I.octe tC Co.to Double Column GREAT 'PANIC IN NEW YO#IC Fearful Breakdown in the Prices of Dry Goods the past Ten Days. LOCKE ' 8a N . O. 6 :Noble Mt-wk. Erie, Wish to notify the public that they have bought an immen‘o quantity of FIRST CLASS Situ Goods VERY Cif E.-trainee the reooat E.A )WN In the Eaatern Market, and are now otter iny them at much lower price, that' any .that store. Our,busille,S is done strictly on the F' 11 1 40 IEI IP 14 AN. Prices all* Ira all, whether Judges or not Wo advertl'e no goods or prices but what we our able to show wbeu you visit our atorp Every artic/e 19 warranted as repremmted, or looney retundfv.t Read the following prlees, carefully au,LJU , tizr for your.olvi•srt liales 'Bruwu IluslIns::. Ynrd wide and tine " " " and heavy.... " 4 Inches fine and heavy 'Cares Bleached Mublln ". Yard wide and flue " FINE RED, BLUE AND GREY. FLANNELS, DUCA UNDER PRICE.- White Flannels of et, e y width and quality, V EltY CItEAy. Mealy all.woul zian nets, at 45 e,tit,". Three huw Iced Wee,: Casshaeres at .I , s. NO, eeats and $l.Ol. These' Casst, nier‘s art , VERY CHEAP. Mavy Betiverm for, Over Coat,, MUTH UNDER PIUCE IN SHAWLS, W.FI Five hundred White B1•d Spreads r kratti :1.7.1 each. lofutw are half prfee.. DRESS GOODS! DR S_,GOODS! UL ACK A LP.% C 4 V 4, et,. 4 0 t and 75. t. 4 POPLIN A.LPACC.vii, 53 eta, 6.2. 1 .. i 5t•..,; • eta, and 8. 1 1 uts, ' , -, . r ~, •. , . , Three flundreg iller:es•Engltsh Merinos:, ej.114 yards for pnly tt.'3,1•19 s One hundred pieces Caslanere.lasods, worth 50 csu t-.., for 21 rents. . - s. Efelnty-Ave pMe'ea Erigllkli'Serg9 Dress firodg, 2.5" ei.rats Two hundred pieces ali-Wool French':Niertnos, 75 cts, 87% ets, and 81(0. The above Dress Goode were pnrchased at the late New Writ auctions, at shout ON E-11.A.LF the usual pt lee. • They are all warranted perfect and first-clasagoods. Fire Hundred pair White Blankets, Good Quality, $4.00-and $5.00 per Pair. , S • T . V S ('R: c %vier u CLOAKINGS, CLO_ 3 4.KINCIS, CLOANINOS. endless variety at very Low Prices. • 4 1 Fifty piece's, : Electro Tapestry Carpeting, 50 & 021 Cts =I , - The shove are only a few of the many bargains we hhvr. 'Our stock is full and complete In' every department. Should any (me after rettolog tilt- advertisement have doubts In regard to the cheapness ofour goods, let them call with tills wivertisentent and Judge for themselves. A areat Many of these goods are cheaper tioth they hive been fur Crth-, past Len years,. Remember the place, the only osE pluck; DRY GOODS Sf 9RE ittErie, where all goods at all times are sold at • • • NEW . YORK WHOLESALE d,c3;®3.15 erirntal Cra riouble (L.!olumit TEAS ANTI C - I) . PFEE BY-THE SINGLE POUND, ATtiilG - 0 PRICES. k A Saving of One-Half to One-Third The Great Tea _Company of Boston, Whiqh iii, the Largest lu the irdirld. "IVA espt et ful'y intcm ttn citizen , ot Elle anti sitrrontrling country, 'that th y Lute lease fl the Stor..., No. 5 N.0111..E - 11149( K, P.V., tad have fitted It t.p it; Oriental le, and are now ptepoe,t t ,, furntsh ever) one with prime teas and butler,, at Cargo Prieeti. Uur store In Eta. wti, be Known a, the IVE L STERN ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY! It 1•• generally understood that Tea is retailed for a larger advance on its original cost than any oth• t ro, twit. hi Ute lull;; list of lioUsehr•lti whet, may ha pailful* , accounted forlkY re, .heck g IIIr UItEA :s 12 , I !NI)! h Ise , EASIOUNT hdtoFlTii which actutuu t will I .1, UttlVr. lou tut It. .talent, and the eonsurnery here,. /nelutilug the .yoern all C. , 1111 l 10,41•1.., litqlhe (ben.; 11.. the Banker who turnthhem the exchan e; tla. MO.II. ,r elilltd.N: the Uhl bi1 . ,1•1 r, anal the retailer. Each of these Make la. t•,., and many ut them ruormoUn proms, [rasa a inch it Is eVoient that the - consumoa is rum. peiluil it, 1 it> litany tiluts the iliJgand edit tor a purr article, or forced to use ate adulterated or -r our. it is wain a view to remedy this evil that our gkgautte, enterprise was formed over a year ago millet, nes been rivet sue. ex;4, and ue have ventured to opt n a Store in Erie, rip that we may better ae,tda tapd..d.t. our t ustozner.. neat 4d .tiew Yorit State. y'ea ,Talatt, tend -11,7.:•ver,3;114-kd;v•••+ . ... Expei ience etl..,r • t/h , t i 44! he ma, rite fat the eltra pe•gt on account or tfolr great ,4rfosiii and ilaVOr. Tio• Out: , on., I. uocl of •,....00d ~..a t no inort• !nun on an lltn•ru„ one. in ordennii out etnaoulers Joan yleoso nutc, tile annexed ' . i SCALE: 0 V Oo tßlack 60c , Frt .t le::: ,,iu eu : Flt zu tvor,LUJl strength, Very highly - . . - - - -- _ Fair. . G•• 0, to Choler Quallly. ......... ......., .Sl.O i Eirtoit,, -(Greert.) Finest Flavor, vet,' highly reiottoutudod... 130 . Japan, liTziooloiod.. FairGokxl • . . $1••00 elloice qcuility 1.10 Flrirst 16iitvor, full strength, very highly 1.35 recoittinelitied Pair 00 ,4 ' • tull row,: h, v. ry highly • recotutw•titird.., . *" English E reaktast, tillakk. Fair 6000 t ettoleei4ualtly Fintitt Fwvor, Still tar.•ngth, vet)* flight:, recvnamendeol - • o *- 4 4.L'i - ' Goo.t 1-.40 , It •-. Owlet Quality 1:50 ..ii.tti , Fitte.a, Fhtwur, full aitrength. Very high/Y -. I.DI - recommended 1.65 I Mixed, tereen or Jainn and Black) . 1.20 • Fair 1 Go. al _ -. Fair, .... 4 i..00 s Choice quality el.cr Good t. LIU i Fine, Flavor, toll tit roil gtb e..