The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 30, 1908, Image 1

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The Honesdale
fflce-NfXt door lo PostUITIoe.
Formerly occupied by Iloo.W. II, Dlmmltk.
Ilonosdale, Pa., April, JUUH.
r,. li. l.Kf:
Offlee over I'oil Offloe.
All legal business promptly attended to.
Honesdale, Jan. 1, Uw. lyl
drBoe Liberty Hall hulldlnc. opposite the
PoilOIllce, Honeedsle. Pa. 39yl
Patents aud Poneious secured.
Office In the t'ourt Uoute.
Honesdale, Pa, 4Tyl
Uonosdam, inn'.
Special and prompt attention glveu to the
ollecttnn or claims. Office over Kelt's new
tore. 81) 1
pKXKIl II. lliUKF,
OlDee-id Kloor Old Having Hank building
yl I10NB8DALI. 1'A.
Over the Poet Omens Honeadale
Uay an. 1902, 11
UoaaouALi, I'iHK'A.
At Inn na lat of Waller k Heart.
(lonetdale. Pa. Oaoe oyer I'oil Offlr
Jan. 1. im. yl
Office over Keif New Store.
Uonrtdale, Pa, My)
vrr son.
Offloe Uaaonlo building, 2d Boor.
Hear of Allen House Honesdale, I'a.
Dec. 1, mi. 41yl
Dlt. K. T. nttOWN,
Offlce-nt Floor Old Saving Hank building
'" OlDce and Heldenro 1110 Church I reel
opposite llaplltt Church. Telephone.
o race Hour uo to :uu ami ,.ou 10 kiaip
''t Office 418 Second street, formerly occn
' Pl,by Dr. J. J. O'Connell.
I Honeadale, March 13, 1902. 15yl
New Malay Opium Curo
Being Distributed Free by a New
York Society.
Cooperating with missions In Malay,
eta, the Windsor Laboratories of New
York havo secured a supply of the won
derful combrctirm plant, which has done
so much to revolutionize the treatment
of the opium habit.
A generous supply of the new remedy,
together with full instructions for its
use, and United States consular reports
bearing on the subject will bo sent to
any sulTerer, To obtain n free supply
of this remedy and the consular rejxirts
nildrcssWimUor Laixiratorics.Hranch 2S,
1111 Hast 25th Street, New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Oftlco: 'nd tlonr Masonic nutlding, over
u. jaciwin arug ilore, lionetaaio.
How Are Your Eves?
Willi a practical experience or.nmny yvnr
I am abloto make a i-arclul. Rclentltlu exam
Illation of the eye. which will result in tin
application of a i;Um that will relieve ami
help you. If you fed thn need of aid for
your f yen, aeiay m lony.
Vou aro hlintl to your own interoil If you
nt'Klcct to take caru of your eyei. It inn't
every oue who can properly tit ymi with
clKMt, and when you pet, them you nhoulil
not think they will ilo. Just het-autt' you fte
a little hetter. You MUST know they ar
exactly rlKht. We are headquartera for
optical KooU of all kind.
All leiifleti duplicated and framed loldo
an short notice, cheaper than elsewhere.
I'oatQia.o Building Uoneidalel'n
tTheltew York Daily Press
1 Week Dav Edition. one vear $4 BO!
Honesdale Citizen, -2; vear l DO
iddreu Tho GltUen, Honesdalo, Pa
After June 1st, 1908,
1:00 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon
17:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Hero la Itcllcl fur Women,
Mother tJrav a iiurio in Now Vork. dia'
looTered an ariiniallt', iilearant herhcurn for
kromen'i III,, called Auilralian.Lcar. It li
n only cenain reuuiaior. lure, remain
Kiimitiice. ami nai aacne, Kinney anil
Had derand 1'rlnary Irouhle,, A I all llrug
j.l. or ijj uinii iwi. o.iutin riir.l,. A
eif, mo uoiuer uray vo., noy, N, V
Ily vlrtun or an order of the orphans'
Court of Wayne county, the following des
cribed real estate of the above mimed de
cedent will be, offered at public iiale, al Hie
POUBT HOUSE, In the boroitghot HONES
DALE. FH1DAV, AUU. It, Inns, at 10 o'clock. A. M.,
All that certain piece or parcel of land
Ituale in the township of Bmilh Canaan,
County of Wayne and mate of IVnn.ylvan
la, bounded and described an follows! HE
UiNNINM at a corner of hemlock knot
driven down In Ibe public roa t In the south
western line of land of Harrison MeMiant
theni-e along aid road by hue of land of Thos
Ulenn, Jr., and John lilenn north forty
eight degree west elxly-elglit rod to a
take and stones corner t thencu tiy said
(Benn's Istid north stxlv-two decree west
eleven rotl to a corner In aid public road ;
iiienco ny toitien mna oi in late oiacy
Chumard outh thirty-four degree west
one hundred and thirteen and onchnlf rod
to a toue corner In line of Maxwell Ulgart ;
thence by uid Maxwell lllgart' laud cuth
titty degree cat sixty-four rod to a stones
corner In line of land of John Wagner and
I. Faulkner lot, now or lately owned by
Amo. Heed ; thence by ald Heed' land and
land of llarriton McMliin north forty de.
grcee eat one hundred ami fitteen rod to
the place of beginning. CONTAININU
fifty acre more le. And being arae land
(onveyed to Andrew J. Kutledgc, nnw de
ceased, by Margaret Chumard and John E.
Wagner by deed dated April 10, 1MM, which
deed 1 recorded Intheolilce for the record
log of deed In raid county of Wayn In
Deed Hook No. Su, nt page 17IS. ALSO All
that certain lot or parcel of land ituate in
the township of Mouth fanatn, county uf
Wa) tie and Slate of Pennsylvania. Pound
ed and dosolllied a follow llt'.lilNNINll
al a heap of ione the southern coiner of
lot No. til. In thealletuieiit of the "t'a lwald
ei Middle Creek Trait'; thence by land of
Amos Ke-sl and t-olnmnn Curtis north tlfty
degree west lirty.fmirfnds; thenc by litid
nl Holomon Curtis north Unity degrees east
lift). two rods; theme south lolly dlgrees
east llfl se en rods to a post corner; tie-ncc
along the land of Amo- Iteed south forty
degrees Hest lilt)tuu all I fitic.httlf risl to
the plan- of beginning. CONTAINING
seventeen at res and forty perches be the
same more or less. And being the aine
land colm'tcd to Alidlcw J. Uutledge, tl.iw
leccasisl, by Solnion Curtis and wile by
deed dated April 17, ls,s, whlih deed I le
cordet lii cilice for r curding deed In said
county In Deed Hook No. at page UTS,
and all of above itesi librd land being same
laud which John A. Hutledgc, Exei utor of
Andrew .1. Hlllledge, coute)el to CIIITord
1 Chapman, deed datetl December II. UHi,,
recorded In Deed Hook No. t'l. page SIW
Upon said piemisea I a two-stnrv frame
house. om frame barn, and othir linpiovc
menl Nearly all improved laud.
