THE HONESDALE CITIZEN : THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 30. 1908. THE CITIZEN -VILBOl., A. PsawtstA", tlon from uilon another to shield It from legal llahlllty for transactions Id the nmol the Utter, for which It la IorI- , .editors and lUbilttaera. eally, morally, and ou acoepted bualneas nrlnelnlet. responsible. The octopus THUltSDAY MORNING. JULY Zl. IM. HKPUDIilOAN TIOKKT. should be made accountable, In law, for tbe aots In which eaeh of Its hauils la em ployed. NATIONAL. ' roil rnttiDEHT, WU. IIOWAUD TAiT, of Ohio, ron vies rauiuuT, J AUKS B. rJUtCItMAN. of Mew York. Faihlon Hotel. PnouAULY everybody suppoaed the foreit reserve polloy, aovlKorotiely ured bv I'reeltlent Kooaevelt, was started by blm, but tbe natulan 01 tne liiuionm I forest of Bhu Jacinto, Cat., niter Mr. ninvaland brluca out tbe fact that the M01.RI8 I.. CLOTIIIEK, ot rlillaaipnia, late lrosld-nt beuau oreatlui; tlieae re- BKNJAUINF. JUNKB, ". '"""" .,, far back aa 1837, and that he eatabllahed thirteen lu nil. In fael, Mr. Cleveland was the original "father" of tbe national forests, ami, at the beKlu nine no one thought tbe atep of euouKb Importance to make any great (uaa over It ron SLKCTORt AT LAM.I, tor Disratcr sutcrons. Mat. out 1 John Durt 3 II. A. Davla 3 r. T. CBandler 4 K. A-Utmbel 5 K.' W. ration n. j. Elliott 7-0. O. Uetael 17- W. B. Betlle 18- llobt CNeal. Br. 19- J. U. Btlneman 20-Thomsa Hblpley iiw. r. Itavnolda ti-A. W. MpOuilouKb M 1 T" llAe-era S4 Juogej.r. lajlul ' i? ?,"Z:'m. a-l. WV DownlDi itZvi. T. alcCabe W-O. A. ItaU ook 16-fleo. W. Wllllamt Sl-A IS II. i, waller, Jr, . IL I'eaeork 32-11. U Wllllsma STATE. fob jnoiia or anPEBtOH OOORT, Wil. t). POllTKIt, of Alle-theny. DISTRICT. fob conoBBsa, UBAttLRB C. 1'llATT, of Buiquehanna. v COUNTY. ran bubmitativb. ' W. K. I'ERUAM, of Fretton. ron tusrtirr, . mA.EE BRAMAN, of Honetdsle. rba paornoBOTABr, im, WALLACE J. UA11MRB, of Ilerlln. roK RiairrBB ahd bcoobdbii. ALFRED O. BLAKK, of Bethany. roi oocxtt coMMttuomnj, J. K, JIOIINHKCK. of Eiiulounk, TIIOUAB C. MADORN, of Dreher. ron ooubtt auuitou. ARTHUR W. LAKUABEE, ol Blarurca. W. BUOCK LKKURILof BleillDg. roa ntiTBin attornit, MYRON K. BIUONS, of Uoneadale. The Traiti and The Courts. (jov. lli'OUKS, of New York, la alated for a dlatlnotlon that wan denied to Kooaevelt. Ho litis eiproBseil n willing ness to accept a reuomluatlon, nnd will undoubtedly receive It. In 11)00, Ketone velt, who dealred a second term aa Uovernor, wai- "etianglmleil'' luto the nomlnntlou for Vice I'realdeut. A yenr later, however, the murder of MoKlnlf y cast the l'realdency upon him. Hawley. Jui.V 27th. The aecurlty of the vault I lu the Flrat National Hank, of Hawley, I against the possibility oi entry uy uutif l lars. naa Deen eviupuceti lu wie lact inai Iexperta from the Moaler Bafo V,o. hnve been worklui: aeveml daya enlarului; the door ODeultiK lu order lu IukIhII n now I liroRtlcluth suit. Tliusklrt, a nlialeil model. vault iloor, uauutaotureil uy me uosler iuruu warning iriu-iu, wuue iuu roai. A Philadelphia journal has be&un a fashion record wbleh la unique, In sivlng, dally, a brief description of the ldltiK frnturea of the wardrobe of some noted "Society" lady. Here are aome recent ex amples i Mlas Dnrnthv Itandolnh la wearing a white serne ault and large black hat adorn ed with wines and rlhlion. Mrs. uoneri K.iassati is wearing uurui tho new style Empire skirts fashioned of pink cloth. With this Is worr. a beautiful blouse of pink lace and embroidery. Mrs. John Valentine Is wearing a stylish light fawn colored voile Inset with lace lo maun. With this the wears a while chip hat laden with pink silk pnpples, Mrs. .lames rotter Is wearing a pretty gown of white linen, with lace etoii, and a small ma2K nai auorneu witu uitruuij nigs. Mihs Helena lleale Is wearing n nreltv hrown anil white iliitlivl dimltv fashioned on empire lines. With this Is worn a brown lumen niinnu uiuwu riuoun iihi. Allsa Marv Astnr Paul la wearing an ex- uuisltfl lingerie gowu laden with cluuy lacu and hand embroidery. It la made over pale yellow silk. wun inis is worn a ttiaca plumiHl picture hat. Mrs. A. J. Diexel Illddle la wearing irelty white em broidery gowu, with a white at trimmed around the crown with white ruallnu and at the left aide with a bow of blacic velvet ribbon. Mlla lrraine t'arttalrs appeared at the tennis tournament yesterday In a stylish suit of black and white atriped linen, the enat adorned with black velvet buttons. With this attractive costume Miss t'arstalrs wore a black hat trimmed with white plumes. Mrs. U. Ilrlnton Itnberts la wearing charming frock of pale blue dotted batiste, the bodice adoriie, with llowertd bands ar ranged lo give an empire effect. With this dainty gown Mrs. Kotierts wore a lingerie bat of black lift. Miss II. be C. Wright, who la at Atlantic Clly wllh her patents for a two weeks' stay before going to liar Harbor tor the summer, was seen yesieraay in n nanosoine wnite Inn. Thla vault Is constructed of vltrl lied brick and cement, wltll Heavy ateel lining ou the lurlde, ami the luasoury laao solid that the ring of sledge ham mar and point have been heard for sev eral daya lu reuewluj; the luasoury, which waa Mroed lu email plecea. The uew door which la to replace tbe old one la of the modern make, with tltue lock, and weighs three tnus, and when prop, erly put lu place will give the bank n Vault with absolute aecurlty agnlust burglars ;or tire. Ziotwltlistauiilug the lerlala caused by the recent llimnclal panlo, thla bank baa bad n steadily In creasing business whloh apenka well fur the management. The reoeutly added metal celling, tialutlug and uew furni ture places the building second to uoue lu the cottutry lu bank building. Tue extreme noi weaitieritiai uaa pre vailed the paat week and itlll ootitlimes, hae matle a atrlct adherence to bualiiesa an unpleasant Item lu tbe routine til reaching almost to the hem of (he skirt, Is iigutiy empire and has insets oi heavy team lace, black satin cuffs and collar give nn addtnl Inudi of richness. Mrs. I'crcy Madcrla s wear nc a slvllrh tailored suit ol white liroadclolh. The coat exirctneiv long, icim nat tic front atn inck lu tmluts. an.l Is bound in white satin Willi this untitling toilette Mrs. Maderla wears what appeal to be a double hat, the lower one ot tine black chin, covered wild a wiiit,, legiiitiu siraw. s i ch is rolled hack in front, riicte is ii. i other trlumilng. The decision by tbe U. 8. Circuit Court ot Appeals, last week, reversing the lodgment of Jodgo Landla, In tho U. H. District Oonrt. In whloh he Imposed a I ii u,i causes one to long for some cool r fxivinmn nn lh Htandxrd Oil I retreat or a shady lake allure, but the ,' i.i...j . i- , I buay man Hods It ueoeaaary to cling lu uouiuj, i. tie tmudie ud steer the uld plough In- euthuilaatlo octopus hunters who Im- . furrows even though be has to urine that "trust-busting" can be ao-1 do It under the r-welterltig rayn of n bull mll.h,! .Itha hoo. skluand lamp, lug sou. Perhapa theee unfortunate .. . i..n .h.r trusts are experiencing their allotment of "hot It haijxwome vsry evident that trusts nQw t( t,le)r like the Standard Oil surround their pred- floJ rewara may betaken to rest Iuu tnrv oneratlons with a network of do cooler ulaoe. There teat least some cou- vloes and preoaotlons that make It dim- aolatlou lu the ludulgeuoe of euoh enltto strike effectively at the real of- . tll0 Peftoe. W. . Ammer- fenders, through any law yet enaotea. luaD .) Thursday of last week, Im In tbe ease Just deolded, the Btaudard I had another prefix to hla uatue. It la Oil Company of Indiana waa Indloted, that of urandpa, aud hla olalm to thla title comes through tbe adveut of u bright little girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. win, Li. tjnyuer, ot nrooaiyu, n. Y. Mra. Uuyder la an only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ammerman. F. h. Titttle baa purohaaed the Ijirry Consideration, private. under the Blklns law, for having recelv ed rebates from the Chicago Si Alton Ballroad Co. on shipments of oil from Whiting. Ind., to East Bi. Louis. It -i,., that tb rwnlar rate for I TUHl" "s purouaaeu tue jrr was charKed that the regular rate .for p , perty ,tUated on Marble 1111 snob shlpmenU, as shown by the Com- Consideration, orlvate. pany'a printed tables used by Its freight I Mra. Margaret Daniels and three arrant, waa 18 eanta Der hundred weight, daughters are occupying tho Homer v.ii. ... .t,i , th ,t.r.n, Ames oottage at Big Pond, for two ui,o fcMV ,nw "J I ggjjn was bat' 0 oenta, making a rebate of 12 Fred Koblman, of Now York, la en cents. Tbe shlomenta were made In 1,-1 loving a vaoatlou In town. ita ear-loads, and the receipt of the re- Poatmaster D. J. Colgate has returned h.t.n ..nhnf these waa eharoed In a " om a visit at Uunllugton ana oilier separate count of the Indlotment as a Prw. o. t. Rodman left Saturday morn distinct offenie. The Jury foond a ver- I Iub for Baelnaw. Mlohlgan. where be dint nf buIHv on everv count. I will spend a few weeks reorultlng bis , Before dec.d.nK on the p.naUy. Judge health and will then jo to euver. OoL, . uMiiiiiuugu, laiunuuiuu ,u icKn,u m , uiBOentlv and will later remove ma lam theoomonnv and the Daren t corporation, 1 11 v to Denver. the Btandard Oil GomDauv. Incorporated 4Ib Jennie Kdwards la In Bcraidou i n .n,l h- nnn.l r.fn.ed making an extended visit with frleuda .to famish this be called the officers of that bo&f Into oourt. Including John D, Boekefeller, Henry H. Rogera, John D, Pleasant Mount, July 27th. During the eleotrlcal uoeaeiener, uenry n. uogera, joun u. ltorul Mt Tuesday eveulug, a barn be Arohbotd. W. U. Tllford, and C. M. longing to M. L. OUlara was atruok aud Pratt. Tbelr testimony showed that tbe burned lu a very short time. Seventeen earnings of tbe parent corporation In the lo'1 ne" hav went up In smoke along ,, f r t- with the other eouteuta of the barn, three years covered by the Indictments Auother severe atonu passed over thla . . . I . ,mui nu, AAA - ...1 .1 . .... .. amounieu to auoui, fsw,vw,wu suu msi piaae on r riduy atteruoou. ur, nun Mrs. j. a. biuioub, miss di mons and Miaa Nevlu spent the week's end at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. War ren K. l'erlmm, tit Niagara, A daughter arrived at tue uome ot Mr. and Mra. Frank Deveuy, of Forest City, last Saturday. Many frleuds aud relatives nere ouer oougruiuiauuus. aire. No Monk To Hk Delvukii. If n modi nino or mixluro Is labclod or advertised to rostoro to tho fading cheek tho bloom or youth or to reuueo obesity, or to rc etoro hair to a bald bead, they must do it, or tno proprietors vioiato tho pure food law. Tin is tbo position ot tho ox ports of tho Deportment of Agriculttiti Uy order of tho department, a sclxuro WR9 mndo by Assistnnt United Suites Attorney McNnmnra, of cightvllvo dozen packiigce of preparations tnado in now i org city. ino nuoi was mod by tho Assistant District Attorney, and Justico Wright of thd United S'ntra District Court signed an order of eoizurp, which was served on tho proprietors ot ono of W ashington s largest department Btorea. mo goods seizoa aro branded eki Kood," "Kertlllter Tablets." "Unir Ton- ic, tbo Qroat Uair Grower," "Kxceleior (Joraplcxinu iileach," and "Hlush of X0UIQ." Tbo libel uleu cbargra that tho nrliclee are misbranded, in violation of the puro ioou law, ana are uaoio to condemna tion and confiscation, for tho roason that tho packages and labels bear cor lain statements which are false aud mis leading, "that is to say, that tbo eald fertilizer tablets aro 'a spocilic for cur tog naiuiency ma an gastric troubles. nnd nro 'ft cur. fir obesity.' And said last mcntioni itatonccnts," continues tbo libel, "uru fulso and misleading in this, that the said last mentioned drug is not a snectDO for curing iMtu oncv and all gastric troubles and is not a euro for obesity." Concerning tho bair tonic, tbo libel atatos that among tbo false and mis loading statements printod on tbe label is tho following: "It stops hair falling, cures and prevents dandrull and all Bcaly disoases and overcomos any hered itary tondency to baldness or gra uuns." Tbcso, tho libel declares, aro talso and misleading statements iu that tho drug does not stop tbe falling of hair nor do anything It promises. As to tbo clutnis ot tho complexion bleach, tho libel says, thoy aro untrue, and tbut tbo prepara tion consists only ot a solution of borax. Tbo Department of Agriculture in tends to mako a test caso of tho soizure It is tho first of its kiud u nder tbo law How the Currency Law Work. There fceini to lie Utile pnwiet Hint nny pari nr the ctucr BMicy entrency pioMilcd for by Hie much miked of n nf 111.! hct scfliiii of emigres x III be put In cln-iiliitlnn Till I tin- opinion f the "lllcl'l of thu national trenury, !ioo Imslncsi It 1 to wntclt thu Ihumlat need of tho country. The hank tire cll nip piled llh currcnc) to meet the dc ot hushicsx, and nothing inoic Is ncclcd. While It n thu opinion of the leg islators nnd the lln.mcliil exicri when the new bill wuh under dWciis- slon that such n iiicumre would proh nbly never be put Into actual opcr.f Hon, It n hclii'Viil that legislation of the kind would he Imtncdl.ituly' netklal. With the law hi exMeiieti the governincnt cnu nt nny tlmo put out an emcigonoy enmncy to meet any alralu upnn the bank circulation. In other wonN. il.mgcr of atrhigeney like that whloh caught the country last Octnlwr I next to lmpill'le, and therefore linirillng of inonny by bank nnd ollici-i when n scare cnine oil wolllil be useless Money i.ionin. In- corneieil mid in' preiuluni can In rcnllrcd from hu'-lnii-s men ami hunks who mtit lune futiils or go to Hi" wall. Willi $."i'.ii ti-nly for clr ciilatlon at Hie wind, nobody cues to hoiu-il cuiTeiiey. nnd cum-in-j Iheio I will ho kept tinning and do all the business l nspilml nt money. So the illlef Millie of Hie law I iii lis esemi' It Is n bulHiiil; of ?oiillileiii e, though nolle nnd luactlto, l'crla's ai'iiture. 'I ho ntii li iit A-l-i tl- moinn hy of Persia bus ami It hols nnd nggrossiMi llelgllbol-H I'll nil -I'lis nnd I ilesllneil In go il.OMI eieollllll., llllssl.i I push ing ftoin Ihc until, while the HiltMi In linlli me on the Miuih and on Hie we. I V e,ll. I i suy that neither of H I II plie-le- I n eotistlto'lon nt Hie stlinul.illiu Hie mil. nml llln Ion i I be lu the het P" hi The White Monntalna. The While Meuntatu Echo, of July lfttb, says ' "John E. Hlchmond, ot llooesdale, an ablo. writer ot narrative nnd travels, con tributed to the Hcranton Tribune a series of nine Riticles, descrlptlveot White Mountain resorts, which werepnnted In the Saturday lue of that paper during various weeks of 1907. Among these valuablecontribullonsthe article ou llethlehein Is one ot the best, for Hie benefit ot our readers, we herewith re print a large portion nt the I'eunsylvanlan'a opinions on our own village. Bays Mr, Kicnmonu "'No vacation nnd health retort In the I'nlled State has earned a wider renown than has llelblehein, N. II., nnd certainly there are few placet on the continent more superbly endowed with aeenio charms and all other nllracllons that go to make up an meat tourist center llethlehem enjoys the distinction ot oc cupying the most exalted bright of any village in new r.ucianu. oei nign on a uiu sl.le, neatly siTtecti hundred feel above the Ihvi I of Hie sen, a diamond nt It were to Its Jeweled neighbors, tine says, "a clear cut gem of nature polished with tceDlo environ ment and set lu a wealth of mountain scen ery." The town llelf covera an area of many sipiare rnllea. The village proper con sists ot a broad, straight avenue about two miles long from "The Arlington Terrace on the west to "The Maplewood" on the east, lined on both sides by summer hotels and elegant cottages, nnd lis avenues or aide streeis with commodious hoardlog houses. I Ou this broad plateau, near the topot the mountain range, wnicn is no.inueu uy ine is would like to peojile living mule I'oel of Asia noil t of Hie Moslem l!ll Sl-l SCI 1 1 1 - l. '1 III lOUM-ol the fiilm.. nl lVr-.ll h i ' I -1 . is ,ii;i,es ho ill. She (.eelMutr to el.-nil her southern frontier and would ! iihlo to gle tho shah Moleell n ftom hla rebellion subjects Tor the people or PcrMa Iheie .ems Mill.. I., n mill' lo our wc-lelll Ftiin.hinls of i Me vhloes lhe h. lvn oil for :'.. and now- gel I'M ii wl'h fate h; oppi-slu their we-tl,er fellowt- nnd 111 - niiliual III, feet to llleli- power '1 lie I'ersl.llis are ciucl lavMiiid inei'inc Minor of fenses nie tiunl'h'-l hh leirlhlo beating mil -.eii wllh inalnihi: while Mirlous fonns of lorltire. su-h as st:irutl"ti nnd bui'-il nlHe. nre prttelliisl to extort tn..'u in' t" wreak MMiecmiee Tli' lnh tl.lfmils nre IiimmI bevonil etiilurinee. nnd Hie mllonal revenues tin- e...