The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 25, 1869, Image 4
GREAT PANIC IN NEW YORK Fearful Breakdown in the Prices of Dry Goods the past Ten Days. LOC K E No. 6 Nobly. 131oek, Wish to notify the public that they have bought an lattuease quantity of FI-RI4T CL Ss Dry Goods VERY efIRAB Once the recent BREAKDOWN in ti*Eastern Market, and are nowoffer lug them et much lower prices than any other store. Onr-rfusillteyt is done strictly on the , Prieee alike to all, whether Judges or not We advertise-no gt! (, ) ( ps ar prices bid what we are oble to show whig you vtritt our store Every article la warranted as represented, or money refunded Read the following prices carefully nail Judge for yourlelres Hales 'Brown Muslin' Yard Wide and tine 7 • " and heavy ' 411 inches tine and heavy. (*sees Bleached Muslin.— Yard wide and fine Prints, FINE RED, BLUE AND GREY FLANNELS, MUCH UNDER PRICE. whtte.Flannele of every width and finality, VERY CHEAP. Heavy all-wool shliting Ilan nets, at fla cents. Three hundred Woes all-Wool Cassimeres at 50, trzl : ' ; ', 7.1, $O, fir, canto and iI.OO. Theke CRAM meres are VERY CHEAP. Heavy* Beavers for Over Coota, IkIrCEI UNDER PRICE. IN SHAWLS, WIEIry - Fire hundred. Sildte Bed Spreads from $1,75 to f 01.54) each. These goods are half prfre, DRESS GOODS ! BLACK ALPACCAS, 3734 cts.. 40 ctc.; eta., 50 eta., 62; 4 et/4. and 75 cts. P )PLIN ALPACCAs, 55 cts, 62> eta, 75 eta, and V 3.4 eta. One hiindred pieces Cashmere Plaid., worth 50 cents. for Xi cents, Twalinndretl pleeet nil-wool FrenchT.erine44 .. .;7s cts, eta, and 8101. The above Dress tioOda were purchased at the L;te New York auctiona, at about ONE-HALF the usual price. They are all warranted perfect and flrst•elaas goads. PiTe Hundred pair White Blanketx, Good Quality, $4.00 aid $.1.00 per Pair. w,„ N , N; t * "%, 0 V 4 CI 11 1 e 1 CLOAKINGS, CLOIKINGS, CLOAKINGS. e is-ri miness variety at very Low Prices. Fifty pieces Eleetro Tapestry Carpeting, a) & 624 Cis. The above are only a few of the many bar/MIMI we have. Our stock is full and complete In every department. Should any one after reading this advertisement have doubts In regard to' the cheapness of our goods, let them call with this advertisement and Judge for themselves., A great many of these goods are cheaper than they have been for the past; ten years. Remember the place, the obly ONE DRY GOODS STORE in Prte, where all goods at all times are sold at ' . NEW YORK WHOLESALE *.ITICES! - 1.4420 c ilEv. .sc -c4c):, }Pr wrm, ec3,TB,4„r, r • Oriegal rea 4rompanlys, bauklt BM T - E,A..S AND COFFEE BY THE 'SINGLE POUND, `AT CARGO IIItICES. . . A - Saving . of One -Ralf 'to One-Third pie Qreat Tea Company of Moston, Which is the Largest in the WOrld, .. ), Woold respectfully luform the citizens of Erie and norroundlni country, that they: . . have leased • the Btc re, .. . . ' l so. .5 . NOBLE BLOM PA., EMI , _ • An 'd have fitted it ifp in Oriental style and are now prepared to tarnish every One with prime Teas and Coffees, lit Cargo Prieto °. or store-in Erie pill be /mown as the • / - ." • WESTERN 'ORIENTAL TEA .COMPANY,I _• .• .. . r .. ' Q 'i, , , • r , . , , -- - _ ~.. .? Iris gexihralFy uriderstoal titat Tea is retailed„ or a larger advance ,oir' Ifs o cost than t4gliiiil any othephstinle In the lomtlist ofihousehold stores, which may be partially aceounted for by recollectlllg T7IEI GItEAT NUMTIEft ADN 11721EISSE"AliOUNT OPPROVIT74 , which necuntitt latc on IL betwOtf the culttvatton In Chinn and Japan, and .the consumers here, Including the American Commission gouge there; the Inapixter, the hanker who furnishes the exchan e; the middle reig , u or apegaltttorni, the wholesale grocer, and ilie".retaller. Each of these make large, and many of Meth:enormous prantasarom which it Is evident that , the consumer Is corn prll to pay many times the , orKinal cost for a pure art telt:, or forced to use an. adulterated or La PrjitrUo., , ' • " , -''P• 4 , 1 "A. " • '• . - It Is with a vletilo remedy" this evil that our gigantic enterprise was formed over it year ago which has been a perfect a - awe:et, tied we have ventured_to open a Sto.h. In Erl 6, so"tlutt we may better accommodate tint customers west, of Now Term State.. And In the following Ituttl ttliteh we hnvy Ailpete,il with great MO., will he found TEAS whleh will suit, . _ , . .1 , 11, - e.vsil - Pcst.t*Pvi .Titsitte `and ,ITil Ve I . OP ilk< I Y ~.. - 1 - 'II else.. ~,... .• .. • Experience shows that the bevyare far the chenpeitt•tai nvaottaVia their,, great, ntiength 'and It - o,w. The duty on a pound of,good4ea I , ' nn more than on an •inferiqr one. In orderiniohr ti•liTlerli will please note the annexed ' , .. , = ~.. . •,. , . . Oolong, tßlaak.) !WC. s oon.G to Choice qu a1 ity............ $l.OO Fluent Flavor, very highly recommended... Lip : 1., it - - Japan, Uncolored. , ' 4LIO Fair --- 11:00 • Choice . t.i..Ql t y t .. ... ,. 1.40 Good —.... 1.10 Finest Flavor, toll strength, very highly:" Choice Mussily .... I.T. , recommended....... n.J...... 1..7) Finest Flavor, tall strength, very highly . ._ Gunpowder, (Gricano 4 recommended 141. r Fair,t.... siz Eng/Lab 137•43c11u0t, (Blau' , 111.v51..... ---- ....... 0, - ..4'.... •• 1.40) 9i-e. ' Chol.eff• Quality ~., • ~.,.sl.oa ! Finest Flavor, full strength, very highly '... - 1.10 recommended , ..... ---..... ..:.,L. Lai I' • Xized, (Green or Uinta and Blaci.) -• . 1.1 • Fair'tee:. • Good ''.. • ' 90c. .SLOG ' ('holes Quality . . . ......1. g',.._ 31.0 P . 1.10 Finest Flavor, all strength l - _ :3 - laghly 1.23 reeonan ended, Fair Good • Choio6 Quality Finest. Flavor, full strength. very highly recommended.- Young Hylton, (Green.) Farr, Good • Choice toaUty.-- Our. Coffee Illepartntent. This Ls an Immense institution of itself, and Is undoubtedly the largest in the, country. it i s a fact generally' understood that a lame proportion of the Coffee imported Is picked green and the opened byartinelal heat. This is timLerao good as that which ripens indurally. The coffee buyers of this Tea Company thoroughly understand this, and exatnine nearly every cargo of coffee Imported to the United State*, and select only the full grown neld-rlpeued, for ,them. Ali the ceireesold by this Company is ROASTED .1.24 D aIIOIRSD DAILY, by themselves,ltisa. ring Its absolute purity and freahne.a, which they guarantee. The Compan are. roasting elk Weir coffee on a new principle, which renders them particularly pure•, all acid i ty ty bein g , rejnove d by ; their proem of cooking, enabling persons now to take coffee who lave been obliged to - dis continue its use. The Company are doing an in:unease business In their Coffee Department, and seining more • PURE COFF ERS than any other house in the country. To assist customers in making pp their orders, the following Descriptive Listis offered by the Company with no little tpride, embrw. sing the largest and most carefully selected to.sortntent of Coffees ever opened In tlitstsmintry. , Coffees UST OF COFFEES AND SCALE OF PIJICES.