THE HONESDALB CITIZEN : rtfURSDA.Y MORNING-, JCJLY 9. 1908, to THE CITIZEN H-W ! Ifttltora and Publishers. E.A. pmiiiui.i THIJIWDAY UOKNINO. JULY 9. IMS. ltEPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL. roB ratal DKrr. wh. iiowaud TAirr, or Ohio. roa vioa ramuBrr, JAMES 8. SHKIUIAN. of Mew Tork. ma'cutcTna AT UKCIB. MOltRIS U ('LOTHIKK, ot Philadelphia, DKMJ I AIIIK Ft JON, Jr.. of Pittsburg. roa DISTRICT HUCTOU, 01st. 1- John tlurt 2- 11. A. Davis 3- K. T. Chandler 4- K. A. (Umbel 5- K. W. Fallon t-Oi J.MIiott 7-U. I). Heliel IMst. 17- VY. B. Settle 18- Robt. I!. NeaL Sr. 19- J. C. Btlneman 20- Thomts Hblpley vi w. r. Remolds 2i-A. W. MoCullougb 21 J. T. Hotel's 8-J. II. Abbolt tit-Judge J. r. imr o t M. P. llanaman a& J. F. Downing 10 IVI. It A. I'bllllpa ZB-Hermn 8lmon 11- J. L. Newell W-T.T. Wilson fi-w. II.Mtller ffl-O.O.Shutli 11-tvY.T. SliaCabe 80-O. A. II.IhwIc lS-Heo. W. Williams Sl-A. It PeaMK'k ia-J. J. Waller, Jr. 32 U. L. Williams f STATE. roa judo or inraaioB ooobt, WM. 1). PORTER, ol Allegheny. DISTRICT, roa uonoBisa, CHARLKS C. PRATf, ol Susquehanna. COUNTY. TOR RirBMHTATITB. W. K. PK11UAM, of Preston. roR sBcairr. U. LKE BRAMAN, ol Honesdale. TOR PaOTHOROTART, ETC., WALLACE J. BAKNES.oI. Berlin. roR BBairraa ard rbcoruir. ALFRED O. BLAKE, of Bethany. for oomrrr oommimiohiri, J. K. UORNBECK, or Kqulnunk, THOMAS IX MADDEN, of Dreher. FOR COCRTT ACDrrORA, AHTBUlt W. LARKABEE, ol Starueoa. W. BUOCK LK8UER,of Slethne. FOR nlSTBICT ATTORN IT, MYRON E. SIMONS, of Honesdale. Dtmocratlo Hatlonal Convention. Tbe dltpatebet In oar news oolumu giro a inmmary of tbe Itnatlon at Den Tr, presiding tbe opening or tbe Deui. ooratie National convention In tbat city. At noon on Tuesday tbe Convention opened. Theodore A. Bell, of Callfor nla,wai ehocen Temporary Chairman Tbe members of the varlooj committees were named, bat contests in tbe Penntyl vanla delegation Interfered with tbe re presentation on these. A resolntloo was adopted expressing tbe deep sorrow of the Contention at tbe death of nz President Cleveland, and as a farther mark of respect to his memory the Con vention adjourned until Wednesday coon. After tbe adjournment tbo several oommlttees prooeeded with their labors Tbe Committee on Credentials took up the eootesta In tbe Pennsylvania and Idaho eases, but without reaohlng decision. Tbe Committee on Pernia cent Urbanization aeeiaeu on nepreteui atlve Clayton, of Alabama, for Pernia nent Chairman, In aeoordanoe with th preference expressed by Col. Bryan. Th Committee ou Bales and Order ot Baal nest adopted, without change, tbe rnles ot the Convention of 1904, wbleh em braee the "two-tblrds rale." Tbe Com mlttee ou Besolatlons Is seeking th phraseology best calculated to hoax tbe -people, In'tbe antl-lnjanetlonand tariff. resolutions. Theso must be approved by Col. Bryan, and It Is understood that! ue witi try lo maae it easy tor mo uuu. tulttee. , Owing to tbe difference between th Ime lu Denver and New York, the lat air being more tban two hours later tban She former, It la not likely that news of Wednesday's proceedings will be reoelv ed here before oar aaaal hour for going to presa on Wednesday afternoon. Dreher. July 6ib. Raymond Krauter and Allen Keberling started this A, H. on a trio to the West, probably tor Alaska. Both art) young men and we wish thorn success. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peet bare an other boarder, a baby girl born early en Jul? ut p. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Beeeoker, of Gouldsboro are tbe proud "Pa and Ma" of a wwj baby boy tbat the stork left iu their oire. lust recently. H. A. Lancaster has been quite sick lately from complaintd incident to old ge. At this writing bo is somewhat better. Henry Beig-is seriously ill ot heart trouble and dropsy. Tbe chances for fais recovery are doubtful. Miss Alice Croea and Mrs. Denton, of New York City are guest ot Mary urosa. 'Tneroworo picoios at tba Hemlock Drove church in Qreeutown and at LsAnna, on July 4'h, and a dance in Miller hMl in tbo evening. Those, with a fair supply ot fireworks, served the purpose tor a day or pleasure for old ana young America. At tbo annual commencement at Perkiomen Seminary in Montgomery county, re., me following namea pu pill from tbe township ot Dreher. Wayno county, and Qreentown, Pike county, passed very creditable oxarnin ations and witboutany conditions. Mian Edith Simons, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Simons, was one ot the graduates .of a class of fifty-nine and stood first iu iber class. Mtsa Muriel Smith passed to i'the senior class and will be a pupil at tbe Kaat utroudsnurg uiate normal, Misses Violet Somers and Grace Saw yer passed in tho middle year class and are qualified to leacn. All were pupils at tbe Newfoundland high school, nnd it is a very good showing or tbe proftci . encv ot former teachers. Tbe weather for this section of coun fry is excessively hot, but nne Cor naj log ana ine growing crops. .Labor help is scares. Rainfall at Djberry. JUNE. 1908, a days, and Iraiwl days, l.3tl in 1UU7, U ilan aud trai'ii 6 day, 3M 1D0J, cuyf, moil rtM'ordud, lu.r. 1873, Iwiit record!, 1.13 Avenmo.'W ya, 3 46 Twenty-one days were clear, seven lair, and only two cloudy average 7r per coot, ot sunshine. nurzaiTUBE, JUKI, VMS. Illchest. I'tlli. M. deg. IUU7, 181b, M.. 8H. W yean, Sitb. 1870, V0. Lowest, HI. Si. ii07, isib, ai recorded, 14tb. 1873, 28. Greatest dally rauge, 7ih, lUlli, 40. Least dally range. 1st, 15tb, IU. Averaxe daily range, 30 2 warmest day. zltb, mean. 77. Coldeat day, Sd. mean, 61 Mean lor month, 63 3 last year, &9 ' Warmest June. tK7u, mean, S'J.I Coldeat June, uieau, 08.8 AveraKa t'J yeais, 01. Tbeie was llbt Irott on tbe third, and nearly every morning during tbe wbole month was cool. On many raruisland was too wet for early plantluK In May, aud lack of rain wltb abundance of hoi uutblne, baa made slow growth Ibis moatb.aod rlpeutHl our early anuaes, brinitlnK boi-lut: aud baying t sielber. Neaily all our crops are suffering for lack of rain, aud will ueed full three limea as tuucb a Mubad this inoulh.ordur lug July ur Auzuat last year, for each of tbe next two tuontlia, lo make good crops lu Ibla region. Tuzuiouc Dir. iiyberry, July 1, 113. Mennor Sc. Co, will cloee out an ndd , lot of Wool Jacket Suits at Ices than wnau pr ..halt price. 