The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 23, 1908, Image 2

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roa runsnr.
WM. UOWAttD TAFT. of Oblo.
von tick rixsiuxvT,
JAM 18 B. allKmflAN. ot New York.
fob nccron at iaroe.
MOUU1S L. CLOTU1KB, ot Philadelphia,
BENJAMIN r. JONES, Jr., ot Pittsburg.
rose district axacioB,
1 Jnfao Burt
2 II. A. Davil
S-r. T. Chandler
4 K. A. Glmbel
5 K. W. ration
U. J. Elliott
7 O. C Uelael
17-W. 6. Belli
Is-RobtUNeaL Br.
19 J. C Blineman
ZO Thomas Mil pity
21 W. r. Ksrnolda
2J-A. W.MrCuUough
Z3 J. T. imgerl.
J. D. Abbott
It Judge J
I. N. P. Hinncan 2S J. F. Downing
lS-Ool.R. A. Phillip 28-Herman Simon
Xl-J. L. Newell 27-T. T. Wilson
rZ John MatLlaS 28-1 tLKoM
13- A. II. Miller 2-O.C.BhurU
14 W. T. xoo. A. llilxock
lilleo. VT. Williams 31 A. R. Peacock
1-D. J. Walker. Jr. Jtt-IL L. Williams
roa jotmb or icruioi oocbt,
WM. II. POSTER, ot Allegheny.
wo iWtOUR,
CHARLES C PRATT, ot Susquehanna.
W. F PERU AM, of Preston.
FOB 1 11 KK I IT.
M. LEE BRAMAN, of Uoncsdile.
ALITRED O. BLAKE, ot Bethany.
J. K. I10RNBKCK. ot Equinunk,
THOMAS a MADDEN, of Dreher.
roa ooubtt AcvrroBa,
ARTBUR W. LARRABEE, of Staracra.
W. BROCK LESnER, ot Bteiling.
MYRON K. 8IMON8. of Honradalr.
"And Thrice He BUji the Slain."
The Demoaraev and IU leader have
two specialties for campaign purpose.
One ot these la toprotulae or demand the
Impracticable ; the other 1 to promise
or demand things already aeeouipltthed
by the Kepnblleau party. The Denver
platform present, obvloui Inttanoeiof
the former, and It further exhibits
atriklna- lnstaoee ot the latter. In re
lation to eampalga contributions by cor
po ration. It makes the following dec
laratlons :
"We pledge the Democratic party to
the enactment ot a law preventing an
corporation contributing to a campaign
ln order that this prsjtloe shall be
stopped tor ail lime we demand tue itass
ase of a statute pnnUhttjg with imprison
ment any ofllaer of a oorporatlou who
shall either, contribute on beuitlf of or
consent to the contribution by a co'pj-
ratloa ot any money or thing of ralue to
be used in turtnering toe election oi s
President or Vice-President of the Unit
ed States or au,y member of Congress
Ulereoi. '
Bo far a this practice can be ended by
federal legislation, the Republican party
did all that Is posrible, uearly a year and
a half before the Denver platform de
dared that it ought to be done. An act
of fougre, passed by a Republican
House and Senate, and approved by a
Republican President January 20. 1C07,
ooutatns the following drastio provlciont;
"That It .hall be nnlawf ol for any ua-
any corporation organ
lied bv authority of any laws of Con
grew, to make a money contribution in
connection with any election to any po
litical ofaee. It shall also be unlawful
for any corporation whatever to make a
money contribution In connection with
any election at. which Presidential and
Vlee-Presldentlal electors or a Represen
tative In Congress, is to be voted for, or
any electl-m by any State Ii-gislature ol
a Culled States Senator. Every corpo
ration which shall make any contribu
tion In violation ot the foregoing provls-
lons snail be subject to a one not ex
ceeding fire thousand dollars, and ever
officer or director of any corporation
who shall consent to auy eontributiou
by the corporation in violation of the
foregoing provisions shall upou eouvio
ftiou be imulsliecl by a flue of not exceed-
log one tiiouaaud and bot less tban two
hundred and illty dollars, or by Impris
onment fur a term of not more than one
year, or both such fine and Imprison
meut, iu the discretion of the court."
Thus, while the practise complained
of received a knock-out blow at the
hands of Republicans, we have the Dsui
ooratie pledge that It shall again be
done to death wliru the Itryan snicker
anee is drawu aud thr right arm of the
Democratic chief Is bared for Its destruc
tlon. Wueu this is aaaomplished the
"Peerless Leader" will deserve the praise
given to the cowboy hero "He did his
d dest ; augels could do no more."
Cout Proceedtsei.
Adjourned session, July 20th.
Charles E. Lucas r. School Directors
of Sterling. Bill in equity, setting forth
that at a school board meeting, on July
attended by five directors.
wag offered that the Jericho
cnool, and four other schools, be aban
doaad;thit ot saij directors, Robert
Cross, Abram Garni and Frank Ilirnee
voted for said resolution, and It. A.
Smith and L U. Kipp voted against it,
and the President of the Board unlaa
'fully declared it paesed, through it fail
ed to receive the affirmative votes ot a
majority ot the whole Board; that said
school houses are advertised to be sold
on Saturday, July 2S, 1J0S; that there
are sixteen children, aged from six to
sixteen, in said Jericho, district, whose
parents desire them to attend said dis
trict school, and that if said school is
abandoned, many of them, living more
than a mile and a half distant frc-m any
other school, will be unable to attend
any school; and praying for injunction
restraining the school board from sell
ing said school house. Ordered, that
upon filing a bond in X) approved by
court or judge, injunction issue as pray
ed tor, and by agreement of counsel
Aug. 24th, at ten A. M.. fixed for hear-
in j.
Joseph Maurer v. Matthias Usurer!
et al. Partition. Plaititiff's bill ot costs
filed and approved.
A, L. Cobb appointed guardian
Aid en Cobb, a person of weak mind.
Josephine Bachwalder v. Mary Ann
Iluckwalder Oust. Partition. Master'
bond on order ot sale tiled.
81'Ktui. CiUi'AinNOh-irEit. -Here is an
excellent offer and opportunity to keep
in touch wun tne presidential campaign
and what the world is doing. Give your
postmaster, newsdealer or rural carrier
tl in) and the Philadelphia Press will be
mailed to you six days each week until
Dec. 1. This is a very liberal offer and
a great reduction in price, and is good
only during the Presidential campaign.
The Philadelphia Press contains all
the up-to-date political news, is alwaxi
accurate and reliable. It contains the
best market reports. You can get the
summer resort news and also a daily
page for women, it is truly the one
great home newspaper. Hand in our
oraer at once lor mis mt-r is good only
a soon ume.
Ocmer ye. FiiiarjBxn-
The Bunerlor Court has affirmed the
decision rendered by Judge Purdy, of
the Wayne Quarter Sessions, In the case
involving the right of the public to flsh
In streams running over private lands.
The case arose under the act of April
14, 1905, fixing a specific penalty for tres
passing on private land which had been
duly posted as such, and Involved also
tui provision of section S3 ot the act ol
May 29, 1901, that "Public fishing shall
exist In all waters and parts of waters
that have been or may be declared i.av-
The Laekawaxen river flows across
certain land,near Alden vllle, which David
liopklns and his predecessor. In title had
owned slnee 1312 ; aud under the act of
IMS he posted It as private property. In
1814, an act of Assembly made part of the
river. Including this portion, a public
highway "for the passage of rafts, boats
and vessels." On May IT, 190C, Harry J.
Foster, contending that the act of 1W1
made the stream open to public fishing,
entered it at a highway crossing, aud
walked along the bottom tor some dls'
tanoe, on the land of liopklns, fishing.
