The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 27, 1908, Image 3
THE HONESDALE CITIZEN: THURSDAY MpHNIJStt, AUUUST 23, lUH. CENT A WORD COLUMN FOH KENT, pleasant r fflm; wit h '"r.?e Deal. Mrs. -U. DBCOR, "' (Hilt WANTED t the VOIOT HOUSE, Main street, uonesiaie. MIST In or noar Honesdale, on,8uni2T' Aug. lGlfa, a I'artnndale Hospital Claw. Pin. Kinder will please leave It nt Tine Cim.tJi OKI CO. All Bridge Builders ate hereby nodlfled that bids will Iib reo-lved at ine uoiumi nmr.ii llnnparifllp. until 10 A M.i Tustdar. Sept. lit, 1UH. for the construe inn nr nonprptn abutment, making ine nil and erecting an Iron bridge over the bikiiflriuuH Ihnrnftrl near tho hlllSe at John toyman. Halem township, on the road from Ariel In todgedale. iron now on tbs ground. Hum and speculations inay bo seen at tbe uommissoners omce. JUST nECKIVF.n A carload of light and btavy lumber wagons with narrow and wiaaurrs. win sen ve, j ura," TIN, Waymart, l'a. 15 Fob Bale A second hand phaeton , In Rood condition. Inquire at No. 307 Fltteentb street, nonesuaie. WALIi l'APK.R, borders anil artlitlo dec orations, in (treat variety, anu 01 ine laiesi nairrniL I'ninnne ana naner nannnK iu ine belt stylo. JUI1N UhiUtY. 1S7 I)y- berry I'laoe. Personal and Impersonal. Tho National Encampment of tho Q. A. B. will be hold at Toledo, Ohio, from August Slat to September Sth. Tickets from Hoooalalo, via Erio, to Buffalo, and thODCO by boat to Toledo, and return, $14 80; all rail toTolodoand return. 117 70, For Bale on and after Friday, Aug. 28th. Tbe ladies of Tyler Hill cleared f 180 by thoir fair and supper, Id aid of tbe Union chapel in that town, on the evening of Aug. 12th. Tho I&dios de serve, groat credit for their efforts. Mighty few of the real eucccesoa of tho tlmo in things theatrical havo boon sent on tour this season. Ilowevor, "Babes in Toyland," tho wondorful suc cess, ia to como boro within a remark ably short time, and tho entire cast is made up of artists who have boon iden tified with tho uuiquo play. "Uabcs in Toyland" is producod by a company of seventy people and a tralood crow of stage mechanics aro required to stago tbo holding of two baggago cars, while a corps of musicians are carriod to ilrrmnnf. Innn, nrphnalpna In anntfp, no Dittrich has demonstrated bis willing- noes to offor tbo vory boat to the patronB of the Lyrio Theatre. At tho Lyric Wcdnosdny evening, Sept. 2d. Thoro aro two or throe casos of ty phoid fever in tbo vicinity of Qonoedalo, and our peoplo will do well to take all precautions to provent a eproad of tho disease Carbondalo is reported to be uttering from an epidemics of tbo fe ver, which tbroatens to bocomo serious. Bod. W. M. Nelson writes tho Ilorald from Equitmnk that tho butt cut by James McKonna from tbo trea gnawed down by the beaver colony nt (jrooked Creek is on exhibition at Farley 'a store In the former village, and invites Her aid readers to go and see it. Honesdale people can avoid tho tbirty milo trip to Equinunk to seo tho curiosity by drop ping in at tho store of Patrick McQran aghan, corner of 6th and Main streets, whore tbo chunk properly antbooticat od by Mr. McKcnna'a signature, was shown to tho writer soveral days ago. Richard Lancaster may havo boon treasurer as woll as ehoriff before he was sent to tho Legislature from Wayne, but evon this would hardly justify tho statement that "bo had sorvel nearly every olection olll :o in tho county" be fore ho was choacn Rpro3ontativo, as allogoi in tbo Herald'.! article, which, by tbo way, wo took occasion to com tnond nhon it first appeared. Thi Pennsylvania Hinto Fair ii to bo bold at Bethlehem, Bopt. 1, 2. 3, i, and uausutl attractions aro announced, among which will be eighteen trotting and pacing races for largo purses, for which an extraordinarily largo number of entries havo been made Thoro will bo floo etngo attractions, and a number of balloon racoa and aaconsions. Both lohom has a fast track and it is oxpoct od that tbo races will bo very oxciting, with perhaps con records as a result. Tho monument to tho 1'onnsylvauia regiments that took put in tho chargo on Maryo'a lloighte, by the 31 division, 21 army corps, commrmdod by General Humphreys, at tho battlo of Frodericks burg, Vi Doc. 13, 1803, will bo dedicat ed on tho 11th of November next. These regiments wcro tho 91st, 123J, 126th, 123 th. 131st, 133J, 131th, and 155th. All honorably discharge!'! mombors of these regiments will bo furnishod froo trans portation (but not including subsistence) from the railroad station nearest their residenco to Fredericksburg, and re turn. Written application should bo mado to Jamos M, Clark, lato Captain of dompuny Q, 131th Pa., Secretary of tho Memorial Commission, Now Castle, Liwronco Co., Pa., giving name, post oulco address, company aud regiment. Tho 7th annual re-union of tho Mum ford family was hold August lOtb, at Uoiondalo. Alter an elaborate dinner bad boon sorved, tbo meeting was callod to order by tbo Presidont, Qoorgo It. Clark, of Scranton. Rev, Dr. LeRoy Baker, ofSiiimjrjvo, Snyder Co., Pa., but formerly of Ploasaot Mount, mado an address. Miss Ratbcrino W. Brown, Sjcrotary, read tho minutes of tho seCTng. Thor wero many letters of coi'gratulat' ir,a 'iigrrtH rom members of lh' tuuiily wiuwr, naulo to attend, (dies Clark, ol Scramon, road a brief history of that portion of tbo Mumford family who first eettlod In Mount Pleasant township, at an early date. Tho following are tho officers for tho coming yoar: Clarence K. Mumford, President; L. DImmick, Socrotary, and Harry W. Mumford, Treasurer, Kottew Brothers have tho contract for putting ta tho etsam heating ap paratus in tboiow two story brick buttling ot