The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 23, 1908, Image 4

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(pedal Oorreepoooeoo.
Tha Moaletp! TubCTcn1oI boapMal,
ffonrtntli and Yaraom streets, north
west, on Instltntlod which la regarded
a the best cqalpped of IK kind In th
country, m recently opened tar pa
tlent. Tho atrnctnr U of brick and 1 four
tort?. It I limited in the center of
a thlrtr-fire acra tract, high and
bealthrnt, and U aet oS with tree,
Bbrobber and garden. It baa accom
tnodaUona for 130 patient, who will
bt from the Indigent cl. FortT pa
tient are tinder treatment at th In
motion. Arranaemtnt ef Hospital.
Dr. George VI. Kobar, who haa don
more than any one elae for four year
pant to make the hospital a reality,
ancceeded In working out ono of the
moat difficult problema connected with
the hospital bow to pro'Ua open air
.warda. The fourth floor ft the wing
la left open on each aide for outdoor
patients, while the bath and Arming
noma are on the upper part of the
central tower. The warda are high
above the ground, and the? will get
plenty of fresh air and be free from
On the first floor are the dispensary,
diet kitchen, examination room, dark
room for X ray work, linen closets.
Isolation room for serious cases, nurses'
rooms, balba, two large wards and
sun parlors. The third floor baa dress
ing rooms for the open air wards, four
small open air wards protected on the
north by windows. In the basement
are storerooms, scullery, cold storage
plant, kitchen, beating plant, coal bins,
rooms for the disinfection of clothing
and bedding and dining rooms.
New Fire Headquarter.
The Ore alarm headquarters of the
District of Columbia, which for a num
ber of years baa been located In the
building used by No. H engine bouse
n Eighth street a bore Dottiest, north
west, baa been removed to the now
District building.
The fire alarm headquarter not only
send out alarms of fire, but act as a
telephone exchange for the o dices of
the District government and auper
vise the telephone patrol system used
in the police department.
The mechanism and apparatus used
In fire Alarm headquarter are particu
larly Intricate and expensive. Great
car and aktll bad to be exercised In
moving tbem from the old quarters to
the new building. Still greater care had
to be exercised In Installing them. In
connection with the transfer the Dis
trict baa pure haw 1 considerable addi
tional apparatus.
New Government Fer District.
Not In a long time baa a municipal
abject aroused such deep and univer
sal Interest among business men of
Washington as the proposal of Presi
dent Iloosevelt to ask'cougress to do
away with the commission form of
government and empower him to ap
point one responsible bend, a governor
or a mayor, charged solely with the ad
ministration of District affairs.
The-preponderance of taxpayers fa
voring tha change la great Compara
tively few citizens have expressed sat
isfaction with the present eystem of
government and ventured the belief
that It needs no Improvement
Advisory Board Favored.
In some quarters the Idea of an ad
Tiaory board of prominent cltlxens to
assist and counsel the governor hi his
administration is brought forward, on
the theory that It would be Impossible
for one man, unassisted, fully to keep
himself familiar with the peculiar and
aver varying needs of the different sec
tlona of the District rractlcally all
agree that the chief outcer or itieDlT
trlct. If congress provides for his ap
pointment should be a District man.
thoroughly familiar with the needs and
resources of the District, a successful
business man himself; that the place
ahonld seek the man and that when It
baa found him It should pay him a aal
ary worth hla .while from $10,000 to
(15,000 a year.
Washington Architecture.
Decoruthe sculpture on both the ex
terior and Interior of buslneaa houses
and residence la playing more and
more of n mrt In the work of the de
signers of tho new Washington. Carv
ings In stuue, wood and cement, cast
ornaments In plaster, cement and com
position and castings in Iron are being
used In n number of the handsomest
houses now building In the national
Bas-rslltf Figure of President.
Louis VeynalL a Boston artist. I
working upon a bas-relief of the presi
dent to place In what la called the peace
conference riwm at the Portsmouth
nary yard. New Hampshire. This 1
the room la which the peace confer
ence between Japan and Russia took
place. The artist waa commissioned
to do the work by D. Estes, a wealthy
New Englsnder.
An Opium Commission.
ProslJeut IlixiHctelt baa appointed
three comuiUsluiiers to represent the
United States on the joint Interna
tloual commission to Investigate the
opium question In the far east. They
are Thomas Burke, an attorney of
Seattle; Dr. Hamilton Wright of
llalne and Dr. Charles D. Tenner,
Chinese secretary of the American
legation at IVkln. Similar commls
loners will be appointed by all the
powers Interested In opium suppres
sion. The Joint commission will meet
In Shaugbul Juu. 1 next. Messrs.
Burke and Wright will collect Infor
mation on the opium traffic In the
United States and the Philippine
Islands, uud Dr. Tenney will atudy the
situation In China.
Dr. Wright una traveled extensively
in the far east and has made a study
of all phase of the opium e 1.
The Royal Box.
Frederick VIII., king of Denmark.
Is sixty-five years of age.
The German emperor owns the most
valuable draughtboard In existence.
The light and dark square arv 'leot
sliver and gold, nod the draug. are
also made of sllter und gold, eue. T
lng it diamond or ruby In the cent
The Prince of Wulea, speaking
the presence of n widely truveled n
dlencc. Including nliunst etory notabili
ty In ioudon connected with the em
pire, said, "Without lioast, 1 may claim
that probably no one lu tho room has
landed on so many different tiortlons
of British soli as I have."