7 4 .Tbsi .The new loag (ilov,, 1 1 Hilk and Kid Additional Hearly Forgotten Fact- Wedaeedar of last week, July 1, 1908, was tbo fiftieth anniversary of tbo for mal opening of tbo Alton House, and tbe writer IwIiavM himself tbo only per son now living who took any part in tbe actual mechanical work required in the construction of tbe original building. Tbat eorTlco wai of no greater extent or importance tban tho painting ot tbo numbers, and other necessary lottoriog, on tbo door ot tba various rooms; but vivid roooHcction remains ot moBouo-- faction with which tho job was surveyed when it was finished blazing out as it did in all tbe glory ot gold lout and Chinese vermilion shading. Ilonesdala had several hotels when the Allen House was built, but its erec tion was nevertheless regardod no neces sary to supply the sterootypnd "long felt want." Tbe old bostclriod were onular and well patronized, but ihey wero all at tbat timo types ot lb.5 old- fashioned wayside tavern, nnd not in keeping with the genernl appearauce of the place, or adequato for thu accommo dation ot tbe traveling public. Tne public hotels wero tho Wayno County Uouso, built in IBM, liy Ubarles Korboa, and then conducted by E. IluoJ; tbo Mansion House, Thomas Sherwood, pro prietor; tho Union Hotel, corner Main and Ninth etroots, Isaac Clinton, land lord; tho Coyne Uouso, corner Main and Cth atroota, originally built by Uirum Plum for Augustus Backet, nnd thenthe property of Patrick Burns; with porhaps soma smaller places ot en tertsinmcnt. Allot these concerns were subsequently burnod or demoliahod to make room for more up-to-date struct urea, flao stores now occupying eomo of tbe sites, and handsome three story brick hotels tbo others. Henry Dart and Myron Jakway both disposed of tbeir hotels in tba fall of 1850, with the intention of going west. Tbo former located in liock Inland, III,, and tho lat ter in Mattoon, 111. Tbe movement which resultod in tbo final erection ot tbo Alton Uoui-) first took shupo in tbo winter ot 18SG 7. Samuel Allen, after whom tho hotel was named, and who was its proprietor at tbo timo of his doith, wai born in Chelsea. Vt Nivcmber 2. 1818 He grew up in his nativo State, and after some youthful ventures iu othor direc tions, llnatly bscima quite oitomive- ly interested in stago linos, tbo Cun cord thorough-brace conch being at that timo about tbo only meaus of ptsaoogtir transportation, and himself having be come an expert and populir driver. When twenty-five years of ago ho mar ried Mies Betsey Barrett, aluo a native ot Vermont, and for tbo convenience ot bis business changed his residence into New Hampshire. In a few years, how ever, tbe construction of a railroad hav ing paralleled his route in New England, be accepted a proposition to transfer his plant to Eiaton, in, this State. Homo sharp praotico or breach of faith on the part ot the parties with whom be bad been negotiating induced him to start an opposition line ot his own, which bo was eventually enabled to dispose of much to his advantage. Previous to 1818, when the Erie Railroad was ex tended through Narrowsburg, travel be i ween tbe sea-board cities .and North K is tern Pennsylvania and Southern New Xprk was by the old.North.and South Road, and, aftor turnpikes sue weeded that thorougbtaro on tbe same route, by tbe Belmont & Easton nnd tho Miltord and Owego pikea. In 1851 the Honesdaleand Dataware Plank road was finished from Narrowaburg to Honesdale, and stago lines wero at onco established between tboae two points. connecting at Honesdale with a lino over the Mooslo to Cirbjndale, and thence to Hyde ParkanJ tho Wyoming Valloy Mr. Allen wis proprietor ot thi liooes dlo-N trrowabur,? routo, with roaidonc3 hero; W. W. Broas3notthe Cirboj.tal-i lino, and "Aleck" Kenner, a brothor of thel&te Djvid Kjaner, with whit would be cilled now the ttaranUm oai. All were exporianosd "whipi," and could handle six horses with quito ns much gracoand safety as though they hal beon chariot drivers for a circus. Thii arrangement soon resultod in h partner ship between Mr. Alien and Mr. Ilronaon, which was existing when tbe now hotel project oarae up for consideration. By tbe beginning of Mirch, 1837, lb) matter had taken deQnito shapn. Th: lot on wbicb tho original nnd main por tion ot the Allea Uouso standi, oa thu corner of Ninth and Church streets, up to that time had boeu vacant. Several liberal mindod citizons tbon contributed sufficient funds for the purchaso of tbo land, and made Messrs Alton & Brouson present of it on condition that they would erect thureoo, during that season, a concrete hotel, 10J feet iu front uud tbroo stories in height. It was under stood that the work should bo commwe el by tbo drat of May anl the buildim; comploted by tbe first ot January, 1353 By subsequent conveyance) from My roa Jakway (pilled Jncq'ic-s in thi original deed), Ezra Uurlburt, II. B Baardslee, C. P. Waller, 'A. U ttuoxell, W. U. Dimmick, aud others, tho plot was very materially enlarged, making possible tbo vory oxttnaive nd imons t and improvements in the hotel which l.nn tin, Uar tn,trxr nn,,.i,Jrv n ,1 m . . -. affording room for the commodioua stables, icc-houees, etc. Mr. Allen's reeidonce nt this date waa on tho north-1 . . n..., i .-,,,.' east corner of (Jourt and hloventh , streets, and a porliouof his stage barns, .1. .-.a i. ......I f,.,r,.,rl I .. , , . on the opposite atdo ot Uth etroo:. Henry Heath, then tho principal car - nnnLnr and mntrAstnr nf thn loivii nrna Bllarpe lllld IteV. I. U. KOsCUberger Held penler and contractor of the town, wuh r 4haof Ju, ,, ttt lu houui of K. engaged to superintend the erection of I a. Keeue. the building, and the work wai actually I T. A. Uaiddy inn! family, of Hctanti n, oommonced before tho Hipulated lime, HrB -I1''''-1"' ' '" 1"'lr 0 " ...i. n . t i. ... . . , , ' tage at Luke Henry. "tbo first shovelful" of earth bring Camp meeting will beheld from An -thrawn out Mondac. Anril l.'tih 1W7 list Uth l'Jth luolu.ivo tills year. T ,e By Juno 15th, ,he concrete foundatton walls were on a level with tho ground, but a pereiatent spell of wet weather then set in which greatly retarded tbe progress ot tho work, and creutcd op prehension in tbo minds of some an to the probablo safety of tho structure if it should over reach completion. A build ing of lime, sand aud stone, tbo material solidified by the addition ut water, waa an absolutely new thing in Honeedalo at tbat time, and when in Ibo dark hours ot tbo night, during n downpour of ram, n resounding crash would startle tbe neighborhood, tbcro were not a few ohi r.nrfhirtirt ihHt i hn nhninanf r.r,r creto had been n grievoua mistukr-a belief tbut was not shaken when, in tho morning, largo sections of tho walls would be found ly ing in ahspelesa macsrs ou the cellar bottom. Deepito all miahapa tbo building went up, however, and by tho 1st of Novem ber, lt7, the root was on, tbe partitions in and tho casing and lathing com-, menccd. Under cover tho concrcto hardened rapidly, soon becoming oa homogeneous and Arm as solid rock. Indeed when It boa since been found de sirable in making changes in tbo in terior plan to cut a doorway or a win dow, iho task has boon found wcll nlgh imponslble; much mora difficult, in fact, than to remove tbo eamo amount 0( solid stoco. Tbo hotel was ready for tbo "houeo-warming on tne urei oi July, 1858, Mr. Ilroneon, having by thU nmo irauef0ird hla Interest iu ttoen tcrpnso to Mr. Allen During that day tho house wne visited by humlrcilJ ot our citizens, who wore courteously af forded every opportunity for an In anoction of tho various rooms, and who expressed themselves as highly grntitlod with tbe convenience provided for tho accommodation ot tbo wayfarer aud tho sojourner. Tho grand and formal reception took place iu tho evening, an immense crowd having assembled in roaponee to invita tions extended by tbe committee, Junes L Tracy, Robert N. Torrey and William II. Ham. At this function, after re freshments bad been eerved at ci,-li o'clock, tbo gift of tho tot was supple mented by tho presentation ot a most generous purao. Tnero wero epec.