Erie Market Prices. .1"13.0VIsIONS , ~... 13nyitlg. Roiling. r. :Aim's, CZ li I. .V.ASO boiler, f' r' , •••••• 2.1 .., , , ",•-e. 1' ?!` • 1 tad. 1 I'' • • 22 • 25 • ls ...1....22 , bi,,,,,.... head s; 111 .„,i,,,,,.t, .2 :10 1 .,,,a,..., 7 bush . -2 30 u. 2 75 .1 1 1 0.; 1013 2 60 5 00 200 •••• - ••• 'dri...l, -0 it. 11 • ~, 17 1 , 0 1 d, , ,.. dried, 14 lb.__ .1. 111.r.1 - .. k .lO f,C.111,V,?p115 . S 13 1 ,11,, ,, .• candles 7 lb. ..„, .... 0 la li ' • .ip, - 1 4 hat S. O . :•.• • • .10„ 115 \ekl.i,tb• ' 2j ,i,.o.—SigarCtrel;7l...__ •.1 ! Irn—l'al r n 7 lb.. ... 21.. • i 17 .. • 14 c„ 3,-i hlil. ,•„ , ( , 1a , ...4. 7 ..... ~...... ...... 17 00 i ,: ~ .1 liver, I , 5.... Si ,1,.....r awl, 7 buslleL .... .....10 00 .10 00 c. w .illy Seol 350 . : ' 4 IA) r ...x :.....4 , 1 7 th. ..... ....,.......„ • 503 4X) littAlN F AND F1F.1 •4 .',1). Whole-auk, Itid.all. - ..,,,,,.. xxx W. W. VI b1i1.... 9 2.5a9 30 10 LXI . '-: \g spring, 7OW 01 5000 75. I• 0 .., XS aril ik•r '7 1) . 41..... 7 5044 00 S •10 , • li, e'7 ilbl ..... f 9 - 547 00 /4 00 %. ~,,r, It 11114. Winter 70 On_. 17C . ~ Iso .. . , i nit4l . 7 bus 1...... 4 - 50 . 1 1.4 .. ..pring 7 bu5h,,...:. 140 -1 45 • n Ine l e ;'lt - F . 1..11,41..., 7/; • i„?' 0 1 .4.1 . 1 70. • 1:1 s',l.o)r. 0 1.1 1 . 1 all abbcrttisclurnts Publisher'a 'Notice. ;dent-, tit , settee Insertion, ittlt,t. be I:1'1,1 to by \\'e•luenday evening, unlei, toe l, than three yin .ret, in length. 1 / 4 ", el‘ol-11,enwitt‘ not ordend L , r a %peel ,e,ll hP equtlnned /It the exeemie part te;,. Adver Isttigt aecount% are , t uArterly: Attorney 4 u•1111'' held I,dt lverttvu u published theta ot,hp., and the bills witl in made n tim • 'l • hc advert S•dtu.: rate, , h ~ttr tlr-,t rage 11'111 lie , trlt•tly adher,• , l to. ii, t • partic-, Executor's Notice. Fr i 1;-,u.'%tot on tin. rti t...r of \\ in. P I.awrenrw, tWe'd, tato of , Erie CO., Pa., lin, int; boon l l) und , rone , /, wiv I. hereb n nll ,•^..on...inargbt, a tO e %UN ~,tat,y 111;11 1,111/11,11.0, pyy 1110111.140 tho-e huylnß the 5.10 w 1,1.111.1 in nt Thom duly nw,l. for twnwnl, at I. W. Tq•lrh . stme, at Edinboro. LAWItENcr... ' Exbentor. Sale. I, r:2-6.. 11VfitrcE. , rAti ‘4r.lerof thE.Orphan'y Court nt Lnr eountr, Ina le on tin, 19th .1:IV of Apnl, th , und,r.btned will oxpom• to pub .,n the prcitilm,, nn katurtlay. the 2111.11 Au* ol )1.0% 1 , 0, the followltb: 4b4..rtbed re it .I . IIJIt . to Out' town,hip of TA. It.l•qt, of Erie, and Slate of rennsylvania. !...;lire, 'undo. 1 on the north by land of roll., It. (At tar by laniNot ,n , I (i. , no• nur;:e,,on ih,soutb by Bodo. ‘ ‘,,, and su. Matirte > ., * On 1,2, land of Sos.Ln I.tnrce.e, Fr. ncti .nd•' , Ll 1p tot hinit oi.Vll,i by tie.o. 1: an , l u, 1 for a 1,,,tt yard, aleng • , % ,. r. •Of I.tnd more or It • b , ..:inning at a r (i .int n 1.11.• , 11 , ',nob et: Whet there :tr. spites tint r:,elt opposite Charles It. • „ 1 ind, thence down the fn•ntrc , of 5.11.1 lot . e new channel, thenee ,dong the e0n ..1 tad channel to the place of beginning, :.• .. !:',4 t of ',LW{ more - 1 ,,,,:, b, ginnildt at a po:t on the north line .1 f,lOl of J u n s .1. (1. at the southwest r of land of G. 11, 4: Manroso. thence 11,1-10 nerehes to a pmt In south ,-ide of odd. then( e:ilong cab! wad south FstN west 15 ne., to a post ; thence south Ifl6 1-o.perches thence east II s-10 perdu-, to a t , the pee, of beginning, containing ten acres At loya•tire, and to the sumo land eon „-!he li. M. Range, to John Dunn (non = de ty deed dated I - . 'il - F.M , OF Isart—One-third on confirmation of ..,:tio, And the Imlance In tun equal annual :II.: Lllmenis thereafter, with annual Inte , reNt, . ‘ ,l ..y bond an" mortg a ge on Ow ',rem'. •••••.—.,r 0 tsli to hand on confirmation of . ; tie, at p., ow 1.,n or the purelut‘er. sINIEON I:. Dt*:‘;::, l'I.:TEll SMITH, .\iron. of the e , tate of Jul u Dunn, lee'd. HAY ES &,,,Is-,.EPLER, IzfAL EST _iTJ. INSURANCE AGENTS. Farms, Houses and Lots for Salo. New I', Story lism , e. of I. hristoph, on Buf falo tit_, bet. ChesL nut and Walnut sta. right arre Farm, No miles south . of Wesley ilte. Gond building, and lnaprovorwnt, Qixty- , evon aria , Farm, on Wattshurz road, R mitre Irom city; about I acme wood. Price, Erattum Washburn's Farat In :\lelc..ean, 173 Lyres. This Is one of the leery best farms lu the county—building.. orchards and soil are all of the hest. Price, ea) per acre—cheap. Two Dwellin.z, nn noath , ant eorner and ehentnut ntreet. 0 e larte 2 ntory frame, one .mall frame. Prier term, of payment .0“ is) ear,. nn Ilufr.tlo Ntrret, N. 14 , 1 new 11%7) story, /Ine ly kl 9 lot. Ilriee, £.2,400. No. 302 West Sixth.treet, l =crtp lot,well fruit t.,t; goo 1 1 , 4 story Iron-e. Cheap. - N. :.` , l West Fourth htteet, efty for, cottage hous.. No. Thirt, nth street, w,•11 flnhhed house, r turf tr. Not we. .vs:: VL A MEETING of the Stockholders 1 of the Mamie llo•pital of Penu•yiv.mia h.-I,l:Lt. their "Mee, in the city of Erie, ), the 't I of Nlity next, betty, en the. h•.L. ut 1.) o'clock, a. fn.. for [lke election mrd. of Man.ii.tcri for the- en;uing year an.l. for ,ach utoer bu,lrtebs it., mac be hrewg,h4y h for, the it. S. S. SPENCER, aorl oc, S , 'Vre t rY. Executor's Notice. lET I'Elt-t ttF A.DMINISTIL sTION on the es• tat,- of Vincent Prindle, decease 1, late of ten tqle t p., -Erie Co., Pa. haring .been gratiteci to t-o , undersigned, notice Is hereby given to an person indebted to the said estate to Mage Innnelune p.tytueut, and all having elatinx unit the s tine will , present them, duly an leatett for settleinent. nprii4ov. li. L. PINNEY, Executor. Executors" Sale. , PHE UNDERSIGNED, executors, of the estate of Mrs. Susan suillandeetter;,late of Mill t reel; t p., Erie Co., Pa., deed. will,l.n 4 .aturtlay, :Ilth day of April, A. I)., IstO, at 1 o'clo , k, , p. , e xpose at putnic sale, at the n solence of P. ter Schaaf, Esq., the following real estate of dreedl•nt, bounded as follows. to wit, Com 'lC acing In the south Itne of l o th street, at the I,alwa4t corner of the lot, thence nest forty thence south one hundred and sixty-live t , h.•nee east forty ft et, thence north one tent Ire; and sixty-nee legit to the pia', of be au ning, and having ere"tiql therein u g hod 'me-,tort' frame honse. Terms made It nown on I.' ULRIC SCHLAUDECKER, lt)IIN MANNER, Notice. • WATI:11: roNOII.4,IONEIN' OrrivE, :Eno% April 11th, " \l.l. T X I:Elts of the water of the Erie Rater Worl."are Hereby nOtifle.l that by a rule th • , aid work., every owoer or oecupant of had fling Into which the said water le.heen introduced, e, fuiludden to furnish the witer to any pemons not members of his family, 4uf,ts or hh I.ll ' ll/1.05 . on the prt-ails.s. on of a to t d ..,pon4e o f his supply and a forfrittlrenf ail , te ht for water rent. Thai rule lets the `force of a city ordinance .vid will he rigidly enforced by the intlktion, in (err I : a4e v lolation which may COMIC to the tom missionfile knowleilice, of the penalty pres , :tMd. JOIIN PERKINS, . aprrriw. Secretary, Asiarnee in Bankruptii. N -TILE ' DISTP.D'r rot:E.T of the rutted I state*, for the We.dern District of Penn'a.. In IhetnAttnrof If: S. Stearns, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby =lves notice of hla appoint m,•r.t a‘..t , signee of H. S. Stearns, of I.rie, In the county of Erie and State of Peon, tennis, Within nab! dietriet, who has been adjudged a t ,, ukrtipt upon ilk own petition, by the Dis trict Court of natd dhtriet, dnted at Erie, Pa., April 1:1„k. D. 1.40.' HENRY 31. DJ BLET, Annii nee Atty. at Law, co. LW S.! , Erie, I t s aprrek • Assignee in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT count' of the United StAte•Y for the Western District of Peoria, in the matter of Edward sherman, bankrupt. The undemlgned hereby gives motive of his sippoint rn, nt as Assignee of e.dwanl Sherman, or Erie, In the r•ounty of Erie, and State of Penn'a,with in dimrict, who has hen adjudged a bank rupt utxili hi. own petition by the District Court of sa'.l District. Dated at Erie, Pa, April U, A. lIENILY M. ItlßLET„klesicnox, Atty, at LIM'. 'NO. I Peach St., Erie, Pa flpfl .tssignep in Bankruptcy. - IN 1)I tHsTittar COURT of the United I _ Stat for the We.tern District of l'entl'a. In 0 : 1 '112,lt terof If. H.