The Honesdale Citizen. r VOLUME XL. T U. B ILMON, ATTOUNKr-AT-LAW. raoe-Nut door to Pott onio. Fonnetly occupied by Hon. W. n. IMmmlck. Honeadsle, April. 1903. WU, H. IiRG, ATTOBNKTfcCOnN8ILOB-4T-LW Office over Toil OIBce. All legal business promptly attended to. Uonesdale, Ju. 1. 1- T' Eo. MDMFonn, . ATTOBKCT AND OOUMIOB-T-LW OtBoe Liberty Uall building, opposite lb. Post Offloo, Uoneadale. Pa. SSjrl JKHHAN HAIIMK9, ATTORNEY ANl)COUN8KU)n-AT-LAW Patent and Pensions secured. Otnc in tbe Court Uouso. Honeadsle. Pa. Jyl CI BAULKS A. McCAHTT, . ATTOKrfEY fcCX)UNt)KLOR-AT-LAW UOKSSDILS, PbKK'A. Special and prompt attention given to Itir ollccClon or claims, umce over llelf a new tore. Myl JETP.U D. ILOKF, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOB-AT-L AW OtBoe 2J floor Old HaTings Bank building 1 ItoKaoniLB. I'A. P. KIMBLE. aTTOUXET Am OOCN8SLOB-AT-1.AW' Over tbe Prat Office, Uoneadale Mar lOS. 11 X. 8EARLG, ATTOllNKV ANDOOCNS&r ,i-LAW UOIBDitl, P- At the offlce late of W jtearle. q x. nowLivsn, ATTOHNEY-AT-IiAW. Honesdale. Pa. UOoe oyer Pact Otaee. Jan. 1. ISM. l gJOXER GBEEHB, ATTOONET ft OODNSRLOB AT LAW OIBoe oyer Heir, New Store. Honesdale, Pa. Myl H. VI SON. ATTORNEY OODN8KLAJU AT LAW IIOKianAXB. Office - Uatonlo building, 2d Hoot. Q. H. -WniTNKT. L1VERT AND OMNIBUS LINE, ttw o( Allen House HonesdsJe, l'a. Deo. L 1S02. lyl .R. K. T. BUOV4N, U DKNTI8T. Offlce lit Floor Old Pavings Bank buihtiiiF Hokcsdslb - Pa. Kyi rvR. II. B. -SKAKLKM. U UOKCSDALB, PA. Omce and Residence 111C Church (tree! Mite Baptist Churcn. Telephone. ce Uour.-2.00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 r yyn. v?. r. mcconvill, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offlce IBS Second street, lormerly open pled by Dr. J. J. O'Connell. Honesdale, March 13. 1WB. t!Syl . Niw Malay OgiiiniGurt Being Olatrlbutod Free by a New York Society. . Co-opcratitiK with rfsskms In Malay, ala, the Windsor Laboratories of New York have secured a supply of the won derful cornbretum plant, which has done so much to revolutionize the treatment of the opium habit. A ecnerous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its use, and United States consular report"! bearinjr on the subject will bo sent to .any sufferer. To obtain a free supply of this remedy and the consular rcjmrts nddressWindsor Laboratories.Branch 23, 131 East'53Ui Street. New York City. Joseph N. Welch, FIRE INSURANCE THE OLDEST FIRE INSURANCE ACENCY IN eVAYNE COUNTY. Office: and floor Masonic Building, over C ('. Jadwin's drug store, Honesdale. How Aru Your Eves? With a practical experience or, many year I am able to make a careful, voientilto exam .nation of the eye. which will result In the application of a plana that will relieve and belp you. ir you feel the need of aid for your eye, delay in folly. BLIND. You are blind to your own Interest If you neglect to take care of your eyei. It l.t very one who can properly lit you with JElaanffl. and when vou cut. them rou ihnuld not think they will do, juat because you Pee a liltln better. You MUST know they aru exactly ilphl. We are headquarter for optical poodrt of all kinds. All hwses duplicated and fiamed soltle on abort notice, cheaper than elsewhere. C. F. SPENCER & CO , JEWELERS. Pott Office Dulldlnc UoneHdale Pa iT,V n IJniii Va-( rtniL nM.MM re'.a, ii r rj i iii k i ihiiu ri u w Week Da" t,,, I' Honesdale Citizen, oer year 1 50 BOTH PAPERS TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 8550 Addresa The Oltlaen. Uoneadale, Pa WANTED SUMMER BOARD by tbounand- of Brooklyn people. Can you take a few? 11 ao, list our bouae lu tbe BUOUKLYN DAILY EAQLE FUF.K IN POItU ATION liUUKA U, for which purpoae a printed blank la provided. The aervlco of tbe Information Bureau WILL COST YOU NOTHii'G. TbeBrookl)ii Eucleii the beat advertlalni; medlum In tbe world. It carrle. more re tort adverli.euient. than any New York pu. tor. It stands l'liB-KMINKNTLY at the ead. An advertisement In tbe Eacle costs little, but brines Isrce rrsiills, because the Kuf:e Information bureau is constantly belpuiK II. write tor usiiiiu mauK auq AuveriLMu: Bate Card. AddrcM. INr'OUM ATION IILMtKAU. BROOKLYN DAILY KAIiLK. Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrtitlon the paper In which you aee this advertlaemeul. WsrIO "ARLY RISERS Tfce femow little jmHc 'RIIAlB couiit salf. VALUABLE KF.AL fTATF. By virtue of an order of the Orphan Court of Wayne county, the followlnc des cribed real estate of the aliove named de cedent will lie offered at public sale, at the tOURT IIOUSF, In thetwrouRhot HONKS DALE. FRIDAY, AUG. It, 1B08, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In tbe township nf toulb Canaan, County of Wayne and Htate of Pennsylvan ia, bounded and described as follows : BB O INNING at a corner of btmlock knots driven down In the public road In the south western line of land M llatilson McMian: thence alone said road by line of land ol Thos Ulenn, Jr., and John Ulenn north forty elpbt decrees west slxly-elcht rods to a stake and stones corner: thence by said (llenn'alaud north sixty-two degree, west eleven rods to a corner in said public mad! tbence by (otherl lands of the late Htaoy Cbumard south thirty-four degrees west one hundred and thirteen and one-half rods to a stones corner In line of Maxwell Bicati ; thence by said Maxwell Big-art's land south fifty degrees east sixty-four rods to a stone, corner In line of land of John Wagner and P. Faulkner lot, now or lately owned by Amos ilecd: tbence by said Reed's land and land of llainson McMlun north forty de gree, east one hundred and fifteen rois to the place of lieglnuing. CONTAINING fifty acre more less. And being same land conveyed to Andrew J. Rutledge, now de ceased, by Margaret Chumard and John F Wagner by deed dated April 10, 1809. which deed is