THE HOWJKoDALiE CITIZBIf : THURSDAY MORNItfGr, JULY 2, 1908. iiiriillLEGJlTES Dwtort Caution. For Dcmocralto NaUona! Conventlonites. HOW TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM Kcriy to B4 Oin RvU For Visitors to Dwver- Any Form of Exmm at High Altltua May Bsnd Physical Wsakllita o Hospital. Attention to his physical condition. cartful nvjlatlon of hla diet. Includ ing drinking these are some of the thine tha delegate to the Democratic national contention must tako Into con tide rati on It fa would preserve hla normal dsgrt of health while they remata In. Dearer. Will he be care fall "Bo will not," emphatically declared Tammany man the other day, and added: "Erer attend a national conten tion? No? I thought not, for no one who bad would aak how the delegate!! tako care of themselves. There Is-too much excitement to think aliout rule of health. The Individual delegate might bo careful, but delegates collec tively never. 'Still, It might be a good thing," be went on reflectively, "to caution the boya and tell them what to look out for when they visit an altitude they are not used to. Tammany bruvvs arc lusty trenchermen and llagonmen, ev ery one, and when 050 of them are gathered In one place for several days for political purposes wine Is bound to flow, and late hours are the rule In stead of the exception." Dr. Ilenry 8. Pascal of New York city, who baa made a study of clima tology, was asked by a Now York Times reporter what the thousands of delegates to Denver must avoid and also keep In mind to maintain their normal physical conditions. "There are certain classes of men," said Dr. Pascal, "who are affected se riously by the change from tbo sea level to an altitude of 6,000 feet Den ver la exactly one mile above the sea level, fl.290 feet. Persona with hard ned arteries or any tendency to heart trouble or llrlgbt's disease are apt to have acute attacks upon suddenly moving to high altitudes. Men of these types should avoid, worry and excite ment and should'ge't plenty of sleep or It might go bard with tbeni. Tbey must avoid heavy rating as well as drinking. - . . JTlIn -1 -. .. tending the acclimatizations! -Jtie In dividual. This Is the inure or less se vere according to the altitude and somstl men lasts fur xeveral days. It Is accompanied by beudacbe, nausea, gas-tro-lntestlnal disturbances and acceler ated pulse and respiration. The rare ficatlon of the ulr lu high altitudes Is responalbto for these conditions, bring Ins about changes In the circulator)' system. In Denver one breathes In SCI per cent less oxygen than at the sea level. This decrease In oxyges causes deeper breathing In order that the blood may get wSiat It requires; deeper breathing causes greater muscular ex ertion, and this Is the reason tubercu lous patients are benefited In Denver. Bat persons with Incipient consump tion who go to the Denver convention must be careful and take It easy until tbej are acclimatized. "Those with ISrlgbt'a disease often have a hard time when they go Into mountainous districts. Acute attacka of the disease often supervene, and the attacka are made worse, of coarse, by heavy eating and drinking. "On the other baud, tbey get over the acclimatization period with com paratively trifling discomfort If they are careen auoui eating ana annsing. Tuberculosis patients must be very moderate Indeed In the matter of food and drink when they go to such an altitude in that of Denver If tbey would avoid ucute attacks. If they be come fatigued In the (lint few days ot their residence In nu allltudlnous coun try It goes hard with them. 'The gnstro-lntestthal disturbances that come nu without apparent cause nmoug tliot'-e who visit tho mountains must be attributed to tbo altitude. "Elderly or old crsous with harden ed arteries or those who have at somo period suffered slight attacks of paraly sis actually run risks when they visit a place as high as Denver. Such per sons especially must avoid fatigue for the first few days, and excessive eat ing and dilnklng lire the very worst things for them. "Acute Itrlght'8 disease Is not com mon lu Denver, but It Is particularly severe there when It does occur. Stim ulants arc more likely to produce such physical disturbances than at the sea level. "Another thing that those who pro pose to attend tliu Denver convention would do well to bear In mind Is that sleep Is disturbed more easily at n high altitude, by trivial vauses and In those who arc overworked mentally. Again, nervous persons are more apt to be disturbed III their sleep In IVnver than at the sea leel If they are phys ically ovcrnnrknl. "Mountain sickness Is undoubtedly attributable to less oxygen, ami the re sulting vascular chance are responsi ble for the ncute attacks in tuone suf fering from heart and kidney disease," physician pointed out that the gradual ascent of n mountain, on foot or horseback, Instead of a rapid jour ney by train, allowed the lungs to get used to the decrease in oxygen and thus lessened the period of acclimati zation. Til In, of eoursi, inudltleH the severity or does ana) entirely with mountain fever. - THE COST OF A BET. " Toek.qssr to Gat a Wagsr Down and ' Wins to Qtt It Cashed. The problem of getting u bet down at Jhoracu track under the present strict Interpretation of the new anil betthiK law was solved tlm other day tj flniveseiid, N. Y, In u rather In genious way, A man who was nuxous In wager $10 on u supposed "good thing" upptoached I