The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 01, 1869, Image 3

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    brie Market •ril9oo. '
ctlesale,.. - Beton.
Potitoes, 'I. .a." ".. 00 -
Butter, P - -------.. 40 45r7)60
Cbefoe, t1b..................--- - el • 25
zi -
as .
Mutton. dressed, 71 it _8 0,
iltorts--614 7 : Cured, P b.—
liamt—Plain.p Ib--...... 21 '...)
ftibonklenr, tl . 4o. : _____. ... 17 3)
Pork, VI bb ........_' (0 '
Beet. mm, 111 1-4.,A —.-17 00
Dried Beer p 1b... ...,.....:..... 4 1 21
Omer Seek e Ltikej..........l o uu - ----' 10 oo
Timothy —..—...-- 550 .." 4
Ilax 'Seed it 1b... ........ 250 - 3
(litAlN:Yroun klitl• PEED. ~
floor, XXX W. W.pktd..;. 9 7,1 ,--. II) .„...•
" XX amber p DOL... AM s • 8
string. II bbL..-. 700 -; 7110'
Eyebbl. i . ..... 7ti t (p. ,
Wheat, whlwiiiiit ht.
1 SO • .
•• amber p ba5h...:..... I Or,
- - sprlroni bu5h......... 145
corn," hnshet...... - le
ots;ll.lrolbltl. , .._._ so
Feed 'iliton —.......—......... 3,1, 00
Cora moat p ton.—. . &I 00
_ _ _ litisciiirs.
Coal-Hard "411 , 0 u . -...--.......- 800 0 OD
do 111tum100t1L.—...... 500 61X)
Lumber-llotaloOk. • . _
_-10 Co ' - . 7 14 (11)
do Plae. pm:rimer-13 00 . ;T:o DO
do du
0 i1ear.....-...45 00 -53 011
ilittutreA-eaw .—.— 430 • 5.0
do -,, - Elia% 1—... 430 sco
iluy r -,..-. "..-.. ." ,—...3) 27 Ou
Wood. nard. Vi 4//0 . 4;3/1.1.... . $O9
,b, ,10 101111 ........... OCo •do
Pleblimbers, Notice.
Advertisements, to secure Insertion, pint be
handed In by Wednesday evening; ewe".
they are less than three squares hi length.
Jai advertisements not ordered tor a epee.
tied time will be continued st theexpenset
o f the parties. Advertising accounts are
payable Quarterly, Attorneys-Will be held
'responsible ter advertisements published
their orders, and• the bills wLli he mtge.
out In their names. The adveittellig rates
on our find page will he strictly adhered to.
important to' Farmers.'
too: UNDERSItiNfiIII. AT valavtEwitsTA-
Tito:, has for sale a eholeejot •t• new
ver and Timothy Seed. Also = L'holeelicoteb
Fife Canada Spring Wheat. f.arly Goodrich,
liarrlsan and Maser allifdi Potatoes, Water
Lime, White Lime, Land Plaster, salt., Coal,
etc.., Very low fbr rash.
apritat A. STONE.
1)boolotion at Portnershlo.
1 1 1111 co I'ART:TERBI4IP heretofons csist'lng
between J. J. Frtessler and John Sauner,
engaged In the tanning businees,under the arm
title of Fnessler & hanner,it this day digt.
~,It ed by mutual consent. The business will'
he con,tinneit at the old stand by J. J . Fues•len .
ho 14 authorized to settle all the accounts.
J. J. FU
JOHN" 4.131*:
Ordinance. •
I. Be it ordained and enacted bytholiberi•
gpia and Council of South Erie. witti•At
hereby ordained by the authority of the same,-
f hat the owners of lots or parts of lota, on the
vide or State street, between Buffalo street
sail South avenue, be and the same age. boreby
required to make, or cause to be itsguivX•ood,
substantial sidewalks in front of thaeloy os
lots, sixteen feet wide. • Maid sidewalks folse:oy
gravel. - , •
sec. 2. That the said sidewalks be commenced
within fifteen days and completed in sixty
days. • • .
ordained and enacted this flOt,h loyal March,
D., Mk • - BENDS, Burgess.
Wm. I.LITSIK, Clerk. • apri-lw.
Lawn Cerete r
CIiART'ER of She Eaten 'Cemetery, at
Wnyne Corners. busing been on this 'd
of rob, r. , PTItod orwo an - t with
fa) e: for iLicurpurat4on of Ntinr, 111, court
have examined -anti. do approN e th, 4atile.
and direct the said instrument of writ
ins to be fllei in the Court of common
.!'lees, and -that notice thereof be given by
publication for three consecutive weeks tin a
weekly paper, published in the county of Erie,
and if no suftlelent reason be shown to the con
trary the Court will, on the fourth Monday of
Hey next, derree_und adjudge the petit ion..ra to
bo a hod!, corpmate as prayed for. 7., -
aprl4w. • ROGEItk tro.
"The Best Way"
?lin OBTAIN heavy yard-Wide Cotton Sheeting
I is tosend us a Cinbof *gnat:lei at 100 M. each
for our dollar guida, and get' twenty-one yards
es commission for ranging the clnbforty-two
yards for club of 00, sixty-flre yards for club of
Mk or 105 yards it the agent sends for the whole
lea articles out of the club. Same commission
paid In other goods. THROLDEST, LARCH , - •
IN BOSTON. Male land female agents wanted.
Send clubs and money In registered letters and
Ire guarantee prompt returns Give nit one tel.
:41. Write AT °NCR for Circular and Exchange
Listof dollar goodi. _before sending eNowliere.
3 Hawley St., Liostau, Maks.
'Discharge in Bankruptcy.
yx THE DISTRICT COURT of the United
States, for the Western District of Penn's,
Solomon Cohen, a bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of March 2d, MC, having applied tar
al Discharge from alt his debts. and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
notice hereby given to all persons who havo
proved their fltbni; find other person% Interest
ed, to appear on the - 27th cd' ay, De D at 9
o'clock, A.M., before/3. Woodruff ,F. Esq., Regis
ter,at the Court House in Erie, Pa., to
If any they have, why a dischanre should not be
granted to the said bankrupt, Anti further, no
tice is hereby given that the second and third
meetings cf =telltale Of the said bankrupt, re!.
quired by the 27th and %Lb sections of said Act,
will herbed before the said Register at the same
time and place, R. C. McCANDLESS, -
ilerr of L. S. District Court for said r
• a opt-2w.
Discharge to Bankruptcy.
J. States, for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania. James A Wheeler, a bankrupt under the
Ant of Conine' of March 2d, Ibd7, having ap
plied for a discharge front all his debts, and oth
er claims provable under said act, by order of
the Court, notice is hereby given to all persons
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested, to appear on the iffth day of May, IM,
at 9 o'clock, A. M.. before $. E. Woodruff;
SQ.. dater Bankruptcy, at his o ff ice,
in the Court House, in Ute, Pa., to show
cause, If any they have, why *discharge should
not be granted to the said bankrupt. And fur
-1 her, notice is hereby given that the second and
third meetings of -creditors of said bankrupt,
required by the 27th_
and Mt sections of said
act, will be held before the said Register, at the
tame time and place, S. C. IacCARDLINS,
Clerk of r. S. District. Court for said District
Discharge In Bankruptcy.