Princes Alice, the leautlful and
amiable consort of the czar of Russia,
is the finest royal vocalist In the
world. Wvro It not that she Is the
empress of Russia sho might havo
uiHdo a worldwide mime for herself
aa a singer, aud at least once lias she
sung In public on behalf of a Russian
Chine bxecunens.
In Canton every two weeks there Is
a public execution of criminals lu ono
of the market places.
Old ChrMmas.
When Gregory XIII. reformed th
calendar In 1M2 ho omitted ten days,
but when the new stylo waa adopted
in England to 1752 it was necessary
to cut off eleven days, which brought
Jan. 0 back to Dec, 25 of the previous
year. Bo what wi now rail Jan. 0 In
tha old style would be Christina day.
A Iahaiaelai Itemonax. -
It la proper and natural to think
boot some unnouaUy Impressive me
morial to Abraham Lincoln, the one
hundredth anniversary of whose birth
b to bar a fitting celebration next
February. Among the world's nation
al he roc Lincoln hold a unique place,
lie waa a benefactor of his race and
ot hi era, but waa cut down before
he saw the end of his work or bad
time to reallzo what It meant to the
nation. If a monument shall lo need
ed to keep nitre tho memory of Lin
coln among coming generations of
Americans It should be one to recall
the peculiar greatness of the man and
the peculiar nature and Importance of
his work. It may be of marblo or of
bronze, a shaft a hospital or a school,
but whatever It form It should teach
the people who are not to know with
out learning what Lincoln was and
what he did.
Knowledge of George Washington
comes to American boya ami girls al
most with the A"B Cs. He was tho
first great American and can nctcr lie
displaced from that position as an an
swer to the most natural question to
como to tho American mind. Ho was
the father and the founder of this re
public. It Is not a matter for surprise
to chance upon a monument or tablet
Inscribed to Washington In any ont of
the way place. But vIth Lincoln there
1 a story, one that grows on the
mind and the feelings. Hla memorial
should be one to make the novitiate
eager to learn more of that great man.
The suggestion has been made to
construct a memorial highway from
Washington to the site of the battle of
Gettysburg, seventy-two miles distant
from the capital. In time this might
become another Apptnn Way, as cele
brated as tho first great Unman rnnd,
especially If monuments and toinlm
and other memorial structures should
be set up uloug It course. A mere
road used for the ordinary purpose of
travel might lu time lose Its signifi
cance as a memorial. It would he a
good road, of course, and the letter It
proved In this respect the weaker the
Impression It would lie likely to make
as a landmark of national hlntory.
Lincoln's great work wns wrought In
Washington, and probably the grand
est words he ever uttered Vt ere spoken
on those "dread heights of destiny,"
Cemetery Itldge. An) thing to recall
Lincoln at Gettysburg and to suggest
the significance of his being there and
saying what be did at that place at
that time could not lie amiss as tho
nation's grandest memorlnl to the sav
ior of the republic.
The Mind of Woman,
Woman is alwaya a puzzle to man,
so the men aay. Here comes Dr.
Thomas Claye Shaw, an eminent I'.nt
llsb psychologist declaring that nun
Is also a pntzle to woman. But nfter
all Is aald there Is In reality very little
difference between the two classes of
minds. One may be complimentary to
or may largely replace the other, and
the doctor affirms In no halting lan
guage that In suitable conditions of
education and environment the alleged
Inferiority of woman disappears. Just
at thla time the pronouncement ot Dr.
Shaw must como as a bombshell In
the camp of the opponents of the suf
fragettes In England.
All of the peculiarities of woman's
mental makeup, If there are any, this
authority accounts for as a matter of
peculiar development. As to tho so
"called-mental faculties, which mny sharper and now duller In wo
men than In men, "we cannot prove,
either from anatomy or iwychology,
that any ono of these faculties Is or
should be greater or less In women
than In men." Tho promlucuco given
by woman to dress, tho doctor says,
Is eaally accounted for. It Is not mere
vanity, but due perhaps to Inherited
tendencies, nnd their feelings and
Ideas ou the subject are often a mys
tery to the devotees of dress them
selves. They simply dress In their
own way because they have to and
fur their own satisfaction.
As to the psychological future of
woman. Dr. Shaw thinks that the fu
sion of the two qualities of mind, the
male and the female, Mould lend to
negative conduct. Anyway mind Is
not very different lu tho man or the
woman. Thlnklug Is a very simple
thing, and there Is no work, especially
no mental work, jiecullat to the one
or the other. "One sex might carry
on the work of the world Just as well
aa the other."
Why We Love Music.
A Japanese-American art critic bear
ing the BUggestlvo name of Hartmann,
writing lu Altrurln, seekH to necoiint
for the advancing tnxtu fur music In
this country aud what ho calls tho
decadent state of sculpture anil paint
ing. Briefly, this olerer declares
the conditions of modern life do no'
foster an understanding of MUlpturu
and of painting. We hardly ever m
the human body, and all our life Is
colorless. I'lctuns whUh ore curiosi
ties to us weru painted by masters
who were true to their times, and the
jioople of tbelr era were familiar with
the weird, mysterious and gorgeuiis
objects depicted utmn comas.
For an appreciation of sculpture aud
painting Mr. Hartmann Insists we
must bo prepared by culture, nnd we
must labor ourselves intelligently for
the sake of any gratification. But
music comes to us. It seems to af
ford pleasure to everybody and to tho
humblest mind. Music will produce
a happy effect even when the hearer
Is In a state ot exhaustion. Ameri
cans are Insatiable lovers of music,
and the fact that there nre so many
amateurs Is considered good pnif that
music Is everywhere met with genuine
appreciation. We nre curious almut
great pieces of tculpture and vain
about possessing ts-lebrnted pictures,
but music takes hold of ns. nnd we
cannot break the hold If we would.