rcorded In the olhce for tbe n cord ing of deeds in said county of Waynj In Deed Bonk No. M, at page ITS. -AL0-AI1 that certain lot or parcel ol land situate lu the towimhlp of itoulh CaMiin, ouut of Wajne and slate ct I'emisj lvatua. tiiuind ed and dcciilicd as follows BKUllNNlNli at a heap of stone the southern corner ot let Niv 411. in the allot meiit of tbe"Cu1wald el Middle Cieek Tlwt' ; thence by lal.d of Amos Reed and Solomon Cuiti. north titty degrees west rUty-fnurrols; thence by end ot ttolomim Curtis north thiity dtgteeneast lifty-two rods; tbence ouih torty digree. east fifty seven rods to a post corner; theiicc along the land nf Anion tteed south loity deurees est lilly.two and ime-bslt to the place ot bi-gmning. IVNTAIMNU seventeen aires aud lolly Iiercbes lie Ibe same more or'less. And being the same land conveted to Andrew J, Rutledge, now deceased, by Holniou Curtis and wite by deed dated April IT, PCX, which deed Is re corded In oriice lor reiiirdlng deeds in said county In Heed Book Nh. 55, at pace 275, aud all of above described laud teMlig same land which J elm A. Kutledgv, Kxeiutol of Andrew J. Kutlcdge, conveyed to ChlTonl 1 Clmpman. dcinl dated December 11, IlKC, rwoided in Deed Book No. W, page av. I'pon said tiremisee is a two-story fiame house, one frame bain, and othir iinpnive uienls Nearly all impnived land. TERMA OF nALK, CASH. Pun haiier to pay 13. for deed aslu Sheriff's sales. CKORCK O. CHAPMAN, K. C. Mmronn. Admlnittaior. Attorney. 1114 SALE IN PARTITION. By virtue of an order of the Coutt of rouimon I'leas of Wayne County, el time i Kquity, the uoderstcned will expose at public sale, the land of Joseph Huckwulder, d(Meaed late of l'iilui)ra township, at the Court Uoupe, Honesdale, l'a on FRIDAY, JULY i4. 1!sk. at S o'clock, r m., thefollowmp deriUd pjt-ee or paTcl oT land, situate in Talmyra Township, rtrtyiic County, l'a . il MtlNNlNfi at thecnternf theold hurh way known as the Unard Itottd ; thence north twenty-two and one-half deer? wett alone ttmlandof Peter Collum eichty slx aud one-tlfth rods to a stones cornt-r; I hence noilb ixty-seven and onishalf de crees east alone tbe lands of Jesse (Vtllum and Frederick titeinard one hundred au thirty-three and three-fourths rods to a chestnut tree, a corner; thence alonp laudit of Edward Am merman south threeaudonc balf decrees west eijrhty and one-half inds to a stones corner; tbence south alonp the lands ot Ira Com pi on nineteen aud one-half deprees wist forty-five rods to the renter of tbe turnpike road ; tbence along said read north forty-five degrees Wes i,phteen lods to tlie (wtttwr of tbe lamp; thitfA tti" bit), ance of oure along the old road south elcbty-eix dcciecs wevt twenty and one-halt rods, south mty-Iour aud one-half decree west twelve tods, south sixtj-eifrht itpiees west fourteen tods and soutli tilty-six and three-fourths decree wtst rich teen rd to tht place or hepinnmir. CUNTAlNIMi sixtj-thlee acres of laud, tie tbe saint mine or less. XUPitOYCMKKTS Upou said pttiuise are two large orchards, tine spring water, good dwelling house, one large aud one small barn aud other out buildings, about twelve acies are covered by wattm uf Long Hirige pond, thirty acr.s improved and the balance wood Lin J. located about one and one-half mile from Havli-y, no tbe Lorg Ridge load. TERMS OF SALE, CASH Tbe purchaser aluo to pav M for Deed. O. h. ROWLAND, Mum. r. A.T.&EARLK, Attorney. '.U H. a HAND, President WM. R. HOLMES Vice President, U. 8. SALMON. Cashier, W. J. WARD, A'l Cashier After II vinfl is larvjnly a m. iter of hmhil. CultlvKtAihe habit, no niHtUr how mut 1) you ninkr-it is the one euro wy to inde pendeiice. You wilt find courteous treatment ant5 ample ecuntV at the WAYNE COUNTY S A V I N G S HONESDALE, PENN'A. RF.AI) TlIC FlliUHF.S: . CAPITAIi STOCK, . JllOO.OIlO HIIIIPLIIS ;tlKI,(Ml UNI1IV11IKD KAItN'INOS. IIO.OHJ TOTAL CAPITAI,, $4m,m'j S2.680.0D0 Total Assets. HA VINOS DKPOSITS made on or be fore the tenth day of any month will iIihw Interest from the tlisl day ot that month. 1NTKUKST will he paid tor all Calendar mouths on moneys remaining on depiMit thrtie t'a.iiidar months 01 longer. INTERKMTUUMPOI'NDRDIN JANUARV AND JULY. Bmall sarea In rent in our HUHOLAII PROOF 8TEKL VAULT. Hpeclal auentlou given to MF.RCANT1I.K ACCOUNTS. Deposits may be made by mail. DIRECTORS: II. C. IlAKn, W. B. HoLvcft, C. J. Smith, A.T. Seahlx, F. P. Kihiile, W. F, Sutiish 11. J. Cosuxu. II. H. Hat HON, T. II. Cl.AltK. SATURDAY BANKING HOURS After June 1st, 1908, 9:00 fi.M. to 12 o'clock noon EVENINGS: 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK CliEKK'S N'OTICi: IN HANK II IJFTCV in the Distnit Court of the Culttd States fur the Middle District or PeuiitiH nia. Cliarlts W. McKinney, of tiouth Ca naan, Wa)ne county, Pen tiny Ivan In, a bank rupt under tbe Act of Congress of July 1, llHiri. having upplied for a full discharge from all debts provable Hgiutut his estate tmdt-r suid Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors aud other persons in interest, tu appear befoie the mini court at Hcruulnn, In vaid District, on the 1.1 duv ot July, lixis. at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why thu prayer of said peti tioner snouia not ne granieu, EDWARD R. W. SEA It LI., Cletk Here in HeMei tor Women, sUolherGrar a nurio In New York, dis covered an aiomatio, pleasant herb cure for women's Ills. itnlUU Austrab&ll.Ijeaf. It is the only certain regulator. Cures female weaiauesses auu u&caucue, n.iuucy auu lUladderaud Urinary troubles. Atall Drug icisis or ny man ituc. nampin r ur.. a drew, Tho Mother Uray Co.. Lt Roy, N. V HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., THURSDAY MORNING, Krerydajr Naram of Our Wood. Pom? kinds cf trrca hi vmincm ne Ihrongbout tho land luvc as tnnnj iillases as Ibv rtimlnal