The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 06, 1869, Image 3

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    Erie Market frices.
Buying. tion.lw;
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33 •••••••
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Seed, builp•l ...ID 00 .10 pp
I.ta at.) • I
• • 3 SO ' 4 00
4s. ..... 2 SA 3 00
Ft,01.744, AND FEED.
W 410101.410. Retail.
r xxx 9 21;49 50 10 OU
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amber I b ..... 7 '1.447 so .8 SO
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nap 3outrusemrnts
Publleher's Notice
se‘mre Insertion, lutist be
„,,,Ca t o by Wednesday evening, un!ess
• Ivy an: le,s than tine e sun ire. In length.
ail advetpsoments not ordered for a sped--
:ted•tile will be v,t ntinned at the expense
tl e p.. Lie I,lver.islng accounts are
p.tslbt...prtrterly. Attorneys will be held
advert kettle:tits published
;Jv tio It order.. and the bdls win be made
opt in their names. The advertising rates
~n our nrst page Mill's, strictly adhered to.
IIES111" kill.,
i, , :w.,t. t oilte. In 14,11 i So. I'l, \iT.tyry• Hall
5 , . 2 , 1, 1 4, F., io, l'.t. Mike 11.)11? i f. , ":1 i t• 112 and
truisil',:li. rtlyii-lf.
Word. or \\'i•dow for Young Thu!
%!•.: Tif I:CLINt; PA , SION Youth and
y ,„ ro . with stab' ItLtr fo• thu
and unfortunate. ....eta. ln sealed tette'
„„.„ lope s free of char.p.. dresoi ki,)WA R
fIOS, 114)x P, Philadelphia, Pa.
10,43. •
Cause%Tar Trial.
!Dudley s L'uderrood vs
Yo. 23 Feb. rm, IM9
test y `
tiobin , on vt I.-
31Aur,t e. Aorton, .Itl
tltt , ll - 11 , PA. 11
Henry v. oluv
1 ..I. ~
: 1/1 riAll et
•• 127 May •• IFn
•• 4 Nov. ••
•` 91 Hap ••
• rsNov.
•' 711 14-b. •' ISt;
•• 119 •• " 1e67
0. , nnS to.
,r 1 • I, 'MHO
WI. , A • .''...lll,tritriNt•
" 17 May
1!9 "
v , 4 slot!
Ere- t it v Iron Works vs
Suul•y et al. ....... .....
v, Mcl hit Ad
actalstr itors ' "
Ketch ftlx. v• )Miler Ad... " 2..57
Ronson c. W ty. • " YiAttq. " 1 , ,117
,ippralwiwr Sampson " 91 '• "
l'•••••,t,r L twits " 110 ''
•thttf r I'lo4 liar " 111 " • " it•tt7
gi+bt•t.tic,Atl , l..r+un
• • • l7-1
tr "
It'rench liailowhauct " 1:11
ilindriw , ttt et at VS &kart -
cord Pt al'
Nbhev GLILLIer "
P.lltne7-vt:N.thdro , ser Ex. "
m al
er „„ eocrdiel.: " I:
Merrett c. Cl.%rl.tnd Lt CO 1271
tim n idUl • t al IS Liroxn rt
al. "'
Durham , Ikvore " I'7 "
I'aueilt•\ rt al vs Kea - et al .' 14: "
l , ,a}L;la., , •lr(aa... " 191 "
i .s r. L. lt. Co. ‘NC,AagII
-e: al
k•I Crouch _ 219 " " P , 47
6l4nu 1,-ary ....... ........ " :239 " "
,a1ue..... " 239 " - " 1567
1;1:.n. C. P. InniERS, Prothonotary.
•('atau!e+ for Trial.
FOURTH. mk,sl).\ y 1S MAY, Ist;').
Wlldman cn tireentleld Feb. T'w ISCPi
F Jones v/i tireentiet.i tp G " " ISek,
sultzer vs Greenfield tp " l 8 " "
Hartley vs tireentiol.l tp ‘• 19 .. i s e o
vs Ureentield tp,... " •Itt "
Iv'Wytt.llit vs( ;reewitl.: tp Yl " " Pit;
L Jones vs Greenfield tp.. " • " IStiS
Northrup vs 4.; wen fleld tp. " " tvA
myt,-3w. C. I'. ROUF:IIti, Proth.,notary.
Life Insurance Company,
See. Ti
Pr ',Went
Mem., 1.;45
T Atarrican—lc ;Jour one of the Oldest Com
pana.% In the I.:nHeti States.
rte Amerkan—l.Nues policie. on .t I.l.7lesirablk'
The itnriein,Sirilre. ALL 1.-llti•les' non-for
The American has, no unneceiciii ry rest rict
m,lritvel and ro,idence.
lnr Atherleft—Deeittres di vitivntis n ilpn
thy ~ : 1(1 ortite first year.
rile American—Pays all 10... - ses promptly
W. R. GRAY, Agent,
Walt het , baz,httt Erle, Pa,
and Dtreel Route betwerh Phtladel
phis, Baltimore. Harrisburg, Williams
port and the
on all Ni.:lit Trains
I e IS ...lot' after M0N1.t.1.1", Apill 26. the
I tram, on the Phila4leljahla a Erie ltallroa ,
run follows :
Mail Train leave,' Plitl:minipill:l at le: p. m..
Cr.: , , 7:11 p. m: iui I arrive. at Erie at 9:50
p. m.
Erie Expr,.... leaves Phtladelpitia at 11:50 a. m.
Carry, s.lO tn. and strrlvos at Erie at le:114
3. In.
Warren Aceonirtiodat bill leaves Warren at 12-.. a)
p. m. , Corry' at '1:1:Xt p. ria., and aryives.. at Eri.
at 3:50 p. m.
Mali Train Leave Erie at 11:15RD .
ni., Corry, 12:,33
P. in. and arrive:, at Philadelphia ut
Eric Express leaves Erie nt 0::15 p. m.,Ctitry.
m. and %races at. Philadelphia at 1:10 p.
Warren Accommodation leaves Erie at 8:10 a.
M., Corry at 10:00 a. in., and arrives at War•
rwri it 11:40 a. in.
Mall and Expre,s connect with Oil Creek and
Ale teeny River Railroad. ;BAGGAGE CHF:CAE:I
Gen'l BuDertatendept.
Erie , & Pitt4in►gh Railroad.
trains will run on this road a. follnipi:
A. M., Pittsburgh Express, stops at nil.sta•
Anus, aratarrives at A. & G. W. It. It Trans-
ter at 1:40 p, m., at New Castle at 3:00
and at Pittsburgh at p. m.
LC ' ) A. M., Accommodation, (rota Jamestown,
arrives at A. & G. W. Tralsfer at 6:21 a. in.
at New castle 7:00, mini., and Pittsburgh at
leai3 a. m.
&riMlxed 'Rain leaves Erie for Sharon, stop
interniediate lointsointl a riv
' leg at a. in.
,7:15 a. in., Erie Express leaves New Castle at
a. in., A. & 0. W. Transfer at 11:30.a.
al., and arrives at Erie 2:30, p. m., makine
Mos creunection for Buffalo and Niagara
P. Nt, Accommodation leaves New Castle
4 t.' 7 :i o , P. in., .1. & G. W. Transfer at, 1..:40,
, au., and trivet at Jame-town flat, p. in.
p. nu., Mixed Tr, , tin leaves isharon for Erie,
sari arrives at 1' 2 1 40 ,1 1 - 111 . -
Fun:hurt:li Express south connects at James
town •it 12:55 p. in„ with J. & F'. Express for
EP...ail:tin arid Oil City. Connects at Transfer at A.& u. W. Accommodation west
for Warren, Ravenna anti Cleveland.
