Important flotttro. Traveler's Gill4lo. . . , -- . d3' The time by which the Lake Share and the Eric it Pittsburgh trains are run is 1! nrktn,- tiles slower than Erie Aline—that of the rhua delphia & Erie 10 minutes faster. PIMADSLrfrtA AND ERIE IIArLDOAD; Arrive. DePart -9:50 p. m Mall Train - 10;55 a. m. 10:o0 a...t0 Erie Express 0:25 p. M. 3:50 p. m.. WalTen Accommodation_ 11:10 a. m. ERIE A.IcID rrrrsnrlcoil B.Art.noiD. 'i 'Arrive. Depart. - Pittsburgh Exprem5...—..»..10:2 a. re. kceolilmOdatioll Sclo p. in. 11:50 ii. m,......E1rie Accommodation.......--- 2:30 p.. m Erie Express . CLEVELAND et rim: aattmoaD. Depart. 4171V8. 10 10 - 11. M ...... :.:New York JlrPrells •-, - , p 9 '2.5 p. m... Day Express 3:15 in. 7:0.5 p. m Cincinnati Express --- 12:50 a. m Night Express 3:15 a. in. Steamboat Expre55......,..1:1:50 a. in. Toledo Express 10:10 a. in. -- Acc‘omruodation ...... :.,.. 5:45 a. m. BUFFALO & ERIE RAILROAD - - • - I>enart. Express 1:40n. in. York Express 10:55 a. m. Arrive. 4: lUn. ra .. Cincinnati Express 3:45 p. in.. t .... -.-... Day Excs-...i. 10:20 a. mToledo ' ress lal a. m.... .... „Steamboat xpress hak p. in... Mail and Accommodation.. 6:00 a. in, tat caxxx Awn aX1.5.01110•11 . alvga Trains departlarmad arriving att'orry •. Depart. • ". Arrive, 9:45 a. in Express Train, • I;.'M a. as. 5:00 p. . ... Mall Train 9;0,5 ra. Trains departing and arriving at_irvinetan: Depart. Arrive. l'ak'S a. ,m - ' Express Train, s'4m. 5 1:33 p. In . Mail Train, 1219 p. p. - Closing of 31nils. . . , --)k. „New York, Boston and Wash. 2:2) a. m. G:3u I!. m •Buff.ilo, Canada, and New York Central t Railroad . - 9:al a. m. and S:00-p. m. Buffalo and Erie Way Mail , 2: 1.5 p. in. Cleveland• nd Erie Way Mall 0:20 a. „ Cleveland 9-20 a. ni. and'il:oo p. in. .Chicago.,... - 2:2-/-a. in. and S:00 p. M. Erie anti P taburgh In 11:.10 a. 9a: _Pitiladelph - Erie, Warren Accom- 41 * . modatto surtp • kpg offices bet'n ~- • Erie and i i rre 1 Creek, A. AO. W. R. R . a i Mea vi1ic..,,...,.. .. .....18:00 p. m. Philadelphia, 't arri urg, Baltimore • , and' Washinktonf and Philadelphitt and Erie ens ;?of Warren, and War ren A: Fr Anklln It. It ` 9::„Ii a. in. Phila., Harrisburg, Baltimore & Wash- Wash ington ~ 6:30 p. m. Edinboro and McKean 8-110 p. m. Wattsburg, on Tuesdays, Thursdays - and Saturdays........ .... . ........ ............. 2:00 p. in. TIME OF ARRIVAL.. • , ft ..,; w York, Boston, Buffalo and-Wash ington e II alo and Erie Way M3;11) a ' EL and „l ' Z' 4 X o p m . Ul m . . in. veland and Erie Way Ma 11,...: ..... ' . :•,,•tiao p. M. Cl - Clii --,-'fst.grigi.-- .2:00 a. m. ant r4:00 p. in. - Erie and Pittsburgh It 0u a. m. AOO p. rn. Warren A.e(unmodation, Oil Creek, A. AG. w it. R. and M eadville, .. l 4:00 p. m.Phila., liarrishurg. Baltimore and ... Washington - ... le'o a. ra. Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Waan ingt°l , and P. d; E.,12, it, east of Warren, and Warren -A. Frank lin R. it .0;00 p. Hi. Edlnit.iro and McKean 12..011 in.i.- Wattsburd. Tuesdays, Thu . E . 4ays and : . Saturdays -* ... .Qs-Duce pours frorti 7:01) A. 31;to S P. M. sundak, 4)1Boe open fr . :An 7:01 to 9:10'. Scri ; t& JOS. 151 sTERRETT, Pi. M -... . . *a ilinks for Sate at the Obierver Office, ~ , ,. . e•following blanks are kept for sale tit the ti' rver officrirand can he hirnished In 'any it iberAeslred: • ,- ' '- .iN4tes of ail klitA:sirigle and in books. c ,„ Ill'itlik Receipts- single rind in.hooks. - • . ' Warrantee Deeds, cOmtuon aril New fork form. . ,•:•• t: M.,t tthges.., common and with extra ,clause, , - Quit Chain heeds. , ,„ I 4 Agreements for the Silly.if Land: - • . • Nl.lrriage Ceti ideates. • ...