TJ.E HONESDALE CITIZEN : THUBSDAY MORNING, CENT A WORD COLUMN. LOST Id or near Hooodd. on Sunday, Inn IKth rMrhnnrtfllft HofUllml CUM Tin. Finder will please leare It at Tnr Cmzr ouce. All nrllcf BulliJT are hereby nolB that blJi will pe receive! at p "-"""? latifV ollm Hondl. until iv a. jj. un it ian. for the .coniirui! tion or ciitiorete- abutmsnu. makine the nil and ewtlnx an Iron urUce over the i r-k IbatcrnMei thiroad near too otu'e of J .m Iifimh. Silin townihlp. on the rosd from Ariel tn Ledeedale. Iron now on lue around. I'lamanl ipoltl-ationi may i.e mpn hi inn i.uinui ntvuci - JLVT IlECKlVfill A carload of ll?bt ai.rt bavy lumlter wasons wnn nir-""- It. BAT- wine lire. m Ffn j ir TIN Waymarl, I'a. lSwl FnnHALE-A fwond hand phaeton. In pood rmiditlon. Inquire at No. 3"? fifteenth itreet. Honeidaie. A floe amorlmpm of Sown Doom and Window tk-wnai u. wain Ileal crude of Portland Cement and Hewer Pipe at 0. Watti'l. u WALL I'AI'KIl, liorden nd artlitlc dee orat'on. In treat variety, and of the latest pallerm. I'nlntine an( iwiier hanclne In the belt nyle. JOHN OKItltV. 12.7 ly lu rry Vltuv. Personal and Impersonal. Header of Tne Crrizes, doos your copy have a penny stamp attached I If ho, it denotes that you aro in arrears for a year or moro. Kindly remit bal once due, and th 1 1 the pootal laws will permit us to omit the stamp. 3 jo. W. K-iinp. tho wall-kaown Erie cjadur-or, bt! sill nil n;a. sad hindsoms rcildensi io Eut Hjaesiala, to Mm. Ebaaba'.h Dirbii of thtt tin a. Coastdera'.ion, private Mr. Kaapp and family aro soon to remove to Koroell, K. Y. .V laro bilboa pHiii over Uoaos dab las', rfjadiy aftcraioa, at a great heiebt anl eiine rapidly north. It was thought to bj occupiod. Pennsylvania now his .113 miles of Stato roads in operation, and 325 more mile-) under contract or noarly completed. Olypbant it to have an "Old Home Week" from Sept. ?tb to tbo Htb, to celcbrato tbo Suth anniversary of coal shipment from that lively town. The Uoneedalo Fire Department, Alert liook and Liddcr Co., of East Uoneedalo, and Texas No. 4 Chemical Engine Co. will niiririnntn in the pmAt narAde no Thurn- nr. rteriL. uiLn. A neighboring exchange says : The editor of a country paper received tho following query: "Can you tell me what the weather will be next month I" In reply ho wrote, "It is my belief that the weather next month will be very much liko your subscription." The in quirer wondered for an hour what the editor was driving at, wnon no happen ol to think of tbe word "unsettled." Ho went in tho next day and squared bis account. Tho National Encampment of the O. A. R. will bo beld at Toledo, Ohio, from August 31st to September Sth. Tickets from Honcsdolo, via Srio, to Uuffalo, and thenca by boat to Toledo, and return, tit 80; all rail toTolodoand return, (17 70. For sale on and after Friday, Auc 28th. Joseph Yarns, aged 26, of Farno, Clinton township, was, Inst Friday, committed to tho county jail by Justice of the Peace. Hobert A. Smith, of this borough. Tbo prisoner, who w.n mar ried flvo years ago, appears to have mado an unsatisfactory choice in bis selection of a wifo, and about four years ago tbo pair aspirated. Eveotually th; young man returned to the noma of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam 33 W. Yarns, who livo on "The Island" in While Oik pood, CUntoo township. For somo timo, according to tho statement of the family, m has basa ehiwiog signs of a disorders J mini, uad o.viday las; wojk, taking xpecial umbrage at a neighbor ing farmir who hud bucu en.igaJ to do some work on the placa, be picked up a pet trick cat, and apparently imigintnz that ba had tho obnoxious enemy in his clutches, toro tbe poor beast asunder. Tho next day, it is alleged, he told bis mother that in his opinion it was time for bis father to dio also, and that he ought to ba treated similarly to the cat The elder Mr. Yarns then sought tbo alvicoc f Dr. II. C Noble, of Wnymart, .and o tills eugeoslhn the young man was brought tn lionnsdale on Friday, with a viow to tbs oxecution of tbe pa pers necessary to securo bis admission to an iusano asylum. lie was taken beforo tbe justice, but some question arising as to tbe legal courso of proced ure io such caeoa, no formal complaint was made; but, on tbe personal state ments of tho parties interested, he was sent to tbo county jail for restraint and safe keeping. On Monday morning Dr. Nobloand poormaster V. W. Hopkins, with the father of tho young man, came to Uoneedalo expecting to secure his immediate release and removal to an in Sino hospital on tho certificates of two physicians and tbe concurrence of tbe Clinton township poor board. Thetr application was denied, howevor, the eberifl being instructed by counsel that nothing further could bo done until tbe roiuru w iuwq ui juogo t'uray, ana toe action of a committeo tie lunatico in quirendo appointed by bim. This view is vigorously contested by Dr. Noble and others interested in the