-le,l bj foic. Nat urally the nation-, lonkhu; on nre con- vlnnsl Hint I'ei-ln I- iloonieil to fal hut neither l!ts.i, Tiitkey nor Itrltaln can alTonl b let n tlvnl get I he prize. Our would be coiuloiier, Hie man who tells cM't-jbinly It is not the heat but the huiiililll.' Hint luolls u. I a eliupieiit us cut this hensoii. These are the ilaj i when the house wife has simply a nuking lime cun ning fruit. The gosl putt will come later for nil the family. ,. dividends ot 40 per oent were paid. Bold lug the parent corporation the real party In the ease, and responsible for the acts of Its offshoot, tbe Indiana eorporatlon, Jddge Landla Imposed tbe maximum pen. alty ot 120,000 for each ear load. , . , , .... ,l., l-J-. rBISlOMUOIOUUI'l UUllKllSUlMlUB, The Oourt of Appeals holds that Judge Deveny wa8 KHeila geuuedy, of this Landla erred. (1) Iu rejecting evidence! lilane. offered by the defendant for the purpose Mlsa Kuapp, who has been at F; E. of showing that tbe trafflo offlolals o! the Spencer s tor a uiouiu. remrus io A.ieu . . .1 town to-il a v. , corporation bad no knowledge ol a rate Uri wnht Bpeuoer nnd Miss Boholea OI lo oenta, uut naa Deen intormeu uy vue i were at r r.. apeucer s ou aiiuimy. ' tariff clerk of the railroad that the rate Mr. and Mrs. O. Uonhaui nnd daugh wM 6 oent.,-, rate which Judge Landl. o mmpaon spent t nuay iu o wn. "teund bad not been filed with tbe Inter- u.nj, MBa Stirling aud Mlaa Winner, state Commeroe Commission ; (2) In rul I die young ladles and girls of tbe l'renhy- Ing'that the aooeptanoe of the rebate on terlan ohuroh gave a tuoat enjoyable eaohoarloadwasaseparateollence;aud J'h".',, Tn8 .uttalnmeit wns mau on this point tbe appellato oourt holds aKeJ oy in68 Stirling and was thorough mat tue ouenae uoea not oonaiat in oon-i iy enjuyaDte. neaiue musical uumuera trading for a rebate, but In reoelvlng a recitation was clveu by Auua Huller one, and that this Is done only when a settlement Involving It Is made, and that bat thlrty-jlx aettlements having been made the maximum line would be but $726,000 ; (J).lu an abuse of the discretion Tested In the court, by luipoalng the maximum fine of tiO.OOO on the rebate for eaob oar-load an aggregate amount more than twenty-nlue tlmea the $1,000, 000 capital stock of tbe defendaut cor poration, on the ground that this stock was principally owned by the parent corporation, while tbe latter was not In any sense before tbe court. Itespeotlng tbe defendant's knowledge ot tbe published rate, tbe appellato court says : "The tariff abeet relied upon aa tbe lawful published rate filed with tbe Interstate Com meroe Commission la tariff sheet No. ol tbe Chicago and Bt. I-oul. Traffic Assouia tlon, anil the brat thing to be noted la Ibat this tariff sheet makes no reference by uame to petroleum or tbe products ot petroleum. "On tbelaoeof that tariff sheet, no 18-eeu I rate ou petroleum or tbe productaof petro leum appears. The ls-ueut rate was only arrived at by a process of certain circum locutions that la to any, ou the face of these tariff sheets there was lound a printed hue, 'governed by Illinois classification except as uoled heroin'! then by turning lo a class! Uuallou adopted by the Railroad aud ware house I'oimultslon of Illinois, September 7, 1BW, It was found that petroleum aud Its produela were aet down lu the lit th class; ihuii h turninir hack lo tariff sheet No. Ill It was touud that the rate aet down for ihnrth olua waa ISeeuU tier 11X1 bounds "Aud ao out ot thla process of reference and cross reference the lawful published rate was evolved by the trial court lo be is osnla, not necausu ii so appearuu uu mo lao ot the tariff sheets, but because by ref erence lo other sheets sheets tlslug, not . -. ,.l.uiH...llm.. uaiil Ihtlf lief llV the lulerslala Commeroe Uommissiou or the earrler, hut by tbe Illinois lUil way Com tntsalou it couiu ue ao ngureu om, "Tbe most wn can suy is that tbe iileillon Is onu upou which Judges, after lull discus aion, might very reasonably disagree. "TIih error of the trial court lu taking away Horn thu plaliititt In error Us right to submit lo the Jury the whule question ol whelher It had knowledge ol Iheiailft sheet from which It It aaid to have accepted a nom-Mslon. and therefore wllh Intent to violate the law whether the late paid waa not paid lu tbe honest belief that It was the lawlul rale la au error that rises luto one ol solid aut.alauce." The three J udges of the appellate oourt were uuuulmous lu reverting the Judg ueut. The opinion of the court wna wrltteu by Judge (iroascup, wholakuowu to hold positive opinions oil the ueceaslty for restraining oorporate abuses, Thu easels remanded for a new trial lu cou fortuity with the rules laid dowu iu the opinion. Que conclusion to be drawu fiom Ihla result la that the law lit eds atueu luiti ts of aouaiaeterlu pitveul uue oorpotit and a solo bv Jeunle Moase. After n delightful soolal eveulug, the Unanelal count waa found to be t'M. Ulsa uooper, oi Ainany, ia atiemuug St. Ml.ll....' HIS vnoaiiuu tliue ni uu, uiioiu), The tlrat reunlou of tbe Kennedy fnm (ly will take place uu August 20th, III Dloaae's urove. A geuerai invitation is extended to all who are in auway relat ed tu the Kennedy family, lu oe protein at that time. Mra. Mlunle Harris nnd Mlaa Hall are visiting at Itiohard tiluuvllle's. m tm Steene. July 27th. Mr. olid Mra. William Clllt, uf Uarbuudale, are upending their vaoatlou will) irieuua nere. Mrs. William Wright nud family, of Curbondale, nre spending a week wuu her pnreiile, at tteue, Krnnk Uuedlker ami sou. ot Carbon dale, are spending a few iluys wllh frlenda at Sleeue. Mr. Suedlker la doing some angling at Kcuu'a Lake. llalen 1'erry. ui i;arnouin,ie, was u visitor here uu Sunday. Mrs. J. K. Haley aud airs. William Wright called ou frieuda ut Cherry Uldge, Sunday. furs, biigeue tvonuaouii. suu uaiiKii ter. Hatel. left for their home at Car liomlale. Siiudav eveulug. alter visiting the former's uncle, DnVld Wouimcott, for u lew tla)H, lleorgo nud Mrs. i;niiurd uiiapiunii hiveaold their lanu. Air. tlliapiuau Una muvetl liaok to Carbuudale. The Potato cron throughout Wayne oouuty will be light on aooount ol the long comiuueu urouiii. ino farmers in tins section are uu through haying nud are now turning tbelr atteutluu tu Uahlng nud cultivating liuckwtieat. Tbe Ladles' Aid will meet nt the home of Mr. aud Mra. Charles Deunle, Thiirs day afternoon, July ituth. All are wel come. The net proceeds from the Inat two hux socials Held ut llieoliapel wero t-U- 40. Next week tho ladies will bold uu ice eream social. The ehapel la badly lu need ul repairs, rieaae neip ua uut TUB I'hil-idulphU Proas thus sneaks of tho work of tbo roconl State Conven tion: ftio llepublican Stato convention at llarrisburg rocently was almost wholly a Knox convention, andtboouthusiasm and iuternst centorod about tbo prescn lauou ut i-onnsyivania s junior sonatur for tho party presidential nomination. Tbo spirit shown was all that could bo desired Tho indorsement of Benator Ponroso and his recommendation to the next Lgislaturo for ro-olecUoo must hnve been expected as one of tho results of tho recent primaries. No candidato was running for tho SenatorshtD in oudo- Biiioii to -nr. ronroso, ana wnuo an tboso nominated for tbo Legislature aro uot in favor of his ro eloctiuu it is not disputol that a considorabln major ity of thoso running iu Republican dts tricis lavur mm. as tbo delegates to tho Stato convention woro chosen bv direct voto tboir action must bo accept ed as represontiug tbo majority setiti- mont ot tno party. The other work of the convention wub largely routine, but tno uoiegates-at-largu and tbo electoral licket named will h.vo general approval. Tno Republicans ot Pennsylvania, as in an prosiaeniiui yours, can go into tno campaign witn of victory wnicu notning can auturu. Newfoundland. JULY 27lh. lu behalf of the Moravian oougregntlou, Newfoundland, we, the hulldlug eumiulttee. nt a stated meeting, exteud a hearty vote ul thanks tu the geutlemeu uf Huiiesdale, who gave au liberally luward uur uew church, throiigl Heury Oppelt, while attending court Thev alsu wish to Ihalik Martin IJatilluli aud Neville Holgate, for the beautiful comer atoue they duuated lo us. The Moravian Suuday tuhool and Ladles' Aid will hold their iilculc lu thel grove, on Wednesday, Aug. I'Jtll, The llatlilehem trombone oholr will lie pre eut to furnlah the iiiiialc. Kveryhoilj luvlted tu come aud nave a goon inue, m i I' New Parasols, up to-dato shapes at SC (XI. O tu. Tom Longboat, Canada's longdistance runner, ana probably tbo most feared man iu tho Olympic Marathon, ih u puzzlo to tho athletic world. Two y oars ugo ho was unknown. On Thanksgiving Day, I'juo, a long, gaunt redskin, dud in a grotesquely barred bulbing suit, Hashed first past tho post in a Held ol thirty of tbo best distance runners ou tho American continent. Tho betting was it' ) to 1 ugaiiiat him, aud tho very fact thut un obucuro Indian, with prnc- tic illy no training, won thoract, which wus a classic event, undo tho country sit up and toko notice. Hinco thut dnv tho Indian bns won race nltor race with constimmato case, bis most remarkable tout boing whon last spring ho rnu in tbo lioilou Murnlhon ram. a twenti flvo mile American road fixture, Thoro ho met 11.'' United States and Canadian runnors, and won by nearly a mile. l'ha most remarkahlo fact concerning Iiiiixbat is that ho runs Hit footed. smokes continually and trains only iu u epmuoaii! manner. After th't SPS.iiisi.i.i.11 nppmprlnlli U evoecileil lll l'l '' 111'.' till' lills-lan iii-tn there will sllll h" room roi emeut for Im- Then Mnxh'i the in.iKIn works. ete ii- sl:;i,s whatcer tint noi-cless guiipowilei- went to s v of 1 lil- year's llre- TVclfs to worn nl.oiit the fortunes of ii- e pn sHriiW wllh nnigarlni' rates for their articles minted at $1 "old. Due wife n iliMUce on tin gioiiiiil Hint her li'ish-tud hud sixty Ihc shin. 