ILocke & Co.'o Double Column. 4REAT PANIC •IN NEW YORK Fearful Breakdown in the Prices of Dry Goods the past Ten Days. LOOSE & ‘CONP-A.:N'TT, G Noble Wish to notify the 'labile that they have 'bought au huniemze quantity of 1411..5T CL- •Dry Goods VERY CHEAP since the recent BREAKDOWN in the Eastern Market, and are now offer ing them at ranch lower prices than any other store. Our htudness Is done strictly on the C 4 T 4 T 30., . • Prices alike to all, whether Jwigeg or not. , We advertise no goods or prices bu t . tvlia i w e - : e re able, to . Bll9As twin vin i {,;i4 il ' nor +gore Every article is warranted as, represented, or iponfs, rep - 1E11(41. Reeld the follow log prlee% carefully ?Sul judge fdr yourselves Bates Bnii,Et:llnicz.7pns " Yard wide and Ilia • " " and heavy 4u inches fine and heavy.,. Cases Bleached AluaLin 0 Yard wide " and, line 44 Prints , • FINE BED, BLUE AND GREY FLANNELS, 'WEB UNDER BRICE.. White Flatuiels of every width and quality, VERY CHEAP- 0 Heavy all-wOol shirting flan nets, at 45,cents. : • , Three hundred Imes all-Wool Casstmeres at 50, 62.34 . , 75, SO, 85 cents and .41,00. Thes . e CASS' mares are VERY Heavy Beavera for Over Coat*, MUCH, V.NDER PRICE. SHAWLS, WE, DEFY COICiPk.TITIOIN EMI Five hundred White Bed Spreads from 51.71 to e 3.50 each.' These goods are halt price DRESS GOODS ! . DRESS GOODS! SLAG: ALPACCAS, 373 . 4 cts., 40 et s., r, cts., c 0 4 '!' ; ', 1'. and 75 ct port= ALPA.CCAfk, 55 cts, (C% cts, 75 cts, and 5735 cts One htladred pieces Cashmere Plattig, worth !) cents, for 25 cent,' -p:. y -•v• • • .g • • ti 'oo4. Ir. • •• I ' •`, • ! •'• • I •II • ofi 75c a 8714 The Ethnic D'reS.S Goods were purchased at the late New York auctions, at about ONR-ll.'t Id' the usual price. They are all warranted perfect and first-class goods. Fite Hnndred pair White Blankets, Clam( quality, *4.00 and 85.00 per Pair. LINEN NAPFCINg, TABLE LINENs, TOWELS, fdlt.V , lltf, trnder CLOAKINGS, CLOAKINGS, MAKINGS. Au endletot variety at very IMw• Price., Fifty pieces Electra Tapestry Carpeting, 50 &62 ets Tab above are only a few of the inany . bargalits we have. Our stock Is fall and •complete In every department. Should any ene after reading this advertisement have donbts in regard to the cheapness•of our goods, lot them ealliwith this advertisement and judge for themselves. A great many of these goods are cheaper than they have been for tits past ten years. • ReMember the place, the only ONE mice. PRY GOODS STORE In Erie, where all goods at all times are sold at • NEW YORK doe,'GS-1y Oriental red Tompanlys Double Column. TEAS AND COFFEE BY THE SINGLE POUND, AT CARGO PRICES. A Saving of , Oiie-lEalf to pne-Third The Great Tea Company of Boston, Which is the Lorgese, in the World. Wou espectrully ittlorin t 1 a viti7ens oi• F r ron 14! country, that 1,..a... a f the tort., NO. 5 NOBLE BLOCK, I.: RIF, And have fitted 11 up in Oriental style, and are now prepared to furnish every one with prirrit . Teas and Coffees, at Cargo Prices. Our store in Erie wilt be known as the WESTERN ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY ! It is generally understood that Tea is retailed for a larger advanCe on Its original cost than any other article In the long list of household stores which may be partially accounted for by recollecting THE GREAT NUMBER, AND IMMENSE AMOUNT OF PROFITS which Laccurnth lite on It between the culti‘at lon in China and Japan, and the consumers .here, including the American Commission House there; the lturarter, the Ranker who furnishes the exchan e; the middle men or speculators: the wholesale grocer, and the retailer. Each of these make large, and many of tnem enormous pron !Win winch it 1s 1 . % Went that the consumer is com p. lied to pay many times the original cost for a pure art icle, ~r torwd to use an adulterated or inferior one. - - . it is with a view to remedy this t vii that our gigantie entei pi Ise was formed over u year ago winch has been a pet-feet success, and we haw veniurVll iti OIM1•11 1 Sion, in EriY, sD that we may b e tter ueeotumodute our cast, flier west or New Yon: Stab. And in the following lists wlnr•h we have ....1. ',led V It II 141 . 4 , .1 'are, Will h.• 1 ', .1111 , 1 TEAS which will unit T.::verylkcPcLy 'l'ukst a. Itt,(l y•>. INExpertedee shows that t fat Ite.t are fat the ola‘apt,t then' ;great , t.tetnltn alit! N or. The duty 01.1 a pound of good tea t. no more titan nan itn a inlet i 46, our. Ordernlg out eastomers please not.- then ttneced Oolong, ,Slack tioo. to l'hotee Quality. ...... ....... vor, ver;. reoinnituuteo Fair. Japan, UncolorFo... • - ..... ..... -I.ou I'.001••• llunitty.. .. 1.10 l'inest Flavor, lull itrengt It, very highly r 1 Pair, (.thud.. Cholee (pointy Finest I luvor, full xi rengu li, very highly ' , um - mended English Breakfast, ,Black., Fair. Good Choice quality ...... ....... . .... .. . Finest Flavor, full h trengt h very highly ree,,mmexitled Young Hyson, (Green. Fair, Ch' ko Qttoklay ECcoffi - lepart,ntent. • • This is an immense institution of itself, and is undoubtedly the hugest In the country., It Is a fact generally understood that a large proportion of the C.4,tlee imported is picked green and the pods opened by tirtlncial heat. This‘er , goodu that which ripens naturally. The coffee buyers of this Tent oinp.m) thoroughly understand this. and examine nearly every cargo of eotTee imported to,the n; Ted states, and select mil% the MU grown, tleld-ripened, for them. ringe Coffee sold by this r pan> is ROASTED .IND GROUND DAILY, by themselves, insu its absolute purity and freshness, which they guarantee. The Company are reiuding all their coffee on o new principle, which renders t. eta poet alliarly pure, all acidity being removed by their Process of