The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 27, 1908, Image 1

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ttAce Next door to PoatOffloe.
ForaeW ootmptodby Hoe. W. U. Dlmmlck.
Honesdale, Pat.. April. 15w-
once over Port Ofno.
All legal bnitewi promptly attended to.
Honesdale, Jn. L Jl
Offloe Liberty Ull building, opposite Uio
Pott Offloe, Honeedale. Pa, Wyl
Patent ana t-enstons secarea.
Oflloe in the Court House.
Honeedale, Pfc. 7yl
IlGnnDUi, Poesh'a.
Special ana prompt attention given to tbf
olleotloa of claims. Office 0Tr Belf ' new
tore. Jl
OBoo M door Old Barings Bank building
Orer the Pott OD.ce, Honesdale
May X, lfw. '
HOBEODiLl, Pnnf'A.
At the office lato of Waller k Searle.
1 iwrrt nWW-AT-T.&W.
Bonesdale. Pa. Offloe orer Pott OBce.
Jsu.l.UM. Jl
Offloe orer Rolf's New Store.
Honesdale, Pa. Myl
Offloe - Mssonlo building, 2d Boor.
n. wniTwET,
Roar of Allen Bouie Honesdale, Pa.
Deo. 1, 1802. Myl
Offloe-lst Floor Old Savings Bank bulldlug
Honesdius - Pa. Ssyl
Offloe and Residence 1116 Church street
ppotlte Baptist Church. Telephone.
Offloe Hours 2-.00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to &00P at
Offloe t!8 Second street, formerly oocu
pled by Dr. J. J. O'ConnelL
Honeodale, Moron U, UCH.
lis w Malay Opium Onra
Being Distributed Free by a New
York Society.
Co-operating with missions in Malay
sia, the Windsor Laboratories of New
York have secured a supply of the won
derful combretum plant, which has done
so much to revolutionize the treatment
of the opium habit.
A generous supply of the new remod y,
together with full instructions for its
use, aad.Unitcd States consular reports
bearing;-' on the subject will bo Bent to
ony sufierer. To obtain a free supply
of thiarcmcdy and the consular rqxirts,
nddressWindsor Laboratories, Branch 23,
lJVEast 23tu Street. New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Ompo: 2nd floor Uasonlo Building, over
u. w. jauwin s urug siore, itonesaaie.
How Are Your Eves?
With a practical experience of mauy year
I am able (o make a careful, scientific exam
Illation of the eye. which will result In the
application of a nfona that will relieve and
help you. If you feel the need of aid fur
your eyes, aeiay is louy.
You are blind to your own Interest If you
neglect to take care of your eyes. It Isn't
every one who can properly lit you with
Klasses. and when vou cet'.them vou should
not think they will do, just because you see
a little better. You MUST know they are
exaotly right. We are headquarters for
opiieai kooqs oi Bll uinas.
All lenses dupllcatid and frames solde
on short notice, cheaper than elsewhere.
Post Qtnce Building llonesd ale Pi
TlitT New York Dailv Press
Week flav Edition tin $4 50
Honesdale uiikc, ear 1 50
Addreaa The CitUen, Honesdale, Pa
After June 1st, 1908,
9:00 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Here la Keller fur Women,
Mother Gray, a nurse In New York, dls
covered an aromatle, pleasant herb i-ure for
women's Ills, railed Australian-Leaf. It Is
the only ceitalu regulator. Cures female
weaknesses and llaekaobe. Kidney and
llladdirand Urinary troubles, At all Drug
Blsts or by mail Wo. Sample FltEK. Ad
dress, The MolbeUray Co., La R oy, N. V
or Tin
Honesdale National Bank,
At the oloie of bunneM, July IS, 1908.
Loani and Discounts 26l,81" IS
Overdrafts, secured and unsecur
ed 1 TS
O.B.Rondstoecureclrculatton, 65,000 00
Premiums on U. 6. Bond 2,800 00
Roods, securities, etc. l,1o.,Mn M
Banking-house, iumiture, fixtures 40,000 00
Due from National Banks (not
Rewire Agent) 3,577 M
Due f'm Btate Banksand Bankers H Ol
Due from approred reserve ag'le 112.Z7.1 88
Checks and other cash Items.... 9;X OT
Notes of other National Banks.. 100 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents 3 IN
Specie tbi.m 00
Legal tender notes.. t,80 00 R,I1J 00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer, 6 per cent, of circu
lation . 2.750 00
Total LW.'.Tea 01
Capital stock paid in 150.0no 00
Surplus fund 1&0.0UO to
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid es.o.11 10
National Hank notes outstanding M,' (HI
State Bank notes oiitstaudlng... Dun no
Due to other National Hanks 1 (14 :w
Due to State Banks and Bankers Ire n,"
Individual deposits subject to
check IM.VJ.I0I Ci
Demand certificates
of deposit 2J,al 00
Certified checks 'Mi on
Cashier's checks out
standing 2.811 M-I,47C,71 48
Bonds borrowed None
Notes and bills redlm-omited .... None
Bills parable including certifi
cates of deposit for money bor
rowed None
Liabllitiesother than those above
stated None
..t1,PtM,KI 01
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss
I, hdwln V. Torrey, Cashier of tin Hctics
dale National Bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the best of
my knowledge und liellef.
Subscribed and sworn to belole me this
20th day of July, WO.
