The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 13, 1869, Image 1
Ent EZlrttip Monter. 0;:s 4 , . C H O a R i N rNrcr S E AT M I ST L ADMA WAIR%) --- k, 1.. p i lot StIcICTLY IA IUIVAIICO 200 ''eccV. !I•nilee .lO i0'', i .,;,:,,,;5, , ,erv0l 1,,v carriers, Fifty Conte , ",;, ' ; ' ,l '.. )n• . ''' 'i'.., w (lir sanar pe•rsou 4 00 Do 0 !„,,,,'- wilt to one affirms, 10 00 ,e b . A • al 00 ..., , e"' • *** ; lc only to those who pa y ` t f„t,, 113.1; , :i +LIP . . i n ,‘ ,ar ' '' ' ..17,V ''m ill VAITIZi I RATES. „ , 6,ll,lvifig.•,irr lvertising rates, whfeh ~ „ iO, .o.7”.srti to. In recionif Iv the I ,', ;',;:;.,..rf1,.tn,1it,, an Inch is CIIIVAISkrad e: , "'" '''' ' .60-111(11;4 Wsn than art tacit is rated . - ' ,l 'T 4 ' rac ~, fl,l .ii • lon% •>trll 80.1.4 c.l)i 2.775' 5.,00;7,00,\ 3.25 4,001 7.0012.00 't :!..( 3.00! 4.09 1 5.00 8.5015.001 3.75' 4.59 6.( 1 4) ; ,10.0048.K f‘• ,, 5,71, 5.:50, 7.00; 8.5018.00,:a00 01 ' „ r 1 ,3 5. , +( 4.A9 lo.ork12.0) ;;0 1 ; ig.00;31.110;11.).00; ; ;;50.05 ;„, won , 35.00Z0.00;X00; irn sod .I,lministors' Notices Auditor,' and Estray Notices ea e a ch. .“-,nee,s, set in Leaded Normarieb end I; e rore 'Marriages rates; Deaths, 23 per :v3adition to regular Local .Notices, IN the parties,l4 eta. per line of Eight j, t er Prat Insertion, 12cents per line for see sell cents for (Tell subsequent inset. ,',1.41;0ri.31 Notices 2.. a cents per Itne•, Mar yi eents; Deaths 25 cents each. Adver t,,,t,, every other week, two-thirds is pe , ,rons haul Deg fn advertisensenta period they wish them pub erhenchze they will be continued until 0 1 , tin , expense of the advertisers, at , should he addressett to A,,coraa 13 2.; N.Y.ti Wit 1:11IAN, Editor and Proprietor. 134.5131t50 ;31teCtOr)2„ (i ROCrI2.S. A NV3II: er, nil 25 N. Park.. --" .p• ILI Fran st. • 4,3 A ttrei , •14 , • ' k y r At i'e„ 4 1 renvh st. • tio , • , i)01" - : •••;.1) • :r„. 11. Co„lrk '•-• • • • E. North JiAlt.. ,L; • State Ntreet, • ,Ir,Sto.te 1" t Itl t Peach ht. 4414 liM4htate ht. 9 Ehr)...s • E • , E 9 renvil st. lir I snide sr. }>t 6,K STATION'I;II.Y. • ,ey :rearY 4foorte:a4l, North Pitrk. - 'Ff I FRS . 1 i Nil NE VS AGENTS, J. 5, 41 . Co., State Street. Prntlt, 1 IsEt i'V EVII. St. ✓ t l'rslther,7'..2 state st. ''s vt.ouit S FEED. • liavcr-ttuk., Park Itow. ': S Er._ '0 Preach !It: Will, VE . 111111 , 1, ESP 4 st. .NI.IeI . IINE • A 11*t' , , , in ,5 11. 114une. Machine, ati State st. cnot'KEttY 13. t;',.l 0.17. 1 2 Pork ;tow. Cif 'lll'-`; A: .1 ENI'I . :LItY. • T \it 9:t-. n..l' Neriii Parl4. state st. „pp. nrolvrt's Motet „tad least tic-vet - Ith st. RING. N.J. 1 i North lark Itow.• lIVN .9N12 CAPS, ; ;tide), Fr, nen st. rr tNI-ErTlONElt`f • , Ni Nerth lark How. lati - its ANL) MEDIOINFS. st.,te st. „, k c,Surat Ptak.. r;l7 l'each st., Just above Depot A Sl4; ,`<orls 7t.;.lSl,zitt.; street. ~ kt,,, tt a" Son. 711 State street liltY 009145. Not,qe " I , llV ' C.kitl'erS V't•Y•t tirus„ State GROCEIZIEI,9. F. IVE.E.),T st. Co., . . I State street. Gri 1t.1•124 Peach st. -' 1.11,4101 A ie. 141 e _ T y- hekluan, 311 State st. • A , Corner .4th an4l stasmw.t. 9s, A..asiceker,all.l e ht. 11 1. i'laus‘26 East Plitt) st. ~ n aat,73l Slat, ..l. • .11 2 ,',,R, s PA , 3,. Ufl 2t, K 0.11.4, 712 State st. \1e , 3.41 t s+lt , r, cor. Parade flu tralo st.s. h. krlck Oxper,l2lo State st. Ft r vii. s Mr•I‘Ii141.11, 324 French st. ptpl,l43ker, earner of 4th tt. Nly - rtle st. ii I.,:neat S g..n. 10-7 Parade st. Kartis, 1118 Parade st. 4, -‘44iultz, Sehult z's New Mock., Pe4terat 41111. 9-it'.AEtotrn, 13:145 Peach st. qa,l7 Nei:hat:cr. French st. near the Park. • 11.91:1-1111E4. Ft.". , , 1220 Mate Est. romer State and 3d sts. CLOTHING STOW - ZS. Grnsli4iimer ,44. Sea, at; state et. F Wanner, ria.i Sillte St, 1 , 4, tle, North Turk. 12r. Junt lee, :ill State st. 44 - • t'n, !,.tat, ht. ! , a.v•}Visstiztreitt, 314 hate st. TOIL 1:000 A.NM CIU.I.I{S ft it W.÷ , hraatt. 11ts PoLett M. SLI t e II W. , )!eb), 517 FrPliett 5, Y. Sttruc.,t, 41)151a1e , st. IIAitt)S,VARE, • ,t; State M. between 12th It Depot NVllder, Waterford. STOVES AND TINWARE. .., , oar,l Bros., 701 State st. 5. Johnson Co..lol3and lot Suite at. P.ter Itastatter, 1012 Parade st. Avery. 527 French at. • shirk S Whitehead, 12 th , S: Sassafras. MA) Cr .teSon, 1215 State at. FURNITURE WAREROOM.S. J. F. Riblet st Co., 114 State st. ttark t Franz, 112'2 State st. J W. Ayers, 712 State st. LUMBER pnz- , ey & Bali, State at., near depot. .‘tt STRAW (3001)S. Blake. Routh Park. P. Gllimore, 7u. ) state al. 111tASS FOITNI)11.11:2 4 .. 3. Metz, 1123 fitale 2,,4,2rec1a 44. East 944 street. - $(..i..11.0414ir5, otTNDEItti AND BOILER 31AICE, /Ls. 41-.;city Iron Work'', car. 12411 and State sts. PLANING,MJLL4. P. Cron!: .1:Son. car, Ith and Peach sts. nOe44Z. 1214 Peach xt. CfII , P , tIt3PIOF. Prlcden, 1211 Peach st. E.VTING SALOON, 141 Preach. at. / 1 / 4 - 4N FENCE NVOR/C4,. Gorr, 1212 Stale st. IMOD TURNI.Nri s1.(01.. P.I. Roth, tto st. CL DE AL ERS. 'ltzsman ‘X' Cc., ca OA r. 12. th Peach tits. B . tun Bras. Cu., (Wholesale) 1 1 3 Park Raw V. W. Revd dr Co,, car, & Myrtle sta. PLUMBING WORK'S. th Hubbard, (Licensed) ear. State a 50) Ste BOOK BE`DRIV. roit , ,t S r . n lieystotle Flank Block WORKS. E. FL Pqinn,t ttrst door bet.. Vizstorn 'louse E. fe , nharti, Silcth st. pet, State d. Peach sts. crTLF:ItY R sTE 1.31 GRIND/\G. [elder, 12'91 ,T4rnpike st. Arrn )); A nixt Ntlssi ON MERCHANTS Fro,: Witoicll k Co,„ 14-2 t state at. ti W. I'Ltsey. AT Illock Part: Itow. -- • - 1.31i5i11t.5.5 111)1117.5 lIENItY M. TtIRLET, rney at Law, Peach yiireet, rlbovt , Unicat ,, Pa, rgirtZ, GEint()E 11. CUTLEIL, ,"r M , F-tic C.41111y, PL • • and oil: et busiiiesattentivii to with IT , i)ptriesi and (11.,Paiell, E. M. (OLE S SON, 13nok Mannfactnrerh ' kePonne Saltonal Bank. ..1Y 1 r 67- tf• • - - Dlt. O. ELLIOTT, No. ans St a t, L. reet,'s 9111ce hours trorn 40,4 A. M. to .M., and fr, Jto3P. M. . 0c10137-tf. CO., , \ ,; , a , e.:11*- and P.-tall 134.alays In A ntllraelte, a. 11.1 011 Ice corner ha-li and Eric, P sAVI'sx.I.N. Lt. J. SALTB.IIA.N. Dentist. Office . Itosenzwelg'x Wiwi, north Eie o f the But, Erie, Pa. PRANK WINCIIELL 4: CO.. , ', Acetinn and. Commission Merebant9".4 Real L-..neAgentß fitute street teurner 1• 0 13.od Lie, Pa. Advances made on eati.aigAinentS tLe C.,untry Yertanes attended te. 4113'' ,A coardy, • tr-kn trmentt.t. no.M'OMy„ JOHN vi.lcit.orrY 11".11, Tailor and Clol3 Cleaner, Unlon th , ne Dr. Bennett's Once. Clothes made, clean an,l retailed nu short notice. Terms as res. unable ay any, ra1224. EAGLE: 11.0 TEL, cppcisite thilon Depot, Erie, Pa.. Jas. Carnp ',l, proprietor. House open ut all hours. The and table always suppltki with the choicest that the roarlreta afford. • Vatarat-ly.. GEO. C. DKNNETT, M. D. Phystelan and Surgeort. 