1'iin haser to pay 1 1, fordced as in SiierllT's
!'('. MuuriiRii, Administrator.
Attorney. mi
tl. U HANI, l'refl(itiit
WM. H. IIUI.UF.S Vice President.
U. 8. HALMON, Cashier,
W. J. VAIU, Asa't (Vuhlnr
Artar nil Mvmd twrl mnttcrot
CiiltlvntMtlin ImblUno niMttr how mtirll
you mnkf-lt in the one mirci wny to hute
You will find rourttoun treNttiiint Mini
ti in pin nrfurilv l
simi'iaiH :t(iti,ntiu
Total Assets. - $2,680,000
SAVINGS OKl'OSITH mnde on or he
fore the lentil da) ol an) luontli will dmw
Interest from the lirct ilay of that luonlh.
INTKIIKHT will he pnld lor all Calendar
month, on nionei reiiiaiuliiK on deHii,ii
three (7i.i ndar numthn 01 longer.
Buiall tare, to rem In our IlL'ltOt.AII
Hpecial aiiciitioii Kiveii lo MKUI'ANTII.K
Oepositti mar he made hv mail.
11. C. If and. V. n. IIoi.vek, c. J. Smith,
A. T, rjEAHl.K, V. I'. KlUlll.C, V. F. HUTKAU
II J. CoNOiit, H. 8. Hiuus, T. II. Cuim.
Time Card In Effect June 21st, 1908.
T.!l, ....... ....... .J
trw,TWAr .ijii i.i
in J5
1 AtHllKUt .. "
' ITeNlon rark "
1 . ru)nlelle "
1 orami . "
' rieiwltit Mt
,10 lilli ID
l M.ll as
V311 VI
tun si
' . UtiloliilMe..
Korelt 1'IIT
n UII1I3 " Crh'nlileYil '
ion 19 " raro-imiaip. '
eojit in
.MajrDrM Vd
. .Jermrn .. .
.. . Wlitlop.
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. .DlCklOD .
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M J 10 I?,"
H4J10 111
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8 10 VI
10 M "
essiuul "
rare I'l.ce
.HcranUiD ..Ar
m m'
' Addltlooal trains lravn CiromJilo for V iy.
Held Yard at fl so a ru uuy, and 8.8t p m dour
: .icepl Hiinday. Addlll.inal trilos Muro Ma.
field Yard tor carb)Ldalii n .in a m dally aiid s 21
V- w aauy excrpi nuQQy
J. O. AKPiHao., J It Wti.n,
Tramo Manairpr, Tratellnir Aupnt,
U Dtator at., Now York, BcraoUio, IVk
KatatenrMAKY S. t'ONI.K.V,
l.ato or t lintoii, dect aied.
The undcrplunetl. an Auditor iiiinointcil to
nasi unon exiei)tlonii lo account, and to
report dUlrlhutlon ot the fund. In the
hand, of Hlrphen (jiimmoe, Adnihiiatrator
of , aid date, will atlend lo tho dutlea uf
nis appointment, on
FltIDAY.July.11, IWifl. nt 10 o'clock, A.M.,
rt hi, ofllee 111 the IiokiukIi of llonendale, ut
wiucn nme ami pini-e all ciniin, aKalual rant
eniai. mint he preaeiitinl, or lecnurno to the
l if) for illatrlliillioii will he lout.
II. WILSON, Auditor,
dale, July II, VJU-i. 11U
rTATC or
Irflle of llonemlale, ileceilflcil,
All nerwin, tlide hied lofnld ctuto are no.
till oil to make Imuitillutepu) incut to the mi-
aeriKiiii ; uiui 1110,11 iiiitiiir ciaium apiinn
aldeitiitoarunotilliil to picaeut them, duly
aiieiiwi, lor vciiiciuom.
llonenlale, I'a., July in. JIKK I'.i'r.
Till l what Hon. Jake Moore, Slate Ward,
en. of (Jcnr?ia, a or Kmlol for iv,peia -"K.
('. 1 1.. Wm & in., (in, airo, lll.-Dear
Hira I have (Uinered iiiuro tlian twenty
year, from liiiliKentlon. Ahout elL'titeen
month, aco 1 had crown ,o miiih wui.e
inai i couht not uikoi a cruat or i orn lueait
and could not retain anithliu on mv
toinach. I lo.t L'j Iha ; In fai t I mado up
iuy iiiiini iiuti i ruuci iiih me nui u piioii
time when a friend of uiiiie rei ouimetided
Kodol, I iuixenteil to try it to phitan liliu
and wo, hotter In ono day, I now weluii
more than 1 overdid In mv llln and am in
heller health than for many yciua, Kodol
did It, 1 beepiilioltleoualalilly, and write
tlii, hoping Ihat hiiuiiinity muy Ihi henetlled.
Your, very truly, Jake I Moore, Atlanta,
auk, i, iw." coin uy,, ino urUKiii.i
It will pay you to cull at tho
finely equipped
II Houlh Main Ht.,
kO'fl I 'i in i
g FU.ton, grgx!
ZS 3. 1
, Mr m
T II i
t I.i t
2 3- I 2l
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IT r, on
4 19 Ui",l
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4 .7 1J
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4 HI
111 19
4 a; fil
4 40 0 It
'p u r m
A Dattle Fleet Ilogy.
Dcrauae the reptllillc of Ilmlll hai
ijtvcn an order for the nutrtictlon of
twenty-seon nnrKlilps mid 12."i hat
terlcH of frunt nomc icoplu nrc ills
licd to nee the fine hand of Japan at
work In an miexiH-etci) Held. It la
surely difficult to KUeaa what Dm ill
ran want of ft trreat military equip
ment. Four of the tinrnhlp are to be
Dreadnoughts, and that feature makcl
It look IhoiiKh Ilraill expects to Ret
well tonnnl the front rank of naval
Iiow crs.
There are several reasons why Jo
rum tnlRht wish to deal In n round
about nay In IncreaslnR her navy. She
l watched with suspicion by every
poller having Intercuts In the far east.
A nation that will strlko without
warning, as she did In 111, Is not lo
lie trusted. In pplte uf all her Rmsl
points Japm Is relatively weak nud
hns n desiierate part to play to keep
her position nmonir world iioivers. And
t.hc has her uiin is-ople to fear and to
hotalwluk iihen It comes to military
cxHndltiircs. They an- nlready trround
ilomi under heavy war taxes, which
will haiiR oi er the country for n ecu-
crutlon. UNcontent Is raging among
tho lower clns,.s, and n new war
budget uoiild be likely to bring on un
Internal crlls.