If spared mishaps the battleship
fleet will sail Into the waters of Ma
nila buy aliout the 1st of OctoU'r.
The ships will then !e "home" once
more, under tho American Hag flying
In the Philippines, ulthough far from
tho historic Virginia waters yvhero the
world encircling voyage began.
In anticipation f n Kipular demand
for China's new (HI uluine history of
the relgu of Emperor Kuang Hsu
Carnegie libraries throughout the
country aro adUscd to extend their
shelf room.
Castro may pluio uu enormous
amount of coiitldt-iieu on the fact that
be Is nut uf suUkieiit luiportuucu to
make It worth while for nnjlwdy to
gliu him a sound thrashing.
Those scientist who hao the con
tract of killing off all the house Hies
Will not be likely to WUIlt Slluther Job
for a ceulury or two.
Germ of the Disease Is In Don Strue
ture cf Nose.
The announcement of a new theory
as to the onue of pneumonia and the
dlseotery of a reiinsly for the disease
was made recently nt n meeting of the
Chicago Mfdlnil rocletj.
Dr. II. Manning l'lli. who made the
announcements. Ii.icl.nit op his asser
tions with n deti.tle.l i!i"serlptl"n of n
case of nvute p'ii"itnU'li which, lie de
clared, had Ikm'H ear, I lu tueutj .four
hour, bj Meant of tho ImiIp Method
which he dcMVllml.
Dr I'Mi lie! i.o'l.m I that the mit
of trouble In pi I'U.n'i.ili wm not,
ns U g. niully uiii .n.l. l:i fie lungs,
but In the bli.nll tells l.i the bony
framewoiU at IV- top of tl.e nos-'. The
pueuino'sicciis. nr ilbea'-e Cerm, he
snld, was not harmful v cpt when
pent up In n cell of this mrt. Then, he
explained, It nttel like mi explosive
U-gan to cxpjnd nnd was ahsnrln-d by
the blood and became one uf the most
dangerous of disease germs.
"From these cells the disease works
rapidly down to the lungs, and to all
npjiearnmss these organs Immediately
liecome the Beot of trouble," said the
physician. "However, the fuel which
Is feeding the flames of disease still Is
being furnished from the cells at the
top of the nosv.
"The simple remedy consequently Is
to draw this dangeious pus from thou
cells. That hi what was done In the
caso which I havo descrllied, and In
twenty-four hours the disease had ills
apjivared. The lungs, of course, were
still affected, and It took da)s lieforo
the patient finally was able to leave his
Machjn Qprjnkttt and Scrapaa Aa
phalt In On Operation.
A N ti foot among prop
erty outim In Iter. In V hive tin mo
tor pnN-Ic.l nijiiwili washluc nut tit in
here with ... n t tliu I'I.hv of the
ordinary ntrvt r-i.r.iiLh-r. uhli-li aluiiyi
least' mi u-jib.tit jtttu.iifiit s limning
In w liter uiitl In mi utterly unsuitable
condition for Imnittlliitf
TUU much 1 1 ? j'rlnl.Ifs, dent is nnd
Immodliitcly diles the lu-itlnlt, so that
It can Ini Used ut .met hy other ve
hides without the certainty of fjuitter
lng water and mud lu every direction
and the less frequent but more serious
danger of skidding. The water con
sumption la small, every drop Iielng
Utilized and then washed Into the gut
ters by tho rotating rubber roller at
the rear. The machine la driven by
electric batteries located over the front
trucka. Two four borseiiower motors
are mounted on the front wheela.
Extraordin.. . y Lightning Qtroke.
Professor A. Hcrscbcl In the Quar
terly Journal of the Hoyal Meteorolog
ical society for Octols.T last describes
tho extraordinary effects produced by
lightning In the midst of an ojien moor
In Northumberlaid. A bolu four or
Ave feet lu diameter was made In the
flat, peaty ground, and from this half
a dozen furrows extended on all sides.
Pieces of turf were thrown In various
"directions, one three feet In diameter
and a foot thick having fallen seventy
eight feet from the hole. Investiga
tion showed that In addition "to the ef
fects visible on the surface small boles
bad been bored "in the earth radiating
from the large excavation.
Now Use For Carborundum.
Carborundum, the artificial substi
tute for emery, which Is said to rival
the diamond In hardness, U now em
ployed because of Its extraordinary re
sistance to heat as a coating for the
Interior of furnaces. Finely jiowdered
and made Into paste. It Is applied with
a brush, like paint, to the brick lining.
It Is said that u layer only two milli
meters thick will protect the brhks
from the effects of the highest temjier
ature that Is ever produced In ordluury
furnace combustion. Oarlsirunduni Is
Itself a pnslnct of the electric furnace,
being composed of silica and cnrlsin
fusisl together lu the presence of salt
nod sawdust.
Coast Erosion.
A Trench Rcleiitlst, M. Bertln, In
dealing with the Mibjeet of coast ero
sion mentions that the island of Jer
sey once formed part of the continent
of Europe. He has also brought to
light thu Interesting fact that there
still exists an mnietit barter by which
a certulu ahU-y was compcllo! to fur
nish the necessary plank for column
ideating with the Island from the main
laud at low water. Tho exlent to
which the sea has cm-roached on the
land Is evident from the fact that tho
Journey from the mainland of l'r.ime
to the Island by steuuilsrit now takes
an hour.