Trat.qeEr x a ress
with Ma s l
.f o & r
! G re .
e:lie, Franklin and Oil City, and at Jamestown
stir J. & F, Empress far Franklin.
Traamconnect at Ihichester with trains for
Wheeling and all point; iu West Virginia, and
t Pitistaugh ix/ifections for Philadelphia,
I larrtsbnig; Baltimore - and Washington, via
Pe Murylvania Central Railroad.
Erie Express north conneetz at (ilear . d with
Cle I .rland & Erie trains trestwdfd for Cleveland,
and allpoints in the West ; at Erie with
Flrri• Erie Railroad for (brry, Warren,
Irvineton, Tirlioute. &c. and with Buflalo & Erie
Railroad for Buffalo. lfunklrk. Nlagam
New York.Vity.-
,F`.. N. FINSRY.
Li) 6•69.4 r • Asst. Superintendent.
. Saltstuen Wanted
1) A MANUFACTITItItiO CO. ta'.travel and
it" by xample a new !hie gondg.
n't Permanent: Wage , ' good. 11. - H. RICH
-It4l3.Chestuat 4treat. Philadelphia,
This irl: no II twbng,
DY SENDING 2.5 cents, age;helght,dolor
1) el eves and bar, you will reeelve, by,
turn mall, n •Orreet picture of your future bus
tind or wit., with name and date of marriage.
Address W.VOZ„ Y. Q. Drawer Ao. 21, .Irutton
?Ma. R. Y. apegt./er.
ERIE. PENNA. MAY 7: 1869.
We ask all to read the advertisement of this
well known firm, in to day's issue. Their
stock is the largest in the city, and, on the
score of prices, they are ready for any tom
petion. The firm has been in business in
Erie several scan, ao l front the tint haie
taken a leAdingpaiition. We do not believe
there is a house. this side of \ew• York that
offers better inducements. They make a
point of, selling no goods that are not just as
Carr. Tiros. H. STE ! VENS.—Ou Tuesday
ast, We had the pleasure of takin.; by the
land Capt. Vto.i. IL Steven", of the Navy,
who is still Superintendent of Light Houses
on the Upper JAkes, ano wAs here to pur
chase coal for the small government steamer
he has has employed In connection with his ,
-', 1 duties.
The Captain is bio'ing, remarkably well,
ail the kindly greetings and congratulations
by his Criendsand there are hosts of them
—manifest-the high esteem our citizens have
ever held him in.
It is a gieat sati,factikuf to know th it jus
tice has at last been done to this gallant and
worthy oflicer,and that be is placed where
his rank and merit shuttle( have put him long
since. Justice is sometimes tady, but in most
instances sure. n.
was instilled as Poittn titer of OM city, on
Tuesday, in plAce of If Jus,ht M. Ster
rett, whose- - e,rapnb:sion expired. He ha;
selected Capt. John (i. Mon ,hdivrry
clink, but will mike nn otter eh vIQ:42, fur the
present. Oa Id: departure front H
Mr. Gars was the recipient. of eirnplim-nta
ry detz(;r4. from O:w. Go try and S-ermary
Jordan, henrin.4 testimony to ilk efficiency
as an officer, and rt'grettim: the neces.hy
which con - 11)(41e)1 Min t.)•;ever his Connection
with the Stste4.l.intinisirt.tion.
In retiring frctia the ofti'e, Sterrett
has the satisfaction of knowing that he re
t tins the uniform good will of our citizens.
lie hai urde a faithful and Postmas
ter. and been firtunate in surrounding him
self with a valuable eJrns of employees.
From one and all. we h tve received n , ohinz
!mt the mv.t, gentlemanly treatment, and
we trust dirty pre4sure will compel the new'
Postmaster to m the no hi: alter changes.
Wno DJF:s Tins ITir?—Tlci New York
Christi to watt., the tn, of the
ilethodist church, ed torially criticises the
!rowing tendency among mini-tern of that
lenomination t o mix and join the
will hunt for (Mice. The following extrAct
from one or it;., articles may or m.ty not have
local . application :
.'We cep among tlx names of the 'very
treat army' of ()aloe seekers that have been
“ruggling for appointments from President
:rant, those of seye'rd Metholist traveling
Some of tht , se have been success
id in securim , nominaii , ins, for the President
, s not averse to the cloth, hat some of them
give failed to receive the confirmation of the
S v enate. We confess to some serious misgiv
ings as to these things. The emergencies of
the tear might seem to justify a Ininkter con
scientiously called of God to hi , sacred work
in temporarily engaging in other pursuit , :,
though even that i, not ide a r heyoni doubt •
But in the absence - of tiny 'such emergency
.ve cannot approve of a minisier, not physi
cally disqualified, engaging in anv secular
calling, while strong. moral considerations
should deter hint from niiugling in the scram=
ble for place, by Wltich the nation is disgraced
in its capital." ,
I ti
I , ti;
• 1,,e,
• 1. . .
a ' I '43 —
" liti:
" 1.M,7
• 67
•' 1,47
Election of County Superintendent
About halt' the School. Directors in the
county*ttended the Convention in the Court
[louse, on Tuesday, for the election of a
County tiuperinterient, in place .'of L. T.
Fisk, Whose term expires. Of course, in a
lay where the Republicans are so largely
te ascendancy as here, a considerable
majority of the Convention woald be mem
bers of that organization, and we:regret that
candor compels us to state that partisan' prej
udice was the controlling motivo among the
greater number. The candidates were 'Messrs
C. C. Taylor, of Elk Creek ; S. P. Mclntyre,
or Curry; L. W. S trage, of Springfield; L
T. Fisk, of Girard ; and P. IL Stewart, of
'North East. Of these gentlemen, Mr. Sw
age is acknowledged to be the best fitted for
the position, but he has seen proper to • et
with the Democratic party for some years,
and amore the majority of the Convention
that was sufficient reason for defeat. The
miserable party spirit which has foisted sp
many third-rate men into position, and dune
'lmre to retard the in teresta of our section
than :al other causes, has thus fastened itself
upon our commond school ss stein, and driven
from its service a gentleinan who of all oth-
iI,IIS. 311.20
erS was most competent to assume its super
vision. When= the day comes, if it ever will,
that our people can forget their political
wrangles, and choose officers on the,grotind
of merit, we may hope to see a reffirm in our
public administration, and not before.
The first business of-the Conventiiin was
to fix upon the Superintendent's salary. Mr.
Nesbitt, the leading Republican of Washing
inn township, considered $OOO per year as
fair pay, atid'the present salary of $l,OOO its
exhorbilant ! Mr. Wells, of Albion, a inure
intelligent, hut less intluenti d R Triadic: in,
was in - favor of $1.2)0.!, - The e Irj tine ,
mule a compromise between the two by re
raining the old salary of $l,OOO. On the
hirl ballot, Mr. Taylor received a majority
all the votes, and his election-was then
n tile unanimous. A resolutioa was adopted
expressing the Mier' that Ow valise wool I
he benefited by changidg the commencement
of the .01(ml year from the first or June to
the fog of May. i•
Mr. Taylor, the new Superintendent, is a
foting tuna, and is sai‘lio possess consider
able ability.' We trust tits' adrnitaistr:tion
kill pnporkmare caticfact4s• than tha .it
late Superintendent, whose election was'due
-to the sumo causer,.