0.1112ee, elst „,„rk„,1,3„1" Et•rflaverstleleti flour at• of Wm. P. G il son. West Sixth street, DI trona Sassafras. Office hours from 11 tzval 2p. cm • Janl' 4. S. lIALLOCX, 41. n.Excinioxn. Erie, Pa., Meadville, Pa. - ,„ TI&LLOCK d:. Rien3lol; I), N'''''TneSs at Lair' and Solicitors of .PriferdS, 0.2) Sorth Park. Place, Erie, Pa. Persons ile v.rlng to obtain Letters Patent for their !liven- Ll " a, wM New call or address as above. Pees fcisa nable. Territory sold for patentees. Spe '' attention gt 1.3 to collections. 11131-3 y. ---_______ ______‘ F. W. KOEHLER, • ,c.i•(' • , 01 the Peace, Peaelt street, sir doors "oath of AulTula street, South FAL.. • Rfl2-Iy. R, t Ti .a ;cr 1 11:-. 41 :- SELDEN. o, ra „ Or o t ttcp p r07 ,!,,,,,A7 358 and Counsellor& he p u bnA luare oo %ear Northwest ---- EL - V. CLA.t.94., ~rh.shr lg all .if Inds of Plurals Groceries slid 1 i ViStOt h. St9ne 'Ware, &c., and wholesale deal ej fe Wines,Llgors,Clgark Tobacco, eg.e„ No. 2(1 Last:Nth street, Erie, Pa. joeio7-LL J. FILI- t iEft. M. n., Ilcatmpathie Physic/ad and Surgeon. Ofaca Rftidenee "0 Peach St., opposite the Uccle, Office boars front la to Li a. to., 2t05 p. tos p. m. .10131 v e/ Engineer and liinrvey .or. Residence ecir ber Sisila street and EastA.veriao, East Xrie. SATtONAL HOTEL. • Ctrl PoaCit and Buffalo ata. w John Ee, trialtam. Bog of accomodations se; Peolgo cum r tau/ country. GoOti l ia ble" Haase; beg_ty. . , - •1 ..-,..., „_, ~,.. - . - • . , . -- ----,-------,-, -, .--,... -,--„....--_,,,,..-_,......„_ .1,_... , ~ -... VH;.. . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . , . , ... . , . AI . . . .. . a VOL. 40. etintrirs, Praburt, Stud, etc. J. E. ISHBY & CO., )2,00 '20.%1k 125.00 , a 3.00 45.00 80.60 R 5.00 150.20 \Via)lesalo and Retail BOOK BINDERS, STATIONERS, AND • Blank Book Manufacturers Magazine; Musk Books, &c., bound In any style desired, and in ttio neatest and best manner. All lamb of Rail Bowl, Commercial, AND 131ttplic 3IANN's COPYING ROOKS. An. Paper of all sizes on hand or laade to Order. ittLlNti -OP ANY Particular PATTERN N 4 Done with neatness and dispatch. lEN - V - TEIL.O3PIES OF ALL KINDS ON PRINTING nia ils tiva itches. done to order With twAttlessaad diNpatell .t min WriLilra I:lock, Ede, Pa janrq-ly HENRY BECKMAN, Wholesale anti Befall GROCER! 501 Slate Street, Erie, Pa. Rlndernecht's Old ,Ytand. t e iM e T c it .t . ) .7 4, 4l s . t l l N tv., D v .splottiltd stook of Gro TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, iVoodeift d •U'iltow Ware, " PORK, pLOUD AND. pitovzsross . 0f all kinds, NCUALNIVLERV, ,•• Making the most complete nssort tnent of g 004.14 kept by ally Grocer In the place. I an also agent for DANNEPS COMMUTED AKRON WATER, LIME. Headquarters for Clover and Timothy Seed. oct22-fm CHEAP GOODS ! Wholesale and Retail, GROCERS AND IMO:VISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS SCIELLAUDECKER.. Succeesor to F, fi M. Schlaudeelter, is now re ceiving a splendid assortment of %. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, Liquors, Willow, Wooden and Stone Ware Fruits, Nuts, An. A large stock of T-OBACCO A.'IID CIGARS, Call and see as, at the Grocery 1-I.ettficittarters, American Block, State St., Erie, Pa. , ;13 - 9 4 M-t Wholesale anil Retail Grocery Stare. P. A. II'ECK.ETZ S - :, CO., WHOLESILE AND RETAIL GROCERS, North-East Corner Park Lula Prolela (C24X,ll,sinE,) Would rcNueetfully call the attention of the corn un ity to theft. largestocl: of Grrocerlett4 and Provisions, Which they are desirous to sell u.t THE VERY LOWEST POS.ISICLE PRICER! Their assortment of Sugars, Cofrees, Teas, SyrUps, TOAACCOS, FISH, &C., Is not surpassed in the eitmotsthey are prepared to prove to all who give them a ealL: They also keep on lutnd a superior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which they direct tst• attention of the- public. i Their motto is, "quick sales, small profits and a. full equivalent for the money." ap111.3-tf. AAttitorized. Capital ;S:500,000. CAPITAL PAID IN VIV,AOI TUE SECOND NATIONAL BANE opened for business on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TII, 1561, In-the banking office previously occupied by the Mereliant's Batik, Brown's Jcn l l if nn, north - east corner of State street and public Park.. 11:1. L . SC(YTT, free;. W. C. CURRY, Cash. MB= W.M. L. Sit'OTT, of iinn of J. Hearn 4- ao.,coaj Deolen. Jos, Nve,Afel-88, of firm of SOILICI2, Bliss at McCarter, Builders. GEO. J. :dowroN, CIDZI Dealer. W. S. BROWN . , Agent }lnfralo Erie R. R, JGRN C. BURGI ,- .S.Soffirm of Clernens,Caugh ey & Burgess, Wholesale Grocers. G. E. cßoucu, of firm of Crouch Bro., Flour Merchants. M. R. BARR, of firm of Barr, Johnson it Sea man, 6t-ove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Farrar. Wholesale Grocers. 3. DREIBIGAKER. Grocer. de7'64. New Store, Walther's Block. NO. 808 STATE srazor. "Ale Stuncrixr would call the attention of the ptiblie to byt splendid stock of Spring and Smniner D*y Goods, - Just received and offered at UNPRECEDENTLY LOW PRICES I have a large assortment of _ Domestics, Prints, Dress Goods, &e., bought at low prices and consequently can sell them very low. tall and examine my stock, Goods shown with pleasure. J. F. WALTER, my7-tf. 80i3 State SL HARDWARE! EtaYER, Rt VIIESS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of SADLY AND HEAVY AARICAN & FOREIGN HARDWARE, Anvils, Bellow, Nnlls, Spikes, Leatium and Bobber Baltins. • Marline Packing, Cutlery, Bawl, Pfles, dke. Also, a general assortment of Iron, steel and Carriage Hardware. iirfitore at. Infield stand of 31i. J. V. BOYUB N etzst aide of Suite streato, few doors north in UM L i =h is, DUMB 4.t.FUSE3EP )so, 1. MiffßY & co.; HENRY lIECKSUN F. SCli LA LTD ECKEL?. iniorellanenue. ERIE em IRO WORKS, VAIIIIE. PA... MANUFACTURERS OF The Bradley Engine ! A New Compound or Double Cylinder Engine, BM "ri.l:o And la Warranted to glee FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED PER. CENT. Mbre power thnn a Sine,lo C.% Under Engine using the 'wile amount of steam. STEI3I• Extans AND !:OILERS OF ALL STYLF.9 OIL STILLS AND TANUS Of MI bescriptionn: Clltet3l.,"-tit SAW-MI.1;11S GTE ItE.4lb BLOCKS. tc.ll--tr. FRANK WiNCRELL & CO., AUCTION C. t, -,TIMSION MERCHANTS, No. 824 State Street. Household Furniture and all kinds or Goods, Wares and Merchandise, bought and Sold and received on consignment. ' Sales at private residences attended to la any part or the city. Rale of Household Fu rnit u re, Carpe ts, cen4- Ware, Horses, Wagons, and all kinds or goods on WEIINESDAYS AND - SATURDAYS, AT 9 . 