Correct Attest:
J. (J. UllllffALiU
UK I'AHTNKKHIIII. Notice I- lure,
by given, that the pnrlnettii hcretolnre
existing between Kben II. Clara and t'hurlefl
P. Bullock, uuder the firm name of Clark .V
Bullock, has been dispolued by the death of
Eben II. Clark. All bill due the II nil rhould
be paid to the surviving pafiner, Cliailes P.
Bullock, who ill continue the buitueas un
der the Him name ot Clark & Bullock.
Honesdale, Aug. 10, IWi. 151.1
H. C. HAND, Presiatni
WM. B. HOLMES Vice President,
U. 8. SALMON, Cashier,
W. J. WARD, Ass't Caihler
After Mil nnvina IB Ittriely mMltcrot
Cultlv.tM the ttnbit. no matter how murll
you niHke It t. the one sure wy to hide
pendence. You will find courteous trentmnt und
wmple Mcurlty t the
Total Assets. - $2,680,000
SAVINGS DP.POSITH made on or be
fore the tenth day ot any month will draw
Interest from the II rat duy of that month.
INTKKKBT will be paid for all Calendar
mouths on moneys remaining on deposit
three Can ndar months or longer.
Small sares to rent In our IIUItQLAlt
8peclal attention given to MERCANTILE
Deposit may be mado liv mall.
H. C. TlAin, W. B. IIolmu, C. J. Smith,
A. T. Searle, F. P. Kimiile, W. F. Sutiiah
U. J. Cososn. II. S. Sai hon. T. II. Claiik.
Tim Csrd In Effect June 21st, 1908.
IS s
1100, lWir.J n l.ii
llnsNUts ..Ilniic kjw
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SPJ11M .MajntllYcl.
(tfthlOtfl ' ....Jermyn "
MtlOM " ..Archibald..
SfOlOlll ..Wlntoo.. "
S(sin7i ...rcokvuio... "
SJJiOli, ...Olriliant . "
IHDI0. " .liciinn ... "
6 ti 10 M .... Throon.w,
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Joio1LT...Mranuin ..Ar
AdatMOQ&l trains leavs carDondilo for Mav.
Bsid Ysrl at a.30 a. m rtiilr, ami p ra dally
fioept Bundar, Additional trains Iojvo May.
field Tard toT Cart)ODdile 0 88 a in daily aud fltt
p. m. dally except Buniay
3. 0. Aitntasoit, J. R, WersiT,
Tranlo Manafrer, Trarellntf Atrsot,
M Dearer sc., Hew York, 8cranton, l'a.
Estate or
Late of lloneslale. deceased.
All persons indebtd tosald estatenreno-
lineii to make immediate payment to the tin
deraicned: and tlioi(t havint; claims uirniniil
said eiitatennniotltled to present ttiem, duly
uitesiei, lor setlieiutMii.
Ilonesitale, Pa., July l, IWi. Lx'r
Lalo of l'roiuptnu borough, de'eased,
All persons indebted to said edtateare no-
tided lo make I mm eel I ill" pajmeiit to the
undersiRned i and those lim ine claims
against said estaln are notllied to present
tneni, auiy aitesiea, ior suitieiuent.
Administrator de bonis non.
cum testainetitn anuexo.
All pajments to be made and all bills to be
sent to Hald Comp'tny. trianton, I'a., or to
A. T ni-.Aiu,!'., Attorney,
13h0 llout.dule, I'll.
It will pay you to call at Hie
. finely equipped
11 South Main St.,
The little attacks of stomach trouble and
stomach disorders Hill UJdoubtedlr lent In
ohronlu dspeiisla unless nu take some
tblnic lor a sulllcient lime In slreuKlheii the
stomacnatm k'lteu a cnaiice to Ket well.
If you take riodul in Hie lirKintiniK the bal
attacks or nyii'pia win nu avoniu4, Hut
If vou allow Ihese llltle attacks to eo uri.
be 1fl It will take Kodol a louKcr tiiueU)
put your stoiuach in pood toudltlou UKaln.
uet a botllu of Kodol to-day. Sold by PHIL
aue iiruKKish
Trade In Deadly Drug.
After a long battle tbo pure food law
b on trial, and, whllo Its efTectlvcneix
la yet to la) proved, public opinion sus
tains It as a Jnst measure and one that
shonld bo n mended until It Is thorough
ly effective. Recent reports as to the
ve of opium and cocaine In this coun
try Indicate there Is also abnndant
missionary work to lx done In eradi
cating banefnl habits, which are of
comparatively recent modem develop
ment here, by regulating and restrict
ing the trade In drugs which foster
them. It U now declared that the Im
portation of smoking opium Into this
country has Increased over 250 per
cent tie last thirty years notwith
standing that our Chinese population
has decreased during that time. The
Importations were greater In the four
years from 1003 to 1007 by nearly a
million pounds than during the four
years immediately preceding. Statis
tics gatlicred in our great cities show
that there are ten white smokers of
opium to one Celestial given to thlt
habit Only 25 per cent of the products
derived from opium nro devoted to
legitimate Hes. rhyalclans report a
dangerous Increase In the use of the
drug by nerve wom men nnd women
who prefer It lo tnltsccn or alcohol.