tbo Vayno Cut QlassCj., on Induttry Point. Qoorgo W. Hwinglo, a resident nf South Oiano, whili on a visit to Vir ginia, in 16C0, dug up on tbo battlo ground of Bull Run two Bmall rod co dars, brought thorn homo with him and BOtlhem out on his prcmisos, whoro tboy tbrivod, and aro now trees of goodly slzo. It is n groat pity that tbo dam at tbe lower end of Park Lako cannot bore' paired so as ' provent tho groatcr por tion of t-' wutcr loaking out overy night. L Sunday tbo lako was nearly dry, and with tbo many sewers empty log thoir contents Into It on porfectly dry ground, tho stonch was utterly vile, ud a groat promoter ot lypuom tovor. "Bb;s In Toyland" will bo the ot traction at the Lyrio Tbeatro on Wed n1v Bvnnlnc. SDt. 2d. "Babes in Toyln-id" comes to Honesdato with nmntiivoiff n KnecUl train, for threo modern coaches aro required to handle tho comnanv and two of the Iargoet baggago cars aro used to transport tho irroat auantltv of asonory and effects used in tho wonderful play by Glen MicDonongh, and sot to muato by tbo poorloss V ictor Herbert. Tbo company is complete and its chorus is ono ot tho most attractive on the groat circuit, Tbo music is ot that sort that lingers and them is a vein ot comedy that blends excellently with tbo spectacular, There aro so mnnv songs la "Bibcs in Toyland" that overy tasto is gratified Among tho brilliant musical numoors is tho now world-famed "Toyiana march. And these must not bn forgot ten: "1 Can't Do tbo Sum," "Hsatrico Barcfacts." "Don't Cry, Bo Peep." Tbcro are many others, howevor, which charm everyone who hears thorn. Babes in Toyland" will bo tho ovent ot tho dramatic season here. An item clipped from an exchange, relating to tho necessity for registration ia order to quality as a voter, by some oversight appeared in our local department last wook. Tbo uom in question related only to citios, in which tbo law roqulrea tho personal rogisirn tion of voters on specified dayB. Elso' where, no personal registration Is re quired. R. P. Fleming, of Lancaster, who deserted his wifo some thirteen years ago, and wbo was declared legally dead by the court ot that county, has again shown up in Lancaster, and has been given tbo cold shoulder, ns was right. Forest City is to havo a new Na tional Bank, tho rrquieito amount of took having bee-j sub3cribod, and fifty por cent, ot it has been oiled fur. A board of directors, comprising promi nent business men ot tho town, have b:en chosen, who will servo until tho time of tho regular annual election in January. Tho various aldermen of Bcranton aro now floing ovory man tho police capturo with murdorous woapons in their possession, two and costs. This will go a great way toward supprosung tho ovil, and tbo magistrntos nro receiv ing gr-mt praise for their action. Sscretsry of Internal Affairs Houck has dotailed for tbo annual survey ot tbe State's boundary linos two parties of engineers from his department. One corps will run line-) along tho northern boundary line from Lako to the Del iwaro, and another will follow Ma son and Dixon's lino. Tbo wostern lino will bo gone over later. The commissioners of Piko county havo advertised for bids for tbo erec tion of a bridgo ovor tho Lackawaxen rivor, just abovo tho Erio bridgo at Lackawaxen. Ono bid will bo for tho bri Igo itsolf, and ono tor tbe masonry and Oiling. Tho bridge will consist of two spans, 150 foot each, and will bo of Btecl. A re-union ot the survivors of tho 17th Ponn'a Cavalry will bo held on tho Gettysburg battloQold, on or about Oct. 1st, duo notlco ot which will bo given iter. Tho rovon county veteran associa tion will hold its next reunion in Nay Aug Park, Scrantop, in 1009. A special cloction haB been ordered for Nov. 3d, in tbo 11th Senatorial dis trict, comprising tbo counties ot Wayco. Pike, Moaroo and Carbon, to (111 thouu- xpircd term ot tho lato Hon. Q. Frank Rowland. Officer Sponccr arrested four hobos last Thursday ovening. aud they wero niven a hoaring tho next morning boforo sq. Smith, who rnloasod them upon their promising to make themselves scarce at onco, which they promptly complied with. Co. M, 17th Pcnn'a Civalry, was almost entiroly recruited in this eoctioo. The following aro tbo names and post oUl'SO addrcssos ot tho survivors, as far as wo havo becu ablo to obtain them: Capt. Fred. J. 8keel, Ilarford, Susc Co., I' Lieut. James Brannon, New York elty. corner ol Ilronx l'ark Avenuu and West Farrafl Itoad. Lieut. James II. Keen, wavmurl, 1'a. Lieut. Laf.iveltu llulkiom. MimiiKle, Wuhhlncton, It F. I)., No. 2. HerReaut ueo. a. speuiRUe. uii uuy. r. t'orporal (leo. C. Drown, Uoadlen, I'd. Corporal Henry A. Saujnson, Wuymart, l'a. Corporal Ilruonlt. woodward. Ilawley, m. Ilunler Eueuczer T. Lo-ev. Uurou. Soutli Dakota. Edwin E. Delknap, Dorraneotowu, l'a., l.Vi John Ht. smith Hlmpson, unlondale, l'u. William E. Juatln. Wleyvtlle, l'a. Peter It. Collum. J. Elward Cook. Oeoreo van utaol! anu uari snerwoou, iioneduuie. Jouulhan aliaplay, uarnonuaie, L'a. George Chapman, Ilamllnlon, l'a. LuelenE. Btauton aud Uuhbell Hounds, Wayniart, Fa. Muuaon J. aiiienen, tiouirtiervme. i-a. Veidlno E. Udell, White Valley, l'a. John Urlawold, Aldenvllle, l'u. II. M. Lavo. ilallas. Teias, Uan Antonio tlreet. If any person knows of any addition al names they will confer a personal favor by Bonding eimo to this oQleo on a postal card, togother with thoir ai- drcss. Special train for RichBeld Springs Eisteddfod will leave tho Delaware & Hudson station, Wilkos-Barro, at 10 a m. ; Bcranton, 10:15 A. H ; Carbondalo, 11:30 A. M , TuosJay, S.