X --SuotiEsTrox.—Tlie fountains in the
ks arc completed abd command a large
share of attention. We • have only
to- sugg,est tliat, now tye have two
such fine ornaments in 'the Parks, there
may be an =attempt to keep the balance of
those localities in proportions Our eitv an-
thorities have a way of doing such
tent things :is to suitect theta to a very large .
amount of deservetl ridicule. For instance.
while, the fountains are playing in the a:ntre,
where is the harmony,of allowing the 'sides
of the parks and the fence' corners to :he
heaped full of market tables and madeAtte
receptacle of all ashes and filth tit thi:
surrounding properties ?' , What is the, object
of-keeping a pile of stone, like a Chin . Ne wall
in miniature, at the end of one 'Park, and a
mud-hole at the end of -the other? Why are
not the Parks laid, out in plots, anti rides
adopted for keeping ,(hem, In a -neat condi
tioti? Now, that an attempt is made at orua
meat, let us have 'all things in proportion.
With a little care, either Park might be made
- a spot of unexcelled beauty., and it is sincere
ly to be hoped that we have sufficient exec
utive talent and local pride to keep them as
they -should be.
FfRE INSERANCE.—Why is it that our citi
zens ao not inquire into the reasod fur ketfp'-
ing op 'fire insurance rates the same as, they
. were before the introduction of water? When
the water works were under discussion, we
were told that their completion would re-'
duce the insurance rates to an extent' that
would more than compensate for the addi
tional taxation: Why is it that this promlio
hies not been fulfilled? It cannot be disputed
that the risk from fire has been greatly dimin
ished, and if such, is the !act, our: Citizens
should have the benefit of it. We insist that
. rie shell not be made to pay raics-t least a
third higher for.insumnce than• other cities
with no better-taellities for extinguishing tires
thast we pumas. , . '• •
New Daily Paper.
Amid the crash of newspaper matter and
the ruin of dailie . s, gossip, with her thoniand
tongues, gives currency to all kinds of re
One silly project follows another, like
sheep plunging down a precipice.
The large fortunes made by 11304 , . who
have tried their handy-at-,the daily newspa :
per business in Erie, make hosts of others
anxious to get rich in the s►me way.
Meanwhile, the Observer travels steadily
on its course, preferring to be thought it little
old fogyish, rather than go beyond the limits
which the patronage of the city warrants,
and still adhering to the good old principle
that it is better to pay a hundred cents on the
dollar from one's honest earnings, than se
cure reputation for enterprfse at the expense
of other pdople's pocket books.
Stories are rife'that we propose starting a
new daily paper, but "if the Court knows
herself," we won't make a fool of ourself in
that maruier just at present. , '
The present crisis, however, ends the Ob
server "frill high advancedr with a stock of
material equal to all the necessities of the
public, prepared to do every kind of print
ing in the most satisfactory manner, and
ready to serve all who mt.y choose to call.
We will guarantee that our work is done as
well apd promptly, and at as reasonable
price; ts any office can afford that expectsto
stand li a-permanent basis.
Come one ! Come all; without regard to
party, sex o'r
Rei•ablicans and Democrats, Radicals :Ind
Copperiicatis,Black,Widte,Yello A. or Ftro*n,
ali treated alike, and uo distinctions of color_
made in counting off their greenbacks.
The Fit teenth Atuerlineat sustained by
giving every patron his "equal right" to have
a clear au4l neat job, for the least stun that it
cad be done, and - enable 12.1 to keep out of
nail Sheriff's
of the thrard Spectator announced the snspen
sion of it, iniblication. The editor, C. L.
Phelps, Est" , says he has been compelled to
this eoure by the neligence of his ,
patrons in pt 3 lug up their indebtedness.
He has plenty or accouo •nart his honks,
but being unable to collet , without
means to continue the bu-ines:;. Mr. Phelps
has made a good p tper of the Spectator, and
we regret very much the misfortunes that
have overtaken him. He has accepted a po
sitiOrz in connection with Col. fticels circus,
and will accompany it during the present
A. new paper started in Pleasantville, sev
eral Meeks ago, has already suspended for
want of the means of support. TIM putdi-h
-er started nut with any amount_ of encouratg
ing.asaurances, but, like too many others in
the printing business, found that those who
were loudest in their assurances of,tuccess,
were the most backward in furnishing the
revired patronage.
The present period is one of the hardest
newspaper men have seen in many ears,
Fe - W are paving expenses, and ,the weaker
ones will have to go the wall. It behooves
all who have an interest in kc'eping up their
favorite papt , rs to, be prompt in Paying their
accounts, and energetic in increasing their
The . Nevr RegistrY Lew
The last Le:,-islatuie, among its o; her in
iquitous measures, passed a new Registry
Law, intended to meet the objections which
compelled the - Supreme Court to pronounco
the last ono• unconstitutional. It con airs
nearly all the odious features of the last one,
and, like it, is deSigned to restrict the suf
frages of the working men. The Supreme
Court will undonbtedly(lecide against its le
gality, as it is in clear conflict with . Art. 3d,
Sec. 1, of the State Constitution,. which Says:
"In elections by the citizens, °Very white
freeman of the age of` twenty-one years, hav
ing resided in the State one year, and hi the
election district wherele offers to vote, ten
days immediately .preceding such election,
and.within two ears paid a State or county
tits:, which shall have been assessed at least
ten days before election, shall enjoy the right
of an elector," -
_Vny law which does not accord with this
clause, cannot he kelt enlbreed. The rez
istry law places restrictions upon voters not
required hy;the Constitution, and in every
such respect is 4 no more force than if it
had been enacted by a mob in the Feejee
Reath of iton. Arnold Pinola..
Hon. Arnold Plumer died at his residence,
in Franklin, Venang,o county, on Wednesday
of last week, in the sixty-eighth year of his
age. He was widely known throughout
Western Pennsylvania. Few men have done
mire service for the interests of their sec-
tion, or as much to ret.tin the kind remem
brance 'of the pnople among whom they
lived. Mr. Plumer has been a prominent
man, in the State, and' was one of its best
known citizens. As a political manager, he,
had great reputation and influence. A Dem
ocrat all his life, up to within a few years, he
hasbeen regularly in attendance at our State
Conventions, and aided largelY in Moulding
their action. lie was chosen Sheriff of Ye
nango county a few months niter . fatainin:i
the legal age. Goy. Wolf appointed him
Prothonotary in 15e.29, in which capacity he
served six years. ' Ile was elected t. Con'
gross in 1836, and re-elected in —. At a
later date, he was twice elected State
Treasurer by the Legislature, and served one
term as C mai CoMmissioner. E trly in life
Mr. Plainer became Connected with the
Methodist church, of which he yemained
consistent member to the hour of his death.
NEW Boot: —The National' Publishing
Co., of Philadelphia, announce that they will
soon issue a new work, by Edward A. Pol
lan!, author of the "Lust Cause," gibing an
inside history of the Southern g•tvernment
.during the rebellion. The title conveys a
pretty, full idea of its content's : "Lite of Jef
.fersonT)avis, with a Secret history of the
Southern Confeder.tcY, gathered Behind the
Scenes In Itiehronntl, containing -curious turd
extraordinary infbnuatiOn, of the principal
Sbutheni characttirs in the late WIIT, in con
nection with President Davis, and in rela
tion to thevnrious intrigues of his'Adminis
,tration."- The book promises to he one of
unusual interest.; It will he sold 'only by
subscription, and agents are wanted in every
county .0 f the S .
A New Pocket Dictionary and Reference
Book. Embracing extensiVe collections of
• Synonyms, Tech u teal Terms, Ahreviations,
Foreign Phrases, eh:ons on Writing for
the Press, Punct nation, Proof-Reading, and
" other interesting and valuableinfOrmati9n.
75 cents. '
The above is the title of a vuluabie' work
published by S. R. Wells, of New York city.
It is the most convenient Work of due kind
we have ever scen,aind almost. indispthisable
-to every person who has much writing to do.