one time iKsiLuuiLei- mid nsked what pi Ice ho would lay against It)o In the fourth race. "Oh, four to one," was tha response, "but I don't know you and don't care to be arrested for accepting the cash." "Thill's nil light." replied tlieiiiiiloua bettor. "C'oniu and have n beer. I'll pay with n ten dollar bill, mul 5011 run pick up tho change, Of course I'm get ting a shade the Is'ht of It, but you won't ml ltd that." They had the drink, and the minutes later a certain man rooted long utid hard and shouted Jubilantly when It) e gullopcd homo In front. lie then rush til off to find tha "memory broker" mid get bis inouc; , but the same old prnb leui confronted him ugalii, "I'll tell )oil," sl)ly suggested theono time lu) ur, "coino nmt huvu a Is it lie of wine. I'll pay for It with a fifty dollar bill, and you can pick up Hie cbuiige. Of course I'm getting a Innle the best of It, but Jon won't mind Hint." The vino whs oiu'iuil and the trans action completed, and then the lttor turned away, remarking, "It louts loiuethlng to win a but under the Ag uvwllart law," GREAT PHOSPHATE BEOS. Latest Find en a Paelflo Island Bur pass Any Yst Discovered. Nothing In recent years has contrib uted so much to Increase the economic Importance to tbo ocean world as the discovery here and there of great beds of phosphate. These aeries of new finds among the islands began nliout twelve years ago, when a Ilrltlsh sur vey vessel, dredging In the Indian tcenn, brought from tho depths n piece of phosphate that was traced to the neighboring Christmas bland, on unin habited rock where some ttondrcda of men now find employment bi the phos phate works. Then came even more noteworthy surprises. Large beds of phosphste were found on Ocean Island, over which no country had taken the trou ble to raise Its flag; on the erertnan Island of Nauru, west of the (alliens, and on Maiden Island, a llrttbih rock far south of the Island of Hawaii. All these little Islands bad been un considered trifles In the ocean world, but now there Is always n ship or two off their shores and the bustle ot a mining camp on tbclr small surfaces. The latest find surpasses ever) thing yet discovered, says the New York Bun. Makatea, only four and n half miles long and one and n half miles wide. Is just now the most tallied of bit of land In the eastern Pacific. It stands In the Paumotu group, nhnut 120 miles- northwest of Tahiti. The engineers who have lieen studying Its phosphate beds estimate that It con tains at least .W.rjm.OOO tons of the richest of phosphates, the nnalyscs revealing from 05 to 8." and even 00 per cent of pure phosphate. The Island rises to 230 feet nbove the sea, has no lagoon, nnd Hie work of prospecting for more lieds Is not yet completed. Preparations are now twlng made nt an exponso of $.V).0(X to extract the deposits at the rate of 300,000 Ions a year. Phosphates have also tecn found on Nlau and some other atolls of this archipelago. Such discoveries of great natural wealth In tho Pacific nre cer tain to stimulate mure thorough ef forts to ascertain the extent of the natural wealth which (he myriad Is lands have to offer the world. PRESIDENT'S TIMELY JEST. Postmaster Qsnersl Mads Hsppy by Ourprlss Return of Lost Watch. Postmaster General Meyer dropped Into the White House for a few min utes' chat with President Itoosevelt tbe other morning. "Dy the way, can you tell me the timer" asked Mr. Itoosevelt as Mr. Meyer was about to take his leave. "My watch Is not going." "That reminds me," exclaimed the postmaster general. "I don't know whether mine la going or not, but there Is no question that It's gone. I lost It somewhere yesterday." "Well, I will show you that a watch can be gono and going at the same time," replied the president. Then bu walked to his desk, oiiened a drawer snd took out a handsome gold time piece which Mr. Meyer recognized as bis own. McDermott, a cavalry sergeant, for several years the president's orderly, riding on a recent afternoon nt a re spectful distance behind the presiden tial party, which Included tbe poetnias ter general, saw the watch lying In the dust At tbe White House some one Identified It as Mr. Meyer's, and the president himself undertook to return It to Its owner. Ponlsrds In the Hair. New Tork coiffeurs are trying to In troduce the Italian fashion of wearing a tiny poniard In the hair. 'Tin n pretty Idea, even If a tilfle murderous, for In King Victor's realm the orna ment often has a more practical and thereto tragic use than to serve as a coiffure skewer. Dut, since the New York woman has been trusted safely tiVtbtbe hatpin, doubtless the iionlard may bo confided to her care with equal safety, says the New York Press. Many of those made for women In New York are copies of tho fifth cen tury models, with Jeweled hilts nnd blades almost as slender as bodkins. Tbey flash gloriously against dark hair, but they are not so effective for blonds. However, there Is no ques tion that light haired women will wear them If the brunettes do. The blonds complexion Is not as positive as that of her olive skinned sister, but she Is not seen 'frequently In the extreme rear of tho social procession. NEW SUNSTROKE CURE. A Chicago Boclsty Reveals It For Pub llo. Benefit. No more sunstrokes and no recur rences of the same for tH-rsuhs who iave been stricken with heat. The Higher IYactlcal Ilducntlonnl so ciety of Chicago believes that It has made a discovery that will be of prac tical