The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 15, 1869, Image 2

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NOTICE.—After this date "fio paper vet be
sent from this ad:fiee. for any length of time,
le 4011 t payment in advance, unless by the order
of partzes _whose responsibility rep pre tro
- with.
All subytriptiorm must & settled trnnur"
Bills will be Solt at the close of ti o•
those mho are in arrears.
Jobbing accounts are Line as
work is delivered.
Democratic State
The Democratic Stil'
nomination of candid.
Governor and Jude'
wilt meet at 10 o'r
.Tolv 14, 18G9,
the Demon*
Convention for the
Ates for the offices of
of the Supreme Court,
_lock. a. In.. on Wednesday.
the Hdl of the House of
es at Harrisburg. By order of
4tic Std Committee.
4'31, A. WALLACE, Chairmen.
D CALDV,"E'LL, S.eeretery. _
ril 7, 1869-td
Mr. Radical majority in Connecticut is
425, which some of 'our friends, with unri-
Ekill in mathematics, have figured out
as a Democratic gain of nearly three thous
and. „Our taste for election figures has
grown "beautifully less" since last fall, so
that we have no curioity to•givo - l - the subject
a critical investigation.
Utlit4d - StateS Satiate has rejected the
treaty made with England by neverily John
son,by a vote which may alino,t be called
unaninious—SenaplrMeerecry, of Kerktnek v.
'only v,oting in favor of ite ratification. The
tenor of events at Washington looks much
as if it had been resolved to make England
pay the claims we hull against her, or fight.
Close of Congress.
The first session of the Forty-first Congress
closed on Saturday night last by adjourn-
Meat Bunt die. The Senate, at the request of
President Grant, began an executive session
on Monday, to count in or reject such nomi
nations as he may send in. Theshort,ses
sion has accomplished very little in the way
Of legislation, and that little has been crowd
ed:into the last few days.
Foreign Arpointments
The Presi lent sent into the Senate'on
Tuesday a lona. list of foreizn appointees, in
chi lintz J. L tthrop llotlev.of,Nfassaeltusetts,
for.:timi4ter ut E of New
York, thr the Austrian Mi-sion, Andrew G.
Cur in for -Minister to R .ssia, and Gen.
Su•kle4 for .11iniAter to Jh•xicn. Gen. C
II will be to op.mse Cartin's coufir
mation, but as he has the support of Senator
S .ott, there is no prob tbility of
t his defeat.
The removal of Curtin from nn .netive par
tieip "ion in our State p tlities, s% ill leave the
fl .1.1 clear f w the Catn‘troa faction, who will
uttdoubtedly make gond use of , their advari:
Most or the other appointees for foreign
positions are persons little known to the Falb-
Lc, and it was well remarked by a gentleman
upon reading, them, that "Grant scorns to have
raked the country over frc the most obscure
mon he could find, in, order to send them as
our representatives abroad." Of the half
dozen from Pennsylvania, it might be said,
as Col. McClure told the President about
Boric, that "no one ever heard of them be
ftire." Among the list are two negroes—J.
R Clay, of LOuisiana, Minister resident in
Liberia, and t. D. Bassett; a Philadelphia
school teacher, Minister to Hayti.
In connection with the foreign appoint
it may not be uninteresting to know
\S'the salaries attached to the respective offices.
The ministers to England and 'Franco re
ceive $17,500 a year each ; the ministers to
Bussia,.Austria, Spain and Mexico, $12,000
4oh ; the ministers to Hayti and Liberia,
$7,30,.0 ; the ministers resident in Sweden,
B,Airtim, Guatemala, Bogota, Bolivia and
The Comifir: Question.
The New York Herald is disscnssiug the
ways and means of wiping out Mormob
polygamy. One member of Congress pro
poses a military government, another—the
Mormon delegate—the admission of 'Ctah as
a State The Herald favors sort of militit
ry government over Utah, for the prciteetion
; - )f the Mormons and the euppreesiou of poly:
gamy at the same time. A law imposing a
heavy internal revenue tax upon the Mo
rmon for his second wife—with two on hand
—and with a heavier tax the luxury of the
third, and so on, still increasing the tax up
to the prophet's maximum of thirty-nine
wives, wonht be _apt to have a, good effect
Dn. it would be vastly improved with a pre
mium to every single man marrying a sur
plus wife of a saint and adopting her chil
dreu. - A vastly better plan is for Congress
to Is 4 the subject alone, and -permit the law
of civilization and progress to settle polyg,a
Tired of Nepotism.
Even the Republican papers, at least some
Of them, are beginning to cry out agtinst the
shameful nepotism tint now prevails al
'V codngton. The Cleveland Iloraid prints
the filflo wing from its Washington • corres- ,
ponden t :
, •
"The practice of appointing whole families
to clerkship+ might to be ' : i dtscontin 'edl
have in mind a i
ase where n onebnrcau art
esnploved one man as chief elm •k at a salary
0: V2,0(10 a year and his two minor sons at
setfries of $1..2011 each. This practice of
mopolizing , ffic-s in the families and
among the r, I oives the public men is in
defensible. B‘ins and nephews of members
of Congress and relatives of Secretaries and
Bureau Commissioners are becoming the
aristocmcv to st h m the offices are parcelled
out as ith an unblushing favoritism. This
whole business of appointments in the civil
service ut the Government needs substantial
and thorough refiirm, and the growing ten
dency to f f epotism should be'rebaked by tin
A. CORRESPONDENT of the Harrisburg pa
triot cites it as a matter of historical record
that the Democrats have successively tried
their chances of sucee-ss with Generals Mc-
Olen Linton, 'Ent, Knipe, Slocum
and many - other distinguishe,l military offi
cers, and iu no instance has a military - nomi
nation given the, puny Increased strength.
The inferenceNre draw is% that the men who
have made op their minds t o ro w agoinat us
will do so whether, our ticket is Made up of
soldiers or civilians:mid that military quali
fications are no additional merit in chooalng
our nominees- In the four States of Con
necticnt, New York,Pennsylyanils and Nesv
jersey, the only candidate o on the Demo
cratic side that have .ken vrktori'llfFi were
those taken from — .4 it lifr.
____.. , of ninety thousand, are entitled to .only four
T H .,,..v0 houses of
Legislature have —and no more' No wonder the Legislatur,e
1 n
d o psed a t r o es n
r u r t it o ta n y a t g h r e
16t g:t n o a 'final ad- goes for suffrage.
I .t. Nobody; /1. vortso mau, named MichaerCobby, was
le'Xipmt,en perhaps, the clerks, and hangers-on recently arrested in New York and sent to
Ne a r4sburg, who receive fat pay for small prison, on a charge of subornation of perja-'
~,xlll regret their conclusion. Bad as ry in a case of contested election. Be -per
s -"'„
` 'statures have been, the presentseeded a Mr. Outfield Smith and some oth •
owledeed by leading Radical era to testify before the investigating cont.
the no
„,,,.: e e surpassed tit ,all; and •uittee that they were "repeaters" t
nie-- 'that seven Democratic general election last November, and had % o . ted
the lirevaili s, ,so qnoralized by the Densoctatic ticket several 11113 N. during
1 ul tion, ass to give their the day. Cobby acknowled.ted to tire charge.
. ble measures of
Democratic the niost objections- and said he got about twenty dt,dl•tr• for hi' ,
press d Majority. The services. _
tamed by the party a
Iniquity to the fullest e.% -
ate will be sus- Fang MASONEIX in our country dates from
exposing their 1;30 or I'M, in which latteryear a lodge was
, ----------.....„\
established in Boston - under a charter (tom Secrete:) , of ai -- --
duction of the wages of the n by his re- the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 'ln no coun
try in the world has Free Nasal:try flourished
has brought about his ears
against the with more vigor than in the I.7ititetl States.
administration all th iP r i o °s. ll7d .
Notwithstanding a Severe but inefreetual op: ,
men's associations and trades' uaion lag - position, popularly known as the anti-Slason
cow:llM They mike common c w ee e is moventmt, 2 which commenceit in 1820, it
the rptvy'yard men, and are Insisting
' , 4 4,
has increased in numerical extent witk steady
vehemence, that eight honrs shall be tit rogress until its members now number from
length of is day's work, and that no o hundred thousand to a quarter of a &Ml
lb.:lute redUctrun of propow
,r- \i, .
ensue. Wil.PB shall or sno of persons, a •itt u
b I o e hundred thousand -
`lt• . P om perhaps are bound in the States of
$ 4 ylvailla and New York. - .
' CoOt OR. tr tO
The following ept sv•-" -
bY the Washinittis - -MO Ts repined
taken. Gre ..grespondentsas having
qentand 4:4 0 . aionday between the Pr1A
tei'414,....; _cater Ross, of Kansas. - The Lo
th. .ne of the Republicans who voted in
ro- • .:gative upon the impeachment articles,
which act of independence it seems that
he is to be punished by withholding the pat
ronage in Kansas from his friends:
Senator Ross was admitted at the same
time as old Zach. Chandler, but' hadlhe first
chance tb speak to the'President. 4
"1 come, Mr. President; to speak with 4on
°about the appointments for my State—hav
ing heard that you intended to make certain
nominations that may not harmonize with
my. desire—if you deem it worth while to
consult them in the lease , —
To which Grant laconically and interroga
tingly responded :
"Well, sire
This Presidential response was not in the
true manner to be relished by the Kansas
Senator. "Am I to understand that I am
rightly infOrmed as-to your stated intentions
to disregard my preferences in the matter of
appointments, Mr. President?" inquired the
"That iss question hardlysusceptible of an
answer, sir. To what appointments do you
sande? Inform me, and then I can reply,"
rejoined Grant.
Senator Ross liked the second answer as
little as the first, but having come , for en
lightenment, ho was ' determ ined not to go
away in a fog. The Senator,therefore, with
suppressed rage, mentioned the appointments
to which he had reference. '
"Frankly, sir," said Grant, " I intended not
to make those appointments. '
"What, sir! you scorn to accommodate
me lu the least ?" exclaimed Ross, boiling
over with rage.
