The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 20, 1869, Image 4
=MI ILocte & Double Qolumn. 13 GREAT PANIC IN NEW YORK 1= earful Breakdown in the Prices of Dry , • Goods the past Ten Days. LOCKE & COMPANY, Noble 131ockg tai notify the public that they have hoodlit an initniiise quantity of FIRST CLASS Dry bloods. ..VERY CHEAP ,:enee the recent DitEAKDoWN in tin" Eastern 3larket, and ore now offer ig them at much lower pricesliubt any other store. .oar intsineQs is done. strictly on the 400 TN - 1: J' IR' IC F 1 1P -A. l‘f • :.111tAs to till, Judgi•N or not r[l , o: no ;;nods cr prter , ; lint what We are'abh, to'show when you 1, - -hitt Ou;:store , t . MMMn Iteatt the fullowiug prieek; carefully turd judge foryourscdves I: :1,4 Brown Munains • l'ard wide and fine " ant heavy..... inches fine and heaVY ca-cs Meat:bed Muslin , " Yard wide • " and fine....... " Prints.. FINEItED, BLUE AND GREY FLANNELS . ; RUM UNDER PRIbE.. • -, WI Flannels of every width anti quality, VERY CHEAP. Heavy al4rting Aan at II cents. . • Three billytred plee ~ •x Cassiikteres tcl 50, 6214, 7.1, SO, S-1 eClittillild SEW. These (lasi! uierrv:ire 1'h:1:1' I'll E-11: lleavy D,avers Cur Over Coats, MUCH UNDER DRILL. rak WE. • 411 C • N.l - I • OM Fire hundred Whitt: Red Spread.; from 51.75 to $3,50 each.' These goods are'halt price DRESS GOO,DS! DRESS GOODS! FT. \ I.P ci • :;;!, e t,, 'Wet..., I" ? et... • ets., and 75 cis qq,l . 1 • eN, :tn.! 57!..:.; Otte !toothed pL•rrs tast.mero P 1... worth :so) evil INcior i4 . eventy-iive pieces English So ge Dress cioisls, 25 cents red p k•—u. -w...1 coda e 1., " 871 , • c Ci Fifty pieces Empress Cloths, 75 cts, 87% ets, and $l.O . '111; nIN \ I (Rs.sis seen , ppr,hased at the late New York auctions, at about ONE-HALF the usual prier. are all warranted perfect and first-class goods. File Hundred pair White Ithinketg,, Good quality, $4.00 and $5.00 per Pair: LINEN NAPKINS, TAELE lANENs, TOWELS, CRASH, ULler Price, CI,OAKINGS, CLOAKINGS, CLOAKINqS MY. pieces , Eleetro Tapestry Carpeting, 50 & 621 Cts • me •tbnye sue only a few of the many bargains we nat•e. t tar stock Is full and complete in pa rtment. Should any one after reading fhb; adverthement, have doubts In regard to h'e elwap net,: of our goods, let theta call with rots ml:t•rllsement and Judge for themselves. A at vat many of these goods are ch,aper than t'h.y ba%e l*en for thy past ten years. Remember the place, the only t)\ 1? ?Hari: I)ItY 600IN'ATOPY. in Erir, where all goods at all times are , ..ld at NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES dLc3:6-ly. Oriental 'Cm (Compantfs Double (Column. \ IEAS AN - D COFFEE BY THE SINGLE POUND, AT CARGO PRICES. A Say* of One-Ralf to OntAhird The Great Tea Company of Boston, Which is the Largest in the World, W , m/#I esptettiO y Inform the citizens of Erie and surronncWnv, country, that they have leased the Store, No. 5 NOBLE BLOCK, ERIE, PA., Att.! nax tined It up Ii tiriental style and are now prepared to tarnish every one with prime Teas and at I argo Prices. Onr store In Erie Will be known us the • WESTERN ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY ! It is generullymnderstood that Tea Is retailed for a larger advance on its original cost than any other article In Ihe long list of household stores, which may be partially accounted. for by recollecting TM& (MEAT NOMEEE AND IMMENSE. AMOUNT OF PROFITS which accumu late on it between the cultivation in China and Japan, and the consumers here, including the American commission Ifouse.there; the Imp*. rter, the Banker who furnishes the exclaim :43 ; the middle men or speculators: the wholesale poem., mid the retailer. Each of these make large, and many of teem enormous pronts, nom Y. inch It 14 evident that the consumer is com pelled to pay many times the original fo , it pure article, or forced to use an adulterated or. interior one. It is fritha View to remedy thts t ;41g:tittle enterprise Wes fortni4 over a year ago which has been a perfect saccess, and a e eintired to open a Store In Erie, an that we may I•etter aceont atodate our cos tomen. West of Ike iv Vora State. I•;Ycrybaicty'ri Taste and Everybody•) Vurso. Fs pc+ temr shows that the best tire (ur the cheapest on ueeollut of their great strength and•'r. The duty oil a pound or good ten is no more than ou on Inferior one. )1/ urderina our on , honei. Wiil vlease note t he unneXed 00101. g t . Black. , . 1 '„, I r - , . . . . '4lv, 11110 k to t.1ytit,141.1.' , 11..V. ( L M) 1.1/7e51 /la% or, 1. ei) highly rec.:mumn.l4 - . 41. . I.lii. Fair El.loJapan, Uncolored. Un0d....... 115 .il.uu ; Choice ‘ l ity.,l.4o , 1.10 ; Murat 4 Laval'. full ',transit), very highly 1.2:i roman 1 Gunpowder, :Green.) ' Fair. Go, nL qttatitY Fille , t r, lavo lull 5 , rensub, very highly recommended 1.35 English Breakfast, tB/ack.4 ; Good —. at, - Choice Quality ...$l.OO Finest Flavor, full stiength, very highly 1.10 recommended 1.65 Mixed, (Green Or Japan and 211141-) i Fair- 80c. ( 90c. Choice Quality .41.0 e 1.10 Finest. Flavor, full strength highly .... 