• • 13reaktest Oottbe. - Oriental Java. Roastedind Ground Mixed, Dinsuir Cortes ROW Ito died Ground Pure Plautation Cabe. Rair-Roast.— Oround .L `1.4 JE, This is the true Male Berry I, HAND PICKED OLD GOVERNMENT „JAVA CO; Warranted the richest flavbrekatrongest and beet Cores In the world, of al Only lot in the United Matra. Eii SPECIAL Asa matter of convenience to our distance customers we are arranging irit In all pasta of the country west of New York State, to sates our agent&and dies in their locality at nur warehouse price thereby &Astoria° freight from Bodoni to correspond with any gentleman or lady who wo aid like to act as our area, clubs. A fair commission allowed agents. Direct all Orders and comas • • • Irlarauff osersariar. TZ • • • 11.otte to.'o Double Column. Mil & COMPANY, - 8 cents.: The very best Prints made for only. ..... .12 j i , Cis. ...10 " 1 tithes heavy Gingham', only . -....12,4 " ...12}i " , Heavy Cotton Flannels ..91 -123. 3. . Five eases Cotton and Wool Flannels, - .15 •- ; • half price Shaker„. -.33 • •• -.10 ” 1 Heavy ~,•". wide Flannel "" ...71- -.1234 " i Plaid shirting Flannels. ..... ••••• • •••4 •• •.-1 All-Wool Grey Flannels - 0 5 " . _ , , • DRESS GOODS ! OOLORED ALPACCAS, an.; ets, 45 ets, Zoi) eta, and ets, Three Uundred pieces English Merinos, eight yard% for only 13.00. Fifty pieces Empress Cloths, ;acts, S 7! cts, and 1.0 . 6 OT', PRICES. SCALE Raw ItOaated Ground Pure '.m . lam Roasted Ground Pure. roc ; Raw s•ic Omuta E 11.- zi.nd 1 Aaaeted IL, _A. . IMO COMPETITION Flits pieces Cashmere Plaids for 30 C.ents. Tittrty pieces helm* Mohair Plaids, nti cents. Nos. is and 7 NOBLE BLOCE, BRIE. FinvA Flavor, full atrengtiktery highly remmtnend,6l - - ;1.40 Hytton, .03Teenio Old Government Java. ...... • •i.. Jo e ....... ...... Best Old Xocha. ...... ..56c AI 0 T IC ERIE RAILWAY. 1,800 =as tuuler7one Manage:Dent 860 Mies without,ObAnge,of Oman. OrestBroadthastoDanbleTrack Roast° NEW 'YORK, ' BOSTON, • and the New England Mies. This Railway extends from 'Dunkirk to Nerirr . York, WO mike. RE:ablate New York, ellm Nes. Cleveiand to New York, 625 mites. Cincinnati to New York 860 miles. RO U T E , nt t r ains MILER THE SHORTEST All ran directly through to New York. 8130 MILER, without change of oottehea. From and INDtrains will leave, In connection with all the 'Western Lino., as follows: From DUNKIRK—by Now York time —from Union:Depot .7:30 A. 3f., Express Mall, from Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). Arrives at HorneLlsville et IL.. (dine)omnedingwith the 7.30 A. M. Express Mall &Om Blovia.ilor. nellsville and via. AVon, arriving in New York at 7.40 A. M.' I:15 P. M., Lightning Express, from Dunkirk daily. Stops at, Harnellsville 616 P. M., (Supper), intersecting with the 2..50 P. M. train from Buffalo, stoppingand connecting • as above, arriving in wenotorir at LW A. Sleeping Coach attached to this train at, Sala manca at :::!7/ p. m., running through to New York. MOO P. if., Cincinnati EApreits,Stuidays except ed, eonnecting at Elmira for Harriabnrg, Philadelphia and the South; at Owego fur Mates; at Binghampton for Syracuse; at Lackawaxen for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unionville; at Groycourt for Newburgh and Nrurwlek; at Goshen for ,Montgomery and at Jersey City with Express Trains or New JBrsey Railroad for Philadelphia. From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sta.: S:M M., New York Day Express , daily (except- Sandayr). Stops at Homelistrille 9.10 A. M.. (Meng Susque ha nna 2.32 P. M., (Dine) ?Air ' net's 8.20 P. M.;_ (Sup), and arrives in Now ' York at, DM P. H . Connects at Great Bend with Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and at Jersey City with midnight, express train of New Jersey Railroad f Philadelphia. WO AL, Expreas Mall, via. Avon and Hornell*. vine, (Sundays excepted). Arrives in New ork at 7.40 A. M. 2.30 P. hi., Lightning Express, (day.) Stops at Hornellsville 8.15 P. .M., (Sapper); and ar rives in New York 7.40 A. AL Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersey City with mortal sprees train of New Jersey Railroadfor Iphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coacues area ed to thhi_train at Buffalo, running through t evr York Without change. • mwr. 3L, Cincinnati Express. daily (except (B nd t a ) Tur n S r o 'p&s a S PM u ( e Dannaa w A4 a3r A v M es . in New York at k4OP. M. 0000000 at Jersey City with Evening Trains for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Sleeping Coach attached to this train at Buf falo, running through to Susquehanna. Only one train East onßunday,leaving DAM -10 at 2:50 P. H., Dunkirk 1:15 P. 5f ,and reaching New York at 7:40 A. M. Boston and New Ragland Pastengima with their baingsge, are transferred. free or charge, in New York. air. To pleMinre traveler* the ine of the Erie Railway prexenta many objects l of interest, pas sing through the beautiful valleys Of _the (lie. mung, Susquehanna, Delaware and Ramapo rivers, an ever changing panorama of nature's beauties cornmands attention..l The best Ventilated and Most Luxurious Sleeping Cars in the World accompany all night trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and fate always-as low as by any other route. ASK FO R TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, Which can be obtained at all principal ticket of- Sees in the West ardSouth-West. H. BIDDLE, WM. B. BARR, 14923 Beni Brip't. • • Geu'l Puss. Ag't. f S TODD PERLEY'S Claim and Collection _AL (0 EINTCY, Office 29 ?forth-West Park, Erie, Pa. frith; AGENCY, atter FOUR YEARS of very 1 successful experience, continues to give special attention to the Collection of all kinds of Claims arising out of, the late war. Army and Navy Nountioa; per Ante of Cork . - areas from 1881 to 1807. , Arrears of Pay, 01Beers' and Prlrates'' 'lncreases of Pay under late acts of Con gress, claims of lage, LosL Cloth Prize ing Moven 311- , Pensions - am' increases of same for all Soldiers Ins lug use at Hand, Foot or Limb; also, Soldiers' Children's Pension, ' addition to the Mothers'. A.No, Pensions for. Dependent Fathers Moth -411., Brothers and Sisters. All Pensions now payable from date of Ms charge. Arrears under this act promptly colleted.= Claims (or Horses killed in action. Additional Bounty collected for soldiers who have lost their disc city, county and State bounties promptly collected ; pay on pensions promptly collected; pay for rations, while held as Prisoners of war, collected. Copies of laws giving additional bounties and ittereaser of pensions furnished on request in person or by malt NO CHARGE FOR COUNSEL. • iiirormation In regard In the 58.83 per month bounty -given freely at any Mae, as also In all eases relative to ex- Mr. Perlexhaving had over four years' expe rience itiltie U. 8. Treasury Department, and having ' been Corresponding Secretary of the •Pennsylvania Soldiers' Relief Association, and Commissioner for Soldiers for Pennsylvania during the war, is enabled to bring unequalled facilities and experience to the bu-iness. Ilefera by special permission to Ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin, Hon. 41. W, Seenetd. Judge S. P. Johnson, Cols. 8. - P. Dick, Antic: Swan, O. L. Wocsiward, Ilairrfson Allen, IL L. Brown, Ex-Mayor A. king ' $1 lion .'in. L. tt..ete., .etc. - feblS-am. • BITCIII3. (From the Dispensatol7 of the United State& DIOR i 1& CRENATA—BtICHIS PaoesuriEs.