The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 16, 1908, Image 2

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roa ramocxT.
WU. nOWAUD TAITT, of Ohio.
JAMJtt) 8. BUEHMAN, ot Mew Tork.
fob aucron at labub,
HOIinta L. CLOTHIER, ot Philadelphia,
BENJAMIN r. JUNES, Jr., of Pittsburg.
roB DOTBicr blbciob,
... ni.i
Jobn Durl i rs . o. diii- .
I. A. IJaVIS IB IlOUfc. , jnowi. at.
V A. fllmhnl 20 ThomU tDlDly
8-C1. J. Rlllolt 2J-A. W. MoCullougb
7-0. U. Urtnl i. iim
-J. IJ. Abbott 24-Judgt i J. r. Taylor
S J. N. I'. Usutman 23-J. J". Downing
10- Col.R. A. Phillip M-Hennaa Simon
11- J. L. Newell 27-T. T. Wilton
lJ-Joha Matbiu Z8-1 allots
13 A. II. Miller -O.O.Bnulti
14 W. T. UeCabe X0-O. A. Ilsboook
16-tloo. W. Williams st-A. It. I'Moook
W-U J. Waller, Jr. St U. L. Williams
ron JODOi or auraaioR oonirr,
WM. D. PORTER, of Allegheny.
ron uoitoBiai,
CHARLES 0. PRATT, of Suiquehanna.
, PERUAM, of Preiton.
fob suxrurr,
M. LEE I1RAUAN, of Honesdale.
roB rBornoaoTiBT, bto.,
WALLACE J. I1AIINE8, of Berlin.
ALFRED O. DLAKE, ot Bethany.
J. K. noRNBECK, of Equlnunk,
TUOUAB 0. MADDEN, ot Dreber.
ARTHUR W. LARRABEE, ot Btsrucca,
W. BROCK LK8HRB, of Sterling.
MYRON E. SIMONS, of Honesdale.
The Btttle of the Bonei.
At the DemoorBtlo National Conven
tion last week, Col. Guffey, the Deuio
eratlo boia of the Keystone State, wag
rudely Jolted off the national band wagon
and tbli by the expreia oouimand of Col
Bryan, the boas of the collective Democ
racy of the country.
The Demoeratla National Committee,
In preparing the roll of delegates, onanl
nioutly decided In favor of the Pennsyl-
vanta delegate! whew eleotlon at the
primaries was certified by the Secretary
ot the Commonwealth under the Statu
law. With the title tbua established,
the delegation thereupon euoae Col. (Jul
fey a the Peantylvanla member ot the
National Committee.
But the national boaa had decided to
throw down the State boaa, and at bla
dictation the Committee on Credentials
wai packed to oarry out this purpose. To
accomplish the Intended result, the Com
mittee unseated eight Guffey delegates
from Philadelphia, and seated eight antl
Quffey Phlladelphlana who had ooutest
ed the seats. There waa no ground for
contest beyond the vague allegation that
the (Juffeyltes were "not Democrats"
whleh meant only that they were not
Bryanltes; and their right In the prem
ise was as elear as that of any other dele
gate. But the Bryan "steam roller" ran
over their claim, and ground it to frag
ment. The aatlou of the Committee on
Credentials waa promptly approved by
the Convention ; and then, at a canons
of the delegates, In whleh the successful
contestants .took the place of those who.
"ilgd bee
en elected, Tin uey was
from the National Committee, and James
Kerr, of Clearfield, chosen In hi plaoe,
by a vote of 341 to 821, with one delegate
declining to vote. The fractional votea
were due to a tie at the delegate eleotlon
In Pittsburg, whlob was disposed ol by
seating both oandldatei and giving eaob
halt a vote
The method thus nsed against Quffey
were substantially the same a those by
which Quffey, aided by Bryan, ousted
Wm. F. Harrlty from the National Com
mittee, and took his plaoe, lu 181X1.
Very naturally Boss Quffey kicks vig
orously, and gives bis view of Bos Bryan
In the follewlng empbatlo language :
Mr. Bryan view me with sanottmool
ous horror as a "political boss, who never
shall be lu the party organization, except
over my protest," as a "DusnwuuaKer,
who should not be nut Into my oouuclls
to betray me." "Ml oounolls." Indeed I
I the Democratic party really absorbed?
lias It no counoilst la Mr. Bryau the
whole organization t "Let the people
role,"1nrsiroliiii, am forthwith pleuda to
dictate not only every aot, every omoe
and every resolution of this convention,
but also to nut the ban on every mau
from any State who Is opposed to bis
anaiaaoy or uis piaiiorm. uoes ue turn
'a vltuneratlon arralnst me because lam
s T Not at all. 1 am no more of a
m now than I was during the two cam
.(feigns when I won his approbation by
trying to elect him. The only boss be
bates 1 the boss opposed to his own ar
rogant self the most impudent, domi
neering, devastating boss the Democratic
uartv has ever known.
But there is another reason. "I am a
oorporation iota." Well, 1 am. 1 wb
in ltftto aua lvou, una am to-uay ; but i
been oonneoteu wuu corporations.
I hiillll'Mllll"BiiiLJllll''ilii I'll i company
wblon Is not an inourlUiulrHUuUuy.own
private business, und which 1 absolutely
oootrol. That, however, makes no dll
fereuce. 1 am a "corporation mau." but
It l only when'Mr. Bryan Is opposed to
me that 1 am considered uuwortuy of at
soclatlou wltlifhe one living "honest
My counsel and my help are no longer
desired. It was not always so. lu 1890
and 1900 tber'Iate Senator Jones many
times deolared there were just three men
npon whom he never called for financial
assistance In vain. Due waa the lute
Maroua Daly, another waa William K
Hearst, the third was myself. Through
hi friend and manager Mr. Bryau uut
uuiy nuoeiJbeu f;raieiuiiy, uut ucbcvuiiiuk
lv sonant our aid. and we cave secretls
thousands and thousands ot dollars. Mr.
Bryan knew then and knows now that I
waa as uiuoh ot a "corporation man" lu
1890 and In 1900 as I am lu 1U08, but did
be "scruple abstemiously" to use out
money to help his canvass t Let him
answer at hie leisure.
And what followed t After his defeat
Mr. Hearst became his natron aud paid
him thousands of dollars, only to be
turned upon without a qualm, though
now, wheu again a candidate, Mr, Bryan
fawns upon mm in nope ot gaining mi
snnnort. I reaD my reward in a vloions
brutal attack from the man who pro
fessed to be my friend. Mr. Daly died
soon enough not to see the Ingratitude
of one who aooepts a man's assistance
and, at the first refusal to serve it eelllsli
purpose, spits in uis tuae.
I have reDlled to Mr. Brvan's vltuner
ative assault upou me with calmness and
restraint. The use of exuletlvesls clearly
unnecessary. This simple reoltal of plain
facts shall be sufficient to enable any fair
mind to determine with certainty, at a
time wneu Harmony is iiiecinei rrquisitt
ot party success, who Is the self-convict
ea tuisiuer, wuo tue nypooriie, who in
real and most arrouaut "boss" eve
knowtr In the Democratic party, and
who, 1 regret to add, "the Ingrate."
There Is one preparation known to-day
mat. win promptly ueip tne sioniacn. juu
Is Kouol. KoJol illuetis all classes of food
and It does it IlinruiiRiily. so that the use of
Kodol lor a time will without ilouhl help
anyone who has stomaeh Iruuule. Tuke
Kodol to-day and continue It for the short
time that Is ueoessury to give you enmnlete
rener, rtnuoi is sum ny rr.u., irio irrug
Tbetnv IoibO ' ll
ess vo Httu bi Miutntiii vt w, o, utv
The Dearer Convention.
The Democrat! National Convention
reached the eonelnston whleh for some
time had been olearly foreseen, by nom.
In ting Wm. J. Bryan for President, on
the first ballot. He received 892 votes,
out of 1.005. with 8 delegates not voting.
Judge Cray, of Delaware, received the
votes of bl own State, the Ul of Hew
Jersey, 0 from Pennsylvania, and 20
from Georgia a total of 01). Uov.
Johnson, of Minnesota, received the li
Tote of ' hit own State, 1 each from
Maine and New Hampshire, 3 from
Rhode If laud, 5 from Connecticut, 3 fr.iin
Pennsylvania, 0 from Maryland, and 2
from Georgia a total of 40.