1.25 i recommended Coffee Pe - pa.rtment. This is an immense institution of itself, and is undeubWdly the largest in the country. It Is a fact generally understood that a large proportlon of tin Coffee imported is picked green and the pods opened by artificial beet. Thls - ls never so good as that which ripens naturally. The torte,• buyerspf this Tea CompanY thoroughly understand this, and examine nearly every comer of coffee imported to the United States, and select only the full grown, field-ripened, for them. Ali the Cotlee sold by thls'Cotnpany is ROASTED A:ND 0119UND DAILY, by themselves, insu ring its absolute purity and freshness, which they guarantee. "The Company are =gusting ail their coffee on a new principle, which renders teem particularly pure„ all acidity being removed by their process o r coo kin g , enabling persons now to take coffee who have been obliged to Alto eon ti nue lta use. The Company arc doing an immense business in their Coffee Department, and selling more PURE COl , l FES than any other house in the country. To asstd. customers In making up their orders, the following laqteriptive List is offered hylhe Company with no little pride, as embra cing the largest and most carefully selected assortment of tAaffees ever opened in this country:, LIST OF COFFEES AND SCALE-OF PRICES. C:09.1 choice quiLlity Flut•ht Flavor, full ntrengtli, vory:hlghly leconunended.. Young liege n, (Green.) 'Fair, (Soot.) Uhutce qualitY. ••• • t• COtir Breakfast Coffee Roasted and Ground ...... Dlz:awr Coffee. Raw Roahred.... ..... Ground Pure 'Plantatton Coffee. !taw Itmusted . , ...... Ground Put© Mc.......... t ° Ground ....... • .241 A_ 13 .1E it it This is thetrue Male Beret' HAND PICKED OLD GOTERNMENT JAVA - OOrtet.,e, , Warranted the richest flavored, strongest ' and best Coffee in the world , of which . we have the onlylot in the United States. Raw .„.60e SPkICIAL • As a matter _of convenience to oar distance customers we are arranging with suitable Persons to all parts of the country west of New York State, to act as our agents and distribute our Whet" locality at our warehouse price_, thereby saving the freightfrom Bo We watt= to correspond with any gentleman or lady who wo aid like o set 4d oat agents In gatttnif DP stubs. A fair commission allowed agents, Direct all ordersand communications to , x•'88-1 y WESZKIIN ORMINTAL VAL 001/Min t illete e ft: 8 cents. The very best Piints made for only:, " 12% Cis 10 ' ' Cases heavy Ginghanis. only ....121A 12 1 /, "- i lleavylCotton Flannels, z lb 12 1 .. " I Five cases Cotton and Wool FianneLs, .L 5 - " half price - —....:.—...1....'.........2) 4 . .10 44 Heavy , 7 r, wide Shaker Flannel . .33 4 . .12 1 ,4 " Plaid Shining Flannels. 7 .25 4 . .13 - 0 All:Wool Grey Flannels z ll .8 - .... , • • • ' CS' I A, 37;,..,11-r..k, 45 etg, and cts Thr.•,• I film4,l pieces. English Nferinag, eight yard:. for only KO kJ) rzplless rail 4y at very Low rtittes AtICIKE: ocCI., ]Prop'rtg, SCALE. PUIC Finest Flavor, full strength, very highly 'recommended c1..t0 • Spam, (Green.) 20c ( Raw --- Pboasted. I . Ground Pare— Old atc , Roasted Ground,Pure ' 4.5 e I Roasted ..., Ground Pure, Fifty pit-e*s Cashmere. Plaids for 30 cents. Thirty pieces heavy Mohair Plaids, SO cents. Nos. 6 and 7. NOBLE BLOCK, ERIE. Oriental Java. Best Old Mocha. 0 rlr"X Or F.A.3IErtS,- ATTENTION The attention of Erie and Crawford County Farmers Is particularly invited to several vely superior Agrlculttutal.lroplements for which Have beaded the sole agencies (Sr these two counties.. It Is contidently claimed that this best Mowing and Heaping Machine In use is - Do- 40 1) (-• s S Patent Reaper and Mower, and Self-Raker ! ThesuicesS of the Dodge Machine for several years past Is unprecedented.. Wherever intro duced It at once takes the front rank. By lease and purchase, :the manufacturers have secured the use of all•the desirable standard patents for Reaping, Mowing and Raking Machines. The DodgeMachtrie has thus been made a pertect, combination of the best points of all the ma chines, and this is the reason for its undeniablesupertority. In plan of operation, compactness, lightness of draft, good quality of the iron and. steel used in :its construction, excellence of workmanship and elegance of finish, comPlued with great strength and adaptation- to all.kinds of work, the Dodge Machine certainly surpasses anjr other heretofore Offered tip the intelligent furtneni Otthtti Country, • s . . . : Imo` moVes, rt.E.I:I 3 WA. - rir• ItA.K•Es, i • And does each and all of these easier, neater, closer; safer and' better 'than any other machine. Pamphlets fatly describing the •Podge Machine, and containing the hest of , testinnry 'as to its merits; freely' furnished or malicd'upon application.. Send for one, or call and see the ; Machine at W. W. PI Patel.: A: CO.'s, No. S Rcisi House Piock, Erie, Pa: ' • • .• It's Time to Plow--Geod Plows Make , good Crab . ' s!. w. W. Pierce & Cu. ieep a full 41ne of the most approve(! plows, but their speciality Is the celebrated,' " MOHAWK 'VALLEY CLI = PPED PLOW This plow hardly needs a recomtnendallon, It Is so well known and so popular in all sections. It is the standard Steel Plow, tharotigbly hardened,. and ground upon weistones, thereby pre-; venting the tlrawing of the temper, insuring durability, scouring andtllghtness of draft. These, plows do not clog, do not rust. or wear out other plows. They, lay the furrow In the best. style and work easy. A supply of points always kept. The Mohawk Valley Clipper Plow la be. lteved to be the most et onomical and effeetive, arid to give 'more general satisfactibn than any other plow In use. The sole agents tor Erie and Crawford counties are W. W. PIERCE do CO..who are also sole agents for theopppular Iron Beam Plow. Please call and inspect the stock of Plows at "the two horse store.:' , N 8 . W. Pierce fi Co. also keep a good stock of The most approved • Cultivators,' Horse Hoes; Shovels, lattivs,. ste., dke., Which the farmers of this section are cordially invited to come and examine. _A standard article, which only needs to beearimined and tested to give