nHh the long est ponce rvcoru. rw inauj- reasousi this Is unfortunate. If It nrre ikhsI Me to bring every one to noccpt ons name for each kind of tree there' would be a decided advantage. The everyday man Is apt to be Impatient with what fteexnfl to the pedantic fond ness of tho I iota n 1st for Jan breaking Latin name that bate no meaning to the uninitiated when common uago uppllcs a familiar one. The trouble that on the familiar name there M oldora an agreement; hence tunny mlnnderatandlng9, wordy disputes and often failure on the iiart of th"e who know a good deal about tree ti distinguish correctly liy name the dif ferent kinds of trees and wood. It Is easy enough to tell an oak from a maple, and there ought not to Wuiuch nnoertalnty a to whether a tree I? a pine or a fpruce. Hut oak, maple. pine and fpruce are generic nauies. and each genus Includes a uuuiUt of FlHclcs. Here Iteglus a confusion which often approaches chaos, Not only do different Utcalltlea apply different names to tbe came sieles and the same name to different il ch-s. In the same locality fceral dif ferent names may be ucd fur n t-Ui-gle v-ecle. where no !isls for a dls tltutiuii exists Tor Instance, a cer tain oak often railed Kith black mid jelluw oak Ueil to N pllt Into hand iniide lath In earl) daj.v and hence got nlo the name of "lath oak." Hut Klncv to tunke g--l lath n FtraUlit prat nod ttie was neded, wmo wo,d men think that a Muck o,ik, such .14 the lalhmaker would hate pelertcd by Its looks, is n different kind of tree from other Mack oaks. oak U also unod as n (-ubgenerle tinn for all the iimii; kinds of onk which, uu'ike the white mi, hae leaes with brit tle tipled loties niid take two jear b mature their nxurns ludeeil the local names ghcu to the fortyvee:i dlffennt oaks found lu the Vulted States are nlnust without limit What Is called black locust In IV nu lvnnla Is jellow hn-ust In Massachu setts, white K'U-t lu New York, i.vl locnt In one pirt of Teunesw nil KTeen In n Mother. In Maine It Is t-iu-ply locust. In Louisiana iicucl.i. I'i Minnesota honey lovust and In M.ii land jHtst lKut. Thee many nam oerlap and are not strictly eparn.'d by state lines. On tbe other h.. 1 1 tho true honey hn-ust (which Ulo t to an altogether distinct genus f. . 1 the black lH'Ustj Is known itlo ., black lot."USt, pvoet locust, thorn l cut, locust, three thirnel urn U thorn tree, hoin-y shucks, pitpiaii amourette. Confederate pin tree nn-l 'u few other name. White pine Is a tre' of so ditln guKheil npiK-nnmce that It Is entltl-! to one name among lumleniicu i. well as nnioug UitauNts. Rut It duv not have It. In l'th Masachlletl end rwum cnrorTnn tc is iiie"ir known as Wej mouth pine, whl.-h N Its unhersnl name In EuroiH-, l nu Stlvanlans oeeaIttnally sjeak of It soft pine. TenneMeans as .pnnv and In other parta of the suth it la calksl portheru pine. The lobU.:i pine Is a southern tire, and the peo,.!.' of the foutii hae Ieen lileral with uatiies. In North Carolina It Is o;. lolly, oldtielil, torch, rosemary, shi.h shoit leaf, h.ip. Indian, fellow, swaiiip and long straw, each U-lng follow I by the word pine." In Maryland 5 Is long shucks. In I Ma ware longM h ' In Virginia oimstalk, foxtail, f-piue swamp and cithers. It la calKtl meadow pine In Tlorli'a. Trom New England to the Carolin a the tulip poplar Is frequently whltewoml or tulip tree. Yellw I-oplar Is Its uMial nnme lu IVnnl vanla, West Virginia and KentucTt and on tbe market In the form of lum Iter. It Is tulip poplar In IlllnpK pop lar In Ohio, white poplar lu liiiltana. blue poplar In 1 tela ware, hlek'iry poj hir In Virginia, popple In Utimle I land, cucumlr tne In New York and can-N wood In Trime-we. The blnhes aie eiually rich In names, and v-oni. of the names cling after the IuiiiUt 5eahes market. Searcly half a dtieu of the rM fspeeles of folest trss foiliul ill the Vulted States nie ii.ipuhub Known by their Utlatilcal names. When mistakes aie made In theidci. Munition of wtto.1 tlni'h.-.l for build llig pUfpos, mtli h ri.ih.imiMiici.t iiul trouble often lesiilt. Aivhlteets biilldeis and other users of lumin'1 liml that the r-ttuatioit H grouing ore eieli jc;ir, Ihimum iii.iii. of tin kinds of lumber formerly In heav . Mipp! me now growing srnrt-e. an 1 Mibstlttites are grailually taking tti. h pliMs To meet this demand of 11m tltfcalioti of trees b Miurture the goti'iuinetit has established a laborattiry whhh irndein free -erl.i-to all who mid speeiinens for eland nation to the Vnlted Status forei-t sen Ice at Wahlngton. The approach of the centenuary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poo will un doubted ly Inspire many unliable eo plo with tbti Idea that this unfortunate author-poet has been sadly neglettod that his works hue larkel due up pivdatlon a n h tile,' Ms eounti men aul that the thu.- Is at baud to lill.v honor his gteatiuM Ihit tlii'le Is uthltig much left to be done for the glor.v of 1'oeV fame unless It be to abolish for nil time dWeul i:i of his pihate 111c and liupriMt the geiieratloiiH with the fact that the only lutcittiig thing ttUtut Poo Is the output of his iK ii. 