'I lie ..b ol' keeping ttnek of slsl lhe nillai buttons would hi Itself l-olntllule nnlienl-lble cruelty. Scmt.-I sniiiiei-.. wen. teally killed lu the leceiit ii-M!utlo!i In I'aiagua). r.yen In South America this tcvolii llonai-t Himcthucs to 'JiIiuhKIii'iI Wi should wi llow star on Hie tuatcilal for slab new star w ill n ronie healthy each II. ig. for when tho inaKhig i-'iiH out no One i-.m't help .I'lielrlug tin or woman who I good nature lug hot wave ns well a hi them lulu I diir tee Mexh-o h-i i uui.l. to lose It ill! hi the too goml a record evolution traili1 .fust wln-'i Hie woilil wa loslm: eight of Ti.. to,- hu v 1 fileml, tin car, thouitliifull,, siiipi-css!il three of hi linnl;. A probable i. -nil eiilhnslisin will be "dull thud" In tie". f nil tills nit-ship Hio tiwhnl of ti.-lp.-l- artiele Sotui-liow are heltel-I'reilleUoiis st - V the hot VllVe ptopheslel i b.iuli on than i ool w-tvo fill day Hal her Vci; mi III. Illy olhet'- Finicky. u're caily III the water to- hate In h.itho lifter I'lilhiih'lplil.i Ledger. "I hope you don't mind my asking." said thu young lady, diflldently, "bui shall 1 call you 'professor' or 'doctor ! ' "Ob, call tno anything you llkol wis tho groat mati's testy rejoinder. "Borne people call mo nn old Idiot 1" "It'iallyt" tho lady murmurod swoot ly, "Hut thou tbuy must bo poopla who know you intimately I" "I tell you I mu;t havn somo money 1" rourod tho King of .Maritana, who was in eoro llnnticiul straits, "rfjmcbody will liuvfl to cough up," "Alusl" mghod tho guardian of tho tronHiiry, who was formerly court jts ler, "all our colfors uro empty." I '.ii DeWtll's I. II Uu Fairly Itlsi-rs, picas, am little pills that are easy (o lake, Hold by PKIL, The Druggist. Ask for Alloti'e l-'not Kaan. A powder lor swollen, II red. hot, smart ing 1,-et, Halllple sent KltKK. Also Free HauiileoI the r'uoT-Ksss Hanitaiiv I'oiin Paii, u new iiivcutinu. AddresH, Alh-li B. Ilhnstead, Lcltny, N. Y. Ili.Will's Wllch Hursl Halve Is good for cuts, burns, bruises and sernlchcs. II is i--pit-tally Kood for plies, lteeommeuded aud sold by I'EILTho lirugijist. Look Out Tr-r Drain Plantsl It'aptntii 1' Jt' -.Ii. nf It . llilllsli sriny I.IIH f "I'i I I l lilt III) a I.I tin lire! .rnl-iliirv .. lit., le Mint. ..II pi nits io similarly -'iiil-p.i 1 III iH-i-fnrlH tlinnu'li a gnnlen I'll warily wi-ii.l. t , is.-r. ily on k nil I Khali Is-Via- it.'s-a 1 inlKlit bile me, and maybe nllt ,ili...- 'fh i en plant I laying for in. Itainl." h sh in't Uml ?1" or pi .ti hca bn- rulli. in And. tlioiiioi ti.u pitata in iy wink, I nai ,.if.- f int'i tii- lure of Hair eics. nlnce I'm s'lre Thai i i;i tnl.l. a know hotr In think. Tin. riil.l- r M -ei raliber, uamiiu.ri-.l ai'4 I...1.IU-. Win n , . i i s'i on;, r npi.. 1 1 " An.l tie 1 1 1 Iriti s . .irn tno v illssiiii'ilntu ml ll list, nu wltll nil of its i-ars The l.lieli 1 ton sni'i-ith, an.l llin elm tl. Is glow.-rlnK Willi a rous'i iiii.l an mnlnoiis I'.irU. And 1 1 war.- ef Hie pear l.-st It fall nn )nii lb. -to If you ts1t the ptoo after it irk Alas, tti-it a talily aud sl.otf going ai-tcnee IIiih lu-vi r made It known t'liat riirli ttiltiK lliat itruwa Iuu a think IliK nliillancc 'flint winks Just as well nu our nwul (V'e plucked lla-m and allium d tlicto and H-ille.1 an.l ate tln-to With Ignorance blink nnd aut-llian, And wo now simply shrink with the fear that they'll 11. Ink (If n. iK-hi-mo to set cvm Homo tiniu, Jamia J, Montague lit Kcw York Amer ican. . (lal'iaud Auimoiioosuo river valleys, facing lowatd the cool tiortti and across ine vatiey Is Ilie Ureeu Mountain of Vermont, and tor miles commanding n succession of rockr and verdure-clad peaks of the mouarchsof fh.1 I'resliliiullal ranee the ever-blue Fran- eonlas tin) far-distant peaka In Canada the hills arouud Lancaster ami jeuersou. and the near-by summits of Agasslz nnd 1'levi.lmid. with thptr emerald-robed slooes. stands the "Hay Fever" mid all ,arouud rtiiiiimer resort, lleltilenem. Of this hlslotle village Helen Hunt baa In a plajlul mood written: "Only a little vil liiife lrei t. Ivlnc alune the mountain side." wiiiie uraKn lias ipiauuiy cuaracterizeu ine v sire as "iaiu-eii men no hiuiiu ine luuiiu- taln side, like Hie best china lu a cupboard." Ttimi. referents s are sotncientiv uesctintive. but alter all, it Is a place that must be seen lo tie appreciated The w riter call faithfully say, that from an experience of over iweniy-seven years. net i etiein is a ii ncc inai s near ino clos est inspection. Every part nt the town has an an of neatness nnd iiingiessiveticss that ins in well wllh the beauty of the surround- lug scenery. II is generally accorueu io ne the coolest place lu Mew Hampshire, rff the meuiitaiu tops, and conseiiuently possesses great favor as a health resort among the hay fever sufferers and kindred ills, on ac count ot Its health giving, invigorating nrnne! it is a uerteei sanitarium, ineair of llethlehcm, that sounds the knell nf the most net verse case of hay fever within tivi-tiii-iinir i ours n- so. nas inane too v i- lagelhe heaitiUiifters ot Ihe United Slates Hav Fever Assoclalinu. which holds Its au- nual meetings here. One says. "Uelhlehem's ereiii irlmtv iiiav be said to be mi re air. pure water ami pure suuogui. nuw more could Ihe most weary or broken down mortal ask fott The water here has no rival In the entire mountain region, for Ii is absolutely pure. Ii is taken from a lake on the sides of Mount Uarllelit, fifteen rods long, that forms Ihe source of the Halo river, one oration rur nisties ltethlehetu aud another Littleton wllh the purest spring water on earih and Hie supply is aouuoant, nesiues ims, ami of still greater Importance It has au un-lo- iiate modern sanitary system ot sewers wuu natural drainage. Wllh all these conatuons i stiumit, wuy should not llethlehcm be called "New Kmc land's pioneer summer play-gtotind aud nature's great saiuiariutur Tim stroll through llethlehem'a breezy streets, morning, noon or evening, breath mg the revivifying ozone, visiting ttiear ealletles. the souvenir stores, the readlnt room, casino, bowling alleys, various golf courses and base hall grounds, and the fa mous "spring" woerewiin io ipjeucu inirsi with the unadulterated "nectar or inejiuis, ttnwlnir direct from Mt. Agasslz. or. lo si upou the piazzas of any one ot the hotels and waien ine supero views ooiauieu oi iu iTMAineniiai noo rraucooia rauirns. am when conditions are more favorable, look over the Ammonnosuu valley nud behold the tin en Mountains of Vermont and those of Southern Canada, fifty tulles away, nnd at even-tide witness liieciouu suauows cuaee MReli other over tno somoer stones ot uoutlt Washington nud other peaks, nnd nlso enjoy the clot ious sunsets and utter-glow peculiar to IUIS locality, is a privilege, au tsiueaiiuu aoa a ueugni io every visitor io tuis pioas- orp rennrt. Dining tbo months of July, August and September, llethlehem laoneot the gayest niaees in'thii moontalns. Its ooDiilatlon Is numbered by thousands. A large number are sufferers from nay lever wno nnu im placo virtually immune, ine guests com from all over tbe country, livery State it the Uulou, aud some foreign countries are represented here. As a rule the patrons ot these hotels nre among tbe wealthy, educat ed, nnd moat rellued people, amoug them tirotesslonal. educational ana ecetesiasiioai. mere is scarceiv a uav out inai iuu kucsis ot tho different hotels can enjoy a musical. literary ortirauianc treat, given uy some oi l heir artistic guesis, for social enjoymeot or for charity. Society and sports are not neg lected by the thousands of guests of this mountain resort, ine proineoauo uver me three miles of asphalt walks of the boule vard Is often thronged with a bevy ot gaily dressed city people, that ptesents a scene of brilliancy, aupucateu ouiy at rtewpori or Saratoga. On Sundays the ablest dlvluea occupy the varioua pulpits, Ot out-door sports there ia no lack. Tbe golfers can tlnd recreation on two of the llnett courses lu the country, in charge ot experienced green-keepers. The club houses with meir wiue verauuas, cuuiaiu every conceivable, up-to-date convenience aa Ha nitrons have a right to exnect. Aa a rule. each hotel baa Ua own leuula and rogue courts, pool tauie, etc., wuere inoseiasuiou. utile eiiinns of skill can be Indulged iu. be- sides the