Col. Bryan through hia friends offered
the Vice Presidential nomination to
Judge Gray, but the latter absolutely
refused to accept It. Beeldn.a natural
unwillingness to take seoond plaoe, ouo
ot tils friends described the offlou as un
desirable, since it bad "all the depriva
tions of a monastery, with iioue of the
oonsolatlons of religion."
Bryan llnally decided on James W.
Kern, of Indiana, as bis running mate,
and the nomination waa made by at"
Mr. Kern, however ho may eoiupare
with Bryan as a "Peerless Leader," in
proportion to size Is fully his peer as a
peerless, loser. Bryau, after being
wloe eleoted to Congress (1890 and leM),
made a campaign In 1891 as a candidate
for the U. 8. Senate, against John M.
Thurston, Republican ; but the election
gave the Republicans a majority In the
Legislature. In 1890 anil lu 1900 lie was
defeated as Presidential i-nndldate. Mr.
Keru entered the political field at the
age ot twenty-one, as candidal" for the
Legislature, and was defeated. In 188
he was eleoted olty attorney for Kukoiuo,
and held the position fornix years, lu
1884 he was elected Supreme Court Re
porter, but when a candidate for re-eleo-tlon
In 1838 was defeated. In 1HU2 he
was elected State Senator, and lu lHlli
was ehosen City Attorney of ludluuapo
lis. lu 1900 and again lu 1D04, he was
the Democratic candidate for Governor,
and In both campalgus was defeated. In
1905, his party oomplliueuted hlui with
the nomination for the U. S. Senate, but
Alfred J. lleverldge, Republican, was
The platform adopted by the Conven
tion, In volume aud comprehensiveness,
resembles the Oklahoma aoustltutlou. It
abounds In speolmeus from the eorup
heap ot Demoaratio declarations, aud
adds some propositions that will be inert-
Junk after the election, whatever the re
suit of the contest. It shows that the
party bos forgotteu nothing of Itupor
tanoe eioept the bunco dollar, and has
learned nothing of Importance beyond
the points on which all parties arc sub
stantlally agreed.
Pleasant Mount.
JULY 13th. Helen Tiffany left to-dav
for a visit to Clearfield, Pa. Her trip
win aiso inoiuae timira aua uinguaui
Kmma Lernnko wilt spend this week
with Mrs. Ltion Bills at Thompson.
' Jason Welles has recovered sullloleut-
ly to retttru to his home here, but is still
under the onre of a nurse. Mr. Welles
left home some three mouths ago, aud
uuaerweut a very ueiioate surgioai oper
ation, May 12th, from which ho appears
to oe maKing a oompiete reoovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Slocum are at
the Graham home for a few days.
Dr. S. if. Kennedv. of Qloversvllle. N
Y., spent last week with bis brother, J.
it. n.enneay, or tins plaoe.
ura. uuport xiuany ana cranuaaugu
ter. Eva. were in Carbondale over Sun-
airs, iloaney Lenipke ana son, of Car
bondale, spent part of last week- with.
Anna Labar haa none to Montlcello
ror me summer.
Bessie and Jennie Moase were at Elk
dale over Sunday.
Mrs. Alloe oiyres ana daiiL-uter. of
Brownell, west Virginia, spent last week
with friends In town.
Charles Tiffany and wife will start ou
tneir return trip to cieatlle tuis ween.
The 4th tmtsed off verv comfortably.
The M. E. ladles served one of their big
dinners to more thau the usual number
ot guests.
The reuulon of the family and rola
tlves of the lute J. S. Tiffany was a very
nleasaut and urolltable feature of the
aaye oeieuratiou. aii tue cniuireu ot j
a. ana Harriet wuitney Tiiiany aua
tuelr famines were uere aua tooK uinuer
together at the hall.
Prof. Chambers, of Bcranton, gave a
lecture in tue evening ot tue 4iu.
Mrs. Hterime entertained at tea. rrot,
and Mrs. Deltrlnli, Mlex Cora Deltrioh
and Mr. and Mrs. Keuuedy last Friday.
Dunne tue worn on tue state roan,
Walter j,aKe ana sou, warren, narrow
ly escaped a fatal uooulent by the horse
Becoming irignteneu at tue rouer aua
uiisettlDC tueui lu a covered carnage.
Fortunately kliey escaped Injury.
airs, ueury otarniru. oi muguututou.
returned home lust week alter spending
several davs w til Miss lirtce Wtuuer.
Mr. ana Mrs. Jbarlea Wluuer ana son.
John K., and Mrs. Martin ure at the
Winner Home for a few days.
Airs. J. w. moase is visiting at Milan
July 13th. Rev. Donaldson.- imitor of the
First M. E. (iburob. ot San Francisco, uu-
cupled the pulpit last Sunday morning. Mr.
nonaiaion isnerein ine Kasi at, tue invita
tion ot the general conference of the Me
thodist church to nresent the needs and oh-
tain Rid tor the Methodist ouurrbts. who
zvffered such severe losses In the reueut
earthuuake and nre lu that (It v. Mr
ijonamson gave us a very vivia account ui
the lire and It's alter elTeets, and presented
very forcibly the speoltto needs ot our
ohurches. We trust that many morechurches
of the dlstrlot may have toe privilne of
ol bearius Uev. Donaldson and contributing
luwaru a wormy cause.
For the remainder of the season the fivtm.
lug services ot the M. E. church will Ue held
on the church lawn at C. 16 p. st.
James A. Uortree, of Orlando, Pa., vas a
pleasant caller In town last week.
Mrs. Dora Slmson Is spending the present
week In Detroit, Michigan, and from there
sne win return to i.iereiaua.
Mrs. AifUes Uromllch and twa ch.lilrHii.
of New York oltv, are aiialu spending the
summer with her mother, Mrs. C. 11. MilK
Dr. White received a hurried cull one day
last week from Maplewood.uneof thcyounu
lauies mere ui a nausu pany UHin taKrii
severely in auer oatning. irr. wuuu tieiu,
burrledlv called gate the ntceiairv aid.
Mis. Charles Mills of iloueslale is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. a. Kjei.
The Misses Elizabeth and Uiuro M ile, of
uawiey, ure toe guests ui relatives m town
Flotd MoFarlaud Is ou the sick list.
The Misses Verna Klllam end liluni-lie
Ullpm are spending the summer ul the
'Hlufl" Mllford. 1'a.
1'rolessor J. D. Storm lelt last week fur
Middlelown, N. Y. Alter ustiurt stay tht-ie
he will Journey to 1'rovldcm-c, It. 1., wheic
ne expects to spcuu uis summer vacation,
The new holler for the knitting laclmy
arrived last week. Iu a few days It Is ex
pected everything will he In readiness lor
active operations.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cobb, ot Dunmorc,
were tue guests ui tar, ana uis. j Jirown
several davs last week,
Mrs. Frank Urown, of Oxford, N. J , Is
visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Ueorge
Mr. and Mrs. J. Newcomb returned to
their home In Scranton ou Sunday, altir
spenaing tue past weea wuu tue latter s
partuts, Mr, aud Mrs. Orr Pulley.
Mrs. N. Uranulug aud Mrs. Waulky and
daughter, ot West 1'lltstou, are speudlug
tneir- annual vacattou witn tuetr motuer,
Mrs. H. tisijorne.
J, MolTot, of Scranton, was the guest o
Mrs. Mills, last week.
Mrs. Kuiteuu Samson and daughter. Made.
line, called on relatives and Mends here,
Floyd McFarland our geulul station
agent is on tuo sick list, air. Mice, ot ttaw
lev. Is doing tits wotk.
A. W. llnuL. Is In Hcrantoii worklui? nn
a mail route delivering until, unit expects
souu iu nave a pentiauuui juu.
Vilgil Utilise has returned limn Klugitnu.
Use DeWilt's Utile Karly Risers, pleas
ant little pills that are easy to take. Mild
by I'KIUTue Druggist.
I New Parasol, up-to-date ehaprn. ul
'AituriPlltt tx tiu, o nirj(
In MemorUm.