case, who contend that tho young man, not being charged with any criminal offense, can not lawfully bo confined in the county jail merely because of a disordered mind, Ififcul should bo sent to an institution where he, can ba properly treated. JjhtiKuJJy ofcrnt'r whilo fish ing lu LtUo Henry, at il . iwood, last Friday, was fortunate enough to cap ture a Liko Erio catfish that was thirty two inches in length and weigbod six teen and one-quarter pounds. Tbe real estate of the late Clifford L. Chapman, late of S)uth Canaan, comprising a dwelling, birn and sixty- seven acres of land, was sold at or pbaaa' court sale, Aug. Htb, to Frank B and Marian Jooej. coaaidaratioo, tn.wnj If Lyman H. Howe's Lifeorama, to be seen in tbo Ly rio Theatre on Wednee day, Aug. 20, 193, bad nothing clso to rocommend it, there would bo nttrac tion all eufllcicnt in its variety. Under his guidanco the audienco is taken on a marvelous and exceedingly interesting sight Bociug trip, ombraciog a visit to Naples, Kome, bistorio India, and ado ligbtful tour through Savoy, France. Expert Australian axmon and rough riders contribute a stirring picture of strenuous Hie in tno anupoars, ana uc een tbe moro serious and instructive many of a really comic nature . - . L ....... i .1 I . V. and old. iso gallery sale. All li rcsorved. A most unpopular off! cer la Ocncrol j Humidity. Under his rule men rwi as rags. Women refuw to wear corsets and much lingerie Childran are cross and unwilling. Cits stretch Hit out oa tbo floor and refusj to move. Dogs gasp and pint in tho shade, refusing even to follow a butcher wagon, ine pUoo won't play. The doors won't close. Tbe potatoes won't boil mealy. Too bread gets wet. The crisp pretxels are as dough. Th shales refuse to roll up. The newspipjrs ara dimp. Print ers' rollers won't takciak. Horses droop. Fishand msit'ooilina few hours. The postman is lata. The policemtn never shows ud. Tbe windows stick. Tbe typewriter ribbin blurs. The siws rust. All the carpenter tools are dull. Noth ing wantato do as natur.i intn lei it Wherefore and why is Qjnornt Humid ity! Whito Haven has n biroagh ordi nance restricting automobiles to a speed not exceeding six miles an hour, unicr heavy pamlty, and it fines are not p.iid within forty eight hours ten days' im prisonment is added, with confiscation of auto until all claims are settled Uonoslalo's spoed limit is much more liberal, but generous as it ts it is with out doubt frequently exco-jiad. That arrests for violation) of tha local ordi nance have not already bacn mtde ii- duetothe difficulty of filing tbe cxtct rato at which tbo machines are travel, inz without msisurel aai mirkai dic ta new bsing established, within which ibierratiansmiy ba mils. Toil troublu my b) remittal, howarar, ani who ) il is, reaklast driver-i miy expje. to take thscoasiq jencasof thiir durcrJ of the borough laws. A well writton article occompiny- iog a picture of Hugh A. I.tocastcr in tbe IIcniM of August II h, states tbt Mr. Lancaster's father, ItizharJ Lin- caster, after filling nearly every elec tion offlCQ in Wayne county, was ntxt elected a member of the S'.ato L?gila turo at narrisburg, wbcro be served over four years." This, if true, is news to moat Way no county people Thomas J.llubb.-ll was the meml-or for this coun ty io ltil. and F. M. Crane in tsit. Mr. Lincastcr's tctm coming between, could only hava ben fjr ooa ycir, that of IbVZ. With tbo exception of bis term as eherid. beginning in 1SI0, we hare uu knowledgo that Iiicbard Lincistcr ever held any other office than that of it-preecntulivc. It was his official rec ord as sheriff that it was deemed boAt to have legalized by an act of the Logislu- ture. Like Como is Qllod with summer gunsts, and city people arc turned away every day. Tbe greater proportion ol tha many large lakes in Wayne county are destined to becomo great resorts for plei-uro seekers. The Dal. and Hui C). is now opar- tting mechanical elate pickers in sev eral of its collieries in and near Wilkes- Barre. Oi.e of tbs machines with twelve boys does tho work of 300 ooys. rnousaof these pickers will doubtless be extended to alt the other collieries nf this company, as well as other corpora tions, the invontion proving a success. Thero will bo a large apple crop in Wayne county, Ibis fall, and this re minis us thit Pennsylvania stands sac ond in tbe list of States growing apples. Harold Kranli, son of Mr. and Mrs. deary Krantr, of Cirbondile. slipped ill fell oa tha siiawalk near hU boma. oa faursdaylist, and sustained a broken wrist. The SS'.h annuil parade and inspac tioa of tbe iloaeslalo Fire Dapirtmaot rill take plao oa Thurslay, A'U. 27th, with Alert Hook and Ltdder C and Cexaa No. -1 Caemical Co. as guas'.s. The lloucslalo Hand and the Mtple City Dram Corps will furnish music for tbe parade in tho morniog, and Sinner's rchestra for the picnic and dance in BjU'vua Park during tho afternoon and evoaiog. Tno first annual re-uaioa of the Olvur family will b bald in tha grove o! Alfred U OUcr, E m Placa. on Friday, Aug. 2sth. Officer Canivan has relieved tbe community of eleven worthless curs during the puet week. The Bhoam-ikers' exauraiou from Uonesdate to Like Lodoro, on Tu csd&y, was well patronizad, no loss than 1,1'J5 tickets being sold at tho union station. From the Scrantoo Tribuoo of Aug- 13-.h. 