Zht Oxit Obartai. THIMSDAY, MAY 8, 1869 All ittibstriptions must be -settled annually Bills will be Bi-nt at the elom of each year to awe feb,, are in arrearx. - Jobbing eiccou nts are due a 6 . Roa n, a. the ft , rk. ia delivered. • fetilS-t f. Democratic State Convention, Thi Democratic State Convention for th .unminalion of A:at - Akin/v:3 for the .9111cc.iof Govei nor and Judac of the Stmrprne Court, win meet at inn'clock, a. tn.. on.nednogday. Jody 14, 1869, ill the H ill of the Ilmwe of Wpri ceritailies at Harrislmrg. By order of . the Democritic Slate Committee. WM. A. WALLACE, Chairman. DAVID CALDWELL, Secretary. April 7, 1869--td. 'rut cummrxo news comes from W:,sh ington that the public debt %ins reduced six millions of dollars dur,ing the inuntb of April. Nredlope this is not the le,ult of 3 mere lemporary conomy, but gill rentinue dur ing i r he Administration. Let the . President do his duty by the people, and none will be more prompt on giving him just ertdtt than Aryl& who oppn , ed hi; election . Spunk% Ex-Governor. - Grant'.. appall - worn , of *the - robe) C , d. Crow to the Governorship o: Now Mexico, is causing . -heaps 0' trouble On the old man's mind Gt:n. tht late Governor, was given to understand that his re , hznation would be accepted. lie prowpily, resignol, and, to his sorpri , e, found in hi , ynnr...t:sser rebel whonthe had vanyikhe I in a hattit v. here he had been struck by tbrer• hf a hi, Ii alt . holly bast w hen th e P l e,ideni :oluni that he (.01.11,11101. hove the rots 1 :in act for the relief": ant wan , ent tc? Gen. Miteliell.ft-kut: wilt 11t, r I.( ivould la t the office until void l Ire ,311.e1 , feadv 1 take it.. Ile promptly r, plied that lie would nut bold it a week to aeyonono.l.u- suelt a 'Own. tender- necessary the ~pin,int. went of tome one to keep the pht(e open tut leer Crowe Too Much fbr Him Chen. :feet on: t. re nottneing Bri n y tor.:: the politielanb r -u:.l app,,int nbn „ n t ho n e s t nter; After :no :tint, be has been etnutielltal to etch' ‘A holly iuto•tbe handy of his nir:y le olers, his silt-v . 7lons for "Dice g: !le ray -twttking. the worct Lcsr n3;04: in the country. Tit:- contrast he: his attittnic then nut not. , recalls lo the'story of "an ohl who sai,l fling onee, whom s.• t, he saw a tire and-aft schooner c,:mi ig .lown towitribi him :in a very An k ward !nanner, autl yawiing :11):•11 :is if that teat, nn one it the helm. As stun IV; Ito tea , ne.tr to her, he L•tile,l, - Sehooner 211101: ! Who cont:nnnkt there?" At this sty:iv:non., a ,rein t o eking Yankee (showintr himself' on the Ivy! ,it the i.‘ sic: I il , 'l our, "/ gite's fn.. much '" t Com. Gr int un , lo riook to get .tl ,, ng with , nit p ,, lificianc, but he was green at the. wheel, and They proved too much for hint. The Day aif Small Things. We are now liking in the day of small things. Small polities are taking tug pltce of W , eral statesmanship, and little men walk where formerly giants trod. It is lament able to think that a great nation lik" this, with a. history so luminous with great names, should now be the sport of politi :clans; and be left to drift to destriirt:Dn, the tatlatk of that ancient spirit of I , ..ttrioiLlm, and that chivalrous, un.lt•itiSh •ley t In 'to the titurv., which breathed into the public the breath n ' life. It is lament:)l(- 1)m it IQ trite, The Federal Con.stitution 2%.a., the 11,otk el ronnv great minds. Witch it (same from their haml4, n • /I4 Itl.erVOil•l'l prelthietiela , l4.1( . 5111.111Alip, tchtch ClealieligLll the admiration of m inkimi. Like el , rrthinc else le. iittattal in, it itaIIN imp. tieetion , , httt• a ; an entirety, the lathers need not have wialital for a nnhl•r monntavat to it.;rtlt mate, Uleir mine For many years the nation llonri,hed a of grew _rest under that Constitutioo It a..e us peace and pro Teri ty at home, res.pc'et, in fluence and poFer ahri,ad. , Bhutto , " things Art , tee...ed away To day ae.hate neither, peace !in any :icceptahle sen....ei nor properitv at home-abroad, neither power nor intlueni The meant. ;t 117tlicen , on tiu r o nti li cnt n.) opl,ortunite to expre their contempt Mr clad Govern ments anc r l n-t dto In)bl um in • supreme re Peet, ite are becominz Wit little better than a byword and reproach. 