The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, July 02, 1908, Image 1

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Volume xu
, - bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbki
" "Tjjf eswssPsss
T M. BVMO!f,
efflor Nut door to Pott Office.
Formerly oeoupUsiliy Hon.W. II. Dlmmlik.
llonie-lele. Pa.. April, 1908.
Wm. H. tiKK.
OBWw over Toit OHc.
All legal bounces promptly attended to.
Uoneedalr, Jan. 1, 1MZ. yi
Attobstst ako Cohtwilobat-Law
Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the
'out Office, Honesdale. Pa. Wyl
Patents and Pensions secured.
omce la toe uourt House.
Uoneedale, Pa. 47yl
Uonasoau, Pfotn'a.
p?ial aud oromot attention given to the
eotioti o( claims. Office oyer Kelt's new
ikti'.r n. iiiopp.
' Oflloe-ZJ Moor Old Ravings Bank building
Wyl HoSBSDAia. Pa.
Orer the Pott Office, iioneadale
ay 26, 1MU. lyl
Uosssdlb, Pbjts'a.
At the office late of Waller It Bearle.
Heoeedele. Pa. Omoe oyer Poet Okie
Jan. l, 1M4. yl
OBloe oyer Keifs New Store.
Bonrsdale, Pa. Myl
Offloe - Masonlo building, 2d Boor.
q it. WBranET,
Bear of Allen Bouse Honeedale, Pa.
Dec. 1, 1902. slyl
Office 1st Floor Old Havings
ok buildius
DR. II. B. SRAKl.Ks.
aoxwuALZ, Pa.
OfBoe and Residence 1114! Cburch street
opposite Baptist Uiurch. Telephone.
Oface llours-2.00 to 4:00 and 7M to 8:00 p M
OBoe smgoTRf' street, formerly oecn
ptea oy i j, j. o Lonneii. .
KSdale, March 13. 19C2.
Be In a: Distributed
York fine!
ComteTatiaeTrithmaPbs in Malay.
oia, the Windsor LaboWppn of New
xork have xeenred a suHTyt tne won
derful combretaai f SutA W has done
so much to rer61nfi "Hilvlifi treatment
o taeonjrannabit., "v B
A.rcaerouj supply of vki iSw remedy,
-Together with full isstrtctjms for its
nse,' and United States conSlar reports
bearing on the subject vrilkbo sent to
any sufferer. To obtain a tiee sujiply
of this remedy and the consu!r reports,
sddressWinasor LaboratorieV.Branch 23,
134 East 25th Street. New YuV City.
Josepii N. Wilch,
Office: -.'nd floor Masonio BuUing, over
0. C. Jadniu's drup: store, llonert.le.
How fire Your Eves?
With a practical experience o: many year
I am able to make a careful, nlinUDo exam
Inationof tbe eye. which will esult In the
application or a sjass that will relieve and
help you. If you feel the net I of aid for
your eyes, delay It folly.
You are blind (o your own In uses t If you
aeglect to take care of your eyea It isn't
Tery one who can profierly ntij-ou with
KIssmis, aud when jou get.lhrra yuu should
not think tbey will do, just betaue you
little better. You MUST knoWjtbey are
exactly right, We are headiiusrters foi
optical goods of all kinds.
All lenses duplicated and frames tolde
on short notice, cheaper than el tticre.
Post OJCce Building UonsJdale Pa
.ew York Daily yress
Bav Edition, one vear$4 BO
asdale Citizen, oer year I SO
Oltlaen. Uoaeaitale. Pa
summer mm
. I
opie. uan you
knoueAjn tbe
H Liu
r ru-
at the
SXwl I W
. i-ffffsssEy a New
- . OP Till '
Honesdale mm Bank,
BOsTfJDAXJC, WtrSE co- ?A..
Atlbe close of burtnW. May II, 1904.
Loan and Discounts Krii,09C 74
Overdrafts, secured and unsecur
ed none
U.S.nondstoe.s-urpt-lrculallon, K,000 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bond . 2jmn 00
Bonds, securities, etc. 1.3113 ton 33
Banking-bouse, furniture. fUtiircs'so.OOO 00
Due from National Banks mot
Reserve Agents) 2,512 91
Due f'm Stale Banktand Bankers sen tu
Due from approved reserveag'ts 111.070 98
Checks and other cash Items.... 2,04;! 07
Notes of otber National Banks.. 140 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents 376 2,
Lswrm. lloKsrr Rnuri ik Bang viz.
specie $fi3i .')
Legal tender notes.. 18,211 00 85,804 50
Redemption fund vritb U. S.
Treasurer, t per cent, of circu
lation . 2,760 00
Capital stock paid in,W9.91" 81
11(0.000 00
140.000 00
ourpiua fund
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid S0.SU) 02
Nalionalllaiikiiotesouuiandiug M,VJ isi
State Bank notes outstanding... Pm Ijo
Due to olber National Batiks 74 :.s
Due to Sute Banks and Bankers 1,X) U1
liidirldusl dtpotlls ubjet to
check Il.)l5.:v, 10
Demand certificates
of ilepoait 3,Urj 00
rertilletl cliei ks U 00
Cashier's checks out-
stalidiui; B. Oi-I,4U8l7 18
Notes aud bills rediscounlcd .... Nune
Bills ) l,lc iucliidini: certin.
cates uf depoffit for money 1hi-
rowed a),0u0 00
Liabilities otber than those above
slated None
Total fl.TO.imi SI
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wuyne,
1, I'd i ii F. I'orrey, Cashier of the ilcues
dale Natloual Bank, do solemuly switar that
the alMive statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and lieljef.
P.IJW1N F. TultREY, twiner.
Sutmcribed and sworn (o beloie me this
Xltl day of May, 1WM.