& C. D. Reynolds, bankrupts. rho undersigned Hereby elves notiee of Ids ap .ilato.•nt rut reedenve If &C. D. Reynolds, (: ,, iwor.ltp., lb the e•ninty of Erie and State of Penn's, within said district,' who has been ad indeed a bankrupt upon, h is own petition, by the District Court of sold 'dist rcet,Aluted Mite, Pa., April 12 A. D. = • liENtti 31. ItIBLET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. 13. ti ht., Erie, Pa. _aprls-3t. • • Assignee'in BankPuptcy. IN THE COURT of the .11niteti States for the Western District of Penn'A, fit the loaner 01 John B. Russell, bankrupt. The' undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint. :nem. a, Assianee of John IL Russell, of Erie; to the county of Erie and State of Fa:, within aid district.who h ben adjudged a bankrupt upon Iris own petition by the District C , urt 01 Raid district. C.tte at Erie Pa., March 9, A. D., HE NRY M. 1111 . 1Licr, Assignee, Atty. at LW, No. 134 Peach at., Erie, Pa. aprir, Nol lee. SEcnETARY's Orries, Ea/k CER 'MIMI, I ERIE, I R A. pril 1,1669. J . 'I , IIE ASSTS.!, MEETING, of - the l'orporators 1. of the Erie Cemetery will be held at lb. of tl-c of the Secretary, corner of the Park and leach street, on Tuesday evenlng,Jtay 4, 'sat, at 7 o'clock, to elect a Hoard of .stanaa rs for the ensuitut year, and to transact such busintsoo as May come before them. apri.ssr WM, nimnon, JR.. Recy. WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE. PENYA, APRIL 22, 1969 Boom FOR RE:RT.—The room in Rpsen zweits block, lately occupied as the Obser ver business office, is offered for rent. Apply to the editor. • npBdf. POLITICAL lIISTORY.—SeveraI errors oc curredin, our political history, last wifelt,and We ro-put2lisy It on the outside. ~••/".s,:qiir txb- Jectls•fo get as to correctness ns the limited time and facilities at command, we' shall tie obli.led to any persons wI will furnishAs information upon any of the events covered by tier FIRE AT FAIRVIEW.—Three; buns and' 3 stable, belonging to .Toslma -Thornton , of FairyleW township, were destroye 1 by Are on Friday_Rwening„the flames havidg :erntinrs: nicated fritm the . sparks-of a locomotive. One of the bar.l . s was a very fine structure, and all of them werewell stocked with ,prodhee turd implements„" The Ws- is about $13,000, which is partially covered by insurance in the Harbor Creek C 0..., •„.• • NAVDRT:IoN Orts.—The.-fir.t vessel of the season left Our It trhor on S.trelty !loon, 711111 re whet' Dctrolt without ditlicolty. On Mon:1 iv. three or four more cleared, neilnAViMtinn mty now' he s thl to 'have , fullvio:tenel There little ice tit c !wit . tic.% an 1 thas which rent tins has 110:•,i7 pretty well I )l'l'4.'l to 1,1,-'0•" Ity the 1 tte from 13 ado say int nr of ice are passing' down Ni .3,4.tra river.', With a few diys of pleasant weather, the: Lake trill be open in every direction. . \W.--111• th , . new 1 kW, ap proved F..h. Th 1569; no demand h 'been in tde for the p tynfettt Of a ground rent or other charze upon NO fair twenty on yvir.i, and no aeknowlel.rat-tit o:* exi once tly_reof It is been in ide within tit Lt pe riod by the tenant, a release Ytr extin ;iii-h -..ment of the el tint ;11.t11 be presmn- I, nil 'the Court of Common Pie under ing, and proof; may tleeree,sttelt evingui,ll. ment. The law al-o apples to p at; of gr,m..nd rents apportioned either by deed or be jilt vocation from the arts of the parties. Thayer•' Cireut and Menagerie Miring the past iv inter, Dr. Thayer, the well known and popular showm tn, his tined 0 it rote of the most extensive .and to tt iiflc •nt trayelinz exhibithin, tint ii is 'ever v'dted ihi<:ection e eintrv. 'to 'turd )11Y Mt v..t . trite lie ,e 1 , •19 Girard, wic re he will be the recipient of a compli- - 1 mentare temefit tendered him by the promi nent reside it, of that locality ; aml !el Mon day, the 31 of May, 10 will in ike hi, grand - entree into Erie TM.i comp my i, coropos ,, l of the finest arcnic, rimphitheatrie it perform ers in Amerie undi.r the dirwtion of the celebrated equestrian manager and trainer, Mr. Frank Itywe':, idsidei which Prof Chic. Vttite, the flinmelion" tamer, will pertimo his seL of traine 1 :mho the finest ever exhibited in this country. One or the grit feature; of - Me exhibition will he the di,tribution of one hendro I valti aide preieuts in the slim of got 1 and 'liver wAtches, silver ware anil other eqstly which will be dispensed by gentlemen vol unteering' fr on the audience. The proces sion will constitute a stream of gold and glit ter, a Mile in length, and will be worth twiny . a mile's journey to witness. We commend thisleature to our rural subscriberQ. South Erie Town Hall and Market Mouse JOur South Erie neighbors, whose public spirit we have frequently hail occasion to celmmend, have added another to the , monu ments of their energy. which Is among. the most creditable they h ire e msuminated. We refer to the M irket House building just completed—a structure th it would be an honor to any community, and one that will be productive ofgreat and permanent benefit to the locality. It hastbeen built at the ex pense of the borough, ands occupies one of Ilte best sites possible to have been obtained, with State street on the Etst side, Peach on the West, and Simpson on the South.,,, The material is brick ; the building is two stories high ; size 30x75 feet; cost of lot $7,00,; cost of the- building about $B,OOO. The while of the secoud'story is intended' / for a public hall, and makes as tine a one at; any in the city. The first floor is divided had two• apartm-at , ,,—the,largeriine, trl x 5-1 !vet, is to be.used as a market house; the smaller ono as a - con nOl chamber awl I,M her b,u'ough purtokse.. Entraoce to ti Crupper story is also obtains 1 through a small hall on the ground floor. The bnilding,a, a general thing, is admirably arrangtel, with high cell ibgs and abundant light, and if there is any defect about it, it consists in . the probability that the market spare will be found too lila- , ited. In every place wherz suitable market ar,ommodations have been provided, the re sult has invariably been nut the demand fir st tlls,was greater than had been originally provided for, and we have no doubt that our , *South Erie friends will have a similar ex- perience. On Tuesday evenin ,, , the huildin: was dedicated with a public supper and dance, which were largely attended. The promi nent citizens of Smith Erie, with their wives, daughters and awe etheart3, turned out in force, and were joined by scores from the city, inclniling some of our best known resi-, dents ill - present enjoyed themselves heartily, and it was the unanimous verdict that the committee in (-barge covered them selves with glory by the excellence of their arrancementz, and the promptness, courtet%y . and skill with which they were carried out. OM= Mr. L. B. Chevalier, the artist, has just completed an oil painting which is one of the finest pt oductions of his genius, and will place him in the front rank of American painters. It is called "Cupid Sharpening his Arrow," and represents the mi , cltievous little fellow stooping Iv the aide of a stn. tm , on the stones of which he is industriously rubbing the points of his weapon. ' Under a tree, in the distance, is a group of young people, into whose hearts he has evidently determined to send the contents of his quiv er. The design is suggestive, and gives pleasing effect, while the execution is splen did. We have never seen richer colors, nor a more natural gronpint of the leading fea tures. Mr: Chevalier will win wider-reputa tion than ever by this picture, which is pro nounced by all who have seen it one of the 'best, it not the.very best cfhirt, of his life. DON'T HE SWINDLED.—The Mayor of New York has issued n% circular cautioning the, public against New York circulars, tickets, chances and prospectußes in co-op erative union., or gift enterprise., or dollar stores, or in any other possible scheme where by property or value LI promised, greater than - the price asked to be paid.. Every such' scheme, he says, is a swindle and n false pre tense. • Ixgrrasta . 