The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 23, 1908, Image 3

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Terms: 81.50 per year In advance
Entered at IhaHoneadale, Pt-.Tost Offlc
second cum mail nuur,
Horse and wuon lor sale, by Ibe Gnujd
union Tea lo., uontaaaie.
Kor Hals A second band phaeton, in pood
condition. Inquire ot No. 307 Fitletnui
aUI!. H0Ufa,ie.
Pii.l KENT tilt BALE A 9 room house,
corner ol Wt and Tturtw-ntta street. Ap-
plr ot II. r- or C U Uaaselt, lionewue.
For rent, a modern bouae locatrtl on East
Extension atrt-rt. Enquire of Kiriiix
Hhai.i. IMI Main atreet, Uontwdale. 7tt
A fine assortment of Seres-n Doora and
Window Pcrrs-na ai u. nattas. .11
Ural (trade of Portland Oment and Sewer
OurHilver CYrami la the lieat on the market
and will mane your aiive r auine. 1 wu
C I'te.c
Cut la and Prosed glass, odd piei-a and
eronda, a new lot. iwii
At Piteksdc's.
WALL I'AI'KIt, Imrdem and artls tlo d
orations. In cml variety, and of the later!
patterns. I'lilMing and iarer banirinir In
the ll atjle. JUlIN MKRHV. VtS It-
Heoond hand furniture for aslp, sbi-np, at
oli iiw sueel. A iso rnoioe piama, lerna,
fir- for sale. lirap, at 3U7 l&lh street.
For Bale t.lulll In treat varletr of pit
tenia, with laney work of vanoua atylea.
Mra. I. N. Forman, 157 Cottage atrert,
Personal and Impersonal.
Header of The Cmzcs, does your
copy have a penny stamp attached I If
so. It denotes that you are in arrears
(or a year or more. Kindly remit bal
ance due, and then the poets! laws will
permit ua to omit tbo stamp.
The various Grand Army Posts of
Pennsylvania, at tbo next session of
tbo legislature, will introduce a bill
looking to th isioning of Pennsyl
vania veteran, .be civil war.
According to tbo law of Pennsyl
vania, it is tbo duty of tbe various su
pervisors to erect guide boards at tbe
intersection of public roads for tbe
guidance of travelers. A day's ride
through Wayne county will readily
convince a traveler that the law is ha
bitually violated.
By order of the Third Assistant
Postmaster General, postmasters and
employes are forbidden:
Addressing registered letters or par
cels. Placing contents in envelopes or
Seating, envelopes or wrappers.
Affixing stamps to envelopes or wrap
Writing on envelopes or wrappers
the name of tbe sender.
The Seven County Veteran Associa
tion will bold its annual re-union, tbia
year, at Luna Park, on Wednesday,
Aug. 19th. Tbe Bcven County Associa
tion includes Wayne, Lackawanna,
Smquehanno, Wyoming, Bradford and
Luzerne, and Broome co'jnty, N. Y.
Tbo Free Methodists of this section
will bold their annual camp meeting, at
Thompson, Susquehanna county, on
the Carbondalo Branch ot the Erie,
from Aug. 12th to tbe 1'Jth, inclusive.
It will bo in charge ot tbo District El
der, Itev. George Elkios, of Windsor,
N. Y., to whom all correspondence
concerning tents should bo. addressed.
For board apply to Mrs. Krankio Jet
fora, Bopbottom, Pa. Clinton W.
Howard, of Rochester, N. V., and Col.
W. Bain, of Kentucky, will bi among
the speakers. No gate fee.
The National Elevator Works and
liacbino Shop will resume operations
next Monday, giving employment to
tbe full force, and working nmo hours
per day and five days per week.
The summer boarding houses and
hotels id and near Licka waxen are now
Oiled with city people.
Tbo cottages at Lake Ariel, number
ing somo thirty, and mainly owned by
residents ot Scranton, are now nearly
all occupied.
Tbe Ladies' Improvement Associa
tion ot Texas No. i aro to bavo a picnic
in Bellevuo Park, on Uiturday after
noon and evening.
Tbe real estate of the lata Elizabeth
Stegner, on Spring stroot, comprising a
lot 50 by 125 foot, and a dwelling, was
sold at orphans' court sale, Ust Satur
day, to George Stegner. Consideration,
The Cottage and Cliff streets Im
provement Association cleared some
$5ij by their shore dinner at Bunnell's
pond, lost Friday evening.
A class of thirty -eight young people
received thoir first communion in St.
John's B. C, church, last Sunday morn
ing. In the game ot buo ball, in Athlet
ic Park, last Siturday, tho contestants
being lloncadalo v. Scrantoo, tho homo
toun wero victorious by a score ot 7 to
Mrs. Annie K. Pentecost, of Forest
City, bos purchased a lot, SO by l.'.i) feet,
of the llcnry C. Ames estate, of Way-
mart, located on Kiat street, south ot
the UoncsdaloShoo Co., with a view ot
erecting a dwelling on same.
Tbe Wayno County Sivinga Bank
declared its first dividend, a semi
annual one of Ore percent., July 1,
1S7X It first opened its doors Nov. 1,
Krfcr.t yoiii o( Mr. nnd Mra.
Jacob 'u r ji.ii. 1auncr Kails,
while plum.. ir . - small pond,
nearthe acid factory, uly nth, fell
over the cai'jiuWinint into tbo water.
and was drowned. Tbe body was re
covered by bit mother, soon after he
tell in, and efforts were made to restore
him, but without avail. Coroner Searloa
hbld on inquest, a vordict ot accidental
drowning being rondered.
Grace Episcopal Sunday school will
hold a picnic at Cole's Grove, Friday
afternoon, July 21tb, leaving for Hjely
vilio on tbe 12:20 train, returning at
7:30. Complete arrangements have
been made for refreshments, games,
sports and a goo J time generally. It is
hoped that this picnic will be largely
attended by tbe people ot the parish, as
a moans of showing thoir interest in tbe
Sunday school.
Bean. an & Irwin, tbo contractors
for tbe new Btalo rnad in Dy berry, be
ginning at tbe end of tbe Texas line.
short distance above tbe big elm tree,
commenced work on same last Tues
day morning, with a force of Italians,
under the supcrinUndrncy of 11 B.
JJrcnnaman, of East iloneadale.