R. A. SMITH, N. P.
Corret Attest:
II. T. UKNNKIt, Director..
$5.00 Fancy Oak
Rocker for
Only $3.35
For tbl hsivUome Itfker in rolden
QUAUTEIlKli ok or Mshocaor nBi.h.
gtna couHnetj. ltaniUT imcu. naKU
flrt elsnr In v -ucilon sod
nnUh. In Ftorcs "t JVUC.
itEro rix ok thi: ri:
Bnyine directTlgL'"
the dealer's profit Wi
u a x ior onr latest cxtl
Furniture. Free.
a. C. nAKH. President
WM. B. HOLMES Vice President,
U. 8. 8ALUOK, Cashier,
W. J. WAKI). Asi'l Cashier
Aftar all saving is larasly m matter of
Cultlvata the habit, no matter how much
you make it la the ono sura svay to inda
You will find courteous IPMlm.nt and
ample aecuritr .1 tlio
Total Assets. -
SAVINGS DKPOSITH made nn nr be
fore tbe tenth day of any month will draw
loterest from the first day of that month.
INTEKKST will be paid for all Calendar
months on moneys remaining on deposit
three Calendar mouths or longer.
Small safes to rent In our BURGLAK
Special attention given to MF.ftCANTILK
Ueponts may bo made by mail.
H. C. IlAKn, W. B. Homes, c. J. Smith.
A. T, Seaulc, P. P. Kimble, W. P. Hutiiam
B. J, Conuxu. U. 8. Hai mon. T. B. Clauk.
After June 1st. 1908
9:00 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
K, 8. PKCK.
Late of Mt. PleHvaut township, dec-east-d.
All persons indebted to said estate are no
tified to make Immediate payment to the
undersigned ; and those having claims
against said estate are notified to present
them, duly attested, for settlement.
11. M. PECK.
Niagara, May n, ISM. twu
Or ISTEBj&rr to Womst. Tbe Phila
delphia l'reria hag a oman' page of un
equalled value to tbe woman reader?,
written by women about news in which
women nave a vital interest. The sub
scription price by mail is 13 per year,
or, u MrrSoViucarrier, Tbe Daily Press
oostt one ceni each week-day and Ave
oeata a cony on Sunday. LUndiota;
roiaiuMMe tTireo to roadera ot Tbe
"Vhiiadoli 1'resa. '
sMcMeacber. who would use to
M) ktsK money daring their rammer
vstsVloa will find it profitable to write
to tbe Circulation Department of Tbe
raftajeiphu Pre., 7th and Chestnut
street, Philadelphia: Tbe Press baa a
.preposition (or school teachers daring
tammer. whereby tbey nan earn
asMMional money by ooaganlu work.
Result of Phipps Gift to Johns
Hopkins University.
Experts Will Watch Effscts of Strtnu.
out Life on Children and Will 8ssk
Out Incipient Cases Free Preven
tive Treatment to Be'Glven.
The gift by Henry Phipps, the f teel
magnate of Pittsburg, of SSuufriQ to
Johns Hopkins university for tbe study
of Insanity und fur the more careful
treatment of Insane patients will irole
nlly hare the effect of starting a
wholesale cniMide ngalnst lnnaulty, ac-
I cording to the opinion recently ex
pressed to a Washington corresiond
ent of the New York Tiroes by Dr.
Vllilam A. White, superintendent of
the (Jmcrnmcnt r I tnl hVr the In
Kane at Wabltirtou. 'i'hla vtiwide,
which Mr. I'ldpi-V large donatfcjn lias
made nsiMc, Vtlll not rest content
with the establishment of a rcgulur
clinic In connection with the univer
sity hospital. As explained liy Dr
White, the diagnosis of Insanity Is al
ready on a set basis, as much f t
as other of medicine. The
radical Ucpurture tlint will now- lw In
uuguratiil will be In secLlng out case
of lncIiUnt Insanity aud submitting
tlie suffircrs to treatment of n pn
rentlte nature.
The public schools will lie thorough
ly overhauled for this purpose. Just
at cow the school Is used as a ceutril
-tulut for forcing the children to un
dergo vms-lnntlon. so the next few
j.nrs, wild Ir. White, will w-e the
school uscsl as a rallying point again' t
the'llrst germs of Insanity.
.'is furinorly sis-cltii-d lu the de-d tf
gl.'t. the l.-que.-t will Is- UtllUol In'
clahll-ihlug an additional ward at
Jehus Ilojinlns utiitcrslty. There sr-
chl treatiiH'tit will ! provided for tl:j
patient lu the earlier stages of Insan
11 -
The next step which Is contemplate
In accord with the general plan of the
itlft Is to go back to the causes of l.i
sanlty. Hero nothing could le accom-pll-ilicd
w Ithout rc-couri-e to the puhll.'
iclmols. Xot onlj will the patients li
ieeil of treatment for the early fctages
jf mental dlsea-e v supplleil from the
schiNil-., free treatment ls-lng offered
the parents of allllctnl children, but 1 1
a icrtaiu extent the sclnsds thein-s-hco
' will Ik-coiiic clinics nn a larger way
than would Is- possible lu any ho.p;
!r-n trip tffTWfft nf tirniia il.4;i-
I ri-.tia i.f tiu.ttt-.l slt-.titpl.nt -
I vjl 1m watcljcil, ami a om-ful h-lv t
tfve itruct'ts will If muJe ikhMI'K- t
tLe olIic'L'rs In cljarprf of the r' ,
I (f lilMren who .lm- t-Iciis of uuh .
Ii mom aIihms or mi. in-', wim nan iv
1 cnjie 'iilgh RtruiiK" fnni ffrts t
, surj'yK-i lUeir tlnssmnlw In their .tiiil
is, will come under the dlns-t utten
lion of tralnetl meillcal cxis'rts.