The suit was brought to test his right to
do this.
The opinion ot the Superior Court, on
some points. Is too technical to be read
ily understood by the average layman
In substance, the decision Islhat after
land has beeu sold oy the State, with uo
reservation. It belongs to the purchaser
and his successors In title, and the State
has no power to give any one else any
use of It, without the otruer s cousent, cr
providing for his compensation. The
opinion, by President Judge Rice, Is as
follows :
Tills rasn canio Into tho rmrt Mow
by apivd bv the !cf-iiant fnuti n Mira
luary mnlctlon by n JuMic. of tl.
x for a rMatloii of tl- r,rivUlan of
tho art of April II, 1903, I: I., to'en
tltlHil, "An M maVIng It unlawful !
Im-iiae um IsikI it.l & prltMo
prt(rty, and provMlng a -nalty
theivfor. Amin Mpp-'al from the Jml-m.-nt
of the fjiiart-r Melons In such a
case li not llng tip tli- ovIoVikv, tb"
cane Is not U'fore uh for rvvluw ujion
any question of fact. W, tnu-t prvsum
theri'Iole, that all of the -SM-Mlal- to a
conviction a s-t forth In tb- Jmlirmont,
were estaMNboil by a onrapt-trf-ot and
sufllclt-nt evldencp. and, atuonjr-t tli,-
the fact that the ieb-ttdaril wlltuUy
entrtl uron the land of l.ibl Hopkins
the relator, tvlthoot bl oonwnt: that
prlnta! notlc-a that It was prixab land
and warning all ivreons ajralnt tie
parsing t!i'pon had U-en pnlouf-ly
fsted by the owner In the manner pn
HcriUM by the act. and that the notbiti
remained so treted at the time of the
allegetl treepat. Nowhere In the record
Iiroiwr Is It expre-hly state.1 that the
and uion which the defendant nntet,N
was tile led of LaiLawasen (rel.. It
Is conoeded, however, tn all hand that
such Is the fact. But neither that fact
nor any otner fact upon which the fmrt
baAcI Its Judgment qualities In any d
greo the relator's ownership of the land.
But allaougu hln ownership Is undisput
ed. It Is contended that he c.-innol claim
the protection of tho act of io (and If
Roheoould not maintain the f-ominn
law action of trepaa) as agalnt-t or.o
gidng uhii that iiart of his land bit the
IMirfione of fishing, luse bv the prior
act of 1901. the legislature declared that
"putJlc fishing shall exist In crtaln
waU-rs." amongst them, "all water or
parts of waters that have leen or may
l declared navigable by act of astern
Ny." In which class of water. It Is
claimed. tJie lart of lackawaxcu creek
where this alleged tresjtass was commit
ted waa placed by tlie act of 1-11. It Is
not seriously claimed, at Ieit, it cannot
be buoiessfully Ualmetl. that thie avert
ed right of the public ti go umii tlie
land in question for the punose of fish
ing Is a common law light, nor that It
was m-erved by the coinuionnealth In
Its grant of the land to the relator's
predecessors In title, nor that It was
conferred by the act of 1811. Tbriefore.
to sustain appellant's contention that
he, as well as every other member of the
geueral public, had thin right. thete
piopoAltions must lie cctahlished : Fin-t,
that the legislature Intended br tlie act
of 1901. laUiiiucluil.j In the designation,
la!rwBaaawM (aits of waters that
have been or may U declared navigable
by acts of aasemWy," every btream,
large or small, navigable or unnavij?a
lle, that had lieen dtvlan-d a "public
highway for the passage of raft;. Ioat
and vessels." lb) to give to eu-ry mem
ber of the public the right to go ujm.ii
the land over which any such stream
flows for tlie punso of llshing. and to
that extent to deprive the owner of his
dominion over the same; second, that
tills right still continues notwithstand
ing the generalltv of the wolds of the
act or 19U5, and, third, that 11 was with
in the power of tlie legislature to gle
tlie public, sut h right, and to taus r
strict the dominion over land which ni
Iiertalns to piivate ownership, without
providing for just couijiensatlon ling
matle or S4x-urel to the owner, and thai,
too. although the stream le not In f.-n-l
nailgaMe by nature, and lia newr lN-n
In fact, or been declared by the legisla
ture, a public highway except for a lim
ited puriose. Before adopting n con
struction of tbe twenty-third stvtlon of
the act or 1901, which would lj s.i far
reaching In Its effect ujnin the rl:ht of
the owner of the land to control Its use,
so long as such use docs not Injuriously
affect thers. It ought to le clear that
the ver woids of tho ait requlie suh
construction. To say the bcist? there
Is PMim for argument that tlie w,rN of
the twenty-third svtlon. tirtbulatly
when read In c4nny-tIon with the pre
ceding section, do not require the c,m-
struction which the apM-llaut s cmiusc!
claim for them. But bj that as It may.
and assuming that tho legislature in-b-ndl
all that is claimci. we cannot
agice with the appellant's counsel ihat
tlie legislation can lu sustalncil as legit
imate exercise or the iollce jMtwer, um
the ground and we must so construe
their priute.1 argument-that the public
health and comfort 'will l, stib-s'i-M-,!
thereby. Jso case clt,i by tlie leaili'
counsel goes to the extent, or anywhere
near me point, oi noiaing mat it is wun
in the power ot the legislature to
vide tor tlie public the means ot health
fill recreation upon private land, and foi
that punM to deprive the owner of
his right to control the use ot it, with
out oouiiM-nsatlng him for such liarllal
or total destruction of his dominion over
It. If the legislature may do it iu the
manner and for the purise hero claim
oil. it would l- ilinicutt to draw the lino
l-yoiid whbh it may not go for Ihat pui
Kise. Iu the caso of Vermont v. Theri
ault, 13 L. U. A. whbh goe- as far
a.s auy iu asserting me jurisdiction
the state oer such streams a tbi
It was can-fully noto.1 lii the o.lnh.ii of
tlie majority of the court that by pro
viding that such waters should U waters
over which the state has juilsdiction the
legislature uiu not lake awav tne ripa
rian owner's light to maintain 1reti-ws
against cxcryolie who should elilel null.
out his liit-uso Umn hK premises and
caii-ii iisii irom the iion-Uialable stuitu
theli-m. But we need riot lilWoliir Hie
discussion. Our purfHise in uiialwehave
SJLIU lias ImKU Ul Slate 1 lie question I'll
ilei-Uion ainl our coiulusluii thi-i,in.
The nature td this ciii-k, aud the uses to
whlth it Is adapteii.aiiU has i.,-u put. as
well as the legislation irb'iliiliu- to It
and similar streams hao lo-ii fullv set
forth In the opinion of tlie Irani. -I judge
lieiow;iio uas also uiscusseil Itie legal
questions as fully as Is prolltable, and
has sustained his conclusion hv reason
ingaiidcilalloli of authoiity wlibh luaV
11 Ullllinios-iarv lot lis 1,. mill nu vt hi,,..
fuilher to what he has so ui-U siu,l Jn,.
judgment is aflinued.
nvbuoi-HOBU has been extirpated in
England. Tne method is simple but
vigorous. The owners of dogs are
compelled to keep tbem muxxled if they
are allowed to run abroad, ur, it they
are taken out unmuuled, the owner is
obliged to keep them in leash. A quar
tntine is strictly enforoed against the
importation ot dogs from other coun
tries until their exemption from disease
is thoroughly established. The thorough
enforcement of these precautionary
measures for a few years past has made
rabies impossible in England. Both
men and dogs are safe in that country.