publiu court. The bowling alleys are popular and well patronized, lletble- ueui is auppornug au cAt-enoui um ubu team . .... A tin. larger noteia uave utai-eiass ttv. etlrs nnd horse-hack tiding la n popular ti-atnte. llethlehein contains tne largest numuer oi huli ls and hoarding houses of nny resort 111 Now llampsiurc. mere are ai lensi mny Hun Inn, lis lireezv streets that eatl uccom- niodale from 25 to COU guesis. There are a number ot elegant private summer rest i. in., a unit well-furnished cottages for ren tal. Here nie lour churches, a graded school, a public library, n lire station, n garage, n ptlullug unite, telephone and tele ginpli facilities, and Hiiiueiit malls. The Hlieets hi o Imhleil bv eleeirieltv. llelhleheni bed midway between the White and Fiauiouia langes, rea'-hed by I in I n rail and catrlage roa 1, or auloiuoblle. Then ooblnu Urn uialll beauties ot tielhle- liein'a envlroumciils, together wllh the elmriu ot approach lo the Fraticoulas upon one ol then nrlistlo shies. It is called the "lluh"ut this region bb every point of iu tenst can bo brought wlihlii a day's ex cursion, ellher nj rail or carnage, wuu tiieiixuiit tiair-ilav ildusiu the more tunned! ui.. vi, lioiv. Tun distanco to the base of Mt. Washington Is 18 miles; irawford Noich, 17 miles , Fabyaui, 1 miles ; Jelfer .no I', miles ; I'roitiH House. 11 miles : Su gar Hill, s miles, n-id Littleton, rtulhs. Kmii nt Huso nlaees makes Ihe terminus ul a de. Iiulittul day excursion. Mounts Lalayette and Uarlleld, the noted poaKs, are iiko oio irieiutsto thu baliltual Ilelhlehemlte. while Mt. CleMJlaiid, Mt. Agasslz and the other li-il peaks are 111 close proxuuiiy ami easily reached by carriage or on loot aa de H...I. lint Ihe most fauious of all these ele vations Is "Mount Agassiz," Ihe summit uf ulililiis L'.l'll li-i l ul. ove tli urea level and ill easy walking dlslauee ut llnoo miles lioin the I'otitcr of thu town, riiousauds oitiifi, ihesi, interestlmr cxcurslotis yearly. mi I ii . 1 1 1 1 Lf ladies who have been well repaid I io ihe climb. It Is when lujkiug dowu the neiehliiii Im; eminence, of Ml. Agassiz that i.eiiiiM to teallzs the heautv uf thu "ilcthleuuiii I'ialeau" and llii allranllve uu.i burnt-like community llulhlehem Is, and what a superb selling ot uioiiiitaiii seeuer y It IS CI aillC.I 111, A SHOOK sieei uurei miui i.rnkviiri it minimlt. also a nlaeo of shelter. A valuable feature of llethlehein Is the onu, hiiu-ine air. whlLli Is siuuularly dry tlo. Hlmeneu of loreal growth lu the vicliilty und tbe rapidity Willi whiub lulllnii talus drain down the slopes tu the Aiiiiiiuuoosiiu. Thu natural slope Itom this high ndge to Urn eiicirciiug river ueiow, .evi ral hundred Icul tiei peiiilleular. Insures the very best sewerage lacilltlcs which are well uuuzi'U. nnciireiy lappuu iii,-s lenu lo Hid liver and are copiously and cunstaiil. tv liiniii-d iiv water trum Hio snrltiua uhuve, Ihu it-riill ul air and sanitary excellence Is au ittuiuipliere particularly neueiiuiai iu an iiiiitiintiiuv and matailal disorders. There m uu discomfort from tho heat, for always ucool bieezo blows uowu iuu mug vauey Irom tbe north that givea an average sum mer lemnerature below suvenly degrees while the country lu general Is among the ' Aiiorn'iii-hlm; llethlehein from tho Uoston mill Maiuo Juiiclluu, a distaucu of tlireo iinii-H. ihu crsiiH rises nearly s x hull- Urnl Icel. Is "Maplewood" ubout hall-way he' we, n Ihe tiirimoals. Here Is u beautiful litlhidipnt lu thu iiildst of ngrovool lolty piut-s wiiiiiu easy waising uisiauce ui iilncelv hotel ot Iho same name. Thla the largest und most fashionable and with lis uuuexes and tilleeu collages, lorma liHlnlel all Iiv itself. Midway uu the llnuiuvaid la "The Blu elair." tho oldest aud most lircteutioua u. thu llelhlebetii hotels and has for years en. Joyed so wide and lavorahlc n repulaliou, that Its growth has been practically oon tinuoiis. Ii Is favutahlv loealeil. can ao commodate J-'sJ guests, und uoted for Its uliilnim exculleut uulslne. Ha dining room is olio ul Ihe largest aud tlueat In the While Moutiiaiiis, covering au urea oi b,uooaiuai leet. It maintains an orchestra ot ten niece and concerts ol high excelleuue aro glveu dally. If spate peiuilllid, I would call at liiiliuti lu u iloz.-n more hotels eiually wuilliv, well tiUtppod and popular hostel ties, ''t'ho Arliuglou" is especially noted for Its sunset views. Thla attractive hotel la located in Ihe fashionable "west end" ot the boulevard and from Ua elevated terraoe commands a superb view of the grand mountain aoenerv on all aides, even that of tbe picturesque Ammonooauo valley reaching to thefJreen Mountains of Vermont. Thla la, without doubt, the broadest and moatunobatruotlve view obtained from any of tbe hotels. A consplcuoua feature enjoyed by tbe guests of the Arlington, from Ua apaeloua verandas, are the brilliant sunsets aud afterglow. Here are witnessed cloud colorings and sky timings of every conceivable hue, from tbe llamtog red, tbe pearly blue, Ibe richest yellow, even the delicate sea greeu, viewa often to impressive as to awaken tbe deep est emotions of the observer. Theae sunset pictures are memories that long linger. Surro inded by several haudsome summer cottagea and private residences, separated only by well-kept velvety lawns, the Ar lington may well be called a little colony by llaelf wltb picturesque surroundings. While Mount Washington enjoya Iho dis tinction of printing the Brat ana only news paper, "Among tbe Clouds." on any moun tain summit lu the world, edited by Frank II. Durt. Uethlebem. N. H.. enlova a like dlatlnotlon of publishing Ihu first and only uiustraieu weeaiy, "toe w mi Mountain rumo, - irom any mountain summer resort n the world, Issued in tbe Interest of the ureal AmBNoan Tourist." ua editor and proprietor la tbe famoua author, Charles Wayland Towne (Qideon vturatl. wno num. ansa not on v the arrivals at the different botela and erenta ot Inter- si relating to tbe principal mount aln re- aorta, but many ably written artlolea of historic and aolentlrlo value appear In Ihe Kcbo irom hla versatile pen. lie la an en thusiast on "Mountain Ileaerve." Dotb of these papers are dally weloome visitors, argeiy aougni. aiier uy ine pairooa oi me lotela. and have an extensive circulation elsewhere among tbe mountains. vviiri iuu letter we olose our aerlea ot lsht deaortntlve arllolaa at the White Mouutaina. We have taken our readers around a circle of nearly one hundred aud nny mues, ueiuienem using ine aiarung point. Every mile of tbe Journey bad Ita peciai aitraotiou. It la no exaggeration to say, a thousand objects of Interest have presented themselves to view In raold auo- uessiou 1 A thousand norel Impreiilous have photographed themselves upon the mind I A tbouaand landscapes ot wendei- ul aud bewitching beauiv. bevoud tbe power or penaua penou.or orusn or camera to deblet. have we beheld from the windows uf the observation oar and tbe roof of Ihe tally-ho, surely, no other Journey ol 1MI and thrill the traveler aa thla trip (Arouud ine uircie. ine writer caving personally visited these tilaoea aud amoved Ibelr hos pitality, and several tlmea wltceaaed Ibe scenes described, oau therefore speak wltb perfect knowledge ol tbe conditions, lu these article notbloia la overdrawn, tbe aim being to atate tbe simple trutb and en- aoie me reeuer iu see ineae grants anu beautiful scones through tbe eye of an other, wltb Ihe hope that one of tbe moat delightful experleneea of a life lima may become the goodly heritage of those who decide to Jouruey Ihltber at tbe tlrat oppor tunity. A HENDMENT TO THE CONSTITl'TIOS l'UO A rosKIl TO THE CITIZENS OK THIS t'tlM MUNW'KALTH Full THKIlt AI'I'lttlVAI. tilt UK. JKCTION IIV TIIK tlENKIlAI, ASSK.VI lil.V OF T1IK COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, rCULISIIEII IIV MKIIKK OF THE SECKKTAtlY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. IN I'l'HSltANCE OF ARTICLE XVII! UF THE CONSTITUTION. Number One. A JOINT llESOI.l'TION Proposing Amendments to tbe Constitution of tbe Cominonwralth of Pennsylvania so as to Con solMate the Courts of Common en uf liilla drlphlH stiil Alleabeny Counties, nml to lllle Ibe llsnsrsl Assembly poser to EMnhlhh n Ssr-aral Courl In riilui.lrlr.hls Counl). sltli Criminal sml Mlsrellnnrou Jurls.llrtfnn esriion i. us it resolved by Ilie Hin.ite ana House of Heiiresebtfttlves In t1emr.1l Assimlily met, Tbst tbe followlnK nmrndiuents lo the Con stitution of Pennsylvania he, nn.1 the sum- sre hereby, rropo,ed in nccorilntn-c sllh the lUh teenth article thereof That sertlon six of article tire be nmen.hd by striking out the salj section nml Inserlini; lu place thereof Ihe folloslna Section 6. la tbe rountle- of Philadelphia abS Alleahrny stl the