New Icemsklng Machine.
An lceinuMiig machine has been In
venttsl nt (rat.e. l-'ram-e 'I lie Impor
tant feature Is a cj Under lu whhh tin
chemicals are n-aled (the latter not re
quiring renewal and lasting as long as
the inachlno Itself i and which, revolv
ing lu water, produces the Ice. It can
ulso produce cold air. It has no Joint
piece, no piessure gauge, no suction or
regulating nle and no pipe, tap or
(Initiating pump. It requires no
steam for fuel and will work lu water
reaching even 1111 digues 1". It saves'
PS s-r cent of cooling water aud To
per cent of motive power os compared
with any other freedug system known.
It does not require to be fed with
How SLcl Melts.
Exiicriments withi cruiihlo steel fur
nace have demonstrated that steel melts
from the center Instead of from the ex
terlor. In other words, the Inside Is-
comes n liquid, whllu the uutsldo re
mains a solid up to a certain tempera
ture, when It, too. melts. Ily withdraw
lng the melting pot nt tho proper tlm
I he pieces of steel, w Idle retaining the. e
shars. will show one or moru sma I
openings through which the melted In
terior lias tluw'cd to the Isittom of tho
crucible. The cause )f this phenome
non Is the presence of tho oxide up ki
the surface, which retulres n greater
melting point than does the Interior,
where no oxidization can occur.
If the 8un Had Other Color.
An English astronomer declares that
fho following mnazlng results would Is)
possible If the sun Welti somu other
color: If it were blue, there would be
only two colors lu thu world, blue and
black. If It were risl, then ever) thing
would Ini red and black. In the latter
case snow would tut rtd, lilies red,
black grass, l.tack clear sky and red
clouds. There would l' a arlet,
however. If the sun were green Things
that are now yellow would Hill re
main that color, but there would l no
reds, purples, oiniige or pinks and
very few of ilnse i berry hues that
make the wort! so brh'ht and pleasant.
Tim tcmsTiitiirc of this earth would
by very much chaugnl.
A Millinery Hint.
This stylish and serviceable bat ot
dark blue straw U prettily trimmed
with white gardenias and foliage nnd
nmra akd wheat.
wheat In natural color. The model li
Ideal for wear with tollored suits of
sergo or linen.
, Stand Up Straight.
The acmlprim ess frrs ks so fashion
able this season demand n good figure
nnd carriage to sustain the lung, grace
ful linos. As the tall, slender woman
Is prone to droop her shoulders she
should train herself to stand well and
gracefully, which means throwing out
the chest forward nnd upward, flatten
ing the back and holding the shoulder
blades In their proricr place. The
weight of tho lssly should fall upon
the hips, and to gain this there must
bo a dcflnlto curving In of the small
of tho back. The woman who has
been In the habit of resting on ono
hip or leaning against tho nearest ob
ject to assist in her Mipport w 111 nt
first find It difficult to stand correctly.
for the muscle have Is'Cnmo weak
ened, but will power nnd pntlenco will
accomplish vvoi'ders. and the result will
cause surprise ntul Intense satisfaction
lu the Improvement of the figure.
A Dolly Vsrden Hat.
In the trousseau of n bride there Is a
fetching little Holly Vnrdeti hnt hav
ing a crown of dotted bull tulle shirred
Into n mob shnisd crown over n brim
of yellow horsehair, and under the
brim, which curls over the hair. Is In
serted one of the new Parisian nifties,
otherwise known ns the Lawrence rlll
necnuso it is seen in some ot the por
traits done by Sir Thomas Lnwrenco
of the old time English beauties. Tho
frill Is of sprigged yellow net edged
with n narrow ls.rdor of yellow lace.
A scarf of soft yellow rlblioii sprayed
with tiny dark red rosebuds Is wound
carelessly around tho base of the
crown, nnd one end Is carried down
over tho front brim, tho other at the
back, nnd the ends meet and nre tied
In n loose bow without ends tinder the
scooped left side nlirivo nnd back of the
Costumes For Week Ends.
The girl who exports to run down to
the shore for week ends during the
summer Is now busily figuring out
what will lie n practical tailor made.
It Is no easy problem to find n ma
terial that Is light In weight, does not
crease easily, jet will ndinlt of the
best Hues. It Is easy to say: "Oh, buy
a rendy made linen. Such a suit Is
cheap and saves double."
That Is true. But these suits lack
Individuality. The thousands upon
thousands of summer girls who start
off freshly star bed on week end
Jaunts nnd who get off tho trnln rum
pled and wrinkled are object lessons
thnt make the few discerning ones
consider carefully their preparations
nnd buy their vacation clothes with
greater Judmnent.
A Bandanna Waist.
An Imitation hnuilanna waist Is tho
novelty sketched here. The material
Is red and vvbllo siMittcd crcale, trim-
or r.rn and vwiitt. 1'U.cai.e.
Med with a i'i liiicl bind of risl nnd
blue on a white in. cl. Tho plain
narrow biinls nie of iliii; blue. The
closing Is lo.ele by iniall peal I buttons.
Tho Vcrjuo cf tho Tnmmcd Ckirt.
N'o'. that li! .i M .u 1. 1 tiltn
the Imiuoi'i of t: - li, , h,-p
fold in. :....! t i t.,- l.i,. I
ln II . ' t it " It 1 : - . r not
IllS l.ll I' I i I. .1 I ' , . 'lOI-
IS sb itt I', t , t .. . t . - llie
hcik'it, t!i v . .ii. I .!.,, ' ..t'v
ending I.- ill.' lo. I I , :ni
ever, she vvhl i-i i h th d .p fold In phi.. , at..! ioin.1 oir ry cor
ner rhe will Is' utile in wear this up to
date style ino-,t Kiu-iessfully.
duly n small del. ill, hut a must lm
fiortant one.