'J'htt world mnl nil in ft are supposed to be getting belter and wUer cery day 1 tut net November the usual umutH'i- of fools will U' doing all sorts of ridiculous stunts to pay elee tlon U'ts. .lames Whltcoinb Ulley Fajs he would rather be n poet than n polltl elatt. It H surely a more agieeablo Job to write the songs of the jteople than to make them t-tump ppcsches An exploding paper bag makefl about as much nolxo as a firecracker. Vet the American smull boy disdains It utterly when t'other popper Is to lo had. I.wry dog has his day, but It looks us though Ciintro was working over; time. News of A Week Paragraphic Photographs ri the Workfi Adrlce4 from Veiiexuela Indicate tbit President Cnstrn U pn parliiK to hnw Ms resentment toward tbe Unlteil States fur tbe cluslug of Its legation at Curacas by withdrawing Venezue la's consular representative from till, country, thu. cutting off also all com mercial relations. If President Cas tro should take the Hep tbe Cnlted State, will, of course, withdraw It, consular reprcscntatliea from bis coun try. A motor party of eleven society men and women worklnn like lone shoremen, under the direction of Ca taln Undoes of tbe Mohtauk life savini; station, helinnl to sae twenty lives, llreiichi'd to the skin, wuuien who necr bad dune any harder wcrk than lioldlnc a pair of Hues titer a splrlb-d lmto or plnjlnc tennis hauled nt the cable of a breiicbin buoy until twenty men of the crew of the steamship Chip, fiewa hid !vu hauled ashore The New York. New Haven and Hartford Itnllnud company lias an nolinnil that It will elpelld $l,lsl,lel on the iiinstructlou of tlins- new trol ley Urn's In Ciiimis tlcut. The contrm ts are to ! let at muv. niid work will lie liek'iin on nil thrtv lines In the fall. One of the' lines Is to la' run from Hartford to Mlddletown, another from Ilnrtfonl to IUiiilleld and the third from WUIIumiitle to South (uontry. James "1 Hill, ilmlriniin of the Ureat Nortbern Is of the opinion that the only solution of tbe flnani'iil pniblem that confronts the Is nu Increase In frelslit rati-. Mr. Hill snld. "Th.'ie Is no alternative but to cut wnire A cunfrri'iH'e of railroad pre-Mi-nts mi the im-tion was held in New York Kinplojis". of nil the trolley line, controlled bj the New Ymk. New I In ten aihl II iMfunl llii!ii.i.l ni"iiiij xotiil to sUip.ilt b. all in c-ir power the bttj fo'ir empluiis's ol the l'lli lilellil' eollipmy who h:Ue Us'll ills, lriririsl b that sj-iem mi the ground. It ! nlli' they hnl Johns! the inilun lhe 'rnlllllrin. ilelesatioli whleli at tended tile 1 iillioT.ltii' llltli'l.ll I il'l Velltion at Denier lllhl then wel 1 (o bellow -tulle pall, ivtlllllisl to the I 'ol I railo capital with a -tor of t't -ir experielice with Alice l!o.i-.i'eIt Lornr- woith lii the park Tbe . t dare she hsl them In slniriui: "'1 .tin niany. A party of Catholic cleriymen. led by Carillual illbbons of Italtlmore and AnhliKlioi John M. Parley of New York, sailed for tbe Misllterrauean mi the North tleriiian I.lujd liner Koiiic AlU-rt. After Ciirdlmil :lbons Wt to Uome be will attend tbe culiientioii of the nuchnrlstlc leiicw lu Inulon. It was reported that CuiniiiNsloiier Hand of Kllzabcilitonn, N. Y.. who was appolntoil ' Oi.winoj lliichidto t.Miir ibe c-iinri.-i4 prefimsl atr.iln-t I'is triet .ttonie Jerome, would nut rec ommend the di-trlct attorney's re muval, but probably wu'ild i'iiure him for snuie of his a ts Mrs. Susan Turner, wife of Louis C. Turner of Arceiillne, Kan., cae birth tu iiu.idrupli'ts, three los and a girl The girl dhil n short time after birth but the lis are alive mid appaieutli, healthy, lti-sl.les the quadruplets seven chlldteu have Iss-n born to the Turners "IJuvenior Hughes will run for of nee again If he thinks that the hsiiU wMi hint to tlo so." This was the opinion iitTirod by the ltev. Hr. Wal ter I-aldlavv. proiulueiit in the iintl race traik gamlillng campaign, after a talk with the governor. t Willlani P. Walker. iKvu-ed of wreck ing a biuk lu New ltiilaiii. Conn., was siiriciiilcrcil by the Meiean olIii iaN at Kiiseuada to State Superintendent hi" Police I'.gan of Cuiiiiei tiiMit and H. .1 Hoffman, a di'tertlve. 1 (if liiipoitainv. It Is l.leved. vvllli the tlr-t;. uiiircvs for tie repre loo or the adulteration of fond and drugs vvhii b will me, I at lleuev.i Switzerland, oil Sept. s n,t fur 11 week's se-xioll. j The Peiin-v Ivanla has liegun th plan of giving I'llbllrll.v to ea-e- of ill-i Ipllne I i.i po-tlng on ellliojei s' bulletin bo.iliU l.lleliii'llls of the ol feiiM's and the piuil-hinent ndiiiinls. tellsl. ' Known throughout New Jersey as the olde-t wonian lu Hie state. Mrs Sarah Hall Huieiuus. vvhu vvnuld have hecu Hr. .vears old If -lie bad lived un til Aug 1:1. d'bsl of old as- In New ail;. N. .1 The city council of Clevelnud, passed an ordinance decreeing that henceforth i.o prlville celebrulioll ot the fourth of July by the use of fire uriiis or ilrcivorks shall occur. 11 11 Campbell of the Plllted States geological survey Ilgures that at the rate of production rcaihisl In l'.siT the available coal supply lu Pciiu-vlvaul'i will last iilmiit t'.si vears Mrc KUzuts'lh liickiiisou, a negress, wan nuidcred vlulciitl) Insane at As bury Park, N. J , by a thuiidersturm A few .vears ago lightning Instantly killed her husband. That the automobile Is almost use less for military purposes s the gist of the lepurt that was nude us the result of te-ts made at Pine Plains N Y. Judge Amus W Davis of Murgan .-i.ii lit won b.v oiii-tlilid of a vole the DciuoiTutir iioinliiatloii for coheres from the Tenth Kentucky illsiriil Ibe battleship thet reached Houululq m Its way to AtiHtritllu. At lirand Jinn lion, d lo., Steve Allallis, liielnlii-r of the Wlslelll Pil- emtlou of .Miners, was iirqulttnl of the iniirder of Aithur Collins Maine IieiuiKiats iiuaiiliiiutisly noin luatml llli.nll.ili (iaidiier of ItiH-Llan.l fur governor and llientt N. Muvvcr of Auyuilu for state inidltur. FOREIGN A" nM"t f"'i"t .eppilins l..'lll.'ll pie- OF INTEREST ,., , ,,,, fr Imur test trip. As he ship was leav ing lis shed ii gust it wind belw the i raft against the side uf the structure. Twenty yards of the outer rubber cor ded silk uncling were torn away, and the side propeller was U-nt. Count lloul de Ciisteliane furmally tl'ed suit fur sikIi levisioii of the de cree of divorce obtained against him ty bis wife nu will glie him the cus tody of his three ihlldleii He also lisku that the Princess de S.igau In' ordered to coutilhuto $i'ii,ii