cooking. et - m l,ll ng Pm'soits ram to take. coffee Who MIN.' been obliged to Ws• continue its use. - The Company are doing an immense,bastness in their C.dree Department m i d 'wili ng, more %, E t 'OFF IF-S than tiny other house i n the country.. To I.o.M:1 customers in untlVng up their faders, the following DescriptlVe List Is ntrereil by the t'..mipany with no little pride, as embra - ring the largest and T 11,4 carefully .elected assortment of crael.g ever Opened lhThis country. LIST OF COFFEES AND SCALE OF PRICES. Breakfast Coffee Roasted witt Ground Dinner Co-ffee Raw Mended Ground Puro Rlatitation'Cofreq.' Raw Roasted Ground Pure._ 3:11 A I. IE This Is the true Male nerry RAND PICKED OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFE.E, Warranted the richest iiai•orMl, strongest and best Colt in the world, of which we have the only lot In the United States. Haw S C I A=l, N O ric xc E. As, a matter ot con Veil fence to our distance custoiners w are arranging with suitable persons in all 'parts of the country west of New York State, to art assour agents and fiblribute our goods in their locality, at Our Ntareliause price, thereby saving the freight from Boston. We would like to correspond with any gentleman or lady who would like to act as our agents in getting up clliba• A fall' con/mission allowed agents. Direct all orders and COtatnunicatlotui to I , dt003,18-ly 'WESTERN. OWCENTAL TEA ctompezrr, Er* Pa. • iticoe . k 1' R. 140 IF.,' .... S cents.,. - Tltc; very best Prl n fintltdeloi only • '12 1 4 FtA. ....10 " , Cases heavy Canghatasi.only L2l, ..., •-:./ 2 1-i. " 1 Heavy Cotton Flannels - ~.,..-.29' - . '., ....12,! I 'Flve,caseti Cotton and Wool Flannels, ...,.15 - -, " I httlf•priee - a • 2) ..../0 " 1 !Heavy , 7 „-' wide shaker flannel 35' .._ 1:1 1 : " ! Plald Slilrting Flannels ,! , 15 - " ! 111-Wool Grey Flannels ,!, S : ." I. . COLOREI) A LPACCAS, ets, 45 ch.. cts! , oll4l c 4 Fifty pieces Empress Cloths, 75 chi, £47!,f; eta, mut $l,O \ WHOLESALE PRICES ! LOC tat- CC) Pl'Op'l•f3; 9(',AI Ftnr.t Flaunt, full Atrength, vriy l ' .l Fair. 4 ioo,l. - 9 4 . C. :ilt)le(' SLII(4 Finest Flavor, fnll strength, very highly 1.14 reeornmended s Mixed, (Green or Japan and Black.) , t.dr. . . • Chmee quality 1 Fiav‘rr, ...trength rry highly reeomme-nded.. ...... ........... Itaw. ..... Grounel Pure IN)c, ; I. )c /Law. Roamed t;I c,tl ntl Pure c Ituu 3 , 5 e Roasted ' . Ground Et El 3Ft 1 IC . .45c f Itousted Ground Pair IP. I. :A- *N . . Fifty pieces Cashmere Plaids for SO cent; Thirty pieces heavy Mohair Plaids, 30 cent,' Nos. 6 and 7 NOBLE BLOCS., ERIE, P1?1(.'142:•:. HY29n, Green. Gunpowder, ,Green.) Orientil Java 014 Government Java. Best Old tocha. MEE F1.A.1-t.3I7ETtS, A_rrrriETN - TICIO74T ! The attention of Frio and Crawford - County Farmers Is particularly Invited to several very superior Agricultural Implements for which • W. W. PIERCE & CO., Hnvel.ecured the sole 'fLgeneles fur these two counties. It is conlidently claimed. that the best Mowing and Heaping 3.tachine in use is Paull Reaper and Mower, 'and Self--Raker • t• The success of the Dodge Machine for several years past Is unprecedented. Wherk•er intro duced It at once takes the front rank. By lease and purchase, the manufacturers have secured the use of nil the desirable standard.patents for Reaping, Mowing and Raking •IRacnines. The Dodge Machine has thus been made a perfect combination of the best points of all the ma chines,•and this is the reason for Its,undeniable superiority. In plan of operation, compactnpss, lightness of draft, good quality of the irtirSanil steel used In its construction, excel,ence or worknaanshirtand elegance of finish, combined with great strength and adaptation to all kinds of work, the Dodge Machine certainly' surpasses airy•otherheretofore offered to, the intelligent farmers of this country. And does each and all of these easier, neuter, closer, safer and better than any other machine. Pamphlets fully describing the }Judge Machine, and coati:Ming the best a tilstimony asirt its merits, freely furnished or mailed upon application. Send for one, : or call and see the Mnchlne nt \V. :V. PIERCE it CO.'s, No. 8 Reed House Riofk; Erie, Pa. It's Time to 'Plow—Good Plows Rake VOW . Crops"! W. W: Pierce & Ca. ;keep a full line or the most approved plotM, but their speciality f s the celebrated I= MOHAWK YALTAEY ='-CLIPPER . .PLOW ! . " • • This-plow hardly needs a recommendallon, it is so well knoWn and so popular N In all sections. It is the standard Steel Plow, thoroughly hardened; and - ground updn wetstones4 thereby pre venting the drawingmf the temper, insuring durahility; scouring anddightnes.S• trOdraft. These plows do not clog, do hot rust, or wear out like Other ploWs, They lay- the fdrrow in the hest style and work easy. A supply of-}mints aiw rya kept. The Mohawk Valley Clifrper Plow Is be, tiered to be the most economical anti effective, and to give quore, generkt Jratisfact lon .than any other plow in use. The sole agents for Eh° and Crawford counties irre W.V. PIERCE & CO, Who are also sole agents for the popular Iron Beam Plow. Ilease'ealkasicrtruspect the stock of Plows at "thet wo horse store." W. W. Pierce &•Co. also keep a good stock of /lie in'Ast approved' . 4 . . \ • ('‘illOvators, Horse — • Hoes, .Shotvls.,. Allowii.,- de., s- ~; 'Ae. 4 = \' '. N\lrich Inc, farmers of this seetion are Cordially irlltedio come [mil examine, • ' , -. • A standard article, whigh only needs to be examined and tested togl',•e satistactiod. 'lion. Isaal Newton, U. S. COmmissioner of Agriculture, pronounces this the best drill known . 