Barbara Buerket, wife ot Lawrenoe Bai
ler, of Donesdale, died at her home, July 8,
IMS, after a brier Illness, aged et yers and
II months. She Is survived by her husband,
a son, Peter, two daughters, Mrs. Oeo. II.
Weldner and Miss Mary, at homo, and two
brothers, Henry and Anthony, ot Hones
dale. Interment in the Uermin Catholic
Lottie Goodnough, widow of Waller
Corey, of Wajmart, died In the lnekiwun
na hospital, Scranton, July It, 19U3, aerd
about CA years. Her husband, who was for
a long period an employee of the Ulavll)
Railroad, died some six years ni;o. Mrs.
Corey is survived by a IS year old daupbler,
Augusta. Interment In the Waynuit i-i-me-tery.
Emma Waldler, wife of William New.
comb, died at the family resldennq In line
hauilon, J une 23, 1008, after a painful Ill
ness of six months, aged 27 years, ' mouths
and 21 days. Deceased was a daimhter of
Mr. and Mrs. AuguUua Waldler, nf .(! I
township, this county, she Is survived by
her husband, parents and three sisters. In
terment In the Hale Eddy cemetery.
Christina Schneider Abbott, wtfoof John
Itaker, of West street, died July II, ot
the Infirmities of old age. She had been n
helpless Invalid for a nurnberot years. lie
fi-ased was born In Germany, Marilt 21,
leJ, making her age 85 years, 3 mouths and
) days. Deceased was twice married. Her
first husband, George Abbott, died In Se.-ly-
vllle. and April 21, 1858, she became the
bride ot John Baker. Mrs Baker was n
noet devout and faithful member nf the M.
K. church, whose pastor, the Uev. W. II.
Illller, condUoled the funernl setvlces. Her
husband most devotedly and lovingly cared
for his Invalid wife for several years, lea
Ing nothing undone that would ndd In her
pleasure or comfort. Interment 111 the
German I.titheian cemetery.
Which is the Lowest and Beit Bidder.
rtlnt'o thorol soaio controversy with
roforenco to wtuoli was tbo lowest nnd
boat bidder fur tho contract ot painting
tho exterior ot tbo Court Uouhu tho low
cat bids are herewith givon ; each bidder
t furnish hie own specifications:
(Icing a reeidont and n tax payer of
Wnvno county and a mister caintor. I
doniro to submit tbo following cntimutd
for completing tbo painting of tho ex
terior woodwork, including iron col
umns in front portico, in tbo following
manner: First, scrapa looso putty from
aith whoro needed und ull loojo pnut
in tho eamotuannor j thou givtiall wood
work one good coat of paint ou all c jr-
meed, rail ou roof, window casings aud
window easb, all painted doora; elot.n
aud rotlnish rear ball doors; noxt pultj
up on wtuaow busu, aoiecte iu wood
work and paint tbo eamc. ono Kood coul
of paint to narmontzo witn prouont col
or Bcborao, for the eum of I'M. If tho
front and sides of tho buildiug uro to Do
sanded, 140 extra, total 1327.
I heroby placo my bid on nrtiiitim: on
Court Houso aa follows: Ono cout on
main cornice, no sand: two coutu ou
easb and frumos. no sand: two con la on
columns on front porch and Baud the
eamo, and furnish nil material for the
Tho Cjmmissionora oonetdering Mr.
Uall'a plans and bid tho best, gave him
tho contract.
July lath. Airs. J. Wells Moase, ol
I'leasuut Mt.. is the truest uf Mre. A. S.
Helen and Frederick Crane, uf Port
Byron. N. V . are at 'The Munles." with
their aunt, Mrs. Beach, for uu iudrllultc
Mrs. C. D. Skinner and family, of Au
burn, N. Y are visiting Mrs. Cora Skin
Mr. Cornell, who has been occupvIiil'
ono of the bungalows, returned home on
UlsTisnra -BoftJeraf-llaullintoii." t,
ceutiy vistieu misses r.iiua auu ijorenu
Mrs. I. E. T bbettB. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Judson YerkeB and son, Lewis, ure visit
ing at W. D. Yorkes' home.
airs. Dales, of fine Mill, -N. v.. Airs.
Charles Gay, of (lieu Spey, N'. V., itud
Mrs. Mary Applev. of Damascus, uere
receut guests of Mesdumes Connor anil
ictiois. i
Mrs. Wm. Crane, who came hern to til
tend the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Smith,
returueu to uer nouie at rort itrou, jy
Y.. ou Thursday last.
llockwell Brighttm had the misfortune
to lose one of his tcuui hordes last week.
Mrs. Frank Skinner, of Duumorc, ainl
Yule Hklnuer, of Buffalo, arc stu Ini: with
Miss Miuule Gay.
Her. and Mrs. H. H. Dresser, of Itaij.
hauiton, Mr. aud Mrs. H. G. Cttrr itui.
FraukSklnuer, of Duumore, Hurry Skin
ner, of Ptttston, E. 1'iuiiey aud Mrs.
Wules, of Kenoza Lake, N. Y, who were
lu towu to utteud tho funeral of 1). W.
Gay, have returned to their homes.
L. J. Hooker uud M. L. Skinner are
eutertululng a number of olty people.
Tna remains of Slhts Smith, ul Kiutt
liamtou, were brought to Coaheutuu Inr
burial uu Thursday lust, the luteiiui-ut
being lu the Riverside Cemetery, Damas
cus. Besides the witluw, whu was tur
tuerly Miss Coralluu Puge, of Uoehectou,
were Mrs. Amelia Aguee, of Hartford,
Conn, only sister of the deceased, Mrs.
Win. Cruue, of Port llyrou, JJ. Y., Mrs.
D. H. Iteacb, of Milauville, aud Uev. Mr.
Hayes anil Mr. Lawrence, ol Hiiiglmiu
tun. Mr. Smith was for many years con
nected wltbtlie Wells-Fargo Kxprcsc Co.,
ot Hiughututou, anil was one ul the must
prumiueut aud helpful members of the
First Baptist church of the city lu winch
he llvtM. The deceit. ed spent his early
manhood at Cnchectou, with Ills uncle,
George Armstrong, who was a prominent
citizen there for many years.
Mrs. Amelia Aguee, of Hartford, Conu.,
mid Mrs. Smith, uf lllughamtuu, are the
gueste ot Mrs. D. H Beach.
rciAL Campaiun OkfR Hero iatiu
oxcolloni oiler und opportunity to lterp
in touch with tbo presidential cumpiign
and what the world 14 doing. Qivo your
poHitnaetor, nuwsdeiier or rurul currier
f 1 110 and tho Philadelphia I'm: will I e
mulled to you eix days each week until
Dec. 1. This is a very liberal idler und
a gn at reduction in pridti, and id g.o i
unly during the Presidential fntiipi.n.
Tuo Philadelphia Press o.itiiiie nil
tho up-'.u-dato uown, i-tulwuis
accuru o and roltabio. It coiiinine tl
teat trtarjjot reports. Y'ou cut got the
duinuier rouort, nowa onl alto a daily
paee for women, I' n trill v thnos i
groit homi niwapaper, llutidin your
order ui onoi tor tbii olfer is good only
n short time.
Ti)V lilrfhi'di amjutr. pmd for litiuir
liacneo lu tlio Statu ol Mi.brachtirittt-i,
where locul option prevuild i fJ.TM. It
will ha paid by thoownore of Keruuroft
Inn to tho town of Middlaton, m Ut-ex
uoiiuty, which "wout wot" for tho lire!
time in itl history at the unuuat towi
m.vtli i; iu March. Tho (en will bo cm -siderably
moro thnnifl.UdO greultr ttmi
tho amount puid tor liuenees in llo-tton.
Although tbo town has only about tlx
huudrud inhabituuU, thorn was Bun.e
ppiritud bidding for tho privilege to di..
pnusu aluoholio refreshmout. Tho pro
prietors uf tho inn think the licc-nso is a
good thing to lutvo, in view ot the uuto
tnobilo traffic and tho fuel that moat ot
tho larger towns and cities in that hoc
tiou u tho county are uow "dry."