-hts and responses, felicitations all nn.ind, and congratulations and good wiehte galore. And at an advancod hour, after the older and moro sedate guests had taken their depirture tho yourgr pot- tic n of tho nessmblago rounded out the red letter day and night with a most ei.- jotablo dance. Uad the eunii-ce ntcnmal ol tbat gala occasion been celebmted by a golden jubilee, ulus, how few ot tho original participants could havo bcon pr-cunt to exchange gro Ming after such t lapso of yoarst No j th;n ono may meet upon tho ulrect it gray haired father or matron who, then in tbo Brat flush ol young manhood or womanhood, can now recall their share in the festivities of tbo evont. A few others ore scattered throughout tho world, completing tbeir tale of years let us hopo in happiness and contcntmont, and giving an occasional thought to tbat rpisoio in their youth ful lives; but tbo great majority can only bo counted among tho loved and lost. It is more pathetic, to summon bi foro the mind's eyo nearly forgotten faces than to recall nearly forgotten fact?. Mr. Allen has been in bis gravo thirty- threo years, and his azccltont helpmeet, that mont lovable woman, "Aunt Bet soy," was long since lend besido bim iu Qlen Dyborry. Their names are still household words, howovcr, as are tbocn of some others, departed and remaining. whoso lives were interwovou with tbo history of tbe Allen Uouso, and ut whom moro particular mention must bo rcsorvod for another article. Steene. July 0th. I E. Haley, treasurer of the Pruinntii , -uhool UiHtnet. received Inst week limn the Auditor Uenerai'n department ut ilarrlbburg, a obeck lor tWU 19, beluic the uorttou ol atnie nit tirooriatlon due aald dletrlut for the aohool ear, ending June, lWW ; the above being about $150 more tliuu ever appropriated before. Miss Olive Haley returned home Sat urday, alter a turee weeKa' visit witu ller HlMter &t Dettoait. Washington Tennnnt, of Waymart, spent Sunday here. A box social will he held at the M. H church, Bteeue, Monday evening, July 15;li. Kaeh lady will kindly put up n box to he auctioned oil. All are corJIulij Invited. Mibs Pearl Swingle, of this place, has accepted a position at wayinan. Messrs. Frank Piersou, Hunting Lord, aud John Lee, of Waymart, were callers at ateene, riuuuay. Uur old bach la cettlug ready (or helpmate, as be lb purchasing cown nn.l poultry uy tuo wuoiesaie oi late. Kiel j aril Uuffy bad three beuutlfu pigs taken slok last Friday morulug Hiict before night tliey were uliueuu. A uuy or two before Mr. Dutly took lilt poll. barrel out of the cellar, uud thlukiug that a little brine would not hurt tbe pigs diiuined the oouteuts of the pork b.irn- iuto the swill barrel. Piga will do witli very little salt until tliey go into barrel theiuselves. W. K Bury has sold Ills farm at Keens to W. J. Vnullushkirl, of Wilkes II irre. Consideration, $3,000. What might have been a serious luii tuke one evening last week to Mr. am! Mrs. tjtenheu Kagler, by dumping a no I of hot ashes Into a barrel wliiuh set in uu outbuilding adjoining their residence, wuh averted by the ever watulilul cje nt Mrs. Ulizibetli Kagler, Mr. Kagler'n mother. It seems that she had not lellr ed, It beluga very warm ami close night. About miduight Mrs. Kagler discovered through her open window smoke eL. olfollug tile house, aud upon arousing the rest of the taiully, it was found Unit the outhouse waa a mass of flames. Mrs. Magolaski, their ueaiest ueiglilioi, who had not retired for the night, d:t covered the lire about the same time as Mrs. Kagler did aud with their timely assletauce it waa soon extinguished. It being u quiet sthl night the Urn was kept oouuued to tin) small huildiug, which waa totally destroyed. Had there heel, any wind blowing uullilug could have saved thu house. Something laughable about the lire occurred when Mrs. Mug ollski aroused her husband. He started I right oil with just his night clothes on, i baton getting about haif way he seamed tu awake ami realize that he was thinly clad to light u lire and hail to return fur 1 Ins ueanug apparel, which made u tie I lay of several minutes ; hut he got tln-re I Just the salue. I Maple wood. .lll, litis . ltev. J. II. lloseuhergcr gave a go'.il talk yesteiday aflcruiKiu, . to a large congregation ou "lljuius that are td '' lie spoke especially ol Ui I ward t'hristian Soldiers, Jem Lover ol 1 111 V Soil I. Ull'1 llOCk Of A gCS Fred. rt. ti, lilts aud latuily, of S.Tau. nwi Uf, ,.1ri, ,;, ,,. 4 Jtli their parents here. Miss Verrle llalluck, of Ifuuiuore, siaeut Sunday witli Mrs, Wan. Sharpe. '() hej herv00 at Dutch Fmts yesterday. II A. Coutiell. tlie Jeweler ol Burau toil, presented llraoc Cliiiroli witli a line i JJ",",', ;,Jk, 1 The families of (I. M. Black, William , ' "LTX I writing ltev. J. U. Koseuberger. I Mrs, 1). P. Sliarpe eulertalued ller ! "'l'" Karl Jlm.tead,o. Scrautou, .