Ilriir.ll has scleral times done ng'l
business In eclliiig warships. Rlic Is on the tnurUet vlth barmilns
In this line uhcneier n wnr brciks
nut .Inp.m could cuslly giinrnntce the
micptamv of n lieiv tlis-t iihen the
time comes, for tihen n goierniiient Is
lilvoliisl In trouble the ssiple nlll
rally to Its iiprt. Hut an llnnicn-v
tax bnnlcn lo keep up n war est ib
llstiiueiit In the time of uci Is not
wchsiiuo to a country Kronnlug under
poierly. If Jiniiin ulshcs to cxpiin.l
her armauieiit she ciininit do It os!iily
nud ,iIhic Imiinl nt present. And llr.i
rll Is a nnlioii likely to build "mi
Fls1,'" now that elnlHirule naial pro-
graiiiiucs nrc ii fad with Koieriiinents
nnd n Nigy to tho iH-oplc who lime to
foot the bills
Our Thirteenth CrnMia.
All army of workers iiiiuilHTlng near
ly 7i'."J will bo engaged on the tonsils
of HUH, for which preparations lire nl
ready under wny. The count of impii
hitlou will Is-glu In the month of April
Instead of tu June, ns heretofore, for
the rc.-isoii that In Juno ho many dwell
lug limi-os In the cities nic closed unj
the s-nple liihablllug them are cnunicd
IwUv In eotui ciihes und lu other n '
ut nil. Miulu.iry ihit.i will Ik- oinltu .
fiiim this census in older to glic inn e In stiitNths relating to lliun
lion and business netliltlcs
It Is pinpnsisl In omit the riiilippliii s
from the thirteenth census ls-eon-e h
i-ctisus w us taken lu the Islands tr-e
eiirs ago, mul. as the exis-use of a
new census would come out of the
treasury of the territory, the natlie
will naturally object to another con i
so siHiu. Hut the territories of Alaska
llaivnll, (.iiiani, Sainiu, the canal r.oiie
and l'orto ltlco will Is- isnensl.
There Is n bill pemlliig lu congress lo
take an agricultural census eier.i (He
cars. The country Is developing pn
fast that llgllles cnllisted OIKS' 111 tell
.wars fall to si-t foilh the actual con
dltiiui of nrfalrs and me out of dale
during half t,he life of the census. I'l
tlmotcly, nnd for the Mime icisou, the
population -eiis -s ma Ih taken eier.i
file j ears Instead of eiery ten, ns at
The fables of Joel I'handlcr Harris
will kis-p his funic allio so long ns
there are chlldien to Iks niniiseil b;
the KngtMi tongue mid adults to ad
mire tho product of a simple Imaglti i
lion wedded to everyday plillosopliv.
llro'r Itabblt and Ilre'r l'ox will Hie
foreicr lu our literature, while I'nilo
Iteuius Is sis-nnd only to Mothei
tloose as n household is-rsonnlltv.
I'uhllclty mul Labor Dispute,.
So fur ns the new industrial arbitra
tion law of t'anada has Is-en put lo
the test, publicity Is seen to Ih lis
most cITisllie feature. Neither piuty
to a. dispute alsiut wages Is bound lo
accept tho decision of tho arbitrators,
but the case must bo referred to a
court In advance of eiery declaration
lo go mi a strike or to fnt'ie a lockout
I his provision of tho law . ;s tho
parlies together for n lliunnih. hear
ing of ctuh s,le lu the piesellie of
third parties.
The parly which Is lespnnslble for
tho failure to accept the lleclslull nf
the cniirt may haie to face linsiiiu
public nilulnll. The full fads me ill
ilnsid at the bcailug, and Umn llo in
the ioirt liases Its division, and public
opinion Is not llkel) to sustain n body
of dlssatlslied wiukiiieii or a stubbniii
i iptn.ier lu a course which Is nut
complctcl Jusililable mi the eililence
elibmlltcd to tho nihllrutors.
New York dealeis lepoit tho sale,
of lliviiorks this jcar tho highest on
rcisiid. liven when times aro hard
people will still 'Vue up for Hie
rniiilh." All the money put Into a
gissl llruwoiks display Is well expend
i .i, for It Is a Is-aullful and linpiesslio
wny of maiklug the day.
The shani dcellliu In the price of
horses In raniida Is nttilbutisl to tho
fail that lu icry ri-ccut enrs pihs-s
h.ue goiio to nil iibimrin.ill) high
pitch Now they are wiling back to
1'icikIi genius Inn lineiitil u gun
thai will shoot l,V'l limes a nilniilo.
With a resaler of that kind lu action
liny numls-r of Iniusciit lijstanilers
could "get I Ih-Iih" without n wasto of
T lit. nppearauis- of mi ci-rt snlik
mcr lu tho lolo of n rescuer and not
as the ilcllni of his own !uoKs-itnosa
liow and then adds variety M the
turns from Ihe seashoic.
I'selcss to try to wink up sympathy
for those Idle freight cars that were
put to work Just as uicatloti da)n
ennui nround, for they havo 'had
lliissla's douuia Kaucllons an outlay
ot $:i(m,ii,(ii) on military schemes In
the fur east. Maylsi Japan would set
Ilo for half that niiioiint i-ash down.
It doesn't help matters any lo speak
of tho heated term In heated terms.
Citizens of All Parties Join
In Celebration.
Senator Warnar, Chairman of Notlfi
cation Commlttta, Makai Addraia
Notifying Candidata of tha Honor.
Strttta Dacorattd and Flllad With
Vliltlng Rapubllcana Flying of Bal
loon and Firaworka DUplay Ara
Faaturaa of Ctlabratlon Mr. Taft
Attanda Confaranoa of Ohio Com
Cincinnati. Jatj 2S. Whatever tho
political txJlAfa of the Clncluxiatlfln
may be ha twa temporarily forgot ten
thorn today In nla purpiist of Join Inn
ft a a Cttiieo In the honors paid to the
clty'e moat dlstliiRtilHhtMl Itvlnc native.
William Hownnl Tuft, cnndldnto of tho
rtepuhllcnn pftrty for pnnldent of tho
ViilUM Htatcn. tho occasion of tho form
M iuinittuc'nitnt of lila inndMacy.
T-Kl.iy 1h a RotHTtil holIJay In Cln
cluiiiitt. Ihnt fact wnn vrMi'iiced not
only tiy tho 0orrtt.ihn thnt ndorn tho
triM'tH nnd hHiift, but ulno by tho
irciKTiil t-vttatloii uf Wivfli and huntm
nnd tin' crowd-t tlmt artHciuhhtl nt the
homo of Cburief 1. Tuft to hear tho
ppeiA-li of tiotlHcntlon und th iioml
luv'a rrply Himir tlau uku tho city's
authorltloM UnitM a prwldinntlori n1
qiitntlnt; that tiKlay be oUtcrvcd a n
muiiklpnl holtdHy ay nil rlttzoiH with
mit rcKtnl to political ainil;itlout.
Wherntr nu ksv In rinclniiatl h
U cuiitrithtud tiy tho ph'turo of Mr.
