n Warn I IIMIIII THE HONESDALE CITIZEN : THUBSDAY MOBNING, JULY 2, iOOSWB JMH. dale arm houM located on East rtrert. Eonulre or Ilixiia tain street, Uoniwlale. .11 rolrnl at I hp (VlUntT Com- Hli until 10 A. St., TUESDAY, July rih.lortn ntingtbn outside woodwoilc of tbe (.'curt douw, and putt ying the win- A Luc c. tratnt of Screen Doors and Window tktens at CI. Walls's. flest erd of Tortland Oment nd B'wer ripe l O. Vilti'fc Out Silver Urmmi Is tbe best on the market and will wake jour sliver thine. 1 wtf Cut elats and l'rnsc h glass, odd Jilt-cos and seconds, a new If t. IW" At Tstihsik a. WALL I'AI'KK. bnrdeis and artistic dec orations. In rei.t larlety, and of the latest line ana ikiit imiiKmii iu JOUN GKIUIY. 12.7 lly- iialternK. Palntwr ana the belt style, tierry TJace. Second hand furniture for sale, cheap, at 307 l&lli street- Also 'bole plant, ferni, eta. for tale, cheap, at SOT l&th street. ForBalc (Jullliln great variety of pat tern, with lamy work of Tarlout tlylt. lira. 1. 1ST i iman, IK Cottage street, IlnneadaW ' Feiaof -l - impersonal. Con... u will hereafter fur- ""oish tho miti. r for the borough flro apparatus, in caso ot conflagrations. Tho advance guard of Co. E will leave for tho annual encampment on Monday, July 13th, the balance of the command following on the 15th. The company will hao the full complement of officers and men, CO in all. The gum on a postage stamp is made frcm an extractof tbe awect pc tato, and i therefore absolutely harm less in cose a person licks the stamp. The better plan, however, is to moisten tho envelop, and not tbe stamp, anc there will be no difficulty, whatever, it making it adhere. The hardware storoi of Hooeedah will all be closed on Saturday, July 4th, to give tho empbyors and employees an opportunity to enjoy the National holiday. A dwelling belonging to the estate of Asa Howell, of South Uaoaan, was destroyed by Ore, last Monday, about noon. Nearly all ot the household effects were saved. There was an in iuronoe of about f l.txX) on tbe house. During the month of liar only 12. 000 immigrants landed in America, and 75,(U0 other sailed for their former homes. For the corresponding mor'.h ot 1907 the arrivals were 183,000 and the departures 33,000. Sinoe October, 1907, 550,000 aliens have, left the United States, and only atUt 150,000 nave " arrived, which has proved a great ad vantage to this country. William U. Carey, of Carbondalo, a brakemon op tho Ontario Sc. Western Railroad, met with an accident near that city, Juno 23d, that resulted in his death soon afterward, nia right leg was badly crushed, and an effort was made to save his life by amputating the injured member, but without avail, Deceased was 31 years of age, and a former resident of High Lake, Bucking- bam township. IIo leaves a wifo, for merly Miss Mary Koean, of High Like, whom ho married Juno 2, 1908. Inter' , ment in St. Juliana's It. C. cemetery of ihat town. Tbe management of the Brooklyn, . Y Y. M. C. A,, having secured the privilege ot camping ground on the of Big Pond, in Piles county, hear Ilawley, for the use of' tho boys and young moo connected with that or sanitation, for tho month ot July, I largo number of them aro nownjoyiog out-door lifo. Tbe bays will remain for a week and then othcra will tike their places. A Brooklyn chef, withefScient help, will preside over the culuary de partmcnt. Wayne county is improving in ov- ery direction, especially in the icinity ot its numerous lakes. Parties ,iavo Be cured possession ot some SOOjcrcs of land on the borders ot Lake (omo, in Preston, for tho purpose of ereoing cot tages on it for tbe use of eumntr visi tors. Beach Lake, a f ew y cars ajo, was csmnsrativelv unknown. Now Ue town Is filled with bouses of cntbvUnment 'for city people, and all are lfeerally a rj patronised. New York parties, have t A just bought o&Fprti l&id Ike t Ariel for tho purpoSVfc? ort 'ingiberc- on a largo concrete outiuing, uuwy iou feet, for a milk station. Tbe corjpany are already receiving and sopping milk. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. put S,000 additional moo at work on is sys tern, laBt week, and tboKrio :i,O0O Both the Ontario & Western and tb Erie have largo forces ot mechanics ptting large numbers ot disabled locomitives and freight cars in roadiness for ue. Scranton's glorious garden ofgaic ty, Liuna rark, will entertain lany thousands July lib. Tho big rostrt in the put two seasons that it htj.-nn open bag attracted nearly 100, WW per sons on independence Diy, and' this year with a biggor, better and brititc Luna, all records should to shaltreJ, Tho Luna Park management hasbre parea an elaborate schedulo ot oitats for the observance of tho day, I Assessors havo had their na' creased from (2 to 2 50 pgr day. ark all .ineir wore now is Clono by tho lay. J Ian to their reiilar smont, they reccitM a etatea price per of for m'nu-in, births, deaths, etc. i i. pracnt law tbe work is don i registrst ol vital taiT-. rir. v "--t-thn HAD will mat ln.n.n... 