Miss Maryrtladen has Just been cho
sen a member of the senate of the new
Dublin university. Another woman Is
on the council of the new Itelfnst uni
versity. Mrs. Sarah ilrynnt Is one of the
smartest old ladles lu Slonliigtnti, Me.
Although ninety jears of age, she vis
Its her neighbors dally and can sew
and knit better thin many jounger
Miss Grace O'Connor of IMynke,
Mass., has paSMsl the examination
conducted by the state luaid of phar
macy and Is believed tu bo thu only
woman In that section of the Mato
who holds the honor of lielug a regis
tered pharmacist.
As a memorial to her late husband,
Bammi Matshak, Ids widow, Mrs. Hay
Matshak, has given tho money neces
sary to equip a department fur sur
gical mechnnlco-lhcraioutles at tho
Ynndrrhllt clinic of tho College of
Physicians and Surgeons of New York
Mrs. John Jitcoli Astnr of New York
has taken Mrs. Adair's homo on Cur
xon street, London, for tho season
Tho Adair house is nnu of tho most
commodious In Maefalr. It has a
spacious ballroom ilis-oratcd In IxmU
Selzo stjle, and thu other furnishings
aro magnificent.
Mrs. Elbrldgc Clalhoruo Is tho first
woman to cast n voto nt tho annual
election of the directors of tho Trades
league of Philadelphia, Sho Is n wld
ovv and conducts a thriving real estate
business In Philadelphia, Her voting
excited considerable comment, though
her right was nut denied.
X'.'. 7N
He Knew the Governor,
Sir Eyru Mnsscy Shaw, for thirty
years the bead of the Ixmdon Ore bri
gade, who recently went through nn
operation which cot him his remain
ing kg, Is setcnty-clght jenrs of age.
As Cnptaln Shaw l.o won tho devo
tion ot nil the men under him by his
solicitude for their welfare nnd his
kindliness. The following characteris
tic story Is told of him.
During a tire n fireman was so terri
bly Injured thnt, late though It was nt
night, an Immediate oiernt!on was
necessary. Ou recovering from tho
anaesthetic which had been adminis
tered the patient's flrSt words were:
'Has the governor been to Inquire
for me j -t V
The hospital oiliclals gently hinted
that as It was nearly midnight proba
bly Captain Shaw would nut lie able
to come. Hut the fireman knew "tho
governor" Is-tter than that.
A few minutes later Captain Shaw
came In full evening dress. Injured
and In agony tlmucli be was. the fire
man si niggled to salute his lielovod
It tran-plrod later that Captain
Shaw bad hurried nway from n society
function to comfort this suffering unit
of his force. Iindnn Clolsi.
Substitute For the Bell.
It will not Is- mau.v years," says n
clergyman of the city, "before bells for
church ue will l.e nlinft unknown.
Even now, when a ihiirch d sires
something to nnswer the purpose of
the liell, the trustees do not buy b 'Is,
but tuls'S, some made of bell m li.
others of n composite of several I -t-nls.
1 he metal ttils's nre bung In'
pies and struck with a hammer. 1 y
give a clear, full note. Just like n I I,
only more resonant. They never c k
with cold or beat and, what Is n 111
greater recommendation, never get it
of tone. There Is n chime In the city
with one or two hells so horribly out of
tune that they set ieople's teeth on
edge. Such illsiurd In n ihline of
metal tubes would Ik; unknown, and,
s-sldes. the tone Is so much more
ngieenble than that nf tho ls-11 that any
one who ever hears the two cannot
fall to prefer the tills' It sounds like
a great organ pipe, so that when one
of these chimes Is played the Impres
sion Is that of n huge organ far up In
the sky." New York Times.
8 me fientiblo Advice In Regard to
Collars and Their Use.
Tho r1nt.ely puM.-.,, Ill nttlnff, ioft
ollitr melds mtirtiinu nntl nhnrteiis
the life for the hn-se
Vciirs ium I i-:i( up the hnt, sticky
jint1.M an Jnl,ilii;i'iil fanner, "anl
ha.e INetl only the !-m llttlnc. hurt,
leather ruHnr, MMi w omleuv
oreil t' Ki-'p i-lenn 'Ihi- elenu collar,
ttlth a pM. wiishltiix f the -houltlcis
noon ntul nlchts. h.-is cem Tilly sulliettl
tn kc'p them fir. finiii Min-ne-- Still,
dtirltii tins fteivliiiit nw. itf Mm t-lf1hi7
cultivator In our cnmlieMs the necks
sometimes ct-t sore. cmiM'il by the
weight nml the inmlnc nf the collar
across the akin at em it Mep of tin?
horse. e are all Inclined to ue col
lars too hirce for the hnrse. Much
pains shonM te tnken In the "iM fit
tins of the collar, ami If It Is thorough
ly Honked nnl plnretl on the hore
while still wet It will nually shajH' It
self to the htumliM Another thins,
we try to nvoM a !. low draft '1 he
way doiihle l;iriK"eK nie usually mnde
all the wclixht come un the hordes'
iie-Us. and theie is a constant tend
ency to lower the iltaft eeii until It
comes nearly to "the point of the shoiil
der. This diontd It owrcoine as far
ns possible. 'Hi,, draft should lc hlli
onoiiph to insme an een heaiins the
entire length of the Mioutder, and nel
ther should the .'lull I- buckled tight
enough to entire ;uiy draft on the top
of thu neck. In fact, a glith Is miner
e--ssary and Heed neer lo iis-il except
whc.e the traci-s are attached to the
load nlmwt a light anzle to tln horse's
shoulders. Htcel collais are In use near
w, and I am going to try a pair this
spring. .1 think the principle Is right,
and they strike me as helug ery eon
Tney Are Useful to Owners of Small
Plots of Lands.