We would recommend every editor,' minis
ter, laWyer and. literary min to 'procure a
copy. _
NOVEL FREIGirr.-A: little girl; about five
years 'old, passed through this city last week,
for Cleveland, consigned as frefght,. in care
of the American Express Company. Sh?.
had •no relatives to accompany her,-and her
friends took thia,_novel way of sending her
to the place of her destination. Two 'cards
were attached to her shoulders,. which born
the usual express maks. The fhlrotylnils ft'
copy of
. the freight bill•reeeived at the . Clev
eland office: "One chihl, (alive,) to .Mrs.'
Sarah A. Leonaid, Cleveland, 0., 'front Mrs.:
; W.Bash;Williarnsport, Pa.,—cbarges*l.7o."
-Grieras.—Viruger. south of the Elepor ' will
take Photographs , for one dollar per ,dozen
from this date -tail June first. Now is the
time to get your photpktraphs,while they are
>cheat). • _ _ _
. .
TUE law faring of Leases', Deeds, Notes,
and Blanks 01 all kind!, always on band at
.tbe..obaervez offlet% jan7 4 it
tog to the: Star, North , East is prospering ;
I.4"sava : Marken - the Seminary will
aoon commence; the Water works Will. prob.
ably be.coustrutied this season; Wm. Grif.
nth, Esti., will build a large wine cellar; ar.
other large brick block Isdalked of ; mar i pri•
rate dwelling houses have-been; or soon will
be airamencedi an7we . - notice tuinnaseal
amount 'of' paintitiVand. repairing. .Tlie
Growth of North East, unlike that .of Many
other towns, is oerirtallent,,anq there arc no
fears of a collapse, as a majority of our citi
keris are wealthy.cir well-to-dafarrisers 'Who
haye retired from business.". The Star an
ticipates that there., will be five thousand' In
habit:Ards in. North East,.bdrottglt tea years
ce. 1. .•
Tn I3 . .tmaturr Laiv.--4s the. law now
stands, no 'perSon can obtain the benefit of
this act lutiless • hill' =is able • to, pay :qfty: per
cent..of his llatiillties, or ean,iibtain•the,cOn
sent of the majority of his creditors, who may
be willing,tOnccept rrhateyer . lte, as a debior;
is able to pay out of higestate , --in case he has
any. If a party commits an act of .binkrupt
cy, by the stopping of his commerciiif paper,
or makes an assignineut'or his goods or pro
perty in favor of certain creditors, Other cred
itors claiming to be defrauded by 'Bubb tiro
cedure have the power •of petitioning - the
court to declare such a person a liankrupt,
within the meaning of the law.
ECLIPSE OF TIIF,' Si —A total eclipse of
the sun will occur on the 7th of next August,
and astronomers in all parts of the country
are making e.xtensive preparations for a
thorough and scientific observation of the
phenomena accompanying it. Besides being
of great interest to the general observer, it
will furnish data extremely valuable to the
advancement of the astronomical, geographi
cal, and physical s-•iences; and the • fact that
it is the only total eclipse which will be-visi
ble in North America during the present
century makes it important that it should be
carefully observed.
coral'slw has been formed In
Cniontown, Pa., for the erection of gas
works, and a competent person has offered to
take charge of them and furnisti the people
of the town with gas at the maximum rate of
C2:50 per thousand Met,
LOCAL BREVITIES. in ekes sixteen card Pictures
flt. $l.OO. myG44.
J. C. STUR64:O.X. ESQ., of this city, will be
a candidate 'for District Attorney, in addition
to the gentltimen mentioned in our last issue.
' Tau Curry Telegraph says ' real - estate
transfers in that city are quite Relive. "There
is plenty of property for sale," - and "plenty
ot- purchasers."
Dn. 111., Aut., of York county, has
opened moths for the practice of dentistry,
in Waye ,bnibling.- He comes with'
strong recompiendations.
H. N. ARMSTRONG, formerly of Brie,
is now in Echo City, Utah. We are indebted
to him for copies of Mormon papers, which
merely implies that he wishes us to see how
affairs are pro:zressing in that sePtion, and
not that tie has become a convert to the faith.
TnE Corry Machine Shop is one of the
most successful enterprises ever established
in this part of the State. It is now employ
ing 280 men and turning out 20 mowers and
reapers per day,-with orders for mire than
it can supply.
Tan Cascade Ice Com'pany have removed
their office , to the corner of the Park and
French . sfrect, opposite Mr. Sanford's resi
dence. The company have increased their
facilities, and will spare no effort to supply
the needs of the public in a satisfactory m.m
A. FORUt:n resident of Erie county writes
to us in enclosing his subscription : "I desire
to be - kept on the books, of. the Observer so
long as I ciinffind the means to pay, It is,
indeed, welcome to my home, and is the best
local paper I know of. Accept my best wish
es for your prosperity."
PACKAIIVS Monthly for May has "A chap
ter about old maids," by Mice Carey; "Edu
cation as it sliduld bei" by Horace Greeley,
and a variety of other choice reading by em
inent writers. The Kee of this magazine
is only one dollar per year, and we unhesita
tingly as§ert,that mr.ire.entertaining reading
is given for the money than is contained in
any outer monthly in the country.
IN pun interest in The success of enterpris
es immediately at home, we are tipt to ot•ef
look those in other parts of the county, some
of which are prospering to a iemarkablu•de
gree. - As an instance, we may cite a para
graph in the Girard Cosmopolite,which stales
that Ac' Denio, of Albion, sells at least $lO,-
000 worth of agricUltural implements per
month,—a trade equal - to that of estab
lishments in the city of far greater preten
sion. Mr. DeniVs trade is mainly in the
West. •
TIM Nortli Dist Star cites, as an illustra
don of the benefits of advertising, that an
extended notice. of West's Analysis of the
Bible, which. appeared in its columns a few
weeks since, itAluced Hon. M. B. Lowry to
write front Harrisburg to Judge Greer, ask
int; the latter to secure him a copy of the
work. The Star very naturally oncludes
that, after such a result, nobody can dispute
the advantages of advertising.' We trust the
Judge, iu ordering the book, did not lail to
bespeak a copy for himself.
IN addition to the names mentioned before,,
we hear %%Tin. S. Browri; Esti or this city,
Judi.fe Greer, of NOrth E Ist, and C. Burn hain,
E-q., of E linboro, suzgested as c.tu•lidates
for Assembly ; and Q. 31. Lynch, Esn , is
derstood to-be a candidate for re-election'as
District Attorney. The eounty'officers to he
chosen are two Acsemblymeh, a Prothohota
*;, pegister and Recorder, Commissioner and
Auditor. The Republicans having adopted
the Crawfbid'coutaty.sytem, each candidate
for nomination will - be voted for directly by
the members of that party.
Tan , additional appropriatign•of $20,000
voted by the last Legislature to the Marine
Ho:pital will ensure•the, completion of,part
of the structure during Me' prrsent seasdn.
More thong. will be needed, howevcr, to fin
thc whole
, design anti there is 'a IPtri)ba
that a 'hundred thousaid '.dollars. will
be needed before the institution_ is in a satis
factory condition. The building wilbhave,a
a substantial appearance, with no` attempt at
ornament. It is not unlike& thac,the state
will eventually.conyert the Hospital into an
Insane "Asylum.
WE have been Much amuse at the discus
sions in some of our city and: Count?' cotem
pantries, over the proposed- canal enlarge
ment, impression seems to, preVail
among them that it is digned. to' Make a
shireanal out of the fine, When no friend or
the enlargement has the slightest idea) of
such an absurdity. Before oti eofempora-,
ries waste and more of
_their "precious time"
and ipace, we trust they Will secure some
inforpantion on the subject that _will enable
their to Write inteiiigibly. An enlargement
of -the canal for boats•ol greater 'bOrthen ; is a
very different proposition front nicking a shill .
canal of it. ' , , .