L'mhT this ww .jstciu It will 1
HHHHTMiJIllJ.'l ctTLi."
"li"1' the young. The uni
ercal crltlcii that has lieeu dlrccb-i
public M'loils for unduly Torch
children lulu (riliature study of La
in, (7reek aud dHthciuatlcs lias
dlrc-ctcd the tR.-ntlou of sclcntUtri 1
thU quarter. 1
The ercttloriff the new ward at tin
liosidtal will liake It jwlblv for cum
that warrant It and the ctertH in
tend to take trp the treatment of cjim--as
noon as the i,Igns ure ilclinitely ilut4
nosed to 1 brnught at once uiid.-r
sybtematlc treatment.
KInce the treatment will lie free, p.i
tleuts may lie induceil to take it who
otherwise would Iv hct down iim meie
ly "imecr" and alluwc-d to get along by
themscli-M. Thin phase of the crnsjile
Is exiec-ted to put an enormous
of data concerning the dlseabe ut the
command of medical men.
The field oltened up In the Pcliooli
by this beipjot Li an enormous one.
and tho authorftles do not expect to
get It thoroughly sjHtematized for sev
erul years.
The Dic-tlul to lie pursued In this
w-cond pha of the crusade will con
Flt In all the possible uays of pu
larlxlng the renulls of scientific Investi
gation. Ktery effort will lie made to
Interest parents In the i-ubjcst, aud In
formation for the use of teachers and
uurbes will lie scattcrcil broadcast.
Under this hind plans are alreadj
IjcI" formulatisl fir u series of publ.c
lect - on- the Hyuiptoms of itiahlt.r,
the treatment of t?ie dl-eai-e mid the
iiicHiols of procuring the growth uf
morbid or abnormal tendencies incliil
dren. Thi-se lectures lis time gws on
will assume the prilnrtli'iiH of "chau
tauiiuus of hi-aliji," and a knowledge
of the earlier fol nil of menial Heal,
liens Mill ! as gene-ally Lijihwi and
iliM-us-i-,1 lu iimues us are t,e orillnao
run of iliildiin's t-lcknesM-s
Ingenious French Device For Double
Locking a Letter.
A lieu en.el.i.e made In Paris i
pro. if against the thief or the luisMI.-r
Who oJK-ns a letter to extrni t or to rend
Its contents and thi n rcix-iils It so lc
erlj as to hido any sign of Its baling
Iss-n tainiH-r.-d llh.
The new eineii' Is really two en
velois-s. liuh Is of thin piilr, one a
proiiouucisl blue, the other lighter 111
color and illlTereiit In teltuie. Kuch
has a guminisl llnp.
The letter Is first placed In the blue
envelope, which Is slightly smaller than
the other Instead of sealing this It Is
Placed In tie- outer and the
inner llnp brt'imlit outMih- niel gumm-l
ib.vm i.u t.i tin- I.irger i-ncl"in-
The outer Hull is still unsealed It Is
luiiih lar-i-r than the Inner flap ninl
reiiibifi down to a gil sinil star
shajHsl iipeulng wlibh shows through
to the Inner cnel..s'. so that when the
outer (lap Is sculi-d It sticks not only to
the outer euveloiK'. but also thioiigh
this ojic-iiliig to the Inner one. The let
ter Is thus practically locked and dou
ble locked
Lemon Bsth a Bsautlfying Device.
Quit'il Wllhelmluu of Holland has
adoptisl a custom from tho Dutch la
dloH, and everylKsly Is once more ad
miring her majesty's fair skin and Its
sotlu-llko softness, says a dispatch
from The Hague WUhcluiltia confess
es that It Is probably due to the lemon
baths she has Isssii taking for tbe past
few mouths upon the adtlce of the
vl.'o of one of her colonial governors.
The lemon Isitb Is made, as follows:
live lemons, cut Into slices, are left
to soak lu a tiasln of wafer for half au
hour. After the hath water has been
drawn from the faucet tlie lemon wa
ter Is added sod tho whole stirred vie
orously. The bath Is a great luvlgora
tor ami e reetletit cleanser aud has a
most eoothlns, refihuTjfs4vod softcn
tnf luflueiics on the akhx
Opponents Will No( Concede
Dis Supremacy.
tarty Lssders Differ ss to Nature of
Ststement to Be Mads In Denver
Platform Conservatives Oppose Ap
proval of Nebraska Declaration 8sid
to Be Indorsed by Former Candi
dateCriticism Is Premature, Ac
cording to His Partisans sjohnton
Will Not Go to Convention City and
Won't Taks Second Place.
Denver, June SO. .-seven days before
the Democratic natlonil convention the
Ilrysu claim that "It Is all oter hut
the shouting" still finds dissenters.
The first note of dissent vlll U- sound
ed with the arrival of Colonel Lynch
and the other Johnson workers, the
New York contingent. Josiuh Marvel
and the tlray men from IMaware,
Cubernatorial Cnudldate Itrcwn of
Georgia and Colonel (luffey mid the
Pennsylvanlans, who are solidly
against Aryan.
Marvel telegruphc-d a jiosltlre stati
meut that Judge !ray will not accs-it
the vice pn-sidency under any circum
stances. Tor some reason Inevpllra
hie to the Bryan leaders both the Cray
and Johnson people refuse to read the
handwriting on the wall as It Is read
by the Itryan men.
Mr Ilrjan's managers ny claim to
more than Tim of the 1.N votes to be
cast In the convention. The Gray and
Johnson leaders ilo not oohccle more
0fSn 4'Si SHiti-s for him on the nrnt bal
".',' They w
ifotls against
lll 'ls their ho
lot,'- They will entrste their ef-
hls securing anj nsre
mini tltnt if tliev can pie
lent the l. ,2 ilele-ati--. liissntlty to
nominate from c.-istiug their votes f.r
hhn on the tii-st roll -.iII tliey can Ulti
mately nominate some other iiimi.