Tuft. TIk fHiididrtti-N rciituroM loaiu
nt htm friHii oIIU-i.', bro mid lionio win
dows ti til fnitn in ninny rinti tiio rvti
trul fcHtuit uf tho niitucruuH baniior
hutitf mrmH tho Ktroct- Tht-y jiiv
itti'ii du tho i.iu U of emits mul mi tho
hmU'o ttnit doT'iruti' tho blo.itt of tin
vNitltii; doUhr;ilfH fn-ni niMiby rltfo
nnd stutos hi woll ns those of ulult
compnnlea of tho city's own inarching
IlopuhllCHn clubs. The h trout are
crowded with thousand of Uepubllc
nna from many status, withered to do
honor to their putty's Mtuhdard Itonrer.
Tho if renin n y of notltlcntlou took
pi aro In tho home of Charier 1. Taft,
brother of Judge Tnft.
Homo of Tafta Brother
Thla huiijc, u bt'tiutlftil one, la Pit
uated lu one of the most prominent
factory dlMrlctx of tho elty. The house
ia more tlmu a hundred years old. Tho
buituen purt of the eity has grown
up around It. Mr nnd Mm. Chnrlos
I. Tnft, however, are no nttueheil to
It thnt they will not moe out to the
new fashionable hill section. Tho homo
is tilled with beautiful pictures by fa
inotiH aitliN nud with curios from all
over the wot Id
Mm. Willi. un II. Taft, accompanied
by Mrs. llvury C Corbtn of Waibluu'
ton. wife of Major tietioral Corbln.
(Mine from Hot Sprbm lu time to at
tend .Indue Tuffs iioilllcnlloii. The
will Ih the Muosto of Charlei V. Tafl
until totiioirow. when tho party, coup
posed of the scrtlar. and Mrs Tafl.
(letieinl nud Mr Corldii nud several
otheis will loaxo on tho ivtutu trip to
lint Springs, reubltm then ThurMl.iy
iimrulmr. Chut ley Taft. son of the
presidential candidate, remained at
Hot Sprtnc while his parents nltouded
the not lib ntlnti ceremonies bore.
Tho fesihlttos pi-ellmtunry to the
speeches nt Juduo Tnft'a temporary
homo Included salutes In the early
morning from hill topa, conalttlug of
twenty or more nuns tired from eacli
of the four hill tops -Mount Adams,
Mount I.irokout, Fnlnlow helghta and
Price bill.
Flag Raising In Taft'a Honor.
Later there was a flaw raising In the
Kroundu of Charles I. Tnft, tho cere
mouy fonaUtliiK "f nn Invitation,
hIiikIuv, tho proseiitatlon and raising
uf the Hag, Its acceptance, aluglng and
the leiud let Ion.
Then came the escort of the notltlca
(ton commltlce from Hotel Slntou to
tho residence of Churlea I1. Taft, tha
reception committee escorting the no
tification committee to the Taft home,
where nn informal reception wan held
by Judge Taft.
Tbo notification committee was head
ed b Chairman William Warner. I'nlt
til States senator floin Missouri, In
delivering to Mr Tnft the formal no
tice of his humiliation Senator Warner
Yuu ara of coursn not unaware, Mr.
Taft, that Mr. Roosvalt'a term as presi
dent of the I'nltM UtaUs will uiplru on
March 4. law. tlmt tho pollilcul partes
of our country uru perfecting thUr oi
Hflnliatloita preratory to prsentlug to
the people at tbo aenwral eluctlun to be
held lu KovemWr nekt their respective
candidates fur that blah office, tbut the
Ht-puhltcun party tn national conveialon,
cimiMsed of deb-aates represcitttna ev
ery etuta und teriltury aud the uuilyhiK
possesvluiis Of Ihe United Htates, mioin
bUd at rhlrawo on June 16 to 13 Incluslvu
has eompleUd Its dtrllbtratluns, that It
has outllioiil and Kuhuiltu-d to ths rlttsen
ahlp of Iha rwpuhlic for louslderutlon and
adoption ftotrnmtutul policies which It
confidently believes will b of the high
bst srlce tu th nation In her every
part; that It baa from among Its strong
and eipertencud statesmen men whose
strvlce tu thu public has demonstrated
their wort him bb In clearness of charac
U r. devothai to the country and the wsl
furtf of tha Individual clttien aud with
full understanding of tho nation's neds
In her highest and best asplruttonsse
looted you aa Its candidate for president,
the hlffbt-st honor that can bo conferred
by this coiuitltutlunal republic, and I
would therefore add the most exalted po-IUUm-1
offlcs on this earth, nnd the com
mittee which you se bfure you, whose
chairmanship I have tha honor to hold In
the temporary ubsnca from tha United
States of the lion. Henry Cabot .lodge
of Massachusetts, permansnt chairman of
the JWpubliciiii nation! con vest Ion. now
tenders to you at the direction of that
i. cnnventloL the ' ..-nul nomination of the
"rmaUlnan f r.r tha BraaldeMV of
ttCaUhltfd eutaa, ant t b.inl yuu an ftv
CrouAd csiy fr tn pifttrorm or follrioi
adopted by that comrnUon.
I onnnot. sir, oomiUt tho dlicharir of
thli molt nprtonMo iluty without nnur
Inf yott ot th hlRh tiirt Itt Ahlch ymi
ara held not only by thont nf ynnr nnn
polltloal faith, but by ynur fvllnw citizens
without regard to tho nrty f their aJ
miration of your ability manlfmtcil
throushout your publlr service of their
knowledge of the t-repnratlon which you
will brine to tho tiifchnrpo of the blah
and difficult dutkn of ffi-sUtont. of their
belief In your d-cp con Ictlon of th
equality of all tnn bwfora the 1-iw ntnl
In tho practloH) npi-llcntlon of thnt prln
clpl by any ndmlnltratlnn of which you
may N the had, th nil by whlrh rv ry
official act of Mr Itonsm-ult ns trrtiMnt
has Nett squnrml, w hlch has won for
him the conflileticf and respect of bta
countryman throughout tha land nnd
which has brouKht to htm ivt all ttmog
their unquestioned and enrncft support.
It was his unlvrrMl nppllcntlon ot this
rule which caused his pnrty In nntlonnl
convsntlon to pay htm thu foltowlnc Just
and spltitiJId trlbuta of njproal.
Prograsa In Idaala of Government.