I States, for the Western District t h en
Geo.W. Browning, a bankrupt under Act of
Congress of March 2, 1.827, having applied ibr a
discharge from all his debts and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court
notice is hereby given to alt 'persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons. Int crest
ed, to appear on , the 27th day of May, WM, at 0
oN, A. M.,' before WorxlrniT, F.sq.,
I ter in -Bankruptcy. at his oilier, In the
Cour Honig ,- , in Erie, Pa., to show cause, if
any they have, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further no
** Is hereby given, that the second, and third
'meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re
quired by the 27th and 28th sections of sall i z a t i
will be had before the said RegiSter. at %he
time ithd place. S. C. BleCAn= --
Clerk of U. S. Dlsttlet Court far said
I. , imher Dealers, East Public. .Do . r..k, foot of
state St., Erie, Pa. turZl64l.•
robe. awn nine feet long, flue I uel.e..airtare
at the butt, and two !fathom by five fuel/bleat the
top. Apply to er"
F.ast Public Dock, Erie. in
ElLey, Auctioneer,
'TOE WEEitS3 PAST, and will continue toren
L Branch Auction Ham= and bold Evening
Merchants reducing Mack can get. =eh
refereneam and satisfaeticm If required.
m -21 v ELL oc
SEY, Amerl,an Blk.
rtS. Pm
Ellie', the-Farmer* , Avetieneet,
A ITENDI Country Vendee on reasonable
terms, get op bilis for sale and find his own
Conveyance free of expense. My long exanti•
mice at Farm Sales enables me tognarunteesat
isfaction to all. Also. particulisrattentien paid
to Administrators' riateS7 ftd Of Reel Estate.
EnseY holds alarket And:lons of the tad dead
stock, carriages, Poptsments, furniture of all
kinds, stockin trade, tneininandise and other
pmperty, Baps sells sad - traties„ advances
money until sold' on store • arlstieuty, and sell*
Private or - liounaltidepers and- others
melting can menet referenbas 'end security it
required. ELLBET; Auction eer,
mrZ-2w. Asnatican btoe.k, Erie, Pa.
To Housekeepers and Others.
WANTEABecond-Hand Carpets, Store.
T T Chamber Sets, Sewing hisehtnes. Vex e
Bedding, Furniture, Single and Double
nandd Covered Buggies, noddles. and other
out-door property, Moe and Store Fur
niture and t ixtures. Alto three fresh much
Vows, for cash customers.
F. LLSEY, Auctioneer, American Block,
nariti-2w. - Pork How, Brie. FL
Partner Wanted.
ssae, established, profitable buss.
neusrli=nent secured. Addresa A. R. A.
C.. Park Row, Erie, Ps. mrlS-2w. _
Kereitants •
RiDucwoorovic, Closine &milieu or Bel
bag ettoolu i s good; amp* cub referen-
Oel Lod aeour4. Sales private or public by
li. W. EUASEY, Auctioneer,
tur/ii-2w. Erie, Pin
i- Whim/ : Auetioneer
- - -.I • -----•
Dt=lELB AND to
More Goode.
,A) ad aud, bolds Market Mae.
" none. MIA
Rs housekeeping or boanieln.
weaning me:
"t " alr ' ' MLLSE.Y, Alleerionn Bioek.
Ilerreis` Woilb ILiowtyp •
SIMPER tor tianda ot natal Ml
kit ales oatvettal au, awn, made at mall
out sad tsocW7 1101 4 at lam punts : Wm )
oat atedtelnoa raaaufaotarera ;errata. etert
cta tEdEE HANEY a co. , 11W Nassau atroot,
New .York.. •
• tetra. '
PEUNTEN_ of orray" IZ% large "tat
matt qatuttittasa or done 1111
the beet attic sad tooderiaa was. at the
Otwervar =Ai; ' •
boo-Mons. of am, •ktod, loft Olt
'maw% 'delft et osiondviloso to
lifMaY OP•SERt
APilif, 1, 1869
'Milian been compelled to delay_ the pOrf
lication of this issue one day later than usual.
A number of local mutters Inkfe illgt Itur
voidsbir omitted:• ' '
lift..tiesesaukaaaheir ri
*MK a: $ - 4130;113•3
alliklikk * ***oloo removed
tat Icos .immerly
;of ANS' ; bk
1,10 410 6 0 4 4 1 0 1111111 6 1 07:-
Int Writ - *l l oiellic bel Pty) t
14 1 11 1 ..iteralf004001111% =W e
have had
F T *kb this firm
Allt"Natillithici to alriitui
111044111 a fli-Omii:of 'puffing. ayl
K 3
2.l l liiri
,Ilipili Left.
- The Girard Oostonliolite gfice the follow
ing list of gentlemen in that. borough and
idirnship as alsoafther who signed
the, remonstrance against the adoption of .
the negro , suffrage amendment by our State
- :iegisrature- 7 •11 of whoizi, Rasp, have been
Staunch Republicans. We recognize the
name of Rmweseptative Rea's fathff An Ake.
list, who, It seemeAsaa a bi tte r seniiriAitp&,
Win leis degenerate son ;
Dilli4 D. Day Jobnun k
pßea, J. _ -
monit, Lewis Yeager, Roil* Kirkla j
Oullifortl, J. Osborae...Aoson Jladre •
Ilford, S. S. %lard, A- 'Martin, P.,V• ..t . e
Seymon r Pease ,J. B.l4a4Sweeth an.. : . :3
ON. Thursday-alit-it week, the market cap
attached.toone,of the trains on the Phila. dr
Erie R. it., jumped the track near-1W
ford; Erred end over end, and was pretty
well smashed up. Dennis.Marohe proprie
tor of the market stuffivas in the car, ut the
time of the accident, and had one of his legs
hroken in two places. The Warren Ledger
ettje the evening-following this accident,
there was bat Iktiir-breadth escape frouutp.
Ogier. 4451451cii portion of one, wills'ruts:
acid titer:Nit:went over the break . with
a crash and a ,hectad, .nearly jerking the
,heada hien . thifl-gers, but fortunately
lakibeliatilnmikii,:ke break without ma
terial damage. ,Serrctld'AVour ewelliAges
comment - Cre. these eeennerices with some de-
inee:iifeetestinctibt t initanne that at this
season of the Vear tier ate inseparAle .from
railroad management.
• A Pertltfellellisterr.
' Odd has ~ bein working for you,—Mao
against vón.c It is the Great Creator of man
kind, after all, to whom you are Indebted fir
your elevadoit To Him:lnust: Tini owe
every benefit which you may derma. Re
alone cen serve you. Go on. then ! You
have nothing to fear. His hand will guard
you in the future as it hag in the past.—Sen
afar Loran's ppeeth to the Harraurg negnoes.
rury prt•tty, I;ut n.ltim anti wiliati did
the Senator procure -Itch an inthuatt: ac
quaintance with the wishes, deeds and de
signs of the distinguished personage referred
top Have the days of inspiration returned,
and is our immaculate Senator the modern
Moses on whom the illustrious licmor has
.descended of rceelvingeoffnnianieations from
Above:. L 1 there is any irreverence in the
inquiry, how much 'more In this constant
preausaption of a familiarity NN itil CrOti'S will
on the part of men who are not generally
supposed to be of the kind that would be se
lected as llis special confidants.? .
Mr. Rea a• a •laehguard.
We have not been in the habit of tooling
up to our rep-esentative, Mr. Rea, as one 9f
the profoundest statesmen : * the country,'
but we did suppose him to Posseasat JetOr
that sense of. self-respect which ought to
characterize a person occupying his position. i
In this regard it appears that we have been
mistaken, and we regret the error not the
more on account u. his constituents-than for
his own reputation. On Tuesday of hut
week, he saw proper, in hix,placs I le Use IMI4 I O,
to indulge in an attack upon a prirn le citizen
of the place in which hp resides, 7ritich has
few parallels tor slanderous and disgracefhl
malignity. The gentleman to whom lie re.
furred is an unyielding Democrat, and his un
pardonable offence'iri Mr. Rea's eves consists
in the fact that a Republican clerk in his em
ploy procured the signatures of a number of
his party associates to a remonstrance asking
the Legislature not to ratify the negro suf
frage amendment. Mr. Rea's indecent ha
rangue was scarcely out of his mouth until,
with hot haste, it was, placed in the hands of
the Dispatch's correspondent, and by him
laid before the readers of that paper.. The - '
inference follows that Mr. Rea really thought
he had done something worthy of special
eon . , and was anxious to show to his con- .