-,. , -, - j Lake Henry waa Hooded Willi Usher men thn 4'.li. All of the b lata were out anil aa luanv inure could have been used The trains lioiue huuud were packed last evening witu I note staying over, A Unicago public eohool baa nolvod tbo veztng question ot how to apparel young girl graduates without arousing uuvv and bitterncaa nn thn part of tbo poorer pupils. Tbe solution wan simple enough a uniform stylo ot drrsa was rionilnrf nnnn ll-in mntnrauaia wprn nils. a nha9ed and the girlflworoBOt toworg. under tne euporriaton ot n sowing toucher, making tbeir own frocks. Thu result is euttafaction all round and a suitable cown for oach of tho thirty threo graduate?. The dresses coat about t2 a piece. Ktch suit is described ns being comiioaei of a kilted ekirt nnd Jumper and a eulmpe of thin wbito material, trimmed with toco and medal lions. The Farvlew Hospital. At last TUB Citizkn la enabled to give foiue ileDnlte luforiuntlou regarding the iropos"d at)luui for the ctlmluol Insane ot Pennsylvania, to be crcoted near Par view. We take tho following trom the Phllaitolphlu lmiulrer ot July lid: When the prupflted Utiite ilu-pllnl for the Criminal luuuc, ut Pnrrlen, Wayne flouuty, lor wliloli lima wnni opeut-u nj tho Coiuujouwi-Blth eterday, is com nletcd. acorillnir to the greate't alieulits of the day, the State of Petiusylvaula will have the most pt'rleot institution of Its kind lu the wor.d. The plans for the proposed hospital, whiuh hae been amtroNed by the com mission to suite! a s.te and erect the State llosnlial for Hie Criminal Insane, call for the building of an Institution which will be remarkable lor the uiiapta blllty of Its purpose. The object ot the Institution Is to pro vide proper medical treatment and unre for any who may he adjudged insane at the time of coiuiulttiug a criminal act, and of those who luav develop lusanity wlille undergoing sentence ; thus reliev ing the ordinary ni-iui- hospitals and the irlsou-, respective, ol lutuatcs mat they are not lilted to care lor. Tltecareof the criminal insane requires an entiri I) dilTcreiit urgaui itltui as com pared with uu ordinal' lusuhe hospital or a prison, ct partaking of the nature Lt both. Tne commission gave much time tu Investigation uud study of the organization itutl operation of existing institutions lor me ireiiinetit turn care oi the criminal Insane ; the lectin ol tlieir elforls appears in the ptesettt design, which litis the iiuiiiialilleil approval oi eminent alienists. After publicly advertising lor it site. and diligent investigation, the commis sion ucc pttd the titter of I he Delaware Cc Hudson tluiupatlt to donate a tucue oi ground, comprising upwurtlxof (,'HJ.icres, stluatcilat l arvle, Ktioui iweive miles h'oui llonesuaie, uu tbt. Delaware A; Hudson railrua 1. 1'iie cotuiuN-ion's selection oi a site was tlmy uonllriutd by the t'overnor. The site of tile institution is rolling and well tlrtilui d and watered, part woodland anil purl farm mud, lying at an elevation of about 1SUU Icet .itiove tlio sen, out he Moosiu Mountains, with n luagulliceut rositect lu eerv illreclinii. The situa tion Is untpic-tiouahl) saliilirious, and easy of access by means ol the railway mat shins (hi- properly u is me in tention ol the Delaware .V II nelson Co. to creel a new stut'xii iu ar the entrance to the Institution ground. The Institution wil. h,. vil liotit iloiiht the must advanced ol lis kind, when com pleted, i'lie design has been approved uy tile Board of ruollu Chaiitles ol ihe Stale nt Pennsylvania, and their Com mittee ou Lunacy, as required by tho creative act. The varlotM liulitliiigs arc ttiringed so as to fnclo-e rcctaiiguuireuiirts, in which the patients speu 1 as iiiiiuti time hs pos elble in the open air. The dilTereut ward buildings are connected h mean ol In- losed galleries or corridors, generally two stories high, so that It is praoticuhio tu hav- intercommunication between all the buildings at all times, under proper supervision. The women s department Is complete iu Itself, anil properly segregated from the men's department. The plan Is such that patients may he thoroughly classilied, and tile illlTercut classes kept separate, all arrangement obviously advantageous alike to the pa tients aud their curelakers. For those vl the patients whose condi tion admits there will lie provided prop er eiiiplo) tueut ou the institution grounds Tile buildings for patients uro two stories high, and no more, and all are lireproot ; they are constructed with red brick walls, tritumed witli light colored stone, uud the rools are covered witli slates. All lloora and roofs are support ed with steel members, aud no more wood Is used than uecesiary to render tlie bulldlugs habitable. A good supply of spring water will be furnished by gravity, and the drainage li above rt proach, tine to tile shape and contour of 4he laud. The Institution as now planned com prises twenty building, Including infirm aries, power iiouse and luuudry, and there is space lor aildlllocul bulldlugs lu time to cntue, should It be deemed desir uhle to Increase the capacity over and above tbat now provided for, which Is about dull. The appropriation now available is $1'VJ,UOO, this accoinp.ini-'il the nut of cre ating the Institution, lor the purpose of starling the woik. Tuelotal emt oi tile bulldlugs, when completed, will he frl, UOU.OUU. The several depart men Is of the hos pital and tlieir dimensions arc as follows: Administration building, 10J by 51 feet. witli a wing Ul b oJ leet ; loggia build ing, 5U b 41 In I ; lour buildings contain ing men's wards, each lljii (j by 41 feet, Willi a wing IS.Ij by 4'J.7 ft-rt ; building lor disturbed male pam uls, li'.l IU tu ;14.(J feet; uililluary building, ii'J lay HI feel i two diuiug room mnidiug-, 113. 1 by 'WSfeet each ; k.tclu-ii hiiililing, 107 by ili feet, with a "in-' -14 lay 'JU.S feel : oakery huildiug, Ij7 leet by 23 4 feet ; the nums' building, 41 by OJ.t feet; building luutu'inug women's ward-, 41 h) 121 feci ; budding lor disturbed ivi uieii pal ,i tils, J.i h) 1,1 s leet; wonit it's iiillrtuat) Inn ',ng. lis t,v !!i feet ; tlinlii,, ro .in ai il l.itci t n liu Ming for women, 122 3 by 2S 4 ; hoili r house, ":i 11 liv 4U led ; engine house. 41. li b fill li leef ; luel sloiae iioii-e, r,J.:i lay 41 li feet ; rksbop, 41.0 liy b"i feet ; 'vaslilug bouse, 7o uy ,'ij feet ; dryiug Inline, (Vi by SO feet, allil ironing holl-c, ,o by ii'J leet. llierc will also a nower bouse con sisting of three buildings and xurksliop, and laundry cons still of three build ings. I he buildings will he so uriiiuged to form a hollow ripi i.e. within vwncli are large pleasaur couit)ardr, wheru ine iinualis may stroll and play, There will b, no wall around the as) turn The ui - ratigeunutof the buddings- Is such that Ihey will serve as harriers. Further more, the bull li'i -i will he connected by corridors, thtisiiiaK'ng It pos-ildo lu pass entirely through tin ho'-pitai and return to ihe stiir'iug p ,ti-i' t Is exn outed lliat tne Work of eica- vatiug tor file found'iiious of tlie build ings will b couiiiienci l early lit Aug ust. Ask for Atta.n'H l'ont l-'ase. A pow lei for swoth'ti, tired, hot, smart ing Pel. Simple sent KltKll. Also Flao -sample ol the r'aaor-t'.asr. smtaiiy Chun. I'.Ma, a l.i'W inn lltloli. Ailillcss. Allen S. IJllllSleail, 1,1 Uu), .N Y. Milanville. Jl.l.Yti Ii. Mr find Mrt. Henry Lange lelt Friday uiu riitug lor a visit with rel atives al Deposit and llalstcad. Henry Hockir, ol the West Chester Normal School, arrived home Thursday i-vetilug fur his summer ucatloti. He returns tu the Normal iu August as bookkeeper. Misses K'la uud Hannah Calkin", of Fosterdale, are visiting Irla lids iu town. Mr. an 1 Mrs Cornell anal daughter, of Mew York city, are occupying oue of tlie hunguloAs iu Bump-on tirove. Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Crawford nnd daughter, Helen, of Hiiu'liuuiton, have been guests at tne homes ol V. Skinner and W. 1). Yerkes. Harry bkluuer, of 1'itintoii, is witli his aunt. Miss tiny lor a bnei v sit. Mr uud Mrs. I) II. Dea licr iiern guests last week of W. I). Yerkes at Mllauvlllc Heights. Mr. uud Mrs. Tiffany, of Seattle, Wash lugluu, spent Wciluetd-ty with Mrs. L. H. Price. Reeves Hampton ami family spent tbu 4tli at calltcooii, as gueats ut Mr. utlJ Mrs. Frank III uth. Jolm Kusipilst, of Hrouk'vu, returned home sjiiuilay alta-r spending a iuav alays ut "The Uaph s." Miss Christine Honker, ol Hone, dale, visited her para-ills here, lust week, Tlie piano I lie fh was a njoied by all iu ntteiialance, wuoalld iustiue to tlie L-uod tlliugs nrovldeal lo cat. A parly of Merry Willow ami Ja lly Bachelors eiijo) i d a picnlu supper al the f alls oil lYfiiucsiiay nisi. 1, J. Honker, Kdwbril Deiter mid John Mctlul) have city gucs 11111I pa ct to hate lull bouses all during August. Mrs, Frederic l.lllle, of llrookl)li, Is Doirililig ill -uariou iirowu . V. Skinner made a liusliiess trip to the county seat last wo k, D. W. (lav died Monday morning of this week, He has been iiunhh, to leave Ills room fur aeviral )cars, only as he was helped. Ills ilailgbtrr. Mlas Minnie, lias faithfully canal for I1I111 during all III- declining )rui, Mr. liay passed his birthday several won! hat ago. COMMUTING BY AIRSHIP. Practlcsbls Now to Qo lo Business on Aeroplanes, Says A. M. Herring. A. M. Ilcrrlng nnd Captain Thomas 8. Dnldwtn, both tif whom ure build Ing nlrjlilp-a for the Tnlted Plntct gov ernment, the former mi ucrupliihc nnd the latter n dlrlglhU lullomi. hive cx pressed kern Itilcrcst lu the lecrtit Ivinarkuble flight of twche honro otei Swltzerlnnd by Count Ze-piH'tln In ht dlrlglblc nlrshlp, tarrying fourteen men. "The dirigible balloon la here to stay," sil l Captain Ilaldnln. "Its Mie. toss has only Ix'gun b appear, nnd greater triumph: will he cn within n rliort time, llicre urn in inugci b, liny tl lit that the v.i,rt pcblems ( nlr t.aMg.itlon lrrc bieu snlnil, i.nd the time Is nil. I,, st tip, ti ih when the nlrshlji will la n iitH-cslty." A. M. Herring, whose bitci-ct ll more In the ncrnplntie Iim of m.trhlnc, said: 'The dirigible balloon end the nero plniir. will lerbihily U dcr.Ip(Ml side liy utile for JiMetlcll purposes. Itolh Wi will he the wir nlMilp of the fnlurc. Tlie illrlKlMc. whl. h will natui'.tlly 1k hllli It the l.nvel "f Ihe two. w ill repre sent the kitilohlp ol the n cun. c.irrj lug a numlsT nl iiwn wlih plenty of toroH end siipplli-. v. Idle Ihe neri-pl.tiic will rcprc"snt Ihe torpedo nnd seouthig !oa N." At the tonilng tc t In Angti-.! nt l'ort Mj-cr the p,ii in nent will test Ihe Wright brother-- lna'hlno nnd tho one that Mr Hen Ing li h-tllillng While he w.m naturally guardiil In glihig tiny Inkling of tlie new Men to lie brought nut in lilt ninclilne. Mr. Herring all 1 ny that he could lj wilh one man with n ncn hlnc only fourteen fi-ct In length, while It would he po slble lo a-iii-i,, three men f,ii n tweitty sevctl fool ma, hluc. "I run peife. tlj i-ontlticcd by my eperltnciils," luMe-l Mr. Ilerrhip, "that the aeroplane of the iuitmtll.itc fuliire will be not t-afc, hut cinl iicnll) pun II nl I tiy with perfect nss-uruitt c if 1 wnnti-d a fast ma- ililce loi- ieiil,,g ,ei' tlie country I w-ootd t ii.- mi, fun p'aue of an aiituiuobl'e. "If 1 wele tl liu-dlics- 111.111 ill Funic Pawn oiit-lile of Xew York. say. lit Ing In lii'ce'.'W leh ni.d doing bti"l!ie-- tu Ilnrlforal. I would h.ue no bc-allaiicy lu using mi mi- lo travel to my pl-iic of bn--li'c-b and biKk. The only trouble In i liming to n big city like ew Yolk w n!d I . the si 1 ill nlty In bat ilinp. Inn in a"., -trotoh ol open intitry when- vufe Ifitnlltig inlgiit be made 1 couhl go ran. here." Mr. Ileirlng in n-i'.' d If tlieic stm thing trips belween ob.iiilU' pnlnla would not depend for win e-ct con siderably iiihiii the wind. "No," hi' rcplinl. "1 'tin rill In nny wind that a mil,'. it wm Id 1 afe In I can plek out my teiininal p,,lul find will guar.ini.-o to l-i ii.l within three Inches of the mini where I wish to ponie down." OFFICIAL GLOBE TROTTER. Czar's Envoy nt Sixty-one Walks From Chicago to New York. Cnrrybu- tic weight of slxty-nni, years mill Hie Man' "f tin inn lent iin-i-eslrv, II. J. M. Mkolort recently nr- rlvi'd nt New Yolk idler n pleiiMint inoiith'a wall: from fhiaugn. lie Is the czar'a icprcsentallvi. and bus trncled hi all liiuds Mini lug all panplcs. lie rrcfited u Hi-nstitlon when, with an In terpreter, he ii-ui-hfd the Wulalorf-As-torlu. NlknloTa .hi-keiK. though uu- catessisl by n baiber III thirty-two years, contain not n f-ingle IiIi-iVh nest MkoloiT I'lij s Ids fuller is IIS, hU mother 111 nnd his brother Is !n) years old. Ills gi'.inilfalhcr ly 140 years nlil, cxik'cIs lo llo twanty-flve years luole. Held prlsoaier for ransom by bandits In Zuiii'.lla.if. csinpo by iK,lonIng the ah Inking water of his trim ids, subsl-st- cliae oil snakes uflel he got free, Cllj lured by I'uil.lsh sol.llei-s, llhenitcd iiril sent wilh c-eoit of tiasips, cn la tum! by lial-ull, who killed his e.scairt; nudlciiacs Willi the empress of Chln.1 and tho ciupcior of .Inpau nnd ninny other l.iteic-tlng lid "gi nte on his rec ord I. ink. He ti.ii.'led a iho czar's lepre senlallie fo, .tis. Our New Caviare Producers, Strang,.,l- mc told of many iimi't' li-li, let! fcv li-h arc aiueerer in iippeariiua e or t-tfciigor in tlieir habits than the li l ire piislncer of the lower Mb,- Is.-ippl. It has as many n.iitst'S as a co'ui.l.-uo 1,11111, nnd few thleics owl' clinical juMioe as persist- l-iltl UK this speili- lias eiiuec.lleil its dovelopmeni from the naturalist, sas Chaile.i It. Staa. kiiaal hi the Jul' Vn tury. In Lonlhlaiiii 11 Is known ns bill lish, hlllalom and pai'.llellsli, In Missis sippi hpooti hilled i-:it or spooney an. In Arkansas ns tu.. spo 111 bill or spoon 1,111 sluig 'Iho l.ilns and ill era these three Mate.- nippl) tit plc-i much of the cm 1 ro an 1 allied slur giotl of the I' :,,-'s. I'oljo.1.,11 spa 1 till Is the .ligull.el title lo whlih tin spoon hill Is li'iouu to mitttruHit tliritigii the w.aril "pi'l.iislon Sigllllll many toothasl, whlli" tin1 llsli has no tas'th. Pcstofotes. po-,ij'i, ,, nun Tho first opa-tia-i! Ii I'ails hi 1 l i i:n iu Aiiu'ilci lu I'ln. i.iuil In l.'.sl and To John D. Roclasfelter. INnto-Mr liuck, f, 11, r win oiur tint tln-r:try lull -is u aiai-.uiiK, will.-r uls- it lilmsclt.l Say. Mr, r. will Voa li in.