-pt. 1st. Spocial rutos from all stations. For particulars sco ticket agents. Among tbo excursions and outings at Luna Park, Scranton, noxt wook, is tbo annual outing ot tbo Pennsylvania and Ddlawuro & Hudson Gravity em ployees, on Saturday, Sept. Sth. A bandsomo grauito monument has just bcon oroctod on tbo family plot ot tho late Beth W. Powell, iu (lion Dy borry comotery, and ot courso it was tbo work ot Martin CauQold. Tbo new electric light plant, back ot tbo old M. E. cemetery, is now iu activo operation, turning out lightning, On Friday, Sopt. 11th, a monument will bo dedicated in Iho National Ccmo tcry, at Winchester, Va., in memory ot all Pennsylvania soldiers wbo fell in the battle ot Opequon and Winchester, Sspt. 19, 1861. All soldiers who panic! pated in that engagement aro requested to forward thoir names and address to L. W. Moore, Bccrctary of tho Win chester Memorial Commission, Higa moro Boacb, Mass., that tbclr namos may bo entered on tbo roll ot survivors. Rev, Dr. Mosos D. Fuller, Supt. ot tho Honesdalo District, will conduot service at Maplewood, on Sunday after, noon, Sept. Bth, at 2:30, and at Hollister villo in tho eveHog of tbo same day, at 7 o'clook. He will also open tho quar terly conference at Hamlinton, on Mon day, Sept. Btb, at 10 O'clock, A, II, The nrooer way to treat on um brella. after cnmlng in with it dripping wet. is to deposit It in soma recepta' cle with tho handle down, bo that the water may not bo retained in tbo lining underneatn the ring, causing tbe ma' torial to decay. William Hsmptt. a farmer ot Jaok eonvllle, N. J., cloared bis premises of a gang of disorderly ball players, one aay last week, in a most effective ana sum mary manner. Ho ordored them off the lot. but they abusod bim and declined to eo. Ho then turned a Qerco bull into tho plot, and tbo players being clad in red uniforms, tho animal at onco cnarg ed them, all of whom Decapod with tbe execution of one ot tbo pitchers, wbo took a horn and was promptly pitched over tho (onco. In riding through the county, last week, wo noticed good healthy crops of Canada thistles growing on a number of farms. Tbo penalty for not cutting tbem boforo they go to seed is lis. Far' mors would do well to bear this fact in mind. Tbo roport of Wells, Fargo & Co., for tho Cecal yoar ending July 31st, con' tains eomo items of interest. The rail road miloage in the United States and Mexico, covored by its contracts, is HO 170 miles; its ocean and inland steamers and stago miloago aggregates 8,559 miles; a total ot 58,629 miles. This is au increase during tho yoar of 2,319 miles. It has, in tho United States and Mexico, 5 008 agencies, with 14,027 employees, besides correspondents in various por tions of tho globo. Its gross earnings during tbo year wero 122 915,188; its not earnings, 12,680,036; other income, fl,- 193.182. Us capital stock is 18,000,000, on which a dlvidead ot 60.97 per cent. wns declared. Tbo dividend for 1907 was 53 92 por cent., and tor 1906 38.31 per cent. Its income from loans is ma terially affected by tbo prevailing low rate of interest. Tbo Hotel Fulmor in Stroudsburg, owned by Qoorgo W, Fabcl, for some timo proprietor of tbo ('jyno House, in this placo, was damaged by tiro on Sat urday, tbo 1Mb inet., to tbo extent of sovoral thousand dollars. U. C. Tuller & Sons, tbo present managers, lost iu furniture, china ware, etc., about ono thousand dollars. Tho losses on both building and contents aro covered by nsuranco. Four families living in flute on tho second and third floors, had their household goods considerably damaged, and are tho greatest losors, as none of them carriod any insurance. William Monroe, a farm hand, murderously assaulted six persons at bo houeo ot Abram Dcyo, about threo railoH from Now Pallz, Ulster county, N Y , on Sunday last, and then set flro vo thj barn, utter which be mado his scapo. Monroo went to tboDeyo homo, Abcro ho demandod employment of Abram Doyo. Knowing tbo reputation of th ) man, Deyo rofusod. Thereupon 'itonroo knocked him down and was kicking bim when Mrs. Abram Deyo and Mrs. Jonathan Doyo ran out of the houeo to his assistance Monroe turnod jn tho two womon, struck thorn down ud boat thom. Then, leaving them tunned, ho wont into tbe bouse, where ho throw ovor a cradlo containing Abrcm Doyo's baby. Hearing tbo noise, a hired girl entered the room. She was tolled about and kicked sovorcly in tho t ice, hoad and stomach by Monroo. Tho man tbon went to the barn, whore Jon- thau Deyo, of New York, who with his wlfo and child was visiting his brother Abram, and just watching four farm hands balo hay. Mr. Doyo asked Mon roo what ho wanted, when ho was struck down with an iron bar. Tho four farmhands started for Monroe, but ho took some mutches from bis pocket, struck tbem on bis foot and throw them into tho hay. Instantly tbo big barn. which was filled with hay and straw, was ii flames. Ho then run for a swamp into which ho disappeared, and up to this writing has cot been captured, al- hough a largo posse havo been making diligent search for him. An unknown man was struck and killed near N O tower on tbo Delaware livieiou ot tho Erio railroad between Narrowsburg and Cochocton about 5:15 o'clock Sunday morning, by train Kigh, tho cast-bound Chicago and New York Express. Tbo man was walking on tho cast-bound track. Ho was in etantly killed and tho body was thrown on the tracks. Tbo body was taken to Narrowsburg and left in chargo of tbo station agent. William Ingermau, a rosidont of Clinton township, living noar Elk Lako, was in Carbondalo last Friday, and whilo ho was returning homo his borso ran uway, und ho was thrown Irom bis carriage, rosulting in tbo broaking ot tin right log. Ho was taken to tbo Emergency Hospital, Carbondalo, for truutment. Tbo names of many old English p'acts wero most curiously dorived. Iloru aro a fow samples from London and vicinity: "St. Margaret l'a I tens' has no rotcronco to footwear, but is a corrupt! on of 'patince,' tho plate used for consecration bread. St. Mary Wool uoth' took its namo from tbe wool market which once stood near it, 'uoth' being tbo old form ot 'nigh.' 