Tho showing as to the Illegitimate
use of cocaine Is also startling. Re
cently the secretary of the New York
Medical society declared that unprinci
pled physicians foster the cocaine hale
It, knnulug that It lends to divers
physical Ills and hence lncrefl'ics their
calls from this !.ih of patients. This
Is a horrible charge, but there Is little
room to doubt that physicians nre
sometimes too ready to prescribe In
emergencies drugs that nro liable to
fusteti habits upon their users. The
ue of Apparently harmless drugi
makes the step easy to morphine and
cocaine. Stricter surveillance over the
retailers of drugs might check the re
sort to habit forming drugs by Uie
weak or the unwary. Some drugs nre
peculiarly tempting for those who sock
a present good nnd nre Indifferent to
future rvenlts. Sufferers nre often
unaware that some favorite remedy to
which they resort liecnuse It Is cheap
or agreeable contains a dangerous cle
incut All goes well until the habit !s
formed, nnd then warning conies too
late. The only safe wny to escape
wreckage of nerves and will throne'
ho drug habit Is to aold the step that
costs nnd not be misled by rellan, r
upon the so railed drug habit nntldnto
often only a swapping of evils.
Hunting Lions In n Palure Car.
Two women have Just lieen touring
the Jungle where Itoosctclt U cxpectei'
tj revel In "deeds of dcrrlng do" nnd
tell the world nil nlmut It at a dollat
n word. One of the women, nn Amcrl
can, has Just published a liook
takes, the reader Into the wild haunts
of zebras, gnus, giraffes, hyenas and
Hons In central Africa. The whole
trip was made In pnlaco ears nnd In
stoamlioatH, nnd oil the terrors of the
Jungle, except perhaps that lonely feel
ing when one Is nailed there by fate
were experienced.
One lion shooting described by tin-
writer Is n match for Roosevelt's liejr
slaying feat In the wilds of Louisiana
A huge lioness engaged In n race with
the train nnd when tho train pulled
up crouched In a clump of grass sev
enty f-t away. All the men on the
train rushed for their guns and looked
to their ammunition, and "no one wa
frightened" Is the nnlvo remark of tl."
traveler, to whom this scene was very
exciting. But the men were too slow
or too long disputing over the honor of
the first shot, and the lioness coolly
leaped across the trnck ladilnd the
train nnd disappeared In the Jungle
little later another lion was seen
close to the track near the station. It
only remains to Imaglno Roimolt on
tho train nnd all tho men giving way
to the mighty American hunter who
naturally must b the hero of his own
Hon nhixttlng stories In order to earn
his money.
Japanese illspntchea say that tho war
party controls the new ministry. That
Is unfortunate. In this country the
war party Is ri-trVled to certain now
paper offices, where It Is able to find
amusement without doing real hurt to
In tho opinion of moil authorities In It l Hie "heavier than air"
tljtng machine that coiil.ilus ;he prom
bo of nerlal inn Igatloii. but It nppears
to !o the piovlnco of the g.i bag to t- records In m-tnal HIkIiIs.
i:peiluients mndo recently In Ku
roio show that vegetable paper pre
t-trves the fii-hiiess mid ilavor of tMi
betler than loo, n pointer for tho Ice
The lalcsl h-tzln eplnoilu at WeM
Point rather unexpectedly rcMiltcd In
the hnzlugof tho recently matriculated
ecrctnrj' "f war.
.Ss It takes a boldler's weight In lea
to kill him, war airships will have t
carry weight If they nro to destro
l'ortunatclj for the bnblos, William
Is n name that ts lively to bo lu tyU
fur n good many years to come.
No man can ubj.x-t to being genially
nfldn-Khcd for nwhllo ns "Hill" when
there Is u pro-pent of exchanging the
title for "Mr. President."
Keep lu mind that It Is only by per-
latent effort lu tliu face of discourage
incut Unit liny of us ever d'v.s anything
that Is really worth while doing. The
fellow who gives up when ho U once
U-iten Is made of mighty poor Htuff.
Mr. Wh determination to reach the
age of V'UU j cars Implies that hu ex
peels to remain on good terms with
i-ovenil administrations In tho Chi
liewi government.
"How to Ito Iluppy Without Ilnilug"
might l n go.l title for a book to tie
Included In tho courses of study for
military and naval school.
Anolher AtncilcJii hulress Is to innr
ry it lord. i:xs.'ilenro In this lino evl
rtcnlly iIoob not teach anything but be
lated rvucnlnnce
flnghes' Commissioner Says
Charges Are Groundless.
Makes Statemtnt That Chairman and
Gceratary of Committee That As
sailed N.w York District Attorn. y
Confsss.d Their Iflneranee Also
Throws Out Die. 8hakinfl Charg.,
Saying the Attern.y C.mmltt.d No
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 23. Richard L.
Hand of Elltabethtown, who was np
Ktnted by Governor Hughes to take
testimony and report his findings upon
the charges filed against District At-
irncy William Travers Jerome of New
York county by a minority stockhold
ers' committee of the Metropolitan
Street Hallway company. In a report
submitted to tho governor decides that
not oue of the series of charges Is
proved and declares that all are dls
proved UHin tho evidence.
He recommends the dismissal of the
charges. A demand had been made
for Mr Jerotnu's removal.
Governor Hughes has not as yet act
ed uiion Commissioner Hand's report.
"My conviction upon the whole case.
says the report, "Is that the respondent
has been shown to have discharged the
onerous duties of his ofllce with zeal
and ability, having the public good as
bis motive, anil that no Incapacity, In
difference or neglect of duty has been
shown In auj' case."