Menner it Co, will closa out nn nu'd
lot ot Wool Jacket Suite at losrtlhun
half prico. 7i l
Ilhouiuatisui Cured In Threo Days,
N. II, IjhicU')-, Maillvtn, Wis., s.tjst I ,mih
Itcllils-iit wlUtrlieulililtlslii tur 6 moulUs. It In
lu) ni-Lk su I t-uuld uul tuin lil heait, alnl all
Uiruttlt no Usly. 1 tried three iluetnrs itiid in my
reiutiilesullhoututir ri-llet ullltcver luilll 1 cni
enriilPr Ulvll'IIU.S'SlltCLlKI'terltlli:! MATI-M.
lu a lev. Imunt lliu i.iln was irlleved iiit-1 lu ihrte
tlj)Htliu rlteutiiatlnta uaa cuiuiilelelj ttireil ittul 1
was si turk. held by lil'SL putMk Prulst,
lleut-tsUlf, Ta villus
Ilu.t:. It. HltADY, Dentist, Hmiesdale, I't
tlU'IdK HOUllM-e A. u. I06 c. H,
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phoneiM, ilusldeueu, No. WJ X
The Slum t lit rr::.ii;rntliii.
Tito ofilel.tls nf t i , -1 RtnbM
Iramlgr.ilin'i Inn ice
that tho decrrn-i . ! . i' : ..mi
fcges lulled for I'll' I . . ': I
occasloticd by the re-ill' l..t ji.n a
panic or other eiw-e- :i-.n-e:tl lc to
Conditions In this t itmtr m.,eli nt
by clicumlutite Hint nrp cither nat
ural or have been iithltriiilly linptncil
an the other file uf the o-eiitt 'lhe-e
elllrlaM toiucse tn n Unking Hiiilel"ii
Hint fcvcrnl lluropenn countries Ittive
placed nrliltntry ehcelti ngrtlnsi the,
otitllow nf their inpulntlon. The guv
rnmenta of IIuksI.1, fJcrinnny, Ati
Irla ittul Italy hntc Indlenteil openly
in nlarm nt the sternly In of pnpula
Hull thiniigh cniluratluii tn Atnerlea.
The total Imiularnlleti ndmltte.1 In
Stny till jiar wns only niip-fniirtli uf
(hut lu Umit and nnc-tlftli of Hint lit
1KI7 for lite Mine mouth. The lintnl
ii m linn from llutl.i lu Mny, llssi, wai
Msi ntul In Mny lnt year ,"..".issl.
riil yenr It dmppctl In It"" limn
l.issi lu May.
The l.tsst.nmi mirk In I111111l2n1il.n1
tvnt fearhi-d In 'Jl. end the ilgntet
ro--p tte.elili etch jnr u-ttll l's'7.
n lit 11 the mini was 1.2" 1 "Hi. Mn;. I
isimlly the mouth of tic highest l"i
migration fetoi-tl". mid If the llglireit
Df flint Innnth t lilt pnr nro n giil.1i'
there It n iruieet thai the record fur
ItsiS will full below Ihe nuuiial ntcr
agp for the decade lecciHna I'sn
! It. Iet than .Mio.onu. K Ihe mini
protet tn be only nne-tlfth nf Inst
fear'- record ll will fall below :',is),
KHl. With a to" of l.mmiim n year
by cniltrr.itlou evert ye-tr for IHe
tcnis Hie fnrt'l.:n gnvcniu. "t'.'t hud tic-
ntluii t" hp nlnnued nt the nuininl
idti How tin out'ln'V tuotcinent
tta heeu Inlerfc "1 villi it not liinn'.n
Ajipealt hue l. .--t nfii'e iiutl in semi
n! ii"-'tin 1 p 1 i" the v.nn-1e'.'-;-
to ictlirn. '.lie ' c .wtrd luoe-itn-'i
1 0. popnl-il. n m I.n 'iean conn
Iriet which In -at u I : .t t't'l IntH con
llnueil th: e'r In p1." of the tie
iirmd for le'l-i i-t e-ie : -cilailtuinl re
Ki ni I'tnl 1 1 . 1 .-' -id',een.'Ut'l
I't 111 11 mil ti.. ' I'- 1 '"iniry.
HI eoui ic lll llll ' '" '! '1 ' !ll( ' I 'VI
hi, been r'nnn :! le.-hipi I v .1
c'-.uri'l for 11 "h" ip 1o follow. A lutn
if nearly fl,i.,v.i ' ilinldt'itiK in dp
to-r innit ii"n'M'-1l' tit i'n the utr-lilit--.
jiopph'.'inll o.' cr 1 I't" luott
thickly icopJcd mm il(-i o" the old
wor I IVrht:;1 v.e i, f I 'e -i live
T Ii 11 ; . .1- 'I'-' ' ' 1 - I :'.. t'.lll' 1,.
Ill'ler V 111. h the pi it itl ol'iel
"Ide c, III citnte I lie lu-r ' I'We heft'
Our t ."ii'.illtts.
Willi 0111 I- rr Itiii " el inllliig on. v c n ' .'1 v '.it nbotit
nny navy th-il N c lot: or , in be set
hi uioiion for lie ! . - en- i.t 11 :tt
there our InfeuHis i...t. h- in tl.tner.
And nfter tit- licet leinrn; in the At
hmtle tieitlio!' nor n:iv olher
putter, even wlili linull to nld In fur
tiMilns lialtlchlpi. -.. Ill he nblt' to
folettnll Id In the l.ll'' or Ihe
Pneillc. I'enrl lltiiboi'. Hawaii. It l,e
tni; miiMl.t nn 1 Poct-nuim foiililed,
nud lien Hie votl. for wlil"h ton
tri'ett Inn. Ilitei'illt pint 1.1. "1 it done
there we t-ln'll ll.lte n 11 lnl ha'-e In
the I:iellle, inalilug ll priictlcally Ini
luitsilile fur nn t tieinj to thre.iteu our
wcs-lern rhore.
l'earl Ilnrbor Is ou of thr lluest
natural h.ivcnt In nil '1- woiM. 'It l-t
mi fonueil licit t.lilp-1 ilonn: th to cnn
not lie i-ceM fio"i l!ie i-e'i The ll'l
lUuecmcllN to he in-t'le will ineludc 11
ilt-jdo'-K niltiihle for Ilia largest war
phlp .e i-hiill .-.ii" tin. t for pviny
tcart to con'.', villi ample coaling.
KUIitil," stol'jtj: ' 'l'l repi'i- fileliitle,
Fo that Pe.l'l Itilll'.: Id hei'inue u
1110 lei Mltluli pf I1' 1'"! A!.! 'High
loe.'lled iS.llts 1:1:' . flu 1 'I- iiilsl, n
fen- M'ontln-; t.i 1 i.Viic; shlpK hav
hn; icnileMiiit tl'. i" will tin more to
t peine Klfci;.- fiir nil o ir westward
po t lone Ihe ii'.e t 'clahornto
cli d 1 of hind f .'tl"i"itiou It vt mild
1 e p ' "IMt to . 0,1 'e. illicit: tho
eo . . 'I lio Wol'l. 1 . 1 1 1 I l.'iMld
'-ue I 1 ell don 1 - but heller
111 'll lll'Nc .
(io l.l,i' ., Vmuig AI.111,
A in. in nil. -i . nil t'lipi'i'i'ect render
ul' hi- lime 1. . .eo -v . 1 E tl IMuciill.iii
( 01. mil. 'lout I' 1''. .)-.'! lo.d it would lie
lielli'l' I', ll' Ul" o oil ol" tlil'l connt!1 to
len itlll nt Ihe : 1 '.ll le I given llielt.
by llulr pnrcnl . In so f..r n. the 1 11 m.i.v he Iwiiin 1 It loo lortj
uu lllulilllotl. the Htll i-l iril call look
out lor hluttiM', lor i, lh Ix'lti'i- to
have sttl'.'cil nud lo.t 1I1.111 not IinMi
stiiM'il ill nil. If ; i. lel.v I- liiimetl by
the wIilcNprejd ill-. our."it t.f youth
wlio'.e niulilllo nie fin -ii ii-il soch't.i
can look out fn,' Ji-i T nud has the
iiic.iii-- of cure In lit own InnilK.