1 ,4 O'CLOCK, A. M. A large consignment "of (ueenswar4 , Glass ware, Bohemian arid eliirtaN ases now offhand, will he closed out regardless or cost at private sale. Yeanntues attended to 141 any part of the countig. c • T llw ,, orthy & Love, No. 1300 PEACH ST., Harc adapted a new wet. In of doing bust /10W,, :/// / would rexpectfully call the attention of their tttotaers to the ( act that they are now eating g for. CASH,. OR BRADY PA Y,7. We believe that we can. do our customers la- Um by so doing and would ask them to cal/ and see our splendid stock of grocerles,consisting of Tenn, Coffees, Slug:ars, Spicex, AA, • Comprising everything in fvwell kept grocery store. We also havethe best quality of ERIE COUNTY FLOUR. Also FEED In unlimited quantities. Give us seal!. TOLLWORTHY & LOVE, 1300 Peach EL, opposite National Hotel. rnyl2-tc. 1-1,.F. hI Co - N 7 .A. I ! C SIEGEL. East Eleventh Street, between German and Holland Streets Irnor.F.I3.ALE AND RETAIL Ir Cloyer and Timotby Seed, FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS! Slaving, built on his own premises a large and rommodiousstOre, Is prepared to furnish everything In his flue at lower rates than can he found in the city. Country purchasers especiatly , will find it to their advantage to give him a cal!. • • mr2.5-tf. C. SIEGEL. BL A: - N - K BOOKS! Caughey, McCreary & Moorhead, WILL szza, 131_,ANK: 13001 ES, - of every description, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, O.I3:EAPER Than any house in this city, Also, SCHOOL . BOOKS, At Wholesale, as chmp ns anyjobbing house in tlx country. 13 1.13 The Depository of the Bible Society. at CA.IIGHE.Y, 111,1tEARY S 110011.1.1FAWS. ' BANK NOTICE. Keystone National Bank, COV r.113.1.M. CA. ?ITAL • $250,000. DIRECTOR'S; SeMen Marvin, Sohn W. 1311,1 Elthu MArvtn, Rotten Town, 0, Di oble. ORANGE 1 , .;011LE, Prest. JNO. J. TOWN, Cash., The above bank Is now doing business tp Its new building, OF star, AND MUTH STS. Satisfactory paper, discounted., Money re ceived on deposit. Collections mute and pro ceeds 'wounded for with promptness. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold. A share of public patroness solieited- • TO THE PUBLIC. There is no use sending. to New York 'FOR TOCEt TEALS:. No use going to the refineries to buy REFINED OILI No use going to soap foctorlas tobny 4 SOAP: No use to pay big pikes for any bf your Groceries and Provisions! While there is a LIVE CASH STOROgs on the corner of IStb. and State -Strooto.. TlTuxecliaustom - ADmintumm ato-tr. L. F. STEIL JTAVING bought the Eagle Hotel, to Water tonl. 'would inform the public that he has thoroughly refitted the same; and Ls now rer_ldy to accommodate all in the beat of style. UM table is bormtifhity supplied, and the har la Mocked with the - choicest of liquors. nosalttf. TOO frIUNTIVG of every kind, In largo or vt/ entailties, pLain or oolored, done in the host Via nd at moderate prices. at the 011oakirves ERIE, PA.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 13: 1869. Aletticat. /100FLANIPS GERMAN BITTERS, Itoofland's German Tonic, The great Bernet!les for all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach or Digestive Organs. lIOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Ls coin posf•ii of theporeJcilees (or, as they are medicinally termed, Extracts; of Uoota, Herbs an d Barks, TT. making a prepara tion highly. concem. 1.1 trated and entirely free limn alcoholic admixture of. any • kind. . • lloollantr's German - Tonic IS a combination of oli tbo ingredients of-the Bitters, with the purest quality of Bunts Cruz Bum, Orange, etc., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the MICKSE preferring a Medicine, free from A1e0,., belle admixture, will use 1-100PLA.ND'S GERMAN IGTTERE.. • Those who have no oby , ction to the combina tion of the BUters, as stated, will use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC They are both (nastily good, and contain the same bledicinal virtues, the choice between the two being a nape reala matter of taste; the Tonic - be- hag the most tale. b 'The abreacts, from a variety a causes, snch SLR Indigestion.. nYR. pepsht, Nervous De bility, etc„ Is very apt to have int func tion's deranged. The O Liver,sympathbang 113 closely as it does With tbo /Stomach, then becomes affected, the result of which is that the patient suffers front several or more of the following diseases: CoostipatlOn, Flatulence, Inward Plies, Full , nes:t of Blood to the Head Acidity of the Stant :,ch, Nausea, 'Heartburn, D:smist for Food,Fuli ties* or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructs," lions, Sinking or Fluttering nt the -Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensatrons when In a lying, posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain In the Head, Defl• eleney of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the side, Back, chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of Hem, Burning of the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil anti Great Depression of Spirits. The sufferer Irmo these diseases slmuld exer etse the greatest caution in the selection of a remedy for his CaO,s purchasing only thht which he Lg as- Art Bused from his In vestigations and In- kJ yyniries poissesses true merit, is skill- fully compouutledts' free from injurious Ingredients and has estab lished for Itself a reputation for the cm-e ef these diseases. In this connection _we would submit these well-known remedies-- 11. 4 0 . 0PT-AA.NI-rt4 . GERMAN BirrE EEO lIC_ICYPt'I.A.NI3'S GER3IAN TONIC, Prepared byf I).R. C. IL. jaCK*3 0 N • Philadelphia, Pa. Twenty-two years since they were first intro• dated into this country from Ctermany, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more cures, and benetitted sulTering bUnlanity to a greater - extent, than any other remedies known to the public. Thesereraedtes will effectually cure 'Aver Com p I aint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronla Chronic Dia or Nervous Deblitt-, A rriltsa, Diseases IV -of the - tie 11 disetue es arising from a dia. o r Liver, Stomach,. or Intestines. nmnix,rrw. Rearming from any cause whatever ; PrOstra tiott of the System, Induced' by Severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure, • Foxers..Ete. There is no' medicine extant equal to these remedies in such cases. A lope and vigor Is'im parted to the whole system, the appetite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach gents promptly, the blood is purified, the earn. Mexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow lingo_ Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. Persons advanced in life, and feeling the - hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all its attendant ills, will fintl•in the use of thiff BITTER.S, or the TOlslie, an eitairtliat will M ail new life into their veins, restore in a mews. ore the energy and ardor of snore youthfill days, build up their shrunken terms and give health and happiness to their. remaining years,. zycyrzeo. It is a well establiebed fa ) et . that hilly one-half attic female portion of our popplatlpn aro seldom. In the en. I Joyment of •good health ;. . or, to use Li their, own expres sion, . &ion, net , er tee 1 Well.' They are lan guid, devolo of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. Tol.htm class of persons the 1317fEltS, or the A TONIC, is espeeletly reconthaeodecl. Weak and delicate children are made strong by the use of tither Of bless remedies , theY care every case of MARNSMUS, wit out , Thonaands of certillqates have aceneitlia ted In the halm. 