'Friday evening, at 7:30. uo. u, oi acrjnton, leads a! aer companies of the 13th regi efficiency, etc, aooording ta dor's rating, it being 99 12. riionesdale, is rated at ft, Thomas B. Clark & Co., tho gUsi .cutters, have shut down for a vacatloi ottwo weeks. State Dairy ond Food CommiHlotvr Foust, in a statement issued declared that not one of 2(v samples of cimned .foods, meats, vegetables and the like. ten by State agents, bad teon found presorvedtrftfc etumioal. Tho i id auo Jt twenty counties. not including l'hiludelpliia and Pitts burg, and the reports ot the uualyaia woro received Juno 27th. Tbu Btato Otghway Department, nt Uarrisburg, is now receiving a dally average of I ' upplicalioux for auto- labile lcoeiAC. Tho a P. a A. lat week inveitl gated a case brought to tbclr notice through an anonymous complaint. For the benefit ot the membra of the Bocl cty or any others interested in the work wo offer two ruggtstions as to now iu prococd in cases ot cruelty : If you have complaint to make sign your name and add roes in full. Tho complainant s namo is not mentioned and always aids in an investigation. Anonymous com plaints receive no consideration. If you desire to prosecuto, do not hesitate to testify before a magistrate A reluct' aace on the part of witnesses to testify acts as a continual drawback in carry' ing out the purposes of tho Society. Many ot tbo students ot tho Btate Normal Schools of Penn'a are naw fill ing positions as farm hands, clerks, hotel waiters, etc, until the re-opening ot tbo schools ta tho fall. There are numerous ill-mated cou ples in Dauphin county. Juno22i there wcro thirty-ono applications for divorce filed in Harrisbarg. W. K. Spry has sold his farm in Canaan, noar Keene's station, compris ing CO acres of land, dwelling house, barn, fruit trees and all farming imple ments, to W. J. VanBuskirt, of Wilkes- Barre. Consideration, private. The purchaser is already in possession. Tbe poet offiee authorities have given warning to all newspapers that the law governing tbo publishing ot winners in rallies and other schemes ot chance will be strictly enforced from now on. This includes rofllje of all de scriptions and nothing concerning any thing with which chanco is xmn:t"d can be lawfully published by any paper. This, however, does not includo marriages. Wall street oetimates that there wae paid out, July 1, 190j to roidonts of tho United States, no less than tiOo.iHio,- kk), in dividends on boodi and bank stocks. Mrs. Jobn Carran, tho wife of r. prominent lltwley morchant, fell from the porch ot her home to the ground. distance of twelve feet, on June lo.h. resulting in a ecrioui iujury to hor tck. Hb5 won Ukcn to Dr. Barns hspital, Jjoo 27ih, for an opsratior., waich wa prformeJ. It was thought it would provo suivssful, but a wnnk heart develop?! on Sunday morning, and she died a (erf hours liter. She leivcs a husband, three sans .1111- .. daughter -Jf'lBt W. K. Spry, of Cinaan, has pur chased the property known as tin 'Jacobs Miller farm," Iu Oregon, und tho adjoining land, known ns tbe "Do- ny farm,"ownedby Qeorne anueusen tbe former comprising b0 acres ot luud house, barn, orchard, etc , and tho latter 1 acres, timber, orchard, etc Consid er ition .otb cases private. Mr. Sprj will take possession next week. A Lehigh county man advertised that he would not be reeponoiblo for an) debts contracted by his wife, and this i the way she got back at hubby in tbe next issuo ot tho same journal: "11c never paid any bills for my clothes or anything else in tbe nineteen years 1 hive been married to him. IIo is now walking around town wearing a suit of clothes that I paid $15 for." The ranks of tho Grand Army oi the Bepublic are being rapidly depleted In 1890, when tbe membership was the largest, numbering 409,489, there wen 5,740 deaths. In 190C, there wero 229 -932 members, with 9 052 deotha. This shows a loss of nearly SO per cent, in 17 yoaie. Tbo Lackawanna Railroad Com pany made contracts last week for the construction of a cut-off between Port land, Pa., and llopatcoog, N. J., which ill lesson the distance between theso points eleven miles, many sharp curves being eliminated, and the time from Scrauton to Now York city lessened twenty or thirty minutes. The cost will bo some $12,000 000. It will be the greatest work of its kind in tbe history of tbe country. The fills to be made run from 55 to 100 feet in height. Many farms will bo absolutely ruined, and the buildings destroyed or moved away. The lost toll gate has disappeared in Wayne county, tbo one on tho Ilawley end Wilconvillo turnpike having been discontinued two weeks ago. John E. Tiernay, of Scranton, an Erie brakeman running on a tost freight train betwoen that city and ilawley. was caught between two cars, in tbo latter borough, on Monday morning, and so badly squeezed as to cause hie death in a short lime. Deceased was un married, about 25 years of age, and had only been employed as a brakeman for tbe past threo months. A Philadelphia church, as an in ducement for its aged momber to attend Sunday services, provides thorn with easy rocking chairs. At tho fivo o'clock Bright Hour ecr vice in tbe Presbyterian church next Sunday afternoon, Itev. Dr. Wra. 11 Swift will speak for 20 minutes on "An Independence Day Ader-tbougbt.' Tbo D. and U., will ruu a special train to Lake Lodoro, July 4tb, leaving iIonisdale at 1:30 P. M. Arrangements will bo mada to carry passongorq to tbo Lakoon this special train rather than the regular train. Thoro will bo a choral eorvico next Sunday otening, at Grace Episcopal church, at 7:30 1'. u. Tho publso schools of Honcsdale will open for tbo fall term on Monday, Sept, 1 1M1. A portion ot tbo primary depart mint will find garters iu the town hall until tbo completion ot tho new school building. Uov. Stuart has taken Btrong grounds in favor ot n Stut road ex tendbg from Philttdolpr "'Utu burg. Pennsylvania h structod, under tbo eo , about 310 milos and aim under way some 3(o miles