Tho I'Oinmlsvloner sustains the con
ntlons of IHstrlrt Attornev Jerome
In evety charge, stating at tho conclu
sion of many of them that be could
find no neglect on the part of tho dis
trict attorney or any good reason
other or further action man that wuicit
was taken bj him. The charges in the
main accused the district nttorney of
alleged neglect of duty In not suffi
ciently prosecuting alleged fraudulent
acts of tho Metropolitan street and
other railway companies of New York
nnd also of the Insurance compaules
as developed by the legislative Insur
ance Investigation. Ono of tho charges
alleged misconduct on the part of the
llstrlct attorney In shaking dice in a
restaurant In Now York city On this
charge the commissioner says that, al
though the net Itself Is not criminal,
permitting It on the part of the ier-
sous lleoned-that Is, the proprietor ot
the roatuurant -la a crime. The com
missioner holds tlut there was no evi
dence Hint the proprietor know that act
was committed and that to hold bin
criminally liable would lie an absurd
perversion of the object of the law nnd
straining of Its language.
In his conclusions Mr. Hand
"What Information this commute,
may claim to hsvo had as lo the con
duct of t lie district al toritey. upon which
they have assumed to make these sorl
ons charges of Improper motive, abject
veneration of mere money and the pos.
sessors of money, neglect of duly, offi
cial misconduct, conspiring wlib crimi
nals, throttling prosecutions and de
feating Justice wo can only Infer from
the fact that Its chairman mid socio
tary encode their utter Ignorance and
seem to have signed such charges as
the counsel ssw lit to prepare without
real know ledge even of the content of
such charges mid In absolute Ignorance
ns to their truth or falsehood, and the
counsel himself Is forced to udmlt that
ho bad no greater knowledge or Infor
mation than tliey."
Major General's Wife Murdersd.
London, Aug. 2.1 The wife of Ma
Jor General Charles IMward Luard
was mjslerlously murdered In n des
olate wood near Seven Oaks, n short
instance outside London. No trace of
the murderer has been found, but tha
motive apparently was robbery, valua
ble rings having been taken from tho
woman's fingers.
Paducsh Loses a Propeller,
Washington, Aug. 23. - The Cnlted
States gunboat Pnducnb after leaving
Port nu Prince, Haiti, incurred an un
usual accident, losing ono of her pnv
pollers while off the Island. She wns
liound for New York nnd continued on
her way with oue propeller The Pndu
eah Is carrying condemned ammunition
to New York.
A Handom tshot.
"Mr. Clevolnnd," snld a New York
banker, "took much to heart the rev
elations uf our rich men's corruption.
Ho told me ouo day at luncheon that
If these revelations continued R would
be bnnl to name a multimillionaire
without naming a criminal.
"He snld that nn English capitalist
camo to New York last year with let
ters to tho greatest captains of Indus
try. Ho dined with ono of these cap
tains one night, nnd nfter dinner his
host's llltle son wns presented tu him.
"He was a fine, well grow n lad. Tho
Englishman patted him on tbo head
and said, by wny of a Joko:
" 'You are a dear llttlo fellow. I
hopo j'ouit grow up n better man than
your father.'
"The Englishman laughed at his
Joko, but the millionaire father looked
prnvo. And nfter tbo boy wos gone
tho father said In n heartbroken voice,
with tears In his eyes:
"'I Cj Indeed grieved that J'ou, sir,
a gentleman of tslucatton and rcflno
ment, should cast rvflecllons on my
character, and Hint, too, In tho pros-
enco ot my son. It Is truo that the
missing stocks w ere charged to rcy ac
count, but 1 was honorably acquitted
hv the '
Joyner's 6table Had Easy Victory In
Whirl Stakes.
Yonkers. N. Y Aug. 23. A. J. Joy-
nor had nn easy time winning the
Whirl stakes at Empire City Willi Gold
en Pearl. He had two entries In tills
event, nnd be went lu to win with
Golden Pearl. 1. Dugan, the Jockey.
had to pull Hessian back to allow tho
latter to iHsstme known as tho worst
of the two. Summaries:
Plrst Race. Ma I llrs'i Rooms, sec
ond: Hello Ktromo, third.
Second Race. -Trance, first: Royal
Captive, second; Tom Haywood, third.
Third Race. Woodcraft, first; Aster
d'Or, second; IVArkle, third.
Fourth Itnco.-Goldon Pearl, first;
Hessian, second: rrtrutto, third.
fifth Race..lolm E. McMillan, first;
Alabama, second: Itatsman, third.
Sixth Race. Trash, first; Golconda,
second; Molcsey, third.
Oamsa Playsd In the National and the
American Leagues.
At nttstiurs-Nw York 4. Pittsburg. 1.
rtatlcrl-s Wlltse and brtsnahan. Willis
ana Gibson.
Soeon.t Game New York. I; Pittsburg.
I. natterlt-s-Math'-wsftn nrel P.r-m!nn;
L.ln.M, Camnlts. louver and l'liels
At Chicago Chlcaso, 4. lroklyn. !
Batteries rfctster Frszcr. Overall and
Kilns; Wllhelm and llerprn
At Clnclnnatl-l'DllaiKlphli, 2. Cincin
nati, 1 Ilattrrfes Mccjulllan and Dootn;
Campbell and McLean.
At Bt Louis St. Louis. 3, llostnn, 2.
Hatterl'S Itsymond and Ludwlg. F rgj
son and Smith
w. 1.. pc vv L. r c.
New SoOcsT 4! .CM Cincinnati U t" 4V,
Pittsburg M 41 Iloston .. 43 CI HI
Chlcttjo.. si 47 DV) St Louis 41 70 37n
I'hlla'phla M 4 413 Ilrookljn. 4-1 03 .3uT
At New York St Ixiuls 4. New York.
I. Uatt.rl.s Waddell and Smith, llos-g
an3 Sweeney
Second Oame New York fl, St l.oil!s.