We are indebted to Cbarlea S.'Pcn
warden, of Brooklyn, N. V., who with
his wife and child havo been paying an
extended visit to Mrs. Penwardcn's pa
rents, Ur. and Mrs. Corydon L. Whit
ney, ot 11th street, for a copy ot IheBj
laws ot tbe Wayne County Pennsylva
nia Society of New York city, and a list
of its officers and members. The officers
for tbe present year are Charles W,
Hand, president; William F. Dorflinger,
Ur. Peter J. Gibboos and W, M or. roe
Weiss, first, second and third vice presi
dents; Charles 8. 1'enwarden, secretary;
John li. Strongman, treasurer and O.
B. Uadsell, historian. Cbarles A
Hand. Charles 8. Penwarden, Joseph
Socman, Edwin P. Kilroe and William
W. Starbuck constitute tbe board of
directors. Tbe dinner committee to
make arrangements for the next annual
banquet, which will be given some time
in February, are William F. Oorflineer,
chairman; Benjamin D. Jenkins, Frank
McAvoy, Joseph Seeman and W alter
It. Burrows. Tbe qualifications for
membership in the society arc thus
stated: "Any white man of good moral
character and standiog in society, who
is a native of Wayno county, Pennsyl
vania, a son of a native ot W ay ne coun
ty, Pa., Or who has resided in Wayne
county. Pa , for a period of one year,
and who resides at present in the city of
New York or vicinity, cr has u perma
ncnt place of business in said city, shall
be eligible to active membership. "Any
gentleman whom the society may judge
worthy of an honorary membership.
but who, because of ineligibility, can
not became an active member, rr.ay, by
voto of the Society be elected an hoi.-
orary member." Honoriry members
have no voice or vote in the manage,
ment of the tkociety The organization
at present comprises sixty three active
members. Mr. Penaardcn's New York
address is II Nnaaiu street.
Wm. F Brown, whose alleged con
nrction with the death of Miss Helen
Brock was mentioned last week, ha
been releorei from tbo Laekawnnon
county jiil. where be had been confined
for over a week. Judge Carpenter hav
ing reduced tho required bail from
to tStiO. F. C. Stevenson, of Uawley be
came tbe young man's bondman. As
SHi'iot District Attorney T. A. Donahue
accepted the bond on behalf of the Com
mnnwcaltb. Alter being admitted to
bail Brown left at once for tbe home o
his sister in Carbondale.
Pennsylvania now owns 77:' II'.'
acres of forestry land for State reserva
tion purposes, and is at present negotiat
ing for 125 IKA) acres more. The land is
located in twenty-firo counties, 2 n3
acres having just been secured in Lick
awannn. This county has hundreds of
acres which have been stripped of tbe
timber, which tbo State should poees,
and which could doubtless bo purchased
at a low rate. As soon as tho forestry
commission obtains a title trees arc
planted and protected trom vandalism
Tbe Improvement Societies of Etsi
lloncadalo and Texas No. 1 arc at the
bead of a movement looking to tbe light.
ing ot the stroets of these prosperous
suburbs of Mjnesdalp, by electricity.
when tbe new electric plant ot our bor
ough is in operation, which will be in a
short time.
There are a good miny careless
letter writers in this country. Accord
ing to tbo official reporti l.l.ddO ikhi
writers had their letters returned ti
tho dead letter offlco, in l:'7, owing to
their imperfect direction.
There is great activity being mani
tested in the management of all ut tbe
railroads of the country. During the
past six weeks Oj'i.UUO ties havo been
placed on lbs miin line tracks of
tbo Erie, in addition to 5,0"" freight
cars and 2M locomotivoa which were re
paired and made ready for use during
the month of June.
-Up to July 1st. ).wi automobile
licenses were issued by tbe State high
way department of Pennsylvania bc-
ng 4,072 more than for tbo correspond
ing period of 11KI7
English is spoken by 13o,3nu,ooi
people; French by 62,l(o.dHi; German,
81,2011,00.1; Italian, 31.ooO. WO; Spanish,
46.500,000; Portuguese, l.'.oon iwn. and
Russian, bj.000,000
Tho Keystone, Maple City, and the
Gibbs Jut Glass companies, of llawley.
have all resumed manufacturing with a
full force of men and time, barring tbe
Saturday bait holiday. Tbis gives em
ployment to about 150 persons.
The case of A. D. Wales, attorney-
at-law, of Biogbamton, N. Y., against
former president Jobn Mitchell, of tbo
Urited Mine Workers of America, for a
claim of t200,ooo for furnishing the plan
wbich formed tbo basis ot settlement for
the anthracite strike of 1892, is to go to
trial in tbo fall. Somo time sinco it was
reported that tbe suit had been aban.
doned, but a dispatch from Binghamton
states that such is not the case. Should
this famous liwsuit come to a focus its
progress will bo watched with keen in
terest, not only by tbe groat body of
mine workers, but by the public gener
ally. Mr. Wales is a talented and ag
gressivo lawyer, 000 likely to bavo a
sensible idea of bis rights and abundant
courage to maintain them. On tho other
band, Mr. Mitchell, who has a world
wido reputation for honesty nnd truth
fulness, denies tbo claim, alleging that
Mr. Wales's plan was only one among
hundreds of suggestions made to him as
to tho btjet method for the settlement of
the Anthracite strike. President Itoose-
velt, Senator Chaunccy M. Dpew, and
other distinguished witnesses are ex
peeled to figure in tbo trial.
It is unofficially announced that in
connection with the suiiscnp' ions to tho
(13.3rj oi of Delaware & Hudson I per
cent, bonds the general run of subscrib
ers received allotments of lo per cent,
ot tbe amount asked for, and that the
investment bids were given a larger
percentage, wbilosomeot the insurance
companies and similar institutions wero
allotted nearly tbo full amount ot their
Tbo Clinton Cut Glass Co , atAlden
villo, is doing a good business. Tboy
have a large number of orders to fill,
and will sooi increase their number of
Burton L. Holberl, proprietor ot the
1 toady Pay Store, hai nddod to his ro
cently equipped retail meal market,
one of tbe American dicing machines.