1.0 thrtt,de part ment. Call and see it. - , . . •- Nut the biggest thing yet IL thenewly Inin'idneed and novel , - Inehlne entitled CAHOON'S 'BRoADCAST SEED SOWER :t , Foster's Fertilizer . , e , . Thin is an approved machine for sowing seed or fertillzeni. It has a line narrow Attachment when wished for. It Is light; drawn easily by one horse; sows Just one-hailf a rod wide; soma evenly any desired amount; sows plaster Hrue, mains, salt. wheat, oats, barley r etc. With at tachment it sows grass seed at the same time.- - D can be ints..d as a Plaster Howe, 'Broadcast Grain Sower, and Sulky Harrow. It has stood the test I time and use. Come and'examlne it. W. W. Pierce & Co. wish It distinctly understood that, all of the above described articles, for which they are the sole agents In Erie and Crawford counties, ARE WARRANTED as represen ted. They are offered for sale with absolute confidence in their superior merits, and farmers are earnestly Invite It9e in and examine for themselves. Everybody is always welcome lit the Farmer's Emporium, No. S Reed Rouse Block, Erie, Pa. Another thing that farmers need, and nave money by haring, is a good scale. • , VA.I.III3AN IL'S PAT. SCALES. W. W. Pierce et Co. have the sole agency for the celebrated Fairbank's Patent Scaleß, manufactured by the Suffalo, N. 14 , Scale Works Company. These Scales are on exhibition at olft store every day but Sundays, and all we ask Is for the peoph to come and examine them. City merchants are particularl3 requested to test these scales. Every farmer who uses a seal. rinds that It soon saves its cost and becomes a source al proteet.on and consequent profit. tome to No. ft Reed Boost and EXAMINE THE tit'ALES! The Big Hardware Store ! The item. and capacious store of W. W. Pierce & Co. is nom stocked with the largest and finest assortment In the city o all goisls pertaining to. the Hardware, Cutlery, Agriculture implements , anti How:chola ' Furnishing Goods lines c linclness. rcu la r, {king and .31uley fiaws,a ftdl stock {veld. Hardware, Cutlery, iln Ware, `Stoves, Furnaties, Pa MIL T"0111 and Implement. of all k 111 , 1 S. Refrigerators, Mereler's Flexible Harrows, Fanners' Bo] ters, Shovels, hpades, flukes, 110,s, Axes, Snell' Goods, Carl enters' and litilkkrs Tool, and Hardware, ii g Powers, charm, Brass Kettle., Grindstones, Scythes, Forks, Cradles, Wheelbarrow., and. in short, :I.( mock of a 0 0 ,1., all carefully selected, and marked down to the lowest mat keg .priees. ' I .V. W. 111 , 111 C 1 , 1 At, (2 a pc:S.( f No. S Reed House Block, Erle, 'n. OD .Sl.lO . 1.40 JOHN IIAirIES & CO., WRIGHT'S BLOCK; Lau . /.50 Ric. .si.op t2lb sT.A.pv. Are now opening one of the choicest selections OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dram+, Chemicals; Patent Medicines, Toilet Artielem. Cigars, &e., 47e.. -)✓cor intratuced Lnto thl , Markct Our stock being purchased. for cash will be ‘401(1 at , 3IETROPOLITAN PRICES. Wholesnlo Agents for the Arent Yosemite litoingett fifties, Dr. Leon's Electric hair Renewer and Infant Remedy. Cough Balsam Night leg ,Inpanese Linement, etc 10,000 CHESTNUT POSTS WANTED! To be b.lllrll nine feet long, fire Inches square at the butt, and two Inches by flve Inches at the top. Apply to Gil). CARROLL S BRO., East Public Dock, Erie. rar2s-1m • How to Trait' Animals. 11 - NCLUDINU ordinary dregs tricks and other tricks.still more surprising, in No. 13 of I:La ney's Journal. 1.510 square inches Of reading, illustrations, etc., only 5 cents of any dealer. By mail to places where no dealer is, 50 cis. a year specimens 7 cents, none free. Exposures of humbugs and swindles every month. JPASE HANEY- h C0.,119 Nassau St., N. Y. mrlB. GEO. CARROLL h BRO., Lumber Dealers, East Public Dock foot of State St., F2rie, Pa. mrisll6.u. fjp.:M. Vette poublt- Column. READ READ ! READ ! IT 'Alows; REAPS AN -b RAKES, The next big thing is the _ . • • ~• EMPIRE GRAIN 'DRILL PERFUMERY, apr,tf. WEE MEE This ls'ereat ingp great Interest all over Vile eou i. try and is destined to rapidly become the 'most nopularartiele of its class: we wish to supply it broadcast among the farmers of 1,4 le and craw -6.1.1 counties, fur whieh we are sole agents. , The , - maehine can be easily carried and worked by a toy, and sows from six to eight acres of wheat Iwr boor, and the power machine, drawn by one hm,e, sow `froni fifteen to IN enty :Lett `I per hour. it sOWs wheat, Oats, rye, harfey, hemp, glans, 'clover or timothy, in the most uthform and per feet manner. It works beau( ifullk. great ly evotr. onup s sc‘ (1 by an even dtstributnnt, and elicits the heart COn11111•11daiiim of every farmer who has w ttnessed Its operat ton. 4.,•.t.U r r trk:Ni C Atli' ICI 7%. . SOllll. unprincipled parties have b e en Ii yut,ing 1,1 1111111 tight , 1,,r orthleki article, purpo'rting to he Cahoon , Hand Broadcast Seed sower. e lave the I.ole agency in this ,eel ion for t .ne nn Icle, and there is no territorx (or fah'. Tile price of the genuine artiee 1,;10. A liberal (Tit, count. will he given to the trade. - Every farmer should have on i rof thew invaluable nuichintli. - and Crain Sower 1. _d/7'%/i 4' Car. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, - PITTSBURGH, PA., The Largest, Cheapest and roost Successful Practical Business College IN THE UNITED S'I'ATF.,.t. Fifteen Thousand Students From Thl ' rty • Three States In Ten Yeam. FOR LARGE QUVITO CIRCULAR, ' Containing full information, Outline of Lynam , of Study - , samples of Cowley 's PreMium Penmanship, View of the . College Building, different De partments, City of Pittsburgh, etc., ete„' address the Principals, MME=!I nisl9'6B. To the Working Class. lAM now prepared to furnish constantem • ployment to all classes at their homes, for their spare moments. Business new light and profitable. Fifty cents to $ per evening belt sily earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are of fered. All who see this notice please -end me their address, and test the business foi them• ; selves,' If not well satisfied, / will pay gl (or the trouble of writing to me. Full particulars sent free. Sample sent by Mall for 10 cents. • Address E. C. ALLEN, August*, Me. Ja7-4w Goitre or Thick Neck CA POSITIVELY BE CURED by the proper use of Galvanic Electricity. It is believed that every case is curable, no matter how bad. The very worst Cases can, if they desire, test the virtues of this harmless agent by calling at the office of DR. E. J. PRASE% febiS4t. BLANKS! BLANKS!