The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 16, 1908, Image 3

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Term: $1.50 per year In advance
KnlTel at the Honwdale, Ta.. fost omo
seoona olass roan mailer.
vfi.i iicut tin haTiP A g room house,
oarnsr of West and Thirteenth streets. Ap
ply ol U. E. or O. I llassett, uonesaaie.
Fat-rent, modern bouse located onEast
Bmali., I&U Main street, liontwlale. U
1 rinnt nn BLrueL. uumuiiit r-.
A line assortment of Screen Doors and
Window Boreens at H. wans s. ' "
Unit grade of Portland Cement and Bewer
ripe ni u. wans s.
iwitiiiw UritRmi li Ihe beat on tbe market
and ulll makr vour llTer shine. 1 wtf
... - i nvrnan
Cut Blass and Troieb kUjbs. odd pieces arid
At I'rxubkk s.
WALL PAPKK, borders and artlstlo dec
orations, lu ureal vantHT, uuu ui iut
paiuirns. Palntlnir and paper banking In
the host style. JOUN OfciillY. 1S.T Dy-
berry l'laoe.
Beoond band furniture for sale, cheap, at
1107 IBln street. Alio rnuiue iikuu, wim,
eto., for sale, cheap, at 307 16th street.
For Bale Quilts In ureal Turlely of pat
term, wllb lani-y work of various styles,
lire. I. N. fornmn, 15T Cottage stieet,
' Personal ana impersonal.
The Uonesdalo glass cutting shops
will resume work next Monday.
State engineers wore in Uoneedalt),
last wock, looking over tho proposed
routes of tho now Btate roads in Wayne
Tbore will bo a shore dinner at Bun'
noil's pond, to-morrow, Friday evening.
for tho benefit of the Cottage and Cliff
etrects Improvement Association. Tbe
publio are invltod.
It now looks bb though Bcranton
and Oinghamton would be connected by
a through trolley line, by the cIobo ol
another year.
The widow of ex-President Cleve
land set a good example for many others
to follow. Tho funeral of hor distin
guished husband was absolutely free
from all ostentation or anything par
taking of the nature of display.
The Democratic Btate Committee
will meet in Harrisburg, on Wednesday,
July 23d, to choose a Btato Chairman.
Henry Doardorft, a York county
farmer, whilo using a rcsporin bis wheat
field, July Gtb, came across the dead
body of his little eon, lying near tbe
standing grain, with his bead nearly
severed from his body. The lad, while
at play, had gone into the field, laid
down and gone toeleop, unknown to the
horrified father.
Tbe Iiadnor, Del. Co., I'd., health
officer, rocolvod the following explicit
communication, last week:
"Dear Bir This is to notify you that
tny boy Epbrnim is down with the
measles, as required by the new law."
Willis Bharpe Kilmer, tbe patent
medicine man of Binghamton, mado
tbe run in hia auto, last week, from
New York city to his homo, a distance
of 809 miles, in ten hours,
Rural froe delivery Btartod only ten
years ago, and has now assumed mam-
ooth proportions. Originally only $10,-
i was appropriated to establish an ex-
rimental route, and this ynar:J5,BD7,-
I is sot aside for tbo maintenance and
extension of tbe service. There aro now
85,14.1 carriers, besides a largo force of
-A now order in the poBt office de
triment wont into effect July 1st. By
terms of tbe now order a defaoed
amp is hereafter worthless. Bhould a
orner bo torn off, no matter how small,
For tho stamp mutilated in any other
way, it cuunot be longer used. All let
ters bearing such Btampn will hereafter
be held at the local office two weeks for
delivery, and at tbe end of such a period
if not claimed, will be Bent to the dead
letter office.
A party of autoiets from West Vir
ginia passed through Honesdale last Fri
day morning. Trie first question they
asked upon reaching this vicinity, was,
"Where is Gibbs's auto hospital locat
ed!'' They were properly directed, and
after a brief delay, were soon happily
-on their way to the Lackawanna Valley.
Moro people are killed in the United
States evaajtyoar through Fourth of
July RolGptaHua than were killed in
any battle of the Revolutionary war,
and the total uurubor of casualties of
Fourth of July celebrations during the
last four yoars is more than double tbp
total losses of tbe Americans during tbo
eight years of tho Revolutionary war.
Tbo Luzerne county jail is woll
patronized at prosent, having no lees
than 2U3 inmates, a goodly number of
them being of tbo Black linn! brand.
Tho Wayne County Commissioners
have appcoved of the following appli
cations for Btato roads, and forwarded
tbo samo to Highway Commissioner
Hunter, at Harrisburg:
In Uonesdalo, from theSselyville road
to Texas, taking in Main street, i!,BO0
From Texas line, north of tbe borough
of Honesdale, to Tanner Falls, 20,4liu
In Clinton township, from the Lacka
wanna crook ut Forost City to tbe North
and 8 3u tb turnpike, at 11. B. Curtis's,
19.4UU foot.
In Texas, from tbe Palmyra line on
tbe Honesdale uud Hawley road.tbrough
wnue amis, ana norm loet.
lexis, Iroin tho Uorinann bridge
at liunnelltown, ti,-
i feet.
In Oregon, from the Berlin lino on tbe
Oarley Brook road to VVm. I'enwardon's,
lz.uuu toot.
Thousands of young shad put in tbe
Delaware river last spring, by tbo U. B
Fish Commission, have died from some
unknown cause.
Tbe hotols and boarding houses at
Beach Lake are rapidly filling up with
ci ty people.
The Laurel Like House, in Damaa
cm, near Tyler Hill, a most delightful
cummer resort, is entertaining a goodly
number otguaets.
Business is certainly reviving in
Pittsburg and vicinity, no less than 60,
COO skilled workmon having resumed
tbeir labors in tbe iron and steel mills
of that section, last wock.