'St. Mary iVxo,' popularly pronouncod 'Simmery io,' gained its namo from tho fact that u houeo with tho sign of an axe onco s'.ood in tho street. 'Crutcbod Friars' c. mmemoratcs tbo cross worn by an order of friars 'crossed' in courso ot time being 'crutched.' Tbreadnccdlo strcut was originally Threo Nccdlo street, from n houso bearing tbo sign of iho 'Ihrco Needles," Wo often hear our Cornish friends speak of "Pollcl, which is epellod l'ougbill;o( Lanson, wriltou LauuccHton; Suntossul, which stands tor thrifty Bt. Austoll, and Rod poss for Rod Post. For tbo coming wook Honesdalo will have tho distinction ot bung tbo tomporary residoncoof un exceptionally tulcntod party ot artists, numbering sovcnty-flve, and comprising the ontiro cast ot "Tho Babes in Toyland." Tbo theatrical peoplo are oxpocted hore to day, Tbursday, and will remain here, giving tboir final touchos to tboir pop ular play, until Wednesday evening noxt, when tho opening porformanco ot tbe ecusoa will bo given at "The Lyrio," as advortidod. Thooo who havo soon this famous musical and beautifully cos tumod production during its long run in New York and other big citios, pro uounco it one ot tho finest thoy ever witnessod, A salo of Cake, Broad and Rolls will be hold by tbo Sscioty for the Preven tion ot Cruolty to Animals, at the City Hall, Friday, August 28lb, from 3 to 5 1. u. Wilkce-Barro is the first city or town In Pennsylvania to take advan tags ot tho Shade Tree Commission law passed by the last session ot tbe Liegia lature and approved by Governor Stuart May 31, 1907, the Mayor having signed tbe concurrent resolution passed by councils accepting the provisions ot the act. In boroughs the appointment ot threo commissioners to serve without compensation, having exclusivo and absolute custody and control ot shade trees within tbe municipal limits, with power to plant, set out, remove, main tain and care for same, is vested in tbo Chief Burgess. The terms of the first appointoes ore for throe, tour and flvo years respectively, and on tho expira tion ot any term tbe new appointment will bo tor Ave years. The commission on decidiog upon setting out, removing or materially changing shade trees in any highway aro required to givo pub lic notico of a meeting at which the contemplated work is to be considered, by publication in not to exceod two newspapers published in tbo borough tor two weeks boforo it Is held. Tho cost of all work done is charged to tbe owoer ot tbe premises in front of which tho improvement is made, and becomes a lien on tho real estate. Subsequently to moot tbo expense ot caring for tho trees, and the cost of tho odvertisine mentioned, a general tax may bo levied not to exceod one-tenth ot one milt on tbe dollar ot tho osseofcod valuation of the borough. It the- provisions ot tho act are accepted by Honesdalo, tbe Commission will have power to employ and pay such superintendents, engin eers, foresters, tree wardens, and other assistants as the proper performance of their duties may require, and to make and publish regulations providing pen alties for violations ot tbe act, subject to the approval of tho town council; all flnos and penalties imposed becoming liens upon tbe real estate, and collect!- bio as taxes upon real property aro now collcclod. Honesdalo is already so thoroughly shaded .that it is hardly probable-that our town fathers will see any necessity for availing themselves of tbe privileges of the new act. Tbe very fact, indeed, that tbo law bad boon , tbo statute books for considerably incro than a year boforo any muncipal- ty accepted its provisions, goes to show that it was not a crying necessity in any part of tbe State. Tbo threatened litigation among claimants to certain rights in and about lk Lako, and Tbe Lako Lodore Co., TCiot purcbaeera of tbo interests ot tbo Drtl. and Hud. Co. in tbo property, re- lis the litigation growiog out ot a similar contention between Asa Dim- ock and tbo canal company torty-foui y jars ago. Tbe caaa was tried before Invito Gcorgo R. Barrott, and was an ion of ejectment by tbo former foi l'.'S ucres of land in Clinton township. I'hc plaintiff's claim was based on a wh- rant from the land office ot Pennsy 1- v.ti ia, dated September 12, 1851, and a oi. tion and survey of tho tamo, the 30th ot iho month, covering and including Kik lako, and a patent for the tract (rem tho Commonwealth to L. W. Dmiock, father of Asa Dimock, May 8, 1856. The defence was based on a war- i.nt to John Taggart, issued Fob 11th, 791, and returned Juno 27th, 1806, as bui veyed on a tract ot land in Clinton t'jvnebip, "surrounding Elk Pond," with tho pond laid down as vacant ; up on which survey a patent was issued to Samuel Salter June 17, 1807, describing the land by tho extorior lines as contain ing 258 acres, 63 perches. The title of this P';t. ntco finally became vested in tbe D & U. Canal Co., wbo entered into posses sion ut tbe John Taggart tract, and tbe uso of Elk Lako (then called "pond") v.tuch covered part, nearly bait, of the Dimock tract, tor fifteen years, as a footer to their canal. Tbo survey ot Jul nTnggart was a peculiar one. When tho warrant was laid tbo outside lines weio closed and would havo embraced nbout COO acres, but in 1807 inside lines weio marked upon the draft, running par .llol to tho outer ones, tbo calcula tion made only to the land lying be tw(,:n