The apparent hardship of the experi
ment is fully justified by the resulting
good. Similar laws should be made
aud enforced in this country.
The New Separate Skirt for l' at
MENNEltAt CO. "a stores combine style,
comfort and economy. All new pro
ductions, etc
Vm Ib-Wiir. Little Karly lller, plea.,
ant little p. 11 that are eay to take, bold
by I'KIUTbe Krueclnt.
lie lias your husband got used to bis
auto yetl
She Ob, yes. lie swears at it auto
malically now.
Additional KsarLy Forgotten FacU-
The Ucthnd 1st parsonage, which la
now perched on blocks and awaiting the
finish of its foundation walls at the north
cost corner ot Church and Eleventh
streets, is something ot a traveler. It
was first built on tho opposite, or south
oast corner of the same streets, some
thing like bait a century ago, by Dr.
Consider King. The lot on which the
building then stood was sold by the ex
ecutors of Jason Torrey to George L.
Mores in May, 1650, and by him deeded
to Mrs. Lucma Kiog, wife ot Dr. King,
on the 2Zih ot March, 1S0S.
Dr. Consider King was born in Rena-
salaerville, Albany county, X. V., March
IS, 1797. After a liberal education, and
a course of study for the profession, be
commenced the practice of medicine and
surgery in Miltord, Otsego county, X.
Y. Some years later be moved to ind
ham, Greeno county, N. Y.. and subse
quently to Coopers town, N. Y. From
that place he came to fionesdale in the
summer ot K51. where, notwithstanding
a peculiarly brusque and, to some peo
pie. forbidding manner, bis evident
ability soon secured him a large and lu
crativc practice. Ilia bouse was direct
ly adjacent to the old lionesdale Acad
my, and some of the now ancient pu
pils ot that institution will recall, as a
sample of his gnm humor, biashakmg a
dismembered leg at them on one occa
sion after he hod performed an amputa
tion on an unfortunate resident of Lbor
ry Ridge. When preparations were be
ing made for the first draft for w ayne
county, in 1SC2. Dr. King was a mem
ber ot the examining board, which held
iu sessions in the court bouse. The
writer hereof, who bad but recently re
covered from a protracted and serious
illuese, pnpscd in bis turn under the in
spection of the bjard, and well remem
here the cbeerlul greeting Recorded him
by the all too frank physician. "Pass
onf'aaidbe; and then to the Secretary
of the board, "Strike out his name; be'll
be dead before Christmas, anyway I'
And yet every one connected with tbe
management ot that draft long einre
passed to his reward, including the gruff
doctor, while the subject ot his disheart
ening prediction sits here forty six yeais
afterward, penning these "nearly for
gotten fact."
Dr. Kiog was nn invalid for two yrars
aud a bait before a painful illness re
suited in hia death on Wednesday morn
ing, February Cth, 1&C7. Ue was sur
vived by bis wife and one daughter, a
very gifted lady, the wife of Edgar b
Brown, a New York lawyer. Mrs. King
slid the property to Clarissa, wife of
Edwin E. Gilbert, ot the original tic
mng firm ot Hard, uuoert s. t'aimir,
who in 1S17 bought a tract of a thousand
acres of hemlock timber land lying along
Carlcy Brook in Oregon township and
in IMS built a tannery there. K h Oil
bert and Jacob k. Palmer were brothers
ic-law, and for several years lived in
adjoining hoi in what is now East
iioneodale. tanning firm finally
became GilU-n, Palmer & Rt-eds, OLd
eventually included the mercantile es
tablishment in Honesdale, originally
started by the Reed Brothers, in what
was known aa The Arcade. Though for
a long time very prosperous, business
reverses, following tbe panic of 18S7,
brought the firm to grief, and Mr Gil
bert, later on, became one of the pro
prietors of a tannery at Little Equiounk,
in Manchester township, maintaining
the family residence in Honesdale in the
house bought ot Mrs. King. While at
Little Equinunk Mr. Gilbert was found
dead, kneeling at the bedside in hie
room, on Thursday, February 23, 1(71
He was C5 years of age. and so fares
wse known bad been in good health up
to the time of his sudden demise. The
rrmaius were first brought to the Hones
dale home, and men taken to Morris,
Otsego Cj., N. Y., for interment. Three
months before his death Mr. Gilber
contracted to sell the Church and E ev
eaib. streets property to tbe Methodist
Episcopal (Society of Honesdale for
ml, but it was not until teu yoire later
that the church people acquired full
title. The original agreement was mde
December 1, 1S70, and during tbe Cbrirl
mas holidays following tbe ladies of the
i-ougreghtion held a fair in the Court
House from which the church netted
fiHi As soon as weather permitted tbe
house was moved from tho corner to
tbe southern half ot the lot, which wu
Iihi feet in front on Church street by '.'Tj
feet deep on Eleventh. In July, ISxi
the late Justus Sars. u tnend and cred
itor ot the church, made, the final fa)
nient on the original lot to Mrs. Gilbert,
and tbe eamoday bought of trunk H
Rockwell and Tamar, bis wife, (i daunt
ur of Mrs. Gilbert) for 11 U0i', fifteen
feet adjoining on the 11th street side
thus mukiug tho church lot lixi by ilil
leel. This was all done ia order that
tho church could receive from him full
title to the real estate.
By tho 4th of July, ls-, tho new
church bad reached tho point of the
Uving ot its corner stono, en evict
which made that particular Independ
ence Day quite memorable. Iter. J. M
Heid, D. D., ot New York, one ot the
Missionary Secretaries ot thedenomina
Hon, delivered a most eloquent addrtss,
and tho services included uppropmi
remarks, and ceremonies in which th
Preeiiling Elder, lhsv D. C Olmstead
tho pastor. Rev. .1 O. Woodruff, an
Rav R. J. Kellogg, of the Waymart M
E church, and Rev. Walter Gallant, of
the Honesdale Baptist church, parlici
piled. Utwea's Cornet Bind and the
caurch choir furnished the music.
capper box was sealed in tbe corner
stone, containing tbe names ot tbe local
church dignitaries, and borough an
bank officials, various Methodut publ
cations, copies of tho county papers,
report of tbe managers ot the D. & li
O. Co , for tho current year, specimens
of U. d. aod borough paper currencj
and coins, a catalogue ot the book a of
the Franklin Lyceum Association with
tho namea of its officers, a portrait ol
Col. Richard L. Sly, and various other
papers and articled. Tbe corner stone
itself came from Syracuse, where all of
the trimmings of the building were cut.
Tbe laii(H ot tbe church took advantage
ot tho occasion to hold a festival, which
netted tliu. Iu April, 171, the trustees
sold to Samuel B. Haley tbe old parson
age lot on Court street, between tuh aod
:ilti, originally presented tbe congrega
tion by the Del. it Uud. Canal Co. There
was a string attached to the gift, which
required a payment ot I1SU to tbe Com
pany it at any time the lot should be
used for other than parsonage purposes.
This clause in the deed was, bowever,
generously rescinded through the kind
uffloes of tbe late Coe K. Young, when
tbe title waa transferred to Mr. Haley.
Tbe handsome residence subsequently
built on the lot by tho new owner is now
tbe property and borue ot George M,
In acquiring euflicicnt land to accom
modate the new High School building,
now in process ot erection, tho board ot
school directors made a bargain with
the church oflicii"n tor the transfer to
them of the southern halt of tho church
lot; and a part of th" contract provided
for the rcm.vul of to p iracage build
ing to its pre-s:t.t sit ou tb. adjicc-nt
corner. To mi. r..oi f or this chenge
it was necc3arv to Jisp s. of lbs dwel
ling which for coi.Eidcrnbly more than
halt a century bed etooi on the lot, and
it was nccordinglt sold to John K. Rich
mond, who hid it removed to near the
foot of Eleventh Btreet Thi old corner
house has had n ocg tri ig ot owners.