4. Batteries Chesbro and Klelnow; Pow
ell ami Stephens
At Philadelphia-Cleveland. 5 Phllndol
phtn, s. Batteries Lvlbhardt and lkuils;
Coombs, flchlluer and Povvinr
At Boston Chlcaso, C. Boston. 4. Bit
terlea White and W Sullivan: Wood.
Iteete, Crlscr and V Donohuc
At Washlnuton-Detrolt, t. Washington,
f Batteries Donovan and Schmidt, John
son and Street.
W. L. PC W. L. TO
Detroit.. 67 OuO Pruia'phlat! M 431
Bt. Louts 4 47 . 67 Boston.... U ID .47.1
Cleveland S3 4S M Wosh ton tt .!
Chicago... C3 M .Wt NwYorlc3'i 74 3.-7
New York's Oreat Baseball Victory.
Pittsburg. Aug. 25 Tbo Now York
Nationals won the double bonder with
the Plttuburg Plrotes. This gives the
New Yorkers n clear load of fifteen
points. At this singe of tbo race tills
seems to Justify New York fans claim
ing the pennant for 1IWS. Roth victo
ries were won by tho best baseball
over played in this city, tho first going
to New York by the score of 4 lo I.
the second 5 to 1. Mnthewson, YViltso,
Donlln, Doyle, Uresuahan und Sey
mour proved the particular stars of
both games for New York.
Dr. Laskcr Again Wins.
Duesseldorf, Aug. 25. Dr. Emanuel
Lnsker scored another victory In tho
series against Dr. Tarrasch of Nurem
burg for the chess championship of the
world after forty-two moves. Dr. Las
kcr has now won three games nnd Dr.
Tarrasch one.
The Ileal Amtrlcan Woman.
rrofessor ncrrlck's recent sweeping
Indictment of American women Is not
calculated to Increase the public re
spect for the fraternity which ho rep
resents. Only n small iwrcontago of
tho women of this country nro greedy
and Inordinately nmbltlous nnd withal
shameless In their greed nnd nmblllon,
Tho professor's remarks npply perhaps
to certain of tho swagger nnd smart
sets of the great cities who have boon
enticed from allegiance to the prevail
ing standnnls of taste and conduct by
vanity, n falling ns old as the human
Reports of the doings of women
which got Into tho news nnd society
press are n poor Index of the Ideals
and tho morals of American women.
Every aggregation of women where
tho serious Hfo of the day Is being
manifested contradicts tho notion that
Uio sex la far gone tn frivolity, insin
cerity and coarse pclflshncss. Consid
ering tbo freedom of action allowed to
young women by their guardians nnd
to all women by the common consent
of society, tho discretion and modera
tion observed by tho mass of Ameri
can women are not only noticeable, but
commendable. They give tho He to that
pessimism which pays that lltwrty In-
rarlably runs to license.
All over tho country women munlier-
Ing many millions are devoting their
tlmo and their talents to tho noblest
pursuits which nro fostered lu this nge.
If they were asked to practice tho per
du! economies and grinding Industries
of their grandmothers they would do It
and succeed. It seems nt times In
this matter of tnorul conduct ns though
the great body of women make It n
point to distinguish themselves before
tho world ns tho vn- oppo lies of
those weak nnd fooll whose
doings furnish texts foi .iiithors
of sensations. It must I o admitted
that far too many young women who
might Is) better itceuplisl nro Inclined
to Imltnto tho swagger element Hut
tho digression Is brief mid really
nmounts to no more than the sowing
of u crop of "wild oits" that nro not
very wild cxi-ept In iipai-aiieo. Hut
for every oue of those inlsguldisl girls
there nro ten whoso Meals nro of Hi
noblest nnd whoso performance is lu
all respects conscientious, fruitful and
prnlsoworthy. Tbo glory of the nn
tlon Is Its women. Iss-.inso our Instltu
lions foster a tioblo typo of woman
hissl. If Professor llerrlck would
find out tin' fnets nnd learn the roil
occupations of our women bo would
know that a larger projioitloii of tin1
female sipulatlou ts ciigigcd In ac
tive pursuits lu America than In any
other civilized land.
There Is no proof of camels ever ex
isting In n wild state.
The czar of Russia and tho prost
dent ot Franco dined on board of a
battleship during tho recent mooting,
and of courso It was n French ship-
Tbo Russian fleet hasn't licen fished
out of tho sen where Togo left It.
I bellevo In equality of opportunity
for every man to tdiow tbo stuff that
ts In him, but when It conies to re
ward let him get what be Is ablo to
get with tho opportunity open. Presl-
dant Roosevelt -
Harry Hill of Paterson Ar
rested In New York.
Alleged Brother ef Politician and
Grands-n of Silk Manufacturer Stat
ed by Police to Have Confessed to
Various Burglaries His Bail Was
First Placed rl $!0,0(W Prominence
ef Family Kept Case Quiet.
Now York, An 23. Giving up more
than fi 'sl worth ot stolen Jewels,
Hurry Hill, statcsl to bo a brother of
f minor Congressman George Hill of
Peterson. N. J., and grandson of Henry
King, wealthy silk manufacturer of
that city. Iris tsinfos-ed to the iolleo In
Paterson that bo was a burglar.
IIIII, wtll dressed, prominent In Pat
erson. ki own n an all round good fel-
low aiel -ocictj man, who lias lived
like a lord all the twenty-flvo years of
his Ht'o, wis arrested by New York de
tectives in Ilroadvviij.
