;.[lt zziffhtv gabotrbtr. tenhx-1.111...1;i1Cis i tg u ?,N. P A B Y. "Alas') i' -----.- VIM rirl:lt'll,l ill ildvapce S 2 00 , • - „,l .fi .0/V•ii.., 250 . ~,,,,, red tov carriers, Fifty Cents rim • • , t ,t,ntettti , ' ~.. to re, ~..na p t 'sou 400 :''''''''l,...,..eut to out. address, 10 00 -ID 00 T o • , ,r"”' ' ..: ~ippi.v only to those .sv/to 'pay hi tint. lc."' k it% ; , ,ii.TISING LATE.'. - t:: to, t nt r advert !sing rates, w the 0- f- ' f , !, ~dhered to. In reckoning the ,t'' ," ,‘,.:,, eaa•nts ail inCh 114 conainerell r ,0 ": ' .‘,,, thing tevAltan an Inch la rated ::,,111::,;i sitzt.re m,xllon` 1 ssl,t): 1. 7(i , 3 sri,' 4 q, 27,z 3.441, 1.03 i 51. 51 450 0.01, 7 . 00 1 8,50, 1-4.)(1 ::.,t„1 , 10.0012.4 U 00,20.1, ‘o •oal Adatinlstrat i'.'".laditors' and Estnty .ISI • •c -. .,,:r• settees, get in Leaded before Mortgages and - Deaths, 2.5 per to regular rates; Local Notices, by the part re4.,ls , crii. per linen( Eight 'rorilmt ini.ertion.l2 cents per line !brace '''. ',l tea colts !or each subsequent Inser ii[o• N,,th•es cents per line; Mar t,;veatlis 2i cents each. Adver ''' la-,ir,rl,vcry other week, two-thirds rer•olis andin in advertiseMents • .•.tei the pe h riod they wish them pub. • -s. , they will be continued until ••• ..: the expeti.e of the advertisers. addressed to - •• A N, Editor and Proprietor. • !ittstllfss‘) T3trectorxm tr tt. )I,ES I,E (iItOCEItS. • N Walker. and :./1, N.-Park. ; French twker A ..1111 . 1.-nell ht. Boor , CS° sIiOES. Palk t.',2!ellari, A Co.. :North Park, street. ••:' s.O . t • • • olateleeker, I al Peach St. ~ • , St. l• reach st. „.. t ~111:1. 1117 Parade st. .K. a STAT/ONESX, tic try at•ll4e3r 'Lead, North Park. , . .‘NI) NY.WS AGENTS. 1. ',II tate Street. P•-out st. . r, ^ state rt.orii. i• ; ;.; l'Att . S flro...)Pt Crete.ll ,t. )11' , 1(' IVill. t'ot..tto ..tr,wl:ct; M.V•IIINE AGENtlit - >4. llite.l House. , •., Maelpoe, ..517 state , 12 Park 11 , ,1r. ATt'llE , S .lEWELItY. s.1•••••..1, .te North Park. Stale opp. Ilrown's hotel '•4 East S•evelith st. No. ItREPAIRING:. ; North Park Row. A.ND CAPS. - 12at:rtlivil I OM': CTiONEIIY. Nolth Park Sow. ' t,F.F+ .1 ND NIEDICINF'....I. t st. . Art er 21 Sort It Park. 1111")Peaeli mt., Just - above Depot 7tr2 State street. • at A. :4;41.711 State Street. 1)1tV GOODS. 1A ,.,,i tairollifl a Co., 3 Noble litoctr.,, j j 'Ol Stale I,By Gia dtS AND CARPETS Tasst stvite GIMCERIP_S. k. Weber ,t. fu., sit State street. 1„:)s 13.4 Peach st. - liSst rd eo., 1121 Itoettran, :01 State et, A Col ner sin and State st. ck,r, P.:lSt:de H V Clan, Ea,f Filth st: F. 7,ki state st. Brt,„ French st. st. ..r, oar. Parade Lt Butralu sta. ;'2,1 . / state st. AleK 5'21 French st. ;of lth &Sl.yrtle st. 11 Knelb a S,n, 10 . 27 Parade at. Ruri.,, Pa aid e s New Block, Federal 11111 ,a•s Farm n, 14•2.5 Peach at, A-Lrr N,td,ltter. French 'at. near the Park. • 11A RI•:111 ES. 420 State St. W:a., Ls-Ant. corner Slate and &I Sta. 1a.1,«1,...eint.-r s son.,et State at. Iv zn , q . , r, 5, Stat< , st, Ile, 10 North Pork. •!•9 1...10 , 11ce, .111 Stale st, F.,k,,..t.theinter A: co., 501 State at., it.,citzweig, 511 4,1441(' . 441. TOBACCO A.ND MARS. W.-:•Ltiaan. 131. Peach st. 71) 4 mate IV. M. 1,1, 517 IWnt.ll • "terser, 101 stat , , St. 11AiLDWARE. •J•••r Fite.s, State st. between 12th k. Depot. 1:1 , i A. Wilder, Waterford. sTOVES AND TINW.ARE. Ru'tbar.l 8r0.., 701 State St, F.-T.101111,0i A Co.. 1014 and 11220 State at. il.o,tat ter, 1012 Parade at. I`.::E-Nott, A Avery, 527 French St. shirk A Whitehead, 12th & Sassafras. 