benefit to thousands, perhaps millions. The proposition Is simple Just block the Inside of your hat with felt and you never will suffer from sunstroke. The hoclely Is not absolutely sum of this, but from experiments Is positive that n felt lining will prevent any re currence of heat trouble. J. W. (ioHsard of the society Is very enthusiastic nlsitit It. "There nre many men who went through the Cuban war nnd suffered from beat prostrations who have been repeatedly attacked by tho mine trou ble ever Bluce," be said the other day, "and when we accidentally illscovensl that men thus afflicted could with stund the ruys of the run If they wore their winter felt hats wo decided to experiment, l'or three seasons now we hate hud iiieu weuriug straw hats with felt llnlugs, mill where they for merly were obliged to hunt Hie shade now they suffer no luconveiilenco nt all." GAS TO PROPEL WARSHIPS, Lewie Nixon 8aye It Will De Motive Power of the Future, "llattleshlps of Ihu future will use Km as motile iivcr," said U-uli Nixon, the shipbuilder mid imval ex pert, the oilier day. .Mr. Nlxiui, who recently returned to New York from KiiKlmid, was commenting on a report from London that the admiralty had given orders that n lli.rjm l,.n battle ship, tho SI. Vim cut, should be so ciUlpHsl us tu make It dependent wholly on gas for motor power. "Knglaiid Is ahead of the world in this mutter," wild .Mr. NImhi "TIiii gas inotlUzcd battleship will be much more economical and elllclent than the steam battleship. The lighter, more compact iiiiicliluevy will save Isitli space and weight, A smaller and in ferior quality of coal can nlso be umsl. The big buttleshlps will carry coal gns producer and gem-rute the gas from the coal." Mr. Xlsuti recently prepared n design for n gas moth Izcd battleship of IHl.inn horsepower. It bad triple screws, w Itti twelve cjllndcrs 110 by IW Indies on each shaft. Rlvsle of the Diamond, The diamond, so long tin) hardest known substance, now lias two rivals, Hie slllclile and tho Imrlilu of tllallilui, products of Henri Mnlsvnn's electric furnace, Iwlng claimed to bo as linrd, That Eight Ullllon Crop. Ton led Into prosperity the $S,000,00V 000 crop which th agricultural experts predict for this jenr will make us for get tbe panic and ls le.nly to buy up two or three more If nnyone bus n llllle ranlc that's causing worry. Hit Ivfuiu the alleged panic we dll have n real panic which worried chiefle those who grow prosperity crops, T6 was the panic over n freight car famine. Sure ly the hundreds of thoujamls of ears reported Idle Hie last few- mouths vlll not gi far toward moU.ig rvcoid crop of tbe country when they nre ngaln sot to work. It Is sail that the frtlg'it cars of n.l the world could not mo'.eonr toni ti ,. from wheie It Is rnbel to while It l wanted. And so with t!.j lest of t!.e product. .Since It iilh't be ino.d on time It seems worth while to !:oUl,'.' whether some sjstem e.iiinot Is- do vised to ante part of till.) crop Moving, for a considerable volume of our prod ucts Is moved twice over mid i-rlinp more, nnd every movo ties up cars. The exMirttlons must lie moved to tidewater, nnd that Is their only move. On the other band, grnln for homo con sumption Is moved from the field to tho grain centers and then moves back again In tbe form of meal and flour. The same with potatoes, eggs and but ter. A large sharj' of these prisliuls travel hundnsls of miles mid then t 'i.o the back track, to be consumed licar where they were raised. This double handling comes out of thepnslucerniid the consumer. Tllght here may ! a ch&ncc to conserve energy nnd make our resources go further. Ics useless transportation would give necessary transportation the rood at all times. It Is said that fruit travels two to thro; thousand miles and Is sold for le nt Its destination than it would fetch riu'lil at home. If this Is true to any evtei with other pnslucts. our waste of trans portatlou value is enormous, mid n bet ter system would make our humr crops a hi.'sMng till nroimd the natioiinl board. Blow Spelling lErfurm. Willie some of the pcilodlcals adhere rigidly to the phonetic spelling, It Is noticed that score of new American books nre published overy )ear with the very old st)le of spelling for many words. In fact. It seems lis though pub lishers are going backward Instead of forward In the matter of spelling. Words like "honour," "favour" mid "humour" had taeniae rare in Ameil can print before the spelling reform, but this form of spelling not only per sists; It seems to be more In evidence every year. In these same prints the Ilrltlsh style of using "s" where we In variably use "z," nB In "civilise," nnd "x" where "ct" Is preferred In America and some other variations from rou tine spelling are found. No copyright Ilrltlsh works for which the tyim is set by printers tu Kugland are now- Issued here. The International copyright law provides that copyright can Issue In t' Is country only upon books printed ,im t)pe set within the limits of tbe I oiled States. Therefore It Is not a iiiuio custom of spelling among English typesetters which puts the Kngllsh form Into so many books sold In America. Hut books set up and printed In America may be sold In England, and tho New York Mull says that the desire of our publishers to cater for sales In Ilrltlsh territory lends them to "humour" English prejudice In the matter of spelling because the Americans who are to read those some books do