-3 , highly - Cnotoe Quancy. . • 1..5f recommended' ~ 1.10 - - • Cour un. Coffee Ilepi-tmet. , - 4rxr: 413rson, (Green.) This Is an immense lustitutiomot itself, and is undoubtedly tioblargest In thetvitintry. It is a fact xem rahy understood that ',large proport ton of the Collee imported is racked erten and the pods i.pened by art thcial beat. This is never E.. good na that n' rich ripens tratundly. rite code- bU) ers of tins Too tlorupuity thoroughly understand this, and examine rawl y every cargo or cA•llfee imported to the ut.ekl tAutcs, and select only the lull grown, tlehl-ripened , for them. Ail the Coffee sold by this Company is liti.thTEL .t ND GROUND DAILY, by themselves, insu ring Its absolute purity and treshness, is Well they guaninter: The company are roasting , . all their cone.. on a new principle, which renders teem particularly pure, all acidity being c,, natv ,,i by their process of cooking, enabling persons now to take coffee who, have been obilgeWito dis• Continue its use. The Company are doing fl n Immensobusineas iu s their Coffee Departinent. and selling ralort PURE COFe lf."-iit than any other house in the country. To agsist customers in making up'their orders, the following Laserlptive List Is offered by the Company With no little pt skle, as cnibra cing the largest attamo , t carefully selected assortment of Cutreea trot opened in this counire .. , ... I • . LIST OF COFFEES ANI. ACALE OF PRICES. Brealrfasit Coffee. ‘ • Oriental lava. Roasted and Ground S i lted, penAr Coffee Raw Grouud 'Pure Plantation Coffee. Raw Roastad Ground Yure.::: la 1_... -3E3 JE JR, Y. - • • T tas is the true Male'nerry HAND PICKED OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, 'Warranted the ntel;est flavored, strongest and hest cotreefu the world, of Which we hove the , (3113 lot to the Melte., states. Raw Gruuml Ppr 4se I Romtrd ' t- eioc . IS P I c.,'l A L N 0 T IC' E. • • nmatler of convenience to our durance customers we are arranging with suitable persons sn nil la.t. 01 (.I.ALITAJ 3 11, .1 Cij %; YI 1.-fete. eet bs our agents and distribute our goods in their I. (alit ur.st astel(4.ll-, 1 , / (~ 1)3 NiN ' the freight from itca•toth We would like to a. rn bj 0011 will, any gentle Intin or lady who wo yid tke to art as our agents - in getting u clu Ws. A twit 1011. illlbalit.4l attuned ag.nut. Dirtatetil o els and connnunteationa to p 'WOO-4 Wittingszr OLLEE / INT/4. TEA Erik ' COMPANY, S %ery best Prints in.ide for only -AO Cabesibeavy Gingham., only . Heavy Cotton Flannels " j Five Cotton turd Wool Finuuels, " halt pike .10 " Hoary .F„ wide Stinker Flannel Plaid Shirting Flannels " tlrey Flannels S • " uIFY • , 1 ...01. 4 ALP.It:t :$7 1 .4 cis, 4. ets, 36 cll. ets " 1:111rty pieces . h4ey Niolialr f Pli:lds, 30 cents Ftfty plt•eivi Empress 'Cloths, .70.ct9: S7Nuqs, and $l.O L• 4011 & Cam).; . lP.r p'r s , lEEE 20e flaw.. Routded Ground Pure ' .33 c I Old Government Java. .„30, ....... : .... ........... .&c 'toasted__ Ground Puie • • Etna• .Sc I Itjobtoti .6o . GrUund C2OISII 3 '.kITITION Filly pieces Casbiuere Plaids fora:lcents PRICES lqcia. 6 and 7 IiABLE BLOCH, BEM xcEs. Gunpoirder, ;Green,) -Best Old mocha, FAR ii9CER A_TIOENTICIPIN The attention of Erie and -Emwford County Farmers Is particularly invited to several very superior Agrleuitunal Implements for which W. W. PIERCE & CO,, Have secured the sole agencies fgr these two counties:. It is confidently clattuat that the best Mowing and Reaping Machine in use is • ~.,,.„,„ .: ~.... .. _.„.,..„.... t .....,,,,.... „....,,, ( ,-.,! ~.,,,%,t,,, 4., ‘, k , t7.-Ti-__-,: ,„,..„ •• Jr; : ‘l‘ ... - ! l . , ii - s4 t.: . 1 - -1'.4•-',C..1 .'-.,..0.1- 1.4. ..•'.., •taNIW,I '''.". • . k..,0{,1,, ' ..,. , .. 4. ,12 , t` „-- ~ —l 9l 7; %' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -'- 1;1 ir .i",l we, -.--.. --= - / ,Mr Vir:l)4, 4 ,;t7tP4 " I "*kq•' , •fg;' ll-- 1 0 7 : ,- 1: 1* • , '„: 4 - 4 ,63 , „ej e i;,,,, - ,,,,,,,,i-i;:',4l-.4 , , A f•,,k, Vi i _iivri , f r * 44k 1ic ,,r0-4 CI ,i,,,...4 l' , ) ,17 ; 4" 1.77/.-Yffel',Xo'"t. Vv . ,' `VX!'" ' . 1 %•:.; 4A'. 2 ' I .: fri; 'Y 'hi•?` - t , ' c I + t'erri• ji ea ( ..„-- - Wf'.' ,'''''s lz. it''%''''' } :o‘* ll4: ' , o•' '4 / ,'VPk. WI ' 4 " 0, 5 6 -3( . 71,q ,- ,::: ' 4" , ~ 'A, i ' ~ ,e ,yAo44..p'iiir •• „4: k\,-'0 . 3 , sti; .4,44 . *,,,.., ' A '1 ' 4l, ...,, • .`• \., 'l/4V.k. Ctil /4, • tIL) " AI • 45. Patent Reaper and Mower; and -Self-Rakei! The sUcCess of the Dodge Machtne for several years past Is unprecedented; Wherever intro duced It at once takes the front rank. By lease and purchase, the manufacturers have secured the use of ail the desirable standard patents for Reaping, Mowing and Raking Machines. The -Dodge Machine has thus been llltlae a perleet combination of the hest points of all the ma chines, and this is the reason fur its undenhible superiority. In plan of operation, compactness, lightness of draft, good quality of the iron and steel u-cd in its construction, excel cure of workmanship and elegance of finish, 0010biliell With great strength anti nihilist ton to alt 14111118 of work, lie Dodge Maeltintthrinly surpasse• any other heretofore offered tie the Intelligent farmers of this country. ' . . . iold does each•and'all.nf these easier: orator, eto,er, safer and better. that attly.td her maeldne. Pamphlets tally tiescrlbing the 1) Kige Machine and cont titling the hest of testimony its to its then ts, freely tarni , hed,r tastiest upon atlyplie.tthon. 'send for one, Or esti and • sae the Machine at W. W. PIERCE ..t. CO.'s. .tit!. zi Reed lfogst• knock, Erie, Pa. It's Time to Plow--.good Plows Make good Crops! Ny, W. Pierce & CO. keep a full line •of ti c l e e le s o r r ozaipprove d plows, but their :speciality is the EMI HOHAWIt VALLEY CLIPPER PLOW ! This plow hardiy needs a recoinmendatlon, It is so well known and so popular in all sections. It is the standard Steel Plow, thoroughly hardened. and ground upon u etstones, thereby pre venting the drawing of the tempo. itisnrind durability, scoring and lightness 01 draft. These plows ito not clog, do nut iust,'or wear out ilke.ca her plows. They lav the furrow it, the hest style and work easy. - A sppply of points tilw ys kept. The Mona wit Valley cll;iper Plow is be lieved to be rile most e< onomical and effective., and to give more general satisfaction than any other plow In use. The sole lig nts or, Erie atiiherawtord QUUllile. are \V. W. Pit:WS.