--Their odor is stoma, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, their, taste bitterish,. and analogous to 1111111 -_, - Mrsucst.. PHOPERTtus AND, Uslot,—Buctu leaves, are gently stimulant,wittrapoeullar ten dency to the Urionry Organs: They are given in compiafats of the Urinary - Organs, such es Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and tlretha, Discase.of tbe Prostrate Oland, and Re tention or Incontinened of the Urine, from a loss of. tone In the parts concerned In Its evacu ation. The remedy has also been reeonimended in Dyspepsia,,Cbronic Rhelnnatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. 1-Ix2unoLD's Erritacr Brewer is used by persons from the nget - of lb to 'Z, and from 35 to or te the decline or change of life; after CoW. tinernent, or Labor Paine; Bcd-Wetting in children. hraffections peculiar to tamales, the Extract Dacha imeriunlial by any other remed_ ,y as In Chlorosts or Retention, Irregularity, Painful: nes* pr Suppressionof Customs** Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehirrous state of the Eterus,Leu corrhea or Whites. .DISXASEA OF 111 x BLADDER, EIDNETIA;GHAV. ..tztu DROMICAIjBWXLI,IRGA.—riILS medicine increases the power of DigeeitiOnaniteteites the Absorbents into healthy, action; by which the Watery or (nbutreorts depealtiorut, and all Un natural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pans and Inflammation. , HELXXOLDIS EXTRACT' Bran; has cured every ease of-Diabetes In which It has been giv en, Irritation of theNee'lc of the Bladder and Intiandnation of theßbineys, Ulceration of the Kidne) s and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Dis eases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone In the Blad der; Calculasji Gravel. Brick Dust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend,- ed with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Mentorra Difficulty of Breathing; Weak :Nerves. Trent - ling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness of V is ion,Pa in an the Beek, Bet Hnnds, Flushing of .the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption On the Face,l•4 I ild Chuntenanee, Uztt ersal Laub. Dole °rattle 31w:enter titratem, ete. ' HELIIBOLD'S &VTR ACTatelitt IS Dlurelle and Blasi-Purifying. and euras all Diseases rising froth habits of dissipation inn:elates anal lawn titles of the blood, etc. _staistimealing Popalba in adhatiorui for.which -LS used, Such es-tioner rinea„"Citeets-of hang standinig arid ,Syphilitic Affections-1n these diseases,used ih connec tion with HEL.I4IIOLD's ROSE WASH.. • Solo by Drugglits and 'dealers eve rywhere. "Rewato or counterfeits. Ask .for ifehrabold'a 'Cake no other. Price-6145 per bottle: , or 6 bot tles f0r,416.50. De v end +to any - address. De scribe symptoms; oil cornmunleali ßT S. Adtlmos 'r . lELMBOL OH D, - way, N. Y; None are Genuine uniesadone Win steel-pn grated wrapper,with the fac-similefif my Mal Warehouse, end signed • . febig-%u: IL T. #ELMBOLD. . Goods for the Season.- l . , .•. • - A fal itoett of assorted : • ..• • t. • , Ft: 4D : C IPO ni low Primes for Cub, _ • Ar THE VAIIILt.eFUXIEI3,Y . • . .19N.8TOREOF 'CRAIG I V MARSHALL, • 4 Weal Pirk: ••••_ - x t a• • akvlNci,A FULL iactsboixtEirr op , egh° aid.-New - -.43-oods .In our line. we, offer . • As lot , tut the mane man be bedirinst of Butplo. r oat , omen= bottlfm.been CarefUlly 'Selected,. Fa:Mllmaw rely s o n &Mutt Whitt tlieY • purc. We deliver goads to an parts of *beat/ free. dee& 9 6541. • .. !MEI • 40e JOHN GENSHEIM RdzSON, ' pr.ALints ng • eh we have the Clatldag and %MU FundAlag 1140 ! CORNER OP SEVrams STREET. ElFtl VI. PA. ...........coe Alma* Wanted. • Mahe only steel engrevint of Gen. Grant nd family published with their red by Sartain. Size ZS by J 9, _7=l per mot. to agents. Address 000MPEff410 Chleago.or No. JIM& Row. N. Y. arr , suitable persons brae our goods We would like in . gelling up to- E:T2I _peeled allowances. ___iU!iL - Now York, Aug. 15th t HAL Allow nao to callour attention To my - PREPARATION OF jumi aD EXTRACT MICHII. The emronen.t are Biscay, LORI) LEAP. CVLIERS, ER BEERIER. Mona or PhapArtartorr..—llnehn In vacua., Juniper - Berries, by distillation, to form a flue gin. Cabehs • extracted by-displacement by Liquor obtained from Juniper Berries, contain. ingvirry little angar,asmall prOlitHtion of spirit, and more palatable than any now in use. The active properties are by this mode extracted. Buchn as prepared by Mogen, genentity, Is of a dark color. It is a plant that emits its fra grance; the action of aMeMe destroys this (its active prinelple,) leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Hine is the color of Ingredients. The Baehr; In my preparation. predominates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredient are added, to prevent fermentation; upon in epection, it will be found not to be a Tincture. aa made 111PhartriaeOlicerknOr is It a Syrup—and therefore can be used In cases where fever us infiamatlon exists. In this you have the knowl edge of the ingredients and mode of preparadon. Hoping that yon will favor it with a trlal,and that upon inspection It will meet with your Predation. With a feeling of. confidence, I am, very respectfully H. T. HELMBOID, Chemist and Druggist, of 16 years , Experi ence in Philadelphia and now located at his Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 661 Broadway, New York. From the largest . hilopteetering Chemist In the World.] "I am acquainted with Mr. IL T. ffelmbold he occupied the Drug Store opposite my real deuce, and was successful in conducting the tininess where others had not been equally so I before him. I have been favorably Impressed ' with his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WEIDEITeIAN, - Firm of rowers & Welghtman, Mannfactnr lag Cbemists,Ninth and Brown Sta, Phila. weakness arising from indiscretion. 'The ex hausted powers of Nature which are accompa nied by so many alarming syinifoms, among .nto the enjoyments of society; The Constitution, once affectetirith Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Relmbold'a Extract Buchu invariably does. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues. Rona peculiar to Females, is unequaled by any Other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evac• nations, Ulcerated or Lehirrus State of Uterus. and all complaints incident to the sex, whether Wilting from habits of dissipation, imprudence in or the decline or change In life. FlLmitnoio's FLUID Rirruscr Bvcur Awn Ist- Pewee° Rose Wass will radlealty exterminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense,llttle or no change In diet, no inconvenience or exposure; oom s se letely superceding those. unpleasant and dangerous diseases. remedies, Copaiva and Mercury, in all the all diseases of these organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever cause origins- Ung, and no matter of how long standing. It Is pleasant in taste and odor, "immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from brokendown or delicate otastitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it Is certain tp affect the bodily health and mental powers. vuosrencrrus. THE MORNING PATRIOT. ' The office of the late Patriot and Union hav ing passed into the hands of the undersigned they propose to supply a vacuum that has long existed In the newspaper press of Interior Penn aylvania. From some cense or other the reading masses 'of the Democratic party of the great counties the state have been compelled, eilnterior - to do without the latest news or patronise whose political, sentiments were dls- C an stell m a l l ) to them. The Morning Patriot is intendiff. to supply this want, • - . its pm:deters are determined that no effort shalt be spared, oh their part, to make It fully equal, as a newspaper, to any of its competitors. atever the electie wires aro able to commu- Ideate, up to the hour of going to press , will be tarnished in its columns every morning; and Its large size will enable It to give q pitons much rending matter as any of its contemporaries. As an advocate of sound political sentiments, favoring no faction, clique or section but devo- Its entire energies to the good of the whole party; as a vehicle of the //nest news, and a chronicler of passing event s , we are determined it shall not be excelled; and we confldently ap peal to a discriminating public for that appre ciation and encouragement which are indispen • s' sable to success. TERMS: - For the Ita : 11,, I taV a regAadrree. $ 7 3 2 Single copies, Three Ceuta. STHEE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It is the determination of the proprietors of o Patriot to make their weekly journal fully equal to what the Patriot and Onion was in Its pall:Meat days. It will be one of the largest weekly peperti in the State, and special paltus will be taken to fill Its columns With such read ing matter as will be alike interesting and use. fnl to the Farmer, the Mechanic and the Man of Business, ,and to make it an agreeable and Welcome visitor in every family. Every person should subscribe to the paper printM In his own county, and we do not mean to enter intocompetition with the local papers of the State. But, manypeopie take their home paper and a city paper in addition. To such we sand greeting. Single copy, one year --$2 80 " • " six months. I i'..5 Yen copies, one year--....... ........ -: ..... ......21 00 Twenty copies, one year-- ..... .—... ...,.......73 03 Fifty copies Ito one address ) one Y .ou-- .75 cc One hundred copies " — 125 00 All orders should be addressed to - B. F. MEYERS & CO., , Harrisburg; Pa, White Men Must Rule America. Nairis the York W ee subscribe fer kly Publlalutd. the Best New 'Yor NEW YORICTIAY FOR 1800. Devoted to White Supremacy, State Equality and Federal Union. Thepaperot the people, A Political Newspaper—A Family Literary Paper, and an Agricultxual Paper. Now is the time to Colin Clubs. 7 The New York Day Book is 'an earnest, out spoken and independent paper.. devoted,to the ecituditY, fraternity and prosperity of the Denso cratle masses, and the defense of the grand American system of Federated [Rates; on a White basis, established by Washington and the fathers of American liberty. It holds that this glorious American system of self-govern ing States and homogeneous citizenship, which in seventy years of peaks:and prosperity, never shed one drop of American blood dr convicted a single citizen of disloyalty, or directly taxed the people one dollar for its support, and might ba.safely extended over the whole "boundless continent," was the best government on the earth, and must be restored "as it was" made by Washington or the whole land must needs col lapse into ch iles, anarchy and ruin. ' The Day Book, therefore, demands the resto ration of the White Republic, and as this must be and will be accomplishe d, either. through their reason, or the blood and suffering of the people, ldlit earnestly labors for the former, and by boy 'grappling with' the errors, lunacies and crimes of Mongreliam, it strives its utmost to save the country from the, awful necessities of the latter. The Day Book will, however; hereafter. be More than ever devoted to all the varied purpo ses of a news paper, Conscious !War it resets es thousands of tamllles_who take 'no other Jennial, beyond perhaps 'theirl local paper, it. will continue and improve its "News of the' Week" Summary, so as to present a transeripP of the World's events in each issue, its "Papa lly Department!' will embrace the beat p_riginal andseected stories. n ibs " . Urletiltural eptirt merit" will be fully sustaed, and being the only paper of its class made up etwessly for. country circulation, it is confident it; Ls worth double the price of a weekly hurriedly reptlnt , el from a daily, Itiglves fairand_complete-re ports of the - New-Yoric and-Albany Cattle Mar kets ;.; Grain, Prwrisionalapd. Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to. gethes with the markets, by telegraph from New Orleans, ChleagoiClusr/esston; Philadelphia, de., de., ottna time of *Ring to press. Terms—Cash In Advance. One ropy .coo year. • • • *,! 12 00, Three copiers one year 5 CO Five copies ons-year, and one• to thega ter • trp . .of theelub ......... 9 09 • Additions - Lt.:Copies.. • ,73 - Ten. copies our year, and abe - to the getter • . tip4of the club s 90 Additional c0pie5.....;..:..... 1 70 Twutycopierone.yalsnd one to tip of thedub 11 00 Additional copies., Send for Specimen Cbples . tindilfaudbilla for, use Wherever they can be advantageously (lift triboted, and give us the usubes hnd.peat•ofilte addresses. of all 'who would laa4ke/Y, sat' scribe or'-et up clubs.- . N, AN EYRIE, tiouToN & CO.,- . deck. -. 216 left Na spit St .„ New York. Grepnbaeks foie EgtTAL• TAXATION • • If "tegal teafferer.aie good:enough - - 'the mol• die; merehant,texmer,lnechaelerlabor • er, and aU others who pay ta xer, • tlollyare good etiough lUD bondholders whO ppy no taxes. 4 ; T. ~ .O -Mg PITTS BRIM! POST, The onlybernocnitie daily in Western Scmrsk , sylvan* and a dist-class newspaper. Giving the ',latest intelligence -trona all parts orthe world. full local and cotumercial reports, togeth. ' er with a vast amount of miscellaneous matter, is delivered to subscribers' in Pittsburgh' and neighboring cities and towns at the low price of Initaerchts Sa u l* or iii , . 