not caro what the spelling Is. Strange as It may seem. In the face of all the lecturing of spelling reformers there are many Americans who rather like the old style which they first met with In works printed in England. In social Invitations the spellings "favour" and "honour" appear to bo more com mon than they were a few years ngo. Apparently the general public in Amer ica docs not caro very much either w ay, nnd so while the few nre making vio lent changes still others nre Inclined to return to tho old classic standard. As to the cause of the recent explo sion on the battleship Tennessee, - n practical engineer says: "Never mind who made the tubes. Tell us how much the water column showed und when the boiler was opened up nnd cleaned last; then we'll get n line on why she let go." John Moiley frankly admits (hat Hie situation lu Imll.i Is alarming the llrlt IbIi government. Had a similar power of perception prevailed lu London lift) years or more ugn that n 1 ill eh ipter of the sepoy mutiny nil'-tlit never hive been written lu the hl-toi) of l'.iii!.!, aggrandizement. That annual Jain about the girl In n red bathing suit who hit the turf at Atlantic City and came out with He rod gone floiu the suit, hut with her still, got afloat n 1 oin t u month late till year, owing to our baekwanl spiltig. A scientist now claims that sunshine can Is; neighed. Then It would ro ijtllre hay or coal scales to balance one tquare foot of It when Hie Hiermoiue ler registers 09 In Hie shade. Now renson discovert! for u greater in vy too late, however, to help Hi) "four battleships n jear" nheine, I! can 1st Dawned. American weather It alternately a topic for Jest and tli-ni latlof,, but It behaves pretty well in coiiipailsoii with that of eqiiatoilal Africa, where u par ty of cvplorcia leieutly froze to death in a snowstorm. This recipe is always good, even III presidential )ear: To lie happy uiin needs only something to do, sor.iethlng to lovo nud something to hope for. John I la) a Hammond Is going down In Alncflcun political history as tlm one loan who wanted the otlico of vlcu president bad enough to b'.-!i " Tho shah of Persia threatened to blow up bis capital city unless the. peo ple submitted to Ids will, lie plainly thinks that It Is a poor sort of dyna mite that won't work both ways ns n political iirguiiieiit. The third term sentiment seems now to 1jo confined to Hie Jungles of Africa, where cuinlng events cast oinluoilil shadows lsfore, and the feeling "It might huvu Vvn" grows deeper nnd builder. It Is announced that l.bOO sallori have deserted tho battleship fleet now on the l'aillle coast This leilalnly M'cnis an argument for or iignlust something, flenrge Could waited to sny thut Anna could marry her prince until ufter she bad said she wan going to liar lilui mi) way. RATS AS A WORLD MENACE. Man Must Drive Them Out or Be Driven, 8yt French Scientist. Dr. A. Cnlmctte, n French scientist. In a recent nuinlsr of La Itovne dti Mole predicts that mankind will hare to engipo In a general warfare on rats N'fo' many more years elapse If tke world Is to continue to lw bnbltn bio. He iiolnts out Hint the f rtl comes from the migratory rat, which follows the manli of men Into every dime. It.1l of other breeds have Is'en known ever "Ince man iVgan to keep records. The tulstnlory or fewer rat Is lift mentioned III PKM, when bo vvns n native of IVr-da and East In dl.i. He did not Invade Europe until Hie eighteenth ivhtury. Professor Cnlmctlo .i.vs that the sower rat did not appear lu America until I""'" As Lite ns ISTo be bad not yet reuchisl the headwaters of the Missouri. Ily ! he bad gone up to Hie pennnnclit Ice le!t. At present, the si lentUt continues, this migratory nslent is destroying In the West Indies, in the Azoni mid In the Cape Verde 1-1. mils nnnunlly hun dnsls of thousands of dollars' worth of roffis-, I i.l nana, sucar mid orange plantations. As n sample of what be can do the case of nn Island In the estuary of the river Hiimber Is cited. This Island once kept In condition all the yenr nround about 3,f) head of cattle. The place was lnfestisl by rats fifteen years ago. Tislay there Is not enough Verdure on the Island to nourish n rabbit. Dr. Calmctlo says within two years n slncle pair of rals will ordinarily multiply to l,.V.rt. ODD ALASKAN STRUCTURE. Traveler From Chandelalre River Telle of a "Noah'a Ark." The story of the existence of n big ship nu n high bill overlooking n string of likes lift) miles from the head of Chamlelalre rlvir has Is-en brought to li.ivvsoti by N. J. llrowu, u recent nr rival from that district, says n Tacoma dhpatch. It Ills lu with Hie story told years ago of the "Hudlugof .Noah'snrk." The Ids structure as described by llrown m.iy h-ive bis-u n Uusslau fort. He Is-lleves It was u sort of floating fort constructed lu nunc of the lakes by early Russian sitlhrs mid later iibatidonisl. The structure is one story high, measuring twelve to four teen feet to the e.lVes. It Is H 10 yards long, llrowu says, mul is made with copper nails, Iwilts mid washers. It lias doors and windows lu the upper works and bears pis-uliar letters un known b) any traveler, besides some Kilsslan words. Indians In the vicinity go to the near by lakes to tsh. Some of them have u-isl the huge craft for drying silinoii. A majority of the tribe, however, are superstitious, mill Hie whole tribe has now moved a hundred miles to get away from it. HAWK RAISING FOR BOUNTY. Eggs