% t 0..wh0 are taro sole rt.ents fbr thcliopular Iron R am Plow. Please call awl Inspect the stock of Plows at "the two horse store." W. \V. Pitree est Co. also keep:a good stock of the most approved Cultivators, Horme. lloex, Shovels, de.; Which *tie fanners of this section are cordially invited to come end examine • The next big thing Is the EMPIRE 'GRAIN • DRILL -1 • A sitincirtrd art tele, which only heels to he examined 111111[AS? Oil trlgiVe sat isfaction. Tion.,isanc Newton, U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, prwioquets thli tin, neat drill t•nown to tOni de partment. Call andowo it. • :c., , But the biggest thing yet is the' Newly Intro clurea rtna CAIIOON'S BROADCAST SEED' SOWER ! : Posters Fertilizer and Crain, Sower ! This is an approted machine fOrbOX Ina sled ui fert Bizet , . It has a flue Darrow Attachment when wished for. IL is light ; drawn easily by one horse; sous Just ont.shalf a rod wide; sues evenly any desired amount ; sou s plaster, lime, ashes, salt. wheat. oats, barley, etc. With at tachment tt sows grass seed at the saute time. It run be used as a Plaster :sower, Droadvast Brain Sower. and tiulhy narrow. It has stood the test t time and rise. Come and examine ff. W. W. Pierce 4i CO. wish It dist inetly understotxl that all of the ribo‘e deseribid articles. for which they are the sole agents in I.:rift and Crawford rountle,, ARE WARRANTED 'as represen ted. They are offered for bale with .disolnte eon tlderice"in tnelr superior merits, and las mersure Earnestly invited Ln c tit And examine for themselves. Everybody is aLways Welcome at the Farnter's.Emporiunt -No • S Reed House Block, Erie,.Pa. Another thing that farmers need, and save money by having, • • - ' ••'• lap good scale. PAT. SCALES. W. W. Pierce It Co. have the sole agency 'for the celebrated Fairbank's Patent-Sea les, mnnut ketured by the thi Man, ti. Y., Beale Works C,mpany. - These Ete,lles are on exhant tun at our Atore every day but titmdaysond all we ask Is lor the people to come and examine them. City merchants are p.tracolarly requested to test 4tte,e ~ .cales. Every farmer who Ilt•et. a wale finds that 80011 saves its co.t, and become, a source nt protect , on and e•mseollent profit. Come to No. s Reed Ilotthe and MIN E Tll riALES! . The Big • hardware •Store 1 The new and earLicious store of W, W.. Pierce k Co, is now, stocked ,Cllll the laru tit mid finest assorinictit in I tic City ti all goods pertaining to the Thirclware, CUtIP, y, Agricultufa, implements and Household Furnishing Good 4 lines of bustuess. • • Circular, Crwei-C.Nit, Gang and Mult , y Saws, a lull hl , wk - krm. Hardware, Cutlery, Tln Ware, Stove., Vurnaeeq, Farm Tool. and of all kinds, fttrrhreraloni, Stricter's flexlble Harrows, Far:nets'ler+, Sm.v.-la r•pades, Hakes, Ho. Ax.:, Goods, Car ehlen.' and Bulld•rav Tool and,tinrilivare, I) , k , PoWf•Ji., Churns, Bra,.. on es, Se3l hes, Fop /CS. Cradles, Wheelharrowx, unclip short, a vast nt.,ek, oT gorrls, all earerally and marked down to the lowest uhirket prices. ' W. •Nl'. s4 Ctl.. • . •aprB.t r. No,s tired [rouse Block, Erle, MO • $l.lO 2.1 1.40 JOHN H. DANIES & CO.; DRUGGISTS.: . WRIGHT'S BLOCK, 420 iSTATE -ST.. Are noir opening one of the eholcevt SOFT( ;:s OF FOREIGN AN L/ DORESTIC Drug», Chemicals, Patent 31"edleinps; Toilet Articles; Cigars, *c., d:c. Ryer Intrth.turod Litn.thLs'M'ar4ot • • , Our stock being purchlveJ for • k.a.sti will he .. mold at METROPOLITAN. PRICES. Wholesale Agenta` for the great Yosemite Stormy , ll little a. . ... 40c Dr. Loon's Electrla Ralr Renewer and infant l'2ottgit Balsam. lfht tng leen Jap?neso Unement, etc. . a aprg-tt. ._Eoc ...sac 10,690 „ CIIEST.NI3I' POSTS 'WAVIEED! To be sawb nine feet long, Ilre It/chi..sow/I/aro at the pact. and two Inches by flVe 113n1101 at the top. Apply to _ 4.11E0. CARROLL &IMO., East Publia Dock, Erie ratZ-Im. • How to Train Animals. • ' ir!.4CLITISING or tricks and other tricks UM more sUrprising , ney's Journal-, Lap mina re inches. or r eading,i illustrations, etc., Only Scents of any dealer. by Mail to places where 00 dealer Is, 50 eta. a year, specimens 7 'cents, none free. Expobures of h.unabues and sward/4M every month. JE.N.itik.: HAKE Diassuu at., is. Y, trirl& .....-....5Uc GEO. CARROLL & 138.04 . Limber Dealers. East Public Dock, • toot of Mate Um, IQlay Pa. - thx6 us-u. al. W. Virtu Mutat trolumn. READ IEAD ! READ ! MME II CD 11) ZT 311aW5.:4, AND A.IrIES, rERFUSIERY, INM =I lEEE Thin I.,..reat ing a gt eat interest all Os c , r the tout,- try. i.“l, mined to rapfdl, be,otou the' must ok of In , el:lg,, to supply it, ~triomg the I:.rnier.4 of I rio :OM Craw— ford onuti. , s, for v. lure sole agent's. 'llli- une.l,ine c au l h, e i,ula earth LI a n d Ncor col atilt SoW, nolo Aix 10 eight pen s‘ , l wheat r hour, and the po,,er uu, 'jet`, drawn 'l,‘ Olro h••r,e, front,. titt, t went) ttetes per:hour. Ii %LW, Wheat, •01l1:•„ rye, bailey, 'Whip. ,dover or [114 , 11104 uniform + , 11 , 1 Pee t, • t trinntier. ft work:, b null fully greatly c rotr -7101,S d by all even thstriblitloll,llll.l e 1 it'lta the heuri • Colninerldtitioll 01 every tanner Who It. alleration. .1.1f"1'1 to - Ine unpnoeipl , a 15111 its line ht•(.11 disposing of Irawort tiles aritele purporting t,.0 I Maud Pao:ldea:it Seed Sorer. Vke the sole ,Vellerk le itliS sOl. , ion for the gene-. ue nr lele, and there is no to rritury fOr , ale, The price of the genuine artlee Is O. A Wier:lt tits- Count will be glven to the trade. Every farmer bhnnld have one of these invaluable nutehthea. / _ ~/~ r ; ~~` Cor. of Penn and k,t. Clair Rtreeta PITT6HURGiI, PA., • The Largest, Cheapet,t andlnost.Sueeesbful • _ Practical Business College IN THE UNITED STATM Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty :Thcee States to •Y'en Yearn. FOR LARGE QUARTO Contalninu rug Informat/ori, Outline or MAIM. Of Study, samples of tlowley'a • Preaiim Penrrauship :Mew, of the i`olteße i3ulldingi different De teriprlnitiN, City tit tshu rgh, etc., ebe.,, achtrenN 13'411'1'k3 & ,bOWI.II.Y. tityl9 68. • To the •Working.Clate4. II ANI now prepared: I% furnish constant em -1.. I)loD:tient lo all claiest at new,om, her their spare moments. Business light and profitable. Fifty cents to ft, ,per'eVening !Bea stly earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as .much.as men. 