important Aotirro CHVRCHES AND SCNDAY SCHOOLS. .St. Paul's Episcopal C'hurch—Located on South aide of Sixth street, between Peach and Sassafras. iter:Jl F. Spaulding, Rector. Services every Sunday nt 11:00 n. tn., And 7 00 p. Sunday School—Meets in chapel, rear of church, at P:3O a, n. ,B. B. Vincent, Super intendent. " pairre 10th Myer mimion.—Meets in %.cpool building on Tenth street, between lEarade and Iletulock, every Sunday. Boyd _Vincent, Sop' t. „ • • Service at 11 A. M. Sunday School nt 3 P. 11. . ,`. Pa u . r.l Third Street Mi.mion Church:— To eitu'reh on German street, between See onil and Third. Services .every Sunday at 4:00 p. tu. , Sunday 'S•hout—Meets at 3:00 p. in. W. P. Atkinson, Sufi t. St. Paul's Caacade St rat Mission Sunday .School. —.Meet in hall at South-west corner Castacle and Fifth streets at 2:30 p. -m. Capt. D. qttiuger, Sup';. tit. John' (EeieNval) Chq —Located on Sixteenth street, between Peach and Sassa fras' streets. Seats all free. Morning ser vice at half-past ten o'clock ; evening service at half-past, three . o'clock. Rev. C. C. Par ker, Reettc64- Residence, corner of Monroe and Sassafras streets, South Erie.; Stintiay &heel—At two o'Clock, p.m. Geo Murton, Supt. PreZyteriwz Cluieh—Located on South Purk,Place, between State and Peach streetA. Rev. George F. Cain, Pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11:00 a. m., Mid 8:00 p. 111 ' Siinday &hoot—Meets in the lecture, room, 'at 3p, in. S. S. Spencer, Supt. Clutivh—Located on .19eS1 side of Peach street, betweert-Fifth and Sixth streets. Rev. George S. Lyon and Rev. Charles C. Kimball, Pastoi•ii. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.-m. ' and 7 m. .! ,, tnelfry SchoN—Meets in basement of church at 9:30 a. in. J. 4. rreneh, Burit. ...1. - nit4 Presbyterian Church—LiNtattd on Stitith=side or "Eighth street, between French and Holland. Rev. 11..;11. Passley, Pastor. Services every Sund4yat 11:00 a. tn., and r8:00. ' ~‘,, t 71(117 y •S4/••sl.l—Meets in' baseMent 6 .- ~ church at 9:40 - 5.. m.., )1;:sR, 13..-frr, Stilt'.t. : /sin/Pion .'..;, E',G l ittrnli..-4.;otafed'`On - 'juth- T t c o 7't.'Atsf SiissafraA'and43kfrinstin streets. ",.%.' F. ,Ii? - .13eek, _Pastor. Sen#es ei'i7ry. Suiii-ilay- at I• 1, a. fa., and 9 p.Ol , . ...._ • ,!.., *big , $-,7, , , ,, J. —3lee is in basement, of. tlhp:;oh ' .t•:-T .- p•."-M,;:. 11. Janes. Sitv't. •---,- , '.',. 1 ' - --;•••y , . . • /-t•z't•M,` (h i t reh =libeateXon bo.ptl.t , can, c,rsi'c'r pr,St&enth and SasAfrns streets. , ftjy. ) ,-- S. .5.'146111>5, Pastor2 o •ter*..t,p4 :t•vers,' SUnday7at 1 . 1 a •rti.,,lind 7. p x ni. ~t• ~ • ~ :o.'ehdak:. .--4.--1141. r.---gents • m in 4ftnint of cifitrOt:at f;;;30 tn,rra ' V, L.' Peltoncitqpit. ',. ' 'ek, • ---.. : c ' ••• r: .• • . : , V,4,l',"lpit j o h .1 : ; 1 • 411 4, , lie"! L Crono4: s ' t19 : 1111 --Lot:a s iid ; ,.N the corner bo."tlesgen Lind, , Pitheil-Streetr,liev...l. L. Sn;littl,;`,Pii-ho . ' •is tiki,t. ,„yices evtry'Sundas" al II! 4. il)2.' '''• ‘;. :.. • , ••••ctrildllyl/-.r..!--)leets at.feto , -,q. In. :Vim. Gott. ulit • t ' '"1 -: • , ~.Y[viit'.kle?/••; •(14eAreir...—Lolatettbon Nnitit .ues,t qt",riter trf • P,iftli and "Vea'cli' .strects. Rev. '*".' ;W. ,Tousey., Pastor. lierviceit evehe • "...itnda.l . - fit 11 a. tn.: and 7 p...m., , - 1 : '. , ,• • .Sab&l , M, 4‘cheo-31ects in Jeelitre ,?u s xJOI ilie chnee.ll at 9-:',",(M. tit. 1L,,-S. ~ , , • -, .... . L` rerx'diaf. Ch. Pt —L6e . afett on stile ofNinth street,,betwov,ri Peach an :`Sassafras - strmts. G. • Laurie, Paltor: , SerT4:e!!•levery *Stindily ilf•11 a. in:, ' • • •, • cork s t•rimi on ; NOrth side of ;F,ourth street, tietween 'French anti •, Rev. T. ..3f o I). I). `Rev: Thos:„Carroil,.Rektor J:, -F .NieSiveaoy; Assitan.t,:;,Serv.ices on -Snit - tlay.'at 6.00,,5:00 apd.lo:3o a. 'In:" '3fass every ilay•durjngthe'ttgek tft1:00 and 8:00,2: m. • Stkhi/4.ik :iehool—Xeets school honge' . 'b r uflzling on Fourth ,stieet,•betiveen • and Germah, at V 2 P. 111:. :Rev: Thiniiivig 2 Tolk: Sup t. 4 , 87. Jolt n'e,,(G ernan j:Presbole tett n L'obaleil 'on -Peach. street,:bct,we'ai k • Brown and IV,nshingtcin'streevi ' Rev, W. Koetiiier, Pastor. G. rated radi.254.: * CAI/ 'Ca-tect on• Peach sft - et, between 'rentlik and. 'Elnventh street:. WißianalSilmer, Pas- St. _lfury's,Gernlaii S"uth side' of Ninth stTeet.,!betwpeil Holland and and GeTwari Rev. B'mno, 0. '1 Factor.. : . G<nmzii Ch?tivli-L.Locafed on' the "South side -ot '',S'eventeenti street, between Peach and Sassafras streets. Rev. John EischnjenAer, Pastor. , • ,b,. , plilt‘ (Cier•riiarr Catholic) TAseatntl on•the South sidesnr.Franitlin street, . between Pencil and Sassafras streets. Req. .I`nsec?h Stutnpv, Pastor. - ' • 1111nrod .stenday St - I ,, Ql.—Coruer of Peath unfl,Front' streets—Meets nt 2 o'clock -p Tn, Wm. liimrocl, Sr., Supt. • fe1)2,7-tf -`• Erie Post Office. art-Cfritre* hours &om 7:30 A. 'AI. to S P. Si. tijt ti days fronr7:3o to 9:30 A. M. -Street Letter boxes opened at 9A, At.'"RTi.i 5::)9 'r. M. ' . . . cf..Osna's OF Tilt: 3.1A/1.. New York, limston, Baltimore and ...:...10:00a: in:fit:l:Lp. in., Canada, und'tiCw York Central • Mad - road-, ......... _.....10:00 a. in. and 8:00 p. Bullkil‘tand Erie Way. Slag 2:45 p. ftl". , Cleveland and Erie Way: ,Mail,. .. 1 • n• 3) a. in. A CleN:eland and, iii. and 8:01) Erie :111,1 Pittsburgh... ............. 9:11/ a: rn. Warren Aceotamodation, alpplylpg :•„, • mikes between ,Erie and 1 .1, arrezt, - 01I,Creek., A, 5: (1. W. R. R. and • Piilladelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore • and *Wa..4lllngton and Ph tholelphia , Erte'eamt of War'rets. „'.. Ph tin., liarrteburg, Raltunore h Wa , ..11- -17rgton Edinboro and l'lrKeno '. • • 5e...0 p. Wattsburg„ Belie Valley and Ea%l Greene, , T,lte;44,y,s, „T rsalays ,aud, ' Slat u rdt,ws, '..... '2:00 p. WAY: OF AntitvAi.. ' New York, Thelon, Ruffian. and Waeh ington a. nt. and-1:11) p. awl Erie ‘Vil V. Mllll 10:30 a. to. Cleveland and Erie Vvsiy' . tarp, In. Cleveland 2:00 a. In. and 4:B) p. 10: Chieago'• • 11.7 A) 11. In. ana p. Erie and Pills burih . „7, . \Varren -kerma/nodal ion, Oil Creek,. G. W.- R. R. and t Headvlllo,_'. p. Ilat.rtsburg. and,: _ .„. . '• 10;29 m. Phlbadelphin,_ Bait vre, Wit,tilngton, and P. ,S;•', E. R. It..eakt of Warren, and NteaJville Wnio and ..... _ .11l0to tn. Watb.burtr, Vality . and •EaNt • 4 ..rreent., .Tae , days, Tlittfulays and *. 4 Inrati . , • ' vt',ll a. to. sTF4titrll7. M. iroadenmett, Tibpie Table. • The LUue by % - hte,h tho Lake skore and the Erie ct: Pitt\ burgh tlitirt, are run- .1 , 12•114.11/- Ulll , lsLowtZtt than Et le ttlite—t hat.of the Philu a,•tptita...l.: Erie Knit Bulralp Erin .1761) nti t,, .'.‘srraz. . •• ' hiIILADVI.PI44X AND Ertir. Loaves Erie at a:10 and 1t5.1 a. in.,'and ,p. ra. Arrives at' ):TiV itt 1(1:00 n. la., '1:') p. al., and 9:7,0 EItIE AND PrITSEWRG It. Leaves Erie at 10:113 a. in. for Pt UV ou n„ h, ÜBd - S:IQ p. in. for 'Sharon. • Arrives at, Erleet.:::3ll p. in. (rim') Pitt.l) rgli, and 11..50 p. m. from Sharon. CLEVF:LAND d Fat/ Lenccs Erie at 1:20, 1:30 and 10:10 a. In., and 1.