'or the proprietor, pm, spate will allow of but few. •rt0...1t will be observed, are men of note and of such' st.nillngthattthey ntust be believed. Tl.lt4'r/111{>NI11M.3 ; ION. GEORGE W. WOODWARD, 4 , • - • 1,1,-Chtef Justice of the Supreme Court 0. Pennsylvania, writes: yint,ADtr..PltiA, March 16, ISO 7 "I find Hoofiand'a German Bitters Is a good tonic, Useful in k diseases of the di gestive organs, and 11. of great , benefit in easesof debillty.and want of nervous ac tion in the system, Yours truly , _ GEO. W. WoODWARD." HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court of Penneylvvente. l'urbAhnt.erriA, April 23, MI. , "I consider Hoofland'sGennan Bitters a valu able medicine in case or attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from ray eXpe- Ocoee. , Yours with respect. 111031/NON." FROM REV. JOB. 11. KENNARD, D. b., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila. Da. J Acrcsos —Dear Sir :—I have frequently been requested to connect my name _with' rec oramendatioaa of different kinds of medicines, sat regarding the practice as oat of my appro priate sphere, I have In an cases declined; but with a CleAr proof In . various int tancm and particularly in .. kr my own family, of the usefulness of Dr. .1.11 Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart for MY from my visual course to express my full conviction that ?a ff General Debility of the'System,' and espee for Liver Complaint, it is a Bare and vahnth e preparation. In sotne eases t may fail; hub, ustudiv, Zdoubt not, It will be very beneficial to those who suffer from - the above cause. Yours very respeethdly itzNirARD Eighth, below Coates, ~_ att. FROM .REV. E. FENDALL, Mei%taut Editor Christian Chronicle. I have derived decided benefit from the use of Floofiand's German Bitters, and feel It my priv ilege to recommend them as a most valuable tonic to all who are suffering from General De bllity or 'from diseases arising from derange mentof the Liver. Yours truly, E. D. FEWDALL. CAUTIOTV. Roohand's Gerrit= Remedies are counterfeit ed. See that the Big- LI attire of C. M. JACNRONIc 'on. the 1) wrapper ef each bot tle. All others are connWrseit. rinel- Ptd (take and mann- • factory at the Ger ms& Medicine Were, No, 631 Arch street, detphia, CRAB. 11....EvA27e, proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO ,PlEtle - E. 'lootland's Gerioan Bitters, per bottle, 111 00 -" " bait dozen, 5 03 licAlliszurs Gera= To 3 WrittiP irk quart hot. ilos, SI 50 per bottle, or a dozen for S7EO. 'Sir Do not fotget to asssaine well the wrttcle •voa order atopt the getuanc. 1400" V• AND remains peculiarly situated, or those suppos ing themselves so, are cautioned against using thatie, Pills 141itle in that condition, lest they In. vitandscarriage, after which admonition the Priquistor responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health; otherwise the Pills ere recommended , • as • 3/OST INVALUABLE ItENEMY for the alleviation of those suffering from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of Wally when health will not penult It; guiettng the nerves and bringing haek. the "rosy color of health " to the cheep of the most delicate. $ Full aid explicit directions accompany eachbox. Price 41 per box, six boxes Sold,ln Erie'by WAf NICESONS, dromists, sole agents for Erie and vicinity. Ladleiyy, seualng them bt through the lyint (Moe, cau have the pills tout (conildentlally)Wy .mall to any part of the country', tree Sold also by E. T. Hazeltine, Warren; 'Hoff plan & Andrews, Carly ; Caliender & Mead ville; O. C. lion & Co,;„ North East; Jewett & Wright, West S. H. HOWE, Pole Proprietor, New York. - , POPULAR GOODS ! Mammoth Dry Goods nm.ioR,rUMI Diefe4dorf, Gross Foster. In the Dry Goods department we offer an ex tensive assortment of fashionable Spring Dresa Goods, consisting, in part, of illack.voideolorod Co,ctus, Black Silks, Poplins, Abyssinian Cloths, Stripes for Snits, Piques, Cambries, Or gandies, French Prints, English and American o hag hows,Laces, Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, G oyes, Hosiery Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Ta ble Linens, White dud Colored Toilet Quilts, Linen Sheeting.% Bleached and Brown lanstins, Stripes, Cheeks, Denims, etc., etc. In our Carpet and House Furnishing bepart inent Ivo have in store and otter for sale the Largest and most complete stock of goods ever before shown in this city. An immense stock:of Stnerfann ann Wall rapers, from the cheapest, brown blnuks through all the In terniedlategradem to the finest hand statnped Gold, Tinted,and Ihrorhtive Pa pers., Plain and Tiv!But Ifemps, *OOl Dutch. Ve netian, List Will nag, Ingrain,ThreePl7Tapeti try Ingrain, American and English tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels and Velvets. A la'rgestoek of that justly celebrated Tanned Cabe. Ntattlug of al) a fdt4s. As Ice „buy these good's direct of lite manufacturers, we are -en able() to offer unusual advantages to patellas.- ers. OIL eLOTII:4--Floor, Table anti earring°, All widths. ' . LACE CURTAINS AND REPPS—Notting. ham Scotch and Tambour Lace Curtains. MI coltirs of Repos and Terries' Transparent Hot. land for Shades, pronounced by all who have used them to be the best article ever introduced for Shades. Cornices,. Shade Fixtures, Stair 'Rods, Ms o itts, Ituggs, etc., etc. Pare Live Geese Feathers! , ' Lounges, Mattresses and Pillows ou band and made to order by an experienced upholsterer. In conclusion, our stock is full and complete in every department, and our motto is, as it ever has been, promptness in execution of all orders left with us, and honesty and fair deat h= with every one.. Call and see lf we do not tell the truth. Agents for the Observer. South Erte—F. W. Koehler. Corry—Amos Reath, John Scott. Petroleum Centre---Geo. W. Wilson. Oak Orove—Wm. J. Welker. Wayne—D. W. Howard, D. C. Kennedy. Spartansharg—John O. Burlingham. . Waterford—W. C. White. Union Borough—M.V. R. Brown. • Union Township—Moses Smiley. Albion—Alden Pomeroy. Fairview—Amos Stone. dim.-rapt. D. W. Hutehinsdn. • Elk Creek and Lundy's Lane—Wra.Shermall. Concord—A. W. hell. Springfleld--Gilbert Hurd. • Lockport—J. C. Ca.ufrman. Wattsburg—Lyman Robinson, A. En.sworth. McKean Township—E. Pinney. Edinboro—Marcus aaley. Harbor Creek—Wm. Salttaxmn. North Feat—B. A. Tabor, . A Card to the Leiner.