4i. Ai ,ye,r A. Son, 1215 State at. FrILNITITRE WAREROOMS. .11.11:Net h t:o., 11.1 State at. • ! . .a.t. Lc. From, 1122 State at. I. W. Ayers, 715 State at. LUMBER MERCHANTS. ~ • Crawfey S RAI:, State st., near depot,. k. STRAW 6001)S, M Itkk'. soul h Park. A, P. GUI tnort, 71.; State 24. • fIItASS FOLTNLItI F>S, hrakl Metz, 1111 State fit. ' Ff..birrek I C )., ^•,tsl 91h stre••t, SIACHINKCS, FOUN'DP.RS" ANI) BOILER MIAIiERR rat Iron Works, eon, 12ila and St ate fits. PLANING " P:Crook & Son, t.or. It h and Peach sta. Itootz. 1214 Peach • CciFFt:E SP1(11..; MILLS. . lIMIECEP=I F: WING 531,00:4. Barons, fill French at, IR )S FENCE, WORKS. 10:n litirr, 1.32 State ht, WOOIJ TU I\ G SHOP.' ?.1. 11. ot I ,tvi tat.. ,t. • , CO U., DEALERS. • keo., for. 12th dr. Peach sta. Br.non Cr6.4.' 3 saw (Wholestile) h Park Row F. W:lte,l & Co., c4 - )r. 6th S 3.tyctle sta. Gr. PLITIOIING WORKS. 41 ..#1t1Lbartli ,Lteerv,ed) cor. State a sth itS ROOK BIND FYIS. E. 24. Cole .t Son ß , K eystone Bank Block :%1.1R111.F. WORKS. ith I ton %ton, tir,t doer bnl. Custom Muse E 1 , 1412 M. Ninth St. bet. State tt. Peach stn. RTE %.N1 GRINDING. ' 1•256 Turnpike et. kI'tTION y CONISIISSION MtIRCRA:IiTS Wairhell & Co., 821 State et. G. W. Elker. American 'Rock Park Roar. - 15ustness jilotters. 11F:NRY M. RITILET, Peas street., above Union L,”r) , I n07'87: I(wortui: 11. CUTLER, 1 ai 1,..,, Girard, Erte County, Pa. ~ t her tinainess attended to with ' , .^:plat,s and. tli,pateh. E. M. i'01,1•7. 1 .1: SON. . aderq and Itlstak, lic)nk sLartufacturerb, ' ,,, K , •ysioneNatlonal flank. - 0. p:LtdoTT, st rest, opposite Brown's EfrA.l, Lne, Pft, ;Mice hours from 8 A. Id' to 231„, and from Itos P. SI. - 0010437—tf. SA LTs.IIA.N .t CO., kale and Retail Dea.ers In Anthracite, ''z'hunatD. and Itlackminlth Coal, Office earner and 12t h reet..., Er le, Pa. I. C YkLItiILAN. (SeLli-tf.f R. J. SALTSIIAN. W. bentht. Oak , In it om l e AG zwel L 's mock, ncortb I.:tea the Park, Erie Pa. FRANK %VINCI - IEIJ, dc kneilomoni commission Merelmonts,and Real r:•atc Stale street (corner Nintb,} Pa. Advances triads on consignments. ".antri Veaduex otteoded to in atiy part of county, WINC, Ta;lorand dock, EX,Ve Dr. de Dena' bi an d ropai ------ lta. as a 3. i. on short notice. Terms as - = =ea EAGLE HOTEL, Zr"lte Unton Depot, Erie, Pa.. Jas. Chtlp , proprietor. Rouse upert at all bows. The tcr and tat,le hrava ;Applied with the choicest 141 the markets tiiroiti. - feb3Y69-Iy. GEO. BENNE= M. D., and surg.m. onice, East Park St.. Ha versticit's flour store,—boards [Atha res. ot Wm P. litlhon, West Stzlh street ' 1.4; D 2d from Sasaatras. - office hiatus tram 11 a. m. Janlll7.tf J. T. ICALLOCK, A. Ti, RICIINOND, Ene, pi - Meadville, Pa. , R MAACK _it RICHMOND, v Iltorneya at Law and Solicitors or Patents, .' 42, Nur h Purl; Pla.ce,Erle, Pa. Persona de. 'nig to ohthln Letters Patent for their Inven tion., wilt please eall or address as above. Fees cil',flabl... Territory sold for patentees. tiPs -Itt --- eatton given to collections, • InY 7- IY. - - - P. W. ROERLETts • ~,Iccast;e n uten.. '="thr Peace, Peach tamer, six doors o street, South Eric. ,'• K. SPENCER. BELDEN MARVIN. .ra,ll' :4nrvin, Attorneya and Cciunsellom Gince Paragon Block, near North West ;tier br the Public Square. • U. V. CLaird, ii-altr In all MIAs at Pamlly Groceries and Prortmenediteen ware, de.ould wholeuxle deal -15_14 Wi nes,Laiuure. Cigars, TRbaixo, &C.., No. 36 ' 44 t Fifth etreet le, Pa.