*stitnents how skillfulla-blackguard he could
be when he tried. He is welcome to all the
honor he may covet, but if he enuld hear the
comments of his party friends here, it would
not take him long to reach the conclusion, if
ho has any feeling of manlineas. about
that he has made a mistake which will cling
to him for years. The man who could in
dulge. in such a mess of' vituperationlneecl
furnish no further evidence that he is unfit ti'
represent his constituents in our Legislative
ASsetably. Much as he has disgraced him
self, the people of the county are disgraced
still more, and "the indignation they feel can:
not he - measured by w, 4s. It is conterapt
WAttifirt W.. spite into ppkgic
; = l :lo,l . iiir a ilytikon, a member
station to assail
dsktriticuide" iiiricte": "off' a, pritatALmigOlC
the aititrisAntis - a:_zawrness an n i:I=FIJAI
Alnit'§ittnatbb *Wert de i
have his last oporkulito misrepresent the
te3rau 1 . 4 w p iftiqintlf 41,1; en.aratik, The
gentleman who - - hairShai the o f jeet,of
spite is utumdanity:shie ilMake.eare of him
self, and willauffer no harm to his chsraeter
Item this numlired :for se i Mtitikifiable at-
Wt . :. .31r. Bea one who *id
hue most cause to regret, it, as jie_ . will' be
convinced on his return home. '
Since the above -addle stsa In type the
following has eppesuvd In the Dispatch. •It
was written by a prougeepto Republican of
Girard, and receives the endomementof many
of hisparty• associates in that Vicinity :
• ' „ GIRARD, March
.31, - 18611", -
To the Edititra of the _Dispatch ; . ;
We noticed your paper of Filday, the 26th
inst. published the remarkt.:: Ot the Ilan. G.
P. Rea in the Howe of Reitimentatives, in
which he makes an attack upoin the charac
ter of, a sgrpeotable, worthy chiz.en . of our
borough, in the following langygey
"A - certain red-headed, bm tot,
witoiliagttcafthe tillage w ch I live, sells
secorktmad goods, etc. ,-
There is not a shadow 'of a - doubt Kr Res
intended these abusive remarks to apply to
David Olin.
has been trading fn our town for
more twenty-Elva years, during which
tizne ire bkve betty well leXittaltda with htm
sad knowllna, to be ipatnemaa of good
character sad moral worth, and hesitate aot
to * that Mr. Rea's eindictivo remark on
the tkaiactea of Mr. Olin are witlyoos,pow
dation in truth.
At the beginning of the rebellion a comps
my of one - hundred Alen was raised in oar
borough and townsia. p. Mr, Olin submit*
one hundred dollareftr-thi* i ontfit, and PAW,
it. During the rebellion we frequently lad
large stuns of UMW to raise to PIN oubiti
ituts, escoutsge coiniminte, etc. Mr. Olin,
wit Wilnalkbeltd, always reached oat hie
full Oak although he was not liable to the
that.; For some three years Mr. Olin's .wite
(God bleu her for her hindnes) served as
Pretsillesitef theladlef 'Valera' Aid Socisk;
=aeon was the Ow OrdapOtdt.tit
items kir our rrool e and AIWA
,F il d We know . NOW
odic 46r 4641 hew.
sat °nig. "
In mad to Mr. Rests . siesettloit thie4r. j
Olin requested his lieoptddlearr °kelt: twins,
4ltte eaW 7001I'VeMsonloor NM'
the clerk enies that „Oda ems .
ludiedidni WeoNelhe _W11,4
- same s•Or d AIAP,7I II -
a 171 = w it iWi a de 'llge !I
for a personal en& • - =
At %it' *4* thottli:lphi last WI,
Thos. Grem4ank , the Democraticoplbiate s .
was deckled Ott have received a p 40 1 1104
thavotesFer judge r over his competitor, M.
iihnseitliivo e , lelfor had been a mem.
her of Congresa,aud, knowing the case with
-sat haVe
;tie. A'
in pre
rmintne Watirilipt pupils could be fountkia
Harrisburg as in Washingfau.. They - find
MT*ll7l,lll,tad r, though a majority
stecittin beird-iltere Republicans', and,
on addiggop the columns, mated IlstYtes
homltbree thousand, when the o®-
cil bVisoe unaccountable blunder,
*So of about fifteen km
dilitkpitUbt astraordinary mathematical
*lir - *Vet' parallel elsewhere than in
Vtvitaiiits • .Ihrnishes an additional prOof
Oii tilitilkdittal party of Pennsylvania, Or its
representative' body at least, is truly the
"Progressive" one it claims to be.
1 !4bo of 01 1i15144114010 Committee who
I;Vett' Inattridifiatil hi . delirtening Hr. Green
i ' . -t-.1.1 1 0 1 W . 10100111 the wag declared
~ IltiljoiliiiptheA,Rep Ildlean oleo
i •
~,,, ' 4,,...i1t1(Att Stints Senatorlanti
_. ~.. .04 - mjhamina only' born white
-1 ' -lied *anon - Intimacy with . the
DWhat . lo4dtig is ai mites ofgeneral notoriety.
!4: - Acll4 -11 .,IKINFever,,Uaat he la not exactly
eittisliM orthes coircidnesi of the Commit.
, thdie 06610 fin. we learn from the Harris
' burg Patriot MAW* hint-0..!
"Scantsfif-nitfelie4 iiiit'siame to the report
dadll4ll decillriatitir:the presence of many
persons thatrbe Rows in his life did anything .
with. grietitcritiriCtance. He said that he had
heard, tmdlnisw-little about the facts in the
case, and that he was not competent to form
an op**, fes 3 IM& the majority report
was not -tam% the popro on which it was
written, the committee having undertaken to
decide questions which they had no authori
ty- to determine. Mr. Lowry went so far as
to suggest that application he made to At
torney General Brewster that he might take
such immediate,atopeaswetild bring the case
before the, Sulireme 'Court; last the•re s port
migirt be setnahle. He expressed the belief
that•thi gdpieme Court would reverse the
action of the committee, and lie hoped to God
they-woUld-do ear' .
TES lain extraordinary coriteaslim for a
grave and dignified Senator to make, 'lnd it
tends to confirm 'na in the conclusion we
have gradually been approaching,434t:Mr,'
Lowry putson these airs of "inidred inn
coned" ee" kw meresake Ofdeceivinf Demo
crats into t e belief that be is not the willing
tool of party rascality that many of his acts
seem to make him out. Every now aid thin
we are rt , ,,Tnkni frith came fresh trick In MIMI
he pretends to have been coltp , 2ll , Ito t 0 , 0.;
a discreditable and unwilling part. Why is
it, if he is sincere in these professions, that
the Senator -happens to be nearly always
placed in the very positions where these
schemes are consummated ? HIS Ridiatl
Mends should know him quite as well as
he is Imown anywhere, and the fact that
they continue to select him as one of their
most useful Instruments is not well calcula
ted to build up the reputation for Integrity
and independence he manifests. so eager a
desire to secure.
In connection with the cue above recited,
the Patriot relates an anecdote,-Current -
Legislative circles about the Senator, which
is probably without foundation. We cannot
ilsitiii ititessible that Mr. Lowry. wouldbeso
itartqlitic as 4 intimate that he might have
tonamilted perjury to he'p a party object,
even if be really thought that such was the
case :
"There - is an anecdote told of Senator
Lowry which may.bearropetition in this con=
!motion. Last winter there was a local bill
(a new county bill, we believe,) before the
legislature in which Senator Lowry was
greatly interested. The Franklin and Adams
Senatorial district, now so ably represented
by Mr. Duncan, was occupied by a member
whoseta rt nner of getting the seat is only too
well ka w. One morning the bill was de
feated, Adanis member turning the scale
against it. Just after the yeas and nays were
counted, an acquaintance, who was entirely
ignorant of what had taken place, stepped
np to the Senator from Erie and found him
In a towering rage. "What's the matter, Mr.
Lowry ?" "Why they've killed my bill."