— r--- DR Durozlays GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS FOR MMAI.ZS. nfalabla In corroding Irregularities, n3mow lug Phstauctions of the Monthly Tarim, toatii. Whatever muse, aid always successful as apre vaulty°. ONE PILL IS A. DOSE. ilein abbertisemento SPRING SALES =I POPULAR PRICES! AT TUX ESE -! • 110138 E PICIOSISIIING 7 riclrvo, Dry: Goods Department: IPLIT_Tk4 Furnishing Department VAI.4, PAVER I' P PERT CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS 4 IMMEiI • • 31.A.DriNCOli • ThEEENDOR.I O , GROWS t FOSTER, aprB4f. No. 7 Reed Rouse, Edo, Pik. REMOVAL! - The old established Book Bindery of E. .X. Cole It Son has been removed to RINDERNECTIT'S BLOCS, Corner of State anik Flan Ste., Where, with improved facilities, we nre pre pami to do kinds of Binding lathe best siyle and at prices to compete with any. Day Books, Ledgers, &c., Made to order as cheap as they can betted Anywhere. RULING CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. Kagastnes, - Papers, Books aid Ptunpftlets Boma at Red aced Prices Give us a call and see tor yourselves E. M. COLE .1 SON. rarZ-tt Dr. , . • . GROCERS' SUNDRIES, HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS, YE{ ETAIILES, ETC., CHOICE Southern Mutiny and Sump. importers of Cross k Ellackwell's Pickles, Sauces, etc. Lea k Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce. Palensgents for the .40clety of Shakers. SS Bwinlsw Street, New York. wargUrs. Tux ROBINS 4TAVIC COSES RACK - There's a call upon the housetop, an answer from the plain, j There's a warbltrin 1110 sunshine, a twitter in the rain, And through ruy heart, at souuti of these, There comes a nameless thrill, As sweet as odor to the rose, Or verdure to the hill ; And all these joyous mornings My heart pours forth this strain "God bless the dear old robins, Whe have come hock again," For they bring a thought of summer, •of dreamy, luscious days, • Of kingcups in the meadow, making a golden haze, A longing for the clover blooms, For roses all aglow, For fragrant blossoms, where the bees With droning murmurs go ; I dream of all the beauties Of summer's golden reign, - And sin.o. : "God keep the robins, . Who have come back again," Among the earlier, writings of Washington Mr. Sparks preserves a series, of which he re marks o every justly, that whoever has studied the character of Washington will he persuad ed that some of its most protnirtent restart* took their - shapa from the rules which he thus selected and adopted as This guide : 1. Every action in company, ought to be with some sign of respect to theme present 2. In the presence of others, sing not to yourself with a humming noise, nor dnurf with your angers or feet. 3. Speak not when others speak, sit not when others stand, walk not when others stop„ 4: Turn not your back to others, especial!y in speaking; jog not xhe table or desk on wbich another reads or writes ; lean not on any one. 6. Be no flatterer; neither play. with any one that delights not to be played with. 0. Hewing letters, books or papers in cola , pang; but when there is a necesqty for do tug it, you mast ask leave. Come not near the books or writings of any one as to load them unasked ; also.look nut niglr when an other is writing a letter. 7. Let your countenance be pleasant, hut in setiousmatters somewhat grave. S. Show not yourself glad at the misfor tune of another, although he were your en emy. O. They.that are in dignity or office have in all places the precedence; but whilst they are voung'they ought to respect those that are their equals in birth or other qualities, though they have no public charge. • 10. It is good manners to prefer them to whom you speak before yourselves, especial ly if they are above us, with whom iu no soft, we ought to begin. 11. Let your course with-tnen of business be short and comprehensive. 12. la visiting the sick do not presently play theAphysician if you he not knowing thCerein. ~ /14(20.. 14. In writing or speaking, give to every person his due title, according to his degree and the custom of tlimplace, 15. Undertake nar to teach yOur equal in the art himself professes ; it savors arro gance. 16. When a man does all he can, though it succeeds not well, blame not Lim that did it. 17. Being to advise or reprehend any one, consider whether it ought to be in public or private, presently or at some other time, also in what terms to do it; And in reprov ing,J show no signs of choler, butilo it with is sweetness and mildness. . 18. 3tocle not, nor jest anything of.impor tanee ; break no jests that are sitarp \ or biting, and it you deliver anything witty or pleasant, abstain from laughing thereat your self. 19. When you reprove another be unblarn able yourself; for example is more prevalent 'than precept. 20. Ilse no reproachful langnage r against_ another, neither curses nor revilings. 21. Be not hasty to believe reports, to the disparagement of any one. 22. 'ln your apparel be modest, and en deavor to accommodate nature, rather than procure admiration. Keep to the fashion of your equals, such as are civil and orderly and ' have respect to time and' place, 23. Play ..not the peacock, looking: every thing about you to sec if you be well decked, 'Omar shoes fit well, or your stockings sit neatly, and clothes handsomely. 2-I.' Associate yourself with • men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad com ,pany. 25. Let , your conversation be without malice or 'envy, for it is a. sign of a tractable and commendable nature; and in' all cases of passion admit reason to govern. ' 20. Be not immodest in urg*mg your friend to discover a secret. • 27. litter not base and frivolous things amonpt grown awl learned men; nor very difficult questions or subjects amongst igno rant, nor things bard to be believed. 23. Speak not of doleful things in time of mirth; nor at the table speak not of melan choly things, as death and - wounds, and if others mention them, change, if you can, the discourse. Tell not your dreams but to your intimate friends., 29. Break not a jest" where none take pleasure in mirth. Laugh not aloud, nor at all without occasion. Deride no man's mis fortune, though there seem to be some cause. 30. Speak not injurious words, neither in jest nor in earnest. Scoff at none, although they give occasion. 31. Be not forward, but ' friendly and courteous, the first to salute, hear and an swer, and be not Pensive when it is time to cony me. . 32. Detract not from others, but neither be excessive in commanding.. ' 33. Go not thither, where you know not whether you shall be welcome or not. Give not advice without being asked, and when desired, do it briefly. 