- It, 1,1 ii, y ,iir i.ii And 1I.1 not taunt, It tin- liar, a 111 ti. ,1 lua I'r.en 1 M p , ,r wrltliiu Itu-n" And willing U"-i 1, Just tlx. Ki!iu- 1 liey l.uv, pi , it 1111,1 iltiliU An-I liu,- a rouf cticl went soin. rlulln s tar I -1 nil In tlm blink If we iiml rnpirf-il uff surb a w-nd As y a li ,. 1: t. ilu yu llno-li,,. lint w, ,1 take Om lu As ) ' II I !! as til iluT If Wn had inaam,)' would wo work la prosy Uilnffs or rltyniai? Would any a,( ua ever try Taa l'a t In aiverllme? Wuaild we posttnno nil ntltf) trip, ir u-ru a golt thnneo down. Or rnll .1 yarlitlng parly err, Or bllatvr In tlm town, In onlir that the finite ans A, 1 . 11., I 1 1 our bnnda MUli l-iil In sl,.i, ll siuff In mcst Tl., , in r s il i'i in,',- N i la' ", "tl tell Iho a illtn-a M -ll.-il. we'd tell Tlialll Willie tu It) (111,1 ll.lll.l tllini out (Jur tt.a.lil, ttl fura.Mltt. Ilav. Mr. lloikcfa-llcr, plcaso. How mou!,1 y,m lii.o fur us To Lull liitfi yuur Hbor lmicla And urali your octopus? on. Mr. Hawkefellcr, If ,IU aM I, it V.le'1 til loll 1's ,r fnlks. siy. illvo es your rlla. An, I y ii can havo our Jub. IV I Lantii.n-n In New ViTk Tlmca A "Dill" Campaign, Bill llryan and 1:111 Tafl! Wu call each Hill. ai.J u In r. 'a the harm? Illtl haa a ha.irty,, n miml, mpr, a- Iiik mini. r.ti aun v.,rin. Wo'vo h.i.l ,.ur Wllll.ain canalhlalia nnd inilae.l ihem will ullli rolco and 'lulll. Hut now's our ihauco lo i'ln our hopes unlo n canJIdaio named mil. Hill Taft and mil llrjanl We call each Hill, and whiro's tho hurl? Illll has a sturdy, wliolo uled rlnc, and we who usu It am not iert. We've had our William presidents, re- vtred them thin, rovcra them still. Hut now II loi.ks as If we'll havo next tarra a prealJenl namtd JJ1IL Indlan Orchard. JULY Cth. The nlcnla licl.t at Wagner's, ou Saturday last waa well at tended, aud was a ooniulete eueoess to tally and financially. Rebecca Hucklmzhani. of Navitvirt News, Va., who haa been visiting her mother at the Chestnut drove Farm, re- u men to uer nonie on Tuesday last. A great tuanv from this iiIhsa Rtfptifl.,! the show ou tne Fourth, at Honesdale. Harold Smith, who haa been ill nf tv- liold fever, Is gaining slowly. jonu li. I'euwardeu, of East Hones- ile, called on friends here ou Sunday. Kirl C. Ham snent Saturday last with Scrautou friends. William Itabcoek, of Peckvl e. Pa.. Is Pending a few days with his wife and daughter, aitCampCoinfort, lieaoh Lake. Ui-t'umaulssloner (ieo. W Taylor, ot Torrey, Is doing carpenter work for W. II. Marshall, liny kellatu, ot Proupton, spent the mil iu "nil inruuB ai tills pinue). t-raiiK wurueid. or iieaeb Lake, waa a recent visitor among Gquluuutt friends. Ilsraii that he saw some as Hob hav at that place as be haa eeen for a number I ears. Mrs. W Mrs. wm. wilder nnd Mrs. Hawker, of ttft lloliesdtll av last Mrs. l'hllili Hlshon and daiivbtAr. 'nt White Mills, are visiting relattvea at this place. .banner miller, of White Mills, la doing liarles Doilllnger'a having. Hotter Ham Is siaendlng several davs witu air. anil ura. oamuel oaunuera. Harry Hlinnell called on Mouut Pleai- aut Irleuda last week. While there be lilted the fish hatchery. 1 nr. maddest man in Michigan lives Detroit. Lto wan lortone hundred thousand dollars in his unclo'e will and thu retato ecttlod up just seventy dat ura lrvH man nomine. A mm convlncci against his will Is o( tho opinion still; His wito convinced againoi hir will Id not convincod, nor een sitll. Transfers of Beat Estate. AuthmiT Itlukert and wife to Aleck Bet. idhii. M iy 6, r.i-a. Texas, WM. Wm. II. Hmlltiand wlfu totitaorca Uaok ! nnd F. rt. Coun. liar 11, ltM). Texas Kail lloi kwi ii una wire to Katie vann run. Mar !. 19M. iJika-. 1700. Jaini'S A Miner and wifta to Kalward A. Miner nnd wife. Mar Is. IMS. Waytnart. Jl. rlwnrd eldereat and wire to Alexan. iler t'orrell. Mar 18. Ilawler. I10O. Micuael r. Down and wife to Jacob HI t- trrtr and .loiaeirj Mltterer. May 20, IIKM, I'ri..lon. Janu s A. 1 cart and wire to John Mo Parland. May JU, 1DU8. Lake. t3,W0. Vli ior H. and wile to Elbert K. Hi-lull. May Z7. 1808. Preston. 185. Ktnelne Kd wards et alto Chat. A. Frluk nnd lurry E. I'M. May 9, 1808. merlins. Mtni. II. av. llrown ana wife to A. L. weloh MavS.1. llHW. Clinton. UU). II S. Hsnford and wife to Marr E. Yin ci'tii. mbj in, ikus. rreaton. Ellen Cawley to El auk Bergman. May I IhH. l'almrra. ll.Cajo. Kdi:Ar C. Ktilln and wife to C. C. Shaft-ar. .Mar 1. iiKirt. IMke. tuo. IJeorge J. Welflner and wife to Mlohaol vt i inner, jr. Mar D, isnja. Texas. az.MXl. Aaiuiinigiratorof irrank Jj. Uook to Aaor ;. Kt llOL-l.'. Mav 1. 1808. 1'reston. tdtV). tieaieituti: uocu ana wire to feter utt. lav ii. rjOK. l'almrra. igoo. E.lwanl F.. Uooker. Jr., to Albert N. Bay. i r. Mar C. 1808 Dreher. S12.0IM. Edwurd Hooker. Jr.. to Albert N. Saver Mav 0. 1808. Ureher. 1100. Henry iti'iner to Frank u. uoodnouen mid L'ltesler Ucodnough. MayT, llXX). Ore- uon. fj.t,,J. h.iwoon Kuann and wife to Unas. Dennis. amy t iuus. Leuauon. swu. unrer rreaier sua wire la iu on itanaaii. Mav 1'.'. V.W. Wavmart. S.300. ase u. uarreii ana wire to WI lam u. l.arrell. Mav vs. 1808. Uerlln. II 'Ml. Prances 1). Bronson to Hteve Henv and Jonauna Heny. May 12. 1808. ttoutn Ua naau. fi.vju. Uli ver Freer and wife to Frank Hauen, tlein and V. V. Qeutber. May 13, 1008. Oy herry nnd Clinton. Il.tjOO. u. ucnaat ana wire to Tne x oung iuiuen s unnsiian Associaiion. May u, iius. a.nae. so.uaju. U-aear K. Uuanell and wife to Allle B. Mills. Mar 10. 1908. Uonesda e. S 1.600. bamuel A. Mvres and wife to tJaklev B. ljner. may t, juw. juanonesier. sia-o. Aominieiraiors or uamerine xwienoa lo Minor llrown. Mav 18. 1908. l'almrra. trJJO. Charles W.U'Neill to William J. Arriaan. Mav . 1808. Mt. Pleasant. r.'.TOO. i-aui Mcuranagnan anu -wue to uugn Mcurauncuan. aisr2j.ivin. an. neasaui, fOOO. Frank Corey et al to John Chamberlain. Mav a. 1808. Lake. ti.lbO. Martinet Weber to Edward T. Belles. Mav . 1808. Haw ev. 1800. William Frev and wife to Luther and Jonu K. Frleh. Mar 19. 1908. (ruber. SflOO. I.uther Frkhto John K. Filrti. May -7. m. urener. (Joo. .N U.ll'AltiLLELII) IiECOBD. From WuBhit.giijn to Hoosevelt tbe Hue ol buccceeiou in unswerving integrity re- matinA tinhrnken. PreflidenlJl have been ,ni,.mn,,.oin ihao hnva nna wvn nr . .... trom human woakneeees ana iney nave .juiuinivu aiuu.uu, ilk. u.M.n. a m v ccuuve policy. Tarty calumny nas uot enured their morals. Uut tnal lliey used their poaitiun for persoainl prolit la i et to be proved. Not onia i as cvor Hhowii to havo added a do'l r to I Iiih fortuno by the illegitimate oxurciee ot powith for Influencing legislation such as roeido in no other Chlof Mag - istrntc a...-i' . ....... ; nrrraaaiuasim. i,i7n' uilolod lu uny other nation. It 18 par - ticulurly in contrast with thatajf tbo CXCCUUVOn Ul umajr ratpuuiiua , ajiajTcaaaru ofLtiitiL'd. ai with lis. from obscurity ninl poverty to btgb place, but less lortillrd by character against its lemp- tutiuiiB. - Arm 1 or woria. 