-in p. m. Arrives at Erie at Awl la: 1 .1a. tn., and awl 7.05 p. ta. =M! I,OIIVeS F.rte at 1:40, 6:60 and 10:5.; and j:. and 7:14 p. T n. A.rrlves at Ede at 1:20, Nil and lar2l)n, in., and 3:45 and p. nd. - OIL CREEK AND ALLEGILENV RIVER R . . It. LeavaCorrS at i!:15 a. m. and s:oa p. m. Arrive Lt Corr at I:2D-and 9:05 a. in. LeaviOrvlneton at and I:31p. In. ar rive at 1119 and 5:15 p. to. • Legal Blanks: The following blanks are kept for sale at the 010.erver office, and can he Punished in ally number desired: Notes of all kinds, single and in books; Blank - BeCelpts, slngle and In hook& Warrantee and Quit Claim Deeds. Nfortgages, common and with e:ct ra clause. Agreements for the Sale - of Land. Warrants for the /Idle( of the poor. 41arringe certitimlev Landlord's V. at lt , stuls of all kinds. Interrogutort,... Leases. Common and Tight Form. Summon.% Subpoenas mat Search Warrant,. EXCCII dons and Scire Farta.s. liartS of all lands. Deelaratlom. • •Admintstrators' and Guardians' Bonds. Commonwealth-Warrants. 'Alert/attics - Lien. Adidas - It, Bond and Attachment. Cower 01 Attorney and 11111 of Costs. License Petitions and Bonds. Garnishee Attachment. Endorsee Vs Endorser Constable's Sales and Bonds, Commitment s. For Sati. and For Rent. . I .ls2.—Double Sheet Deeds S./.1 r dozen:, 7,r cts. per half dozen. Single sheet Devils and Mortgages 75 cents per 11024./.); etx. perhalf dozen. Notes and Itecelpts Vieents per hnod red ; 90 cents per tifty: 10 centsa dozen. In Ixadzs of one hundred S/.00: of fitly 50 cents; of cm - exits - Iv° 30 cents. • All - other blanks are got up o n, n sheets of iforin size, 1.1 4( (Tilts per doze or ..1. et s cents un per h .dn. packages are nrclored by alf ma oz moult leo cent Where mutatl s addition al will be charged for postage.' ------------- , ; 'MX/CEA ! BLANKS i— A complete assort- ' BLANK NOTES of every kind and RE • , _LP mea t of every kind of Blanks' needed by . aingia or in books. Baleustces, - Conatables and Business r CEIPT% Alen, for at tbe'Observer °nine, f0b214 I ' • • Orb) tOtirctiinignti. xosiT COMPLETE ESTA,BLISHMENT IN THE CITY. NEW TYPE;NEW PRESSES , The Bci* Workmen! ÜBF.RVER Printing • Oce,, OplosHe Brown's Hotel. Having ailed up our °Moe in 01; MOST (, O)iP 1. E T E .2SI N R ' ' ' Wea.r.e,gr,emed f.; +t4, .. . C:P.' j it) 13 W It ‘BC ! • •,' EVERT DESCRIPTION; , . In a style of unsurp assed neatness, and prices to' competp with the largkt; - otliees thWeountry.- . • Our Pi 1.14.4EY are of the MOST IMPROVED .:10NO, our 'fY ek fill NEV, and of the NEAT -I.ISTIITY4S, and our WokkMF.!..: the best that eat be iovol• • • WO the Maohinery and Material ute` now •fxr.sepsi, wr fuel.mairran'ted In claiming that No in' tire Mato EXCELS, and only one or two eqiud tis,lh'fikellitiel for turning out work RAPID tit •;.+'' AT .ICTORMANNER orders for every .dyle of - PLAIN < . . . . , i COLORED, EMI ,PRINTING • Received, anti workwarranted not to he 16(4r1,%; ,%; cit:to that clone lwtheEasterti'cltlet. given to,t 10.yr:rill:to( or A LETTER.. 111. J: HEADS, I:HICCLAHS, r"1 A t ily:lvr 3E3 N'TP!4 kinds or work ininie by Business Ned , nno•ty„of • i per : . • . , • , That can Ibe e•mtri,:yor vonottlelorAtiopt tairliauxt EMI i IitHOBIWRINQA7C. NVe have made arc,ingetnent•Lwltik the largktf and i.Pkt eßtAt2i!lt3 in littrato for 4.... prortirtrwany rt of ELIWTA:I3 , e that tatty )1;• nee1 ... e41,•1n 14, ' $49...i S 1 Yfr'111:All At a IF 411 E oRDER,WERI. 'sF:NT 111 ••• .r.vrt/f•S %%tilting rail: 0( • I' FLDI NGs, AC Cl 11Eli];, ; AUTOGRAP4S, By entruatina theta to tile will be asattreit of a good pleee of work In the molt prompt and at isfactory mariner, Engravingq fur'nishsl either on Wocat, Stone or Metal. Book Binding, •Riding, ET(',.ET( In this department we hiave (nett It ie.l that are 11.11.Nirpa ssed. Persons hovlng prltittnq to be done that re qulr.,s Ruling or Binding In eouneetton, trill find It to their interest totiltrust It to us. . We will Warrantee that lc Mall be performed In a w"rkmaaltk e manner, and that the charge wilt aq moderate av elm ne afforded. We are determined to compete with the Lest, and only ask a trial to satisfy any one that we I . la iln no more 11 ion WP are 3ust ty entit led to. The hest too:01.00.w of LECAL BLANKS. In the Pity. Attorney'o, Jtvdicen of the Peace and Coasts tile's Blanks, of the moat approved forma. ERIE RAILWAY. 1,300 Miles under one Management. ackilffiles without Change of Coaches. Great Email Gauge DenbleTrack Route to maw 'YORK-, BOSTON, and the New England Cities. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New York, 460 miles. ' Buffalo to New York, LT miles. Cleveland to New York, ir.s miles. Cincinnati to New York 860 miles. And is from 21 to MILF THE SHORTD3T ROUTE. All trains nun directly through to New York. 860 MILER, without change of coaches. From and after Feb. 1.,, 1621, trains will leave, In connection .with all the Western Lines, as follows: From DUNKIRK—by New York time —from Union Depot: 7:33 A. M., Express Mail, from Dunkirk. daily (except Sundays). Arrives at Hornellsville . • at '_tit P. H., (dine) connecting with the 7.30 A. M. Express Mail from BarMo via. Hor and via. Avon, arriving in New York at 7.40 A. ltL 1:15 P. M., Lightning Express, from Dunkirk daily. Stops at Hornellsville 6:05 P. M., (Supper), -intersecting with the '450 P. train from litiffalo, stopping and connecting as above, arriving in 2..ew York at 7.90 A.M. Sleeping Coach attached to this train at Sala manca at 3:30 p. ut., limning through to New York. 100 P. P.M. qincluntat Express, Sundays except— ed, connecting at Elmira for Harrisburg. Philadelphia and the South; at Owego fur Ithaca; at Binchturtpton for Syracusb; at Lackawaxen for Honesdale; at Middletown for Unionville; at Greyeourt for Newburgh and Warwick; at Goshen for .Montkomep.' and at Jersey City With Express 'Trains of New Jersey itallroad for Philadelphia. From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sta.: 5:25 A. M., New York Day Express, daily (exc , pt Sundays). Stops at ilornellsville 9.10 A. 31., (Bich); Susquefmnna 2.32 P. M., (Dine)Tur ner's Ka) P. M., (Sup), and arrives in New York at 10:40 P. M. Connects at Great Bend with- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of NeW Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 7:30 A. M., Express Mail, via. Avon and Hornells vllle, (Sandays,excepted). Arrives in New ork at 730 A. If. P. M., Lightning Express,(daily.) Stops at Hornellsville 6.15 P. M.,,(Supper); and ar rives In New York 7.40,A. M.-Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for Harrisburg and the South, - and at Jersey City with morning express train of New. Jerse Wash y Rain gt ilroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore • and on. `,Sleeping C4xicues are attached to train at Buffalo, running through to New Y k without change. • - 11120 p c M., Cincinnati Express, daily (except fitiodajotn., Storm at Susquehanna 9.45 A. 3f, Turner's :1.45 t Dinej, and err( yea "1a New Yorkat.s:loP. 31.•.0annectia,t Jersey City with Evening Trainti for Philadelphia, * Baltimore and Washington. ," - Sleeping Coach attached to this train at 'Buf falo. running - through to Susquehanna. ' • Only one train East on Sdnday leaving Buffs: lh at 250 . 