34. If two contend together, take not the part of either unconstrained, and be not ob stinate in your opinion; in things indifferent to the major side. Very"Cew persons seem to know that the' months of June anti July arc the best in the year hi which to look for or purchase a farm. At this season one can judge whether the laud can or does produce good crops; for if it is rich, the waving grass and grain will be an occular demonstration of the tact ; and if there is, according to the stereotypey asser tion, an abundance of choice fruit it can be seen at this time to the beseadvantage. The low lands will show whether they are really drv•enough for pastures in'sutruner, and the upland its capacity for withstanding a drought. If there are any mosquitos about they will generally make their appearance known at this time if ever, and by observ ing the children in the neighborhood one can determine whether the locality is healthy or otherwise. , , Summer is also . a •good time to view the never failing spring and the trout,pond near; by, and a draught from one and a lunch from the other nre attractions which those Who possess them seldom fail to bestow - 'upon those who are likely to become purchasers. Even the weeds upon a farm will assist a'man in determining its value; for if nothing bet stunted rag-weed and five-finger are 'to be seen, then the land may be set down as poor indeed; but if burdock and catnip abound, it shows the strength to' produce crops of a higher order. r , . The pasture and meadow, orchard and gar den, all show what they are and what may be expected of them in these months; but earlier. or later the' aspect of things may change. In the Spring the , trees may • not show leaves, flowers or fruit ; the roads are. mulldy if ever; and the distance front the harm to the railroad station appears to be much greater than it actually is, especially . to a stranger. In autumn the leaves are turning yellow, the grain hasbeen gathered, the fruits are nearly gone; still the air is fresh and the landscape glowing with autumnal tints; but the valuable products of a farm, are mainly out of sight, being stored in .the barn, or in the proprietor's pocket _ , Pinar CLASS DEAD Bears.--Nothing calls for speedier reform than, the contemptible practice of young men in imposing upon the credulity of business men, - In this city it has becorae , epidemie. The participants seem to consider it a grand achievement to suc cessfully swindle their fellow citizens. They will purchase a suit of clothes, hire a horse and buggy, contract large board and billiard bills,. etc., for which they never dream of renering an equivalent. They act as if they had a perfixt right to cheat whom they pleased. On the street they put on all the airs imaginable.' Their nien Is independent, and strangers regard them as the quint essence ofurriatocracy. What a flutter it would create among their friends if these pretenders were eiposed--if their conduct mere held up to public scrutiny; • • WashingtoVe Rules. When to Buy a Farm. How Tom Homed Her. The wife 'of Tom Gordon is a victim to imaginary ailments, and is.never so content as when living ticoordittglA-fite direction of her medical adviser. Dr. Valentine now un derstands her 'whims and oddities so well that. he humor' her in every caprice ; if she imagines rtieuttltetisrn hiller complaints, he agrees with her, and prescribes some harm less potion.; if she thinks her appetite de creasing, some bread pills keep het in good spirits until the fancied symptoms of some other disease indocrs.her-to send again- for him: . - During the last four years Tom has often wished that his wife would roll down stairs and break her foolish head, for the reason that physician's and apothecary's bills make a serious inroad upon his fortune. - About three months ago she complained of a pain in her side, and, as usual, the doctor was summoned. After prescribing three or fon r battles of elltiveren t co m Pormds--all harm less, but rather expensive—he said "All you want to assist medicine in effect ing a cure is a little rousing. Although l your ailment is serlonsi it is rtdt dangerous. As sume a little energy and 'you will recover. Remember, rouse yours df."_ • Alter, the doctor retired,the patient fancied that at last some serious disease was begin ning to manifest itself, and, like went to bed in despair: Tom understands the case thoroughly from long experience, and said mentally, "She wants a rousin', does she ? Well, I'll give her a surprise that will startle her." Mrs. Rake, an attractive widow, was en gaged to act in the capacity of nurse to Mrs. Gordon. The widow is young, buxom, ami able; and Tom thought her attractive quali ties might be made available in giving the patient the necessary rousing. A short conversation with Mrs...flake re sulted in the arrangement of a plan, the exe cution of which was to induce 'Mrs, Gordon to forever afterwards throw physic to the dogs. Late the next evening, while the patient wasTretting and groaning, and announcing her intention of giving up the ghost, Tom called Mrs. Hake aside, and said to her, in a pretended whisper, but loud enough .to be heard by the invalid ; "Poor Fanny! she is about to die at last, and so you and T. may a; well arrange for our marriage." Tom threw a glance over his shoulder as lie spoke, and observed the dying patient Cease her groaning, and begin to rouse her self. Arising quickly to a sitting posture in the bed to note every wont of the conversa tion, she stared at then) with eyes as - big as small onions peeled. "Twill be a relief to her," continued Tom,, "for she has always been an invalid. t l O have suffered ns well _as site, but with you the picture of health, as my with, my happiness will be complete." The, widow threw herself upon Tom's shoulders, her arms about his neck, am( im- - gan to chew his vest in mouthfuls, to smother her laughter, "low soon'shall we get married after she is dead?" asked Tom; passing his arms around the widow's substantial waist. "I suppose you will be willing to wait a week or two?" simpered Mrs_ Hake, as she leaned her head on his shoulder and took an other mouthful of vest. The invalid utterevl an exeleton;i•zn nod anded on the floor, "You think I am going,to.die, do you?" she exclaimed. "I'll live to spite you both t and for yon,"—she turned and grasped Mrs. !lake by the hair—"out of my house you design ing vixen ! I will act as my own nurse here after." From that day to this Mrs. (forthin has en joyed ' good Itealth;:and Tom has enjoyed good spirits, because he has not had a doe- tor's - bill to paY. Fle linear' how to cure,her, , Tor she only needed rousing, and Tom roused her. Street:Sights in Chinn. AM packages of every kind of merchandise are carried on the shoulders of meh ; the Chinese have no wheel vehicles at all. A long eVastic polo covet' the left shoulder or sometimes like a yoke over both, with a bam boo basket suspended from both,ends, is used for carrying alike boxes of tea or buckets of water. The May mode of progression for a for-, eigner through the streets of a Chinese town Is to be carried in a sedan chair by two men ordinarily, but in very hot weather, or in , go ing up, hill, or if you are heavier:than. the