The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 30, 1908, Image 4

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:m mm,
Craak Mara then Race Winner a
topartment Stere Lad.
Wight ami Small, but Cam Thay
Cimi Ragardad a Conw For Sams
nmm-Good Jab Waiting For
Him, With Big Advano In Pay.
John J. Hayes, tbe New Tork boy
wbo recent!- von tbe Marathon race
In the Olympic f.mea at London, told
all friend In a department More
weeks before be started with the
American athletes) for tTntliiTirt tint
be would Kin tbe bl race acre.
1 Just know I'm coins to win," aald
Jack Bares, rand I wish It wore fifty
anile Instead of twenty -all. The next
time you fellows aee me I'll be wear
ing tbe laonal wreath, or whatever
Ibey etve tbe winner, around my .
I're been training my bead and my
tegs for ten years for a chance at tbe
Tbe boy who made good In the
toughest, most heartbreaking athletic
contest In tbe world Is only nineteen
years old, a slim, little nickeled steel
athlete from his toes to tbe crown of
hit bead, says tbe New Tort Sun. lie
stands ust a shade under fire feet
lour Inches, and he weighs 125 jKwndfl.
Jack Hayes la as Irish as yon And
them, with black hair, blae eyes, n
good humored and freckled face and
a ton of confidence In himself. With
all bis triumphs on tbe cinder jinth
and be bas Von enough nips and
medals and trophies to fill a cup
boardbe Is a modest ebnp who does
not care to gabble about his own
achlewmenta. When be talked otxuit
feis chances In tbe Marathon tiefore he
left the Voted Ktates young Hayes
aid to hla friends In the store:
I know to a lmtith bos- far I ran
run and how fust. I Intend to go
Tight out with tbe pacemakers, kwp
at their heels until I am ready to fin
lab and then go In and win. I am
not afraid of any of them, but I ex
pect out own boys to make It hot for
ma. Long) mot? I'll liet you the In
dian crumples up liefore lie goes twen
ty tnQes. Tom Ixmgtioat Is like a
prtse fighter who has seen hla liest
days, and I dont liellerc he will have
enough la him to go tbe distance."
Tbe actual running of the Marathon
prored how accurately young Hayes
bad estimated bis own ability and the
strength of bis competitors. Long
boat, tbe Indian, gave up liefore the
twenty mile mark, and, except for the
Italian and tbe South African, It was
the Americans who gave Jock nayes
the stalest trial. He run as tie said
be would, up with the pacemakers un
til be got ready to let them bo his
heels, and then be sprinted on and
won, as be told bis friends be could.
Hayes went to work at the depart
meet, store when be was seventeen
yKre old as a messenger and odd ib
b07. He wasnt nil muscles snd legs,
so be worked his way up to tbe Job
ct assistant in tbe superintendent's
office at a salary of $20 a week. When
o gets back to the big store Its
proprietor will offer blm the chance of
making H,W or $5.tT0 a year as
bsad of tbe sporting goods dejiartment.
More than that, be is going to give
Sam a big reception.
Last spring Hayes trained on a
qaarter mile track on top of tbe
department Pttirii. Xlost of his train
SnjT bad to be -dune at night, since
T& Job kept him busy every day but
StmSay. In a letter nayes wrote to
one of bis friends In tbe store and re
celved tbe other day he said:
There won't be any excuse If we
dont win. As for juyself, I can still
cat, sleep and run Just as well as I
Ad on the other side,"
Hayes Is unmarried and lives at 240
Bast Fifty-fifth street.
Hayes is the first American to fig
ure prominently in a Marathon held
abroad. The event at tbe first Olxm-
plc revival In Athens was 'won by a
Greek, Lones, who covered the orig
inal course from the Tillage of Mara
thon to the stadium at Athens In 2
hours liS tnluutes 20 seconds. At the
Paris Olympiad uf 1000 the Marathon
was won by Teato, a "Frenchman,
with A, U Newton of the New Turk
Athletic club a good second. Toato's
time was 2 hours W minutes. In the
, St Louis Olympiad of 1POJ all tbe
places were won by Americans, there
being no foreign opposition worth
while. The winner, T. J. nicks of
Boston, won oxer a wretched course
In tbe unavoidably slow time of S
hours 28 minutes T3 seconds.
Once Ingaln the1 event was held on
tbe original course at Athens in UtOO.
and, though tbe Americana made n
ooi fight, first ilaee went to Slier
ring of Canada, W. G. Frank or tbe
Irlsh-Amerleuti Athletic club was
third In. Slierrliis'H time was 2 hours
SI minutes 223-5 seconds. Outside of
some minor Maauthous, such as at
Boston, St Louis and other plnei-s,
this lirlngs tbe history of tbe ran; to
the present.
As a distance man anywhere from
two to ten miles Hayes was slow und
never figured In the front brigade.
But be had plenty of stniulim, and
whenever lis did run nny long din
tance it was noticed that he finished
fresh and in good hlmiK'. This led
to the belief that be was cut out for n
Marathon runner, und his friends ad
vised blm in go for the Itoston race
two yours itgo. He was duly entered
by the fit Bartholomew's club, of
which be wits n mcmlier from the lie
ginning of his athletic, career. It will
be rcmemlierod that In this particular
Boston Marathon Tom Longlioat the
Canadian ledum, appeared The red
akin knocked all former records silly
by covering the course In 2 hours 24
minutes 20 4-5 seconds. I'onlur of
Boston wsb second In 2 hours 27 min
utes 54 Becuuds, ami this was 1 min
ute 21) 8-5 seconds liixUleHre record
Hayes rah u plucky thlni, bis figures
lielug 2 hours III) minutes IIS hi-cuiuR
so tluit thus early In his rurcer be
gave promise'
In the curly part of lust winter
those In New York cltj Interested In
Murutbnn racing, particular! thu
Mercury Athletic club of Voiikers, or
guulxed a Maruthou, ami It brought
crocks from the west and all over
lluycs was entered by the fit liar
tboleinew's club, mid he huiJih lirll
linut u dlspluy ns could lie looked for
over the cnuino, The race starleil
from Yonkers und was over the West
Chester roads and hywi)s
Hiiye led nut of lis) town, but
slackened his gult ho that the puce ul
temutcd lietttecii Mellor, Lore and
Caoulcy After piihHlug the nineteenth
mile lluycs timl, the h-ml and drew
nway from his opponent In the nt
declulvu fushlou, winning by nearly
two tulles from I' I. "17. of the Mo
hawk Athletic cluli. Corey of tho
First regiment, Chicago, was third,
lu this sume nice was T 1 Morrls
sey of thu Mercury Athletic club, who
was destined to llgure luter as a Mara
thon nicer He caiiie home teuth
Hayes' time wiin 2 hours 44 inluutfn
45 socnudii. After the lookers Mar
athon Hayes was recruited to the Irlnh
Auiertcau Athletic ctuh. Honour,
nothing was seen uf the Maruthou mon
until a twenty -111' o tulle race there,
uud it was won cleverly by Morris.')',
Huyus ImIuk a fi"Uj$sr. A ooujd of
werfks biter, tn ApTO. tne n.... .