"Who did it I" "That man sitting yonder,"
shouted Lowry, pointing to the Senator from
Adams, and describing him In a succession
of most contemptuous adjectives, such as the
Erie Senator knows .so well how to employ,
"that man did it, and I'm not sure I didn't
-petite myself to give him a seat!- That's
whnt - I get for it."
VILE VINEGAIL—We caution the public
against the use of adulterated vinegar. The
heavy government tax on alcohol has raised
the price so much that rewt is had to a
cheaper substance to give the required acidi
ty to vinegar. Fqr this purpose, 'sulphuric,
nitric and hydrochloric acids are all used;
though sulphuric acid, as the cheapest and
sourest thing that can be found; is chiefly
used. This, however, is, very destructive to
pickles and whatever is placed in It for pres
ervation, and very Injurious to the hoalth . of
those who use the vinegar made of It. A
gallon of the stuff called vinegar can be
made fors cent or two front sulphuric acid
and water.
ladslilericriiiioifi l #e bills is at the Olr
4terfilitinine. :
Reitt" kept on
i r art-letad et thle tottee—geice ten cents.
Tag World Almanac for 18091 a for sale;at
J. 9 11 T'very voter stwulJ liavc
Tan Commissioners have reappointed the
old his coliectens, Messrs. Riblet and Satan:,
in tbm city.
Tan Glqtra district inhOol °petard on Mon
day Tait, under We -aupervision of "Prof."
Byers. - The Spectator claims that Giraid
has schools equal to Anita the county.
• WE have ..definite information that Mr.
Stranahan's bill requirrog the County Treas
urer to collect the taxes, passed - the Les
fasten, bet does not to effect until 1870.
.Tits Venango Stoceta ttdukslhat if the
cOlorecl,bsnd which serenaded Sinator Low
ry-af flitriabufg, 'Wowed as hard., , he 4. 1 / 4 1
In hia-epeech, they blowod -, - nr - the - Zdinboic .. .lfortnii
favoring the re•
election of Mr. L, D. Fisk as County Super=
intendent, at the School Director/8' triennia
caivention in May.
Tan Star says there will be eriadderable
building at North East dining the sipproseb..
tag meson. The borough is one of the most
prosperous and thriving tow s of its size In
the United Mies. , •
L. -
Tim concert given hy, the pupils or the
ptiblic schools, on Friday eiening, was snc
ceisful in every respect. The ehlkhen con-
Aucted themselves well, the entertainment,
watiereitttable, the audience very line, tad
everything pained of to the satiallsctinir sof
all concerned. ,
Teal and Cosmopolite says, at Ceitapel
Rides saw practice bun, Tam' days since,
Chattellied, the oelebtsted, ligaestehte, se
- • • the Itaitemmienteit but of throw
aill " . " t ar*l l i h tlY s bee, Awl'.
ligikatirmos 4rithitiritiste.". - '
. 21 VOMI 1 t # 1 , 01 4 1i 119, 110 t 4 6 4 LOP.
itilis7 eel SAW
" ShAriti
ice=, ••,';
:. 6 4:001000 1 ***. 1171 1 5- 41
ark - whtistlat !1:140i0g tie 4*:` ir ',Oar
Warr6 Ledger tilnks - Kr. Scofield,
has a qu eer
. way of exhibiting Itt4elbt ;
1 031 dlers, As Chd li nnin t tike Vow
nattente had,the. WS a slash; sank
instead of choosing ppied u ttitilablOr of
his count"? "ia the most wicked rebellion
ever waged," he has given the place to Mr
`A. D.l4lscd,:er Mari*. r4esing lair'', of
that place. One or more 801diern,PlYid fOr
'the place; hit it Was Ann to c mai who'
beave4r . .aerged,t,lna X4zin,43ttieth! f at e
ledger coWades '4:
Lg. Isla
.lh ;oli.
"Republican love for the soldier Is a hula
:antra that, instils much as thettnoee" rot
the negro is. They havcrno more_re,mt for
sire the votes of both, and hence pee.
3eibicinantbsysAisplititlem in tact."
humans tells us-that the bride,of - rick, who lectured here potions LIMO' Irss,
at the time of her marrhge;lielle of Santia
go, and thilibi 39 'La Intimate, and' wore at
the inauguration ball a dress of 0141116011 lit
in, magnificent tmckAtie,. end' tiara Or die:
mends." Whereuptins Georgis paper hopes
she is "both better bxiking end better dressed
thin the bride. General Ilamptoa's ,oavalry
captured in Kllpattiekla teat near Payette.
ville, N. C., 1s lifsech,lB6s, and from whose
sWeet society tiered in Dick Tates' treikfin
costume." - •
A ranaogarn which accidentally slipped
into our columns last week wss calcoliged to
give a wrong impression 'relative to the,
prices charged Far flour by our dealers. - The
following arc the rates Of the leading quali
ties as furnished by Messrs. Oliver & Bacon,
of the Cansl3lllLa :
BM. ' Sack.
Choice White Wheat, $lO.OO $2..0
Best Red Winter, ;. 8.50 • 2.15
Best Spring , ' 7.50 1.10
Rye flour, • - 8.00, ' 2.00
Tnz dispute between the Dispatch amnia
publican about their circulation resolves it
self haterthis, if their respective statements are
to be believed: The Dispatch has three times
the circulation the of Republican, and the
Republican has three Uwe the circulation of
the Dispatch. Any one who is good at arith 7
melte can figure out to his own satisfaction
which is the better advertising medium of
the two.
Tna filet School News Is the name of is
little paper issued iii the interest of the pu
pils of our principal public school. It Is pub
lished by the C. 11. S. Printing Company, and
Masters,O. S. Jarselii and G. L Douglaa are
the editors. 'Par a first effort, our youthful
friends don't do bad, and if they improve as
they expect to, the News will soon become
one of t?uru tpelcorne exc i Lunges.
4in't Din of ME fitrtinahah eompelllnit each
ward, borough and township to take "cart§ of
its own poor, has become a taw, with an
amendment repealing all the legislation
year In regard to poor ratters. This leaves
thii:oor laws ns they were - an•l puts
.•„ 1 , : 111,;., , in calizoe!!on with
the of another farm. .
Tan Erie Daily Dispatch is the medium
for city advertising. It has about thrice the
circulation of any other in Ole city.—Dis
"Any other" NS bat ? if you please. If you
mean paler', we may take a hand In the con
troversy. It dailies only are referred to, we
continue to maintain aatriet neutrality.
Tim Corry Blade thinks It is a ftwtunate
event that the Wind . hal always -been light
on the occasion of Ares in that city. Provi
dence, it says, seems • to have preserved the
thee tinder his ; but it never
theless tavors a well organized fire depart
ment as an additional piolaction.
AN tinge' at the dock, Mrs. Mc-
Laughlin by name, on Thursday evening,
while under the influence of liquor and bad
temper. Grit her husband over the eye with
an axe so ieverely, that It came nigh giving
him hbt qnietum. •
Tar. . papniation pf Reading is 88.817;
Scrantoh, 2.9,601: jiarriaburg, W,135 ; Lan
cuter, 94,651; Willivrosport, 19,112 ; Allen.
tovfn, 10,683 ; Erie,l4293.—.ezehaage.
Make the figures after Erie 17,000, and vnn
will be newer VW =uric. =
TIIE German musicians of the city will
glie a Toad and Instrumental concert for the
benefit of the Monumental Fund, in Farrar
Hall, on the 12th inst. It 1' expected to be
THE oil basines.i Is 'looking up" st Pith°le!
A good aunty new wells are being, drilled,
and one or two good ones have recently 'been
C. W. Trura,pq., of the Meadville Re
publican, has disposed of his ihterest in that
paper to the veteran editor, J. C. Hays, Esq.,
formerly of the Journal.
Trl2 bill provldlng for the construction of
a low grade railway connecting the Phila. &
Erie.with the Plttabtugh,Port Wayne &Chi
cago roads, has passed both Rouses of the
Legislature. •
Mmes. Pl.trtioara & JACKSON, bOth well
known newspaper men In the 01l region, are
about starting a Democratic daily piper at
Titusville. Me wish theist lark, but do not.
envy Their prusigrao.
atzrzust. Gam' has sent the Buffalo
bootmaker, who presented him with a pair
or fancy boots, an autograph letter or
thanks. The poor *now expected nn of
and thinks he ha's been swindled.