The lot was first s ild by Mijor Jaeon
Torrey to Alln Whitney. May lfl, 1817.
He built the houc and thee disposed ot
the property to Elmund II. Buruham
From Mr lturnhain the property haa
reached Mr. Richmond through the fol
lowing sucjcaeitc purchasers or ioheri
tors r Judge MtrarJ U ilftnilin, Rotiin
Manville, Ihomns luck-on, Gorge F
Wilbur and his heirs, Alexander Hun-
lop. Elmer Wniiamj nod Charles Irwin,
and the Honesdale School Board. The
lot is sixty five feet Hqunrc, with right
of way in a ten foot illey. Mr. Dunlop
pud 1.1 21" for the property, und after
his dc.tlh. Mrs. Dun'ip. who removed to
Passaic, N ' . J:?p 'ed of it at a ltvs of
Bible Distribution tn Wayne Treasurer
Thompson s Intel cstin Report.
The men ni.d wimcu. who more than
n ct'utur ni: i si ' ed in this section of
I ennsvJvaniA. w r. noi "iiouc aaowea
with courii-t . l..s-.r and persevor
once, but had u- - Unit i.i in in uoa ana
such u reuse jf Trocai responsibility
to llim as to lout Mem vcr soon to es
tablish phees lor rclisioua worship in
Betbauy, which was tne coumy seat oi
that time, nud in other cmlrul settle
ments of ui UP COUl-li
It is not no imrri.w.. this evening to
enter into nii Ji. -n- u uccouut ol the-
csrlv nln n es wnicn were
thus brcuht to be ir upou the inhabit
ants ot this section, except so far as thej
hd n dinct tendency towards the
sjetcmatic distribution of the Bible.
iitrly in the summer oi mojear isi
Dr. . M Dibjl, u physician residing
in Buhauy, n returning from a vi(p.
nh meads il '.r ."talc oi jiacsacnu
e-ttsntid nm..m l t-vcr a Mbunth at
Florida. Of.nig unty, I . He there
an; u Suiidnv "ch"-ui iu opiration and
was urcatlv- intercsird in it. Upon bis
return to ltcibunj. beinlcrmcd Sbeldou
:orlou aud other lninds ol wnal be
learned concerning its objects and sue
cess, ar.d after consultation it waa de
cided to establish such u chol in U:th
About a moniii (titer it was stateu
iloiiiimm Tilhin&u. "f rni.adelphn.
who owncJ a i .rgc umouut of limber
land iu this section, viaiicd Bc-lbany and
Iso the Subbutn school una was greatly
lutcrested in it. He promised upou his
return to I'iuuaclpnio. u tn.iKO appu
cation to bencroltnt societies in ibat
city for nid In Kebrunry. 11$, the
school received the following: Cu Tes
taments from il.-- I 'hiiideluhu L'lble
Society; liiblns frmi tbe remale
Biblo Soctetj. o! r.uiucipnia; jou
Tracts from Hi,- rniiaJelphm Tract So
cieiy. also ( suppi ol hymn nooks and
otner orticira irom iir. liigumao.
S i lar as I have been ati c lo ieurn, tbi
waa the first distribution of Bibles and
Testaments in tyne county made by
anv Bible society
To- rs ntjlisnmen' lbi bbbatl
sl-Iio jI in i: th.inr -j nl JtJlheorgiu
ixati'jn it Tn us i 'ouuly duudu
School Society and 'hen several other
schools were started in (.'terry Ridge,
.'auuan and in utht:,- plu. i in this coun
ly uni in t-ufcqut i. o.n-i ituuul) , aifco li.
Waltou. 2 . VI members .1 inn FO
Hie founiP'R ct enurencs nna sati
bath e.-ho, .sii ijivs'i -. thf organ
nation ot Tne liui -u iiiia.-i.ju
ty of Wayne, wu --n ocvurroJ sometime
during the j cir I The first annual
report of this sjci i was presented and
d.'pted at u me -img nei t lu liitnaay
.Uuuary l-.l f .it-1 ,1 iwin cfiii:ere
vcre eii-cn-a ut ;tiv. meeting; Rev
U -rshoni V illir.m I f sident , Abish
Wjodward. Is. i - IV. si A .ol. Moses
'n -in n. 2 1 V. i'--i.nt itv Eiishu
"K. ;.i Vic i -C"-J..n. L'jI. Isaac
. jimick. in r , .s loiiua More.
'urrcsioudi iu.-' r i ,r . J :noo Torrey.
Recording S-.r-u.-. .uJ then follow
the mm uf.'S "inisrs In this sam
year, April 11 I21 i'ho outig Men'
BtUie Societv o. u ivru eoun y was in
In the sei-.Kii '-.l'l iai report of The
Young Men's
re appear tbe
md Natbatiirl
n ,mes o! in IU- n
B Eldrt-d, win-
theo h:r Ricuiy i
In ibj year W .
r ni.. m lingers ol
a so :ety wa? forni-
ed, which wad culed 1 n
Association of lietliHiiy i.
rtmale Bible
i J us vicinity
Thid society en-ted uimi tue yrnr l-2;l.
Iu lha report ol iU'- i .M -us li.olc
Soc c.y. the fcinnie sjcicty i- sp jken ul
as un uuxilnr)
In the j ear . - l.- i -inruP Bibie
Association was i-b .i gci irom iithony
to Honesdale. hiving tt, urns coi.sti
lutiou and coi.tiruiing .in auxiliary o!
The Young Mens Bible rtx-iety ol
Wayne county Toireis no record ol
lboFemilellioIoA-311-i.mcu liter than
ibeji-ar lb..
Tho pretl-'ul irjnizttton of The
Wayne Couui Uib.i Suciaty dates
from the joar is.
Thus fir il niie b - n in-.pjssible to
find a secrc'srj e riCord that antedates
July 13. 1 when the Rev. Richard
li. Duane wus sccrrtury.
The Rov. L'ruh sooit, who was tho
secretiry in lsj.. recurds that
aunual raeeliug ol tho society was held
February 2 1 -' '
We ure n 'tv. n, p,,ss -ssi m ot u serre
larj 's rcc rx v-i . i is uMju'iiis 1vM
Jul) I .. 1 . 1 ot t. ire tsiiri.i s n
cord Iron. 11 k ii i 1-"... From these
u few items ui taken v,bi b nmy pron
of interest to i uii
The following persons have been the
presidents ol tmssoci. ty since the year
15."-, und with on- ei-xptton it is reud
lns tharoil ut tb- j, j -jirosi dents.
R-.-V. L li i'rjon, ltic-liard L Svly.
Stephen 1'. k'. ur. isan.n .-Midcr, Ir.
Otis Awry. H- -t. .rill. oood, ciephen
I) Ward -'-I ji i tine alter an inter
val ol ecu r iljutti-t, Kphr uni W. Ham
Itm, Ri-v. W I. Judd, Rev. Dr. t:. S.
Dunning, etephi ii i'orri.. r-tiphcn D.
Ward (third urni r.lttr an interval of
several sears,', Ephrairu vV Hamlin,
(second time ufur on interval of eer
eral yeard ), ll'v Dr rf. Dunniug.