athon came along, nayes was a strong
farortta; but, to tbe surprise of the
whole country, liorrtsscy won In 2
hotrrs SB minute 48 seconds. It was
aid by officials that bad bo not tern
Interfered with by the crowd of nntns
on tbe course be would have lowrrcd
LongDoetB flgnrcs. Hayes was second
tn S borora Ed minutes 4 second nml
ha, too,-was bampered by the antes,
nayea la a member of the Ninth regl
tnent, N. O. If. T.
Ns Lovsrs Like Wedded Lovara Pml
dsnt Told a Brida.
Tbe sentimental side of President
Booscvelt abowed Itself at tbe end of
a thousand mile telegraph wire tbe
other day wben be sent hla message
to Herman H. Kohlsaat of Chicago on
the eve of his daughter's marriage to
Totter Palmer. Jr.:
"Tbere are no lovers like wedded
loTers." Theodore Hiserelt
In tbe mall simultaneously came an
autograph message from Mr. Itoowv elt
In which he referred to the bride to lie
as "dear little Pauline, of whom I am
so fond."
The note Is full of good wishes and
affectionate references to the young
couple. The president assures his
friend that there can lie no fine out
side of ber own family who wishes her
all possible happiness more sincerely
than be.
President Roosevelt has long been
fond of Mr. Palmer's bride and of
ber sister Katberine, and n sjieclal
friendship exists between the latter
and Miss Ethel Roosevolt On the oe
caslon of numerous visits to Washing
ton the Koblsaata have been guests Id
tbe Wlilte Hnue.
Llftad Drowning Man to Her Back and
Carried Him Safety to Ehors.
An elephant saved llurrj Tracy,
twenty iiwiih old, from drowning at
Crescent pink, In I'rot lilenee, 11 1.. the
other uTIermsin The uiilmal curried
the youhg man from divp water. In
which ho sank wheu be was m-IkihI
with cramps. Several elephants whlrh
belong to u hlilrome were taking
their dally both, and a lurgc crowd
stood on tbe wharf watching them,
while Trucy with several others win.
bathing. Suddenly Tracy cried for
help uud wvut down.
The keejior In charge of the olo
phants drove Lum, one of the large!
beasts. Into tbe water toward the Kit
where Tracy dlKnppunrcd. When the
elephant was aluuist lieyond tier depth
tbe keeper leaped from ber buck und
Bwam to where Tracy wns struggling
He brought Tniry a few feet nearer
shore, and at a word the elephant
plucked the half drowned man from
tbe water and fiwung him to ber back.
She likewise took up the trainer und
carried both ashore.
A Postofnce on Every Warship.
A committee has boon appointed b3
Postmaster General Meyer to formulate
regulations for tbe Installation upon
very warship in tbe United States
navy of a fully equlpid postofflcc und
a postmaster. ProviGion for these jKist
offices was contained in the legislative.
Judicial and executive appropriation
bill, which also provided that enlisted
men of the nuvy might nism selection
by tbe postofflce depnrtmeut art us
navy mall clerks, postmasters and as
sistants. Cnlisted men deslpiated as
postmasters will receive us coiyjiensa
Han $500 IT annum mid assistant"
1300 per annum.
Hams Galore For a Governor.
Wben M. It Patterson, governor ol
Tennessee, was making bis cuuipuigu
for rcnomtnatlon a womun ndinlrer
sent him a bam. Tbe Incident wan
mentioned in tbe newspeiierR, and thin
gave tbe cue to other udmtrerR. The
result is that tbe governor has tiecn
literally swamped with boms, fut und
lean, big and little, cedar cured and
smoke cured, until he Is having dif
ficulty In finding storeroom for those
be has not given nway.
Walking Upatairs.
It takes eight times the amount of
strength for one to walk upstairs that
It docs to walk on level ground.
A Historic Flag.
The flag In Trumbull's celebrated
painting of "The Battle of Itunker
Hill," to lie seen lu the rotunda of tbe
capitol at Washington, represents the
red flag of the period, white corner,
green pine tree.
rcmmlcan, orlgluully a North Ameri
can Indian preparation, is made of lbs
lean portions of lieef, thoroughly dried
und then pounded Into a paste nud
tightly pressed into cukes. Itnlslns arc
generally mixed Into the lieef to add
to the flavor. Pemmican will keep for
a very long time uud Is for this reason
used on the long arctic expedltiuus.
Ooson Courtship.
A pretty courtship custom prevalla
among the Oornon maidens, who lit
stated Intervals ussemble lu the market
place. In front or each Is n lighted
lamp, emblem of conjugal fidelity. A
young man feels attracted. He gently
blows upon the flume, extinguishing it.
The girl relights It. It Is u rejection.
If she leaves It alone, the Implied offer
la Ucceptulile.
Arabian 8and Pita.
In the sandy deserts of Arabia whirl
ing winds sometimes excavate pits 200
feet In depth uud extending down to
the hurdcr stratum on which the greut
bed rests.
The unit of horsepower varies great
ly lu different countries.
Effect of Liquid Air,
A bull of India rulilier immersed in
liquid ulr becomes brittle nud if
dropjied to tbe (lour breaks like glass.
A lead bull nripilrcs elasticity and will
rebound like the rubls-r lu Its normal
A Contraet In Dinner.