Placed Under Sitting Hem to Secure $1 Offered For Birds. A Jiiimt'tT tif fimiiiT' In M:ullon county, Ky.. mv In tin "hawk t-at I Irtiilni", u I.mltiKtuit ill-patch. Thoj linn liirp iiuinlHT.H of hawk i-ppi mult-r fiviis niul will raUo I'liIcUon liawks In Inw numlitTH that they tuny a Mlh'tl mul tho statu compelled to jmy tin- int nf $1 oarh. What th authorltlfs can do about tlil-t I-fun' the (oim'iilnK of thu next lonMatmv Is nut kunwu. OwIiik' to the Ktv. t dtimaRi dono In different partH of Kentucky by thicken liawks, whl''h annually kill thoustimU of fliick.'iis the last It'Klslatufe passed n bill )r idfiiK for $1 bounty for each of the-H birds dead presented at the eounty eletk's olllce of the county In which It Is killed. Railroad Signal Horns. The rruiau Mute railroads nre ex perimenting with signal hums, with whleli guards uie to lepeat brake sig nals Klveii by the endue men, which ou Ioi.k piixls trains sometimes are not heard by all the guards, especially In Monny weather, when they hnve their collars turiuil up. It Is tiUo propusrd to jiierlaln whether these horns may not be u-.d tu advantage when train break In two. One management which lets used tin Imrns fur repeating start ' signals reruns that they can In! heard for creat distances, oven ngalnst tho wind. A Salvation Army Fleet, (leneral Itouih's latest prujeet !s to establish a lleet of Salvation Army steamers to carry the army's oml grants across the Atlantic. The S.-G. Gs. JToH) mini h thy sweet fclrl graduates, infti, Trlpi Inn ri loti ( ulth ttirlr ppcpclua. Ain't lluy a liiuuh f rtHlcloiijitU'SS, then? Ain't tiny uiloi.iblf iuhi a? fi..! Tin i tlny rlhnl. 1 tin- plitform Lin- iiiiw, l'l" rll tll'A III! 1 ' t t I'S I!" W 11 (lop I, win . (Ii,. hVh tliuiiKhtMs, I tIMV., "I'll i'w tlhimt vocals will lit ti r. Tht-rr! They h.iv ninttMt tlnir rtever i'"iinrk. Hull, 'i i' i i that uratoiy' nil iil. put in .' Invi'(mnt In War ts a ilrea-l ihl.i nn1 r-T ' Ilriiwnltif'n InvlKht ! mi iM v.uin'in'n l. nri' KiifLui'l tt fr'.- lraV iiw, urn shift Inn' IWoplulnnlcH i.i t K"ii art! oli, din th. Mpli'ri ttpiifiiim? Yi t an I to (.t. t'lfi.i i tv Inn linn Tli "p tt.- i iniiir 1 1 11 i r N.mittlntf 1 Ii Uf .1 h'l' It ti ai I 1 1 i.i .'Iism Tlmt il i ! Is r !!. t itiK i.ti h wi ntin. llli;!i t.i wih1 thy und A I In th Ir 1 Uh. Kirn . of in Knif- h, ',Yi t I In o i -i (il ii. i in i ur route UliW Will l! ' , Ml IH UlfftN --U1 lu.i'-n I '''Inn .) !ttw.'itrl. Tho Vice Presidency. Thiy nfffK't H in Hlmi'Mhit, who wan inui h lit in it.t w. si tin : ".uv i"!U. u.ll, Flini.hlnK. Yuil ilirtitw tlie lllllf int" ltat Wmi klna -r. w ijultr nnirry and re- inaikMl T ivlt il! H. t-7 nt lonw frmn any tint but tint you'ro K"lnit to iM.-ir.u-( me." They off i tv tt tu TltnikliiR, who po. hi'km-I a liny Imam. Tho wnU h I. i.i int, Tlm." ml they, anl ' iiin nwity thu Klnoin " OM 'Itni.kJiiM o.r. l.n imj urny hnlr ami crh'l: "V t--,'u. laK! ivyo think I'll 1. 1 y.ii 1. nn u n. Iilnumhr cnl li-ac?" Tluy offi-rcd It la Jlnif'kln frnm tho K"Utlnril rotti'lt Kll8. 'You'll lutvw tu l:ik It, Jimp," they Hahl, "Ihciiiiki tin i'i 'h no enu 1h'." I lilt Jliai'Klna' iiuil-lui Hi'iiain vt jaln, It cut t hf m llko n knife, "limi't nuku mo do It, bujal" aohhM ho, 'Th I low wuiild kill my wlfwl" Thty offiTfd It to r.hnjiltlin, with n club, "And If yu'i f.ill To tako tt by lln nuw law yon will hao to no tu J ill." Vonr Iliiupldnii H'tw no way out. hut ho Imwhd 111 n'j wlih cramps, 'I n'putii I'll Irnvu to tako It, hut you inlKht i1 v tnidinu htampat" -II H. II. In Itlchmon l Thiics-nifciatch. Alaska Mosquitoes. Poinu Indian trlUn lu Alaska get even with their mosquito tormentors by eating them. Gibbon's "Rome." When GlliUm sat down to wrlto his Kreat hlbtuty of I tome, ho seriously proposal to write It In Trench, but David Huiuo, who was n great friend of Olhlron, on henrttiK' of thin, wroto a letter of icinouM ranee, nnj Injr, a iiion other IhliiKH, Unit It would lm n bhamo fur him not to write It In Farm arid Garden PLOWING AND DRAGGING. Syetem Will Save Time and Trouble In Farm Work, in plowInK nlin to !c tlic plow clran ami fn-i fmni rul, so It lll Rciur nt tlu atnrt. Cotipli' the horii cliwr tn lii" ilov .tlmn tu a wnpin Boo that tin" li'l l ii'ljuiteil so It Ii In a illrrrt lln. niul rnii'-'w' tin plow to Ri the propnr ili'pth. 'Inko inla to lime n atenily, I'M'ii piillini: team. See that the li.irini flu Jut rlnht ami everjthlni: U In onler l'or plonlns level tunke nnrrim Iniuli niul enu aeqiientiy more ileail furrowa. Un to the alile of the llehl mul alep off tlie I'LAIN Ill'TCH IIAIII.OMIMI. reiiuirint illvtiiixe at enrli eiiil anil plmt a le iiprlulit nt eiidi . n.l ami lit tlie enil i'ppolte to tlie one uliere you romim'tye ploulnu l'i:in iniotlier pole further on, llnliii; It up with the eml hiIm. Step off the same illstiiuee at each eml Hint J oil ilo lit tlie hI.Ici. m the lninl will In' Hie rk-ht propor tion. Start the plow iinil keep the two enil poles In line iietween the horsei' he.ul, niul Ket n Ptrnli;hl furrow to start Willi All that U now iniesury In to Itivp the luii k furrow strnklit with tlie other, mul nfter Hint keep the horse In the fuiruw, mul turn the aoll In even Injurs, i-llchtly Inppliiir over, leailnir no spare Itetwi-iMi them Afl soiiu im a N HiiUIiihI harrow niul ilrnn It ln-fure eoiutni'ni'inii nnolh er llelil. If ii-Iiil' two li'.iiui, Hie llrst one to ilulsli ii-'es the liarrow mul ilrmr Tills rests tlie team liy n i liaime. This iiuthuil putH Hie Ininl lu tine eoiullllon und Mives inui h futuie woik, us fresh ly ploweil works nuiih hetter than where nn entire IVM is pioweil liefore ilmKelne or harrow hie IiraL'L'lui; "Diilcli fnliluii" may In' new to some niul prove of Millie. Its ailvnulnu'i's me that It ilnnrs m-llher ieiiKlhw-lse nr sipiare it. r,.ss ihe fur rows mul i-tJer eorners tlian tlie orilliriry ilhmon il ilriiculni;. The plain IHHeli fashion Is shown lu the dluirrmn. ("oinnieni-e h. "stiiklnu out" from A to II. Turn to the i-1-.