more. Bev. F. L Brooks, having severed his csnnactiou with the Uoocslalo Bap tist church, took his formal leave of the congregation at tho evening service on Sunday. Among tho audience a uumbarot regular att indants at other churches were present. After tho pre liminary services, which included an admirable vocal nolo by Mrs. William Clarke, and excollent singing by the choir, the pastor read tbe (arables em bodied in tho fifteenth chapter of the Uospel according to Luke, and, with out announcing a text, pror-ecdod to de liver an eloquent and convincing ad dress based on tho story of tbe Prodigal Ban. Tbe prevailing idea that the prod igal is tbe central figure ot the parable he declared to be erroneous, and averred that the great lesssa taught by the Ooepol story was the constancy and depth of tbe father's love, as typical of Qod's forbearance toward His erring and rebellious children, and Ills readi ness to forgive and reward them tbe moment they approach liim with peni tent hearts. There was little in bis main addroes to Indicate his purpoee to withdraw from tbe pastorate, but at its close he announced such to be bis intention ; declaring that he was then speaking tbe lost words he should ever utter from that pulpit or psrbaps any other, lie intimated a desire to retire permanently from tbo ministry in general as he was doing from tho Bap tist church, stating his conviction that he was not in accord with that denom ination, perhaps because he was some what too liberal. Mr. Brooks spoke foeliogly, and after the services took tho bands of many of his fricnds,p tbo audience was passing out ot tbi building. It is understood that ha will, it favorable opportunity offers, devote his future years to journalism, or ac cept a position with the International Correspondence School, of Scranton. At last there is aprospuctof "some thing doing," nt Farvicw, with a view to tbe erection ot a portion of the build ings needed for the proposed asylunu for tbe criminal insane, to bo located tbcro. Excavations for the founda tions will doubtless now begin on 01 before Aug. let. Bids wero advertieoo for in Monday's papers, and tbey musi bo in tho bands ot 11. S. Ashmoad, sec retary of tho commission in charge 01 the work, at Philadelphia, not latei '.ban Tuesday, July 21et. Tbe wort, will make Waymart a lively town thii- suoimer, and be of great benefit to ihat immodiato portion otWaynocoun in tbo way ot work fpr both men Urn. 11. A. Woodboute bas gone to Uethaov, where she will pats the summer. -Mtt-Coe Ourlaud enterUlneJ IhepM- tor's alJeo1etr of the Presbyterian thun h. of Ilawler. lait Patunlnr afternoon, ller Steiling. Jfsr.29th. Etrl V. Cross and draco Qillnor returned from Per kiomon Semi- anu horses. Tho Fourth of July will be celebrat ed ut Bethany. At 11 o'clock tho Bov. A. I-. Ililler, of IloneBdalo, will dtlivii an address, preyed and followed b inging by a mate quartette. At 1 'j 'cluck a base ball gamo, Bethany 1 h Prumpton. In tho evening a leclun oy the Itev. T. M. Furey, eubjjct, "A Yankee in Dixie." A small feo wi II L burned for the louture. Dinner anu refreshments will "-j served. - Tbo school fir Idiers' orphans, a' -ML. KdHh W. IlamllnjorPhlUdelDh... numlot ,'., . T. X8irda the guect of Hits Mary U. Weston, of East rt bT thr a 0vioek Hrie. train anit relurmd ; Mr. and Mm. W. 1 ark street. , by theT:10eTenlriK train. A mott njiT- ine friends iu New J Park MIiJeanntUi Freeman, oMVrart street. 1 pasting n portion ot her vacation -with Mew Tork relatives. Itev. A. L. Whltlaker will hold eerTloes In the Presbyterian church, at Waymart, on Hiiiiday, at 3 r. x. Miri EUztbeth Dohertr, of Ulrpuant, ban been entertatned by Honeslale friends for sereral days. Mrs. J. J. OTnnnrll, of Church street. hai been the r;uct of Carbondale friends, for several dais. lilts Sophie M. Ilussell Is at Mam better. N. II., at tbe borne of her brother, Zenas II. Itutt'll, and bride. W, H. Mumtord It now In chat ceo! tbe Dell Telephone Co.'s office In IJonetdale and lis immediate vicinity. Mitt Era U Wilton, ot 15th ttreet, It parting tblt week with relatives at Nantl- coke, Luz?rne county. Mitt Linda Levy, ot Cleveland, Ohio, it belur; entertained by her titter, Mrt. Edwaid A, Katx, nt West ttreet. M. J. Ilanlan is to be one of the ipeakert at the plcnlo ot the Champion U ratine, in Olrdland, on Saturday, July ith. Mr. and Mrt. Edward Uoape, of Letter- thlrc, N. T ,are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Unaberry, of lltb and Main ttreett. It. L. Oramtn, wife and child, of gcrau- ton, are pasainc this week wltb bit brother-in-law, Wm. II. Krantz and family. Horace A. Lyons, of Olypbaut, patted lait Sunday In Ilonesdale, with hit parents, Mr. and Mrt. John M. Lyons, of Weet Park tlreet. (Jeorpe E. White, a former HonetJaler, tnowa resident of Manhattan, Montana, and landlord ot Tbe Manhattan, of that tuwn. Mrs. (J. U. Uunnell. of Court ttreet, leaves for Chicago, In artay or two, for a ritlt with her ton, Fred. O. Uunnell, of several weeks. Mr. anl Mrs. Ueore:e W. Decker, of East ttreet, are entertaining belr daughter. Mrt. W. P. Coou and children, of Clark't (Ireen, Lack, county. Allen Finn, of Lackawanna couuty, and W. E. l'crham, of Niagara. Mount Pleasant, have been In tblt vicinity, ot late, inretli gating tbe San Jote scale. Mrs. It. W. Brady and daughter, Flhel, left this morning, for Wettlleld, N. J , for a Mtit with her psrentt, Mr. and Mrt. W. II. Uilgg, and titter. Mitt Etta. Married, at tbe M. E. parsonage, Monet