A Trench writer has ascertained
thut Napoli 's fimirllc dish vwm lieau
sulud and that lie held Hint Oil cents u
day ought In ! enough for uii) 's
ineiiis. Uiuls XV., on the contrary,
had ii favorite, made or the eggs
of various birds, which cost IF )).
The Battleahlri Ram.
The liatlleNlilp rain was lirst used in
tbe civil war of imipr, in uu, Hctlon
between the I'eilerul Meet mid the Con
federal)' ironclad Virginia or Merrl
mac, lu Hampton ltnuds,
Dangera In Mercury.
Mercury Is u lis- In life. Those who
muke mirrors, buriuneters or thermom
eters, etc., soon feel tin) effect of Hie
nltralii of mercury lu teeth, gums uud
thu tissues of the body.
Politeneaa In Tibet,
lu Tlls't It Is u Mgu of politeness
when mis'tliig u stsoii to hold up ttie
bund liuspcd anil piotrudu the tongue
Wales Is the tidiest part of fiieut
llrltulu lu mineral wealth, llnglaud
produces annually nbout $10 to eaeli
ucre, bcutlaud u Utile liws ttiuu flu,
hut the produce of Wales auiouuts to
over l-ii per ucre.
Both With Good Husbands.
A short time ago In one of tbe pub
lic gardens In Vienna a steamstrc-u
found herself seated liesldc a quiet
plainly drcpcd woman who wo alo
sewing. They fell into conversation
about domestic affair, telling eneti oth
tT bow tbey made their own frock.
nd thoc of their children "I like to
occupy myself with this port or -work."
Hid the sraniftri'y "So do 1," re
plied the othrr w m.un "It l one of
my greater plea-ure." Then, n fur
ther -confidence opcmed lu order. "My
husband l a r "J t-.un." the little
searatriTS enrt!"iel "o I mine."
admitted the ot!i;-r woman ".Mine
works la a rallnaj station n hl Hi
ther did lafore him." said the f-eatn-stn-ss.
enci.."ag)'J ti p Mi. I deeper
Into her history by her listener's inter
est "My own father was n l
carver bat was jour!" After a
moment's hesitation the other woman
said slmplj . "My father Is 1'raucls ,1o
neph.1' And, In fait, It was the daugh
ter of tbe Austrian etnperor, the Arch
duchess Glsela, wife of the regent of
Ruvorla, who was sewing lu the public
garden In Vienna.
Forast Wealth of Alaaka.
"Although tbe hardwood men of the
Cnited States may have to witness
with alarm tho depns;lutlon of the
area of oak and walnut In the Al
palachhan ranges und tbe lower Mis
sissippi, there is plenty of the oi'jor
sort left on the continent," rcinatked
E. n. Mcrtes of Slsvkane, Wash.
"The world bos no idea of the re
sources from n timler muu's vlewjiolnt
of tbe great untouched Alaskan for
ests," continued Mr. Merles. "Cp
from Vnldes nnd strctrhlng on ntmve
the Tauaus river the forest growth of
Alaska-malnly pine, it Is true, but tbe
biggest finest pine In the land Is
pnidlglous The Interior of Alaska Is
given over to much stunted gtuvvth,
owing to the se etc winters, but along
the sorter ill uu 1 const Hie forests
are sliupl.i Inil. ilbiible In th"tr un
cut luiurl.itiei- It will l' many jeurs
ls'fore the minimi's nx Is beiml
over the thot'saiids of s'ltuire mill's In
cluded In tills domain." Milwaukee
A Twentieth Crntury Accident.
Men nnd women of this duy are dy
ing strange deaths, tleorge Washing
ton bad ti" chance of electrocution by
n live wire. Lincoln was safe from
tho dangers of n trolley accident.
The other duy in New York four
lemons were drowned lu the North
river under nn automobile The ma
chine got lieyond Hie chauffeur's con
trol, nnd liefore the passengers could
Jump to sufcty It hod plunged over
the sldo of n tier, accomplished a
somersault and gone to the lsittom.
Tbe four occupants of the seats were
pinned to a drowning denth.
We pay n high price for our speed
und civilization, and we fenr that the
worst Is yet to come, for tbe nlrsblp
shows signs of sure development St
Louis Times.
Better Tips With Overcoats.
"Wo don't ruke lu near as much on
tips In tbe summer time," said the
wulter in uno of tho downtown eating
plnces. "I've 'een noticing thut for sev
eral yenrs. . neur us 1 ton figure It
out, it's be . e men will bund out
bigger tips w ben they're wenrlug ov cr-
couts. 'When u man can put on a straw
hat nnd walk out he doesn't feel us If
it's necessary to band tbe wulter much
of anything, but wben the waiter has
to belp him on with his coat he takes
thut slight service as un obligation thut
must lie met Anywuy, I've noticed
that the some men will give ulmost
twice as much when tbey weur over
coats ns wben tbey don't" Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
A "Ohirt Slaev Climate,"
Tbere Is no bud lund iu Texus, nnd
its soil could almost feed tbe world. It
can raise sugur uud tea, coffee, rice,
cattle evfrythlng needed and It bus
various minerals that urc rich nud
needed everywhere. The stute needs a
few xullllou more furmers, uud it is go
ing to get them because it bus u cli
mate that nppeuls to millions of tieoplo,
a shirt sleeve climate that only makes
u coat necessary wben tbe wicked
north wind gets loose und comes
whooping down in the night. On the
coast one can bathe lu tbe oceun surf
nil the jenr except when the "norther"
blows, and that only lasts threo dujs
at u time Sun Antonio Oor. Ixiulsvllle
(Ky.) Herald.
"Mother of Vice Presidents."
If Virginia Is the mother of presi
dents. New Y'ork can claim nn equal
distinction with regard to the vice
presidency. Nine New Yorkers have
been elected to that olllce. Two of
them, Clinton and Tompkins, served
each two terms, rillmore, Arthur und
Roosevelt Mlccii'ded to tin- higher ofllee
by the death of the president Van I'.u
ren Is un lustunee of promotion, huviug
been vice president for the lorm pie
ceding his election to the iresldcnej .
ItCHiecwlt broke u1l records, for lie be
cume u president by election lifter serv
ing threw years and n huir ns president
by succession. Ttnston Transcript.
The Erio Barge Cam,!.