This new machine, wheu attached to
power, will cut COO slices ot meat a min
uto. This is Ibe only machine of its
kind in this vicinity and is so accurate
that it will cut dried beef, bacon, bolog
na, etc., from tho thinnest shaving, up
to any thickness duxired, by a simple
"Tbo Pasco Power and Water Com'
pany is tbe title ot a corporation organ
ized in tho State of Washington tor the
purpose ot reclaiming by irrigation 13,-
000 acres of rich volcanic ash laod, lying
at the janction ot the Saakoand Colam
bia rivers, which is at prooent worthless
for agricultural purposes through lack
of water. The work is nearly finished,
tbe company being now engaged in
building tbe greatest power pumping
plaut in tbo Pacific North West. It will
be operated by tbe immense force ob
tainable at Snake river Five Mile IUpids,
above the town of Pasco. The lateral
system is completed, tho main canals
being dug through the richest soil io the
State of Washington. Tbo prospective
profits of tbe corporation are lo come
from tbe sale of tracts ot tbe land witb
guarantee of perpetual water power at
the present price ot $150 per acre, witb
tbe moral certainty, based upon practi
cal experience in other districts of tbe
tate, that within three years from the
first cultivation after irrigation Ibey
will be worth three times that figure. In
countless instances, it is affirmed, five
years after Washington lands have been
reclaimed from tbe sago bush, tbe vine
yards and orchards planted on them
have yielded revenues ot from (3O0 to
1700 per acre per year. The circular of
the Company names tbo following in
ducements to possible buyers: "Finan
cial independence; cheerful surround
ings : mildest winter climate; unequalled
transportation and markets; no killing
froste;largest return from land; certain
ty of great profits in two years." We
ha vegiven this enterprise a more extend-
d notice than we should otherwise from
ina fact that William J. Grambs, of
Seattle, Secretary and Trustee of tbe
Company, is a former Ilonosdato boy
:i son of tbe late Hon. Lorenzo Grambs.
tVc aro glad to eoe him thus favorably
mentioned in tbe neat booklet of tbe
corporation: "W. J. Grambs, trustee of
tbe Company, is a successful business
man of Seattle, manager of tbe lighting
ind power department of the Seattle
Electric Company, and la widely known
in Sattle aa n conservative and careful
business man."
Last Friday, Joe Domo, an Italian,
aa arrested on n warrant issued by
Justice II. A Smith, on a complaint by
George W. Dcrshimcr.of South Canaan,
'.hurging that bo "did cruelly beat and
torture a bay mare, and did over drive
'lid marc, and did beat said mare on
tho bead with a stone, after havine
Inven said mare until sbo was too ex
hausted to travel any farther; said
mare being tbo property of deponent."
Donio being unable to speak Eoglisn,
Antonio Barbieri, tho fruit dealer, act
id us interpreter. Tbe account of the
affair given by him was that tbo mare
won driven by- Warren Shaffer, and
tbut by Shaffer's direction, Djmo, sup
posing it tbe proper thing to do. freely
ujcdagood sized maple whip to inter
tMt the onimil in making hotter time;
but Ihat tbe (.toning of tbe mare wax
done by Shaffer. In view of DomoV
ipp irent ignorance in the premises, he
Mai discharged on payment ot flue and
ijttrt I1C Iti, with a warning as to bis fu
lure conduct iu such cases. Tbe particn
Iron- to Bstbaay, and there Shaffer watt
arrested, on complaint by District At
iornr-y Uarmcs, and after a hoaring be
fore JusticoCbas. Avery was committed
to the county jail, whero ho still re
mum. B.ith parties had boon unduly
in 1 iiu rite witb Jobn Barleycorn, who
4ccms to have incited them to their
breach of tbe law.
List Thursday, Charles W. Dodge,
of Damascus, was pursuant to an order
ot court taken to the Stato Hospital for
tbo Insane by Sheriff lioadknight.
Pennsylvania produces muro coal
than any other single Stato or country
tho world, except Groat Britain,
hnving in 19"7 exceeded tor the first
time tbe production of Usrmany.
Pennsylvania's production of coal ex
ceeds, in fact, the combined production
of all foreign countries except Great
Britain and Germany.
The last 5 o'clock service will be
held in the Presbyterian church next
Sunday afternoon. Alter thnt the
church will be closod until the fourth
Sunday in August when Kev. Klwin
1. Stearnes, ot Ambler, I'd , will preach
morning and evening. Mr. Stearuos
rni'-o a line impression when hero last
summer. Tbo church will bo closed tbe
Inst Sunday in August and opened for
regol ir services, Sunday, Sept. Cth.
The 55th annual paraae and inepec
tiou of ibd Lloncadalo Firo Department
will take placo on Thursday morning.
Aug 27th, upon which occasion tbey
will have as guests Alert Hook and
Ladder Co., of East Uoneedaleand Tex
as No. 4 Chemical Co. Tho Uonesdalc
band and Maple City Drum Corps will
f urmsb music for the parade, and Son
m-r'i) orchestra for tbe picnic and dance
in IHIevue Park during tbo afternoon
and evening. Don't turn th.i firemen
down when asked to purchase a ticket.
Thcro will be a fair and supper at
Tyler Hill, on Wednesday afternoon
and evening, Aug. 12th, for the benefit
ot the chapel fund. Icu cream and cake
nerved at all hoi rs. Fancy articles,
dulls, aprona, plants and home-made
candy for sale. Supper, 25 cents, first
Ublo at 5 P. M. Tbo Tyler Hill band
will bo in attendance.
During tbo post year there have
been completed in Uonesdale, or are
now in process of erection, a handsome
opera bouse, largo electric light plant,
commodious three etory cut gloss fac
tnry, up to date school bouse, a two
story coccreto paper box factory, and
eight dwellings. Whoeajs Iloncedale
is not udvanciogl
- The 1 'res ton Purkclub house is now
entertaining over thirty guests, and
m my moro aro anxiously waiting va
cincica, so that they can secure quar
Letters uncalled for in tbo Hones
dale post office:
Miss Mary Blanchard, Miss Elizabeth
nuiiy, A U fcastwood, Ibomas Gilro
Allen K. Martin, William B. Parker.
Tho German population is increas
ing at a yearly rate of ;ioo,im; the Eng
lish by :sio,ooo, and tbe American by
moro than 2,0",'o.
-Dorflinger it Sons started up their
extensive glass plant at White Mills on
Monday morning, witb coo furnace and
i full force of cutters. The other furnace
will bo in operation next Monday.
Tbo lClh annual reunion of tbe
Ilino family will be held at Orson,
Woyne county, Pa., on Saturday, Aug.