—'A coMplete assort ment of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justlotts„ Constables and DuWelts Men, for sale at the Observer °Mee. ERIE RAILWAY. 1,300 Mass 'under onallanagerneut. ' • '360 Miles without Change of Coaches: r Great Broad Gauge Double Track Route to .NEW YORK, 'BOSTON, and .the :Sew England Cities. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New York, 400 miles. Buffalo to New York, 4^A miles. Cleveland to New York, 62.5 miles. Cincinnati to New York 660 miles. And is from 22 to 27 MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE. All trains run directly through to New York, sop MILES, without change of coaches. - From and atter Feb, 15, 1809, _trains will leave, In connection with all the Western Lines as follows: Frost DUNKIRK—by New York time —from Union Depot: 7:30 A. M., Express Mall, from Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). :Arrives nt lloraellsville at '?..08 P. M. (dine) connecting with the 7.30 A. M. Express Mail from ButTalo.vitt. Hor nellsville and via, Avon, arriving in New York at 7.40 A. M, 1:15P. M., Lightning Express, from Dunkirk daily. Stops> at Hornellsville "6:05, P. (Supper), intersecting with the 2.50 P. M. train from Buffalo, stopping and connecting , as above, arriving in New York at 7.40 A.M. Sleeping Co achi attached to this train at Sala' wi lca at 3:',A) p. in., running through *to New 10:00 P. M., Cincinnati Express, Sundays except , ed,.connecting at •Elmira for Harrisburg, Philtuielphiu and the South; at Owego fur Ithaca; at Bingliamptori for syraeuse; at Lackawaxen for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unionville; at Greycourt for Newburgh and Warwick; at Goshen for JiontiMinery; MI • and at Jersey Off with Express Trains of • New Jersey Railroad for Plillailelphin. • . • , • From Butralb--hy New York time—frorn Depot' corner Exchan,ge and Michigan Sts.: Esil3 A. M., New York. Day Express, daily (except • Sundays). Stops at HornelLsville 9.10 A. AL, .(Bitttr, Susquehanna 2.32 P. 31.,Wine); Tur ner's I I'. M. (Sup), and arrives to New York at 10:40 P. , AL Connects .at:Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna and Western , Railroad, and at Jersey CitSX with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia; 7:30 A. M., Express Mail, v la. Avon and Hornet's , (Sundays excepted). Arrives in Neu' • • 1 ork at 7.40 A. AL 230 P. M., Lightning Express, (daily.) Stops at Hornellisville 6.13 P. 31., (Supper); and ar rives in New York 7.40 A. AL Conndets at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisburg and the South, and at „Jersey • Clty with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Ball snore and Washington. Sleeping Coacnes are attached to this train at Duple, running through to New York without change. 11:21 P. Al.; Cincinnati Express; daily (except . Sundays). Stops at Susquehanna 0.43'A. At, (Bkhg Turner's 3.43 P M., (Dine), and arrives la New York at 5:40 P. M. Connects at Jersey City with Evening Trains for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coach attached to-this train at ,Buf falo, running throbgh to Susquehanna. Only one train Easton Sunday, leaving Buffa lo at aso P. Af.,,liunkirk 1:15 P. 3L;and reaching' New York at 7NO Ai. Boston and New 'England, passengers. With their baggage, arelrainsferred, tree of eintrge, in New York. , . • Ors To pleasure travelers the the Erie Railway presents many obJecta-of interest„pits • , sing tlaroogii the beautiful AlsileyB or the' Cite mung, Susquehanna, pelayare and _Ramapo rivers, an ever changing panorama of 'nature's beauties 'Commands attention.. • The best Ventilated anti most Luxurious Sleeping• Vars In the Wiirld accompany all night trains on this Railnay. Baggage checked through and fare always as low any other ronte.: ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY,- whtelvenn - be obtained at all principal ticket of fices In the We3t.and Sputh,West. H: RIDDLE, Sup't m,yVml.l S. TODD PIEFILEWS Clam -"anti- Collection_ Office 29 North-West Park, Erie,. Pa. r.lllB Ati ENT et after FOUR. ) - EAU d i v ery tiuccesnfui eisperienee, continues to-give special inteniton to the Collection of all kinds of Claims utlsing out of the Intern:tr. Anny and Navy Bounties, per Acts,of Con gTeSB frbzll 1881 t 41.887. - *- • Arrears of Tdy, Officers,' and Privates Claims, In:Crease-sof Pay under late acts of Cod- , groKCialuis of Prize' Money, Mi • lage, Lost Clothing, " Pensions and Increases of shine for all-Soldiers Idsing use of Hand, Foot or Limb; aAo, , - • Soldiers' Children's Pettsion,•irk , " addltiou to the , Mothers': Air, Min:Sivas fur Dependent', Fathers Moth, ers; lltothers and Sliders. All Pensions_ now mayable - ,from date •of • - • charge. • ,- • Dlti- Airears under this act prornitly Clai.rnit.for n action. Additibrull Bounty collected rot sOidiers Who have lost th'elr diSeharceeity, cotinty"and State bounties p;ronipey oolreeted ; Ray, on pensions proniptly.collectiri2pay for, rations, a line held as prisoners of lictir, collected.. . • • C.,,151 es of lawsfrivingadill t tonal bounties and riacrea,ses of pensionviurtaislied on request in person or,by Faun.