-ht mul pi liai-k on the left sl.le of first trmk till you reach eilne of tlehl near A. Drive neross tho first trnrk niul hark on the opposite ship to the other eml. Cross over nntl back on opposlle slile again. Continue rrosslpf: over nt each eml Inslile your Inst trnek mill outshle the last trmk along the shies. When half done the piece will look like tlie (list ilincrain, nn. the not trip woulil lie from C tn II, to II, to I', to (. When ilone the Inst trip woiil.l le from ' to II, mul the piece will lime Iseii ilraK ireil twice illniionally In opposite illivc tlons. This works well on pieces that are nearly square or not more than twice ns long ns wiile. Of late, snlil one who had tried this system, wo have found that it Is economy in plow Inii, cult 1 vat Intr. etc., to make our lauds ns low us pos-lli!c. Oil tllese Dutch drnxKlni; did not work ns well, us It w-us tisi nenr lenpthwlse Hie furrows, so we hit upon what we call "crayy Dutch," shown lu tlie second dlm:rain We "strlku out" zigzag neross the piece two or three or inure times, uc conllnK tn Its leuirth eonipnrtsl to width. The ill iurniii shows three times - vl7.,from A to It, to ('.to IV Tun to Hie right nnd so Imck on left to first trmk to C nnd drive neross it. Ilo on rliiht side to It, then up left tide to A. Cross over nnd Imck on left side of II. Inlve atrnlejil neross tlie llrst two traiks, turn to tho left nnd no on rlulit side to VAIIIATIONS US Ill'TCH rASntOX, C, where jou will cross the two Hacks UKiiln, and on h-lt side to D. Al ways no slralKht till you cet to IITe cilue of Hie Held liefore you make a turn. When half ihnie it will look like the picture, and Hie liest trip would I si from U to 1", (i, II, I, J, K, 1,, II. When done I lie lust trip will lie from M (o X. (), 1'. This looks complicated, hut It Isn't half ns haul to do It as It Is to tell nliout It. At least It seems nil) to me Just now. lu strlklnit out we neer measure n pleie, hut miess nt tlie tingles. llnwoM'!, the truer you get It stiuck out the heller It wniks out la finishing. Eaitern Poultry Plants, leghorns, Miuorcas und Uhodo Island Ketls nre used on tlie egg farm, l.lghl llraliinns mid I'lyiiioutli Itorks on the roaster mul apon pi. mis, while ihe hmller mul loiulilnatlou plants use I'ljiiMHilh Hoiks, Wjiind'Hli'S or Ithode Island Itisls. Oscar '.rt Qrasiea Every-Ahere. flrasses are wldelj ilistrlloitisl We usually think of them ns evl.tiug lu our temperate .oni-s olil, liecau.e lcre we lime Ihe pfivmiltl pisim-es and meadows. Tliey nre, howcicr, to l.e found so far north tint the soil l tro zcli muler llii'iii iluilng Hie greater put of Hie year, while they nre ulo e.uu iiioti to parts of the south where the frost Is neer known. liven Hie inoiiii tfilu tops that are i loiln-d witli 'lorpct mil snow hale Just In-low Hie snow line their caipets of p.ias Hi it grow nnd hloom tliroiigli n hrlef polio I cwry Jear. Tin- grasses push haul against the eternal snows Renewing Fencepotta. Do not throw nway old femeposis Just lies-ausu tlie ends in the gr. u I huvu mltisl uwiiy. Veil can p itch tlie nut nml tho jiosts will last ns long us new (mi's. Tnke u piece of nu ordinary post two feet long mul smooili down one end with nil nv so us to (It on to tlm eml of the post, which should likewise lie suiiHitheil down. Now get u hulf dozen spikes mul nail Hie piece to tho post. Heierse the post, leaving the patiheil end lit the toll. One Man Spraying, l'or nn nri'i of less than mm ncre n amiill coiiipressisl ulr or knapsack prnyer will ho very ".iitlsfnctiiry Where fruits us well ns pntntis-s me tn he sprayed the burrel spruy pump nut fit will lsi mast economical, Ily mount lag tho DuTl en n nuu-horsu two. wheeled enrt, n ( rear of which n three-quarter IncL pipe uf snlllclent leiiRlh to cover four rows nnd prm with noitles Is ultiichisl, one man can da the tpruylug unussUtcd, B D M rV D r o t HUMOR OF THE HOUR Everything ae It Should Be. . "1 havo n qiieatlon to ask Jon." Tha proud. Intellectual beauty looked In tently In tho face of tbo young man who had sworn to lovo her forever. "Wo nro In such perfect sympathy," sho said, "Hint It Is hardly worth whllo to refer to a slight detnll, and yet, as a mere formality, the matter would tiet tor he referred to now that wc nre olsiut to Is? married nnd the long even ings nro ahead of us cicnlngi during which no can discuss the manifold question of Hie day." tie smiled hrlghtly. "I'm only too dellghtisl, dear," he replied, "to satisfy your nirloslty I'ray proceed." Smiling lightly, she said: "Very well, then This Is the question to which I nm sure you must have giien earnest and prayerful thought. In which, ainopg nil of Ibsen's plays, do you consider the great master reached the height of his genius?'' "Do you wish to know my real opln Inn?" "I do." Lowering his voice, ho said, "Darling, tho Ibsen cult makes me very weary. He never wrote anything that can bo roniotedly