The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 20, 1908, Image 2

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5 Mf is and pnbUiben.
K. A I 1A
VOL. DOWABO TAtT. of Ohio.
nurj u MllLtltUAN. el Hew York.
mi S1XCTO at LUac,
MOKRI I. CMITItlER, of FMtadslpMa,
BEMJAMIK r. JONK3. Jr.. ot lllUUurg.
fob DKsrmicr txscroas.
1 John Hurt
2 11. A. Harts
S P. T. CtMOdlw
4- E. A.UInb-1
5- E. W. i-atlsn
t-O.J. KlllPlt
T t. ti llrtcl
IT W. 8. Stills
li-ItobLCNsal. Pr.
19 J. C BUhdu
31-ThoiQU Shipley
Zl-W. F. IU-doI1s
22-A. W. McCuiloujb
. 21 J. T. B-r.
s-j. ii. a turn
n r M i UtntiBtn U J. F. Downlnc
lS-TuLIL A.I'hilUp sa-tlsrman Simon
ll-J. U Hr-slt K-T. T. Wilson
It John MallUaJ T-l U. Kos
U-a. iLaiiii- r-o. c.ttiuiix
ll-W.TIIIrOabsi IW O. A. Bbcork
11 IJeoifT. William SI A. H. Pracock
I u. jin tiiK, Jr. j n. i. iuuai
pm joins or icruioi coot,
OTM, . IIUtTKR, ot Allxitbsnj.
roB cofcouea.
CUARLE3C. PRATT, of Sutqurouiu.
W. K. PKItUAM. of Hounl Pleasant.
roB iBBBirr.
M.LRR BItUaMAN.of noo4aJ.
wlpXJVCK J. BAUHEH, ot Berlin.
Hi tnum soru bboobdbb.
ACIrEIO O. BLAKE, of Itrtlianj-.
J. L UOttMBECK.ot E.uiouok.
TUOMAS C. MAUDhN. ol llrrbrr.
troat oocbtt ACnrtou,
AUTBUK W. LAK&AUEE. ol Slaruroa.
W. BttOCK LE8UEB, ot Bletlin.
UTKOM K. BIMUKB, of ilonndalo.
"Shill the People Baler
Amordlog to CoL Brran, "the orsr-
shadowlng Isaae" Id the present cam
paign It embodied la -thlt portentous
conundrum. Tbe Petri Leader atxl
Lomt baa la bit time eoustrurted oo
dry and Tarloos issue for political use,
leading lame, Using Issues, Yitsd Issues,
pemnoant Issues, and thing ot that
kind, inrolYlng the bunco dollar, free
trade, anU'lmperUlUm, antl-mllitarlsm.
KOTernment ownership ot railroad, and
like matter. In all these, to ose the
language ot another orator, "Ktholng
through the allent corridor ot time, we
can bear the mighty footprint of an an
sea hand," leading up to the culmina
ting, orer-ahadowlng Uiae whlsh lis now
boras is upon we nwoa wim uie pouuer-
oai craTlty ot a phlloaopher and tatea-
manfwbo eaya an nndlapated thing. In
toon a Bolemn way."
Though Cot. Bryan' eampaUjn eonan-
dram ha In sotne reepeet the ring of
Doreltr, It I by no mean unique. It
to a chut that present many
I vary In la apparent profundity.
ease, for example, we hare saoh
I Isaac a daall water ran iHown
''Shall two'and two make four f
"Shall the whole ba Kreater than any of
It parts Y' with other not so readily
tmakied by the oninatraoted mind, as
"Shall the form of attraction be In hi'
vtfria proportion to the square of the
djctano f "Shall the raliaa veetor pas
orer equal area In equal times 7" "Shall
ths square of the hypo then use equal tbe
am of the sqoaie ot the sides f la
theology, we meet with the orerthadow
lnglainr "Wnat shall It profit a man If
ba gahsh whole world, and lose bleown
aooir And the list ot Isaae of the Bryan
h$ia type, arising In the many Uelds ot
Intellectual activity, may be indeunltely
, la selecting the Issue for the present
campaign, and taking his position on it,
Oai. Bryau show eoniummate political
strategy. The lasue ha bat one tenable
aide, and CoL Bryan astutely pre-empt
that ride. When he declares for the af
firmative, the boldest will hold his breath
for a time. It not longer, before ventur
ing to gainsay huu. In debating the
question. Col. Bryan ba the atrangle
hjM. UUopponent mult Join leaue with
aim In the manner described In a story
4 ante-bellum day : "Sara," said one
darkey to aaotlier, I had a 'spate wid
df ove'seer las' night," "Dst so !'' was
the respoase. "Wat ye 'pulln 'boutf
"-'Boat de rice crap," said tbe first. "D
ove'seer be say de rloe hatter have plen
ty water to make a good crap. Dan I
may I know dot, an' I alien found It de
Banc way. So we kep' on 'eputlnVbout
b'mos' bait an hour."
(This, ot eoan e, relate to the abstract
question propounded by Col. Bryan as
the lstae. As a concrete proposition. It
same a dlflerent form. In CoL Bryan'
vtfcw,. the people rule only wbeu they
adopt tbe faith delivered by blm to tbe
Democracy. In 1896, the) rated oat
Bryan, the banco dollar, and free trade.
with 'a harrowing jar. la 19J0, the
ruled out Bryan, tbe bunco dollar, free
trade, and autt-luiperlaliiui, with a more
racking jolt. In 1901, they still more
emphatically ruled out Democracy and
all It works, aa represented by Parker,
supported by Dry an. AH this does not
seeuv to satisfy Bryan, and he demands
that the rule ot tbe people be proved by
bi election. In November, tbe people
will answlr the question which he pro
pounds as the overeuadowloR Ueue, and
demdnstrate tbelr rule as tbey have
thriM'dooe lu tbe last twelve yearr.
A1Wm recent convention of State Food
Commissioners at Mackinac, Mich., Dr. II. Huepard, Fool Cbewlrt of
South Dakota, read a paper in which h
declared that ninety per cent, of tbe Hour
old lu the United States was bleached
with nitrous aotd, wh'cb Is dangerous to
health. Coatules!o ;r Foust, of this
State, last week Issued Instructions to
tbe food Inspector to collect samples of
allfluur sold in tbe State, for chemical
examination, and declared his iutentiou
to prosecute in all cases la which add or
any other adulterant is found.
Tits; adrertisemeat of ths proposed
constitutional auiendtututa has been the
occasion of lleodlug the Secretary of the
Commonwealth with lettersot luqulry in
relatio i to votlug ou the Ji, from perous
wboUipose that they are to be voted
on this year, aud Chief Clerk Tuoru I
kept busy uisklug explanations. The
review of the subject lu our editorial
ooluuius, last weslc, will euable our
readers to full) uultjr.tauJ both the
character of the propasod auuuduieuts
aud the time for votlug ou them.
I'reaideat Diaz, o! Muiieo, i Bavenly
eight, aud be has annouuead that ho id
tend to retire to private life at the ex
piration ot his preeeot term on rtuvrm
ber.3", IDI0 Thai: of his cnuotrrmen
who are liisisliog that hu must recon
sider hi decision evidently believe la
meeting trouble cousUerublv taoro than
pan waf.
Dairy Inrpection.
Health Commlnfoner Dlion has sent
oat a large foree ol Inspectors, to eiatn
In the dairies throughout the State,
with a v!ew t a closer supervision of
their eonlltlon and method j of opera
tion, lie has also Issued a circular of
Instructions, for distributioa among
dairymen, from which we quite the fol-
The floors, walls sol ceilines ot tbe stable
should be licet, waits and i-vtllus beinc
kepi freol cobwrr-a. There should be as
few du.l-cstcbmr, ledges anl projections as
iki not allow muttr or dirtr litter or
tlreus; tm-!llD miterial lu tbe stable. Mi-
nurvsttoull noi oe siorea nw toe statue.
It 1 whI tJ sp-iokle Ibe floor witb air
slaard lime or laud plaster dally.
Cans sbouij not oe taten into ine stable
to be r-flUed. Itemove tbe milk ot each
row at ooce from tbe stable to a clmn room
and strain Imnirdlatrlr. Canton flannel or
abMibent cotton makM a good strainer.
The milk should be eoolrd as soon as strain
ed. All buik nouses anouia te scrtened
from die.
Mils utensils should be male of metal,
with all Joints smoothly sollrrf i. or saotald
I made of slamped metal when poslbl.
Never allow utensils to become ruttr or
rough Inside. Use milk utensils for nothing
but handling, storing or delivering milk.
To clean dairy uteosils us pure water
only. First rinse utensils In cold watvr.
thm wash Insideandout tn hoi wetr. rinse
again ; aterilixe with boiling water or steam,
then keep Invert! Inacleaa place or ex
posed to tbesuu where no dirt can be blown
or dropped Into them.
The milker should wash bis hands imme
diately before milking. Tbe practitw of
moistening the hands with milk when milk
ing Is mil vinous and uuclesnlr, aui
should be al oided. He should wear a rlran
outer garment, which should be kept In a
Clean place woen noi iu use. looaouu saouia
not be used when milking.
Tbe flrst few arups ot milk from each teat
abould not be milk- Into the u, as it will
beaut to iniure tbe milk both as to the
keeping qualities and a to thchraStbfulne
lor loua stun.
It any pari ot the milk is bloody, stringy,
or unnatural In appraraniv. or It by suv
dent dirt tin into tbe milk pail. Ibt- whole
mess shouu oe rejwica.