According to Poor's Manual, an ac
knowlodged authority on railroads,
there were 228,128 railoa of railroad in
operation in tbe United Btatos, for tbe
year ending Juno 30, 1UU7, with a total
capitalization of 118,660,681,137. The
gross earnings for tbe year were I2.CU2
767 C03, or a net sum of 9ul,35,C81.
Tbe not railway mileage of tbe country
exceeds that of all Europe,
.Tub Rcranton Doners give the details
of a sad story of frailty, crime and death,
of more than usual interest to many
pooplo boreabouts, owing to the fact
that tbe parties involved, including the
betrayed, tbe botrayor and the physioion
connected with tho oaso, were all origi
nally from Woyno county, and all very
respectably connected. Dr. C. W. Trev
orton, of "Bcranton, a cousin of Holen
Potts, who was murdered by "Carlyle
Harris somo yoars since, and who was
an important witness in the trial which
ended in Harris's electrocution, was
hlmsolt arrested on Thursday morning
of last week and held under $2,000 bail
for trial at the October term of crimi
nal court on the charge of malpractice,
which caused the death of Helen Brock,
a girl twenty yoars of age, whose pa
roots, former residents of Choriy Ridge,
this county, now livo at (Jowanceque,
Tioga county, this Btate. W tlliam F.
Brown, bor first cousin, who admits
himself to have been tbo author of her
trouble, is a resident of Carbondale. Ho
was born in Dunmore, bis father having
been a native of Cherry Ridge. Ho is a
glaes-cutter by trade, and recently work
ed for a year or more in Honesdale,
finding employment in Honesdale shops,
and living at tho boarding house of aire,
Uiatod, on Church street, above Eighth
While hore bo impressed his associates
as a retiring and exemplary young man,
and much surprise is exprossed that ho
should have bocome involved in ble
present trouble. Intimate relations bo-
twoen Brown and Miss Brock commenc
ed, according to the young man's con
fession. in March last, while he wue
working (or ber father at Cowanceque,
and wore continuod until bo loft Tioga
county for tho homo of his sister in Car
bjndale, May 29b. Three woeks ago tbo
young lady wrote mm wnat ne ae-
scribes us "a worrying letter, on ro
ceipt of which arrangements were made
for her to lenvo homo for an ostensible
visit to his Bister bor cousin in Car
bondale. Wneu she reached Bsrantoo,
June 20th, be accompanied ber to the
oHlee of Dr. Troverton, with whom
Brown hud previously mado uu appoint'
mont, and a course of treatment wus
coinmenucdi which, it is alleged, result
ed id hor duuth ut tho homo of her cou
sin in Carbondilo, July "ih. Boforo her
death Dr. Niles of tb9 latter city was
called, and it was through bis investi
gations that Dr. Treverloa's conocciiou
with tho case was discovered. Dr. Trov
ertun being summoned to Carbondule,
gave tbo undertaker a certificate that
Mies Brock had diod of infUninjitiou cf
tbe bowolB, und arrangomeule wero
made for tbo removal of tho body tj
Co-vanesquo, but the fuuural procc&uiou
wan hold up by diroctlon of tbe coroner
while on tho way to the station. An
autopsy was bold, resulting in the arresl
of Dr. Trevertoa and Brown, and a bear
ing boforo Alderman Ruddy in Scranton.
Tbo doctor was hold in $i,WK) bail which
bo furnished. Brown, in default of 1 1.-
Ojn surety, was looked up. Tbe lattor
is utterly hoart broken and discouraged,
and declares that ho doos not care
whether his frionds come to his assist-
auej or not. He grieves over tbe doath
of the girl, and avers that bo would
have married ber, if Dr. Trevorton bad
revealed her true condition to him. Dr.
Trevorton assorts bis innocenoe as to the
criminal charge, and asks a suspension
of judgment on the part of his patrons
and friends until the matter shall be
beard and determined in its proper
place, at which time ho foelB coulldent
bo will be vindicated and freed from
any charge of wrong doing.
Tne body of Miss Louise Manger,
passed through Honesdale, last Satur
day, for intermont at ber former Borne,
Beach Lake. Daceased was 38 j ears of
age, and was a sister of Mrs. Richard
Ham, of the latter town. Bbe died at
Media, Pa.
At the 6 o'clock Bright Hour ser
vice, next Bundoy, Rev. Dr. Wm. H.
8ift will speak on "What one Jew
did for a Modern City," or Civic Right
eousness and tbe Individual." In the
morning by request he will repeat tho
address, with additions on "What is
this Communty's Greatest Problem!"
The Bmoko committeo of Jersey
City, led by their legal adviser, Horace
R. Cruse, will go into Chancery Court
tbo weok otter next and ank for an in
junction against tbo Erio and Pennsyl
vania railroads, restraining them from
uing soft coal in thoir engines. Thoy
will have tho sympathy of every town
on tho lines of tbe roads montionod,
whose residents havo beei, eubjectod to
tbo annoyance and damage resulting
from tbe use of bituminous coal. Wo
catch it in Honesdale occasionally, and
can imagine what an intolerable bur-
don the black smoke must be in places
where perhaps a dozen ongines are
etching it forth in unlimited quanti
ties day alter day. To say nothing of
tho matter of cleanliness, pollutod air
is us serious a menaoe to health as pol
lutod water.
Durland, Tbompson & Co, and the
Uonesdalo Shoe Co. resumed manufact
uring last Monday morning after a
week's vacation,
Tbe department of agriculture has
ound that the automobile bee replaced
about CO, 000 horses in this country!
and farm horses havo never been in
such grout demand as at tbo present
moinont. la fact tho demand for horses
for all uses has become stronger and
stronger during tbe last two years, the
farm horses aloneinuseonJan.1,1 VUS,
numbered no less than VJ yuo.000 in
round numbers.