Clark Js. Co., tho glass cutters, aro
putting in a new dam a short distance
above their plant at Ulacdins.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Wayne County Medical Society con
vened in the Maple Avenue Hotel, Ariel,
on Thursday, July ICth. Alter dinner
the meeting was called to order, Dr. H.
B. Ely occupying the chair until Presi
dent Simons arrived. Members present
were Dra. K. W. Brady, O. a Ely, P. F.
Griffin, W. T. McCooviU, L. B. Nielsen,
G. T. Rodman, A. J. Simons, A. C.
Yoigt and a. O. White. Boutine busi
ness was transacted. Drs. E. O. Bang
and S. A. Bang, of South Canaan, were
elected to membership, and Dr. O. J.
Muller, of Hollisterville, proposed for
membership. Dr. B. W. Brady was
elected a delegate to attend the annual
convention ot the Medical Society ot
Pennsylvania, to be held BeptlUh to the
17th, inclusive, at Cambridge Bprings,
Pa., Drs. A. B. Stevens and F. W.
Powell to act as alternates. Dr. E. W.
Bums was re-elected district censor.
Dr. Hodman announced his early re
moval to Colorado, and io was unani
mously voted to furnish him witb a let
ter of recommendation and request for
bim tbe good will of the medical pro
fession of Colorado. Dr. B. W. Bradi'
then read a paper on "Local Applica-1
tions in Surgery." after which the meet'
ing adjourned to meet at Hawlcy, Oct.
15 th.
The gong for tbo Hie alarm is not
to bo removed from its present location,
tbe Durland, Thompson Shoe Co.'s fac
Tbe Waymart Knitting Mill has in
creased its working force in order to till
its numerous orders.
Uirdsall Brothers woolen mill at
Sselyville, is now running on full time
with a large number of employees.
-Texas townahip has received its
annual school appropriation from tbe
State, amounting to $3 G3V 37, in ad
dition to $300 for high school purposes.
The Ladies' Aid Society ot the Beth
any Presbyterian church will bold a
festival next Wednesday evening, July
2'Jlh, in tbe church.
Tbe condition of the water supplied
to Uonesdale has latterly excited much
unfavorable comment, with respect to
both quantity and quality particularly
tho latter. During the present week 11
has improved Bumewbat, though still
leaving much to be desired. Tbe most
mportaot point of contention is wheth
er this la a necessary evil, under exist-
ng circumstances, or one that may be
remedied by a suitable and practicable
change of conditions that are under tbe
control of tho management. Tbo fact Ui
to have suffered substantially the same
vila, in greater or lees degree, under
very administration of tbe water works
1 1 has been, in tbe main, a regularly re-
urnng midsummer difficulty, due in
10 small measure to low water, and the
un.mer has been apparently aggravated
y tbe unusually scant supply of rain, b
teprivatiou wbicb has been a source o
nuch inconvenience and anxictv it
nousands ot others aa well as the pat
jus of tbe borough water system.
Kdaon It. Kreitoer, of Scranton. paaaed
Sunday witb bla parents in Boneadale.
Mia Gertrude Toole, of Holyoke, Uaaa .
a Kueat at tbo borne of A. T. Searle. Fj.i.
Miaa Katbeiine Kraoiz, of Carbondale,
a paisingtbHtime with Iloneadale relativea.
-Mi" Kaiheriue Dellzer ia lo be tbe sunt
nl Heranlon relatives for tbe eomlng two
-Itev. A. L. Wbittaker will bold aerviee
1 While Milla on Sunday afternoon at 3
MiaaUraee A.Jadwinia entertalnine a
IjooI friend. Miaa Uabel Stark, of lloriia-
owii, N.J.
Uiaa Genevieve Cadden. of Scranton,
liaa been tbe gueal of Boneadale friends, for
aeveral daya.
Ur. and tin. Fred. Lolble, of Nortb
Miu atreet. Joyfully welcomed a aon Into
llifir nouaebold, laat week.
Mra.Ueorce Bunt, aon Jease.and daugh
ter Itulb. of Port Jervla, are gueata ot Mra.
r . . Bunnell, of BunneU'a lake.
Miaae Nellie and Kate Kelly, of Scran-
Ion. are tbe rueata of their ooualna. the
Miea Kelly, of West Park street.
Major Geo. U. Wbitnev baa sold bia
thoroughbred Kentucky borae to Dr. Otto
A ppley , of Damascus, lie la a beauty.
Mra. Martin T. Lyncn, of Towanda. ia
enjoying a vlait with her parents, Mr. and
a". Martin Cauueld, of West Park atreet.
lion, and Mrs. Geo. 8. l'urdy and Mra.
Otlr Avery left yesterday morning for At
lantic City, for four weeka of real and rec
Nathan E. Uauae, Chief Clerk of tbe
Auditor General'a offloe, Barrlaburg, la
paaaing bia vacation witb Wayne county
Miaa Margaret McGeltlgan, a trained
nurm of Scranton, but a native of Honea-
dale, ia being entertained by relativea in
our horoufib.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hand go to Martba'a
Vineyard, Maaa., tbia week, to be tbe gueata
of ibeir aon, Uenry S. Hand, of Brooklyn,
N. V., for a few daya.
-Ex-Sheriff Epcn H. Clark ia aufferine
from another stroke of paralyala, and la in
a dangeroua condition, witb but allgbt
hopea ot bia recovery.
Mr. and Mra. Edward O. Ward, ot New
ark, N. J., are again in Wayne county,
patting Ibeir annual vacation amid tbe
vt-enei ot Ibeir earlier yeara.
Ueo. ltobiuaon.of No. 2, will give a talk
in I lie M, K. tburcb, of Wbite Valley, on
Sunday afternoon, Aug. 01 b, Uiaaubject
will be, "For love'a aake."
Iter. Adam Murrman, a native of Seely
ville, but now paator of tbe Congregational
iburib. at Mlllbank, South Dakota, la tbe
KUKtt of bia father and brother, on Iligb
Married, at tbe M. E. paraonage, lian
ccik, N. Y., July II, I8U3, by tbe Rev, U. A.
Merchant, Miaa Mallnda V. Burcb, of Eaat
liburK, to Joaepb P. Dow, of l'reaton
Itev. J. B.Cody, paator of Ibe I'reaby.
leiian cburcb, of Betbauy, ia a couaiu of
welbkuown acout and plalntman. Col.