1 -.. We cannot give you the in fiirmatidn requestd. The gentleman has not been seen in this city for. a couple weeks. On the occasion of .his last appearance; he was about starting for Washington, in confi dent expectation of receiving a Post office appointment, since which time no •person seems to be 'aware of his location. Suspi cious offoul play are becoming current. IN another column will be found an ad vertisement of the Cincinnati Enquirer. We have before expressed the opinion; and talFy. pleasure in repeatinglf, that of all the papers in the West, the Enquirer is the ablest, most enterprising and reliable. It is A model journal, and cannot be spoken of in too stmng terms of praise A Fine Picture Improvement• at the Wharves. In taking a stroll along the landing, the other day, I was astonished at the amount of .workeing.on at the Phil a. & Erie Railroad wharves. They have already completed,and in us”, their lake wareho :se wharf, now stored with some 6,000 tins of Anthracite coal, belonging to Burton Brothers & Co., as also the elevator dock, including th tt recent ly occupied' by Lamb & Co.,—making in all some five acres. They are also preparing timber for an immense trestle work, on the -eastside_of their present works, to be planked over forcoal storage, which, when comple ted, will'make in all some temaerts,' wharf dye: any . oiie'r.tillrorid along the Lakes beat this? They haVe also had' a gang of 100 men the pact' winter at work blasting the rock along the line of their wharves and. iq the slips, tolhe depth of fifteen feet, which will give them a sufficient depth of water for the large. class of vessels] I also under stand they contemplate removing several of the cribs sunk by UM old murkily during the absurd railroad war some years since. This - will he aline - timing for our harbor, as thee cribs are a great nuisance.. They have constructed a large and powerful 'dredging machine,whieh they inten 1 to keep c onstant ly employed, as then rock, being slate and shale, is easily eteav red with the dredge after iffusiing. To add farther to their business arrangem mTs, they h lea p arch used the new elevator, and . will th it branch of pro duce shipueiaT'a, ; :1 , 1 I, I in ay a 11, this eleva tor is but the "av ince eoarrier: of several inure, b.; eolstractel„ d as so in as the lucre tse or tiuslness will warrant ; and coon we in Iv Nneet to sac a line of propel lers bel tnging t t the ea upany, and scores of >ail craft, of the Tartest size, throitging their wit trves. Aire tlv their shipments. have, commenced for the se . tson, as three nr fiur cargoes of e )1.1 have been levAtoltcd fir the p,irts adiVe. I noticed a large I.q of railroad iron being d , livered, itn.l was told •there would he 13,000 t tn, of it, from I) in Pa., destined for S'aperiiir City,liir a new railroad in prize si of construction. There ware many other items of lute r•s' whieh I could inontion, but defer it fur the present. What a blesdag, to Erie' th tt this road has titans fallen into the hands of an enter prising and wealthy emnpviry, who, in for theririg their own interest in making it one of the, beg ro tins in the country, will, very tiers illy, benefit our city ; fur Jlu more business the road aloes, the better for us. Sac- Coss to the Phila. & Erie R. It. ; long may she wave. In coming Jibing up, I fell in with our filends Cochran and Spooner, of the•" Eric Lime and Cement Ca." They Iplong to that class of men wh ) never dl) things by hslvee, and have shown it be way of their works. They, too, have been blasting and and now 11:11/e a line depth of water at their landing. Their new and- extensive plaster 'mill is turning out u large amount of ground' plaster, which they Bell to our farmers an.l ship to the interior. Near by, I noticed the new shingle mill of Messrs.' Geo. Carroll & Brother, where they were slathering out the shingles nt a rapid rate. My nest halt was at "MOsqueto Fleet Harbor," at the foot of State street, where I notice•l scores of steam• yachts, sail boat; anti row boats of every size, model and fit, and preparing for the aquatic sports of the season. Then for a stroll upon the public dock: here I found a tine schoon er:of 271 tons, old measurement, building for Messrs. Geo. Carroll & Brother, and nearly ready for launching. Messrs. Baker & Foster builders, who have dime themselves much credit in the construction of this staunch ress 1, so admirably adapted to the lumber trade. 31,:zri. Geo. C wroll II Brother ~ ver,. for merly in busineis in Toronto, Cmada, and came :whom; us some two years since., witli the intention of embarking largely - in the lumber trade. They soon established a rep ufattion for thorough brisitiess capacity and in tegrity and have taken the in their line. Last year they sold 1,500,000 feet _elf dumber —Mosey shipped, to the interior—land expect to do a much - larger buscness this season. We welcome the a Lvent of such citizens among us; and will say to our C' orultan nei4lthois, if you have any more such to-spare, please send them alorz,. There-are-al4o two other lumber tirmS who have been doineTtutsiness upon the dpek the past year, viz: PeckhaM, Rnag Fe Co.; and E. J. Wright. The fernier built the SAW mill at the' foot of State street, 'and had a*.lar,te lumbe'r yard in'towa. I re, gret to learn theyatT about elositr; out their Milne:44. The latter, Mr. Wriq'tt,- will edit. time his business, and, lig - the cones• Bence of the eirll ;11111111v, he is bound to sue• ceel. Tli other tr tleup to I . lle dock, viz : salt, coal an 1 oil, not having commenced, but little business in th•tt line i. doing. A word -or two about th'.! d •et of craft. sur rounding the wharves, not% jit-t emerging from their winter rut: : irt er4, in 1 I have Buie. Yonder you hear tit,• cl•tth•r of the caulking mallet, and here the clink of the steam engi neer's h tanner ; and that merry song you hear is the voice of tarrv-tro .vs.ire 1 .Tack, as he bustles about, fore and aft, alaw ttal fitting the'gear awl bending slj ; and there, also, is the. p tinter, brush in h wd, It tr.' at work, trigging maihim up in gay colors; and 'the saucy craft herself, apparen ly rejoicing nt being relieve I from her is f•tr•r+, anxious to spread her wings to the liree7.• and bound away over the rolling v. .1:I in her tnis- sion of commerce. There la,v% the C. S. St• ou-r niellig;itt, at her berth. She is just bezinning to skin oQ her winter garinenti, prevtratory to hauling into the strum; and then• si mai her-gal lant commander, Capt. Jim .1 )uett, the very• parag;m of a true-hearted sailor, a hero and a gentleman. 1 .do not kaiak h-• ever had a personal (:ue:n:•, :in 1 to kuo.c him i 4 tithe hit friend D. m .1 year our eitiv.n. will have the satislawdon of seeing. a new hr melt of business established, which piomis - es to be e•mte the most iinniirliint in the course of term tt 1114 vet heel sill krt ion tole. We allude to the cre:tion of t lila,: fornace, preparations for which are helm; made :IS rap idly as circumstances will permit. The experi ence of the world shows that iron manufactu res are 'among the most certain and substan tial means for prlnnotine: the prosperity of a community, and we feel that this will be' the .result in our inst vire The sOCCOIi of one furnace will soon induce others; and then will follow, in regular course, rolling mills, forges, nail works, machine shops. &c. Unless we mistake the indications, in ten 'years time Erie will be one of the most im portant iron centres in the country. Tits business men of Erie have learned a number of thino to their advantage within the la,t year or two, acid they have yet to learn one more—that if they wish to keep trade from going to other place;, they !mist exhibit the same liberality iu acquainting the public With the inducements they have to offer that is shown by the li,iness men of rival 'co at cnit n ides.. 3leadyi Ile . , Corry, James town arid Titusville are all liberal advertis ing- places; and we hear no complaints of 'dull times from any of them. Tits Curry Republican characterizes Ez- Otivernor Curtin as none of the few honest men of our itstiou." Our cotemporary must be poorly posted ou State politics, or he would not.comMit the absurdity of lauding Curtiu's 'fhonestY," Whatever he might think Of him in other respects. For further partie 'tilers, we refer the Republican to