'Great Inducements are of fered. Alt who see this notice please •end me their addrass,and test the business Jor them selves. If not well , sattidled, 1 wlll. - phy $1 for the tronbleof writing to rue. Fullparticulars sent free. ifiample sent. by mall for 10 cents. • Address E. C. AL4EN7, Augusta. ..31e. JaT-lw Goitre or .Thielt..llreek GA S MR/MEIN BE CURED by the proper ok r , of tla Electrieity. It is believed that ever 3 ease Is rumble, no matter bow had. The wry worst cases can, if they desire; test the vlrturs'or this harmless agent by calling at the office or • g ME. J. FRABEIt. reblg.tr; tr: L,ASKS I IILAZIKB t—A . complete assort ') went of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Jnaycaa, Cbrultablee' mid Ilittelitedo. Men, for fide at the cam 'ERIE RAILWAY. 1,300 ?Wes under one Ilanaternent. 860 Miles 'without Change of Conches 0 ieat Broad GpiugeDunblElTrack-itouteto NEW YORK, BOSTON, and the New England Cities. this Railway extends tram Dunkirk to Now York, 460 miles. -Buffalo to New York, 420 Miles. Cleveland to New York, 645 allies. CinclunaU toNver York SGO mites. 'And IA from It; to 21 MILER THE slioirrEsT ROUTE. All trains run directly through to New York, 860 without change of coaches. From and after Feb. 15, NO, trains f wlll leave, in connection with nil the Western Lines us follows: From UUNKIRK—by New York time —Brom Union Depot: 7:30 A. M., Express Mall, from Dunkirk daily (except. holidays). ~rrives at iloraellsville at 2:014 F. M., (ttlnel connect Ina. with the 7.30 A. M. Express Mull from Buffalo via. Hon. nellsv4leand via. Avon, arriving fl New York at 1.411 A. M. 1:15 P. SS.,-Lightumg expre-s from Dunkirk daily. Stops al liornellstille 6.:(.5 P. 31., (Supper),' WV:meeting with the 2.50 P. Si. trio 11 from thilEttp, -topping and connecting as above. arriving in I\ew York titf.th A:SI. Sleeping Coach attached to this tiain at salt t ancunt 4.:30 p. m., running through to New York. 10;u0 M., Clwdrinni 1 ExpresQ r Sondays except connecting at Elmira for Hitrrimbunz, Philadelphia and the &ail; nt O% ego lid' Itha,a; at Itintpiampton for rarta , e; Larkawniten for non, while; at Middletown foil 'Unionville; at Greyeou t for Newharttli and Warwitat ; at Goshen tot Montg"mcry; and nt Jertacy City with t'.lc.ptass 'trains of Natr.ferse,y Railroad for Philadelphia. r k•v. - r r - - - From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sta.: &25 A. M„ New York Day Express, daily eS( . .nli Sundays). Stops at Hornell-Nate 9.10 A„-M,, tßkltg Stkcqurhannis 2.32 P. 31„ (Inner, - Tur- - nor's ti.2o P, 3L, (Sup), and arrives in New York at 10:40 P. M. Connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 'Railroad, and at Jersey City with midnight • express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia_ 7:30 A. M., Express 'Mall, via. Avon and Domicils. ville, iSundaysexcepted,:. Arrives lu New 1 ore at 7.M A. M. 2:,0P. M.,Lightning Express, (daily.) Slops at Hornellsvithr ILIS P. M., (Supper); and ur rives in New York 7.40 A. M. Connects it Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrlithurg and the South, and at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore nod Wa.slitugton. Sleeping coacues are attached to this train at ButTalo, running through to New York Without change. II:11P. M., Cincinnati Express, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Susquehanna 9.45 A. SI, • (Bk fts Turner's 3.15 P ;Dine), and P Myra la New York ut 5:10P. M. ComMeLs at Jersey City with Evening Trains for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coach snitched to tills train at Buf falo, running through to Susquehanna. Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Buffa lo at :L4O P. M.. Dunkirk 1:15 P. 11.,and reaching New York at ;:to A. 31. Boston and New England passengers, with their baggage, ara transferred, free of charge, in New York. SGI- To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie Hallway presents many objects of Interest, pas• sing througn the beautiful valleys 01 the CM lining, Susquehanna, Delaware • and Itatnapo rivers, an ever ehasiging panorama of nature's beautles coinmatuls attention. The best Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping cars to the World accompany all night trains on this Rails ay. Baggage checked through sod fare always as low as by any other route. , ASK POB. TicKETti VIA. ERIE RAILWAL which can he obtained at all principal ticket i5l - in the West and South-West. U. RIDDLE, W3l. R. BAR Gen'l Sup't. tien'i Puss, AWL my:.l(•tf EU 1, 1, S. TODD PERLEY'S NATIONAL Claim and . Collection Office 20 Sortli-West Park, Erie, Pi. HIS AGENCY, after FOUR YEARS of very succer.Ntul experience, continues to give special attention to the Collection of all kinds of Claims talking out of the late war. Arzny and Navy Bounties, rev Actsof Con gress from 1881 to 1887. . Arrears of Pay, talkers' and Privates' etalms, lot:teases of Pay under late nets of t , gress; Claims of Prize Money, Mt lane, -Lost lot lone, Pensions and inereaseibof /-anr- for all Soldiers /using use of /land, F-oot Limb; also, Soldiers' Ctilltlyen's Pension, in aduitiorr itift he Mothers'. Also, Pensions for laipentient Fathers, Moth ers, Brothers and *inters. All Pensions now payable from date or DlN charge. Arrears under this net - promptly collected.