"His administration Is tin epoch In
American history In no othi-r pcrlo.1
since the national sivrlnnty wni won
undar Washlnatoti or pres-rvol tinilcr
Lincoln hns thiro leen such nilyhty pr.B
rsss In those Ideals of Kovvrnmnt uhlch
roako for Justlcn, equality un fnlr rtonlirm
among men. Tho highest tisplrntlotis of
tho American people lutve found volcn
TLeir most iftltcl scrvint rrprtsantn ths
best alms and wurlhlt puipooo of all
lils countrymen American intnhnod hns
lxM'n liftfil up to a nobler nst of duty
and obligation. CofKelenc nnd ciurnir
In public station nnl hlch stntvlirds of
rtftht and wrong In private lift- tmw n
tha cardinal prlnrlpUs of political life
Capital and labor bse Wen broucht Into
closer relations of oonflfUrir and Inter-dvp-ndrnoe,
and the hqe if nvulth n-l
tha tyranny if pocr and all rt nnd
prlvlIuKtd favoritism havr Iwen put to
sonrn t-y thn shnptn and mnnty It turn nf
Justlrn and fair play "
It Is aratlf)inr to your cauntrinon to
reflect that of tht nImlnltratnn yni
havo tjeen a conitplcuous p.irt as V'ti
wcr of tho administration of Mr McKln
toy, whosn ncrompHtbiin nts mrk a na
tional progress onsurinsid In nil uf our
previous national Mfi
It tbsrefore phes mo amulnc pUnmire
Jdr Taft, to prfst'ttt to you this
iminlnatbin front tho ltiit'ticin party.
hope in.rtm tital illrbs baf for s)
lonff 'kftpt In tmlnttco the inbihty fnics
nf th nation" nnd to wlimc cniitlumM
(tuMatice of tho nstlon w havr iv rv tin
sonablM right to bll.'o that thu p.t'ph
oru now UukhiK
The rent of tho dny U to lv kI tn tip
to colobratlona of MtrlotK urtt In hon
or of Mr. Tnft. Tho olty Boonm nit
loua to evlnca In every wny IU rrnd
for blm In tho short tlnio ho will l-o
Display of Firaworka.
The evonts nchodulod for thin nfter
noon nnd evening In honor "f Mr Tuft
Include nn Informal Inm-hcm by Mr
Charloft I Tnft. nn nutnmolillo rldo
through the suburb for tho iiotlflo:i
tlon nnd gonornl coiiitnltteos tbo ro
loaslng of tlu.usainN of balli'-'ii In
different piirla of the city, nn Infurninl
Kinokfr nt tho Country club to tbo im
tllkfttloti eitiamiltio nnd dlktlnuuhlied
trtiostM nnd n IlievvorkK' dUpluy nl
K'len park, with Judiv'e Tnft mid bit
party nnd the nrdlllontlon coninillhv
iowbiK tin ".'line flout :l
Two Important rwiit politically le
aulted from tho uieotlnirs nnd lonfer
elites lneldent to tho tiotlllcntlou d.i
prepnrntlonfl. William 11 Tuft ml
dressed u Joint inettlnir of tho Ohio
atiito i-enlml nnd oxoeiUIvo ontuuittters
Idetitifi Inc himself closely iltb Ihe
stfllo oiinipnl'ii, and making It pi. tin
that whatever bud 1-eeii done by Ar
thur I. Voryn nud other Mule lender
had lanm approved by blm.
Italian Kills Man For Abduct
ing Young GIN.
New York, July 2s.-flinrlei It.ilill
nn llnllnn youth twi'iity turw jran
old, ciuiilultlt'il luuriler In nU'iifi' n
4lliliuiuiril sIstiT. Ills U-t in wiu
l'eliT Dl.lK-iwi-ry, thlrty-clKlit jwim
old. DlnlifiiM'y wni slml mul kllkil
without wiirnlni: dm hi' Mil lu hU
holm' lu Itrooklyn. Aftrr thu shout
Ini: Itulill siirri'iuli-ri'il tn tho pullet' nun
i'Hliuly tolil why hi' hnil cniuuillli'il th
It iippi'iirn tlmt kIx mouths npi ltnl
ill's hlsliT, Annie, n irlrl nf thlrtrt'ii
dUiippunnil from hoiiu. lhilill sit
liluisi'lf lo Ni'nri-h for Ikt mm ri'coull
fininil hi'r lltlni; ullh UNhiMi-i'ry li
tin- Ilroolilyu ImuMi'. Hi. nlso li-.-i i-i.t-,1
lu stiitisl, that tin' k'lrl hail not pm
nwnv with IHslii'iisiTy of hi-r own frrt
will, mul this ih'li'ruilui'il him to m-i-Ii
IcM'UKi'. Uf si'i-uri'il ii ri'Volir mul
piliiK to l)lsuiisi.r)'s npnrlmi'iit, hol
him twUf In llu hri'itst, Inlll.t Inv
wounds Unit s i hrmiKht ilwith.
Weather Forecait,
Showers, winds shifting tn fri'st
Live Stock Market,.
IIOOM Hinlr.n f.ilr; in.irki t nlow nnd
luui-r; prliui. tifsxh-ii. mulliims nml hfiivy
Yorkers. '-1.0'. lUlit Yorkers, I'lTun
C75; plKS. I'l: roughs. $..nfi vi)
Hlll.r:!' Al l...iina piu.tiy limit
niarkit alow on Kluep unit Inwi r on
limilis: nilnii' wi-thtTS. HiKiS; mils nnd
collliooll, !n3, litlnl.s, SlnHlD.
Qeneral Market,.
N"W York. .Inly 27
Ht'TTHIt-CJuIrt nnl '-.ale lower; -x
(ra wi-sti rn tri-anury. i
prints, Lis:
IHlilH Firm nml In
I'nnBtUnnlA nn1 oilier
i ilr-mnnil:
ihy II ruts
free cases ar at mirk. Iviinn) Ivanl i
ami ullnr nenrliy llrsts, mrrerit rerelpts,
In relurtiiilile ruses. Lis- M m.irk, MSl
rn llists, frie msis :le nl murk. urni
ern. cullint rinlpts, lue rus. s. lis- ut
'lli:i:S!:- Kltnu r nn-l In K0.1.1 ilemunil.
New Yolk, full rre.ims i Imlei , ll.e , ilo ,
fair lo koo.I, lPt'lO I'lit'l.'I'ltY (Juki, fowls louir;
fiiHle, ISulle . out tonsil rs, l.t!'ii.a.;
sprlto; i l.lokeiis Ii'mJih.
Mti:ssi:li I'lil'l.'rllY rirm mul In
fair ilemanil; fresh kllleit fouls, i lioU-e.
KHultc . ilo . fair lo a I. UVill. oi l
ruostils, Veil's', iiiMlhy l.lollns, J.lu1.e ,
wi-suin liroiii is P.i::e
I'llTAT'iKH nnnir elu.l.e pirlnrrel,
tbtin, fslr lu Kuod. " r l.sirel. J U.A
Democratlo Fund. In Oklahoma Uank.
f 1 lit 111 Is', llkl.l, .l"l -s (iolollior
fhuilis N lluski'll, llvasiiriT of the
li-iii'sr,itii' iiiiiiuillli'i', nu
luiuuii'il t Ian t ho would ili poslt niinuilt
lis- funds In mi Oklahoma hank oper
uIIiik uiuU'r tho stalL' Kunriiut law.
Dryan Honored In Omaha.