Never mis warm milk with thai whirh
has been cooled, and do not allow milk lo
Do not feed dry. dusty food previous to
ordunng rallkiog time.
Persons suflVring from tuberculosis or skin
aissja. or loose autzrrtng from a contagi
ous disease must not bantieeUher the cows,
the milk or the milk utensils.
The shorter the time between tbe produc
tion of milk and us delirerv. and between
dehrery and use, the better will be the
quality oi toe mug, proviiea it is cooled
ueiore uansponej.
The movement to renominate (Jover
uor Hughes, ot Kew York, as the Re
publican candidate, la uieetiug witb
much opposition on the part of eertaiu
Republican machine uanasers, promi
nent among them being tl Gov. Olell,
and by tbe interests butt by tbe anti-
race track gambling law which the Uov
ernor practically forced the Legislature
to enact. Tbeir grievance la that (iov
tlugbea ba declined to administer Lir,
offlce In aubjectioo to tile "leaders." A
aharp coo test at tbe primaries I iuipeud
Ing, and It rests with Ihove who favor tbe
policies adopted by tbe Uovernor to work
effectively for bit renomluation and elec
tion. Ills opponents declare that In the
event of bis renomlnatloo be will lose
enough Republican votes to give the
election to the Democracy. On tbe other
hand, hi supporters contend thatbe will
gain an Independent Democratic vote
that will more than offset tbe Republl
llean defections, and that, should he be
denied a renomluation, the ticket will
lose enough Republican votes to make
the State Democratic The situation
seem much like that in 1832, wbeu tbe
machine, led by President Arthur, pre
vented tbe renominatlon of Gov. Cor
nell, who was undoubtedly the popular
choice, and by way that were dark. In
eluding ths forgery ot a telegram, forced
the .nomination of Secretary Folger, of
Arthur's cabinet. Tbe eonsequenoe was
tbe election of Q rover Cleveland as Gov
ernor and David B. 11111 a Lteutenaut
Governor, by majorities of nearly 3Uu,
090. The lesson of that campaign may
be worth considering at tbe present time.
fniiian Orchard.
Auo. 17 tb. Owing to tbe dry weather
water baa become a se.arcitr. pasture
very oor ana crops in general n failure.
air. sua Airs. u. i. weeks, ot urand
View farm, are entertaiuiug Prof, and
Mrs. Wnewell. of New York city.
VI r. and Mrs. A 11. llenshaw will
have aa tbeir guest this week, Mr. and
Mrs. Tbomas. of I'eakvi le.
Wm. Maloner. Eirl C. Ham. Edward
Giillspie aui R. K. It i j ley made up n
loaaoi iu-u, wno visitea L.ixe uuatlos
ton, on Suuday last. Tbe scenery along
the road bstwe-n Beach Lake aud that
point is beautiful and all were hlctily
Impressed with tbe place as a summer
R. E. Bayly U laying a foundation for
William uavey Daru at unestuut Like.
He Is belugasristed by John Selfreld and
i toy opry.
Matthias Schuiitt. of Swauiu Brook.
who Is a great ht.rse and cattle dealer,
was a business caller at this place last
week. -
August Smith, ot White Mills, made a
Dnsluess call at this place recently.
Mr. Swartz spent a part of last week
wnu relatives ana trieuas in aarantoo.
J- G. Swartr. wife cud daughter, call
ed on tbelr old friend, Curtis Brooks, of
uaerry uidge, on suudav.
Tbe pionic held In W D. Basking
bam'e grove on Wednesday last, was
well attended.
Mate and Sandereock.of Cherry R'dge,
are getting material ou the grouud at
Harvey's bridge. The old bridge will
soon be reulaeed bv a conoreto countv
bridge. Tbe workmen are boarding at
tbe ludian Orchard hotel, where tbey
are being royal j- entertained by Mr. and
are- ausiiu.
Chas. Blake, wife anil daughter. Ma
bel. Alios Ward and E'la Blake, of Beth
any, wrr. recent visitors at tbi nlac.
MIm U-orutu, who has beeu visiting
her aunts. Mrs. Wituiarth and Mr. II
Weils, has returned to her borne lu the
West. .
C. E. Xealaud wife, of Biaoh Lake,
were caller at the Altoona ou S-jndar.
Mr. Bury ba eold one of hi. valuable
lea in noraes to j usepu a aartt
Ham aud Gillespie are busily engaged
at uoiug ooucrete work.
The numerous accidents to automo
biles, at the crossings of tho Lang
isiana uauroia, nave lea tne company
to make an examination, with a view
to ascertaining tDe extent to which an
toniobtlcs are responsible in the prem
ieee. Three hundred and ten automo
biles are reported as passingover across
ing on theM -rrict Road which Is pro
tectei regularly by a fligmao Of this
number 121 crossed tbe tracks without
any regard for tho crossing signal or
uagman. asverai ot mtj number barely
whiicu uoiug vr&sueu into ny trains,
and one man, driving a car, cjrsed the
flagman tor trying to stop him Oae
hundred and seventy-two eMwed down,
but didn't atop, end seventeen came to
a full stop. Of tbe latter number, bow
ever, eleven were prevented from cross
ing by trains standing on the track.
In a comparison between British and
American railroads the returns for tbe
year 1 SitC, ibe latest of which we have
lull and correct figures, show that a
total ot l,2ll COO uju passengers were
carried on British ruilroala on 27,txKl
miles of track against S'rl.iOJ.iXHJ pas
senders carried on American railroads
on a mileage ot -lhi ij. In this same
year there were 13.1M collisions and
derailments in this country, and only
239 to Great Britian. In tbe same year
116 passengers wero killed and 6.U00 in-'
jurcd in tbe Unitod Slates, against M
passsenKcrs killed and C31 injured iu
Great Britain. Tbe number ol employ
ees killed and injured in train accidents
was respectively 13 and UU in. Great
Britain agaiusi b7V and 7isl 'u this
Ilia Dad "Whit was that lerriUo
noise upstairs early this morning!"
Ksrlie "Well, I dremp'I was a duck,
and when I woke up I bad swum oft tbe
Adlitlonil Kearly PorgotUn Facts-
An item in the articioot this series '
which Appeared July 3"J-.h, conveyed tho Pittsburg suspjnsion aqueduct, tbe
idea thai that data waa the 17Mh aaui-' ur; cf the kind in ths world, anl were
versiry ot the opening ot the first lodge designed by Johi A. Roebling, who af
of Freemisoo in Ibis co'JQtrt, which it tward made the plans and furnished
as stated took place in Boiton, July
3u lb. 1733. Elbert P. Jones, of Aticl,
who Is an authority in secret fjjiety anl other noted etrdctures Tnetrdoks
matters, writes us tbit while the diteswhic3 h'li ths vrat-sr were ot timber
aud figures given are correct as lo the . and plinc. euspeuded from two wire
first lodge in Boston, they arc cor
strictly accurate as to the introduction
ot Murary in the United 3ut. ll-i
sy s : 'The early history ol r reirn ionry
stalea that Philadelphia is thj tujlhjr
city ol the order, and St. JuUn's L)ig
was instituted in t bat City tu IT.U. which
Is three years before tbe lodge uf bp-tn-ei
in Btoo. BeaJ imia Frsaklia was
member ot this laiee, hislo; beoa
initiatel June 2l;h. 1731, aui rale
Grand Master in 173J It will b; re
membered that Froemnjary n wir-
ranted in Pennsylvania. June 5, 17,1',
by Ilia Grace, Thomas liowsrd, Duke
ot Norfolk and Hereditary Marshal of
In connection with Grgi K. Mipos'a
forty-fourth article on "Picturesqao
Peonsylvaoia," in the PhiUielphiaSja
day Record, tbe beautiful verse-? by M.
U. Cjbb. "Tbe World Would bo the
Better for It" appear. The op 'mag
staosi gives the keynote ot the p3-m:
"If men cared less for wealth ant fame.
Aud lees fur bsltleflelds anl glory j
If. writ la human heart, a nam
rteeuied better than in sour anl story;
It men. tnsteal of nursing prllt
Would learn lo hale ant to abhor It :
It one relied
On lore to guide.
The world wuuld be tbe better for it.
U O. Cftb1). Bfty-Bre years ago was
IloaesdiUe elitor, issuing the first
number ot The New Dawn on thv fir-t
of December. lsA2. It was only pub
lished about a Jeir, but duttog thvt
lime Mr. Cobb give abundant ovidenc
ot rare ability both as a pro;
and versifier. Tbe piper was neutral j
or independent in politics, and some
what heterodox in religion, the editor
beiug a believer in -spiritualism, a faith
at that time embraced by maoy ixx 1
tent and intelligent people, and one that
so impressed itstlt as a truth upon their
minds that, even at the proint diy, it
would b; presumptuous, even for the un
believer, to proooonce decidedly ttgair.f t
it, lu 1SS3 tto coutest lor thu provident
ju'gtship ot this district was between
iL it. OimmieJc, tbe regular Democratic
nominee, and James Jl. Porter, also a
Democrat, but supported by a bolting
fiction of that party. Mr. Cobb es
poused the cause ot the latter, and he
was elected. Shortly afterward The
New Dawn was discontinued, tbe pub
Usher removing the typo and other tn&
tirial to Welleboro, Tioga county, and
establishing The Agitator, which for tl:c
past halt century has been one of the
best edited and brat printed ncwspipers
ot the Northern Tier, although it lorjg
sinco potwed fit ct the. hands ot its
founder. Me ' bb is at present, and
tor many yet st has been, Treasurer
ot the United S.atea Mint at Phtladel
H-srsattor. when tas spi is no: oth-
erwiss necssstrily oocjpioi, a feituro
ot this saries of articles will b) a ntzro
logical record of forour rjjiiests o!
Wayno county and persons historically
oooectel withthiasoctijn. S;iro;l-u
diy passes without the query, "Uiw
long ago did such a person die I" Often
times when it is necessary that the dt'.e
should ba accurately fixed, hours of ri-
ssarca and trouble are-oeoipiel iq look
ing up ths desired inform ition. By the
time the list ooatsmpluel is tlaisbol,
those who hira tat n taepiia to pn:o
the ni-nss aalditsigivea io tioir srip
923XS will bivs th; deithrjlo? oi
prontasat cittzias ia a-jri. i ail
aeaitinls torn. Vjj mnii, as ta:y
ippjir tron wasx to wisx, will oi io a'-
piiboticil ord;r, aalituthorotorjsj-
gsitsl thit aa alq lit; ndnos.- o! pi
gss io ths mjaiorialin booxs ot this;
wao cira to prassrve them sa ill bo do
voted to each letter :
Phlneas Arnold died..
...January Jt. l--7"
June 5. l-C'j
October Pi. l;i
....Oelole-rl, l.S
Januiry 3. 1-;;
. KebrutrvSi UU
. .t'ehruiry Jj,
John I. Allen
George W. Alleo
Ilr. Luther Appley . .
Or. William I- Apple)
llr. Otis Avery.
Samuel Allen
CO. Com . mom is Urown. -rs jvemtier 7. 1-T7
Joseph Uranlt Chief.. ..Xivemli-r. 21, 1-17
George r. Bentley O.-ioh.-r I, lsl
Uowkln U. Oaardsl-e Marrh II, 1-M
Dr. George Ij. I'uriis ItiaeS. l.i
Frtderiea: M. Crane luue c, 1-77
Dr. William F. Denton. ..November 13. W.J
wm. u. uimouck, tbe eider.... au4 3. 1-GI
Samuel K. Ilimmlek.
Ui-iober 11, 1-75
rrauuis Drake
Nathaniel B. Kldred..
Amu Fuller
Dr. Edwin Graves
ElwardO. Hamlin ...
Ilenjimin Jenkins, 1st
Benjimin Jenkins. '1.
John K. Jenkins
Ebeneger Kiogsbury..,
Dr. K. T. Losey
Judge John O'Neill....
Henry Peet ..
U. Frauk Power
Dr. Isaaa Roosa
Dr. W. w. danger
Henry M, oeely
Franklin A. Seely....
. . .Oetober 10. 1"J
....January 27. 1-tTT
..September 27. 1-17
JanuiryC 1-I'J
....Februiry 4. lfJj
Janutry l.,K'l
....lanuiry I- 1-7
May 15. 1-7-
April 11. l-ll
Mirca 3. :7'J
....Jaui-y 1J. 7-l
...Februiry 13, 1-7S
.September ti, l-sd
Iuly3l. H57
Mif 8 1?7J
. . . Deeealher St. l-Ol
February 6, UK,
Teedvuskung. Inlian Kmc Annl 1. 17A1
Simeon u. Tnroop Febiuary II, l" i tft for Nj York. Silurday.
jiSn Torrevr'Aitorn'e; lulT 'J i Ml" Mwm0 T aT0 a D,cmc 8lt
iXi'riVre?" . T::NoveJ"'?-nSl.t !"rdni in honurof ber nephew. Moo-
JuiueThomis H. ft Tiey M. I. I-V. , t h Hrow.i. the ocoisioa biingbls tni;-
Jekoii Wnoiw-.S i M.n-nn u.i tteuiu birthday.
Julgt Abi-ha Wooiwaru . .Nov 27. iv-M
Auttiju) iue Ue.H-iuiier 1J, I.Jj
El-l Wneeler
J'.TiiVi'Ti' !'.' ! !
.-.epiemii-r ti. i-oi
Y: u. Wr. h. :.7r!"bru"o K'.
Warren j. Woojwarj....sentemli.-r 21. Is7u
Tbe Erie itiilroid Co., who for ssv
eral veara have owned ths oil Del. und
Hud. aqueduot crossing tha D.'Uwara
river at Lickiwsxsa, biva reasa.iy
sold it to a private party. Wait the
purchaser is to do with it is still a
mystery. It could easily be converted
into a bridge, conocciiag Ne Yjrk
and Pjnnsylvaaia, and would prove of
great use to tho peapls ot thu so:tio i.
This last cbaDgs ot ownership ot the
IickawaxeQ aqueduct recalled the tact '
that up to the dite ot its completion in
inu. iv usii uecu uetcssnry mr ojai iu
cross the Delaware at whit was called
The M outh" (of the Lickawaiou
..- , ., u i i -i.-i.
..f -.-.a "r --.
nili:r,i;04W4 u urjciEMi jii u. u um
jual above Ibe present site ot tho sus
pension waterway. Many delays wero
the natural coaseq loaca ot tha old sj a
,. , . , .
tem. During tresbots navigation oa
Ibis end ot tbo cinal was uecessinly
suspended, and in tbe old days ot
lumbering on a large scale, tha pasaago
oi raiwanaooav.wa.umuiu.1 raon-
nen tahiln Inn annnllni. nt Inn ilnm rr.
- - n - .-
quired great skill in steersmen, aud
often resulted in serious losses which
tbo I);l. aad Uud. Canal Co., wero
"billed to make good. In Iblli to avoid
tho dc.aya and damigos mentioned tbo
compsny commenced tbo erection ot
two wire suspension aqueducts, which
were completed three year Istw, and
opened for oavigitioa when the water
was let into ihl cian in May. xoey
wera coastructel on ths plan ot tbe
the cables tor the suspension bridge at
Nujim Fills, th? Cut River bridge
eiV.ei ooioa ea;h sile. Toe cibles
rested in h-ivy cist iron Biddies eur
mouuting sioqo towers tour by six feet
iu breadth and thickness and four feet
niovc the tow-pith in height. The
trjaksalljwel tbemeetiog and pissing
ot two bolts, light aai loilod, and oa
cicb eile ot thechannel was a tow path.
Tne aoutmeats aad piers were built ot
campict graywacke stone, and the
wool work ot missive timber and
pi ink aai alls) coastrdatel as to in-
sire Ibe structure tram dimigs by Ico
aalflooi. Tas cibles wero o:h mie
in on lsagt1! from abutm:nt to soil
moot, nil wire prote:tel by a beivily
coitei aaipiiutedclois wire wrapping.
Toey were aacharel by heavy chains
8?curl to plates ot cast iron six feet
t-dir. lag fallowing h the mardsd
tabic ot dimensions of tie aqueduct:
La?t'i, withexteasioas, foi:; aim-
birof epia, 4;leo.h ot spin, from
1P.1 t) Hi tet; wilta ot trdnk at water
li-ie, 19 feet: depth of witer C feet C
mean, weight ot vjr bo'. vja abdt-m-'al,
1 tons; du-neler of wire
oi'"! r-i iicho; nu n'jir ! wiroi in
o:a c'-!t. 2 150; total weight of cable
an ! anchorage, 19d " pouuds ; strength
of u:h ciblo. 1 9dd tons; hydraulic
c:mnl misoniry ia structure, 7,CSi
cubic yards. The aiueduct was built
under the persiaal supervision ot It. F.
Lord, chief engineer o! the Delaware
anl iiudjon, and in its earlier days
wi cossiierel a marvel ot humin en
terprise acd skill.
Plecsist JitoiLt.
Al'U 17th. Frsuk Lake and wife re
turned tu their home tu New York city,
last Friday, alter a two weeks stay here.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lake were accompanied
bf their gnudsop, Frank Lak, who Is
famous for tils exceptional luck, pluck
and skill as a thberuiau, lu landing Ibe
"big liar at Rok Lake, while vlsitlug
there with the Itileye. Yes. a big three
pound ba? ou one eud ol tbe hue and a
city boy on the other, right amonold
Ue-leriuab, too.
It.duclie Keuticly has just tlulshed a1
coiarse of specui traiulug at lUe Lylug-
ln-llo?pital, lu lorlt city, and will
speud Iheoomlu two weeks al her borne
Dr. George Wiuner, wife and daughter,
of Hotou, drove "over tbe hills" iu tbeir
auto, via llouee-l-tle, briuging witb them
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harint aud Miss
Eva, to the Winner home, last Satarday
Helen Tiffany Is entertaining as ber
cuerts me blisses ltxhards. ot acrauton.
Ml-e Uilbralib, of Wilhamsport, aud Miss
i;oriuue al. aioue, o: lloueedale.
I. ji- TiUauy Is a little better, but i still
conliued to her room.
Mr. itud Mrs. George Brain are enjoy-lu-
their vacation at Harvey's Lake.
R Ruth Kmuedy gave a recital at
Wiuwood, last Friday evening, to a full
Lirt Friday the State, eoauty and
township oulsials luspected and accepted
the lie Slate road. At that time the
supervisors put in an application for a
coutinuaiiou oi tue atate road to the
etutiou, or to tbe couuty line. The high:
way commiesiouer granteu tbe applica
tion, aud in due tima the road will be
l'ne picnic ol t'le primary pupils ot the
Iligu aciiooi. last lueeday. iriven them
by their teacher. Mis Winner, was u
most euj -iynuie all air. rue youugsters,
ruuiug in age Irom three years to eigh
ty, md uumberiug about forty, were
linotographed by Miimford, after tbe
iea?t. Aunt Cjrueei Bush was one of
the gueate, aud eujoy eil the treat as well
as aui youngster Oculd.
Li-t Wednesday afternoon Mr Mar
tha Keiiuett d'ed at tbe home of ber
dau;ii:er, Mre. Wilbur Kenuedy, aged
eia-hty-tire years aud some mouths. She
leaves live d-tuulere aud two sous, Mrs.
Deiiphlue Kennedy, Mrs. Til lie Carglll,
! I'liompsju, Mrs. Nettie Crandall, ol
biadaie ; iire. ilattie liajUeu. ot Union
dais: Mrs. Louire llaydeu, of Forest
U iy ; Letter b Beunett, of this place,
uud Ira llenuett, of Thompson. One
brother, Jeremiah Coou, lives at Terly,
SarqueiiAUua couuty. Tbe burial took
p,'ice at South Gib?ou, after a brief fu
ll r-ti service at lue home ot ber uaucu
. where ehedied. Mrs. Bennett was a
KHlier, and lOv. L T. auCaupen.
en tint church, couducted the funeral
Several from here attended the field
day a: Wulte j! e ias; briday alter
The M E chiiroh is being rtipaiuted,
ui.ii later lue interior will be repaired.
Aim. ISA Ir. and Mrs. Elword
moler, ol wfaito Plains, N. i., are
bjardiug at oiney Skinaer d.
Mr. nnd Mre. Fraak Morgan, ot Al
bion, N". Y., were recent guests of Mre,
M. L Siiu.ier.
Mrs. U (i Carr and children, Wil
tun. ud ilorjone, ot Donmore, Pa.,
uro vuitine Miss Minnie Gar.
II !ury Lingc returned from lialsteid
this tveee Mr. Liogo was accompin
i.'J by his niece'. Miss May Bvingtoo.
Miss Por oe Ktymond, who has been
at tae Uiwreaco tor a week, returned
to Maronac oj Tuesday.
Frank Jeukios, of iioncslale, was in
town last week.
H. it. B.-eglemade a business trip to
.Ne lork toe first ot tbe week.
The Friday night dance at tne Fall'd
bousj was well pttromxed.
Mr. aud Mrd. Verrnillio i. wbo hire
i been t.c!jn?ini? on-i of the bungalow.
l Mr und Mrd llirroun. of New York.
wiiii a pir'.y of Iricads will occupy one
ol toe baiiit ilows for some weeks,
, ,, ,..,.. ... ,.
1 -Mr. and Mr, .Walter .filer returned
i to UjrtHnd on Saturday last.
.Miji ijiaaye aicouuougn returned
from a New York trip oa Friday even-
The Sunday school held their picnic
au ..HHV -
1 on futeday last.
.Uo 1' h -UUnch glumes was the
KUi'oiui ci-rantoa friends last week,
Moftimirj U Liro epuat ejvcrsl
aiysl.H wek in Carbonlile with his
aughter. Airs. Lrnest l'aynter
B.-ujimin Ulakehas been in the north
- u p-rt of tha county several days alter
J. V. Starnes. and wm. Avery are
I sningliog tne school bouse.
I Sir. T. I nidd el(upni1 at lhi lawn am-iftl
( at Wayne llarfn a borne, Friday even
i Itichard Roberts preached at Pittston,
t Siriday. and returned Monday.
c Iialbu ,a expected h5me frorn
WilkeE Ilarro to day
James Johns drove to Forest City oao
day week and bro-ighl bis grand
BOn: llj,w!lri!1'?1s' b5c!5 ,',lth.'"m
Mrs J ohu HjIIou and dausthter Irah,
VWit& several days last week with
ineads at Gitdland.
Mr and Mrs. Wm, liouser entertain-
01 "y-hara KODeris and family at sup-
I per. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
. KdalI- rfunaay evening and Mr. and
' ( ... L" M ri ,.,m.n r.. ji ie.i.
i .ii t n. i. , . uiutuicii luruiuuer, rnaay,
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Paitz and ann
Cburles, of Scranton. spent (Sunday at
tbo home ot Mi. and Mrs. Charles Faatx.
Ask for Allen's Foot Base.
a powjer ior swollen, tired, hot, smart-
ins leei. n-tiume seni rur.i. Also Free
! fr.- l'jZAlSSa.
Oliu.teai. Leltoy, N. y.
In the Enjliih Like Conntry-A Tiiit to '
Windermtre and the Home of John
BnikinAa InUrexUne Letter from
Kill Alice Z. Oreiory.
Ambleside, England, Aug. 2. UM. I
Dear Cousin Your letter, with one
from Margaret Ulllerand another from
Louise Keefer. reached me as I was
breakfasting at Furness Abbey. It was
ralmog for the flrst time wheu I have
been traveling, but I boarded the tralu
Jast the same lleachiug Ltkesld about
ball an uoar later 1 decided, a It was
U'tl raining as hard, to wait for the sec
otrt Itoat, hoplnit the mist would clear
before my sail up Windermere. So, sit
ting tu tbe glass-protected waiting room
wltti prttty Windermere covered by
drifting fog, I persued my letters. Tbey
were oertaluly a eomtori and yours con
tained a compltmeut which, from a clrl
up, I have heard you pay to Miss
Browusoouibe, and often wished that 1
might be tbe possessor of the gilt. Suffice
It to say that those letters put me lu au
emotioual frame of mind, one just suited
to appreciate tbe treat In store for me.
Depositing my luggage lu tbe cabiu I
m muted tbe deck, for I was well cloak
e 1 aud moisture had uo terrors for me.
A heavy mist still fii.el tbe air, aud
lowering clouds yet bung upou the crags
au-1 paks which bordered either side of
tbe like, xhlcu at this point I little
wider thau a good sized river. The pros
pects looael promising, for here and
there through the veil of mist a little
blue sky would peep, only to be obscur
ed a moment later by tbe veering olouds.
Both banks were well wooded. All veg
etation is fresh and Inxariaut here, for
thev have much rain. Very little land
le cultivated for grain, the principal crop
ot r.agiaiid eanuol be matured and eur
etl lu au ordiuary summer.
Co proceed. Oa th right was hu
eievatlou kuuwu as Gtimmei How i,iu
the I, in j-v-iilr- ptrlaue, a lilll.i Alter
paeelug a few small Islauds we came to
a prouioutory knowu as R&wiiutou Nab,
meauing uoe, but I chose to tbiuk It
eouame-1 because It seemed to stretch
out Into the water from tbe foot ot tbe
bill as it trylug to nab tbe vessel as she
r-cudded by. Ou tbe right a hotel could
be seeu upon me nuiside among tue
tree, and a pier with a small observa
tory upon it jutted out la tbe lake. Just
here tbe clouds of mist partej above us.
and the suu shone through. It was so
beautiful to see those great peaks, as It
were, holding as:.l t'l" wist. Tne sun
wse- utver a'aiu entire, y obscured. 1
am sure the lOSLery ulthout that additlou
would never have been half us brettv.
lue I'gai ana suauows were marvelou.
From the observatory I uieutloue 1.
Sdolt, Wordswitrtb,Tenuyeouand others
ot note, witnessed a regalia held lu hui.
orot tbe first-named In lfJ3. Project.
Ing from tbe west bauk a little farther
ou Is a rocky headland uoou which
hotel has been ereoted. It, like all tbe
banning about be re, was Dalit of aa a
uiost black stoue. It Isadarkeaudstoue.
which look, to me a If it bad beeu aub-
jscted to more or less ot metamarphte
rfatlou. allied with these stones are
iofteu reddish aud yellowish saudstoues,
hw.i...w SI,- V.II..I I, a I A . ...... !...!
. iuh -in n u.n u i t - uuurt uiui lieu
appearance, the walls ol tbe structures
are built of uuhewu stoues. just exactlv
as are own fence wall'. 1
Tue boat then steered to tbe right.
p-st Belle Isle, the largest Island lu
Windermere tnalt a mile Ions) to II w
uess. Here 1 left tbe steamer and took
an omulbus to Windermere, a mile aud
a half distant, where 1 followed k uar
row laue Titti a hedge of rhododendrons.
The laoe passed tbe aide of a large estate
but s Ku termiuated lu a by-patli
iurouu a oeautuui wool wneu near
ly to the top. the path turns into a past
ure, from which opening oue gets r
view ot the Lakes to the south. After
paetlug along a few rods a turnstile I
reached. Oa oue side of the wall at this
poh.t is a tablet upon which is iusenbed
the appreciation ot the family who bad
dedicated to tbe public forever Orrest
Head, (the peak which I had beeu
climbing.) Ou tbe other side of the wall
oa a similar tablet are these lines from
"Tbod who hast given me eyes to see
And love this sight so fair.
Give me a bean lo had out Thee,
And read Thee every whete!"
Tbe spot Is furnished with beuches, so
that one may- sit down aud view th
country rouud. The whole country is
spread out in panorama. Oi course the
chlel beauty is tbe Like, which curves
at the foot of tbe hills. lor one can see
tbe ten miles of its extent. To the north
east are the Laugdale Pikes ; to the
right of tbem Loughrigg. which ui
window faces ; to tbe left Crinkle Crags
and ConUton Old Man, the mountain
which towers above lovely Lake Conis
ton. on whose oDbOslte shore I Brant
wood, Rutklu's home, almost bidden by
trees. After looking to my heart's content I
went down the bill and made my way to
the wharf, where I arrived just lu time
tor a boat to Ambleelde. Again my lot
fell in a uleasaut place. Am lodging
with a uiaideu lady who lives with her
two brothers wbo are artistic photogra
pliers, and took Ibe pictures for tbe
plates illustrating the new edition ol
llueklu a works.
We went to Couiston by coach on
day, and two of the New Jersey girls
aad myseit uired a boat ana a man to
row us to Brantwood. Here we passed
uti a walk to tbe right of whloh was a
rose garden wlthtbe Mowers just In tbeir
prime, lluskln was very fond ol roses,
so there were many rare siteciuiens, and
they were trained m-o-t beautifully, hut
then what otbe.e could you expect? The
irardeu on the other side was lull of
tlowere, but of ail varieties. We screwed
up a whole lot of nerve and presented
uur cards for admittance. Tbe maid re
turned, saying Mrs. Severu.was out, but
she was sure tbat the lady would allow
us to see the stuuy n sue were mere,
we might come in. Time and space will
not permit me to go iuto detail, but "ar
tistic" defines tbe bouse. Both windows
of tbe study overlook the lake and of
course permit au unobstructed view oi
uouiston old Alan. I have i. pnotograpn
nt a oorner of tbe room wiilch 1 will
show you some day. The inatd also took
us into the dining room. She lived with
tbe family live year previous to Riisklu's
death, al-u saiu that ttiey still lrlt-,1 to
fallow out bis customs There were
beautiful buncbee of roses ou tbe table
and sideboard and the wall were hung
witb rare paintings.
To-morrow I go by coach to Keswick
Affectionately, ALICR.
ClUBLza F. Lummis. librarian of the
Public Library in Los Angeles. (Jil..
doesn't like the way the name of tbe
city that employs him is butchered, lie
bas wnttcn-ietters to several prominent
hewepiprs in an eaorl to pet straight
tbo pronunciation ot Las Angeles Mr
Lummis says that "it is a curious pre
dicameut when tbe very inhabitants of
an American city call tu name in uo
less thin twelve dlflerent ways, of
which eleven are wrong and five bir
birous. Tois unhappy and probably
unique distinction belongs to Las Ange
les, Cal, Vet It is old enough to be
known better. It was properly pro
nounced for more than a century before
the new immigrations set up so tall a
Tower ot Babel," Tbe following local
jinitle, tbe librarian saye, covers tbe
ca;e reasonably well:
Tbe lily would rcminl you, pleiBa
Her name is not Lost Angie L?ee,
Nor Angle anything whatever,
She hopes her friends will be so clever
To c-haro ber fit historic pride
Tbe G shall not be jellified.
O long, G hard, and rhyme with yi,
Aod all about Loco Aog-el-ess.
A method ot invisible writing which
is said to have been largely used by
prisoners tor secretly communicating
with tbeir friends has been discovered
by Professor Gross, of Germany. Take
a sheet ot common writing paper, mois
ten it well with clear water, acd lay it
ou a bard, smooth eurfaco.sucb as glass
or stone, etc. After removing carefully
nil uir bubbles from tbe sheet, place up
i,a it another dry sheet of equal eir-e
and write upon it your communication
witb a sharp pointed pencil. Then des
troy tbe paper upon wbicb tbe writing
bas been done, and allow tbe wet paper
lo dry gradually by exposure to the air.
Wbm dry not a trace ot the writing
will be visible. But on moistening the
sheet again with clear water aud hold
ing it against tbe light, tbo writing can
be read in a clear transparency. It
disappears again after drying in the
air, aod may bo reproduced by moisten
JioK repcavcuiy, nuuum iuu eneei too
too much bested, however, tbo writing
will disappear, never to reappear again.
aim. I7tb Weather conditions in this
locality are such as to dishearten the
farmer, to look over bis fields and see
tbe need of rain. Potato vines are dy-
,u--tDe coru has a sickly shriveled look.
and neither will give an average crop.
unless we get ram soon. Paetnres are
browu and dry and the outlook Is not
encouraglfg for either tbe creamery
man or dairyman.
Hauling water Is a dally occurrence In
ioautief, where tbe springe and
wells have failed,
0t are beiug harvested and where
they have beeu threshed tbe yield Is
good nud qua!lt good. A good soaking
raiu is beetled to belter the situation.
May Barnes nod Helen Carey, ot
Scraiitou, are calling on relative aud
friends lu this viciuitr.
G. S. Browu and wife, of Eastou, are
guests ot airs, jaue iirowu ana family.
Charles Auirel and Miss Eleanor Thom
as, ot Philadelphia, are guests ot A. C.
Angel aud family. Mr. Anirel la a veter
an ot tbe civil war, almost SO years of
age, quite au active man and enjoys
good health.
w.t. kvaus, the Dreher State road
contractor, aud Mr. Johnson, both ot
Amoler, Pa., were callers on business
along tbe State road last week. About
10 teamsters, a lot of horses, carts, wac
Din and other paraphernalia arrived at
the State road headuuarters. near An
gels Kst office last week, and nave start
ed gradlug the road.
Charles Stevens, while at work on tbe
Sprunks lumber tract, near tbe Nevln's
home, one day last week, when be struck
a glancing blow aud out a deep sash In
uie rigiit leir. lie was aulle veil rroni
lose of blood, but managed to reach tbe
.eviu suomeaiid was taken to his home.
Work on the new Moraviau church Is
progressing quietly. A part ot the slate
is ou the bunding and some of tbe floor
is laid, luey eipect to have the build
lug ready lor lathlui: lu a few days.
The saw mill ou tbe Sprunks lumber
tract has beeu Idle for some time owing
to a scarcity of water.
About 2,500 pounds of dynamite are
stored lu au old house near Augels, for
use ou me state road.
tvdward Sbelbert aud wife, of Brook-
Ijn, N. are visiting relative and
friends lu Dreher.
rbe Moraviau Sundav school
held Aug. 13th, drew a big crowd. Tbe
refreshment stands and base ball game
were me principal attractions.
Why not have a real base ball ulcule
ii uy iiell.
Al'U. 17th. Our base ball team con
lluues taclr wluulnir streak. Last r-atur
day atteruoou thev defeated tbe Elm
i-ara team, ot Bcranlou, lu an exeitlug
game. ext Saturday afternoon the
boys will be opposed by tbe South Bter-
iiuk (earn.
Tuesday afternoou the Ladle' Aid
will uold au ice cream social aud cake
saleou the church lawu. At the same time
tbe children of Ibe Sunday school
ue laaeu ior an automobile ride, nils
will take tbe place ot their annual pic
Mauy of our te-onle attended camu
uieetiug at Manlewood. Suadav.
soamuei iousieiu tpeut several days lu
.ew lura. ouy receuuy . ueisnowDUsy
removing his good to tbe stand formerly
oocupted as a meat market by Satnsou
0 IrOOK.
Mr. 11. B. Need has returned after au
exteuded visit with friends and relatives
lu -ew lork atate.
Miss Eiele Smith, ot New Jersey, Is
making a two weeks' visit with her
mother. Mrs. O. P. Smith.
We are irlad to auuounce that Mrs.
Geo. Smith bas Improved sufficiently to
reiuru io uer nome Here, ane recently
underwent a very delicate operation at
Dr. HurusV private hospital, Scranton.
A number of our ladle enjoyed a ride
to Mooeio Lake last week. Mr. Will.
Curtis ohaperoned tbe party, which
consisted of tbe following : Mesdames
IJora Simons, Giles Collins, H. C. White,
E. W. Simons and Floyd McFarland.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mills, formerly ot
mis piace, out now nviugin injlana, are
visiting relatives lu town.
Mrs. Stevens, of Uawley, was the
guest ot her sister, Mrs. J. Brown, over
Ray Smith, of New York city, spent
several uays receuuy witu nts falber,
Jee Smith.
Mrs. Alice Bidwell Welden and two
children, of Simsbury, Conn., were the
guests of Mrs. Dora Simons, recently.
Iter. Lyman, assistant pastor of Elm
Park ouuroh. Scranton. occuDied the
pulpit of the M. E. church, Sunday. Our
pastor. Rev. Samuel Murray, took his
piace ai cam rant.
Presiding Elder Fuller, of Carbondale.
and Rev. Mr. Randall, of Canaan, were
guests ot tiev. aamuel Murray, last
An ice oream social will be held on tbe
base ball field Saturday eveuiug. Pro
ceeds for tbe benefit of the ball team.
At this writing Charles Scbadt Is ser
iously in at tils hotel In Scranton.
w ben the baby i cross and bas vou war-
ried and worn you will Hud tbat a little
Caseasweet, the well known remedy fur
hauie and t-hiidreo, will quiet tbe little one
in a snori time, ine ingrniienu are pilot
ed plainly on the bottle. Contain no opiat
es, doio uj t-r.iL. ios uruggisu
Lyric Theatre
BKXJ. U. DlTritlCII. Lessee A Manager
Sf AUG. 26th.
Personally Conducted
World Tours
In Moving Pictures made
Supremely Real.
PRICES, 25, 35, and 50cts.
Diagram opens at lh Bi Office ml 9 a.
A L OUST 13, 1908.
HF.NJ. II. IllTTItlL'U. Lessee 4 M oagat
Vcelckel & Nolan's
Sse ths Great
Singers and Dancers
Grand Street Parade and Concert, day
and tvenlns
PRICES, 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents
Diagram opsjni at 9 a. ri.. MONDAY
Al OLiT .4. Beth Pbont..'
4T Of lAUTNsHBU!P. Notice ia Here
by frlrfn tbat ibt) parloerahip heretofore
eilitlcc bel wet-d Jacob K. Itfatc. Wm. J,
tfatx and Bamutl Italy, uotJr tbe firm name
ol lEals Urotbere, wan dlaaolred on tbe teotb
dar of AUfiUit, IfftW. b mutual Mturot
AUdrbU owing lo MUd partoerablp are r
oelrablt bjr aald Jaoob V. lCaU aod Wm. J.
Kate, wbo will continue tbe busia under
tbt Itrm name of Kali Brother, to whom
alo all tlalmt aod dt-mandi axaioit Kalx
Urotbrr an to be prvtentwl for payment.
W.J. k'ATZ.
Uoneadale, la-, Aug. 10, 1W. UU
I -OS Eli T(l Tilt CITI7.-Vt ill. Tlllai mil.
I'L'uu.tiiED nv tut nt it or tub m:cetak,
v A.lil or lilt. CU.STITl,TIUr.
-Nam r ucr
A Joist in-trJiii.i-Tinv
IrojcitT AmD4mats to tt Con-tttutkB ef Ite
L'-mmoa-ejiit. or i'UCyiTaiji t-j to ten-Miti-ljta
tte Court of Commoo I'lta of fhila
ttI;hta S1.J Alutb-or '"UDti, an-l to le
tttv titter 1 1 AsM-rublr Tovrr to Kutliii a
$ptti court In TbiU'lfitTiia rounty. lth
tatla 1. It It tAlft.l thsk tiML-mtm ..!
Hnu ef ItIfwoUt.t n ;fnral AMubl7
mtt. That tSf follottn g aniQjai. oit to th Con
ttltutioit ot IcoL7lTDia t. an! th mlc ar
lsertr( tToto4 la aoorliac lth tb h
tctfcth artl-rle tlirf-of
TMl fCUoa -It if article fit t mtrAA It
tnklOat OUt th fxli MfliKli Bti.1 ln.MIr.s- In
j.Ut tbrmr tbe
action . i& tae tcuLi.e- t rhtl.Jvlthti ac1
AtltDiir all tbe n n.l i-..-r- w
vest! la tt Mitral cututrM ourt rf ttDtna
ti intu I -i-ftiej in ttf court vt tmmn
rleas In h tt .J kiubiim . nrnt nr .n
tbe JuJc in om-xsifvioD io ttj rajurt. sotb
Jurlialittioa aoi ior bill itM to u i n.
tdlBC at Uv nJ iu f-quitjr hxb toal Lit
a miiiiuKu me fTpm nun't-frM cvurti.
aod ttall L iut;t to vuch c hi met tear t
mJ ty I, and tibjct to cba&K of vtaue a
jroildfd If law TL tresltlrct j-itif of arh ot
tb ulJ courts thill t- lcta a froTi-l! It
la. Tb Duaur or juJf e to ath ot MtJ courts
mi? tr. br law. inrattl from tin-. in tirn
This am(oJruDt shall takt effect en tbe 0rt
MotxiAf or January uci.n(-; its aiiniou.
Stlta . Tbt artl'l At. Mctton tlthf. 1
amBd ty tnakinc bo adlltioji thereto so that
io asm man read as roiiows-
?llon Tb PilJ ruurts la th rour-tls-si nt
rbtladelDhia anJ AlUcbc-nr. rr rttiTc It nhall
frobi time to time, in turn, detail on- tr mere
of tbelr lu)cc to fcolJ the courts of ortr auJ
ttrmiDer and tho nuni of quarter rtstions if
tb tacc of said ountle. tn suit, manner a
mar t-e dmcteaj ir ia rroTidd. That in the
cpurny or i anajf ifhia tb ueoeral AlmMj snail
us? tuer to staMib a m pa rat court, fon
at1tl0E f oot n.are than fwur juJatf. bkh (ball
tat etrlutlve !uril.. tlon in crltntnal rae
and In such other Uaattirs at mar t toridttl
ij law
A ttu T oi !iDt l.oiutlon No 1.
fee re tar jr of th Comraoomeatth
jeition nv the ;i:nkhMs asii:miilv or
i nr. nivi nu, t. i.tii or n;.) i. ani I
i'l I.I,1,"11KI. Ill oitniiii optiii: SCCItltTAin
Or THE COMMtiKI.TH. IN l'llt:t'NCE
Or AKI ILlst. .Will OI tr CU.-TITl TION. To
Prcposltc an AtmndmeM t tbo Cocstltutlon of
ib c.iimorj-aiiB. aiio1dk Cour.llr,. cil?
Itor&u(b. Townships, iVbool iHttrk-tt. ol
other Muclrtal or Inrcrforatol Hltrils, to
locrvae iteir iDJoieaLs.
Il It rt--old by lb Senit acd llou cf
reM-LlstUe cf lb CroruonaIth of I'tno-)!-tsola
In Gcenl Assemtlf met. That s-tiE
elctt. artlcl nln. of th Condons alih of I't&o
syltanla. readlnc as Mloat
"Sanction Tb Jti of anr count y, city
tsorouth. teeh'p. wVI diMrict or ohr mu
ntclialny cr ltKrarraiel dutiict. ti"it a
herein trofldc-d. shall nTr ic-d seven t-ei
centum urn tb aM-M-d talu of the uiatle
Iroiny inrrin, cor snail anr fun mucici; allty
t uniiKi inrur muj nrw aiy, vr increas US in
owcaD-M to as amount eactedicc to tr
cdiutq vin sucn asi Taiuaoon cr property
without lb a soot or tbe electors tbe reef at i
i.iitltc election. In such manner a tall Le tro
ldl ty law, but any city, tbe debt ot blch
now eireedt rr centum of such ai1
valuation, may Le authorlrol Ly la to tnrra-
tbe aaoie tbreo per centum. In tb accn-cate.
at any oae time, ui-on sucb valuation.' t
amendd. In accordanre lth th rrovlona of
me risnirarDia siriiri ot uiu convTHUllOO. K
that Mid fectton. when amended, rball real ai
Section i- Tbe del-1 of any county, city, tor
ouch, township, school district, cr other munlcL
lalitr or lnx.rtoraed district, eiret-t at herein
imvlded. shall Dever iree4 ten ier centum uiann
the assed value of the taiable proi-trty there
in nor shall anr such munlrltvautT or district
Incur any new debt or Increase Its lndettdn
to an amount etceedlnic two per centum uin
such assessed valuation of roerty without the
a&seni oi tne electors inereor at a puMic elec
tion, in sucn manner as snail r trovti-i t-y u
A true copy tt Joint ll--olution So. Z
Secretarv of tbe Corcmcnalih
rciiLi?iiEn ny okoek or the skchktaii.
Number Three.
ProposlnK Amendments to ikctloaf Elect and
iweniy-uno oi Amcie a-vur. &eeiions l.ixi.d
and Twelve of Article nv. Sections Two.
Three and Fourteen of Article Eight. Action
Ono of Article Twelve, and Sections Two and
Seven of Article Fourteen, of the Constitution
of Pennsylvania, and lTovldinc a Schedule for
Carrying tbe Amendments Intu Effect,
Section 1. lie it resolved Ly tbe Senate aod
House of Ilt-presentallves of tbe Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That tbe
following are propose! as amendments lo tbe
Constitution of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, in accordance with the i-rovlalons of the
eignieenu article inereor:
Amendment One To Article Four.
Section Eleht.
Section Z. Amend section of article four
of tb ConUtutlon of Pennsylvania, which reads
as follows:
"He shall nominate and. bv and with the ad
vice and consent of two-thirds of all tbe members
or the senate, appoint a secretary or tne com
monwealth and an Attorney -General d urine pleas
ure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction tor
four vears and such other oXcera of tbe Com
monwealth as be la or may be authorized by the
Constitution or by law to appoint, he shall Late
power to OU aH vacancies that may hajptn, lu
oScea le which be may appoint. duiiLg the rc
, cess of tbe Senate. Ly granting coin ml salons
which shall ex Dire at tne end or tnetr teii hi
ion: ho shall hava Dower to fill anr vacancr that
may happen, during the recess cf the Senate. In
tbe offlce of Auditor General. State Treasurer.
Secretary of Internal Affairs or Su perin ten dent of
Public Instruction. In a Judicial offlce, or tn any
other elective offlce which be Is or may be au
thorised to fill; It the vacancy shall happen during
tbe seauon or tne Senate, tne uovernor snau com
inai io the Senate, before tbelr final adiourn'
ment, a proper person to flit said vacancy, tut In
any such case of vacancy. In an elective office, a
lrMn shall be chosen to said offlce at the text
ventral election, unless the vacancy shall bap
pen within three calendar months Immediately
preceding such election. In which case the election
for aald office shall Le held at the second sue
ceedlna; general election. In acting on executive
nominations the Senate shall i t wltn cpen doors.
and. In confirming or rejecting the nominations
or tne uovernor, tne vote snau i-e taken vj ycai
and nayi. ana snau ce entered on cue journal,
tii mm to rt-a.1 aa follows:
He shall nominate and. by and with tbe advice
and consent or two-tniras oi an tne numwr oi
th Senate, atiixrlnt a Secretarv or tne common'
wealth and an Attorney General during pleas
ure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction for
rnui- rears, and such other officers of tho Com
monwealth as be Is or may Le authorize! by the
Constitution or ly law to uiioint, ne snau nave
.ower to fill alt vacancies that mar b art-en,
offices io which he may appoint, during tbe recess
of tbe Senate, by granting commlsaions which
shall eipire at tne ena oi .oeir next session, ut
t,rti have tsower to fill anv vacancr that iua
Lai'pt-u. during tbe rectus of the Senate, In the
t.fflrn of Auditor General. State Treasure r.
rttary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of
I'UDUC insiruruoa, in a juuitui u.u.r, ur iu uhj
other elective office which be is or may be au
t.r.ritfrd in fill, if th vatancv shall Lairen dur
ing the session cf tbe Senate, the Governor shall
nominate to m senate, oeiore ineir nun u
inurnment, a nroixr lATson to fill said vacancy
Lut In any such case ot vacancy, in an elective
dlilre, a pt-raon man oe truuia io iu nunr uu
tne next election aay appruiTiaie iu ivm uitc-.
accordttg to tbe provisions ot tbls Constitution,
unlfn th vacanrv shall hanisen within ISO calen
dar months Immediately I receding such election
day. lo which ease tbe election for said office shall
L held on the second succeeding (lection day
appropriate to suth office In acting on executive
nominations tbe Senate shall lt with open doorr.
and. in confirming cr rejecting the nominations cf
tbo Governor, tbe vote shall be taken Ly yeas
and nay. and shall be enterea on tae journal.
Amendment Two To Article Four, Section
Section 3. Amend section twenty-one of article
four. wbLa rrada as roiiows:
"The term ot tbe Secretary of Internal Affairs
shall tw four jeers, of tbe Auditor General three
years and of ibe State Treasurer two years
ILei offiters shall be chosen Ly the qualified
ilreiors of Ibe State at general elections. No
larrson elected to ibe offie or Auditor General or
Mate Treasurer hall Le capable of holding Ibe
rame efflce for to consecutive terms," so as to
tlj lemis t.t ibe Secretary cf Internal Affaire.
the Auditor General, and tbe State Trcafurer
shall acn oe lour years; ana iur iu.ii
tbusen by the qualified (lectors of tbe State at
rtneral elections: but a State Treasurer, elected
In the year one thousand nine hundred and nice,
shall arve for three years, and his successors
shall Le lee led at the general (lection in Ibe
year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and
in every fourth year thereafter. No person
elected to the efflce of Auditor General or State
Treasurer -ball be capable cf holding the came
office for two consecutive terms.
Amendment Three To Article Five, Section
Section 4 Amend section cIstcq of article five,
which reads as follows:
"Raced aa otherwise nravlded In this Constl
tutlon. Justices or tbe peace or aldermen shall be
elected In tbe several wards, dtctrtcU, boroughs
and townships at tbe time ot the election of con
stable, by Ibe qualified electors thereof, tn such
manner shall be directed by law, and shall be
commissioned by the Governor for a term of
Ova vears. No townshln. ward, district or bor
ough shall elect more than two Justices of tbe
peace or aldermen wimout tot consent oi a ma
inritv t,t I i.e ou sill fled electors wltbtn such town
ship, ward or borough, no person shall be elected
tu autb office unlets he shall have resided wthtu
ibe towtssbip, borough, ward cr district for oue
)ear ncit preceding bis e ley lion in cities con
taining over fifty thousand Inhabitant not more
than obs alderman shall be elected in each ward
or dluriri. so aa to reau;
t'iretot . otherwise provided In this Constltu
tlon. Justices of tbe peace or aldermen shall be
elected In tbe several wards, districts, boroughs
or townships, by the quaiioea electors mereoi, at
the municipal election, tn such manner as shall
Ka eirftl hv law. and shall Lo commissioned
Lr the Uovernor for a term of sli years. No
township, ward, district or borough shall elect
more than to Justices of the peaco or aldermen
without tbe content of a majority of tha qualified
electors within such toanshlp. ward or borough;
no person shall b elected to such office unless
be BUSH usee rc-siucm wnuiu iuv u iiui,, wr-
f.ii.vs ward or diattict for one vear next nrece-d
log lils election. Ia cities ronlalolng over fifty
thousand inhabitants, not more inau one aiatr
man shall be elected In each ward or district
Awcoome&t Four To Article Fire Section
Section . Amend section twelre of snide flf
of the Con si Hut loo, which reads aa follow i
"In Philadelphia there shall be establithed. for
eack thirty thousand InhabttaaU. one court, bet
or raeofd. of police and civil causes, with Juris
diction not exceeding on hundred dollars; such
courts shall Le held by magistrates whose term
of office shall be five years, as they shall be
elesrted an gsosrel ticket by the qualified voters
ati I -. and In tha election or tbe SSId msala.
trates no voter shall vote for more than two
ttilrds Of tne numoer or xcrua en vm riecteq
wtea more than one are to be chosen; they shall
be com pen sated only by fiied salaries, to be paid
by said county; aad shall exercise such Jurisdic
tion, ttvll and crtAlaals except a tscela bre
vid(J, a . new by aid. rmc. .t
to such i hi-. -. noi .,rg an ttr-a. . .vll
j.ridi 'i. u tr c.'nHir.Lc i , dui. - i ay
ue Unit ry law jn "he of
ldrmati 1- ahoashed. m as to rad a f' ti-jirs:
Ju I'b.laclelphia there shall be o-'iM-icl. fT
ca'h thiny ihousaad ttihtitn' . m.. , i.f- cot
of rcrJ. of t-olke and ivll cause, with Juris
it tlon not exdtng on bunlrel -jrh
xurt shall be he I'l by mi.-tra: r her- term
of effl -ball be tlx yvzT. and the y jLa.1. ta
c -ted ur general ti kit at tb- aun- ; "I t
t.ji , by the quahftel to tts v.t laiaj- i 1 in . j
tii ...on vt lb j.J mag. -trates no -.t r tjll
xv.k tor tuor than iwu-tatrd of iiif i 'r f
(e. . ! K tltMttd kLtS tnort- than . to
t- cu-n. thy ttill Tv- ion jHD'avj tr
rd i.m-, to b pai't by -i)1 u:.'.y a-A
Lot e '. rM aturh , lirHd titn. civil a.: ti -
a), except as herein provided, na le im ex r-
--el ty i itlrraicn, rul-ject to surh chatiLi , t t
intoltibg an ibt.rca'e of - ivil junMlftici. rn&
I.rr.'g jots- l ujtu s may be li .; 'y Uw.
In rhiladeipfal. ft i of ..Mi runt - ' il.
AmendD'tv Sn-Tf Aui le I.e.
Section Three
'ctioft t Amend wiirn two of nrticit eight,
i which ri a it llowa
Tbe ceneral rle. ttrtn -hall be held .innr.iT on
th lU'th neat fnllnwiriaf the Br-t Mf 1-y cf rut ib .-r.. -ttr,'y i 'iv
t a -I r nt ia t th 1 1 I all U . 'ers
f n.ti H"U. on nting thf rto," rad:
The f'l.efal eleftion -ball U held I r r . n
tbe TiLi Mil follcwiDS th Slr-t ilv- . ty cf
November in each (nnumberel year, tut tbe
nrw .SMtLi-iy mayfly law nv a qin. r r t uay,
-.birds nt all the numbers Of arh 1 i - c n
line ihtrct': Pn-vi-led. That mj b e ti.'a
shall (.iwat- be hell in an evrn-numl-rt ! year.
Atii'i !mtt Six To Article Etrht. $ttn Three.
Sceiivn .. Amend 'vctton thr- of .tn' Io ticht.
whiih re.'d- as fu'lowi
All ela.tivni fur cltr. wjrs. find
township fr recular terms of -crvice.
snais ic o-1 1 u in intra lucfviarci i-1 1 ruary."
o ai to r.-I
All luelo elettol tr th ihrtof- e.f th
at lartt may elected at either a coneral or
n.uiii nM tnn. as cnuinftant tmr re- r- ie
All (Miions (or Judges ot the court for flic r v
trai ;uitriai qistrKtr. and fir county n iM,
lrouah. an t"hhlp otTlter. fc r rtal t "-r:.
mtf. man t-c neiei on tne muni i i en '.ion
t natnelr. the Tuc-olar next Mi v a- tuo
fit t M di) cf NovemNr in each oil - titid
ar. but the- General Aawembty may Ly Us fx a
i n 1 1 uy, two inirds e-r all ibe r- i ' cf
h Heuj (vn-entinic thereto I'rv .t jt
ftUih eUation shll always be held n & idd-
bua.r- r'l year.
Ami ndment Seven To Artlfle Elcht. S- i
s'tn Amend W. tiOD fnuttetO cf art. ie
H n h M a- Ml w- -
A i T I 11' 11 lMI-l Nlll c-rtl t f ft
"Ic, ,.! t Da it I! M ' i tof- WlXt hiii t , a
atitiually Ly I In ci'.cn Ea h clcli'r s' .11 Ii.e
in ncm t- tun iir tin juqg aun , -, r,
ird j h lnstitr -hjill dsuint iii rk. Tb
hr-i (lectinn ltr'l for any n dt-tri t tl. ..i t-n
tl. and v.i. atiitc In cle-tUn Nird- fllle 1,
as fhali ! prided ty law. Kle-1 t c L' ers
nail t-r pi ilJ Irom art t Ut-oo el . - ef elc
:i 'i. -d wht'e enirat:J In tnaMnc up tij trans
a. tttnc rett.Tt.. ex-eil utoo warrant - T a ourt
sf rcc- rd cr .udce ihTif. lor an el.ti-.n fraud.
' r i or for wanton Lra h of tlx - i'e. In
i ies tb-y may claim mj i on from jury duty
Unis, tb ir i ni- f t r. e. o an t read
I i-ti t tie- tion board- t-hjll c-onl-t cf a JjIe
ird two it-,- ( r who shall N t i-n
j! f 1 t.e l.r n- at the inutilr-li I (lotion,
i, ist tl. irioi ul A-MtisLly (uay rc-iuirc loards
it an'"'! lo lis-rintr as n n.ay tr
,l truvid Ltws KgulatinA lb a mtn.rut
f said l4tard may le euatted to atl'.y to cities
uly i'ro: lJ, lbat such l unift rni for
mM- 1 tLe --nit class. Each cl.xlor -L-iII havo
the ripist to .etc lor the Judce an-J one it -pi tor,
ani (J h ititttor shall aplnt on- e'irk Tho
act e UKn t-oard fcr any new tlltrit hall l-o
aelected. and a. ami? In election I- irdi- filUJ.
j shall t-e rrotidctl by- law. Ele- ti tn offlctre
ball te prltiUsc-1 from arret uta day of
election, ani while engaccd In mat. Ire up and
ransmittlng returtif cnit Lt-ou warrant of a
-tiuri of rtcorj. tr judpt ibercuf. fur ;ia (ic lion
frau'l. for fel"by. or for wanton Lrca h of I bo
ieac In int.- they may claim exemption irvtn
jury duty durtnc their terra1- erf Mtti
Amendmetit Eiaht To ArtHle Twelve,
he ti"ti Ore.
Sc-ttn ! Atnccd nation one. article twelve.
wLnh rtsJ a- folluws
'All c.nv-rs. wbo-e rc ectlon Is not t-roTidcd,
(WiinteM as may t airetei ly uw, so at
All officers. whoTt' t-elrctlon Is rot i-mvl Jed-f or
in tni- constitution, snau ic eit-ii eriip intci
- may t- din-ctcd Ly law: rrovidii. That cicc
ii' - of State officers shall t-e held en a central
election day. and elections cf lta! oEQetrs shall
ti- be 11 in a munl'tpal election day, except when,
m either ae. si'ial election- mar t-e required
to fill urn v irrd t rni-.
Aneclu(tit Nine To Article rourtecn.
Section Two.
Scitim l. Amend ciicn two of article four
teen, which reads a follows-
t-cunty cCc-sji shall te drctM at tbe pcne-ntl
elcttl ns and t-tw.l boll tbelr cifficcs for th Una
of three years. Ue.mtnt; on the first Monday of
January next after tLtir dec I Ion. and until their
-uoc-ors -hall t duly qualified, all vacancies
not othej-Mi-e provided Lit hall ! filled In ruch
manner as may Lv jroviJtJ ly law," so as to
County effcers shall t-e clecteM at tbe municipal
elections and shall hold their offices for tbe term
of four years, txiripnln? cn the first Monday ot
January next after telr election, and until their
suctts-ors fball l-c duly qualified, all vacanclrs
not otherwise , rovtded for, shall t filled In euch
manner as may b provided ty law.
Amendment Ten To Article Fourteen.
Section Seven.
Section 11. Amend section seven, article four
teen, which reads as follows
Three county com nfl f loners anl three county
auditors shall be elected in each county wbero
such officers are chosen, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-fire and every third
ear thereafter, and In tbe election ot raid officers
eat h qdaliCtel (lector shall vote fcr no more than
two i r-on. and the three t-trsons having tbe
highest DUiut-er of vote- '-hall t-e elected, anr
casual racac y in the offite of ecmty commis
sioner cr county auditor shall t-e filled, by the
court cr common picas of the county in which
such vacan.'y hall occur, ty the art-ointment ot
an elector cf the proper county it' shall have
voted for the commissioner cr auditor whoso
place is to le filled." so as to real-
Three county commisMoners and three county
auditors shall Le elected in each county whero
such rffii-ers are choen. In the ye-ar one thousand
nine hundred and eleven acd every fourth jcar
thereafter, and In the election cf said oiacr toeh
qualified tic-tor thall vote for uo more than two
t-en-on--. and ibe throe pennons having the high
ni number cf votes shall te elected, any casual
vacamy in the office cf county commissioner or
county auditor shall Le filled. Ly the court of
'ommon pitas of the county In which surh va
aii y -hall occur. Ly tbe apiiniment of an
elector ot tbe iroier county who shall have voted
for the comuiiioctr cr aulitor show place Is
to tc Clkl.
Schedule for the Amendments
Section 11. Tbat no inconvenieni e mar arlo
from tbe changes tn tbe Con-tltution of the
Commonwealth, and In crdcr to carry th? came
into complete operation, it Is hereLy de larcd.
In the ca of officers elected by the people, nil
terms of office fixed Ly oct of AacmLly at an
odl number of ears -haIl each It- lcn.thcnt4
one jiar. but Hie Is plflature may ebattgi- tho
(enetb of th term, ir-ivilel tho ten lor which
such effictrs are elected thai! always I for an
oen number of years.
Tbe alje e-tten'lcn ot cfflclM terms f-hall not
affect officers elected at tte central ele lion ot
one ihousaud nine hundred and eight, nor any
itr. arJ. borough, township, cr election di
vision officers, whoe tt-rruc of oiU'e. under fx
itiuz law. end in the jtar one thousand nino
hundred and ten.
In th iar one thousand nine Luidrcd and ten
-hi m-initipal elation shall Le bell on the third
Tuesday cf Ktlruary, ai heretofore, but all
offit-ers chosen at that election to an effice the
reetilar term of which Is two yearn, and alo all
election officers tod affeei&rs chosen nt that
election, shall serve until tbe firi-t Mondiy of
lK'emttr in the ear one thousand nine Lundred
acd elttn. All officers cuoren at that tit: tlon
to offirts th term of whleh Is now- four years,
or is mad four years ly the ojscratlon of theo
amendments cr Ibis schedule, shall serve nttll
the fir-t Monday of Ikcemter In the year ono
thcut-and nice hundred anl thirteen All justices
or the ieace, inaclstratc. and nMermtn. rhoren
at that election, fball sene until tbe first Monday
nf December In the jesr one thousand nine hun
Ired ani fifteen. After the e'ar nln'tten hun
drc 1 and ten. and until the Legislature shall
otherwise rrriide. all terms of city, ward, l-or-nuch
township and ehcllcn di. islon cfC crs shall
t-tgtn cn tbe Bret Monday of liecmtr In aa
odd-numbered year.
All elty. ward, borough, and toanshlp officers
hodir.r offite at Ihe date of the apj rmal of these
smenlrm nts. wbo'e terms cf offii e may end In tbe
)ar cne thousand nine hundred and elt vn.
shall continue to holl tbelr office until tbe first
Monday of Ieembcr of that jtar.
AU Judges of ihe courts for the several Judicial
dUtrUts, and alo all ounty offlr-re, hold in c
offii e at the date of the nil roa! of these amend'
ments. whoe term cf office may end in the year
one thousand nine huidr-d and eleven, shall
continue to hold their offices until the first Mon
day of January, cne thousand nine hundred and
A true eopr of Joint Iteo!titJnn No. 3.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
ESTATE. Uv virtue of ttroess mucvl
out of tbe Court of Comruon 1'Iean of Wuviih
t-ountv-, and State of iVmi'ylvaula. ami to
me dlrex-tex aud deliverel, 1 have leriedon
and will expotv to'publh wile, at tbe' Court
uouat. iionesaaie on
FitlDAV, SKIT. H, 13)1, at 2 p. at.
AU of delendant rlchL title an 1 inter -at
lo tne loll iwias-iHow ribed property, ti
All that cur tain dims nr nirol of
lluite iq the totroilp ot Oaavkp, Oauntr
of Wayne. State or Pennirlranlt, bouaded
BtlU uwnuiei BS lOlItJW.
HrXJINNINU at the Utirord and Owmta
Turnpike; tbenne south sereotedn degieet
wesi auoui iweniy-seven roas ana twenty
two links: tbeood slxtr-four Aeeroem uist
about oloe roll and six links : tbeaoe norlb
seventeen dexrtts eiit tweuty-four rcvls la
tbe turnpike aforesild; tbenu wait alo n
stid turnpike about elftbt roit and six links
to tbe place of heinnin;. CO.rAlWI HQ
one and one balf are of laud more or lesi.
n -hi if ran I ml which Mortlmam Tuthill
conveyed to Trutnua taprajrue by dead dat
ei recorded in DmI Book
No. 97, aco ICS,
uun ma iirHiuuei is a one an i a hair
lory house and frame biru aad other im-
Seizl aad tab tin tn ezeMrutlnn ath nmn.
rty of Trunitn turafrutt at tbnsjit of U. II.
Gulner. No. IJ7 June Terra l&tW. Juljrraent
leWj real debt flW 65.
alutn'ord. Attorney,
I'uravhaser tonar tl. tarAeA as in -thnrirf i
W. !1. UOADKNiaaT, BherltT.
Bherifl's Uffloe. Iloneedale. (
Aux. la, IVV7. (
Dit. jl. u. n.u poiin.
I iC NT 1ST.
Will occupy Ihe bouse of E. 8. Til AVI 9.
r.QUINuNK, lA.
From August 1. 19Cv, uutll further notloa.
The New rVMrftte Skirt for lMst
MKNNKUtfc OO.'ditortM combio. itvlo.
comfort and economy, AU Dew pro
ductioos. tit
U on nor it Co. will cIom out an aAd
lot of Wool Jacket BulU ftt lo baa
can pneo. 7tt