"Sir. I believe I have given you my an
swer firmly but sternly," replied the Presi
"This is not treating me fairly, Mr. Presi
dent, nor as one gentleman should treat an,
other," uttered Senator Ross.
"I- have no intention to be dictated to, sit,"
Batt Grant, sharply.
"Nor I to be insulted, even by you, sir,
were you twenty times the Prestdent," ex
claimed Ross, with his ire stirred up to white
"I must decline to be annoyed any further
on the subject," muttered Grant, between
his teeth, "and desire that tne interview
should terminate."
"You and your desire may go to hell !"
roared out R )84. .
"Ti-ave th room, sir; leave the room, or
I shall-force you out," thundered Grant.
Ross took his departure accordingly, in a
terrible rage, quitting the White Rouse like
one rushing !thin a plague, and hurrie‘t to
the Capitol. Pre-i•lent Grant threw himself
into a chair the moment the door closed and
wiped his brow with his pocket handkerchief,
evidently very much agitated •
Z (ch. Chandler approached and was
thus addresses" by the President: "Excuse
me for a foe rionmate. Smatiir. After that
interrieve, finest take a little time to coo! off."
gear to
<'vn as the
feVt: tC
At a Radical meeting in Richmond, Va.,
last Friday, Lewis Lindsay, negro, took the
stand and made one of his insist inflamma
tory harangues. He said the white man had
the negro down for two hundred years ; but
that now th e negro was on top. They had
in their h ands the chains and Manacles with
which the white man had kept the negro
bound for so long, and theyintended to put
thent i rm the white rnan - ,' and to make him
groaed sweat, and Work, before they
, We with him. He said Gen. Grant
knew something about tannins, and would
help them to tan the white man until his
skin was as black and touir,h as theirs.
PaEstoptir PiEncE's Cabinet was the only
one in the history of the United States that
remained 'unbroken from the beginning to the
s end of the administration:
Tuts complete returns of the election In
Rhode Island, on Thursday last, gave Padlc
lord, Rldfcal, for Gevernor,7,27l, and Pierce,
Democrat, 3,B7s—Radical . , majority, 3,390:
Grant's m tjority was 6,445. '
An estimate of onr present populatiori
makes it as follows: White population of
the states, 33;291,031; colored, 4,639,862; to
tal, 37,930,903. Total, with the District of
Columbia anti the Territories, 38,422,905.
TIM M: is a bank in New York, the Man
batten, which has never suspended specie
payment. Every officer and director is a
Demo - end. All who had gold on deposit be
(brittle war were paid in gold, and all their
bills are retleetned in specie.'
Tun following parody is popular among
the office-seekers in NWashington :
IN Senator Spiague'i speech will be found
the following:
"Is there n poor man in the country to-day
who can go to court and ggt justice from a
rich man ,
Echo answers—"ls there '.•"
No PREVIOCh Administration was ever
troubled with female office-seekers and negro
office seekers. Yet both these classes nre now
as persistent in their demands as .white male
citizens, and both of them seem to have
learned, on short notice, all of the old office
hun tcr's tricks. •
Tar, Atlanta, (Ga.) New Era, pretty good
R tdical'authority, says : "We have a class
of impudent carpet-baggers in the Republican
party in Georgia, who ought to be promptly
offered up as a stink-offering to the devil.
They are a Curse to the party and a disgrace
to the State and Union:''
WE learn that. the handsome sum of one
million of dollars was lately offered and de
clined for the New York Times newspaper
establishment, including its valuable
tate. We would almost be tempted to dis
pose of the Obs.erver office, if the same price
was offered us. '
A COTEMPORARY "thinks the million men
who are now in pursuit of office are, to a
great extent, the mist incompetent million to
611 the offices of which they ; are in pursuit."
The man who asks for any office thereby
proves that he is not the proper pirson for
the place. Office should seek the man, not
time moan the office.
Tar. first number of the Imperialist has
matte Its app , =e:nace in New York. It advo
cates 'the abrog,►tion of a rti;.%6llcan ttnm o4'
government In the United States, and the•sub
stitution of a monarchy. It declares that
the experiment of a democratic form of
government in this country Las proved a
failure. This is the latest Mottle of 'Radical
I. Connecticut twenty-three small towns,
with an aggregate population of only thirty
three thousand, return to the Legislature
every year forty-gix. representatives, while
Elartford and New Haven, with a population
The Negro im T9p.
"I want to be a brother-in-law
And with ray kinsmen stand ;
An appointment in my pocket,
The stealing% In my hand."
copperheads asserted that negro suf.
Mtge was the great question at issue between
the parties last tall, and were beaten, and, if
they have Any claim to the name of Demo.
erat they ahnuld yield' to the will of the ma
jority.—Radiral Er:change.
The Radicals denied that negro suffrage
was an issue before the people last fall, and
triumphantly.pointello their Chicago plat
form,. where they solemnly declared that
"the, question of suffrage_ in all the loyal
States properly belongs to the people of those
Wt rejoice to see that Mr. Anthony, of
Rhode Island, the colleague of Governor
Sprague in the,United States Senate, is catch-.
ing in a - degree the independent spirit lately
manifested by the latter. When interrupted
by Charles Sumner as to what he would do
with Georgia, he very iensibly replied that he
had about made up his mind to let Georgia reg
ulate her own affairs. Sumner did not appre
ciate the point, but the people do.
THE world is certainly moving. An Eng
lish Judge has just unseated a member 'of
Parliament, because one of his supporters,
an employing manufacturer, had intimidated
his hands"by threats, of dismission Into vot
ing for him. Row long would the Radicals
'have control of the government if Congress
refused admission to all its members who
owed their election to the intimidation of vo
ters ?
THE new Postmaster of this citv,Mr. Gars,
will take possession of the office on the Ist of
Mn. R. S. MoittusoN. formerly of this city,
has opened a dry goods store in Conneaut,
AN important notice from the Water Com
missioners will be toned in our advertising
columns. No pay,,no`water, is thCir motto.
THE city is so quiet that it is thought ad
visable to reduce the policoforce. Thecorps
is to be limited to six men, who um to he mit
Acconom to the Corry paper., about forty
!unties arc in course of erection now in that
pity; and two hundred are expected to be
built during the year. 4 .
Tits business done at the North Eaz. , t Post
office is one hundred per cent. larger than it
was two years ago. We notice that our
lever friend Billy - Welsh, formerly of this
city, is clet k in the office.
TRANSACTIONS in rear estate are very dull,
one of our real estate firms informs us that
they have two dozen parries offering to sell
fur one wishing to purchase.. The manifest
tendency is towards it decline in price:.
IN exchanging his position et Harrisburg
for the Post office here,. our friend Gam
makes rather a neat little speculAtion—the
salary in the former ease being only $2,500,
while that in the latter iq $3,100, without
speaking of et .
Tun House appropriation of 4'25,000 to the
Marine Hospital at thus city was reduced to
$lO.OOO in the Senate, at which figure it will
probabl remain. , This would indicate that
Senator Lorry has more influence in the
House than in this both' of which he is a
S. M. BRAMF:RD, Est has disposed of his
interest in the. North East Star to D. ft.
Cushman, Eq., his law associate. The lil
- will hereafter be conducted by Messrs.
D. It. & L. B. Cushman. All these gentle
men hsve our best wishes for their prosper-
-!Os Monday, in North East, erunaway
team came in contact With a buggy, upset
titig it, rind throwing its occupant, Mr.
Charles Pew. to the ground. The latter's
horse commenced n violent kicking, during
which Mr. !NM' was struck in the forehead,
his skull fraetitreti, an,l his life endangered.
As TULE reason for building, painting and
repairing is at Land, v advise all those in
want of paints, oils, French or American
window glass, to call on lid, & Warfel, 630
State street. They have an extensive, well
selected.steck, which they tire selling at low
est market cash prier.... Ave adverti‘ement in
another column.
Tux concert , 2iven• Gernrau
clans in lichnit 01.1. Nivuuruent Foul
was largely attendir(t. 'lnd realized a hand
some sum. .kll w r, ;tended praise the per
formance as one of the best.'aniateur concerts
ever given in the 'vitt% Erie does not need
to import outsiders in order to 4.ettre first
class musical entertainments.
WE ARE glad to know that ('apt. T.M.
Stevens, of thts city, has been restored by
order of Secretary Rorie. to the position on
the Navy Register ftorn which he was un
justly removed soot , time since.. Capt. S.
is one of the tnoSt gallant officers in the ser
vice, and has troops of !fiends in all parts of
the country who will be rejoiced to hear of
this act of justice.
TIIE man who is tbliged to be constantly
employed to tarn the necessaries of life, pro
viding, also, for a moral and mental culture,
knows not the happiness he prays for when
he desires wealth and Idleness.. To he con
stantly busy is to be always happy, or if not
always - , - to approach as near happiness as the
man's disposition and circumstances will
warrant. •
Tim Girard Cosmopolite is mquested
Mr. 4ohnston Rea, father of lipn."Georgel 3 .
Rea, I to say that the information furnished
that journal to the effect that he declined to
recognize his con was erroneous, and that
while not,sttet»pting to justify hie remarks
or desiring to be understood as countenanc
ingthem, he regards ilia duty as a father par
amount to all other considerations.
THE Dispatch (ace having tailed to se
cure the recognition or its claims by the Ad
ministration, in disposing of the local ap
pointments, there is a very general looking
forward for its programme to "smash the
*laces," as was threatened in case of such a
result., It is not to be questioned that when
our coternporary eotnnienees to open its bat
teries, the "al.stes - will Sy in every direction.