Brookville: keirtld; after reciting the
case in Clarets:id, where a railroad engineer
OK MIA tispOlges frost die*.man who alien
ated his wife's affections, adds: "We don't
StifefOilef that a :woman should leave a man
capable of bringing such a snit"'
UPWAIII3!, - pf tie tkvasan.l tons —in.nlool9
pounth—of ice hare been taken from Con
neaut Lake, Crawford county, the past win
ter, and the work goes bravely on. It is put
up for shipment east and west Why couldn't
a large trade in this line be established in
A TOEING lawyer in Chautauqua county,
New York, having been asked to run for
Congress; declined, saying : f`lt is true that I
Wt my &thee& work-shop, attuned law and
have been admitted to the bar, but I *mil.
though reapectbilly, decline to take another
dowlawattl stele:
Ea. firgystrsof the Tialouttl Journal, tell a
a joke on himself to dent Mist once,
'then en Willy toalikandpe!Adliorial Can
'ieniginirilhis city:Semis taken ( by an old
the nests a pickpocliet r and over
. • • • • , berdatighter to lump
Slow eyvingentillm. Whet it .gigeligs
posintilly for a sensation locsi • was bet by
• her neglect eehase hint &rated t
Mil Detroit Free Pre* having peed
a story of a Iblioweition who had w make
In his stomach, received the fbUbwhariiiihr
addremied to the
• novew l , e, March 12.
deeitAgt. hike IOW:" d ! . i . Lyz
these Itarkaa- isvhyt seem thhi
piper GE L yottNow
to tidiest:4436M
Own Me, will GMte- 600
hhal win dolt tree ea Chong end 'elf bet
Illeelthe_tie Nan Sick I will Goo de t 2sit .. 2
tide of IttoolKe, SIM yid" out the
.or elegem the ejdy L_*ftitill Bee fozo
W11.4444**1107 &xi *OR* •
1300414 :.1L T. •
Aecosorno to the lAefisrilenwitiveesia
la Cleveland who easy be celled' the!`elthei;'
.plowmarciaciet" ot. the.l:l ) elted BMW
-141 bee ~tteoo.b nil.
One at' them was killed
ther : ln a street-41120U
Qre are iittil inraish t
OW thugs .4* 614 :-
)09 bpi °Vida 1111
aen editiada
and fancy
noise airman hippy:
- *s brattier of bee of
ties "tier, birdie
IS;SUC g , ITC refamd•taimia-ig
- AIWA Nr49 utiViierkt ed rlx 4 .04
horn istonie
sitth 1 modest at 14
env* it fsiptlehborne liOrs cif-NotidEad,
ze. Y. Thoratmekultipimican adds
Poi** 1 1 4trolaiii or -NA: JARMO)! 4
subject tithe above isilolk.we lea.
Is Cashier . and • General lianettistendlll. 'or
Hens' Mien Colaiyesatt Gaspe.
Paerne,:ea -Bannon, an*lslrLignorit
Oliollan.V! thectialgithicit -p f lama
hi be a ienilitaan orirdet . Malik
wed Washw very little in soctetroubkle the
Coheir; brit. bas the restlet, fr. tionaknica,
lava been tortes iSo awash, SO Rim Icle
quaihtence. . The , ColestyArtnabllaincheed
over severe} *mareer last- anti. ens- .
!nice within their Nati the Awriabbig vi!
lane An' Greenbask ea the jade:lion .01: she
Orme-eat Railroad' with that ;0( the Übe - ,
, .
Wi *Mrs. reliable antbority,fue the Mate.
roma that the cppoltitment of rostmaster 'ln
this' city bat been tendered to 8. Mirk
Esig; &innerly cit the Gueu& bit: list:
yet decided whether to accept,* the prob•
ablittliat ire tbat Mr. G.twill !be Mr next
Pmitthaster, - • " •
Dona Damns advertises in * Connecticut
Paper fora husband. Then ire lota of wires
abeam here who would he g lad to give her
theirs.. .
'hoer have a good was , of Preventing tire,
In Japan. When a man e . bonne I+ burned he
is decapitated for permlubsg It. -
Tux Americans In Germany want Idr4.
Lincoln to come home. The Americans •in
America don't. -
NAIR parents spoil their children by dress
ins them ep when a dressing dottrn would do
them the most good.
Tar Boston Post thinks tt must be un
healthy in Maly" because a doctor there
drives a blooded horse with a $ 2,000 set of
AT tags • neutron" inaugututtou prayer
meeting bee of the prayers was that Grant
should give up tobacco.
Tim agrfeniturai man at Washington says
there is a very heavy and marked decrease in
the number of sheep threauthout the country.
But then wool Is on the rlic.
AN old fool In Lowell, Mass., wholunt kept
crape - on th 6 knob of her house door aloft
ur ailliecointlikutof : Llueolu,..remored It on
inauguration dap :• •.• - - •
Tu,# Appleton {Wis.i 'Post says •thit alt.
allied with a little butter sells readily
at thlrty-the centsn pound.
A DISAPPOINTED Attlee seeker is consoled
by the thought that "there are only 1400 days
more of Gnat's admi*trutiolx"
Tun Boston Transcript expresses surprise
that Gen. Grant should want another fig, JP.
his.Cabiriet "ken he had Adolph in sdready:
Tun Memphis Avalaludie.iih}ts : "Next to
the obituary of the man who illadullilat
acceideonAke.adjourtinment M ere
Radical Legislature is the mMit cheerthl read- .
tags:limn co:melee oE" '•,,
work, aqua pay." "tie cei"k
of the 'roman's Rights women. Th'it . plan
tlwir platfurin 1. anund; 42 - any rate.
"Tut: attempt," says an exchauge," to Mail
as for toeless young . . me foaled, as
no building, • . . be • fed' large
eunuch." •
CLIAIILICS READVA Novzts.—Honseh old Edi
don. Pields,Osgood & Boston.
— This edition of. Charles Reade's novels:la .
somewhat slirdia.r In style to the well-known
"Charles Dickens".seriet, issued by the same
tirtn,; The volumes areell neatly bound; Welt
printed, =axe:apse; With the fat simile sig
nature of Charles Bade prominently die
played on the =odds. ' We are glad to wel
come such an acceptable addition to the
American, library of modern English Uteri
tuns. After Dickens, no English author of'
the day appeals so direetly to all branches of
the Emil= 80=11*g-race as Charles Heade.
Although most of his works are Intensely
English its local coloring, his hatred of elms
Injustice, of petty social spites and prejudices,
-of official wrongs and abuses; and his warm
sympathy with alt the fresh and true im
pulses and instincts of humanity, secure for
his work . appreciative readers wherever the
English language is spoken. Never Too Late.
to Mend, tor example, is in itself a wade 6
fiction of the highest order,stamped through
out-by uniocesticosible; marks of great imagi
=the Power , richness of Melt] illustration,
ands subtle knowledge of the inner work
.ingspf the human heart, while.= the same
time there is Redoubt that in publishing that
.work, Charles Reads wrought a great social
reform in exposing the tyranny and cruelty
of the English prison system; and is just as
much deserving of gratitude as if he had car
ried it. thinuglriln - Parliament, with all the
"pomp and circumstance" of political inn:
fare, and gained the . prestigrAtraching to en
lightened and successful statesmanship. An
dere 'of this kind are raze in these days, and
their luffnence for good can scarcely be over
estimate& Charles Read6s works all deserve
the widest circle of readers, within whose
reach they can be brought, and we are glad
to find that the task of placing them before
the American public in a taateffil and con
venient !Wary form bas been undertaken,
and ao well those so thoroughly
qualified forcer:Ting st, out as the publishers
of the present series.—New York Time. •
The Household Edition - of Charles Wades
Novels is co m plete ' in eight volatile% viz:
"Ford Play e "Hard Cash ;" "White Lies;'
"Griffith Gaunt ;" "Love me Little, Love ins
Long;" "Never too 'Late to Mend;' . "The
Cloisterand the Hearth ;" "Peg Woffington:"
"Christie Johnston and Other - Stories" Ile
price is remarkably low for the times, only
a dollar a volume, or Eight Dollars fbr the
set in a neat hoii: They can he procured of
mast jexikeellers, or will be bent to any ad
drew by the publishes, Fields,, Owe& is
Co., Boston.'
or Arrnoxoser—Brought down to the
;year 1860. Price $l,BO. Ivison,Phinney,
• Blakeman & Co., New York.