toward the maintenance of each of tbe three Ui . The Chinese government litis dccld- ed t" aiiuhit Tang Khan VI, guvernnr Ol anisilell lilwvilieii lia lilgli 4'oliiS- sloner to vllt Washington for the pur- pos,. of thanking the Cnlted States gov ernment for remitting a portion of what Is known as the Chinese Roscr Indemnity Turkish soldiers In the Mon.itlr dis trict broke out lu omi revolt, and ;2. Issi trtsips have Iss'n ordered to the scene of the outbreak (Jenernl Osman was assassinatisl In the barracks nt Monastlr by an offlccr connectnl with the "young Turkey" movement. The trial In lterlln of Prince Philip ti Kulenbnrg on charge, of lierjury In connwtlon with the scandals of lat ear was hatted by the serloua Illness of the prince. There was nil nbutulmt fall of now at Agorda. Italy. The snow covensl the surrounding mountains after a st slstent rain The teiniM-rature was al most that of w inter. NEWS OF Chairman Prank n. THE Mb muck of tbe Ite- tiatlunal win. NATIONAL 'lnltIi, wll, tH, CAMPAIGN, i-ampalgii of l!is In the far west. Practically the first movement In the campaign for the election of Taft and Sherman haslnvn made at Colorado Springs, Colo., whet o Chairman Mb hem k has held n con ference with the Ilepllbllcall leaders of all the states and territories wot of the Missouri river. William .1 Itryan. In conference nt Lincoln. Neb., with the Tcmo ratlc na tional cotnmlttis causisl the adoption of the stiongest kind of a resolution for public-It of campaign funds lie plislged the national IennKratic part lu the comlnc canipalgn to accept no contributions whatever from corjs.ra tlons and none from any source which cicoed $Hi.ihi All contributions over lllsl are to Is- made public The pule llcntion Is to Is N-guti on o't lo. giv ing the amounts contiihub-d up to that time and then-after dally as fast as recolvisl No contributions over $100 will 1m- nccepbsl within three days of the cits tlon. The Ilepnbllcan committee will ac cept nu contributions from corpora, tlons," said Judge Taft. and in an Inter view he also referred to lalior. prnhlbl tlon and other I'uestlous. Mr. Taft said that tint unly would the law of New York state providing for the pub licity of campaign conttlbutious 1' o!t'od by the national Ilepubllcan couimitlis'j. but the federal law prelnli Itlug stith cuntrlbutluiis by corpora tions In connts"tion with the elis-tlon of president, V ice president, represent.-! tlves or senators would lie follow tsl vvlthuut regard to any question of va lldlty that might arise In respect to an provisions of that law The national convention of the Pro ion part convened In Columbus, ). In his address opening the con vention UoU-rt ll. Pattun of Spring field. 111., tbe temporary tbalnu.iii, de nuunctsl buth the lb-publican niid I 'em ocratle parties for their alliance, as be termed it, with the saloon He advis ed the organization of the party on lKilitienl lines ami dcclari-d that the lime had now come when the movement must go forward or baik ward. Kugeiie W. Chalin of Chicago was nominated for president and Aaron S Watklns of Ada, ii., for vice presl !i Mr Itryan does not wih to lie drawn Into the ltrovviisvllte case. In all bis conversations with vlsiiiug delegations and others he has carefully n-frjiliusl from talking on that subjeit lie put the brand of untruthfulness on nu al leged statement made b ltlshop Wal ters of tbe African Meth.slist pal t hurcb to the eftei t that he bad as- surisl a negro dclegitji that be re garded President Km i-ev fit's action In tbe P.rovviisv tile case as unju-t At the same time ltrvan tb-uiisl another alleg ed Interview of the bishop that be had dlseussfj the appointment of negroes to otllee. Mcssts. p.r.van and Kern Issued nn appeal to farmers for cuntrlbutluiis any sin to the liemoi ratio campaign fund. 'Cliln-iis vvhu ask fium th government nothing but prubstiuii to their rights" should follow the exam ple of an luvva fanner contributor, who brought to Lincoln Sinn, said the nominees. Mr. llryan has not liegun the prepnra tldu of bis spts.fh of acceptance, and the probabilities are that be will not do so until Mr Tuffs address Is deliv ered. The question of whether be will make an extended campaign tour Is one which Mr. Ilr.vnn Is now consider ing. President ltoosfvelt denied that he Intends to make speeches In support of Mr. Tuft's candidacy. Secretary Loub was asked to make Inquiry of the incident and Inter said, "The president has no plans for public nd drt es bifule fiction time" Samuel (lumpers, pies,l,ui of the American Pisler.itlon uf l,nl-or. will support Willhiiu J llrvan lu the prcsl ilehllal campaign II,. denied am pios tin intention id taking the slump. An ad.lie-s or Vlii. Piesi,i,.,t fair banks was di'livered at the honiecum Ing to Indianapolis of John W Kern, I 'eui.K-i-ailc inn. 11.1. He fur the po-liion hi I.I b.v Mr faiiliinks. 'I lie executive culiiuiitti f tile An il llllpel i.lllst league Issued ll slati lliellt tfcuuilut-uitlli.' Ihat the rricllds or the league su, t i"iani .1 William Pandulph 1 , , il,.,l for home ll'olil l.lll'on' lie IV III ilttelld the national convention of Hie lu.le . rli, 1, lire part In Cblcago on .Inly '.'7. CRIMES Tl,!" William Wll ,wn ll.iius, aL-e. sil four ANO v. ii-, Un- lie. tlve CASUALTIES. ;,.,,. ,..,' ,, sen I .1 llielise I., a lllirlecll- eari.lil gul nnd w hose hod was found haiibiug to a tuv near Mar.u'.il, Mil., was vas establlsbed l,v the cuiuiier who held an lii.iiisi in the case 'I lie jlll'A fouinl Wil Hams caiue lo hi- !