•'' ' • %," C11.,1143 Fl- 1 TOR TOUNSEL. Informs - Iton iti•Tvgard. to 'the 55.:33 per 'inout bottsity given. 'freely at an,` time, its .:••••• BAD ku•all amen Telatlve toes peeted allowance% Perl4 -- havlng Rad over four years' eipe rience ti tthl•JJ. S. Treasury Department, and havin# •been - CorresPonding .Secrettpy of the Pennsylvania Siddiers" Relief Association, an ;Commissioner for -Soldiers far Piqinsylvania Rarin thr; war. is enabled to bring unequalled facilities 11.1Ri experience to the bu- bless. Refers by-stecial pi.rntisslon to Ex-Governbr .lndlew ey. Curtin, Scone d, Judge S. P...lohnson, Cols. S. P.:Dlch, Andrew, Swan, 0. 1".: Woqdward, FLuri 'sou Allen, 11. L. Brown, Ex-Mayor Mii, lion. Wm. 1.. Scott etc., etft. feldS-fan. ." . IFfen ' t the Dkpenqatory of the t;ttlte - d Stales.; 1411./SM A CR ENATA—RUCII I : ,* LEAVES PitoPgavir-s.—Thelr (slur, is strong, diffusive; and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, I and anaingoml•to mint. • Mr.) tICA PitoVERTI ES AND • I leaves are gently slimulant,with a pet•tillar ten dencYThethe Uritaar3 Organs t • The'y' are given in comiltat ins of the Urinary> Organs, sued' as Gravel, 'Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Uretlur, Disease opt lit; Prostrate (Maud, and tte tetitinu of Incontimmee of the Urine, from a Institut tone in the parts concerned in its ation. 7 he remedy tins also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Riteunnitil.uf, Cntmeotim Affections and Drop'sy. HELNInoLD'4 .EXIMACT BCCIic .1%, used by persons front the ages.of•Dl to 23, and from V, t ai, or in theiteeline or change of life; after:pm lincznent, ot* Labor Pains;. Bed-Wetting - 7n efalldrem W , . • • In atreetfoit h peeuilar to females,the Extritct is unequalled-by any otherTemedv,aslli Chlorosis Or Retention, Irregularity„ Painful ness or Suppresslon of ,Custontary Eveclia lions, Ulcerated or Sehirrons state of the uterus, Len corrhea or Whites. • DISEIAsES OF Xttia•BLADDER: KIDNSYS„GRAV EL AND Dy,oI.III,CAL SW l• LLIN S.—Thts Medicine increases the power of Digestion and excites the Ahsorbauts into-healthy nation, 'by which the Watery or Calcan , ous depogitions, and all Un natural Enlargements are reduceil,,ms well as, Pans and Inflammation. ' , ' • Hi BoLD'S EXTRACT - .lirein% has cured every case of Diabetes in which it tins been giv en. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys And Bladder, Retention of Urine Dis eases of the Prostrate Gland,'Stone in the hind der, Calculus, Gravel: Brlelt 'Dust Deposit anti Mucus or Milky Discharges and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions Of both sexes, attend= ted with the following symphims : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss - of Power, Lbss of Memory, Difficulty 'of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Tremb ling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,' Dimness of Vision,Pain in the Rack,Hot Hands, Plashing of the Body, Drynes - s of the Skin, Eruption - on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Bassi- , tude of the Muscular !system, etc. Ilm.mhoLD's ExTlbsrr licuituf Islthiretie and Blood-Put flying, anti cures all Diseases arising from h >bits of dissipation, excesses and impu rities of the blood, etc., superseding ('opaiba in affectiomy for which it is used, such as tionor rhaa, theets of long s and: Syphilitic Affections—iu these .11sen , tti, used in eonnev lion With lit:UnnolOs Rost WAsSn. Sold by Druggist's and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Ifelmbohrs. Take no other. Price-91.25 per bottle, or a bot tles for 86.50. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms in all communications. Address H. T. lIELMIIOBD, 1,74 Broadway, N. Y. None are Genuine unless done up in steel-en graved wrapper,with the fac-simile of my Chem ical Warehouse, and signed feblS-2m. IL T. rrErznioLn. . • i i :l-. ..., i ~,,, ~ ~, -r-. - .0. c, •z t, • - 0 • ..,.. -- .1, .' 4 ....... . .1 .. . % 't ie .. ..I , i. E . :: 40 4 ... rl.l ;.1 rta .w .. , O 4 ccr 41E c,,,, ..., ~.. ...t.. ..... ,1,, - 0 - •k tt " I :or orr e" Tt c. c':^p = _ c z .. :, a !VT ' el I.'l :=, p .= -. •;:i .' ' Q V --_, Pittsburih,Pa. ALE BREWERY ! GEO. L. .131.A.1E.V.14, Forinerlx with Outbout- & linker Rochester, having taken the well known Brewery on French Streets below Fourth, Erie, Pa., Formerly occupied by Wm. Jacobi, would in form his old acquaintances and the public gen. rally that he is now brewing a very superior quality of Ale. Fromlongexperiencd and uniform success, he is Ml his y prepared to give the beat of satisfaction. Dealers are invited to . calL iris-19 GEO. L. BAKER. 1011 PRINTING of every klnd, s ln large of el small quanes, plain or colored, done In the beet style, and at moderate priers. at the Observer office. . ' R. BA IR, • Gen't POSS. Ag't7 4 ATioNAr, - . FARMERS OF ERIE COMY. ' ESTABLISHED IN 1844. INGRAII.A3PC • , i , . . . . • , Combined Marker, Cultivator and Hiller, ' ' MANVFAcYcnrn GEO,II .13V. U. rim:, N :.