While tho Erie barge canal will cost
$101,000,0(10, alsiut otic-third of the
estimated cost of the I'auama canal,
the magnitude of the work exceeds
that lit Panama. The present rile
canal Is about XiO miles long, uud of
this distance the burgu canal follows
tho old routo for only 24 per cent, or
eighty-four miles. Por thu othor ItrtO
odd miles the canal la laid out ou
what is practically another route, fol
lowing tho rivers und hikes, uu old
route of travel by water which was
used by the pioneers who settled the
Western part of the Btate.
"Queen Hllzats'th was the grentest
womun the world has ever seen," re
marked the historian
"That shows.' remarked Mr. Meek
ton u little haughtily, "Unit jou never
met my wife." Washington Star.
A Great Coaling Port.
Malta Is one of tbe most Important
coaling ports lu the Mediterranean, und
consequently there lire many linns
there dealing In coal, of which there
1b ut till times n large stis'k ou hand.
Railway Buppllee Are Many.
At u convention of rullwuy store
keepers one or tlie statements made
was that the storekeeper of the liver
ago big rullwii) system curries 5r.,(m)
Items of inalerhil lu stock. Hallway
"scraps" lire of suOlclent Importance
lis uu economic fuctor to bo divided
Into 1"R classes In order thut they may
lm sold most profitably.
The Noatrlle.
The human nostrils, if large nnd
free, Indicate large lungs. A pinched
and half closed nostril Indicates small
or weak lungs. These uio general
points of distinction, but, of course,
subject to thu usual Individual excep
tions. Geography.
In It'll gisigrapliy was thought to
li "Indelicate" for girls, and they were
seldom allowed to study It,
Toreat Growth.
Too much fnii'Mt growth baa aB dob
t'teriolla 1111 eilect 011 elluiuto 11R too
little I'm. -rul trulului; and trained
tine are tieided to Ueep thu buluuei)
ri'iill) iH iielii lit 1 to uiuublnd.
Wrmdirful Clock That Contalna but
One Wheel.
A unique irriiet . f inivbsnlcal and
horologies! cen,u Is 1 lt'strnted here
with Ww It not f tbi fnmlllur
looking dial there arc fv. per! tn
doil Who Would Ul.e lht object to 1
a clot k Tho- wotiderfni llineploi-e.
which was ootitncted l..v c 11. Itrlg
den. a waUbmnker f l."- Angeles.
Cnl. liaj been made t" so,), time with
C slng'c nheol n-!y TM " tws'1 Is
renilj no whol at nr Mi' i thci n ir
roratnd disk V-htf-li eeri!- an e
eniie wheel
The eMcaie wheel l kept under ro
tary t.'iii 'ti t'V 'c- v.,.r'r very
tnnih lik' ' " ' . 'a lsrco
1 1 ick In ''is ,i. r In am nnd
ciak wmi V' uEAit wnnn.s
p-nrliig thlrtj 'itii quarter lm b stis-1
Imlls are usi-d. whli'i -'isTate consecu
tively. When the timepiece Is set one
ct the mctai balls 1 i-ausisl to de
scend In fashion on two plvotisl
ilates. otie 1 icated nliove tlie other.
After the imll has deseemled to tbe'W
ir plate Its colics- i- dlrs-i-ted in sin h
n wav that It enter "i the boles at
the I'lWet )'lld ol tin sr1onted dik
teleiistuc the disk and tle-n proeis'dlug
ill Its loturv mo! on the -simee of oiie
hole As the tit olisllliie.1 by kill h
un operation Is limited to one tuluute,
It follows thut the disk lnllt Ii" pierced
with lt boot fill "lie hour's time
ibe fnrwnnl nnl ioipltii: are
rfis-tisl h' tin unliskliii: ami locking
or a sprliiK the luruiei pirt uf whlili
jnay Is- done t .. the per' 'isslon of tlie
di'scendltig Iml. A tie- ls'iTonited
disk eanies thlrt.l tilllis on n!ie half Its
diameter. 'V mVlttl m or the thirty
first hall will rhiiti.-e tlie 'riieihlleulnr
liosltlou or ball No 1 and cause It to
roll out on tn tile upper phot plate It
will then tipur It- ot, gmal o'sTiitlnn
Cactus Piste More Efficiciou Thin
Petroleum In Hot Climate.
Cnnuil Ilriirj Kislutp of I'a
liTiin. IIjiIj. trutitmltf tin- ffillciwitiR
JnfnrtiintltHi rt-'nll V ciiM'rlint,nt
mil(V- li tin- flitff -"f 1hr Minltlirj Ht'tT
Ice nt i.iil ii, ln iD-ti Afrldi. with tlio
cni'tii a MilKtitntr f"i i"-tnlouni for
Ihi' cxlciiiiiiiiiti in il iiHwijuttncfs In
wjinn ollnifiti.
Tin- tlilt k. iuljiy of tht' cnt'tiiH,
nit hi In ptwi, iin thrown into mm
tir nml m:ie. nitcd until ti Kticky jiuMi
1 l)rnu'il 'Jlils nvt(. K Krrnil up-m
Un- Kurfiifo ot itmrnniit rntcr ami
furni. nn l-f!:itnir l-iji'i which jr
.'iil. Hip Inn: f the HKwijtill(M.
from ffiminc t' tin- to hri-'ithc iiiul
ilc'.trn'.H tln'in ihf'iimh n-jih xhitl'in.
It ! true that p.'triM'iim can ! thf
twine M-n Id'. l"Ut in wurni rlinuitc- m
ttnlfiim v niirjili' tot (juh-kly anil 1
1hu- nf little nJill Tho mnrllnirliioLm
mctn. piisti' 0:1 thf 'ontrnry. run hold
its ..hice indcflnltch. Inline wi-.'ks.
timntiif or men nn entire jear, niifl.the
pfrlful of rlexelopmeiit of the lanii 1k
Inc hut iihout ?A lortnlcht. It hit, the
IlKKt 1h'roUL'li effort.
Covering Divides Into Sections, Each
Forminc a Poncho.