0.`3.1 . .. Dunkirk ATS p. 3?.,and reaching New York at 7:lO'A. 31. " • Boston and New England 'pasaengers, with theirh baggageare : iransferred, free oicharge, In. New York.' Or- To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie Railway presents many objects of interest, pas • stag through the beautiful valleys of the Che toting, Susquehanna. Delaware and Ramapo :Was; an ever changing panorama of nature's beauties commands attention, - - The best Ventilated and • most' Luxurious Sleeping Cars in the World accompany all night • Diana on this Railway;_ Baggage checked through' and fare always as low as by any other route. • ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can he obtained at all principal ticket of fices in the'WesVand South-West. H. RIDDLE, • W3f. R. BARR, ,Geu'l Supt. .Gen'l Pass. Agl. nue2l -tf • . • IM 11=1 S. TVDD PERLEY'S lONA. C'l it and -',Collection Office .19 Nortle•Wesi• Part, Erie, Pa. trifTWAGENCY: after FOUR YEARS of very successful experience, continues to give speelal attention to the Collection of all kinds Of.( ariglntout of the late war. , Army and Zips" , Bounties, liar hints of Con ' ; kreSS from NCI to 1887: , . . s - Arrears of Pay, Officers' and itr. icates C'jtrinss, 'lncreases of Pay under late,ftets of Con , ...tress, Clalms•Of Prize Money, 3i I- • age, Lost Clothing, Penni, 4114 utraincrtasesi of same tor all Soldiers long use of Hands Foot or awl); also, . • Soldiers Children's Pension, in • . " • , addition Othe Mothers'. Also, Pensiots , for Dependent, Fathers Moth ers; Brot prs and Sisters. All Pensions now yable , trolls date of. Lis-, charge. . Arreari undt-r• this act • promptly collected;:- , Clainis'for;liorseekillen In action. O„RNAMENTA.L Additional Bounty collected fur soldiers who - haw lost tl/41rdiicharge; city, county and State bounties prcaup gity coll6cted ; pay on pensions promptly coliected; pay for mtiotts, while held as prisoners of •schr, collected. Copies °flaws giving additional bouatleatmil increases of pensions • fprnished, on request In person or by omit. •. , '• NO CIIARCIE FOB . ..COUNSEL. • Information In iegaid to the per month bounty given freely% at any time, as - alsoln all cases rflatlve to . ••2.-- , • riveted allowances. Mr. Perley aving had °fee four years . •rienee in the l'. S. Prem.:illy Departnlent, and" having been Corresponding Secretary' of the , Pennsylvania Soldiers' Weller Association, and • commissioner -for Soldiers for Pendsylvania during the war, is enabled to bring unequalled fartilitles and experience to the business. Refers to - Speen) permission to Rx-Governor Andrew - Cu. rill]. lion. Cr.' Seotfe id; Judge s. P. JohnemtLrob:. s: Dick, Andrew• Swan, Woodward, Harrison Allem H. 1,. Brown, Es.,Mayor A. \Vnh h. Scott, etc., : • - fed/IS-Sm. . RITCHt". '.. i . .° the : • , fF i irce Dispensatory of 14tes: n the ciVed ° §] • D Of•Cd/cCRE ' N.CTA.—LIT.TeIir „Is.E.AVE., - . •PR WEILTIES,--Their odor is strong, i altrusi?.. o ' and somewhat aromatic, their, taste bitferbilk",.. and analogonsto mint. , ! 111KnicAts PROPERTIF" Aiilf' 1 - ,R:i.— 81.10,1 U cleaves zap gently s tint u/ant,wit li a peculiar f ea !fleecy to the t'rinary Organs:. - - , They are given in eoniplaints or the Drinatsv f , Organit,"suchWif Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of tti,e 1 Bladder. Morbid Irritation of the, Bladder and I: ret ha,'"DiSeliso of 'the Prost rate Gland, and Re ! tentlod'ilr Incontinence or the 'Urine, from a; rire-s of tony in the parts concerned In Its crumb= I at ion. Ttie'rrinerly hus also been recommended, l' in D!. - spepsta,Cbroniclfluiumn,tism, Cdtrincous Affections and Drops 3,:. . h f.. .. • - llEL3tHet„b B 's EXTI:ACT' rtr, , is 'fikil by; persons from the ages of lif,to f...ri, and from :ti to m ~..1, or In the decilite or dlialfge of life; after 4. 'on i tinerifent, ni Labor Pettis; Befl,Wctlin b g kn ~ clißdreti. ' '!ln affections peculiar to Yoniales - , the Extract g i Machu is unequalled by any Otlicr,remedy, as in. Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painful , ! ness or Suppression of Customary Evactedions, liver:At& or Sottfraitts state of the Uterus, Leut e9rrhea,or Whites. . . -,,,,,,, 1 DgsEAsEs OE TdE BLADDER, KinNEyf„ GRAY 'EL Axt, IntoelfroALSwEt.j.iEns.--rhia 111tH lei ne „ increases the poseer'of Digestion lind excites the Absertsitits in tqatectiflry aeVon, by w h len the Water,. or," 'aledreouA depotlT ions, alit all t'n 'nut ural Efilargement!,* are redneeil: well as Pain and Tuffs hill ' tiaLti'S V,EritAt'T Brett t• 9ra. , eurea. everiz ease DE Diabetes in a It tch It has; been Ws -, em Ifrltalton 44.120 Neck .t 4 the Bladder; Intfitt n Illation cif the Kidneys, Uperatlon Of the lihineya,rind Illadderlltetention of Urine. Ids- Ole l'rost rate 11, land, Stone In the 111a4- , der, I 'Aleolos, I;rai•el, Brick Dust Dept/Alt land :i111$211( Iliseliarges. and for enfeeided and deli Cate oons,l it litifsas'of both sexes, attend ed with the followitig , :y in Monts : Indisposition to Exertion„Lfc:s er, Loss-of Met - lA . Oy, IXilioulty of Breathing. Wi-ak .:Cerves. Trent b- I Itorrot , of*Dl4ease, Wakernlnem, Dilllne&s• ; of ‘ision.Pain in the Baek,ifot Hands, Flunking •01 , the 13es ly, Dryness of tire Skin, Ertipt ioii on ElieTne,:, Countenanc'e, Universal Lassi„ lade of rue Maseillar SyStent, elf; If. f.' , l Hoop**. ExTRAcr.BECItCrIa Diuretic , alai Illood-I'tirifyi4g. and eares all Dlseloses arising trout !midis of dissipattlib.e.xcesses and Intpu : title,/ of the blood, ete.. stwersecling Uopalba in affections fora hich it .1s used, spelt as Cionor rivea. (fleet., of long standing, and - Syphilitic :Unctions—in these diseases used in connec tion With llELssitor.p're Boar'. WASIt. nold by Druggists and dealers everywhere. Ilea - aro of eonnterfelts Ask for Ifelnibold's. 'fake no other. Price—sl. per bottle, ors bot tles for gfie - si. Delivered to any address: De scribe syniptotus In all‘commanleatlons.. Address if. T. lIELSIBOLD, Cal Broadway, CM NOM PORTRAITS, M A Vs, Izrc., ~None tire Genuine unless done up In steel-en graved wrapper,wlth the fae-itlintle oftuyC'hent- Ica! Warehouse, and signed feb 18-2 th. H. T. HELMBOLD. 'Goods ,fOr ,the Season. adorted (-4 • IR, 01 - .) ' • AT - Low Prle'eS for Cash, AT THE FANIILY GROCERY AND PROVIS. lON STORE OF CRAIG' & MARSHALL; . 24 West Park. HAVING A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Fresh and New -Goods in enrllne, we offer FOl2. SALE 'AT CASH, AR low as the 'Arne can Le had west of Buffalo. Our Grocer/es having been Carefully Selected, Families can rely upon getting what they purchase. tCc deliver goads to all parts of tire City free. deel7 - ------ - JOHN GENSEELWER & SON, DEALERS DI Clothing, and Gent's Fur ni shing Goods! - CORNER OF SEVENTH STREET, ERIE. PA. Agents Wanted. Tor the only steel engraving of Gen. Grant r and family published with their approval. Engraved by Sartain. Size 15 by IS. $4OO. 100 per cent, to agents. Address GOODSPEED & (To., Chirac°. or No, .57 Park Row, N. Y. 5w =VI TO PHYSICIANS. New:Nark, Aug.lsth, IW. Allow me eall your attention to my PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHII." The ehm_ portent p_arts are Weal!, LowLEaF,CIIBEI3B. JUNIPER BERRIES. Montt OF PREPARATION,—Buchn in smell°. Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin; Cubehs extracted by displacement by liquor obtained from Juniper Berries, contain- Mg very little sugaz,a smdll proportion of spirit, and mom palatable than any now In use. The active properties are by this mode extracted. 1 Buchu as prepared by Druggists generally', is of a dark color. It is a plant that emits its fra granee; the action of a flame destroys this (its active p.rinci pled leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is the color of ingredients: The Buchu in my preparation predominates; the smallest ,quantity of the other ingredient are added, to prevent fermentation; upon in- ; spection, it will be found not to be a Tincture as made in Pim rmacoixra, nor is - it a Syrup—and. therefore eau be used in cases *nem fever or flamation exists. In this you have the know I- , edge of the ingredients and mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet m ith your ap preciation. With a feeling of confidence, I at°, ve H rY ..T rea . Chemist. and Druggist of it; Years' Expert ence in Philadelphia and now located at his Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Xst Broadway, New York. f From the largest Manufacturing Chemist in the World.] "I am acquainted with Mr. H. T. nelmbold; he occupied the Drug Store opposite my resi dence, and was successful in-conducting the Liminess where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WERMITMAN, Firm of Powers S Welghtruan,Manufmotur ing Chemlsts,Ninth and BrowuSts,Phila. weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex hausted powers of Nature which are accompa nied by so many alarming symptoms, among Into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness,, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and ,invtgorate the system, which Helnabold's Extract Bach u Invariably does: If no treatment is 'submitted to, Consumption Or Insanity ensues. bons peculiar to Females, is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Painfulness, orSuppression of Customary Evac uations, Ulcerated or Lehimis State of_rteras. and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in or the decline or change in life. fiELIIIIOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 13V:111 .1.2 C I) /ll rigor EvitOSE WASH will rustically exterminate from the system diseases arising from habitsof dissipation, at little expense, little orno change in diet, no inconvenience or exposure; com pletely supercedlng those unpleasant anti dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury, in all these diseases. all diseases of these organs, whether existing in male orfemale, from whatever cause origina tingg, and no matter of how long standing. It I, pleasant in. taste and odor, "Immediate" in action, and•more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron, • ' , 'Most watfering f rotu,broken-dow it or delicate constitutions; procure: the Fenn* at once. • The reade'riuust be aware that, however slight may be 'the attack of the above diseases, It is certain ttiatfeet the bodily health and mental power4' • •• • P.ROSPECrrUIS• THE 'mould - 0 pixrupr. , Tile office of the late Patriot and Union% 1111V-' Ing posed into the hands of the undersigned they propose to supply.a vacuum thatlias long* existed in the newspaper press ofAnterior Penn sylvania. From some cause or other the reading MUSSetf , df the Democratic party of the great Anterior counties of the State have been compelled, ei ther to do velthput the latest nea'r's or patronize; journals whose political sentirfientss ; were: tits tasteful to them. - _ - _ . _ _ The Morning - Patriot is intended to suitYlit• this want. Its proprietors .are determined that no effort shall be spared, on their parr, to matte it ,f ;'_qual, as newspaper, to any of its competitors: 'Vhatever the clef. .tic wires are able to cow/du nk:ate, up to the hour of going to press will be furnished in-its columns every morning;" and its large size will enable it to give quite us mbch reading matter Os ony of Its contemporaries'. As an advocate of sound political sentiments, favoring'no faction, clique or section, but devo ting lts entire energies to the good of the whole' party; as a vehicle of the latest news, and a chronicler of passing events, we are determilied it shall not be excelled; and we confidently ap peal to a discriminating public ter that appre ciation and encouragement whielLare_indltpett sable to success, ''ERMS: For the Ihkily, one year in advance, , , •• Mix mantas, • tine 43Ingle'Coples, Three Cents. • . THE 'WEEKLY .04TR14Y14. It halm determination of the proprietors of the Patriot to 'make their weekly Journal fully equailawhat the Patriot and !Rama was in, its pahniett days:- It. will be of the largest weekly papers In tin( state, amri special .pules will be taken wail its columns with such read ing matter as will be alike interesting and use ful to the Farmer, the 3fechanie and the Man of Business, and to make it an agreeable and welcome yisitorin every family. Every person shuuld subscribe tothe paper printed lit his own county, and we'd() not Mean to enter into competition with the focal papers of the Stale, But; man's , people take their borne paper antin city paperlti addition. To such we scud greeting. ' TERMS: Single copy, one rear 82 50 six mouths 4 1 25 Ten copies; one y-i-ar • • 31 00 Twenty copies, one year. - 35 e 0 Fifty copies (to one address) one year. ........ ... One hundred copies 11, GO AR order, should be addressed to • B. F. MRTE,R,S h CO., ~11arrn.lsurte, Pa: White Neu Rest Rule America. Now is the time .to subscribe for the But ;!tevr York Weekly Published. NEW .YORK DAY BOOK ! FOR, 1.8114). Devoted to White Supremacy*, StatS Equality - and Federal Union. The paper CA the people, , A Political Newspaper—A 1•anllly Literary Paper, dud ah Agricultural Paper. Now Is •llu• t hoe to form Clubi. The New York Day Book is an earnest, oftt spoken and i ludependent paper, devoted to the eotmlity, jrcernity and prosperity of the Demo cratic masses, and the defense of the grand American system of Federated States ' on d White In4i,s, established by Washington and the fathers Id American liberty. .rit holds that this glorious American system of self-govern ing States and hontogeneous,eitizenship, which in seventy years of pease and prosperity, never shet one drop :of American blood or convicted a single citixeli of disloyalty, or directly taxed tthe,people one dollar for its support, and might be.. -safely eXtended over the whole "boundless cokdinnt. - was the bast government on the wart hiand must be restored "as It was" made by Washington, or the whole land must needs col lapse into chaos, 'anarchy and ruin. The Day Book, therefore, demands the , resto ration Of the White Republic, ' and as tide must be, and, Will aceomplisiied either through their ressrm, or,the blood. and suffering of the poople„ie earnestly tabors for the former, and !IS'. boldly gralgling : with the errors, lunacies tnes of Lo aucLerit - mm.16;11,M strives its tiff - tont to trxstvthe cot ntr3. 