Tun secret of happiness hes in this—to be,
always contented with. your lot, and never
sigh for the sptenuer or rtetms in she magni
ficence of fashion or power. Persons who
are always btisy and cheerfully to. their
daily tasks, are least diilurbed by the fluctu
ations of business, and at night sleep with
composure. The editor of the Observer is,
perhaps, the hardest working man of his
years in Erte, and he has never known what
it is to have the complaint known as the
THE Conneautville Record is informed
that the Erie it Pittsburgh R. rt. Co. have
purchisbd a tract of twelve hundred acres
of timber land in Beaver township, Crawford
county, about seven miles North west of Con- .
neautville, and a large tract in Erie county,
South of Albion Station, with. the intention
of erecting an extensive rolling mill. The
plan proposed is to•place the works at a
point between - Albion mid Spring Station%
where the: canal and railroad come very
nearly together, affording unsurpassed radii
ties fir lranportation. ,
isprlito elsewhere, the prisoners areal'
confined in the female 'department of the
jail until the new structure is completed.
The ceiling - of this portion Is nothing but
lath and plaster, which can easily be re
moved. On Sunday pfight Three of the in
mates planned an atiarpt at eccape, bit all
hacked Out subsequently except a chap
named Rogers, indicted for= stealing. He
worked . his way to a small• window in the
garret, and then attempted to descend by
means of a rope taken from his bed. The
rope broke, and he fell to the ground, strik
ing with one of his feet on a stone stairway,
and sustaining serious htjarleff. The county
officers have adopted precautions 14 pre.
venting anymore ai l tempta of the same na•
lure. "' •
Tan velocipedo manta has grown to' be
noLsanceln oar city - aatLisnteclitiy In the
neighborhood of the Rut. There is hardly
gallon? in the day that one or more
pedes are not in sight, and in the evening
the fiery nags ore brought out in such
numbers us to seriously interfere with people
who are walking on the pavements. The
heroism -()f thle l yikung gentlemen who rule
Ahem r.rtoeut be too much_ admired, but they
have no right to interfere with the safety or
comfort of others: Let them practice all they
desire, but let it be done in the street or some
other place where they will not render them-
Selves a public annoyance. -
CONRIDERABLE remark is occasioned by the
repeal of the law to sell the Poor House
farm.' About a thousand dollars have been
expended under the law of last year,, in ad
vertising, traveling expenies; &c., the whole
of which is a clear loss to the county. The
people on the lino of the Pauli. & Erie Et R.
are indignant because they are not to have
the Poor House in that section, and the Poor
Directors are mad because they are turned
out of place. Added to , these it is not all
unlikely that a suit for damages will he com
meneed oil the port of the gentleman who
purchased the farm. • -
Tun Commissioners having been unable to
make satisfactory terms with the Wairen or
Crawford county offieers for keeping the
prisoners wi. ile the new jail is building, have
decided to 'remain independetit of either and
retain them at home. For that purpose the
female department of the present jail 'is to
he strengthened, and the prisoners will be
kept there until their permanent quarters are
ready. This is the wisest course the Corn;
missioners could have adopted, end will save
considerable expenie.
A !triton has been current throughout the
county that an over-contiden l candidate for
Federal Alec, iu despair at hts failure to se
cure the appointment.songht, had rashly put
an•end to hts existence. We are enabled to
nontnulict this absurd story on the most re
liable authority. Tile gentleman has merely
retired to the privacy of his domestic circle,
where he employs his time in reading Para
dise Lost and the Pleasures of Hope, as the
most effective means of consolation under
the circumstances.
J. E. ASUBY SC CO., the popular u.k bind
ery. and stationers, have purchased a new'ran
bossing press, with which they arc able to
stamp initials upon envelopes, cards and pa
per equal to the best work in the Eastern
cities. Sonic- of their specimens are very
neat, and the most fastidious cannot fail to be
pleased. This firm appear resolved to halve
nothing neglected that . will accommodate
the citizen , and add to their business.
Cotmccion Rookms has appointed Capt.
0. P. Davis Deputy Collector of Internal
Revenue tu. this county. The selection is
one that will be approved by all. Capt. D -
lost a limb in the service, and was an ap-.
plieant for 3.lirshal of the Western District,
which he failed to secure. His - present' po
sition is a slight, and very .light, recognition
of the soldier element.
ASSEMBLYMAN REA has discovered by this
time the serious mistake he made in using
his official place to attack the character of a
private citizen. His blackguard speech has
not affected Mr. Olin's reputa:lon in the least,
while it has knocked Mr. Rea himself to the
"other side of Jordan.". All classes denounce
it, and we doubt if Mr. Rea could get a hun
dred votes for re•cit ion.
' G. A. ALLEN, Esq., formerly of Edinboro
has men selected as Deputy Clerk of the li
S. District Court, in place of G. W. Gunni
son, Esq., resigned. The appointment is one
that will give general satisfaction: Mr.. /Ole,
has his headquarters in the same room as the
Observer editotial and business (Cue, when
he will he happy to see nov who may wish
TILE Reed House will remain Hader the
control of Mr. Upsoia for another year, all
reports to the contrary. One thing is sure—
that `while Upson runs the house no one will
hart; any reason to complain of the board.
The hotel has not been profitable during the
winter, but it Is expected that the patronage
will be large this summer.
WILT, not our efficient police force direct
their attention to the crow is of betters who
congregate at the cornersof State street and
the Park, staring the ladies out of counte
nance, and making themselves a nuisance
generally ? If there is a law which can he
made to reach their ease, let it be vigilantly
Outt city needs at ]east a hundred more
moderate sized, neat and convenient dwcl
ling houses. Who of our capitalists will ini4
mnrtalize themselves and confer a benefit on
community by .puttiag up a block of this
class, at scion , point adjacent to the business
A WIiETCII, who claims to know the rich
men of Cincinnati and St: Louis, says the
great want of each, city is about thirty-five
first class funerals. A third of, that number
might be enough for Erie, though a few more
would do no harrit.
Tae bay Is clear of ice, but the lake is still
covered, though the ice is disappeariuggrad
ually. Until it leaves the lake the winds will
continue chilly and uncotntOrtable. In the
vicinity or the city there is but Mile sign of
developing vegetation.
WE understand that no changes will be
made in the Assessor's 'department of the
Federal government in this district, Mr. Sco
field havinti determined to allow the preSent
Assessor, Mr. Livingston. of Cleartieldsoun
ty, to retain his position.:
A.CCORDING to a statute, dating as far back
as the Colonial or Proprietary government of
Pennsylvania, ministers are subject to a fine
of about 1150 it they officiate at the mar
riage of a minor, without the consent of this
Tae borougli of South Erie has completed
a market house and town hall, which is one
of the tinesi structures in the county. It is
to be inaugurated with a ball and other fes
tivities on Tuesday evening, the '2oth fn4t.
Tne fact will be neticcabletoany one who
hakes the trouble to Investigate, that those
busineAs the.n . io our city who advertise most
largely in the Observer are'diliog the best and
most profitable trade.
Wr.lnet a soldier the other day who was
still looking tot'. the "reward" promised him
for helping to -put down the rebellion. Be
had not heard of the appointments in our
GENTlmAtv—N,who are ambitions to serve
their country in Congress, will please post
pone their claims a few years, longer. Mr.
Scofield has concluded to reserve the place
for himself until something better turns up.
How about those reduced tire insurance
rates that we were to have when the Water
Works were completed ? Is it not about time
that the eltiztes began to enjoy the benefit of
Tan nam s of April is said to be derived
from the Latin word aperia, which signifies
to open, as in the temperate regions of
Europe this is the opening month of spring.
Juitons and witnesses summoned to at
tend Court must be promptly on bawd in
future - , or make up thedminds to pay a fine,
DIL TILVIEII has fitted up a new. circus at
Girard, and Will be ready to Start on his snm
mei tour about the Ist of 3ay. ~ •
Dn. Ssoz's Catarrh Remedy ta warranted
to cure catarrh in its worst forms and stages.
line most pastoral eases are speedily relieved
by it. ancr stoppages, offensive discharges,
end minted breath all yield to its wonderful
connive pouters. "Cold in the tte.Sul," dizzi
ness and thin watery discbargesare removed,
the bead -cleared, the air passages opened,
and relief and comfort afforded by its use. It
contains no strong, irritating, poisonous or
caustic drugs. •Sent by mail on receipt - of
sixty cents. :Address 'R. V. rime, X. D.,
Buffalo. K For 'sale by must druggists
everywhere. aplls-2w
Tar. Tionesta people propose to build
bridge over the Allegheny at the cost of $35,,
000. Our Warren neighbors should not al.
low little Tionesta to surpass them in enter
prise.' -
Tun Warren NM says the Democratic
whtyani in that place, •is tri be changed into
a grave stone_manufactory s .. In that .erent
it will probably furnish the tombstone for
the Radical partr, about four years from
THE Cleveland Herat i • Silyg` a gantlem in
in that city, a- carpenter, by trade, who has
worked early and late to snake - buckle and
sir ip come together, bas inherited the snug
little sivn of $6'35,030 by the &Atli of an
uncle in Europe. •
Tint Warren L-dser rel ibs the following
incident as an illustnition of Radical love fur
the soldier :
`A, good Da nocrat, in an adjoining coun
ty, was induced to enlist. lie was poor, and
unable to procure ti Captain's noitorm, - As he
liiid been elected to p Tue Re
pablicm4 infer"..d tO, and di 1 buy him a uni
tom. promised to !Ake c-ire of his
'amity burs ig tae absenc,!. Oa his
r.:turn he found that not a soil then„ had
„been to his house ; and witen they found he
hid returned, lie was sued :or his uniform."
A Jcance of the Peace, named BLikesley,
in Glade township„ directly opposite War
ren, across the Conemango creek, committed
suicide on Thursday afternoon, by both hang
ing and smoting: . le took a. rope, a box,
tutd'a revolver, and deft the premises unob
served by any one, and making his way to a .
piece of woods near by, placed the box under
the branched of a tree, to which he fastened
one end of the rope and the other around his
neck ; but It seemed that the rope was too
long and his toes still rested on the box,
when, to make sure work, he drOw the re
volver and pat a ball through his head. Mr._
Blakesley has for many years been subject
to spells of depression, and ha's ',heretofore
made one or two unsuccessful
_attempts on
his life. Its. age is about fifty—ix. lie
passed a portion of his life m the ministry,—
A PETITION having hen f.ent into the
Toio council of Warren f-shing the passage
of an ordinance forbidding the opening of
the b.abn•-shops cm Sunday, the following
has been circulated as a counter irritant •
To th, t/, Ey d T,,d• n Coif h .