-- -- JefFs7l. ----- . ___ ---- - • E:J. M. - Pkvelclan and Swoon. - Office I,;=.ndenre tai reach R., opposite the Park "`'e. and Otte(' hears trent 10 to 12 0. 2t05 P. ".• te p. JOIN H. MILIAtt. Oer Engineer and fittiveyor. Residence car. Sixth street and East Avenue East Erie. -.14.3•67 • NATIONAL HOTEL, Winer Peach and Builtdoata. Jolla tg /Walk rkelcir• Bea or acccontnodatirms for people country. Goat stable attache'. VOL.- 40. Groctries, probure..fruit, firr. 493-11,0C.1011.11ES i Constantly on hand nal supply of Groceries. and Provisions! .T 1325 1 Peach Street, Erie, Pa. Crockery and Glass Ware by the set of pteie. Syrup as tine as ever Caine to Erte. ' - SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, FLOUR, Ciackers, Cheese, Spices, Tobacco and En • WOOL. TWINE, CORDAGE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, AU selected for fine quality, and warranted to give satisfaction. dir Highest Price paid for Butter, Egg* and all country produce. Remember the p mylPhrt, Roce. E. J. EVANS, 1318 Peach Bt. • It F. ri 0 - V AL. I A ! . ......_ . , _ • - C. SIEGEL. • East Eleventh Street ,• between Glenna - n and Holland Streets ITIZOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN .... Glover and Timothy Seed, PLOT)" 12 , FM El D , AND • PROVISIONS! . ...._ HllVll3built on his own premises a large and eommod us store, he is prepared to furnish eierythi gin his line at lower rates than can be found in the city. Count y• purchasers especially will find it to i ) their ad! vantage to give him o pm. 11.. me-54f. I C. SIEGEL. Tollworthy & Lds've, . . NO. 1890 PEACH ST., ' Have adopted a new sysb to or doing busi ness, and would respectfully call the attention of their customers to the fact that they are now selling goods for CASH, OR READY PAY. We believe that we can do our customers Jus tice by so doing and would ask them to call and see our splendid stock of groceries,cousisting of Teas, • Coffees, • Sugars, Spices, &v., Comprising everything in a well kept grocery store. We also have the best, quality of ERIE COUNTY FLOUR. Also FEED in unlimited quantities. Give as acall. TOLLWORTHY LOVE, 1390 Peach 13L, opposite National Hotel. Myl2-tf. • .CHAP GOODS! GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, F. SCILLAUDECICER, snemmor to F. & M. fiehlandeeker, is now re calving a splendid assortment of GROCERIES, FROVIHIONS, WINES, Llenora, Willow, "Wooden arid Stone Ware Pratte, Nuta, &e. A large stook. of TOBACCO AND CLOARB, Grocery headquarters, American Block, State St., Brae, Pa. rayff67-tt FACHLAI:VECKEIC Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-East 6orter Park and Frt•nch St., (CAILAPSIDE,) Would respeettully call the attention of the com munity to their large stock of aroaeries and Provisions, Which they are desirous to sell at THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIC)4! Sagan, Coffees t Teas, Srrars, - , TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Is" not surpassed to the city, is they are prepared to prove to all who gave them a call.- They, also keep on hand a superior lot of - , PURE, LIQUORS,' for the wholesale trade, to which they direct the attention of -the public. Their mate is, "Quick sales, small profits and a full eouivalent for the money." aP114:3-tE ‘TO _THE PUBLIC . - There is no use:sending to New York FOR TOUR TEAS! No use going Jo the refineries to buy REFINED;OILI - * NC use going to soap taitoges to buy' No use to pay • big prices for any of yocti ; - Groceries and Provisions ! • While there is a LIVE..CASEI STORE, on the corner or St,ll and State Streets. Try the Cash Store.' :•• ADAM ICINSIG. asl6-ti. - HARDWAREt BOYER ilk. is-u.k.:0363. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all Umbra AMERICAN & FOREIGN HARDWARE, Anvils, BeMims, Nails, esdkes, Leather and Rubber Belting, . Machine Peeling, Cuthu7. Saws, Piles, &a. also, a general assortment of Iron, St eel and Carriage Hardware. Jo-Store at theold stand of Sir. J. V. BOY •M, east side of State street', a few doors nort 23 ot tlu3 D lo epot. ty ROVES FUESI ww: FRANK wrsdrELL £ AUCTION - & CONIIISSEON MERCHANTS, No. 824 State Stroet. . udrisee a , nd all kip& r Hoods W H ren l M F bought om ging received on oseudgnitesnl. Sales at private residences attende4 to is any part of the city. Sale of Household Furni‘e,cargilegaions• ware, Horses , Wagons , and all MI goodeon WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAY* , AT 9% o'ntinur i X. "- A iszeoredgninen tan t Chi of rosiness% Glass. :rite closed out regardless fr i g aw eess at " private sale. lieNtodoesattoodlad to, soy pot ot the trosatit, tite4C . . . .. . . . . • • • • • . - - .- ,• 4 4 j'... • • ..a• 4 . . 4, • • • • • ... • •••i - • • • • . • , 1 lIIN . 4 4 • • • •••. 1 . . S • • .. • • • 1 F . ... . . ~ . . ._. . , i : .. . . ~#. ,_ ~. ...4 . -Wholesale and Retell WINES AND LIQUORS. M 1 and see as, 4Sha P. A: BECKER & CO., Their assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY .131ank - 13oots'anb 13inbing. J. E. A.SHBY & CO., , . Wholesale and Retail" B . I :2it'c c , BINDERS; ..: S ATIOERS, Blank , Bo Manufacturers. • • Magazines, - Music Books, Ace., bound. in any style desired, and in the neatest and best manner. All kinds of Rail. !load, Comnierciafg AND • 113113 uk Ilticaoks. AIR?, UNN'S COPYING BOOKS, 'And Paper of all sizes on hand or made to orders RULING OF ANY Particular PATTERN Done with tiettin.si and dispatch. ' 111 ClO - 1:* N OF ALL KINDS ON BAND: P I N I.N (3- s 1„ 411 its bra itch est. lone to order 'With ' neat9eas nth, • ' J. E. AStHiIY 4t CO., ' • . • st mt.t. WW right's Block. Erse • janTp-ly . - REMOVAL! The old establigheti4Mk Bindery of E. M. Cole & Son h n removed to BINDERIVECHT'S BLOCK, Corner of State and Fifth Sts., Where, with improvedlaellities, we are pre • pared to do all kinds of Binding in the best siyie and at prices to compete with any. Day Books, Ledgers, &c., Made to, order as cheap as they earn be had anywhere.. RULING CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO Magazines. Papei.N. Banks and Pamphlets Munid at Reduced Prices O Give us a call slid see for yourselves rnr -'t[. E. M. COLE tr. SON BLANK BOOKS! Caughey, McCreary & Moorhead, =I BLANK Boons, of every description, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, /61: a :41.:,)_:.1:1 Than any house In this city. Also] SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale, as cheap as any jobbing bowie In the country. nIB i.ms: TheiDepoeltory of the Bible society. at CAUGiIEY. irCBEARY & MOORHEAD'S. rikyll-tf. 'N'ational iSants. BANS NOTICE. Keystone National Bank, CAPITAL $250,000. • DIBECTORB Belden Marvin, John W. Hall Mau Marvin, Beater Town, 0. Noble. - ORANGE NOBLE, Preat. JNO. J. TOWN, Cash. The above bank is now doing business in its new building, - • . §:mum OF STATE AN!) EIGHTH STS. Batiafactory paper discounted. 