4 •frora the awful necessities of itt ter. •Wild Day 890k.w . 111 - , bowel, er, hereafter be oxiotelthau ever detrited:to all the %taxied purpo ses.of.pteWs pp per. Conscious that Wreath e* thbualinds of fandilea'' who take ',no other Jeurrjal, beyond - perha6 .their---local paper. it will eouthatib , and' impiVim Its "News of the .Week" Summary, so as tb, present a transcript of the World's events in'etylidssue. Its "Fame lay Department" will embrace the best original and Selected stories. De I.!..tgricultural Depart-' 'lnent.." will be fully sustained, and being the only paper of its class made. up expressly for country circulation, it is confident. 'it Es Worth double the price of a weekly hlyriedly reprint ed from a daily. It gives; full and complete re ports of the New York and Albank Cattle Mar kets; Grain, Provisions and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly rev few of Financial' Matters, to gether with the markets, by 'telegraph, from New Orleans, Chicago,Charlestoh, Philadelphia,* &c., &e., up to time of. gable to prest. Terms—Cash in Advance, One copy one year... 53 011 Three copies one year • 41 Five copies one year, , and one, 24 the getter, up of theeltib Additional Copies • -- I7i Ten copics.One year, and pue to the getter•-; - up of the club 'l7 00 Additional copies 1 70 Twenty copies one year, and one to the get ter up of the club 30 00 Additional copies, ' 1 .10 Send for Specimen Copies and handbills for use wherever they can Mt advantageously die -lrihuted, and give us the names and post-ptilce addresses of all who would be likely to 14111)7 scribe or get up clubs. . • VAN EVRIE, HOUTON 'J.: C 0.,. dec2l: la Nassau St.. New York. Greenbacks' for Beilds; AND EQUAL. TAXATION ! If ' , legal teitelers" are good enough for the sol dier, merchant, farmer, mechan le, labor er, amt all others who pay taxer, Thep are good enough for Hill bondholders who ' pay no taxes.. • THE PlTlfStUligli POST, The only Democratic daily in Western Penn sylvania, and a first-class newspaper. Diving the latest intelligence from all parts of the world. full local and commercial reports, togeth er with a vast amount of miscellaneous matter, is delivered to subscribers In Pittsburgh and neighboring cities and towns at the low price of Fifteen Canto per Week, or by Rtail, Eight Dollars a Year. , THE WEEKLY POST, Circulation larger than any Radical weekly Pa per, published In Pennsylvania. A large eight page paper, forty-eight columna of matter, cOn- Laing the leading editorials, as published In the Daily Post, hill reports of the doings of the Rump--late telegrams, cable, local and market reports, agricultural, poetry, stories, etc., ts mailed to any address at TWO DOLLARS A TIMM, Or when ordered to clubs of five and over ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. Zir. Circulate the Post and increase the Demo cmtle vote. All orders must be accompanist with the cash, and no deviation can be made fromdbe terms given above. Specimett'copies mailed to any address, free of shame. Addrehs Iho publishers, JAS. P. BARB & CO.; rur.V6S. . Pittsburgh, Pa. - Once More in the Field. ItrANY PERSONS Who, in years gone by, 111. were In the habit of using CARTERS lIONE ANti NERVE LINIMENT, but who of late years have found it difficult to obtain, owing to the proprietor having ceased to pre pare it, exc6pt In small quantities, are hereby Informed that I have resumed the manufacture of this most valuable Liniment—once so popu lar throughout this part of the country—and Intend placing it in every store where medi cines are sold, In this and the adjoining counties. My old customers in parUenlar and the public in general may now feel sure of get ting this article at all times in • its full. strength and Parity. Price b,y Single Bottle 40 Cent*. J. S. CARTER. jan2l-tt ESTABLISHED IN 044. HALL & WARFEL; WIT9I f F-SAT.E AND RETAIL RAU Gr C-1} I. o_4 S ! ALSO, INIPORTEIts OF FRENCH WINDOW; I'ICTTIIIU And Pliotop,Taplile Glass! 630 State Street. Erie, Pa. We have lately received another Large In voice of FRENCH GLASS, direst from the Manufacturers in Europe, making our present sill the largest In' any house west of New York. Our stock in store Embraces Nearly Every Size, both of Double and Single Strength. Dealers and others in wart For Glass will FA VOR, THEIR INTERESTS by examining our stoqi - and prices before buying elsewhere.— Large sizes of Single and Double Strength Glass Imported expressly .for HOUSE AND STORE - f itONTS. ' The Superior quality of French Glass overall other kinds in CLEAR STRAIGLITNEM BRILLI.INCY AND STRENGTH is fully admitted, and the Trifling Excess in price over American is of NO At:- COUNT, - cousidering its better qualities In ev ery respect. A liberal discount made on lobbing lois to the trade. AMERICAN GLASS. We have alsoa large stock cat American 0171 Sh of Single and Double strength, which we are selling at LoW Rates, both in Jobbing lots to dealers and in retail parcels to suit buyer, BM Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, &e. In this department we keep well supplied with every article used in the Painting Line, from a hallow to the finest house-included. The quality of these articles is not excelled, and we are selling at lowest market rates. • Dye Woods and Dye Sluirs. Jo this cisss of goods our stock is !extensive and complete, including the Aniline dyes, and we are otrering strong inducements both to 'Wholesale and Retail buyers. , Drugs, Medicines, Chenilcnis.. &e., &c. Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, and Miscel kineous Goods is extensive, having front, long eXperience been bought with much care, and the public can depend upon finding - the largest stock of the kind lu Western Penn'a., whirls .y . eetirp selling at close figures either in whole or broken packages. Janit-Bm. 4: . E..ASJilrir: & co., Wholewle and Retail BOOK BINDERS, lIE STATIONERS, MD Blank Book Manufacturers Magazines, Musk, Hooks, tc., bound.ln and style desired, and In the neatest and best manner. All kinds'Zot. Rail Road, Commercial, MEI 131alik 113 cook. . :43 Al.l MANN'S COPYING ROOKS And Pniier of all ~Izeg on hand or wad, to order. RITLINt4 OF 'ANY Particular PATTERN Done V with neatne•ot and ti iwatelt. - 'IF' ALL KINDA ()N HAND ,PRIN-TI.N,G in a n li branehelil, done to order H11;1 Asii BY A. CU.; 13.4ite ',lit L. Wrlgla'm Block,Erie, I'd ly The New York Sun, An Independent Daily Newspaper, political uttdgeneral,gleing nil the emetics In a fresh, read able, attractive manner, condensed so that a busims.s man can find time to read the whole. Charles A. Paint, Editor and Manger. Priec a year, 11,50 for three Jimmie, THE WEEKLY SIIN. Prepared with great care for country subwri hem. Political news thoroughly condensed. Farmers' Club fully reported. Markets ACCll rately, given. Horticultural and Agricultural Department edited by Andrew S. Fuller. Great variety of interesting miscellaneous reading, making it a first-rate GENELIAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Those who wish for, a thor oughly reliable paper for the pending Most Int 'portant Presidential Campaign, will fInd.THE WEEKLY SUN exactly what they need. Price, tl a year; a/copies to one address. si7; 50 copies to one address, $37,50; lOU copies to one addle,. f 75. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN.- Same size and character as the Weekly, hut fun ishlng twice as much reading matter, and giving thetiews with greater freshnes G s. reat pains will also be taken 1n making up the pont -1611 news of the day for this paper, so that the reader, whatever be his politics, will find the SE.NiI-WFIEKLY SUN to be an accuratesand comprehensive compendium of political infor 'mutton. hi fact, we mean that this shall be the most valuable campaign paper in the coun try. l'riec, .S 2 a year; 10 copies to - one address, 'Stn; 3l copies to one address, 635; 30 copies to one address, S"J: always In advanee: Address, niV2.O-aw. THE r 4 1. 7 N New York City. SIC c - crytyr,v - Lifo Insurance Co., NJ .iv Y ORK. Asset's, Pm 1, ISO 7, $1,256,390.24 BeFSALO, N.Y., 136.3. , • This certifies flint de , the undersigned, have etamtited Into the merits of the SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY„and believe it .to be sound„, reliable end equal To the best In Atrterlca. : . 'Sidney Aliepanl & Co., Wholesale Hardware Dealers. A. P. Tripp, firm of Sidney Shepard:a: Co. Simons & Crissev Commission Merchants. Duttley & 011.ftetiners. JR. P. Burke, Farmers' & llechanlcte Nat. Bank. G. A. Williams ' J. 0. Robson & Co., Goldsmiths and Jewelers. Simon Neff, Boot and Shoe Dealer. -F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. George F. Lee Attorney and Counselor. Cyrus P. Lee, Erie Co. Savings Bank. . Joseph L. Fairchild, Register In Bankruptcy. • call onAU persons demiting ins - mance wilt do well to M. M. MOORE, Erie, Pa., General Agent for Western ra au NEW VEIIIII. James, p. Crook, having taken in his son, Jas. E., as a partner, on the Ist day of 1863, un der the firm name of James P. Crook & Bon, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts, All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, Dealers In ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Manufacturers of WINDOW BASIETRAMO3, DOOl s ti dc BLINDS. Mouldings and Picket Fence, roll flawing, Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on _Peach St.. Between Fourth and Filth Sts., Erie Pa. . We respectfully call the attention o the pub lic to onr facilities for doing work in t e best cif style promptly and on reasonable terms. Rex lug fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery we feel confident of g.l.V l rig satlststr• Uon. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. mv•Z'6l-tf.. JAINIKS P. CROOK & SON. ALE BREWERY ! Gr' Formerly with Outhotittaker Rochester hating taken the well khownDrewery on , French Street, below Fourtb,Erie,•PM, Formerly occupied by Waif; Jacobi. would In. form his old acquaintances attd i the publio gen rally that he la now brewing very superior quality of Ale. Froth hislong experience and uniform success, he is fully ',rewired to give the best of satisfaction.' 'Dealers are Welted local]. 179-1 Y ' OM. L. liAKFit. MARVIN"S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES. Are most clearable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR ' ft. Cannot be Sledged! ' Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, . VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, s"- FAMILY PLATE SAFES, v COMBINATION LOCKS .end (Or a catulogne to REFINED rir,lo. l I.INL-al.W.s MOLD ',7fUrini CANDLES ' l ''''''''' 4 37 - ' 4 ? eo_ Po'''' -/------ - ---- - --0T40 , 0i "I CHEMICAL '. G • V. ' 1:•,,, , _41 0 ouvE ,CIi.EPASIVE ~. ' 0 CM .. 1 . ,, O A .---.-lisoAPri SOAR i! egiVoriii.2.c oavi , ''''',.----- . s ., G. .• -zi e 0 , i-.... 0. --,---,-. FAMILY ICII.ERASIVE 'a I‘o. I 'r .:I.i - i 1 SOAP.S SOAP. SOAP.' ',-41 . . - THE UNDERSIGNED, -1 -Th----.7h ----.7 ---------'"- , . VIARVIN, & CO., Principal ouses Broadway, New York. Ware 121 Chestnut: St., Phila. h 11:03 Bank. St., Clcvel an d,O And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. Fraying Purchased Um Interest of the Messrs l'lnceuts In the FLOUR AND FEED :BUSINESS Of the late firm, would ramecthilly solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house, and the public In general, pledging himself that he will at all times try to sell good and reliable • Flour, Feed find 4G-rain At the lowest price for caste in hand. From my long ex perienco in this !branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me In the • past, I hope by strict attentiou to my hied s and theirwants, to merit a coutinuanee of their patronage in future. THE MILLING, FLOUR, F 1 1), AND GRAIN BUSINRSS, , Will be continued, its department:4, at the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, V. AST 1' A. 11 If. Row, Between Brown's Hotel and Heed House, Where the public will find a good stock always for sale, with conapetnt and polite men on hand to supply their wants.. 5p:15'437-Iy. H. B. HA-VERSTICk. G. DA. VIES Has removed to Whittich's Block, corner of State and T,enth Streets, Erie, I'a., where he has opened it _ LARGELY INCREASED STOCK 'Of Groceries. Fruits, Vegetables, Provision's and everything usually„kept in a-drat-class grocery establishment. We are deternitnednot to be surpassed, and invite all who want Any thing in our line to call, feeling a,surOl that WP shall be able to giye gat isfa et ion.both a- to.qunl lty of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Mold. We have of,ened n COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, To which we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to beenre the highest market price ,for nll article's entrusted to cnu•eare. DF:% r,E rts IN' THE , T6WNS, And on th"O Lines &I Rallrowl„ Supplied wlth 5 FRUITS, VEGETABLES; ETC. rkprZCS-t I. • • W . A. 'V' s , Dealer Hawing purehaketl the e,ntlre stack of,F,urni tore of stesgrs. Moore respraffully ask my sold customelzs'atel the, putAleigenemlly to ghr me at dtat the old stand, ' . • NO: 71r. 'STATE STREET, Before pnrelaslng alaawbere. I have a largo aysortynent of Parlor, thamber and Bed Room Sets ! BEDSTEAD*, CHAIRS, TABLE'S, And, In fact everything tn.the line otTurnit*. I am prepared to manufacturetoonieranvstzle that may he called for. Remember, No. 43 State street, east aide, between Seventh and Eighth streets, Up GREAT REDUCTION IN 1. 2 11,1C.V.k4 E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIND Harpers and similar 31agazines,pt 75 cents per voinme. Godey'i, and similar Magazines, at MOO per volume. Harper's apt Frank Leslie' papnv. at 9425 per year. - We are also tual: lug and selling 7E3 1. it la - 13 co co lir t. AT ,: REMIXED PRICES - Bindery over Keystone Nat ional — Baiiir- ogre ner State and WI streets. DESIGNER DECORATIVE ARTIST I Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Painting West Of New York City. Parlors, Frescoed in the tmatest ;style of the art. GencraiDeslgaln=, Drafting of Models foi the Patent °Mee and e very description of Orna mental Painting executed promptly. Itoofus I Farrar Hall,' N0..3. second Boer. op11:67-tf. MEI Tn-the Working Gloom. T 131 now prepared to tarn is h constant em ployment to all classes at their homes, for theirspare moments. Business new, light and Prtaitable. Fifty cents to Sr, per OVV3illig hies. idly earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as ambit as Wpm Great inducements -are of fered. All w.tio see this notice. please send me their address, and test the: business for them settee. If not well satisfied, I will pa" 81 for the trouble df writing to me. Full particular% sent free. Sample sent by mail for latents. -Address E. ALL ENOA pewits. ltie.'