satisfaction. Ron. Isaac Newton, U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, pronounces this the lxst drill k nown to that de partment. Call and see If. CA.HOON'S BROADCAST . SEED SOWER ! and • Crain Sower 1 . • This is an approved machine for sowing seed or fertilizers. It has a fine •Ifarrow Attachment when wished for. It is light; drawn easily by one home sows lust one-half a rod wide; sows evenly any desired amount; sows plaster lime. tubas, salt. wheat. oats, barley, etc . With at tachment It sows grass seed, at the same time. It can be used as a Plaster Bower, Broadcast Grail' Sower. and Sulky Barrow. It has stood the test .4 time and use. Come and examine it. W. W. Pierce & Co. wish it distinctly understood that all of the above, dkscribed articles, for which they are the solo agents in Er'io and Crawford counties, ARE WARRANTED as represen ted. They are offered for sole with Matelot* confidence in their Superior merits, and farmers are earnestly invited to call and examine for themselves. Everybody is alwltys welcome at the Farmer's Emporium, No. S need 'House Block, Erie, Pa. Another thing that farmers need, and save money by Ravin, - is a good scale. VATIRIBANWS PAT. SCAT-XIS. W. W. Pierce & Co. have the sole agency for the celebrate" Ptdrbank's Patent Scales manufactured by the Buffalo, N. Ir, Scale Works Company. These Scales are on exhibition at ou store every day but Sundays, and all we ask is for the poop] to come and examine them, City merchants aro particularl requested to test these .cales. Every farmer who uses a seal ends that It, soon saves its cost, and becomts ..urce • protection and consequent profit. Come to - No. 8 iteM Mom and EXAMINE THE SCALESI The Big Hardware Store ! The new and capaelons store of W. W. Ph4-ee .t: Co. Is nol stocked with the largest and finest assortment in the city ( all goods perLaining_to tile Hardware. Cutlery, Agricultun Implements and Household Furnishing Goods lines business. Circular, Cross-Cut, Gang and :Maley f3aws, a full stock kept. Hardware, Cutkry, •Tln Ware, Stoves, Furnaces, Farm Tools and Implement: of oil kinds, Refrigerators, 3lercler's Flbsible Harrows, Farmers' Boilers, Shovels, Bpades, Rakes, Hoes, Axes, Shelf Goods, Cart enters' and Builders' Tool.. and Hardware, Dug Powers, Churns Brass Kettles, Grindstones, Scythes, Forks, Cradles, Wheelbarrows, and in short, a vast stook goods, all carefully, selected, and marked down to the lowest market prices. W. W. vrk..-tit_lp..k aprB4,f. No.B Reed House Block, Erle,Ta. ' • JOHN ft. DAVIES & CO., DRUGGISTS, WRIGHT'S BLOCK, 429 STATE h!Pr.. Y. 40 /.50 Are now opening ono of the eholeest selections ~OF FOREIGN AND DO*ESTIO Drag's, Chemicals, Patent Medicine*, Toilet Articles, Cigars, &c., &e. Ever introduced Into this Market Our stock Wag purchased for cash will be sold at , METROPOLITAN PRICES. Wholesale Agents for the great Yosemite Stomach Butte s. -40 e Dr. Leoa's Electric flair Renewer and Infant Remedy. Cough Balsam. Elff3 ..5013 ....50c Nlghting ile's Japanese Llnernent, etc. , atut-tf. 10,000 CHESTNUT POSTS WANTED! .55c .55c To be mini nine feet long, five inches s quare at the butt. and two Inches by live Inches at the top. Apply- to • GEO, CARROLL & East Public Dock, Erie. " How - te Train Airdipals. 4 , ITNCLiIDING ordinary areas tricks and other tricks still more surp7tainz m N 0.13 of Ha. ney'a Journal. 1.5C0 wpm* Inches or reading, illustrations, etc., only Scents °fan y dealer. By mail to places where no drier Is, Ed eta. a year, specimens 7 cents, none free. Bmposnres of humbugs antlswindleirevery month..arJESSE .11AZIEY & Cti.,ll9l4assatt Bt., N. CIFAA, CARROLL & BSA, ' Shasta % Limber Dadera,,lbit, public Doct. foot at Itzle4 Pa. , mr2Mtf. ttl. M. Virtu 4N.'s DiSubic Column,: READ ! READ ! READ! W. W. PIERCE & Co:, ENE The next big thing Is the • EMPIRE GRAIN DRILL ! But the blggest thln; yet Is the newly lntiodueed end novel Meehltfe-entitled P_ER*I.IdIMY, _a. _ ME This lx creating a great int' rest all over the coons ry and is destined to raptsth become the most sopillar article of Its class. We wish tit supply, it Anoicast among the farmers of Erie and Craw ad ...addles, for which we are sole agents.. Id , s'imsch Inc can be easily carried and worsted 15., , , and sows from Kik to eight acres of wheat rr bour, and the power machine, 'drawn by one ome, sows from n i teen to twenty acres perhour. It sows wheat, oats, rye, barley, ficfnP, gum, lover or timothy, to the most uniform eind.per-- et manner. It storks beautifully. greatly , eeen nizes se, d an 'even distribution, and elicits se hearts cormrsendatiod of every farmer who as witnessed its operation. .. C'AUZ`IO CMCUP I 0 Some unprincipled. parties have been disposing r Tarns rights for a worthless article purporting he Cahoon'slintsd Eroadeast Sets is.,wer. Wei avethe sole agency in this section for the genu se art isle, and there is no The rice of the genuine artlee $lO. A liberal dL.s. mat will he given to- the trade. Every farmer amid have one of these invaluable machines. • • • . Cj i reWK, • Coy. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA., The, Largest, Cheapest and meat Sueoessfal Practical Business College IN TELE.UNITED STATES. Fifteen. i Thousand . Students Prom Thirty L Three Matta In Ten Years. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing hill information, Outline of 'Course of Study, samples of Cowley's Premium Penmanship , View of the College snllding, different De. mrt v t= pi aty of Pittsburgh, etc., etc., address • ISLTlfirrki elk CONVI4.IS3Iti • inylPat Pittaburgh, Pa. To the Working Class. AM now prepared to furnish constant em s. ploYment to all Classes at their homes, for their spare moments. Business new, light and prolitable. Fifty cents to 15 per evening !sea. ally earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as mochas men. Great inducements are of fered. All who see this notice please send me their address, and test the business for them selves. If not well satiated, I will pay 11 for the trouble of writing to me. Fultparticulara sent free. Sample sent by mail for IO cents. Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. Ja7-4w GoltrO or . Thick Neck • CAN POGITIVELY BE CURED 1)5 the proper 1336 of Galvanic Electricity. It is believed that every case is curable, no matter how bad. The very worst cases can, it they desire, test the virtues of this harmless agent by to at the office of DR. E. J. FRA.I3ER. feblB4f. 1/14=i lELANNO I—A ecooplefe eaeort meet of every kind of Bloats needed IV Autiecvsermustaden sad Iforfurim Me, for Waal th e . - ERIE RAILWAY. 1,890 Kilos avigions ffistusitemixot 800 Niles without Chasse of Cotiches. Great BroadGangeDoubleTrackltonteto NEW YORK, BOSTON, and the New 'England Cities. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to- New York, CV miles. Buffalo to New York, 42im lles. Cleveland to New York, (=i miles. Cincinnati to New York Sin -:tn Iles. And Is train 21 to 27 MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE. All trains run directly through to New York, SIM MILES, without change of coaches. From awl after Feb.4s, ISQI. trains will leave, in connection with all the Western Lines, as follows: From DU:MW—by New York time from Union Depot: 7:10 A. AL, Express Matt, from Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). Arrives at Hornellsville at .."01 P. AL. (dine) connecting with the 7.30 A. M. Express Mail from Buffalo via. Hor nellsville awl via.-Avon, arriving in New York ail 7.40 A. M. LISP. IL, Lightning Ripress from Dunkirk . daily. Stops at Hornelisville 205 P. Al.„ Mapper), intersecting with the 2.50 P. • train from Buffalo, stoppinand connecting as above, arriving in' New york at 7.40 A.M. Sleeping Coach attached to this train at Sala. manes at 230 p. in., running through to New York. WO P. IL, Cincinnati Express, Sundays except ed, connecting at Elmira for Harrisburg. Philadelphia and the South ;.at Owego fur Ithaca; at Bingtiampton for Syracuse; at Lackawaxen for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unionville; at Greycourt. for Newburgh 11 1 and Warwick; at Goshen for Montgomery; - and at Jersey City with Express Trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, From Banta—by New York tune—from - Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sts.: A. M., New Yorkay Express, daily (excc_ pt. Sundays). Stops at Hornellsville 9.10 A. 31., (Rk.M.Busquenna 2.32 P. M., (Dine); Tur ner's 5... W P. M., (Sup), and arrives In - New York at 1240 P. M. Connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. .7:30 A. 3L, Express AlaiLvia. Avon and Hornell2.- villa, (Sundays excepted), Arrives In New - ark at 7.40 A. 1112 250 P. M., Lightning Express, (daily.) Stops at ' Hornensville CA P. IL, (Supper); and ar rives in New York 7.4Q_ A. M. Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersey' City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coacuels are attached to this train at Buffalo, running through to New York without change. 11.10 P. M., Cincinnati Express, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Susquehanna 9.43 A. M, (Bkft); Turner's 3.45 P. M., (Dine), and arrives is New York at 3:40P. AL Connects at Jersey City with Evening Trains for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coach attached to this train at Buf falo, running through to Susquehanna. Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Bugh, 16 at 2.50 P. M., Dunkirk 1:15 P. Al g and reaching New York at 7:40 A. M. ME - • • • . ••• 'Boston tit' New England passengers, with their baggage, are transferred, free of charge, In New York. td To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie Railway presents many objects of interest, pas. sing through the beautiful valleys of the Che. triung, Susquehanna, Delaware and Ramapo river*, au ever changing panorama of nature's beauties commands attention. The' best Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping Cars in the World accompany all night trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and fare always ae low as by any other route. ASK FOR TICKETS. VIA. ERIE RAILWAY; which Can be obtained at all principal ticket (g -lace.% in the West and South-Weld. IL RIDDLE, WM. R. BARR, nar4 Gen . ! Supl. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. -tf S. TODD PERLEY'S Claim and Collection Wilco 2.9 Nortk•West Park, Eric, Pa. 'TRIP, AGENCY, after FOUR YEARS of very ll successful experience, continues to give 'spechil attention: to the Collection of Till Ulnas of (;!alms arising out of the late war. Ariny_and Navy Bonntlei, per Acts of Con - ,gress from 1881 to 11367. • Arrears Of Pay, Officers' and Privites' Increases of Pay under late nets of Con .. aress, Claims of Prize Money, Mi. *lnv, Lost Clothing, • Pensions pad Increases of same far all Soldiers. losing use of Hand, Foot or Limb; alga, ' Soldiers' - Children's Pension, in addition to the Mothers'. Alta, Pensions for Dependent Fathers, Moth " era, Brothersond Sisters. All Pensions - . now. payable from date of Ins. arge. Arrears under this ch act Promptly ._.