Frog season opened on Wednesday,
July 1, and it is now lawful to catch or
kill frogs until tho first day in Novcm
ber, Tbo law governing the catching
or killing of frogs does not specify tbo
manner in which tbey shall bo killed,
tborofore it is lawful to shoot, catch by
aid of a strong light, kill with a club,
with a hook or any other manner. Frog
moat is rapidly growing in popularity,
especially tbo hind, legs, which furnish
a clear white meat of delicate flavor,
Huckleherrioa aro now plentiful on
the Moosic, and parties from Uonesdalo
and vicinity are out noarly ovory day
gathering the luscious fruit. A big
load of poople who were out ono duy
last week Btato that they easily filled
their ample buekets witbo it gleaning
two hundred foot from their wagon
The industry of huckleberry picking is
really a valuable ono to residents of the
Pocono mountain district, in which tbe
berries grow profueoly anl add many
thousands of dollars to their coffers
yearly. Not only do tho Pooono poople
engage In tbe business on a Urge scale,
but not a few from tbo outside havo
leased land and leather tbo berries for
shipment to tbe laro city markets,
The Christian Eodoavorors ot Pa.
held thoir Btate convention in Beading
lost wook. Every one of the 67 oouncils
of the oreanization was reprosontea,
which includes 3,169 eocietioe, 35 local
unions, and IB county unions, with a
membership approrimatlng 1SB.O0O,
without including tho great army ot
Junior and Intermediote workers.
Wayne county is orodited with 26 soci
otiesi Buequebanna, 32; Laokawanna,
49; Monroe, 12; Carbon, 23, and Pike, 7.
The Wavne County Medioal Asso
ciation will bold its regular mooting in
Ariel, this. Thursday evening, The
society ndw has a membership ot 29,
with two now members to be added this
Tbe money paid the Btate for auto
mobile licenses will be used on the Btate
roads. Over 20,600 licenses have been
issued so far this year.
The Btato Game Commission held a
mooting at Harrisburg last week with
tbo object of revising tbo game laws,
which are said to bo too numerous and
Tbo three principal hotels of Tunk
hannock have advanced tho price of
meals from 25 to 35 oents, for ordinary
days and to 60 cents for a Bunday din
nor. Tho local paper says that while
nil three hotels aro rated as 12 per day
houses, tbey have had a curious custom
for yoars ot discriminating in favor ot
Wyoming county people by giving them
meals for a quarter. Traveling men Bit
ting at tbe same table and eating tbo
same viands wero invariably charged a
half dollar. Justification was found in
tbo allegation that strangers look for $2
per day hotels, and to charge them less
would militate against the reputation of
tbe house.
Since Jan. 1, 1S03, 77,067 homoloss
cats and dogs have been put to death in
New York city, by tho Society for the
Prevention of Cruolty to Animals, by
moans of asphyxiation by gas. Many of
tbeso unfortunate animals wero the
household pets of wealthy pooplo who
loft them to caro for themselves, when
they left the city for tbe country during
the summer.
Orson, formerly known as Ilino'e
Corners, is a prosperous hamlet in Pros
ton township, on tho O. and W. mil
way. Orson is also its counterpart in
Sweden, but the latter town has a groat
advantago over its Wayne county name
sake, its rosidentd being absolutely free
from tho payment of all taxes. During
the lust thirty years tho authorities
have sold over one million pounds'
worth of troes, and by means of judici
ous replanting havo provided for u
similir income evory thirty or fortj
yearn. In consequence ot this source
jf commercial wealth thorourono luxoe
and Ileal railways and tolophones an
froo, qb are oducation and mauy other
The first Bunday paper issued in
the Uuited Btatos was in Now York
city, in 1825. Joseph C. Melcher was
the publisher, and tho paper was called
Th'3 Sunday Currier."
Jacob Zimmerman, a well-known
business man ot Norristown, Pa re
marked during ono of tbe sultry dats
of l;t week, that "it was too hot to
live," insertod tho muzzle of a revolver
iu bin mouth aud blow out his brains.
lio may possibly havegonoto n warmor
Three quarters ot a million dollars
wob paid by Btato Treasurer John O
Slioai z to tho school districts of Ponnsy 1
vauia, who had filod their required re
ports with the Department of Public
Instruction in the month ot Juoe, and
tho total of the payments for educa
tion baa run aboad of any Juno ever
known boforo Wben the books were
oloeod for Juno, it was found that of
tho 3 020,979 93 disbursed, $753,743 28
was paid out for schools. Last Juno,
Statu Treasurer Berry paid out 1289,
565 65 for the sobools and a slightly
largor sum in the previous June. Tho
payments by tbo State were larger than
usual, being duo chiefly to charities,
schools and roads. The receipts through
the offices of the auditor general were
largo, but not up to the payments, tbe
aggregate of tbo revenue being $2,062,
SiSJil. The balances in the treasury at
tho close of the month were as follows:
General fund, $10,767,269 54; suspended
in Allegheny National bank, $464,521 19;
sinking fund, $455,806 70; suspended in
Allegheny National bank, $58,955 99.
Tbo aggregate of tbo balance was be
lsw that of May, which was $14,711,-
600 01, Tbe receipts sinoo tbo first of
the fiscal year in December have beon
$12 019,327 44.
Democrats had much to Bay about
the Chicago "steam roller," but they
are not saying anything about tbe one
at Denver, driven by W. J. Bryan.
Mr. Bryan's roller touched only in spots.
He drovo over Qulley, McCarren and
their lieutenants, hut dodged Murphy,
ammany and Sullivan.
It grieves the Democrats to imagine
that tbe Republicans are "bossed" by
lo-iders, but tbey aro unable to distin
guish the gripou their collars by a self
aggrandizing hand.
There is a very general impression
that our town is too denBcly shaded for
tho good of tbe buildings or tbe health
of our poople, and yet few brave the
courage to commence an onslaught up
on the beautiful f oiiagosurrouodiog the r
residences, not understanding that trees
aro lioest wben tbeir lower limbs are
all trimmed away. Street trees should
be parmitted to grow at the top and be
trimmed at tbo lower branches. They
should ba so grown as to arch over tbo
street, fitly or cixty foot high, and over
the sidewalk as high as tbey cap be,
forming a beautiful urch, and allowing
tbo circulation of air under tbo troos.