them, and so roturned to tho land offlco as surveyed upon tbe John Tai art warrant. This left an oblong pio:o ot laud in the confer, including Elk lako, not only unappropriated, but mai ked on tbe return "Elk Pond, va cant," and it was upon this alleged va cancy that tbe Dimock warrant was laid, Upon this showing Judge Barrott ruled in favor of the plaintiff, holding among other points that tbo John Tag gart tract was so located as to leave var int land in tbe center of it in an ob long shapo; that tbe owner ot that war rant was bound by the official return; thi:', tho company bad no right to oc cupy tbo pond as a feeder to tboir by virtuo ot their corporate privileges, nor greater right than an in dividual would havo wbo had acquired the title to tbo John Taggart tract ot land; that not only tho Elk pond, but all ot the land excluded from tho John Taggart survoy, was vacant when tho warrant under which tho plaintiff claim. od was survoyed ; and that bo was there fore entitled to a verdict for so much as wai vacant. Tho case was taken to tbe Supremo Court by S. K. Dimmick and F. M, Crane, attorneys for tho D, and (I. 0. Co., Charles P. and George G Wuller appearing for Mr. Dimock. Chief Justice Goorge W. Woodward delivered tho opinion ot tho court, May .1, 1861 It comprised a much more olaooralo statement ot tho cbbo, and de ductions to bo drawn from tbe testi mony, together with tho stopsby which tho title passed from Samuel Salter, tbo owner ot the Taggart warrant, to tho 1). and H. C. Co., through Norton and James Arcbbald, but in the end fully sustainod tho rulings of Judge Barrett and tbo verdict and judgment bolow. Current rumors are to tho effect that tho trolley line between Honesdalo and Hawloy will bo completed In tbo noar future. It is further said that a Now Yorker has agrood to finance tbo enterprise by tho bonding ot the lino for tho amount required. Inquiry of pat tios beet informed elicits .only tbo state ment that nothing is yet finally deter mined on. Pensioners are not now required to pay postage on tbe vouchers which aro returned to the pension bureau, the de partment enclosing an official Btamped envelope for tbo purpose. The annual reunion ot the Pennsyl vanla and Delaware & Hudson gravity omployoos will bo held at Nay Aug Park, Bcranton, September 6tb. The ehoemakers cleared $210 by their excursion to Lake Lodore, Aug' ust letb. Whits the spoctaclo of an automo bile, which left town as speedy . as a blooded race hoMU, camtog horn) Ignomiolousty towed behind n tarn , . , . . . l. . . warn, or oy . .,biV" .u .,uu of its own caste, is not so very ia Honesdalo, it is a fact that thus far no serious accidents have occurred, in volving loss of lite or limb, hereabouts On Monday last, however, Iho record camo well-nigh being broken. Herbert Smith, ot Wilkos-Barro, with it party comprising his wifo end yoar-and a half old son, and Misj Elvira Day, a young lady whoso parents rcsido in Cadosia, N. Y., was on his way from Honesdalo up tho Dybcrry road toward Kimble's, en routo for Hancock, X Y. On reaching what is known as tho Big Eddy on the Dy berry Creek, where a sharp turn occurs in tbo road, witli a high and precipitous bank on tho river sido, tbo rear wheels of the auto skid dod to the right, and in a moment tho machine was upsido down over tho odgo ot the declivity, being prevented from absolutely crushing out tho lives ot those beneath it only by the bushes and stones into which it plunged and which so entangled it as to prevent its farther fall. That all wcro not killed outright seems really providential, and looking at the mishap in this light, tbo roal injuries inflicted may well bo re garded as trivial. Miss Day was tbo most Beriouely hurt, two bones of her right wrist being fractured. Tbo others, with tho exception ot a few bruises on tbe baby, oecaped practically unharm ed. Even tho machine itself camo through with but littlo damage, and af ter receiving tho attentions ot machin ist Charles Gibbs, was driven to town, and bos einco been cavorting about our streets. Fortunately for the party, Dr. McConvill, who had been paying a pro fessional visit farther up tbo Dyborry, chanced to bo near tbo sccno of tho mishap whon it occurred, and taking Miss Day in his carriage, brought her to Honesdalo, and gavo nocessary at tention to her broken wrist. Accom panied by Mrs. Smith, she was ablo to proceed to her homo in Cadosia by rail ou Tuesday. Tho only "fly iu tho ointment" at tbo rocont Shoemakers' outing, at Lik" Ladoro was tho treatment a poor livoty borso roceived at tbo hands of his cruel drivors, and the behavior of tho young mn who had hired him for tho occasion. Tbo whip welts on tho panting boastV sides, as tbe party drove into tbo park, atlrautod general attention, and indig nant comment from many; and tbo un ruly and abusive condition of theoffcud lag young men finally rosultd In th confiscating ot the horso by Oilh -Spincor, who sont him ta town with n m iro humano driver, and forced tho of fenders to return by train. Tho Honosdalo Milling (.' loit an itber valuable hora on Mondiy, thi sccobd within n very short time. -City peoplo passing tho summer nt u.o various resorts in Wayne Cdun'.j, aro daily visitors to Honesdalo, and never neglect tho glasj cutting shops, whoro they are extensive purchasers. Wayno Co. Pomona Grango, Nc. 41, will meet with Hop 3 Graugo, ot donth Canaan, on Thursday, Sept. Ithh. Au invitation has been extonded to W F. Hill, Master Penn'aS.i'.o Gr.n), to : b. present. The fall term of tbe Wuym rt hyh -cliool will otoa on Monday, Sept. 7th. Tho r.5ih parade nf tho II incsdale Firo Department, with their gusts, Alert Hook and LvlJ'ir Co. and Cexan