almost any of the leading men of its party who are fa miliar with affairs at Harrisburg. • - Ttnt-- Dispatch has not• yet commenced ':smashing the slates,•'•as it promised in case of faildre to secure a recognition of its clams at the bands of the Administration. The public must wait in patience, until our neigh bor gets all itsluns mounted and pointed up on the enemy's position. LOCAL BRP.vrriza. Tnn old jail has partly disappeared, and work on the new one is to be pushed iorwanl rapidly. Conur has an ordinance forbidding the use of velocipedes except on certain sidewalks =fled. TtrE Carroll Bros. will launch their new vessel in about three weeks. It is to be named the L. L. Lomb, in honor of,one Of our most esteemed citizens, TUE water revenues are lamer than was anticipated this year, and hopes are enter tained that part of the appropriation for wa ter purposes will not be needed. ' THE Post,otTlee Department has issued• a regulation forbidding the delivery of letters that are addressed to initials. The address must be written out in full. A SPECIAL tax of twenty 'wills, to cover deficiencies, has been !mica by the city Coon els: Our worthy 'fathers", arc fast learning the tricks of their congresiionat cotempont ries. AMOSO the ,gentletnen whose names we hear suggested for office next fall are: Isaac Moorhead, of Erie, for Assembly ; Henry But : tertield and H. M. Riblet, of Eria, (IT Dis trict Attorney. Sosmnorwr, whom that paper characterizes as "an esteemed subscriber and citizen," has betn writing a letter to the Gazette, attacking the Misonic organization, which the editor declines to publish. , Tnn crowd of loafers at the corners of The Park and State street exhibits ne visible de crease. The ladies of the city ought to ap point a vigilance committee, and clean them out, if the proper officers will nut take-hold of the natter. Most: who enjoy good shooting and fish ing have now a fine opportunity. The B ty is full of fish, and wild , ducks are unusually plenty in the vicinity of the Peninsula. In a few weeks sportstura cin secure all the fun they wish. MT. OLIVET COMMA:MEALY, No. 30, id thi, city, has presented to Past Eminent Com mander, Geo. V. Maus, a superb emblematic jewel, in recognition of his fidelity as an of ficor and sterling qualities as n Mason And ei , izen. The gift was worthily ne,towed. Tui.: Philadelphia and Erie R. IL compa ny owns 05 engines, 34 first class passenger cars, IS baggage, mail and express cars, and 1,4011 freight cars, not to speak of tho,e in use on the road belonging to the Penna. Cen tral Co.,lesQfx, numbering abort halt as many `more. THE Gazette speaks of the news from Mr r6butd, announcing the adjournm• nt of the Legislature, at the "best of the session." Considering that the body was overwhelm ingly II ulicnl. sounds zumwwliat "(1610)- 0." The'. brethren will hate to too', after the Gazette. SHERIFF SWAN declined being held re sponsible for the sate keeping of the prisoners in their new quarters, and the contract to feed and guard them has been taken by W. H. Harris - He haii a day and night watch man on duty, who are formidably armed, and ordered, ,1.14 Gen. Dix,. if any man attempts to dig his way oat, to shout him on the spot. ONE' of the most gratifying feature , in con nection with the adjournment of the Legia lature, is the reflection that Mr. Rea w ill have no further opportunity for disgraeina himself and constituents in an official capacity. His "blackguard" speech has laid him out so fiat that he couldn't muster a corporal's guard for re-election Tiii law recently passed provides that par ties interested in a suit shall not be excluded thereby front being witnesses in their oWn behalf; provided, that the practice which forbids htisband and wife' from testifyiitg against each other, or counsel from reveal ing the confidential communications of cli ents, shall not be reversed: AN average of five or six hundred foreign emigrants pass over the Phila. & Erie mad each week. The mad being seventy miles shorter than •any miler route between Erie and New York, is able to carry the emi grants at - lower figures than any of its com petitors:, We expect to.see it become the great emigrtuat Mute of the country. IT seems to be a chronic disease with some persons to be constantly distressing them•• selves about - other perTle's , attars Why it' is that a certain clais iu every community give themselves so Much trouble about things that 'don't concern. them in the slighte , t. is one of the mysteries that the wisest philo♦o: pheri have been unable to explain... , - littavv falls of rain,- accompanied by i thunder anti lightning, have visited our :tee. lion since Sunday evening: Their refresh ing effect upon vegetation is visible in all directions. The grass, grain and buds are sprouting so tapidly that it almost seems as if one could see them gron. In two or three 1 weeks, nature will bodecked in the full glory of her spring fashions. • . ~ I WITUIN about two yelark' _time, tom`yoang men who have learned their tra.les - in'the Ob server office, 'have commenced to, prepare themselves for the reinistM •If this doesn't prove the good results of DemoCratic teach ing, there's no use iu citing further testi mony. We think seriously of starting zt Theological school, and taking a contract to supply tile shepheidlesslioAts of the country. Oen exposure of the wicked company Senator Lowry keeps in Harrisburg created great astonishment among the superabund antly "loyal," and some of them waxed ex , ceedingly Itis.conduct.ley say* It is all very well for him to eulogize John Brown, and puff up the colored tnan but the sin of presiding at a Democratic assemblage overbalances any amount of such cheap "loy alty." TIII.;SE words recently met our eye 4 si we passed a workshop: "No room fur loafersy Sure enough, there is no. room for loafers anywhere in this working world. They are not wanted in the busy workshop, nor in the editor's sanctum; they are a nuisance in the store, spitting and spewing about the stoic, and at the post office Cud street co-- ners are in everybody's tray. They are for : ever out of place except yhen in the peni tentiary or jail. THE opening of spring enables us to ap preciate the convenience of having an abund ant supply .of water. The business men along• the Parks keep the streets 'dampened, and thus avoid the terrible dust which has been the curse of Erie ih former seasons. It is to be hoped that all who dobusiness along our main thorouofares will supply them selves with hose and nozzles, and do their share towards keeiring the city in a pleasant condition. • • Ma. Mrcsarajllooax, President. of -the Irish American benevolent Association, has been presented with a rich, beautiful and costly , regalia, at the• hands of Mr. James Kelly, of the ,U. S. Michigan, who takes that, method of showing his respect for the society and its noble object. It is designed to be' preserved as a mowento in the Association, and handed' down• from each President to his successor. The donor could not have 'chosen a more worthy medium for the dis play of his generosity. AFTER a hard tight, Senator Lowry sue- ceeded in getting an appropriation of $20,000 for the Marine Hospital, instead of $lO,OOO, as cut down by the Finance Committee of the Senate. The appropriation was desper ately fought by some of the Senators, who proftssed to look upon the Hospital as a needless institution. Lowry complains' thit the representations of certain Erie parties had considerable to do with the struggle he was obliged to make in securing the appro priation. We cannot conceive whai'motive would induce any reside. t of our city to wish the means Withheld br completing the Hospital. Tan -prisoners, are delighted with their temporary accommodations while the new jail is building. We hope they will continue of that mind (or a few Months, and not make it necessary for Harris' watchmen to put a few bullet holes through some of their number, in order to prevent escape. A % EAT:rill German, named Christian 13Ioeser, was taken with a At, on Tuesday, while crossing the tressle work which spans State street, and, staggering to oue side, was precipitated to the ground, meeting with in stant death. IN compliance with the recommendation