Tbo finest cities in America havo this
kind of sbado in their stroots, and no
town can ho complete whose trees pro-
vent tho circulation ot air, obstruct the
view of houses, or whose lower limbs
Bbow want of care, or interfere with
the vision, tbe beads, umbrellas or
carriago topB ot tboso passing through.
Trees can bo pruned after the firBt of
June or any time, without injury un
til the sap Btarts again Dext spring.
Never fear trimming of tbo lower limbs
too much; the tops will grow much
faster and handsomer tbe more you cut
away below. Cut away all the lower
sprouts ot tbe trees recently sot, and
tbey will bo tho more sure to live, and
will grow faBtcr. Finally koop a sharp
watch out for dead limbs in tbo tops of
tbe larger trees, wbicb may booome a
serious menace to passers-by in times of
high wind und ice storms.
Many Wayne county farmers have
just commenced to secure their bay
Itarmblic&na ot Honesdale and vicin
ity, should call et the law office ol E.
Miltnn Salmon end enroll os oiud mem
bers. Teal Titman, whoso home Is on the
Bawkjll, three miles from Miltord,
caught v trout, one day last wook, in
above stream, that measured 25 inches
in length end that weighed five and a
quarter pounds. It beat tbo record for
any similar fishing in Pike county.
An exchange sagoly remarks:
It your neighbor is prosperous let
him prosper. Don't grunt, growl or
grumble. Bay a good word for bim and
let it go at that. Don't be a Knocker.
Hour turn will come, no or-r iimi
the whole show. If you see the town
moving along nloely, reel good aoour, u,
Hnln thinira iilnnir. Shove a little.
1'iiah. Trv and set some ot the benefit
yourself. Don't stand around liko a
chilly old cadaver. Don't waste your
time feeling sour becauso some fellow
has a little moresana ana sense man
you have. Do a little hustling your
self. Rev. D. A. Qreeno, pastor of a Pres
byterian church of Pittsburg, has in
troduced a new feature in bis edifice.
He announced in a prayer meeting last
week, that mothers of tbo congregation,
with small babies, need no longer stay
away from tho morning church services
as a competont nurse had been employ
od to take charge of tho intonts in the
Sunday school room.
Dr. Bchermerborn, the health of
fleer of Honesdale, reports 9 deaths and
10 births for tbe month of June for this
district, No. 924, which includes Hones
dale, Texas, Berlin and Oregon, and
district No. 925, which includes Promp-
Tbe ball game between tho "All
Collegians," ot Bcranton, and the Uaw
ley club, on the grounds of the lattor on
Saturday lust, resulted in a victory for
the Bcranton bunch, the score standing
at tho close, 13 to 12. Tbe game was all
to tho good tor tho Hawloy boys till to
ward its close; but then the turn in the
lane was reacbod, and the students
soored ten runs in one inning.
Tbe Republicans of Uonesdalo and
vicinity are organizing a campaign club,
with a view to doing effective work iu
the county.
Tbo Uonesdalo Boot and Sboema
Ken' Union are to havo tbeir annual
luting at Lako Lodoro, on Tuesday,
ug. 18;h.
It is expected that the new oloctric
l:ht plunt will be in active operation
iit-forc tho close of tbo wook.
Tho old M. E. parsonage is row at
reit on its new and permauoiit location
it iho coruor ot Church and 11th streotH
- Several years ago while tho Fourth
of J uly flro workB wero being set oft from
lie Irving Clin billsido, ono rockc-i
-truck tbe old woodou Court Uouso, the passing completed through the
s-Jiug, and nearly sotting flro to th
building. Another came down nitl
imnondous forco among u group oi
ilitseers standing on the luwu i-f tln
!' M. Crano (now. U. T. Meunei) resi
dence, missing tho head of one of (hi
par y by the merest margin, and burj
i'U' itself somo inches in tho soil. Thete
i iiunoos, showing the dangerous cbar-
OLM-rof sky lockets, happened herein
.-ut! evening. From Kutztown, neai
It" I'liug, cotnos a still more convincing
lory. Ou the ovoning of tbo 4th iust.
Mi m Kate Mauhemer, aged 23, was seat
d vith three thousand persons watcb.
nig tho Kutztown displuy of fire-workp,
front tbo grandstand, wben a rocket
tipped over as it was lighted, whizzod
.irixs tbe park with groat forco, und
siru 'k her in the chest, penetrating two
inch.'S and piercing ber heart. She died
wilhin two minutes. Tho celebration
iv m at once discontinued.
Since tbe nomination of Bocretary
Tuft, the newspapers have boen looking
up towns, villages and post offices bear
ing his name; aud tho Chicago Tribune
announces that these are to be found in
tho btatos of Indiana, Kentucky, Ten-
nossoe, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
Oreguo, Texas, North Carolina, Bouth
Carolina and Oklahoma. This, bow
ovo", does not complete the list. For
considerably more than halt a century,
l'ike county, Pennsylvania, has had tbe
village and post office of Tattoo, situat
ed about a mile from the Wayne county
border on tbe Walleopaupack creek.
The highest peak in America is Mt.
McKinley, in Alaska, which .is 20.464
feet high. In tbe Atlantic States tbe
highest peak is in North Carolina, Mt.
Mitchell, 6,711 fee The highest sum
mit in NowEoglana is Jit. Washington,
in the White Mountains, iuNew Hamp
shire. Blue Knob, fifteen miles south
east ot Cresson, is tbe loftiest summit
in Pennsylvania, reaching 3,136 foot.
Mrs. George 8. BuetlUzuc, of Wilkes-
Hun e, is visltinK II onesdale relatives.
Mrs. Oeo. P. Hoes is spending ten days
with relatives at Callicoon and II ankins, N.
Her. J. 1. Ware, ot Drifton, lJa., has
been entertained by Honesdale friends for
several days.
Mies Anna Hpeltlgue, of East street. Is
fulling rapidly, and ber demise cannot be
fur away. j
-Charles W. SpettiKue, ut Wilcox, I'u., Ik
ut the home of his brother, O. M. rjpettiKiic,
of Kail street.