This: - Rook compettes theistest discoveries
and theoretic views, with direetionsAw the
-use of the Globes, and for studying thei:Cori
stell ttions, and' b adapted to the wants of
Chases in - all grades of Schools. ' It contains
a g,eneral outline of the subject, In
b n
r*id definitely expressed. • Titil e
sttracdve is being INotstas;ed
with more than a hundred new
drawings, pbotographi, &c. It will prove to
the thorough and practical teachers desider
atum long sought for in thi9 department of
siemdl for Primary Classed, and taught
oLively. 150 . Pries $l.OO
YIT Money, Blakeman d+ Co., New
om ,
. .
This little book is constructed for the pur
pose of Instructing large classes, and kith
referencejp being used also by teachers who
have themselves no knowledge of Geometry.
The elements of Geometry are much easier ,
to learn, and'are of more Taloa when learned,
than advanced Arithmetic ; and, if a boy is
to_ ijiteye schoql. lOtta • merely s vlllll2llBl ,
school edneadou f , be would be better pre
pared for the active duties of life with a little
Asithnse and some Geometry, than with
moms and no Geometry. -The:
York wilt prove a valuable addition (Geometry., , - Then:
elementary school text-books already before
the rid*.
Tire mesa Surfed Alum ,
OuPrEday, the 19th - instant, ifr: Ed wird
Willi ti ..A ll6 ,diihitig IlAidding sand from
ulf,ut cbtripater With two men and
itawy. Circumstances were such that the
sled t add asoX be brought near the sand bole,.
1 1 2 4 ctoluietlllentln intaitsirr - led a consider
able distance 10 a WINS; by Mr. Minden
mid the bolt, while the two workmen picket
itsutnerSsithonr Mato. a - pile.. .11.bintt eel
W4sllollfrAt and the 'boy returned to thel
• • •-• for the lunimse of procuring a
" • efiland. - They werj astonished on •
; • St
.to hthil fte.ol ;mit,
lb* se ewe_ peammemiet . 1 digging rt . '
body et the Itiont;;
1: .0110_900*fidilsiii; il t a .
iirleameer - akeeend airspeed
both to". We tan
tie, at the I
thValredilledivinaldukt: ••' %ZVI: te
"111111rhilidllintsiliAiLlehatine t Atiitir oi
one Sl4lo'
bwurbolet obeAtin,t.!...a=nt liar.
Xow Pabllsatiessi.
T q .
L.... .t.i. v 4 i .
. tot .
' . 'ii a 0 , ...- •, ' 6 quAalou in New
t irc i' '.
p i.'? " is thaiuviioA
1 14, ..:. -.a.. "T'T V" 1111 t
A 4 =4 1 14 turrlaVrr of Chicago, h
fiiiiii tgabiell'briber7 and et
Itt i ;2 o , --Pught, to. I,e, pada Chaplain t.•
TWA **IWO& idea la Araerieged t.
be geozsglporeas, sea ocshe istoit ten A
Eftevenc'otHobbki , k,ftlen ho resell
' • esjjel*, A te wetely ' 10,000,000 , b
die advanerditliteaida-hr ese Jersey. '
iVi l ioniiianishat tin, Wogs' phls Avalanche
deer is enjoy.); hearty Mandible for Gen.
t . oiim of the Radical leaders in Con-
The editor saga the "whole expres
sion of his*a Is eastlejnatkon otpho w .,..
Polaive I;e'tlie spotted; NO And • ri
eliareoceetbie are aemeal." ; ' '
. . .
Soma DentioM otrisbenpf the Illinois Leg
islatortingeontly introduced into that body a'
resolution to Ilscortiottite the "Illinois Eleva
tor Campo; - It was' read a third time,
and sm sed a rote 0f.19 ayes to 9 nays.
Th e wets of the company are defined
in 2, nardely.: elevate the shirt
eau of the gentlemen from Pike."
IT Ism tramping that *ten I'. S. Mar
shal Diekson, of Atlanta,. Georgia, mysteri
oualir disappeared, the other days upwards of
.60,000 of other peoples'tmoney also disap
.Tart Drestuiborough (M. C.) Patriot says
that Bob Madame% a notorious colored
Mier, was lent tole% stew days ago, for the
liftletittime for then. That evening awhite
"sehotd norm" railed at the jail to se e him
and "whispered words of consolation, ' whmn
as kissed him through the • bars ! The dis
gusted jailer would tot allow farther inti-
MR Booms, who was Gen. Grant's St.
Louis partner in the rail estate business ten
yeses ago, died in that city on Monday of
hut week. Be west° have been masie Sur•
veyor of the Port by Gen. Grant."
'Cam) add Eng, thi Siamese twins, arc
Marled to two sisters, the daughters of an
American diagram. Each brother has
nine children., The away of Eng consists
of six eons and three daughters t , the Tamil,
of' Cluing consists of three sons and six
daughters. Their Dna children were born
within three oribue days of each other; the
others al irregular, atterrds. Chang's ninth
child was born:three months ago.
Mn. Basserr. (colored,) of Philatleirils,
hag a competitor for thersiaskm:teirwytrin
a pe on •of Mr. Dimas, (colored,) of New
Ors. ' •
Twe . rufgoirinis, who was nominated for
Lieutenant .12knrernor Vlrginia bpthe Rad
eal contention at Petenibtug, lots a white
woman ter Cirite. ',She was a ?Yankee
school inane . froim Wen Jereee. - They
were, Married sines the war.
'Mona IL -Gartmuit. has received the
Res YCIA Cbnec fattest office In
the President', gift." ' is another per
sonal ap_pointritent of Giant's and over the
„; (14 fbr Moses was a large
1100140 e. 1 1 IttitiLitiptute idd lot amine
- •
VIM 4'3; befoiv Grant was inaugurated he
drove dowtrto a - school ms Thirteenth street;
Washings*, hi primMl,Cluriage, and set
his little boy, a new coincr at the school, on
ItiOirtenalk. Thu-other who weri: uu
rchpeetors of_
persons, cried out, "There's
little Grate, : lces paste hital and did so er-
TecttutUy paste him with balls made from the
newly fallen snow, that• he called his father's
,aid, but Ulysses laughed at
-him and drove
,on; leaving him to learn the first lesson in
taking carp of himself.", ' ,
rue Tri!June gives publiekis la the
following plumb* tale, from' the correspon
'dente of a Philadelphia paper. The Senator
Is reported to be Dick Yates, of Illihois :
"On dit -that a prominent Berestprorlto
once before distinguished himsel f in a -simi
lar manner, appeared suddenly, a few even
ings since, before the ladies in the parlor of
the- St. James Hotel, in his favorite disha
bille costume, and flourishing a revolver in
ve-y careless manner. He was attired In
nothing but a tingle article of raiment, and
was, of course, Intoxicated at the time. The
sensation produced, however, was startling.
'As he has promised to refclreftnii! front
giving his name.'
Tem WoritreaYs Grant has_ alread y floral-
Dated more of his own- and his Wifes rela
tions to pub* posts than any President liar
fore him ever contrived to do in full four
yea's term. " '
• ItAIUIVII/X, Tatoc., presents a widowbuiy
84,md 113, who - his outlived three husbands,
all of whin served in the Revolutionary war
and for Whose services she draws three pen
sions. Her name Is Dinah Vies; she has
400 descendants, and her daughter. aged 90,
"lives with her.. .