Omaha, Null., July iW. Ili'puhllnilis
and DriuiHruiH nllko turiii'il mil lull'
to lusr Mr. Ilrynii spunk nt thu nils
hie ot n Urn; u'Hon hy thu man who
run OKulnst him In his Unit rau for
coiiKresa, V. J. ('oniiull. A illunur
was tilvrn hi in nt thu Oumlia iluh hy
Itupiihlhiin u ml liumiKTiitlu liusluuss
men und islllorH, ut which Victor llosu
wnlur, NuhriiHkn muuiU'r of thu III
puhllinii I'li'iiilhu coimnlltuu, Knt
close lo Mr. lirymi. Mr. Ilosuwulur Is
one of Mr. Houn's most formldahlu
antagonists, Thu Iii'iunirnllc iniidl'
duln wa, Inllluliil Into Ihu Ak Sar lieii,
a noiipiirllsnii wiK-luty whoso nniiio U
"Ntmk' npullutl hackuiiru.
Naming of Candidate to
Follow First Session.
Massachusetts Man Considered Most
Available For Presidential Nomina
tlon, but There Are 8everat Others
In the Field In Opening Address
Mr. Hearst Flays Doth Old Parti. s
and Pays Respects to Mr Dryan,
Much Rnthusiasm at Opening of As
CliloiK'i, July 23. Following the
opruliiR session of tho tint national
convention of thu ludupundcnre party,
Interest lu thu convention centers to
day In Ihu pnrtj's choice of n fundi
(lute. It I declared thnt the nomination of
'llioiiiiis I,. Illi:c!i of Mnssnchusotb
Is nliniMt ci rlaln. Several of the dele
cations met mul Indicated their pref-
erenee for la I in. Mr. Hearst n urtteil
on eeiv luiinl to reconsider his do
termination not to run, hut he resolute
l ilis lliieil In do o, nor would he tq.
Ileate his iirefeteme for nuy of the
l.l.ell eallillil.ltes Mint of the lead-
els take the lev Ihat Mr. Illsi-en la
the tnntt nvullithle.
inhn Temple 1 1 raves nf (iisircln, for
mer I'otiuri'ssiniiii Mllfnnl V. Howard,
who mice wrote u Imok untitled "If
t'hrht t'nniff to t'oncreHs;" V. H. Nenl
of I in I l:i i i.i mul Charles A. Walsh of
Iiiv.,1, who uns once si-crelary of tbo
IieuiiK-ratlc committee, tmvu the back
WIU.IAM II. iii:ai!st. .
Im; of not mill their nun states, hut
or otheis. 'Hi,. I,, is Utile IT any ills
ciis,iii nl' i lee ii' candidates
Boom Fcr Washington.
The New orl, dflc.itlon contains a
niiiti lor whom n liooni ls-cu start
ed. Thl- N III. hard I'. II. WnshhiK
ton, u slr.ippito: i foot three atli
lev , who is -.1 1, tn lie descended from
th 'inll.v of iieiitxc W.i-hliiKtoii. He
llioilestly ileeklleil thai lie did not Wlltlt
the iniiiilu.itlou, hut did not say ho
would not hike It.
The opeiihu: of the ronvuntlon In
Orchestra h.ill was spectacular and
liiipro-.lo. Theie wan iiiltn ns much
I'litliii-hisin as i hurnctcrliuid the Initial
session of the llepuhllcnn convention
The hull was crowded to the doors,
the lour u-allerles showlm; patches of
cnlnr conti Hulled hy the dresses, of
wniueii Mr. Hearst and his follow
ers had formed un nttrnctlve setting
for the lauiichliu; of their party,
were ll.iKs etery where. llauklnK the
walls of the domelike Ptniro wuru clus
ters of the national colors, forming n
hackcrouiid for lltlmuraph portraits of
tieore W'nshlimton, Ahrahnm I-Incolu,
John Adams mid Thoinns Jefferson.
Tlu"e were Ihe only portraits lu the
hall. I'wry man mid womuii had n
shield shaped fan of tho national col
nrs. Pretty neatly nil nf tliaui had
small hand II. ms us well.
The ilclcpitcK were seatisl In the rcg paripiet chairs, the states U'lug
indieuteil h standards. Massachusetts,
linilaiia. New York, Ohio and Call,
foi iiia held front rows clear ncrons the
hall There wile no territorial stand
unls. A ver. aisl hruss hand In the
k-allery pl.i.M-d patilotlu nils nnd thu
eor popular "iile."
Cheers For Party Leaders.
When the I .. ml was not working the
deleaales and Kiillerh-s were. The dele-L-.ltes
cnine lulo Ihe h ill III ii Issly, III
tin; tlirouj;h the crowd of fi,inl people
w ho Janiiiied the streets lu front of the
cnUM'iilli'ii hill mid down the two
,-iNles s.lnu Ihe parquet, their statu
liaiiners alsie their heads. When the
ilele-aleH were seatnl they cheered
each other, called for salutes for Mr.
Ileaist mul some of the Is'st known
lluures lu the Independence movement.
The siholarly HrMiane, Ihe illmlnutlve
he.iru and UMiai.l li. II. W'Hshlngtou
eallle lu for cheers.
'Ill hliess of Mr. Hearst us tern
por.ii.N ehaliuiau wascheeiisl with wild
enthii'-lasui. He spoke lu pint as ful
Hits Is tho llrst untluiial convention nf
tin lintels lull me pail) I Inline Ihat
im. win ilo a s. 1 1 lit in our fellow llll-
toll i. Inl iml lo the llio.tlmilote serv
ile . iiil- . - il l.v lie foioi'ters of till. KlIV
.ihi.i. nl If l il. ill round n parly which
Will I. III. .Ill Hill . llll. kl) f.lllllful tU lllS
i.iiis. of Hie I.I .lu p. uple. lu tho pru.4
pies or tns ieMrsilin w liulwpsnn.nce
iiu.l I.i the fun.l nut iilul Am.rlean uf
in . ii ..iulll nnl i. i i-. ii. in 111 for nil
II.. It. pulllenii imit) is Hie nn Im ml
U1..M..I I.uiiJiii il.U ii of Ihu trims It
seoliin llii.s.1 ulin Would res.'Ue It, re
pU.IIStlB tl.O-1 llo Wolllil ref.llUI 11 lllld
lll n l.s I.i in, nly Ii. lis piolllulim InfHioy.
Tim lu nu.riull. .ni. is uurely i nl.ius
.if Its ..nlM slstu s III milieu llm ry It
iiphliil.ts he nt uue ileetliiu unit Imitate
In r ut the in it
The It. pulilli nn It niters nrn the. politics
attorneys of duels mul iii.uii.ioUes, th
repn sent.ttwes lu piil.lle life of tliosn
Ktant corMirntions whuh luivs supeisuil
d the puoplii In tills rejiiihllr us tho
Source nf siuir ami the suit of uulhorlly
The Deinorratlv vnnKUurit Is n KiiUlurf
army It Is led t.y u kuluht nrraye.1 hi a
mothy of mo-tllleit professions uml riuu
promlseil prinelples of ulltred opinion
ami rctrurtt'i! Mtutements.