of tiu4 commander, Gem Logan, the grand Army of the Republic in our city will strew with flowers the graves of the deceased sol iers and tailors, on the 29th or 30th of May. Trim barn of Wm. Sweitzer, near North East, was• destroyed by fire ou . Tuesday night. A number of horses and cows, and a lave amount of hay and grain were lost. Fon a drink of very nice soda water, or a good cigar, call at the new drug store of J. M. Davies & Co. ." Tag wheat crop throughout the,couuty is said to give prospects of a large NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. JAL L. Lorr, of Freehold, publishes a card asking the Republicans of Warren county to nominate him for Assembly. A xto . xumnyi . to the memory of the la mented Democratic leader and "railroad king," Dean Richmond, to cost $28,000, is to be erected in New York. The man wtio pimped front the cars, a few evenings ainee, near Younoville, while asleep and dreaming, has since died. lie leaves a wife and several small children in Warren. Tun triennial election•; of County Superin tendents of Common Schools for "Crawford, Warrem and Erie, as well as the other coun ties throughout Mc State, take place on the fir,t Monday in May. • A CLENELAsn convict hung himself—in efilp, , v —the other day,making a general scare among officials, - Who proceeded to cut the body down, when a resurrection occurred front under the•hed. MR. F. FErrzt, of ,Warrep, publishes a card in 'the Ledger thanking the German In surance Co., of this city. for its prompt liqui dation of the losses tie incurred by the late tire in that hornugh. TIDIOUTE Of ;1 young iroman who has packed eight thousand shingles n day for two months, and says she intends to increase the number to ten thins:old. Some enter prising young man will make It fortune by scenting her as a4nrtner. Tttt: bll passed the Legislature authoriz ing the Erie Canal Company to mortgage the can't' and issue bonds for redeeming the pre-entindebtedness and enlargingthe.canal. Under this bill it is expected to raise money enough make the contemplated enlarge ment. TUE battle for office among the Republi cans of Craw ford county has already com menced with vigor, and half a dozen names aro already announced as candidates. The Conneautville Record sarcastically says: "The crop of "patriots" willing to suffer them-elves to he made servants of the peo- ple will hardly reach 'the total number of Republican voters in the county, but there will be a good variety from which to make a choice." Tim Morning Star is the title of new Democratic paper started in Titusville by W. C. Plummer, Esq., the well known former editor of the Pithole Record. It is, one of the neatest of of r exchanges, and is edited with enterprise and ability. The Monocrats of Titusville and vicinity have lnnr liven striving to secure a reliable orgah, and, now that they have as ereditablea one as the Star, we hope they will not fail, to fur nish it a profitable patronage. ON vilF. Bth of May the stockholders of the Michigan Southern Railroad are to meet in Chicago and vote on the question of con solidation with the Lake Shore Road, ex tending from Toledo to Erie. The directors of the two roadi haVe t oted nnanitnouslv in favor or the arrangement. It is believed the Buffalo & Erie Railroad will enter into the arrangement. The entire length of the com bined roads %%odd he :339 miljs,—adding laaheheq,lit”ut 0410 milts—with a eA'pital of g:;:i pop obo TIIF. S . tnr •.tys they are Navin_ lkely tiare4 in Titu-vitle, and in fact, throughout the oil region. Tye - .aninuer w 11, from present indh atirm , , hc• a, prosperous as that of 15.65. We du not halide that there Li a hou=e nr rr .n a room to runt in the city. People are daily crowding; in Many of those doing loi• : 1'n;c4 down the creek or. over at Picatiantville• make Titusville their Ite.miquax 'ter; or place of ,residence. It k ¢ ife to pre sutne tint before the, I•tpse of another y!ir the population of Titusville will Ire "a third larger•than it is at pru,ent. THE following relateg to the famou% trip of President Johnson, t , Chicago, iu Istl6, when he wag accompanlid by Grunt, Farragnt, Welltm and other.. It will be remembered that, at Cleveland, Grant wag taken " , anblenlv sick," and took a boat 'ur .Detroit: The advertigemenrappenrs in the Cleveland Plaindcaler : . Pervoot!..—Will the personal frii•nds who harked' me into 'the carriage, at the Cleve: land depot, in Ih6ti, and went with me to the Detroit bred, when I was "swinging amend the circle," 'end their pt . ( Nent *darts, •to me and deognate the oflico., they. de-ire? S G., Washington, D. C. Jury List. List of Juterg for ft Court, of O'er and Terntiner fourth Monday 01 May, 1869 : Grand Juror.—Charles Metcalf of Eris•, foreman. Erie.—D. McAllister, C. W. Lyt/e, •T. J. Hoskiuson, OrvilleJohnsou, Geo. W. Ballet, Abner P. Streeter, Jas. Marshall, Jr. South Erie.—J. A. Veit. 3till Creek.—Clemens Bt;ick', G. W. Barr. North East.—Wm. Greer. Corry.—James Patterson, E. L King, Amos Heath. • Wayne.-4. G. Kin caid. Union Boro. : —Joho Smiley. Le &sot —A. L. Tilden. Waterford I'p.—H. It. Whittlesey, L. Phelps. Waterford Born. —I. M. White. Summit.—Arthur 0. Hill. MeKean.—lt. F. Sterrett. Fairview Born.— W. W. Eaton. •••• • ' • Petit Jurors.—Erie.—J. S. Dunn, M. S. Dunlap, E. Diefendorf, S.:C. Brooks, Adam Meyer, Frank Milligan, Alex. Johnson, A. W. Van Tassel, John W. Gross. ' Souith Erie. A. Jantzer. Mill Crerk.—Henry Shat tuck, J. A. Tracy, John W. Ryan, Thomas Willis, J. Trout. Elarbo'r - Creek.—Eolward C.lStl. North East Tp.—l. IL Gay, Wm. S. Randall, Wm. Custard, R. S. Martin. North Eait Boro.—Jas. B. Caldwell. Gmenfield.— B. F. Bissell. Venango.—Win. E. Preble. Wattsburg.—John Lang, B. A. Skinner. Amity.—Judson Stowe. Concord.—W. W. Covell. S. Hammond. Corry.—W. H. Can field, W. T. Brown, D. J. Mead., Union Tp. —G. W. Carroll. Waterford Tp'.—E Pelton, Geo. Coover, E. Wood. Greene.—Wm.Mor rison. Summit.--Chas. Osborne. McKean. —T. 11. Clpper. • Washington.—T. Butler, Wm. Fellows, Peter Wellman. Edinboro.— C. L Culbertson. Conneaut—C. Alderman. Springfield.—Gro. Hall. Girard Boro.—A. Clark. Lockport Dist.—Orrin Wells. Fair view Tp.—R. Bear,,R. Kreider. Petit Jurors drawn for the Court of Com mon Pleas, fifth Monday iu May, 18139: Erie.—E. A. Sennett, L.B. Ckevalier , Jno. Case . , 0. A. Dolph, Thomas ewart, H. L. White. Mill Creek.—A. J. Church, Jas. C. Graham, Elias Haybarger, Phillip Schwin gle. Harbor Creek.—Wm. Saltsman. North But Tp.-11..H. Brown, R. Crawford, Geo. S.elkregg. Greenfield.—Wilson French. Venango.--;AndreW Henderson. Wattsburg. W. W. Davis. W,ayne.—C. L Smith. Cur- U.—JacobTrantz. Union Waters. nion Bum.—A. Dunham. Le.fireur—P. 11. Cult, CharlorWiteeler. Waterford Tp.- 1 3 , Strong Greene.—J. Backus, A. Cutter, Martin Wicks. Summit.--Geo. Reynolds. McKean.—J. Elaybarger. Middleboro.—H: Lamson. Rdinboro.-11. C. Gerrish. Elk Creek.—W7•-Lawrence. Conneaut. Thos. Beaumont, A. Palmer. Springfield.—O. F. Ellis, Milton , Porter. Girard Tp.-1, L. Foster, M. B Babbitt, M. Anderson. Fair view Tp.—D. W. Nason. STATE NEWS. THE last "Legislature passed a general Registry law, covering the objections of the Supreme Court to the former one. If mean. legislation will keep the Radicals in power, they are bound to he in • office for ycari to come. Pennsylvania LegiAlature held its 14,t !Agnes§ meeting on Thursday night of lost week. The occasion' was a scene of con fusion, and the winding up of the session of 1869 was a fitting close to the almost daily disgraceful scenes which have taken place in UAW body since,raimary. Friday was de, vottA to speech .making and presentations, the Speakers and 'leaders of both parties coming in fur their share of the good things. DwttNG the first part of the , late session of the Legislature,;Mr. Burritt, Susquehnna, introduced into 'the House it j;:int rem dution proposing an amendment to the Constitution. allowing females as well 'as males; over twenty-one years of age, to vote in Pennsy/- . yank. The resolution came up for actual• near the close of the &restart. Mr. Burritt made an extended and able speech In favor ofithe proposition, and was listened to with clostattention, A vote was had on agree ing to the resolution, and resulted, yeas 20, nays 63. As this is a subject agitating the public mind to quite an extent, we, give the names of those rho voted for the resolution, as follows: Messrs. Antes,, BeattS. Brown. (Huntingdon,) Buffington. Burritt, Chamber lain, Clark, (Warren ( ) Foy, Benoit!, Harvey, Kerr, Kleckner, Leedom, McGinnis, Mar shall, Rea, Robinson, (Mercer,) Webb, West lake and Wilson—all /it:publicans except Mr. McGinnis, of Philadelphia. . A Clluscu. Row.