OR.A.NT . B lamentation over tin h rss of
Washbarne can racily be seen in the follow
ling parody : -
"Be he resigned, and am he gone;
And is I living all alone ?
. Ah t cruel fate! thou is unkind
„ • To take him first and leave I hind."
, (.11) wr apparently conceives that the chit'
service of the country was instituted as erei•
ward to the people who have done various
civil services for him.
STmyrox, it is said, wears steel collar
when he deeps. His object is be
to antitot his thrum against the ‘ bitgliketik
of3ifi. Barrati. 3
Tam Chicago Pima says: "Watts is to be
tivised so as to read, `How sharper than Mit'
Anna E. Dickinson's tongue it is to have a i
thankless child."
IT is pleaded in mitigation of the descent
from Dix to Washbarne as our represents:
live at Paris, that Washburn° can't speak
French, so that he will not be able to let the
People perceive how little - he knows. - But,
alas, the Emperor Napoleon speaks Enclish.
• "OLD Pt.rro" is Brownlow'a pet name in
Memphis. Nor Is It insppropriate„as
-was one of She Infernal deities. •
GICR. BtriLZU wan taking tea at the hinge
of a /tidy !}lend fn Washington the other day.
The General seemed to took as though some
thing was lacking, and the following dialogue
took place Hostess--" Can It be possible,
General, that you have no swoon!" Butler
irislng indignantly and holding out both
hands)—"No, Madam! If von dort't believe
ute, Tot can hearth me." - • .
KOsarrit passes every day several Lows
at the game of his wicasati daughter in the
Genoa Cemetery. He is too poor to erect
mount:ma Wier them, and has retbsetl all the
offers of his friends to glt.e him money for
this purpose.
3lus. N. SICITII has the honor nt beinp
elected Mayor of Otkaloowa, locc.t , th e
1i0n:14,17 who ever receil etl !?) • iiimor in 11. i•
PREMIER? GRANT had no illative on hand
to take the Cincinnati post office, ho-gave
it to his old father's next-door neighbor, a
resident of Covington.
Ttrf Chicago Post f;urs "Ti&e rumor that
Gen. Logan was lately admitted to the Meth
odist Church, at Carlinville, is correct; but
ho is kept on probation so long as he con
finites' in Congreits."
Tat Hanford Times Is surprised that Gen.
Grant has not appointed - Monner's horse,
Dexter, to the Interior Department. . By.Aive
way, we wonder what Dexter's owner is to
have; Nothing less thong &it chiss p
went could pity fir the tides he has men the
Tim Richmond State Journal says : "Judge
'Underwood k a !elf-made man.' • We are
glad- to' :haat that .the Almighty is not re
apotialble for Making auch" altnare and fool.
. Sou amusement was created by a scene.
ivbieh occurred in the Senate on Tuesday,
t ix t s l e t i tr the adiourument of COngraw. Hr.
was engaged in earnest conversation
With a friend, when a young Olean, dressed
ka the/might of limbic; accompanlexi by two .
Annan of She same c"ries. and Color," got
genus in tethers and silks, .approached, and.
toddling Mr.' Sumner on the shoulder;
daft:pod acquaintance, and immediately pre
' 'tented his temale friends to the great chum.:
'Etkittii of-their race. The damsels were'de - -
19n1I to see Mr. Sumner, "ad each took a
thottartnts irr A little talk
. a.= things. Mr. , Sumner did
ntit tam, linwever. to appreciate - their atten
ibritifith the bmt cane he could cont.
ititidredrhis Mads, ,, andi turning his
bit* mused the.ronvertatiorr. The party
matetset at thrir reception, and one
• matted :.Wets, it Weil, I didn't
rbE - I 1 1,110 4 A 0 .00 1 4/ker all his bes , t-
I talk hone ns ; but white man ft very fin
tertain.r "
gip• Ha,
_irorgAL . 7;j• •
? eiira6e~ t, ri
Printing Office,
Wc . are prepared to (If,
3013 WC)I3 MI !
In n ctyle or nniturpnued nhttneas, and al
Intern to compete with th•liww•ct
4ffice.l In the country.
On PM:SOM are Of the MOST ThfritOVED
KIND, - our TYIII ill NEW, and of the NEAT
EST STYLES, and our WorxurN the beet that,
can be found.
With the 3fachlnery and Material we now
raissesk we foe/ wairanted In els/ming that NO
OFFICE in the State EXCELS, and only one or
two equal us, In hartlltlea for torsang oat work
PA.f.l, !!, 7 , .
nerelved. and work warranted not to be Weil.
or to that done to the Eastern cities.
Special attention given to the printing of
And all klida of work. In rase by Buithums Alen
aor, Card ' 'Board,
That-fan be &AIM fartonatantly kapt an)tartet.'
We have made arrangement+ , witillae iarite 4 t
and best establishment in Batik) for
- treating arty lent of Engraving
. . ' that may be needed, in as . -
good *Fla and at a
By entrusting them to rut will be aaaured of a
wed pieee of Watt In thoniol4 prompt and at
labletory manner.
Engravings *lmbibed either on Wood, Ntotte
or Metal.
, - '
Book Binding, Ruling,
In thin department w haw. faell ilk* that wry
taniFpypiparit. •
rtoliortetiattag printing to be dope t h at re•
quires !Wing or Binding In connection, will
eitent to their Intoreet to entruet it to oe
We arm guarantee that, It ahaLl he performed In 1 . 1:11 UN ABR LPG ED r 1 T r .
!Z.Onebeare mud v, t
. .
WrgiMannke ManDIST, and Utol , Ow' ^hant e rri gam b fw etimpat,,.
queue, el t ho t ippeantiteeof inn , 1 la t.,1 t-,111; , 01 .
lot this wreat work. s - e have been comp.-4,1 - t••
• reduce the prfeent our liompltit , F.iii!on fmni
We are (Merv:Herod to nrenbete With the hee4. 1 IMO t,^ C. .. 's• it TRE , vt Lk '.. • " ''.''.
and only asks trial to sedJafy *n y onto that In ; _ Mr°64".• Drixn l4:o Y. N. Y •
eleiro nn more than we tare Jo.: I entlt led to. ! - - - 41,:ii. - 4 ; ilriii,.
..7 ~.
." . ,
, .
• - ',,fordV114,9vP°otiuldgilitilItthn*n?ttgok‘puliutliliclitilii‘n,it‘t,'eut-.
thoroughly refitted the same, and la n0w.y.4.14,
(...1a... to all in tit* best of ittyl^. lit , .
imblei Is bountl Intl , : supplird;l and th.• 1 , 14 r l•
91...k0l pith OW ellokeat of liquor.. ,1 , 1, J.7-I I
... - . - - •
-111AiiI40 'A'rnin Anlintsls.
, I s•rttreitltcriaririnarc Orem, kri,1.,4 ~i,.1 0, r,.•.
i I trIOIOI,II.IIIIYI4ICP Filire4llllit, 1%1 N,t. 1'...f tin
' 11 , 3 . ?..1, 'tit riud • t.:Aiii 41itor, toil. k t.l 1....,i410.:
1 WUW4OIItIW elc,, out% a rear .. ot alts iii &del. Ii•
malt to phiet:e *Awry no dents i5..1.P , 1 4 ..4 . Po.
impticlutens 7 rents, non, fret , . 1 , ..x 1.... it r, , . ~.
hirtnNigerland swindles "Ivry manic. I EAS
HA MM & !Vt., 119 IWeetweigt., N. V. ctrl.
will be as moderate a* can he afitmlert
iottlikplosive Burn•
at No, 703 State St.,
4. For safety t►cttll
Penttsctl II fis.
Uniittioganner 04
*.• .4411iittries cdtpdi ream siaittonsta
=ions. as kind sue -K
ilitillabh • -
4 ' - 'lFi THE CITY.
- • ,
Tbe Best W•Asimit!