Mrs. Wesley McQown, of 13th street, is
movluglnto the Baptist parsonage, which
she has leased for a long term.
John Itlckcrt, of Ulgb street has houL-ht
out Meorge List's bottling works at the cor
ner of West and Illch streets.
Miss Lottie Uigby, of Port Jervis, will
return on Saturday, after a 10 days' visit
ut the home of F. W, Bunnell,
Hon. uud Mrs, fteo, B. l'urdy and Mrs.
(Mis Avery go to Atlantic City, licit week,
lor uu ouliug of some two weeks.
Miss Lydla J. ltletler, of North Main
Heel, is julte 111 aud confined to her room,
under the care of a trained nuise,
Miss Katherlue Uattler, of Honesdale,
now holds the position of heud nurse in the
i'niladelphla hospital for trained nurses.
Married In Honesdale, July 8, 11)08, by
William U, Ham, Esq., Mrs. Cora M, Ed
wards to Jules A. Dunn, both of Horcsdale.
Mr. aud Mrs. BenJ. I). Jenkins, of Brook,
lyn, N. V., are guests at the home of the
latter's father, John Illeller, of North l'ark
Dr. J. J. O-iuioanii, of Jersey City, was
amouK me uonestlule visitors, last 9atuiuuy
und Sunday, returning home ou Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Ulchard l'etblck, of East
Honesdale, are entertaining their daughter,
Mrs. A. V. Seaman aud childlen, of Car,
Miss Irene Curtis, of Clinton, Is home
from the uloomiburg State Normal School.
She will havo charge of tbe Farno school
for the fall term,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Ewer, of Newton,
Mass., have been the guests of their dauah
ter, Mrs. Frank H, Merrltt, of East street
for the past week.
Dr. and Mrs. IL W. Brady and daujtb.
ter, Klliel, go to tbe West Shore House
Beach lake, this week, to pass tbe rem iu
avt ol the summer,
Ilev A L. Whlttaker will hold service
at the Indian Orchard acbool houte, next
Sunday afternoon at 3.30, preceded by
Bunday sohool at 2M.
William Klneinan, of Berlin Center, fell off
a load ot hay last evening, about nix o'rloek,
dlilocatlng bit (boulder and collar bone.
Drt. Burnt and Powell were called.
Itev. Charles Lee, of the Presbyterian
oburch, of Carbondale, Is spending bis vaca
tion of two months at Klk Like, In Clinton
township, this county.
Oeo. It. Osborne, of Kansas City, Mis-1
sourl, left for heme on Tuesday, after a visit
of several days with his (laughter, Mrs, B.
Bchermerborn, ot 8th street.
Charles Lord, ol upper East street, was
last week appointed permanent conduotor
of the passenger trains of the Erie Itailroad,
running ou tbe Honesdale Branch,
Miss Edna Hauenstelu, of Clinton, was
among the reoeut graduates from tbe East
Stroudsburg State Normal School, She Is
now passing the lime at her home.
Mrs. A. B. Transue, of East street, is en
tertaining her sister, Mrs. E. H. Gates and
on, Cordon, of Flushing, N. V. Both ladles
are daughters of John Itcltier, of North
Main street.
Miss Edna N, Knapp, a student of the
Bloom-burn State Normal School, Is pass
ing her vacation at the borne of her pareuts,
Conductor and Mrs, Oeo. W. Knapp, of
East Honesdale.
William L. Ferguson, an active business
man of Beelyvllle, celebrated b'S Doth birth
day, Thursday, July Otb. He Is tbe efficient
President of tbe Wayne County Agricultu
ral Society.
A three year old granddaughter of Mrs
I'elffer, of Cherry Itldge, fell from the porch
last Thursday and dislocated her elbow and
fractured the radius. Dr. Ely gave the
case attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Beuj. T Evans, of Bcran
ton, have been the guests of their son-in-law,
Cashier C. A. Emery, of the Fanners'
and Mechanics' Bank, ut his home ou upper
b-asi street, for several days,
News has been received of the death In
Kansas City of William J, Bpabl, a former
resiaeui or Carbondale. He leaves a num.
ber of relatives In this vicinity, Including a
sister, Mrs. Charles Warning, of Huh ley.
Oeo. W. Knapp, ot East Honesdale, for
u number of years the Erie passenger con
ductor on the lionesdalc Branch, is now lu
charge ot a first (lass passtnger train run
ning between Jersey City and Horuell, N.
Hev. W. F. Oibbons, pastor of the I'res
bylerlan cbutch, cf Dunmore, is Hie happj
possessor ot a farm at Wiuwool, where he
Is passing the summer, returning every Sat
urday in order to conduct sei vices on Nun
duy. Misses Dorothy U. Metiner, Murgurel
A. Mumford, Alice K. Simons. Florence (J.
and Bessie B. Brown, Louise F. F.d)iaraiiil
nuiriuu II. swill, who have beeu ciiJiviul
a week's outiugat Elk Lake, returned home
last evenlug.
Frederick Bussett Meuncr, of Boston,
who has beeu a victim of typhoid fever In u
hospital in that city, for the im-t two
mouths, Is now at the borne of his paieuls,
mi. ana Mrs. H. T. Mcnner, of Uuucsdule.
jdrs. Oio. Dirlum, Ji., of Boston. JIns...
underwent u delicate surRleul operation on
I iiesday, at the home of her fulber in-law.
Oeoige DliUlu, of Clieny ltidge. The ojiei -
uou was perlonneJ by Ills. Ely uud Powell
tin I was very sucecsslul.
Dl.Hussell W'a'l, a. fclu lent of the .lel-
tiison Medicil College, ui Philadelphia, i-
now lining llie poriliou of Junior Assirliu,
I'liyslciuil lu Ihe Moses TmjIoi Hoslilln .
Iciauton. Hclsu talented son of Mr.uu
Mis. T. F. Wall, ot HuHley.