„_ Claims for liorviei gilledWactiott. Additional Bodnty colletteit. for soldiers Who havelost their - discharge.; citneounty and State bounties promptly collected t pay on pensions promptly collected ; pay for rations, while held as prisoners of war, collected.. ' Copies °flaws giving additional bounties and increases of pensions furnished on request in person or by mall. NO CHARGE FOR COUNSEL. Informatibn'in regard to the $9.%1 per• Month • bounty given freely' at any time, ad . • • also in an eases relative to ex pected allowances. Mr. Perley having had over four years' expe rience in the U. B. Treasury Department, and having been Corresponding Secretary, of the Papnsylvania Soldiers' Relief Association, and Critissioner for Soldiers for Pennsylvania during the war, is enabled to bring unequalled facilities and experience to the bu•lness. Refers by special Permission to ; Ex-Governor Andrew G. GWtin, - Hon. G. W. Scofield. Judge S. P. Johnson; Cols. S. P. Dick, Andrew Swan, 0. 1.. Woodward, Harri'on Allen, H. L. Brown, Ex-Mayer A. htng, lion. Wm. L. Scott etc., etc. febl9-em. • • I BUCLIU. [Prom the Dispensatory of the United States.] DIOSMA CRENATA.—BUCHU LEAVES. Pimenterts.—Their odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aromatic; their taste bitterish; and analogow, to mint. MEDIC PROPERTIES AND LTSFS.— Ducbd leaves a gently id imulant,with a peculiar ten dency to the Urinary Organs. They ate give li in complaints of the Urinary Organs, shell as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh' of the Bladder, Morbi Irritation of the Bladder and Urfthiu Diseasti of the Rrost rate Gland, and lte tention or Incontinence of the Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned In its evacu ation. The remedy has-also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. Jinutztorm's EXTRACT RUCHE • Is used by p . rsOrts from the ages of IS to and from :15to 50, or in the decline or change of life •, after Con finement; Or' Labor Pains; Bed-Wetting In children. I rtaffections peculiar to females, the Extract Iluclui G unequalled by any other remedyas in Chlorosts or Retention, Irregularity, Painful ness or Suppression of, Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrous state of the 'Sterna, Len corrlica or 'Mtge& Did:LASES OF VIE BLADDER, RIDNBTS, GRAF ELAND DROPSICAL SWELLINGs,--This medicine increases the power of Digestion and excites the Absorbants Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcancoils depositions, and all Un natural Enlargements are reduced, as welt as Pain and Anflaturnatton. RELILBOLD'eI EXTRACT Buenti has cared every case nf Diabetes in which it has been giv en. Irritation of the Neck; of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Ms. eases of the Prostrate Gland, StOne in the Blad der, Calculus Gravel. Brick. Dust Deposit and Mucus or Blilicy Discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend ed with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion„ Loss of Power, DosS'Of Memory, DiMeulty of Breathing, Weak Ntm•Ves, Tremb ling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, m aim " t'l of sion,Pain in the- liack,Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, RryntrA of the Skin, Eruption on 'the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassi tude of the BluscularSystein,vte. HELM BOLD'S ExrnAcr Bruit; is Diuretic and Blood-Purifyiter, and cures all Diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and impu rities of the blood, etc., superseding Copalba affections for which it is risen, such us Gonoi riven. (Deets of long standinth , anti Syphilitic Affections--in these diseases, used In connec tion with TIELILItoLD'S Rost WASIT. Sold by .Drtiggists anti dealers everywhere.. Dewar° of counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmboltrs. Take no other. Price -L-31.Z per bottle,or a bot tles for $6).3.0. Delivered -to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Address H. T. BELMBOLD, sai Broadway. • Non& ate Genuine miles" done spin steel-en gray ed. wrapper,with the foe-simile of my C)date teal Warehouse, and signed ' feblB-tn. T. ILF.I.MBOLD. •-• ms 0 Is% - 4 C AP et • A"- 42111111111 4 QIS S 711 . 7, re ... 4 „ , . t> $i tit) g p 1 04 .60 .40 Cir E * t :Cfr 4. la o r : a t4 S 044 g Fob IS' sit s , • • • IT TA TT • T : • I • omo. L. BAKER, Formerly .with Outhout & Baker Rochester, having taken the well known Brewery on Freneh Street, below FourtbiErle, Pa., Formerly occupied by Wm. Jacobi, would farm his old acquaintances and the public gen. rally that he is now brewing a very superior quality of Ale. From his tong experience and urafium success, he is fully prepared to give the best of itsfueviffleton Dealers are Invited to calk _ . 11¢47 . • • fine. L. BAKER.. cOldort a PRINTING Of every kind, -In Lugo or =en oLeln ar colored. dares Us 'Mele l and ZS lolelecite ow. et the N &TIOP(AL FARMERS OF EWE COITSTY. 