Young Aineili'iiu ni"H Mi-efo,d luteM
If they 11 fn'.' show. It it Knelt.'
ty's tluty to give tlietit 11 fair Miuw by
cllniliuithig tlio-o siihI.I mul cliiss
prlvllpgiw Wlllell i' lee I i lert 111 the
way of men vthn i;-. hit 1 Ihe strnvule
cmi'lj'.ed. Speil-,1 .11,1 fin- - pill
leges lime Mill, ed 111' l'l isl ll'lg't'tlll
reuiltitiuit of all Idslo and In 1I10
long run tleiuoeiiu-y lutt iiothlng In
tlio-e levoluil mc. Thld country luift
hid no mich rewtluilnti und ncviT
hli'Hllil lllive, I. lean e nil men KtlirlOll
liei'e couiil. Our p.unllty It ihe ciiial
right to ndvunce. If Li tcilu Innl lie
ci t,'e 1 Ilia p.ilill'! I'-.'el In' woitlil
li te died 11 I n r.ill 'pliiler or t'nt
l.iltuelll Tile ficl 1- licit M lety
t.iinit to. tuli'-. "lib t'l'p'-h bluo.l III
e i-t-,-. ill put! ''.I 11 I gi.nle of hp-II-.
II,, nud Hie Vinerii'i Ideal It to
"at'I-e from uo hi ' i-' 1 niej.hltie"," or
gi to the wall hi lu cf pt.
riitits fur lite thlrti eiitli ccimua life
1 fisil. V.'hlle the ceuaii'i It ralher
mini tug th'in eiirti'. t. It furnishes
work for 11 I It'lt" tinny .ltd gives the
pub le nil ii . -le Idea nf (he
grow i'i of I'n- 1 o 1 .
lit '.'iv ptllll 1 : I1- lid on ll I
1,0 1 I'oni-lli II ml :ln l.e wi II to In I
inll v hctller thel e llle t'e 'P; In il'e e.M
U11I1I. t Ilia! di I 'in 011 the iivciMgc
wo. thi'ougho it i!ni jour.
I'ntlu .Sam st.'.rttd the nnw fltcal
;ciir villi 11 dutlfll of cutncthlug lllto
ft o M10.01S1, but no niiii t.ti..".csts a rc
icltcrslilp fm him or fulling hack on
lump olher tin. le
people bavin-' unit n itiiuluiuiii fond
til-ply unlet I"' g'd m linrii frmn the
o. tor Hint even I tint It inure tlinn I"
jod fin' Ihciu la hot w fat her.
The I roll hie lu I'einl.l Is prsUlein
riitiiigh Id f'liifgcst Ihtlt tuimu wlll-li
power of llr. I lii ignltiide It lining 11
llllle lung dltlniieu iigltnlliig.
Nnw perh.ipH wo shall find nut
wliellier it inn 11 who look rsiu Jmm
hill can bo ccllisctl by ono who con
tmls his owu spirit.
Additional Nearly Forgotten Facts-
The Allen Uotne mar ha nnld to Imvo
bjen popular wan built. Samuel
Allen whs not a man oC I'trgo mean", nnd
eucli capital tie ho could cull hlionn
was largely invested in Ills Blaco enter.
prifcs whon the novr hotel project took
definite Shspo. But he was known to bo
energetic, enterprising, trustworthy nnd
lictpitnblo ; pcrsontil elit.iuetcrciil. i-
wlmh inspired cor.flJnt.cp 111 tin sti... tf.'
wnung hifpllo'V-townsmeti, imdoppneJ
th-sir purd'-slrlncB when thry wet-in
formtdlhit aid i,j neuded toinilucl
tho cnlprpris?. Tho tuoncyed tncti ol
the plnco ifcro applied to und, ae the r'
etilt ot 11 brief oniivafe, ;i,niiil In raeb
waa gru'uiiously plepi d ut his tlipposil,
ltiuiul tt.e cent uf 1 be corner lote cu
whiel) tl.e Iiotiup n to le 1 reeled Then
Im wiu btckeil ty in-mii nnd ba 1; cn
iloreenipiitH fcr (8tli nddillounl. )h
fidin Ibie mnltriul nut every uvrnlir.
Iliiii'C.: t ea enlisted in bl-i blilf. Tht
c:ming hntpir wm conctniitlj ppcktn
of 1 - a p-rs uti r ornament nnd nrdit
lire iwi 1.1,11 tlr. tun vi to 1 fl etu
ull) n i 1. long Mi wi.t t. ,r. A Hi r, f.T
hi- part, gnvi, c tiH'vU'it cvidcnc that lir
tvtit tlio light, mitn for the right pinto
r?tmtiltanco'jrl with the firnt cpeintioiif.
un the bulluitig he t lUght tho Ctiel-mun
fatmof thirty norep t.t Knpl Hoiiibdulr
(then Trurj villi ), i (.r of ot wife foir
lliobL'l.i, in . he plner le 11, me n gent rt ub
ptovi Jcr fur Im lube e 1 ud at lht facio
time elliia. on opportunity lor prt'.lil
nbly utll.zing tho luttur .1 wualo ul eut h
un oet'tbliehiiient. W hen tho llnal hutit-e-wnrmuif;
ontiip, tho largo uttcndaiitte of
the towit't! hrst people, mid tho cord n-liiy
witll which hmipclf und wile were wi-h
ed 0 lull tiiPt mire of nicctis in Hair 1111-
itirtukii'g, 1 howed nut u gtncrni
itltpreet 111 tlio'rpriHi-, bin lorr
bhaduwctl the pliit.Ltuinul epuli.ri y
sliiuli llie Allen lict.eo wm to utttitu.
Uriginnlly n Drmtcrut. Mr Alleu'e r.l
Ici'innco to Hint pnitj wr.e el.ukt 11 by
the Kaiifne ititiblrp. which Icrt'ti tn
lbll apd 11. lb.'ifi. tuppi-rti d by Hip Whig
urgtiDiZitiKiii, lie 1 1 1 ( nicd in b, i-'jiik 11
PHiiilidn'' lor tin ti.c'e r-'i 1 lite In eppo-
flitiii to the rtfiiilui- Loclocu nomine
litrnra li, Walton Hi was defeated, tin
tho district wr.e ovtrnhclniirgl Demo
cratic, untl never uf crwnrd entn;lit pub
lie place, eavp fulIi iih illcrded him op
I'orlunitj ti p rvo the peel le uf hi- town
nnd rouuiy. Spnc. will nun pirmil n
review of Ins tieelult (s in this ditu
Hon in detail. It may bo i.utd that lie
filled many Jornl poei'ionp, tu nit ol
which ho was active und influential, lie
was a member of tho Town Juiiucil in
18,"1 nnd reelected to that position for
fix coniceutivc tcrrn.i;.! charter nierj
iter of the iIuuiuJuIp (Glen D bcrr )
Ucmetery Vc :n vicn prtsidi-tii of t'ii
ino (Jumity Agricultural yocuiy
which was organ.?.' d 111 lbp and uiil ol
tho committee tn draft a cotiHtttutii 11
and hj-litwe for the Awci'lauon Blurted
111 1801, of which lie bt canic nno of the
(Irpt dirrelore, frli. t' tlmi fiontion f r
tlio fouiKtii itrrit.inii f ypi,rn of hid li'"o
probibly tno roo-' cfliuritl mciitc -r
tlio Society ever Im. . Ho belupgcd to
lIoiu.Hdiilo Lodge, No 'JIB K tSc A. It.
nud wub a member of Anthony Way no
Chapter, tbo Rcrvicee ut ins pr ivo huv
lug been read by .Ijlin Bone, Uhnpluin
of tho Order. KoiWtilM'uinling theob
"Orbing not ure of his bum.!.!.! he tour d
tirao to i crvti hi i BtuU whtti ite invasion
wan Ihreu'ti cd during tho war, cnlistlug
in Uo. V, 21th Iteg. dt ite Ounrdn (Rcacuo
KifUe) in thu fall of lbC.2, uud Lceoming
its captain. In November of Hie tatue
jenr he wns t.ppr,intid by Gov. Andrew
Uurtin iirut08tmi.rniiiiiurWii uoesuri
tj.ui . ptrved in thu rapacity until rt-
Iipvcu r.t bis own niiupb'.