B,rou g hor
$(1/2Yy no t
The unders . p4lllA, citizens of ilia
of Warren, w0.d.1 in nt respecttolly refire
.ent that they I flair under fueoave
nience Mr want of an ordinance Mallow every
man, wont to im I ehifd to attend to their
own busing:, according to the dictates of
their own eonseien::e ,. .;Provided, vio•
late no laws or with the rights o'
others; and therefore your honorable
body to p di ordinance, allowing suer
persons as have not tiredness enough of their
"%WU to attend to, au opportunity to work on
the mad-% or in any other capacity that Will
be beneficial to the «anatenti mid -re will
ever remember von, etc._
Ite4l Estate rracis:ers.
Taken from the book.v of Capt. If. e; ILirrey
0). Recorder, f,r tht iteek toding B.7trlrdall
April 10(h, 1869.
Sept: 17, '66—Oliver Owa and wife to
Elighet Pionev, $lOl.
Feb. 20, '69—.N. CIAO; and wife to W.
Backs et id, 1.7.ti0n tn.•. $2BO.
Jan. 18, '65 —J.N. W.F.prier and wife to 11.
Robbing. Wharf rd tp $l.lOO.
April 3.'69—W. Striekner-and wi e to C.
Lander, Erie, $1,500.
Feb 15,'69—8 C. Stair nil an-1 %life to -I.
Pray, Corry, $lOO.
April 3. '69—S. S. Perkins and Wife to C
P. Pratt, Corry. $lOO.
.Tan. B.'69—R. Al [to+; et al to W.; J. Al
evinder, N trill Ee4t h•tr., •, •
trelt 31,'69-1 Whito•till 10 wife to S
P. Wilitithill.Norei E i+t tn., 4131)90.
May 2. %I—l. M. %Vallace an t vile to M.
Mehl. Erie, $ll5. -
Nov. 13,'63-IV. MeC.innell and wire to
R .I)ths.m. C tr2l.
Anril 3, 611-- T. Lvil- ,tn , l Wire to Eiiza
Mefilniee, tir.iterGird bor.. 1,10
M trek 81, TO—Lney A. Brown it al to W.
Cro-s, Springthfl. $1,310.
Anti! I,'69—G. Hazel to R. Gregory, Erie,
April 6,'69—J W. Ryan to, Orin T. Cron
by, Mill Creek, $1.390.
Atig. 15. '66,-JW. L. Scott and wife to A
T. 31u Erie, $3 80 k
March 20, 'GS —S E. Dewey and wife to A
D. L •Brelf.
March 13. '63—T More aq I wife to A
Biathlon', - Lei3o:t if, $3OO. '
29,'63—Sekermerhorn Anil wife 11/
E. H. Button, C trey. $5OO.
X4,'6l—F. Zimmerman to Sane Beek
_era, Mill Creek, $l.
Stine 12,'68—A.. Moore and wife to' G.
Heaton, arbor Creek, $3,030.
31•Irell 26,'69—G Barth/nom-wand wife to
Frank Henry, Harbor Creek, $3OO •
March 30,67—J. Shadduck's Etc'r to -G.
Bartholomew, If trbor Creek, $lOO.
May 16, '67-- - --S. - -Breclut - and wife to J.
Brecht, Fairview tp., $2,000.
March 26,'69—D. Baird et al to M Kucib,
Springfield. $lOO.
Feb. 16,'69—J. Videto will. to IL par.
shall, Harbor Creek, $3.00°.
31-treh 17,'69—D. Rtyn-tril and wifectu 3.
A. Reynard, Girard tp., $3OO. -"
Oct 14. TS—R. Gough to W. t'. Braley,
Htirbor Creek, $9OO.
April 27,'63--Elizabeth liottalt et al, to P.
Riable. Erie, $2,000.
April 27,'68—P. Riable to Elizabeth Hough
et al, Erie. $2,000.
Aug. 6, '66—P. J. Miller et al to G. Karle,
Erie, $1,400.
Feb. 17, '69—W. Laveraek -to J. Cafferty,
carry, $2OO
March 30, '69—W. C. Carry to C. F. Dun
bar, Mill Creek. $lO,OOO.
March 27, '69—P. Evans and wife to .1. W.
takson, Franklin, $750.
-Fe:). 7, '5l—W: McClure and, wife to J. C.
McClure, Girard ip , *SO.
31 trek 3, '65- 7 J. Grow and wile to H. Jor
dan, Erie, $l.
March 3. 'O5—H. Jordan :mud wife to Ma
rie Gross, Erie, $l.
Jan. 13 '66-11 Stanley and wife to H. F.
Rollers. Greene, $650.
March 5. 139--:-.1. Gnekenbehil it al Li.
Sahlaudeeker. *lOO.
trek 27,
'69—J. M. Snag( on and IL
T. Sterrett. F $175.
April 1, '-69—S. P Wititebill anti wife to
A. W. Fenno. N ink E ist tu., $6,405.
Feb 6,'69-R. Fields and wife to W. Lerek
Sen., Mill Creek tp., $1,009. '
March 21, 31 IVallatte mid wife to.
J. Lenhyi E-ie, $350.
April I,'69—A. A. Craig and w_ife to J. F.
Downing, Erie. $lO,OOO.
lowing voluntary . testimonial, from one of
the most influential farmers in the county,
will convince al. who rca 1 it of the merits of
toe implement referred to:
Mita, CREEK, PA April 13, 18E9.
EDITOR Gazerre:-11,iving been induced
by W. W. Pierce & Co.'s pictorial advertise
melt in yo it piper to purchase one of "C i
hoon's broadcast seed sowers;' I write to in
terns my fellow farmers that the machine
does all that it is represented to do. It i 3 a
complete swam—sowing seed with rem irk
able evenness ; and enabling a man to do
three times the amount of work that I have
ever known any other machine to accom
plish. I would not now be without one for
tire times its cost. It alt agricultural in t
chines work..ti as well a C themes siatd
sower, the farmer's millenin n would btl
pretty near uthan i. JACOB WARFEL.
Smarten , nen are apt to care little or noth
ing about Life -Insurance, because it promises
no immediate gains to -themselves person
ally. But eve•y man of generous impulses
acknowledges his obligation to those de
pendent upon him, and_ sees in Life Insur
ance the very best means of making pruvi
shins fur his wife and children in the event
of his death. Look into the matter- a little,
and let the - agent for ',The American" of
Pbiladelphiii. make out your application as
soon as possible.
FACTS Fon TUE LADIES.—Orer /.,200 = Rite
WM one Needle.—lt will. be ten years-next
March since I purchased a Wheeler Lt Wil
son Sewing Machine, which I have used ever
since in yest making. In that time I have
made more than:3.soo vests, and have done
all my family sewing besides. I have used
the needle now ; in the machine nearly four
years, and made with it over 1;200 vests.
Mae. A. Ss. JORN,
No., 23 Alexander St., &Chester, N. Y,
Ratiovan.+-Dr. M►gdl, Dentist, has so.
moved . his *Mee to tits news building corner or
Peach and Tenth Sta.; apll.3w
Parcza• of Crockery and Giasa Wa r e
marred devin at Vir", H. Glentiv's. Bee ad
itelp abbertiordtnio.
nereastile - Taxes f0r.1869.
Pet•LIFIII1/1.1inlly, et ../., lumberyard... 11 U out
t.ine (Janie, 'groceries 14 706
Henry 1 , nnk, clothing * •• It 700
ilicristian Kessler. ItruVlTlo 4 .--....•-• 1 3 ..1U 01,
H. Coln n, clothing 14 700
N. Pees., groceries andazonloctloue's 14 Tno
111ratii -le mum. flour and fee.l ...... ..-..- 12 12 5 , "/
Ilenry Re .kinan. groceries 11 15 Oi
Wurner ilrotners.dty g00n5... .... 6 50 00
J greeki tiros , Clocks, Wa tches, and •
Jewelry.....- ............ ....-. :..4.:-.....t., II 15 00
New nerger & Straus, clOtliing 11l 10 00
L. It relir.siVeig & Co., dry goods ..... -.. 7 40 Ou
Issuie itosenzweig, clothing 10 10 OU
J-lireisi•raciter, groceries 40 :)1 09
C. Englenal t&Co , bo o ts and s •oss... 12 12 50
F. F. :Wain% confectionery rail, fruit 43 10 tF4
J. 13. Carver ,t Co., , Bugs 11 1, 01
. . " p 'tout medicines-. 3 - 10' 00
N. 41urpliy, lianlware 9 47 011
It. S. Hunter, hats, raps and fans 14 7Ou
Orate ,t Alurstfah. groceries 7 40 0 I
,tiuglirY, Burgess & •Walker, Whole.
sate groceries 3 100 00
M. It isurgess, fruit and eunfection's•l3 101)1
i.t. F. Snell, oilliards six tables SO Ot
O. M. Sail ii 3t Co , liottors 11 22 50
I'. NI. ',alit n. clocks, watches, jewel 10 20 9
Arbuckle & Clark, •,,liofes le boots ald •
shoes 7 40 01
F. Lig a
ht, h sus u I silo u. -. It 7OU
I, qt31..'•04. groceries 14 • 7CO
(3.. W., au lion aunt 1.1 10 (K)
VIII. U. tVarrrn, 0*(010010 broktor 30 00
W. It. Asklne, tub.tceoulm, alrent 13 10 ®
A. It t4ekl, el n•ii4, witleher,pwelry... 14 700
10.24,1 Inadeceer, irckeerle,. and , roeley 12 12 50
F. W geier,ctutri ttg 12 12 50
.1. Ene..o.luutt, whole-a 0 boots and .