Case Was Kept Quiet.
Ilooause of the prominence of 1111141
family ami the di-slre to keep his ar-
st unlet until thole could be no donht
of his being tho richt man nothing
was known of the case for many hours,
lie was placed under $10,000 ball. HI
grandfather Immediately came for
ward, and upon the plea ot an attorney
the ball wns reduced to $2,tVm, hi 4
datives promising to produce blm
when wanted for extradition. The
surety was given, and Hill was re
leased. According to the police, he has now
confessed to several burglaries, lnclud
Ing the theft of Jewels valued at $1,
2ou from Mrs. Hutchinson nt 112 West
rorty seventh street, this city.
The police have learned that young
Harry Hill bad associated with a wo
man named Curtis, whose husband was
seut lo Auburn prison last year for a
theft of Jewels to the amount of $05,
i h mi from the Schwartz Jewelry com
New Yorkers ?M Pliiladslphians
Victims g! Hoidup.
Ibitto, Mont.. Aug. 2.". Ono slender.
stoop (shouldered highwayman, whose
mild blue eves tvvPiklcil through a
black mask partly hid bis peaked
features, bold up seven stagecoaches
In Yellowstone- parti ouljt n few, hillef
from the Old riillhfiil Inn. Several
of the totnlMs who wore roblnsl were
from Now Yoil; and Philadelphia.
Ho f.iruercil viytit) In clean cash
from the passengers bo lined up from
c.uh coach. I ii-'ii the small nanait,
who weighed Utile more than a
tvvelvo-j ear-old boy. capped the climax
by stealing one of the hoisos of tho
transportation company to escape.
Two troops of Pulled States cavalry
and a sound of government scouts ar
on his trail over the rough country be
tween Rig Springs nnd Ashton Sta
tion, for which. It Is believed, tho
bandit Is heading. '
Four Die When Train Hits Dull.
Eugene, tlii'., Aug. 2o. I'our persons
wore killed near here when the Cot
tage irove train of tho Southern Pa-r-ltle
sti-uilc n bull on the track nnd
wns piled up In the ditch. Among tho
seriously injured was Jonn trancu
Wllbilght of Pittsburg.
Cubans Nominate Menocal.
Havana, Aug. 2.1. Tbo national con
vention of tbo Conservatives nominat
ed by acclamation General Murlo Men
ocal for president and Rafael Montoro
for vice president.
Weather Forecast.
Partl.v cloudy; noitbeast winds.
Live Stock Markets.
CATTI.TI-Suppty llsht: market higher:
rholiv. f.iVul.M, prime, toSua6.2S; veal
inkr. tvnk. If.
HOdS- Hrei Ipls light; market lower:
prime lit-HVl. s nnd mediums. !4MatW;
In avy Jnrk(-is. iili. ye; osiH lorneia,
J.luui. C; piKS, JV2SnliV): rouu'hs, fcaS.
SIICUP AND LAMBS - Supply light:
niukrt st. -inly, prime vvetrura, 14 404 60:
tulls and common. 2.i3. lambs. 5.t0a6.
General Markets.
New York. Aua- 24.
mti:SKi:l POPI.THY - t'nehanged; killed fowls ihotce. ISHattc ; do.
for lo u 1. l.ille; old roosters, OV0.!
In irliy l.roJVrs, llu-ic; vvsUrn, do., 15a
1.1 VII pnt'LTHV-PIrm: fowls. HalSHe :
old i i .t rs. lne . for nu , h ekens. wultete.
I'i iTA'P ii:S-Soud ; choice, iwr barril.
tJJf.iJIo. fair to Kond. IIKnlCft
Ill'T'rnit-LTeanu-rv. 24c: ex
trns. 3'c , llrsls. aal!c ; state dairy.
poiMl lo iln st nvjnSJe ; process, specials.
Jla'-IV- . xtias roiiSiOo , imitation cream
ery, firsts, ltiiiai'ie . Indies, llrsls. ISO.
ii.i'.klni' Rim I.. N'o i. lo
t'lll'.nsi: Wnu full cream, specials.
!'.. i.l:o..- fjmev small, lie . fancy lArtfi
ll'.c k I in ilim- HallV ; skims. 14
I...HI..1 o.i-li1 !'".c : fine. ,ac
trn tlr'si.. s. .vac . linos, jnaLlo : sf'-i.ndj
t...... . .it., i. u rr..t, l' oh, rul No 1.
r.n.l ."-1 pal?. .' No 2. I3'i"l'-' - ch.'ka.
t'.r, r. frlc.r iter. Ill sis ibiil'se . sec-
i i , i o
;ill.K-The wholesale price Is 11.(1 per
si qualt can.
Actor knocked on the head with a
flail by n "super." Supers nro gittlng
to bo worse than dramatic critics.
Roosevelt So Describes Death of Am
bassador Von Sternberg.
Oyster Hiy. N. Y-, Aug. 2.Y-Vhon
Pieslileiit Itoosovtit leaiiiod of the
death of Ambassador von Stornburg nt
Hi-ldellicrg (ieriuaiiy. be sent tho fol
lowing message to the Herman charge
d'nlTaiios nt lloveiloy I'linns, Mass.:
"Am sluuked mid glievedut the news
of tbi (loath of the ambassador. Ha
was not only my Intimate personal
nieiul nnd one of the most fearless,
sincere nnd loyal men 1 ever unit, but
also ii diplomat of signal ability, who
served lieiiii.iuy Willi fervent patriot-I-iii
nnd jet who showed such Intelli
gent good will for America that It
would bo dllllciill to overestimate the
value of what bo did In strengthening
and lulnglng eloper the lies of filend
ship and good will between the two
"I deeply regret his loss for the sake
Of tbo JH.'ulu of tbo Uulb-t sjtuios,"
. -s, .-V-v j
sTreo Turkey's Ambition.