T, Lincoln Medluud, of ("urbondale, i.
loimcr Sheriff of Way ne couulj, und l.u
h,is recently been truu-ling and limilng rel
atives iu Englund, an it ml in New Voil,
cliy, lust Suturda-, uud uftcrpusntig a net I.
at Atlautlc City will return borne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Holmes left mi
Tuesday morning for Beach BluQ, ou lb.
Massachusetts coast, toiemaiu until Am-im
1st. They will then no to WhiieiieH. v. a.
for a sojourn of two weeks. They will 1.,
accompanied by their sou-in-law, E. C
Mills, aud family.
(buries J. Smith und fumilv. of 14th
street, will ko to Starlight Luke, u beautiful
met of water In Buckingham township,
near the O. &. W. railroad, next week, where
they will occupy one of the cottages on Its
borders, for two or three weeks, und have
u tine outing.
Uev. J. K. Freed, for several years nas-
tor ol thel'resbyleriau church, of bherman.
and who iccently removed to Beruice, Bui.
Co., I'u , where he is now tilling a similar
position, was presented by his late pai ishion-
crs with a well-lllled purse of money, pre-
, ioub io urs oeparture.
Miss Ada A. MoDermott, of Plltstou. has
entered Columbia University, lu New York
city, for the purpose of taking u post grad
uate course iu German, leadlug to the de
gree of Master of Aits. Theyoungludy isa
daughter of Uev. Dr. H. C. McDermott. u
former pastor of the M.E. church, or H,ie.
--Herman Boog.havlng just returned fiom
Germauy, is paying a lltlng visit with his
relatives, the Hartungs, before returning to
his home lu Viuceuues, lud where for
many years he has conducted a successful
hotel, and is now retired from business. Mr.
I)oog is a r on of u sister of Henry aud Chris
tian Hartung.
Everett, a sou of 0. M. Srietilirne r,r
Honesdale, who is studying with a view
to entering the Episcopal ministry, has been
assigned by the Bishop to the care of the
episcopal church, of Gieat Bend, for the
remainder of the summer, where he Hill
conduct tbe service aud jcad such sermons
as may be suggested,
-Miss Carrie Kerner, of Philadelphia,
who is a guest (at the home of (1uIri-
Smith and family, of Beelyvllle, moat de-
nguuuuyana artistically rendered a solo,
"lledi mjitiou," lu the Presbyterian church
last Sunday morulug. She is u member of
a quartette choir In u prominent Presby
terian church, In Philadelphia.
nuuer u. lieuulg, a meiub.r of the
oiaie I'ouslabulary, with headquarters in
Wyoming near tVilkes-B Is re -iving
high praise from Luzerne I . .i-antla
county papers, tor his effl irve
ry In the arrest of Klaik ll.m , .uudrels
iu that section. This will be goo 1 news to
the trooper's many friends in Uonesiale,
where he was located several months in
11107, enforcing the lieu aud game laws, and
aeslstlug the local otlloers ot the law.
Dr. Joseph Joues, of Stoekbridge, Muss
and his sou-iu-luw, Norrnau J. Macllougdll.
of Hldgcwood, N. J., were guests of lien s-
Uale relatives several days, last e-k. He is
a former practicing homeopathic physiiluu
iu uouesuuie, but lelt here 2i vhin ni-n.
Previous to his departure he put i based a
large iraci.or the Shakers In Promised
uuu, riis t.o , auu lor seveiul v eai s was an
extensive dealer iu lumber. He sai l he
had diluoulty iu recoguizlng the luwu, e
pecially Ihe upper portion, so ci e hud
beeu the Improvements.
E. V. Coleman, Geo, 11. Itch lienbirk
Wm Seilz uud John Gugaid, all uf Ihe ir
vlug Cut Glass Co., cuiiiohuuiufiuiu a week's
llshluglrlp to Duck Harbor, last Saturday
They speak tery hlgblyof the botpllullly u
Mr, aud Mis. Heiiuau Si buekeubeig, whei
they stopped, aud would udviseauy party
seeking a week of recreution uud good lish
lux touakearraogemeuts with Mr. Schenk
esherg for accommodations. He has sever
al New Yoik summer boarders, Including
one "Borneo," who Is looking for a "Juliet1
as a life partner to help lu a coutciupluloi!
farm purchase near Lookout
Joseph Hoos. a prominent aud highly re
spected lesideutof Scranton, died onTliure
day last, July Vth, IW, at bis borne lu (hat
city. Tuefuurral washeld ou Sunday alter
noon, with lutermeut In the Dunmore Jew.
Is'i (Vmelery. Mr. Boos was a brother-in-
law of Mrs, Jonas Kutr, of this place, aud
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kstz. Missel Josephine.
llrrlha aud Edua Kutr, and Messrs, Edward,
ttixuiuuil, u-on uud Jaouu Kali attended I have a day to himself in early October,
ihn funeral from HonesdalH. Jaixili Kuu'H would be a ease ot football flrat,
acted as cue of. luu patPpearers.
Mlsa Jennie lirownsoombeVpt 83, Fifth
Avenue, N. T., thus responds to a request
for another painting to be disposed of for
tbe benefit of the Honesdale Improvement
Association, which Society has at various
times been very generously treated by her.
Tbe letter Is addressed to Miss Jennie tt.
Ball, secretary ot the Association. "It Is a
happiness for me to do anyUilng that will
benefit my dear native town, even In a small
way : uni thouph I no longer live there, I
still feel that I belong lo Honesdale, where
are oenteiedall the memories of my child.
hood and youth, and where 1 have to many
dear and valued friends. Wishing continu
ed aud Increasing tuooesa to the Boolety that
has helped to make our town famous, I am
very cordially yours, Jennie Brownsoomhe.'