— Claims for finites kilted in action. Additional Bounty collected for soldiers who have lost their dlscharge; cit.s , coun•y and State bounties promptly collected pay on pensions promptly collected; nay for rations, while held us prisont rs of war, coil, cteti. Copies of Inws•itivinga.ddit lona' bounties and )ncreuses of pensions furnished on request in person or by mail. -NO CILLRGE FOR COUNSEL. Information in regard to the Ss.n.:3 per month bounty given freely at any time, as • also la alt mises retail c tt 10 ex pected allowances. • Mr. Perley having had over four years' expe -1 rtence la toe U. S. 'treasury Depai tinent, anti tr havin been c.,rre p acting Steer, tn e of the rennsylvania snotilers' 'tenet evoLoetnflan, turd 00111111htSioher for loldiers for Pt•nitsyls coils ourlim the war, is cliabled to bring unequalled factlities and ex peritUwe to the Int fit fers by special pl•rmission to Ex-Governor Atoll ev.• G. CM tin, Hum G. W. -cote d. Judge 14. T. dultu.nn, Cols. Mirk, AittireW Swan, 0. 1.. Wood Want, ilarri , on Allen, ft. L. Brown, Ex-3layor A; King, non. \V,ii . 1.. Scott etc., t:te. febbi-Gin. .81KR U. [From the Liki;onslttry of the f7ttlted i 4 tates.; 'IMOSM, Clt 7 ,, ; ATA-1117CII C 7 LEAVES. l'impt:KTlF:s.—Theft odor I+ at rung, ilitTmAve, and .omewhat ar •tie, tht Ir taste btiterish, anti utttogou- to mica. -.lliancAL Pt:W.I.:HI r.-4 AND Roches leave., ore &twit* , stitimlant,with a peculiar ten &my to the Crinniy tm.no,s, • They are given to oimpailuts of the Urinary Organs, sueli tot tiravel. Citron te Catarrh or t, 811,glget, Ntkirbiti. Irritation of the ((ladder anti L'r•ltot Disease of the Prost rate I (land, foul Re tention or Incoutluenee of the Urine, from a loss of tone In tint OM+ coneern«l In its et awn atlon. UP remedy has fib.) been recom mewled in Dyspepsia, Uhronle Rheumatism, Cutniicinis A (Teutons arm Dropsy. harreAcT lircltt: is useit by s•rson, from the atit - ii of to 24, and from to 3, or in the decline or change of life; after C'oci• ilnemetit, or Labor Pain"; lied-Wetting In ehildrori. In nit ection , peetihar to 14.t04h-4,. the F.xtrnet llnt to k %ink - 1'1.11(41 by any other remedy, a. In Chloroms or Relent/on, Irregularity. Painful- Ilf.Nl or Suppres,lon of l'tktwoury Es nelint Ulcerated or fiehtrrotts state of the Bterus, Lett corrhea. or 'Whites. DISEASES OF TILE IrGADDEit, KI VA'S, fit:AV.. EL AND DROPSICAL SW medicine I neriMses the you er of Digestion and excite , . the Atisorbant4 Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Caltulri 01.1 A depositions, and ail natural Enlargedneitts are reduced, tut Well ag Dalnalt)(l Inflammation. . _ 111,3,31 aol.n's ExTitsCr BCCUu has enrol every case of Diabetes in which It half b*VII clv e,,. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder nnti Infisminution oftwl: iitneys, I.7lCerritton of the Kidney s and Bladder, Itetei• on of Urine, D,s eases Of the Prostrate Gland, stone in the Blad der, Calculus, Gravel. Whit Dust Iteposit and 3lueus or 31111:y Discharges, and fur eufk.l.l3ltll and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend. ed with the following symptoms Lslivii•Posltion to F xert ion, Loss of lower, L.... 4 of Nleinory, Difficulty of Brtalhiug, Wealif .N - .rtes, Tren). lir g, Mirror ofj ittisease, W hefufn.ss, of vistonyuin in the Baeic , llot Bonds, Flushing of the l'ody, DrYness of the Skin; Eruption 041 the Ftlef^, P..iltd C. e, Universal Lassi tude of It e tisculat J . Lystorn, etc. HruittioLo's ErrnAcr (went' is Diuretic and Ifyit-g, unit enrol alt Diseases arising from h hits of dissipation, exi , p-sts and inn U ntil, of the blood, etc , per-editat Cop diet In lareellouS for which it Ls used, such as fionor rheca, (heels of long, iv aid Affections—ln these diseas.-s, used in counee- Dine with FiELSIDoLIiS Ito.F. W 5821 P. 01,1 by Druggists and dialers evorvub, ro. More of (smote. hits. A.I. for lielmbold:s. Take ott other. Price-51.21 per bottle, or a brit. Iles for •Es tio., Delivered to any address. De scribe syjnpfurns-fn till communications. Aildierss ti. 1. ki.iLLSIBULL), 591 Broadway, v.y. None are Genuine untean.tone up In riteet.rn. grav(A wr.pper.witli the fae-slraile of my Chem mai Wiirehomu:, unit aligned feblt4.2.m. 4. T. HELM BOLD. ••• At: • ..c. - .'.. = .. 4,; . ; • 11 4 4 . .Q, i s J` " • ... ...... . .. ... flit) c- 1 1. ' .. . ":.'4) ' .. .. ' • • . 44611 . , ~„......„ 4 A., vt. it ve ..a rt r * .... 0 , .. . c . ....ff /•.. . ,-. * -, :'' t . . '"" e s : -ct74 t4 O . .' : ,_. .....z .., ft: • . .. i..:01 ' 3. 1 r . ...7 ' 4, , i... 1..-, t to re.= - ' 4. —E I . .a.-. • Pittsburgh, Pa ALE BREWERY! GIEIO. L. ESATUR:II, Formerly ;with Onthouterkiker Rochester, having taken the well known Brewery on French-Street, below Fonrth,Erie, Pa.. Formerly occupied by Wm. Jacobi, would in. form his old acquaintances and the public gen. rally that he is now brewing a very superior quality of Ale. From his long caperience and uniform success, he is fully prepared'to the best of satisfaction. Dealers are invited tocalL 1•46.fy GRO. L. RARER.