The sketch win made ftnin a Ited
Astrakhan tiee set two jears before
This was only one of n bundled siml
lnr trees of the vntne wirict planted
by Ieorge T. Tow. II of Columbia coun
ty, N. Y., who has taken up the culture
of dwatf apples T!iee Ami.iMi.iii.h
Were prop.ii; ited on l'.it adUc Mh ks,
which make tires that if pinned prop
erly never grow more than elht to ten
feet hlyh. They can be planted ten
feet apart uh way ami when a few
jeara old will U-ara biisbel to n barrel
The owner of a Miinll lot who wlhes
to hae set. mm) nrlellcs of fiuit nnd
will kq the triLs s I itillure will
And both pleasure and protit lu dwarfs.
Ill a ioiuiuci-' tal way the apples on
raraill-e Mocks have not Ih-cii mown
extensively elloUKh to lest them. It Is
Kellerally c..ll.l,l,-n.l they iiipilio
too much care to Is' pmiitahlc when
grown on n hirire scale. Some leadlmt
fruit mowers IsOleve, bovvevur. that
the I loin In stisk has m eat commercial
IKisfilhllltles. It makes trees eighteen to
twenty feet blch. They can be set fiom
n rod to twenty fis-t npatt eaih way
nnd can ls kIvcii the l-st of attention
owlllK to their moderate size.
Netting Troubled Waters.
An iuloresllnj; attempt to diminish
tho forces of waves h.i. been tiled re
cently nt II.1VIU. The Invenlor Is It iron
d'Alessandrii, uu Indian, resldlni; lu
I'arls. Tim apparatus consMs of n
network of watsrpioofcd hemp lti) feet
Ioiib by 50 brotd anchored on the sur
faco of tho vvatrr. It ll Ulcus out heavy
waves and prevjnts them from lueak
Ins, after the manner of oil spread
upon tho se.i.
Fairy Spelling.
Tvo rwnrd nl-ut fairy apvll.
Oh, that's tl.o kind fur me!
1 cannot learn tin- ccusnun way.
I spll dlsBrarcfully.
I'd like to meet n fairy child
IlcsMg a iiMiile wi ll.
I'd t- n fairy sjuiilns liok.
Then 1 cniiM leam lo siell.
Atblo 1'nrwill llrimn in Century.
On the Country Picnic.
Bho hung her heud.
"neally, Mr. Jlannerlug," sho stam
mered, "tbls-er-ls so-to sudden."
"For Koodnoss' sake," crhsl Manner
lng, "atop Mushing so Hero comes a
bull." Now York 1'reai.
On th Stand.
Attoraer For the Dtfraee (to wit
ncss) Yon say that on tha night of the
attempted murder the moon shou so
brightly that yon ccild plainly aea tha
burglars In the room. Was yoor boa
band awafc at the tlmal
Witness I don't know.
Attorney Was hla fac tnrnad ta
vrard you or not?
Witness I don't know.
Attorney What! Ton don't know
whether hla faco waa tnraad to too or
toward the wallT
Witness N'o.
Attorney Your honor and gentlamen
of the Jury, you hear what this witness
says. 8be ha declared tha prisoner
to bo the burglar who war In th
room and yet she 1 unable to atata la
what position her husband was lying tn
bed. Well (to th witness) bow 1 It
you don't know?
Wltncss-I could not see.
Attorney-Ha, ha! Just what I
thought. You could not see. sf You were
so positive In your recognition of the
accused anJ yet could not see which
way your husband's face waa turned.
Hxplaln that If you can.
u Ituess Certainly, sir. My husband
Is so bald that In a dim light I am un
able to distinguish hi face from the
back of his head. Harpera Weekly.
GaMball Critic
Tlugfftnu What has become of Fan-
nlnc? ..
Muggins Oh, be'a laid up, a victim
of baseball.
Hugglns t didn't know he ever
played the game.
Muggins He doesn't, tie sprained
ils larynx telling the umpire how
things ought to be done. Chicago
Just Hr Luek.
Dora Did you ever oea a man you
really thought worth marrying?
Cora Lots of them, but some other
girl bad alwuyB seen them first They
were all married. Philadelphia Press.
Willing to Obllg.
"Could I paint your old cow?" Ten
turod tho city artist.
"Hartlnly, stranger," laughed the old
farmer as he mopped his brow with a
handkerchief. "Paint her green and
she will look so much like the grate
the tramps can't see her and milk her
on the sly." Pittsburg Post
8om f Ech.
"Somebody told him that ho mustn't
drink Ice water during the hot weath
er, and somebody else told him that ho
must let alcoholic beverages alone.
You know how very obstinate he Is."
"Well, he mixes the two." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Heavy Roll.
Heggy Bapp I can feel that I am
surrounded by thought wave from
my own head.
Miss Tabasco Thought waves! Gra
cious! Now I know why you look so
pale you arc seasick. Ilouston Post
Her Lsst Chsnce, Maybe.