Thin is hut the hi'-.ofcur outline of hi
Bcrticcn und activitie outttdn of hit
hotel nnd Btogti iuktcotH, but it v. 11
Bert-c to ehow the i.eetn'ilj' of liih hu
ing about him mp-.tlo ts letnute 11. lh'
innl n:;. ment ot t lie 1I1 u.i.f ol hn. Ijum
ins. Thin he npc1 fi . I in lii-' wm,
a ..nrui-liic.rtt .1. mi tit. i.j, pruud t Bird
thrifty woman, tjune in popular t.u
illicit nt in liar vplit ip uu lit wict in hi
then in hie eor.e, oi.u of whom, JI IS.
Allir., becamc-t ct an mrlj ngc u rtcug-
ms.d partnrr in the lui?u,rut, t.iitl ij ul
i;'. t,i nt thonu nor 1 I ti uiopcrty,
ht.. bruthore (m- il'iv ui it)il.;tdvj
noun iKiTfe i y puspKu-n! c d fii i.ih in
.MMtnd Mrr, II it. Ureal, who, vili
fclifihl inti.riuptioitB, wtrr, !tt thtnj
ytate or more, ihfi ; rtctknl lutcrinti u-
ileniHOf llie l oiitc frviai IfJcL- to ki.rlieii
Ir. may Ic added l.n h t in nil ot tt.i
nur.' r uppi'i r'U pp ii Hip clubli'i
Ul. ', 1 1," H tli.o f if " ,.t -.n i.en 1 1 fit fill I
tin hi h nowiily 1 . Hi.-'cue.y, hut it.
pci'aullttl nt'Ol-p'.Ub. . y, lis witnoes tl"-t
feet tlu.l tlio fiii.ini; room unit oth. r
"irle" of the Allen llttsn I mg stnc'i'
b.'ccrao prOM-tbtal (or their cot d .n 1,
UHvtll 11a the general esei lii'i-i i of llie
Btrvico rendcrrd by thcin
Ihn high miimn'i h in which the
hotel wna held ut tlio uuiret 4 ns con
iirtil' d nud i'i :re tB"U from luno th ti- c
by kindly ecie of Mt. Allen tpiito ut a
riiueo with tho itiintl couiec of the nv-
orrigu briioquo nud unft eting lundlord.
It 30m wm null" h.t ft.U'jd here for two
instt.uccB winch wi'l mrn t" phuv t i
uympathf Uu nuiure.
W'ht.ciiguotiatihiriO'.clcMrlv in lhTII,
Captain .Simuel 1'icltt tvnt lound to lie
HtllT.'rii'g from'.lact; of rniDl! pox in
n 11. lid form. JIp wan 1111 emertainiup
litid pi iml'.r tficoiit. pr, t.nd biforetb'
nallire nf his uilmunt wen uuo .'. ti 11 1111: 1
bor 1 f bis Iricnd 1 whoo tiled toplui ',n .
Bj mp ithiz's with him haJ hi . ti cxdji rd
to the aiiduet'. KortU'.n'i'ly on'j two
wcro iitiifUsi of tho contagion Jjhn A
McVarl'ind, of Niugun, (Jiiua3B, win
Huccumhed to tho iliacnBoat the li.nno u'
hi brother-in-law, tho Into Dr. 11. U
Iveefer, nt tho fjo of twt nl; -live, un the
Sll.l or Kehrtirtiy, s"'l. ,i.l I . l'e.r
uelei i . I i, v.!, N. V , v Ii 1 v nn it t'licst
iltthcliuu'p. Wlie 1 11 null'- 1 t Vr,
I'jttj.illri'fi dl.Pii'.' bee nun ituuwii, Mr.
Allen had him itmovcl to n remoto
room in tho thirtl utory, nnd enjitccd
nil the inmates of tho hotel from veu
tuticg upon that ibor under any pre
text whatever, Uoippetoul medical at
tctttliitice and nn immuim and cxprri
(tlecd mirro wirti then im- no
r.porsti fparod which would tend to
ll 10 comfort ot tho patient or bi-itliancea
ot living. As u t'oi-rirnupncfl Mr. I'ar
cclln puPfed safoly Ihroiiyli Ihn disease
and tiiudo 11 comnlcto reeokcry. This
ojureo of oction nn the pr- ot thn Innl
lord dtmbiP8'i eavrd tlie yuung man's
life, but Mr Aller. waunot hull tiled iiu
doicg his tick gueet this favor; ho fell
that protection wan duo other patrons ol
the hotel, and so nt once tlosod the houeo,
at a great pecuuhry lost, und kept it
closed for Bovernl woiks, uttil it had
been thoroughly ftimlcatnd uud tiro
nounced absolutely Ba(ov On Bilurday
night following the re-opentng, tho
boardors held n mooting, Mr. Allon be
inrr invited to attend. The writer also
had tbo good forluno to be prosont, and
novir will ho forget tho wonderment do
pictcd on Mr. Allen's face on finding his
room filled with a largo numbor ot his
personul frionds, from among whom
1'rof. L li, Barnum, principal ot tho
llotiCBdiilo school, took the floor, and in
u.'iniiot tbo donors, mado a neat pro
B 'ut itioti epeoch, reviewing their host's
lot.ic courao in tho matter of his sletc
ment. nud concluding by handing Mr.
Allen a very handsome and suitably in
scribed gold watch, chain nnd orna
ments, reuiarkiug that tho timo-piece
wan warranted to last n "life time" and
expressing tho hope, in bobalf ot the
givitp, Unit ho might live to put its du
rability ti) the fullest test. Mr, Allen's
rettpoiiito wus a disclaimer of having dono
anything moro than hia eimplo duty,
coupled with an expression of hia sur
prise that hia courBO should havo promp
ted BUoh generous action on the part ot
hij frioude. Ho bad followed the dic
tates of his own judgment and waa re
joiced to find that hia action had met
with their approval: hopiog that ho
should never provo less worthy ot it
tlmu iu tho trying ordeal through which
ihe hou ue had passed. A votoof thanks
wiifl then tendered Mrs. Allen, after
whleh tho party enjoyed a handsome
collation, prepared by M. B. Alton in
honor of the occasion. Following Mr.
l'.ircrlls'a reeovory, his bedding, cloth
ing, etc , wero burned and the usual dia
iiifuctnnta employed, bj that a month
after the houso was closed Drs. Dwight
and W. II. Reed nnd C. A. Dusinborro
gavo it c. clean bill of health; tho board
ern returned to their formor rooms
gtitstB toaumcd their vlsita, and tho
smill-psx crisis r;ua a thing ot Ihe past.
Un Sunday attornoon, September 14th,
17.1, n lot of driver boys sitting on
the cabins ot thoir boats awaiting turns
tj load ut tho Unio'i docks in tho Hones
d ilo LuBine, began pelting each othor
with coal. Among tho lads waa a
colored boy named Jobn Williams, who,
with others llnally retreated to the dock
nnd took rnfugo hohind some coal care,
whence they keptupthoir bombardmont
of tho enemy on ti boat ot which Satnuel
Clark was captain. Clark remonstrated
and tho boys luughed at him, where
upon ho wont into his cabin and brought
out n gun. Just at tho critical moment,
ono of Williams's companions pushed
him within rauge, and Clark let fly a
charge ot buckshot, one ot which pono
traled the lad's forehead. The wound
was probed to a depth of (our inches
without finding tho ball, which was Bup
poscd to bavo lodged in the brain, and it
was then thought that the lad would in
all probability die. Kdorta were made
1 1 plnco him in eomo hotol or boarding
place, but without success, until Mr,
Alien, happening to inquire as to the
c.tme of the troublo, and being told, im
mediately ordered tho boy to be taken
to the Allen House, whore he would be
properly cared for. Young Williams
was u bright lad ot about thirteen years,
nnd ul ouco enlisted the sympathy ot
tho hotel people, w ho looked daily tor
Hjtne untoward complication to arise
from Ins wound. Nothing developed,
howuvor, and a fortnight later, his boat
hiving returued for another trip, he
went to Hondout in his old capacity as
driver boy. Whon ebo came back for
t'io next load ho deserted the ebip and
presenting himeolf at the Allen Houeo,
begged permission to remain, which was
granted, and for three or four years he not only clothed and fed but school
0 1 nud aa ho dovolopod a good voice
instructed in music at the expense of
Mr. Allon. Ho Anally went to New
York, married, and, bo far aa ia known,
id eiiil living.