Wm. F. Cody, or belter known aa "Buffalo
Miaa Clara ILTorrey accompanied Ibe
wo little daughUira of Mr. and Mra. Augua-
iu 1-. inompaon, or Andover. Maaa.. lo
New York city, yealerday morning, on their
way borne.
Grant W. Tallman baa leased Ibe aeoond
atory of F. W. Clauaen'a dwelling, at tbe
corner of Main and 13tb atreeu, and witb bla
family will occupy tbe aame on or about
Aug. lat.
Mr. aud Mra. Wm. 11. Ileydtand daurb
ter, Miaa Adell, of Mont Clair, N J., wbo
were tbe gueata of A. T. Searle and family,
laat week, returnul borne ou Monday morn
-Hon. and Mra. V. C. Jadwin. were in
Gleuburn, Lack, county, the auinmer borne
of Orlando H. Jadwin, of Brooklyn, N. V.,
j my iaiu, aaaiauug ineiaiier in duly honor
Ing bla 721b birthday.
T. Lincoln Medland baa returned from
bia EuroK-an trip, and la now at bia borne
In Carbondale. He will apend Sunday next
with bia father, ei-Sberiff Thomas Medland,
01 liiu aireei, tins borough.
-Itobert Banford, of Soott
tbe principal of the Lake Como high school
for Ibe coming term, Wm. W. Mennenn!!.
vice priocJpal, with Miaa Sarah Storm In
marge 01 tbe primary department.
Mr. Jobn Ruppert, of Waymart, baa
gone to Bradford, Pa., where ahe expects to
make her borne for the future w.ih ber
daughter, Mrs. Nelaon Walker.
Mr. and Mr. Fred. M. Spencer and three
children, wbo were tbe gueata laat wek ot
Mr. and Mra. It. T. Whitney, returned to
their home In Scranton. on Sunday lal
George W. Decker baa purcbaaed tbe
real estate of D. U 1 lower, on IV.b atreet,
compritlng a two-story dwelling, with all
tbe modern improvementa, and a lot. U) by
200 feet. Poaawsaion given Aug. 1Mb. Con
sideration, private.
Married. In Bt. MaryMacdalena'a thurch.
Honeadale, July W 19u. by the Itev. Wui
Daael,Mlaa Julia Agnea fmlth to Albert
Klttner, both of White Mill. Tbe bride waa
attended by her flfler. and Ucorpe Item
linger waa Ibe beat man.
Hon. Geo. W. Klpp, of Towanda, tbe
preaent Congreaaman for tbia diiirlct,and
candidate for re-election, and Dallas J.
Sweet, alao of Towanda, were among the
Iloneadale viallora laat Friday nnd Satur
day. Mr. klpp la a former prominent buai
neaa man of South Canaan, and an ex-Cotn-
miaaioner of Wayne county. Mr. Sweet
aerved during tbe civil war aa a Corjioral
and Serctant of Co. C, lllt Penn'a Vol
unteera. from Aug. 19, 1U, to Aug. -S, i-a,
aud will doubtleaa be remembered by Ibe
aurvlrora of Co. G, atlll realdenta cf Wayne
Married, In Prompton, July 6, lKJe, by
tbe Itev. George Lees, paator of the I'reaby
terian cburcb. Miaa Mildred n. Tyler, ot
Foreit City, to Clarence S. Del'ry, of Wash
ington, D. C. Tbe bride la Ibe daughter of
Mr. and Mra. Monroe Tyler, of Foreat City,
but former realdenta of Datnaacua town
abip, tbia county, where they Mill have
many relativea and friend. Mr. Del'ry la
twin,, an important poaitinn In the emplo)
of tbe government at Washington, where
be and bla wife are to make their home in
tbe future. Tbey have maty frieiida in thta
aeclion who wiab Ibem many yeara of pros
perity and bapplneaa.
A atriklng feature of the August Mc
C'LCHx'a la an eaaay on "I'rohituiiou and fe
cial I'aychology," by Prof. Hugo Mmioter
herg. Tbe dlaiinguiahed pathologist s.i)s
"lieller America Inspired than Ampin a
Sotier." Another atrong fealuie Irom a pic
torial atand point, ia tbe reproduction of aer
eral of the beat paintiuga of Alejander llor
iaoff. tbe Russian artitl, wbo went lo the
frozen Nortb and palnteJ the uiarteluiirl)
beautitul colora of the Arctic region ou Hit
spot. RUbaid C Cabot, an eminent pti)i
lau of Boston, anuzaoiieliundml ' Chn
tian Cures'dcclarlhg that 1 lnltttan .view e
treatment dot a not ( urc cigiinic disr.w
Kllcn Terry, in her memoirs, tells of her last
yeara with Henry Irving In lleiioii thru
are a halt dozen atoriea. every otie of tent, h
posiHasea exceptional merit.
J. L. Buerkei. aou of (ienry Uueiket, 01
tbia place, wbo recently graduated from th,
Pennsylvania State College, ranked in hi-
final examinaliooa among the topmost of the
honor atudenta. He took a lour ) ears' course
in Electrical Engineering, and Ills npoti
ahows him to have received the highest.
ery Good," marks iu lire of the branch, -
studied and "Good in all the lest. Hi. cm
riculum for tbe Senior year incliiJei Alter
nating Current Machinery, Power Trans
mission, Electric Hall ways. Telephone Eugi
ueeriug. Contracts, Political an
Hydraulic Machinery. The pnirticiim. km.
Electric Engineering I, iboraiory .Telephone
bahoratoiy aud Thesis "Cuinmen-ial Eilici-
eocy Test ! Ibe State Capitol Eleclricil
Ed. Harold Moll and wife, ol liostini.