Johnson or Gr.ij. if possible, but au
one to Is-at Mr I'rj.-m in the end.
List of Chaplains.
Chairman Tuggart of the nitlouai
omuilttis annouucisl the driiilaiiis
for the last three il-iys of the con
tention, nnd the complete list Is ww
as follows:
Tuesday, July 7, lilght Iter. James
J Kean of Wyoming; Wedn.-sd.i .
ltev. C. I". lteisiier of Grine M. I'..
burih. Denver: Thurxlay. It.-ibbl
"aniiel March of Seattle, Wiisj . I'rl
Hey. P. T. Itamsey of SI Paul's
I, church. South Denver.
Notlci"-! of contest have Iss-n He'
with the national coinuilttis. iuvo .t
forty-Jie seats, but of this nuuilo- the
ismtests actually filisl relate "to hlr-tts-n
-eats. Six of thiiie are from the
District of Columbia, and seieu are
from Hie rirst. S.s-ond. Pourth. l'Jftb
and r-titll i'i'ish.UsaiIiia cuiisrtsloiial i
dlsti1it. The Virt nnd Scond dlv !
Irittc. hoAVL'r( li:iV4 only une wat
'eacb In dlfjiuti' Notlc"- of -cuit-sts
jot to 1h liliil rain from Chlc.ijro nnd
ItrooUn. In tin Chicago (iivs Hih
rirnl to tho Tenth fnffivssIonal di
trlct nr Invohfd, the mt t lui? d,'l
ir:ili'.n In-Iuk ly II.'UTt II. Hiirkc
f Clil(ni:i. 'iittlntc dt-U-jration.
from r.riN.klyn will -uiu from tin
Swond to tht Pet filth New York con-ffup-j-loiuil
Want Prohibition Approved.
It deVi-IoKd Ili:it tin prohlltltlon
questluii Is to In I'mtiKbt to tht front
iitid tlint n d-p.rntt- i-fTort will U
ruiiilc to hurt a iUnk d.vl.irli.;; In lt
fuvor phuttl hi tlu pl'itfortu. Tht
Iirohihltloii innwiiit'iit ulll b h.nd(t1
liy .IciieTul Jniiif" I. Vav-r of Iow.i,
tlu IVupIfV iwrtj' for tr.x-d.-nt
In 1-'.'J lie deiiimded of tbi
reteiit Denim nttle tonientlnn in t lit
t;ite t lint it de l.tre in of imilii
Ml ion. .;riiil;il e-ier illid 1)11 fut
ItiMer were no Mh-t in their ef
fort In their nun si-tie, Nut, inn
tlsiiiiiKtl li t heir fnilnie. nude
iirrJUKeiiieiits lt Icinu the in.itter up the I Mil"- i.iiif n-tiioiiil oii
M'litfoii They i l.iiin. pi-n-fim-r. to
hne tptiiu In. from n nuniN-r
of dfleyrtlinlix fr-Hii the -.Milium
Male- with h linve re- eiitly p.isd pn
hlhltioii Liu-,
The illiti injuiii-lli'll phihk eoiitlnileH
III prnol.4 .'I lilTe-e .llliolltlt of
hfoii aiii'iiii' siii li pnt. lender- :t lue
jtlreiuly nirhiil f'-r tlie eon.entlnn.
While opinions, tliflir n to the exaet
nature of the which should he
nd'pld, nil lire of ntie mind in a
InK that It hh.tll ! a tlennite and -
cifttr statement. Su h liii'inU- of the
natioiiHl commltte its hare dleused
the matter are a unit in saying that
the wording of the untl-lujum-t.on
plank slull leave no MittJhle doubt In
th mind of any reader an to when
the parly Maud, on this pietlon.
Injunction Plank Forecast.
It now generally lelleied, how
fr. that the anti-Injunction restiluthm
will not provide for trial, ty jury In
eajs of conteinfit of iioirt or favor in
any way uieuhiireK whith might l
eutitrued at Interfering with the pr
roifathe of the feltrMl eourlri
All dsMelopmeiits Indicate there will
?h fctrlfe tatr the anti-Injunction ques
tion Hhould William J. Itryan Iiihi-t
u ton lueorporutiug the kind of plunk
advocated by Pre-ident Foiii-er of
the Amtrimn federation of U.r.
Mr Hrap, 1t I. underHt(Nd, wiintK tlie
autl-ililum titin pUnk of the NrlMa-Lct
Mate platform The de
claro that If tlie NHbrakan hai hH
ilT-TSluM I'Llisliuii:
wtty about It lh entire bu-.lnesi twu
muiiity will m irpp.js.ti1 to Iii-m. rary
linger r. Kullhan of Chicago outlined
the Mrt of platform lie think the
Jeiji.rutl(' millHiiuI etuiteiitlnn sli.rul.l
adopt The IlliuoU leader, nlm Is
pl.ilng n prominent part in the pre
llmiuarleM, hliK hard at anything that
HuiatKw of S'tclnlUra and guM-rniuc-ut
The friends nf Mr. Hr)an pay that
fruch of hU critkn an are already ex
pressing theniM'lvet In fear of n rndl-
fnl tilnnk are flizlitllir
the air. The plank haTDOt yet ievn
written. It bun not lieen draftnl, and
ItH form la Mill a mutter which U un
der deep and cartful eonslderatlon.
It was rej-orled from pen Mult
la that -iovemor Johm
tiled there the rejnrt tbi
eome to Jener. He
prltlvely that be uaa a
tbe prenldeiitial nomln
not b lug tlie.