..,tinT,-4wr oldc.t cnfa runnalyturun.) NEW •LOCATION NVhole , ale 4 anit Retail !ME WA fiDROBE%9, DEKS; JOHN W. AYRES THE BEST LS THE CHEAPEST. GET II OIT ll siliwrs; 40-, AT TAR New York 'llOop Skirt Manufactory VIA state 'Street, Erie, Pa 0 Ladies', Afts.em' and hoop Skirts of . all Styles constantly on hand% Ladies eau have their llopp i•diirt„ !wi th. 1,,, order, a that they alit Ili, and have it trouble whatever. The York ti.,op Skirt Factory have e - kperieneed. hands in both our loanitiac turingllnd repairing departments. Ail our Skirts are made of the Best of Flexl- i - a 73 Our Skirts arc 'so constructed that the silrings fold inwardly, and readily yield to the slielitc-t, pressure, thus allowing them to calladto so that ' the skirt occupies the smallest possible space while sitting, riding or in passing a crowd, and, yet tho moment the pressure is removed, the skirt resumes Its original and beautiful shape. We do not sell the4e famous skirts at half price, but sell them us cheap, if not cheaper,' then any other place in Eric. Ladles who can not allord to 'buy Skirts every little white can have their old ones repaired for a mere trifle, sir Ile sure to visit the New York Hoop trt Manufactory before purchasing elsewhere. • Country merchants will do well Waive tts a call. NATHAN COHEN. Successor to A. F. Cohen ~t• Ern_ - No. 141/ State street, Erie, Pa. , %‘ • f/4/,, ti S O mANrrAcTur.r.l: 01; ‘c\V C "'" 4p AND Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, 7- n:! ;Y /% 9 ///' (//! Cor. of Penn anti St.'Cl:xtr stree. PITTITiBURGII, PA., Th Largest, etteape.t and mo,t iittecessful Plitetical: Business College nr THE UNITED STATES Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty - Three Statem in Ten YeArs. FOR LARUE QUART() CIRCULAR Coutainhig full information, Outllue of Coor , e of Study, .ample of (';nc:.,r•. Premium Penmanship, " View of, the College Building, different De partments, CBS - of Pit tkbu rgh, rte., etc., address the Prinelpulx, frsAtryt 41;,7 myl9'l3B. *TEREO.SCORIp, ALBUMS; • .CIIROMOS. E._& H. T. ANTHOWY.&.CO., 591 IikOADWAY, IMMIEMBE ~.:. • 1,._. . • ILI • 7 ••r 1 ,, I 1 1 1 1 t t. 1,11,1 .s. 1. tl.l. TEE LANDS OF inEIE BIBLE, •-••••' ••••••••y . ••••'•1• r• , r•f - at ral • y f< •a. •• • I • na.ra s GLASS tp.o , J t.” ae• •• of a 1 as efa,..- I brtagra.,le 1.<.•• • • fLe c•••• E-tynat a , a. aY. 4.3•anfoefar• •-r• looy•fa. an•rtav• • 14.-yr at, t o• frafea ritor. , F rn ••, our a.... I r- • A . ,..710 l• w•••I ow. a y-• NI an,ef.... y sr: to.aufy to all r, A:, , fr-In I'mAe • sr, 7.11 I CHROMOS .T. 3,1 rc , tl t 041, f.,7 a• k,“.. e-rt E: H. T. ANTHONY , & CO., 1 1 1 Pt :o, N. Y., Mzitexidla GERMAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner Eighth and. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution is now open for the transac tion of Pusities's;; . OFFICE HOUUS MAIVIIDAYS: SIX Per Cent. Interest willbe Given by this ,institution to Regular - Depositors. • IDIRE . CTOrtS : J. Elchenlanb, P. A. Recker, P. P. Liehel, 1 0 ..Sehnelder, JOhn Geiediehner, OFFICERS John Getish.j fnier, Matthew Selz nudecker,. Fl Schneider, my-2;i77-4 .1311. I MA U. 13 .1.. T: W 0 13 KS. M. A. DUNNING, No. 1916 Peach Street, between 10th and 11th, Erie, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate ,31antlesi ST. I have on hand a large assortment of.monu ments and headstones of variou% styles, in American and Italian marble, and it corps of tbe.bast workmen in the State. All orders wUI be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. My work is warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one, Orders find inspection of stock and prices solicited. AGENTS WANTE • FOR Seeret's of the Gkat City. A Work descriptive of the Virtue% and the Vic - es, the Mysteries, Miscriec iind Crimes of New York city. TF YOU wish. to knoW how fortune. are made 1 and lost IA a day; bow shrewd .31 ., m are ruined in Wall street how Countrymen are swindled by Sharpen";,how Minthters and Mer chants are Blackmailed; hoW Daiwa lialisand Concert Saloonk aro managed; how tialubling Houses and Lotteries are conducted; how Stock and Oil Companies originate and how the Bubbles Burst, read this work. It contains 35 fine engravings; tells ull aramt the Myster ies and Crimes of Now York, and is the spiciest and Cheapest work of the ktud published. prucF, fNLY ='_.uo PER (1)P1 Scud for ClicularB and see our ternui,-and a fun description of the work. Address JONKS 13 RO3 TIER 3: CO., Philadelphia, Pa,- CAUTlON.—lnferior works of a similar char• act.r are being circulated. See that the books you buy contain 35 due engravings and sell at T 2,511 per copy:_ febll.2w • AGENTS WANTED FOR Night Scenes in the Bible, By REV. DANIEL MARcii, VOlt. FULL, frog, flowing, clear, sparki,,, r 10110 and graceful lityle; for Sur beauty (4 thought and ri , ll glowin 4 nation ; for nico analysis of character , delineation , ' Ull , l scholandny ; n.r pleturVPl, glowing worth, and IA •ppy Lions, Ild*,'worli 14.1 a nn hu..n (lanolin al the at,oxe, hate been tre, ;( .4 ifiNhop ilunpson, ,N, p"rt v r I). IL, \V. A. area, 1 , 1 , (,„ Denu hoardrnan, D.h, I. W. uel \‘'. and .19.,4,19)., nvon and to, pre,' 9,1 ail d , 10 , 0)1n <0,,, , lor eir..tdar ,nntalning i•• anv•. Pry where meeting v. On It 1 , 99 „ 4 - 1 twaur 'holy z benlio Coin 1.0,1011 S; II 00 lo 8200 ikur c , ordlog . r{ 1;10, :ittlat:. .o IL, ,„ or St. 1,0101, • Gviartlheez4" I (wart of i:rtr• 'Sett to bale. on Fit! I ).1.1"..7.i if d at Dr.:ll 1.4 :fltl I, i; .4: I i 4, , .es hereinai ter (14,4 I 14444 f. (41. 4 .,1".., interests, by under..;;,.,„. . b.d.f.t.rtee by tlie adult o‘s rn of t. 4 ,.4 t described rcal estate. lying, being 1 • . • In the township of Washingto:., • . Erie, nod hounded on the :North ,;• J.efe•N I.: now lands of er4illei; on t 1.44 land of Tiow ; on the Soot!, by 4-4,444,4 4. • Joinlinf part of •rtrne plere raw! r.,' 4, and li. - 44,,t le.• land of Henry 4144-•4:,4,.; it:Jilin , : 4.; ai-re. Ilion. or les.4, 1444:444g 1 ,•,i acres set apart to the heirs of John 4.r.,” writ of partition in the Orphan, I! ford 4 aunty, at :So. "ferm. 1444 which there are 44,011114 1111proS".•Int:1)1. able timber. ha afire of .a hi 14;4 , 4.1( 1 1 - t s 1t•I J0111111;4. 