snot•.+ 7 4010
Kell & Warfel, drug. Awl liquors 2 30 00
•' p4telit medicine 3 10 0
I ; oti•hei lIIPr 4r son, clothing 'lO 3t Ou
%%,,, Niel; & son, a ugl and 11.1001-K..,... 12 18 74
tent tuecllclitett 1 10 00
groeerio4 II 10 01
A. (two) tutllin.•ry .. ... 13 10 0)
',n. J. Sell & G0.,4)1).,ks and statluti'y I t 10 00
Ev.•nars, watelie*an , ljeWelry 14 7 1.0
C.Ani - 11111144, 4toverle., ...... 11 15 00
Colton 0 I.:ening, groce lei t 1.11,1 pro- ,
visions .... ~ , 9 25 (Jo
(1.11/.41 .0,1 nett it lirown variety store 11 15 00
P. tleurichs, dry goods - 9 25 (0)
Nlay .e Bois., lel , iks and stationery...- . 13 10 90
ii. L. Friday, ennfect'n'y •nd produce II 15 00
P. Valentine, groceries • 10 20 00
.. Nliriti.g, groceries and pivviblpus... 9 25 00
j. F. W.tither, dry g.i0d5...;............ ..... _ID 2100
it Meyer, elotlilar; • - 19 :29 00
J. It. sueriten. CI.) Ics,wattelies,Jetvet'y 13 10 oi/
Mrs. .N. Willing, nuts), aiii variety
store , 13 10 00
F. A. Welitii , t,krixterics au epo,vcsieJns 13 10 00
Walther Brothers, dry good.; 14 • 701
F. rfette.r abort, hoots an0;5i10e5........ 11 :.O
lle,rge 'turn, hu n ts and shoes 14 700
V. Mitchell, :Wet lon and commission 12 12 50
J. 11. l'er 4 ins, ennfeeti finery and fruit 9 'tt• - • 00
11. 1., fliils, groc , rle4 13 11' 00
.1. A. Curial.. ..t Co., r4rlef y stoic ... :-. . .... 13 1000
Nathan Cohen, fancy goods 14 • W
K. D. Zeigler, tuusie store - 14 : 00
Barr, Julius ,9 & Co., hardware '
13 0 00
C. J. Enuielfart, flour awl feed 12 2 50
P. P. it. M. 1 letiel,grocert6 13 10 1.0
.tarns Llebel, boots and siroes • 11 7CO
It. 111fft, clothing 13 10 00
:Stark R. Fron 7., furniture ...... .--....-. Ii 7 0)
A. swoon, clothing ..... 14 •7 4SI
M Goldsmith, clothing And Jewelry.- 14 .7 00
F. E , clietfloub,groveries 13 10 0.
C. Mcliler it son, groccrles and p'rovt-,
• - - -
.ion, 'lO 10 WI
A.. M Ivor, flour and feed 12 12 0
J. Z 411014444 r tCo , crockery 14 7 IX)
1.-...1,11 en, liquors ..... . .... .... ...... .... 13 10 00
John W.Anhatntner, .10rull tire__ . .... 13 in 04
P. Cooper, groees les 14 -7 00
Charley Finch, hot.3l4landstn),... , 74 7 00
1.1. Ilansrnatin. liiolik and picture. 11 7OJ
Lockhart a. Pettey, "book. and ue....4
depot. 4 14 • 7 110
W. 41.411441114er, nardware.... 13 141 00
F. J. Rexford &O." gti.cCrlert 010 p - •
due°l3 10 00
\.'4. l'itilley & Co., laitraWare II 1.0 00
/11:,11.5: stnidt in, gro,eries... ......... .... 10 2x) (04
loser) 1:44m farniture .12 12 r,t)
1;e,0•214 14;" erred!, hardware '• • ' 14' 7 4)0
Julius Niet, tob.teeolitht II 7 ($1
P. A 1 1 4401, 14 its, r-tp4 nr. I tors_ ... .......17 is 4:4)
U. L.":10,(11, 141111.4.r.445; Linen 4.3u1e. ..... - ~:40 00
1.3 c thine. grocprie. 14 703
G. J. B3ll.lninoer yam.) 0 2 .0
134 min 4 & Davis, 11.0nbur vai.1..... ..... -II I.F, (04
40.11.nia 4 & lb., coal and w 43044 ...... .... It) 20 111
P. II 'lnman, gall. and o:cture,.., ...... -. 11 7 00
D. We •1444.gan.4411111 14 7 00
hoe) • llootz, nibt. , yard 10 2'l al
.1. Ilrabender,gracerle, and prot•lo-wu. 13 10 01
W. s 11. Sell Wacker, boots and shoes II 750
1) L. .10, Iley, ornole4ale grocer 5 GI 0.
A, W Van'as,el, bill) 4rd , , 4 tablas-- )10 00
W s‘elinal ler. elotliing and gents'
Am' i.lalttg-goo 1, ........ 700
W. C. g Is 11 70 1
Miklos a: Doll, drug, an 4 Ilroors 1: 13 00
'• patent otedteluc. I 300
(iackenbillel & Sr•hlau.ieelcer,, boots
and .110.”; 13 10 00
FL it Mielch.itan, Lobs eon ..... 11 7uu
tirorge - Docke.. dry good. 10 20 OR,
Ow too t Cirkffekb, groce les ap.l pro
vi'dnn4 10 20 0 ,
lobo F,dot &Co., Nenlcers 30 0'
Pnillp , zrucerlen - ia:o
N.. tem !inn, grocerl.m ...... 12 12 4)
‘ - n Hr t ,elim •n, dr,/ 1:00' ig • II) :1100
Elarrl in •rchant tallo7s ' 70,
. .
1..." I 1., • an. dry g.u:. 1 , . 13 100.
• W. Velblager, nnois and snot-a ..... 1 , 700
N. t rich, trunks ..... . , ' ...... 14 70.
1110., grocer le. 12
BrOUP-N, gricerie. 13 11.1 U
TILT rlf• 4 rol worthy. gr.,ceries ' 0 Z) 00
f. Ifesq & Son, i.-. 4 14 700
1. Dk•lcer, •rnverieb and provistu 0. , .. 14, 7 01
It. 1,1 IT •er.l - I,ot, and Lie 14 • 7 isi
'. It anonder, gro , erle4 an I pruv.s'n4 13 10 01
I.' v. 11i IL .gr , ,0. , les " ' 11 700
I. !,.: 1, fetrer & Co.,sowriv_i muctune.,... 1$ 100
W. E. 1. -..nard, grocorl.,t ...... ....,, ........ 11 II) 00
4% \j,...•ric Mr, gnKlertes
11 7 oo
D. I. arks t 13 , .. 2:rocerte, 14 7 of
11 ,T 4 iell ..Tz Cliamtws, gnx:erters 14 7 0°
Irks•qh. -evln, variety eit , tre ..... ........ .. 14 70.
John porscli, fluarand feed..... ,13 10 00
E. W. ltee4 s w., call .dealers..... -. 13 10 0,
13 10 01
ssalts man 4 C coal deniers 10 30 t 0
hurt .n. f 0 ,14 dea1er5......... 11 li 0
I. 11. \V gallon t 1.14 n, coal dealers...., 13 • 10 ,10,
unes4 ortongool, Ippots .and tame 5......, 13 10 VI
.f. Evans, zrlcarles an 1 provisions II 15 .0
Wljo iw trd futicy ...... 1.4.
J.,e‘.o) Weiler. brewery 0:1
It. Sbn, tnarble ..... 14 7 00
' EttlE—E.lST WARD.
Mrs. M. Curtis, anminery and fancy
Con Is 13 10 00
F. Mora. t• titivellotler . 11 7 00
1,. J. Dike, gruc-rant con lecrloncr ... 1 3 10 Gs)
Blnith, In Winery and fancy
gout- 11 7 00
I.•tifata, ni:lllll , ..ry and -fancy
14 7 00
IFlnlnui Brother.. grlsX.l.rit'S 13 10 01
John C. tlecb-,dry goods 13 10 0..1
B. 11.,4,1ex. fr.iines 14 7 OJ
I'. 0k.1, - ..•r&iNk,groveries an.lll(frs 7 , 40 (J
E. l'ouchttn, hooth and 14 7 0)
o.4mttlord,. , ... ..... 11 10 0.1
Patterson Avery, It I:rilware 13. 10 00
intt*and cap; 10 10 00
Mrs. It. Ilyland, millinery and falicy
.41 /4 700
S. C.,00.1eu, r.14.1i 8 2 00
I:renoh grocery A 50 00
4/roach t Kromer. 11041 r and feed 2 100 00
.. .