- • Warrants for the RelitTrit th e PUor. 4 - 1../111 , 110111'd Warrants. • - • Common Bonds. ~ . Ju.liftnent Bonds, Common and Tight - Form. ' Interrogatories. • . . , leases. Comtnon and light: 1-'orm s . . Narts of rill kinds. , Summons, Subpir..nas and W Search arrant% Executions and•Seire Faclas..l , tpeel:krill lons. • • . • .liiminti.trators' 'and 'iiiimrtilans'.ll.otrils. i Commonwealth Warranty. ',f . Afliflavlt, Bond 'and At tacinnent. - . _ Power ot Attoyney. • - Oil Lenses rind Refusals. -^' - i , , License 'jolt ions and Bands„ - •- ' .. -4 ,.`" f F • iiments. , .... ' o '...fitatiles• Lien. . . .. ... vartitSliee Attachment, - .. , Ktidorsee vs. Endorser.. '. -• • c'onstable's Sales and Bonds.' . ... Votrunitioents. -• , . . For Sale and For Rent.. . 'PRICE LlST.—Double Sheet Deed% 51,.. jeer dozen; I's eta. per half dozfinl.. Single Sheet IS‘eds and 'llortgages 73 cents per dozen ; 40 eta. per Milt dozen. Notts and Rec4lpta 75cents per hundred; 40 cents per fifty; 10 cents adozen. In hooks of one hundred $1,60; of fifty 50 cents; of .twenry-five 3D cents. All other blanks ate got 'up on sheets of uniform size, at 40 cetat'S per dozen, Or Z Cp1.113 per half - dozen. Where small , packages are ordered by mall 10 cents&addition • al will be charged for postage. Any7-tf. • h Agents ,for the Observer Weave selected the following gentlemen as our agents in the places named, to transact any business in connection 'with the office. Persons knowing . themselvei indebterld'l us can band .them.theinioney, and their receipts will be ac. knowledged the same as if given by ourselves: Corry--John Scott. • Petroleum Centre—Geo. W,:Wilson, Tidloute—Nelson Clark. • Oak Greve-Wm. J. Welker. Wayne—D.AG% kloward. oungsvilte—Capt."o:J.:Whit.ney, Spartansharg—John G. Burlingham. Titusville--Cllark Ewing.. Waterford-:-W. C. White. l'nlon Borough-6-3f. V. B. dtr:swn... I.'nem Township—Moses Smiley. Albion—Alden Pometoy. Faliwiew—Ames Stone. • Girard—Capt. 1.1.: W.'Hutchinson. ' - . Elk Creek and Lundv's Lane—Writ. liberrnan... Sprirattlel.l-011bert 'Hurd. .. Lorkport—J. C. Cauffman. Wat tuba ra—Lyntan Itofdnaon. INtelilean'Ttlyvnghtcp—E. Pinney. Edlnboro—larcns Saidy: . ° Harbor t..Yeek—Wm. Saltatrutus North. Eust•—•l3. A. Tabor. . . Ja?ksunZa--tanttli J. Jaek*U]. tt. A 4;eitil to the Ladles.:—; r nn. DrrPoNto.s • • GULDEN PEP:iODIOAL PILLS, FOR FEMALM. ntullable in correcting IrreguiaiitLes,rernov ing Ohatrirtionm of the Montlity Turns, fiorn whatever cantle, and a,lvm. : soacceastul as a pre ventivn, ,cfNE PILL. IS-A Females peculiarly ,141.ttytted,pethool tiuppote; .111g 4 ihrIlls . Ch (-4 1 / 4 ' 142. o cautioned .againat using wiillt In _that condition, lest they ln cltc mNearriage s i after ,Nillicti t ,ailm.onition 'the, , Pl',,rrtetor asNurv,c ho rer.ponxlblllty.although th - etf sitiklmtss , tvoulit prevent any natagitief to heldtt4,:beherwAue the I'ips are recommended, • ' 'MOSki i iNVA,IATABLE 4"E,NIE7)Y • ( Q the alieviatliju of thole suffering from any Irregullvit les what v•let, as well auto prevent an Iller7aset'qfamily when heulth Fig not pernllf N; quiet Ing the 'nen'. s and" bcctiging hack the rogy ral.or'of 'health Co the ehe,ek, of the most del icai e. ' • ' i e uti and A - .l.lcit directions aCeotnpally each box. - • Price 51 per box,stx hoxes4:-.. Sold In Eriii , :by NICK e. sONs, druggists, sole agents" for wul vicinity. , • e Lad , rs by sending thin SI, through the ?oat Ott :e, can have the pills sent (conildentially)by; mall to any part of the country, tree of p'ostavii. sold also by E. T. ILlseittne, Warren; wan i s: 'A. rkvcv, zEinTs.