7/44.1, Might a Year. - - " -- • Z* 4 ...:,- -.. WEIatILY POST, zclrealar i n E targer than any ical weekly bilithedl33 PeUnaltran 'Rad ili.' 4 '.4 large pa paper.eight- tamp ht coirizani or guittez con thaleag editorials, as published In the , Polit, fatf. marts Of the doingeolt the Walo lolograrst, othle, 16eai trod market atolculttu4M.l4ootrirt kWh* Cr.. ir toanytoddresa st `. - VIVO IXMLA,IIB A 1r e .8.321 - -, -- Or when in clubs cit tiveatidoirM ~ • . ma j0914.4a - #Tnkyrreir drafts. - re. t u- % ~'-. —,.. , •,: airt:ttrettlate the Pest entlinerestie that - lenity.; matte vete.' All orders must be .seemapt a trt . th the tusk end no ,gervltglott .ean he from the terms gil"tin ove: 'Specimen copies mailed Many address, free of cha './iddretr the putdishkra; ' JAS.R, lin.‘i CO .. tordel.itteburgh, Pa, Once Kwi VITAMINS who, In years_ tone erign the habit of using cARTERM AN* , NERVE. LINIMENT, but writ, Mille year* Ve found It difficult to hereby owing , to the e_Oprietor haVing - twitted pare ft, iff• Naiad" quentlti* are Informed that I have resumed the Manufacture of &ha Most valuable Liniment—ones so popu lar thmushout this part of the - dmintry—and intend plaelb sa K, In every store_ where medi• eines are In this and Abe adnla counties. My o customers In larUctuar the public In moral may now fee of get. Unit this strWle at all -times l imi t * lan strength and Maitr e Price tgr hEdndui ra lottle 10 Cents. • ESTABLISHED EV 1844. HALL .& WARFEL, WROLFALE AND RET-UL D Xt11:7451.451- IS T SI ALSO. IMPORTEER OF FRENCH WINDOW, 'x't-run And Phot(graphic. Glass ! 630 fitate.iiiregt, Erie, Pa. We have lately received another Large In voice of FRENCH GLASS. (Meet from the Manufacturers In Europe, making oar present supply the largest in any buns° west of New York. Our stock is store Embraces - Nearly Every Size, both of Double and Single Strength. Dealers and others in Want of Glass will FA VOR THEIR INTERESTS by examining qur stock and prices before buying elsewhere.— Large sixes of Single and Double Strength Glass Lig:Killed expressly for HOME AND STORE RUNTS. Toe Superior Quality or French Grass over all other kinds in CLEAR NESS_ .BTRAIGHTNRSIS, BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH Is fully admltted. and the Trilling Excess in price over American is of NO Ae• COUNT, considering Its better qualities In ev ery respect. A liberal - discount made on lobbing lota to the trade. AMERICAN GLASS. We have also a large stork of Atnertean Glass of Single and Double strength, which we are selling at Low Rates, both - In Jobbing lots - to dealers and in retail parcels to snit borers. Paints, 011s,,Yarnishes, 846. In this department we keep well supplied with everyarttele used In the Painting Line; from a harmw to the Included. The quality of these articles is not excelledi and we are selling at lowest market rates.-c Dye Woods; and Dye Stunk. In this class of goods our stock is extensive and complete, Including the Aniline dyes, and we are °lnning strong inducement• both to Wholesale and - Retail buyers, • - 'brags, Medicines, Chemieitig. de. Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, and Miscel laneous Goods is extensive, having front long experience been bought with much cure, and the public can depend western finding the largest stock of the kind in Western Penn's., which we are selling at close figures either in whole or broken packages. jivali-6m. J. E. ASHBY & Wholesale and }Leta)! BOOK BINDERS, STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufocturers. Magazines, Music Books, die., bound in any style desired, and in the neatest and best manner. All kinds of Bail Bond, Commercial, Blank Books. ANo, lIANNII COPYING HOOKS, .And Paper of all alzea on band or made to order. . RULING OF asr Particular PATTERN Done with nentneas and dispatch. • y• 1E INT VF. IA 1 7) "JE S OF ALL K NDSI ON HAND.: PRItTI'N*G in aII It, bratteheis.dimeto order 'Nein ncathesq and diapatch J. E. ASMY CO., 12: SL:Ate-Stri ct... Wright's Illpek. Erie, Pa jan711047 The New York Sun, At Independent Daily Newspaper, political andlgeneral, giving all the News in a fresh, read. able, attractive manner, condensed so that a business man can find time to read the whole. Charles A. Dana, Editor and Manager. Price $8 a year, SI,:"A for three nidtdir. Txte VIZEIXIM 'Ertrlf. Prepared with great,eare for country sabSerl bet s. • Political dews thoroughly condensed. Farmers'•Club fully reported. • Markets accu rately given, Ilortteultural, and AgOcultriral Department edited by Andrew Great variety of Interesting miscellaneous, reading, making U. a first-rat* GMIERAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. ThosZ, who Wish .for a that'. oughlY reliable paper for the pending mast Im portant Presidential Campaign, will' find THE WEEKLY SUN-exactly. What therneed. Price, 81 a Year; 20 copies to one address, SU; Edeopios to one address, VIM; 100 copies to one address $75. - THE SEMI-WEEKLY .SUN. Salim sire and character as the Weekly, hat fun letting twice an much reeding matter, and giving the news with greater freshness, Great pains will also betaken In making up the polit ical news of- the day for this paper, so that the wader, whatever be his politics, will lied the SEMI-WEEKLy BUN to be an. accurate and comprehensive compendium of political infor mation. Its fact,- we menu that this shall be 'the most valuable cantign paper in the coma; - try. , Price 82 a year; le copies to one address, VS; 2f copies 'to one address, ;ae copies to one address, IN. a; always hi advance. Address, THE RUN New York City. SFACUTILL I 4. 4 -X 7 . . - • Life liisuranee Co. ; , NEW YORK. • • -' , . kseets, Dee. i t IS6 , Buryst.o, N. c V. BM . , :t Tide er' titles that we, the Undersigned,_knee examined into the merits of the BIECIIBffY LIFE INBU.RANCE COMPANY. and believe it• to be sound, reliable and equal to the best in America. ' _ Blaney Shefant & Whet - end.° Hardwaie , Beaters.' • A. F. Trip,4 arm of kidney & Co. Samna & Criasey,ComMUsien Merch - antt. Dodle_,y et. ekt,__Oli,V.e/inera: , E. P. Burke,Farmera' Mechanics' Nat: Bank. wunmg; .• Hobson & Co., GOldamitha and iewelere. SimouNNelY, Boot and ShoeDeater. - F. I F. Calm t r e : tri mt. rarest Lawn Oniletery; Getmge r Attorney and anuntelor. 'Cyril' P. Lee, e Co. (*wings Bank. Joseph L. Fairchild, Begneter in Bankruptcy. An Per*Mla desifllM insurance wiildo well to canna . • -31.."3L-MOORE; Elie, Pa., OM • Geneto Agent fir Western Ps. an13:6841. • ' Now virtu. •. Jitters P. Ciook, havinjt taken in his so_ n, Jas. E., as a punter. on the hit WO of Alm% hosi. nu der the of James P. Crook di Son, de. to have a settlement of his Ald ACCOUntas persotis kilowlng thetriselvelt Indebted to are requested to call and settle withont 4 :11 JAMES P. CROOK & SON, Dealers Lai ACIVGEI & And PLANED LIMBER, - Manufacturers of WINDO*BAS/XIefIAMEB, 8 0 01/B dt hionldlngs' and Ticket Fense, Scrollttawing, Matching and Planing done thorder. •. , '' B4O.lA on Pomiti , l3‘. - Between Fourth andirifth ata4gais, Pa. - We trapectiltily ell the latent/Wilt QV pub. Ile to cure technical* doing work in the beet of 11 41 S Freiroldly sod_ pa reasonable terms. Hay. .inglitted op entirety new shope.