(second limo nfti r uu interval of never
aljcarfj, K J Hamiiu, ludge Henry
M. ooely aud '. -uas il. Russell.
Too tollowingii- ins ol interest is tak
en from the treasurer's book of v. 2t,
l&iJi. There waj remitted to tbo Dau
phin tJouaty Bible Society, t7 w to
furnish Tcstuiiicuts to Captain Brown's
Company cf ivairy, utsu nuiiulo taken
from tbe soeri tar snejrd ne follows:
Monday. Dec 1 1 ' .' Mr. i-lepbtn
Torrey presmt u ib t'l-nks of Rev.
Heury Whochr lor ui ksdieinbuted to
Capt. Dur. iid's cumpany, in the reel
meut of which he was chaplain uh.
an offer from Mi. Wh.-r i -r to disiribuit
Bibles or Testami i.ts among B-oIdiers
who had none, if this society would
furnish lh mnane h hereupon It wus
resolved that!''1 be placed ut tbe dis
posal ot Mr Win-tier to distribute.
Bibles und Testaments umong the sol
dicrs at his discretion."
The sale uud attribution ot Bibles
has not only been cirned on through
the Depository ut Hunesdale, but by
persouul solicilatior.s of oolportiuru.
it is a pleasure to record the work done
by those who have ibua gone from
bouse to house endeavoring to ascertain
tne spiritual needs ot tneir tnmatos ana
to supply Bibles when they had ,'n0De,
and at thia time I wish to mention tbo
debt of gratitude wo owo to our dear
triend, Rev. H. Q. Barnod, who is with
ua this evening. Ho haa spent portions
ot sevoral years in tho work of our so
ciety. His great success in thia field of
labor is well-known throughout our
county, and the results of hia personal
etiorte win be lull; revealed only in the
internal world.
The records do not state where the
Depository was located previous to
Feb. 1, lt51, at which time it waa re
moved to the atore of Hand & Kirtland.
where it remained until Miy S, 1&5J,
nen it waa removed to tbo atore ol U.
. Hamlin for 1 year, until the year
155'",, It had an abiding place in tbe
atore of Foster Brothers & Co. from
tbe year 1S."C to Dec. lbC3, and it was
then transferred to tbe care of B B.
rimitb, until hia death in the year 1&S7.
Since November. lbS7. it haa been lo
cited in tbe store ot Oscar T. Chambers.
I or several years it has been sDoar-
ent that Bible distribution by colpor
teurs in sparsely seined counties waa
becoming moro and more expensive on
account of lack ot funds and tba work
whB given up It was then rroDoaod bv
The Pennsylvania State Bible Society to
iorm groups ot several adjoining coun
ties, with a district superintendent re
siding in a central locality, from which
be could easily go to various places and
present tbe Bible cause and also carry
on a large and well stocked Biblo De
pository in his residential citv. In ac
cordanec with thia suggestion. The
Wayne County Bible Bocietv tn the
year i:ii joined the rorth East group.
k jusisimgui rixuuunues, j-Acaawaons,
vtyoiuine, urauiora, eusqueoanna,
Pike and Wayne, with the citv of
Scrantou oa the central point, where
tne superintendent, itev. u. o. lisrned
resides, and who also manages a De
pository well stocked with Bibles and
portions of tbo Scriptures. He ia able
to reach most sections of Warne rami
ly by railroad much moro readily from
-cr.inioQ man irom nonesJalp. and
Bibles can be sent from that city to
p.mors, aibbath school teachers and
others as quickly and cheaply as from
this borough.
Tbe following ia the financial report
from Nov. 21. KCC. to the nrnaent time.
July 15. ishis. Balance in the treasury
i. li'uu. .si i. uontnbutiona
from Nov. 21, l'MC, as follows: Collec
tion at union meeting in Lutheran
church at that time. I: 17. Contribu
Hon from churches. 3s. Interest re
ceived on bank balance,2d 32 Amount
ot sales at The Honesdalo Depository,
127 40. Amount of salei to various
parties cn orders, f 16 17 Total t-l2 21.
The above sales of ii:i 57 is in addition
to tbe amount sold from Tbe Central
li.'P silory. S :r an ton. to the inhabitants
ot w ayne county which will be includ-
ea in ev. ur. named s rcporL The
payments are aB followe: Record bock
or secretary. J cents, 'irmnnt tn
d:ranton Depository for teachers' Bibles
ana scriptures ordered. (12 57. Pav-
meat to Pennsylvania Bible Sacietv for
crcjiioi wayne uounty liiolo Bociety
iii 4unu ciei urancn. fou liaiance
in hands of Treasurer, ils sy.
Tne followiug is a eummarv of re
ceipt, eaips ana gtita of The Wayn-
ouuiy uiDie oociety irom March 1.
lsY.i. to tbe present time. Julv is. lis is
The previous record ol 17 years is not
at present available. Total amount of
oniributiona to the society, I5.SC8 Si.
Amount received aa interest on bank
nances, f 323 .v.. Total sales and the
amounts that have been recorded of
gratuitous distributions, iC.TOO 90. This
society bos aent to The Pennsvlvania
Bible Society for its credit in tbe work
oi I lie rtorlb East Group, year, 1907,
ttoo, year. i:j. f imi rotai
During IS years, from March 1. ItsIS
until the present time, in addition to
the cost of carrying on the work of
Bible distrioution within our own coun
try, tbis society bos sent to The Amer
lean Bible Society and Pennsylvania
niuie ojciety lor worn, "tgidn or
t ayne county. 2 11m 7C.
Taking into consideration tho sum ol
t.'.lls ,c that baa been donated by tbia
SK'ie'.y to The American and IVnnnvl-
vania Biole Societies during the Dast
j cars, besides other amounts before
that time, for tbe work outside of
ftayno county it is evident that the
rants cf Bibles and Testaments made
ny the Philadelphia eoccitics in 1819
were a wise investment.
Respectfully submitted,
Asiiitgw Thompson, Treaa'r,
Honesdale, July IS, 1903.
Milan ville.
July 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Jcrrnd
sbitcler, ot Manosquan. New Jersey.
ire boarding at Vomer Skinner's for
two weeks. Mr. Sniveler has just sold
ois noiei ine tsjuan iiouse and ia en
joying tne nsbiog on tbe Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay, of Honesdale
were guests of Mre. Nichols over Sun
Hev. C. D Skinner and family leave
Monday, wh'n the former will go to
.-juver iaue, to attend the Assembly
there, tor two weeks, while Mrs. Skin
ner and daughters will visit frienda at
heiuuog. N. x.
Herbert lllman will go to Waahine
ton, D. C, thia woeg, where he has a
JohnEnf quest Jr.. ot Brooklyn, spent
Djuuay m me -Maples.
S. J. Kromer and family with a nnm-
ocr oi guests nro camping at the Fall
irove uud are having a very cnjoyabli
The ball game Friday between the
Milanvillo boys and McGucys' boarders
resulted in another victory for tbe borne
team, tne score standing 9 to 12. Bev
cral boys were uncertain at tbe bat but
were probably excusable owiog to tbo
oackgrouna ot girls.
The dance Friday evening at tbe new
Locnoctoa tuna nan waa well attend
Miss Gertrude Calkins has returned
irom a visit with Foeterdalo relatives.
Mrs. V. Adelbert Tyler and three
eons, ol ilkee-Barre, Pa., are vibiting
ai u. ii. lyier s.
Mrs. Maria Calkins returned Satur
day evening from Lackawaxen. Pa.
where she has been spending several
wo.-ka wun ner daughter, .Mrs. li.
Mrs. Bench accompanied her sister
31 r a. smith to tiinghamton on Wedoet
day laet. Mrs. Smith will return here
tor an nult-nniie time.
Miss Helen Crane and brother Kred
left for Port Byron. N. Y.. on Mondav
Mr. Stuart, manager ot the Milanville
cnemical worka, boa returned to Bing
uamton on n business trip.
