Into It before
- tho birds arc nttlr and has often been
able to get good negatives of rnro birds
which bopped about unconcernedly only
a fow feet from his lens.
Another favorite device Is to hang a
piece of burlap over a bush and lcavo
It tbcro for several weeks while on an
other expedition and then creep under
It and wait. Of course the camera
must lie arranged so that In snapping
It there Is no noise. The slightest sus
picious sound would spoil everything.
Botenists Hope to "Invent" One Thai
Will Grow In the North.
Ilotaulsts In the employ of tho Unit
ed BtnteH department of ngrlcultnro
hope to bring Into being an orange
tree which will be as sturdy ns tho ap
ple tree, an orango tree that will not
perish hi the chill of northern winter,
which In December will wear Its
wreath of Bnow and In Mny Its gar
lands of bloom and when summer
comes will yield fruit ns good as that
sweetened In tliu southern sun.
This may seem to lie an unnatural
proiiosltlon, but It ouly seems so. No
vlolenco upon the laws of nature has
been or will bo attempted. It Is sim
ply an effort to make tho citrus treo
which bears the sweet table orango
as hardy and Insensible to cold na tho
citrus treo which bears tho bitter, uu
cdlblo orange. Ity crossing tho citrus
treo of the north and that of tho south
It Is sought to beget a plunt In which
will bo combined tho good traits of
Government botanists are confident
that the results of this citrus marriage
will be n H'hm that will grow and
fruit ut n latitude midway botweeu
tho northern HmltH of tho sweet and
bitter orange.
Harrlman Organizes Orange County
Drag Hounds on New Basle.
E. II. Ilarrlmnn, whoso cstnto Is lo
cated nt Arden, Orango county, N. 1.,
and who has always taken great Inter
est In the Orango county hunt, which
has been rather cxelu-ilvo In tho,
has mndo arrangements to change the
character of tho hunt In tho futuie.
Whllo tho Orango county hunt has
acquired n largo tract In Virginia ami
will hold most of Us meets there, ut tho
suggestion of Mr. Ilarrlmnn, John It.
Townend of New York lias obtained
n pack of hounds fmin Kngland mid
iliuUr tho utime of the Orange county
drag hounds will hold im-i'N In Oram;
county, throughout thW season.
It U Mr. Ilarrliiian'H dcMrc that tin'
public lme eicry opportunity to on
Joy thesu hunts not ouly ns witnesses,
but lo participate In them, and every
ono will be welcome to follow tho
liomuR Tho public Is nlbo Invited to
rlnit and lupcct the kennels nt Uoshon,
Englishwoman Went to New York and
Back In a Hurry.
Miss P. A. Grace, uu employeo of n
London lui'Iiu-ss firm, claims tho rec
ord for n trip fiotn I.omlun to New
uk and rituin.
Hho was pledged to bo In New Yurli
on Aug. (1 nud bark In London to fieo
n lulli'.iguo for n vacation on Aug. I
Hho left .Southampton on tho Adriatic
on July SKI and leached New York lit
11 n. m. Aug. il. She left the customs
nt 11:11.-., nnlved nt Wot Eleventh
street nt 11:10. completed her Inter-
view at 11:'J0 and was buck ut tho
Whllo Htnr lino dock nt 11:23.
Bho iHHinUnl tho Haltlc for licr re
turn trip with thirty-two nnd n half
minutes to rparo. Tho customs ulll
com helped nnd cheered her. Bho
reached London on Aug, J J lit VI it. m,
and her office nt 0 o'clock tho next
roomie- - . -
Special Correspondence.
"Five years at least will elapse be
fore wa .begin th erection of a new
clubbouao on the site recently pur
chased by U9 nt the northeast corner
of Sovcntoenth and I streets," sold n
member of tho Army nnd Navy club
tho other day. "Wo will get posses
sion of tho Mycr property next month,
but It la stipulated In the deed of
transfer that the present butldlag shall
remain until at least flvo years have
passed. Plight alterations, cf cov.rse,
will lie allowed. It may pos.dbly be
more than five years lieforo any plans
re made for our new home.
An Interesting Building.
Ilotli historically and architecturally
the Myer proper!, la Interesting. Par
ticularly appropriate Is It, too, that
this home of a famous general should
become tho property of the Army and
Navy club. General Albert J. Myer,
In whose honor Port Myer, on the op
posite banks of the I'otomac, was
named, nongni n auout mirty years
ago. He was founder and first head
of the signal corps of tbo United
States army and also founder of the
weather bureau.
As one of tbo flnm specimens In
this country of Gothic style tho house
Is of architectural Interest. It was de
signed by ftenwlck, the famous archi
tect of Orace church ana its adjoining
chapel tn Broadway. New York. Bet
In Its large, well shaded grounds, It
seems tike a quaint old bit of quiet
Engllah country life transplanted to
foreign shores. At one time It was
ueod as tlio nnglLib etubasiy nud later
as the Russian embassy The house
contains about tweuty-flve rooms.
An Appropriate Memorial.