—The "members ; of the Presbyterian Society of Findley toyenship, Allegheny county, had a lively row on Sun day two weeks ago. There has been trouble in the congregation for a number of years, growing out of the fact that their pastor; Rev. Win. PFunter, is a Democrat. • The Republi can and Democratic factions of the congre gation became very much embitterainst each other, and hunter and his friertisis set upon theif own account, and the Reim!)li can members did the same, each holding services in the same building at different hours. On the oc c uSion referred to, both parties arranged for service on that - day, at the-same hour! A conflict war, just as in evitable,-under such circumstances, as a col lision between two locomotives in atteppt, lug to pass on the same track. A number of Radical members took possession on Kit lathy night, and remained iu the 'church with the doors baked. Qn :similar morn: lug the Rtinter men gatheretrand attempted to force entrance. Small compliments, in the shape of shovels and linkers, chunks of coal, stones, clubs, tVc., passed between the ins and the outs, tlAugh the windows, ainl the "ext•retses" w ere anything lint de votional. A panel was broken out: of the door, and one of the besieging' varty at tempted to get inside through the limb-, but was repulsed, a little the worse fur the trial. The attack was kept up for some time, but the Ifunterites finding the 'other party too strontzly entrenched, were obliged to beat a 'retreat. The hest day warrants were issued .for the arrest of the parties in the church, and they, to retaliate, caused the arrest of the attacking !ary. The matter - will he -• tied by the courts. =I Swissmt—PAßTutoor.--In Greenville, Mer cer Ca., at the residence, of the bride's father, on Tuesday evening, the 20th inst., by Rev. Perry, Mr. Samuel Swkser to Mi—; Clara Thu (ridge, all of Greenville. DIED. Osnotai—ln this city, on the 15111 Mil nie, eldifk daughter of James and Mar Osborn, aged 3 years and j 1 month.. CALDWELL—In Mill Creek, on the Ist lust Mrs. Niiney Caldwell. wife of S. K. C a l. well, in her 60th ye tr Santit—ln t'lwrryll,.. on the 4th inst., Frankie A.. only child of W. M. and Sylva Smith, .wed G montlis and '2 7 Jay=. RontssoN—ln Fairview, on the Slit inst. Robert Robinson, agvfl &IS years. MILLER—In this city, on the It3th inst., Mr Egbert E Miner. aged about 49 year-. OsrtouNs---At Br - oklyu, N. Y., on the 2d inst., 'Jas. Osborn, formerly a resident of Water ford, aged 'ID. STANFIRLD—In this city, on the Bth inst., Mrs. Polly Stanfield, aged 87 years. Itiumbot.t.—Ou the 19th inst., at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Hon. I. B. G•tra, Mrs. Ingersoll, in the 80th year of her age. McCLt•nE—ln Erie, April Gth, of heart dis ease, John McClure, of Harbor Creek, in the 73d year of his age. Pcnsotta—ln Amity: Tp., April 16th, 1969, H. M., youngest son of H. and. T. A. Per ' sons, in the 20th year of his age. Mor.—On the 14th inst., Emma A., wile of Dr. M. C. Moe, of Harborcrawk, aged 25 years. ' FILITTZ—b WattAhura, Erie Co., Pa., on flit' 20th inst . ., of heart. disease, Jacob Priitz, GS years of age. • .DROWN—In Greene Town;ilip, on the morn ing of April 14th, after a short but. sevt:re illnei=s, Cyril Drown, in the 74th year of his Fattier Drown was one of the witerables of° tt Citristi.m community in this neighbqi - - hood. De came to this county in the year 191/ 4 , from Coellfre Co, New Hampshire, and resided here until now that he bas gone 'to a better country, oven a heavenly." lie NVIIS an intelligent citizen, and his, children and frillids are glid in his memory -as th t of an honest mina. Cox. We may ridd to the above that Mr.. Drown was also one of our most consistent Demo crats, and one of the oldest eubscrib?r to the Observer—two facts which he was aecus touu•d to frequently allude to with Intudi gratification. 1111 w To WAD CHARA - CTE:11—;l new libistra led Hand Book of PhrenOlogy and PliVsi • ognomv, t w the uso of Stu lents and Ex aminers.; w itit Uk-seriptiv,- Chart for marking, and upwards of Engravings. Price, po.d.paid. in ; to paper, $1 S. R. Wells publisher, 359 Broadway, , New York. One who wishes to get a practical know l edze of Phrenolocy and Physiognomy in the shortest po—dble time, and without burdening his mind with theoretical ‘peeulations, will find ju.t the work he nt!yd.; S. Lir as any book can Bice him the instruction he re this will ‘l,, it': and so clear arc explanations, and so full, complete, and er filll%e its illustrations, that ,the lack of an oral teacher will seem but a i:lighttirawbaek. It doe's not claim to be exhaustive: hut we can confidently assert that so : much truly 110.4ditl matter on the subjetis treated, with so minty fine illustrAtions, can nowhere else be found in the snot" compass or for so , mall a price. IIoNEAT men are easily bound, but yin: c•an never hind a knave.. Plantation Bitters cures dyspepsia. Keep no more cats in "the house than will catch mice. Plantation Bitters cures lever and ague. War makes thieves, and Peace hangs them. Plantation Bitters cures liver complaint and nervous headache. Time is a file that wears and makes, no noise. Plantation Bitters cures the effects of dissi pation and late hour*. Better have one plow going than two era-. dies. Plantation Bitters are an antidote to change of water and diet. Fools and obstinate people make lawyers rich. ' • Plantation Bitters purify, strengthen and in vigorate. - A kind wife makes a faithful husband. MAGNOLIA WATEG.—Superior to the beet mported German Cologne. and sold at half he price. Ms In - ALAI/MA: PREPAILATION.—The at: tendon of our readers is directed to the ad vertisement of Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Punt Tree Tar Cordial for the cure of Consump tion of the Lungs, etc. This invaluable preparation has met with such an increased , detruind during the past few years, the pro prietor has found it necessary to increase the• facilities for manufacturing, and has now one' , tif the lamest Laboratories in Philadelphia; and has recently removed his salesrooms tie the large and commodious store, No. 232. North Second street, Philadelphia. Some ot the largest Patent Medicine dealers in the United States say the demand for Wlsbart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is greater at the pres ent time than any other l'atent Medicine this country. A Glum) axto ItzarrED Success.—We learn that so great has become the demand for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy of late, that Instead of grinding and preparing the ingre dients which enter into its composition, in a common druggist's mortar, the proprietor has had to resort to a large set of French Bur Mill Stones, which are run by water power. When it is considered that it is but. a short time since the remedy was discovered and lint on sale, this' may truly be said to en tirely eclipse the success which has met the remedies of Aver, Janes, Moffat, Townsend, and the whole fraternity of proprietary med icine venders. Where there is such success, here must be some merit. It is for sale in. Anost every drug store in the land, and Is also sold larXely and scut through the mall at sixty,cents per package.—Bupdo Evening • Amt. N'tb3 Bbbutiotmento. PitklPAlll.l For the Great Consolidation 1 I DR. JAS. L. THAYER'S GREAT CIRCUS ! Animal Exliibition ! • The most eofnplete and comprehensive estah lethment In the country, a lth a new awl • plendld outfit of unexampled magnificence, crutanettig A Star Corps of Performers, ' ' ' A Mena rest* 'of Educated Animals, A Superb Stud of Horses and Ponies, Extraordinary Trick Mules, Aud a general tour onvemble hitherto unup pronehett by nay other traN Olio; echtbl hou, will exhibit at ERIE, MONDAY, MAY 3d; A FTERSCiON AN U sunur Presvntlng cavil entertain invnt a brilliant ..,,riotdif Arent(' IN rformanee , . led by the fol lowing galaxy of rtlebrisle,, • MLLE MILLI I: yr.