ii.W, Mehl, tobacconist it 700
Nte,conkey 4.s4oatmon, hardware 7 40 00
I , d‘mon .t Moldier. whotesalegroo's 2 160 00
Hear Keu , ,auer, roceries and llqr's I 2 12 SO
H. W. Oros4,lxxda and shoos 14 7 Oa
J. William., hoots and shoes ...... .......:. 14 7 (X)
smith rt Inoss, grocers 14 7 00
(;,-orgo L. lialter.brewerj,
M. F. Wlrd.-n. ,troce•r
AV. D. 11 tytws .e Co., ilquors - (.7 12 3i
patent inedwities.. 4 :10 10
C. Siegel, groceries 12 12 50
Win. siminer .t CO., E L. Chapman
agent, sewing ni whines S 30 00
13 S .Nlorrison, dry goods 11 15 in
Dierendor., Gross ,t Foster, dry goods. I) 50 III)
W.W. pierce ACo , hardware and tin.. 12 12 50
11. B. Haverst/ek, flour iirvl reed......... t; ,iii lio
Jones ,t Lvtle, gents' liirnishingg,oo./s
nail elothlwe 10 20 00
C mroey, Sl'Creary A. Moorhead, boons
and stationery 12 12 30
W. 11. Glenny, crocaery ' 10 21 01
D. I'. 4: S. P. Ensign, books and statn'y 13 10 00
L. H. Ciarn, buots .fld eases 12 12 50
Burtoil Bros, .1 0., coal dealers IS • 50 (0
clarts. N. G iidwin, b silken: 21 0 i
J. Kunz, agent, Ii its and caps 13 In in
John 81. J istice, merchant tailor 13 10 00
B. Melir tilt, el ailing
il3 10 00
11,111 a colt, bankers ' 30 03
Baker, Osttieliner Lt. Co.,dry goods:it'd
clothing 12 12 31
F, P. Tage, s-wing,.machines g Po 00
6, L. H ad) ad, plumber aud gastitter 13 10 00
Vier.; a. Elliott. drugs it li 00
" piteilt medicines .. ~...,.. 3 10 00
J. E. Ashby ./.. 0., stationers and ....
tiers 13 10 00
Tolin Banyan/. grace- les nd produce 12 12 50
P Silnid.2 .t. Co., wholesale grocers 3 100 in
F. Se 'Welder, groce les 'l2 12 sO
H. Y. Sterier, tphsec mkt - 14 7 Ou
W. J. -iami a Co., groceries and pro
visions 14 7 00
J. Deht A C i., ulthards 3 tables 51. Oil
Mrs. Catharine Fuesz:brewery 2, 00
Mich tel Knoll, groceries 1i 703
smith .t Belknap. flour awl reed 12 12 30
Ca is. Erhart, groceries. ..... -. ......... -.....: 14 700
Peter Rastartar, tin ware 11 700
John Hoffman, groceries 14 70 ,
B. Schlandecker, grocer es and prOV... 13 10'00
M. Knell A Son, groceries and glass
ware.... ... ........... .... . . ........... 1.3 10 0
John Detaining, groceries 11 700
•Sheobitlii Brlnue, merchant. tailor 13 1011 n
k. Curries gracerins 13 10 00
Jicob Liebe), boots awl 5h0e5....... ..... -11 7 01.1
Haves &Kepler, red estate dealers.... IS) 0
P. Knipp r, groceries.-- ' 14 701
M. Heron& A Bro., groceries and pros. 13 10 0
D. Kr.clr„ boots a •il shoes ..—. 14 70.
F. Messmer. groceries 13 10 in
Cooper Bros., groceries, douraud teed 10_ ' 20 00
Frank Kessel, groceries II 7in
M. Doll A 4 00, boots and lilloei 11 700
Hear Mayer & on, liar. ware 11 7in
0. 31e(ntosh, hardware 12 12 7,0
Boyer d,'Fuesz, hard wsre ‘.. g go 00
.Ia mb Neubauer, goicerles 13 /0 Ou
Jureeiti . A stem, plumbers and brass
lon odr 13 10 00
Cleveland & Co.. Erie C ty Irnu Works 14 , 7 (01
H. Mayo, trunks --- ........... ... 13 10 , 00
Cochran & Young, t i n, g lass and paper
.t ( 3
A. L w lebelMo.,
,gents'" turo 12 I .l' 30
goods 14 . AO
3. H. !tablet, furglture 11 1 15 00
Z S'ilith, music store 14 700
!Locke ACo , dry goods 4 40 01
J. W. Ayers, nimbus° - 11, 11.0 d
S. E. Foote, b rats, shoes and leather._ 121 12 50
S. Dlchliasou A Son, drugs and liquors 13 15 00
patent tritglielne. 14 , 700
S. Erhart &Son, trunks 14 7in
C. Deck, tobacconist 14. 7 01.1
[Tubb tr.' Bros. a
tin n.I haedware 'lO • 211 00
Erie Dime Savings Bank 25 00
Germ sn Savings 8a50k.....,.. V, 00
ii.. F. Wiliple.s Co., lea, cotlee, sugar... 10 2:1 00
A. G. Atkins a Co., fur- and straW g'ds 13 - , 10 00
Edsom.CltUrcitill &Co . dry goods 7 40 00
in% Mirmig. groceries and - provisions 12 12 50
Ch4rles 3illier, fluor and reed 11 700
gown Erie Iron Works, hardware 11 • 7.00
Henry K.altrelage, brewery IS 00
Charles Koehler, orowery :3 00
P. Fredertchs, Otioks and ptctures........ 14 7 00.
..oho Cronenberger, groceries 18 .10 03
F. Duddenhuirer, hoots and shoes 14 700
D. *Mei ntr a 'Soo, merchant tailors 14 700
A. Kerner, groceries 11 7Di
V. Hines, groceries...—..
. ... . . 11 7 Op
D. Flickinger, tin and sheet iron ware 14' 7 00'
I.T.„efic.ker,grocerlesanderoels.'y ware 13 1Q 00
D. D. Walker, forwardnasand COISVA.. DI 10 00
Daniel Knoblock, .7 00
)(Malt a Pelton, coal deal e rs 6 Go 00
Carroll a Bros., lumber yard r ,.... 4 60
, dcott, & Rankin coal and 7. 40 00
Lamb & Ca, coal dealers 8.50 00
New abitatoinin!lo.
. .
. ,
Fierily -
Riv*lei k CO., Orel arid nte...;..... 6 ,r ) 0,00,
Cara, Fipti 4 Howe, lainber dealers... 6 ' 50 00
F. Shultz, flour and feed 13 10 00
V. sli ultz. groceries and prutibdone 12 12 50
Gable Mauro' .s. co., brewery 50 00..
J I learn et Cu., C .al endure .... ..... ..... ... 1 '.3)0 00
Alibi Allryer, brewery 25 00
U. Knoll, brewery 21 00
3 .serb melirmer, brewery 2 09
MINUtel ' , Atter,. liquors .... 14 700
.1. Meth, grocera.s.. II 700
John Sirawhl,grocerle. 14 700
J. T. Whiteford, grocerkem
Jacob Vogt.brewery
Peter Lorin, groceries
Joseph sotter. brewery
C. liltclv•ock, dry goods and groceries 14 714
.1. Carl r, dry go . od • and armed IA 7 011
J. H. Chamber+, ury cool.; and groctfs 11 700
Hisled & 'Moultbrop, grorwrles 11 700 1
J. B. Putnam, bi Bards, 1 table 31 00 1
.1 dm G. ler, dry goo , 5..... . ; .... .... .. , ....... 12 12 50
4w - i
11lea .1 roam, dry go.sis ... .. „..... ...... 12 12 50
a . • patentme4.lleine........ 4,. SJO
W. P. Coo-c, furniture 14 1 011
O. A. Tage. tot/ Lt...mist 11 7Ou
lie tins & Co, mercount tailors and
11 sits and slows 13 10 OD
Jnhue,n & Caltiwelt, b.toas all I staVy 13 10 1 0
.iota Smithers. contectlonerg. 14 710
M. L & ti. I). geikr g 4. flazdware 11 1 0 o 0
k. F. Jones. dry goods 12 12 50
Beecher, Vason, dry good* 12 12 :A
W. H. iluust;t, ho its and shoes 111 10 1.04,
H. Ent n, int I nnery gondi 10 740
T. If. Grey, drags 13' 10 10
" pstent to—twine 4 5 to,
A. W. Geer & 0.. hardware 13 - 10 00
, *omstock a •'-swot .rd. groceries .. 13 IS 10
L •np Brothers, drugs 14 700
41 " patent metlirine 4 15 to
F. Jones & Co., •'!'it tang 12 ,12 50
~.4. M. Belknap, groceries 13 10 00
L. P. Bll' terileid, auction and colninlri- .
.1 , 1 ..., • 14 i 700
I te.e. Gnittam Mill eels, 2 tables ..., 40 tsi
James Bannister, brewers .
Jolla IlLgeng. hoots and 4 4t.1114 4 ,1 ....
•11 'Z'' 7 s 0 4 1
Ezra Seouller, flour and feed ._ ts Al to
Ohlmcm & Co., dry g .outs and clothing 12 12 .10
A. I. Pron Bit, groceries 13 - 1040
E. W. TsPictiell .t Son, dry goods and
groceries ' 12 1' 50
E. W. Trrlchell &Son. bankers ;,14 00
E. W. Ileebe,drima 11 700
a. .6 patent medicine i 500
R. Ruddick, dry goods • /4 7OD
31. Plielp., dry gott ts L 14 10 01
1.. 41 Church, hardw ire . . .. 14 700
R. 11. MeLangliry 4 Phipes. dry goat; 13 10 01)
"L„ M. sales, gro eves Ift 10 00
P.itterson a Cook, hard ware 12 v. '4)
w. s. Prondat, drugs 11 7to
" " p twat edielne ...... ..... 4 5.00
A.. 1. Stanford, nierclitnt tailor 14 7 00
0.44. Goodell, groceries - 14 7to
W. Greenfield, drugs and liquors 11 10 To
, pstent medicine... ~. 4. SSO
M. W. II you a Co.; hoots and shoes..... 11 700
H. I emit', books and stationery 14 700
L. Grim, furniture. ' 14 700
J. Cornell, flour and feed 11 7DO
.S , onelltr Bros., tobaßeonlsts 14 7 140
Joint Weigle, groceries 14 700
F. I.:uu•Aon dry goods and groaerles 1:1 10 (XI
J. CF. Dunn, dry goods and groc -ries... 14 ' 700
L. l'e.lso, dry goods and gmeenes..... 14 700
John , 4 , 11 u maker, dry goods and aro
-Iws 14 7 al
Z. A. Parker, dour and teed 14 '7 00
W. K..41'. McLane, groeories .... 13 10 oii
Goldst.en .4. 'S tniuel, dry goods and
eio'hlng ' 1 12 .12:10
1. Dearnor. groceries . ........... ...... 12
. 12 . - .0
U. M. Waters, grocerieu 12 12 ."iu
ti, B. Joh tp.uu.dry goods uncl4, , ,rucertes 10 LI/ IV
C, unlit Innacti, borits and shoes.. .... -. 14 700
H. 0. Frisbee. 2rocerleN 14 7 00
rt. Myer. eloching 1:: 10 0/1
- .
. . .