1 ESTABLISMIED IN 1844. • INGRAIIADIS Combined Marker, Cultivator and hi ller, • ISABBFACTURED BY GMOnGM SMNNVil y rs MEADVILLE, PA, This is the most perfect and greatest Labor Saving Machine of the kind now known. The advantages of this implement over all others-Is,. not only that it cuts up, but also turns under and subdues the weeds and forms a suitable hill, leaving the sell ; light and therefore lu a condition to retain moisture, which Is only done by the extra height and pee:dint curve of the tooth. They are made with shafts, or with out. They can be adjusted to any width of row. The side teeth can be reversed to turn the soil to or from the rows. This machine is the only ' implement the farmer needs In the cultivation of corn or other coarse grains, planted or sown In rows. These machines have been thorough ly tested and are warranted to give satisfaction. REFERENCES: Feb nary;nth,ll69. This certifies that we, the undersigned, pur-' chased last season of P. Sennett, and thorough ly tested one of lugraham's Curved Tooth, DoublePolnted and AdJustableCultivators. It is arranged to do its work in a desirable Manner in all kinds of crops in their different stages for width the Cultivator and Horse Hoe Utilised} itthoroughly pulterizes the gt outtd, cuts an 4 iswers np the weeds, forms a light,tiut hilt, leaving little or no use for the hue, and leaves_the ground in a ciendiCon to retain its lightness and moisture. We recommend them I to fiumers as the cheapest, most durable and greatest labor saving machine of the kind we have ever used. MILL CHEEK.—Robert Evans, 3. A. Plat tman liprague, G. Greenman, :••attniel Polock, Christian tiehrimper, G. W. Barr, JaeolrSelh, John H. Carter, George Oxer, 11. H. Miller. HARBOR CUEEK.—W. W. Davison, J. M. Moorhead, John Dodge. Also, the latest Improved Curtis iron Hearn. Plow, anti the Celebrated Tax Payer Plow, both right and left hand. The Tax Payer is ahead of any other plow la use. Try it, and 'lf it don't please you bring it back, Also, Wood Mills of the latest improved kind. For nate at Wholesale and Retail by • P. SENNETT, General Agent fur Erie County. Also sold by B. SIIIIL fZ, Federal Hill. • “For Bituminous or , Anthracite Coal.” ESTABLISHED 18.5,1. J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W., Corner 1341ilind Filbert Streow, PHILADELPHIA, FA, Sore Ifanufacturers of the Celebrated ' • Wrought.Jron, Air Alibi, • ' Gas - ponsnining Heater ! With Patent DctseSereen, Grate Ttnr Rests, and . • WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR These Heaters are made of heavy wrought- Iron, well riveted together, the only sure pre vention against the escape of gas or dust., They are easily managed, without anydampera. The Patent India voids the use and annoyance of drums, and Is permanently attached to the nutter. This Is the roost thimble, simple, eco- nomical atidpopular Heating Apparatus ever offered for sale. They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, PORTABLE IMATERS, . LATROBE HEATERS, , LOW DOWN GRATEI4, SLATE Al ANTELS, • • REGISTERS, AND VENTILATORS. - We are also manufacturing a now FLAT-'l3l' ItEATINU RANG& Send tur our Illustrated Pamphlet. aprls. 13=20.1 BAY 5TA."1".70 , I - 11,0 0 7N 1 . NO B L & )EALL, r i otri;DF,RB, . Maehlmstsi,& Boiler Maker s , . , • lianufacttirers Of Stationery, Marine and Portable ,ENGINES, OF .ALL SIZES I= BOILERS, STILLS TANKS, STEAM PUMPS • MILL ivotuc, Jobbing, scOlcited at reduced prices, All scot Warranted. Our motto, is Customers must be suited Worgs corner of Peach awl Thlra Stets F:rle, Pa. jan2,4.-t f. 111AXROOD: o ff OW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Ai 11 Just put2lislied, a new edition - • of Dr. CitavermaCeMbrated'E.,- II MOM YU say on the radical cure (Fithout medicine,) of SPERMATottimmA, or seminal Weakness, Involuntary seminal Losses, Duna. Meatal and-Physical incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and - kits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. i'riee, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say., clearly demonsfhitei.from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal.tuetlicfue or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, certain and ef fectual, by merlins of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition May he, May cure himself chapry, privately, and radically. 4 / 1 1" This Lecture should be in the .hands of every youth and every man in the land, iSent,riuder seal in a plain envelope, to any address, POSTPAID, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cuiverwell's "Mar riage Guide," price 21 cents. Address the Pub lishers, • CHAS. J. C. KLINE dt CO. 127 IlOwerey, Hew York, Post Office Box 4,5 k. Jan2l-'e9 A .. 1 47 ei a t. 4 ,00 '7 Lit , T . r f t) p T it H re E d N t N o -° A l i t r l tifl G al ' i L effs s seTt I wTt I t!tfl ' i v ii rit r n e i employment nt their It roes , the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Fiftreents to $.5 per ercili lug, Is eatilly earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are otfercd to those who will devote.thelr whole time to the brash ness; and, that every person who sees this no tice, may send me their address and test the birsiness for themselves, I make the following unparalleled offer: TO all who are not well sat isfied with the business I will send itl to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars,dt reettons; etc., sent free. Samples sent by mall for 10 cents. Address , lurls. E. C. ALLEN, Augustra-Me. NEW LIVERY, Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner of French and 7th Sts. 111 SUBSCRIBERS having taken the stable lately occupied by 41. Johnson, would inform the public that they luu•e, pur chased an ENT/R,ELY NEW STOCK or Homes, Harness and Carriages, and are pit.- -I=ttinnl r seiecat t tig N r! e ct l l l i g o th al e l b7s h t o .ll% in Northwestern Pennsylvania. tnyll-0 BRECHT BROS. ERIE 3314.1RE1LV. IVOItItS. 