lurl-dlclloti and posers nos vested In the several numbered eniiM nt n.noenn pleas shall be vested In one tour! of common pleas In each ot ald lountles, compo-ed of nil tbe Judges Id lommlsslon In said courts. Such Jurisdiction snd posers shall etfend to nil pro ceedings st Us aul In enulty shliti shall have been Instituted In tbe several numbered courts, sod shall be subject to putti changes ns may be made by las, aud subject to change ot Mtiue ns provided by law The president Judge ot eaih of the aald courts shall be selected as ptitvlded b lsw, Tbe number or Judges In esch of said courts may be, by las, Increased from nine to time This amendment shall take effect on the llr-t Monday of January succeeding Its adoption. Section 2. That article Sve. section i-lnht. be amended by making nu addition tberetn so th lue Hmi sunn rrau ns iiiiiunn Section s The said rouits tn Ihe counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny, respectively, shall, from time to lime. In turn, detail one or more or their ludsea to bold Ihe courts of over nud terminer and tbe rourls of uuarler seaslons nf the ceace of aald rounlles. lu surli matin may be directed by las Providid. That tu Ilie county or Philadelphia me tjeneral Assembly snail bsve poser to establish a separate lourl, con stating of not more four Judges, sblrh e! have eiclualve iurl-dtitlon In criminal rn-es aud In euro, other nutters as may be provided A tru ropy of Joint Resolution No 1. HOIlKltT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonseallh. A MENflMENT TO THE CtlSSTITl'TlllS l'UO- n I'OSKI" TO THE CITIZENS 111' THIS t tlM MllNWEAt.TII 1-1 lit THKIlt Al'I'llllV.M. lilt HE JKCTltlN IIV TIIK IIKNEIIM. ASSKMIll.V HI THE til- I'ENNsyi.V N1 . I'l'HI.ISHKI) IIV tlltllKIt IIFTHK SKl'llUT Mt OF THE COMMtlN'WK I.TH. IN I't ltSr M'E 111 A1IT1CI.K .Will 01 tne I UNM 1 1 I I I llirs Number Tso A JOINT IIKSIII.l'TKlN Proposing an Amendment to tbe Constitution nf lbs ConiDionweallh, Allowing Counties, cutis tlorouihs. Townih ns. Sctinol tnsltlrts. Other MuiiUlpal or liicortsirated lil-trlit-. In increase I neir inarnieiiness lie II resolved be Ilie Senate and llot,e of Hen renenlstlies of the Commonwealth nf I'ltlllrol vanla In tleneral Assembl) met, Tint seitlon eight, article ulne, of tbe Commonwealth or 1 sslranls. reading as follows "Section s The debt of any county, city borough, townbii, school di-trirt, or inter inn nlclpallty or tncotpurated dllrlrl. eirepl herein nrovtded. ahall never rireed seleu centum unon the assessed vslue ef the tavnl.t. property thereto, nor absll any such municipal!!) Dr ui Tbo New Ue Derate Bklrt (or 1808. at MENNKU& CO. 'd stores oombioe style. comfort and economy. All new pro ductions. 6lB DIt. A. (J. DAMFOItD, DENTIST. Will occupy Ibe house ot E. 8. TRAVIS KCJUINUNK. PA. From August 1, 1608, nutll lurtber notloe. NOTICE OF ADMIMISTBATION. BSTATI Or F.L1ZADCTU BEAKS, Late of Prompton borougb, deceased, All persons Indebted to aaid estate are no- tilled lo make immediate payment to the undersigned ; and tboae having claims against aald estate are notified to present tbem, duly attested, for asttlement. THE BCItANTON TUUST COMPANV, Administrator de bonla non. cum teatamento annexo All paymentato be made and all bill to be eent to said Company, Bcranton, Pa., or to A. l nr.AHt.K, Attorney, 13wu Uoneadale, Pa. ItEI'OItT OK THE OONOITION or TUH Honesdale National Bank, AT UOJfSIDslXJC. WATSX CO., PA.. At the oIom of business, July 16, 1009. BCSOUBCM Loans aud DtsoounU 1204,817 t8 Overdrftfta, secured ant) unsecur ed 1 7ft V. ti. Bonds to secure circulation, 66,000 00 Premiums on U.S. Bonds 2,000 00 Bonds, securities, etc 1. 303. 660 33 Banking-house, furniture, fixtures 40,000 00 uue irom national daukb iuoi ueserve Apenu, Due t'm State Banks and Bankers Due from snnroved reeerveae'ts Checks and other cash items... Notes of other National Banks.. t rai'tlonal paper currency, ulok els and cents Lawful Monit Raaaava in Bank vie. upecie Stf4,i3J uu Leiral tender notes.. 4.B80 00 KtMiemption luna with u. h. Treasurer, & per oem. ox circu lation ,760 00 $1,602,789 01 3,577 68 6 M 132.273 83 0,204 00 100 00 320 08 88,313 00 Total.., LIADILITimS. Capital stock paid in nuruius iuua unuividea pronts, less expenses . and taxes Dald (58. Wi 10 National Bank notsouUtandin(E &4.UOU 00 Htate uauk notes ouutanmns... uue io otner national uanas Due to 8 late Banks and Bankers Individual deposits subJeot to Sl.tlUI. alQat 1160,000 00 iw,uuu tu 000 00 1 434 38 188 (6 JUlrlct Incur suy dfhi or lnrrM.- lit In difatH)niiiii tu an ainotiut nri-ptlintt tu ltr r r-ti turn upon ucn anp-cmfa vaiuaiion ut iro)(tiy, ItDOUl ine si-ltni Ol lUf rieriom lurrm, at nu hi ic trMon. In niifh manner Hi uliall tu M vldrd ty law but any rltjr. tht Jct.i of which now pirfcdi fJven per milum of nucli nHM'fd valuation, may te auinorura ny ia io inrreii- tbe same thre per rrntum. In tbe orsnrKatr, at inr one time, upon lurh valuitlun." j ameoded. In accordance with the proxl-Mon of the eifDteenta anicie oi iu. i ousniutiou, that eald section, when amended, Khali rend ffillAUai Section 8. Tbe debt of any county, city. tor ninth- lownthlD. arhool diitrict. or other tuunlcl naniv nr mcorDoraiea aisiriri. titvpt art unrui provided, shall never eiceed ten per rentum uim tbe aaested value of tbe taiable property there in tmr halt anv such mutiicf Dalit v or district incur any new debt or Increase Ita IndebtedneKit to an amount eiceedlng two per centum upon such asseiied valuation of property without the anient of Ibe electori tuereot at a nuuuc pipc tlon. lu aucb manner ai aball be provided by law A true ropy or joint itenoiuuon .o. HOUKKT MeAFKB. Rerretarr of the Coramou wealth. A MKNDMKNT TO THE CONSTITUTION IMtO- r POSED TO THE I I I IZf-.'NS ur l iu um MONWEALTIt FOR THEIK API'HOVAL OU UK-ICT-Tira-C IIV TIIK HKNRRAI. ASS KM PLY 4)1 THE COMMONWEALTH OP PENNSYLVANIA, Dirni .laiicn llV-nnilKIt OP THE SKCItETAHV OF THE COMMONWEALTH. IN PUItSUANCi: OF AHT1CLK JtVHl Uf Itltti tU.-n, 1 1 i uu. Number Three. V HUNT HRSfll.tlTlflN Tropoalng Amendments to SectlouH Elsht and Twenty-One ot Article Four, Sections Eleven nd Twelve of Article Five. Seetloiix Tno, Three and Fourteen of Article Eight, Section One of Article Twelve, snd Section. Two and Sen of Article Fourteen, of tbe Conntllutlon or Pennsylvania, and Providing a Schedule for Parawlno- lha ImemllTIPntl Intn KftPCt. Section 1. Ua It resolved by the Senate nnd llniisa nf II n B 1 1 VP, tit thu ColIimOllW Pal til Of Pennsylvania la General Assembly met. That the following are proposed an Buieimiiirinr. iu iiiir Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. In accordance with tbe provisions of the eighteenth article thereof: Amendment One To Article Four, ast-iinn 9 aVmn KPctlnn fioht of article four of the Constitution ot Pennsylvania, which rends "ii. eTriVii nnminftte and. bv and with the ad vice and consent of two-thlrda of all the members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Com monwealth end an Attorney-General during plcax ure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction for (siri iish nther offlrera of the Com monwealth' aa be Ii or may be authorized by tbe Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to nil all vacancies mai may nupcm, m Mss. tn mMfh hs miT ADDOlDt. durlnK the rO" ce.a ot the Senate, by granting commlssloux which aball expire at the end of tbelr next -session, he ahall have power to 011 any vacancy that may happen, during the recets of the Senate, iu the office of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary ot Internal Affairs or Superintendent of public Instruction, Id a Judicial office, or tu any ),.. .tasMssa nMrs whlcll hr ll OF ITiaV DC OU- tboriied to fill; It the vacancy "ball happen jlurlnK the session or tne senate, me uuTfiuui ia iha snt hefore their final adjourn ment, a nroner person to nil nald vacancy, hut In .r. .it-h rB nr vaeancv. In an elective office, person shall be chosen to said office at the next general etctiiou, gun", , s.i..l,i vldtd, ni' U now txrrriscil I) nttlrrmrn, Mtl.Jtct to nudi chance., not Itivohlnn nn inrrence of .