We can fnncr that wo boo the TurV
swelling "hi, Ch,s,t with pride" nnd
wowing up his muscle" as n sjmliot
f valor when reading ih wonts nf
Mundjl Rey, the Turkish consul gen
eral, as he speaks of the new constitu
tion proclaimed by the sultan. One of
the first things, according to Mundjl,
will lie the downfall of foreign Influ
ence. The whole country Is the "sick
man," not slmnlv tho sultan. It,, snvs
that German predominance In com
merce and industry In Turkey must tie
checked and England dispossessed In
Tho new constitution cuarantees tho
people free speech, a free press, n rep
resentative legislature, and a reformed
Judiciary, with ministers of state re-
eponsiuie to the people. Rut whether
this concession will elevate Turkey to
rank as a world power may be ques
tioned In rsplto ot Mundjl Bey'a enthu
siastic prediction to this effect. The
population of the cmulro Is made un of
divers elements, nnd they are not a
nappy ramily. rUrc blooded Greeks
nnd Jews abound and havo irreat infln.
ence. Then there are Italians, Kurds,
Lopts, Slavs, Croats, Bulgarians nnd
Aiuanians, besides the ever unhappy
Armenians. The Albanians are vorr
powerful In Turkey. Albanian wo
men are handsome, and the men nre
brave, nnd n German traveler has de
clared that they have the lost heads In
l-urope. Turkey's military Ideals come
from the Alhanlans, w ho seem to hold
the key to the situation nt present.
Albanian soldiers have boon the sub"
tan's reliance, and It was In nnsvvcr
to their rebellious attitude that ho
granted a constitution. The Albanians
might rule Turkey If tho other races
would agree. This thev will not do.
and as these valiant sons of the hills
have always been first In their own
country In spite of the sultan's edicts
tney will not lake second place In a
transformed Turkey; hence the ih
iiucal millennium will not eomo soon
to Turkey even with a constitution to
help It along.
America Exploits tho World.
Practically no hostility to Ameri
cans or American Institutions," was
tho message which Darwin P. Kings
ley, president of tho New York Life,
brought from Europe after a tour cov
ering all countries. American machines
are found In every city and through
out the agricultural districts. Even It
Spain he found Americans cordially
welcomed, whatever the errand.
Mr. Klngsley attributed this cordial
feeling ot Europeans for Americana tc
n general recognition over there ot tie
Increasing Importance of the United
States. Great things are expected of
us In the way of government Improve
ment, and, whllo there Is criticism. It
Is done In a kindly way. And It would
be Impossible for Europe to Ignore our
Importance vera she supposed to bo
envious or Jealous. Great Britain, Ger
many and France take heavily ot out.
cotton, and Italy and Spain buy in
lesser quantities. These countries take
our grain and animal products, also
our live stock, which Is even moro
widely distributed, reaching Asiatic
Russia, tho Pacific countries and South
Africa. According to the World'B
Work, this country contributes one
fifth ot the wheat, one-fourth of the
hops, one-third of the corn, two-fifths
of tho meat, nearly one-half the oil
cake and oil cako meal, almost one
halt of tho leaf tobacco, two-thirds of
tho cotton and four-fifths of the cotton
seed oil to International commerce. In
our comfortable position as world pro
vider wo con be Independent of for
eign opinion. SU1I, It la better to com
mand respect than fear.
The Auto's Trailing Odors.
Tho actions of some of tho park
boards In largo cities tn barring 111
smelling autos from tho park drives Is
not really tho bordshlp It might seem.
Machines should not send out clouds
of unpleasant odors, for when they
are properly managed the nuisance
from this nourco Is but slight In the
open It would scarcely bo noticed.
A llttlo pressure upon the owners of
machines will causo them to use extra
care. The smoke and the smell are
duo to carelessness or Incompetence,
and owners of machines may find that
If they force their chauffeura to handle
their motora properly In compliance
with tho demands of the law they will
get better results from tho same
amount of fuel nnd also savo In the
wear of the machinery.
In homes vvhue the stork Is thought
less enough to leave girl babies this
jcar It might I well for the parents
to remember that tho na mo Wllhel
mltia will help some In showing their
A scientist has lust returned from
Canada, where be "canned" over 100
Indian songs In tlio grnphophono.
They will provo Just tho thing for tho
man who cordially hates his neighbors.
it. .(.rots .Itumn Is turning Its nt
lontlon to agriculture are likely to lie
regarded by Mr. Holon as mere strat
egy to divert attention.
Tho way of the transgressor Is hard.
principally tiecouso tho authorities'
won't let htm have bis own.
Tbo enthusiasm of the reformers In
Turkey Is commendable, but the rest
of tho civilized world knows tint tin'
Ttuks have n king nnd bitter road to
travel before they roach tho goal of
their political ambitions.
Senator Allison w as perhaps tho most
tinlshcd type In American public life
of that unvarying urlwnlty which la
frequently as resistless as the most
energetic and nggresslvo demeanor.
Students nt West Point nnd Annapo
lis must lm n little disappointed be
causo Mr. Roosevelt did not Insist on
some sort of n "boys will bo lioys'
plank In the Chicago platform.