'Toney re cnived on deposit. Collections made and pro ceeds accounted for with plotnpinees. Drafts,' Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold. A sfiare of public patronage solicited. Au.iliorized. Capital $600,000. CA P ITAL' "PAID m inoo,qoa. • _ THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK - opened for business on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TIEL 11034, • In-the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant's Bank, Brown's Bulletin& north-east corner of. State street and public Park. WM. L. SCOTT, Prod. WM. C. CIIERY;Casb. DMECTOBS: Wit. L. SCOTT, of firm of .1. Hearn.. Dealers. JOS. M'CARTEB, of firm of Eyeldel, Bliss & McCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer., "W. H. BROWN, Agent Bu ff alo &. Erie R. B. JOELNID. BURGESS, ofdrm of Cornea/4(4nel. ey & Befrgeel, Wholesale Grocers. O. E. CRUUCH,of firm of Crouch & Bra, Flour "Merchants. M. • B. BARB, of firm of Barr, Job:anon & Sea man, Stove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREISIGASER. Grocer. &TOL ERIE DIME SAVINGS and LOAN £O. L. L. LAMB. Prest. M. ILARTLEB, Vice Proust OEO. W. OOLTQN,Sepretary and Treasurer. DLIII:CT0101: OZAIIMIN NOELS, W. A._ G.u.naorrn, Polecat? Mg?CALT, essnicia MAavne, Joao 0. Buss, • M. GRUIWOLD, JOHN C. Mow% G. F. Ilexart.r.m., Brea. WSW - MAR, • L. L. LAWN Mess Bactxraers, M. Mearixo, G. B. DELANATIER, Mead Vale. The above institution Is now fally organised. and ready for the transaction of hardti opera- Lions la the :Ex= under the Keystone CORNER of STATE and EIGUTH It opens with A. Capital Stock of $lOO,OOO, IMO° privilegeof increasing tobalfa million. Loans and discounts tratutact. and pur chases made of all kinds of saris my securi ties. iterTo the citizens generally this Bank olTbis an excellent opportunity for laying by their small savings, as interest will be allowed on . Deposits of Oae Dollar or Upwards. SPECIAL DEPOSITS-4E3 A. special fertureof the Bank still be the re• caption, for safe keeping. of all kinds of Bonds and lieenritWk. Jevdry - f which a large FIRE BURGLAR PROOF or V AULT has been earatany provided. Parsons having any property of this charscier .which they wish to deposlt In a secure place. milli find this feature worthy their attention. I. F. STEM, N E LVINd bOtniht th e Eagle Bate In Water fort Wool inform the nubliothat he low 'refitted the same, and Is now mwdy do Amomonodate all in the ban, of style. Ins table is botuitifolly supplied. and the bar is atoahod with the ettoteestot liquors. nova-U. , . *11.0010.4230 ',Cr oath iirIi_IMBANTEED. Sure . desire pig litji -, , weekly to Write eve TatentSverlaeUng White Wire sellin tioe. Klan Or. 4Wrire air peatioulers to the 0/11ABD ItitIRSIOULS. MI North ad St. Phila. orriSfelf. . , ERIE, VA.. TITURSDAY AFTERI4OON, MAY 27. , 1860. HOOPLANIPS GERMAN BITTERS, lioolland's Gornian Tonle, The great Reinedieti far all Diseaseiof the Liver. Stomach or Digestive Omuta: • • - 1100FLAND'8 GERMAN BITTERS composed of the ourejuices (or. as they are medicinally termed. '• r Eitracte) of Roots, Resta ati d Barka, pig making a prepara tion highly coneen; Juu UAW and entirely free frem alcoholic , admixture of any kind. Hoefland's German TOnic • Is a combination of all the intredients of The Bitters, with the purest quell yof Santa Cruz Rum, Orange ,ate., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies over offered to the public.. Those preferring aliedisine, free from Alco holic admixture, will use 1100FLiND'S GERMAI' BOTERS. Those who have no objection to the carotins, ttoo of the Bitters, as stated, will use HOOFIAIP'S GEMAN TONIC • , They are both equally geiod, and contain. the same medicinal vi