Miss Helen Yerkcs ia visiting Hones
uaic irienus.
Rev. C. D. Skinner, of Auburn. N. Y.
favored a large appreciative audience
witb a brief but forcble eermoo on tbe
subject ot church righteousness. Tbis
sermon was recently given in his home
cnurcn lo mo organization of the Broth
erhood of St Paul. Mr. Skinner is in
tetested in politics and believes the
church should awake to the fact that
us up to them to put good men into
oince ana train our multitude of f oreien
era to know what tbey are voting for
nun anow ine lawa ot our lana before
becoming citizens ot America. A solo
by Hiss Helen Tuitchell. of Lackawax
en, was another interesting feature of
tne service.
Tbi-if it one preparation known to-dur
' ..' -oi iiniiuiuiy usip me fiuinacu. mil
I KOJuL kOiul lll-' nil 4 IftMsss tit innA
aud it duo It iborougtilv. so that ibe u of
koilul lor a time will mihoul doubt belp
an) one uho Lai loiniub trouble. Take
KoJol to-Uay aud u,iiuue it lor tbe bort
lime ibut la uct.eet.try lo give you Miuplels
....... suia ujr i-r.iu, jne iirug.
Uenner ot Co. will close out an odd
lot oi yv ooi jacket Suits at less than
nail pries. 714
na.C. IL BRADY, Dentist, Honesdale. i'a.
OKHCK HOUIts- a. a. to i p. aiT
Au.r ".n5 ipoiutmenL
ClUK-u.' phone JJ. Ilumdeuiie. No. bC X.
Wayne Coantv Bible Bodety.
The annual meeting ot the Wayne
County Dible Society was held in the
IL E. church, on the evening ot July
15th. The following wore elected officers
for tbe coming year:
B. Z. BuaeeU, President; J. A. Brown,
Secretary, and Andrew Thompson,
Rev. IL O. Harned, of Scranton. Rev.
Dr. Wm. IL Swift and Rev. A. L. Whit-
taker delivered addresses.
The following ia the report ot Ber. IL
G. Harned, Superintendent ot Bible Dis
tribution in tbis section of the State :
It was a matter of no small Import to me,
and to many others, wben a tew ot the best
butineM men in Hoaesdste and tbe resident
P&iton, in a little committee In a bank in
lionesdale, voted Instructing tba Hev. James
O. Woodruff, tben pastor of the U.K. church
of lionesdale, to correspond with me with a
view to securing my services aa Colporteur
ot the Wayne County Bible Society for a
jski, ui wuicd acuon t anew nuuung unui
the letter reached me asking me to take tbe
work, leaving the regular pastorals for the
hort Ume. This occurred In Uarch, 1872.
I was not "out ot a Job, seeking employ
ment," for I had enjoyed one ol the most
ueceeatul years, wltn about eighty conver
sions and finances ot my church lo a thrifty
condition, and that, too, when the grasshop-
orivuKu eaien up nearly everyioiog loai
wis rreen lexcent tbe oreaoherl. la the mm.
mer of 1?71.
I accepted the call and nut In the full vsar
In Wayne county, distributing over 1.700
volumes or the scriptures and supplying
many families that had no Bibles in their
At tbe end of the year the committee hon
ored me with the privileged delivering the
aunniversary address to a congregation that
nearly tilled the Grace Episcopal church on
a weeic-aay evening.
After twentv-flve Tears In the pastorate.
I returned again to the wotk ot Bible distri
bution: but not until the Wayne County
lllble Society had opened the way as well as
ioe ucmvuDt bidio society.
To have had the privilege of dlrlributioe
H.IW volumes of "tbe leaves which are lor
the beallnr or the nations In twenty-six
languages. In Northeastern Penmrlrania li
a work wmcn any uinsuan worker might
iook upon vim pleasure wiinoui uouung.
Fortbesakeor rreater emclencv and econ
our, at the beginning or the year 1007 a
group or i-bunues were unitea under me di
rection ot Itev. U W. Eckard. O. I).. General
secretary of the Pennsylvania Bible society,
and It, II. Thomas. buslnsM matuurer. and
the omcers 01 the local sooieues. ana the
new arrangement works weiL I was se
lected 10 take chares of the work in the six
Iiuring the year and a half ending June
m. inus, we nave aiiinnuuxi 7,w: volumes,
valued at ao.7vv e,, in counues asrouows:
iike. 32 volumes, value. t! II : Wvomiov.
17 volumes, value, 1124 JO; Bradford, 2s2
volumes, value. 4219 43; boequehanna, 32j
volumes. value,4U SI: Wayne, iia volumes,
value. tlM 31 : Lackawanna, (iocludloc all
sold to people outside ot tbe counties named I
&Go4 volumes, value. 42.993 14.
Ua our hands is the great problem of our
nation, aa well at of the churches, that ol
making our nation wnai 11 should ne and
maintaining the highest order of religious
libertv and civilizauon in the midst of the
conitant Inhux ot foreign population. There
10 a loouin nouon wiu some people "inai
minifleri thould not meddle with politics."
so iitu-n 10 a lew leniences irom a great
Justice Brewer, of the Supreme Court of
the United states, said : "Mo nation Is bet
ter tban IU sacred book In that book art,
expressed IU hlgbeit Ideals or lite, and uo
nation nies auove uomj laeaii.
"No nation," be says, "has a sacred book
lo compare with ours. Thli Amerloan na
tion, from its am settlement at Jamestown
to the present hour. Is based upon and per
meated by the Principles ot the Bible." He
declares "Tbe more thu Bible eaters iota
our national life, the grander and purer and
belter will become that life."
It was esUmatod and reported at the Gen
eral Conference ot the church, recently, that
"there are more tbaa nfteen millions of
people in the United states or America liv
ing without tbe Bible." Add 10 these the
many, many milUoni in foreign bands, msnv
or whom have no Bible yet printed in their
ine nest 01 retails are minirett in our
Bible Distribution amonic people of forelcn
mere ore many uuttiani in our part of
tbe titate, tome of whom are called "Little
ituttiant." They read the Uutsian language.
It was nearly a Tear before I secured their
Bible after I begin to try to get It, as it il
printed in Auttria. A man of thu kind oame
to thit country without hia family and then
returned after a few yean. While here our
cupply of Bibles reached him. While read
ing it he wat converted. Before going back
Ia feia fiatly rftiinlrf i mmu..p llm-
to bit Bible, and not to go pack to the mere
form ot religion, lie took oil Bible with
him. and bit wife threatened to leave him
but be eot ber to read the Bible and she wu
convened. Bit two brother! perieouted
bim: but be had them read his Bible, and
tbey were converted, aod their wires, alio.
inen aiier two years, ne wrote hack here
to Ibe mistlonary in Keren ten. asking for ISO
Mew Testaments in the Buiaan huunuzj.
The missionary came to me and secured the
address or tne nearest wnie ttauon to thli
man In hit own country, and then collected
money among the converts of hit own mis
sion and sent It on, ordering th Testamsuts
sent to the man In Russia, lie cave me the
post omce money order receipt as a proof cf
biiitory. There U a very pioiperoui mil
lion of this kind in scrautcn. I hare fur
nished scores of Bibles and Testaments for
them, and they read them. too.
There it an Italian In scranton who hu
crippled hand, and sell! fruit on the tUveti.
ue Keept a uiue ooaraing-nouse, and he
re&di hit Testament to kit boarders, and
eight of them have been led by him Into the
minion at members, four ot them recently.
There are three Italian iflMioot In Scranton.
at lean, doing good work. We have furnitb-
eu nuoureaioi volume 01 the scripture lo
tbe Italiant. Tbey teem eager to get them,
aud Ibey read them well.