-mlore • L.l 13F.LLE NELLIE, Queen of the Manage. MR. 0E0104: M. KELLY, the Champion lA-aper. BELMoNT Whirl lElts, the start') m num.; of Europe mot A uterlc•a. njt. W.NI. 311 MOAN,mrtlt,..t'hlrfof Bare hack tildes.' MR. FRANK LIOWKS, the futioeo, za.ut re to citque, find wonderful equine preceptor. .17.1tEltT F. AYMAlt,tatttley.repret...nt II ye of the A them:tit S-11,4,1 oT Gymnast, ithES If. I : )WRY, Ih.• Scenic and Hi.trlouu• Fqur.tnau. Principal JeAter, Vilt and Ilinnort.d. Mr. J C. ItliY \C/Lb:4, thPKroat tt ,get [ter .tit p.r6rt.•. of min...T. attache-. ' VA NTOMIMIKTH,VOLits itS anti TtIS rind n grand vaptr.ttion of tralnpd animals by tl u • erb•bratedlion tamer; MR. CHAS. WHITE. ,-- -1 _--• --- - : ,-- 1 .-i,- . •••• • 1-'7 • ”.. 5 i'''-' ;.- --: • • • L.- , - ,• ~,,,,,...:-. ...i5),-I,' -.5 •••:y. . ~..-1" - • --:-:'ti N7? -2'..V.:-',)•.-, ,-;-".. •-- ' =, __.---..,') ••--.-.--.---....-..-;,., - ~,. •,--, -; .;.,...,..•;..-.. .7....,..47,774-2"1 • -. •, . . f. "l - :"..:,t 1- ' ":: . -I''.. .;";/ .:' . .t ,-,. . - .---e,„.,...... e,-- • .',...,.. ,7" , \ s'!- - . v ... q / . A ,', '---;•.' '..--:' • . -- - ": It. lki'l:'- .. .. At iaeh ex/obit lon the linnoco.t lephnnt I.All ROOI 1! will he perfornied by tin: well known Afriyan Ira% eler, Mr. JOHN t: LEN 11.0 Y. EXTRA AND NOVEL ATTRACTION. liurtog the entertatomeounr. J.e. L. Thayer will clintribute ti)NE 111.:NDRED elit (!CE AR T'CLl.l.4..eunslNtlng of talualle prt—ovit. to the shape of GOLD AND SILVER WAD. I IIEs, sPLENDID HiLVER WARE. VA IrABLE BIJOU rErtir The pit:. to be domensed by &committee"( gen tlemen selecte.l from the amitonc... Bear in mind that the grand processional pa geant, conskting o. a glittering stream of mag nitleence,OVElt A !sit LE: IN LEN,TII, includ ing the superb Car of Aurora, with allegorical representations of the Four t.easons and a Tat, leuu Vivant, and a magnificent LIVING ASIATIC LION: Will make a parade on time morning of We day of exhihittnn. PEICFORMANCE nt 2 and 7 1 : p. in. rioori open holt an hour previous. . 50 eelltS ; Children 25 cent.. The inaugural (exhibition will be given at t3l - on aaturday, stay tit, us a complimentary te.aitnotrial to Dr. Ju.e. L. Tilay,r. apt'i."-2er, A. GREAI 111P.31.1t:131-- =I TIIIIOAT AND: LUNG DISEAS.-ES Dr; iTb..harr4 Fine Tree Tar Cordial. It I, the 1 ital prittelpie of the pine t rev, ate Limed by peculiar prari.eis. hi the .I. , trillattua of the tar, by which its inicat,t nitediio it proper tie, are retaineii. It I. the only naregnard and reliable remedy which Inis ever ta...en prepare.l Iruzu the Ju lee thelene tree,. It my the digest II Pi!l - 4:111,111 . 1 t he appetite. 'lt ..trengthens the debbitat...l ay,tem. It purities:tint enrich, the 1.1 , ...,1, awl expels (loin the lyffitetn the, corrupilien wtueh h-rofuta bree.l...on the lungs. It dtm..olvea the mucus or phlegm which 'taps tar air passages of Mr It prmeiple 'III , HI t.e: Irritated surLerrot the tupg, and the oat, penetrating to part. retie % ine pa In and suiplumg intlanitaalem. - It is the result eel s'rtirs and expert merit, and it I otr 2 risl to the al llctad, avith the por t t 11" e UNsiar:in ce of lb, power, to cure the fol, !owing diseases, if the pat tent has not too bull; delayed a resort to the means of euret— Consumption of the Lungs, .ugh. Throat and Breast. lironehltivhivert'mnplaint, Blind and Bleeding , Xliouping inptheria etc. M e are utter asked why are nut other reMt dies in the market' fur consuMption, cougos colds and other pulmonary affections e. nul to Dr. L. Q. Wash:ill's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We answer -Ist. It cures, nut by ,topplutz rough, but by b.o.ening and assisting nature to throw olf the untie tally matter collected about the turuat and bronchial tutu, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Mott Ilim it and Inn,; remedies ate com posed of anodynes, which allay the mimli for a while, bot by their comdrlnging e fleets, the fi bres become hardened, and t tie unhealthy fluids cotyzmlute and are retained In the sy.tein.e.up, log dist 11.'04 beyond the control of our tuent physicianh. :W. The Pine Tree Tar l'ortlial, with its ants, are preferable, because they remove the eatiNe of Irritation of the mucus inetnbnute.ttul bronchial tubes, uestst the lungs to•act and iron off the unhealthy secretions, and purify the thus setentitleally malting the cure perfect. Wtchnrt has on tile at his office hundrenl. and thousand.' of Certificate, fr o m men and WIAIII4II ut unuer.tionable character who wen once hopelessl q y given Up to die, but through the Privideuceut Clod were completely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tart `ord bd. 1 Phy achin in attemialice who can La ellll,llittNl ut person or by mall, free or • barge. Pr tee of Pine Tree Tar Cordial tt1.50 per bottle, ;ill per dozen. sent by ex:or Mt receipt of price. , Addre.e. LQ. pre wISIIART, M. D., No. 2.r2 North, geoual atrket Philadelphia. Pa. TILE WEEKLY ENQUIRE J- It 10409. ME Great Democratic Paper OF THE NORTH-WEST. Send for a Specimen Copy 'Which will be knit free co your uldrc•• As In the past, tio In the futuie, the F:uqulrer wilt be true to the cause of Democracy and the Union of our Fathers. As In the past, so In the future, the Enquirer will the organ and advocate of c4,outt taxation, and the friend of the farmer and laboring man. As In the past, so In the future, the Enquirer Will be a great family newspaper, aimmg to present a full and complete record of the histo. ry of Mediates. The Prospectus for DA was Issued some limo since. We have nothing to add to It, except our determination to publish the newspa per In the Northwest. THE F.)7 tt L• IR E,12 Almanac mad Politil Manna'. A valuable work of more than a hundred and fifty pages, will be sent FREE to every yearly substriberold and new. i t will 1» , ready about the sth of January, and will contain ouch a va riety of political and agricultural facts and eta tiaAcsaa cannot be found In any other book. It has been prepared with great cure, and with s p ec i a l re fe r ence to the wants of the people of the Northwcst. IF YOU WANT The Beet and Choicest, Stories. The Latest Political information, The Best Collecthm of General Nene. Tne Best Washington Corre.spondenee, The Fullest and Most Itellat)lete:eketNe`Ports And ik silt Iteslx.cts Tbr Best Weekly Newspaper In the North west, SU WIRT 111.: FOll. TUE WEEKLY ENQVIBER. TEItliS OF SUINCRIPTION Single copies p.•r year To Clubs of ten--each To Clubs t wen ty—mch • The immehae circulation of the Weekly En quirer makes it one of the 131+7:T • ADVF.E. rts- ING MED UMS IN THE COUNTRY. It *greed everywhere. Advert biers mhnubi bear IWs tact In mind. Address. Es.A.I3,AN ape:24 f. Cincinnati, Ohio. situ abbertiontento. &tient*Wm Pim'monk, Syrup, QEAWEED TONIFand MNDMICF: PILLS will cure Consumption, Liver CoMpl.tut and Dyspepsia, if taken seconllngtodirectlons. They are nit three to he taken at t e same time. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, and put It to work; then the apeetlte becomes good; the Mod dig, eta and makes good blood ; the pa tient begin* to grow in flesh ;, the diseased mat ter during In the lungs, and the patient out. grows the disease and gets srell. Thighs the only why to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. IT. Schenck, of ph I haleipli in, owes his unrivalled meccas in the treatment of pulmonary et num tnption. The l'ul lc Syrup ripens the mornld matter in the lung., nature throws It far by an easy ex pectoration, for when the phlegm or mutter Is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the pat t tins rest and the lungs begin to bead. Tu do thin , the seaweed Tonic and Mandr ake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Put mottle Syrup and the food a ill make good blood: Seheiteh's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver. removin-_t obstructions, relax' the ducts of gall-bladth r, the bile Knuth freely,and the liver it soon relieved; the stools Will ahow what the Pills can du; nothing has ever been invented except calomel (n deadly poison which le very da ,gerund to use unless with great cafe), that will unlock the galbbladder and start the secre. tiona of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pll Is. Liver Complaint h‘ one of the most prominent causes of c..risumption. • Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimu lant iind alterral‘e, iind the alkali in the Sea weed, which this preparation is msdeof,ruisists the stomach to throw out the gastric juice to die solve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup,and it is made In togood blood without fermentation or scouring in the stomach. The great rent.oli why phyalclAns do not cure rfJustutiption le, they try• to.) much; they give medicine to stop the cough, to atop Might sweats, atop eblhn, hectic (ever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestivepowens, locking up the :•eeret loro, and eventually the patient rinks and dle, Ur. fx hearts, In his treatment. does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills, or fever. Rs too,. the cause, and they will all stop of their e•wa oceord. No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Can ker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the' liver and -stomach are , made healthy. If a person has Consumption, of course the lungs In solo.. way are diseased, either tuber chit RlPiee•Sel, bronchial irritation, pleura ad hesion, or t he lungs are a Marto: inn and fast decaying. In such cases what must be done!' It Ls not only the lungs that are wasting but It Is the whole laxly. Tne stonasch and lir. 4 r have lost their power to- make blood out of food. Now the only chancels to takeSAieuek's time mediehms, which will bring up a tone to the ',molly)), the patient will begin to want food, It will digest easily and make good blood; then the path tat begins to gain in flesh,-and as soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs eomm..nee to heal up, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is the only way to cure consumption. When there Is no lung d ho,u;e, and only liv. r complaint and ti) p•la, S4•lletick'n Seaweed Totti.• sisal >l tudmke P.lls are sufficient ,elth out the Pulmonic s% nip. 'rake the Mandrak. (r.. 4 ly 111 all Milious complaints, as they are rviri,lly I tr. Schenck, wan has enjoyed uninterrupted Insilth for many vears past, and now welg pounds, was wasted .to ay to a mere skeleton, in tip ... n last stn u" 4.1 pulmonary eotp..lll4lp -114,11, Ills pit ha'. I htt pronounced his case hopekes ami abandoned Min to his fate. lie 0.15 e 1114.1 by I 1 .•1.1.r.-....141 medicines, and ...Dive 1.1, r:: my 11.011 , aticis slioillarly a fils,t• rd has .• use , ; Dr. " . •••lit tick's prCparai ions a Ith the-an, r. ot trkaid, -uccess. Full directions .te«.itipait) ing each. make It not absolutely . 0. ce......try 1.. p,l,4ilially sec Dr. Schenck. unless the p.itlents with their lung•sexamined, and tor ,01 . 4 purpose he Is proter.stunally at Ills princl pil Potheleipida, every Saturday, Where :ill I. Itto, lor :el, tee must be Ilticirts,lll, lie 12 ut No..':' liotot btret t, New of 1;.o . ,13y. and ..t No Milano • r ..t,, %cry otlict . ‘1,.. ,1 / 1 1 4 .1111y. lie 4il, 4 ,• but 1,,r ti thorotiuli exalt' lila tlon 13, , p.rotie ter the pH, Is . 35. Otlice hour. at eaell eit front 31.1 in. to:3 of the multnonle Syrup atssl SenWeett T.nol- earl' •:.1.:0 per I.llle. or 335' 11,11 dozen. 1e311.1.:.5 cents n box. For tale by all 1)11 J. I. scirf.Nch. 15N. 6111 St., Plithent. it 1. - .; 11 C) "V" C. SIEGEL, .t,•: 1.1,-‘• nth Stn et, bol worn German anti Stri•etb W hI:MALE AND RETAIL DEALER I. lover nthl Timothy Seed, Vl,O 117 1?" FEED. PROVISIONS! Having built on his own premises a large and . ornneodim... store. he I, prepared to furnl , h et erything in tin, line at lower rates than can =BIIMMI C.,unt ry t spevially will find it to 1121 r ads iLlitatv• to Min a call. C. SIEGEL. _r ....,, , • ~ •••• ...., .....:.- ri _ L -_; tif4,...P-s - - . „. 3,'•i : A nti c .., ? )-.---,) .-- „:„.....-.......i, ..o. i N 4 , iiuMl3l:i;. Um warranted to cure lost or Impaire.l Taste, Smell or Ilearinit, Water-. tug or Weak Eyes, offensive Breath, Pleerated Throat or :Nlontli, Pain or Pressure In the limit and Loss of 31cmory. when caused, as all of them freq nently are, by the ravages of Catarrh. ft is plen,ant nod painless to use, eontal tot no 511 ung pohemou• or caustle drugs. but mires by It, mild, sootatlng action. We will pay tiou Re ward fur a ea,e Jr Cat trrit th It we cannot cure. FOR •••.IT.E BY Tillt.TGfr , sT's EVERY WLIERE—BRICE ONLY .7. vi,:s r your druwzilt has not got it for sale, don t be put off with some worse then worthless strong snuff, "futnimit or," or le ',imam, ca L nd te solution, wfitell will drive the disease to the lungs Instead of curb,: It. but ...dal •-a TO - veldt! to 11 , and the reiwalyiwili 14.410, y 011 Y,v return mail. Co* l'aeltare,, rm.t pint , one Dozen tor ci Cu 1-end a t Cen• atalnp for lir. :4417,e'. , pamphlet on ~a tarrla Address the Pro priet, .r. it. V. PI Elt , 'lt, M. I i.,_ lurk, ad. itrrF st.o N. T. WANpr.: FOR TILE BLUE - COATS , - 4 NI) L.r.l- y , aw l , ijk V ltl - t Nt'...rn.t. a n d .avidents ~ Ih. gr.... 1 r.l - enrapri3iou: ',arra! 1%,1• ad• vt..11 thrilling Inv ,1 tag exl - .1 , ,,:1, 11,r At. I. NI. 0:1.1‘•4111 , rapt the camp, 'tot :ph , pt. 3 and •••••,a , 3. •••116, 11l 110 1 t' andltatnntun.ln'•t 4 L••h -, 1 .1111 , 1 ot er la tin , t . 1,4r.1% 11l HI, our I. hdk putili‘he I l'rtre n y 1 1 .'r e"l l ‘ . . 1,4,11 , 1 n)reirealant and nu. t. rias and fall 01 tin• work. t..1,1t. Nk. cI( , N CO, 11 , 121,1., I A. .1,1222-1, 130 C;= LF &TAN' =I GROCERS' SUN DRIES, ITERmETIcALL) SEM:ED VEGETA imrs, LTC.. 1 1( Sratailiern Hominy and Samp. 113.1,,rter. ui ( rce, ,tt t tnelm P: " etc.. I.f Perrin t : i t the ty •,1" No. 8? Earclay Street, New Ycrk. ME AGENTS WANTED FOR Sights and secrets IRE N \ l'l )NA I'APIT w t IKK .le4ertpt tt. e .1f NV.tshington ; ril -1 , 1 :tll , l Outside; 11 - titti.tsat .4 and ts .1. Ike virit st. tnost tst enter taintan, I`, nna ,tartillr4 1)001.1 ,pf the, tietiol tnr etrettlars and ewe tor term t. A.l4lress 17.5. rultr.l-;11tNil CO. No. 411 Browne New York t Ity. r•I to vir.-rr (*I. IF.: travPllng F ticsruen, to moll by 1: sample: good Wagel or a liberal per Lent g:a i ste era loymegt. Atkin .4, with st.tuip, It. I•'. 11( +WE, 3339 Arch Street, Pl.ll.l3lelphin, 1`.3. Why not 3lake :Honey urii. STENCIL AND KEY CliEcK unit. and by telling no% el and nttr.wt art letor.l rirvulapOroe. sT.lrDint) MFG. CO., El Fulton , apr22-12w. New York. Salesmen Wanted 1)1 A .14ANCFACTUItINU CO. to travel and ) sell by samples new line or esootb.. smt tlon•t pernument wage:t good. IL H. ItICII AHD:4 413 Chestnut street, Phlladel Otis. Pa. spa', w. This if 4 no Humbug. I) Hl:mu No I.leerat.., kith age, hell011,0)1,w ) of PVC 4 uod hair, yon will receive, by re turn mail. n .eruct picture of your future buy band or wife, with name and data of man 'age... adilre , , W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 2i, Fulton vine, npr:2-tw. 13II3LIri. 83.00 PfIEMEN ED to to con Bibles In any tleltl, wltn A Patent PockLt PrJspetttus Fr.!^. 1t%1,1 EE &CO., Vt‘t Slancotu St., Phila. ppr2.-2-4w. Notice. Daniel A. Watrn, ) In the ,art of Corn of Erie Co. Martha Jane Water, ) No. lam, .114) 'PESTIMONY to the above mho will be taken 1 before thg nwters!gne I. at his offleo in Erie, Pn., on April 224.1„ between the boors •of to nod IS Nan^lL, a. Ln spa4w. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS OF ADUINLSTRATION on the eto bite of Andrew Baker, lure of clrt ene tp.. Erie Co., nu., having been 'minted to the untlernitro. d . not tee b herd* glvrit to debtril to the ftatTle to Make p:tv molt, anti those having Claims agnin•l 5.1141 cUate will pritment. thorn, duly ninth• for nettivineut. H. L. pis NEV. telale. Atitniniscnvor. . _ Atituloistrators' Notice. ETTERS 01.' ADMINISTRATION on the CM t. to of dames Tule, deed, late M .4ununit tp., Frie co., Pa., having tier ant• .1 to the. undersigned. not lee Is hereby given to all Indebted to the same to make Int tnedl.d e pay ment, and those having Gams nu3M , tato rrUt prezeut them, duly aut hem I. at, d, foe settlemekt. .11.1.11TILA TA F 1:. H. L. PINNEY, Adzatialatraters $2 CO 1 75 1.0 r0b26.41w 1 E. CA'SIPfiAt',EN