ise, June 24, IW, by the Iter. W. II. Ililler, illn Emma C. Doyle, of roynttlic. toller bert II. Dam, of Carbonde'e. Mitt Irene Bithop, of Ilawley, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. A. L. lilrhop, was among I In' graduiten from the Kilt StrouJtburg stiile Normal School, latt week. Arad V. Lakin, oi Wlnwood, will rep resent the rroblbltioultts of Wayne county in the National Convention, which luectt al Colutnhut, Ohio, on Wedueiday, July 15th llou. N. F. Underwooa, for many year iietideiitot Lake. Como, but of late living tiiuomneia. is. J , it happily patting tbe able lime It reported, with a One entertain ment wrved the guet tt. Tbe only gentle men honored with an Invitation were Itev W. 8. Peterton, ot Hiw'.'y. anl It'V Dr Wm. II. Bwlft. Mm He J, ut the home ot the btl.li 'f pat. entt, Mr. n.1 Mrs Ilatvey T. Jackson oi B. Lusher nro visit- erssy. Katio Cross is i.lijg in tUo com mencement exercises at tho East Stroudsburg S'.ato Normal School. gimucl Ncvia spent a few days in town laet week, H t Cry'5 ittC'jled a class re-union at UarvcjM Like, list week. Oil the 27th. Itev. D. Evans, of Dal las, attended a wedding at Jobn JULY 4th at Honesctehra The Only Big Show, Coming thisYear. MOER THEIR HUGE HAPPY DAYS WATERPROOF PAVILklfc The Penn'a Itailroaa Forostry De partment has complotod its spring planting for IMS, a total of 025,000 trees baiog set out. Tbis makes a grand to tal of 2,425,000 trees planted since the railroad inauiiurated tbo movement. Tho road imported this year 209,000 seedlings. In the seed beds wero sown this year twenty-Uro bushels ot acorns aud -ate, pour '4 nt other hard wood seeds, and 75 pounds of conifer soods. In addition, 300,000 seedlings were permanently planted in land be longing to the company. Francis Bonoar, whilo painting tbo root of Morris Freeman's residence on Court street, last Friday, had a fall of some eighteen feet, by tho slipping of his ladder, resulting in a broken nose, and a gctioral shaking up. Uninntown, Fay county, has been closed by the Stab 1 tho pupils trans ferred to the Scot. I, Franklin couu ty, BC-OOl. dwelling of It. W, Bush, ot .in Hill, Damascus, wm buruod to bo ground, last Sunday. Insurod ii the Wayne Co. Ins. Co., $150 00 hous-i ind f20 on contents. Tho lionesdalo delegation to tbo greit Skat tourney in Now York lam week returned 00 Wednesday evening, having spent throe delightful days ou tho trip. Tho North American Skat As sociation comprises thousands of mem' bers, ot whom nearly 2,500 took part in tbe recent games, and it must be re garded as somewhat remarknblo that among so many contestants, and the great majority of them residents of tbo turgor cities, where opportunities for be coming proficient ere so much greater, Ilonesdale should havo had oven "look-in,'- to say jotbing of winninti two of tho prizes. Tho lucky contee tan la for tbo local club were Robert O'ConnclI and John Crcgbao. Ban qunts woro given the Skat Association by tho Ituppert and Beruhcimer & Schwartz Browing Companies, and on Tuesday a free trip to Coney Island was provided for tho members. Tho b'g meeting next year will be held in Mil waukee, Wis. Soveral catithumpian bands havo mule night hideous, twico of late, up to.n, following weddings. It is a bar barous practice, fit only for th-i half civilized. Attention, Veterans) Iiegular meet ing of Capt. Ilam Post, No. 19H, G. A. It., to morrow Friday evening. Tbo Ltoneedale banku will bo closed next Saturday, July lib, it being a legal holiday. Tboro will bo a tournamont on the gnlf grounds on tbo afternoon of the 4'h, followed by a supper. Tbo Durland, Thompson Shoo Co. mid tbo Ilonesdale Shoo Co. shut down tomorrow evening for a week. ThoKel ly & Steinman Cut Qlaes Co. closed this afternoon for a week's vacation. Tho work of removing tho M. E. pnrsooage to its now location at tho corner ot Church and 11th streets, bas been commenced. It was necessary to cut down two maple trees to accomplish tbe object. Tho concrcto foundation for tho now parsonage of St. John's Lutheran church, is being rushed and tho work 01 brick laying will bo commencod at un oirly date. aoclyviiio is not to have a now school building, but extensive repairs nro to bo niado to tbo old structure. A ritnim beating apparatus is also tot' 1 installod. Three etrikiiig and powerful ditcuiilons of great questions make thoJuly M Cluiii'd an especially Important number. Huinucl Hopkins Adatnt treats, In thu opt'iilng uMl- cle, of tbe appalling lots of llfudneto tbu lick of tune method for the protection nf lliu health ot tbu American ptibho. W. C Unmet gives 11 fresh aud vigorous cbaraoter sketch of Clifford 1'lnubot, and bit tight to preserve one of our chief national atsets. F.lleu Terry continues her charming record ot tier American impressions, and the reitu- nltccncet ot Carl Hchtiiz picture the final downfall of l'retljeut Jobuion, The fiction lucludeH'I'hu Heritage ot Ham" and "Thu Singer s Heart." Josephine Daikam llacnn contributes one of her aketcbet of child life, and Joseph Illt'lheu tells a novel aud strik ing Indian tlory, of anew ty--Auurct tbe 8. S. McClure tV " "- -Miss Nelllu (1 nt iiiuinerat his old humelli the Wayne conn I) hills. Her belt II. Ililler, Ihe up-town pottman Mho hat been au extensive traveler In the Vctl, for some four months returned home on Tuesday evening, and will toon retuti.e Iiih tiutiet. -L. O. Sweet, of Liberty, N. Y., a dealer n cut gluts, etc., at that fatuous tutntu" rcMirt, was In Ilonesdale. lait week, an.