X. V.. have been ap-ii.ltng a few i1h)p u
Mr. and Mra. William II Ham, nt Coir
street, and improving the opp.irtuiiiiy fur ,1
handabake with their many old Iloiieslnle
friends, llolh may be recurded at rellj
leelonging here, although Mr. Moll's lllcrar,
dutiea bave called bim and his cstimaM-
wife temporarily lo all parle of the country
with residence for many years In Now York
oily, later in Texas, and now, perhaps "Im
keepa" in Goahen. Fur notwiihslaudiug M r
Moit'a perennial youthful appearunce, he -s
no longer young, and has gntlilHl his yearn
lag fora permauent abiding place by the
puichaae of a little farm in Orange county .
where be can alternate bia scientific artJC le
and iuimitable Pike county Munchausen
hmi with the cultivation of the prickly
rarpberry bush, tbe red-cheeked cbury nn 1
'aicb." Hut, aa said, we ahull always think el
the genial couple aa Honeadalera wherever
their lints may be cast ; for waa not Slntll-
alenline born here, aud did not El. Mott
marry ber here, and waa Le not tbe writ- r' a
right band mau crowding toity years ago -Moreover
their aweet little daughter MauJ
aleepa in Glen Dyberry, and to-day there are
lyingon her grave the tlowera which they
brought aa a token of their lender remem
brance and abiding gnef over ber loss.
July 22d. Occasionally we have a
Utile shower, but tbo ground is very
dry and most of tbe dare are hot
Hay is a short crop and several arc
tnrougn naying.
Mrs. Addio Bortreo and son Leo, of
Colorado, are welcome guests in town.
Miss Etta Stone, of Philadelphia, for
merly of Mount Pleasant, ia the truest
of Miss Adalaide Noble. Miss Stone
taught school two terms here, fifty years
ago. liut lew oi ner old pupils ni liv
A little over :!3 waa realized at tho
uuodsiy school picnic on tho Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. rJimona and son
Leslie, of Lake, and Mrs. Frank Neville
of Loveland, Col., wero guests at j. K.
Cross's. Sunday.
Mr. ana Mrs. I. u. Simons wero recent
guests at W. B. Lesher's.
Eugene Baialey recently lost a fino
large mare, supposed to be poisoned and
three others aro also sick. Mr. Baislov
is very certain that all bis horses have
oeen given poison. Wo sincerely hope
ujouiu w returns uto living in tniancign
About tho Fourth of Julv the Zinn
school bell left tbo tower. Now we
wonder if tbe school board nro up to
such deviltry) By some, they have
uceu (ftucueuu ui 11.
The Zion, Leetown, Maple drove and
Jericho school buildings arc advertised
for sale at tbo Odd Fellows' Hall 011
August Ht. Laura A (lilpin and Katit
Cross are employed to t n 'h in 1 in high
school building and Uei 1 . 'pin at
tbe Webster school. W, ., .1 know
who tbe principal will ba ur whether
or not be is engaged. Tbaschool prob
lem is a hard one to settle satisfactorily
all around. Wo still think tbe direct
ors are doing what tbey believo is for
tbe nest 01 tbe wnole town.
JULY 20th. The box social lie!, at the
chapel, lait Weduesday evening, a
very eneouraglug. The net proceeds
ana ' ui.
Mian L. E. Fohter Is spending her va
cation here, with her grandmother, lire.
u. nr. L.uapman, wiio whs taken ainiiieii
Iv and seriously III laat Haturilav
Miss Pearl Swingle la coullueil to lier
uome uy mnesr.
the farmers lu tin section 11 re very
near turougn iiieir uayiug Harvest, real
lziug about half a crop.
Merohaut Sueiliker. wbo lias been 0011
fined to Ills home for a week by llluesa,
la auie 10 do arouuu again.
Warren Arnold, of Carbondale. n.cnt
Saturday aud Uuuday with his father, at
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wick bave fur
ulshed tbe big Taylor mansion at
Prompton, and will run It aa a auinmer
boardlni; bouse.
Tbe man Perry, who left his wife Iu a
destitute condition about two months
ago, baa not as yet shown up. Probably
it 1 wen tuai lie uoea not.
Rheumatism Cured In Three Pay.
N. II. Luurler. lladlson. Wis- bairn I sn almost
helpleaa wltli rheiimall-gn lor oioatlia. 114.1 It la
lu) beck 0 I could oot turn my head, alid all
Uiroupu my uly. I trie4 Uires dudora arid 111411)
reloedlea ultbout aoi- relief winterer urilll I oru.
Iu a lew hour tlie palti waa relieved and Iu llxn
diya the rbeuuiaUiau was coiupltlety cured aM I
waa at work. bold by PLEL P0M.1 pru.-glat
Uuueadale, 1'a vua
The now long Qlovca. in riilk and Kid
can bobadatSENNEU&CO.U ClC
In Memorttm.
I Uenry J, Sleg died at hi realdrnee. In
' Dieher township. July It, 190?, aged 12 years.
I lie la survived by bis wife and four children,
, and an aged father.
Miaa Anna V.Sprttlpuediedln Iloneadale,
July SO, IVf, aged CO years. She was a native
ot Berlin township. Itev. Dr. Wm. 11. Swift
ufflruicl at the funeral. Interment lu Glen
John Hwartzdlcd at bll borne. In Cherry
III lge, July 1C, 1Mb, of bearl diaeaae, aged
S yeara aud 2 months. Be was a native of
bouth Cauaan. Deceaaed la survived by bla
wife and two sous. Itev. W. F, Uopp con
ducted tbe funeral servlcea. Interment In
tbe German Lutheran cemetery.
Daniel Hun died at bla borne In llawley.
July 1 Jib. 1W, aged 73 yeara and 2 montha.
tie leaves a family. Deceased waa a veteran
ot tbe civil war and a penaiouer. Mr. Buff
was a dratted man. and waa aaalgned to Co.
II, luith I'enn'a Volunteera, being muatcred
in Sept. 11, and discharged Dec, 10
Itobert Dillon died at hie borne In Buck
ingham township, well known aa "Sainta
llest," on tbe Delaware river, July IS, 1W9,
ol paralysis, aged C6 yeara, 7 montha and 19
lay. He was born 011 the farm where be
died. Mr. Dillon la aurvired by bla wife and
aon, Leonard. Rev. J. T. Gardiner, of tbe
M. E. cburrh, Eoulnunk, conducted tbe
funeral services at Ibe borne, and the Ma.
soni" fraternity of Hancock at the grave.
Elizabeth Grace, wife ot Henry D. Smith,
lied at the family realdenee, on South Main
street, July i, lw, of heart alaeaae. alter a
long Illness, aged .V! years, 9 montha and 12
lay a. bhe ia survived by ber huaband and a
son. Itaymond. Deceased waa a devout
member of the Fplacopal cburcb. Itev. A.