There was recently umiilcd nt l"ort
Worden. Wash., a inouumcnt to toldlor
dead which was constructed by enlist
ed men of the count artillery corps on
duty at that post The structure con
alsts of n concrete foundation support
ing nu old fashioned carriage und n
flvo Inch gun of historic tradition. The
weapon Is said to have formed a part
of tho armament of tho pioneer reve
duo cnlter Jefferson Puv Is when It vis
ited Pugct sound to suppress hostile
Indiana. For many yenrs It was used
In firing Fonrth of July salutes, nnd
It Anally came Into possession of the
local O. A. It. post. Tbo appropriate
ness of using such a relic im n monu
ment In the pot cemetery was appre
ciated hy Captain E. R. Eastcrbrook,
on duty at Fort worden, nnd it was
through hla Industry that the memorial
was erected.
To Beautify Station Plaza.
Work on the beantiflcHtlon nnd im
provement of too plain in front of the
new Union station as provided ror by
act of congress Is to bo commenced
Playing fountains, ornamental lamp-
poets and other docorntlona di-ar to tho
architect's eyo aro to tio placed. Con
gress appropriated $100,WO for this
DntDoso, nnd tho Washington Termi
nal company hne added fSO.fOI to the
amount. Tboso Interested In the work
are of opinion that something of raro
artistic beauty nnd rlchnoss will lie
Uncle Sam'a Dough Ouardlana.
Vlatlora tn tho treasury Mud the
moat Interesting subject, with the ex
ception of the money Itself, Is tho
means taken to guard tho money. Tho
office of Captain n. A. Cobaugb, cap
tain of tho watch, where tho long rows
of Krafts are kept In tho gun racks
and whom onco In awhllo tho lower
cose Is owned, snowing the grim blue
row of Colt revolvers, la the corner or
All sorts of speculations fill tbo
minds of the visitors concerning the
guards of tho treasury. "Many of
thorn." said Caotaln Oobaugh, "seem
to think we have detectives constantly
patrolling tho corridors ready to nab
any ono who looks croaa eyed at tho
placo where tho money handlers nre
Spanish War Medal.
Clerks In tho office of Chlof Clerk
Callahan of tho bureau of navigation,
navy department, are ongogod In send
ing out medals for service during tne
Bpanlsh-Amerlcnn war, with tho added
bars for each engagement In which the
holder fought.
When It was first doctded to give
medals to men who took part In dif
ferent actions tho Idoa w that for
each of thco fights n medal should he
given. As thero aro more than ISO of
such engngatneuts In the list and
many of the sailors participated In
several of them, It was found Imprac
ticable to give a separate medal In
each case. Bo the plan was changed
to ono medal, with bronze bars for
each separoto engagement tn which
tho recipient had taken port Clrcu
law wero sent to the men who had
already received medals asking them
to return their tokens tn have the bars
The Capital In Hummer,
Statistics are sold to show tliat
Washington liaa a larger out of town
summer population tluin any city In
tho country. The census shrivels enor
mously In August, espoelally when al
most every governmental clerk nmonit
the thousand, hero who can possibly
arrange It takes hts thirty daye' fur
lough, genoroualy nllowod by his Un
cle Bam, with full pay.
Yet the town Is a sylvan paradtso
tho shodlest city In the world, with
800,00") tree, and verdant front yardt
on every street that all belong to the
gorernmont. There is a baud conceit
every evening In some one of the um
brageous parka federally provided the
Marine baud three times a week. And
at theaters, where su r ahows atlll
porstst, small boys In buttons part
around Ice cream between the acts.
Bo tho capltnl struggles to give a pret
ty correct imitation of a auuiiner re
fit dusplte the morcury
rum. sciiofibi.d.
Automatlo Auto Shield Cleaner,
rrtuco Henry of Trussla, brother of
tho knlier. has applied for a patent for
nn automatic cleaner of tho glass
screens protecting tho occupants of nu.
tomoblles, says u Ilerliu cnLlo dispatch.
The Invention Is In the form of n
leather lined rulo moving up mid down
tho screen when the car la speeding In
tho rain.
Retired Chief Expects to Enroll Men
to Look After Crimes Only.
William B. Dowry, the enmo "nig
Hill" who was onco chief of pollco of
New York city, Is nliout to telurn to
hU former activities, but not on the
city's payroll. IIo is building up u pn
lice department of his own, of which,
of course, ho will bo the bead and
This action, he raid the other day,
hns liecn Inspired by counties riupiesU
from biisluess men and others) to es
till. 1UU n h stein of protection which
shall, ns ho put It, supply the ili'tlolcii
cles of the department presided over
by General Illnghiim. Ills prlvnto po
llceim n, mi to speak. lll number near
ly u thousand U-foio u jear has p.tpscd,
und they will 1 men who know the
crooks on sight.
"I haven't any criticism to make of
Commissioner Illnghani," nM "HI,;
nil!." "but the present pnlico depart
roent Ij wholly Inadequate, Incompe
tent nnd Inefficient My nun will loo!,
after nothlnu but They will
not If engaged In chin-lug miIouii l.iip
era or shooting dogs, nud I'm not going
to Import any polleu dogs for my fur
Movement to Conserve Supply of
Natural Moisture.
Professor McGec Sia Co-operation cf
Conjress and Cl.ites In This Wsrk
Would Add to tho Nstijn's Wealth.
Our Annuel RflnLjIt Ancins.
"Tho h'lu.lH'.l ni I. .i ni;',r feet nt
lMiIer nu mi n Mil f.i!m o-i th" Mir
f-i.o of th' fn'.t.-l .'-lux nor;-- jenr."