--1 1 1 1 b.v a blow uu the lie.ul from a liliiul lii-inim.iit lu the bauds of some person or poisons lllikliouu ll Is believed Williams was killed lo prevent the weildlllg. f. It ll l'lh Kelt, ll ictlivd minister of the Mctliullsi fpi-copil church mid former I nler ol the bor.uigli of Mi- tllellcll, w lis shot down and killed ill Hie stlecl there Archie Ilerroii. who did the shoollug, St 1 at the bead of the stairs lu Ills home with a drawn revolver lo ilef uriest, but finaby sur rchilcicd when the olliccrs told lilui he would Is- taken dead or alive no mat ter how niaii.v lie killed. Two .vears ago, while Mr. Prh kett was tecorder. Ilerroii was seulciiccd to ten das in jail. Calling down maledictions on the Human cm hoik' prlcsthoisl and shout, big In Italian, "Long live Italy, long live the Protestants!" Culseppl Alia, who miiidereil I'alher n llelnrleliK at the nllar of St. fllzabeth's church, Item er, was canlisl to the dealli trap nt Canjoii Clly, Colo, nnd paid thu penally of his 1 1 line b) hanging. One wouiuu wus killed und u score JULY 28, 1908. of pass.'i.vers were lttjunsl, several e- riotislv. nt Cris'iiwh'h, ( oiin.. when the White Mountain express on the New York. New Haven and Ilartfcrd railroad Jumped the rails' after passlug the station The locomotive and ten cars were thrown oil the track. Seven mine workers were killed and ten others Injured by a terrific explo sion of pn in the Wllltamstown col liery of the Summit Ilranth Mining company In the lower part of the an thracite coal fields near rottsvllle. P. The mine wa, wrecked nnd set on Are. A quarter of a million dollar fire. In which eight persons were Injured, swept Oreenwlch. Conn., destroying n large part of the business section. NEWS OF Tn cteAtest celcbra- Hon In the history of OUR NEIGHBORS. (juelnv, marking the three hundredth anni versary of the founding of the settle ment by fhatnplaln. was begun The Prince of Wales left Hngland to take part In the celebration. Vice President Charles W. 1'alrb.ihka went to (Jueliec as tbe repn-sentatlve of the United States government That Melvln W. t?bp- SPORTING AFFAIRS. pard, tbe American runner who won tbe l,rji meter race at the Olympic game. In Imdoii. was rejected as lielng phya leallj unlit fur piliitment as a pa trolman In the New York police de partment was dlsiussed with much iimuscinetit by athletes nnd thelt friends nraTMB t'-aj'taln Henry MeCr. Jl of the Pu'ted Stte na y. who was In com PEOPLE. nm, f lhl. imttihln Otsirgl-i during the cruise of the north Atlantic squadron to the Pacific. coasL dhsl of ltrlght's disease In the Naval ho-pltal. ilnsiklyn. He was fifty -seven years old. FOUND SLAIN ON TRACK. Murder Victim Cut Up by Train Wheels. RICH WOMAN IS KILLED. Only Few Days In Country, Wealthy Viennese tir.H Her Daughter Ara Taken la ft'c,' Jersey Tovsn and There Shot and R-bbed Daughter. Who Is Wounded, Tells of Meeting Relative Whom Olva Waa to Wed and Going With Hhn to Place Whera Tragedy Occurred. New Yolk. July 21. In a datk, lone ly sp,,t cl.i t t!u. iitti,. statlou of C.ialburg sivtis u miles northwest of Jerse City, on the New York, Sus quehanna and Western rsllroid, a train tievv found the in-incled Issly ot ii richly dri--cd. middle aged wo man. Apparently she h;i kllk-d by nn e.iilier ti The only sL'jnge fealiiie of the Im l.b'iit appealing then was that hi th,. Human's clenched hand was fjiai In tieruiaii bank notes. Seven hours later, when the body bad bts'ii taken tu the morgue at nidgcvvotid. a g,id loukiug youug girl of twenty, hsl by resident of the roiiiitryshie. staggertsl into the place, hlisillug fium four bullet wounds. She Meiititied the woman as her mother, told the authorities of a des perate nttaik, lu which 'the elder wo man had Is-cii inunleitsl uud she her self wounded, and started them to ""ik on of the strangest mys teries or ivoi nt years. A closer examination, of the body showisl n bullet wound through the tnothii's heart, which hitherto had liivu coiicealiil b.v the mangling of the train. '1 In- daughter added the In formation tint the J'.isi In Herman inoin'v was only the remainder of $2.-Tihi- the rest In American notes whli Ii the mother had lieen carrying Victim a Newcomer to America. The victim. It was learned then, was Mrs. uttllle Pls'ihanl, a wealthy res ident of Vicuna, who had Iss-ii in this country unly siinv last Thursday. The girl v iis Miss Oltllip Klierhard, who had aceouipaulisl her mother from Aiistila They had iss-n taken to the desolate sput vvheie the mutticr'a Issly was found b.v August Kls-ihard, the girl's twinty-flvi-.vear-old cousin, whom she bad crossed Ibe seas tq wed. Just what happened there the girl did not know. At the bright of a thunder and lightning storm, while they were walking along the tracks, tie iiiotlu r sank, crying, "I've Iss'ii stun k b.v lightning!" Then there was firing vaguely the girl pletuiud thris- men as the assail nuts and she felt the hut sting of tmir grazing bullets Police Looking For Nephew. She lied at the fiiluhiaud of her ciiiislu, August. She did nut see him tire any of the shots, though she knew he had a loaded levulver 111 Ills pock et lie run away fimu her toward the place whci the spurts of flume bad appeared 'lhat was the last sts'ti of August The polliv are seeking him The police do not think that the iiiunleier will ! captured near the scene uf the 1 1 line They say that any one who cuiild display sin h inld liluoilisl .nulling as was shown Hi thu iiiiiiiler plot, plmlng the nonum' lly after she was shot on the rail load trail; to Is. cut in two. wuuld plan to gel safely away lK'fore the i rime was rib-covcicd. It would have his'ii easy fur the murderer to get to Paicrsoii or Newiiik by trolley car, and fr either of these places he could get ii 1 1 it In for the west or south. Plot Charged by Frank Gould. New Yolk. July 21. - Prauk Jay (loiilil, who i lielng sued fur dlrorcti b.v Ids wife, Mrs. Helen Kelly (lould. tu us. ,1 the arrest of Mrs. Hen Teal, Julia Plcinlng und Harry S. Motisley on a chaige of In. luring MiiIh-I H Mac-('ail-Ian to give false evidence lu be link' of Mrs (iould. The crime charced Is a felony. Live Stock Markets, CATTl.T. - Supply fair, market dull; choice. S.'