- lembateda full line of that ware for hi ciMtomert. Ixiren Kimble, late of the Wayne Cut illatt Co., and sont, Frank and Ls.ren.Jr., leu yesterday morning for New Uedfurd, Mutt., where they are to make their home or the future. -Mr. and Mrs. Win. 51. Stood leave to. Iny for Lake Minnewaska, Ulster county, S. V., a beautiful spot 011 tbe Shawaugunk mountains, below Ellenville, for a rest of two weeks. Married, at the M. E parsonage, Houes. lale, June 24, IW8, by the Itev. W. II. Hll in. Mitt Alma Kellcrmun, of Ilawley, to riank U Goldimlth, of Crystal ilun, Otauge Co., N. T. Mr. aud Mrs. Herbert Berry, and dauglc I i t. Mrs. M. Biddleman. Mines Ethel Hitch' cock, Maud Wilmarth and Mildred Hoherlr, and Aithur llerry, all of Scranton, were re cent guests of (Jalilee. friends and relatives. -Mils Edith A. Hull, of Wbll Valley, W rtyne Co., was among tbe grad' es from Hie Ulooniiburg State Normal jool, lait week. Her parentt, Mr. and .rs. J. W. Hull, were present at tbe gri uattng ex- eiclies, Pirwln Maurer bas been selected to 1111 acauuy in the teachers of the Ilawley uigb school, (auted by the election of J, J. Ki-ehler to the office of County Superinten dent. He is a graduate of the tiloomiburg titute Normal School, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Q. Brown, of Car1 liuurlale, will occupy their cottage ut Elk I, ike, for tbe coming two or three weeks. Ill sister, Mrs. B, W. Fitch, and daughters K lith B. aud Katharine, will remain tberu at their gucits for the same period Dr. John J. Finerty, a prominent pbysl ciun and oculist of BuOalo, N. V who was I be guest of his parents and family, ot Worth Muln ttreet, returned home on Tuesday morning, leaving his wile aud daughter to remain for a more extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinman and iluugh Ida, will leave Friday inoruiug for At- luiry Turk, N. J., for a mouth's rest and rec reiition. Mis. Letter It. Kunpp, who will remain wilb lb in at that pleusuut resort for about two w.eks, David Card, an old veteran of Wiuwood, I'reston lowcshlp, died Juno ID, HHM, aged about 70 years. He served as a private iu Chi. K, lllb l'enu'a Cuvulty, from Aug, 28, lnttl, to May H, !?!. Deceased was a inem ber of John 1'laikett l'ott, No. 4X.1, (1. A. It ol Ilaucock, a delegation from which con ducted the services at the grave, The engagement of Mill darnel Elaine Uretter, of Chitsgo, lo Dr. I.011I1 tlomir N'elseiof Honeidale, was Dtade publlu oil Tut sday. Both are graduates of the Ilones dale high school, class ot IbW, tbo former having been salutatorian, and the latter the valedictorian. Tbey both graduated from tbe same medical college, Mlsitlret ter being a trained nurse of skill and ex perieuce, Charles l'ayne, of I'leataiit Mount teltaiuetl the I'thert Attuclatlun of the M. K. iburch, mi Muuduy evening, June i!"J(h, and utter a bmiuett session, refreshments were M-rved, which ill enjoyed. Those picseut were John . ood, ltalph Ben ' 11, Cecil Mvingitoue, Ituttell Spencer, eslie VuuCumpen, Hay Iteming, Fred l'ayne. Erwlu Demlng, Charles Payne, John llialn and Jobn Buyce. Letters recently receiveJ from Miss Alice Z. Gregory, state tbat at tbu time ut writing sbe was still visiting relatives and friend! In and about Launcettou, Cornwall, but that the expected souli to visit the Sbaktperutouutry. After arriving iu Eng land the decided to make tome changes in her llluerury, so that wu are unahlu to give her exaot address. Tbus far sbu has been perfectly charmed with the country and tbe people the bas met. The marriage of William F. McDonald to Miss Alma Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Welch, all of Houeidale, took place at the home of the bride's pa leulsou East street, at noou on Tuesday last, June SO, lOOd.llev, W. II. Hlller officiat ing i and was followed by a wedding dinner at tbu resideuce of Mr. and Mrs. lllcbard J. Penwarden, grandparents of tbe bride. Appioprlate muslo was furnished for tbe Carbon.lale, June 3ltb V.WS by tbe Itev Coarles Ue. pallor of the Presbyterian nouck'fl ona ppent 0 Joy m town, call church, Mm Ilanlet Clartisa Jacsson to ;jcoa a ow 0f his. many old friends. Tho minister is looking Don and is al- wass n welcome caller, msaon, liar- old tilo accompanied him, and has grown bo much Btnce bo left tbat many would not recognize mm. Elmer Cbnnman finished the now high school building last week and the M'bool board nccepted tho building and paid him 3 300 for tbe job. Ths build ing is 01 tno 0091 material inrougnuut, mi J ibs workmanship is excellent. Mr Cninrhan is n nitun.l mechanic, and whether tno material M etonoorwooa. be appears to be right at borne. Tbe building ts maao 01 concrete dioces ana has n slate root and should need no rt pairs for many years. Now the next thing to do is to clean up and grade the grounds and employ a good lot ol tenencrs. e do not know now manj ot the schools will bo closed, but wc think three teachers will be employed in tho high school buildjng. Our school taxes win necessarily oe nign ror a few years to como. u. 1 unpin conauctea League, uun dnv cvemnir. wc nave naa a lime rain, nut much more is desirable. Clinton. Junk 29lh. Nothing doing on the 4th 111 this neighborhood ino uurtu vai ley Sunday school win nave a lamuy picnic, on that day, for the pleasure of their many lltllo peopio. Irene Cdrtis is home from uiooms burg, whero sbo has been at school. She will teach tbe Ferno school. .Vllio Bowen will toacb the Curtis Vnllov school : Warren P.Norton, tbe Crcamton