* MB PRINTING of every kind, in tame 01 eyoneaditiee, Main- or colored, done in dos' arneli the beet sty:ll4 lad at moderate pri g at, the r A.. “i 2 -IF, N - C-V:. FARMERS , OF ERIE COTNTY. . ESTABLISHED" IN 1844. INGRAHAM'S Combined Marker; Cultivator'and Hiller, lIANtIVACTVIIED IIY Gr.E.O 1!:: U. ,12:1S . rri"r, NA DV 1 LLE, PA. This is the most perfect and greatest Labor Saving Ma!hlne of the kind now known. The advantages of this implement overallotnersls not only that it cuts up, but also turns under and butstrieg the weeds and forms a suitable hill, leaving the soli light and therefore, a condition to retain mot:dote, widen is only dune by the extra neight end peculiar curve of th- tooth. They are made with suatts.or with out. They tan be attJusted loan) width of row, The side teeth can be reversed to , turn theetoii to or from the rows. This tnitehitte is the only implement the farmer needs in the,guitiv .tion of corn - or other course grains. planted or son p In rows. Thee machines have been thorough ly tested and are warranted to givesatisfaction. lIILFIatE.NCES: Feb wiry 18q1. This certifies that we, the undersigned, tli elised last teason of I'. -ennett,atid th❑tuugh ly test..l on•• of lawnlatto's Curved Tooth, Doable Pointed and I,,Ju•table CM/holm'', /1 is urrangol to do Wolk In a desirable matttier to ati kinds 01 crops In tt elr different stages for,. Melt the Cultivator and Iturse lbw is used. it tit• roughly pa.verizem tie g +•ttntl. cues and covers up the WePt/N, limns. u Ihdil,/hgt hill. little or tto • fir the hoe, +lnd leases the amnia' in a condit up to retton .11, lightuex , ailllol.t are. We rerontine,nd hian to I , rivers as the cheapest, In st fiuuthle end gmatrf.t -aviiig.tinielnne of the kited ue have er-used. M.CLLCItt• EIC.-11ohcrt VA• was, J. A.Platt man at sprimue, .1. u. Greenman, d olek, Christian Seta - Impel., al. W. hair, John 11. Carter, 14corge (Pier, 11. I HAIM It t'RREEK —W. 'W. fqtylson, J. )I Moorhead, John Labe. Also, the latest Improved Curtis trim heatU Plow, and the Celebrated Tax Payer Plow, both rig .t and left hand. The Tax Payer 1.4 ahead of any other plow In use. Try It, and if it doirt please p.m firing It lock Also, Wood Milli of the latest Improved kind. For sale et Wholesale and Retallby P. s N Agt.ut for - I rio CouritY Also sui t ! by li.:,IIULtZ, Federal Hill. • o AorlS4.ltn 64 For Bituminous or AnthrnOtti ." ESTA:BLIstrED J. REYNOLDS SON,, = N. W. Corner 13th and F:lert Streets.. I'iI'IL,IDEI,I'ItI , P.\ • SoleMnutitacturet s the C40:4.111.1 Wrought-Iron, Air-Tight. Gas - Consuming Heattr With Patent Dugs( Screen, t,ratt• liar wttoiruirr-lito N tt tDIAT 0 These Heaters are molt of heavy airought run. ad') tvet , rl togethet, the only sure pre- Vet/ tlO/1 - 014,11115t the e‘eape of gas or dust They a , iasllp inanuod it it to an any The Patent Radiator akoats the ice- ifll4l. 1111110", ahee or drums, awl is pr mane/Illy .kttaeheit to Me Heater, 3' l / 1 . Is the lii +l/eiple no/Weal awl popular Heatinu Apparatus e‘er otrured for sale. They are all guarantee d. COOKINti RAN(;FA, for hotels and fatulla , PORT.I.I3I.I , ,IIEATEIcs, • ' 1,,',) itt Hsi.; 11 IiATEttR, LOW DOWN trI:ATES, f4T,AI E TELS, It E(;1.-T I,ItS, AND E.VD I.ATI IRS. We are also lii Inurae , nrirn: a ne c FLAT-TOO HEATING RANGE. 'end 'top our IlluNtrmed Pamphlet. apr/.5: 13EM831 13 1:17 Sri VA Pl.: 74N - AV 4 0 /I U . 1 11 x:ro NdBLE & HALL, FOUNT/Ens 1 • & Boiler Makers, Manufacturers of Stationery, Maxine and port.l,l ENGINES, OF :ALL SIZES: RIM BOILERS, RTILIA, TAN K-t, STRAM PUMPS, MILL WORK, a, C., Jobbing scar, Led at reduced prices. All work warranted, (Ate Triotto, la ' 1t"1104.4.1u.5 A rs sat tint V>, :4•aitc4ti• \Works c. nera Peach and Third stree , s, Erie, Pa. jaw2;-ti, 111 AN HOOD: tiW 11.041' MAI' 111. , ;TOIII , It _ i i Z lit - J,,,,t - ,;(,.:,,,,,...,, it new e.tol ' ezi 1 "" of Dr. Culverwell'ai eh Grated E:- Qi te, sity Not Like I atileat Luxe .without pi,i,eip e t ot :-.OF:i.:%IATi It I.tuv...t, or ;•••etntual Vo'eakne•tt., Involuntary -eintlial Lo•Nes. Impo tency. Mental and I'.. cleat Inettp telly, I inpettl- Blind. to Marriage, etc.; also, 1. 0100101p:ion, rdnlepsy, and r Its, induced by .of-indulgence CH'S, Xlo.ll“xtravagative. ari. PllOO, In a ../ Ideal en vi lope, only Occults,. 'I tic celebrated author, in this aditnr.,ide e r .,- sas, ele-oly denton‘trate, float il l IllirQ. ears' Ntat:oS , ll3l Pra• 11 , -,, th./t the ulttrottt4 conse quences of ht lhaltuse tatty be vatlleally cured Without the dangeiatictuttem Inter:l.d medicine or the applie.ttl.ai of the !tattle; 'pointing out a Male 01 Cafe at oat C. SIIIIIIIO, 001 - talll Mut 01- feCtilat, Ily IlleatlN 01 which every sufferer. no !miler whit his eonditton may bey may cure himself' elle.ipl v, pm vately, ,•o nit radl• ail v, air This ',elute should he In the banal: of every youth tont ever) man in the land. Sent, under seal In a plain envelope, to-any address. Pos'reA tn. on reee.lpt or stX et stn, or tiro post .siantpr. Al•; Air. l'Ull•erwell'i. "Mar ril-ft. Unide." price :5 1 e tits. Address tile Pub lishers, (II 'II4 .1. r. fil.l!slEA I f/ . , 1'...7 Ilowere . y, New 'York, Post °Mee fox 40...jti. jan2S-"1.9 • ti toto ti 14 , n .1. es, 4... , e' . P 5' tti , 1:0 TITEWOIIV,ING (*LAS:S.-1 oni now pre pared to fii , tu.li all eas-es with constant einpauo meat at their hiones, the whole of the time, or hir the spate naonents El. slows new, light and prolliab.e., Fifty vents I o 5.5 per ...rea lm!? is easily erirneo by peti.on4 of miler sex, anti Ille h'd , ant girls earn nearly as much as nit ii. Great mauve-men. s ar , otrered to those who mid devote net. u hole time to the bind ne:.:4; and; that es trry person who sirs this 110- tice lo,iy bt nd nie their address and test the bonnie,. for Go-fusel yeii,l make the following unparasleled offer: To all who are not we it sat ',bed with the business I will send SI to pat for the trouble of writing me. Full partieuiars,th r etl-r, I te.,sent free. :samples sent by mull. Writ' rants. Address mrP.. E. f'. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. . NEW : LIVERY, - Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner of Prowl) and 7111 St,i. 