'While it is comptratively recantly the weather observation station was es tablished in this city md tbo paoplo of Saranton have beou furnished with ac curate data concerning tbe woather, the liltlo town ol Ui berry, la Wayne coun ty, bus for forty-eight yoars b;ua sup plied wun mis iniormation through tae instrumentality of Theodore Day. one of its public spirited citizans. For al most ball a century ur uay has care fully observed the cbangos in tempera turo, measured tbe ratufall and gaugod tbe wind at Dyberry. At the outset bis own sitisfaction inspired Mr. Day to perform these duties. Later he was encouraged by tbo weather bureau and appointed quasi weather observer. All these years Mr. Day has kept a careful record ol his observations and he is now able to ascertain at a momodt's notice extctlywnat the temperature was on any specified day forty-eight years ago Every month tbe Honeslalo papers pub lish tbo summiry of his oosorvations for tba preceding month. Mr. Diy is now well advancai in years, but bis weather observations continue to inter est htm just ax they did when be began them while a young man. Owing to tho tremendous demands tho fund for tbo pamenl of bounties upon tha scalps of noxious animals ap propriated by the Lgislaturo of V.M7, has been exhausted in only one-half tho time which tho sum was expected to cover. Last week Auditor ucneral Young was confronted with bills amounting to 22,U7U and found but 12,347 remaining in tho iW.OOO fund. and tbe bills from forty-throe counties bad to ba pro-rated, each county receiv ing 10 and a fraction per cent. Tbo ap propriation made last year was f50 (KM, of which (1 was ofleroi for a wildcat, (2 for a fox and f 1 ouch for minks and weasols. Thero was a tremendous rush for tbe money from almost ovory coun ty and ono man named Qwopo, living in Huntingdon, roceived 1, 50u at one time. In other counties hunters turned in and mado a good living hunting down tbe proscribed animals. Tho Legislature fixed January and June as the time for turniog in tbe scalps and when tbo payments were made for tbe first month of Ibis year they vory near ly exhausted tho fund. Tbo bills turn ed in by counties cannot be paid in full, only 10 per cent, being allowed, and they will have to look to tbe next Leg islature for reimbursement. It a bill is passed to meet tbe deficiency, (100,000 will bo recommended for tbe purpose, Mrs. Margaret (Murray) Leonard, widow o! Micbaet L-ooard. who met his death four years ago by falling from a load of hay, ended her life on Wednes day morning of last week, August 12th, by swallowing two ounces of carbolic acid, at ber home in Canaan township, n short distance from the outlet of Lake Lodoro. Mrs. Leonard retired at her usual hour on Tuesday evening, but in a very despondent mood. In the early hours of the day she had eoemcd more than ordinarily bright and hopeful, but in the afternoon became depressed, and told other members of tbe household that she "could not live longer." Aa. as had often declared that ber life was not worth living no particular woight was given to ber words on this occasion but when ber daughter Mary arose in the morning, Mrs. Leonard was found lying dead on a couch in the sitting room, an emDtv carbolic acid bottle clearly indicating the means adopted for nutting an end to ber life. The poison bad been purchased for tbe prep aration of a wash to keep Dice from at." noy iog the cattle, and bod been in tbe bouse for some time. Tbe suicide bad been afilicted with a acinous stomach trouble for some years, and bad beeu treated br different physicians with but little relief. To case herself of some of the burdens of life she sold her farm shortly after the death of ber husband for t3,3"U, investing a portion of the proceeds in a smaller place, located far ther in the woods. She soon repented of tbo change, and fcllintoamelancholj inood, which was no doubt agravated by her ph steal ailmect, and resulting fiddly in such mental derangement as t o lead ber to self-destruction. Uaroner Dr. U. IS. Scarlce, who woe summoned after learning tbo circumstances attend ing tbe death of Mrs. Leonard, decided that an icauest was unnecessary. The unfortunate lady was a natwe of Cherry Kidge township, and ber forty-eight years of life were spent there and in Canaan, where she was beld in tbe high, est respect. At the ago of eighteen she was married to Michael Leonard, and and has left a family of five children. Mrs. Elizahctb Collins, of Carbondale Katberino, of Hooesdale, and Mary, Margaret and John at home. She is alto survived by ber mother, Mrs. Hugh