considered a work At Renins, lie is a frenk. There's nothing In him. I"- "Do you really mean thatV Bho strained him to lier lieart. "I do, Indeed. Does It please you?" And she replied: "Ah, I cannot tell how much. I was afraid you might sp pruiate htm even In n remote wny. And I knew If oii did ou might rude ly break In nt times on my eoutempla Hon of ids Immensity. Now nothing can happen to draw us apart." Thomas I,. Mnssou lu Judge. To Improve a Joke. Mrs. Youngley I heard an awfully funny Joke today about an Irishman In an niitomolille. Mr Youngley Yes, dear; 1 heard It. Mrs. Youngley Oh, you mean thing! I wanted to tell It to you; It was BO funny Mr. Youngley-Oo ahead, dear; It will tie even funnier the way Jou tell It riilladelphla I'ress. Real Pleasure. Mrs. A. Does Mr... Lovelorn believe everything Ivr husband tells her? Mrs. '..- Does she? Well, 1 stnuld say so. lie told her lust week Bho linked prettier with n towel wrapped nround her hend than sho did In n "Merry Widow" lint, utid the dear lit tle woiiinu has lieeu tiousecleaulug ever since.- Detroit Trlbuue. He Talks Back. "So let that settle It," Mrs. Uenpeck concluded. "A word to the wise Is suf ficient." "Yes, my dear," replied Uenpeck, "nnd to the average married man a word In edgewise Is sufficient." Phil adelphia Tress. External Evidence. Little Clarence had Ihe experience for the first time of taking his bath ill n cold room with water not ut the usu nl teuiperntiire. Ills inaiiiinn left him for n moment, w hlle lie looked ngtuisi lit the "goose flesh" Hint appeared. "Hurry up, mniiiina," he called, "I'm turning Into n chicken."- Harper's Weekly. Enlightened. "Do you understand do menu', nske.l tho burly waiter In the bout i.iil apron "I'm afraid not," falteied I'ucle lie, eklnli from Sandy Springs. "It sa)S here, 'Hop kickers on TV What In the world nre they':" "rings' legs on tonst Get up, old man!" Chicago News. Wasteful. Mr. Chatters You don't seem to consider my opinions very valuable. Mr. Chatters Why, dear, I consider them so valuable that It shocks mo to Ms you giving them out so proiuiscu ously. Catholic Ktnndnrd nnd Times. Good Neighbors, Nodd You live next to a burying ground, don't sou? llow do you like It? Todd Very much, flood neighbors. Quiet nud peaceable; never running lu unexpectedly. New Yuik Life, Already Laughable. Itoggj Sapp Ah, Miss Wose, I somo times wish Hint I had been a humorist and could make ieople laugh. Miss ltosi Hut you don't have to be a humorist for that, lteggy. -Chicago News. Cupid at tha Rink, The It I vn I Proposed to you. Why, the diinii' must bale had wheels. (ii'lueiitinu I tot 1 of us hud wheels, lay dear, lie proposed while we were roller skating. St. Louis Post-Dls i.ilili. Big as a Mountain. Mrs. Iteiiliaiu -You used to say that you would moie mountains for oie. lienliam Well, didn't I bring home jour new hat Ihe older night? A Change. "Von must lu-io'im!" wu used to cry Unlit th" Inmls That cry Is throbsh, "I'lrus.- M us Blsy," we humbly bIkIi, "Good trusts, un tho same earth with y..ul" Bt. liula ltepubltc. Evolution Again. "Advertlslir Is one of de fus' laws of nature," said Undo Klien. "A lien's business Is layln' nigs, an' ov'y time she completes n transaction sho stunts right in to cackle." Washington Star. How She Did It A ynung lady auto lo hfr beam " H leap )i-ar, us you nt-au Tin r fiTc, I linens. If you'll say Vi-e.' Straight tu th. parson u.ll genu." s'lilc.iKo News. A Slight Misunderstanding. "Is your occupation n sedentary fino?" "Well, It might lie, except that 1 enn't get out much whllo I'm working." llallliiinri' Ameilciin. Overburdened. Here's to tho man whose brain can clutch Ilatca, nuiiifs mul facta in vast srrayt Eoim-tlmcs ho aruna to know ao much That soma of It Kcta lu tha way. Puck. Quite Natural, Crusty fient-lJsher, can't jou stop that fool? lie Is annoying eiery one with his violent applause. Usher No, sir. You er aee, be la tho author of tho play .Judge, Quite the Reverse. Tho whistler rages near and far 'MM constant consternation. Why la n tuna called popular That wakca euch InOlfnattont Ju4a- Oliver Chilled STILL TAKE ins, oi riows anu.Kepairs received in re Tuts ourjBiiowBvruE No. 56 SIDE' HILL, We.nlso have No. 57, a size smaller. i Vie,No' , 'be popular Fiat Ls.n.1 Plow. We alio k-i Hi alock th- No. V, i, 41 sod itieog iron i Beam, pearly 2,imisoM in Wayne county. The IoIIoihb mum. gem kn-p fi?i Lf V!SW' "'"' It'l'aira on hsiul i .1. K. Tiffany, Ples.nit Mount t K. A.lMTsii). Coin ivitln Woon"''';. ''keComoi II N, Farley. hiUlnunki A.J. Abrahams, ilulllee r rank il. Pmwn I.., , f I u- ut,.iv... n - . . . . , . . . . . . ... . ' , . Kellam, Ledgrdale; r. (3. Ilamrs, Ureentown.and Walls's llunes.laleanil llawle mores THE OLIVER SULKY PLOW CANNOT BE BEAT. Honesdnle and PDAUAM UIATTO Honesdale and Hawley Stores UnHnHlYl WR I I 5, Hawlcy Stores Sash, Doors and Winds, Front Rash Door.s, Sewer Pipe, nnd Huilders' Hardware of Every Description. Agricultural Implements : Harrows, Cultivators, Lawn Mowers, Homo ltikc, Mowing Mael-incF, Iron Gravel and Tarred Hoofing, ISarb Wire, Woven Fence iie, Poultry Netting, and Lime and Cement. PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Ktlmatee alien on short notice for Hot Air and Steam Heat. Bicycles aarLoL Snn 6Lj?es. TIIK DELAWAHK A. IIITDKOIV CO. HONESDALE IHIANCII. laatBJoni Trains In KtTecl ,11'NK 21. iws. Weal Hound Trains. Bunaay only, ios lot m Dally, oxeept Hunday. S tW B4 