Tux Corry Telegraph thinks the chances
of any one from that eity'receivlng , a nomi
nation this fall from 'the Republicans - Is
"rather slineß "The -political coterie of this
,county','.' it says, "presents such a solid
anx at its western end,'!as to exclude all who
are not la.the "ring." Ttt Telegraph con
soles itself with the'thought that Corry has
"a regiment of voiing men growing
"men smart, active, intelligent, ,lionest and
•mOral,",—whom "a few shoit year of paint
cal education" will enable tocopesuvcesalul
with the sly old foxes. who now dispense
the official breast etei butter of ill's coaitr. •
. •
Ttre. week commencin g the 7th of lone
next, will bi one of the most important that
Erie has erhr experienced. The State
cal Association and the'Seate Encampment
of finials. Templars will each he in session
here and together will comprise in the neigh
borhood of a thousand persons. Probably
no two . ,societies in
~I) e nnlylvania include
more of her intelligent-and influential chi.
zens, , 4tl we look forward to,a gathering of
More than ordinary interest: Our, citizens
'should !Tarp no effort tó - make the stily.of
these.gentlemen as agreeable as pcissible.
Let the hospitilily of- the community be
bounteously .extended'' to them,' and' let .us
strive to mltke . suell an impression upori them
as will causetheir visit to Erie to rettain a
green spot in their memories.
Anz'surpriied to, learn that iittt all
the enterprise of our Gerry nelghbors, a'nd
its superiority to Erie in every
which do not the papeis of that city tell' us ,
in eath'issite?) ther:iii'e not even supplied .
with o hand engine to.extinguish fires.' The
bare mention of the fact-is its best commen-.
tart and. will be apt to Suggett inferences
iiot:exnetlyharmonizing with the pretensions
ictieh,o?r cotenapoiaries are sti; fond of re•
*sting. •The Cofn' itepublicati has seen an
advertisement of a secolul-hand engine 'for
'4ale at Titusville, and:suggests its purchase—
adding with semi-ludicrous naiveness- 7 "Ww
wait patiently for this addition io C.priy i s
safety: '
A saw betleiblent socket) , has been formecr'
in connection frith the Irish Catholischurel,
the object of Aloft i 3 ,to create a fund for the '
lOW' of sick and needy members. It is to
Pe known as the St. Patrick's Catholic Jte
nevolent AssociatliM; and will hold its Meet
. fop at the Fourth street school' house . cverY
Sabbath, at 4 o'clock,p. tit. The spcieti , al-,
ready numbers over fifty metnbers,
soon he one of the most flourishing in the,
city. The following are the officers :
dt John McCloskey ; lace : President; J:
Regan ;•Secretary, Matthew IlickeY;
surer, pro 4 •m., Rev. Thos. Carroll. •
TilE retiring President and Vice President
of the Irish American Benevolent Asssoaa
lion, Messrs. Michael Hogan and 13. F.. Mc.
Carty, presented to our friend James Kelly,
of the steamer Michigan, an elegant and
- valuable gold ring, as a_ token of the appre
ciation in which they hold hls efforts. to pro
mote the prosperity and useitiluess or the
order; Mr. Kelly is very• proud of the gift,
as he well may be, in view of the circum
stances tinder which it w ae rec,•ioed.
ANTHONY SEIFERT and Anthony Lear
were, on Saturday, fined $3O and costs -each,
for fishing in the bay with seines, contrary to
the chiordinances. It is claimed that the
bay should be kept 1 for the use of persons
with hook and line, and seine fishing allowed
only in the open lake.. Where the fiel 1 is so,
broad, we see no necessity for using seines'
inlide of the Peninsula, and nothing can be
'more certain than that they have a tendency
to destroy the fishing.
THE circus, on 31onday, was lamely at
tended, both afternoon and evening. A good
many were thereat - be never have any money
fo spare when called' upon to pay their hon
est debts. We saw one Individual, with his
wife and two children, who was heard to
say, no later than • Saturday, that he could
b truly Meet family expenses.
THE fountain in the East Park is a' pretty
ornament, but its effect would be much
improved by removing the jets around the
border of the basin. They look'too much
like squirt guns to he pleasing to the eye, and
are neither useful nor, ornamental.
A NEW Catholic church is to be erected in
f.;_reene township, on the site of the_ one de
stroyed by fire last year.
Tile Crawford Democrat is in favor of - a
Western man for Governor.
TUE Il . a;rislmirg Patriot regartla. It. Clark,
of. Warren, as one of the "purest men" in the
last Legislature:
AN accident ovearred ou the A. F G. W.
rt 13., on Friday, at SAlamanea, by which an
engineer and two firemen were killed. -
. THEFTS and burglaries have been quite fre
quent in the Western.' portions or this and
Crawford counties during the past, couple
A nr.vivm, in the Baptist Church of Pleas
antville has been in progress five weeks, and
fifty members have been added to the eon-
ELIZAISkTIA Fifa4nt, a female fortune teller
of Lockport, was unable, by her art, to fore
se she was going to get into the poor
house of Buffalo last week.
IN Conneant, a lady who lives near a grave
yard kept coin') flay with a geOtlCllloti to
late hour, and. soon after his departure, fan
cied she saw a ghost wandering among the
tombstones and was badly frightened. The-
moral is obvious.
Pao?. H. D. Pausoss has been re-elected
County Snp••rintendent of Schools in Craw
ford county, and vote 1 an Increase. of 000,
in his salary, making it $1,500 per year. Th •.
School Directors of Crawford county believe
that "the laborer is worthy of his
A GarruntAs found a piiir of lady's gloves
in Iffarren, and lett the* at the 31-til office
for return to the owner. That paper gives
notice that she can itvc them by,;proving
p-operty and kissing, the "tonal editor."
Whitt B dilemma he .w be jn if she
sh"ould guru nut tope a "eilllnd
PowEns—Cninwics—At Randolph. N. Y.,
April 22nd„ by Rev. It U. Stubbs, Mr. Reu
ben B• Powers. of Corry, Pa., and , Miss
Tears Chadwick, otPanama N. Y.
ST ETiAIID—WINC 2-ith. by
John Thompgon,,E.' , ..q., Mr.-Perry D. Stew
ard, to Miss Celia A. _Winchester, all of
Elk Creek. • -
- • -
DONTRl—Gorwimv—ln Elk, Creek, April
25/ S. J- Otxlfrey, Frecteriek 11. Douilii,
to Miss A. M. Godfrey.
CRosity—ln this city, April 24th, 0. T. Cros
by, agei GI years, '' .
CffEESEMAN—In Allnnn. Apr 17th. Nana
L. dauehter of Win. B. and E. b. Cheese
man, aged 23 years. , _
McDowELL-4ln Wooster, Ohio. April 26th,
Edgar P., infant son of Alex. and Harriet
McDowell, forffierly of Elk Creek. Pa.
BAb PICACTICE.—Yon .might as well .ex
pect to relieve and cure• an inflamed eve 'by
dusting irritating powders into it-as to ex
pect to 'subdue and cure Catarrh (which is
an inflammation of the mucous membrane of
the air passages in the head) by the use of
irritating snuff]; or stroriecaustic:folotions.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cureaCatarrb by
its mild, spothOg action, which subdues the
intlatnmation'and restores the natural•seere
lion of the mucous follicles: pleasant
remedy, its use being attended andlollowed
by alooling and. agreeable'sensation. The
proprietor, R. T. Pierce, 31 . .;D.; of Buffalo,
N. Y., offers $5OO for a esae of Catarrh that
he cannot mire. ~,Sent by mail on receipt of
Silty , Cents: •Address thir proprietor as
• Fiie , sale liy most Druggists everywhere.
utonix intelligent lady, a resident of
Syracuse, N. says that she vas afflicted
nearlyfta year,- periodically, with • derange,
ment'offhe circulation, the blood rushing to
theirtngs with such a force as to threaten
congestion and death. This was attended
with the most intense pain in all parts of the
.body. railing to obtain relief from any of
the physicians whom she employed from
time to time, elle, was induced to try the
Plantation -Bitters, and to her surprise and
joy they hav6relleved her, and she is now in
-good health,and.tesh.