Gray's Men Visit)
IJw-olu, Ncli., June :
a firs of Judge liray"!
cativuss, Juslah Marvel
Del., and
ronllal. The rticngth ot lovcrnoi
JlKinson of Mlnncaotn. Mr. Marvel
thought, had lxs?n underetlmatcl.
North Carolina For Sryan.
Charlotte, X. C. June !0. The state
Democratic convention adjourned sine
die after Instructing the delegates to
the Denver national convention fur
William J. Bryan.
Gets Two Weeks' Stay Pend
ing Preparation ot Papers.
New York, June ,T0. Horry K. Thaw
Is not to go hack to the State
I'or the Insane at Matteawau for two
weeks nt Vast
Supreme Court Jatire Mills, sitting
at White Plains, remanded tlie slayer
of Stanford White to Pouchkccpsle
Jail for the convenience of one of his
lawyers, Charles .Morse hauser. brother
of Justice Morschnu-cr. s'ttding the
preparation of atixlatlt and argu
ments on a writ of hdN-as corpus.
The question to Is- ariHsl Is whether
Thaw Is entitUsI to a Juvy trial to de
ride us to his sanity .Iiistice Mills
said he was of the opinion that Thaw
was entitled to i. Jjry trial. "I am not
prepansl to say whether It suould Im
now or later." he lidded.
Almost simultaneously with ths nd
Jourument of the hals-as corpus h'vir
ing by Justice Mills a decision "Vus
rendered by Supreme Court Justic,,
Dowllug In New Yotk denying Thaw's
recent application to ! remmed from
Xatteawuu to some- her iustltutiim.
if after siillli-lent ilis,-rv.itl..n It Is
fouud proM-r to remoM- him to s,,me
otheV lustitiitlou the state authorities
can tV act," says Justice Iiowling
JusiKs Dowllug says that the eii
deuce a't Thaw's trial shonisl he
a as subjfect to htIih1s of manic de
ircslve iV'-i'ilty and was therefore a
jlaugernug who should Is- kept
closely gcarMi-d for his own and othef
tssiple's sa'felV.
Doctors Fear Illness May Hive Seri
ous Termination.
Cooperstown, N. y. June . "Illh
op Potter has lss-n VtmistratisI from
the hot we-.ther of tin -.piist few days
and is In ery Votnlltlon."
The al re bulletin telliW of lllshop
Poller's serious stale wa issutsl lii
Dr. J. i:. Jam rln of New York. 0111
of the physhians who Is nttiVidlug tin
prelate. Two nursi-s are li atteiul
The illness of ItUhop PotterA date
t .-jVig',r 1- "hen he was attVckefl
' -' tloti of stomach and Rivet
not weather of the list fc
days has greatly iiggr.iv.itis! the su
ferings of the aged patient. whosiSI
continued weak lie-; has ulanmti hi
physicians. Iir
Jamiin did not'eon
ceal his fear that the
hl-drop' Ulntt3
might have a serious termination.
Hopes We Will Meet His Con
ditions In Interest of Sport.
London, June The Field, a week
ly puhlic.itioii. announces that Sit
Thomas I.iptoii Is prcp.iri-d to dial-
lenge again for the America's i-up tin
dcr the following iniiiliilons.
First, the new jailit hnll Is- cutlet
rlggisl ami Imilt under the prietit
universal rule of the New York Vaihl
club; sis-oud, the New York Ynelit
chili shall designate the sire of the
yacht It cons,,-rs rrest suitahle fot
the r:ti-e.
Sir Thomas sal.l that the Field's
statement was Krfeilly correct, lit
"I li"s- iny Atiierlc.'in friends will
see their way ilear to meet my wishes
in tlie Inten-st of ssirt. The size ot
the Isiat is uo ohjist. and 1 atu willing
to hiiilil under the universal rule. If
1 can get assurance that u ilialleuge
will is- aeis-pted I will Isue it forth
with." It is understood that the intention of
Sir Thomas, with the New York Yai-ht
club's permission, is to lniild two
yachts of a class ih-slguatisl l,y that
i lull after designs ly l'lfe and selei-t
tile Is tter to i-olilliete for tile t lip.
Kills His Sen by Mistake.
Sailor Springs. III.. June :su. Jenlnnr
of his young wife and mistaking hit
sou fi.r aii.uln-r ni.ui. Julius Turner
sit -eight (w.irs of age. u eh!l wnt and farmer of Clay City. 111.
shot nnd killed 111- Wife, serious!)
woiindisl ids iifteeii i d -u ami
nlteuipti-d to coiiimlt i Slmf
his nrnM Turner his i. .. ,1 to eal
and dei-l.ires h. will starie liluisi.lf tf
death He and his wife had Iss-n sep
arattsl four soars.
Shah's Realm Tranquil Again.
Washington. .I41111- .to 1! .l,-i(k
sin, A'lierieau miiiisier at Teheran
Persia? ha- appllisl to the - late ilopart
ment ft.r li-.i,- of nl,s.-me 'i'lie ofll
(litis sa) 111,-) see nit li-.isnn w ll) It
sis. till! not U- giauteil. whii li is ii-gnrd
eil as an lieli, atioli that liny do Hot
mushier the I'eislau situation an
alarming one. at least so far as Amrrl
can interests me ciniermsl.
"Re-employment Osy" Tomorrow.
t'hleago. June :V. Toiiiormw Inn-
Is-ell terillisl "les'mplo)llient da).'
ls-eaiisi' tlioiisands will lesume work
after a'11 iillem-ss of man) weeks 'llu
"prosM-rit.v nuneineiit' Is ls-lng liack
isl liy lniii.h. -,1s of Mg inauufai'tiirers,
who reallz.. that reiiewisl prospi-rlty 1
sweeping over the tsiuntr)' after th
fiuauclal deprt-sslou 4if thi
Meyer Oat of Chairniaaship
Ohio Politician to Havs Confersncs
With Nomines In Wathington Thsy
Will Discuss Politics, Despits Hot
Westhcr, Declares Mr. Taft Ho Has
Rsceivcd Many Invitations to Spsak,
Including One at Lincoln, Nob but
Is In tho Hands of tho Campaign
Washington June 30. for
loolitsl at though I'osLmtCler General
Meyer and Frauk,.iH Hitchcock were
to manage Ilcpuhllean natlcmsl
rommilU-e. Rut today Hitt-hrork la the
leading candidate again. This devel
opment folloned a conference tietween
Mr Meyer nnd Secretary Taft. Mr.