average weight, St is oustomary to lave four. Quarrels in the street rarely end in blows or bloodshed, as. among the Malay races, When two persons' tali out on any subject, after a great variety of gesture and - vocifera- Atop, of - opproblum, they will blow off their wrath and separate almost without touching one another. The Chinese are very fond of processions, and , if marriages and fun rats be „included, they have certainly mortN.han any other peqle. The streets of ix , Cbineie town, whitth are rarely more than five rpet wide, are titlen entirely blocked up by these shows. The ditrereni trades go to an enormous ex pense irr getting up' ,pageunts,in honor of their patron saint, and his image is carried through the streets, attended , by members of the guild dressed in their richest robes, car rying banners, heavy with, enthroldery, and gorgeous lanterns, to the sound or gong upd tire-crackers. , Rite flying is the cliversion - of all the male popithation in a Chihese town: and is often very' amusing.. The kites being of every conceivable 'variety and shape, front a junk under full sail, ta a, qnarter moon with a huge. mouth that opens add shnts with the action of the wind. The theatres also claim attention. Like everything else, they are iii the open street, go'u in some square. They are booths raised ttioout tour 'feet from the street and open on both sides. The plays are Very long, sometimes taking s everal.represet i t,-atottt t o complete them.. Women, Filelieve, never appear, only young men draid in women's clothes. The plays, judging from eels pantomime, (for no foreigner ever becomes salelently - acquainted with the language, Co follow the rapidly spoken , wort% of Public. declamation,) are very much he same kind of plots as our own. There is the slime cruel father or jealous - ladYloce ; the false heir nail the true heir, and at the last moment, • "Some long lost uncle tarns up Millionaire," in a Chinese Theatre, as well iomne situated ort Drop way. . , • The speeches are very, very lung, and the Whole apperanee of tilt. sandl , stage and its accessories, absurd in the'extrone. The pay ment is collected by contributions after the performance. ' The confusion tn ' ti Chinese • street strikes every 'forei,ren with nmazement. There is a constant jabber, intermingled with the squeazing of pigs, which are let loose d the cackling .of chickens, ducks and geese, the sound of gongs and timerackera, and its all seems "Confusion, TVOTEC Confounded." ' These *noises, and , the fitth anti horrible smells,. make the - interior of the Chinese cities abytifing but en agreeable place to visit. Xia fact, after one hes seen the sights, the smaller stieets are always carefully Itypidetl. • - . it'lSTew Way to liaise the Wind; s , WelinVe rerelved, Oom Baltimore, the fol. losVing 'to be inserted as ab advertisement, with a note directing us to send the bill to a certain , responsible party in that City for col lgetion : [M :EttTIsESSENT.I "A Crrrnn on Ammo:l.—VC* in gold will be given to the right party who will adopt a little boy, three years old, where he will be carefully tended and receive the coin,: forts of a home. A. small family preferred. Those who are open to such an engagement will please forward $t to show their sinceri ty in the affair to—.". glen follows address.] A. good many dollars would have tube re ceived by Mr, before the "right party" would appear: The little three:le-1r old Would be the best "one dollar store" out; and It would not be long before the public would be. astonished at the number of little ones there are in the country awaiting adoption, on the same terms, We publish the adver tisement gratis to show our readers to, what devices impecunious rascals are driven. to raise the wind, rather than betake illemselve; to honest employment. \Vista:A oPLAnty.s.--"First, hUsb:lnti ; `Ate ond a fortune ; third, a baby ; fourth, a trip to France; fifth, abetter looking dress than her neighbor ; sixth,to be well buttered with flat tery ; seven'h, to ftiive nothing' to do in partic ular ; eighth, to be handsome; ninth, to be thought well of; tenth, to mate a sensation.; eleventh, to attend weddings; twelfth, to be always considered under thirty. Ys via: the women's ri.s, , ht% people carry their point of allowing married vtomen to rennin their thaiden names, what will the eliilitien be tottetit Profound Legal Argnmeat. In his answers to correspondents, /dark Twain gives -the following advice g-v iii. on afi U tie legal point: • , 'DistannEto Loy.ktt."—"l hived, and mill love, the beautiful Edwitha froward, and in tended to many her. Yet, during my tem porary absence at Benicia, last week,aiaa she married Jones. Is my happins to be blasted for life? Have' Ino redress" Of CourSe you have. All the law. written, is on your side. The intention and not the act constitutes crime—in Ober words, con stitutes the decd. If you .call yoUr bosom friend a fooloand intend it for an insult, it is an insult ; but if you do it playfully. and weaning no insult, it is not an insult. If ypu discharge a pistol accidentally, and kill a Man, you can go free, far you have done no murder ; but if atim try to Lill a man, and Manifestly tiiMnd to kill him, but fail utterly to do it, the law still holds that the intention constituted the crime, and you are guilty of murder. Ergo, if you had married Edwiths accidentally, and without really intending to do it, you would not actually be married to her at all, because theUet of marriage could , not be complete without the intention. And - ergo, in the strict spirit of the law, since vou deliberately intended to marry Edwitha; and didn't do it, you are married to her all the anne—heeause,as I said before, the intention constitutes the critni, It is clear as day _that Edwitha Is your Wife, and your retirees lies in taking a club and enntllating, Jones tv'nh it as much as von can. My man has a right, to protect his own wife from the advances of other men. But you have another alterna tive—you were married to Edwitlia first, be .Cait Se of your deliberate intention, and now 'you can prosecute her for bigamy, in subse quently marrying Jones. But there is ano ther phase, in this complicated case. Yon in tended to marry Edwitha, and, consequently, aceonling to law, she is your wlfe--,-there is no getting Around that; but she didn't marry you, andaf she never intended to marry you, you arianot her husband, of cotune. Ergo, in marrying Jones, she was guilty of bigamy, - because she was the wife of another man at the time—which is all very well as far as it goes, Mit, then, don't you. see, she had no other husband when she Mamie(' Jones, and, consequently, she was not guilty of bigamy: , Now, according to this view of the case, Jones married - a spinster, who was a widow at the same time, and yet who had no hus band; and never bad one, and never had any