-Ivll Jurldhili'u nr lonfirrliiK iimmiiI dutli u- tuny bo made by I.ih, In I'lnUidelptil i Hie nine' ot iilderniflii i nlKili-hfl, .i a- ti rrnd n-- fo1i . In I hlladeliilil i (lien ulinll W atnlirlnd, for nth thirty thi.U'flntl IntinMtunt-, nne murt, not of rctonl. of ptiiiii niitt rll) nut'. with Juris tlktlmi twit titriiititc ono liumlit-tl di'Ilnr . ouri- 1in 1 1 li In Id by sm.iglth.1r- wliop trrni ul otitic -tuill nix i.irs, nml ttuy ulnll bo i-tcrUil on Kent ml tit kit nt tho tnunlttMl tier nun, by tlit ipialiriril tutrr m In rut tin-l u (m iluiimi f iin -,,ti iu igi trail h no totcr -hall toti inr innN t lin i tv thirtl ii Un tiiuubir of (trnlif io t-t rli tt tl win ii itK'ti Out it otlf ,ir. to 1st ihot-rn Ui'V -tltll hi uini't ii-alp.l nnlv lV il cilarif. to l i'.il1 li muuu mul kImi tirr i nuch JurKJUtltm. i ivll ninl ir iu tun. iteil n tierc U rro K I. nn t iu cit til by aMrrmrti. nuhlut in u b . Ii.ri n-l Hitoh Iuu .tn inn .i-i t . tli -it l rrlm: i.ini 1 1 .ImIh . in.i it i 1 tv law. III rmiam ipin.i uu uiu t im ..hi mi to n niincii. Ainummfiit ts-m rtnn ir i.iKiu. So tlon I hrrt tion Aimn-I -intoii tun of nrllcK cIkIiI. liU Ii naJi ns follitMs - iho mural i f on h.ii i v in ii nnmiauy uti the li.xt follnhm lite Hi -t Mntul.i) nf Nueiiibir. hut the uemrai Afvtiii'ij m i.j it tlx u tlintienl tl.i. twu-iiiir.!- til tin me .mmicn if t HI ll IIIIUOi' i'tlllrMlIHIaI UUT. IP. I) II" 111 mm T1h criu flt-itliili -luill W lifl-t Mt itlllalli oil thf Tutsdny in tl followlnc Ibe flr-t Moml.ty nf id i.kIi M-n-iimnl't red nr. Iut Iho C.nir il ml) U niiiV Iiv l.iw (It n i IITiTi lit ilav. o nil Om im tiit'tr- nr (l h noil toil- nil mt tin uln l'ru.lril. That 'ut Ii i lection th.tll uin- hi- lu I.I In un rrii-nuintircl "'iir Aim ixiiiirni mix io win if 1.11:111. t 1 1 mhi iiirti- lUon I Aimn.l nillon IIiki- of tilth lo uniil, ut.ii li na fiillnw fWt von fur i uy. nri. I'orounu nnu tiiwn-hlit mtiirr-. fur rtfiutir h-rnn of erltp, nhall be lull ii Mir ihlrd Tut -.lay of Fihrnar) 11 im In ft nil -- All Juilms ileitnl . tho tlrrtor" of tho Stnto at laree ina he ilntnl at IMit r a crnoral inmilcljtal 1 If. I ion, n- rlrcuinliiliri 111 ) riipilfr in 1 is 1 initial mr 1 111 1 1? .'it tii 1110 1 inn in mr 1111' ncv- nai ju'lirlal di-irl'- 'Mnl fir rmntty illy ward, Imrouiili. nn. I toun init ni!)-rr. for uicuKir irnm nf pi 1 lie, i-hall In Ii- M mi tb mtinli tnal i l lion ilai. nniinn. t 11 Im - nt nut fn ou n tin ttfrt .tuii.i) nf Ni' it 1 in i-nih txbl uiiuiin r. d war. tin iio lii'nn 11 .'imu tna 1 tiw nt n illfTtiriil iliy, two third- -i nil tin 111 nl r of eaih lloui I'niiMiiihii! thrrein Prm hlcil Ftiit uih fli-ition rhall ulwnn l-i brhl tn nu mll iiuiiihiTi'ii AtiKtulinent Nirll-'ii Arnrir i-.ipm, cTiion liMirti 1 n Si 1 Uoii 1 Ami-nil -1 tinn l.iuruiti .t niiirli ..L.1,1 u 1.1.1. r. ,i.K it-, riilli.u- iii.ttiii ( 1, 1 1 imi l.ii.iril -tti ill t nliJl I nf ii.luu niA iuu Inctuitiir- wlio liall t-i rbn-sfii annual iv ny tin iiiifi"" 1 ......... .... n tt... rli-lil l intK Inr tin I ll'lali atl'l nill- 11lli't' or 1 . ..t, ii.....a inr nil ill nni.iiltit niif ilirk Tho tlr-t i oil on l-nir-i inr iuu i' ui-nm -1 ntni .iiiiinii- 111 ii'-iiii i-iiiii i-i Mial to -l(MHli'il t') l.lMiHMi nniirrn rtlnll t- irhilifO'l Irom nrn-t ti-mi l.i or tier 11. . n ...I u 1 11. I'llL'.llfClI ill Itl.lklli: III' IIUI I Til II w . 1 11 rn 1 1 1 mii mill tut im 11 lourt for ft Intn. or for watilnti t-n .n ll nr lin M.c 111 tHi h tin-) Maim itniil-Miui ihuii jut) inn? 1 t.. ia- iMi.i. nf 1.1 rt it 1 --ii iiv tn n .1.1 1 "ttli t m noti iiumi "in ii-ii-i I j.i-.s..- niiil iuu in-ni.l.r- utn. ftiall h .Iintili Mi 11 but Hi. li-niil .i.Mmbl tua) miuln f.M l'"TjN ai-polutm Ui cut 11 iiiaiinir on 1 ilia prut -lo UlUr. II KUI.IIini: UU' i'i-ininini 111 ..1 ..t.l inn Ix- i-nilitid til lHtlt to lllH' 1.11I1 I''l.'l. H1.11 -mli Liu-. W uniform for rllli - ill IIIP -I11I1I III"" 1, nan a " si 1. .1- r.r 1 in- lu. tur mid nun hi W'ltor. ilri.i .li.tU.'i d for ntit iuu uiirni . run or ..i..i..l im.l i.iiiinrlis 111 rlir ntl Ihi.HiI lllliil. I nroti-icii ny i.iu i.ici 1 i.-n nun 1 7 ii.ill t.n i.rlMlrmil from nrm-t iiu u.i 01 lutlmi. and while enctiird hi tuikhiK up nml tP Hi... B-i.iuriia I'lft 1-1 llt'l'tl Will 1 .1 lit nf mil nr recur. I. or iii-iki- uu run. mm i aiai- i....i f..r r. l.m nr Tor umiton I-ti ai Ii or I n i.i'aie' In fltle liny iua 1 lalni otitiipilnn from .t..i .Ii.rln.- Hi. Ir It nn-. uf 1 1 .MiiilldliH'tlt i:Ubt ToAMhli Tunho M-nioii inn- Section ! Ainend mtlon ono, nrlltlr tuelte. for In tbU CoiiMllulioii. i-hall he ckitnl or np- i.iiiiteil ai may lo directed 1 lau nt to AH nimcern. wlmi-e t-elortloti It tiol pmtldrd for tu tbii C011-.tllut.ot1. phall bo rloittd nr ii.iolnted iu may bo din clod by law I'mtiibd, Unit eloc Hntit of State nimrrn fhall Jip held nil n prilCMl li'illon day, aim nifriion ui nn-.u uunvii. 1....... it luld on n elorllon da), etript when. In iltbcr rat-o, i-i'cital let lion's niaj io rciuinu lo fill unetiilred tcrnm ,,,. AlIiellUlIHllI ."Mill I" .1lll-.IV I i'li"i Sfiliou Two. Section tn Amend t-ritlon two of nrtlclo four- tirn. which rraln a toiious - 1 muni' .-.rtw.rH hali be 1 cctcd at Ihe general ihctloim and Miall hold tlnlr omie. for Iho lerm of threo years. i Knioms "u u- ma V Jaiinar next nflir thrlr rloilluii, nml until their ttilcio-"orR nhall he duly iUilirii-d. nil vatanclen not olberwl-e protlded for elmll bo tilled In pucIi manner ns may bo protided bj law, 10 an lo rtiomly oiTlrers shall be elected tit Ihe municipal eliclluiia and Miall bold tluir intm for the term nf four jean. brKluu'-UB tm the llrnt Mondar of January next after tluir electiou. nnd tinlll Hulr suitciora fiiau no mny 1 iinuuni, .... ............... "ml otherulfo pn.vl.kd Tor. ehall be tilled In nudi manner at may bo provided by Ameniiniiiu ini-iu -tMi.iv i..u..-.v.., Section Sotcti. Section 11. Amend i-ection seven, nrtldo four teen, which rends as lonows; ''Ihreo ounty comml'-'-ionerB nnd three county nudltorn shall be elected In each county where 1 in the Mar one thouand c I Ulit hundred and Feventy-tlve and every third n-ar llien-aflcr, nud lu the election of i-nld omcrn each tunllfled elector nhall tote for no more Hum tuo pin-on, aim ino umi- niiru.. .....- blchi'-t number of tote Khali be elected; any casual tataney lu the offlic ol county commis sioner or county auditor Miall be filled by the rOUrt OI OUllMHI IIIVHI Ul tl"" w.aW a uieu mr tut iMniiii.rr.v.... ' Vi n....i snmniiic niirrii nnd tlireo county audttorM shall be tloded In rnrh county where- such omcern nre iiium-h, iu my , .... nine hundred and eleteii ami otery furtli year Ihertaiter, nnu iu inv rin-iiun - iiualitled lienor snail vine iwr n 1. ,- iMrfon-i. and llio ttircc ifrnunn iwihik ' m .il number of totes stnll W ileitcd any n-.ual aianey in the oiflce of county iomml.'slniier or county auditor shall bo filled, by the court of comiu'm pleat of the counly In whlih Mich tn- i-ancy ahall ouur. iy me npi-onniu m ui .... elector of the proper county who t-hall hate toted for Iho coiumli-flionir or tuiunor wnot-o pmvo i lo tie filled. ..... , ,. Seneuuie lor me vin uuum im.-. Section 12. That nn inionvciiitnti- may arise from the chnngeB In the Constitution of Ino pen within three calendar monthn Immediately commonwealth, and In order to carry tho Hamo preceding auch election, in wnicn case me einiiuu 1 Ut0 complete operation, u m uvm.. D em aud certificates of deDoiit CVrtldiKl oheuki Oaabler'ti ehocki out standing Uondi borrowed .... No tea and bills redleoounted .... UIH payable inoludlns; oertltl- vaies 01 aepoaii loruiuue uur-rowed Llabllltlesotber than those above stated '.3,204 00 206 00 2,811 6-M7ft,7l& 8 .nooe 1 Aii.a .hail hn held at the second suc ceedlng geoeral election. In acting on executive nominations the Senate shall alt with open doon-, and. In confirming or rejecting the nominations of tbe aovernor, tne vote snau oe uy j-7-. and naya, and Bbaii be entered ou tae joumui, an n VAS rl til) tfit 111 W tt - He ahall nominate and. by ana with the advice snd consent of two-thirds or an me mfniuw. ui the senate, sppoini a necreiar. ui . .1.1. .nA .n Aiinrnev tlpnera.1 dur na DlraS' ure. a Superintendent ot Public Instruction for . - .n.i .H.h niher nfflcers of the Com monwealth'aa ha Is or may he authorised tw the In the tasc of otflcrrs ilcclcil l.y tho prol.'.c, mis ot otllce IHul Ly m t of Assenilily nt nil that- n.i.l iiiiniLcr of ymrs shall inch lu- irnitineneii one ycjr. hut the I.CBl-l.lturi. may rlianRf tin' length of Hi.' term, prmldcd 111" terms for wlilcll such officers nre cliclld shall nlnys he for ntv even liutnhi r of years ,,,. The nhove rst.nsloil of offlclal terms shall not nffctt ollliiTS eltrtiil nt the KCneriil rlerllon ot one thousmil nine hundred and rlnlit li"r nnj city, ward, borough, tnv.iishli, or elicllim ills vision otnrcrs, who-e terms ot otriie, un.liT c-lt- MIhk l.iv., enu 111 uu- ten. n . ,....tnn i.w tn .nnnlni. hi. shall have I 1 ..t nli.i s"""""." ."i " ... . VC: ...... In "' "..'.." .n..l ,,ln hundred nml ten power 10 nu .11 , -' 1 111 mi' )'" ' .. . .. . ,',i ,,; ii,tr.i the mull c nai demon snau i.e 11. i. - ..":: Total ll,ttt,7M Ul HtntHnr lVnnsTlvanls.. Oountv of WttTne. aa I, Kxlwlu F. Torrey, Cashier of the liouo. dalu National Bank, do solemnly awear tot tlitt nuove ataiomeut, ia (rue 10 uiu uesi 01 my KuowletiKt) sua Deuei. r,unm r. lunnbi, imw.ii HiiIi.itIIiihI and aworn to befoie me Ibis ath day of July, 1908. vr. 11. DSirrfC. xv. . C'orreoU Atteat i II, A. KUUHKLL, I AN URUVI TIJOUPHON, V Dlreolora. J. t'. UlltDHALU I NOBS I offlces to which ho may appoint, durlug the recess or tne aensie, oy Bruiiiiun tuu.u..