Meyer felt that If he became chairman
or assistant chairman he ought to re
sign from the cabinet, and this be
could not do.
The prolrahlllty Is, therefore, that
Taft will name Hitchcock on July 6.
i:ory eflort was made to learn
something definite respecting the choice
of a national ihalrtnan. hut Secretary
Tart himself ald:
"No announcement concerning the
national chairmanship will he made
until I have coiifeiitej furtlu-r with-the -1
suls-iiuimittis of tlie national commit
tee. That lotifcieme will Is; held at
Hot Springs. Mrs T.ift has Informed
me that bhe will Is; le.idy to leave
tVusluagtoii for Hot Springs next Frl
da). 1 shall therefore notify the mem
fcrjj of tlie sills ouiniltis' to meet me
Sieie onTliiy s. Hie chairmanship
itter will Is- determined then and
not K-fole then."
Taft Holds Conferences.
Mr. Taft held .1 iiuuila-r of confer-ciks-s
011 the chairmanship.
II) far the most important confer
ence lu genuine Interest was that
whli h he had with a delegation repre
senting tlie political organization of
the ItfpuhlU'.Hi party hi his home state
of Ohio. Walter llrovvu, chairman of
th liepuhllcau slate central commit
tee: Henry Williams, chairman of the
ICepiiliIIi-an stale executive committee,
and N A 'illls-rt. state auditor, came
to Washington to urge Secretary Taft
favorably to consider Arthur I. Vorya
lu connection with tbe selection of a
ltcpiih!!ian national chairman.
They discussed tbe mutter with Seo
retary Taft at considerable length. In
dicating to him that the appointment
of Mr Vor)S meant much to the Re
publican organization In Ohio. Tbey
evprcsstsl an apprehension that the se
lection of .Mr Hitchcock, for Instance,
or almost anyliody else than Mr, Vorya
might tend to disrupt the organization
in Ohio, which largely had been bnllt
up by Mr. Vorvs. At tbe conclusion
of tlie conference, although Secretary
Taft did not indicate to the delegation
what his Intentions were, he author
ized the iiieinlierrt to telegraph to Mr,
Yorys requesting him to come to
Washington and meet him tomorrow.
Will Talk Politics With Vorys.
Sis-relary Taft wheu asked what
might Is- tin- nature of his conference
wllh Mr. Yor.vs replied laughingly:
"Well. I fancy we shall talk some
politics, even though tbe weather be
The secretary of the Nebraska state
Imuwl of agriculture stated that Mr.
Taft has proiui-isl to sjieak at tbe
state fair nt I.lmoln In September.
Mr. Tuft made this statement:
"I have icivlwsl 11 great many Invl
tatiniis to suak. nnd I have replied
to some of t Ik-ih that I should Is- glad
to do so. However, none of these re
plies made au engagement. 1 shall be
euiiiely in the li. mils of the campaign
i-nmmltlcc If they should decide that
I 11m to stay ut home and make no
campaign, 1 should stay at home. I
shall go only to the places they desig
nate. I shall Is- very glad to go to
I.linsilii If I i 111 to make any sieechea,
hut have iiiude no promise that Is not
suldisl to ihange h) tbe committee."
First Bslloon to Sail Over Alps.
Itrlg. Svvltz.-rl.niil, June i'M. - The
Swiss Aero lull's balloon Cognac has
Hi -icoddl In irosalng the Alps. This
feat has often ls-en attempted, but
never hvfon- Mi-.-omp!ibed.
Live Stock Market:.
New York, Jun29. fair, matk.t Mahsr,
lliUK. ri..TUl. prime, Iiila7.SI. vusl
calves. tTaTlsl
MIICEI' AND LAM11S - Supply "Slit,
tiidtkrt lom-r on sheep, higher on lambs;
l-nni, tl :ja4.u. culls and com
limn units tUStn
H(m;i4 IWceipts fslr, rnaiket active and
higher, piling lu-avls, mediums and
leuvy York, re IOC, lluht Yorkers, i2C8
C31, plga, CTOLK. roUKhs, 40.
General Markets.
TEU Creamery, sis-clals, ZSVe.J
KPAc: nrsts. ziuasc.: state dairr.
Frlnest. nWuz.: process, specials.
r-xtras. zlc : ladles, nrsts. UUc
Lalis-k, No. 1. IkStC
fsncy, amall, Jis;c ; fancy, large',
food to prime. 1fcallc.; skims. 1U
sisis, yc . une. ,kc
tred. BaJ. zic'es
ii'-nii'ir i vriifvs: esk
Selectman Sets Mark For Five and
Half Furlongs at Shecpshead Bay.
New York. June new track
record for Ore aud a half furlongi on
the turf waa made at Pheeptbead Bay
when Selectman won tbe Water Pearl
In 107 1-5, which Is three fiftbs of a
second faster than tbe old mark.
Prisclllian In tbe first race ran the
mile la UT S-S, equaling tbe track
record made by Inquisitor In 1900.
Prlscnilan could bare beaten tbe
world's record for tbe distance If
Dugan had ridden him out. He waa
easing up all through tbe last six
teenth. Prisclllian aud Peter Quince
cut out a fast clip until tbe stretch
waa reached, when Peter Quince quit
Prisclllian then took command and
won by half a doren lengths.