Miss Ueleue l'urdy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Purdy, of Beelyvllle, underwent
ou Tuesday last, one ot the most difficult
surgical operations known to the profession
the removal ot the parotid gland tor a
sarcoma of three years' growth. This case
possesses peculiar Interest from tbe fact that
more than a year ago some of the leading
surgeons of this Btate and New York refus
ed to operate. 01 late the growth baa been
making such pressure on the throat as to
render swallowing difficult, and the attend
ing physicians deemed It advisable to at-
tempt its rtmoval. The treatment necessi
tated the ligation of all of the large arteries
of the neck and the cutting of the facial
nerve. One hour and a quarter was requir
ed for tbe operation, which was performed
at the Scranton private hospital by Or. H-
A. Bmltb, assisted by ber physician, Dr. H.
B. Ely. A telephone message to Dr. Ely
this morning brings the weloome Intelli
gence that Miss Purdy's condition is very
Court Proceedings.
Motion da, Monday, July 13th.
L. N. Dow v. The County of Wayne.
Cubo stated, on claim of plaintiff, a con
stable, for services in a proceeding be
fore a Justico against George Boyden,
for violation ot fish law by fishing on
Sunday. Boyden was convicted by the
Justice, but the conviction was reversed
on certiorari, tor defects in tbe record.
Tho question in tbo caeo stated was
whether tho county was liable for tho
constablu's foes, uuder the provision of
tho fish law that, when any officor mak
ing complaint shall fail to rocover tbe
ueiiilly, tbo costs shall be paid by the
:ounty. Judgment for plaintiff for f 12
44, tbo amount claimed.
Jonnie h. Hubbard v. Harry St. Clair
Hubbard. Libol in divorco. Dr. F. W
''owell nppointod committee, of the re
spondent, who is non composmentis
Jj'-'ph C Dank nppointod constiblo
of Way m Art, vies 15 J O'Rjurke, da
Oortright & Bon v. Erie It. It. Co
t-Auons for new trial filed, and rule
'r.intcd, returnable next term.
Oliver Typo Writer Co. v. W. P.
.chrncU. Certiorari to JuBtice. No
recptions having boon filed, judgment
i. hniKicey P. Darling v. Jennie Dar
iug. Divorce granted.
Trypheua Smith v. Townehip of Tex-
H"u3on for new trial filed, and rule
ho'.v cause, returnable next term.
I x to gutrdianship ot Alden Cobb, a
- rein ot woik mind. Ueiring con
I'H'.l to July 2d, 19lW.
ICate of Lawrence Flyno, late of
'almyri. deceased. Solo of interest ol
Vlico Klynn.-n minor child, in land ii
Ttwlry, (o K. L. Tuttlo, f or proportion
n .o enure of 1350, approved.
K'tato of Richard Fleming, late ol
C muan, deceased. Guardian's Bale of
he interests ot minor children inland
i Canaan to Margaret Leonard, for tl,
."Ol npproved.
Ovcrsoers of Scott v. Gilbert Spencer,
liulo on defendant to show cause wh)
ho shall not bo required to contribute
to tho support ot bis son, Ernest Spen
cer, maintained in tbo Btato Hospital for
he Insane at Danville, by tbe town-
bip, as an insane pauper. Returnable
i.ext term,
Road in Preston No. Petition for
public road, bcginning,on public road
from Orson to Poyntolle, about halt a
mile from Orson, and thence to road
from Iliae Corners to Preston Center,
ubout one-fourth of a mile from Bine
Corners. Isaac B. Bindercock, E A.
Wright, and J. D, Brennan appointed
Bund cf Hurry J, Atkinson, aubstitu
ed trustee for May AtkinBon Plum, un
der will of Elizabeth Atkinson, with
Title Guaranty and Surety Co., of
Scranton, as surety, approved, and sub
stituted for bond previously filed.
Overseers of Mt. Pleasant v. Over
seers of Clinton. Appeal by defendant
from order for removal of John Keeler,
sometimes called or known as John
Keeielwcki or Klcsielseki. a pauper, el
Oiorsocrs ot Damascus v. Frank
Brush. Rulo on defendant to show cause
why ho shall not be required to contrib
ute to tbo support of his father, Oliver
Brush. AnBwer of defendant filed,
den) ing ability to contribute.
In ro guardianship of Thelma Horton.
Rulo on Frank Stark to show cause why
bis appointment as guardian shall not
bo revoked. Answer of guardian filed,
(1 T. W right ct al. v. Armory Asso
ciation. W. II. Lee appointed auditor
to report distribution ot proceeds ot
Bherill's sale.
Estate of Mary B. Conley, Clinton. II.
Wilson appointed auditor to report dis
Hugo Becker v. Peter Bower et al.
Utile to give security for costs within
en days made absolute.
Krcitncr Brothers v. Julia Dean. De
fendaut's appeal from award of arbitra-
orct. Rulo on defendant to perfect ber
rocognizance by at least one sufficient
surety, within ten dayp.
Kloro K. Buddenhagen v. J. W. Bud-
denbngen. Libel in divorce. 8ubp cena
amended by making it returnable the
Ficond Monday of July, 1908, and lio
mcr Grceno appointed master.
Bcranton TruBt Co. appointed guar-
diun of Louis A. Patterson, minor child
of John A. Patterson, late of Annapo
lui, Md , deceased.
Bond ot Clurissa Layton, guardian of
Inez T. Phillips, minor child of Jonnie
K Teeplc, Manchester, approved.
K. It. Urcgory appointed guardian ol
minor children ot Lillian Gardner, late
ot Boott, deceased
UUato of Clifford L. Chapman, Bouth
Uormuu. Bale ot real estate ordered.
Admitted to citizenship: Edward
Anderson an d Tobias llagberK, White
Mills; Ueorgd Maddetord, B-ithiny.
This veto by Qov. Hughes of tbo bill
malting uctober 12th a legal Holiday,
to bo called Columbus Day, waa no
blow ut Ubristopher Columbus. Were
tbo discoverer of America to come back,
..,. ir.l f...S t,n.
generally Momorial bay ia observed to
ins nonor oi our aeaa soiuieri ana aeaa
Bailors, bo would not ask for a holiday
In bis own honor, lie la sure ot respect
ful remembrance ai it ir. Were be to
wuristupuur twivwsua avausn,
These Hot Spays
X are creating a
Wash Skirts,
Wash Dresses and Shirt
We offer the greatest
Styles at 33 per cent, less
I Everything in Whitewear
Ladies' Under-Muslins, made of good materials, the
best workmanship, at matchless prices.