school; Itoeo Itainey, Alden vtlle: Mr. Noble. Kdcnvalo: tsmmastan ton, Suth Clinton; Miss Capwell, Browutown. Wo have not yet learned who is to havo the Uoggins school. Mr Hiildcrmun is to havo tbo High School thu ro-id between Creamtou and John Grirttvold' is being covered with crush vi stone. b Jim Iionncstino has returnod home 'rom the Etst Stroudsburg Normn1 echool, beirg ono of the graduates, ller mother, Mrs. Martin lionnoattne, at tended the commencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vandonberg an jtifsts 01 e. a. uraKc lluwnrd Starkweatber is (ponding his cacntion ut u. a. uunttng s. John Singer and niece aro guests 01 un uruiiicr, ,rinur oiDKer. K lull Dann is borne tor a short time Later ehe will go to a summer resort at mom lli?8"u Bodsio and Lizzio Varcoe. atle 1 visit at home, have returnod to Ne irreey lor the summer. Muster Itibcrt Gardner, ot Carbon 1 ilo h luiving n good tima at the home 1 his grandtatber. C. 11. varooo, June 25th n littlo son came to the mo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Treat Charles Sanders, who has been sick, is n tno gain. LSon LaVcrge Illy, both of Caiboniale. Tbey were unattended, and none but the Immediate relatives wltnetted the cere mony. The bride wBt alllred In white tilk. trimmed with baby Irlth and llllett lace. A reception followed. The btldal tour In cluded Albany, Saratoga. Lake tleorce, and other points. Mrs Illy Is n native ni ilones dale, where she hat many friends, who wish Uie fiewly married couple many years of health, happiues and prosperity. Fred. I). SiiyJam hat returned home from school for a few days, alter which he will go Into camp In Urange county, N. V. He hat jutt come from Nc London, Conn., where, with other friendt, he wltne.el the great vale-llarvard rowing eontcit. In which tbelalter won,nnd alto taw the nnal game between these eolleget at bate-ball In which Harvard alto, wat victor, by an over- belmlng score. Tbe boat rati, he says. was the Onett tight or his life, wilb lis thoutands of cheering supporters, gaily dressed women, and hundreds of water falls authored at tbe finish, blowing of whittles, tooting of horn, etc., a tbe win- ultiK crew llatbed across the line. He wat tbegnettol W. p. Foil, of llaverttraw, N, Y whote ton he rwently enlerl allied here. witootfaet Hill School boyi. The Budeand blratton (Cornwall, Eng land) Weekly Newsnf June 11th, contain fine pboto-engravlngt ol Mr. and Mrt' Itlchsrd Medland, ol Courtlandt, formerly of Coutt lltirtou, Marhamctiurch, with n well written account of the celebration ol their golden wedding. The Newt tpeaks of Mr. Medland as coming from "a good old family of Cornish Veomcu." being a ton of Thomas Medland and wife of U'atcihoutM Farm, and of hit wife at the accomplished daughter of William Dentil", of Wooltlon Barton, 111 the paritb ol I'oundslotk. They were married In l'oundilockMay C, l1!. and tbe News tars that few can reallz" that they have faced the care aud vlcittitudes of over fifty years ol we 1 lei life together, to lightly the linger of Time teems tn hare retled upon them. Mr. Medland ha- been a siiecesstul ugrkultiiritt. an 1 for tbe ut two years the devoted couple baring re tired from butineii, have been enjoying the fruits of their labors In their lieautllul home at Courtlands. They hare ten children, tire sons aud fire daughters, all of whom, wilb their husbands and wires and families, though retldlng at wide distances Jtn each other, were present at the golten wed ding, and joiued iu presenting their parentt with a number of cuMly and appropriate gifts. The hells of tbe parish church con- tnbuted good peals of rouni and cbaugt ringing In honor ot the erent. ltn haro Medland is a younger brnl her of otireleen ed citlZMI, exSllerilT Thoiu-i Me.ll Lll I, of Flllcflllh street. In Memoriam L. Ilerbtrl Norlbriip, of Culturatigut, N V., died Ht Wunukftia, ill licit Slate, uhctt e wnt lnlerettt-1 in a 11. iMifuctiiriug bti-i nets, on Friday, June l. ltiw, ued ol ye-ir le wut tiiiiotitidcd by his family when lie lied, una bis remains wire taken to hi attaruugus home for burin). The fiinertil vrvices were o.iiidiiete'I by Itev ,1. II. Itatet, of lliifhito, who paid 11 luo-t cloijuf nl tilbulo to Mr. Norlbrup's life nud cIihi- ucter. lie was born in North Olio, N. Y . In 1MI, but remored to CatUratuiH wh 1 ijulte young. In the early Tils be enme ti tlouetdalc, and was foi some years employ - ed here In the telegraphic tcrriee of tin Kile Hallway Company, luring his rett- deuce iu Uonetdale he made many friend by bis courteous demeanor and commend, able huiineiA babilt. While here he tooii great Interett In church and Sunday si I10..1 work, and wat continued tn Grace tFplteo al' (burcb under the lulnltiry of itev. Mr. Ilinpion, then temporarily lining tno posi tion of Htclor. Mr. ftutihrup main 1 Mitt Adlie Ileach, of Eatt Otto, N. V , 1 1 with two duughtcrs and a son survive h I! the terms of his will the futnily w' ctaln their interest iu the business nt W .elm which It n protperout one uud ht already stvured to the deeeated a handsome com petency, Hawley ItlXK 29tli. The M. E. Huutlay scliot.l held their Children's Day exerciees las'o auutiay inuriuug. xue prugritiu' earelully prepereu nun well re- aud whh enjuetl by u packe e. Ouly the ttuall girls nud 11 fev. .letcc pHrtlolputetl 111 tt:e exercises, winoti noes not speak well fur the boje, wlui lmvc apparently lort lutereet In eut'.li enter liiliunentH. However, the glrle were titial to the occasion nuil actiiiitted themselves with lunch credit. Mrs. U. HliiL'lmiu left for lliiuiiior.