L. Whittaker officiated at the f.ineral, yea-
tentay alternoon. Interim nt in Illverdal
Aim ha Coryell, widow of Ljman Salmon,
die 1 hi her home oa Nortb Main atreet.
July 10, of heart disease. Kbe waa born
at While Mills. May 21, IkU. making her age
M tears, I month and l'J daya. Deceased
was married in ll'l. Mr. Salmon waa a boat
builder by trade, an 1 died March 3. ISM. She
i survived by a aon, Frederick, of Erie. I'.,
and a daughter, Mra. Ella St. Pope, of Uonca
dile Itei . Dr. Wm. H. Hwlti i
ihe funeral. Interment In the ludiau OnL-
ard ci inetery.
(i'liiiori W. IlryaM diedal bla realdenee In
Fole.t I'll), Jul) II, IKX.uflerabllel lllueia.
ot apoplexy, aged 11 ysars, n montha and M
ljs. He wu a native of Dybeiry, tbia
count) Mr. Bryant ia siirvit is) ly his wife.
ormuly Miss Mana llann. ol Unnlicello,
Y.. Ihn-e daughters, Mra. Ueorge Iluuter,
if s ranti.ii. Mr. Ueoige White, of Foreat
il) : Mrs. Itny Latourette, ol Cold Spring-.
4n.l a son, W.J. Hryant.of Forest City. For
nearly IH.nly veils tbe taraily bad been
r-idciita nt the latter .'own. Itev. Cbarlea
White, of D) berry, oOiehteJat the funeral.
Ihe iiileiiiient being 111 Ibe Dyberry ceme
tery. Hamlinton.
1M. sot li -Mrs Elian Black Is col-
'itieil tu ber lied uii accuuiit of a fall she
eeiveil la.t week While descending
rotn tlie uraimry, aln fell four or live
lauding 011 11 stone which stunned
-r. Alter being carried into tbe li iuse
lie fell efl-fer. but u-hh taken wiin.H li.
r !' night and Dr. Cool;, of Canaan, au
iiiiiiuiiiicil ami examined her for broken
toiler intd cseapeil, however, with
dVcre brilleee Hint a nervous s.Ium..
Ineli iiA-iug to h very weak heart line
r.firuieu tier. .t the present writing
lie If slowly on tho luend.
Mra. li. M. Kecuo and grandson, Lee
Iillidley, of Los Angeles. Cal.. has re.
mriieil to Maplewood, where Mr. Keeue
will loin them In September.
Iter. J. (I. ltof-enlieriver ntul fniulU- nr-
enjoying 11 two 'veeks' vacation.
Tlie way tents are being spoken for, a
large attendance of campers will be
present nt camp meeting, which will be
held Aug. IStb-llltll.
. 1'. sharlie nroacheil st Vnnl.n
Newfoundland, Sunday.
Henry Snyder entertained a larire
party of Scranton friends over Sunday.
' "u ,1 18 entertaining Her
ister, llle Josephine Corbett. of Hsran.
Mr. and Mrs Fred. Walker, nf niart-'.
Summit, ure the guests of Alansou Wal
Till' ll.ll inf ir, tUn I n I . . T . . I
-- uu lujuuuua CUOUIOI
.he ndnr nf tnn imHni-r.. I -n : 1
" relic from tho period when certain
forms of illness were supposed to be
uireciiy conncctea wim evil smells.
A'ith the PTfonl t An rt il,a ill nrr... -
. . : ,-" " " cuccte
which certain gaseous compounds of
4Ulnhlir And fnrhnn nmliiM .U.
-'V m A In hn a r' o r n o ft. nnv r.m.. s
l'"itu; disease and evil odor. Constant
cipusuro 10 any emeu, Do it bad or
good, is likely to produce nervous irri
tation and exhaustion. On the great
roso farms of Southern France, for ex
ample, tho stranger wandering among
tbe fragrant fields soon feels the same
hpAVir hnnrianhn tDtilnK n : . .,
objectionable odor liko that ot a soap
.uioij ia uitciy iu proaucc. a lower
in;' nt . n p r f c fpftm nnv Sena ns
' - J ui UUUI
may put the individual into a condition
tn iiinila Hiuinon I... . : , 1 . 1 . . . .
... . ..v uiauoi., uui tb ia lively MJ DO
the direct rmian nt AnnSnnln.. T . .
nan nf Ihn Vsv W.l. ,nkRnn .v..
. - ....ruuiraj, mo uuur
carao chiefly from tbe smell of the trap iuo stone Dfuioet ol
the road bed, mingled wilb lubricating
111 nnd I'sns smaaa nrA nn.v. ; 1
. r - n - , uuu MJiuuiUDU SflLU
occasional slight infusions of human
uuur. uiaagrecaoie as It might be when
luuniuu, lucru is no reason to be
lieve it dangerous.
WllltV n Vrannh nm nt
- . . .. . ... j uuicr uekriUH
tn icur thnt ha ia I
..u ,a .uiuiltU, UCHIUirS
out with a destructive criticism of tbe
cunuuion 01 tno army. lien. Langlois
lias drawn attention tn himself by as
serting that tbe morals and discipline
of tho military forces of France are io
an alarming state of degeneration. All
HIP mililftPV ftnlhtlatoam .f ,
day, ho remarks, has evaporated, pa-
the pat-t, nnd tho military organization
of thft rprtllhlir mnlrnlU ..
minutest details, by politics and poll-
..w.un , luuimiuus, luri'jugns, per
mits to men in the lowest ranks ot the
nrmi to marrv. snt a nsnsrai r ni.
nrn all subject to the control of civil
lunsiau'iirn in cuuu prefecture, tno re
suit being complete disorganization in
A traveler, finding that be bad a
couple of hours in Dublin, called a cab
nnd told the driver to drive bim around
for two hours. At first all wont well,
but Bonn tho driver began to whip up
his horhnsn that tboy narrowly escaped
several collisions.
"What's tho matter I" demanded tbe
passenger. Why are you driving so
recklessly! I'm in no hurry."
"Ah, g'wan wid yez," retorted tbe
cabby. "D'ye think I'm goin to put in
tho whole day drivin' you around for
twohoursl Uitapl"
licit llarber. of Elton, Wia, aaya: I bave
only luken four dosea of your Kidney and
llladiler Tills and Ihey have done for me
more than any other med ici tie haa ever done,
1 11111 still taking ihn pills aa I want a per.
feit cure." Mr. llarber refers to DeWitt's
Kidney and liladdei 1'ilia. Sold by PEIL.