A California In nt'.r hup GevKetl an
Jnterestlnc vhclii-i lent, tlie can van
emetine ol whit It ran lu (Imclcd Into
Heetlmi- iind wi.rn a- a eannetit or
iiulfonn. Mi.i. I'ltpuliir Mechaiiii-s, dur
ing the dn.v Ad.iit.l for the IM' tf
trtwtp!, hujiters and ramjierh In ku
cml, the uniform, or .mrlm. n it U
calleil, t oinew hat rc-einliJi-s tht1 uni
form" Mnfetlnies Mum h. tlio (-oldlers
of oriental rntitilrh".
The iiluMrMlnrw kIkiu a huntiT
eariiis a puin-h- and two dirferent
M.M'd tents for occupation. The
upper 1. 'Uhl lift hit:h and oloxen
: 1 til a half ic I in dhuueter and 1
nude of the ponrh'"-. The lower i
made of four p-mHin- and is ellit and
a half feet histi and nine feet in diatn-
When uslns a tent stinn n a pti
eho tlie aruiK are parsed tlmmsrh thf
PONrjri kii.'..T. 1: .1:1.:
eonneeleil e 1,: I Ill - I'llltou-,
and a i lece n 1 .., Ii' It I- fasten
is! aromi'l Hie w iI'M 'I'll wearer ihti
lias i to- ti 11 if ul lu nuts, und tin
uarinenl t.t v. it'i iit'i i. ut eliweneris
for enllllolt tllel plole.'lloll rroill tlie
The liiiil tn no- it 1 1 .t. tins u li-lnticruliir
Hhni'e, with us iniTn.t t rln tittles iih there
ale ponelioB The 11111 In support H n
renter pole, nroimd tlie tup of which Is
puicoii a litis j ni htiupe ot me pou
eho heetioiiM ttduiitk, of uuv uutulier he
inu iini'iI lu tin- eiiii..ti'ui'tinn of a hilurli
lent, no iliai II can Is- intide n lartfe
Or I1H Hlllllli lis le-.fiHl
Where tho bhota Strike.
Or OUT) 130 nliots ubli'h Hlrlke ol-
(Hern fn-t-tlltVli will Indue lu the leu'H,
tlllrty-tlllW KlllltH Will iHllte III till
arum, twont two Klrll.e lietweeti neeii
mid wnlst, one In tlio Heel; und
t-lioia lu Mime part of tlio noldlcr'
The Dropoona,
The original reirluiont of itruRnotiit Is
mi lil to Imve been organized lu litis
land III KM.
Avoided by Russians.
ItiiBsians in-iei eat rubhlM, iib tbey
Mty tliey netu w itii rat", nor will they
toueli wuiila or lurtlxM, vvbleh are
found 111 pteat (imutltle nil over the
H;il,t,lr. I.vil.l.l. I.uliljle.
I'p and clow n Hie iiill,
ThrouKli tin siiiisliiiii vatleya
"Where Die ttumU were atltl.
IluMila. liulilili ,,
llowti a Ii ale llilie
Vlillc tlio blnl were alncing
Putiitiiur tiiuu'H retrain
Ilul.lil.i. Inihblr,
IJverywIitti-i i Durst.
IVi' tl liavi oih in clory
Had out liunlili- luiriil '
- li.riuitii'tiuin Aue-ilerula.
irei .n 1
The Mpilotn porter handle loads of
0rt iHiundu with ci.e,
8fllpon Is now tiod In Germony to
oltaln a pure copper rost and copper
Manchorla'a colnapi" .vftr-m la to be
rrvli'd. with the (diver dollar n the
American ra-nufncturcrB of well
drflllns rriarblnery bavo n rrnrtlcal
Monopoly of tlio liuslneis throupbotlt
the wotld.
It bas lwn decided tbot a congrrs
of tho chandlers of coaimcrcc of tbe
Uritlsli empire will meet In Australia
during the ear l'.XX).
Nearly all niedlcal men In tbe West
Indies odvlae the wearing of thin
woolen and not cotton underwear.
Many persona wear "cholera belts" of
Occasional shlrrmerrts are now tielns
made from Africa to the United Sutra
of tbe mnhogony nut tbe kernel of
which Is sweet and resembles tbe alm
ond In flavor.
CVrnsul .loan E. Jones of Winnipeg
wty that fully JO ?r cent of all tbe
(Treat business enterprises of that sec
tion of Canada have American capi
talists interested hi tbem.
The annual output of beer In tbe
t'nltod States is between f.T.aiO.OoO
nnd barrels. At Ita present
price, ntiout SO n barrel, thi would 1-e
worth lKtween $312,000,000 and $300,-
India's crK)tts of lac exceed $11,000,-
OOvt n yenr. Ijic U a resinous Incrusta
tion proflucisl by a scale Insect which
sucks and excretes the sap of n tree,
from the crude article shellac Is man
Trade Osterwal, one of the many
Kus-Man rvftiffees In raris, oominlrted
suicide by hisitlnc hltuwlf with a re
volver In bis room was found a card
on which hi' hud hcrlbhlod, "l'loasc In
form tuy mother that I leave for
eternity today."
A novel will has lieen unearthed ut
Illnshiiuitnu, N T datiO Ib fi, 1T7H
11 Is a lone doetiuietit and win. mode b
.liicnb ItlneUvvell, trunsrcrrlnc In his
beliN the projH't-ty Lnonu ns Itliick
well's Island. He also lK'qu)'utbed a
farm where Ixiuc Island City 1b now
lu the country nt larpe about one
third of the slur-lc women tietween the
w;-s of firtum nnd twenty-five are en
pacisl In oecupation outside of their
homes nnd In the cities nbout Wl jmt
cent, so that very nearly half of nil
the women In the country are at work.
IletwiK ti the aces of twenty-five and
thlrt.v-uve nlut one-fifth of the uuro
licr nto so etipapod
There Ik no nation In the world thnt
plvi's preater oueourapement and op
portunity to its iK'opio to liecome skill
ed urticans than Oennatiy. Municipal,
state and the fisleral poverntnent nil
cnnttil'Ute to the establishment nnd
support of technical nnd Industrial
schools, ntiil there Is scarcely a city or
town fif titi.v Importance where one of
these splendid Institutions 1 not found.
The eminent phllolo-i,.t, Professor
ftl.eut. Is eoitnted nmoup the new con
verts to Tlspcrnhto. He tool; bis first
lesson at 4 p. m. nnd that evening van
able to appear before nn Esperanto so
ciety nnd translate Into Enpllsh u sto
ry written In tbe new language. Hut
Professor Skeat Is an exjtert linguist.