No. 1 Chemical Cj., takes p'aco thu afternoon, leaving tho town hall promptly at two o'clx-k, ocoompirir 1 by the Honesdalo Band nud Miplo (' ty Drum C irps, to bo followod by n picuic und dance in Bellovuo Park. The Ladies' Circlo of th G. A. R. aro now engaged iu a most laudablo un dertaking, that of endeavoring toraiee 1200, which sum is to bo paid to tho di rectors of Glon Dyberry, tbo accruing interest to care for tho soldiers' plot in tbo cemetery for all time. Theodore H. Thomas, of Waymart, bile driving his cows bome from tho pasturo, on tbo ottoruonn ot Aug. 18;b, fell dead in tho road, of hoirt disoaso. Ho was born in Clinton township, Jan. 1830, making his ago 78 years, 7 months and 17 days. Ho is survivod by his wife. Rev. W. E. Davis, of tho M. church, of Waymart, conductod tho funeral services. Intermout in tho Clin ton cemetery. Mies May Talbot, of New Milford, Is via- Itlne Ilonesdale relatives. Miss Ituth Monahan, ot Bcranton, is be ing entertained by Honesdale friends. Mr. and Mr. Fred. Clark, of Beranton, are passing tbe summer at Lako Como. Misa Motile Holmes, of New York city, Is nfiuest or Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Holmes, Mrs. Merritt Biddleman, ot Scranton, Is being entertained by relatives at Ualiluo. Attorney A. T. Bearle will return front bis New Hampshire outing to-day, thu '.Till Ernest Dovard and family, ot IVekvllle, are In Wlnwood, for a vacation of several eeks. Thomas Dempsey, of Vera Cruz, Mexleo, Is a guest at tbe home of John M. Lyons, of West street Mrs. Frances Rlebardson, of l'rnmpton, s being entertained by Mrs Ernest Dove, of Green Itldge. Mr. and Mrs. X.snas II. it , f Man. hester, N. II., are being ontei l ti.iod at thj reitldunuo of II. Z. Ilusseil Mrs. Lona 11. Day, wife nf the Chief o Police of Scrunton, and children, are enjoy- Iiik themselves In W aymart. E. A. Emery, of thu Farmers' and Mu ebanics' Uank, is entertaining bis molber. Mrs. Candaee Emery, of Scrunton. Miss Jessica A. Itoliiuson, of West street Is In the Catsklll mountains, where she wil pass several weeks with school fnun (Jeorge Moase, of Pleusaut Mount, Is one ot tbe directors ot the recently oruniilz. Forest City Farmers' and Miners' bank. Mrs. D. L. Ilailey and dausbters, Misses Ituth and Edith llalley, of Carbondale, aro at one of the Lake Como summer resorts. Dr. It. W. llrady aud family, who tmv been at lluuoh Lake, for several weeks, will return Unme to-morrow, In Jay evening Mrs. 8. J. Strauss and children, Wilkes-Uarre, aro guests ot thu former sisters, the MIsbos Weiss, of West I'ark street, Misses Judge, Illrdle Connors and Mln nle Walsh returned to their homes In Jes sup ou Friday last, alter a visit of teu days at Lake Como, Halph E, Irwin, of tbe I'enn'a Ilealll Department, Is in Honesdale and euzuged in making a thorough Investigation ot our water supply, U.7.. Russell Is recovering slowly from the severe Injury to bit arm which be re ceived a tew weeks ago, by being thrown from bis horse. Hon. Qeo. 8. 1'urdy Uft for Valley June, tion, Wis., yesterday afternoon, to look af ter bla extensive cranberry Interests In : that seotlon. He expeots to be abseut II vo weeks. Mrf. C P. Minor and daugb'"' Ml" I llatrlet H. aud Kalherlne II., gr 10 Atlantic City, to.morrow, for an oillnK of to weeks, . . M I lu-ii", oi oirttmun, iuu ur. , A,fr,d ,;llmBn, 0, Da!tmote, Md..areueiH . Bt (hB bome ol Mri ,u a Ml ( Jonil, w, KtUi o( church itreet. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Dittrich are bras glnc about a brand new daunbter, Dorothy Louise, (hat made her appearance at their home, A us:. '.'I, 'M. Misses Oladys and Marjorle Axlord, of Scranton, are passing the time aa tbe guests of Mrs. C. S. Woodruff, at ber cottage on tbe shore ot Lake Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. Horace T. Menner and son, who bad been speodlng a fortnight at Deaeh Lake, returned to their home In 1'eckvllle on Sunday last. Capt. John C. Oroome, Superintendent ot tho I'enn'a State Constabulary, says that IU per cent, of the members of the command ate former United States ssldiers. Itev. Dr. Ebenezer Flack, pastor of the Washburn street Presbyterian church, of Scranton, aod family, havo been passing a portion of this month in l'romplon. Miss Janet U. Wood, daughter ot Wal ter A, Wood, of Wayne, near Philadelphia, a former lesldent of Honesdale, Is a guest ot Miss Mary U. Dodle, of North Main St. Mr. tnd Mrs. D. II. Menner have as guests at their Elk Lake cottajre, the follow ing Hones lale teachers: Anna O, Seaman, Edith K. Swift, Theresa B. Soete and Mrs. Win. A. Sluman. Itev. Edwin I. Stearns, ot Ambler, Pa, will conduct service lu tho Presbyterian church, next Sunday, August 30th, Morn ing topic, "Drain and Drawn." Evening topic, "Judgment." Miss Florenco E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Brown, who has passed the last two years at the Syracuse University, will enter Wellesley College, next month, for the junior and senior years. David U. Johnstone, a veteran of the Mexican und civil wars, died Aug, 19th, In llarrlfhurg. aged U years and 7 months. He did duly In threedifferent Pennsylvania regiments during the civil war. Lieut. Itobert Tryon Menner, of the U. S. Navy, is In town, enjoying a furlough of sen nil weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. II, T. Menner, of Church street. Ho Is an oflleer of the IT. S. Steamer Vestal. Hon J. A. Scranton, ot the Scranton Republican, who has been seriously 111 In Atlantic City for tho past fortnight, is re potted to lie showing some signs of improve ment, although be is yet in a very serious condition. Miss Bessie Bellamy Ham, who has been cnj'iying a vacation of threo weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. H. Ham, of I'ourl street, returns to New York to-day, where she will resume her duties as a nurse iu Roosevelt Hospital. Mrs. C. F. Rockwell and daughter, Miss Harriet K.Rockwell, and granddaughter. Olive Itockwell, left on Tuesday morning for Buffalo, where they will take a steamer for Chicago, via the great lakes, expecting to be absent ubout a mouth. Th" marriage of Miss Jennie M. Fryer, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Fryer, of I lili street, to Leon H. Iloss, also ot Hones I ale, will no solemnized Iu the l'resbyterl- a i chapel, on Thursday morning, Sept. 10, lH, at 0 o'clock. Itev. Dr., Swift, .ill olUcliite. William Wartteld and son, of Peokvllle, "turned to th it plaoo on Saturday last by irriuge, after a pleasant outing In Mr. Vnrlli I I's native village. Beach Lake. They iveru caught by thu violent thunderstorm I i I'rompton, and obliged to stay over ht at iho home of their relatives, Mr, nu 1 Mrs. Samuel Found. James A N Williams, a native of Honee lie, hut who beoamo a resident of Uenulng- tnu, Vermont, somo years beforo tho civil w u, was In town ceveral days last week Whilo In this sectl n ho attended the re- u .lion of thu suvon county veterans in Luna l'ik, Seranton, Aug. 10th. Mr. Williams rved for over three years iu Co A, 21 Ver mont Volunteers during the civil war. Mr nud Mrs. Loon V. Bly, of Carbo-i-ile, wtio guests of Honesdale relative', s tvtral days last week, passing last Sunday a i the homo of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. T. Moore f West street. Mis. Bly was formtrly Miss Harriet C. Jackson, of our borough. Both are lluu musicians, nud while In town de lighted many of their friends with their s-lclllf til rendering of duets on the violin and in ino, Mrs. Bly also favored her admirers with several vocal solos. Nat. B. Egelston, who spent his annual vacation from his arduous duties at Hotreat Hospital, Luzernu county, with his Hones dalu relatives aud friends, had as a guest oi is family for some days Miss Nelllo H. Kll- llan, a fellow graduate and oue of tho nurses at that institution. Mr. Egelston, It goes without saying, took pride in showing hii fair en-worker the beautiful hills and valley' f hlsnallvo county. Mr. Egelston'6 next Ult Is booked for February 0, 1009. Divid T. Mitchell, of Berlin, was taken n Dr. Burns's hospital, Scranton, Aug. 17th, er an operation for some Internal trouble, which provtd to be a large cancer, when the ueislon was made. He did not survive tho peration, dying on tbe l!0th. His remains were brought home on tbe Hist. Ue bad re sided In Wayno county the greater propor tion of his lite. Mr. Mitchell was 70 years ot age, and is survived by bis wife, four sons and a daughter, luterment last Sunday afternoon. A dispatch to Samuel T. Ham received Tuesdai, announces the death on Sunday u Albany, N, Y,, of his uncle, Itobert Ham, wbo had for many years been a resident prominent business man of that city. Mr, Ham was for a considerable time a resl ileut of Honesdale, aud a member, with bis brother Willlum, of one of our early bands. He has visited Honesdale a number of times since his nmoval to Albany, always reoeiv lug a warm welcome from bis old time friends. He was about elgbty years of age. Thu writer and ex.ju Igo I'orry A. Clark were entertained on Suuday last at tbe pleasant farm homu of l'atrlctt Cogglns, tbe 0" home, near Elk lake, Mr. and Mrs. Cogglns und family are justly noted for their hospitality, and scarcely a day passes that It is uot extended to some of their wide Ircln of friends. Their farm Is one of thu llnest lu thu county, and from Us highest elevation, a fuw hundred feet north of the lioiiac, a view Is bad nf as wide a range o couutry as can la' seen liom Iho larview observatories. Tho road from Waymart to Aldenvllle. which basses In front ot the dwelling, is In excellent condition and picas. uro vehielis aio i onstanlly passing and re passing, thrte automobile paitles wnizzing i.v uiiiim three minutes of each other on Sunday afternoon. Besides ine onuuren iiviiiuiit home or in tills vloinlly, Mr. and Mrs. I'vggliu have a married son iu me em ploy of tho Standard Oil Company ini;aii foima. The fourth annual reunion of the HohlU' son familv was held August aoth, 1008, ot Ine beautiful homo of W, J. Ogden, In I)y. berry. Forty-seven members of the family constituted the party. Threo members of tbe family have passed tothelrreward since the reunions were Instituted four years ago. Auelegaut dinuir was served al tables the orchard. A most delightful day was spent lu tho ro.ilal enjoyments of the ocoa. sion, The following persons constituted the family party i Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson Mr. and Mrs, Fred, J, llobluson, 8. 8. Rob inson and family, of Lebanon; Mrs. Sarah Stearns and daughters, Fiances and Mae, of Philadelphia; a, R. Ogden and family, Rllztbotb, N. J.; Mrs. Susan Latourutte, and Leltoy Latourelle, of Cold Spring) Mrs. M K, Kimble, Elizab Bunnell aud family, r. Smith and family, W. J. Ogden and wld John Latourelte, of Dyberry; J, A. Robin' son aud family, and J. B. Robinson and famllyjof Honesdale. "I have written a book that every' hndv nuzht to road." sairl the author. "i am afraid it won't do." aaawored tbo publisher. "What tbe publio eeema to want now ia a book that nobody ougbt to read," QUALITY mm eniii h LADIES' LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL SUITS and SEPARATE JACKETS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES. These garments you will appreciate during vacation time, especially in the cool evenings of August and September. OF SUMMER DRESSES. WASH SUITS, and SEPARATE SKIRTS. KATZ BROS. YOUR INVITATION If vou have never had any dealincss with us, olease to considerthisan in vitation to dive us a trial. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, HONESDALE, PA. MENNER & CO.'S STORES i- UP-TO-DATE Summer Goods FOR 1908 Stylish. Nobby and Comlortible Wash Suits All Sliades.J Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts. New Spring and Summer Single Jackets. Black and Leading Shades. Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Fancy Styles in Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at Menner & Co.'s Hawley. Aug. 21th. John Deoker, a pioneer resident of this village and who for mnnv veara had resided on tbe East vide died Saturday uiornlnK. The oau so of his deatu waa general ueuiuiy. i no iu neral waa bold from tbe house Monday uiornlnR at 10 o'olook, Kev. F. 0. Card offlolatiuR, and Interment waa made lu the Indian urouaru oeiuBiory. ueosssou waa 80 years, 1 mouth and 11 days of aire and la survived by bla wifo aud one eon. Wilson, ol Uuuuiore. air. ueoner uau in llnwlHV nearlv half a eeuturv Uo u hnrn noar Laokawnxtm In Pike oounty aud eutored the employ ot tho n nml 11. uaUHl uo. wuou h moru uuy and from the age of 21 yeara until the canal was abandoned ne waa foreman of a gauij ol oaruenttra. a .,,,.11 nhild whom Mr. und Mrs. A. Parr bad taken to raise, died last week after a mort uiueta. rieorao O. Blossom and wife aro euter- taming alias isauei uukuwu, u, wlok, N. J., aud Mr. Uloharde, of New . . 7 "... . L. . , Wa ihn 11. A imps attended the funeral ol Ills sister at Hoiuerville, N. J., recently. John H. Welsh la on uia uuuuni ,ion with Ins pareuta In Virginia. M. it. Ilnrrett. I'eter uorcoran anu r. J. C'uruey ntteudod the State conven tion of A. U. 11. at l'Ullaueipuia last Prof. Oreaav and w le nave returneu from a all weeka, visit at Llgluatreet, l'a. Mra. William Crawford and two oil!! Ureu, of Port Jervla, are visiting ht-r parents, air. huh airs. ueo. u. i uiuin. air. anu air, nerueri waguer, oi Hanoook. are via ting frlenda In town. Mrs. Klleu Ames la making an extend ed visit with her sister, Mra. Thorpe, at Canaau. Mra. 1). J. Uolgato reoelved a l.adlv sprained aukle froui a fall In her yard, oaus-'d by hllpplog on the walk. 1,. Orabb, of IJuuiuore, spent a few days visiting In towu last week. Scranton Basinets College. The Largest Business Training Bchool in Pennsylvania Outeidoot Philadelphia and Pittsburg, will begin its tlfteonlb year Tuesday, Sept. 1. Monday will be enrollment dev. Graduates Oiling positions and in business for tbomseWea not only in Scranton but in nearly all tbe large cities in tbo U. 8. Write for information. . D. BUCK, Principal, Bcranton, Pa, WiUJK-VWhat's a dilemmal'' Johnny "Well, it wben you can't ait down bocauae your dad lloked you for going swimming, and you oan't stand up because a crab bit your toe." Dept. Stores. Hawley Ann. 17th. William Walter, aged aDout 28 yeara, died last Thursday morning from toe eueors oi kick oy a norse ou vue sire oellng Monday. Ue bad gone into (be stable and unobserved by tbe horse stepped bebina it ana toon noia oi us iu, woeu ine animal with a violous kiok struck him In the abdomen, ur. voigt was oauea ana did not think tbe Injury would prove fatal, but peritonitis developed and caused his deatb. He was employed on Mrs. Eok- bark's farm at No. it, and tbe lunerai waa held (rom ber residence Saturday atternoon. in a suoro oi z.i me uawiey naso Dan taam defeated a team from Boranton. Satur day afternoon on Atbletio Held. Mrs. jamos uneu, oi cuKiomuuu, , ,. a guest ot ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Murray. A. V. Tvler. of Damascus, spent Friday nieht In Ifawlev. Wblleberehe was a nUas- ant caller at Ulugbam'a Insurance ofiiuo. itev. ltuuoiDU Liuoas is enioiing a vaca tion out of town. Owlug to bla absenoe thorn win ne no preaomng servioe in me German church until tbe Urst Sunday In September. Mrs. William Norlhrup, ot Olenburn, Pa , is a guest of ber parents, Mr. and sirs. A H. Mown, ai laiiou, ior a wook. Mra. Julia Illoomer and dauzbter. of new York, wbo have been In Uawiey tbe past two weeks, returned to tbe city Sunday at- ternoon. trnoon. Oliver IL Urlnzle. of Boranton. msnartr ot tbe Boranton lirancb nor ot tbe Colum bia Uraphophone Co., was a caller at Hln bam'a insuranoe oiuuo last rrmaj.iw noon. BvDROPiiouia is in reality so rare and to terrifying that ita symptoms and treatment are littlo understood. Asa matter ot fact, tho commonly acoepted expression ot madness in a dog is often misleading. Tbe real maa dog does not sbun water, as it is said. Un tbe con trary, mad dogs often rush, to tbe wa ter and drink it eagerly, if they are abta to swallow. Tho mad dog dots not tiMtt at the mouth. It does not run amuck, snapping at everything In its path. What, than, aro tbo indications of tbo mad dog I To those familiar with aglvin dog tbe surest symptom and tbe ona whicb should oxoite closest attention la a distinot aud unaccountable change In tbo dog's diiposition a staid dog be coming exollabla and a frisky one dull. That condition does not necessarily mean rabies1, but It ia auspioioue, and If in addition tbe dog haa trouble tit (wal lowing as though it seemed to have a bone in us tnrosi oewarai xnavaos should be instantly tied up, because it it bo rabies It takes knit a day or two for ferocious instincts to develop. The unmistakable evidence, however, ot a dog with rabies la tbe stinky, whitish saliva which covers tho teeth and shows on the drawn lips. Tbe eyes glare and are red) tbe dog hsa paroxyemeof run ning fury, during which It barks hoarse ly, wbloh alternate with periodl Ot tem porary exhaustion. ,