.lsui'.i, prime, i,aCS&; veal calves. J7f.tiii IttiitH Iti-ci ipts fair; market lower; nrlme lii-avli-s. uinlluins and litavy York. era, J7.iir.a7 1. Unlit tinkers, .,uiaoau; iiii:a, .;.uC4i, ruunlia. $-.a! sti. hiii:i:p ani i.amiw - supply iittnt; market steady on slits p anJ lower on lauilia, prime welhirs. 71, culls anil uuiiiioii, Su3, lambs, 4ar. a,i. - f jcr r ' i YANKEES IN GOODSPIRITS See Chuces of Beatiig the Britisk Athletes. BEST IN COMING EVENTS Jumps, Sprints, Hurdl.s, Middl, Dis tanc Run, and Pol. Vault, In Which Our Man Hold Records, on This W,.k', Programme In London Tug of War Sho Incid.nt Satisfactoril) E.plaln.d Sullivan D.acrib., Amer ican'a Handicaps Loudon, July 2L-Iesplte the severe handlcapa under which they have lieen placed by the lirfllsh (llyluplc commit tee since their arrival In Kngl.nid. America's rciircaenta tives la the truck and field championship of the fifth Olympiad are lu eziss-dlngly tine spir its now fur the final struggle. It Is felt that the crisis Is passed and that from now on the Pulled States will find much caster going. True, the Cnlted Kingdom leads the boys of Pn cle Sam by some eighteen iluts. but this load has Us-n acquired principally lu the events In which (ireat ltrltalii was conceded undlsputable suprem acy, Kleren events remain to lie contested liesldes the Marathon race. These In clude the various Jumps, sprints hur dle, middle distances and the pal. HAN J. KELLY, K'""iTTi!ttMt JUMPE1L vault. In these America will have as dNUuct an advautage as had the ltrlt ons in tbe steeplechase and long ins tance runs. Kerr of Canada Is going to make trouble In the sprints, but he will have the hardest sort of time win. niug a first in auy of his starts. Sullivan', Views. James K. Sullivan, the commissioner (presenting the f lilted States, said. "We have come here to win the cbauipioushlp in field sports, and we are going to do It despite the handicap from which we are suffering. This handicap has been twofold. In tbe first place, the men came to a country having the worst possible climate for those unused to It. und tilts affected them very seriously, more seriously than those not engaged in the games have any idea ot. "Tbe other handicap against which we have had to contend Is the manner In whlehthe heat drawings have Iss-n coni ictcd. The drawings have gone aga.nst us In the 1..VXI meter race, when our lsst men, Shepimrd and Halsteud, were pitted against each other, and the same thing occurred In the Suu meter event, the heats of which will Is run off today, Sbeppartl and Halstead having lieen drawn against emli other far a second time, ltromllovv and Harney also have lieen put Into a heat together In this event, wliile lu two other beats of the SCO meters not a single American has Us-n drawn .It Is either extraordinarily bud luck or the manner in which the drawings have lieen made that has re sulted In such unfavorable conditions for the American " The matter of the use of spiked show worn by the llrltlsh team In the tug ot' war ha. U-cn satisfactorily ex plained. It Is uow conceded by the Americans that the ltiill-li team cutua'tcd in the ordinary gear which Is customary for such cuiitcsts In England. To wear light athletic shoes In a tug of wai would here lie regarded us the same enor as to wear heavy boots In a sprint. The feature of on? of the contests was the throwing of tbe discus, "as at Alliens," or wbnt is known as tbe Oreck style. ThU event, which was first added to the Olympic games pro gramme ut Athens In llHjd. resulted In the establishing of a new Olympic recoid, lu which four contestants took pait The distiince established by Juerveiien nt Athens two years ago was lift feet s Inches. This time one of the first of the American cumistl tors to swing out tbe platter, A. It Dearborn of the New York Athletic Club, sailed the missile UT fist. Tbesi figures did Uot lust lung, buwever. foi when the other tsiiuH'llttirs gut going the tecoid uiovisl up rapidly, until lu the ti i to I Maitln Slierldiiii wou with a throw of 124 feci 8 liubes, with Hurr secniid, with 122 fis-t 6V.' Inches, and Jaervenlu third, with UU feet H luches. Method of Scoring In Dispute. No orthia! announcement la obtaina ble us tu huvY the lliltish Olympic as loclatluu Is going to decide the (11 mplc Championship, but the system adopted by the Iuidou sjiortliig paieni tu gr illing ut the rcsjifctive positions of the vurious couutries has beeu geuerally accepted. This uysteiu awards one IKilnt for eaih win, Ignoring seconds and thlids, uud Includes nil ssirts car Tied uut under tbe auspices of the as sociation, whether wlttilu the Stadium or outside of it. As the summer section of the game, will continue until Oct. lit und will probably Include yachting, tbe Olym pic regatta aud figure skating, and as there will la- a winter Beetlun lo In clude Hugby und association football, hockey, lacrosse aud boxing. It will be tbe eud of the year before the trophy for the champlontulu la ail snorta can NUMBJ0K 12 be awarded. If this method ot count ing isilnts Is followed by the Drifts Olympic association, England -arfjl surely win the trophy, for there atr few countries taking part In these (ports outside the Stadium. Melvln W. Sheppard. the runner, of tbe Irish-American Athletic club of New York finished first In the 1&00 meter race, aud tbe New York police man, John Flanagan, won the sixteen pound hammer throwing event. Shep pard's victory was especially gratify ing, as he waa not accustomed to lb. llstance. Our Boy. Win Again. Uncle Sam's lioys had the center of the stage for many hours, and wher ever the calcium light turned It gen erally fell usin a wearer of the red. white and blue. Itay Ewry, the