%7 Il t r al. Ulla & ARFEL, . .31 EA DVILLE, PA. - • • - , , WHOLESALE AND ItTAII, This Is the most perfect rinill greatest lAbor Saving Machine of the kind now know n. The - advantages of thi Implement civet' all others is la "FLT -4 if - - 1 - lf /C. r - w - 4 tQx. T not only that it ruts up, but -a lso turns under , 1) qt - J:1 - A. ir-.7.,• 1 .. S and subdues the weeds mid , forms a suitable • . . bill, eaving the soil light and therefore in a condition to retain moisture, whir k , is only done by the extra height and peculiar curve' of the tooth. The)' are made with shafts, or.with out. They can be adjusted to any width of row. The side teeth can be revers. eih to turn the soil tour frttm the rows. This machine is the only implement the farmer needs in the cultivation of corn or other coarse grains,- plan t cil or - sown in rows. These machines have been thorough ly te',ted and are warranted to 4 give satisfaction. REFERENCES: Fel3. nary :nth, 160. This certilles that we, the undersigned, par chased last season of P. cen'nett, and thorough ly tested one 9f Ingraham's Curved 'Tooth, Double Pointed and Idinstable Cultivators: It is arranged, to' do Its work. In a desirable, manner In all kinds of crops in their different stages for which 'Rip Cultivator and Horse Hoe Is used. It thoroligilly pulverizes the g ound, cum and covers up the weeds, forms a light,tiat leaving little or no tie for the hoe,, and leaves the ground In a conilit.on to retafn its lightness and moisture,-, We recommend them tof4rmersasthe cheapest, most durable and greatest labor saving machine of the kind we have ever used. - . MILL CREEK.—Rubett EVitILS, J. A. Plat t man &Sprague, J. U. Greenman, ...tunnel Polock, Christian Schrimper, G. W. Harr, Javob John H. Carter, George'Oxer,ll. R. Miller. RAn.BuR CREEK.—W. W. Davison, .1. M. Moorhead, John Dodge. • Also, the latest ,• Improved Curtis iron Beam Plow, and the COUbritted Tax Payer Plow, both rig' t and lefehand. The Tax Payer is ahead of any . dther.plow in use. Try it-, and if It don't please you - hring U hack Also, Wood . Mills of Ow-latest improved kind. For saleaT Wholesale am! Retail by J P. SENNETT, • • ' General Agent for Erie County. • Also.•. Old by B. Ktuurz, Federal MM.-. mrlS-am. " For .11ittnninons oir Anthracite Cnal." E3T.113L151i El4.l,ti`l J. 11, EYNOLDSP "S N. W. Corner 13th- and Filbert Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA Sole Manlifacturers of the Celebrated , • , Wrought-Iron, .Air-Tight; Vas consuniiig Heater With Patent Dust Screen, Grate Bar Itesl.s, WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR The Heaters' are made "of heavy Weouglit iron, well riveted together; the 'only sure pre veldlon against the escape of gati,:!or dust: They. arc managed. wittamt, any dampers. The Patent Radiamr - avolds the'use Mid annoyance of Ilrumscand is peimanently attached to the iieutet. This is the most durable, simple. eco 'nornical and popular Heating Apparatus ever offered for sale.. They are mil guaranteed., COOKING RANGES, for hotels and families, - • PORTABLE HEATERS, , ' , LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRANKS, SLATE :MANTELS, •- Is l/EGTFIIS, AND . • V,ENTILATORS. W . e are also Ma nn faallfrinz a dew FLAT-TOP lIE.NTING• RANGE. Sold for our Illustrated Pamphlet,. aprls. MEM ' BAY . s-r,vrill li-11(41NT”'W4DRIKS. :NOBLE & HALL, FOUNDER, " Machinists & Boiler Makers, .14anutap s eurers of Stationery, :11:arizie and EMIINES,. OF ALL SIZES. 4 Also, BOILERS, STILLS, TANKS, STEAM t'UMPS, , MILL IWORK, &C., &C. fithi)lng sollelteditt reduced pileei. All work warratitetlLOur motto, Is 011641(0ln it'S t4iiit ed. VA..Works rdrner of Penh and Third Streets, Erie, Pn. - • ' • jnn2+•tf. NLANHOOD: ' -- z - 11 ow - Lon, How itEsToRED. # rl Just published, a new edition 11, of,tpr. pulverwell's Celebrated Es ,say on the radical truCe !without nwdicine,l of SPEKNAiotitenceA, or Seminal Weakness, involuntary.seminal Losses, Imp°. teticw, Mental and Physical incap,tcity,lmpedis meats to Marriage, cte.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and F its, it - unwed by self-indulgence or sexual extravagrpeW, e, t. '4.1- Price, in a sealed enveldpe, only 6 cents. - 'l,lie celebrated author, in this admirable es t:-.:0 , elearly deurniptrates !tom a thirty years' successful. prih tier, that the alarming conse quences of bid f-aMise may die `radically cured without the dangerous use ofi internal medicine or the applicatim4 of the knife; it - Canting our a imale or curd at Once simple, eertalb and et feetnal, in. inearisdat which every sufferer, no nutter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheaply, privately, tuntratlically. Arse This licetme should twin the hands of every youth and every mein in the 1401. , Sent, under seal in a plain envelope, to any address, rosrP'Ain,' on receipt , pf six 'cents, or tiro post stamps. Also, Dr. ,cuiverwell's "Mar riage Guide," priee'2s cents. Address tile Pub fisher's,: . . . CHAS. J. tr.,ELT.NE t CO., - '11:7 Bowerey: New York., Post (Nike Box 4,sstf. Jarci-%9 • , TrIE:WORIZIN:r; C.:1.1 . 155..-LI now,p re- “ow,pre ,paro to furnish nil classes with constant empioyment at their homes -1 the whole of the time, or for this spare moments. Besiness new, light mid protb able. Fifty . eents tots per even ing. is eakily earffed by persons of either sex, and the.boys tool girls thtrn nearly as incieh av men.. Great inducements are offered 10 those' who will devote their whole time to the busi ness; and, that every person who sees:thls no-4 tice, may send me their address and test'the buskticsli for theinselves, I make the following unparatlided offer: To all who are not well sat hdted with the business I will send to pay for the trouble 01 writing me, Full part lculars,dl - etc., sent free. Samples sent by mall .for 10 ertits. Address tttrl P. E. C. ALLEN. Anall`4 a, Ikle. ' NEW LIVERY, - Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner of Fr,enell and 7th Sts. THE e 4 LTIISCILII11:118 having taken the clable lately oftupted by I.llenncr C John,on, Would intorin the public that they have ;ir ehaced an ENTIRELY NEW PiTOCli of Bones, harness and Carriage:A', and are pre pared to give perfect sat isfatA lon to all ivho mor favor them with a call. We have the best stock in Northwestern Pennsylvania. BRECHT BROS. Ertl , m iyi. nil r, wart{ ic.fs M. A. DIINNING, NO. 1016 Peach Street, between:loth and Ilth, Erie, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, , Marble and . . Slate Mantles, &c. I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments and headstones of various styles, in American and Italian Marble, and a corps of the best workmen in the state. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. My work is warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and inspection of stock and prices Bolhilted. 10,000 - *Agents W A Ul ,I ED on commission 1 . 1 f to I s h e 3 It contains just the information which every body wants hundreds of times a year, and sells with unparalleled rapidity, even among those who seldom look at a Subscription Book.. Near ly every faintly will buy-At, and it will be found about as great a necessity among ,nil classes as the-daily or weekly newspaper. LIBERAL SALARIES paid to; experienced, enlci. tot canvassers. send for circular and full information. d. 0, - e-IHE &CO., Publishers. Hartford, Conn., Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, 111. aiirt7,4lw. To' the Ladies.." LADIES who suffer from weakness across the back and of the limbS, with bearing-down pains, so It is with difficulty that, they can stand or walk erect, can be relieved at once, and radically cured by wearing the FRENCII SUPPORTER, a new and elegant'device,never beton) known or used in this country. For full information, call upon or address with stamp, E. J. FR.V3ER,3I it sep24-tf Erie, Pa. Secrets Worth Knowing. GIVES RECIPES for hundreds of useful arti dies In universal use, easily made at small cost and readily sold at large profits ; also pat ent medicines, manufacturers' secrets, etc. 25 cts. JESSE RANEY dr. CO., 119 Nassau Street, New York. mrlS. WANTED--Agents, Male or Fethale. zi EVERY TOWN AND CITY to sell the new I 'Violet lnk, manufactured by FRENCH & WO Arch street, Philadelphia. Send 25 cts. for maniple. febla•Sm IMPOItTEI OF FRENCH WINDOW, ri6-ruwo And Photographic Glass ! 630 Slate Street, Erie, Pa. We have lately rtkpelvetl another Large In voice of FILEN,CII 'GLASS, (Meet from the 31unuutcturers in Europe, making our present btrpply the largest In, uny bowie west of New York. Our stock In store Embraces (early .Every Sire, both of Double and Single Strength. Dealers and others In Want of Glass will FA VOR THEIR ISTERJ.STM by examining our stick and prices before bu3lng Large sizes of Single and Double Strength Glass Imported expressly for ROUSE AND sTGRE l itoNTs., The Sup. rior Quality of French Glass over all other kinds In CLLAR NE.stti, sTRAIGHTNE: 4 S, BRILLIANCY AND STRENL , TH is folly admitted. and the Trilling Exce- , 4 In price •over American is of NO AC cuuNT, cousidvthig its better ima.tties in ev ery respect. 4 liberal discount made oh jobbing lots to the trade. s AMERICAN - GLASS. • We have also a latge stork of 'American Glits,, or single and Double strength, •whieh we are selling at. tow 'Elates, both in Jobbing lots to dealers and In retail parcels to snit buyers. Paints, Oils, Varnishes.. &e In this dtmartment we ket:p welt !mingled with every article used In the Painting Lind, from a 'inflow to the finest house included. The qualitysof these articles Ls not exceLid, and we are selling at lowest inarket-rates. Dye Woodand Dye Stuffs., In this ehiss of-)bads our stock is extenstla anti complete, tnetplifig the Aniline dyes, ata we are oVering strong Indtteentents • both ti Wholesale and Retell buyers.- . ' Medicines. Aze Our stock oT Drugs, Liteani,ais, Patent :tiedl clnes, Perfumeries, Toilet Ara itd•-s„ and Miheet. laneous Goods is etcten,ive, I•aving front long ex , erienee been bought With' in ueh elm., and the • 'bile can depend upon finding the largest . bloc • the kind in Nt• e,tern Penult., Arllh h .•welling.ut elute ,tigures either lib Whole orb ',ken packages. • ; • . Janl4-6in. • • • 4 • 'A • 12 ONCE MORE WITH A NEV SPE4ISFi IV CUR Great ONE DOLLAR Sale Dry and Fan() •O 0 I) S.! EIMIMMI CI7"I"I.IrITtV, FTC. PREMIUM RATES OP SHEETING For Club 'Thirty • hbxty '• ." ' One Hundred, All other premiums in same ratio Enlarged Exchange List, with new and useful articles, See new circular and sample. Sent to any address free, PleasP`sentl your money by Registered Letter, addressed to J. B. HAWES it CO:, 128'e 130'reBeral St., Boston, mass Post Mlles 'Box C. mrl 8-6 w Goods for the Season. -1 full stock of slssorlea G R.nCFIR IBS Low Prices for Casli, AT THE FAMILY GROCERY AN I PROCIS. . lON •>Tolth: OF CRAIG., & MARSHALL, .West Park: HAVING A FULL. ASSORTMENT OF Fresh and .New Goods . . In our line, we offer 'POP. SAT...Ft AT CASH, Ak low as the smile can be had west of Ilufildo. Our Grocer ies iniving been C arefully, S el e c ted, Fnmilles 'eau . rely upon getting wloit they We deliver goods 1.4) all parti, of the City tree deel7 If. MEW .F1(1131. 'James P. Crook, having taken in his' son, Jas. E., as a partner, on the Ist d 4 of April, Nell, un der the firm name of James P. Crook & Son, de. sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to him are requested to call and settle without ' . JAMES P. CROOK & SON, 1. Dealers in ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Mannfacturers of WINDOW SASH, FRAMES, DOORS & BLINDS. ' .Mouldlnga and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing, Matching and plartina dodo to order. tkop on( Peach St., ' Between Fourth and Fifth Sta., Erie, Fn ' We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilitip for doing work in the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms, Rav ing tilted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving satisfac titan Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. • GERMAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner Eighth and EiMate !Ste., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE This Institution is now open for the transae . , tion of business. OFFICE Mons: • • A. M. to 4P. M. SATURDAYS: • 9A. to BP. M. i s, Six -Per Cent. Interest be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. 