TIiobo incidonta, perhapa ot no great
moment in thomsolvoa, are related aa
giviugun insight into the generous and
beauvoleut nuturo of Mr. Allon, traits
of charnster which attraoted friends
und assured tho popularity of the ho '.
Few country hostelriea in towns the
eizn of Housdale can boast of entertain'
1 iilc inTiro peoplo of world-wide distinc
tion tLim tbo Allon House. The writer
n culls from memory tho following to
which tho register could doubtless ,dd
i o.-n of equally prominont names
M'S. t'cott rjiddons, Oiivo Logan, Anna
mul ri u:ui E. Dickinson, Mortimor
1 nonipnou (Docsticke), B. P, Bhillabor
('.Im l',irttngton),ThoodoreTilton, Itev
'. 11. Milburn (tbo Blind Proachor),
ilenr; Ward Beecher, John B. Gough
.lusiii. McCirthy, Arthur Pember, Jobn
tf. tlaxo, Horace Greeley, Wbitelaw
It- id, Blind Tom, Buyard Taylor, J. G
Stiuw (losh Billings), Prof. Bllliman,
U-ivernur ilartranft.IIoyt, Curtin and
liattingn, l.ieutonant Gsvornors Louis
A. Wotr h. John Latta nnd O. F. Black.
Supt. Wtckerehaiu, Jobn Wauamakor,
VVnyn- McVeigh, Lt. Gov. John Latta,
In oc I, lii'.jer, the Arctic Explorer,
Bimoii J. Looting, tho Uietonan, and
Ih'inier. N"9t, tho Artist.
A ' r tho death ot their f atbor in 1876,
M..1.1M I!, und Wm. It Allen managed
tho Im-it.cB ot tho hotol until the for
im r 1 ccamc solo proprietor in 1878 Mr.
Allt 11 . . coining postmaster of the bor
ouch, t e leased tht) hotol to Frank Crisa
mun in lilii'i. In Jauuury, 1907, George
B. ii. iiidnii bucamn tho lessee. Ue died
ii J .finny lost, and the house h now
miti"i"d by Mr., llrtindon nnd hereon,
who 1 i-i v-ry eroiltubly maintaining ita
well-tpserird iiepularity.
Tlil-.-wl.nt llon..lakeMooie,Btate Ward
i -i. ot i.t-oiL'iH, snys or Kodol tor nytnenila
"i: (' 11 Witt & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear huvc siifTi'ttid more than twenty
m-.iis ficin ludmestlon. About elKUteen
oionilis 11 mi 1 had growu so much worm
unit 1 1 inild not digest a crust of corn bread
uud could net ii-tnin anything on my
sicinitcli. 1 lust Jj lbs; In taot 1 made up
my iiiinii Unit I could not live but a ibort
nine wieii a menu 01 mine rccommenaea 1 cnnsciitcd to try It to plcuse hllfl
nnd ih 1 in one day. I now welrtu
1111. 11. limn 1 ever did In my life and am in
In mi In tilth thrtu for many years. Kodol
dlil 11. I Ki t 11 11 hnltle couslatitly, und write
1 inn ii..iinir unit iitiuiuuity may ue uenenten.
Yotiis v. r unit. Jake 0. Moore. Atlanta,
Am:. 111, l'.U." tola by I'F.Ih.The UrugKlit
.lust a little (.'asciiswttet Is all lhat ianeues-
smy In uivs vuur baby wheu It li cross aud
lieeil-li, t'nuiiswiet coutaitis no oplatsii
nnr haiiutul dines and Is highly reoom
11,1 inn tl hy mothers everywhere. Gonlorms
lu llie ."i.iuuuai i-uie rooa sua irrue law,
s-iii I t. 1 1.1 1., The Drujjclst.
Khtatb or
Lute nl Iloueslale, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are bo
t i II tn 1 111 lnulio immediate payment to the uu
dtTsiitu-'dj uud those having claims against
s'tltl cstntti 111 h notified to present them, duly
utu sled, for settlement.
llnncsdnle, Pa., July 10. 1808. Kx'r.
It will pay you to call at tht
finely equipped
llHoulhMaln Ht.,
Accepts Deposits, Loans Honey
in Small and Large" Amounts
It Gives A Handy Check and
ree to All Household Bank Pass Book
One to the Savings Depositor,
Business Account.
Doing Business by Check is
the up-to-the minute way
It Saves It Saves lt Saves
Wrangles Paying Twice Losses
Because a Check is always a Receipt.
Cheapest and Safest Wav to Send Monev to Foreign
countries is by a Money Order
Deposit Boxes for Your Valuable Papers $) and upward per
annum. Open a Business or
M W I The Spring Styles in
J I ! High Art Cloth in p;
rtll rtllllllll UdllVL. hetore In the hlslorr or this store
AUT CLOTHING). For months we hare been prep-trliiK for this Opening lllsphiy uud
we bare soared no ualos: tn mak lt an occasion worthy ot the attention nf ererv un to.
date dress r lu this community. IV show
lion oiotuuiK for men ami young men moneimi upou exeiiHive timi iniriiniitMl uesiitus,
and distinctly expiessWe ot the cleverest fashion ideals of the nioveinont.
The fabrics are assuredly striking and attractive, with every
trait of refinement.
Tho prices, u always, are decidedly lower than equal style, imalltT, lit and
workmanship oan he sold fur elsewhere.
Full Line of Gents' Furnishings.
Special Prices on Children's Clothing.
Main St., Honesdale.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a delutre of new mixed paints. A condition brcuch
about by our enterprising dealers to
supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new anil
liea"ily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary,
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON TAINTS :
ist No one can mix a better mixed paint.
ad The painters declare that it works easilv and natt wnnrterfnl rnvsrinn
3d Chilton stands bick of it and will agree to repaint, at his own expense
every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend
ts use to others
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court ot Wayne county, the following des
cribed real estate of the above named de-
oedent will he offered at publlo sale, at the
uuuiti' uuua&ifiniueuorouguoi nun
FRIDAY, AUG. If, 11108, at 10 o'clock, A. M..
All that certain piece or parcel of laud
(lllinl. In Ih tno-n. hln nl Qniilh Han--,.
County ot Wayne and mate of Pennsylvan
ia, uuuuun miu umii luw as tuiiuni; DEj-
QlNNINQ at a corner of nemlook knots
oriven aown in tue puduo roaa in tne touth
weitern line ot land ot Harrison itoMian:
thenoe along said road by line ot land of Thos
Oleno, Jr., and John Glenn north forty
eight degrees west sixty-eight rods to a
suae ana stones corner 1 inenoe oy said
Qlenn's land north sixty-two degrees west
eleven roas 10 a oorner iu saia puouo road i
thenoe bv (other) lands of the late Staotr
Cbumard south thirty-four degrees west
one ouuarea aua imrieen ana one-naic roa
to a stoues ooiner lu line of Maxwell llieart
thenoe by said Maxwell Blgart's land south
ufty degrees east sixty-four rods to a stones
corner in une or iana 01 jonn wagner and
P. Faulkner lot. now or lately owned hv
Amos Heed ; thenoe by said Reed's land and
land of Harrison MoMInn nortb forty de
grees east one bundred and fifteen rods 10
tne place ot -Beginning. UUNTA1N1NU
flttr aorea more less. And beine same land
conveyed to Andrew J. Hutledge, now de
ceased, ny Margaret inumara and John E.
Wagner by deed dated April 10, 1 80S, which
aeea is recoraea in me omoe ior toe reoora
log of deeds in said oouutv of Wavnu In
Deed Book No. 36, at page 176. ALSO-AI1
tbat oertaln lot or parcel of land situate in
the township ot South Canaan, oounty uf
Tvayue aua Diaie 01 rennsyivania, Douna
ed and Oesorlbed aa follows : DEUINNlNd
at a heap of stones the southern corner of
lot Mo. 40. In tbs allotment of the "Cud wald.
er Middle Creek Tract"; thenoe by land of
Amos ueea ana aoiomon uurtis norm utty
decrees west nf tv-f our rods : thence bv land
01 Solomon Curtis nortb thirty degrees east
iniywu roaii menus soum loriy uegrees
east fifty seven rods to a post oorner; thence
along the land of Amos Heed south forty
degrees west Htty-two and one-half rods to
the plaoe ot beginning. CONTAINING
seventeen aores and tony perches be the
same more or less. And being the tame
laud conveyed to Andrew J. Itutledge, now
neceasea, Dy cioimon uurns ana wue Dy
deed dated Auril 17. 1878. whioh deed Is re.
corded iu olnre for recording deeds In said
oounty In Deed Book No. 55, at page 276,
aud all of above desorlbed laud befog samo
land wbicb John A. Itutledge, Executor of
Auarew j, uuueage, oonveyea to minora
u. luapmau, ueea nuiea Jiecemuer 11. luuo,
recorded In Deed Book No. 94. uaeu 29u.