Bandpliier In the fifth race set a fast
pace to tbe stretch, where Selectman
Joined him, aud ln.afcird drive the
latter won hy- a hose. Summaries:
Ftnt Jrtce.-I'rlscllllsn. first: Petar.
second; Far West, third.
Second Kace. Tony Bonsra tint:
Grand, Vedette, second; BnflaWJoio,
Third Ilace. Torbelllno. first; Warn
ba. second: Mediant, third.
Fourth Ilace. Old Honesty, first;
Juggler, second: Kllllecrankle, third..
Fifth Race. Selectman, first; Sand
piper, second; Connaught Ranger
Sixth Race. George G. Hall, first
Delirium, second; Montauk, third.
Games Played In the National and the
Amtriean Leagues.
At Brooklyn-Brooklyn. 11: New Tork, 7.
Batteries Mclntyre. Holmes and Hercren;
Crandkll. McOlnulty, aialsrksy and Ures-
At Boston Philadelphia. I: Boston. 2.
Batteries Sparks and Dooln; Boultes.
Young and Uratiam.
At Cincinnati-Cincinnati. S; Chicago, 1
Batteries Doescher and McLean; O.eral
and KUng.
w. r.c. w. i r.c
Chicago...; 22 .CZl Phlla'phla27 a .4-1
Pittsburg. W 2 .63 Boston.... 27 V .412
New VorkSS 27 S.11 St. Louis 24 40 .271
ClncInnstlS 30 JLii Brooklyn, 22 23 .IC7
At New York Boston. 4; New York. 1
(11 InnlngsJ. Batteries Winter and Cri
geVj'Orth and Klelnow.
At PblUuJelphU-Phlladtlplua, 4; Wash,
lncton, 0. Batteries Vlckers and Powers;
Johnson. Falkenberf and Street.
w. u. r.c w. t r.e-
Bt. Louis. SI a .Cut Phlla'phlaXl 21 .42
Cleveland. M M Ml Boston.... 28 27 .421
Chicago... 25 28 -UC New York 2U 25 .42u
Detroit.... 24 28 StS Wash'too.22 29 .Sa
, Yale'e Stroke All Right.
Rochester, X. Y., June 30. A siieclal
from Alexandria bay aays tbe report
mat u. 1. unswoia, isles iws airoae
of tbe varsity urew, who' collapsed
during the race with Hsrvani. Iant
line pmi4oiaeaui,,H not suite. Al.
wearjsr Orlswoia la far from belne
Artel and Baldwin Draw.
New York, June 30. Abe Artel of
Ban Francisco and Uatty Baldwin
foBirht six fast rounds before the
uranu, union Athletic cinn. ax use
end bot. met-were on their feet, and
on points the batTTea a fairly even
Wins G&sfisM? hi Ciffs
M Cutest.
Clerelatul, O, June 30. A little r.e
era girl, Marie C. Bolden, thirteen
years old, daughter of a Cleveland
mall carrier, won the spelllne cham
pionship of the American public
schools In thj Intercity spelling con
test which marked tbe opening of the
National Educational association con
vection here, spelllne correctly every
word In tbe oral and written contests.
Another girl, Mae Thuraby of the
Pittsburg team, equaled her record and
will get tbe Pittsburg Junior Order of
United American Mechanics' gold
medal, while little Miss Bolden receiv
ed the Cleveland board of education
gold badge denoting the championship.
Tbe Cleveland team made only thirty-eight
errors as against forty -seven
for Pittsburg. Therefore Mis Bolden
was given the preference. She was
appla uded by 11,000 adults, and. the chil
dren of tbe Pittsburg and Erie (Pa.)
learns nnd even of tbe New Orleans
team, which for a time refused to
siell against her because of her color,
shook her hamhi. New Orleans mla-ss-llisl
fifty-two words aud Erie seventy-eight.
Hill Der.iA 'leged Interview.
Albany. N. Yf, juue 30. Albert H.
Hoyt, editor of the Argus, received a
cablegram fioiu former florernor Da
vid II. Hill denying an alleged Inter
view with Mr. Hill ou tbe day be sail
ed for Euro and in which be was
quoted aa referring to flovernor John
son as "the poorhouse candidate," crit
icising Mr. Bryan and saying that
"there Is no Democratic party."
Governor Hughes Rssts.
Baranae Inn, N. Y, June 2tt. Oov
ernor Charles K. Hughes and his fam
ily arrived at Saranac Inn, where they
will remain for the governor's voca
tion of si i weeks or more. Accompa
nying the governor were Mis. Hughes
and their (hlidren-Charles E. Baches,
lr - Helen, Catherine and Elisabeth
Mcxicsn Soldiers Taks the Field,
HI I'aso, Tei . June 30. According U
Information from u reliable source
official advices have been received In
Juarez, across the Itlo Orande frou,
this city, to the effect that tbe 2.S0C
federal troops sent to Torreon, Cos
bulla, have takeu tbe Held In an effort
to surround tbe parties believed to I.
esponslble for tbe attacks on Vleecf
and Hacienda Matamoras.
Biggest Hard Ceal Mine Opens.
Pottsvlllo, Pa, June SO. The Pine
Knot colliery of the Philadelphia and
Heading Coal and Iron company-
which Is the largest anthracite coal
operation la the world, started p la
tbe presence of a Urge number ef tbe
company's officials. The colliery wlT
turn out 100 cars a day, or a total ot
about 3,500 Ions.
Bays Betsy Ross Deserves Famefc
New York, June 30.-Jobn QulCsi
Adams, secretary or in Atnerir,
Flag House and Betsy Boas
asaucUtlon, authorises an eap!
nisi of tbe story that
ipt tbe maker t
I OtnC
Bisericrs Net EevslitiM,
Says lexice Ciiy.