Even MlnlRter Wu's recipe for living
200 years Is not going to help much
ro long ns people who can't swim per-
Mat In going Into the water.
So the great German emperor, w
lord and awlnger of the mailed fist
known only by his mustach.
eeble Old Father Accuses Jt
sepfi Ross.
New York, Aug. 23. "Where's rnr
little daughter, you Tlltatnl" cried fee
ble old Philip Magreno to Joseph Rota.
Ion vc stolen ber awayl And Where's
my money?" and he sprang at the
young man's throat.
Ross had Just come down the steps
of his home, 302 East One Hundred
and Fifth street, to go to Orange, N.
J., when the old man, who had been
watching the bouse nearly nil night,
ran nnd seized him.
I want him arrested!" cried Ma
greno to Policeman McGownn. "He has
my little daughter hidden tomawherel"
Magreno said lie lived at 63 Prua
street, Orange, and that his sixteen,
year-old daughter Marie bad been go
ing out with Ross.
She went out with the young man
two days ngo," said the old father.
and she never came back. Then I
looked around my house and missed
Ross was locked up. For "dun 81lencer.
Springfield, Mass., Aug. 25. The
first oltlclal test of Hiram P. Maxlm'i
gun silencer wns made by officers sta
tioned at the United States armory
here. The test, It Is said, proved the
claims ot the Inventor. The device
wns attached to the regular army ri
de. It was found that white the dis
charge ot the unequipped rifle la audi
ble T,7in yards, with the silencer this
distance was cut down to 1.500 yards.
Hold Girl Mormon Converts.
Iloston. Aug. 25. The local board of
Immigration Inspectors held a special
session nnd further Investigated the
cases of alwut n hundred Mormon wo
men converts who arrived on board
the steamship Republic. As a result of
the examination forty girls were held
for further Inquiry, and Margaret and
Catherine Roa will bo sent back (0
their father In Liverpool.
It Means st Ruth.
Postmaster General Meyer, discuss
ing the new two cent letter rate to
Great Britain, said that It would enor
mously Increase the postal boslness.
"The mall bags will fill quickly when
this rata goes Into effect," said Mr.
Meyer. He smiled. "If such rota
ot business had attended on the Nolt
Chucky postofOce the old Nola Ohocky
postmaster's ways would hare escaped
"Some years ago an old fellow was
appointed postmaster of tha small Til
lage of Nola Chucky. A number ot
weeks passed, and the NoU Ohackhtna
and their friends began to complain
about the malls. And :U wonder. The
postmaster. It seemed, had sent out
no mall since his entrance Into osfiee.
"An Inspector, tnTeatlgaUng the taaxv
ter, pointed to tho hundred or more
dusty letters that the postmaster bad
kept by him and said sternly:
"'Wby on earth, sir, didn't you let
these got'
"'I was waltln',' said the old man.
'till tho bag got full.'"
Mr. Gladstone's Divinity.
At a reception held In a great halMn
England some years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Gladstone were honored guests. Dur
ing the evening It happened that Mr.
Gladstone was In a gallery directly
nbovo tho place In the parquet where
Mrs. Gladstone was chatting with soma
ladles. In tho courso of their conver
sation a question arose which the la
dles could not scttlo satisfactorily.
Finally one satd:
"Well, there Is one above who knows
all things, nnd eomo day be will make
all things plain to us."
"Yes, yes," replied Mrs. Gladstone,
"William will be down In a minute,
and ho wtll tell us all about it"
New York Fugitive, Caught In
Jersey, Escapes.
Hackensack, N. J., Aug. 2B.-For a
short time William Monroe, wanted
for assault and lnccdlarlsm at Ireland
Corners, N. Y was In the hands ot of
ficers from New York and who were
aided by bloodhounds, who came hare
to arrest him.
Monroe was found walking along
a road and gave the officers but a short
chase. Apparently submitting willing
ly to his captors, be was not clesely
guarded nnd while being led by a
grain field made a break for the cover
afforded by the grain.
Tbo nlncers emptied their revolvers
to bring blin down, but failed. The
authorities are now working with the
ollleers from Now Yoik state tn an ef
fort to run blm down with blood
bounds. To Investigate Stock Selling Methods.
New York. Aug. 2.". At n sieclal
meeting of the governing committee of
the New Yolk Stoik Exchange Imme
diately after the close of the market
a resolution was adopted providing for
the appointment by II. II. Thomas,
president of t he exchange, of a commit
tee ef five for the purpose of conduct
ing an Investigation of the transac
tions of last Saturday on the floor of
that Institution. Tho transactions are
said to have been largely "wash" sales
-that Is, flctltloiw sales-tor purely
gambling purises.
Bryan In Rochester 8spt. 18.
RulTulo, Aug. 25. State Cbalrmjn
William J. Connors announced thafbe
bad received word fiom William J.
Ilryan accepting an Invitation to spesk
In Rochester Sept, 1(1. The Democrat
ic state convention will be held tn
Roihester Sept. 15 nnd wl'l probably
ismtlnue two days. In this event Mr.
Ilryan therefore will speak on Ibo
night the .convention will close Rs pro
tvtsllngs. '
?:n Stirs' Far Convict Leasers,
antn, (la., Aug, 45. The prison
' commission of Georgia will Ihs severely
cenaartM In the report of tbo special in
vestigating committee of the legisla
ture, which has been engaged for the
past five weeks In probing the convict
leasing system nf the state. There will
lie no Impeachment of the members.
Netthsr will tb ---djslon be sbol-