'3I.ACISOLIA WATf::lL—Superior to the best
lintthrted 'German Cologne, itnd sold at half.
the price., .
LOST.—On• the 3d fart., lw Mrs. Welshman,
at the corner id Parade and Seventh streets,
a gold watch. The - finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving it atilie cigar store of
F. It Wilsholan, 1318 Nadi at. my64t
Nebo abbettioemento.
' Discharge in Bankruptcy.
TN THE 'DISTRICT COURT of the • United
I • States, for tho Western District of Penn's.
Herman M. Stearns, a bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied
fdr a discharge rota all his debts, and other
cidms provable under this act, by order of the
Court, notice is hereby given to all persons who
Wave proved their debts, aed other persons in
terested, to appear on the 27th day of May, at 9
o'clock,a.. in., before S. F.:- Woodruff Eso.,at his
office, In Erie Pe, to Mims* rause, If any they
have, why a diScluirge should not be granted to
the said bankrupt. And further notice is here-*
by given that the second and third meetings of
creditors of the sold bankrupt; required by the
27th and 2ith'Sections of said act, will be held
before the said ; Register, at the same time and
piece. '• • S. E. NIeCANDLESS,
. Clerk oft% N.: District caurt for said District.
ray9-2w. •
Discharge hi Bankimptcy. a
r".; THE DIST/7.ICT tir)UltT of the United
State, for the Western District of Penn's..
George W, Haverstick,u bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 2d, lief,
plied for a discharge from all ids debts, and
other claims provable under said act, by order
o s f the Court, notice is hereby given - to all per
sons who havirproved their debt', and other
persons interested, to appear on the IZtliday of
4sy, 1,869, at 0 o'clock, a. before S. E.
Woodruff, Esq. Register in Bankruptcy, at his
office. in Erie, Pennsylvania.' to show cause, if
any they have,, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. Andlurther no
tice is herebrgiven that the, second and third
meetings of credifdra of the said bantam t, re
quired by the 27th add 27th Sectiorni Of said act,
milli' be `held beforalhe said IteAlsler,At the
same time and place.- -, •
S. C., McCANDLEF3.%.
Clerk R. Distriet,Court for' said District.
inys-"w •
. _
States, for the Western District of n'e..
b e di s p i t n moan, a bankrupt under the Act
orl96ongress of March 2d, RV,' having applki
fora tinkitutrge from all his debts, and-other
claim i provable under said act, by orderof the
tkkurt, notice is hereby.given to ail persons who,
have proved their debts; ttal other persons in
terested, torappear on the 27th day 01 Mae, Incl.
at 2 o'clbck,_p. heYore S. E.' Woodruff, E.s . q.,
Register In Mialtruptey, at .1ils• office, in Erie,
Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a dis
charge should not be granted to the salt bank.
rupt. And further noticels hereby given that
the second and third meetings- of creditor 4 'of
the said bankrupt, required by the 27thand :Nth
Section's of.Ssid 'Act, will be,. held before the
said Register, at the same time antkplaCe....
S. C. Mc DLE-M, --
Clerk mfg.% Didrict Court fcir - Said 'Astrid.
Discharge In Bankruptcy.
THE DISTRICT COMIC. of • the United
States, for the Western Disti let of Penn'a.
Sylvanus H. Rills, a hinkrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2d, 1367, having applied fora
discharge from all his debta, and other claims
provable under said act, order of the Court.
notice is hereby given to nil persona who have
proved their debts, and other persons interest
ed, to,appear on the 27th dayofMay, 1803, at 2
o'clock, p. m., before S. E. Woodruff; Esq Reg
ister in Ratikrnptcy, at his office, in Erie, Pa.,
to show, eau-e, if any they bas e, why a dis
charge should not be granted to the said bank
rupt. And further notice is hereby giten that
the Second and third meeting of creditors of
the said Ran irrupt, required by the 27th and '33th
Sectfouß of the said Act, vili be held before the
said Register, at the same time and place.
- S. C. JIG; .NI/
.; kLESS, ,
Clerk. ot /1.8: District Court for said District.
. m,y6-2w.
for the Western District of
the Act
V. Woods, a bankrupt under tke Act
of Congress or March 211, 1567, having applied
for a discharge from all his debts and other
claims provable under said Act, by order of the , .
Court given to all persons who
have proved theirtiebts and others interested,
to appear on the,27th day of. May, ISW, at 9
o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Reg
ister, at his Mike, in Erie, Penn's, to show
cause,if any they have, why a discharge should
not be granted to the said bankrupt. And fur
ther notice is hereby given that the second and
third meetings of creditors of the said bank
rUpt„ required by the:Nth and "sections of
said Act, will be had before.the said Register at
tae same time and place.
Clerk of U. S. District Courtfor said District.,
States, for the Western District of Penn
sylvania. Thos. D. Finch, Jr., bankrupt under
the Art Congress of March M. 1847, having
applied for aillgeharge from-all his debts and
other claims provable under said Act, by order
of the Court, notice is hereby - given to all per
sons who have proved their debts, and other
persons interested, to appear on the 27th day of
May, 1800, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E.
Woodruff, Esq., Register, athis office in•the city
of Erie, Pa.. show . cause , if any they have,
why a discharge should not be granted to the
said bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby
given that the second and third meetings of
creditors bf the said bankrupt, required by the
27th and 28th sections of said Act, will be had
before the said Register at the same time and
place. S. C. McCANDLESS,
Clerk' of U. S. District Court for said District.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
rs THE DISTRICT COURT of the. Vnited
I States. for the Western District of Penu'a.
L L. Lathrop. a bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of March 2d, Itts7,thaving applied for
a Discharge from all his debts, and other clothes
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
notice is hereby given to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons interest
ea, to appear on the 27th day of May, 1969., at 9
o'clock, A. M., before S. E.Woodrutt E'sq , Regis
ter,atlite Court House In Erie, Pa., to show cause,
if any they have, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no
t Ice is hereby given that the second and third
rnecting34. crealtru, of the said bankrupt, re
wired by the 27th and 2Sth sections of said Act,
will be had before tile said Register at the same
time and place. S. C. IideCANDLESS,
Cler of U. S. District Court for shad District.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
,-THE DISTRICT COURT of the United
States, for the Western District of Pennsyl.
vania. Edward Sherman, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congre s s of March 2d, ISO?, having :ap
plied for a discharge from ail his debts, and oth
er claims provable under said act, by order of
the Court, notice is hereby-given to all persons
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested, to appearon the 27t,h day of May, Bell,
at 9 o'clock, A. M. before S. E. Woo iru,
Esq., Its%fister in Bankruptcy, at his office,
in the Celan House, in Erie Pa., to show
cause, if any they have, why a discharge should
not be granted to the :RUM bankrupt. And fur
ther, notice is hereby gi ven that the second and
thir meetings' of ere tors Of said bankrupt,
required by the 27th and 2ith sections of said
act, will be held before the said Reghster, at the
same timeund place. S.' C. McCANDLESS,
Clerk of V. S. District Contt for said District.
Discharge In Bankruptcy.
I States, for the Western District of Penn'a.