Murray, a brother, John, end three sin ters. Mary, Kate, and Mrs. Joseph Mor gan, of Cherry Ridge. The funeral sert i cos wcro beld on Friday last. A saw mill owned by W. J. Cobb, and located Bomo two miles from naw- ley, was destroyed by Ore on tbe night of the 12;h, together with a quantity of lumber and mine props, catching in somo unknown manner. There was a small Insurance. Thursday lost was tbe twentieth an niversary of tbe big Erie wreck, a short iisUneo west of Sboholo, which oc- cuned on Monday, August 13, 1883 Owiag to heavy rains a landslide baa taken place, covering tbe track with aarth and rocks. Train 64, an east- oou-id freight, ran into the mass, the engine being thrown over on to the ves -bound track and four cars being wrecked. No. 3, the west-bound express, was nearly due at that point and a brake- man of tbe wrecked train took a lantern and tried to signal the flyer, but was too late. No. 30 engine ran into the loco motive of No. 84, and then rolled down the eighty feet embankment to tbe river's edgo, followed by a stock car, : mtaiuiog seven toenBno running horses oelooging to Fred. Qebbardt and Mrs. Lanlry, "tho Jersey Lily," a baggage car, mail car, smoker ana one day coach. Five passenger cars, including thtea Pullmans, remained on the track. The cars which went down tbe bank took Ore, and the passengers were res cued with great difficulty, about forty being injured. John Kiosilla, engineer of No. 3, was scalded about tbe face, and Alexander Newman was killed. Nine trainmen and other employees on No.-3 were injured. Of the crew of No. S4, Engineer M. F. Fritz, who now lives io Uonosdale, and runs trains 30 and 1 1 r. botween this place and Port Jervie, was injured about tbo bead and face; fireman Uagan had both arms broken, and conductor Long's back was injured. All of tho horses, estimated to bo wortb (3M ooii, were burned to death or badly iojurcl with the exception of two. Some of tho most seriously iojurod among the passengers and trainmen were taken over tbo river to Barryville for treat ment, but most of them were removod to Port Jervis hospitals. TheSaranton baso ball team, which thus far for tbo season had bell the leading position in club standing in tho Naw York Stato League, was reduced to escond placa on Wednesday of last week, Binghamton becoming tbe top nolcbers, their percentage now being iiingbamton, COS; Scran ton, C -Every malo citizan who is other wise qualified to vote must be register ed on one of tbe fall registration days. Vnouo days aro Tuosday, Sept. 1st; Tuoe d ty, Sept. 15th, and Saturday, Oct. IT'.h. Tha voters should bear these dates in mind. No man can vote at tbe Presidential election unless bo shall be ri'gisloredthis fall, no matter how often ba has been registered in tbo pas'. Every voter must register at least once a year, and tbe timo for registering is i,i tba fall. As ovcry voter will want to take part in tbo Presidential cloction a mental note should bo made of thoeo important dates. Au exchange advocates a plan whereby tbo young ladies attending chjr.-h in tho oveaini c a rogistar their iitmosiotha cluiroh vestibulo, so that tha youns man wiunram tha haoilof lingariui? arouai tbo church doar can an whalner or not their best girl is present and thus sat a troubled brain at rest. Too plan would undoubtedly bo a groit convenience. It cists tha Matholist Episcopal church about tis.Oon.Otij annually in tba United State for its preaching and suparintaadanca, this including about (CoO.000 that is pud to superannuate! ministers. Something over 3,000 tuberculosis pitients are now beiog treated at tbo various free county dispensaries in Pennsylvania, according to tho report of tho Stato board of hoalth. It was thirty years ago Aug. 13, 11)118, that Lackawanna, tho youngest ot tho counties in rannsylvania was orgaoizad. It cirtainly has not proved an uolucky 13 in this instance, as it is rapidly advancing in wealth and pros perity, in all lines of business. Conrad Millor has purchased a lot ot the estate ot John Torrey, 50 by 125 feet, on Spring street, with the expects tion ot erecting a dwelling on it at an curly J a to. Consideration, f3o0. Tho Shoemakers' outing on Tuesday last was the complete success which the parade and open air band concert of Monday evening foreshadowed. Tbe weather was charming throughout tbe entire day, and notwithstanding the immense crowds attending the excur ion to Lake Lodoro and participating in tbe various enjoyments of that pop ular resort, not a mishap occurred to mar the pleasure of a single Individual. Thanks to the copious shower of a few days previous, tbe interdiction as to the use of fireworks during tbe parado was removod, and the ehowy turnout of onioo members, enlivened by the fine music of tbe Hooesdale band and Maple City dram corpe, was made brilliant by tbe constant blaze of red light and an incessant discbarge ot roman candle. The concert in Union Depot Park, after the