M. AT7
fl ig
Summer Goods
FORi1908 -
Stylish, Nobby and Comfortable Wash Suits All Shades.
Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts,
New Spring and Summer Single Jacketi. Black and Leading Shades.
Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors.
Fancy Styles in Taitor-Make Shirt Waists at
Menner & Co.'s Dept. Stores.
If vou have never
had any dealinas
with us, please to
considerthisan in
vitation to aive us
a trial.
Farmers & Mechanics' Bank,
Messes. Editoeh. I notice by the In
dependent and Herald that tbe County
Commissioners have awarded the con
tract for painting tbe Court House to
W H. Hall, ot Indian Orchard, bis bid
having been 1327. As my bid was 1300,
it would seem that tbe old system of
giving jobs to tbe lowest bidder has been
abandoned by tbe present board of com
missioners. From the fact that Com
missioners' clerk Boss la careful to bavo
tbe papers say that nothing was men
tioned io my offer about puttying tbe
wiudows. it lb clear tnatne sees ine oe-
oed-it; of furnishing Borne excuse lor
turning my oia aown. hui nis excuse
doaV, exouBO. Be knew, and tbe board
ttna. tht t tho c-'ttv work waa under
stood by mo to to a part or. me jop; lor
T UnA m ntb- mitt. Purr. m!,amnap Hfnnin
villa in regatd to that very point, and
made it Dlain that such was my under
standing. And even if I bad not said
j. word about It, me oara wouia nave
bad no reason to reject my oia, it Demi;
holnwent is no workman would even
think of painting windows without first
doing such puttying aa might be necese
arv. and no intelligent, fair-minded
parson would even imagino to tbe con
trorc Mr bid was for tbe work aa ad
vertised, and I offered to furnish bonds
for tnti proper and satisfactory perform
ance of the contract. Had it been
accepted, aa in all justice it should have
been, tne oounty wouio ubtb miou w
at least, but of course Mr. ltoss for once
would not have had bis way. More
over a comparison ot tbe two bids will
show that while my offer was to paint
the saab and frames and oolumni on the
front porch two coats, the bid of Mr.
Hall ia for only one coat, and yet hia
bid was accepted aa the lotfettl If it
could be properly mentioned, in tbii
connection I might give some interest
ing information ooooerniog tbe frescoing
ot tbo interior ot tbe Court House last
year. John Cosuhom.
Owing to the increasing number of
horrible crimes in France, and tbe ac
tion uf many juriea in passing resolu
tions in favor ot the retention of tbe
death penalty, parliament baa decided
to postpone consideration ot the pro
posal to abolish tbe death penalty. This
queation la on ,the government a pro
gramme. Although never legally abol
ished, tbe use of tbe guillotine baa been
virtually auonressed for years, parlia
ment having refused every year to
make an appropriation for tbe payment
of executiooera, and tbe 1'reaidentof
the repoblio -having regularly commut
ed death aoateuoea to me imprisonment
DeWltt's witch Dsael Balva Is good for
cuts, burns, bruises and scratches. It Is es
pecially cood lor piles, iiecomiueoaeu urn
sola vj t-a.lL, .no uruasis-.
demand for
Wash Suit
assortment of New Surffifner
than the regular pri
assaiP.ilsVwr sj
July 13th. Sunditv. Julv Sin. two
children and three adults received the
ordinanee of baptism in tbe If. E.
ebareh. Tbe pastor, Her. B. P. Ripley,
officiated. .
The extreme beat of last Bnndav sru
almost unbearable In Uawley, until lata
In tbe afternoon when a clouded sun,
iue rising winu stnu . reiresnmg anower
brought relief and mstde the evening a
pleasant one. ,
Mrs. A. J. Lobb, who has been vlslr
Ing abroad tbe past two weeks, return'
nouie ounaay evening.
Mrs Frank Stevenson and son Robert,'
visited friends In Port Jeryls, last week.
Mrs. Robert Wbeeler and two chil
dren, of Maaalllon, Ohio, are gneita of
ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel deary,
at East Uawley.
Tbe farm bouse of Mrs.Uary Rott
weiler at Notch, Pike eounty.waa struck
by lightning last week and considerably
damaged. Two blooded yearling belferx
onued by . N. Docker, of A too, Wayne
county, were killed by lightning In tbe
pasture last week. Both parties carried
Insurance lq Bingham's agency and tbo
losses were promptly adjusted and paid
ou the spot. ''
Warren Mnrpby, a student at State
College, Is spending bis vacation In Uaw
ley. After spending a week with friends In
Orson, Miss Mary Ward,' of Seelyvlllt,
will come to Uawley, Saturday, for a
weea-a visit wun ner aunt, aira. 1J. Bing
ham. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Tnttle. ot Don-
more, were recent visitor in town
Dr. Russell Wall, one of oar rising
young men, has been appointed Junior
aasitutm pnyaicinn in tne uoses rayior
Hospital In Bcranton, and he Is working
there during his vacation from the Med
ical College.
Uustave Buck has Dnlabed a course of
studies lutbe Boranton Butlneu College,
and returned to Hawley.
Mrs. D. Bingbaai returned Saturday
from a visit of two weeks with her sou,
Judson aud family, at Newark, Ohio.
While there she visited tbe State Pen
itentiary ttColumbu.-, Ohio, and sev
eral other places of Interest lu that
Federation of Labor.
For the benefit of humanity, and to
give tbe publio an insight in the work
ing and propaganda of tbe American
Federation of Labor, tbe Central Union
of Honeadale and vicioity have voted
to bold open meetings on the second and
fourth Thursday eveniogs of the month
until further notice. Clergymen ot toe
tojrn are invited to become fraternal
v ot Central Labor Union.
A. D. VAaDBMsaa.
Tbe New Separate Skirt for 1808, at
MENNEit 6c CO. "8 store combine etyle,
comfort and economy. All new pro
ductlou. IQ
Waists YH
J -