11.1 Cr.ivt lord 44,44 ' It the A 111111• TER ‘t.i —One-third or th. pureha,• one-int:ll in OM' year, and the I n two }"..ars. Deferred I..:*raelit, to ' by approved mreurity, with p • annonlis. I'o•se.cion given itnine.n;,; .;=,\VILLIAII .1. (1.1;11 I.kialdia 21 of Xerai-, Ilona:, undivided int ereNt in gaiii,.nd. L. ii• KCII Alt D. • . Git.....rdian of 111 cant Let&Tan, Lelntlel I • • Thorna, *Leeoiti.B and Andrew • tiroi.s, who have a four-rifi.eenth ded interest In said .e.n.l. B. 13, l'tcx,EnT, Attorney, .Nienth . Allt ltorizett Capital .'l.3.rilit),(m(). CAPITAL PAID IN $291,0M. THE SECO'SI) NATIONAL !IASI; (Te/le,i for busine , ..s On DECEMBER Erni, In the Minicint, , office previonslyoccupl , :xi Met cant's ILI uk, Brown's Building, nortl;,., corner of State street and public Park. VO'f. L. SCOTT, Ifre,t. 1.5" C. CU DII:ECTORS : Wll. L. SCOTT - of firm of J. flearn & To of firm of Selden. Niceart,er, BuiJ,l rs. (;):0. J. MOIrkON, Coal I){:uler. W. 5,.. 111- LOW-N. Agent Buffalo Erie It. P. JOHN BUIttIESS, of firm of C1e111,1.,1 pep ,tt 'lumens, Wholesale lirocers. 0. F.. (.4t01... * C11; of firm of Crouch ft 11r,, Merelluats. M. h. BARB.. of firm of Barr, Johns..ll num. :Manufacturers. F. F. FAIIIL.III, of firm of Gray t Farr Niniolcsale Griieers. J. DItEISIGAICEIt, Grocer, NEW LIVERY; Boarding . and Sale Stilble, Corite; of French and 7th St;. PTHE SUBSCRITIF,RS having taken tit 1 lately • oecupied by 13Ie4ner h John, WoUhHnforrn the puhtle that they have chased en • ENTIR.ELY NEW STOCK of Horses, Harness and Carrlaae.+, and are pre. l sated to glve perfect satlsfactlo o rt to all who rx4 fr.o.or them wttl:La call. We hate the bens to NoFthwestern Pennylvania_ ms2l-tf BRECHT .11111,t. FOR ONE DOLLAR L - Licensed by the Vnited Stitt es . I. t I tEAT ONE .I.OI.LAE, .4.-VLE,-1 , r3 and I. an J ey Woolens, Cotton..,*: rpd lugs, Boots and Shof's.' tillveT-Plated Watches, sewing Machines, 4:utlerv, ,Vc , to `- sold sold at the avetage pri„ec of each. our , ,:. - missions or club.lexgeetl o[ll,l lit•hments, nod our - T4oods are warrant.l satisfaction. (lulls of ten and upwatd. "al) ed at frohi F.. 3 to WV. New and full particular+ 5en!1re?....... N. 13 N 40 Hanover Si. 11,0,10 n JAI2ECI2I 1311 Orr I:fts State St met,oppolAte Brown'm ,11 , , tv! the largtAt t rrtuunt of Eye- Glasses and Spectacle, Ever luon'.1)1 tlm, market. • - We would •pc(.14.11.y tlit• attention .3: Ptll rnt . t.J our ELI- ,71:10-TEXPERLD . ,b Pa CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, whiell we warrant not to brenk, and ney pu' for ern• broken one return,,l. A No, on lvtnd a lance a.s.cirtnzent of Seet 'NM,Ie. Eve In Rubber, Steel, and Bull We Can Suit, Every Sight And warrant to gh.e "prrfo , t satisfaction rcery (IPC 17 , -; • rMIE undersigned offer at private sale - Ivaluable Saw Mill property on Nt'ajt , .: creek.. upon the McKean road, wont from Erie. The 31111 runs by seater power, :{ double geared, was built new three year- ad , :Ind in good order throughout. The a Aar g e,pp.trona g e and 14 in one Of tle best cation , in the oonnty. Fourteen acres of Isn , l are attached, with the water privilege. There are two good 'Frame Dwelling Houses and Barn on the premises. The plaec is a capitz. 4ittnition for a Grist .11111, being on an exttr• sively traveled road, aad Ina nen aigrienituDi Section.,For forther.pqrticalatiis itadress do undersigned at Erie, BA., or see them persar.idh on the premise , ' Dtlit:TJ deeto-2m. . i~~: ~ a.. eo DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. r: 1 ? itl - ((u L TO c the r ,l ;te.4:ralatr4 ,l 'Wolter ;•,. Payne, a bankrupt under the t Congress of March having 'applied for ;. di , elnue from ail ins'debts , and other lam • ,piLvable under said _'et; by order of the notice is hereby Olen to af/ pc/bons - 10y, 10 , . proved- their liebtc • and other persons infer, ed. to appear on, the 7th day 9. Jan., 1.1 I'.; L, S. E. Woodruff, Eat later, at oltice t in Erie, Pa., to show eau, . any they have, why a discharge should net : granted to the said bankrupt. And further lice is-hereby given, that the second and thy, meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, :• quired by the Irith and '2..• . .'th sections of nmd:,.• will be had Lefon , the ,ant itegisterof - time and place. ; C. 7kIcCANDLE ,, S. Clerk . of I:. R. Itistriet Court for tqlht Dast rt.! novl2-2t LADIEho antler from weakness urn ,, ' S w back and of the limbs„with pains, go it k with .11111,114 y that stand or walk erect, ran be rolteved at and radleally eared by woatlng.the' Fltro SUPPORTEIf, a new :Ind eleirant. det h-e. n, ,, : befoi.i known used In this eotintrc, Information. el II upon or. addrossAcith stain* E. J. FRAs - : n, I. Pa ISE= 1 . 11 , 111111111) 'r 11 - - , ,1C1: ITI;21 . : that f. 'day ~ 1 ,1:91.„1. D.; 1 , 01, a wr , rr.tnt tlll l eY i% i•-•• 10 d n ruuat thr • 11. l i lll - rot ry. 11/ u• V, and NVIIO i)01 7 11 , 1 .1 777, % rtlyl ult Icier owit pt•tition ; that tr., p.o awn' ally and dvlivety 01 and :-• 111 t to him. 1 . .1' 111 ., tr•w mill the 0; pr"verly by Mtn are rort , tdden I.Y in , t • th•• • ol the creditor , Of sap.l : prove.their (10.1.: 7 :OW to ..n,- t, It 1.1.0 t nl Ilankt tiptcY, to be ;tt 12.“41,ter, in the ett of Erie. l'a.. b. n,' , . Woodruff. , I)l,tn, t on '2.1111 Qtrc of Feh„ A. Is.. ISb9, :tt o'olook, T I ItIM AS A., ItOW LEY, 9 .1_ M. to I P. .M 9 A. M. to S P. M st, mhrOutl, By t;. P . D,rj,. IN•rt. U. Marshal. • J.tull•tA Lieeiised by the t:ni Stab, ernm Stdple and Fancy 1 Goo 6, .Pre , ,l le /I L rre Lstirmr. ',,t.eretury. .• TIIROUG' 11017 T TIIE fltY. II AII N ^4l' 0:\ ('O .) F' FIFTEEN years' Ntatuling te...Johlu r••,•.`:.; il Retailers of the above goods, In 1;,t1 ,, vista Ity, have concluded to offer the pm , " the whole conutry the advantao, of the:: mense Importations and agencle,, tar ttacr manufactories throacth the popular 4 1 N 1, LAR SYSTEM, tun* Preinitint I.lst•to ~Agetts. and l'N‘ls ll -; List forAgentg and patrons, are not by any house M the country. Rest and Boston feferences given when a ,in;r , Send for free Circular. HAMUNGTIO , : , t I'. 0, Has :Isl. • SO'Stpumer,St., Bodo! , 11,e3--•.;nt Adtninistiator's Notice.• ir ETTl;fts of Administration on t:,e eds' , :•" L A , James G. Jackson, dee'd., bite of tnir Urea—granted to tllc unders4P` . none(' Is liereby giveo . to all indebted I • rne to make In payment, and 6.02 'Laving claims a milngt maid estate trtl Pro' them, duly unbent ii•ated for settlement. ' .1(IIIN VV. HAYk Ailintuktrato. Erie, Voluntary Bankruptcy. pit Is TO GIVE NOTICE that On IV, ,1.1,111 San., A. tsw, rioney Issued against the shato,ot Erie city ' Erie t and vanl4, who ha', been adjudged ,L hi, two pciltion: that jIle• ti debt,:oul delivery of any property to loner:;. him, for' his use, nod the transfer of 1 4 ';,, ty by him are forbidden by law: (hard of the erediton: of said hauktugt, to pr.% c debts and to chow , . one or, more .Is , nn , '" : eAtate.will Le held at 01.`ouv ot to be kohlen at the otnee of the city or Erle, Pa., before E.:WoodrO• IteLTlster to said District, on tilt: :!.",tit Wl` ' reb., A. D., NO, at 9ti clock, A M. MOM AS.A. ItoWLEV, , P. S. Marshal. ny ti. P. Da‘ is, De* C. S.,iial. Pole, B - -- - LAN KR ! LILA Nl:r4 i— A COmpl,•10 '', nnent of every kinair W of BLanks tie ' Attorneys, Justfees, Constables any! ii!...,t, Men, tur hale at the Observer °Mee. •- TOB PRIND.: T 0 of every in _ , thebestFintallt4tTen.uittnitalestuplwili,wo,eurar ctooloprreikvi,„:lLiaut,,r, ObNiTvennfilco Saw Mill for Sale. To the .Latties-. €4 00 , :•••; FOR OF • s ;r MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers