The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 13, 1908, Image 2

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II. 'VtuoH, i iu,uri and Wbllsoera.
g. A. rimii.'
ron rn'mumT.
WU. IIOWAItlt TAIT. of Ohio.
JA11K.8 . 8I1KHUAN. ot New York.
MOKIttS I- :iA)TniEU, ot Philadelphia,
BENJAMIN r. JONK9, Jr.. ot IHUburg,
tor district ai.icroia.
1- John Durt
2- 11. A. Darls
a-K. T. ftianiHsT
4-K. A. (limbs!
6- K. w. Patton
a-ll. J. Elliott
7- 11. (J. Ilrtul
17 W. B. (Mill
l-Itobt. U.NtUHr.
19-J. J. Htlnnman
a)-ThoniM Mhlpler
II w. p. itnsnold
2J-A. W. Mct'ullough
21 J. T. Iloer
H-J. I). Abbott
S V' i. n.n.m.n -ja-J. F. Downing
10- Ool.R A. 1'hllllps -'I'"n".flion
11- J.U Newell tt-T. T. W lson
15 A. II. Miller a) O. t.'.Mhulli
ll-W. T. MiK-b SJ-O. A. ItalKWk
16- tleo. W. Williams Sl-A. It. in
1B-I). J. Waller, Jr. W-lt. I Williams
tor junn or snraaion court,
WM. I). rOUTEIt, ot AlleRhrnx.
for conorcm,
CHAULES a l'KATT. ot 8uiiUebnn.
ron RirRMRTATivm.
W. K. PKitUAif, of Mount Pleasant.
roB iniRirr,
M. LF.F, BRA 11AM, of Honwdatc
WALLACE J. DAKNE8, of Berlin.
ron BcairriR and rroororr.
ALFRED O. BLAKE, of Bethany.
tor oocirrr cotiNiMioitini,
J. K. I10RNBECK, ot Eiiulnunk,
TIIOHA8.U MADDEN, of Dreher.
W. BROCK LKBUEILof Sterling.
MYRON JL BIUON8, ot Uonesdalo.
Aaendloe the State Conititntion.
The amendments to the State Consti
tution, whleh will appear In Tim Cmmii
henceforward nntll the eleotlou In No
vember, deserve eareful consideration
on the part of every oil lien.
The constitution requires that every
proposed amendment, agreed to by a
majority of eaou branch ot the Legis
lature, shall be published in each county
for at least three months before the next
general election, and If agreed to by a
majority ot tbe Legislature next ehoseni
It shall again be published In like man
ner, end submitted to the people, for ap
proval or rehtotlon. The procedure in
tbe case Is thus stated by tbe Supreme
Court (Com. v. Orient, 180 Pa. W0) :
"These are tbe several stages In tbe
proceedings to create an amendment :
A proposal ot tbe amendment In either
Hnnu. an affrnement to tbe same by
both Houses, a publication thereof by
tbe Secretary ot tue uouiuiouweaun, a
second agreement bv tbe two Houses, a
second publication by tbe Ssoretary, a
vote of the people, wbiob, If tbe major
ity vote favorably,cauies the amendment
to Deooino a part oi tue constitution.
The proposed amendments, therefore,
will not be directly voted on this year.
The objeot of tbelr publication, before
the eleotlon ot members of the Leglsla
tare this year, Is for publio information,
that the people may, If they choose, vote
for candidates with reference to tbelr at'
tltude in relatlou to the proposed amend'
uients. Should a Legislature opposed
to tbe amendments be chosen, the fall
ure to again adopt tbe amendments ends
tbe prooeedmg. tint should a Leglsla
ture favorable to the amendments be
eleoted, and agree to them, they are
again published, and the people next
vote directly upon the question of tbelr
Tue proposed amendments are em
bodied In three separate Joint resolu
tions, with a souedule fixing the details
Involved In putting them iuto effeot.
Tbe Urst provides for the reorgaulxatlon
ot tbe courts ot Philadelphia and Alle
gheny counties. It ttffeols only these
two oouutles, aud there is uo good rea
son for any objection to It elsewhere.
Tho aeeocd raises tbe limit of county,
manlolpal aud district indebtedness from
tbe present rate of seven per oeut. on tbe
assessed valuation to ten per oeut,, but
leaves unchanged the existing provision
requiring a popular vote lu favor of auy
lacreate above two per cent. As the
questlou of iuorease Is subject to the de
cltleu of the people, the ouly change
proposed is In allowing an Iuorease to
ten per oent. Instead ot eeveu, wherever
tbe people desire It.
Tbe third Jolut resolution embraces
ten umeudments, which make the follow
ing oonttltutloual chiuges :
(1) A vaaanoy lu an eleotlve offlcs Is to
be'Qlled ut the next eleotlou fur such of
ficer, unless It occurs within two mouths
of tbe eleotlou day, in wbioh case it is to
be tilled at the next euoceediug eleotlou,
aud uieautliue It Is to be tilled by ap
pointment by the Uovernor. This mere
ly reduces the Interval betweeu the hap
pening of tbe vaoauoy and tbe eleotlou
t two months, lustead of three as at
(3) Changes the terms ot the Auditor
Qeueral aud State Treasurer from three
and two years, respectively, to four, with
a proviso, that the State Treasurer elect
ed lu tUOU shall eel ve for but three, aud
his bUocesBors be elected in l'Jl'2 aud ev
ery fourth year thereafter.
(3) Changes tbe terms of Justices of
the Peaco and Alderuieu from live years
to six.
(4) Cbatiges the terms of luiglstrated
lu Philadelphia from live years to six.
(5) General eleotlons to ho held bl
enulally, ou the Tuesday folluvvlug the
first Monday of November, lu each eveu
numbered year, lustead of auuuully us ut
(0) Municipal elections to be held bi
ennially, ou tbe Tuesday followlug the
Urst Mouda) of November, lu nuoli odd
numbered year, lustead ot auuually
ou the third Tuesday of February as
at prejeut; Judges of the several Ju
dlolal districts, and oouuty, city, wutdi
borough aud township ofllaers, lor regu
lar terms of servioe, to be oliosen at luu
oielpal elections; State Judges to be
elected at either general or muulolpal
leetlou", us clrcumslauces may require.
(71 Judges and luspeotors of eleotlou
to be chosen biennially, at the municipal
elections, with a proviso that the Legls
latum uiuy provide for their uppolut
lueut. (H) State officers to be olioseu at gen
eral elections, aud local oflloers at luuulo
Ipal elections, uioept wheu special eleo
lions are required to till unexpired terms.
(U) County officers tu be choseuat uiu
uicipnl electinup, for the term of four
years, lustead ot threo as at present.
(ID) County Commissioners and Audi
tors to he eleeled lu Kill aud every fourth
year thereafter.
The seliedule provides fur the ohauges
ia tho length of official terms iimile uec
essary hy the amendment i direct that
the iiiiliilelpal I'lietlon hi lull) shall be
held lu February as heretofore j tiles the
period for which the officers then rleoteil
shall serve; and dlreota that after WtO,
until otherwise provided, tlio terms ot
olty, ward, borouRh. township and eleo.
tlou omcera shall bcriii on me urst Mou-
day ot December following.
The most liuportaui ot tune ciiunges
la tlintauollehloR the February elections.
The eiperliuent wan tried nearly forty
years ago, hut In a inanuer that prored
unsatisfactory. An net panned lu IRG'J
provlde.1 for the election of all olIlcersRt
the general eleotlons, then held In Onto-
ber. It was found, however, that this
threw tootuiioh work on election boards,
and greatly delayed the eouutluit of the
voIb nud preparatiou of the returns. In
181 the provision was repealed, the
ohange to take effeot after the election
lu October, 19"-. The revised State eon-
tltntiou, adopted lu 137.1, tiled thn thlid
ruesday of February as the time for I
holding elty, borough nnd township
electlous, The ohauge now proposed
avoids the illlueulty that Arose, under
the act of 1809, by providing for the
eleotlou of Btate onioers at ttie Reneral
eleetlons lu eveu-nuuibered years, and of
all other ollloera nt the mnnlulpal eleo
Clous In odd-nuuiberod years. Under the
proposed oliauRe, the expense of the Feb.
ruary eleotlons woald be avoided.
Pleasant Mount.
Al'0. 10th Miss Prltohard, of Hrook
lyu, Is visiting at K. T. TiffanyV.
A number from here attended the Tif
fany re-uulon at Uulondale to day.
('Uas. Carpenter and Lillian fatten,
of Uaruondale, nnd Richard Hands, of
Roaheater, were guestsof J. II. Keuuedy
nud fnmllv on rjuuda .
Leslie VanCauipeu has beeii visiting
la Bnleui.
Until and Marguerite Keuuedv have
returueu alter sDeutlinir tue mouth of I
July In New York atM-;-
Kdltli wrlglit anil Kdson Kreltner I
were oallers lu towu over Uunday. I
" ""'. visiuug ai me
home of Richard Hianvllle.
Lois Tiffany Is ou tho sick list at pres
ent. R. Ruth Kennedy gives h recital lu
the M. K. ohurati at Wlnwood, Friday
evening, aug. inn. one win ue assist
ed by Miss Florence Ullchrlst.
Mildred JoUus. a iirauddanirhter of
Mrs. Thus. Johns, is spendlug a few
weeks bere.
Mrs. MoDermott, wife of Thoiuus Ma-
Derinott, of ttarteen, died at her liome
last Friday, altera long Illness. Tiie
funeral was oonduoted lu St. Juliana's
church ou Monday.
Mrs. Martha llauklu, of llrookljn,
was at F. K. Speucei's several days last
Mrs. Walter Dlx returned from a Irln
to Carboudale ou Sunday.
Rev. nud Mrs. Pope will eutertatu the
Ladles' Society of the Presbyterian
onurcn on inursuay uiteruoou oi nils
Mrs. Emory entertained the followlug
ladles at tea recently, in Honor ot Mrs,
Noble, who has beeu her guest for some I
time: Mesdames L. C. Bush, Khiabeth
Johns, Emma James, B. F. l)ix, Catber-1
Inn nenueiiy ana miss j.yuia oiepneus.
H. T. Wright has taken dowu the old
building formerly used by hhu as a store. I
This bnlldlug was one of the oldest land
marks of the towu ana was used by the
late Eldad Atwater and Ills sou, Ed
ward Atwater, for store purposes. Tbe
house adjoining was built lu 1813 aud was
formerly a hotel. Mr. Wright will move
apartot the store to Cuxtowu and use
Miss Uraoe Winner treats her sohool
of the primary department to a ploulo
on Tuesday.
The Sunday sohools of the M. E. and
Presbyterian cburohes will picnic ut
Moase'e grove on Tuesday, Aug. loth.
The Urst re-unlou of the deoeudauta of
David Kennedy, Sr., will be held lu
Moases grove ou Thursday, August 20 th.
Everyoouy in any way related to tue
Kennedy family are Invited to be pres
eut. The dlunr will be a general pic
nla fare furnished by tbe guests. Paner
plates will be furnished all, other dishes
to ue euppueu.
Auo. 10th. Win. Cole lost a horse last
week valued at Sou, by belug gored to
death by a vloious bull.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perry aud family
ot Carboudale, are oamplug ou the old
Arthur Clarke returned to his home at
Deposit, Baturduy after spendlug a week
with friends at this place
(ialeu Perry and Elizabeth Phillips, of
Carbondale, are speudlng a week with
Irlenus Here.
J. b. Haley tore dowu an old laud
mark Inst week, a baru 10 by SO feet,
that was built about bU years ago, and
will erect lu Its place a wagou aud tool
Bbe I. 18 by U0 feet.
At tue last regular lueellug ot uie
sohool board, a unuclpai for our oomlLg
teriuut sonooi was selecteil, 1'llllip M.
Hon, a graduate from the East Stroudi
burg State Normal School. There were
several applicants before the board, for
a salary of from ttiO up to tW. Mr. llolT
oomes highly reaouimeuded aud was hired
U , U LO I .. P V nl ZILl IIH, ,11. ..III. U.ll.llltl
oomiueuolugSept. Uth.
Joliu W. Arnold Is visiting friends ut
With the use of c set line. Saturday
night ut Lake Lodore, Emmet Swingle
unil eon, Hoy, ohiiglit a wasu-tuti lull ol
bull Heads and eels.
The box soolal that was to be held at
the chapel this week Is postpoued uutil
next week.
Michael Rvau. who Is sullerlug with a
cancer, is tailing rapidly.
Tbere are manv luulatinns of IleWlll's
Carbohted Witeb Hazel Halve but just one
onginui. noiuiug else is just as guuu. ill
tilt ou lleWltl's. II Is eltanslug, eoollug
andsootuing. Hold by I'KIL.Tlie Diugglsl,
A Uot Campakin. The Presidential
campaign ia now on and from the pres
ent indications will bo tho hottest
fought and moat interesting cumpuigu
for many years. Both great national
parties are working hard for tho sue-
oesa or tneir candidates. Tag iuterest imiii .h tl, ?B Bno
continue until the voter has uaet bis
voto and tho election haa been decided.
The Philadelphia Press, the great, re-
liable, metropolitan daily, will publish
.t.!l!.?.n71.p.?!KHl! "f,".8 romP'0,0'y and uc -
tho minute. Tell your iiewadealef to
aarvo ia t'uiiainpnu L'roaitoyour
homo, get it at the nowstand or send in
your suoacription nirect, aaurossing it
to tbe Circulation Department, "Tho
Press," 7in and Ubeatuut atroets Phila-
Richard Iirinslev Sheridan, thn author
of "Tho School for Scandal "had a verv
ingenious marnerof answeri.,1- nn..i.
.. ...i. VrM llin.-, . ii: . I. B. PK '
i.jiits lor literary notice nt his hands.
Uu gcuerully wrote. 'I havo received
your book and no doubt shall bo delielit
ed after 1 havu road it." Km ihnih,
or aatisfaction at tho closo of a tedious
tasK, was wnat no ono could And out.
hyUp,o.'ttrWyer(ncsseVB r)"
by pro ir wllncssea, A witness of a
very dllferent sort is tho Windsor, Vt ,
woman, who testified a short timo ago
concerning tho killing ot a rig by u mo-
tnrrar. When nskoil tn loll iK,. ...
in as tow words aa poesiblo just how the
accident occurred, aho replied; "It Just
tootea ana iuck mm.
Thackeray and IlickB, walking to
gethnr, stopped oppoaito a doorwav.
over which waa inscribed in gold letters
tuoao worda, "Mutual Jan Olllrc
lney both eecmod tqually puxzled.
"v hat on earth can that meant" ob1
ed IlickB.
"I don't know, answered Thackeray,
" unless it raouna mat two men, WHO
nave notniug, agrou to icnu it to ocu
unotner. '
"How old aro you no
ed a visitor.
Cyrusl" nsk
"I'm live," said thn little man, but
with a very disvuatoa air, "I would
have been six long ago, ouly my ntuma
keeps mo in drees, s,
SALVE For Pllosi Ourna, Soros.
The Cstssauqua Base Bill Team's Visit
Wayne County Wins uut. i
liaio ball roster had their uimnita
laet week when Wayne county teams
captured threo gamps out of. four from
tho (Jatasauqua prolesel'juale. which
has four Wayne county players in their
line up; namely, Fred. fchurbolz. l.'s-
lio HrnJer, Uustaro I.ilijiiiutst anil '
Adnlnh riehneMer. tinnier ill 1 not nn ,
pjg, w)th the team becauno of ivy poi- I
eonluR, On Thursday Uonednlo do- , levi.inptm-tit. mntrol nnd ue of v.n
feated tho visitors 1 to 0 ; on Knduy ! er r"'T In tiermnny In rcspnn'o to
they captured ono from Uawlny, I to
Blturday Uonesdalo beat them imiiin,
twelvo InninRB, Sto I s nnd un SutiJiy I
White Mills woo 4 to 1. CitnwtiKiuu I
ha,a fHt team, and it waa I iri'ly n !
matter ot luck that llonvdlo won two i
Kamca from them. Tho only ncoro on
Thursday wits mado in Ibc fourth in-
nlni?, UcMliiiK mado a lilt uft'T Tuninn
had struck out and Murray's two sicker
to center lot Kupfor home with liennlo'e
run, Wo should havnpeored in second.
Tumnn led oil with a two tinker. Hem
line and Murruy fanned, Bonner walk
ed and Salmon einglod. Tumnn should
havocomo homo butbostopped on third
nnd Weaver was not ablo to brine; him
in. licesling kept tho visitors guessing.
Only ono got eo tar as third baso. Ilu
struck out 7, two bases on balls nnd al
lowed six hit. Schneider fanunl six
and eiz hits were made. It wan u pitch
er a bAltlo, in which but ono error waq
made and that camo very near giving
the visitors a run. Hawk hit to Oulli j
nil who throw low to Weaver j thn latter
bad tho ball in his slovo. but lost it.
nn.t.i. .i . . ti i. ., , ,
"ul" " Blul """" ,u ""r"'
"u "'uulu " Kullu uumn nu una
plenty n( tirai, but U Jthoil Fpoilod tho
chnnoobv etching UrocnnVlly.
rjaturdiy's gains was a hot one. C U
asmqua h i I It won ttftco, but linnet
dalo'd pluck llnnlly won in tho twelfth
inning. Tho vimtorA scornd twico in tho
first inning, (lutheil fumbled Julon's
grounder, Schneider an' Amny cn-li
mado hits, Judson tried to ecoro ou tin
hitter's, but Tu man's throw from left
Quid to the plato wai trua, and Judson
was out. Uilbraca fanuod, nnd Roth
should havo boon out at Urst but NVi
ver dropped tho ball and that lot in two
rung. Uonesdalo enruod a run in tho
sixth. Weaver wus out atllret, Kutifui'.i
hit went for two bags on Hith'a letting
it got away from him, and tho run
counted ou MurphyM hit. Qutneil pur-
ridced but Murphy was out by getting
In the way ot Tumau's hit. Bchucrhulz
fanned Ilessliog, Murray and Bonner
jQ auccessioo in tha eovonth nnd tho
. ..h . ..
o -"'. ... jj
phy drow u walk iu tho ninth, (lutheil
..inAd 1,1m m ,., T.,,'o ,,,
hi- .m-.. ' .. it......
" "s
aived the gaiuq with a singio which lot
Murphy ecoro. Nothing doing iu tho
.u , , .i. , .
"n,h- Tho olovoath opened with JuJ-
Bin aafo on Silmw'i) fuotblo, Sjhtiei
jor'a DUut wont ovor K'ipfcr'd head,
. , .. ... ,k . ,,
Xrao? "aorill d, Oilbraco drove a Hy
to right ti . lich broko Sonaer'rt lln
gr and Ju i . . i and Schneider saored.
mi. i v.. j u .i. . it .
Nobody had any hopes that Uonesda.o
would ba able to ovorcim? (hit loud of
two. Murphy flaw out to conter, Outh-
.. ... .... ,.,,.
ridced and Murray'd hit over Sahucid
er'a head in right field scored Uutheil
and Tuninu, and tied tho ecoro uguin.
Schuerbolz Hew out to Salmon in thu
twolftb; Lilijiquist hit (or tvo bun
tirogan flew out to Hossliug, Judson
sout a linor to loft which Tumau throw
to tho plate in tirao to get I.inj i ns..
Salmon was jun a second loo l.uo lj
boitout his bunt in Uoooednlc'a lnl( of
tho twelfth: Woiver walkulnnd Idle
fer drovo him home with tho winuin
run wun a two sacner. f ourol ll m.-. -dale'd
runs wcro earned ; (Jutasai.i' i i'j
wore all mado ou errors
Ucssling'ii bit tied thn xcoro in (ho
ninth, Murray lied it in tho uluv-en.h,
and Kupfer's twu-biggrr won it in tin'
r.Vilfth. Tllm no rt pnnrl llirovciti. from
loft field cut Catmainiii out uf t i
runs. Uesdhng Hiruck uut 2 nun '
allowed only 7 bus, with nu pa-i n
dcbuerholz fannod 7, gavo 1 p ifiiiM and
waa hit 11 times. Two, b iHn hiU wcro
mado by Kupfcr 2, Hawli
isobui'rh ilz
. . .. ...
ul"'l"'"i .upiei.
-'il a, llcaaling Amny. ScuroUy itiuuige
Catasauqua 2 0 I) 0 u U (J il n ll S u-
uoneeauio u u u u u l o u l u . l-
piti liar
1st l.use
'M baae
M tnise
slioil slop
left Held
eeutel Held
light Held
filiui rliolz
Hi llll.-lill I
I II i-- III
ocnnoiucr pucneu iuurauny d g uie.
nnd Urognn played right IlUJ. Wjod-
rull, ono of thn Ualusauqjia pitchcra
took Honnor a place in tho right Mold nf-
tur the latter waa hurt, but tneru wna a
aisputo auout toiling mm oat una win
ders was substituted.
Tno utteudauco at Thurad ty'a game
waa largo, but it was tur exenodod on
Siturduy. Groat interest wna mauifct
j , .
ei ' bothoantoaw, and lino play a elicit-
oJ entbusmitiu cheering, but very li
tie rough rooting waa indulgod in. X
1 h Spencer ably and Hatisfuclorily m.i
pireJ 10,11 Kam09'
I Julv Klh lulv Utli II. ury J. mi k .In
alter a lung su-geot i-i. kih-.. hint naii.-iii
Isuueiing. luienueiii hihk piuee hi in.- m
Meimuini ii-ieiy. Many el liianluiii
III. -nils were 111 Ill lit tiie eervie rt 111
Un. hotiro and e.-inelei y
Ill-Ill I tlinll Blhl IMll-i- l.llliui-'l
,I,,U1 Heuenlale where lby lull l. u sen.
ing ou Ibe jury. Mr. onpelt wmi- at in it
pUiHreeeived ilille ll lew l onllllilllluli. Inl
lu, ,.t.viluu ot Uie new Miinitimi eliim-ii,
iiiuuiiniim; In il. lienrlv ttitmke to all me
donors i i-eme hiiJm.U Hi- u-nen
llulthe.i. Tbe liillowmg inietlie .1 us
mis. W. ll. Roaiikiiighi, w. u. Lee, r
iiuiniuid, K. II. I'mno, It- M. mo.-h.i, i
I WlLon. K. 1'. hlllutile. Peltier llloltiet. .
lr!JX ' -
l,fitiiiii.-r, 11. T. Menner, Junn lleuumiiu.
tho .-met of Uie hot wave pumiiik m.r
our i-nuiily euu besetu lu the iiiiivhI ol
""'elty guesis. tn whom a hi-Hity u.-le.nue
exleuued, wishing linn ll.e In edeil le.l
iu em liiuious luouululu almnrntii le
Tho Kriehy Lumber t'u., ol .tiou Itftuog,
has uot been unit, lu Oeliver Irani. nud
wimluws foribu new MuruvUn eliuii-ti, nil
aeeount of uverwoik. Hut tlu week the
eurpeiiteis will euiuiueiiie work a A. It'iko,
uf MioiiiUbuiK. will be Here S'luii.
Alien ll.billiliK UUd lt'ivinulld Kllllllel
let! lor Okliihoina, lust ucik.
A Imliy buy win bom to Ml. and Mrs. Uui
Kin luu ul ou Tuesiluy, July Till.
- I The ul.ove louiuiuu. laiiou w.t .lull
ii-n ed at '111 t Citizen otllee. Inn iiii.IhhI
Mbuh will ai-i-ount for Us inruy appeii
lines our hfti k aebe? Iluyou Imiesliiup
..Ul.,.l,. ,1... .1.. ,l,..U.l,llll,l II... 1,11. u '
- Tl.i ! ilueiKuully, lo kidney iiuuhle. Tulle
11. iviir Miiney nun niii'iiiei rie mf)
Wilt .ll'lilillv relieve wi ilk bin k, Isii ku. I. e
ibi'iiiiiiitle piilus unit all Kidney nml lliudiler
.luoi.lets Mild und 111 tinuii mini b 1'KII.
Ibe IMuj.'glit.
IleWlll's l.iltle Kiilly II1.1K,
nfe p..s
PI-.IL Tbe
I Hilt, sure III lie pills. Meld ')
Wiiter Power fiiim In Germany.
Itiivlilly it rnrH .." Kovrriiinert fi
lnTtt ii'Hrtnl Unit nearly l,Tn,wn
bori'iiowor ilewlLiNil vvery jenr tiy
f tn-ntiiM Honing from Hie southern
Atmla htnn ntershl cnu te use.1
for emiioml... development. Only a
mill portion of this power Is lielnir
visiO, however The public Is Inter-
(,! In tills nulJoet of utlllrlng woter
nouir now t?,i1 nc to wnntc. end tho
report of rvnnl Thncknrn nin Uie
"iiirni in pnry if timely, inv runt
"f eminent domain over the public
nn" r"erv.M " sovcreigii
Ma,m l,w "" -'"'"ro
;" ""Tm f'-icrntmn was cca.
" ,n ,K" T
I enunr; uie nnirr nKme, iuciikiiiik
1 mill rlphts, nccem to tho Imnks of
rivers, rnftlne, the promotion of Irrl
irillnn nnd ilmlnngo, rluht of laniUng
places', the formation of Nlnnds In riv
en, the iler IkiIs, dams nml embank
ments. A n rule, the government of the
peroral Herman t.ili" di iml develop
wnler pouer under gnu-ninu-nt imn
ershlp, nor do they i-onlml, rent nnd
sell the power for Itihnle use Iladen
lino n Rtnall elwtrlo water power
works nt Kehl, on the Rhine, and the
elty of Nordhausen, In the ltarz muun
tnliiH, maintains n water power works.
Prussia nnd ltavarla are considering
the matter of government ownership
of water nnd waterworks. So far the
'l""''"l-tnent and us,, of water power
work lu f.ennnny have hi-n carried
on by quasi ptihlle eortioratlons or
g.'11117'tl under speelal laws. These
nsori.itloim are eometlnies forunil hy
private owners of the lands nffeetod or
by iiiunlelpnlltlix or by inunlelpalltles
nnd private mvnen combined, hut
miMnlier-dilp Is eo'niuiNory upon nil
nutier of 1-i rut lionetlti'il. lining ror-ioratl"ii-
for protlt. tliev,. nssoelallons
Inav I ri"inl''ed under the "eile of
oimini'ne" 'I lie waters of the rler
llnlir nte e!'' ind by n onupany or-'i'rl u in', i lli. i-.m1i- anil eomiMel
of the i lly of Al l.i i liapi'lle and six
intmtles or t'Klrli-t-- adjoining. The
htis-Mioldi m privileges na
to rate, nnd witer and elortrle power
lire Mild to tmNtilo maniifncturerR,
f-inners and ..liters. At pnent wa
ter power In ileniiany is used prlncl
pallv for i-U'i-trlt- p-neratl'in mid for
pumping (hi - ii.irt.illim taking Its
pi.uer from Mif rler Wopper sup
plies i;!i-tie pi.wer to 11.1 mills ntid
fiu-torU's. Sti-tM Is the niiilu source
of power for 1 -id ll;-1 1 1:1 1 llertnauy.
Clin lun-itl nn. I New Orleans nro ear
ly In tln, Held with projects for cele
bration In 111 1.1. New Orleans has nt
Its g.ites tin. Iiattlegionnd of the fn
Ino'is cotton liale i.plsihle, and In nnd
around elty leiiter the romance
nnd glory of tiie one stunning defeat
gheu tiie Itiltli-h hy American mm In
tin- war of 1M.!. Peace Ihtii de-il.-ue.l
when (ieiieial Andrew JnekHou
smnshisl Ilu- host of I'akenhani on the
plains of Clialniette, .Ian. S, 1S15, but
that day dawned upon n famous flght
and closed upon n glorious victory.
'I ho day will U celebrated, nnd New
Orleans Is the place for tho ceremo
nies. The year 1IU.1 Is nlso the Httleth
anniversary of Appomattox nnd tho
end of the civil war. The people of
New Orleans nml of the stale of Ixu
Nl.-ina would enter heartily Into the
Fplrlt of eelel. rating the civil war
p.-ue In eoiineetlon with tho cotton
halo ii-nt'-n.irj
lii.-liiuatl I thinking solely of the
M'inli-oiitriiulal of llio "complete res
toration of tieai-e between north nnd
H'uth, Is-twei-ii 1'nlou nnd (VinfiHlerate.
h.t'. i'i ii In the pailnnee of war times
- .tolinii nnd Vnnl:.'' f'lneliinntl'a
rlalins me good as a site appropriate
for n fs-aeo eelehintlon. It was a lior-
il. r elty. :in nutpin-t on Mason and Dlx
oii'i. line nnd u city of refuge nnd re
Hi r for both sii'.f. to the gieat eon
lli.t Ideli cain.. to i ml In lMSi. Cln
elnn. ill's liNloiy iluiliiL' the war po-
1 1. i.l was one of dignity throughout,
Silu.ileil 111 a noilhern state, It was
firmly devoted to the northern cause.
Yet It was no', bigoted or resentful In
IN attitude tuwiird southerners within
lis limits wlio were ut heart devoted
t.. tli.'lr nu. As n site for n eele
lirallnn of neaeo ltween the sections
Clnelnnatl ha n geographical advnn
tag., iin-1 a wartltm record t lint ppenk
fur llier.lselles.
A New I'm. Kor t'bewlng Ollin.
Tlio often ileelliil fad of the gtllll
chew lug gil l Is vlnillealed hy the new
tiM- to whli li two gills risvntly put
their quids when they met up with
tlm uiiial rnttli-nako ou a Is-rrjlng
.M'.'.Htlon. They fisl tlio reptile gum
from the end of n long sthli, nnd lift
er that ho was kept busy right
lliime, lllllili to tile n-llef of tho 111
geiilnus girls Wlille tiie snake wrllht
and lolled on tie- ground to en l the
uulu whleh soiiieliow- tangled up It
Jaws tin- ghl i-alli-d help, and the
the miller so"ii liis-ame the l'st of a
sll.lkes n dead one.
It would ho risky t(ideM'iid on chow
lug gum a u protection against
sn.ik.-s. hill tho .iiieileni-o of these
gills Is of value ni'Mltheless. It Is
. .nun. .illy siii.tioscl Hint tho lies'
1 1 , 1 1 1 1 in do when .'iieoiinterhig u snaki
Is to 1. 1 him aim j."' hapl
to lie II sll..-llor per-oll eiipahlo .
.llMirmliiu' him with a look. Snal.
tnlVslcd ill-.lil.-ls mo generally we
know n, and Hi." cnuMmi to i)k on
lor u suuke Is so eoinmoti ns to pass
niiliis'ileil, l-.iniM' what's Ihn use
I'll.- uiolllout II sti.iUe sIiowh Itself sell' lulks tal;o to their hivls. Now
if Ilu I'.' h lllll t 111 1 1 Lf M. stmp lu
ilu uliiu- gum, or i-i.-u half so simp!
tint will lea-e u snake tor n few min
utes nud mal o him forget to strike
oiulit to ... I.t'tit li-in.l.v ou these trlf
lo the liinhes ami woods. .M.iiiir.ll
tl'e snaki- leaser mut get to work
i'dk right on tli. horrid lookln
,iil v.i.o us Jims ami stay on the
I,.', till u i lul. or stone dis s tho rest.
KljiHiK' nine e.illisl I'anadil "tbe I.ndy
uf Snows," hut It seems that I'anada
fi.iiud Hi.) I'lhu-e of Wales soierul de
-ji.-i-i lol.ler tliau miy lldiig sho has oil
It's all rl.'lil iihout tin. 1 11 1. 1' nf let!
.mi p'lm.' up I'U'vl'Inl It starts II
I'll f Is'ef to tomhig down.
This has not U-.-n 11 legul.itloii sum
tin r, nnd eei hnily knows that Sec-
let. iry I..s.'h Is lo Maine.
I'.leelrle cam uro driving Jlnrloklshns
out of Poiilh A flli'au titles, unother
taeu Issun to roll tho Asiatic dander.
Japan U suffering from hard times,
showing that she does uot overlook
4niy of our octldcutal bablts.
Additlonal Nearly Forgotten Facts-
A few neighborhood items ot the long
ago may be interesting to eomc. Our
nearest neighbor waa Major Freeman,
ho mado tho "flour at tbe mills." and
o and his wife wcro very interesting
old people to ua children. Next wore
r. and Mrs. Hiscox, who always gave
choice, red, sweet npples whon wo
ll.-d on them. ' Old Fox" wn rcmnm
r, too, a dlgiiilied, church-goiug wnite
horse, which Mr. Hiscox drovo all tho
way to Aun Arbor, Michigan, whon ho
wa-i said to bo 7J yenra old In tho sum
mer of 1833. He went to visit his son
and family living there.
D. W. Stearns remembers an incident
hich occurred at Hiram Mumford's
ano.her neighbor. Wheu n boy of eleven
years ho wont to aesist Mr. Mumford iu
tying timo, and ono task set for him
ice; night, after supper, was to go
btck half i oiilo til tho lull pasture and
rivo into the yard a lljok ot aheop. Ono
ight he met tho (lock coming in a great
rush, and discovered that two immonso
wolves wore oftor thorn. Of courso ho
set no timo running to acquaint Mr.
Mumford of tho fact, and he with bis
men ;aod neighbors was soon on tho
scone, fluding about thirty sheep dead
or dying. Tho wolves withdrew in good
order, but woro followed forBoma days,
and llnnlly were all killed by neigh
K-quiro Truman Wnoelcr waa another
neighbor who bad been n toachor of our
father a in his boyhood, and waa highly
roapected by him, Somoof hiachildron,
too, in lime, bocame our teachers. I
remember ono stormy day he callod.
probably to discuss politics with my
father, and I now concludo they must
ivo both boon old tinvj Whigs, for ono
remark of .Mr. Whctler'e struck ua chil-
ron us applietblo to our uso. It was
hat "Tno Democrats wcro getting vory
'HHP. lbey wanted all tho oflicea
themnnlvos und gavo their neighbors
uone. A day or two lator little threo
year-old Bister Irene, thlnkiog that Bomi"
one had appropriated moro ot tho pop
corn man waa fair, promptly quoted
wueoler: "I say. you bo Dimercat.
(or Pbeolor says boI" A few years later
inquire Wbenlor emigrntod to Indiana
with his grown-up family of several
onu mid duughtore, who had mostly bi
oinc teachers.
In 1S37 Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Stoarns
arranged to Bend thei r oldest daughter
Harriet K., to Franklin Academy, to
propuro her for tho teacher's profession
About tbo same timo, too, they conclud
ed to make another change, in tbei
homo location. Accordingly ho secured
land in Damaacus (now tboLybolt farm)
ffhero ho spoat his eparo time for u
ycur and a half in preparing tho homo
joforo moving lua family, which now
umbured ouu son and five daughters.
Mr. and Mrri. Stearns htil now lived in
heir homo at the mills uiuo years, and
though their small children h-d played
on tbo banka ot the stream nnd pood
aear which the house waa located, uo
accident had occurrod to them : but
during the preparations (or moving in
the Bummer of 33, two-yoar-old baDy
Frances waa found ono day floating ou
tbo pond, unconscious. Through very
prdfnpt and vigorous treutmont by a
ady visiting ut tho house, however, ah
vus restored, ho us to ba able to stand
n about two houre, and lived to grow
up in tho Damascus home, whore, later,
avuiling hereelf of opportunities for an
academic education, she, liko tho olde
sistora, bocamo a toachor for a few yours
tn tho public schools of Wayno county
Sho diod Jan. 7ih, lhOl.
Ironi, too, bocamo a teacher for some
fifteen years. She died in 1872. Our
mother also died about tho Biuno time,
md two years later our fathur, J ib z
d.iirns, died, ho having hvoJ in his Da
mascus homo thirty six yours.
Two of tho remaining daughters were
o ichors for a long period; tho older,
Hiss II K. Stoaraa, frjm 1S37 to 1377,
about which timo thoy left thoir Uu
muacus homo and, uftor a short rcsi.
lonco in Port Jervia nod Hotiosdali), re
moved to Scranlon, which was thuir
notuo for nearly liftcun yoara. About
181)1 they rcmovod to Umock N. Y.,
which has siuco bcwi their homo,
i'ho second d mgnicr of the family,
-'oily Uuurch, wis ni-irned in early
Itfo to Ira Stuinbuun, of Uibsjii. After
few years residence in Wuyno aud
.tlusqiichannit counties, thoy roiuovod to
jullivnu county, where tho remaining
thirty-six years of thoir lifo woro epont,
and whero their eight children woro
roared und from which ftrosido thoy
wont out to mako homos of their own,
in which all havo achiovod a meaeuro
Of SUCl'L'st?.
The oldcs', Mrs. Adclnido Uushnell,
and ami, Adelphe, havo a homo in Da
mascus, andurolho only descendants of
that Stearns family residing iu the coun
ty. Another daughtor reBides in Scran-
ton; two in Wllliamsport, Pa. ; one in
liraymer, Mo.: and one in San Antonio,
Texas. A son, L. L. Bteinbarh, resides
in Homer, N. Y and unother, L. D.
Stombacb, in Clearfield, Pa.
D. W. Stearns, ouly Bonof Jabcz, mar
ried Ocrlrudo Prntl, of Ohio, and thuir
tamily ccnidtod of throo sons. His
biieinoaa was thut of n iumberman,
which ho followed iu Damaacue until
lhUI, when ho removed to Delawaro (Jo.,
N. Y., whero ho had proviously pur
chased quito a large tract ot lumber
land, and whero bo carried ou bis buai
nosa with a good degrco of success for a
period ot some thirty cars, after which
tin roiirod from active lifo in aome de
grce. Hlnco his retirement bis sooond
son, I) W. Stoarns, Jr., has couducted
tho business. Ilia eldost aou, Ucnj W.,
resides in llingbumtou, und Fred. W.
ia Susquehanna. Both uro iu successful
business, and ull havo interesting fam
ilies. Tboir mother, Mrs. Qertrude
Stoarns, died in March laat, eioce which
true D. W. Stearns haa made hia home
with his eiatera, in Hancock, N, Y,
Itcferring to a recont chapter of this
eerioa, Thomas U. Dickson writes from
St. Puul, Minnreota;
'As 0110 of the 'ancient pupils' of tho
Uonesdalo Acudemy, 1 want to confirm
youretatcmont, 111 lua ( ITIZKN, regard
ing Dr. Consider Ktng ana tbe dismem
bered leg of one of hia puticuta. The
poor fellow, I recollect, was employed
at L A Robertson's tannery, and get
ting bis foot accidentally into tbe bark
mill, bad it terribly manglod. and am
putation was necessary, Juat why tho
doctor considered it nocceaary to bring
tho 'disoectea mcnibor' nomo with blm
I can e eay, but I well remember hia1
gelling it from thn bottom ot hia cutter
and shaking it ut a lot of ua beya who
worn nniexid nnd hornllod at the eight.
"Tno doctor was n thorough believer
iu tbo old time rcnuolics, nnd I have
distinct recollections of doses of Epiotn A MnsiiMKNTTO Tin: rossTiTUTinx rno- uj.j, n. i. M ..r.i..i t,v i,i,r,in ,nt.i. -t
fiilta and other physio of that tort pre- r,NwKiT?i0i-7i 1 !" ' '"'' . Si ' ' ,i
ecribed by him for my benefit. , jiW'tm' Mki'uI.- ; !r,;,:'V.;r1:"V,:"iV,,1,.;!j;l;:::,;"',
"I hope you will cootinue ycur Tery , . i?!K',Jv1K!:I.i1! !:SX$. 'tSif !;V '," ui .. , !,U ZM ,
1 -
AUti. 11th. Mr. ami Mrs. Clou. Win.
er and son. lack, of Boston, were re
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mrs. Henry Bennett eutertalned Men-
ames Woodhouse. (tllulirlst and l'lli-
Ick at supper Tuesday eveulng, In honor
ui airs, oi, it, ueiinetl.
the Slltltler nnd snalfil Ht thn linuie nf
Mr and Mrs. James lleushaw. Wedues-
lay evening was very uiuoli enjoyed by
Work on tile Preshvtnrlau sheds was
begun un Monday bv Edward and tinr.
ton Faatx aud Hey. J. B. Cody. There
will be a bee on Saturday, August IStb,
with dluuer served to worksrs.
ttev. It. Itobertsand taml v snent Frl-
av at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Kdirar
Saturday evenlm Mr. ami tf rs. JimAi
Johns entertained tbe followlug guests
' supper: ttev. it. ttooerts ana lamuy,
ttev. and Mrs. J. 11. Cody and sou, Mil
liard, and Mrs. Helen Ullchrlst.
Hev. It. ltobertspreaonea for Usv. Jas,
Cody, Suuday morning and for Hev. W.
11. aignor, Dununy eveulng In tue Mecu
odist ohuroh.
ihere will be no iiraaohlnir lu the
Methodist ohuroh this Suuday.
nu toe cream sooiai will ne neld on tue
awu of Wavne Haten. Friday evenlmr.
An. 14th, for tbe Methodist ohuroh.
The Methodist Sunday school will
bold tbelr plenio at TMrd Pond on Frl
lay, August una.
J. V. Starnes and sons are nalntlnir
the home of Mrs. M. Slayton.
The death of William Box. Saturday
evening, removes a time honored oltlieu
roni our village. Fuuera Tuesday a
ternoou from tbe Presbyterian obuieh,
1111 uuriai in tue cemetery.
Ami. lOth.-The Ladles' Aid will hold
an Ice aream soolal at tha home of Mrs.
11. Copperwalte on Thursday evonlug,
Aug. l.Hll.
Tua reoeut rains are greatly benefit
tng the reoentlv out meadows and n&st
ures, but the springs and wells have uot
uuej to any uotloeable depth.
lhe supervisors started tha stone
crustier agalu this morning. We hope
uiey win Keep it going uutll tbe cream
ery hill Is lu good shape.
Ur. aud Mrs. C. 11. Bunting and son,
nuineii, spent a lew nays last weex witu
relatives In Berlin.
airs. Esther Fllnn. of Soranton. Is
siieuuingme montn 01 August witu 11
l.. U li..- I .,
... uucmur nun UL.iHr trihiivmh.
Miss Eva Poore and mother, nf Brook'
lyu, are uuests of Mrs. Leuora (I rout.
Mrs. Howard Oliver and ohllilreu. ol
lyaruonuaie, are enjoying tue Iresli al
at her father's, Johu (irlswold.
ur. and airs, friend Walters and sou
r rSliKllll. snout Saturday w tli her son
slu, Mrs. Joslu Buntlug.
aiiss uatide uayiord, or Elmlra, who
reoeutly waB 11 suestuf tr ends lu thl
section, loft last week to visit friends lu
wayiuart and Carbondale.
Mrs. Fordyoe, of Kldgeway. Pa.. I
passing a few weeks with relatives bere
Mrs. Myron Norton and daughter,
i.ui, spent last weea wun floasau
aioiiui relatives.
There are also guests at James Dann
and E. H addon's.
Frauk V'andenberg and family are at
8. S. Drake's.
air. and Mrs. T. It. Borauera snent
Saturday and Sunday with Herrlok
Al'U. llth. Mr. and Mrs. Karsaoke
who .were iruests of their nleoe. Mrs. P
D. Calkin, last week, have arrived safely
ut tueir uouie at vauueruiit, uiouigan.
Mrs. Caroline Smith, of Blngbaintou
N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Beaoh
Kfr itnil Rfra V a T.lltla nt It-mb-lo..
N. V spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
01. 1,. BKinner
Frank Itaymond, who has been spend
lag tue wees: at -rue iaurenoe," re
turned to New York. Sunday.
Mrs. John Pulis and sons Uerlvn and
Uordon, of Syraouse, X. Y., are visiting
Mrs. Heleu Skinner.
Merlin Illmau, of Troy, X. V., Is lu
town lor a lew uays.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tyler and ohll
ureu, oiariua anu ttaipn, are visiting M
ami Mrs. O. li. Tvler.
Messrs. MoCullough and Eaton enlov
ed a llehlng trip at Swago Lake, last
Seventeen from bere enoyed tbe ball
auie at Ualllee. last Tbursdav. The
score stood 8 0 In favor of tbe Milanville
Darwin E. Penwarden.of Garley Brook,
with a party of friends, spent some daji
lu towu last week, Qihlng In tbe Dela'
Miss?s Florenoe and Bessie Skinner
spent Monday at Port Jervis.
Mrs. John Keyes, ot Carbondale, Is vl
mug uer oousin, Mrs. M. L,. uitlnner.
New Parasols, u p to-date shapes at
iitwnr-it or lu.d em.
JL Oh' t'AllTNKIlHillP. Notlue Is b
by Kivuu. Ibat tbe nartnershlo beretuim
exlsiiug betweeu Kben H. Clam and t'lmiles
r. iiiiuui'K, unuer tne nrm name or uiurit &
Bulloek, bas been dissolued by tbe deatb 01
Knen II. Claik. All bill due tbe Urm sbould
be pain 10 tne surviving partner, Ubarlos r
Uull.u k, who will oontluue tbe buisuess un
uer Ibe nun uumeor Clark & uulloek.
nones uaie, Aug. ill, 11109. 1513
JL. OK I'AllTNKllSUIl" .-Notice is here
by given tbat tne partnership neretolore
eilatluK between Jauob r. Kate. Win, J.
Kaiz and Samuel Katz. under tbe arm nams
ol Kalz Brothers, was dissolved on lbs tentb
day or August, lavs, by mutusl consent
All debts owing to said partnership are re
oelvahle bv said Jaoob F. Katz and Wm. J
Katz. wbo will continue tbe business under
tbe Urm name of Kalz Brothers, to whom
aieo an oiaiuis auu aemanus agamit aai
urotners are 10 ne presented lor navment
J ALU 11 F. KAT&,
W.J. hAU.
Ilonusdale, Pa., Aug. 10, 1008. 1611
or TUB
Hanesdale National Bank
At Ibe close of business, July 15, 1908.
Loans and Olseouiits rxl.W
Overdrafts, secured and unsecur
ed ,.,..,....,, 1
U. H.ilouds iosee'ur'e elreulation, fA,000
I'reiiiliiius on U. 8. Bond li.trno
Hon. Is, seeurllles, ete 1,3(11600
llaukiiiK-boiise, furniture, Hxtures 40,000
Due (i urn National Banks (not
Heservn AgeuUI 3,077
Due I'm itate Banks and Bankers 8
Duu from approved reserve ag'U 132,273
Cheeks aud other cash Items.,,, ;Mi
Notes ot other National Hanks.. Ion
Fractional paper ourrenoy, nick-
els and cents 320
Lawful Monbt Rcsiavi in Bank viz.
Howie asl,4:u 00
Legal tender notes.. 4.8SO 00 88,313
Hedemptlau fund with U. B.
Treasurer, 6 per cent of olrou
lation . 2,7(0
Total ,
Capital stock paid in....
Hiiriilu lund
LTuulvlded nrotlts. less exneuses
and taies nald 68.U1
NiitloiiHlUauknoteiouUtandllig 61,000
UtaU) Bank notes outstanding, , ,
Due to otber National Banks
1 434
Due to mate Banks ana makers
individual deposits lubieet to
... si,tau,tsi tu
Demand certlUoates
of deposit,,
t'urttttod cheeks
Cashier's checks out
standing ,,,
Bonds boirowed ....
iVJJt 00
Jul. 00
2.811 83-l.47a.71a
Notes and hills redlsoouuted ....
Bills payable Including certifi
cates ol deposit for money bor
rowed,.,. Llahllltlesotbertbantboseabove
Total 11,004789
Htataof Pennsylvania. County ol Wavne.
, . . . 1. A, . ,,. F I .. ..
1, w iu r, iviiof. miu.v. " tin u,'i(Q-
dale National Bank, do solemnly ivsir tbal
me anove statement is true 10 uie twst
my knowledge and belief.
. ' kTiWIN K. TollItET. Uasbler,
Subscribed and sworn to befoie me tb
20tb day or July, isoj.
,,, uTONK, n,
AN lilctw THOMPSON, 1 Dirtuluis.
J. c, iilllDdAt-U J
A JOINT lll.4fll.l!TI(lV
rro.'tiihig Auii-ndiiiftitu lu the L'oinIltutlcn cf thr
(.imimuiifvraiiu or l'pntlyi vnnla . tin to COtl
foUJatf the Courto pf Ommnn of IMiil.i-
dfllila 1111J Allcghtli) Cnuntiin, ntil lu ilv
iuw . tn nu rtPFimuiy rutir to iiniuu
eiimrnif itjuri 111 it tut I'tnititi
iiu.iiiui anu .tii-niiniirinii iiirmuti lioi)
K or I Inn t Ilu it M.i,lt..,l i.v it... u. ......
liUUFO of Hfiri'ipt.tatlii m in c. mi a... miiv
.tiirt. That the followliiK Atn nt lo l lie Con-
iiiuuun vi i'ennrinnin io, nn J un ratm- nrc
licrtty, rropo-M tn at cnrJnm t with tii i ikIi
ri'iiin nrnno un rnif
Tlltl Kit OU X nf flttlflP tP t.n I.v
trihlnn out tlit in I J rutiun nn.t liiiriiiic lu
Ur thcrraf the fotlowlni;
clo u. in i tic tounili- nr riill.t-lt Iphl t nti-l
llfRhtny all lht lurlti linn nn.i iinuir n.w
vritcd In the rnil uutnhrtit ti.urii or mtnmnn
Iiltiin ptiiil in usinl hi oiii- toiin I iiitniiuMi
iirn in rut 11 hi ui.i nnintkn, t ninm-i of nil
he JtKlsot tu cm in l-t nit. 11 tn inl.1 nniM.. sm li
JuTlftil.ciion mill toucrit hull i kinul to nit tm
ifedlngn at la and In i-tUlty whlili -lull li.iw
I'frn tnntituli'il lu ttif artttnl innntxriil tnurtn.
and ptmll ho nubjrtt tu nurh thunttia nn may tu
inndc by law, and Mibjcrt to rhttiKc of niuc ns
I-roTlilPd ly liw The pri'sMfiit Judin- ut emit nf
the ill J court ha!l bv Mhilrtl nn iuvilt-d t
law. The iiuinticr vt Judtjcex in at h nf f.iid ourt-
mar l. br tn. ItiiriMtud fr-uiu iitm to ttmn
Thii aniendmutt Khali tnkr Ptltit on Die tirft
.Monany or Junu.iry miiruiinK itn .iii,ituiti,
Section 2. That nrtldo llw. Mrtlou tluht. Ir
amended by titaKlnn hii nrMHIoii tlnrt'in mt tint
nt nam man read m rwnown
Jit nn S Ttu Niil.l tuurlrt In tln r mint ok 11 f
I'hlladelrbU und Alkuhtnr. n kiki 11 vi . hnll.
from time to tlim, tn turn, dftull ntiv or tnorr
of their Judnen lo hold tin tfiuru or otr nnd
ermmrr nnu inn tonrifl or fu.inir iriiitiotis oi
he ot-are of nald (luintlrc In tu h tnniitir nn
may he direr tpd hy l.iw rrmldiri, tn IIm
(ounty of I'blladelj'hi.i the (ientral Aemtily ultall
have tiOKfr to t'Mljhllh a ntir.ite cmirt, (on
bliiltiK of not more than four Judge, whli h haU
have rittunhf Jurldktli)ti tn ci-hm
and In tuth, other niattert an tuny ho rnldl
vj law.
a iruo cony ni juuu n"oiuiinn .o i
Fcrretary of tiie Coiutnouwenlth
'( SK I l II Til K t'lT ZKNs III Tllh I lll.
Kl TlUiN MY TIIK (1 KM. It AU ASS M II. V t)
i'i iii.iriiir.ii in ur l in; !Kritin Ain
NunihtT Two
rropoilnit an Aineudnitnt lo lln t'oiiftitutlnn nf
l lie fommonwrnlth. Allowlnt; Loiinlien, t'lllra,
Itorouchn. Townnhlnt. Mrhonl tllalrlrlst ni
other Municipal or Inrorporatcd )tntrht, to
iiureanp ineir inaemeyneii.
lie tt rewolved hy the Senato nnd 1Ioiip of Itro
rcrteuiatlvea ot tho Commonwealth of l'(ifir)1
van n In tleneral Ansemblv tut: t. Tint m-t tlnn
einnt, article nine, or the t'onimonwoaiih of rum
lyivama, rrnuinx ai rouowfi'
"Svctlon , The d-ht of nny county, rlty
horouKh, township, school dUirlrt, or othir mu
tilclpallty or Inrorpornled dlflrlft. ex et m
herein provided, nhnll nt ver cximiI ri4ii n
trtitum ution tho aRJienfed alue of tho tntihli
roi'ertv therein, nor shall nny puti, mun n inai t
or umirici incur any new aeni or inrream- km
acnieunesi to an nmouni exceed iik iko per
ceniura upon aucn nneniru vaiuaiion ot ropPny.
wiuioui i op BFneni ot tun rirriora ineri'ot nt
nubile etertion. in hikIi manuir an nhnll he ur
vlded by law; hut any city, the tliht of w tilth
now citred neven per centum of tuili ne-ed
valuation, may lo nutnon;eq iy law to inert a?
(he tamo threw per tenluni. In the nptfrf mid
nt anv one time, unon mich vnlunllon." 1
nmendfd. In accordance with the pnnHioin of
l tie eiKtneenin ariirie or xaia (.'otmiiniiion
thut natd section, when amended, udinll ren
SiTtlon 8. The (letit or nnr rountv. rltv. tior
ouah, township, ichool distrlrt, or other munlil
i v or inrori
rovfded. nhall neve' exctcd ten ter retitum ution
tne asaeaea vaiuo oi tno laxnnio prnperiy mere
In. nor foall anv nucli mun c ni tv or i h r i
Incur any new debt or Un indehtednen
to an amount cxceedinit two per eon turn tipoi
RUch asaeaaed valuation ot property without th
anient of tho electors thereof nt n nnhlic tier
lion. In ucu manner an nhnll to prnvtdid hy law
A true copy or joint itenoiuiion o.
ltOIIKUT MeAri:n.
Recretnry of tho Commonwealth
rv rUHKO TU TIIK uitizkns up this cum
rt'lll.ISHKO IIV OKI 1 Kit (IK Till, Ll KliTAKl
l)y AltTlCLri A VIII Ut-' 1 1 1 ri I U.N51I 1 L 1 1
Number Three.
propoBlng Atneiidmenta to Sccilnut KUMit nnd
Twenty-Ono of Article Four, StrtlotiH Klrvi ti
and Twe vo of Art c e K vo. Si ct lout T
Three and Kourtetn of Article KIkIH. Sprtioi
Una of Article Twelve, and Section Two and
Seven of Artltlo Fourteen, of the CoiMitutii
of rtniisylvaula, and ProWdtnn ft Schedule for
Carry Id K tho Ametidmenta Into K(Tect.
Hettloti 1. Uo It rennlved hy the Senate ami
House of Iteprencntatlved ot the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania lo tleneral Assembly met, That the
following are proponed nn atiundmeiitH to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth of rtnnsyl
vanla. In accordance wilh tbe provlsioua ot the
tlgnieeutu article tnereoi;
Amendment One To Artlclo Four,
Hection Klsht.
ertlnn ?. Am i.l RPitlim i lulit of article full
of tbe CoOflltutlon of I'eiinHjlvanln, whkh read
an rouowa:
"Ho Khali nominate and. hr and with the ad
vice and coimut of two-tbtrda of all lhe mcmhi r
or too senate, appoint a secretary or mo roiiv
Unwealth and au Attomey-Oencral during plead.
ure, a nuperimeoaeni ut ruuuc iuiuuluuu nn
four yearn, and such other offlccra of the Com
tnonwealth as he Is or may bo authorized hy tin
Constitution or by law to appoint, no nnaii
nnttrr tn flit all vacanc cs that may liuninn
offices to which ho may appoint, during tho rv
e-putt ot tha Senate, bv urautloe coumilstiloiii
whlrti nhnll nlr at tha end of their next M K
it Ion, bo shall have power to (111 any aenmy that
may nappen, auring tne recess oi uie einuo, m
ibe offlte of Auditor tleneral, Stale Treasurer,
s:.urfmrv or hitertml Affalru or SutxT nt lHlent
Puhlir instruction. In a ludlclal oltlce. or In nn
other elective oltlce which ho la or may he nu
tborlsed to Oil; If tbe vacancy ball happen durln
tbe nesiiion ot the Senate, the Governor nhull nom
Inate to tho senate, netoro tueir nom ittijourn
ment, a proper person to iim pjui vncmiry, out.
uiiv kiich i nun nr vncitiii v. In nn elettlve otlUe,
perxon shall be chosen to mid otlltv ut thu next
immoral flpcilnn. un eHK thu vacancy t-uall lia i
peu within three calendar months Imniedintel)
preCeUlDg BUtU flClllUll, III .aav uie viii"!
for said offlie shall he held nt tho .etond suc
ceeding general election. In ait Inn on exeutlt
iKimln.itlniia Ihn HtnatH nhall alt with ODeil doors,
and, In confirming or rejecting the nomlnatlotm
of tbe Governor, the vote hball be taken by )eus
so as to read as rouows:
tin .tin ii imiiin.iin anil, tiv and with tho adil
and consent of two-thirds of ull the mtuiherii ol
tho Senate, uppolnt a Secretary of thu Common
wealth and an Attorney Oeiieral durlug pleas.
ure, a superinienoeut oi i-unnc lumruniun mi
four years, und nu h ollu-r oluter of the Com
luouwealth as be Is ur may be nuthoriztd hy (hi
Constitution or by law in uppoiut, uu mi.ui
power to nil ull vacant lea that may happen, I
.. si... u.niiiiu i.v LT.iiiilnir i (uiiiniwulona v. nit
nhall expire at tho end of their next Kesxloii, he
Hhall havo power to MU uny vntauey that inn)
li a pen, uuriow iuw rmr. m -
..oa. u r Amiitnr (icneral. State TreuMiirtr. t-ec-
retarv ot Internal Aflutrs or Suptrlnteudtnt of
Public Instruction, In a Judicial oillte, or In any
other elective oltlio whkli he is or may bo uu
iw,rin.i m nil- If ihn Viirttnrv hIiiiII bntineu dUT'
Ing Ibe sesMon of tho Senate, tbe (lovornor shall
llOUIinaiO to tue Denote, uviuru uirir unui uu-
Journment, a proper person to fill anld vncanty in nnv uuih i uro of vacancy. In an i lectin
office, a person hhall be chosen to snld nlllio on
ILe Iiexi eietimii uuy utiinuiu inic iu pusm
mtordkng to the provisions of thin ConMitutiou,
iiiiLiu lha nitraiifV fihnll liniillPll wlttlltl tWO Caltll'
dar mouths Immediately preceding suth ilttlion
dav. In which case the elettlon for said ottlee shall
Ki KoM (in lh MKinnd kuiceedinu tuition (In
......iii.risia in niir-ti mt i in net iii u on exttuth
.wTlnnllnnd lha Ki.imlo fthflll Hit Willi OIH II dotirtt,
mid. In onflrmine or relet tine tbe nomtiutiont of
the Governor, tbe vote shall be taken by m:
and nays, and shall bo entered on in journal.
Aineudiumt Two To Artlclo Kour, SetUon
Section 3. Amend section twenty-one of article
four, which reads as follows:
"Tbe term of tbe Secretary of Internal Affairs
ahull be four years, oi tno Auunor ntinui mi.
years, and of the State Treasurer two rnrn
ibefu otners hhall le tnosin ny iiih uu.iiuit;
..t tha rttntti nt ceneral t let lions, N
nersoii eletted to tbe oftlte of Auditor General oi
Tri.i.Hiin.p khrtll bo latiahle of holding (hi
Lame onlce for two tonsccutlve terms," so ua to
it... lomi. of ttm Rccrrtarv of Internal Affairs,
the AudHor tlentral, and tbo Stole Treaeurcr
K.,ii .flrh t. four viarti: and they Ftiail
chosen by the iuaTifld electorH of the otute at
gentrul elet lluns; dui a iau ireii"urer,
in ttu voiip fiiii- thouhand nine hundred and nine.
bball serve for Ibreo years, and his successors
shall be eteited ul the gent ral tleilloii in in
year oue thousand nine nunarea nna iwcive, iu
r.. . . rv r.mriii v nr i)ireufter. No tiers
. i. h.a i.. iti offliM nf Auditor General or Slate
TreuHurer hal be tnnahle of holding tho tame
otnee lor two roniecuiivw ieim.
A m cud men t Three To Artlclo Five, Section
Section . Amend section eleven of article five,
which reads as rouows:
V'vf-cnt otherwlae nro vlded In this Constl
tullon, Justlcea ot the peace or aldermen shall be
eletted In tbe several wards, districts, boroughs
and townships at tbe time of the elettlon ot cun
stables, by the qualified electors thereof, In such
manner as shall be directed by law, and shall bo
commissionea uy me uuveruor tor u htui ui
fiw vein. N'a townsbln. ward, district or bor
ougb shall elect more than two Justices of the
peace or aldermen wunoui me consent oi a uu
Jorlty ot the qualified electors within sult town
Mn v.nrA np tiorouch : no nerson shall bo tlerlti
in tuirh offlctt unlesi he shall have resided within
the township, borough, ward or district for one
vunr nreced oi bis el a I on. in tinea ron
talalng over fifty thousand Inhabitants not more
than one alderman shall be elected la each ward
or autrici. ' so as to rtsu;
nthrrwlK0 nrovlded In this CoDStltU'
tloq, Justices ot tbe peace or aldermen shall be
elf ted in tn several waras, aistricis, uuruu
or townships, by lhe quallOed electors thereof, at
the municipal election, la such manner as shall
be directed by law, and shall bo commissioned
by the Governor for a Urm of six jcars. No
township, ward, district or bor ou nit shall elect
more than two justices or me peatu or tiiaenne
uiihiuii ilia t-nntLi-iiL of a maioritv of the nun It fie
.loilnra arltliln SUf h tOWnnhlD. Ward OT borOUKll
qu person shall be elected lo such office unless
US SUail HOe I !-lutu -iisin ...n i"-"s"l
nnirh mtlP.I OP district for OU0 VtBT 11 tit Hit (I'd
lug bis election. In cities containing over fifty
thousand Inhabitants, not moro man one ni-ier
man shall be eletted In each ward or diirit.
Auiundment Kour To Article Klve. Betlioa
Section ft. Amend station twelve of article five
or the Constitution, which reada oa follows:--
"lo Philadelphia there aball be established, for
each thirty thousand Inhabitants, one court, not
of record, of police and civil causts. with Juris,
diction not needing one hundred dollars; uth
courts shall be held by magistrates whose term
of offlie shall be five years, and they tjhall .
elected on general Ikkrt by lha qualified voltrs
al large; and lu tha election of the said inatcia
tratsa uo voter aball vole for more (ban two
thirds of tbe number of persons to lo elettid
wheu mora than one are to be chosen; they shall
be compensated only by find salaries, lo bo pnM
let snuiiio mil shall exercise sui b lurlsdlo--
or nord, of polite tun) wu i-.m with juris
'iKilen iiol txmdiiiK one liunlnd t'llnr. 1111. li
. mitt- rh.iil U In I by innMi-truti - whose term
01 otlUe -hull l.i- yuirs. nnd Hoy Mi,,l lu
ilntid on H'lnnl t.t,ii nt tht nuiTiiilp I ei..
t on. 1) Die Ulilili 1 m In t k . Hid in 1 1 o
m tun f lhe Mild in.iKh milt a im ottr shall
(.h ir tiiie thnii tm thirds t.f Uf inin)Mr of
I 1 1 -till- tn be iliittj wbi 11 nn'fi tlui'1 oin nn tn
' 'I ll. Mn hil In 1 oitip. ii-iih I rnly by
nil.irh, to 1 1 p.ild by null louiilj. ni 1
Uui '-.iuIm' u li Jurlsdietion, tivll nn l Mim
n. .il, 4(pt n-i brreln troiJtl. ni Is now mir
'd I nllftmen, subjKl m tl ihnn;. , i. t
iiivuhinii nti tii m tt 1 nf 1 Ml JurKI'r linn .11 in
I itint: piilih' il hillt .1 1 i'i 1. 11 nli tv I tu
In I'hila'b l htn tlo nil' cof il ! rn. ui ) .il )-1. .1,
Amendment su-To Artii lo Kiglu,
Hn Hon Thrti.
Sri Hon Ann ii.) etiioii two of nrtuic eilit,
wtil it rr.-i.ln n. fntlowM
1 tie ek.tlon ll.ill If 111 I'I!) on
iitt-d.i.- ntt fnitiiwinu ilu tlr-t Mi. lid v nf
Noi ml 1 r, luu lhe ( u rui A 'tibh in v i 1 w
il 1 1 n It lit l.l) tWii-Olllil- Ol ,lll Ilu 1111 11 hi 1
: .11 11 iioii.' 1 oiiaentiiiK tin r. 10, io n u- i 101
The cliitlrtii loill be lull bitinii i'U on
hi Tim Rilij- m t follow Ini; lite tr .Motid.i of
omiioer in i.itn tt rwiumi't roil, i-m 1110
1mr.1l A pm in My 111.0 by tlx n iliniriut tiny,
to ituriis of nil the nu ml 1 r of tni h lloii'-c 1011
litlnu Ilu rile. rioxlclt.l. That muli elutUiii
hall nlwm- I hi Id lu an 1 eii-niiethi n il iuir
Ani' toltiii nt six-To Aril.lo i:tlti. HmUmii Thrte
1 lion ; Aim ti 1 ft 1 linn On , nf iiiIm In 1 liihl.
bit h n n.lx nt follows
All 1 h 1 tlnjiB fot 1 iy, wnt'I, boroi.Kil titid
ii-hln ottlnM. for ii'L'iilnr li'imo of n-nlu'.
hull bi bel-l mu tho third 1m-l.i) of IM ru.irj, '
in lo
All judLi ihilfil .y tin. ibflnr- of tin Slnln
l.irtre ln.i bv tbitiil nt illhr n pent ml or
null iiml 1 h . I inti. us tlt-nioiKt.itii 1 10.11 . utrtri'
II 1 h ' in. tin tor JinlijeH of lhe tourM for tin m iil'lii iIkIi-I. U nml fur 1 fiiinie. i-li until
bonumli, and l.-wii hip oiln r. for l rti.-a
t It e. f mil I'. In 1 I on I lie inunl. toil . h . I Inn
I.l) tin in. K. Ihi Tin -il tv liitt fnllnvili u tbo
tir-t Moitiiiy of .oiinl.ti in 1.11I1 til-uiiiuii itt
r t.ui Hi.- iHtiernl A-Mtnbly may by law fix ft
T-nt il.ty, two t Ull (In if nil the in-nit. 1 of
li llouo ton-milm; then in. Cnu lilt .1. That
h It 1 linn shall iilwu In- lit 111 In nn mill-
uTiibi-'rl J ear.
Aim iKlmotit Sut'ii-To Artifl" llliiht, Sn-Unn
Pom h 1 n
iliii s Ait.niil -o.tloii I'lirtuii of nttlilo
irilit. whh li r. il n fi..w-.