parade, attracted one of tbe largest open air crowds ever men in Hooesdale, and tbe immense audience testified to their appreciation of the fine music by abundant applause. Tbe band, under the baton of Conductor Wagner, never played better, and tbe vocal trio, Messrs Jones, Jenkins and Bodie, rendered several selections most acceptably. The excursion train oa Tuesday took many hundreds ot our townspeople to Lake Lodoro, and the crowd there was large ly augmented by parties from Carbon- dale and farther down tbe valley. On tho grounds there were abundant di versions to suit every taste, from s Janes in tbo grand pavilion to a barge ride on the beautiful lake, and choice refreshment, prepared by tbo Ladies' Label League, were supplied in ample quantities. Tbe last excursion train. which left tbe lake shortly after seven o'clock, brought everybody safely home. out itself met with a slight mishap when the locomotive bad just passed tbe Ddrlaod-rhompaoo factory near tbe lapot. In taking tbs switch for the station, tba front truck aad drivers of tbe engine left the track, and tba train of seventeen passenger cars, though uoving very slowly, was brought to suchaiulden standstill as to (rive the passengers a decided shake up and create a miniature panic, with no bad results, however. A barn on tbe farm ot Henry Mil ler, near tbe outlet of Laka Ariel, was struck by lightning on Thursday even- ng of last week, and destroyed by tbe ensuing fire. Tbe toss aggregates tl,-. Mi. Insurance 50u on building and (300 on contents fn tbe Wayne County Farmers Mutual. A section ot tbe stump of a poplar tree two.fcet in circumference, felled by bo beaver colony at Crooked Creek, tn be seen at tbe store of P. McGrana- nao, corner ot Main and Sixth streets. Tho Dandy Dixie Minstrels at tbe yric Theatre on Tuesday evening. V'lf . 2Stb. Tha Dandy Dixio Minstrels jmprises thirty stars ot tbe black face ri baidci by "Liugbing Limir :' Villiams and Stevens, sketch team and tn iracter dolineators; Prince, the mjst eisatile of all colored performers, skill J in manipulating hoops, walking virea, magic, and a great trombone "irtuoso; Montrose Douglass, champion ruk bicyclist; Jim Crosby, tbe elon i tied comedian and eccentric dancer; lljJdy Jonee, a piccaninny dancing marvel; Sammy Davis, a soft shoe dancing champion; the Dixie Rangers Qjirtetteta superb orchestra and tho famous Cotton Picker Bond under tbe leadership of 8. H. Dudley the Black Jreatore. Tho first part is replete with ha latest and s woo teat ot songs and ballads mingled with tba old time sjr-gs ot tbe South and dances such as an be rendered only by the real darky. fn :re are 10 features acts in tbe olio an 1 the screamingly funny after piece, A Fowl Deed." - Quite the most pretentious aggre gation ot colored performers will be sot n with tbe "Dandy Dixie Minstrels" at tbe Lyric Theatre on Tuesday even ing, Aug. 25th. Besides "Laughing La nar," whose inimitable monologue and parodies entertained thousands ot theatre-goer on the New York Boot Garden last summer, tbe Dandy Dixie Mimstrels offer an olio of specially en gaged novelties, a first part ot stunning spectacular effects, an afterpiece of furiously funny farce "A Fowl Deed" and tho famous matchless Minstrel Musician, "The Cotton Pickers' Band." Traveling in their $20,000 Pullman Pal ace. Car, this magnificent melange of minstrelsy will tour the world, after visiting every important city of the United States and Canada. letters uncalled for in the Hooes dale post office: Wm. O. Hall. Miss Margaret Healev. Mrs. 0. T. Prass. William Bchultz. Joe Splarman, Harold S. Semanous, Mr. w. 13. Scbaner. "Babes in Toyland" will be tbe at traction at The Lyric Theatre, on Wed nesday evening, Sept. 2d. Prcos notice next week. The re union otthe 144th Now York Volunteers, or better known as tbe 'Ellsworth Avengers," will bo held at Downsville, Del. Co., N. Y., on Tburs- diy, Sept. lotb. Wayne county bad a nu Tiber ot men in this regiment, who were recruited in tbe northorn town ships, and who are still residents ot this section. Thirteen automobile are now owned an i operated by Hooesdaler. Ml.i Emma Tatteraon and lira. Fannlo F, He Will, are at Atbury 1'artt. Mlw Klla Bommer, of Newark, N. J., U tu puot of Mini Ktla Xieln-u. Ur. and lit.. Willard J. tllrdial! are en- jo)HK InetuieWei at Atlmry Park. Mm Mary lliirglui, ot lioneadale, It be- iiii; entertained uy Bcranton friendi. -Mim Ueitle Clanoy, of Port Jervli, li IioIiik entertained by uoneelale relative llui Wilhelmlna Llnderman, of Port Jervlt, i tbe cutut of Uonetdale relatives. 3. I). Wheeler and family, of Jersey City, are paulng tbe summer at Beach Lake. UIm Hutu Trelble, of Nanlluoke, I vImIIde ber aunt, Mr. II. WiUon, ot Htb ulreet. Mm Irene Baxliou, ot Hawley, it villi- lim UUi Helen (akb, ot Sautb Cbun-li street. Mlu Madeline McDonald, of Carbon dale, li paatiug tuil week with Uonetdale relatives. -Mm C. Lillian Baker, ot New York city, It the gueit ot ber aunt, Mr. E. A. Pennluian. Mlu Dora at, Conger left yeiterday for vim of two weekt at Ilarwlonport, Maua chuicttt. alra. Franz Voltler and two children, of nth ttreet, are at Beaob Lake for a rest of two weekt. Thoi. A. lluddy and family, of Scran- ton, who occupied a cottage at Lake Henry Maplewood, for a week, returned home latt Saturday. Mrt. Cnai. E. Downing anl children, of Carbondale, will pan the coining two weeks Bt Beach Lake. Ilr. and Mrs. C 0. Fault, of Seracton, are pawing their vacation of teveral weeki at Lake Poyntelle. Mr. and tlra. Wm. T. Moore were the gueiti ot Mr. and Mri. II. T. Jaekiou. of Carbondale, but Sunday. UIm Harriet Secor and niece. Mm Mabel O. Secor, spent Saturday and Sunday with flleodt In Carbondale. -Mrs. W. T. Becker, of Foteil Hill, N. J. Il a gueit at the borne ot Mrt. C IL Brady of North Main ttreet. Mr. and lire. Claude Olver and daueu ter, of Carbondale, are at Beach Lake, for an outing ot two weekt. Mr. and Mri. J. Samuel Brown, of Kait street, were gnetta ot fnendt in Scranton, last Saturday and Sunday. Mlu EtUe G. Fuertb returned on Satur day latt from a week't fcjourn with Scran ton and Wilkei-Barre friendi. Mr. aod Mrt. George S. Spettlcue, of Wllkea-Barre, are Tintlnp relatives anl friends In Uoneadale, thli week. Mr. and Mrt. Martin Cauneld. of Wl Park ttreet, went to Philadelphia, ls-t week for an outing of alout a week. Hon. John Kuhbach entertained hli fel low director! of the Farmer' and Meehan let' Bank, with a banquet, but Tuerday evenlnp. Mr. and Mr. Horace T. Meuner and son. and Mill Jewle Hoffecker, of Peckvllle, ai nam! DC a portion ot the heated term at Beach Lake. John Judge, and many other Scran tonlaui. are paulne their vacation at Like Como, the Mit.ea Mary Healey an 1 Mary Man Included. Patrick J. Weir, one of Hnnll eOU-ient postmen, and family, left j.-Iit- day, for a villi of three Week! with New York city relative!. Mrt. Joaephiue Yarrlncton. of Dundnfi, who baa been viiiting her nttere, Mri. J W. Ltndray, and Mri. Kmma (i. Sccnr, re turned bomelait Friday. Mr. and Mri. Charles L. Banett, of R-mt ttreet, left for New fork Ibli mornlus, for a vim with the latter'! inter, Mrs. Win II Coleman, at N ack, N. V. Mrt. B. W. Filcn, of hat treei, I. nter- talningMra. Jamn Barlonand tx-urluldieii. ot Scranton. Mra, Barton a fonui My Mirr Ada ernooy, ot uoneedale. Hart Moore, of Liberty, N. Y hai re cently become a reiident ot Siarllcht, Buckingham towniblp, where be will fol low nil trade, blackimithlui;. Bev. George it. Merrill, a former pai lor of tbe Presbyterian church, of Bethany, ir now in charee of a nouriiblug church of the tame denomination at Oxford, N. J. David 1). Sampson, of Starucca, ha been granted an increase of bit pennon from 114 to HO per month He served as u private in the IWth N. Y. Volunteer!. Mis Katie Perittl ana two younger fil ters, and Mlai Frances Lerrit, are guests at tbe home of Mitt Peritti't uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrt. Antonio Barbleri, of Main it. Born, to Mr. and Mrt, Harry L. lien- ville, at tbe M. . partonage. South Canaan, Aug. 6, 1 DOS, a daughter. She was gladly welcomed and will remain a permanent boarder. Mitaet Angle and Mae Flnerty, ol Noith Main ttreet, left lait Saturday mormni; foi a pleoturo trip to Lake Ueorge and Sura toga MpriuKi, expecting lo be absent about ten dayt. Mm Ida K. Barnes lelt last Saturdu mornins for Westport. N. Y., for a vacaiioi. f two weekt with her Irieud, Mrs. IS J Wormau, formerly Miss Ami Atklnou. i Hooesdale. Bev. W. H. Hitler, of the Hooesdale M . oburcb, was one of the preachers at Ihi Dimock Camp Meeting, on Sjaday last, Au KUit Htb. Tbe meetings close this, Thurs day evening. Captain Thomas William, of tbe Serau ton polloe force, and family, are campiu out at Lake Ariel. Misses Marion Craue and Edna Stone, of the same city, are aUo at Lake Ariel. Mist Marlon A. Ilomaln, of East street. li tbe guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ilomaln, of Port Jervli. She will return home on Monday with ber brother, Iluisell E., who bu alio been visiting hit aunt for a fen days. Warren K. Dimock, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. who came lo Ho nesdale, tome three weeks ago, for a Titlt with his family, was strick en with paralysis last Thursday, his whole left tide being badly affected. He is also speechless. Mrt. W. a Norris, of Wllhmantle. Conn.t who hat been on a visit to her parents. Mr and Mr. Jamea B. Keen, of Keene. was Joined by her dausbter and husDand, Mr. and Mra. Elmer Speer, of Unionville. Conn., on Saturday latt. a. Z. Russell, who was so badly Injured. a few weeks ago, by beina thrown from Ins nurse, is now able to tit up tor a brief sea ton dally. He la being carsd for by two Iturses, sisters, one looking after him In the day time, and the other nlshtt. Mr. and Mrs. Jamei C. Croisley, of Chi cago, who have been the guests of the for mer's father and brother, of tblt place, for