President itooserelt li reported at uyiug,
"No greater work can be done by any phil
anthropic or retigiout society than to itrefch
out a helping band to Ibe man and the wis
man who come here to this oountly to be
come i-iiueu- ua pareaiiox citizens, and
therefore to do their part in making up, for
weal or for woe the future of our land. It
we do not take care of them, if wa do not irv
to nplif t them, then at ture as fata our own
cnimren win pay tne penalty.
Why should the Bible sooietv be crowded
out or receive the cold shoulder? Do we be
lieve wnat me uioie says -that it ahall not
return void? '
Seuator Beveridee said In his m&thariv ad.
dress at the great Centennial Anniversary
of tbe Penntylvmia Bible society in Phila
delphia on the 7th of last 14ay : "Thli soci
ety hai distributed million! of Bibles and
Te laments tn almost every language ipoken
on the earth. Only thai Omniscient One.
who sees into tbe heart of every man as an
luaiviuuai idu iiuaenundf ue movement
of all men ai a mail : who comprehends the
smallest act ana tiniest particle 01 ume, and
also understands the rniA-btieit human ner-
tormtnee and consider! tbe whole iweep of
aget only ue anowi wnat gooa 10 person!,
to nations and-to tbe whole race Ibis society
has accomplished."
Wben tbe President or the Bute Society,
Bishop WhiUker, ot ibe Protestant Episco
pal church, made the statement that tbe So
ciety bad distributed Z,3J3.Oa0 volumes, I was
glad that I bad been permitted to have a
band in tt, having distributed more than 33.-
uue, aud about &,iOu of them in Wayne couu-
i). under ine auspices or inn society. 1
bare Iraui-acled the bualneu or tbe society
with tbe Treasurer. Andrew Thompson, for
tbee several years, aud hehis always treat
ed in very kindly. Ills nearly a quarter of
a ccutury lulbis service will nolappear at a
small pari 01 uis iotiuk services lor me sui
ter Hbeu tbehualiuicounilimadeup. Many
tnauks to bim and to all who hare so kindly
aiueii in ine gooa woik.
TtilsliwbatUon. Jak Moore. 8tau Ward.
en, ot (ieorgla, asyaof ICodolfor lifipepala :
'K. V- lleWiti it Uo., Cnluieo, III. Dear
bin I nave tunrred more Uiao twenty
vtiari from Indieeitlon. About tacLteen
mootbi aco 1 bad grown auc-h worse
that 1 tuld not digest a crust of corn bread
and could not retain anything oo my
siomic-o. i ioii a iui : in laci i maae uo
my mind I tit 1 nould not live but a abort
time wben a friend of mine recommended
Kodol. I consented to try It to please bim
and a as belter In one day. I now weiKb
mote tban 1 ever did in my Ills and am in
belter bestlib tban for many years. Kodol
did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write
ims iiuius; ioii numaoiiy may be benenitnl.
Yours very Iruly, Jake (- Moore, Atlanta,
auk. iv, sw. cum uj s ciu, sue isrugsitl
JuttaliltlsUaiuaiweet is all tbal la neces
sary lo ci ve your baby wben It U cross and
peevish. Oaioaaweel contains do opiates
nor harmful drug! and It Blgbly recom
mended by mothers everywhere. Conforms
to the National 1'uie Food aod Drux tssw.
told by I'KIU Tbe Urucxlst.
Laiteol Honesdale, deoeaaed.
All persons indebted to said estate are ao
lifltvl to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; aud those having ciaimi agauut
aaid cw-tate are notilled to present them, duly
attested, for aettiemeut.
lionesdale, Pa., July ill. I9U. Ex'r.
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
II Mouth Main rJU,
Anxepts DepositsLoans Honey
in Small and Large Amounts
It Gives A Handy
Free to All Household Bank-
One to the Savings Depositor, the other to
Doing Business
the up-to-the
It Saves It Saves
Because a Check is always a Receipt.
Cheapest and Safest Wav to Send Money to Foreign
countries is by a Money Order
Deposit Boxes for Your Valuable Papers and upward per
annum. Open a Business or
An Authoritative Display for Men
NKVF.R before In Ibe hi.tory of tbf ttorthTH WHthawii wi Inrgt ark nf II 1011
AKT CLOTHING. For moolb we b&re t'trn .rvptrius for !hi Oinmiius lh-pU rmlI
we tu.v fpreJ uo ptlos to make It htj rxva-ion wontiv of th uitt-ttlioti tt ttry up lo
dftte dre-r in tbi community. bow the iroilucl o( AnifruM -.nrir.t nrcttnr.i-
tion elotbine for turn uud younc mfi model! upon fXfluiri nu I u Iv.iriffd tlfinii.
and dUtioctly t-iprcuUe o( tbe Hev-fret fuUlon I ileal of tho tnovctii-nt.
The fabrics are assuredly sinking and attractive, with every
trait of refinement.
The prices, m Alwaya, are decidedly lower ihsn fNinnl ntyli. -innUrr. lit und
workmeiivhlp can be do Id tor elsewhere.
Full Line of Gents' Furnishings.
Special Prices on Children's Clothing.
Main St., Honesdale.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A condition brr.ogh
about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that we
supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and
ea-ily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON TAINTS:
ist No one can mix a better mixed paint.
ad The painters declare that it works easily and nas wonderful covering
td Chilton stands btck of it and will aeree tn tenaint. at his own cxiu-nse
every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend
is use to others
or TUB
Honesdale National Bank.
At the olose of bunneis, July IS. IMa,
loauu ana XMacoants f3SI.8l7 &S
ufsniiuu, cecurea ua unsecur
ed 1 7L
U. 8. Bond! to secure circulation, K.00O 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 2.800 HI
Bondi, tecuriUos, etc 1.303. too 33
Banklns-bouie. furniture, flitures 0,0U0 00
uue irom riauonai inn let (Dot
Reserve AjrenU)
Due f'm State Bankiand Bankers
Due from annrored reierve a?'u
8 W
Ui.rTJ eg
g. joi jj
loo oo
Checks and other oath items
Ho ten or other National Hanks..
Fractional paper ourrency. nick
els and osnts -
3M 9s
Lawtul Horn BsMava in IIajii vir
aneoia M.4U 00
besal tender nol.. .8sO 00 6j,31J 00
neaempuon luna wiu u. B.
ATeaiurer, b per oenu ox circu
laUoa .
2,70 Ul
.tl.S0J.7fi 01
Capital stock paid in.
Surplus fund
. I1SO.O0O 00
100.000 00
68,601 10
U.UJ0 00
two ui
1 M 3s
lti to
undivided pronta, leas expense!
and taxes paid
National Bank notes outitandi ng
Htate Bank notes outstanding...
uue 10 oiner nanonai uanai
Due to titate Bank! and Banker!
Individual depoitti subject to
check ll.iia.UI
Demand oertifloatei
of deposit 23,21 00
Certlfled check! JOZ Ul
Cashier's checks out
standing 2,811 81-1,170.711 48
Bonds borrowed . .
Notes and bill! redticounted ....
Billi payable including certifl
oates or deposit for money bor
rowed Liabilities other than those above
TotaL i1.ttt2.789 01
Utate of Pennivl vania. County of Wayne, ss
1, Edwin F. Torrey, Cashier of the lionet
dale National Bank, do solemnly iwear that
tbe above statement it true to the beat of
my knowledge and beliei.
Bubscribed and sworn to bcfoie me this
30th day of July, WOS.
W. U. bT(INt N. I
Correct Attest.