R. Wehl ,e , r, groceries • ii 7 010
N. T. litun..,,tirugs and liquors 13 15 00
0 Fitent medicine 4 100
A. J. Porter, clucks, watc , ies andfew
elry ,14 7 tro
W. (,:. I.luwer, drugs It 7 chi
patent medicine 4 .5 00
John LandsriGn, - hardware ' 11 15 00
L. B. Snorer. a Co., dry gnodsand gro
ceries ....J 14 700
W. 1. King, bnohs nod stationery II 7 (1.) I
L. Frank & Son, hoots a d shoes.-- 14 700
Dabney .t Warden, dry goods s. iIA 00
P. Robertson., gr 'eerie% 14 7 fn)
Whltiloy a: flaye., hardware _ li 7 ( 4 9
A. Salthinaii„ brewery 4 'l5 uo
K. sooner, banker li ig)
M. H. Jones, billiards, 3 tables 50 o,
Win. C. Putnam, coal Seater It
1. H. Carpente.r, confection. ry . 11
W. I) •Lin.l. billiards, 1 table.
Lar Mee, Barnes. Co. ; dry goods and
urocerles ' 'l3 10 0)
D. X -nary; groceries - • •/4 7w l. 1.1 51eBrIde, merchant tait0r...... ; 14 700
James 17.4in.dckle, hardware - 1i 10 (d
, V. A. Pratt, tUtur and teed 1.4 7 00
I. Skeels, clothing" 14 700
Davenport &So..,booksand station'y.. II 700
4. D. Davenoos t, drugs and liquors.— II 10 ..0
pi.ent int./hone i 500
I. Welts, dry votls 1111 I groceries 13 10 00
IL. 11 4 Adams, boots and sh.tes 14- 700
e xr.tanrsoNvlLLE.
Destcr Spaulding, dry goods 14 700
Chndes Vanstek le, hardware 1 , 1 700
Cross & Weoster, dry goods and groce
rleA 11 15 00
P. S. Cowles. dry gofids and groceries.. 11 700
Ft. It. Nllller, boots and shoes .. ...... ... 14 7 00
G. Helder, groe , rl,4 .... ...... 14 700
21 00 f Nortrit SPII.INGFIELD.
rohn Norton. groceries 14 7 to
Jacks m & Megee, dry goods and gro
ceries 13 10 00
WEsi-t . :3PRING r..LD
A. J. Thomas, dry, go,xls and groverles 13 10 00
It. railer " " " 13 10 .1)0
4. It. Reynolds, " 14 7 0(1
W. IL Cltec , emnn, dry goads ......... 13 10 00
p•ttent medicine.... 4 500
llarnts, dry rood % : Lad gror.rles 14 7 ,41
F. S. Barney, Ilsnn, reed, coat an,Llll2ne . lo '2O .0
Frank Lawyer; groceries 'l4 701
A. 1 0 . Messenger, dry — goods and elm li-
tug 13 I.) ...)
W. 11. Ittehmoutl, int.liiirry g 0 ,11 1 , 1.... 13 700
J. A. McKiniteonerchant ta.lor 10 2.0 01
C L. Kent, tobacconist ....... .... .... II 7 011
H. C. Slay.well, Mims and leather .... 13 10 It
Edwin Direr, gro'.eries 13 lo oir
, 'has. English. gnieeries It 11l 01
John Wiise, groceries LI 10 to
M. 14. ilarlow,confectionery 'sod news •
depot 11 700
A. Martin. dry goods 13 10 00
J. R. trraves, Jewelry_ .. ~ ..... ................ 13 10 rti
tibial] .t Collins, books and music store 11 7 0.1
Jones 4 Sperry,drugs
13 10
• patent medicine. .....• 4 500
Mrs. Newman, clothing 14 710
M. P. Kilburn, clo..ks'oratelies, Jewelry 11 7in
IL Puwel, groceries , --13 1" .ro
L. C. I. ry, clothing 13 10 00
Peter Burns. my goodsl3 - 10 on
S. Kat nit. clothing ........ -. ... .............. ..... 14 ! 7 10
ChArlas Warner, elutning . .14 7en
I. Fragner, gents' turnlslnug goods - 12 I.•' NI
R. thrlow :inn, news dealers 14 700
D. Wintlon, liquors .. .
12 12 30
V. gabetz, tobacconist - 11 7 00
S. Evanson, bittiards, 3 tables 3) 01)
W. U. Nantz, dry goods.- 13 10 00
W. A. HOr. drugs ....... .. ... ... ..... ...... ... 11 700
" " patent medicine .......... ....... 4 500
11. Hooker & Co., groceries 13 10 00
P. Dar nbaeli, groceries.- ..... ......- ..... ... 13 10 00
iieiirge E. Peek, furniture. .11 10 00
L. E. Genvou, hardware.. .11 700
Finch .I:T:tester, billiards, 4 tables ...... G 0 00
E. Bard well & Co., dour and feed........ 13 10 00
Weeks Brothers, groceries... ............ ..._ 13 10 00
W. H. Morgan, groceries-. . - 13 10 00
N. Asher, tobacconist ...... -..... ...... ......... 14 700
B. Sennrd, coal yani . .14 700
Weld .t Keeler, dry goods ...... „........:..... S al 00:
Thomas Chapman, hoots and shoes.- 13 10 00
Mrs. H. N. Parsons, millinery 14 700
Barnes Brothers, groceries.. - S 3)00
A. E. Hallett, boots and shoeS 11 700
4.)4. Sloan. tobacconist , .14 7ir
West & Brother, grocerie:-.. A 11 13 00
J. W. - Merrill, millinery.. .. 14 701
D. P. Man, paints, oils and g Lash—. .... 11', 7 00
r anilesar A Tyler, han1ware.......... ..... 13 10 00
C. Swift, hardware 10 2i 00
J. W. Blair. groceries , 12 1l 50
F. Shiely, furniture 12 12 50
toseph Clark., clothing .11 10 00
E. Edison, bowl .ng saloon 2 a11ey5 ..... ' 10 00
H. t 4speestri in, booth an ti shoes 13 10 00
John Williams, confectionery... ......... 14 • 7 01.1
ginith, Ensun & en.. flour and ft:ed...... 13 10 00
John smut; trunks . .... 14 71X)
Johnson a Hubbard, groceries--; ..... .12 12 50
W. Meed, drugs and stationery 14 13 00, medicines'. ....... .......... 1 5 IX)
Hawkins & Powers, drugs . .14 700
~. 14 7 CO
" . patent, medicine... 4 500
Martin Stark, dry g 0045...........:........... 10 20 (0)
1. Lung, hardware . la to to
Joseph Pratt, boots and 5hue5,.........., 13 10 00
E. K. Newton, dry g00d5...................... 12 12 50
'Norton a. Wilcox. groceries , .. 12 12 50
J. Elsworth, drugs.. 14 10 30
" patent medicine............... 4 500
A. Black, t0bace.mi5t........................... 14 7 (3)
t. Siegel & Co., clothing . 13 10 00
S. A. Bennett., produee and' lumber—. 13 10 Ot)
t Kreider, dry goods ' 14 700
J. R. VauAlin, liquor- . 15 10 1)0
P. Wagner & Co„ brewery 25 00
IL. Homes, groceries 14 700
"homas alahouy, groceries 14 7 fin
John riazel, liquors 11 15 00
31 B. Me.benger. gr0rer1e5........ ......... .13 10 00
4 • S. Barclay, news depot 11 700
J. 11 Cimptnatr, lumber yard 11
Cheater a Somer. agents. liquors ........ 13 10 00
E. F.:squires, sCwing tnachtnes .......... II 700
J. D. Murry. dry • goods ...,.....13 10 00
F. Barker, dry go.sls 14 10 00
Faber a Tinker, etude 5t0re.........—..... 14 700
11. T. Nash, hardware ' '' 10 20 0(1
P.tter .1 Co.. coal and 1umber.,.........., 13 10 to
Charles Krc h, hardware ~..........„ 14 700
Lereus Motllt .1 Co., groceries and
erockery....—.- ........ ... - ..... 13 10 00
P. liolinutn, drugs and 1igtt0r5............ It 10 50
" " patt nt. medicine...... ......... 4 3110
speneer & 'Bradt, gmeerics...... 10 1.13 00
It. U. Ilubturd. groceries and crucke
ry ware 14 10 00
J. R. Weeks, variety store 11 , 700
K. Morris, brewery 25 00
g'er a B der, , provisbms 14 7 (0)
D.,..- Ma r, , market car 1' aE. R. it......... 14 700
Wm. Is.endlc, groc , ries ..- 14 700
E. Beardsley, dry goods and groceries 11 10 00
Kenren d C.,., drugs and liquors It to .N)6. .. p dent. mcdi 'Ono ..... ...,. 4 300
Ford 4: Watllgoiry goods and groceries 11 700
Colt a Catupbell, dry goods ......... ........ 14 700
C. Martin & San, dr. goods and groce•
ries II 7 (la.
henry Drake, airy 4.m) is and groceries 14 41
N. Middaugh, groeorkes..... • 14 7 014
Aldrich & Son, dry • 14 700
W. L. Booth, gr0cerie5:...:......_..... 14 1 700
D.W. Howard, dry gOods s and groceries 14 700
Erie Paper co., E.. 4. Perkins agent 14„ :.p)
Thornton Brow.; merchant tailors 14 700
Ferguson & Hey, dry goods 11 10 00
W. Fat in.grOoaries. ...... 13 10 00
FerrY Fargo. hardwaro‘.... 14 .00
Strickland & Co., drtir Stiolfluors..... 14 10 50
44 patent medi cine - 4 500
Joseph Genshenner, dry 14 700
Pd. & shun:Laker. Ti 00
R. Fettlt.dry goods an4groceeiss....... 12 17 60
A. Mine, Mill god proance 14 700
Jacob RUM; groceries T 000
ll 700
215 0,)
:}1 KERN'
ileto Abbettiotments.
.4,9 3
B. F. Town, dry goods
el .