Tlie average learner probably could
not hope to master Esperanto In no
summary u fashion.
Natives of India have held for cen
turies thnt the waters of the river
Oatici ate blessed und bealluptotbose
wiio batlie thiTeln A scientist says,
"1 have discovered thut the wnter of
tbe fiance and the Jumna Is hostile
to the crow-th of the cholera inlcrotie,
not only owlnp to the absence of food
materials, liut also owing to tbe actual
presence of nn antiseptic that has the
pnw it of dostroj lup this microbe."
There are about S20,Ono jieoplr In the
Iib-trlct of Columbia Over 00,000 of
them live outside of the old city of
Washington (which now has no local
txlsteuee. living tuorpod In tbe District
of Columbia), In n large numlier of
small towns nud villages scattered
over the bills and valleys of tbe terri
tory. About one-third of tbe popula
tion Is colored, the lnrgcst number of
colored people pntbered In any place
In the w orld.
rrofessor Toll Adler of New Tork
will fill the Iloosevelt chair for 1H0S at
the Berlin university, and tbe Germun
scholar who comes to Columbia is
Max Vcrnorn of the University of
Goertlnpen. Tor MKiS-10 the Amerlcnn
professors selected to go abroad are
I'residcnt Benjamin ldo Wheeler of
tho University of California nnd rro
fessor William Morris Kuvls of Ilur
vurd. rr. Verworn Is one of tho most
dlstlnpulbhed of living physiologists.
Tuxlcnlis In London, as In New York,
nro a tnnrked bUceesK, and tho hansom
Is belug crowded out, reports say. Al
though ncnreely n year has passed
slnco tbeso swift moving carriages ap
peared, tbe cubital already Invested In
Loudon tuxlrubs U $10,(wo,0ua There
nro ToS tui.icabs ou tbe btreuts, 2,000
tnxicubs on older nnd 1,700 licensed
drivers. Tbere nru ulgbt Loudon taxi
cab companies, the average day'B
earnings of a cab Isdng $1110. Tbe
average cobt Is $1,703.
Cunillic riutuiuurlon, the astronomer,
decliiren that from actual figures re
cently obtained he has liocuuie eertaj
that thu temperature of Euroie bus
been falling. 1'rauco has lieen suffer
ing for u long time from nn excess of
cold weather, tha temperature ut Turls
having 1msii one degree lelow tbe nor
mal. Other readings shuw even less
fn orn I ile results. Tbo fall Is more 11c
tleeable lu tho spring than nt other
period of tbo yenr. Similar condi
tions are recorded lu England, Bel-
pluiu, Fpaln, Italy, Austria md German-:
A Treatment That Sometlmee Will
Cure an Infected Animal.
Tlie follow inp Is tlie standard 1reut
ment for lump Jaw ou cuttle- If there
In- an opening lu thejtuiuor or swelling,
lujeet Into the oiu'iJng about one tea-
spoonful of tincture if lodlue dally. If
there Is 110 iipcntujr, rub the tincture
ou the sklu dally, or It may tie Injected
with a hypodermic J Huge Continue
tlie treatment until It is evident thnt
the prow Hi of tlie tuiuor has stopped
If willing to give up the use of tin
cow us 11 ItlilLer until site is cured, ou
tun also, in ailUitlou to tlie tieatmeiit
above prcsciiU'd. give hei one and n
half to two and a half teiiNpooufuls of
Iodide of jsituNsluiii divldisl Into two
doses, one 111 the iniunlup and one at
night, to be plieii III 11 pint of vvuriii
vvuler. Continue this for two weeks
or until signs of lodism nppeur, such
lis 11 scurfy skin, weeping ut the eyes
nnd dribbling from the nose nnd
mouth 'lien discontinue for u week
or ten dn.v s and etiiiimenee again If
Tbe Iodide of potassium will render
tbe milk unlit for lis,- Continue to milk
her regularly, however, and throw' tbo
mlik awu, as she nut lie cured lu u
few- weeks, and then her milk will he
all right The disease Itself dis'S not
render tbo tutlk unlit for use unless
tbe cow Is lu the lust stages, whure
tho general health of tbe cow will 1
Double Strength.
Jock But do you tbluk thnt ham
mock will bold I oth of us this sum
Era It ought o. dear. It Is culled
tl Tuft. New York Journal.
Cremation Is forbidden t Bdtl tun
Early rrarnesB without bal dneaa Is
mid to be an Indication of long life.
Australia's largest cattle bard Is that
running on tbe Victoria river station,
northern territory, 30 miles sonta of
Port rvnrwtn. It numbe 00,000 bead.
ML. Tonrnay, a Belgian engineer, bas
been commissioned by tbe committee
for tbe International exhibition at Brus
sels In 1010 to erect a tower at Ixslle
which will be much higher than tbs
Eiffel tower. The cost Is estimated at
Visitors at a rails hotel were dis
agreeably surprised one morning to Sod
that the lioots tbey had left outside
their doors had been stolen by a bur
glar. Only one pair was toft, on which
was a paper with the ward. "Not good
enough for me."
Science Sittings.
A man's brain attains Its taaxbx inro
weight at tbe age of twenty years, that
of a woman at seventeen years.
The tyiihold tacUlus Is so minute,
says a doctor, that a drop of water
might contain millions
Tbe diamond, so long the hardest
known substance, now has two rivals,
tbe slllclde and the borlde of titanium,
products of Henri Uolaaan'a electric
furnace, lielng claimed to be as hard.
Saturn revolves round the sun once
In about thirty of our years, and aa its
rings are Inclined at an angle to the
plane of Its orbit tbe ring present a
constantly chnnglng face to ua.
No Wonder.
She aalA she bread him with ah bar
ml til.
No wimflur ha waa alaja.
For aba waa a wlaow In weaoa baSlftt.
ana a wianwa mita is mat
Cifcthouo fitaaoard and Timaa.
Try It
"A man may count his friends c
his two batida," remarked the observer
of eveuts and things, "but tbey are
not always on baud wheu he wants
to count them." Youlrers Statesman,
Mew It Works Oot.