Officials Deny Reports of Capture ef
Jlminez and Other Place and Say
Marauders Are Only Cornmea Crim
inals Republic's Vioe President De
clares Trouble Was Fomented by
A n arch.Hc-B ,tI tor-Ws.s3
the Boundary Malcontents to Be
'City of Mexico, June 30. No news at
any sort has been received at the caph
tol that would Indicate that there bad
tieeo a repetition of the disorders sim
ilar to those which occurred at the
towns of Yleiscas and Las Vaoas. Oo
tbe contrary, at the departments ot
tbe Interior, war and state reenaa the
report thit absolute quiet laogsd la
tbe region where tbe two small bemdi
of malcontents had been operating.
Through private telegrams of Inquiry
received here It was made erldeot
that sensational reports relating to al
leged captures and assaults wen la
circulation In tbe United State.- On
story was to tbe effect that .the .town
of Jlminez. a place of some 11,000 In
habitants, had been assaulted and cap-,
tured by revolutionists. At the la
terlor department and at the oBce ol
the president of tbe Mexican Central -railroad
It was asserted that the re
port waa untrue. A telegram, sent ts
Jlminez wes answered by one of tbs
officers at that place to tbe following
"Have not seen any revolutionist!
around In tbe last .Tew days. If the
captured the town they overlooked tba
telegraph office. Jlminez Is a terminal
point on one of tbe branches .of tbe f
Mexican Central In the southern pari
of the state of Chihuahua. There la
a village of the same name in the
state of Coahulla, near tbe scene ot
the Las Vacas raid."
All Quiet In Torreon.
Word from Torreon, a thrlvuig ctty
of some 30,000 Inhabitants and five
banks, declares that the place Is, as "
quiet aa any well organized city of taa
United States. ,
The entire direction of the cAmpaJgs
against the malcontents la under Uu
direction of tbe secretary of tbe la-
terlor, "Barnon Corral, who la also vie
.president of tl republic. Mr. Corral
explained that Shi department bad
taken charge of tbe affair because tin
police force of tbe republic was nsdei
Us supervision. The government coo
ciders tbe marauders common crim
inals and la chasing them with ruraloa
the mounted police of the country.
"I syui say now what I said at tba
beglnntuV said Inft.-VsvaT preeWent "
"The trouble, in tbe state of rvetm
Is njt a revolution, nor is It the com
mencement of one. A few Ignoraat
f tbe lower class hare IlatetssA
to tbe wortfjof certain anarrhhslh
Mexicans now residing la the United
States and tuereurJCAaeTsaJwat to rot
murder and pillage. Not a man of flw-.
better class has joined the ranks, ana
their number Is Insignificant. They
are) now biding in groups of twos,
threes and fours somewhere -in tbe
wlide of Durango or Goahnlla. Tbi
rurales will catch them. Tbey arTH be.
tried as common criminals.
Foreign Minister Mxrlscal declared
thajt those mtntfestants' who creased
the, Bio Grande and are now on Unit
ed States aajH will tie extradited-Ol
the, grounds, that, the men .are guilt
of common crimes and not political
Troops Ordered to Mexican Una.
Wrshlngton, June 80. By direction
.of .President Kconereli .flecretory- nV
Wr Taft issued orders to the com
msjndlng general of the department ol
Texas at San Antonio to send a suffi
cient number of troops to Del Bio, El
Paso, sad other points in Texas .to aid.
thai civil authorities In preserving ce .
der, This action was decided upon a
a result of tbe request from the Mere"";
can government that the United Battel
do its utmost to prevent any violation
of tbe neutrality laws. '
May Havs Imitated Cassis Chadwicic
New York. June 30. Search Is being
made In this city and In nearby Con
necticut towns for Miss Caroline An
drews, a charming, cultured spinster
and church worker of fifty. She die
appeared on June 6 from her native
town, Oneonta. N. Y., leaving behind
debts amounting to more than $20,000,
It Is said. She waa a second Cassle
Cbtdwlck, according to the stories ot
some of Oneonta's most prominent cit
izens, who began a systematized
search for ber.
Louisiana Votes For High License.
Bston Itouge, I .a, June 30. That
Louisiana shall be a high license state
for tbe next two years at least wss
finally derided by tbe assembly when
tbe senate passed the stbattuck-O tl
liquor bill by a vole of 20 lo 4. This
measure bus passed the bouse and ts
known to have tbe governor's approval
It fixes tbe minimum irlb license at
fouO, minimum state at $200,' w'th
maximum licenses running up to sev
eral thousaud dollars each.
Wants Year Long Engagements.
Boston. June 30. A bill requlrbag
persons Intending marriage to be pub
licly engaged for at least a year was
offered by Charles uaitiue or
Colo, at tbe ninth bW-unlal coaretVTj
tlou of tlie General Federation of Wo
men's clubs. lie wants tbe bill sn
sented In tne legislature of every state,
"Hasty marriages are tbe reason for
divorces In mos;, cases,' Is Us argu
ment. Poison Caused Oectst'a Death.
Philadelphia, June 30. Cyanide U
potaslum la a bottle of ale, which was
sent to him wltb murdesdus latest
and which be sipped shortly' before be
wss stricken, caused tbe death of Dr,
William II. Wilson. It Is believes! that
tbe pobon waa sent la Dr, Wllaen by
a relative of one of Ida fmniU pa
tients, whose case bad a'tstal tseeai
nittoa. ' "
Sheets Wife and HImeeJf.
lUaftiiuc. Pa. June 30-Jobn lr-
sfcal, aged tfalrty-Cve yean, shot and
wife bare land then eMasM-
ssdelde. The n trader sad ileU
as i rJUux M melas tt d
-XT -A
. TS.isi