-.."U- - sbsll eiplre at the end of tbelr nest session; he ahsll hate power lo Oil toy vacancy that may h.DDCn during- tbe recess of tbe Senate, In the ...i.n. n.n.r.l tttate Treasurer. Sec retsry of Internal Affairs or Superintendent ot fuonc instruction, iu m ju.... . ... None Non. Tuesday nt l'ehrliary. ns lierrtnrnre; Mill nil ollliers rlionen nt that clirllon lo an ti'llco tho remilar unit ot Mlilcli Is 111 years, nml nl-n 1 till eleillnu iittlrera and ossissnrs ihoseii nt that e ictlon, shall serve until Iho flrtt Monday of lleiriiibcr In Ihe yrnr one Ihnusnnd 11 ne hum red illi.l ileieil All oniKM cniiMli ni inai ''""" ik.. .t.ciiv. omce which be Is or msy be au- I tn 0mrf., tho term of wlil'li Is now four yinrs. thorlted 10 nil. If the vacancy shall happen dur- I or 1, ,,,,ii. four years t.y the upcrai I''" ''t ini'"' S l"i laaaalon if the Senate! 'the (lovernor ahall ...lin' nf or I hla ..he.ii.le, shall serre unlll noilo.te to the Senate, before their final ad- ,h(. flr.l Monday i.r 1.1 em her 11 the year ,no lournment, a proper person to till ssld vacancy, I nmus.ind nlno hundred and th rtien. All J"'''"" on S fft !T;V.ii7,al."er,'o un 11 the nr.t;lnn.l iy lit, J 111 Vern her In the year llioilsinil nine bun ion, dnl nnd lltt en. Atl.r tin- year 11I111 irn hiin let" .red and ten. nnd until lln- I.iKl.lalure shall 110,1 otherle nroilde. nil terms ol city. want. l.or hall ," to.iishlli. ami 1 Killnn dlvlslnn nltli-era shall Oay C"eIii ii Ihe flrn Monday of Drcimher In nil ItKl'OHX OF TUK CONDITION or Tils WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, or llououlale, Wayne Co., Pa., A I the I'losa ol butlnesa, llay 18, IOCS. BISODROIS. ,.wiir ji tu 10a nn I aeoeral e ecttonai nut 1 bisi nri. ...... H0.U6 IMi-.'S.IW 60 I ' ' on, tno,,,, ni, hundred and nine, u Itema 1,108 84 I X.n ,,t tar three years, and his auccessors lUd Trust Co'a, I ,b,li he elected at the general election lu Ihe lti'Si.rvn full. I, .itsn. Btiticieanuuoiesrtw.ioJ 10 a- roclirlllbS 15,000 00 litiu Irom approvtia rusHrvu aKf fits. ClitM.ka and t'tt.U l)uu Iriuu Hunks and not rtisurvt aaeuta. Hills tilsoounteit not due Hills Ulacouuted overdue proles tud and not Drot6ated....none Hills illn-ouuted, llmeloanswllb t'Oiiatrirai Loans on call wltti uollataral,... Ixisua ou vail upon one or mora names Loans secured by bonds and iiiorlKBgus Invealmeut aecuiltlea owuedex- uluaiTuoi reaerre Donaa, i utoolts, bonds, bio., 11,803, iau SI MorlitaKoa and Juilnmetitaof rw.'d 178,380 U- I,WI,8M 06 i.sliito 83,000 00 but In any such case uf vacancy. In nu elective otnee, a person sunn nr iwm u on,. tbe nest election day appropriate to such ome, according to the provisions of this Constitution, unless th vacancy shall happen within two calen dar monies Immediately preceding surh election dsy, lu wnicn case ine eiecimu ,u. . v.'l.i. ,k. .iirreed nil elect Oil appropriate to such office. In actlnp on eiecullve nouilnatlon. tbe Senate shall sit with open doors, sad. In eouOrmlns or rejecting Ihe nominations of the aovernor, the vote sbsll b taken by yeas and nays, ana sosu ne ru.riis v . 'V, ., Amendment Two-To Article f-our, Section Section 3. Amend section twenty-noe of article four, which reads as follows:- .., "The term of tbe secretary of Internal Affairs sbsll be four yesrs, of the Auditor CJeneral three yelrs; and ot the state Treasurer two years, iw. ' ....... ..hail h. ehoseu bv the uuulined '.V. .k. ai.i. .1 v.n.r.l elections. No 'V'.. ,V. or AiTjltoe tleneral or State Treasurer shall be capable of holding the .arne office tor two consecutive terms," so as lo rrh..rm. of ih. Secretary of Internal Affairs. the Auditor Oeneral, and Ihe mate Treasurer ahsll each be four years, and tbey shall be ch'ien by Ihe quallSed elector, of the state a All Illy. ward, boroush. an.l Invmshln ofTlcers Inil.llnc n'liie nt Hie dale nf the .nival "llheso nn endmmts. whose tirms nf nftlif may ind In ti n year one thousand nine hundred aid elievu. shall lontlnun 10 hold their nlllie, unlll Iho first Monday of llecimber ot that year All Jiidne. ot Ihe inurls for II... several In. lelal dlMriils, nnd also all rounty nfjlei ra. holdlii olllce ni the dale of Hie approval of I hi se amend ments, whose terms of 11IIK1. may end In the yinr lliotisanu 111 uu.,.... ,i,,m.,,i nine hum red llll'l rlivill, snail continue tn hold their iifiucs nut 1 tiu nrsi iuu. day of January, one thousand nine hundred an.l twelve A true of Join. ;-!! Secritsry of llm t'nniuioiiwenlth. 15.6.2 82 41,700 00 n,m 00 42,700 00 20,3(0 00 Furniture and II lures Overdrafts Mlst'ellaiiuoua A.sets... J,UX 00 a 00 , too 00 ftf.lM,JI7 78 1100.000 00 BJU,uuu uu 69,e&9 M U1BIUTI1 Capital UUwk paid lu urtiiuB ruuu Undivided l'roBta, leaa Cxpentea and 'l'aiea paid llMtinalta sulilnot tu tihwjk I I2S.660 00 Deposlta siolal 2,u6S,06 11 Time nerlllloatea of deposit 1.S18 78 Certilled Cbevk 071 70 Caaluei'a obeoka out- atandlnR 29 82t-2,l7,087 11 Due to tbu Oommouvreallb 26,000 00 Duo to banka and baokera no . reserve agents out 07 year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and elected to lb. olllce ot Auditor Ueneral or Htate Treasurer shall be capable of holding the same office tor two consecutive terms. Amendment Three-To Article Five, Section Kleven. , Section I. Amend section eleven of article five, in this consll- lutlon, lu.tlces of the peace or aldermen shall he elected In th. several wards, districts, boroughs snd townships at lbs Urns of Iho eletllou ot eon. stables, by lbs quallfled electors thereof, III sujh m.DO.r as shall h. directed by law. and shall be romtnlsslonsd by Ihe aovernor for lm Dvs rears. No township, wsrd. district or bor outh shall elect more than two Justices .of the pefre or aldermen without lbs connenl ut a uia iorlty of lbs misused elKlors wllhln suih luwu .hip. wsrd orUrougb, no person shsl ! eleete. to suih omce unless he shall have res ded wllhln lbs township, horouah. ward or district for one veer nest preceding his election. In cities eon t.lnlng nver Sfly Inou.aodMnhabllants not mora than on. alderman shall be elected In each ward i?k:;.,.0..".l,ri.7d.d m .hi. con.tuu. tlon. lu.tlcss of lha peace or aldermen shall b elected In the aeveraf wards, districts, boroughs ,....hln. hv the ouallSed electora thereof, st lha municipal election. In aucb manner as ahall ! j..""..., l.w mnA .hal be I umm II ODCd by Ihe (lovernor for a term ot alt yeara. No township, ward, district or borough sbsll elect mora than two Justices ot tbe peace or aldermen without tbe eonseut of a majority ot the qualified electora within such township, ward or boroush; no person shall be elected lo such offlc. unless ?. tn,i,..B S: He. for on year next ureced' Ini his election. In cities containing over fifty tboussnd Inbabltanta. no. more in.u m.u shall bo elected I" aach ward or dl.trlct. Amendment Four-To Article Five, Section Section I. Amend section twelve of article five ...-",..., .., I.. which reads u follows: In Phlltdslphla 'there shall ha established, for each tntriy mouiRuu ,uu.un.u.-, ""-,"?, ,t (2.681,847 78 Htato ot I'oiinaylTanla, County ol Wayne, aa. I, 11. Uoott Salmon, Caabler of tb above n.i,w. Unmiiinf i.n uilamtilv swear thai tna above statement la true to tbe Deal of m? 0, tKMi, of poll;, and civil "us.,, with juris, ktiowlialgo r.ud belief. diction .W'"ffhti&.""Z fern XneyritfcUT A, BUITH. N. ft "X oVX LYRIC THEATRE IIKNJ. II. DITTKICH, Ijaaai-fc MunagiT One Week lIAn. Starting mull. Matinees, WED. and SA.T.. at John J. Murray Presonta , ar si Murray-inacKe BIG COMEDY COMPANY. 25 PEOPLE Uf. I. t i van ui'. v i nun iitiii 1 I A t f-il'l'.l UAIj SUKINl'JK .,. f.nfti,o.nlTr OL-ACJAMa 1 OUUUIV"l.TI- U li ocnouiiu THR RIC1 CITY snu PRICES, 10, 20, 30 and 50 ce MATINEE 10 ana uoo. ... i.r -r. , . r . .HK.iva, Notarial Deal. Correot (Sltsnexl,) II. U. HAND. (Signed,) 11, J.tlONOlilt, (llgued,) r, f. KIUULE, Dlrsotars. Tbsrs la ono preparation known uir ni mi u h In the alomaob .. Lrn.ini ' Kodol d xetitall flasses of " j ,. ... I, thnrftiiirhl. MO thut the , - . : , . . .. 1 1 . .. .in without doub nuuui im . ..... - . . anyone who baa atomaoh troulile. Kodol to-day and continue) It lor IhM ..... I. ..nauirv In .IVH VOU I'll r ell e f . K od o I I a aold by 1'KIli,, Tbs lt. ihlrdt of the oumhtr of persons lo be elected when mora thsu ona ara la be chosen; tbey shall k- uMuiund mile h flied salaries, to be nald r. U. COUBiy, -suu ..-.' - , , - - w. - - Hob, cJtU Bd crinlsal, txctpt nrtla pro- fanK prico. Uenner x uo. wiu oiobo own