Tha fielr wWi left a fortune fat,
2t may tm nefetr staled,
Orewa dleaolute tweauaa of that.
But Boon tha fortune tit for tai
ls also dlaaljiated.
What to Eat.
Agent isn't that soubrette I sent
you chic I
Manager I dont see much chics:
about ber. She's a regular old hen.
Onutba Bee.
A Rural RefieetUn,
Once more the heart with plaaaure adaca.
Earth might ba worse, 'tis plain to aea.
If sparrows wera eq'.rfpFad with attars,
"What fierce moaqultoea taejr would bet
Tlnbamlan tasj selna
Timidity In Um
"Whfit did tier fattier s&y wben you
asked him?"
1 bang up the receiver before be
bad a chance to reply." Sao Francis
co Cxamlner,
Tha Millionaire' Plaint.
O Isord, I pray tbea l4vr my prayer:
Beckon Ue fata that flaunta
Her enalfin o'er my srlm 6eapir;
Give me a few more wants!
Thomas Z- Uasson tn Century.
Hlghert Authority.
Farmer (anally) Say, bo save you
TeermUhun t eflab la this pond?
Enrck Wby, my wife, of oorne.
What a ullly q paction I Detroit Free
Xn tbe strife for education
There are chanrea, so they claim.
But the oasay and oration
All (teen, very much the aame.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He Got the Day Off.
Employer Who futu-ral do you
want to go to? s
Office Boy Tbe umplre'a. NVsr York
When Father Packs the Irjnk.
Wn mother xarLs the trunk . lara
TDaoli canntnt In Its place
She folds thlucs neatly. amuoU-is them
And leaves no tacunt spaoe.
She works In such a quiet 'ay
Tou'd nrver think 'tvu not.
And when we cot to lonelyvlUe
There's nothlnff she's forgot.
Wben father packs the trunk- tree wfafttt
Tou oufcht to sae him, i.owl
lie rrahs the thlns up rlffht and left
And chucks them amttow.
Be rams them In and Jams tham Aovrm,
And later on yotfll find
The very thins he wants the asost
He's eomtthow left hehtad.
Sam-Talle Journal.
New Clerk I ehonld like two weeka'
acatlon, ulr.
Bohr What! Why, this la only your
first week wltb us.
New Clerk Yea, air, but onoe I get
accuBtomed to the position X may be
able to stand it longer.-J ud.
Judge Remember, wttneea, 70a are
sworn to tell tbe truth, tbe wbole
truth and nothing but tbe truth.
Witness Judge, I'm trying my
darndest to do It, but tint pie faced
Blob of a lawyer over tbere woot let
mel II oast on rout
The Oishalo Cram.
Btrlnpi and spools, spools and trtn
That Is the sons; of the day.
In parks and streets the small boy
His sticks In front of your way.
The taut ut lines trip you everywhere.
And the rod spools hum aolo
And fall on your head till you almost
At the man who brouaht out dlabala.
ChlOfcx News.
Absurd All Around.
"Who la the old file over tbere with
tbe comic ooat, the etoveplpe bat and
tbe buccy ktitd trousers?"
MTiiut'a the profeaaor who la lectur
ing on tbe absurdities of woman
dress.' Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He Hadnt 8 have,.
Tie Llsteu! liou't you bear aoroa-
tblus acrat-bhie?
Khe It's your beard, 1 ffueaa, dearl
.ankers mateaiuan.
Uy summer are our thoucbts employed.
Tliiiw ii) his uuy hath persuvurtid
Whtjrii thrtats ut ihllhlahi ouoe umtoyed
'Tli suiiMtTok tAlilrh will S4iuii Ih fuared,
- Washliuton Star
Knlcker What did jou do wben all
your II ren burnt V
IturktT t'wd huts of tbe ladles of
ihe .ai1y. New York Buu.
A fiumnwr Idyl.
Tm iiwtii't to ttlt uloun with hr,
J UM throb ubllntB
in tUu trioiB tt. sruu.oppsT
To brti'e und lsaf ImmX tinu.
I fnlt li'T Itttla baud tn mtuj
I cluHpud ltr dainty dove.
BtiU lu bar jttinslve ytm no thins)
Was there ot jtltylnf lov.
I popiksd Bhe ganUy raiaad bar UnuJ-
No truinur Old ana altuw
Then aald: "l ntiad tha kuti gnu
Slow xa you fiud tor AougbV
Rum aaa Qmrf ia Jutlc.
AaltJns Too Mtt&k.
Ca ton JostUoog erkiixg out TiOhor
one) Tou hain't tOola' outlilQ1. 8pc
to 70 count tbo flub I'vo ketcbod.
XaOjoruia Uuro-ill xUfiiL Ooo
Vf!Qtixrtxx&v-4A Oti,tl.uao
jr count tot own tAl Ia ttcodl
Accepts Deposits, Loans Honey
in Small and Large Amounts
It Gives A Handy Check and
Free to All Household Bank Pass Book
One to the Savings Depositor, the other to Anyone opening a
Business Account.
Doing Business by Check is
the up-to-the minute way
It Saves It Saves It Saves
Wrangles Paying Twice Losses
Because a Check is always a Heceipt.
Cheapest and Safest Wav to Send Monev to Foreign
countries is by a Money Order
Deposit Boxes for Your Valuable Papers 5 and upward per
annum. Open a Business or Savings Account Now.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a deluge of new mixed jiaints. a condition lirr.ngh
about by oat enterprising dealers to get some lind of a mixed paint that c
upplant CHILTON'S M1XKU PAINTS. Their compounds, being new ard
hea-iljr advertised, may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-eminence ol CHU.TON J'AINTS:
tit No one can mix a better mixed paint.
ad The painters declare that it works easily and nan wonderful rtnerint
3d Chiltnn stands luck of it and will agree to repaint, at his own exprnne
every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves dffcrtive
4th Those who have used it arc prrfectly satisfied with it, and rcconnnenfl
s use to others
Seat Boona Trains Id CHim'I ,11
simaa) only . xaiir,'ai.iit Huudar
lus KM 1IK na B0 m as
a. a
" nl
S 41
a at
a i
a at
lu on
1U 11
r... r.a.
Li-avi ..ArrUr
.. UliiHitli Ar..
..WIlHI'H. .
Fanl' ,.
t'lltlliHll. .