Upon said premises it a two-story frame
bouse, one Irame haru, and other Improve
ments nearly an improvea iana.
Purchaser to pay tl. for deed at lu Sheriff 's
K. (!. Muuroao, Administrator
Attorney. 1114
Tim Card In Effect June 21st, 1908.
If K K
P. . ff! 1
,vW.T.Wasi Arl 7
s in.
ntnoook . "
Freslou Park "
..wlnsrood. ,.
..POTDUUt.. "
4 0t
4 4t
t SO
Its I
t uu u1 " Orson
ttshltt "
nsuaai mi "
,. Uoloodalt., "
.yorett olty.
O rt'rtdile Ta "
in itnui
1011 iu
.OartwiiaAle. "
wtnuurioia "
ia. "
4IW t t7
111 8 01
4 17 t M
4 l'J C US
tit III
4 7 t 17
4 90 6 10
4 It t SI
tUt 33
4 37 t )7
4 40 410
t NT M'
is tt " ....Jsrmrn
tou " ..Areuibtiil..
a adio bi: .... wiDtoa....
... recxTiuo..,
.. .inotsoa...,
....ThrooD ....
1 96.10 14 '
. providsnoe..
I Mitt
ta ..Park Mtoa .
S K 10 tdLv... ucrantoa ... Ar
AldlUout trtlnt Usts CarDoodsts lor llsr.
Balsj Tsrd at t so a. m. dally, and l.ts p m dallr
Jiospt tuadaj. AddlttoDat trains litre Mar.
ell Tsxd for Carbpndtla t IS a m dally and 1 11
p. m. dally sxcept sanaar.
1. 0. Asnsuos, J, B. Wius,
TranU Mtnsfitr, TrtTttlnff Agent,
W Btavtr Bt., Mtw Tork, Boranlon, Pa
pass upou exoeptlons to aooount, and to
report distribution of the fundi In the
bandt of Stephen Uummoe, Administrator
of said estate, will attend to tbs duties ot
nit appointment, on
FRIDAY, July SI, IMS, at 10 o'olook, A. u.,
at bit oflloe id tne borough of flonetdale, at
wblon time ana plaoe an oiaims against taia
estate must be presented, or reoourte to the
(una ior uittriuuiiou win u lost.
U. WILSON, Auditor.
Booatdals, July It, UU. lltf
11 tU 1 W AT
lntSiit "
10 411 St
io lotu 10
the other to Anyone opening a
issued by this Bank. Safety
Savings Account Now.
uivn iviishnw.isueh a hire.. 1.1..L-nr lllilfl
the product of America's laritest nrrMtilr.1-
get some kind of a mixed paint that we
XV Hath of May, 11x17, the qualified electors
of the borough or Honesdale, tiy ballot,
EATS their cniirnnf In nn nf lnHal,i-
ednees by the Honesdale school board to
an amount not exceeding aia.OUO, the pur
pose of which wri the erection and equip
ment of a schoc building. In accordance
witb this consent, the school directors bavo
authorized the Issuing of four per cent
bonds, not exceeding M.I 000. and have se
lected plans mid snecincatlons. That tiy
reason of several disastrous tires lu tobool
buildings, nocompanied by fearful lo.s ut
life, it hat been deemed wise ta eroot the
school building as far as possible Ore proof.
The lire pronllng of Ihe halls, Iron stair
ways, over the boilor loom, the nexiettarr
legally required heating and ventilating
apparatus, and Ihe heating apparatus re
quired for tbo nieseut brick liuildlnir. hare
u inr luereuseu mu estimateu cost, as at
ot consented Indebtedness.
Therelore, It it by the sobool dlrjctore
resoivea, mat tne question of incrcas
the authorized indebtedness hv llll
an election be held In the said election ills.
trict, in accordance with the provisions of
the Aott of 18711 aud 1831 ! wherein the con
tent of laid qualified electors It linked to
Seroill the tobool district to incur an lu
ebledaess, additional, for sobool building
purposes not. exceeding hlteen thousand
dollars; and that thirtydays'oticeofsiich
election he published in the three papers
published lu Honesdale, I'cun'a
Notice is hereby trlven tleil il 1111I1II11 nten.
tion will be held lu tue Court House In said
borough of Uonesdale, at the placo and by
the otllcers provided by law for the holding
of municipal elections in said borough, on
TUESDAY, IheL'ith day of JUuY, 1UJ1,
for the purpose of obtaining ihe assent of
the qualified electors of the said school dis
trict to the Increased indebtedness mention
ed lu the foregoing resolution, aud for the
purpose tbcielu mentioned; such election
to be held lu the manper, and during the
hours fixed hy law lor botdiug municipal
elections and subject to all the provisions
of law rehitiug 10 such clt-cllons. The
following is u statement of the taut assessed
valuation of the (aid school district, tho
amount aud per cent, of suid proposed In
creased ludehtedness, uud the purposo for
which it Is to be Inoreased ;
The last assessed valuation Is f-'.OW.OM.OO.
The etlrrenl Indebtedness Is (3,0011.
The authorized indebtedness is (10,000.
Tbe vote of Increase li mills.
The purpose Is the erection and equip
ment of a school building.
A. T. UxAtiLE, President Honesdale School
A. M. Lxinc, Secretary Honesdale School
Board. 814
or TBI
Honesdale, Wayne Co., l'a.,
At the close or business, May 11). 1008.
Reserve fund,
uatUftpeoie ana notes tui.itw iti
Legal securitloB 46,000 00
Due from approved
reserve aucnts 120,710 44-f 8,498 IM
Checkl and fash Items 1.408 30
Due from Banks and Trust t'o's,
not reserve agents i;i,ua
Bills discounted not due r.H.ool 0
Bills discounted overdue, protes
ted aud not protested. ...none
Dills discounted, tlmoloans with
collateral t,,mi ou
Loam on oall with collateral.... 6 3.-76 (Hi
Loam on oali upou one or more
Loans teoured bv bonds' am
UJUI lnBnOB .,.... AU,0 JU Ul
lnvettmeut leciuitios owned ex-
cluuve of reserve bonds, vizi
Stocks, bonds, etc., tt,Bu3,4Ci 81
Mortgages aud
Judgments of reu'd 178.389 21- 1.081.8i6 OS
Real estate 33,090 00
Furniture aud fixtures 2.000 00
Overdrafts , 3 86
Miscellaneous Attett 400 00
IV.OSl'.SI? 78
Capital Btook paid In tlOO.OOO 00
Burplui Fund 800,000 00
undivided fronts, less Expenses
and Taxes paid 69,069 30
Deposits subject to
CUeOK S 120,0811 uu
Denoslts sueolal 2.008.406 11
Time certlUoatcs of
acpoiiti l,l'18 78
Certified Check C74 7i
Caihier't cheoks oul-
atanaing aw iui-z,iv7,Vo7 41
Due ta tbe Commonwealth 26,00000
Due to banki and bankers no
reserve ngentt C01 07
K.0U.S47 73
Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ts.
1, il. booh naimon, Liatuier 01 tue auuvn
named Company do solemnly swear that the
above statement la true to the best ot mf
itnowieaxu ana ueuet.
(Signed.) lit). SALMON, Cashier.
Subscribed and tworn to before me Uill
2M day of May, 1908. -... .,
isigneuj xtuuitiUt a. uwi 111, n. s.
Notarial Seal.
Correct At test 1
(Signed,) II. (MI AND. I
(Hlirnod.l 11. J.IMJNOKfL V Directors.
8lg ued,) F.I'. KIMBLE, )