. In
11 19 ii,
D. A. fattersoii. grocol les ................ -• 11 4 -
W. B. Smith, drugs , . 'ri
,•• paieot. medicine- ...... .... 1!: 1 1
C. H. 'hiiidn, ii , y g sills thud groceries II . .,: t 4
J. I helps & \.:0„ inirdware ...... ..,.. It ..
, ii
B. B. A Bei., di ug% sod 11qu0re,.,... .. ,
. e
Field t If .ys. groceii,s ~ ...,
• .-
....,,.... .
Nathan Jogoi, groc ~eries • •••• n It
;,,, '
W. V. Davis, groceries • '1 4 '''
NicholL4 - a Silva thorn, dry goods . 1 , v ,
L. ri. Jsnea a Son, ,g roorrle, and dry ' ),
100.1 s
Rand ,It a ricos,noro ware • 19 2 ,, ~,
t ••
Gutlifurd, Hay a Co., - nardwor I •. L
ed' a ID+4.y. dry guotim . ~,
Bottles a Webster, nauke.s
..., 2 . i ' ) a , J 9
Ilea 4 Clark, dry g .ods an.l arae, ~,L , , , ,9 ' 4,
Hymen a catelry, butte, cap•• • •,,, 4 8 .,,d ' •9
shoos • 1 t 19 „,„
J. H. :teer, SUflit GUI r.. . • 1 I -,;
8. V. rise, glom, to • • 1:: ~,'
B. C. at ', i di uge Lind lliyi la•-• . . . 1; 1, '
"' patent tneincine ..... ... .. , 4 , '''
IT. A. Trail', vorlety atm e• • • It 1 . ' , ;,'
c. F. RAWlLWeliolry gout'
.. 19
, I ,
U. Bia•ke'r, merchant tailor .9
.1 i ; , r,
1. 1.. Hart. clothing . • 1.1 19 a.
li. Drury, groceries atilt ALI nors.,. . ~ . , , 1
" " p arm, tnedleln, 9..
Levi Jacksion, coin denier............ - IL 7.,:,
Wm Drari , lin 'situ' e 44 `-groceries
Guiliford, groceries 14 •,,.,
W.. I'. Halt, groceries' -• 14 s
G. Sat'. emit, dry IZOOlin 41111.1 groceries.. 14 :,
f. K. Smith, produce deader......... .14 3,
I). llleFucien, billiard», 2 tables._ ~.,,,
A. tirrisei Lb us., dry gq.
dods and l.ill,•
'log I/
4. 1, • '
M. 11.
M. dry mom!. ii 1 )
L Phelps.. Sou, dry *cloths . 11 1 ,,, •
Barton a Fut beringtotio,di y gout', H. 11
groceries •-• ii 11,
ii A. lime. bard wad e ... :-.- .. . 7 it.,
Clark a. II ughes, bd.i», »I»ies idyl
trunks .. Ii
4. Ilan ley, bouts, shoes and eutler,% ii 7 ~..
1.14v1i1 Soya!, gro• erles li 7 ~.
DAvlil Uhl, boots and shoes - it I - ~
A. M. Curnott,grtwerles . 14 1., ~,
A. tiliver, grtmerie , r .. 'II 7 ~,
Nl'liay it 1.4 [le, dry gootlsothl clutlyb" 11 1;
Whitney. Oliver t it 'ty., grocerle., /ail
produce ..,. I I r, ~
Johnson A Magill. oo.os and „hue.... 11 7,,
li,nson A West. Vaulters ~•,,, ~
i'. I'. Jull_,tni A. Co., dry gooll 4 Jou g,to-
Cerilli 21 :-, (
1. M Wolte .1. Son. book . anti leweby 11 71f
11url Pm man. furnitu e 1; ,/
Mar..wel , „ dr; SU. Kis and gru :et len .. II 151
Judson c Willer, luudu are li. Ir, it
tioW man a Austlu. drugs.all , l lig u.,re 11 h ,
.!' 1111. lent. medicine .. I •,
R. E Matcliet, grocerlei 11 7
11. sleeper, drugs and liquors... A..- 1 1 :9
" " patent. medicine • • 1; 7 I
P. S. Ensworth, m.lllnery goo& ..... II .7
J.•wu utNley, flour and feed 11
Llnilsfry a KlnAsley, gro erles '
IL 31. Irish, dry goods and g, °aeries... I 1 ,,
.1. E. Wells t non, dry goods and gru- -
ceries 12.
J. 8.-an anon t, groceries and 1.:
li. Itohnert.s, dry goods and gr eerie-.. 11
Wood, dry goals and groceries.. i.i ;,,
L. Ball, gnwerles ...... ........ .......
J.ll, Stradman, dry goods and gror:e
Bunnell d. Peas, dry gocxli and grrcf,
rit-; . is -
J. P. Stoeittlate, hootn and nhuev ...... 11 7O.
.1. J. Halnead, tgr.leerles 11 I to
Wm. TylPr,H
'A. Court of Appetit win be held t...t. Cour
Tlon4e, In the city of erle, on Frtd.y. April
lib. J. R. TAYL
apt , -3w. - 3fere.,nt.le A ppral,r
1,441 f)
7 Ca
r 1 00
Mammoth Dry Goods
Diefendorf, Gross & Foster.
N F.' E. .lE>
Dry Goods Department.
In the Dry (,nulls department, we offer an ex
tensive moil rl tnent of fashiOnahleSprinc Dre 5
mods. eoie.kting, in part. of Blaek and it toad
Alpiten.., Black Sinks, Poplins, Abysslin in,
Cloths, stripes fur Suits, Piques, Cambric., or.
R' ndlrs, Fteneti Prints, English nuo A•.•et trda
i.inghtme.,l.bps, Embroideries Handkerehl.l,
Ci oyes, Hosier*Tritnmings, Hoop Ski , hi, Tu
ttle Linerp., white and Colored 'toilet Quilt,
Linen Sheetings, Bleached and Brown flu uin>,
St riprs, Checks, Tien ims, etc., etc.
-11C10T71 6 4/:
Furnishing Department
In our Carpet and Ifouae Furnishing Depart
ment we have In at.ore and offer for sal.- V4e
largest and mo-.t complete stock of con I%
before shown In thh, city.
An lumens., stock of Aruericun and Fa,-0,1.
W.ll Paper., trout the cheapest la`own blanks
through all the Intermediate grades to the fitaFt
hand r tamped Gold, Ttuted and Pe. , opilve rn;
Plain and Twill. d Feints , . Wool Batch, Ve
netian, Lost and Rag, Ingmin, Three Ply, Tip
try Ingrain. Ami-rwan and Fnglish Tap :r;
lirnsQels. body Brussel= and Velvets.
M[ A.T , r llv Gs.; s
A large stock of that JuKtly celebrated Tantha
elite Slatting of all whlllon. As we buy tho.e
gon it direct of the tounufacturelo. we are rl
abled to offer unusual ralvAntage, to pa:Th.,—
OIL CLOTHS—F . IO4r, Table and entrlage, ai!
LACE CtittTAINS AND REPPS-::Nut hnt: -
ha at Scotch and Tambour Lace Curtain,. All
color% or Itepps ana lerrles' Trausrousetit itel•
laud fur Shades, pronounced by all who 100 , ,
thoLA them to be the best artlele ever introaord
for' shades. Corattea, Shade El:tures, suur
Hods, Matta, Rum, etc., etc.
Pure Live Geese Feathers:
t • inges, Mattresses and Pillows on !Irani sa'
las to order by an experienced upholsterer.
In conclusion, our stock Is hill and complen
In every department, and our motto Is, os . I I
ever has been, prompt me In exrcution of .1.
orders reit with us, and honesty and lair dral•
lug with every our.
Ball and ere If Nee do not tall the truth. •
DlEFEtilalttF,GßoisS t FOsyk:lt,
aPrg-tf. No. 7 heed House, Erie, Pr,.
•The Best Way"
TO OBTAIN heavy yard-wide Cotton Sherill , 4
Is tosend us a Clubrif ill names at 10 eL, e? 11
for • tir dollar goods, and get twenty-one 3 arts
fIA corn n I Ihxln n fora slug the club. rcro
yards for club of 130, -Ixty-flve yards for club of
lIX3 or yarns If the agent sends for the whole
Mu articles mantilla club. Marne
pant In other grand% THE OLDIF>ir, I. t wit•sT .
1N BOSTON. 3141 e and female agents wanted.
Send clubs and money In registered letters and
wo guarantee prompt returns those ns one tri•
Al. Write AT u.NOK. for Circular and ExebanV
List of dollar goods, before sending el•ew here.
.KAstllltalsl & KENDALL
nprl-lms :15 Hawley st., Boston, MA,`•
- 1 --
- Important to Farmers.
E ., IT'aDEIISfi , ..S:ED, AT A
TION, bas for s4te choice lot 'of new I, It•
ver and Timothy Seed. Also Chute.: Scotc, l '
Fife Canada Spring Wheat. Early 60 0, i cil '
Harrison and Siemer Seed Potatoes, W.iret
Lime, White Lime, Land Plaster, Salt, CO3l,
etc.. etc. Very low for Cash.
apri-3K. A. STONT..
Dissolution or Partnership.
•1111 E: CO PARTS RBRIP herettifore existing,
between J. J. Fuca/der and John' SAntler ,
engaged in the lamming bust:le:x.l,u ader thy tlrm
title or Fuessler & rvinuer, is this day d
Iced by mutual consent. .The business wilt
be continued at tit- old stand by J. 5. FUN /et,
who is authorized to settle all the account+.
.1. J. FIJESSLCit ,
aprl-3w. JOUR $AN:a:a.
Secrets Worth Romeo& .
lilVg9 RECIPES for bljuidreds of useful
else in universal use. easily made at se , au
cost mid readily sold at large profits; aloe
ent,inediciaes. manufacturers' see els. dif,„.. A .
eta. JEeSil tit t.ll. 11 9 !Nassau
New York.