Abel A. Adams, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a
discharge from all his debts and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court
notice Is hereby given to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons interest
ed, to appear on the Wth day of 'Kay, ISID at U
o'clock, A. Si., beforb S. E. Woodruff; - Esq.,
Register in Bankruptcy,. at his office, in the
I • ourt -House, In Erie, Bet., to show cause, If
any they have, why a discharge should not be
1 -granted to the said bankrupt„, And further no
tice Is hereby Riven, that the seeond and third
meetings of erWitors of the said bankrupt, re
quired by the 27th and :Nth sections of said act,
will be had before the said Register, at the same
time and Place. S.C.McCANDLLY-IS,
Clerk of U. S. Distsict Court for said District.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
I States, for the Western District of Penn'a.
Add.son T. Rockwood, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March '2d, 18s7, haring ap
plied fora discharge front nil his debts, and
other claims provable under said act., to order
of the r..urt, notice ds hereby given to all per
- ons who have proved their debts, and other
persons interested, on the ?.7th day of
:w.‘ UM, at 9 o'clock:a. m., before S. E. Wood
tteglster In Bankruptcy, at his orrice,
In Erie, Pa, to show cause, If any they have.
whydildischa ge simatd not be granted to said
banWapt. And further notice is hereby ~ O ven
that the second and third meetings of credttors
of the said bankrupt. required by 'the 27111. and
:;st.ti Sections of said Act, will be held before the
saltiltegtster, at the same tittle and place.
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
• Discharge in Bankruptcy.
N THE DISTRICT COL'ltf of the 'United
1 States, for the Western District of Penn'a.
Im G. Hatch, a bankrupt under the Act of Con
gress of March 14, IS6I, having applies' for a dis
charge from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said act, by order of the Court,
notice is hereby given to ail personiewhe have
pined their debts, and other persons interest.
ed, to appear on the 2;th risy of Mari Dien, at 9
o'clock, a. in., beforeß. E. Woodruff; Esti., Reg
ister in Bankruptcy, at his ollice. In Erie, Pa.,
to show cause, if - any they have, why a die
eharge should not be granted to the said bank
rupt. And further notice Is hereby given that
tbergeond and third meetingS of creditors of
the said bankrupt, rCluircd by the . 2 . .np and 23th
Re- times of said Act, will be held before the %mid
,Register, at the same time and place.
Clerk of U. S. District Court . for said District.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
N THE DISTRICT COURT of the, United,
I states for the Western Wstrict of Penna.
Patrick Urtfee, a lianlaunt under the Act, of
Congreaa of March al. 1897,,having applied for a
discharge from all his'debts, and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
notice ia hereby given to allverhons Who have
proved their debts, and Other persons intirest
.ed to appear on the 27th day of May, 1869, at 9
o'clock, a. m., befbre it. E. Woodruff.E.e Reg.
&ter in Bankruptcy, at his office, n: Erie, q. Pa.,
to show cause, if abyt bay have, why ++ d.scharge
shoold not be granted to the said bankropt.
And further notice is hereby given that the sec.
owt and third meetings of creditori of the said
bankrupt, required by the=th and MtliSectiorut
of said Act, sdi be t.eld before the Register, at
the same time and place. -
Clerk of II District. Court for Said District:
my9-2w. "
Discharge in Baitkruptcy. 1
THE'- DISTRICT -COURT of the United
1 States, for the'Western Martel of Penn's.
Russell Morgah, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of Merck 11, 1417, having applied for a
discharge from aThhis debts, and other claims
provable under said act, by older of the Court,
notice is hereby given Mall persons who have
proved their debts, end other persons Interest
ed, to appear on the fith day of May at 20'elock
. p.~ m., before S. E. Woodruff, Ea' q.. Register In
Ba itrupley; at his oillee;in Vile, 'Pa., to show
•cauleAt any they have,why a discharge should
not be granted to -the said bankrupt. And
further notice is hereby given that- the second.,
and third meetings of creditors of the said
bankrupt, regained, by the Tith r and2l3lhSections
of said act, will beheld before the saintegister,
at tha wins timeand place.
Clerk of 1113. District Conzeifor said District.
asyti.:2W, •
ilT4Nflo ~&*, lamerls Nioulift . Qto Minn
. -
Great Attractions in . sthe Clothing, Line
Berst's New Building, Opposite the PoSt Office, Erie, Pa.
Letvg•t?!4l and nest Seleeted'ktoek of Cloths,
Without exeeption, In North Western Pennsylvania, with the BEST CI.ITTERS and JOUR:s7E.Y.
In the trade, we an• prepared to tnnke-
. . ,
~ . .
flgq:l".6;:k.NcE. 1 1 1'11.181LITV_atid PI tt o:tripot In. ?gunned
BY NY OF 'o ' IT 4 11 C
;. •
flit Slok nt N1 , 41'.., Bin• , ' :111,1 •Cltel•lrrn'p,
Is abai (fin thk ~retiou
Manufacturing them 4T lIONIE, I':NDEIL OUR OWN SUPERWLSION, from GOOD morns
" ONLY, we are enabled to gat e to our ,:isfraneri a BETTER MADE AND
- ... ,
BETTER FITTING GAiiNI EN t - , than those who are buying
and telling Eastern 'tilde wor.
We are .4,)1e Agents fur the Sal.. 0/ l u;lou Brother' patented HlENcii YOKE Sint - as, and t he
Bemls Patent SHAPED CoLLAII.4, both conceded to be the best fitting
Shirt. and Collars in the United States.
Those about purchasing, their spring clothing, will do well to call at our establishment. We
do not employ EVER Y tailor in town, but have vnough to fill all orders.
Neither have we mada ten thousand dollars clean cash In the past year, as one of our corn-
Petitori claim., to have done. PI10134„131,Y WE All 4 SELLING OUIt TOO eti.EAP.
Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial.
It is the vital principle of ti,e pine tree, oh
tained,by a peculiar process In the cl..stillatton
of the tar, by which its highest medical proper
ties are retained.
It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy
which has ever been prepared front The Juice of
the pine tree,
It invigonttes the digestive organs and restores
the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system.*
It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofula
breeds on the lungs. -
It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stop%
the air passages of the lungs.
Its healing prlnelple ants upon the irritated
surface of the lungs and the oat, penetrating to
ach diseased part] relieving pat ti and subtin ing
Ic Is the result of years of study and experi
ment, an I it I of f ered to the afflieted, wit lt.the
positive assurance of its power to cure the fol
lowing diseases, if the patient has not too long
delayed a resort tot he means of cure:—
Consumption of the Lungs, C ugh, •Sore
Throat and Bresst. Bronchitis, Livereitinplaint,
Blind and Bleeding Piles, A%tlinui, Whooping
Con b, Diptheria. etc.
We are often asked why are not oilier reme
dies in the market for consumption, coug:ts
voids and other pulmonary affections equal to
Dr. L. Q. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We
Ist. it cures, not by stopping cough, hut by
loosening and assisting, nature to throw tiff the
unhealthy twitter ,collected about the tnroat
and bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and
2d. Most throat and long remedies are com
posed of anodynes, which allay the cough for a
while, bue,by their constringing effects, =the fi
bres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids
exxigolute and are retained in the .ysteni,caus
ing diseases beyond the control of ,qtr most eat-
Went physicians.
W. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its a--Ist
ants, are Preferable, because they ren.o‘e the
cause of irritation of the mucus membrane and
bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to act and
throw off' the unhealthy secretions, and purity
the blood, thus' scientifically making the cute
perfect '
Dr. Wishart htuPon tile' t his office hundreds
and thousands of Certificates Irian' men and
women of unquestionable character who were
once hopelessly it,ven up to die, bat through
the Providence of God were completely restored
to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial:
Siditti In attendance who can 153 nlnsulh4l in
person or by mail, frc eof charge. l'rlec of Pine
Tree Tar Cordial tli.fie per bottle, .011 per dozen.
Sent by express on receipt of price. Addicts
L. Q. C. WISHA HT, NI. D., 1c0..r.2 North seequil
street Philsdaphia, Pa.