„With, superior ma •ftlem.- .we feel confident of giving eathdao- Ordere trued 'ahroadrifiU receive prom'. &deaden. • ' rAME3 P. CROOK a 1301.7. rf7MM imul l afeial; ' Gump. Fosmeily .onth6ne & Italcor Rochester; having taken Abe well knows RrOOPIT bn Pets& lifted,. below Fondly Erie, FarrairXi occnlikd :by Tiro. Jacob!, wonld fonts his olq wsenalutandes and the public sed milt' that be fts. now brewing. • u* superlar quality or Ale. From las 1 0 b11 =Palau* lad instiOnsi imams, he is Italy prePared to els-the beat of satbibietion. Dealcis are Mind Wean. 1047 • al& L VW& MI EMI $1"4 . 811,390.1.4 MARTINI PAIIENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES_ Are most desirable for quality,, finish snd price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES' 'Cannot-be !Hedged! • Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS; EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please scud M a dialogue to „ 31.8.1M247 (oidett tato =Victual) Principal / 285 Broad - way, New York. Wareficraaes - 21 Chestant•St., Phila. 108 Rank St., Clonland,o And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. TIM UNDERSIGNED, Having purchased the, interest of the Messrs. Vince/Rs in the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the late firm, would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house t and thepublic in general, pledging himself that he will p at all times try to sell good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain: .&t the lowest price for cash in band. From my long exfperience in this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and. that lam prerm- to meet that want. Returning 11y thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage in tho future. THE NULLING, FLOUR, FEED, AND GRAD/ BUSINESS, Will be continued, in nil departments, at the ERIE MILLS, PARADE , STREET, . • and the Store, , F., ANT PARS radix', Betwer.ii Brown's Hotel and Reed House, Where the public will find a good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on tnurd to supply their wants. ap25437-IY. H. B. HAVERSTICH. NEW LOCATION. • 451 - . P. DAVIS Has removed to Whittteh's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where he 'has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK ot Groceries Fruits, -Vegetables, Ifrovislona• and everything usually kept in a drat-class =establishment. We are determined not massed, and invite all who want any , thing in our line to call, feeling assured that We shall be ablo togiremaisfaction bathos Loomi ng of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and' Sold. We have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, To which we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS LN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, • And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied with MOTT% VEGETABLES, ETO. ; oprT6S-ti; y J.. W. A.YRES., Wholesale nod Retail • Dealer in Furniture ! tiering purchased the entire stilt. of Furni• tare tlf Mesam. Moore 4 Riblet4E-respectfully ask ruY old customers and the public generally to give me a call at the old staufly NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before prireinkalag els;iyhere. I have a large lootortment of !irlor, Ctipober ad Bed Room Sets t ALSO, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, ;WARDROBES, BOWS, And, in tact everything/sr tholine of Furniture. I am 'pre pared' to manufacba Remember; an4r style 'that ma y be.ealled for. No. 7/5 State street,. east side, between Seventh and Eighttitreets. " - a p 251374 f. ' . JOHN W. AYRES. 'QREA . T ,REDUCTION IN :119L1ICE*11.! • • E.M. - COLE &SON wia - nrsp. and similar Maga:Zino% at 5 tvnia per voltune. - Goder's, an d Itagagnes, at $l.OO per volume. • • ~. Harper's and Frank ieslle's papery, at $2.25 per year. We are also making araselltrig flank Book s! AT nillWeroD.,,PH/CEN Bluderi over Keyincme tTattonattilinit, oor. ner Btate and Sth. sheets. - ,Cf. 1.. li. CHEVALI ER, DEWIER & DZCORIVITVE &ITEM Neatest, praprAtz w id y rizt i *Pain Painting Wein Chureliee,ASca.. ',Frescoed in the noeteet stile of the art. General Decifjpthig, Drafting of kfcilels !bribe Meat, - en&-efory dietription . of Orna• menial Pain execnied'erompily. Boor*, • Toner HMI. No. a. wand Door araremt,- 4 _ th • l'Woirkheirehms.- lAN-new Prepared to furnish constant ern., sloyment to ell ammo, at their homes, for dr ode totoneste. Buono= new, light and prodq.ble. Fifty centa to SS. per domain lase einnedand the boyi and, Orb earn wadi as much as men. Ors•A Indurquasnis are oy.. fared. AU who see this Mabee_ pleasesand their address. and test the wnit:ftsribenki. ashes„ If mot, waltratialisd,lrdll ray al for the trouble of Irritant to -Ino. IfriU meet free. Semple sent by roan for = lam _ Address E. C. ALMS, Anima* plc !dm, THE, BEST lE,THE CHEAPEST. GrMir YOUR SIKTUTES AT TUX New York Roby Skirt Manufactory 1003 State Street. Erie, Pa. Ladles% 3thmes' and Chlldren's . Hoop Skirts of all Styles . :bnixtantly on hand Ladies can have their Hoop Skirts made to Order. SO that Mar will fit, antrinwe no trouble whatever. The hew York Hoop Skirt Factory have experienced hands in: both our manufac turing and repairing derailments. _ All our Skirts are made of the Best of Meal- bici ETteei andidatertsit. Our Skirts are so construpted that the springs, fold inwardly, and readilyyleld to the slightest pressure, thus allowing them to collapse so that the skirt occupies the smallest possible space while sitting, riding or in passing a crowd, and yet the moment the pressure beautiful ed, the skirt resumes. its original and shape. We do .n-t sell these factious Skirts_at half pride, but sell , them as cheap, If not cheaper, than any other place in Mee. Ladies who can harefford to buy Skirts every a tlitle while can their old ones repaired for mere trifle, lir Be sure to visit the New York Hoop Skirt 31anufactory before purchasing elsewhere. Country merchants will do well togive us a NATHAN COlik.N. • , Successor to A. P. Cohen 01: Ilvo., dec2l'63-tf. No.looBfitate street. Brie, Pa. - • I.: V/ /4 (510410 MANUFACTTIRES. OF i s e s A ND CNNO.° Corner ofHolland and Sixth Streets, mß.,im, p...&. Cor. of Penn tind :It. Clair Streets, PITTS.I3I3IIGII, PA., The Largest, Cheapest and most Successful Practical Business College IN THE UNITED STATES. Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty Thnie States in Ten Yews. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, * Coat:dul full information , Outline of Course ofStudy, samples of Cowley's, Premium .Penraanship l View of the 'College Building, different De- Fl i i r e pa rfo ngi, City of Pittsburgh, etc., etc., address p3is, E3MITIEI 6c COWLEY, myl9'6B. Pittsburgh, Pa. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, • ALBUMS, ' aHROPIOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 ,BROADWAY, NEW YORE, ht t. lb. et.euole. or the Trod.. ve tbet .at.esi we ••••rlewat et de ........eLthr•r we pe!,44.11••• zist.,r a 1c,.. a: telper..,-r. W. reei.o et.. Iv., Ta•cse./ rat. e‘ t•,t 11••rtsarc>, V , i , el. Metal,: • . . Ns. Neer e. - • C •Ir.ll 1 Mani-I.lh Carr, Cabe. ; ....rn. Earl, 1 Ne Gr.r. , li *or, 6 Ttrut.r. Yawls. i Staersela. WhLie StA.ala re. / 0-ear t% ,t, I 7,, A ndre. M....h.0r ,,, ...: , Iler,a, -. I ctau, %aratextes D.lavn.... J.P. , •• %) rs; 7131,1. i,eve, 1 La..e.and. 2C .t.. our Imper4.l Crowe - 1.n. , r5,•• ¶r:, awrr - nn. ISA pta,•tle. V.l. F.V.d. O. .1M ect:ne, pti , lnesp'avtg.ryt ee. n/ /eti - vellum!. . trrlat.3. . ers•• 71. ,, •••'• ,,, .., • 10 •• , ••••. 1.110 e ,.. 771. P. I rlcAnlneblean, P,msees. I reoakr.t. IM. (.0..., 1 r. ,, reCT , . raw, • ti•many. T 0.. .. V.r.+l re. rAglita,t. 1 Ap•ln g, . II r•• 41 T . Plsr, : X 8p.,. _ lfre•l4- i. ' Pa r. : T• , 113, EZ ^... P ~... THE LANDS 08 THE 31:BLE, A antes . tip (.I.ll4lted rout re•at varter. We ira alb eAerlasi••Arrub II Amen.. I'LlEl6{ll GLASS V MASA.. If thin as e.ta a `F . . , 3 artmeat. Amos tar ttit VA seen , sr i 1-4 a 11-214. rb•qe, - rsrrj• livatur!saul, Er.itit.J. V. cli and, %en. de. SygIIZOICOPPL —We nts.fieNee wee 1ame1y...4 6.1 alary itNA el IS. test silvey at the Li,. lat. tiffrftfait otille ALlinf4.—Oot Stooorof.or of *Mows Iv we'l Clara. 11..1 tt. eactry •• core t' or t. 3ual.t7 terlty up CI se4 ar. sw• srtd sot MIT I. sr. dllrsent Acts of 11... •+,• - • ls 1 tr, .1./ trAm Amt. cif aa7 rt,r maker. 4 , 3 r, •Pm girt bras, inaispg ttrlt rnr:Last.., 01-tROMOB. I . ! • ,tiot loastlNatt 11•111.161 r4..q;4zt.0.4 ha ru Awl 04 Pittatimo. IV one trutrt their c-¢O, ere :ajcv7y fres ruts, Lertpm. Vlruha .4 Zane. WI ..1 , 07 u•d• at t 4 . o ' I•vrret Ist,:' - • • LA; H. T. ANTHONY •Si 'CO., L9l BrioAnwsr, S. Y., • ° . faroora and Argr ,, f , r, of . 1 1 .0toctai l aliio Materials GERIILIN SAVtiGS Lfi u /.$ '' • , Corner ‘Edightla and:. 7 AsV4 4 . • - oEpoarrz POST ovvicr3 This InsUtntlon is 110117 open for the, nne, lion of binaries*. Ginriez nouns: " 1tA.31.10 .M. ; ' SATUIIDAYS: • 91, M. to 8 .M. Six. Pre Cent. late:rest welt* Given •. initttatian to Regular DePantOM Mina iItIREGTORSt • - - J. Plehenlatit". P. A Becker, F. P. Efeb::,i, F. tiehneidAr. John Gettabeininr, • . +! -- OFFICERS: John Gensbeirner „ ent. Matthew Sehlaudeeker; ...... rarer. tarde7-Iy. ERIE MA:RIME WOUICS. CMEI M. A. , DIMMING, No. 1018 Peach Eitreet..betieen<lotik mad Itomunents, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &e. I bare on band a large assortment of mono meats and headstones of; various styles, In American and Italian marble, and a corps of she beet workmen in thernitte. Alb orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. My work is warranted unsurpassed. and I cannot be undersold by any, one. Orders andinspection of stock and prices solJelted., UM-IY. - • - AGENTS ;- WANTIII),POIt . t Seereth 'of 'the Grea City. • • A Work descriptive of thir'Yirtues and the Vices, ;he ;Mysteries and CriateS of Ntw York City . - • r - IF YOU wish to know how fortunes are made and in .how Shrewd Men are ruined in Nall Street ; bow countrymen are swindiedhySeri; how Ministers and Mar. ehsuits and S uck,ag Fl ed ; how Dance ails and Concert Salotmetterrnenaged Gainbl • Mentes Mrd Lotteries are vondueUed ; ho ' Stook and 011 Companies originate and how the Rabbles Baba, read this work. It canted= to flue engesmairs tells all about the Myster• lee and Crimes of New York, and is the spiciest and Cheapest work of the laud published. PRICE 'ONLY.S2.BO PER COPY 4. • Air Send for Circulars and see_oufterms, and a full destription of firework,. -Mathew JON REM HER „*.CO., Philadelphia, Pa. .ri . CAUTIoIt,i-Interior works of a similar char aster ate being 41nel:dated. See that the books teat ay attain 85 fine erarravlnge and NU at WO per copy; • • , rebl/72, AGENTS - WANTED poi Night Scenes in - the Bible BY REV. DANIEL IifARCII, 3f. }"OR. PULL, free, flowing, clear, spa r ki ln , pure and graceful and for poet le gent,,, 4 . for beauty of thought and rich glowing nailon for nice a n alysisa of character, grai-Z. delineations and pe rshi; fur pictures, glowing words and 11 •pRy ions, this work has no equal. Bac ereritn.T.' dations as the above, have been received f r ,"; Bishop Simpson, Rev. Albert liarnen, Porter, D.D., LLD, W. A. fittarns, Dena lioanirrum, Win, W. Wiley, 14) rife'. uel W. Fisher, D.D., LLD., n nit leuclin4 Men and We press of ail denomination!, r. tor circular containing the • Agentl; everywhere meeting with tutpurallelefi It is a most beautifully illustrate., ered elev., ) , y bound book, and Mennen everylwAy, Commlislons, $lOO to $2OO per inoiti ) , according to ability and energy. Add renn, . ZIEGLER, 7.+RITRDy , s , Philadelphia, Pa.,Cincinnat I, 0., efileu g „ , lit or St—Louis, 3io. febid.'ita 4 Guardians Sale . BY VIRTUE of 1112 order of the Orphan. JIJI Court of Erie County, there will h. sed to sale, On FRIDAY, 31A RCH sth, 2,04, t r t - 1 o'clock, p. ni.,,at Drakes 31111, near la. n sea hereinafter described, certain moth interests, by Guardians undersigned , and balance by the adult owners of) the ftili,ul;'2 described real estate, lying tieing in the township of Washington, moats Erie, and bounded on the North by 1, 0 , im Lefever (now lands of Cranes; on the taut land of Trow; on the South by county line a i Joining part of same piece in crowfoot eohnly and West by land of Henry Gro•s., a n d „ 4 : . Mining 45 acres more or !era, being part of I acres set apart to the helm of John Ga, L . writ of partition in the Orphans Court of (114. ford county, at No. 26,.Aprii Terre, lyst. which there are some improvements and able timber. (The balance of said pieta., helt; 143 acres adjoining, in Crawford county, will sold at the same time.) TERMS.—One-third of the p h purch ase nzpi 1 1 , ha,,ne.tiird1noneyear r n r ttit,e -in two years. Deferred paYments to irs by approved security, with interest, annually. Possession given immediately. WiLLIAM J. CLESIEIg, Guardian of Xerxes firma, who has a one-i.lll, undivided interest in said land. L. G. DIitCHARD, Guardian of Hiram Legran-Lernitel Ltdruo Thomas Lecortes and Andrew tet.r; Gross, who have a four-nfteenth ded interest In said ,and. D. H. Pregrrr, Attorney, Meadville.,th Authorized Capital €4600,000, CAPITAL PAW IN $20).00% THE SECOND NATIONAL DANE • opened for business on MONDAY; DECEMBER 12tH, lekt, the hafiking office previously occupled by Merchant's Bask. Brown's Building, north4vl corner of State street and public Park. L. SCOTT, Priest. WM. C. CURRY, D/RECTORS : WM. L. SCOTT, of anla of J. Ream &Y0.,0• 4 : Dealers. • • JOS. MTARTER, of firm of Belden, McCarter; Builders. • GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. FL BROWN.Agent Buffalo & Erie R. R. JOHN C. BURGESS, of arm of Clemens,conp. ey & Burgess, Wholesale Grocers. O. E. CitOUCII,of firm of Crouch &. Tiro.. Frost Merchants. M. B. BARR, of firm of Barr, Johnson & Nes. man, Stove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Fame. Wholesale Grocers. J. DREIBIGAKER Grocer. deret. NEW LIVERY, Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner of French and 7th MR. ralllE SUBSCRIBERS having taken the stable 1. lately occupied by Blattner di. Johnson. would Inform the public that they have. pur• chased au ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of Horses, Harness and Carriages, and are Iry pared to give perfect satisfaction Wall who me favor them with a call. We have the-best rio& In Northwestern Pennsylvania my2l-tf BRECHT BMA. FOR 0N641111P x L • DOLLAR , Ant by the Unitedes AuthorlUes.' Ant REAT ONE DOLLAR SALE—Dry and FL. cy Goods, Silks, Woolens, Cottons, Csse..- ings, Roots and Shoes, Silver-Plated IN au, Watches. Sewing 11 , sr•btnes, Cutlery, Ac., to is sold at the average price of g .00 each. Our cou.• missions or clubs c.seettl those of other este lishments, and our goods are warranted toren sstisfaetion. Clubs of ten and upwards TCll . l7i articles valued at front 113 to s tat New eirra:c and full particulars sent free. • B CLOUDJIAN . norl3-3m: 40 Hanover St. Boston 11.1„,.. JA.IitIECKI. BROTHERS, State Street, opposite Brown's Betel, tr, the largest assortment of Eye Glasses and Spectacles Ever brought to this market. We would call specially the attention (: public to Our ELECTRO-TIMPEILF.r , CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, which we warrant not to break, and will gi‘.2 new pair for every broken one returned. Also, on hand a large assortment or Se.ttl, Pebbles, Eye Glasses in Rubber, Steel, Fix and Gold Frames. We Can Snit Every Sight And warrant to give perfect satisfaction every way. p deeir-tt Saw Mill .fcir Sale. 'TIDE undersigned offer at private sale clic.: ..1.. valuable Saw Mill property on 'Wain: Creek. anon the McKean-mad, about six mile from Erie. The Mill runs by water power. a double geared, was built new three year, at;. and is in good order throughout. The sthl he a large patronage, and , is in one of the hest I: CatiODS In the county. Fourteen acres of Lz. are attached, with the water privilege. Thai are two good Frame Dwelling Hnhaea'and Barn on the premtses. The place Is a capita. situation for a Grist Mill, bean on en eta:- alrely traveled road, arid in a rich agrleultrua, 'merlon. For further particulars address de undersigned at Erie, Pa., or see them personall , on the premises DEBUTS fi GENt decitn.s • DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. 1N THE DISTRICT COU RT of the r States, for the Western District of Nan. , Walter S. Payne, a bankrupt under the Act, Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied f.r discharge from all his debts and other provable under said Act; by order of the Co:' •not Ice is hereby given to all persons who ttg , proved their debts, and other persons Intern!• at, to appear on the 7th d_ay Of Jan., o'clock. P. M., before S. E. Wet:draft. Esti., 1101 , later, at his:office, in Erie, Da.; to show crw.: any they have, why a !discharge should not !..< granted to the said bankrupt. Andfarthern tire is hereby given, that the second and V.:. meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, qui red by the 27th and 28th sections of said wilt be had before the said Register, at the ' time and place. S. C. SIeCANDLEW; Clerk of U. S. Diutriet Court for said Pbtrjr:. novl2-21 To the Ladles. ADZES who suffertrom weakness acro...s;:. , back and of the limbs, with bearing-don pains - , so It is with difficulty that they o: Stand or walk erect, can be re terve." AI • and nidicalic bared by wearing the FILESI": SUPPORTER., a new and elegan tlsA 3 fce, urse before kriown Pr used in this con il°l - r For inforniatribn. 0 411101 , 0 u or address 3aii 5::04% . E. .I. PRAS=EIt„M. P.. Fon2l-tf, Voluntar3 -. Bankruptcy. pli 13 Iv , yei tt VE. NOTICE gist ..a rh. t 41:13 of Jan., A. D., IND, warrani in IL' , tva,9 isstivd against. the efct, Ale of 1 4 y1w.v, 11. lull, of Corry,. klrle eotint.Vrand i'enti,y IVa 111:1. %1110 1111.; 1)0.01 11AP.1(1U. , 1 a 1 ..% rapt on his own petition; that the paynitti" any ilobt,e•nn4l delivery of any property Ina. to biol, for,. lits use, and the transfer of propel ty liv him ore foshkdden by law; Co tneethist of the crodittili of sill tno tr 4 - pro Ne. tindr debts and to chill* , one et Assignees of s him etitate, will he licld at a of Burtkriiptcy, to beholden atltbe ofilry of liegigter, In the city of before':- W(10[11111r, , F..101 ilegiater in hi Dist rict, on - "eh -• • ' 40013 . 14EIV ctnisiratiis fig • .N! Stnple Tllllolloll.9ii7TliE COUN'T - 1117. ILIRBINGTON tt CO.' FIPTEYIN Yuan' stanaing as Jobbers ,4 Retallera of the nbove,goodcin 1 300 11 havaeoricluded to offer the peofo 0 1 the whole country the alivantsgvi of !heir moue Importation and menolea for Atuer-1 , , numnfactories Omagh the popular ti NE SYSTE3I. _ Our Prerniumldst to Aim! sd Exch% List for,-A - gents • and patrons, nut eq l/3 '., by any housejn the eauntry.- New In and' Boman references given4wheri rer,D.,7 Send for frbe Circular. 1141.1tItINGT0 ' P. 411 , 10 Simmer St., Bow , - decJ-Sen ; , • Administrator's Notice. a T EPLERS of I,idnilnistratton.ou, U a James O . Joeirmon, deed, late of IMe Pa. having beeii grantbd - to the toadersf r `i, t tt i i nonce ta hereb_miten to l lialeOed t t " same tO make y Imlltediate al payment, t matt_ havintelattus against said estate all Pr''' them, duly authenttrated for settletpa. s 71 , 3 C'll Erie, Jan. 7, 4 613 -Itr . j A N dmIW. ntsto , ‘-; • Voluntary Bankruptri• rnS - IS TO GIVE. NOTICE Mai 0 111 - 3: 1 day of Jan., A. D., ISO I, a teatt.ln r„, „matey Was Jawed againstegte off.: rtiltinuoif Erie city, Erie Co., and Statuet [rho has been adjudged a bsoakrali — ,', his own - - petition - that the paj - treat debts and delivery °tatty propertyLvelotaPt. - . him, for - his lase, and dhe trunsfernf tal.f f r ,`,l:l&l Iy by him are forbidden by-law Mat 5 in : I of the creditor* of said bankrupt. to PPP` debtft and tbehoose one or MOM . his ciliate. will bobeid at a Cottrt of Batas' , r ko be Mitten at the office of the Register,l , L. Ity later of Erie. D __before S. E.Voodruritt; T ,., •- • In said istrict, op the :nth Feb., A. P., dad!, at. 9 'AROMAS IWWI.F,Y, Z. S. Marshal. Newrit G. p. , Dsvis. Dept. C. S. Marsiud. o ,,, }ILANII.SI 4- A. coraPlehl‘P! , ., In eht of ever7,kind of Blanks o-- .. Jaath2ell/4Constable• and for, ,O, Ma %observer. oar& 4 • CB PRINTING 0 1 , 4 1 F: 4 0: main q_aseetttios, or coloi: bestows. Eat steadersts observes Oise. • -• • ME