Opposite itrowskis Hotel.
Raving fitted up our Office In tin,
°niers for every style of
Every varlety.of
rte., ne.,
• IV
Forties wanting cuts of
lb basi
Igro abbtrtifieta:. is IN
hale.. .
Ert*rt *tip calleteif is Orptuan's Cour
JUP Of Eri NW, She lederiagn eel Admiral*
trator of the estate of George Slartin,deneased
will expose for Waist Public Vendee, on Theirs
day . , the 15t12 day of April, A. D., No, at ii
o'clock a. in., on the promise* to be sold, ihi
following described piece of real estate of salt
(Igo. Marths,dee'd situate lgiddiehoro, Erb
Wilrogg i rai ling attract No. 8, 11111
bdellided 0111411 el J. R. Martin',
heirs; ou the north by land of Joseph Burger
on Se east by land of Juliette Martin, and ox
=eolithVi tale road, containing thirty
nn d and having erected thereon
Wi lIOMV, , ,
TZKILS or Bat.z--One-tbird in hand and thel
balance in two cobs" annual payments to be se
cured by a Judgment bond and mortgage on the
premises, DEAN HAWK,
mrll.3w. Adm'ria Geo. Martin, deed.
t' e44‘. 7 . CATARRH
IeTO HUMBUG. It is warranted to cure lost et';
4 ot im 4W l E a ckTirl:flsgittiV. D ffie W e=iO 4 ,
Throat or Mou th,Pain or Pressure In the Head.,;.:
and Loss of Memory, when caused, as all of ii
them fraquendy are, by the ravagze of Catarrh. ~,'
Ills pleasant and painless to use, eontalos no '"',
as or caustic drugs. hut cures by ,
i r
Mgr =rains actleat. We wl/1 pay MOO Fie- ~., I
ward for Mew of Catarrh that we cannot cure.l
If your druggist tuts not got it for sale, don't
'be put off 111th some worse than worthlesiti
strong ittmff, "fumigator," or poisonous cauatle
setuticdt, whirl' will drive the disease to the t.
lungs !vistaed of curing It, but send 'slaty cents ;
tons and thergmedy will reach you
mail. Four raeltagerr pea paid, MAO; one • .
Dozen tor Wee Send a two cent stamp tbr Dr. ~
Motel peniptlet on fila r treN Add e rtos o lb&Pro- '..
mrlOnam. - Burvsmo. N.Y.
k '
It E 31 0 - lir A- I , It:
• 1...
. .
East . }.:laventlt kareot, between German and
Reiland Stadia.
.. .
Clover and Timothy Seed,..
1 :
. 1
Raving built on his own premises a large and,"''
00131111 be is prepared to furnish'
everything In his at lower rates than can 'l. -
•be found In the city. - ti
. ,
Country purchasers especially will and It to' , '
their advantage to give Film a call.
rue.,. tf. C. FuEoEr,. , •
Charles Reade's Novels r,
Comepset, Legible, Handsome, ii
1 Le im Household Edition td Mr. 11 ,- -arle'..
Corntdetb Workg Is comprise.: In elgilt. 1 ,
volumes, as follow.: •
FOUL PLAT, I vol . :
and other stories, 1 vol. ;,•
Price $l.OO a Tolame. The Set Ina Neat ;
. Boxy $llOO,
The volnmes are nenai printt 4l . and of con
verdant site. Mr. Reads is one of the most vig- ` 0
mons of modern *ricers of fiction. And In 011
his works he has a nigh moral MM. as the expo.
sere of sonic evil that demands correction.—.N. ;
Y. Observer.
This new
_uniform, tleseent and cheap edition
of Charles Resals, Ls Prat in time to take the tide
of the StOrp-Aellenirmadimd deserved popular- !'
I ty.—{The Western noolcsolles (Chicago.)
For sale by all lxxillAsellers. Sent post-paid
eP reesip or_ price Mr the
FIELD z€ 0-4 . & CO., Boston.
mr2:s-2w. '
The old eatahltatted Book Filmic* of E. M. Cole
Son has been nnno% ett to
Corner of State and Fife h Sta..
Whereosiih improved fa:011111es, we are
pared to do AB kiwis of Binding in the belt
slyle and at prices to compete with any.
Day Books, Ledgers, &e.,
Mad.• to order as cheap' as they min be told
laallikaes, Paper% Books and Pamphlet.
Bound at Reduc?d Prices.
B' Give tuo h call and see for Fourselv.r
r:• mial-t4
A Card to the luitos.
Mailable In earreeting Irreguh.ritles, remov
tag Otuatreetiotui o 4 the Monthly Turns, from ;;
whatever none, and aiwart sum-WM as a pre
Frailties peculiarly situated, or those suppos
!rig them Ayes so, are eautlanod sgainst Wag * *4
thew !Ws in*to thiii condition, lust they. in
vile raliesninge, after Which admonition the ' 4
Proprietor uunmes no responsibility, although
their inlidnres would prevent say mischief W '
health: otherwise the PUN are. recommended :3.
se '
for tkitiaßevlailoo of those araffering from any t .
Irregularities arbatsaae,a►veU as to prevent an
InFreaseat family when health will not permlt..
It; quieting the nerves and bringing back tbe , 4
" rosy color of health " to the eheelCof the magi
Full and expllcit directions riccompan3 - Pitch •i•
Price 11 toes box, six boxes $5. Soht-In Erie by . ; t,
WM. NICK. BONS, solo agents for
Erb:tend vicinity.
. •
I.ndler,by , sentlitigth,ra fast
1.%% - et1n.1):11. ivra
ma II 10, -lily vat of the.couutry,: ~f
Sold also by E. T. IT:c. , ell.lue„t*. a rren ; I lot4l
man & Andrews, Corryi Callender & Co., 'Mead- IL:
villa; C. C. Viall et Co., North East: Jewett
Wright, Westfield.
• The (oliowtng bLanits are kept fur sale at the
Observer °Mee, and can be turn Imbed in nrW
number desired:
Notes of all kinds, single and la
Blank B.oceipts,-single and in book,.
Warrantee and Quit Claim Deeds.
3fortipkges t common and with extra
Agreements - for the Sale of Land,
NS - Inman; for the Belief of the Poor.
Marriage Oillidietatest Landloid's Warrants.
Bonds of all kinds. Internee curie
Leases, Common and Tight Forte.
Summons, Subpmzuss sad Searel! Wari-a ate.
Executions and Seise FaCIAM.
Narle of all kinds. Declarations.
Adrnhillarttors' and Guardian.: Bonds.
Commonwealth Warrants. Web:sales* Lieu.
Anldayili,Sond and Attacbmc nt.
Payer 01 ziOtoraer and 8111 of.Vr <us.
Mamie Petitions and Bonds. •
Ogrubilleo Atzaolapient. I.4l4:toria n 't r tht der • r •
tkusstabile's Salm and Bonds. Commitment...
For Sale and For Bent.
Pities Lam—Donnie Mesh Deeds .1423 per
dozen: zs ens. per ikldf dozen. Single, Sheet
Dead* and Mortessies'az emits per dozen : eta.
per half dozen.. Naas and Receipts 75 cents per
hundred; 411e,esdkpa fifty: 10 r*nt, a dozen. In
books of WOMMNied CO; of fifty 50 ovum; of
imentarelltellnemata..4ll o th er iiiatik4 are 20t
up on abisees of uniform Mae. at 4C. erlittswr
dozen, or 2.5 cent.; per ball dozen. , Whore ,matl
EPIMAIIMAreEmNred by' mail 10 , ent. aMltlcm
idl2l4 far poet age.
- - - -
4 4GEEiNir W r.
VIC: Tax
Life and Times of S. Phial. 63.
E. of every Mott,
smell quantities, pt 1n or c0tr.7,1,
beat style. Mind eaederate prier% at ii.o
011emirver dim
7 n.. u. COLE & soN
D. HOWE. Sole Proprlotoc,
\.•;; Yutk
Legal Blanks.