Ulsttli I I I 1 lltl l-niintrt ll ill mil.) f,f n
llilRe ulid two hif 11 lor-, wlio Klnll 1 lo -en
nnu.illy hy the 1 llii lis. i;.it h 1 ! 1 lor k1i.ui
ho 1 1 clil to ote for llii Jioli:' und om nupi 0 or,
ml f.nh IniHHitor tltall iippol'it om ilult Tin
llr-t ilntioii board for nuy new ilKtllil -hill lo
In tt1, ami V .untitles In 1 In lion hoini Illieil,
1 f-Im 11 bi irolilMl by law Cleillon oihi 1 r-4
mIi ill 1 1 ptttliKil front nne-t upon m tie.'
ion. and while inciKnl 111 luaKini: up "
lit I lim n t urn1. 1 i 1 1 1 tini wiirrimt 01 it tnnti
r tieonl or Jiidue tlnriof. for nn 1 lo Mom rraml,
nr ft liii, or for wanton bn.nh of On pi an1 In
Mir; t li v uiuy tl.tlin 1 xi million from Jury duty
liirinir thtir irm uf srlo." so as In read
in it t 1 ni nil IiOltiW sii.u 1 con ii 11 11 j 11 m irn
iilnl two lii-pet I who shall be 1 lion 11 bh n-
11I.1IH. b the 1 ltl 11
but the (it nt ml A-si ml
nl.HU. I' Ote iitin 111 tlio in'iuon.
tnbly m.i) nouiie fiil-I t'oariU
in noiiiti 1 in mu h in.itiui r ui ii uny ly
mw r idr l,aws n Kill itltitc Oio ni'iitniiiiiHiu
aid boards may be nmitl to iii 10 linos
I'roxldid, 'Hint "lo li law bo uniform for
- of the (.ami' (1 14 Kuril 1 Ui tor ch.ill lmvti
l itrhl In iito for the Jildue niil one hiHpei lor,
and (.oh iuspielor shall nppoliil 0110 rlt rk Tbo
lirst (lntlo.i I -on id for nny tu w illFtri't r-li.t 1 1 no
tlii'tui, mot vai.ituus in iiittioti ionriM ninn,
1- shall bo i-robhd by law l.lntlon oiiiu r
hall bo I rilb-Kid front nrn- t uion d.i or
Inlloii, and wblb ('td In m.ikhiK up nnd
iaiiiiitiilni: niuriiH, in-t upon wiitmnt of 11
oiitt of ttiord. or Jildi:e tlorMif, for tin tleitioit
fraud, for filotiy. or tor wanton brtioh of tho
111 tint"- in uiuy U.11111 i'm 111 pi 1011 tiuiii
jury tint) dunlin Hull urni1- of -iriti
Allll llUllieiit 1 .it; 11 1 1 o .t i n it ii nr,
M't tlon 1 1 no
tlnn ti Aliund siiiltMi one, nrllclo twelve,
whi'h rends n- rollows -
All nhii ' ri, wtioe stiitimn is not prnuiou
for In Oils loii-tltutioii, -lull be ibnnl or np-
itiitetj ns tuny le uiiecii'i ny nw, -o nt 10
ad -
All oillirrs. wIioho st In Hon In not provided for
in this t'oniillutloti, shall be In h l or a pointed
may be iiirtiifd by law. rroin.i, in it 1 iei
11 of Stale otliiir shall ! In Id 011 t;Uu ral
it Ion d ty, and tin linns of olUiilft trill
held on a munli lp.ii 1 lo Inn d iy, e pt w hi n,
lither ia"i son 1.1I ibttlotis may be ri'.iulred
to nil uiitxpirid tirmv
Amtiidmtiit Nino in Arittin rourtccn,
lion Two.
PcitU'ii 11. Amend --titlim two of nrlkle four
tun whliti rf ada as follows
touutj olllurs shall be ibtlul nt lhe ctnrrnl
ilittlmiM nnd t-hall bold thtir ollUe for lhe Icon
of three eats. bt ulnnlni; on tho fitht .Monday ot
January next ntli r ihtlr tin lion, nud until their
uittSHors -hall le duly iuaiiuni; 1111 nnncics
not othrrwloe ruidtd for -hnll le tilled tn Ml' li
manner ns mn Iv provldid b law," hi ns to
"t'oiinty tlff'trs shall bo rbrtcd nt lhe mutililpnl
, loll-ns nud -hall hold Uu Ir filth i-h for tho Urm
uf tour jiurs, biutiinliii; on the lirst Monday of
.In y next .iidr On ir 1 U tlon, and until ilulr
unmoors fball be duly nuallllnl, nil .n-iiliibs
iiol oilorwltte provided for, shall be filled In suili
nianmir ns may be prolld by law
Amtudmint Ten To Artltlo rourtecn,
Set tlon Sien.
Stttlon 11. Amend tuition sevtn, nrtkto tour-j
tien. whldi reads ns follows
Thrte tnutity t ommlsslotiers nnd threo rounty
auditors shall be tinted lit fnch toiinly wluro
-uib otllttrs nro ebopeu, lu the ji ar 0110 thousand
eight hundred nnd stV(ntynve nnd twry third
i ar tin n ifii r, and In the 4 let tint, of t.nld oflletrn
1,1. b uti.i lined ib lor t-h.tll oto for 110 inuro than
two 1 ( r-oni, and lb" thrto persons having tho
hmhl lil.tiibtr of vote i-ll ill be eltilul, nuy
i usual vaiiuny tu the olln a of rounty tomrnls
slone-r or tounty ntiditor kall bo blled, by Ihn
ourt of umiiiiou pleas of the tounty In whleh
uuih vanin-y -hall onur, b the npilntmcnt ot
nn t lei tor of lhe pi opt r tounty who hull havo
voted fr the 1 mum I "inner or nuditor whoso
pl.ue Is to be filbil M ns to read -
'Ihrio tounty c uinuili'I(iticrkt ntid thrto rounty
amlltoi- shall be tleitid lit tmli luuni) whtro
mnh olll'trs nie ibti-eii. iu lhe jtnr one tlunisand
nine hutidml and rltviii nnd evtry foiirHi tar
thertalttr; nnd In lhe tleetioii of ai.l oilliei mi li
luiilitted tlntur shall vote for 110 inure two
pir-otir., mid the three pi rson Iiavlnn tin high
.ct immbtr of votis hh ill be tleilid. nny nstnl
Miiainy In the otlli e of tounty t ommlsioiit r or
county auditor shall be lllled. by the mint of
1 omiimli pleas of the ount lu width -in h vn
1 nix -hall 01 1 ur. hy the uppoininicnt of ntt
lei tor or the ptopr louiliy who ch.ill have Mited
fur lhe tommUsuuitr or nuditor whom idaee In
lo bo llllid. t t ,
Sthedule for Hie Amendments
ltctlon 12 That no im onvt nit mo may nrho
from tin- changi - In the t'oin-iliullon ot tho
Commoiiwtalili. und in order tn tarry tho snmo
into tumplele opetatloii, it U hereby deilirtd,
"'in the 1 arte or ollbtrs i lei led by llie ptoplf, nil
tirms of ollbe lixid by ntt or A"miiiI.1 nt 11 11
odd iiumbir or inrn --hall einh be lingHuiied
one, but the I.i uMaturr may ImiiKo Iho
IniL'lh of tin hrm. provided On Itrms for whlih
aiith oillttrs nro cln ltd shall always be for uu
tveii iiuinh r of ntr-'.
The above exti nsloii of olUdal tt mis shall not
atTut olliitrs 1 It (ted nt tho j-tniral tin Hon ot
one thousand nine hundml nnd tight, nor nny
t ty, ward, borough, township, or e let Hon di
vision oHiiers, wbii-i Itrins of ollb e, iiudir ex
ii.ljng law. lid iu Hie one thousand lillia
huiidrnl nnd ttn. ....
In tin )iui- om thousand nine liumlrnl und ten
the 1 let t loti shall bo held on lhe third
'1 111 bday of 1'ebruary. ns li.-rtloroie, but nil
tilllu r 1 host n nt that tlntlon to an oleo Iho
leiiular tt nn of wbbh ts two enix, nnd ul-o nil
1 h- Hun olln 1 rx nud nss bMr 1 Iiokcii ut Ibat
.li.lititi, Khali h nu un) 11 tlio fir t Monday of
Dntmbtr III tin- (arone tbuvi'-aiid tiltio biindrnl
nnd thvtn All ollli th fim-tu ut that tin Hon
tu nib. s Iho it nn of whh h Is now four iars.
ur t- inad four mr by Hie op. liitlon of thepo
nun ndiiit ills or thl- si In dub?, fhnll mtvo until
the br-t Moioliy of Hmmbir In Hie tar ono
Hiiii..iiid nine hundred nud Hilrtien. All ju-tlees
or Hie piaie. maglsirate- nml libit rmi 11 t hiiHvn
at Hint 1 lei thin, hall e rve until the tlrt-t Monday
of lietimhi'r In the jnir one thousand nine huti
dnfl nnd lirteen. Afor iho jenr iiliutnn liuii
dnd nnd tin. nnd until the I,.gMature i-hall
oibtrwbe provide, nil trims of city, ward, bor
ounh. towimhip. nnd tin turn division olbnrs shall
hmln 011 the first Monday of Im ember In nn
odd iiumbi rtd !-ar.
All illy, ward, bnrnunh, nnd township oflleerM
holding otltie al Hit dan- of the npproval nf theso
nun ndiin nu, whose li rms or 0III1 e may 1 nd In tho
jenr one thousand nine hundrnl nnd eleevn.
-hall miiHiiuo to bold tbilr olllt until Iho first
Monday or l-ctrmbir of Hint yr .....
All Jmlgn of Iho toiirtn for Iho several Judlclnl
dUirotH. nud nU nil munty ollb ers, holdliiK
olllie nt lhe dale of Hie nppmviil of Hkmi' nmend
menir., whnfe terms of oilW e may t nd In tho year
one thorn-nod nine liiindn ! und liven, fball
nintlnui to bold their ollb t - unlll tin first Men
d iy of .lanunry, one thousand nine hundrnl nnd
A true opy of Joint Hmolullon No. 3
Fecrttary of tho Commonwealth,
HKNJ. II. HITTUIHH. 1' USKH& Miinniii.r
Presents the famous Musical
Comedy Success
"The Real
An endless chain of Mirth and Melody
10 Rig Musical Speclalites 10
A bevy of Pretty Girls
A Coterie of Clever Comedians
An Array of Gorgeous Costumes.
PRICES, 15, 25, 35 and 50 cents
Dlazram opens nt
V a. m.. rUIUAV.
ihT U Itolh I'honca.
Dn. a. o, nAMt'oiii),
Will nciilliT Ihn Iioiisb of K. 8. TltAVIS.
Prom AiikiiH 1, 100H, nutll lurthor nollre.
Tbe Nhw Beparato Skirt for 1908 ot
MENNKU&UO 'rlatorea c.nnbln st)l,
comfort und economy. All new pie
d ictlons. 0 6
Meiiiinr .V Co. will close out i.u odd
lot ofWiml Jnrkrt Hultn nt li'imhaa
blf prico. 7l m