' •
•. •
A- AZ,
1) HEMISEiII. It is warranted weane lost or
impaired Taste, Smell or Heal - Inc, water
ing or Weak Eyes. Offensive Meath, 'Mettoted
Throat or Month. Fain or Preribure In the Head
and Loss of Memory. when caused, as all of
thenaTrequently are, by the ravages of Catarrh.
It is,plensant and painless to use, contains
strong poisonous or caustic drugs. hut cures by
its mild, sitiothinr; action. Wt' sk 11l pay ;LW Re
ward for a case orCatarrh. that we cannot curl.
- If your druggist his not got it for sale. don't.
be pat off with smile worse than worthless
strong snail" "fumigator," or poisonous caustli:
solution. which will drive the disease to the
lungs instead of curing It, but send sixty cents
to us tuutthe remedy Will reach you by return
malt Pour Packages, post mild, '..12,00; one
Dozen for $5 00 Rend a two cent stamp for Ir.
Rages pamphlet on Vatarrh,- Address toe Pro
prietor. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.
mrto-.3m. BrvrAz.o. N. Y.
SOle Agents
Is tor Rale allyWholecale and-Rotall • by
DIF.FM4DORIF4 GROSS d: FOS'illti. and
' Exec . ntor's 'NollCe.
-1 tate of Wm. D. Lawrence. dee'd, late of
Washington tp., Erie Co., Pa., haring been
granted to the undersig,ned, notice Ls hereby
scaven to all persons indebted to tne !mid estate
to make Immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will pr,,ent them duty
anthentf elated, for settlement, at E. W. T w fele
sill at Son's at9re, at lutioro.
• Ex.ecutor.
A. V*l ON 1)
,- ( •
Schenck's Pnlmonle Syrup,
t 7, will cure Con so t that, Liver S:oznpl int
and Dyspepsia, it accord mg to d
They are ail three to e tasen at t e same u me.
They cleanse the stomach, relax„t he I tver, sod
put it to work; then the ati, elite becomes g 000;
the, Mod d tg. sts and makes good blood ; the pa- -
tient begins to grow in flesh; the diseased mat
ter ril ens In the lungs, and the patient wit
grows the disease and gets a ell. This is the only
way to cure consurnpflon.
To these three medicines Dr. J. 11. Schenck,
of Philadelphia, ow. s his unrivalled success in
the treatmeht of pulmonar,v c , disumption. The
Pulmonie syrup ripens the morbid matter in
the lungs. nal ur,throws it oil ny an easy ex.
pretollillon, for when the phlegm or matter is
ripe, a sligliteougli will throw it off, and the
patient has rest awl the longs begin to heal.
To do this, the :seaweed Tome and Mandrake
Pills must be freely used to cleanseth. stomach
anti liver, so that the Pulnamic S.) fop and the
'food a ill matte good blood-
Schenek's Mandrake Pills act upon tile liver,
renivmz all obstructions., relax the duets of
gall-bladder, the bile starts Ireely,and the liver
is soon relieved; the stools will show what the
Pills can do; nothing has ever been invenitsd
except etsiontel to deadly poison which is sery
da ;zeroth.; to use Unless with great cruel, tt, u t,
will unlock the gall-bladder and start t secre
tons of the ilver like Schenck's Mandrake
Liver I Mnptaint Is one °COIe most promlnent
causes of o nstt mption.
Schenck's Seaweed Mille Is a gentle stimn
lant Mid altratise, and the alkali In the Sea
weed, which this preparation is made of, ass ista
the %tom wit to throw out the ga-trtc Juice to
dissolve the food with the Pulmonlo Syrup.rond
it is made into good blood without fermeutat ton
s nr scouring In the stomach.
The great rem-on why physicians do not cure
consumption is, they try too much: they give
medicine to stop thecough, to stop night sweals
to stop chills, hectic fever, and by so doing they
derange the whole digestive powers, °eking up
the se crettous, and eventually the patient sinks
and tiles.
Dr. Sehenek.,,in his treatment, does not try - to
stop a cough, night ,we.ds, chills '
or fever. Ita.
move the cause, and they will all stop or t heir
own accord. No one can be cured of Consump
tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, rant
her, Ulcerated Throat, mil, at, the liver and
stomach are made healthy.
If a person has Consumption of course the '
lungs in some way arc ffilr - easeti, either tuber•
cies, abscesses, bronohial irritation, pleura ail- •
hesion, or the lungs area mit.s of infliumrnai ion
and fast decaying. In such rinses what must be
done? It is noeonly the lungs that are wasting
but it is the whole body. The stomach and liv
er have lost their power to make blood out of
food. Now the only chance is to takeSchencit's
there meiheiens, whielr will bring up a tone to
the stomach, the patient will begin to want
food, it us ill digest easily and make good blood;
then the patient, begitis to gain in flesh, and as
soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs
commence to heal up, and the patient gets
fleshy and well. This is the only way to cure
When there Is no lung disease, and only liver
et auplulitt. and dyspepsia, tisdainisk's Seaweed
Tonic !tad Mandrake Pills are sufficient with
out the Pulmonie ss rap.- Take the Mandrake
Pills freely in all billions complaints, as they
are perfectly harmless.
Dr. Bchenek, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health for tunny years past, and now weighs :25
poonds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton,
In the very stage of pulmonary consump
tion, his pity siclans having pronounced Ms ease
hopeless and abandoned him to his fate. He /
was cured by the iffiiresald medteines,and since.)
his recovery many thousands similarly afflict
ed have used Dr. m,chenck's preparations with
'the same remarkable success. Full directions
accompany trig -each. make It not tibsolut. ly
nrx.essary to personally see Dr. cichrock„ unless
the patients wi-h I hetrlungs examined, and
this purpose he is prolt widened} at his jr.nel
pal office, Philadelphia, t very Saturday, us tare
all let tors tor ad. li e must be addressed. it.• is
also profession - idly at No. :12 Bond strc.t, New
York, eveiv oilier Tuesday, and at Na 3:10 titlllo •
ver stri et, boiiiton, every other %Veil aesday. lie
gives advice tree, hut for a thorough examine
lion with his Respirom, ter the prii Office
haurs at each city trout. 9 a in. 10 3 p. m.
Price of the Pul . monte Fyi tip and Seaweed
Tonle each 11 . 20 per bottle, or LOA bail dozen,
Mandrake Pills 23 cents a 110. X. nor sale by , gai
druggists. - Tn. 2. li. rid H} TfIK,
aprl3. 15 N. Bit, St.,,Philad'a,,Pas,
tin how they Lived and - Died tot thr
LI with rcenes and ini idents in the great r.r
b.liton, eompthtng I , afrati , PS of personal ad
venture, thrilling incidents. Miring exploits,
heroic deeds, wondertu. escape life in the
camp, field, nnd hospital, Whenturus.or %ph%
and het/WS. With the songs, ha hot., a need tea
pint' humorous Incidents; of the war. It contains
over Rio tine engravings and la the spiel, at to d
cheapest war book punilahe.l Priers only $2.:0
per copy. !end 'Mr circulars and see our terms
and full descript ion or the work. Arhireas NA
TI( ttiAl. PUBLltsiiltiG Philadelplita, Fa
lIER.)IerzcALLY -
Southern 110M111, and Sump.
Importers of Cro,s & Black , ';6lll's
sauces, etc. - Lea -st Peprtn's Worce-AlershlTa
Sauce. sole:tumuli for the Society of Shakers.
Sio. 83 Barclay Street, New York. -
Why not 'Mike Money
1 ' and by selling novel and altruetiv.s.
artlelea? Clreulars • ree.
STAFFORD C0.,'08 Fulton St
apt22-12sv. New York.
ut 31 E. JE: Ft.
A. N t.f4 AN"
..,±. •