'The destruction of the Constitution tra , " the preface to a state of thing;, which has a melancholv ro.ethblance to the Decline and Fall. The ship of , Late i. under the control of what a n.t—leitu, !'s state‘man, not lonr. - since, not inaway termed "a "Pet of drunken mutineer.," In our, s,hool-hoy d, t i. v u.ed to road of Cain,: -fitting atnido the ruins of Car thage, and tho , :4111 it a W 2 of, the mutations aventiant upon human greatness. But a more melancholy scene than that, to the contemplative mind, is thest•' latter day derviigogimft; ,ittiug iu tke Capitol contemplating - the ruins of the nal t if• which cost Thotor: Jefferson, 130:.; 61, Rutledge, James Macli.F.ml • till their e. , mpeera, so much of eranect, patriotic labor to build up f,r our benefit It makes one think of thti hat,. and the owls, and the tench ?nova ~ one noble old e.l:flee, when it into decay. Get (fold 'et the IS long Witness. have in vain tin- a report from that etsvressional iutcstignttlg committee which toniertool. to sittsw that William If B imu t h, eleettal 'fig a Del - al - IP/Mt, two year , a_to front the P , iorth Conizrevsional District in Conneer , , , it, over P. T. Birnum,theshow friflll, had uu 1 corruption. But the Hartford Times h iumarthed the following, which oceort/ed in Ute examination of o ne of t h,. wi I nemets her. re that committee - " Q. Dil you tiso any money in the 'lea. t h in i n . thi, iiisteet ? Yes. Q. H ow much? A... $1;r1. Q. ad vttn use it to nu-- eh a ze ymeo A. y, Q. Di,l you receive it trout Mr. Barnum for that purpose? . A. I did eves greatly expanded —You can go. Democratic I ver— Not qaite vet: one questi'in. Wird) Mr. Barnum - it ho iv, you that money to tiny you 8 rich? A. P a..ts 3P. P. T Beim (Sen. i ttation ) Q. YOul 13.011 it to buy up -D'enio ' - crane rm.— for P. T. Barnum. th.l pm I did 11.itiii al committee, in conf t Hi on ._ SM., I Stop r -fhe cloth - luau—Mr. P. T. Ba nton is no.; .ta. trial here . ; von cannot ask ilmse questions. Democrutielawyer—What is the , Akji.et of this: committee and its sec.. skins here? A tnember—To investigate bri bery and-corruption; to protect the purity or the ballot. Dimmer itie Liwy,±r—c e rthi n i v and tit re is on. of P .rnam's vrifnvs.s(9 VllO know:, at brill“-y was hints , if a lartiorint in it. Let t u g ex amine him folly. Let ns expe , se the corrup. (ion of the ballot. Wig precisely what ire, ita the Dettmcratin dada, wan't," A Regiment for Cahn. The New Yone papers print full partie , Aar. of the sailing of a lirge steamer, anti , posed to the ..i:rego, from that port, on . Tuesday, with nearly s thousand turned men on board, 10 help the Cubans in their revolt against the Spanish power. Everything was dome openly. The volunteer. went on board the steamship with their muskets over their shoulders, after having partaken of a dinner at a public hotel. Thera was , no attempt made by the United ;irate!. authorities to put a stop to the expedition, although the ad ministration must have been - aware of it, as relatives of some of the young men on board telegraphed to Secretary Fish to have the vessel stopped. Protection •Theoriet. oft ihr Ottaine. . The [ thcbrypf praectiMS, which Was once ne of the most poptilar in the country, and ound strenuous advocates in some ,of our ablest statesmen, la rapidly losing ground. In New York city, the nines, which was formerly a protectionist organ, now leans the other way; the Express has tio , ,eeted the tar iff cause and b come an open aapporter of free trade, the Co nmercial Advertiser . has ee t ovl,l to print protectionist articles ; Mr. Bath, , 170:11ouq protectionist when maeolsing edittr of the Tribune, has never a word to I say on that side 'in the Sun ; the Courier and Etalidter long since merged its existence in that of a free trade organ. The Tribune is left alone, as the sole surviving representa tive in the New York press of the expirina: eati: , e of protection, and it has not produced a new argument on the subject for the last [ ten };cars -if live look over the rest of the eountry,we shall! find Ow most of the old protectionist oracles tit—