Assumlnv that Mr. Ilryan himself la all
that his most ur.lent inlmlrer claim him
tn lisn L'reiit lawyer, mi entliilitemiil
slnltsiusn, un lusplrtd patriot still a
man I known hy the, company he keeps,
nn.l nn 1i cent Iieiimcrat 'un tulerate his
freu eompaiiloiis
Deckers of Old Parties Pirates.
Ilnik of both parllea and un.lerwrlttnjT
each are thirs I'aplnln of liului
try, tti.iso lilsliwumeu nf hluh nnunce,
who realUu thnt lo plumh r safely the
people' purse they must llrst osge, the
people' K.iv.rmmnt,
I urffe our pnity In take n hrnad and
lltieral stnnil toward Ih" I fiitlimite Lusl.
lisa enlarprtses of the country, hut lu
dlattntiiLk hu.lne v-
erywliers and llieso m:::m". concern
ti hlch plunder through polities! pull nn.l
pay for political protsrtlon We nil want
prosperity, nnd. what Is more, we wnnt
projp.rlty for all.
I urge our party, therefore, to be Intel
ligently and courageously constructive,
not merely ohitructltp like the lb-publican
party nor UV.lructke like tlia Demo
cratic pally.
The Republican platfurm saya nothing
and mean, nothing.
It I a platform of itatlatlcal Inven
tion and political evasions.
It Is oblauty tin. product of a party
who ole purpoae I, to atanil pat and
trhoae aot d.slre la to stay ?aL
The Democratlo platform contalna aome
good and original thlnga; but, na ha been
aald, th original thing are not good.
nd the good thing, are not original.
The committee ou rules ntnl perma
nent organization, whlrh met Imme
diately ufter the convention, selected
Charles A, W'nlsu of Iowa n perma
nent chairman und adopted a rule that
no speech from the platform should
exceed Ave minutes lu length and Unit
no delegate should lie heard ou one
.oject inoro than once.
The committee on resolutions organ
lied hy election Howard 8. Taylor of
Chicago s cluilrinnn. A long delutlo
followed on tho cpiestlon of whether
the platform Bhotild he considered hy
tho committee ns n whole or hy suh
ronnulttee. The committee commenc
ed ncthe work hy considering a large
number nf planks nud davldlng on
what suhjects they wished tn make
deflorations. It was understisid that
when the list nf suhjects had Iksui
completed the task nf forming the
platform proper would ls turned liter
to a stiln'uiumlttis' which was to re
tort tn the full committee,
'.ocomotlve and Motor Gar Meet
In Center ot Ralls.
Olen Head, N, Y., Ji ly 28. Two pei
sons were und two In
jured ns the result of a collision here
lu'tween an automobile and the Ml.
Ilonalres' express of the l-one; Island
rullrond, n very fust train Unit carries
inuiiy wealthy New Yorkeru to their
summer homes on Long Island.
Miss Leigh Townsend, a New York
girl of social prominence, who wus a
passenger In the auto, died n few min
utes after the accident, nnd Charles
Smith, the chauffeur, died while lielug
taken to a hospital. The other occu
pants of thu uutoinohlle were Miss
Ileutrlce Eddy, twenty-two years old,
of llrooklju, mul Lloyd Itohlnsou,
twenty, sou of Clmrles ltobiusoit, a
New York Iwnkcr aud owner of the
The accident occurred at the (Hen
wood roud crossing, u short distance
fruiu thu station Lloyd Itohlnson was
taking the auto party to his father's
summer home at Sea Cliff when the
machine and the locomotive met In the
center of the lulls. The automobile
wus being rushed across when the col
llslou occurred. Thn occtipnuts of the
automobile were hurled lu ull direc
Witnsss Appear to Tall What They
Know of Murder.
Troy, N. Y July 2tf.-Tuut Hazel
Drew was murdered nnd her Is sly
thrown lntu Teul poud to make It ap
pear as though she had committed sui
cide was practically established hy
the testimony taken ut the Inquest
Into her death lu Vit Avcrlll Turk,
William Tuylor, ihe taciturn uncle
of lliliel Drew, Hgalu told his story,
lu which he stoutly denied uuy knowl
edge of Ids niece's presence In or near
Avcrlll Park on the evening when she
Is thought to hare hceu killed.
Frank Smith, the farmer boy, told
of having met Hazel Drew strullln7
along the Tuliorlon road, Idly swlug
tug her hat, as though she had no
Sieclul errand In view. He repeated
how Itudolph (luiidermun drove him
down to the village, where Guilder
mnn left him. Smith did not deviate
from the story he has told so often
nud lu which he accounts for his time
during that entire evening.
Hazel Drew's uppcttruure on tht
Mountain roud on that night was cor
roborated hy the testimony of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry ltollmuii, who told of meet,
lug u young woman whose description
evuclly fitted the girl Frank Smith
an hi wus lluzel Drew.
other witnesses were examined, but
nothing linportnnt was disclosed until
William HulTey told of having seen a
strange mall seated III a one horse
wagon waiting near Teul pond about
the time Hn.el Drew was seen tn that
nelghliorhiiisl by Frank Smith. A sec
nnd man, Mild lluifey. was walking
nloiig Ihe bank nf the point, peering
Int.. ihe water This testimony was
po-ltely upheld by Mrs, Uuffey.
The llliplest will 1st leslllned Thurs
da) ut the i iiuillion.-e lu Troy.
Vote on U., L. and W, Strike.
Seinuton. I'a., July lis. -The returns
of Ihe Vote nf the Delaware. Lacka
wanna und Western rail mail switch
men ou the iuestlou of whether or not
they will strike will Is" received by to
night. BASEBALL.
Oame Played In the National and tht
American League.
At New York Illtaburc, : New York,
I Hstti.rU' Maild.iK, Lt-uch and Olbaun;
Ciaudall, Mattiewaou and Itreinahan.
At HriMiklyn Chicago, I; Itrooklyn, 1.
Iluttfrte Hi ulbscli ami Mnrnn; I'uslnrl
US. Hell, Hitler Ull,! HelU.ll
Hienn.l II. line Itr.ioklvit, C. I'tiieiiKO, 8
Haiti rh-s Inn Huiker and Iiirgenj
LuiulKreii and KIIiik
Al I'hlla.lilphlu I'hlladi.lphhi. 2; Ht 1 llsttirlis -Mtgulllln and Poo
In. Mr!l)nn and litis
Hccoii.l lluius-l'hll.iilelphla. I; Ht Iiula
I. llutterteH.Koxeu und Jacklltsuh; IUy
mnn, I, lu.bu and llllUrt.
At Ilu.lon lluituii, 10; Cincinnati, 1.
Ilatl.rlt XlcCarlhy und flruhum; Coak
ley und McLuun.
Hucun.1 Uuine Huston, 0; Cliiclimutl, 0.
llalttrle - Ferguson and Itowermant
Cumpbtll and Hchlel.