0 -7 - / (DIRECTORS: J. Elehenlauh,i P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebel, F. BehriVider, John Gensheimer. OFFICERS: • John Genshelmer, Matthew Schlaudecker, F. Schneider, my2137-Iy. JOHN GENSHEDNIER, & BON, DEALZES IN Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods CORNER OF SEVENTH STREET, IMI '~~i:='ri~•i"ot:: pia . Yd.. Sheeting " " roam JA IE3 P. CROOK .t RON President. -....Trensurer. Secretary. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. G 1 '1" YOITR SItI it SSERE3 !Jim York iioop Skirt Manufactory grit StP ,, `-trf , f, Et le, P:1 r- 4 LudieV, Minr.e; nut Clilldn•n', • hoop Skirts -of all .Styles (l'onstnntl", on hand I..adies eat: have their Hoop Shirts i:el. Ls: order, :-o that they will fit, and fat.. e Whatever, The 'Sew York. florip Skirt Faetan have experieneed hands in bath our n.aratfae. luting and ref:hit - Mg departments. All ouriSkins are made ortt}e Beat of Proxl• bb3 Steel tusid Material Our Skirts are so cont.i. t acted (hal tlo fold iiit artily, and readily ',lelll to the ,11,,ht, pressure, thus allowing them tocatlagtAr ;ti lt the skirt occupies the smalici4 possii;le while sittllig, , riding or•th pas.slMA a crowd yet,the moment the: pressare retnoCe,j,i,,,, skirt resumes its origilialsand behutlful ships We do n t sell these famous price, tut sel) them leap,asd'lf 'Mst. thc.ire.r , tlO Ii any Miler place in , Erie, adles who not nth rd to buy Skirts , every little will?, ;d. have, theft old ones repalredlOr a there tritle, Ihr lie sure to visit tote . Nrw York Ilpqrz.l, - .Jrl 111,0nufacmry before purchasing elAewnere.: , - Country . inerclinnts will tio,, , well to gi% e m ;, call. • •NATII.A.N COHEN,- Su - et:Q.l6r to 4. F. Cohen Bro. ; No. tutni - State street. Erie'. Pa. d ec2+:E.S -1 f. MANIIPACTOO£II,,OP cte, C o • 419 AND C P kt°‘. Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets; ERIE, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED. 1 Raving purchtised the Interest of the Mews Vfneents In the ,FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the late flrm, would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons'of the house and the bllc In general, pledging himself that he will at times try to sell good and Telin ble Flour, Feed ttin At the lowest price for cash in hand. From my long experience In this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my planks to the public for . theis liberal patronage to me- ht the past, I fiepe by strict attention,to my bu,iness and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. THE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, AND GRAIN 13TJSINF-, Will be coptinued, in all its departments, at the ERIEMILLS, PARADE STREET and the Store, EAST -I;$ rtOW, .• Between Brown's Hotel and Reed Rouse, Where the public will find it: good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. H. B. HAVER.STICK. NEW LOCATION. G. P. -"DAVIS . _ Hai removed to Whittich's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Via:, Where he has opened 'a ' . TARGELY,INCREASED STOCK Of Ciroceriesi Fruits, Vegetables, Provlidom and everytlitng usually kept in a first-ela , ,, gincery es tab] 1.12 men t. We are determined not to be surpassed, and Invite all who want any. thing in our line tq call, feeling assured that we shall be able to giv-sati,faction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country Produce -Bought and ,tiold We have opened a COMXIISSION DEPARTMENT,. ro which we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge onrselves t , , secure the highest market price for all artlic, eutrusted to our care. DEALERS, IN THE ADJOININ TOWN, And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied with • FBVITS, VEGETABLES, ETC aprDA-tf. J. w. A. "Y 11 S, 'Wholesale awl 'Retail Dealer in. Furniture ! Having pnielutsed the entire stock of hunt turc of Me:sts. Moore 4f,:. Riblet, I respectfully milt my old customers and the public generally to give me a cull at the old :Amid,' NO. 71.5 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a Tarp aisortment of Parlor, Chamber and fled Room Sets! BEDSTEADS: CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROLF-9, And, In tact everything in the line of Furniture. I ant prepared to manufacture toorder any style that may be-called for. Remember, No. 715 State street, east side, between Seventh and Eighth streets. re25'67-tf. JOHN W. AVRFS. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS! LOUIS BERGE sit: CO.. 31anufacturerg of FIRST•CLISS AGRAFFE OTERsTRUNG PIANO-FORTES WAREROONS, 97 BLEEKER STREET. These Pianos are recommended by the most eminent J edges, and are, for power, fu ticity of touch and durability, unsurpassed any pianos made in this country. GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS Illustrated Catalogue and Price I,tst sent by mail on application. febl3'6F-IY. GREAT REDUCTION 'IN PRIC E S E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIND ' Harpers' and similar Magazines, at 75 ( vats per volame. i•olume.Godey's. and similar Magazines, at MOP Harper's and Frank Leslie's papers, at per year. - We are•also milking and selling Blank rgoolcs:. REDUCED PRICES Bindery over Keystone National Bank cur ner State and Bth streets: areSi-tf. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST` A - Neatest, Cheapest, and Beat Sign Painting \Vas t „„ • of New York City. Parlors, Flails, Churches, cite.. Frescoed In the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Modela-tor the Patent - Office and every descriptlon of Orua mental Painting executed promptly. Rooms i Feeler Ball, No. 5, second Boor. -0111117-If II TO