"That leap jear wcddlug was a very
Interesting affair, I heur. Who gave
tho bridegroom nwnyi"
"I tbluk aliout eveiytsxly who knew
him, but the bride took blm all th
same." Ilaltlmore American.
Danger In It.
"Did you see where a iu.i i found
sight through an attack of hysterics?"
"For heaveu's sake, don't mention
that before my wife, tor she wonts
another 'Merry Widow-,' and I can't
see It." Baltimore American.
"What wo want Is to keep striving
for greater, higher things," said th
"Well," answered the architect,
"nrent vc? took at our skyscrapers."
Washington Star.
Sharpen Wit
Mrs. Sklmpcr I have the wittiest lot
of hoarders you over saw,
Mrs. Hsshcr I don't doubt It. There
Is nothing like hunger for sharpening
thu wits, you know. Detroit Tribune.
When I Get Into Bed.
I'm never frightened In the diuk.
Though I am very small;
1 never alt all soarod and hark
For cares In the tuUl.
llut when my pravers are Mid
1 havo one awful dread
That something xtalta to grab my tOM
When I get Into bed!
1 try to think of pleasant things
Eaoh time I get undressed
And how each day na evil bring
If ohlldren do their best,
llut the thought comes tn my bead
As I'm turning down tha spread
That something's going to grab my toe
When I climb Into bedt
And when there's nothing more to do.
With bedclothes open wide.
It makes me shiver through an4
A-tryliiK lo decide
Which fvot shall go ahead.
'Cause I'm sure I'd tumble dead
If something ever grabbed my toe
As I got Into bed)
lluigt-a Johnson In Harper Magaaln.
A Phantsay.
rhyllls stood like a sweet naiad
Iiovvn by the stream on verdant od.
Holding a slender bamboo rod.
Her shriek then rent the ambient air.
A cattish big had left lu Ulr
To chaao tho rat tucked In bar hair.
Harper's Weekly.
Something Unusual.
Hewitt I hear that your motber-ln-law
Is dead.
Jewett-Yes, abe Is, but how did you
como to speak of It? It Isn't like you
to say anything pleasant-Brooklyn
Versatile Cupid.
BaW Cupid! "By Jlngl
1 have been everything
From Nlmroit down to an aatrologtat.
Now. fellows and mlsaef.
Flnco thtre'a serine In all kteaea,
I'll hang out my ehtngle 'Bacteriolo
gist.' "
Detroit Tribune.
Kick and Cuff.
" ,j Ret a good many kick from
dissatisfied patrons, don't joaV
"Yes," replied the facetious laundry
man, "but va get more cuffs." Kan
sas City Times.
A Dallad ef the Stag.
An agile young lady named Bally
Onco there lived when a child in out
Bo lively she'd prance
That they taught her to dance.
And now she' th star of th bally.
Daltlmor amerviaa.
A Mere Flour ef Speech.
"I owe you everything-." aald tha
grateful duke,
"Yes," answered th American stri,
"but you can't max your prtrtooa
creditor see It that wy." Washing
ton Star.
Oliver Chilled Plows
Ovei' lbs. of Plows and.Repairs received in l-'cbr my, i.js
We also have No. 57, a size smaller.
Th Wfl eil.ll.. I-1 . . T 111
'tt?. Bem' Nearly 2,uno sold In Wayne couuty. The Inllnwins nuli-ABenti keep
fin o NSw,.4a(1 ""I"'1' on hnd 1 J- f" Tttfany, I'leaieint Mount ; P. A. TiHsny. I'ovn
: ii l!Sw' " "epair on nana i J. k. TttTany, Pleasant Mount ; r. A. TiHany. I'ovn
K!iL?: Wood msms-e, Laks Como; II X. Failey. Kuulniink : A.J. Abrahams, tlilllee
JTank C. Brown, Hoadlevs: O. W. Shaffer, Georgetown; Hot tree. Sterling! "'. P.
Keiiam, Lodgedale; K u. Ilames, Ureentown.and Watts'a llones.lalennd llawley Stores
Honesdale and nisflURBI
Hawley Stores UnfinHIYI
Sasli, Doors and Blinds, Front Sash Doors, Sewer Pipe, nml
Builders' Hardware or Every Description.
Agricultural Implements :
Harrows, Cultivator!), Lawn Mowers,
Gravol and Tarred Hoofing, Barb Wire, Wown Fence Witt-,
Poultry Netting, and Lime and Cement.
Eallmate given on ihort notice for not Air anil Steam Heat.
Bicycles aaa-cL Sn n dries.
Id ggpx'i junk ;i. :..
Bandar ooty,
10 HX UK
r. m. r. a a.m.
S 40 SI
ts w r
ra ii m
( i: ii
s a m
M til
s n tt
Uli 111 00
ts W HI
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It 41 10 11
U M lu IS
ntlly,eicept Sunday, t
if e M S3
..m iLeave
a au i u
9 4U1 ..V'artlODIl.ili'
ti w f s no. m au
. uticoln Ave..
.. ,.w liliet. ...
....Farview,. .,
... .Can t.i n
..hake I-odore..
... Wajtnart. .
... Hrompton...
....PortenU.. .
... Meelvvllle. .
re u t M ra
ii si r s tot rj ii
ti h i t b
re t
v u
7 04 t S4
7 01 t It
ft 13 t I 41
n e
17 lfl r 1 44
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n av
II M I I III l t
17 7,t 115 15
7 31
sou ll VI Uonesdale...
ii. t t.M.IArrlTp
r ladlceie nag atauoos.