Tho Druggist.
Fpeakcr Cennon was in an automobile
merrily breaking tbo speed ordinance.
"Mr, Hpeakerl" called out a police
man, raising a warning band,
"Vour motion ia merely dilatory."
said Cannon, grimly, "and tbo Chair
declines to entertain it."
Qrubb I hear your laat novel has al
ready appeared in Its sixth edition. How
aid you manage to become so phenome
nally popular!
Bcrubb Very simple. I nut a "Der-
sonal" in tbe papers saying that I was
looking tor a wife wbo is something like
me ueroine 01 my novel, witnin two
days tbe first edition was sold out.
i These Hot Davs I
are creating a demand for
Wash Skirts, Wash Suits,
Wash Dresses and Shirt Waists.
We offer tlie greatest assortment of New Summer
Styles at 33 per .cent, less than the regular price.
Everything in
Ladies' Under-Muslins, made of good materials, the
best workmanship,
laa I iui
Summer Goods
FOR 1F08
Stylish. Nobby and Coiiilorub'.- Wash Suits All Shades.
Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts.
N'ew Spring and Summer Single Jackets. Black and Leading Shades.
Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Uresses. Newest Styles and Colors.
Fancy Styles in Tailor-Male Shirt Waists at
en ner j&CjIs
If vou have never
had any dealinas
with us, please to
considerthisan in
vitation to aive us
a trial.
Farmers Oechsnics' Bank,
A mother could not attend church
one Buoday, so she sent her boy instead,
and urgently admonished bim to re
member aa much as possible and report.
He heard tbo preacher read: "Why
stand ye here idle! Oo labor iu my
vineyard and it will be well with ou."
And the text was: "An angel came
down from heaven and look a live coal
from tbe altar:" while the hymn was
about ''the Cross I Bear."
lie returned borne much elated be
cause be could remember so much. Be
said tbe preacher read about tbo boss
wbo came along and said: "wnatare
you standin' 'round hero tor, doin'DOth
in' f Go into my barnyard and go to
work, and I will make it all right wilb
you.'' Tbe text was: "An Indian came
down from New Haven, took a live coll
by the tail and jerked It out of tbe bait
er," and then something about u cross
eyed bear.
Joakley Now, he's got what I really
call "borao sense."
(Joakley How, for instancef
Joakley He never bets on one.
uecruit t-ieaoe, nergonui., a vo gut "
splinter in my 'and.
Sergeant Instructor Wot yer been
doin'l Strokin' yer 'cadi
"I see a man intends to let a rattle
snake bite bim and depend oo prayer
for a cure. I call that faitb. '
"I call it cruelty to animals, unless
someooay s going to pray lor tno snate
after it baa bitten such a fool aa that."
"I guess my father must have been a
pretty oaa boy," sail one youngster.
"Why I" inquired the other.
"Because be knows exactly what aues
tions to ask when he wants to know
what I bave been doing.
Two Irishmen wore discussing tbe
phenomenon of sleep. Baid ono, "Ol
hear aa wan av tbim poelbry lads calls
it Dim nature s hair resnioorer.'
"Yia." assented tbe other; "thlape's
a grand luxury. It's a pily a man can't
nape awate long enougn to lul y u
Jut whin he's tbinkin' Dhat a foioe long
sbnoote he'll be bavin', begorra, its
Dollv No: I won't wash my facet
Grandma Naughty, naughty I When
1 was a lime girl 1 always wasuea my
Dolly Yes; and now look at itl
E'akina waa reoroached wilb his pro
peosity of punning, and was told that
puna were ine lowest una ot wu.
True." said be, "and therefore they
are Ibe foundation oi an wit. -
at matchless prices.
Eall F31Sb
Dept. Stores.
Bcveral months aeo a crank, sort of
an old man came into an office and
stopped bia paper because something In
it am not just sun nis tancy. we have
frequently met bim on tbe street since
that time and it is amusing to note the
look of surprise on the old fellow's face
that we are still in existence regardless
of tbe fact that he stopped his paper.
Some day and it won't be long either
that old gentleman will turn op bia
toes. Bis heart will be stilled forever.
Neighbors and friends will follow his
lifeless clay to tbe silent city and lay
(horn to rest among tbe flowers. An
obituary will bo published telling what
a kind father, a good neighbor and be
loved citizen be was which tbe record
ing angel will overlook for charity's
sake, and in a very bbort time be will
bo forgotten. As he lies out there in
the cold, cold graveyard, wrapped in
the pleasant slumber of death, be will
never know that tbe last kind word
spoken of bim waa by tbe editor of that
paper wbicb in lifo he so spitefully
Tore Pius X carries at ma girdle an
old watch ot base metal, tbe face chip
ped, with a plain leather guard, lie
was looking at bis watch the other y,
says a correspondent in Rome, who. ai
Itoman noble, to whom he bad given au
audience, produced bis own richly chac
ed and jawelled gold watch and begged
the Pope to accept it In exchaogQifor
tbo much worn time piece, which ba
said be shiuld regard as a prieeleas pos
session. Tbo Pope gently declined.
"It was a present from my dear moth-
v.. MU u ..... . . .. n ...... I uu. wu
sho save it to mn with thin tsav use
leather guard I am wearing now. I
promised to keep it until it was worn
out beyond repair. It must be a good
watch, for it has never disappointed
me yet."
Aak for Allen's Foot Ease.
A powder for swollen, tired, hot, (marl
ing (eeU Sample teat FItKE. Alao iTm
Hampluof ttio KooT-Eass Hasitart Oouf
Pan, a new invention. Address, Allen 8.
Ulmatead, Leltoy, N. Y.
Anotiieb Democratic campaign gag
is tbe allegation that the UeOall bill to
compel publicity of campaign accounts
was "mysteriously done to death tn
Congress. " There was no mystery
about tl. Tbe Bouse ot Representative,
passed Ibis bill over Democratic oppo
sition and tbo Domocratio Benators pre
vel.tod action on it in tbe closing days
of the session by threatening to filibust
er. Democralio responsibility for its
onen-dav hold.un sannnt Ka sahmsImI
or evaded.
New Parasols, up-to-date shapes at
MUtSNKit & CO.'S eie.