intention of getting married, and, therefore, of Course, never had beets married ; and by the same reasoning you're a bachelor, because you have never been any one's husband ; and q , a married man, because you have a wife liv ing; and to all intents and purpOses a widower, becanso\you have been deprived of that wife ; and a consummate ass for going off to Benicia, in the first place while things were so mixed And by this time I've got myself so tangled up in the intricac:ev.ef this extraordinary case 'that I shallitave to give up any flintier attempt to advise you—r Might get confused, and fail to make myself understood. *XO Corry 07Lnuns on Boys. Some things may be said in fay:Qr. of boys; soot.! trades would not live without them. The glass-put-in men wouldn't have much to do au , l putty truktidtte on the decline, if there were no boys to break the windows. There would be no customers for the east iron peaches Ind green' apples Which came early in the se.tsou; but for the bops the dOc tors wouldn't have so much to do in curing cases of cholera morons arising therefrom. Boys can he ugenzl when they have a mind to, and can sell newspapers, black boots, bold horses, and do chores. In printing offices the boys are known as devils—printers have a plain way of Irak ing. Boys lailiridualiy are bettel thou boys col leetiyely. If - there were only ono boy in the world, think he would be a good ~boy ; it generally takes at least tVro boys to get up, ans' mis chief. Have one boy ia a store lui , l you can have him useful. Hire a second boy, and their time will ho chiefly devoted to chasing one another over the counter, asut firing the dust brush and directory at each otner's heads.. A. boy begins to be a nuisance when lie is s eight years old. flow -soon he grows out of it depends upon circumstances. Some never do. It is questionable whether boys lead an enjoyable existence. They take a great deal of fun at other people's expense, but they have almost always got grievances. They would like to have their two way a little more, and a pretty way it would be. Give a boy his choice of all occupations in life, and the chances are that he would pre fer either to he a Robinson Crusoe on a 'desert-island, or a captain at a band of rob bers such as he has read about, and seriously thinks ofl‘going into one or the other of these desirable occupations when he gets-to be a man:, He has a great respect tar a" stage,2, _driver and the captain• of a canal boat ; therF is an idea of command in these positions that takes his ideas. ills idea of being a man to having- plenty of money, doing what you please, and being able to smoke or chew to bacco without getting sick over it. Somebody wrote a song, "Would I Were a Roy Again." Those who had the bringing up of him are not likely to bare the same sentiment. Raising a boy once is as much as anybody wants to undergo, and, fortunately, when they pace grow up they stay gtowed up, and have"children uC their own to afflict them. ' Itaono.txtzivoN.—l never attempted to ,reorganize my wife but once. I shall never attempt it agin. I'd bin to n public dinner, and had'allowed tnvselt lute several people's ;health ; and wisidn' to make 'em as robust as possible, I continued to drink their liealth'until my owsz become effected. The , consekena was, I presented myself at Betsy's bedside, late at night, with considerable liquor 'concealed about my person. I had somehdw got possession of a izosswhip on my way. home. Remembrin some .cranky ohservaslmas of 'Mrs. Ward's in the rnornin', I snapt the whip putty lively, and• in a loud voice sed: "fletsy,,you need reorganizing. hack come, Itetsv," Icontintal---erackin' the whip over the bed—"l have come to reorgan ize you!" . ' That nile I dreamed that somebody had laid a hosswhip over me several times, and when t, woke Up I found she had., I haint drunk much of anypzing since, and I ever have any reorganizing job onhami,l will let it out • ' VEAL—We believe , farmers could intro dtice a new plan of dealing with the articles Of calves or veal, which they would find profitable. As talves can be fatted as easily abd rapidly as any animals known - ; instead Of selling them as they do now at the age of four or six weeks, they should keep their cinch longer, and until they will weigh when dresied from twenty-hive to fitly pounds to the quarter. Veal of such age and Millen. *skins would he more healthy than that !Iml ay in the market, woultt be sought for more 'Cafferly than other meats and conseoentiy coMmand the highest ,prmes. We believe that if a-few of our farmers would direct their attention to the subject, and find it a profita ble experiment many would soon fbilow their example.—Erdittnue. • lloue.--If we combine together locally, pull together locally, plan together locally, and that continually, we shall surely grow rich, and great together and rapidly. , Patronize home institutions—. Don't send away for anything that can be manufactured here. ,ncourage home enterprise- lt--don'tas - men to deal with you and not deal with them. Lend all your influence, give all your patron age, tceour own mechanics—don't sell them their groceries and cal toes and then send off for ready made houses, eastern buggies, Nov York boots, Olrio plows, and other imported and soforths. Be liberal with those who are In• king you rich, and don't be so mean that , you only buy of them a small quantity of this or that which will last till you can order by / the quantity from abroad.. ONF: TMtie. aoiong, your neighbors, reader, and see whether those among them who have got along smoothly, and accumulated property, and gained a gbod 'name, have not been men who bent themselves to one single branch of business. It must he so. au out in the spring. when the sun is car distant, and you can scarcely ti€l the influence of its beams, scattered as they are over the wide face of creation ; hut collect those beatns to a facus,and they kindle up a dame in au instant. co the man that Squanders his talents and his strength on many things will fail to make an hupr.wion 'with either ; •but let him Or. them to a point —let him strike at a single object—and it yields before him. - Sone - infallible rcoipes: To remove freckles, cut them out with a razor and throw them away. To bring out a mustache, tie it to a strong cord, twenty feet long, to tho other end of which attach - a lieaVy, smooth ing-iron, :Ind throw the latter from a fourth st9ry window. To get rid of red hair, hold. your head for a few minuteg la a strong blaze of.gas. To Preserve your eyes, put them In a bottle tilled wittraleol/01. To avoid corpu lence, quit eating. To conceal bad teeth, keep our tuthlth shut. To keep out of debt, acquire the reputation of a rascal,nudno one will trust yon. (fin-11T heir made d thousand appointments. The number of -the disappointments is set down at one hundred thousand.