'PRE NURSCitinEit.., laid Ing taken the stable Imely ist,ilplt.,l by itienbor S JohusTcn, would 'llium the , public that they have pur chased an EN.TIitELY NEIV of Horse , , Haines:, and earriageg, and are pre pared tt,give perfect bat it,,fa4:t on to ad l'ye ni:ts favor them with a call. W,. have the best stoelf In Northwestern Pennsy.lvania. rn3•2l-11 I.3IIECHT BROS. J il lEI 31 AV() it I,L.f. RI. A. DUNNING, N0..1016 Peach Street, between 10th and 11th, Erie, Pa. , Monument Totatooues,'. Marble and 'Slate Mantles, &e. I have on hand a large itssorttnent of monu ments and headstones of various htytes, In Ainerwati and Italian marble, and a corps ul the best vairkluvli ht the Mate. onlers will be promptly attended to and satlstaetton guar anteed. :Sly •work is warranted unsurpassed. and I cannot be undersold by tine one. urderb and 414 - welkin of ',tot k and prices sollelteLL mhlo'67-Iy. 10 000 Agents IvA ;Ulmeomntis + iu❑ or slur}, to s,•11 i,F;1 1 •F .,.., IL Vollt.llllft fu.t til.• iufonuulloti Whiell eery. body wants tauntretls of tittles a year, itint sells with unparalleled rapidity, 'even unsung those Woo twlucon lOok lit 14 Subscription Hook. Near. ly every tinnily will buy lt, and It will be palmd about as el eitt a neves,/ ty annuli; nil classes as the daily or weekly newspaper. LI Li EIIAL SAL), it lES prild to experienced edict lit canvassers. Send (yr elrenisrs and lull' inlortnation. V. D. C.V.; E ett.,i'citilltilierg liars ford. Coon., Cincinnati, 0., Cliliago, 171. aprls-3w. . .To the Ludiem. ADIES who surfer from weakness aero , s the II back and of the with bearing-410a n patinA, no it Is with difficulty that they ean stand or walk erect, can he relieved at Once, and radically eared by wearing the FitENtlH SUPIttIiTER, a new and elegant device, never belore known tor used In this country. - For fun information, m,ll upon or address with stamp. sep2l-tf E. J. FB.ASEIi. D.. . - Erie, Itt, Secrets Worth Knowing. GIVEN RECIPES for hundreds of useful ant ties In Universal use, easily made at lonia! cost And readily sold at lame wants; also pat ent mediclues, manufacturers' sec' ets, etc. 21 ets Jeatir. HAN.E.Y Nassau street, New York. • WANTED...Agents, Mato or Female. IN EVER' TOWN ANLCMYtofellthenew Violet Ink. thanumetured by FitENCH CU., Febu Aida bisect, Yttilalaelli. We. baict :46 eta. axemask pia; t011284Z0 HALL & WARFEL; WHO LE, A ND DETAIL, IL) T_T C - C 4 S S IMPORTERS OF FRENCH- WINDOW, PICTURE And Photographic Glas!, - 630 State Street, Erie, Pa. We have lately received another Large In. •viiice . of F . iS GLA.N. , , direct (men the %lima in•ltir, is in Eurnpiyinalilng nur pr i•sent upply' the largest in .iny Iniuse west of :Sew Oar ;toell. StOtO Embrnees Nearly £very Size,..both of Double and tqhgle Strength. Di.a.leo.. and 41ili-r• In Want or .r FA VOR '1 LI El It INI ER Es,Ts by exatuilnlng our ,invla ;no beton: Ini) au vlsewbi•re,— Lnrge Oze, 01 Single itrid Dnl,b- St length tibig4 Imported eNore,xly for 11.01..7.4E A.N -.TORE I. IiONT 4 . The Sup ,fur Quallt% ul Fretieli Gla.sm "[tier kind , s'IIiAIf,,IITNESs Hit LLIANCY NI/ itENia)l. ih Tully adruAtted. rin.i lite 'I. Exee--4 Its pre, ov• r 01 No AI,- lllli \T, 1.1111,1.11 11114 US be r tie t pies It t es - ery A obetul _123.111P on Ribl.big, I. , ts To the (lade, , - AMERICAS OhASS. have a''o a hagi. , tovk or AlllOl4llll Gl:l , h 'or -Ingle and bouhlo strength. tvideli:%e sdling nt LOW It.4tes, both' In pthhing• lots to deafen, utni rrAall pare. , ls to ,uit buyers. Paints,Oils, Tarilisites, Szel In this 51(T',rtntent ;we keep ttell•Amplil: with every Mta u.e,t to the from „bar OM. 'lli I lip lilll,l.dlollsi. In c luded. The , o 11111:.; (tt them: artleles 1. tint exc. ado wo 141 V si•iilllg at i“Wt St market rate, , Dye "Wood!. and Dye Ntuar.i. in or goods out' i 4 i:XtenSlVe flll , l the A otithr CI) ev, :oul we are - ...trjrinz lit•thekiti••lll. tt.4lt to W11 , •lt t up•rs. 1)111'4 , 4, itie•C. (the s.to t •k ~11 . CI PUI rte.; 1 1 ,1,—: a t l i:l 4: ml i .., Al 1.1 1 - hitleoto. Is exteost‘e, having twill long ex e11en.... 1... en I.ouglit ‘‘..tis touch Cllll , , iltld the pub/lee:in dep. ittl orott nhaithz the hirck -t :stock of tile Mod to V1...-Ntern Pelt Wt... which we are Melling at e1,.-.e .•ith...r n. %,110.1 , ' or br. , lieti olo•ko..-1;es. 'IIIIIII-61n. , .... . N. .0. •Ia . /1 1" . 4:7 Or / 6 ... , ns. ..g. , ....% ;0 C s l i a .L.,"• - ' ' ' I N-0 Ft 4 1T..1; .. ' it ~,,• 7 4 o•N • V i . ; :.? of 4, e! C ......• 74 : \.:, A_lit . f . - ... 4 - ./. lra ial D . .: '1 m.-erse rit t a"lt f.y.tre to ' r1 . 1.+ la I f•ft . OC, .4, C Qv... t D_ 't c f.....u." ..... ' ONCE MORE WITt , A NEW sl'lt.NO SATOUK IN Utt Great ONE DOLLAR Sale Dry and Fancy G S ! EENEE CIUT'T.T.IIItX",, ITC. ATi':•l 4 SIIF.ETINO For Club , • j .'.. :21 Yd. Slarung SkXty " one Hum!tea, ..... 6.1 • An other prethlums In.tt rne fro Eularged lischange• List, with new and useful articles. - • • - Se , new elmillar and sample. sent to any add re , ,, free. crud your 'floury- by Refltst , r.l ittldrt st....rd to, . J. S. HAWES,& CO., , 128 & 130 Federal , St., Boston, Mass. Post °ince Box C. Goods for the Season k full stu-lc of whorled k4-.11-4. CVO IR I IF: S Low Prtievs for Cash, THE FAMILY Ono('MN AND PRQVISi ' LON s,roltE OF CRAIG • & 31.411511ALJ., 21 Iti'e,.l- Park. Fresh and ,New Oootls FO I; SAIL A 'X' CA. S . snrue rilll be bad. went of Buffalo. Our Groeerie, llavluir been • Carefully Selected, niilirs can rely — npon getting Arbor thVy We deliver goodN to all parts of tliCClty free deer T.%%-t SINGER'S IMPROVED • t Embrollery and Manufarturiag :Sewing Machine 4. 1 44r• o.),ono made and Enid In the ear Oftlve, tear of Cien+belruer's OW:Ong store, 61'2 state s t ., Erb., Pa. JY2-1 NE.: %V .15' 11:01. James p, Crook, having, taken to his snu, Jas.. E., as a partner, on the in day of April, an der the firm twiny of .fame, P. ens S Aort, de sire', to have a settlement of his .)lit NiCl . lllllltS. All persons knowing themselves Indeidkid GI him ate requested to call and settle without JAMES P. CROOK & SON. "Lenten in ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Manufacturers of WINDOW SASll,l , lt.lllllls, 3lotildings and Picket Fence, Sawing, Matching anti Planing done loonier. tSltop on l'eatth Between Fourtbitr.