1 iik Oiaco Indians as a tribe aro asid to Uj tliori'iliot-i poople on oarlb. When it ih known tbat tho poorest one of them ih iiu'-'-H-oi ot ut loast ttU.fKX), tbere will hn not n low white men who will r vrot that thoy were born handsome iiiri'.niii ol Usages, i'he government allotting it jm mission is preparing to inakn a filial division ot tribal lands mvnii'l iiv thn Oaiaces lu Oklahoma, and wii' ii tho work is done each Indian will hivi.' I'liht bundrod acres, bostdes an intcrcet iu tribil funds amounting tu i-ivi nil million dollars. I'lDiiviii.Y thi oldost delegato to tbe rcf t It 'e'liuliovui convention was Da vid It .iiUiii, ot Misdonri. who has amass- anl u luriuno ul thrco million dollars wilhiiail Hiicculation. It is bolievod be is thai nuMt nxicnsivo farmer in tbe worl i. ih) uuco-odnd by being frugal, iiidtitilri'iu-, uaving and investing ots I'uviiiH judiciously. Tbe area of tbe lia-ilan lurtrB. ra.ftol thorn in An- droiv L'ouutj , Mo., is acres, alt of which is under cuitivution. itioKin was to poor when a boy tbat bo went bin foot a great part of each summer I uutil hu was 23 years old. A Chicago tlrm ot contractors li about to uuderlalte whet is said to be tho gieuteet bouBo moving task on re- com The operation is part of tbe ,....,,,m,r ,111 ,un,ir nn thn aita nf tho . 1 . . -I : nrtghiug ubout ti.UllCI tons is to be mov - ed u ot abuut bait a block. Tbe juu win uuea vui,liuu uuu wm rcquiru tbrcu mcnlbs. The house is lo be roll. ed along on railroad iron by moans of haudjiuks. Thi.iawhatiion.JakeMoore.atate Ward. mi, ul Ueurirla, auysut Kodolior Dyspepsia! I century way of aeouring beautiful pre '1:. v. DeWiit Co., Cbloago, l'l.-Dear miums. which they give to people who 8iis-l havo suffered more than twenty .nhaw-elhA tnr this nnat nfam Ww. inoiiihs ko I hid urown so much worse ..urH r,.,ni ,, iir.,1 nn. ALniit 1, nh win mat 1 l ouiu not aigeet u cruel 01 torn ureaa aud could uot retaiu auylhlng ou my stoiuuch. IloalUi Ibai lu foot 1 niaale up my uiind llmt 1 could uoi live but a short time wneu a friend of mine recommended Kudu). 1 cemented to try It to please bim uuai anna ueuer iu una usj. iu. mvinu linn u ibuu 1 everuia 111 my ine ana atu in li. Iter lieiillli than lor mauv vears. Kodol did II. i keep a bottle constantly, and write tills nopiug lllttl uuuiuuiiy uisy ua uviiouibii, Vouia very truly, Jake U Moore, Atlanta, Aug, llf, I'JlH. eoia uy t'Cllj, lue a'rbfiaaav AYn the llor. Divid 0. Hill. "There is no Uimtacrbtiu party," ue ougnt, w ki.uw 1 110 wub oi.e of the priocipai uu dcrlukurs, HONESDALE Accepts Deposits, in Small and Large Amounts It Gives A Handy Check- and Free to All Household Hank Pass Book One to the Savings Depositor, the Business Doing Business by Check is the up-to-the minute way It Saves It Saves Wrangles Because a Check is Cheapest and Safest Way countries is by a Money Order issued by this Bank. Safety Boxes for Your Valuable Papers $t and upward per annum. Open a Business or J The Spring Styles in ! High Art Clothing; An Authoritative NFVFilUnfnrrt lu tbt' hmtorv of llil-t t tort AHT CLorHINd. For moulb we have linen we bftTH nimrttl mi i)inn In uiakH tt m oct-aslon iItedreiMt-r m tins romroiiiitty. WH0howth( product nf Anici icV I'lruett orK-mir.i lion clolhltnf for men au1 ynimK tunu modeloi upou (tcl'i-ifM an 1 t'Ivanitil ilrif;iii. and dliUuctly xprettdlvu nf thn dp-remit fashion t ileal 8 of Ihe miVHtniMit. The fabrics are assuredly striking and attractive, with every trait of refinement. Tbo prlocw, u atwAy, are d-ocld-edly lower than riua1 Myie, utmUtj, lit and woramanablp can be told for elttewliere. Full Line of Gents' Furnishings. Special Prices on Children's Clothing. BREGSTEIN Main St., Honesdale. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluec of new mixed paints. A condition broucli about by our enterprising dealers to ct some kind nf a mixed paint that we supplant CHILTON'S MIXED FAINTS. Their compounds, beinfi new and hea-'ily advertised, may find a sale with THE ONLY PlaAOE IN UONK8DALK AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE ....IB... JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS : ist No one can mix a better mixed paint, ad The painters declare that it works quality. 3d Chilton stands hick of it and every surlace painted with Chilton l'aint 4th those who have used it are ts use to others NOTICE OP ELECTION i.-L'ioil tbe 31b of May, 1907, tbe I'uallneal electors of tbe borougb of Unnesalale, by ballot, gave their oonaent loan InereauiHof Indelil edneu by the Ilonesdale school board to an amount not exceeding 141.000. tbe pur pose oi wuaun was ine erecuou aou eaiuni. menl of a sobool building. In aeoordanoe with Ibts consent, tbe sobool directors bare authorized tbe Issulna of four tier eent. bonds, not exoeedlog Sti.000, aud have se lected plans and spevlOeations. Tbat by reason of several disastrous nres lu school buildings, aooompanied by fearful lo.s of tie, ii nas ueen aeemea wise to ereei ids school building as far as possible fire proof. Tbe tire prootiog of tbe halls. Iron stair ways, over ine nouer room, ine necessary lesallr real ul red beatlne and ventilating apparatus, and tbe beating apparatus re- quirea ror me present, unos ouuaing, nave so far increased Ibe estimated cost, as at a competitive bidding tbe lowest bid is some fifteen thousand dollars above the amount of consented indebtedness. Therefore, It Is by tbe school directors of tbe said borougb this 'J2d day of June, 1908. resolved, that the question of Increasing Iho authorised Indebtedness by ntteeu tbousand dollars be submitted to tbe quali fied eleotors of the said borough; and tbat an election be held In tbe said election dU- trtot. In accordance with tbe nrovlalons of tbe Aots of 1878 and 1891: wbereln tbe con sent of said qualified electors is asked to I Dermlt the acrjool district to incur an in- I A AhtAririMAa. Kilfllllnnnl. tnr uihnnl ainllfllnf7 n'0t exoeMinFaneen thou.aud i aonarsi ana msi iniriv uavs noi iceoi sucn election be published In the tbree papers pubhahed In Honesdale, l'enn'a Notice Is hereby given that a putalie elec tion will be held iu Ibe Court House iu said horouah of Honesdale, at tbe place and by tbe offlcera provided by law for tbe bold lug I of municipal elections in said borougb, ou I tukhiiay, tneiu day or juui, ymh. 1 for the purpose of obtaining tbe assent of I toe quauaea electors oi me saia scnooi ais- I irlot to the tnoressed indebtedness ueulioU' ed In ihe foregoing resolution, and for Ibe 1 purpo(B therein meutioued; such electlou I to he held tn tbe manner, aud during tbe I uuun uira uj iwi twiuiur, uuii.uw eleutloni and subject to all tbe provliious of law relating to such elections. The