C H. sins, sd Vice President.
A. A. Ueard, Oeneral PaWDk'er Agent, Aloanr, N. Y
Jg is the most
practical, neipiui,
useful, entertaining,
national illustrated
Pat-mot- weekly in the
ipllllCl United States.
Send your name for free sample copy.
New-York Tribune Farmer,
Tribune Building, N. Y.
Established In 1844.
Book and Job Work Promptly
Sicceasre tt E. D. Bainm
General Insurance Agents
iiriumtva tu rctxowma ceausiii;
ot Hartford.
of Germany,
of Niwarlt, N. j.
ot New York.
of Philadelphia
ot England.
of England.
ot Knxland.
nf Milwaukee
ot Sprlnadeld. Man.
ot Hartford.
ot fhtladolphla.
Cough Syrap
tUUarat Cold by votklng tham out
et tha qnUra through a ooploua and
bealthy actloa o the bovals.
Relleret eoughi by daanslrrg tha
tnucous mambrsne ot tha throat, chut
sad bronchial tubes.
MAa (Jaunt to tU tatta
Children Like It
Mttt UiM h4 mtH m-tm ai Utt
Sold by PEIL, The Druggist.
ManufaotaraT ot
Monumental Work
Honesdale Pa.
lafla-mmatory flheamatiam Cnrea In
Three Dats.
aMortonUUlil.of LeDAnon, iiaa., writ "Mr
Em IbBauamavlOfT HheuioAUavm Id every nmwle and
lout : ter lunennf wu urrlDle vxl txr bodr ftad
te were iwolleu &lmol beyond raoowiJUoo ; tu4
beea ta bad for U wmhj uu tii4 elfLi uhrslclavu,
boi reovirrU lo be&eat u&Ul tho trim uie Mr iuo
Cure (or KbeumAllKm. 1 1 rave !mmMlvte relief vnd
taa vu kbit 10 wtUk about id lime (Uji. 1 am sure
i aaM Dcr ui. voia vt vdiliwmi, unuqnar.
flir-"i aoA VaMUfW uJ Uh
.lisai una
.,... . . . .... - r. ' , 1 .. 1
ISIHTTO lionesdalcand
WH I I 0. Hawlcy Stores
Horse liakes, Mowing Machines, Iron
West llotinl Trains.
Pally, rxrrpt ull.l v) .
5l itf" KV
Mind.i tint).
M ini TitT
r m r m. r. m
li IT s si
It Hi 8 17
11 ihi a 1.1
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II .11 7 41
11 I 7 XI
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II 12
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A, M. I r. M. I'. M
...Arrive a.s. r.M. r.M. r.M
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t; m tu i.
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17 09 nj ul ti 4S
n if. n si ti it
it ni :s v.
to et nt - ti si
s b.m u i ti an
Iave a,m,
r.M. r.M.
J. W. lllTHIIUtK. HuvniTr Trunin 1. tinker
Both of
these papers
one year
for only
if you
Ulve below a lilt ol Dcaten In
Honesdale and Vicinity
ho hanille
FerbiT Drnlbera
A Eherhardt
W U Holm.
J Oaoar Ti'trel
John Bangcrl
II Bishop
Theodore O Urunli;
Mra. F Kroll
Qeorce Ii Kitnhle
J II stHgnt-r
II Keilly
J V Sbarpstefn &
A A U ram ha
Menuer & Co
Kstz Brothers
Clark & Bullock
Mrs N C t'olt
Henry Kreund
W I. Gurnard
Antonio Barhlerl
W L Hermsu
Jacob A Miller
U Bmlili k Sou
ratriL-k Weir
M It HarrHl
W II llisnit
M Corcoran
Prank Fomrr
Mrs T Msnsan
C II Woodwind
KJ Hlchardon
Jami'i l Amrs
Maiy A WutiTKon
F FSwinelo
John Curran
F L TuttlH &. Co
Welsh & Alum,
E L Srhlaiter
Ocorpo Awpo
Henry F Bra
L II IViltz
White Mill
Samuel Hntiudeis
KJwuid T Kelley
Margaret blayin
If we should allempt to give a list of
those who
USE 10?
it would take a dozen newspaper
One of Ihu ln(t IfbliiuonluU or the ex-ct-llnit
iiiHlt1y of
Clark & Snover Tobacco
1 the fad that thonu who imw iimii II
tirtnl thirty yearn ago, and uotnnoof
iHin wo ni ( chew or smoko any othtr
brand if it weioKtVnii to them.
I i to 1! Ailnmx Ave., Hi:ltANT(IN, I'A
'Oh, That Corn!"
How ohm can tuffer with ruch a
coru I To look at. il'n almost nothing,
hut Ihn hurt that whtrw (orni
count, Now thn lonKniiffi-nnK thorn
who Iihvh faithfully tuwl loti of corn
i-urea without effect, may itution
our ttalcDietit, hut, navcilhehtai, wo
make It, aud it' (run. Wo have a
corn cute that will lake out your
corns roots aud all. If used according
to directions it will leave no norc nt-nr.
We warrant It your money bark il
you are not ml tied. Call for
0. T. CHAMBERS. Pharmacist
Opp. l. 11. MAI ION,
pay less and drcts bell
habit of buying our too per cept. pure
wool, strictly fast color floods.
You will find our clothes very differ
ent from the ordinary ready-to-wear
garments you meet at every turn.
Latest Stvles and Perfect Fit.
Prices Reasonable at
1107 Main St, Honesdale, Fa,
Wear Uu-Towp-Biidge.