Ibe past two weekt, left this morning for a short ttay In New York, before returning to their home in tbe Windy City. Rev. Sidney Winter, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal ohurob, Dunmore, is camping with a company of bis obolr boys and girls at Lake Ariel. There are nine boys aud eignt girls In tbe party, the young misses oeing quartered at the V. W. C. A. cottage. Lloyd C llosencrans, the manager of the Pioneer Cut Glass Co., of Carhoudale, Is at the Emergency Hospital, sick with ty phoid fever. Hit mother, Mrs. John Roien- craai, was wllh him Thursday aud Friday. He hat hoitt of friendi here who hope lor hli early recovery. Marcus A.Ooodwlp, of New York tlty, but a former business man of Honepdale bat recently beeu In Porto Itico, where be purchased a large plot of land, with the in tention ol embarking largely In the grow ing of pineapples, oranges, lemons, and other tropical fruits. Balrd's Lake, In Damacui township, is fast comiug to tbe front as annum4! resort. Among tbe gueits there at preseut are Henry J, Theire, Mrs. Tiieir... Mr. Malvina Bettner, Miss Dorothy M ' . N'. ark, N. J., and Mr. and .a io zer, of New York city. Married, In Ihe M. E. pa-souage, Wilkes- Barre, Aug. 11, 11KH, by the llev. Curtis Mogg, Mlsl Maude K Itrhhelu, ilsuehler of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. It-libem, of High street, to Captain Carl J. Kelley. of Wei street. They have imny warm psrsoial friends lu Honeslale who wlshlbeai a loug , happy and prosperous married life. Iter. Dr. Rogers Israel, the popular re tor of St, Luke't Episcopal church. Hi-ran-ton, who Is well-known here, arrive i home on Tuesday evening with bis wife alter having tpent two monthi in Europe. The particular object of hit visit wai to attend the Pan-Anglicau congreii or tits church, which wai beld in London in June. Fol lowing that meeting he toured England, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Holland aud Belgium. ExtBhcritf Thomas Medlaud commem orated tbo elgbty-lhlrd anniversary of Ins birth on Sunday by a family gathering at hit borne on 15th tlreet. It wat preceded on Saturday evening by a banqnet, at whit h tbegueiti were Mr. and Mrs. CM. Uetz, Mrt. David Cipperly, ot South Canaan, Mr. and Mrt T. L. Uedland, of Carbondale, Mrt. J, B. Siller, ot Elmlra, (a niece ot Mr, Medland), Mr, and Mrt John Male, of Cherry Hldge, Dr. and Mrt. F, W. Powell, and Cbat. F. Spencer. Mr. Medlaud is still well preserved and vigorous, and bis many friends wlib him many veart more ot llle and bapplneti. New Parasols, up-to-date shapes at MKNNKU & OO.'fl Cl6. There aro many Imitations of DeWitt's Carbollred Witch ilatel Halve but Just one original. Nothing nli is Just as good. In sist on DeWitt's. It is clean. lug, cooling aud soothing. Bold by I' EI L, The Oiugglst. Save your tags from JOLLY TAR TOWN TALK STANDARD NAVY SPEAR HEAD Thtsley's 16-oz. Ratnltan EBtantins) OldPMerT REDICUT and PICNIClTWIST Tags from the above brands are good for the following ami mtfiy useful presents as shown by catalog : Oold CnfT Buttons 50 Tae Fountain Pen 100 Tact English Steel Raj or 50 T, -Gentleman's Watch 200 Tafca Many merchants have supplied themselves, with' presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. PREMIUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Jersey City, W.Ji Base Ball. Ilennio llcnlini; qhould have bad a no-bit, no-run Rams from Arcbbald on Sa'.urday, but errors gavo tbo visitors a serein tb 3 Brat inning lu tbo third innins they gt dangerously cioso to loing somo dnrua.i. Fitrpatriclt was safe oa aa error, Dean fanned, Plana- baa and M sDjuald by.h drew passes; but OauRban was not equal to the )C2asion, and instead ot bringing them all home, he struck: out, and when Fitz Patrick attempted to steal home, Mur phy caught him. Oaly two got to first base after that. Uoncsdalo began scoring in the third Murray walked, Sjaner sacrificed, Sal mon singled, Weaver tapped to Flana zhm, who threw Murray out at the plate; Kupfcr'e single scored Salmon ind Weaver. In tho fourth Tuman hit or twj sacks and Hassling duplicated, icoring Turn aa. Kuptcr bit safely n j j eighth, Murphy got hit, Gatheil nail, Tumin hit to McDonald who ,3.-ew Kupfer out at tho plate; Hess ian's single scored Murphy, iics.liag struck out 8, gave 3 bases ol oil!?; Djughor fanned 3, gave one pass i id bu ono. Uaoosdale had C left on ases; Arcbbald, 4, Szjto by innings. It II h vrchbald 1 0 (I 0 0 (I (Ml 0-1 0 2 Innr-sdale 0 0 2 1 0 0 t) 1 x 1 6 S Line up; Ilonesdalp, rosition, pltcber ca toner 1st base 2d base 31 liasr ibort stop left Hold center " right " Arcbbald, DouKber Fitzpalrick Gaugban Flanagban Duffy McDonald Iirogan Boland Dean llesslinf: Murphy, Vea er, Salmin, Kupfer, UutbFll, Tumau. Murray bonnur, Mosaic with Nick Mathawson in the 3)i will be tbe attraction on Saturday. Fr2d. D. Suydam is now manager of the Honcsdalo team. Sinco the reorganization of tbe team July 17, tho lioneadale-White Mills com. bioation has won all six games played aad tho first four were shut outs. In those six gamos Uonosdale made 20 runs on S3 hits and allowed the visitors only 5 runs on 27 hits. A Business Education. A business education has enabled many people to attain high salaried po sitions, liookkocping and Shorthand should bo loarnod in a well-equipped ecbool. By tho thoroughness of its courecs and completeness of its equip ment, too iaccawanna uusiness col lege has become the largest school of its kind in this section of tho country. Over BOO students in attendance last year. A post card will brine our new Journal, showing the various new office appliances used for instruction. bAUKAWlRSA. 