B3" stations. Leae ....rAriue ..i'artiondftle. . ...Lincoln Ale., ' Wlillrs .....Karricw . ...c' ...Lake l.oilore,. .... Wayinarl, .. Kcenc i Hleone .... I'rompton.... Kortenia... . .... seelyMlle.... ....lloncsilale... r. h. 6 10 15 tO II tl 10 II t 1J s a e as; s J fs u rs s! rs ts a ti M l.M r. v. . r, m. S US s v i av s iii s ir.1 ft so t s uo 18 ao in M n M n ti it, s it V 4? ft st I ti H ss i t n 19 it 19 19 9 S4 tl r 3 ni at re as It 41 i mi a si 7 01 I I II S SI S SI n is 1 1 til 10 00 IT lo I t 44 II 0,l I II 17 84 I 'i tl 10 M to ml 10 11 ti 7 f 1 Slil n 4i 1U 15 131, 3 at 9 M r, h A.M. r.H. r. m. i a, ii. ArrlTP En catea aa ala tlooa. l" . SIM9.M Vice President. A. A. Heard, ueneral : Thg is the most New-York piitUUUtll, UKjpiUl, useful, entertaining, national illustrated AGRICULTURAL FAMILY weekly in the United States. Tribune Farmer PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Send your name for free sample copy. New-York Tribune Farmer, Tribune Building, N. Y. THE HONESDALE CITIZEN WILSON & PENNIMAN Proprietor.. Established In" 1844. Book and Job Work Promptly KRAFT & CONGER, Successors to E. H. umm General Insurance Agents HONESDALE PA urixiMUvt th rouowKo cement: vCTNA, or Harttont. AACHEN MDNIC11, ot Germany, AMBRIOAN, of Niwark, N. J. OONTINKNTAti. of New York, VI RR ASSOCIATION, ot Philadelphia LIVERPOOL LONDON ft ULOBE of England, NORTHERN, of England, NORTn BRITISH HBROANTILE of Enaland. NORTH EBTBRN NATIONAL, nt Milwaukee HP II NGFIELD V, ft M. of SprinHeld, Mass, IRAVELER'BLU'E ft ACCIDENT, of Uartrord. FIDELITY ft CASUALTY, of Philadelphia. H.J. CONGER. J. ADAM KRAFT Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out d tha system through a copious and healthy action el the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of tho throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As alMUat to tbe test aa Mapl Sagst" Children Like It Fw BACKACHE WEAK KISMETS Trj BsVtfs ttfeij tad 8&4w Pitis-Sari tti Sold by PEIL, Tho Druggist. MARTIN GAUFIELD SlanBraotnrcr ot Monumental Work Honesdale Pa. Inflammatory Rhoumatism Gnrea In Tbree Davs. ftllortonUIIlil.otUosLon. I&a.,saysi "Mr wife htd inStminsuirr Kaeumatlsm la everr muscle aoe lolaii tier sufferlDif was urrtble sad ber body and ice were swollen almost beyond recognition 1 bad been In bed for sis weeks and bad elf tit iitij uclana, bat received no bonerJt aoUl sne tried Ibe yysuo cure lor Hbeiunatlsm, It katb immediste rellel sod sns was Atle to walk about In tbree dsys. I sm sura t SATed ber hie " Hold br Bosl dodos, linvrglat, HoneadAis. fs. ssnis 'THE L l.llly, except Siuiill), Stinil.iy Only, iu w si " a: " liu lu,', a.m. r, m, r. m. r.H. V. m. V. m', r, h a i1 1 J" to It II s ti 7 64 I n 6 an it in a i; tl :i 1 1 ir, a vi vi m s i.i 17 J.i ii: t. in , 11 41 i ti II yj, n m is m; Ml si 7 47 7 111, 12 IB 4 M. I 11 31 7 41 7 It It 41 4 T.I, 11 '.H 7 :o I 17 It 112 SS II IS1 11 tS IJ .It illO'l flSSJ I4 4.H 11211 ti ao it t nt hi ii ti it lc t7 ea I 17 III !! 1 11 12 i 111 as nt -.'I M 31 it oy t t is ' e a.i it 9ii ii an i it ot 1 1 a ! a. a, 1 p.m. r.H, r.M, a.m. r. w. r. m, Leave; J. W. 1IUKUIUK, 1'aa.vneer Tramo Manaser 'assenirer AKi'nt. AKiiini, it, V tliorougbly Both of these papers one year for only $2.00 if you send your order and money to THE CITIZEN Honesdale, Pa. Executed. THE CLARK & SNOVERCO. (live below a list of Deslers In Honesdale and Vicinity no nan me G. & S. TOBACCO Honesdala Ferlier Brolliers A Ktieihsrdt W 11 Holmes J Oscar Terrel John Itangert II Bishop Theodore 0 Urania; Mrs. F Kroll (leoitia U Kimble J II HteRiier II Keilly J W 8harptm 8s Brother B & 0 Hcellg A A Urambe Menner & Co Katz Brother!. Clark tt Hullck Mrs N a l'olt Ilenry t'reunl W L Uurnard; Antonio Barbori W L tlermau Jacob A Hills O Bmllli tHm I'alni'k Weir Hawley Atkinmn&Quinn M It Barrel I W II Uigait PJ Bower U Coil-orau Frank Foster Mm 1' lfin,.n O II Woodwaid n j uk-harttson James 1) Ames Maty A Waturson F KUwlncle .Intm f'nyrnn f LTutllH Ji Co Weigh & Ames R I. Hchlager (Jeorpe A woe Henry F Ben I, II lViltz White Mills Samuel Saunders Edward T Kelley Margaret Slavin If wc should attempt to give a list of those who T7SIE IT it would tike a dozen newspapen Una of l.j'bet teMlmoriltili of the ex cellent qiitty uf Clark & Snover Tobacco t the fact tbat those who now usn it trtt)t thirty years ago, and notonuof tHin won I t.chew or muoko nny other brand If it vett gtven to them. THE CLIRK & SNOVER CO., I Vi to li Alams Ave., HCltANTON, I'A LIMP, LIMP kOlj, That Corn!" How rf)i can suffer with such a corn I V look at, it's almost nothing, but tlKriurt that's where t-orns rount. "f,w the InnRsnlTeriug those who Iibvi laithdilly tried lots nt i-orn itures Whoul elTui-t, mny iiiesliou our sladiiient, liut, novel iheiees, we makelJand it's true. We have a orn i' that will take out your L-orns rrsts and all. If used at'cnrdine; to dire lolls It will Irave nn noreneiii.. We w ant II your money back II you ary'ot satisfied. Call lor 4 RUSSIAN -xorn Cure. 0. T. JHAntbtno. HiailliaciSl 0pp. D. & II. STATION, nOHEHDAIib, - I' A WM. GIESEKE I pay lets and habit or buyin tMpeople's tailor. You better. Get the aMi rr imvinff our 100 tier cent, pure wool, s rictly fast color goods. YiU will find our clothes very differ ent from 'Jie ordinary ready-to-wear garments you meet at every turn. Latest Stvles and Perfect Fit Prices Reasonable at i WM. GIESEKE'S J 1107 Main St, Honesdair,. Pa, Near Uu-Tow-Cridfo.