(l - Filllt 50.., Erie, Pa. We respeetnilly calf liir attention of the pub- Ile to otir lucllitle tbr doing witrh hi the best of style, promptly and MI res.sonable terms. flay up entirely . 'lei,: shop's, with superiormachinery, machinery, we fee/ confident of giving satisfac tion. Onle f fi_ front al a. salmi.' receive pnalipt attention. P. CSAX)K t SON. • GERMAN SAVINGS Corner Eighth and,.Pitute OPPOSITE Pair This Institution is now open for tho transar lion of husinms. • ON'FICX 11 M. M. to 4 P. 51. SAIITHDAYB: , 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Givexby this Institution to Regular Depositors. -- - • J. Eichenlattb, P. A. Becker, F. P. Ltehel, F. fichnelder, Jahn Genshelmer. ~OFFICERS: John Genshelmer, President. Matthew Sehlaudeeker, ... Treasurer. F. Schneider ,.,„ Secretary. my2117-Iy. • JOHN GENSHEIDIER, & SON, DE.4.4.1LX,S IN Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods 1 CORNER OF tiEVEXTH STREET. Lt1,114.V. PA• •• • In our line, we offer C~ tDIRF.Crons THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. G. jE Fr YOUR Sicrir% AT TEL New - Turk Hoop Skirt Manufactory' INA State Strel.ol:rh., pa and , 1111,1.‘ n I(oop Skirt. of 01 r0n , 48110.3 on hand Ladle , van have fifth' order, no that. they Will 111, an.l L ,‘• n. , whatever. The Yolk II• op -r.ir ha% 4 . • , t 1 hton.b. It. in 11 p • t.I ttirll4l; 111.14,relittitnIg it. leaf tu. All our Skirts are made et the r ble bteel and 71:Caterial. Otir 5 14.1rP , tire W. 4:‘,11..11ttc led 1.1:JI . fold hi %f ldly, nadtil,, vlel t t , th t pi e, , ttr , , ihu,tl;im ula them I. tilt ,„ the .kilt otoeupiot the I , llialliv, , t st slt.tillg, titling or Itl pat , slii. „ yet the in delei.t. Lile prl.4Slirt . •Itlrt lestitnee, r, ,lts enduing l and beau:itll .1:T elf these L11111.111t.,..iL1114 I.llr 1.4.11 t in-111 as cheap, it 11,1 1,4 1141.11 WO , uthe•rJ IU r. in T..rfe. 1.11111, 4 p 11111 affyld to buy Shlt evedy huh: have weir old 111101 T.-paired tor :1 tedre I.e .4.11., l 0 Visit Inc lou k Manufactory teetole pthtellieNing r,.. ~tualry merchant., rill do well . ealt. S - A I 11.1.:s: 1 1 .011. N , 5 uct . 0 .,,,, to A; I.* 1 . .1011 Tr.,' :s;st, 111141414TP %tree!, ‘:114 4P AND Clk\S)'\° Corner of Holland arid Sixth Streets, ERIE, PA TILE" ITNI)EIRSIGNEID, Having purchased ate Interest of the Met,.. Vlneeuts in the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the lair thin, would respectfully srAlc• I cont mini... of favor fluor the (Heath; pe iron. of the house, and the pUblic In Gen,:-, plrilgoat himself that he will at all [hues sell go,xl and reliable Flour, _Peed and Grath: At the loweq• price for ca,t4 t ,in long experience in this lir:midi of the tr.t.t,,*: trust I know what the public demand, and I um prepared to meet that want, nett. tong my thank% to the publlt , for tt,,r liberal p.lO "nage to tar In the past, I h4q,.. stilt 1 :Mention to my bw.inet,c and their it.trt., to loerit, a etsutinuance of their patronage In ti !untie, THE MILLING, FLOUR. F'EED A.NI) GRAIN BL' SJNE Will be continued, In all its departments, at t- ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, CAST ; 1?..,- . IIEIII BOW, Between 11.rown'a Hotel and Reed Iloz,, Where lir public will find a good Nt , wl.• for , ale, frith competent and polite men oe hand to ..opply their want.. H. IL HA V ERSTICii. ' NEW LOCATION. (4. lia removed to Wldttieh's i ioil, .irr:,, State and Tent!' Str. eta, Erie, Pa., wht:rr he opened a `L.I.II(IELY STOcK Of Grovel - le,, Frnit., Vegetables, and everything u•urilly kept th a tir.l-.1,3 grocery establishment. We are detertnia.,ln to he surpassed. and invite , all who Ns ,or, t))11)_ fu our line to call, feeling assured ti.,llur shall be able to give satisfaction both . Ity of gootlS and prices. Country Produce, Bonght and Sold, We have opened a cymussioN DEPARTMENT. NI which we ask ih,•• attention of 1.119., PPAilltl• to dlsp , "e of. , We pledge Oar, t fte , •ttre th , tuarket price for .1:1 entt iNted to niir care. DEALERS Iti" THE ADJOTNIS , ; And on tEr Line!i'oflroaa. 2 `r/PR114 . (1 with FRUITS,• VEGETABLES, ETC .7 . IV . Yli 1; Wholesale and 11. - .4.1i I Dealer • in Furniture ! • }laving Itretne:ed the entire stoek of Lure ofVeKsr, Moore St Riblet, I ask my old customers and the publie to give me's call ut4he old stand, NO. - 715 STATE STREET, Berore purehuslhg elsewhere. 1 have A ..Iv' =OM= Parlor, Chamber and Bed Roorii • ALSO, BEISSTEA DS, CHAIRS, TABLE., W RDROrEs, De_ ss ME And. •rythintzttt the lltie I tiro pr..p.r..,1 to mattufactutetoora,l t.nt•"" that may be called for. Itemeral , r, -;tati- •tr,o, east et%lc , lwt weell , ;..rs• !W. Eighth htret•Ls. —airz:llJ7-tf. .101.1. N W. \llll— FIRST-CLASS PlA\os! Nil LOEIS lIERGE it CO.. Manufacturers of FIRST•CL.ISS AGRAFFE OIERSTRI . PI AN Co+. IF 013 'r ICs ! , WAILF.;11003518, ST RIFER B. STl=l' Throe BMWS are rectatnende , " thr eminent judgem, C ur p.wer, tielty of 101101 and durabilit3, •JusurP. , - , '• any pianos made In nil. COMM"). GUARANTEED FOR FIVE VE-M;* Illutgrat.d - - - on application. fel) and Price I.:Nt ,ot GREAT REDU (21'IO I N vrticir.? : E. M. COLE & SON WILL RIND - 'Harpers' arid similar Alamaim., at 73 per volume. • Godey's, and similar Magazine', '" re. volume. Harpers and Frank Leslie's pap.'' per year. We are also making and iiellwg 13 1 ti, k lEt o REDUCED PRICES Bindery over Keystone National Bat ner State and SLh streets. 1... 11. CIII - JE'firA.l.l l4. R. DESIGNER DECORATIVE AliV T' Neatest, Cheapest andlletit Sign Painting 0.41 of Neu York city. Parlor's. Bolles, Charchos".. V' '' Freaooed ltt the neatest style of the Art -General Deslgriloz, Draalmt of Sfn'tels Ps . t..' Patent and ever) description et on Menial l'albUng eaecuted promptly. on Vertex Ulla. No. S. secoad accr, sigl*"^