following Is a statement of tbe last assessed valuation of tbe said school district, tbe amount and percent, of said proposed In creased Indebtedness, and tbe purpose for which it Is to be Increased . Tbe last assessed valuation la 12,060,000.00. Tbe current Indebtednesa is 15,000. Tbe authorized indebtedness Is 915,000. The i otu of Increase Is mills. Tbe purpose is tbe erection aud ttjuln- uienioi a scnooi uuuuing. A. T. Buuix, Freaideut Honesdale Bcbool Hoard. A. M. Liini. Secretary Honesdale Hohool uoara, eis CLEltll'B NOTICE IN DANKUUPtOV In tbe District Court of tbe United Miates for tbe Middle District ot Pennsylva nia. Charles W. MoKlnney. of South Ca naan, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, a bank rupt uuaer ine aci oi uoiik reaa oi juiyj, iuus. navine anuuea ror a luuaiacnarae irom all debts provable against bis estate under saia Act, nonce is nereuy Ktveu to an auowu creditors and other persons in interest, lo appear before tbe said court at Beraulon, In said Dlslriot, on tbe day of July, 1808, al 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon, to sbow cause, if any they have, why tbe prayer of said peti tioner suouia not ue granieu. EDWARD It. W. BEARLE, Clerk Here la Relief fur Women. Mother Grar a nurse In New Vork. dis covered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for women s ins. oauea Ausiraiian-iar. u is tbe ouly oeitaln regulator. Cures female weaknesses ana Backache, Kidney and Bladderaud Urtnarr troubles. AtallDrua Cists or by mall oOo. Sample Fit EE. A areas, me isomer uray 1.0., uoy, a, x Beit Barber, of Elton, Wis., saysi I have only taken four doses of your Kidney and uiaoaer 1 111s ana iney nave none ior me more than any other medicine has ever done, 1 1 am still takinc tbe bills s I want a Der- I m... , 11 lt.ri,., Mf.M In 1-Tu.Wlf,. I A.UV tJrUKKIisi 1 Bzsu roa aFbec Cataloodk. A new and handsome premium catalogue has jiiaii ooen oompietou ana is now reauy I for distribution. If vou ana a reader of a Philadelphia dally newspaper, write lto Tbo Philadelphia Press for one of tbeir latest premium catalogues ana be- I oomo acquainted with tbe twentieth a-" - . PP?' by mall. 0taloguo will be mal ed free upon receipt of a postal card Address Tbe Preea Circulation Depart ment, Seventh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Just a Illtl Uaaoasweet Is all tbat is neoes- sary lo give your baby when 11 is cross ana peevish. Casoasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drusra and is hlchlr reoom- anAndwl b molhers erervwbere. Conforms to tbe National Pure Food anal Drug Law. Bold uy rcib, ine uruggisi. The mw Separate Skirt for 1008, at HKraNKIta: tju.u stores ciomoina atyie, comfort and eoocomy. All new pro ' ducUoes. CtO DIME BANK Loans Honey other to Anyone opening a Account. It Saves Losses Paying Twice always a Receipt. to Send Money lo Foreign Savings Account Now. Display for Men hav w-.hnw imi.-Ii a Urifi i-k nf lllilll pri-juntiii fur 1 lil ti'iili. titUy hikI woiihv of Hi" niiciiiiuii m i.vt-iv nn in. BROTHERS the unwary. CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS " will agree to repaint, at liis own expense that proves defective. perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend Time Card In Effect June 21st, 1903. SCRANT0N DIVISION i In hit as K a. -OO K M SS 9 8 IV ,1154 i oTAr ll(l M IJ SS .1 a,iu,ii ..1.1 llancjck . " V 1 tnj 1! Ill i 09 H3a 12,1 SISl 1.15 1DISI J15 10. WIS SO 1IIH2I I01IMS10 ' . Htarllitlit.... rrcstoa Park " ..Wlnwond . " ..t'oyotelle.. " ..ursou ... " rieasant.Mt " .. llalonalate.. " .Knrcat city. " f rb'naale yd t'arbondalc. " White llrliliB " alajtleln Yd. " Jerinyli . 11 ..Archibald.. ... Wlnton. " Peckvlllo ' oirphant " . .IilckHon. . " .. . Throop " Prorldenoe.. " Park Place " a ar, 9 ana Hill! oiro SMIlS-i ' C3J11S9 ' 9 an 11 no 9 IS II 31 ' ni'i! a t c p 1911119 ' ij t'.n ii, 1011 10 ; SOailei ' 8 r.n 10 1'J a 8SSI0M ' BMII0S1 ' t07 ' mjioii 1 8 SaflO 411 1 S 9-1 10 33 1 Bnjioat ' sanoss 1 4U1 I.&0 iVw 'r r.f 1 li CO! 1 1 17 s (hi: I 41J 6I' in n 19 127 BI7 4 30 f, 2'V, 4 Si. CSi1 4 a'. C '.'5. 4 a:1 6Z7 4 40 G90 u p u 8 9010 SOI.Lr... Kcrantou Ar 1 ai Additional trains leave C'arootid tie (or Mae. flsld Yard at n so a m dally, and 9.1h p m dally except Hunday. Additional trains leuio Ma. netd Yard rir Oarbondale 0 38 a 111 dally and ft 2.1 p. la. dally except uunday. J, C, AanaBaiiK, J, K,, Traffic Manai-r. TraTellnir Aircnt, M Heaver Ht New York, Hcrantou, Pa, rtEPOltl OP IDE CONDITION or THI WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, or Honesdale, Wayne Co., 1'su, At the close ot business, May 19. 1808. DESOURCES. Iteserve lund, Caab, specie and notes iu,7M iu Legal securities 45,0al 00 Due from approved reserve axent VM.m 44-f.'W,49j GO Checks and Cash Items 1.40810 Due from Banks and Trust Co's, uoi reserve atcents i,,ajij jo Bills discounted not due 's,jl at Bills discounted overalue proles ted and not protested. ...none Bills discounted, time loans wilh collateral 41,700 00 Loans on call wltb collateral.... M.T,! no Loans ou call upou oue or more names a,iuu uu Loans scoured by bonds and morlKSges 20,300 00 Investment secmlties owned ex clusive ol reserve bonds, viz 1 Stocks, honds.clo., 11,80.1,415 tat Mortgages and judgments ot ree'd 178,lx9 21- l,9il,h.v; OS Ileal ealate 3.1,000 00 Furniture and fixtures 2.000 00 Overdrafts 3 86 Miscellaneous Assets 400 00 t7.S2,3l7 78 UABiMTiaa. Capital Stock paid in SIOO.OOO 00 Surplus fund ?.ao,UOO 00 unumuea I'ronts, less Kxpenaes and Taxes nald C9.M 30 Deposits subject to uneua ...s liM.wj w ...unlal l IU1V till U lime ceriincans 01 deposits l.nis 78 Certified Checks.... 074 7J Cashier's checks out standing 299 tU-2,197,087 41 Due to tbe Commonwealth 2&,000 00 Due to banks and bankers not reserve agents C01 07 t2,Oiil,S17 78 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ts. I, II. Boott Salmon, Cashier of tbe above named Company do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, (Signed,) II S. SALMON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me-this 22d day of May, 1908. ISIgned.) ROBERT A. SMITH, N. 1. Notarial Seal. Correct Attest 1 (Signed.) U. O. HAND, ) ISIgned,) II, J. CONOER, V Directors, (ilgned,) K. P. KIMULK, ) LET US TAKE CARE YOUR BYES? op It will pay you to call at the finely equipped GOLDCN'S OPTICAL PARLORS II South Main St., CAItDONDALK, PKNN'A. Tbere Is one preparation known to-day that will promptly help Ibe stomach. Tuas Is Kodol. Kodol digests all classes of food, and It does It thoroughly, so that the use 01 Kodol for a time will without doubt help anyone who has stomach trouble. Take Kodol to-day aud continue II for the alio r I time that It necessary to aire you u-irniilele CilCIt aTJaVlsvajWI salax J V - gut.