- bitt WeduesJuj, from wl.ere, hcciiiimihui- e.l by her tlau gliter, Mrs. O 51. Putter, nuil grauilsou, ItilpliJ Potter, t-be lelt Thursday nfternuoii for Newark, Ohio, lor 11 two weeKs vieir witn Her sun, juu sou lliugbuiu. DurlUL- the elect no ttonu itisl Weiliiee- lav ufteruoou. a Hue cow uwueil by Deuins Degroal, ot liluoiiiin tlrnve wits killed by h bolt ot lightning Dunne; tile tame sionu the luriii 11 iti-e or Priiiik. Ht l'.-'Mit. Pike count v. wut struck nuil considerably ilauiageil. itjtli pnrtleH were liisureu Iu 11 ngliaiu I tile Jo"fH were HDIlltetl Steene. Junk -JJ.1. The farmers aro busy at tbe ell sent time, getting In their buokwheal. -ind gi Iling their hoeing out of the way, at trie iibi veiling 01 uie uay crop win negin -exi wcik. If theilrnutli keeps up hay will be a very iiubl crop, etpeclally old meadows. Late Planted polutoes will he a failure. Earl I'Otuloes look tine. Apples and pears will ue plentiful throughout Wayuecuunty.il ibu Ut oulb Is toon broken. The tcasou Is on for catching bats aud pickerel, but let's see you catch Ihem while ue iitnet are wuruing. It looks us though tbo Lake Lodore Com pauy wniilil empty Ibelr ice houses this tea ton. us eiders urn uourtnc iu from all tiuar- lets, and a large lorce of men have beeii K pi uuty tne pan month, loading and snipping cars. Will tome oue inform tbecatsof the earn lawtf a they are killing tbe rabbits by me tcoie. Ibe hint was taken without tho kick con cerning tbu selling of strong drruk, as ev ervua at peace of late. M . yi-t, who was Injured about two wccks ago, oy a neavy prop laiung on mm, it improving, mid Is now able to be arouud ai:aiii. Mrs, Suediker is able to return to tbe store, alter a long siege with rheumatism. After tblt mouth lumberman Frank Hoi lenback will close bis mill at l'rompton, for the rest of the summer, and will take bis lut n to Indian Orchard, for tbe nurnose ot cleaning up an old tract that tbe forest "'n have hauly damaged. On Monday they will be joined by H1Jll .,,! ou Moml i? ,y I) liiiiglmiu. lll-n tirru Kollltnn, wlni Inrtiiu lit few years has been leiichlup; tcliool nt I, annum, Michigan, is t,ieiiiii.g Iter vat tfuli with Tc'lntlvea in lluwley. M- . 11ml Mr. I. .4 wnlsb 11ml hui, Lewis, HltO tbelr sou, tienrh'e aiel hie wife, of Wilkes llarre, itre.r.ieiiiling I wo weeks nt Itig Point, uldn't It be fuir lor thu owners of the ,s inai are testing wavpe countv's Mot ,oads every day of late to chip In aud tn courage the supervisors lo throw out everv h I lie stone, us ut this season ot the year time means money to tbe larmers. .1. E. Haley bas a four weeks' old colt lor hIiIi u he telutcd too latt week, vttirreu llticklaud Is Improving Irom hi recctii illness. Haplewood- The FRANK A. ROBBINS 1st NEW GREATEST ALL FEATURE SHOWS. Aorta of Animals, Aetc, Antles and Attractions. Room for Ton Thou und to Cnfoy Thousand Rovols. THB TRIBUNAL OF" NATIONS. A. DUPEH-SPLEKDID PAQEANT HKFLEX OF HEBOIJ SO- VOR7 Introducing Cfion Sumptuous Triumphal Klnati and Noblttt Chaircn, Llrlar Counterparts of the Greatest Wirriort and Kulersot the I'ast and Hment, MartUllf aol Rerally Accoutered and Arrayed In Splendidly Accurst Facsimiles of Uit Arms and Rtraha of Tbeir Eras. THE PAJIAQON OF HAJDIANT. nOMAKTIO BBAIJSK. THB VERY CREAM OF EARTH'S GREAT CIRCUSES THE WOBLD'S HOST WONDROUS S&BEBAOK QTJEaU TRIAlfB, Saddle Sensationalists Manege Marvels Revolutions and Rerelations In Dar ing, Delicate Riding 1 hr llandvimrsl of Horses The Greatest ol Anists. A HOST OF CLOWNS THAT CATER TO A NATION. Who Inimitable ltiirleques of ropular Games, rroml&ent People's Fadi and Fathloaa Fools and Follies MtVe Folks Kail Ofl their Seats. Most Surprising Beasts of Many Species. GRAND FREE STREET PARADE AT 10 A, fl. 2 Performances, Rain or Shine, Afternoon and Evening. KftTZ BROS.S' STORE will be open Friday evening and closed July 4th. t The Ladies are Waiting the dvent of Our m-kn ii Undsr Wcit jjIs, The entire Sample Line of the Kali Underwear Co. will be on sale at lA less than regular prices. Exceptional values in India Linens, Long Cloth Cambric, Nainsook and Batt'stes during this White Sale. Embroideries and Laces. Come here and vou see the daintiest patterns for less money than ever before. KATZ BROS. MENNER & CO.'S STORES a UPTODATE l Summer Goods FOR 1908 Stylish, Nobby and Comlorttble Wash Suits All Shades. Now I'nntHolH un-tc-d t MKNNKIt & UU.'ii si liptM, nt 0.0. wilb filundt In Topt-ka, Kt. Warren K, Illmovk, of Ilrooa,, Is paIUK tlila vtiM'k In Uoaenlalo. Fifing Ellet Family. Other acriuliits irtoy " eecn and admired, but it is a li-1 , ueKiiow ledgotl fact tbat Iheso sliuAd buvo it veritable monoooly of tbo real artist Kyaiansts of tbo entire Americnu ebow world, cirnl in tiny net would hnva to be mentioned tha Klleta, tho incarna tion of Kruco end daring, wlionu lliRtutt tlirouKh tho lofty dome rf the eonvna puvihon covering tho arena are done witn mo caso titu nu'tnaou ut birdD Kosterg aro known aa tho ''Hum in riwallowa," nd nro elnso seconds to tho Potters, even surpassing thorn in strength and dann?, if not so grnceful, but then it muet be remembered tbat tno ot tbo hllcls am of tho enntlcr sex Tbo Luliens do a most datiKorous act oa aerial nontontal bard, IlioJ in tho dome of the canvas, feats that but fow men can do upon bars that m-iy bo reached from tho ground. With tho Frank A. Hobbins shows in Houoadalo, Baturdtiy, July lib. The Masons ot the Slato of Washing ton have placed a ban on tbo liquor business as a meaus of livelihood for members of tho order, Tbe Grand Lodee. at a recent meeting, msdo an ironclad ruling prohibiting traQlo in wnuicev dy iiasoDS wimin no jurisuic' tion. llorcaftor to ongago in the liquor tralllc is to commit a MaBOnio olfenco, punishable by expulsion, from wntcn mere snau do no appeal. Jl'NE L'.'J. Tho Bundav school vlast of U. I. dtiulHi tii'ld a moat et'JjaUltf loo urvttiu turmi uu uiu mwuui p . s. tvtene. riiua .'Wutug. -M uiuirt'li'artHl. 