11U3INE33 COL L.KQK, 316 Washington Avenue, Scran ton, l'a. !Cw2 In Memonam. MarttifL Jaiih. riniictifnr nf Mr mnA Mra YrTM Chrlitinn. nf ('Artinnrialo AIaA ini. -.- , - -- r- IS, WI4, aped ono year. Inlermt-ut in Promp- ton. Mrs. Jacob Wassman, a most eslimablo wi: and mother, died at her residence on Cliff slritt, on Wednesday lust, August 12, Iisj-t. aired lis years. Mrs. tVassman, whose maiden name was Fanny Gaffney, was born In Ireland, but cuine to America in ber teen, bhe leaves, besides her husband, two sons, Henry and Frank, and a daugh ter, Mary; aUo a sister, Mrs. Susan Kane. all living In Hor.esjale. Tho funeral ser vices were beld ut St. Mary Magdalena's hurth. on Friday morning, when a reuuiem mass was celebrated, und were followed by Interment In Ihe German Caluoliu ct mnteiy Aim vourtiiiiiCARsGooDl-K.ery mai or Hjiinii sbuuld have, u pmr of good onoarti. wnicn ara tn- rp. Keep an edge 'I'M cut wen. rn uiiicr Louisiuim Sisars, with a patent ten-icn screw at uichiue it icon iliem fuljuolod, uiociej tj cut wiih. 1'no I'niludelphi I'r i-s is givi-ig ibeeo Hhe irx prnctioilly lre i uew subicnbais Tbs eh-jurs rn fight I cries in length and of the Oest (jualitj if steel and gua-antced for flvMjrare AdJns. Circulation U partmeut The I'.-csJ, 7th and Chestnut streets, I'hiln dclpbia. -. , : . o- , . l . ,) .. t IBHUr OJ JUU Vtl fUb U UUK UUU U oit for pels. They must bo splendid tuiiiiuuiuun iur yuu. Tomim - Oa. not veri I Tbev don't eat cuko or jam. Visitor Why, what has tbal got to do with UI Tommy W ell, when tbore sanycake and j ira misrintr tbev don't get blamed fcr u. "Yes," remarked ibe race horse, "all my achievements bavo been due simply to pulling my best foot forward." "Yeel" replied the mule, "now I find that I accomplish roost by pultiog my best foot backward." Summer eouplaluti and other lerloui all. menu eommou In bot weatner ean be trao (d to tbe itoinacti nine time out of Itm. Keep lue itoroach In (rood order rlRtit now by keeping u bnttlo ol Kodol bandy in Ibe tiouin all thtt time, but enlieulsJlT durlnc Ibli month. Take Kodol wtieuuTer you ftl tbat you need It. That Is tbs only Uma you need to take Kodol. Juit when you Hood It i tben you will not ba troubled witb sour lotnatb, belcblnc, s on tha itotsacb. bloainuT, nyspepiia ana inaigwuon. caia by I'KII. Tlie PMgglit. Tbs new Iook QIotas, in Uilkaod Kid can bo bad at HKNNKU OU.U. Clb A tag from a 10-cent piece win count PULL vain 'A tag bom a 5-cent piece will, count HALF Vain Tobacco with vaiuable.fags 3twFrM HastCTWerkraaa Rate AT. sHsk Bear vy Hart Sine Coupons from French Briar Pipe SO Tags Leather Pocket book DO Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 73 Tags QUALITY iHHK mm mnii u LADIES' LIGHT WEIGHT WOOL SUITS and SEPARATE JACKETS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES. These garments you will appreciate during vacation time, especially August and September. Mini mum mi or ib SUMMER DRESSES. WASH SUITS; and SEPARATE SKIRTS. KATZ YOUR INVITATION - If vou have never had any dealings with us, olease to consider this an in vitation to dive us a trial. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, HONESDALE, PA MENIMER & CO.'S STORES UPTODATE -pv Summer Goods FOR 1908 , Stylish. Nobby and ComfnrtiMe Wash Suits All Shades. Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts. N'ew Spring and Summer Single Jackets, lllack and Leading Shades. Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Taney Styles in Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at Menner & Co.'s Dept. Stores. MillTilla. N. J bad an official wto lost hi 'Qiigb tbe excessive ef ficiency ana . vwlth wbic! bo dis t barged bis duties. He was t.To town cog catcher and to msny did bo catch that In three werka bis fees amounUd lo $132 75. Now Mills-ills prefers taking; its chances with bydiophobia. 1 GUI StrtMtMM 9f. H. TiiMtoy' aknlUtl Srasfar Tsrtet eid ltcMty Lady's Poclretbook 501 Pocket Knife 40 Tag Playing Cards 30 Tag 60-yd. Fishing Reel CO Tag in the cool evenings of BROS. 1 OeWltt's Utile Ksrly Riser, safe, pleas ant, lure little pill. Bold by I'KIU Tba IXUKKtlt. Dr. C IL DIUIIY, Dentist, tloneadtl, P OrTICK HOUIIH-H a. m. to 6 r. u. Auy eieninK hy appolnlmenL Ollwui' phone sa, iUxildenue, Mo. MX 1