..Lake Uidtiriu.
S VI 1 bD M 411
fa Hi T it mi ta ad
ro iu f x m nn
Htiliu rv 11
nulla mm
1 h t a M4
j ui t it trt
n utiii n n
n i t 4' r im
n m I 4a ra as
n h t It II TV 4V
n t TV 4'.
I 31 8 Kl mi
ti ail1
n h
fl 11
ft K
a n
a m
U tl.
It 41
n 44.
r. a. i r. a
ai. A.M. A1T1TP..
I iudtialM Qagctaauus.
O tl. 8IHB, u VIM 1'rmaarDt.
A. ileara, Ooeraj I'aJwwni;ir Anfut. Aiuanr, N. V
Thfi is the most
-a mm a piTlCllCai, UCJpiUl,
KeW'TOFK entertaining,
T IU national liiusiraiea
ttirmar weekly in the
idllllGr United States.
Send your name for free sample copy.
New-York Tribune Farmer,
Tribune Building, N. Y.
EataUUlwd la 1844.
Book and Job Work Promptly
Eaurnan it L B. bjhim
General Insurance Agents
laTussnsi m muxwm uaTisrsi:
4t Bartforil.
ol OermariT,
ot Niwark, N. j.
ot New Tork.
ot Phitadolpbla
of Erurtaud,
ol KnAr laurl.
I Kutrtand.
of Mllwankne
ot SprinsTflold. Mast.
TBAVEhani-atiira: aooidknx.
of Hartford.
of Fblladelplila.
Kodol For
Oar vuraalee Ceapoa
H iiw 1ii-tAU ti m fcarfU est
Keel, m a kntmir war It Wa tot ban
tiH ml mn mill rvfstvt yonr wowur. Try
XMolwAvr 4K gmcJJ p' PUlstsui4
sxin tb tcUojiinc. sraokoi it to thm JUr at
tba im ot pttfcbaM. If il lalta is Mtitfy Jou
tfMara ba bottla owmlalpt cDtvtbird of tba
It, sssl w mill rafsaU rtmg mamf.
Digests WhatYouEat
Aad Habea the Stomach Sweet
K.C EaaWTTT i CO., 3&Acasara. KK
Sold by PEIL, Tha Druggist.
MaUtsfiucarsBr of
Monumental Work
Honssdals Pa.
laflomiaaiory Bhiiimarf Omreq im
TliTo Da vs.
taJsortoi. L. U1U, of Lebanon, lnnM ura t "Mr wtft
bAd Hiflfn""t'1ArT Ktutiiiiaatiuu In ewrj uuttcle and
Jtaut: aufierUUf tsumuia and ber 4nx1 and
aoc were twotleu aiuuiat terond xvoositltioi. : Lad
Laes ta iMd fur fits arecsU and liad tAeid. vkjuicuum,
bat noaifed tin benefit until aue triad ibe MtkUc
VUT$ ffW tff tsawntaat Ism ltCTaVt IWXIMstalaU ftallttf alkd
no waa aue ut araU about in tbrm d&ja. 1 am aura
t oavatf twr ilia M Hold tor Vbol J-iWa, Vneem,
linwofliso . mot
Oatmrn i
issued by this Bank. Safety
NIC si. h,
WiMit linimaTraltia.
tiKll).f'Ln pi Milidii).
Til K.I KTi "
MltidM Mll) . 1IU llff
. r a 1- a. r. a
IV 15 1 it
Kin 1 fn
12 iki . in
11 41 5 14
II 81 145
11 Itl J 41
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4. a, r a r a
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r.a. 1
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mon in
1. IN
t:, IK
r: n Tr.
ti vr ti ri
i& ii
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4 M
4 M
v a) man .
. HTWIif.
.Fortrnla . .
fwlj-'lllr .
n in ns 14 4
n mi nr ui i 41
r. ii nit in u 41
n in is 7
IC r m m 14 M
&: IV stl 14 B'l
, .U'avr a. a. r.M. r.H. r.a
J. W. Iiritlllt'lk. I'iumi'iippr Trunin MatiiLprr
Both of
these papers
one year
for only
if you
OI c below a Hat if Uealcra ia
Honesdale and Vicinity
ho handle
TMlifr Brcilbcra
A Etifthardt
W B nolmi
J Oaoar Tcrrfl
JOtlD fisQfTHlt
H Bmbop
Tbeodori C Urunic
Mr. F Kroll
Gnorsri B KimWe
J H stimer
B Rdilly
J W Sbariiattwn &
A A jramtm
Katz Brolbtii-B
Clark ii Bullock
Mrs N C Polt
Henry Frxurid
W h Udrnard
W I, titirioan
Jacob A iiilltir
fl Smllhi Mm
Haw lay
Alkiniini A. ainn5
M it Kunwi
w ii Hicnn
I'J Bower
M Con ran
Frank Foal-r
Pfl Wood ward
K J Iticbardaon
J arrifn It A111441
Maiy A MaltHon
JoLn Currsn
. F liTutllciCio
1 Wt-lxb & Ann
R LScblasrr
HJeoiCf A ft
Uenry F Hca
' L H lVilU
White Mills
'Samufl lauudtnii
, Kdwaid T ktellfj'
i Maiparet ttlurin
rati iclc Wir
If ire should attempt to give a liat of
those 'who
it would taVic a doxern ncrH'sjiapcrt
Oue of tlm titbit iMdiiuonlalM S the
Otolltuit quality ut
Clark & Snover Tobacco
i tbe fact thai tbotw who uow unt 11
lartad thirty yiar up o, nnd tjotimof
uetn voul d -hrw or nutotie buy olbtir
bntudifjt WHitiriftm toihm.
I IK to ISt Adania Are, WtANT(tN, PA
4 Oh, That Corn r
ilow abtMt. sikU.' ouSmt with fwih -m
ioru 1 To Jootc aMt'tt aliuott uotbnic
but 1bt hurl that's -whwe ioiui
ooutit. Now tbti J(iifiull'inp tLowi
who tiuvti faithtully tntid ioti ot 4Hru
ourt without AilTiyit, niuy Utiou
our ataletuf tit, but, ueveitbtiitit, wt
make it, aud it's (ru. W hv a
(torn -ujv tbat will take out your
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