31. A. Di:INNING, Na 1018 - peach - Stmet between 10th and llth, Erie, Pa. lommimit.s, Tombstones, Marble' and Slate. Mantles, &e. • I have on hand a lone assortment of moon- Meats and headstones of various styles, In American and Italian marble, and a corps,of the best workmen in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar teed. My work is warranted tinstirpamed e I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders an mhlW 07- . Inspection of stock and prices solicited. *l,y. 10,000 , Agents • 'WANTED on commission or arilary, to sell • 1 . THE AIiIERICAH YEAR BOOR, for lgre: It bo,ntains just the information which every body wants hundreds of times a year, and sells With unparalleled rapidity, even among those who seldom look at a Subscription Book. Near ly every tardily will buy it, and it will be found about as great a necessity among 'all , classesos the daily or weekly newspaper. LIBERAL SALARIES paid to experienced, efllelont canvassers. Send for circulars =Winn infortnation. 0. D. CASE .t CO., Pnbilshers, Hartford, Conn., Cincinnati, 0., Chicago,' IR. aprLs-3w. TO die Ladles: LADIES who su ff er from weakness across the back and of the Stabs, with bearing-down pains, so it is with• difficulty that they can stand-or walk erect, tan be relieved at once, and radically cured by wearing the FRENCH SUPPORTER, a tie* and elegant device_, never before known er used in this country. For full information, call upon or address with stamp, E. T. FRM3Eittif. D. isle,• Pa. sep2l-tf Secrete Worth' Knowing. IVES RECIPES rot hundreds of userld artl cles In universal, ase, easily made at•small coat and readily sold at large profits; also pat eat medicines_ , _manuateturers secrets, eta tS eta, JESSE RANEY tt CO,, 119 .Nassau street, New Itnria , • inrlB. • WANTEl)—"Agentik Mate or Female. TN EVERY TOWN AND CITY Milieu thermal I. Violet Ink, manufactured by FRENCH 41 CO., Arch street, Philadelphia. Bend 25 cta. Itar Ple, - • _ lebls-Zia HALL & WARFEL, Wilf3t: l l , lALF , AND El►:Es, U Cr' I S r.V ! AL , 4O, IMPORTIALS 9.1.` F! i 't ENCH .wirmow, !,• PICTURE A d Photographic Glass ! 1 1030 - State Str e et, Erie, Pa. W 0 have lately received another I.arge voice ,fof FRENCH GLASS, (Meet from the Manufacturers in Europe, making our present cuppir the largest ig any house west of New York,, Our stock in store Enihine& Nearly •Every Size, both of Double and Single Strength. Dealers and others In want of Glass will FA VOR TIMM. INTERESTS 'by examining our stock and prices before buying elsewhere.— Large sizes of Single and Double Strength Glass Imported expressly for lIOUSE AND STORE I. RONTS. The Superior Quellty of French Glass over all other kinds In CLEAR NESS, STRAIUBTNESS BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH is fully admitted, rtipl the Trifling Excess in pike over Anierican hi of NO AC..- COUNT, considering its better qua.itles in ev ery rf.speeL ' A liberal iliscount made on lobbing lots to the trade. . • AMERICAN GLASS. We have alma large stock of Arrwrlean 131a.,5. of Single and. Double strength, which We OA r gelling at Low Rate , :, both du Jobbing lots to dealers and In retail parcels to suit buyers. Pallas, Oils, Varnisho, In this department we keep well suppileil with every article axed in the Painting Line, from a harmer to the finest house included. The quality of these articles Is not excelled, and we are selling at lowest market rates. bye Woods and Dye'Stuirs. In this elsss (Agoutis our sleek is extensive and complete, Including the Aniline d) es, and we are offering strong Ind ut:micats bath to WholesaWand Retail buyers. Drugs, mei! it' lifN, CII I'lll it' iS. &e., ac Our btoek Citerm , :OA, Patent Medi eines, Perfumeries, loi let , A rt ich s , and NI ir•ceb. laneous Gond , : tc extern Inks Mg long exi erlence been bought with much care, and the public call depend upon finding the largest stock or the kind in V. e.stern Penn'a., which we are Neilingat clow 'figures either In who! , or broken packages. . • • ONCE - MORE Wail A NEW SI'R NG STOCK IN CUlt , Great , ONE BOMAR_ Sale _Dry and Fancy 41G- Co •0 10 S OEM= cv , ri.iortx - ; Rapnimm RATES - OF Si/ Mt:TM} For Club Thirty, •'''). Yd.s. Sleeting. 0 , " sixty 42 g• gt , Cue Hundred, , f,•5 g• ' " f - ' . All ot4r pretriluips In same ratio. Eularged Exchange List,mitli wen- and useful articles. -:lee new circular anti saitiple. i.;:eitit to any address free. 4 Fleasc.'send your miakey by Registered LAnter, addressed to •J. S. Ff.,4I7TES ?it CO., . ' 128 & /DO Federal St., ..13osten,:Mass. Pontc e BQX . ntrlS4w. . , . Goods fOr 'the Season. :01111 stock of ahsorted 4Gr. s AT • Loll , Prices for Cash, AT TIIF/FAMILY GROCERY AND PROVIS ION STORE OF CRAIG & MARSHALL , 21 'West Park. ritynco A FULL AQSORTMENT OF Fresh and New Goods • in our line, we offer - FOR SALE ,ter cAsia, As low as the same can he had west of Buffalo. Our Grocerie., having been Carefully Selected, Families can rely upon getting what they, purchase, We deliver goods to all parts of the City free. (leen '6,5-tr, NEW FIRM. James P. Crook, having taken In his son Jas. E.; as a partner, on the Ist day of April, IRA un der the drm name of James P, Crook t Son, de sires to have a settlement .of his old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. JAMES P. .oRoo.a & SON, Dealers In ROUGH & PLANED, LUMBER, And Mannfactureni of WIN DOW SASH, FRAMES, DOORS& BLINDS. Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing, Matching and Planingdone to order, Shop on Peach Between Fourth and Ffftl9Sts.; Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for:dal/nu work In of style promptly and on reasonable terms, Hav ing titled up entirely .new shops, with superior maclainenr, we feel confident of MAN; satisfae- Mu, Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention, mr•Zr64-tf. GERMAN SAYINGS IISTETUTION; Corner Eighth bit-zito OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. , - This Institution Is now open for the transac tion of business. Orrice Mum: - .8 A. ht. to 4P. M. kiArirtness: VA.ILtoBp.M. SLs Par Cent. Interest will be thin /Wititutiorirto Beirlilir Depositors. (DIRECTORS: J. Mellon!nub, P. A. Becker, • -P. F. Schneider, John Oensheinaer. John Oonthotmon Matthew Schloutlookor, F. Schneider. JOHN GENSHEIBIZR DZAIJER3 TN Clothing and Gent's Famishing Goods maimat OP eztrzman ealumr, MUM. PA. JAMES P. ettOOIC tt. BON OFFICMS, President. Trenaurer . Secretary THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. GET YOUR SRlit'rm AT TUN New Sorg !loop Skirt Manufactory Fur,L te Street. ErIP, LaLLCM', 311sses' and Cldldro i loop Skirts of all Stpei Constuntb on Lathy Ladles curt tinVC their Hoop , order, so that they will lit, and 1,.‘‘.• • whatever. The - New York 11,,0p - have experienced hands in Lot. oar luring andretairing depariniao t --- All coax: Skirts are made of the Best cf ble Steel and 21IntbriaL OUT Alan% Are no construto.d that fold Inwardly, and readily yield to t6,1 4 ,7.•'S pressure, thus attuning theta to t:dlapu H , the skirt occupies the tonallest_pos,N, while sitting, riding or in passing tt cron. l !, yet the moment the pressure is rtitoo-,t trt resumes its original and beauti'n• • •. We do n 4 bell these famous Skim price, bull sell them as cheap, If not'et",„`' than any other placaln Erle. Ladles not afford to buy Skirts every little al,:h; have their old ones repaired for a mere mt. ire Be sure to visit the Ziew York lice Manufactory before purchasing Country merchants will do well to gh, NATHAN 1 1/14 . • Stleeeceser to A. V, Oklieqk 61 . dee2-I'GB-tt. No. ZLXJ state street, Flni,pl till, 41 4 sa REFINED MOLD ' CANDLES VEMIcALP I t 4-2- : -6 . OLIVE _ it itlilß ASIVE SOARI SOAR ____,.... N22.G. N OSVii, i ,CH.ERASIVEr re 1 '' ,o SOAP. SOAP.' TITERtir FAMILY 4 SOAP,_ mAFA&ru " r. OF c\\, (s l —4 P AND CO- Corner of Holland And Sixth stre TAE U.l‘4'l3Elt GrN ED, having purchased Ihe Interest of Ulc Me;, Vincents In the FLOUR AND FUT) BUSINF.S, 'Of the late firm, would re-speetfollr wiS einuange of favor from the friends and tro o ps of the house, and the public in ger; pledging himself that he will all Units sell good and reliable Flour., Feed and Grain! At the lowesrprice for cash In hand. Fral:t.... lung experience in this branch of the trust I know what the public dernand, end;,.,; I am prepared to meet that want. Returning My thanks td the public rot !L, liberal patronage to me in the past, I hop, strict attention to my business and their to merit a continuance of their patronage 113" future. =I Tin I\IILLING: FLOUR, FEE), AND GRAIN BUSLNE,is, Will be continued, in all its departlnew,,nt Lt ~.ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, MAST -PArt-li. Row, Bet Ween Brown's Hotel and Reed Bowe, Where the public will find a good Rock alciyi for sale, with competent and polite men u bana to supply their wants, ap25'67-Iy. IL IL HAVERSTICS NEW LOCATION. G - . P. 3DA:VIS Has removed• to Whittlelea Bfaek, vette...! State -and Tenth Streeta„. Erie, Pa., wLerr has opened a. .. LARGELY L'itREASED STOCK Of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, PICA and everything usually kept in- a' tirs:-CLs grocery establishment. We are tietermnod to be surpassed, and invite all who want ar.i. thing In our line to call, feeling assured that:: shall be able to give satisfaction both:l , 4 to qui. ity of goods and prices. Country Produce 'Bought and We have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, ro - whieh we ask the atteption of those hov Produce to dispose of, e pledge our,ittc , secure the highest market price for all arU entrusted to our care. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWN,. And on the Lines of Railroad, • Supplied with FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC apr2'BB-t(, W.J. AYI E S, i Wholesale and Ite tsil Dealer in Furnitule! raving parehasol the entire stink of Fi':• tare of Messrs. Moore fi 'tablet, I respect.' : ask my ol&customers and the public seen: to give me a call at the old stand, • NO-715 ST/7F, STREET, Before purchasing o e ass g i e n T t l l tre c;f I have 3 LLT Parlor, ehamber and -Bed Room Se. l!! BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLE, WARDROB, DEsELS, And, in fact everythingin the nee of Furta's ant prepared to manufacture to Dater ass' that may be called for. Remember, :Sc.. - State street, east side, between hewath Eighth streets, abSYC-tf. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS .LOUIS BERG 31cfnaffteturers of FIRST-CLANS AGRAFF,E OV Elb:TO PIANO-FORTES WAILEROOIII3,, 97 .9LEEICE9 STS These Pianos are recommendeil by the trt_ mut:lolU udges, and are, for power, funnase - 1; ticity of touch and durability, un,urpasoll: tiny platiosmade in this country. GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEAH.` Illustrated ,Catalogue and Price List sere mail on application. febge.,-13%. GREAT REDUcTiOS IN I'ILICE!!..3 E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIRD Harpers' and similar Magaz! lac-, at :3 re ,/ per 1101tHile. V g) 004er's.antl.sbeller Magazines,gnmlnes, at 1.0 volume. Harper's and Frank Leslie's paPeM 4so per year. • •We are also making and selfint ,130010-1. REDUCED PRlC'ffil Bindery over Reystone National Pa n es ; ner State and 6th streets ' ' 1,. IS. CiIIEATALLI DESIGNEE ; DECORATIVE Nested, Cheapest, and Best Sian City.Pest= R. of. New York • /Porknflps Cliur oboe, ic" Froaeoed.tri the neatest style of the General Deem:tom 'matting of Models ~ 11, ,; Patent Ofdoe, an%leadedd weedy deseription m PaLnung prornPlilr• ";4 4 Mental ar all. No. 5, remind door, _. ALSO, JOHN NV. Al:2, CM!