lim ber legged leaHT who sjiorts the Mer cury foot, the world's. Olympic and American record holder at both the (landing high and the standing broad Jump, cnptunsl the final of tbe last famed event, making It his fourth con secutlvu Olv in; k' Ictory, for he woo this contest In Parts In ltsJO, In W. I lis lu U'.l ard In Athens In llAXi. i.Jrtln SIil .'bin. the wonderful all round athlettof the Irish-American Athletic club, won third honor. In this event, the scored swelling his to tal to 11 aud tuaUnjr him the leader In Ibe race for individual honors. The sturly Yankee athletes smashed one Olympic record and equaled a other. Charley I la con, the big blood hatred winged fist timber topper, flew the fences In his heat of the 400 meter hurdles lu the great time of ST seconds, whkh lowered the previous Olympic record of ST 3-ri secoudi, made by Tervkshiiry, the American, at tba Peris Olympiad. Ilaeun's world record for tbe 4iai meter hurdles race over three fiiot sticks Is TC 4-5 seconds, made at the tryout on Prauklln field. Philadel phia, on June 11. Another Olympic rec ord was equaled. James Rector of the University of Virginia winning his best In tbe UU meter dash In tbe crest time of 10 4-Ti seconds, equaling the Olympic record made by JarvLs. the American, In Paris In Hl. The six silnU scor ed by the Yankees In the standing Jump pulls down the United Klng dom's lead to eight iiolnts. the point tally now standing: Cnlted Kingdom, 54; United States, 40; Sweden, 12; Greece, 0; Norway. 4; Canada, 1; Aus tralia, 1; Prance, 1; Finland. L Great Day For Unci. 8am. It was s great day all around for the lioys from Y'ankeeland. The old gentleman with the goatee qutllflad nine men lu the bests of the 100 ma ter, three men In the H0O meter and three men In the 4oo meter hurdlea. Charley Ilaulels of the New York Ath letic club won the final of the 100 me ter swim, gliding Into home waters at fifth of a second slower than he did last I'rlday, when be smashed his for mer Olympic record of 1 minute 13 sec onds by covering the 10U3 yards la 1 minute 5 2-T seconds. George Uek nert, tbe sturdy little grsppler of the National Turn Ven-ln of Newark, N. J., captured the premier laurels Is tbe bantamweight catch-as-catch-csn wres tling. Ewry won the standing broad Jump with a leap of 10 feet 114 lncles. Tbe world's record of the "Jersey Sketrter" Is 11 feet 4 Inches, made In SL Louis MAY HAVE SEEN SLAYER. 8uspicious Actions of Two Mm on Night of Drew Murdar. Troy, N. Y July 21. The latest de velopment In the case of Hazel Drew, whose body was found In Teal's pond, was reported by district attorney's offi cer Powers. He says Mr. and Mrs. William Uaffey, who live about three miles beyond Test's pond, were driv ing home from Troy during tbe early evening of Tuesday, July ", when they noticed a runabout pulled to one side of the road near the pond. A young man waa seated In the lis. a stranger to the HafTeya. Down to ward the shore of the pood was the Indistinct form of a tall man who was brushing about In the thick bush. This was near tbe Kilut where tbe gui's bat was later found. The Hatteys drove along home. It Is figured as possible that the tall man In the brush may have lieen the murderer. Tbe may have been the murderer. Admiral Roj.atv.naky Daad. SL Peteis.burg.aaluly 21. Vice Ad miral Itujestvensky, who commanded tbe 111 fated Kusslan fleet which wss annihilated by tbe Japanese In tbe sea of Japan In May, 1903, died at Bad Nauhetm, Oermsny, from heart trouble. INDEPENDENCE MEN BUSY. Candidat For Party's Nomination Open Hcadquarttrs In Chicago. Chicago, July The campaign for tbe ludt'jrf iidenee parry nouituaUon fur tbe jirfslijcnry was upeued when Thomas U, I lb-gen uf MmsKacbusetts ifAcned bvudquurters tu tbe Palmer House. Charles 1 8. Neal of Indiana, m rival candidate, will opeu quarters Id the Wludsur-CUftoii hotel, directly jut-US' the Ktreet, niid will brlup with him tbe larceM UfU'catlou of all the Mates to Ut: lit fir hU (-aiulldacy, Former Coiijriessnmn M. Howard of Alabama will make bH nomination campaign from heidijutuler in tbe Morrison. While h? Is tbe cbohe f his native Mute. .M.ilnma, from whl. h he waa elerted to the ii'Ulomil n-u-Hrresi. be b in been pi .sired :i hlrt.lC fullimlnu fmm othr Muibein tite. (eorgli Irts int nuiUe nun, tboupn one of IH U-M kimun men Is a can didate In the iHTrt.ui of John Temple (rates, wm imwle a remitatbm while a resident of Atbiuta as I pull lira 1 it former, le tuier nnd economist and bo now njipiMM- In the rauki ot tbe party a New Yorker. Central Markta. Now York, July 30. -POTATOES- Steady; choice, ier harrel. tLtinZiM, fair to KO..J. fir barrel, tocm KiU'B-Statr. Pnni Ivanla and tiearbr. rlerlt-d. uhltti, fancy, 3CaiCc.; cuod t choice. Ti.rttc , brown and mixed, fancy, ruc , tu cliott. 21aZ3c,; undr- TMdfB. IKaH'- HUTTKlt Or-am-n'. sjH'CUla, c; a truH, t-1. . Units, ilal'So , wcondi. 2tHa ac , thlru IkATur , tiUtti dairy, tuba, An tKt lU""r RO'd to choice, iiaflc; com inon to fair luliHc.; prun.a, apeclala, 2lic , tutu, nc , tlrati. IHaSuc.; oeccDda, 1'Mlttc ; thirds, pjalCHc CHKKSi; -State, full crrun, apdala, llai;c . Kmfall, rolort-d or while, fancy, 11 Sc. ; Urge, colored or hltc, fancy. JJ'ssC , Kood lo prime, lvaltVc.; common, . klma, 14 pound apeclala, Sct tine, CUaTc . fair tu cood, Jv.Vc ; com mon, lat'c, full aktma, Valc. LIVE IKirLTKY entckena, sprtne. pw lound. Ifcc, fowla, Uc.; rooatera, youn and old. c; turkey a. firlmc, Uc. DRESSED POULTHY-Turkeya, tuna, averac tt, ItUKcj torn a, 16c.; common to fair, Italic; rhlckena, aprtnj, broil era, Philadelphia, t to 4 pounds w pair, p pound. ZliaJOe,: Pennay Ivanla, I to 4 pounds, X3a2&c,; poor, lCa30c.; ducklings. Lont Island and eaatern, spiinff, lie; state and Pennsylvania, lac; squaba, prima, lars. whtu. per dosan, tl-kicJ B; 4