H. Z. UUsaaLL. i
ANUUKW TUOuraON, V Directora.
J. U UlRDaAlX. )
Tim Card In Effect June 21st, 1906.
I. e.r
I ISLVB r.llllril isl
V) sail u
IWlr .I'aiualA
. SlaiUjbl.- -rraatourark
4 SS
i to
I M,
tt tail to
in as
is wit lo - .rorauili.
riunu ..dnss ...
roraat citv "
ft MI11IS - Cwaasla 1 & -
I s 1Z11 u - .oartoaaue.
' .is.rnis Td
111 101
17 1 01
I IX i I
ttt in
4 IS l
tii rf
449 110
r ur tt
, ensra . . -
I at is H -
Iwiiii -
atista- .oiri-ual
l as is sa - .iHeksoa-.
Klta- ....Tkroop
umo an nvnsaaw.
IU!l WrkMaei
soilsaaLv.ecruloa ar
SMUMasl triua Lasts carkmdsli for Mst
Sail tar! al t JO a eb till, as n p as daily
useMtuatr Aaltiiuiisi truat ttsn Usr.
uAYarS f or Csutoaasli is a a only aid a
. at, aiUj axoept aMusay.
. O. Almeaom, J. B. Vina,
Trams UAttnr, TTavausc Aceat,
M BkSIVar BV ft
. Xsw Tork.
BoTutoa, r.
Estate of U Alt Y a. OONLKY,
Late of Clinton, deceased.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed to
pats upon exceptions lo aonouni, and to
report distribution of lbs fundi In the
tiandi of tlbtbbnn (lumtnoe. Aduiuiitrator
of said estate, will attend to tb duties of
nil appointment, on
FRIDAY. JulylL, IS0S, at It o'clock, a. at.,
at Us Mse in the borough of fionesdale, at
which time and place all claims against aaid
414 la must bo presented, or recourse to the
tuna tor auuiuuiiea wiu i sosc
IL WILSON. Auditor,
HoolJllt. July U, MUL UU
DsvTlU's Witch Hsxel Balv Is good for
cuU. bursu, brtilses and acnuiiea. ituei.
peeitJUy cood for plies. Beoom mended aud
ioUbj fklL. Thl UrmfW-
jfil'fl BUU! JfsSj
1 IV K1
Check and
Pass Book
Anyone opening a
by Check is
minute way
It Saves
Paving Twice
issued by this Bank. Safetv
Savings Account Now.
The Spring: Styles in
High Art Clothing;
28th of Hay. 1UI7, the tualilled eleclort
of the bortiucti of Iluni-r.lile. by ballot,
gave their consent loan increase of indebt
edness by tbe llonrcdale si-bool Imird to
an amount not exceediui; M5,Ujii, tlie pur
pose of which waa the erection aud equip
ment of a school building. In acconlttm-e
with this consent, the school directors bare
aulhorizeil the issuing of four per cent,
bonds, not exceedinc (LVISYI. and have se
lected plans and spei-ihcalinns. That by
reason of several disastrous fires in school
buildinss. accompanied by tearful loss of
life, it bas been deemed wise to erect the
school building as far as possible lire proof.
Tbe Ure proollng of the halls, iron stair
ways, over the boilei room, tho necessary
legally requited beating and ventilating
apparatus, and the beating niiaratus re
quired for Ibe preseDt brick building, have
o far Increased tbe estimated cost, as at a
comiwtitive bidding tbo lowest bid is tome
nilecn tbousand dollars aliove the amouut
of consented indebtedness.
Therelore. it is by tti scbool directors nf
tbe said liorough this !d day ol June, lUH.
resolved, that tbe iuesliou of increasing
Ibe autbonxed indebtedness by tilleell
thousand dollar! beiubmltled to tbe iuali
bed electors of tbe said borough: and that
an election lie held in the said election dis
trict, in accordance with the provisions ot
the Acts of 170 and 111: wherein the con
sent of said iualitled electors is asked to
permit tbe sc-nool distriit to incur an in
debtedness, addiiional. for school building
purposes not exceeding fifteen thousand
dollars; aud that thirtyday.' nnticeol such
election be published in the three papers
publi.hed in llouelsle, lVnn'a
Notice is hereby given tblt a public elec
tion will be held io tbe Court Iiouse iu said
borough of Honesdale, at Ibe place an,l by
the onicers provided by law for the holding
of municipal election! in said borough, on
TUESDAY, tbe 2-th day or JUuV, I!)!,
for the pufpose of obtaining Ibe bwuI nf
tbequaliQeJ electors ot the said school dis
trict totheiiicreeyed indebtedness mention
ed in the foregoing resolution, and for Ibe
purfiose tbereiu mentioned; such election
to beheld iu Ibe manner, and during tlie
hours fixed by law for holding municipal
elections and subject to ail the provision!
or law relating to suth elections. Tbe
following is a statement of the lat asucsped
valuation of the said H hool distni I, Ibe
amouut aud percent, ol said proposed in
creased indebtedness, and tbe purjKise for
which it Is to be iucrt-ated
The last enacted valuation is f-VwliOO.OO.
Tbe current ludebteitness is ',ui.
Tbe authorized indebtedness is 10,000.
Tne vote of increase Is 7.1 mills.
Tbe purpose is tbe erection ami eiuiii
tuenl ot a school building.
A.T HraHLE. President Honesdale School
A. M. Lkikc Secretary llancilale School
Board. sit
or Tne
Honesdale, Wayne Co., I'a.,
At the close ol business. Mar I'A '-".
Reserve fund.
Casbtsiecieand notes ScXi,7K.I 1G
Legal securities IO,(iO 00
Due from anproved
reserve agenis uu.
li il fi;-.iw co
Check! and Cash items 1.IUH 30
Due from Banks and Trust to's,
noi reserve agenis i.m ai
Bills discounted not due 2.0C1 c
Bills discounted overdue protes
ted and Dot protested. ...none
Bill! discounted, timeloant witb
collateral 4 4.7CO 00
Loans cn call with collateral,
Loani on call upon one or more
names u,iww
Loan! secured by bonds and
mortcasei 20JVO a)
Investment lecuriliei owned ex
clusive ol reserve bondt,viz:
Block!, bonds, etc. tl, S01, Its SI
Mortgage! and
judgments ot reo'd 17B,Va 21- I.96I.8U OS
Real estate.... ... 33,000 00
Furniture aud Uitures ZJWO IB
Overdrafts 3 Ut
Miscellaneous Asset! 4uS 00
(7.Cb3,3l7 7
Capital Block paid In tim.BOO 00
SurpluiFund SUO.OOO 00
uadivided 1 Ton li. leas Kiiciies
and Taxes paid L9.C03 30
Depoaiu tublect lo
check f liC.CrfloO
DepoalUtpeclal 2,U6,0i II
Time cerlitlcatea of
depotitl I,U 78
Certified Check CTI 7J
Catbier'i checks out
standing SO 2t-2,t7s7 41
Due to IheCommunwealth ZO.UM 00
Due to banks and bauken do
reierve agents OOI 07
tt.6-2.JI7 75
I1UU of Pennsylvsnia, County of Wayne, aa.
I, H.fkottHalmon. Uaabltr of Ibe above
named Company do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to tbe. best of nr
knowledge aud belief.
(Signed.) II tt. BALUON. Osabler.
Bubicrltwl and sworn is before so tbi
23d day of May, ISO.
(sitoed.i UonKirr a. surra. H. r.
NuUrial beaL
Correct Attest !
(Signed.) II. i HAND, I
laigned.l II. J.CONUKIt. V Director,
(tllguedj P.P. KIMBLE, J