Tills f'.ari.ln 1 1 itci.'otit ) .'S undo b
I)r. W. .1. Metier, sutc:n:.1 of the In
land walerv.a: fi eu'-in.i ion and an
cipcrt co'.niite I v.Ph tho I'tunu "f
rolls of fie depnrtin lit of ugt I 'Ulture
This Is not u h.iphar.ird i-tntninctit
on the pait of one whixe re
search has made his name familiar tn
scientist the whole world over, but
was inndo In the cour.-o of uu Inter
view which had for Its primary object
n better knowledge of the conservation
of water nud Its uses for the benefit
of mankind.
"Tno hundred trillion cubic feet of
water," said Profeisor McOee, "Is to
the nverajo mind but two and n lot "f
ciphers. To be more explicit. It corils
about ten Mississippi, and that 1
unio of water la the entire bash of
our prosperity.
"The United States tins an nrea of
3,000,000 equarc miles, but that nren
could bo cut dlrecUy In twain, and w 1th
tho tamo amunnt of rainfall we could
sustain the name population that wo
hnvo today, conduct the same enter
prises nnd raise the same products, a
condition which I do not bellee most
people appreciate. We know ery
well. If we ip tn consider, that the
market piL-e of nuv rotntii'idlty Is de
pendent on ".nor supply We buy
land In th" Irilf of the l'nlted
States nnd saj theie lire mi many
acres In this pan-el it In Hint, but In
renllty wo buy w.iti- This l-i funda
mental. Water li the Him of our re
nourccs. It h the n.iturnl le-iohent.
It Is power, fertility, ever thing. And.
being values begin with
the water cnpply.
"With the ten Mississippi fullln'
upon the land of the United States
every ear, two Mississippi run olT.
Thus one-fifth of the waterfall from
tho heavens Hows Into tho kci. Of the
eight MLsslsslppIs remaining nlsittt
five Mississippi nre nbsnrbed, pissing
off Into tho air. to be precipitated
ngnlu and again. A fraction in part
lB8os Into tho earth and Klowly
reaches tho oceans, while another fric
tion Is consumed, passing Into chem
ical combinations, such ns plant
growth, etc.
"What wo want to do Is to mini
mize tho waste of water and max
imize the benoflts which must accrue
to tho citbens nnd country by proper
conservation of water supply. If we
so control tho water that tho rivers
shall flow In uniform stage we will
roIvo the problem of Inland nnlg-itlon
nnd make tho United Stales richer by
a thousand per cent than It Is to
day. In or.' r to do this wo must
equalize the i of the streams nt the
heads of t! )ers. nnd this may Ijo
dono by dams and reservoirs and sci
entific cultivation of tho soil along the
courses of boUi streams nnd rivers.
Tho' leveos of the lower Mississippi
havo dono a magnificent work, but tho
prevention of floods Is better far than
all tho levees In Uio world.
"What wo want to do Is to get back
to nature In dealing with water, fl-st,
to prevent floods, nnd, second, to com
pel the water to run clear nnd pure.
It Is a fact that each year tho rivers
of tho mainland of tho United States
pour Into tho sea n thousand million
tons of richest noli matter In the form
of suspended sediment, an Impost
greater than nil our land taxes com
bined nnd a commensurate Injury to
commcrco In tho lower rivers, which
aro rendered capricious and difficult
of control by the unstablo load.
"Tho difference In tho power value
alone between controlled nnd uncon
trolled streams would In ten jears pay
tho entire cost of Btrenui control In the
United States. And Oils, coupled with
fho billion do'Mrs' loss uery year
through soil erosion, due to Hoods,
would construct a comprehensive py.
torn of water control in tho United
"It seems to me, in lew of thi"-e
stateineuli1. tint com'ros should nn
thorlzc the control mer the waters l'l
order that this wealth might contrib
ute a tl.ousv 'f..l! b. nun's happl
ness and i"ispeilt.v Moh the federal
government nnl th- states
fchrv.!!'.: from n"-'niln: control mer In
land wateis Ik -u:n:-e f. -y li-ne In en
featful of Invading i-i eh ..ilier's rlg'.i'-.
What we should uliii to d" N to so , i
ordinate the Mori, n'l the principle of
tho greatest goo I to the gi.'iitest num
ber for tho l-v.gest time, nud u cnin
prohenslu! policy, nidi as Is uiViil by
the national rter nnd Inrlion con
gress, towar.l tin- ii.i Ig.ible waters of
tho nation v. null bring untold proi
porlty nnd add Immeasurably to the
nation's wcillh "
Utah Senator Pavers American Adop
tion of European Forestry System.
United States Sen lor Heed Smoot,
chairman of the coimulr- lei appointed
by I'resldont Hooscelt to look Into
mean for tho conservation "f the na
tional forests, recently arrived In Lon
don after a tour of Inspection of the
HuropcJin forcM.
IIo Is convinced by what he hasFoen
that tho geiinral ptlii'li'cs ..f conti
nental scientific fonstry urn be su
ccssfully applied to the I'n l States,
although tho chnne 1. r of tin. west de
mands some modification in them.
Senator .Smoot coiisldern the forest
of Bllwald, uwtieil and managed by tho
city of JIurlch. tho most carefully do
vclopod""ln tho world Such forests
cost more per neio to take caro of. but
yield n groatir net gain because there
are iirrnngeiiientH for the utllizmlm of
all possible prii-lilits Under the di
rection of tho municipal govi-nin.ent
sawmills, plaulug mill i nud excelsior
and tool Inudlo factories urn run.
At Munich tho senator examined tho forest of tho university,
dlreclisl by Professor Mayer. Mr.
Bninot ronidilors lhat what ho observ
ed being dono In tho Illicit forest
would bo of tho greatest Isnefit lit tho
United Ktates. Years ago tho 1 thick
forest was being destroyed It has
now been greatly built up by Uio rig
orous can. of the ficrman authorities.
Kvery treo Is numbered, nnd block Is
taken each jear
In Mr. Siuoot's opinion the same
thing I) Itnpcratlioly ticcc-mr insure
the (!l,(ii!,iipii acres of forest reserve
In tho United States at tho invent
time. lie r.-ts the commission he
heads tII1 probably mll-o nu iiietease
111 the United Slates foteslry depart
mint to that end.
Costly ninj In a Clrd'e Nest,
While m'c ",il I oys und ghli were
playing In the woN In the lower end
of i'lillnell IN. .1 i to'vu, hip the other
day Aiimii Io.'B". id. ' homo Is In
Ilroollyn. found the i.est of n black,
bird nud In It n rlns with four dia
mond i A Jewuler I'Vtiinlned It nnd
laid It was r.arth $3V).
Costume For Late Summer.
Tie model Illustrated Is a smart
Jacket suit of heavy linen, tho skirt,
sleeves nnd shoulders of which nre
strapped with bands of wldo embrold-
ery. Tho coat Is In tho modified cut
away stjle, hip length, and Is trim
med with six large flat linen buttons.
Tho Hi lit Is laid In wide plaits.
No Sheath For Miss Columbia.
All thli chatter about the sheath
skirt amuses women of fashion, for
of course, no matter what
writers may say, no sin h ultra Trench
fad ever will lie ndopbsl in Its ex
treme by Ainei leans It Is probable
the Ilea will Hud espusslon In the
slashing of uu oversklrt, with the slight
gup limply tilled 1 a drop skirt, but
to suppose uny woman of breeding In
this country would appear In u frock
silt to show- her stocking utmost to
the knee Is foill-h. Conditions under
the dlrectolro In Trance, when the
sheath skirt was deigned, wero alto
gether illfi'.-rent from those prevailing
In the United Status today Treneh
w'oiiien In their recoil from what they
regarded ns th ugliness of tho utles
of the rnrolull'-n wero eager to go to
any length or hrvrlty In dress prorld
ed it was plcturesipio. Hardly hnd
Itobosplcm.''.) It. corruptibly, personality
faded from the dally life of Tniuco
when social queens appeared nt balls
In French rerslous of (Irwk costumes
that would not be tol'iatcl tislny In a
Imdou muvie hill. Things luire
changed since then, nnd the sheath
gown, ns Trance conceives It, hasn't
a chaniv In theFo United States
Frocks For Afternoon Wear.
Th-' continues designed for afternoon
wear lire most picturesque and nrttstle,
Uio soft clinging materials of odd nud
untisunl colorings lending themselves
tn the prevailing modes with most hap
py lesults- Tho rich embroideries and
metallic tilmmlngs bolghten tho effect
nr.zr lait. am hilu.
of liiM.i. wh.le the hats alfi fall Into
line, their ilncpiiig hi Ims and soft
plum, s u eli-trti'lug wouinu a
pear to !t-e J-M topped from the
pap- of na ol I ti no story.
The g.' 1 thi'lll In Hie fileb h Is
of o-;!.! i'i ,ri,l very urlMl.
J lie III lie I r i It i if iilel l.i -e
an I . ' ' it i . hr-'ii I im ' '.cati 1 It!
heavy t i.-.e!
P .'I, znl Popular.
Ph.', :; ' ' I toi e'l.'d out -..111
green l-i n r. lt color eo n-itl
that Is "!-,. iiliu ii.ny be in.i.le
most lltti..-'llve 111 re ere few- peo
ple who . innot wear black nnd white.
nud 1 1 no c lor that ion, blue'
With It I. in b. t'er thil'l K.eeli whhll
s as inu.-'i n favor In winter us it I
III Klllilll er.
Mere Man's Clcvatlon Checked.
A iii'in cannot innke a balloon aseeii
I I 'll In Aiisirlii without tho written
ii'iisi'tit of his wife. It's get ling so a
man can't even get otf tho enith on hts
' n rospons Ihlllty.
Canada's Big Cities.
f'nnaihrs sl. principal cities, nith
their p.'1'iilailon, as given by tho ceu
sin of l'.i.'t, iire-
Montreal, arr.T.'lii, about opiating
Newark, N. J.
Toronto, I'i N.0 10, about equaling
lioulsvlllv, Ky,
Quebec, C'.Sin, about cijuallng Oak
land, C'al.
Ottawa. C9.024, nliout eijuallnn
llvansvlllo, Ind.
llumlllou, rJlll, about equaling
llkesb.nre, Tn.
Winnipeg, 42,310, about equaling
Akron, O.
Flower and Tree.
nes serve ns food for nliout a huu
ill, -it ktiecles of llli-fi IS
Air Is isseiiiliil to growing peas
plants. Tens f,i'oti In a wicuuui dlo
lu three days.
Yew trees were originally planted la
church) aids lu protect them from cat
lie and m present' them for thu mak
ing of bows and arrows.
As trees go, (lint are not really oua
lived. After a century they show fa
tigue; two centuries cull for tho stir,
peon, and lie Is pot far ahead of the
Music hopper, who does the same work
as the surgeon, but muiu thoroughly.
Cincinnati Girl's Automatlo Device to
Water Ftowtra In Cemetery.
Miss Carrlo D. Jackson, 1301 Chapel
street, Cincinnati, who was bom and
reared in Dearborn county, Ind,
prompted by her love for her lato de
parted brother, Georgo W. Jackson,
and other inetnlicrs of her family now
resting In the family lot In Orecndnlo
cemetery, at Lawrcnreburg, Ind, de-
Ircl to erect something new nnd
icautlful to their memory. A happy
Idea catuo to her. Fhc would have a
largo vase cotislrnctcd, containing pots
f Dowers, and sot It In the confer of
Dower lied. Within the vase thero
should be a tank of water, which by
Its own automatic forco each day
would water the flowers In tho pots
nnd also tho flowers In tho bed planted
around tho font of tho vast.
Accordingly she went to work, cm
loved n mechanic, superintended tho
onstructlnn herself, and In n few-
weeks her Ideals were realized. Tho
original vnso may bo seen In (Jrecn
dilo cemetery. Tho tank has a capac
ity of nbont one-half barrel of wuter
nnd must bo filled evitry two weeks.
During tho heat of the day tho water
slowly drips from tho largo tank Into
n smaller one. ny evening tho small
tank Is filled, and by Its weight It
closes tho vulvea of tho largo tank
nnd opens the valve below, thua al
lowing tho wator to flow from It und
refresh the flowers during tho cool
hours of night. By morning the small
tank Is empty, and the weights lift It
nto p-islUM) again, the lower rnlcs
close the upper ones open, and the
tank fills as on the prmlous day.
When Miss Jackson completes the
ornamental design of her rasp nnd
Icrfects the mechanism ns she has
planned It will Ira a thing of beauty.
Kingdom of Heaven Church of the
Firstborn Is Its Name.
Doubt nnd be damned" Is the battle-
cry of a new- religion, according to
Mrs. Jennie lllakcly uf 7T3 West Sixty
third street, Chicago, who, with her
husband, Albert ItlaUely, Is promoting
the Kingdom of Heaven Church of the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itlakely any they re
ceived n dhlne manifestation from out
of tho clouds fifteen years ago tho
coming Slith day of August, nnd they
declare that 111 will Iwfall any one
who discusses It before Its fifteenth
n mi I ternary.
They filed their charter of Incorpo
ration In the county recorder's ollleo
the other day. filakely Is named In
the papers on tile ns "ruler" und his
wife as leitelnry, and the claim Is
made lhat tho Almighty elected them.
Tho objects of the chunh nre given
as follows:
To rule nnd refine; to redeem Zlonj tn
set up the heavenly sanctuary; to Mud
up tho testimony utid seal the law; to
work nfter the spltlttial order of Ood
In all dlilno ordln-inei s; to cstnhlMi
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors
and teachers with fundamental princi
ple nnd to gather In all Israel.
Illnkely Is a carpenter and has l-en
n closo student of tho lllblo for n long
time. IIo nnd his wlfo were formerly
members of tho Latter Day Saints
The Royal Box.
Nicholas II, czar of all tho Itusslas,
Is forty years old.
King Udward Is n model landlord
and when at ' Sandrlnghnm spends
some time oiery day with his agent
nud tnkes an ncthe personal Interest
In the estate nud In tho well being of
tho people.
Trlncess Thlllppe of Wurttemberg,
who was an archduchess of Austria,
makes rubber stockings and other alls
for the wounded, and she receives roy
alties from several of tha war minis
ters uf Europe
Almost ulone among tho sovereigns
of Uutopo, Umporor TrancLs Joseph of
Austtla-IIungary makes no use of nu
tomoblles. The heir apparent. Arch
duke Trauels Terdluand, Is n most
cnthiiil.'i.stle motorist, nnd so are sev
crai other members of tho Imperial
family. Hut so far tho emperor has
kept to his horses and carriages.
Tales of Cities.
Columbus, O, makes more buggies
than any other place.
Liverpool makes nenrly $600,000 per
year by municipal trading.
New York city pays a largo funeral
bill. It costs the city J32mi to bury
each of the unclaimed bodies that
pass through the morgue, and there
are nliout P,4(i0 of them In thu course
of a car.
In 1700 the population of Ilaltlmoro
was only 13,50.1. It was fifty yenrs, or
In 1S1I), before Ilaltlmoro had climbed
up Into the lOH.miO class. She could
first count 500,n0 In 1000, and today
the otlk'lal records dlsclnso a popula
tion of (tso.nio, according to tho Haiti
more directory.
Animal Oddities.
A squirrel can bltu harder than n
The ostrich hns been known to trntel
as fast as a mllu n minute.
C'nttlo nnd sheep will not fatten
alone. They must feed In company,
Tim frog has, llko tho camel, the
power of storing up moisture, whlcl
enables It to pats through times of
drought which would otheruisu prevu
Swallows ure said to lsi tho only
birds that talo their food from the nlr
and drink when ll.ilng. On first nrrlv
lug In spring the birds feci uhiii kiiuIs
and such Insect, l,ut us summer ml
i unces winged beetles nre ulso eagerly
snapped In.
Dream of Railroad BuKdera.
In South America thu diunm uf fmnn
dors inn! railroad builders Is that a
some future time traveler tuny land
ut IVtiuiiuhucii and bo taken across
the continent to Ynlpnrul'i) lu less than
P ur days and without change of car
I luge.
Pur. Will,.
l'uro water w-lll Hot rust Iron. I
I Is
the presence of carbonic acid und ot
Impurities which causes the surface
tlm Iron to oxidize when exposed
Tim clt-nrr.t(i ,11.1 not rench l?iiir!nnl
until after lint Crimean war, In which
tlm English olllcers ndopted it from
tin, 'rinks nml ItusKliiiiR. Mam- neo-
pie glin Tellegflnl, the Apo of "Van
It I'ulr." lie n-.JIi of Introducing the
tigarette nil" i:ngi.iiui, nun, ui any
rate, ins example did mucu lo popular
ize it.
Minute Holes,
Tho smallest holes pierced by mod
eni machinery are one oue thousandlhs
of an Inch lu diameter. They nrb
bored through sapphires, rubles nnd
A Faithful Friend.
When Sir Walter Scott wns urged
not to prop tho falling credit of nn ac
quaintance, he replied, "This man was
my friend when friends were fow, and
I will ho hla now that hU enemies are
tuarxy." ,
"I wish the I.ord hart never mado tin
cprth pole," sighed Mrs. Robert B
Peary recently.
Mrs. John P. Newman, the bishop's
.widow, has given to tho Methodist For
eign Missionary society property In
Jerusalem valued nt $73,000.
Mrs. Pellna 0. Carter, widow of the
late Levi Carter of Omaha, has do
rated to the city foO.OOO for tho pur
chase ot Lake Nakoma nnd 200 acrei
cf land around It for n permanent
Lady Warwick has not lost any ol
her luuucmc as n social leader on ac
count of her socialistic principles. In
deed, the king has complimented list
more than once on her earnestness and
May Murray, n successful actress In
New York, has forsaken tho theatrical
Deld to control the coat room privilege
In a big hotel, raying $9,000 a year for
the business. Hho expects to receive
t least $10,000 a year In fees and tips.
Dr. Alettn II. Jacobs, who was elect
ed president of the Nntlonal Buffings
association of tho Netherlands, wns
the first woman physician In her coun
try nnd In order to enter the medical
university had to get permission from
her government
Miss Itose llecker has been appoint
ed a claim agent and United States
pension attorney for Missouri. Bha
has been a well known business wo
man In Bt. Louis for n number of
years, being both n notary public and
nn Insurance agent,
Emily Mnon, daughter of n former
minister to Trance and nn Interna
tional belie In nnti-bellum days. Is nine
ty-three, yet Is ns Interested In tho
world at large as sho was fifty years
ago. Bha lives In n bandsomo colonial
mansion In Georgetown and holds her
Beyond Reason,
A. Scottish singer tinmod Wilson, who
was being trained for professional
work, sang n love song with exquisite
quality of role, but with insufficient
passion nnd expression. Ills teacher
told him ho must put more feeling
Into It nnd sing ns If he were really In
"Eh, man," he replies, "boo can I do
that and mo n marrlet mant" Tit
Dlts. Secure Enough.
Durber Did Weaver give you any
security for the money he borrowed of
Draper No; he said It would be se
cure enough In his possession.
riarber Como to think about It, I
guess It will be. Hoston Transcript.
To Help tha World Along.
Wo'ro living In an ago of doubt.
And, It for woo or weal.
No moro with slmplo faith we put
Our ahoulilcra to the wheal.
nut In these rapid auto daya
tVn count that help too alow
Vo all crawl underneath to find
Just why it doesn't go.
An Opinion.
"A little leiirnluR may be a danger
ous thine," remarked tho observer ot
events and ttiliijj, "but tho man with
a little learnhiK li not nearly ao dan
peroiia ni the man who knows It nil."
Yonkera Statesman.
Another Hammock Falling Out,
Two In u hammock;
Tho old hammock tilted;
Coining a word,
The lovors were "pilted."
Dan CupM took wing;
All his hop a w 11 tod;
Tho maiden went home
And tho young man waa Jilted.
Detroit Tribune.
Hard to Please.
Frofopsor (to his wlfo, provoked) V
never know how to take you, Amelia,
Two jenrs npo you wens crazy for that
lint, and now I've bouRbt It fur you
you don't like It nt nil. l'llegendo
Isn't This Awful?
There onco wns a ftlrl nimnl M'-n Mary,
Whosd mo Out linked excr lU-iit ! lmutn
Ono day the Klrl nmrrUd
A man with a harelip
Let's loan up ngninst the drp riwr.
lu-ncr Tost.
Terhnps jou couhl Ifiirn tn love mo
in timer
"I don't know. 1 mir nn inn
good nt learning tliliiK 1 didn't like."
Cleveland Plain Ki-nler.
The Prospective Elephant Hunt.
To mighty pachyderm, huware,
Nor linger In your tmtlvo lair.
Tho only places snfu for you
Aro now tho clreui nnd the zoo.
Washington Star,
The Honker Haunted.
"What mnki'M old Itlank no tineas
when n itmtor rur rmmm nlonn?"
"Why, lil wlfu ran away In one
nud lie N jiIwmjs afraid hlit U com lug
He's Very Mush Alive.
"DeadU'iU" wo call tho ncurvy wight
Who nh'atn us "Twould bo great
If ho wore rfally dud. We might
Oottoct from his rtutf).
I'lilladolphia Press.
A Natural Question.
Jenkins lVr 11 Jones! It'n Just about
n year now slneo Ito paused tho great
Tumpl'lni Itad or divorced T Judge,
The Flirt's Fate.
flht; w.itMwvl thu gallants come and go
flhe fllru-d ho with every bwau.
Now v. hn sho'd havo ono coma and stay
They PUMy c.m tina go.
New Orleans Times -Democrat.
Hopeful Hint.
IU (JtiHt ngflK(d) Darling, I sin
ply ran't UI-k you cnoush.
Hho Well, why wnste any time talk
ltiK nliuiit It? Chicago INews.
One Consolation.
Th" ivr man has ono happy thought
A no mis truad and water
As lmg us ho ts poor no duke
Will ever wed his daughter.
San Francisco Examiner,
Thought la tho most wonderful thing
In tbo world. No man ever kicked a
bulldog after Mopping to think twice.
Chicago Rocord-Hcrald.
Like Papa.
I(rt kUnfd! Although eho oughter
llav.i frowned upon ouch pranks,
Tho editor's cny daughter
JtUurjud thu thing with thanks.
Topeka Journal.
Keeps Him Duty.
"In what funu of literary work do
you Indulge
"I'm nn Inventor of reminiscences."
New York Life.
What We All Want.
"Man wnntu hut lfttlo hero below."
Thl F" mrniT how wo'vo prayed
To fc-i't ii little heru Uduw
Ono hundred In tho shado!
-J'hlladvlphla Press.
A Fine Distinction.
"Jh bor husband a inedlcnl man?"
"No; I think liu'n Just a Hpeclallst ot
Bomcthlu'." Cleveland rinln Dealer,
Upon the Sea.
Upon the inoontlt pea wo float.
And Ukewlite In a little boat.
If we the latter should Ignore.
X fear wo should not float much more.
UufTalo Express.
Btago Money,
Time Is Htnpn innncy to the man whi
la out on the highway In quest of a
dob. Judge,
Accepts Deposits, Loans Honey
in Small and Large Amounts
It Gives A Handy Check and
Free to All Household Bank Pass Book
One to the Savings Depositor, the other to Anyone opening a
Business Account.
Doing Business by Check N
the up-to-the minute way
t Saves It Saves
Wrangles Paying Twice Losses
Because a Check is always a Receipt.
Cheapest and Safest Way to Send Money to Foreign
countries is by a Money Order
Deposit Boxes for Your Valuable Papers $1 and upward per
annum. upen a business or
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A condition brcucli
about by our enterprising dealers to Ret
iippiant liiiliu. s iMi.r,u
ea"ily advertised, may find a sale with
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS:
ist Nn one can mix a better mixed paint.
d The painters declare that it works easilv and nas wonderful coverino
jd Chilton stands Inck of tt and
every turlace painted with Chilton Paint
4th I hose who have used it arc perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend
s use to others
gut BoanaTralm In Kir.-ct .ir.SK ai, im. wmi lloun-1 Trail .
HUDdarOulr. i
"Km im "PIT
r. m. r. m. a.m.
a in 9 i-fi
15 UI 9 IT,
II 64 19
(ll 9 89
It 17 9 II
e w ii
en 9 si
t, a m cj
It 39 10 IH
rs i lo os
f 10 lo u
u M 10 15
P. M. T. . A. M.
D-Ulr, except .sunilay.
ii M 84 S3 I
r.u. r.H. a.m. Leau .. ..Airlw
fl SU 1 (i) 1 4u!....('iUbondlI..
M ao I 2 i It w ...Lincoln Ae..
n h i a 04 n ot wmh-i
fe 51 1 a IK 19 13 Part lew
I 63 t 2 n 13 19 .... Cm Kill
J 01 9 31, tui ...LnUI.o,ioro..
T 01 f I 81 9 Ji.... WHjni.irt...
17 11 ( 9 41 19 82 Kl-em-
(7 16 t 441 19 .111 MfCliP
nufi4i a at .... lToroi'inn...
n 24 1 a 19 49( Forn-nla
tt 9 65 19 45 .... Seel) t I1W . . .
131! 3 00 , 9 ft) ....Honi-mUlc...
r.u. If. M. i a. M.iArrlvi'
t tnillcatea lias atatlons.
c. tl. SIMS, 2d Vice I'resldont.
"j"jg is the most thoroughly
practical, neipiui,
useful, entertaining,
national illustrated
weekly in the
United States,
Send your name for free sample copy.
New-York Tribune Farmer,
Tribune Building N. Y.
WILSON & PENNIMAN Proprietor!.
EsUbllahed In 184.
Book and Job Work Promptly Executed.
Successors to E. D. mmn
General Insurance Agents
o( Hartford.
of Utirmany.
of Nivrark, N. j.
of New York.
of rullailflphla
ot England.
of England.
of England.
of Milwaukee
BI'll'NQFIELiD F. & M.
of Bprlngfleld, Min.
ot Hartford.
of I'lilladolphia.
Cough Syrup
ReUevu Colds by vorklng them out
el ths system through a copious and
healthy action of the bowels.
Relieves wughs by cleansing the
mucous membranes ot the throat, chest
and bronchial tubes.
"As iJeasast to the tut
a Mapla Sosar"
Children Like It
MUri KMmj sad Bliddir PllU-Snra tzi titi
Sold by PEIL, The Druggist.
Manufacturer ot
Monumental Work
Honesdale Pa.
Inflammatory Ilhcumatltm Cured tn
Three Dara.
rjMortonL.nill,oIUDaiion,Inil.,Bar8i "Mr wlfj
Had lallAinmatorr lthcumaUsm la t ry m uncle and
Joint i tenullerlniiwaaterriwo ananer mif uaa
'ie were swollen almoat bejoad recwniuob s had
been In bed lor aU weeis ani bad eljhl jiWhlrianii,
but recelTed bobeaeot until ahe trifd Ibo M) Mia
Cure for Hbeumatuun. It aate Immndlato relief and
the waa able to wtla about In Uuve daja. I am auto
t aavea ner uxe." uoia vw ovmt. v.
Uoaesdaie. ra. asm
"PXlWER'i " !
... iM11tiw. th. hAB
KS"., .l1'e',JE"n.l
M.wa. rl. t AtMtor. QrJ
It Saves
issued by this Bank. Safety
bavings Account Now.
sonic kind of a mixed paint that we
is. inetr compounds, being new and
the unwary.
PuiiTnwc Mivrn driuto-
UIIILIUIIO iiiiacu rHiiiio
will agree to repaint, at Ins own expense
that proves defective.
Dally, exct pi Miliil-i)-.
MlLdii) Duly.
lol l.i-rf lie
A.M I. M .
h n6 i mi
J 61 1 W
I M. 1-, M.I P. M
S S7
8 17
a 1.1
7 61
7 II
7 41
7 30
19 U
1'.' TO
11 It
II ail
, II so.
II 93
11 211
11 1
11 12
il r i in 6 vi
17 n il; 6-. il m
il t."i n r.i is ol
7 19 12 l'l( 4 60
7 17 11 11 4 M
(7 19 IU J II I'
ll II I IU .15 14 4S
17 (IS 111 J1 II 1
II 111 tT
III Hi 111 -.'I II 31
I 7 81
17 80
17 W
( 7 16
f 7 15
1'iite a.m. r.H., p.m. p.m.
B 05 14 VI I 3l
II 06
A. M.
J. W. lil'IlliU.'U, l'a8scn'cr Tranio Manaaer
Both of
these papers
one year
for only
if you
(live below a Hit ol Uealtri In
Honesdale and Vicinity
ho handle
Ffilii-r Brothers
A Ktit-rtiHrdt
W II lloliuia
J Onwir Tetri'l
John UauKurt
II Illcliop
Theoiliirii C Urunii:
Mr. KKioll
lli orcn II Kuublo
II H.'llly
J W Sbkri9tei'ii &
U Si (! Hrelljs
A A (i rum lu
Alenncr ,i Co
Katz Ilrothera
Clark Jc Uullotk
Mra N O I'olt
lliinry l-'reund
V L Uurnard
Anloulo Iluiblerl
V L lli'tiimn
Jni'oli A lllllor
li Hmlili & son
i'aliK-k Wi-lr
I Atklnsnn&Qulriuy
I M K llarrrlt
' W II Ulcait
1 1J Uower
, M Corcoran
i Fiuuk t'otler
Mrs T MuiiRan
10 II Woodwuid
1 F. J Uli-hardpon
. Jamee 1) Ames
I Maty A Wnlereon
r r awinmo
John Curran
F LTuttle ic Co
Welth 5c Ames
R I. Ut hlager
Ueorpti Awce
Henry F Ilea
L il 1'eiltz
White Mllla
9amuel Hauudera
KJwmd T Kflley
Murguri't Bluviu
Hire slioiild attempt to give a list of
those who
it would take a dozen newspaper!
One of the beet te6tlinoiilals of the ex-c-i-llent
ijuiilltj ol
Clark & Snover Tobacco
tha fact Unit Ui os o v. ho now uet It
ti ttil ttilrty jeais ii'o, ituJ tiotoueof
i-m wmil u Lliow or emokt) uuy other
brand If it weru ivtiti to tlietu.
1 l-i In Adams Ave., SCHANTON, PA
k Oh, That Corn!"
Uow one can suffer with such a
corn I To look ut, It's almost nothing,
but Hit hurt that's where corns
count. Now the lonitsurfeilnK those
nhu havu faithfully tried lots of corn
cures without efleet, mny (mention
our statement, but, nevertheless, wo
make it, und It's Irue, We have a
i-orii cute thut will lake out your
corns roots and all. If used according
to directions It will leave no soreness.
We warrant II your money back It
you are not satlstled. Call (or
O.T. CHAMBERS. Pharmacist
pay less and dress better. Get the
habit of buying our ioo per cent, pure
wool, strictly fast color goods.
Yvu will find our clothes very differ
cnt from the ordinary ready-to-wear
garments you meet at every turn.
Latest Stvles and Perfect Fit
Prices Reasonable at
1 107 Main Si. Honesdnlti F.
' Near Up-Town-Bridge,