W. L. P.C. W. I P.C.
rittaburg U li .W7 IJuston. ... to S7 .(II
Chicago. Ill l .tl Clmliinall M 41 .Ml
New York Ml 37 .(76 (lrooklyn.32 (3 176
I'lilla'phla II SD .637 Ht Ioul. 30 W .14'
At Dctroli-Ualrolt, 4t New York, L
llallerlea-Wlllelt and HclonlJt; Hogg,
Clieshro, atuiinlng and Klclnow,
At Cleveland -Huston, 4i Cleveland, i.
Iliitnrles-Morgau, Cliotto and, Carrigan;
Llebhardt ami N Clarke.
At Chicago-Phlla J. Iiihla. li Chicago. I.
llatterles-Vlcker and Hchreck; White,
V. Hmllh and Weaver.
At Ut. Loul-HI, Loul. l Woahlngton,
0. llalterlta Powell and;
llugti.a, Uurna and Warner.
w t. e C w. Im P.a
Detroit..,. M It .(21 1'hlla'phla.U 4J .100
rit. Louu. u n ,ew iioston ... u u ,a
Chicago... U Ml Waeh'ton. II tt .171
Clsvsuud.M il JU -Saw York M U Mt
Washington Willing to Let
Dutch Punish Him. s-
Case Oetween and th
Netherlands Is Considered Govern
mental, Seliure of Territory Not Be
ing Threatened Road From La
Guayra to Caracaa Well Defended
by Krupp Cuns and Consld.r.d Sal
From Assault 8av. by Overwhelm
ing Force of Troops Dutch Crulaaf
Ordered to La Guayra.
Washington, July 28. In damandloi
an ajHilugy from Veneiuela at the
IHilnt of guns, the Netherlands, It 11
lu'lleveil here, will bring n crisis lu the
affairs of President Castro which be
will not bo nble to escape. It Is au
open secret that this government will
not raise n linger to prevent the luBlc
tlon of punishment si' of simula
tion of territory unr openn siwer
may sisi tit to Intllet t .Veneiuela.
Ro fur as resirts .be navy de
partment show, the oiiTJ Dutch naval
force In the West Indies Is the pro
Its I iil cruiser (Icldorlaml, tlie on that
was sent In l.n (luayra to brlug away
Minister De Iteus. She 1 by far the
best thing utiuat In that quarter of th
glols so far as the contending parties
tire concerned.
Lu (lun)ru nnd l'orto Cabello ar
fortllltsl. Various reports during tha
Inst five yenrs decliO that Castro,
ufter the ships of (I rent Ilrltaln, Italy
and (lermany Isinibarded those porta,
Imught six Inch Krupp guns and In
stalled them In the fort and placed
u number on commanding position
along tl. -nd lending from La Ousy-
- to Carau. That road, even If not
Tortlfled with large caliber guns, would
be almost Impassable for anything
other than an overwhelming force be
cause of Its precipitous and roib
Such operations as Holland I gap.
posed to be willing to undertake would
uot tie a violation of the Monro) doc
trine as declared by Pre, Moose-
iuii iu ill nieBsiige iv cwng.vev lu amv,
when the possibility of the United
Htates having to defend that policy
wus considered to have been raised by
the declared Intention of Qreat Brit
ain, (lerinany nnd Italy to use force
to compel Castro to settle claims. This
government has always frowned
against the use of force to compel th
puyment of claims.
The casu of the Netherlands la con
sidered purely n governmental ques
tionnamely, whether the Dutch gov
ernment will allow Castro to luterfere
with Dutch shipping between Dutch
IHirts und flout the commercial treaties
existing between Venezuela and the
Wins Easily by a Length From Bou
quet Homecr..t a uQood Thing."
New Vork. July 28. The chief at
traction In the racing curd at Brighton
wus the one tulle handicap, which re
sulted In nu easy victory for Arasee.
Thu start wus only fair, as Arasas
got much thu best of the break and
went right to the front, opening up a
lead of oue nud one-half lengths over
llluck Oak. At the far turn Ansa
had Increased his advantage to tw
lengths und won easily by one length.
Ilouquet was shut off and pocketed to
the head of the stretch, but when clear
came very strong. Ulnck Oak tired
Imdly and was beaten off.
Homecrest was a "good thing" lo
the opening event, but Clvtta and Kf
fendt were "good things," too, and It
was Just n case of picking the right
hue. Homecrest was the right one.
After getting a wny badly he soon ran
up on the outside and caught Personal
In thu llrst eighth. He never was In
trouble, and nt the end McCarthy was
easing him up. Huminarles:
First Hnce. Homecrest, llrst; Dandy
Dixon, second; (Tvlla, third:
Second Itace. Navajo, Hrat; Bunnell,
second; Paprika, third.
Third Ilnce. Comedienne, first; Coat
of Arms, second; Disobedient, third.
Fourth Itace. Arasee, first; Ilouquet
second; Black Ouk, third.
Fifth Itace.-Black Mary, first; Frl
fctte, second; He Knows, third.
Rlxth Itace. Ilngman, first; Ruble,
second; Aronduck, third.
Conference on Standard Oil Case.
Lenox, Muss., July 28. An Important
conference, presumably regurdlug new
in tlon to lie taken by the department
of Justice lu the Standard Oil case,
la-gun here tislay. Attorney (leneral
t'hurles J. Ilotiupurte, who Is here for
the summer, ill ranged to have Prank
II. Kellogg of Minnesota, who conduct
ed the former prosecution, und a num
lsr of olttcluls of the department .ot
Justice In Washington come here for
n discussion nf tlie silt Im. arising
from the recent decision of the Untied
Slutes circuit court nf appeal at Chi
cago reversing Ihe lliidiug of Judge
I.andis agiiliist Ihe Stand ml OH com
pany. Decision For Small Shippers.
Washington, .Inly JM.Aisordlng to
a decision by the lulerstiito commerce
commission shippers tuny combine
small quantities of freight of various
ownership, ell her by nirnugeinent
among tbeitiselies or through Ihe me
dium of n fin-winding agency, nnd ship
the i mul. hoil lot nl the rillllvely low
er rules upplli uhlc tu lurgi shipments
Connecticut Dairy Commissioner Dies
llasi Windsor, t.'otiii., July 28. John
II Noble, slate dairy commissioner of
Connecticut, died nt his home here.
Hp wus lu his slxly-llrst year aud bad
been commissioner sluie 1S05
Falllcres Dines With Nicholas.
Itevul, July 28.- At n gala dinner
served on lu.ard Ihe Imperial yacht
Slmidait the cuiioriir lu toasting
President Pallleres extended to htm
a wnrm welcome to Ilussla. He ex
pressed tlie conviction that the presi
dent's Islt would result In still further
rlleiigthenlng the IhjiiiIs of friendship
hetwisMi Ihe two countries.
Stabbed Fourteen Times.
Philadelphia, July 28, - Policeman
John Murray was stabbed fourteen
times aud probably fatally wounded,
nud Morris Helmuti, a brother officer,
was dangerously stabbed here In an
exrltlng fight lu thu fashionable lilt
trnbouse square district by William
Jackson. A crowd chased the negro
gnd captured him after severely beat
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