'rtiltsuui wil tm ti-i'U in Ibo building luud lur Ibo t-rou lioti oi u now addition iu irio ohurcu. t tiii-Us Hub iitoii, I'jt-rlieiiir, ot Luuka, HHUllll lOUIill, ItlmVlltK lilt Ihtilug douk at Kitritruiio coiiaKf, ut I.tliii lli-ury, iu num. Hun. Win. ('.outiell and tons, with Uu' frtii'llit-s, un. tUvtng at lui'ir oullago i l.iKii IllitllV. Il'ihi-it Wilson, r. A Itu Uy, J obu vug i o , AutMi't und Joliti ristr. ut HdriLtilou. m.il Jtilin r'utti-r. ol I'lirrrv HiJih. iohui last Tui'Mlay lliljllig ut l.akn IKiu y. 1 in riiiliriHi' oay txenlpet were bold '.t I hi' r.vmiIi-lli ul I t'Uirll li.t evuili ir wrn tiii'in Id in ngi am was given bv tho veins: I lipll?. .Mr. nun airs. K. rt. Noli ii and m. kiiiI .Ml... Wm ruiifll, ol I'lttaiiin, were Un- ll'iti ut ! . o, kri-ilf. rtilu lay. tll.iunl M i . I.ttllti illimu elllo' talno.1 tb,' IiiIIiiwii, KUt'tts oviir duudiiy : dr. an 1 Mis. 11. iiuifiilili'l-. Ml. uud Mir vShvi.i- lliin.lmutr, Mitt AlylllH VaiiUuid'T. ul lrt I'lariil.rn uudtuu uud V. Vmu milfr. nil nt r-rraiilfiu. Mr ut.d Mis, Wayuo Mfrrluir ,ueutHuu. day in tlawluy. mi. nun aiis. urue lieu, in ijunmorti, spi'iit Buuday Willi Mrs. Hob's tiarouts, Mr, uud Mis llyiou IJiuguH. Mr. uuu is. utaruuuourotni cu, oi Boraa uu, wuro Iboguetts ut relatr et here. Buu day. 1.1 vo nail is a verv tcarjn arllola and tuuuy llttifruiouaredisapiio utud ouuot bo- iif; nnin 10 iifcuro uau ai ir e laicus. Mruwiii rilrs are very jlonlllul and red rutilicrnt'Suud blui'k bt-.rriut villi bo ptsntl lul. II u i am 1'iiines somi. Vlbappyovont by I.son Katr, vlollnlit, and Tiie word "badcer" oDDliod to a Ira dor is common in old plays and books, lo tbo "rjlato ropers. Domestic Bcrlcs," vjI. relatinir to 11347 IShU Is tho lollow ing: "Dec. 17, 1605; Noto ot certain 'iHodded pair left on tbu Erie for a tea S nonpyuioon irip. un tbelr return Horn, Wednesday, July I, IW8, to Mr. '"' mka xhelr nomo wlth Mr. and ud Mrs, Fred, ll.Trask, of Flfteentb strwt, Ur- Welch. Mr. Mollonald is employed in ine iJuuaua.Tboinpson Hboe to, A'ler 'he 'et persons upon llumbor side, who buy aud K daughter. ud great quantities of corn, two of whom aro authorized badecrs. lis Klli. a. 12. badeers are to be licensed annually under ponilty of 5. Tho word moans coro-dealere. Ekmj fou a i' ltKK Catalouue. A new and huudBoaio premium cutulogue bas just bftiv completea ana is now ready loruislriJulion. II vou are a reaaei oi a l'ailit'iclpbia dully newspaper, write to lur i-niiuacipnia t'reas tor ooe oi tbcir luteal premium catalogues aud be- oomo acquainted with tbo twentieth contury wuy ot securing beautiful pro miumH, which they give to people who eubscriuo lor mis Urcat Home news- puuor by mail. (Jatuloeue will be mail od .free upon receipt ot a postal card, iuaroB8 mo rroes circulation" uepart- ment, Bivcutb ard Chestnut streets, Tmiaaoipnia, lluWilt's Wiltli iluznl Halve is eood for cult, bums, bruises ami teratohes. It is es pecially Kood for piles, lleoominended aud told by I'r.ll. Tho jiruggist. Ilbcaniatlam Cared In Tbree Days. N. 11. lAnuley. Madlsoa. Wis., savat I ivaa alinoat ln,liU'ssulluriiuuiuatliuu fur s uiualua. Had It lo uiy neck Mi I could not liirn my lisad, aud all llirutiifli no Imily. 1 tried Itiree ilnclora and many ri.mcilesilltiiutaii) ri'lld HhaU'tcr unlll I pro- curcil llr. Uklt'liUN'ri IlKLIKPI'ir IIUKIJUATIHII. Ill niv iiuura inu imiu Haa relitvcu ana la three u.t)mo rucuiuatiAiii v,aa tximiiieu'iy cureu ana I uus al work, bold by IIcsl Puwji bruirliit, Uonnslalu, l'u vuj Just a little Cascasweet Is all tbat Is neces sary tn give your baby wbeu It Is cross aud peevltb. Cascasweet contains no opiates uor harmful drugs aud Is blgbly reuom mended by mothers erery where, Conlorms to lue national rule rooa auu mug urr, ooiu uy rr.iij, iut itrugKitu Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts. New Spring and Summer Single Jackets. Dlack and Leading Shades. Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Fancy Stylesin Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at "' Menner & Co.'s Dept. Stores. YOUR INVITATION If vou have never had any dealings with us, please to considerthisan in vitation to give us a trial. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, HONESDALE, PA. The New Beparate Skirt for 1808, ai HKNNKII& OO.'B stores comblos ttjle, comfort rind economy, All new pro ductions, etc Tht, n. Inn., flln.A. In Hlllt.nrl If 1,1. I "7 ."'sers, . -w-'r, rT;r.,i7.'. .UT, - - 1 aw unit pna uui irt hit ut laae. twig canbobadotiJENNKU&Oa'S.-etrj by fUL, Tb Dnmut. Here Is Ilelltf fur Woraen. Mother Gray a nurse tn New Talk, dli oorsred an aromallo. pleasant berbrnr lor women's Ills, oallsd Autlrallan-Leaf. It tbe only oeitaln rsgulator. (Hires (caul wea'-nessst and DRClranbr, Kldnsy and llladdi rand Urinary troubles. AtallOruc .1,1 . i r by mall ado bample rKKK.. A . b 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 lio iber 0 ray (Jo., 1 Key, K, Tf 1 I V. 034 2 .M aatsssfl