-; Callender & Co. , Mead .. Julie; C. C. Viuli & Co., North East; JeiWett & Wright, Westiti , ld. • }-IOWE, Sole Proprietor, New Yorlt. my2lllS-13, MANHOOD • TOW LOST, ROW RESTORED. U 4flt . I - 1 Just-published, a netc edl thin „ of Dr. pulverwelra Celebrated Es • " say on the radical •cure (lvithOnt medicine,) of 81.EttitAToaRttatA,or Bern NVeattn:•,s,.lnvoluntary seminal Losses, IMPo• "!, teacy. Mental and Physleal Incapacity, Impedl '.inents to„ - 511trriagr, eto,•. also, Consumption, Epilepsy"; and Fits, indueed by :.elf-lnd ulgeiice ot sexual extravagance.. Dar ltrice, In a sealed envelope, only Scents. The celebrated author, In this admirable es tay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' . successful practice, that the alarming oonse. cluenees,cgt selrabuse may be radically cured wititont the dangerous tt,e of Intertkal medicine ' or-the, application of the knife; pointing out a :mode al cure at once simple, certain and ef . fectual, means,ef Which, every sufferer, no 'hatter whatthis condition rhay be, may cure himself - cheaply, privately, and radically. /fir This Leetureishould be in the hands of every youth and every man'in the land. Sent, under seal In a plain envelope, to any address,. I , O3TTAID, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr . , CAklvel•well's "Mar- Flags Gulde,', price '2.3 cents, Address the Pub- Llsberti, • CHAR. J.Te. KLINE DO, 127•Bowerey,New York. Past Pfilce Box 4,5tP5. „1an',459 MESETO BAY SITA.TE • 1 4 :0 0- 1, W CoIEtIKS.: NOBLE & TT AT.T,, - F011:11DE118, . 3iacflinists s & Boiler-Makers, Manufacturinfi'pf 'Stationery...Marine and Portable_ • ENGINE; OF AN°, BOILERS, STILLS, TANK.' EiTEA.M - PITBAPS, MILL WORK, ite„ ,fC , C. • - Tobbtfig solittted at reduced prices. All work warrmatocl. Our motto, is Customer 4s must be ignited. • iT Work; earner OZ Polach •ad Thlsd ta, GREAT PANIC . IN_ NEW YORK. Fearful ereakdown in the Prices : of Diy , LOCKS & CO.MPANY, No. 6 INTo!ble Block; 3Ei4e, Wish to notify the_ public That they have bought an immense quantity of FIRMT CLASH .Dry Goods VERY CHEAP since the recent BREAIh.DOWN in the Eastern Market, and are now offer ing them at much lower prices than Any other store. Our business is done strictly on the 73a p. m 3.45 p. m CONE 3P' la I C ;11F. PLA N Prices alike to ail, whethei Judges or not. We edverthe no gpods or prices but what we ere abletoehew when you visit onr store Every article is warranted as represented, or money refunded. Read the following prices carefully and judge for yourselvex Hales Brown Mnsdfas....•••• II Bales . —'B cents.l The very best Prints made for 0n1y....-.12 1 .' Cts __lo ." I Cases heavy Gingham'. only .....12 1) ' " Yard wide and thlr.--......-- --.."11% " c Heavy Cotton Fhtnnela ars " " " and heavy_ ..... - ..... ......../234 " 1 Five cases Cotton and Wool Flannels. - " .id inches due and heavy . .... ' 1,5 " I .halt ice pr -:..'0 - Cases Bleached Muslin.-..... ........ ----AO. " 1, Heavy 'l4 Wide Shaker Flannel - 35 " Yard wide...-------...,...........1214 " 1 Plaid Shirting Flannels-- . _.....13 .• . .. .. , " and fine ..... -.-..... ... 15 " . All-Wool Grey Flannels...--- 270 ." ~............--- " Prints 8 FINE 'RED, BLVE AND GREY FLANNELS, MUCH UNDER PRICE. White Flannels of every width and qualitA VERY CHEAP. Heavy all-wool shirting flan nets, at 45 cants. Three hundred pleoes all-Wool Casanneres et 50, 62 1 meres are VERY CHEAP. Heavy Beavers for Over Coats, MUCH tubER PRICE. IN WE DEFY COMPETITION s • to o 0 . e • f_; •a. DRESS GOODS ! BLitt IC 7 9.1.P.1trA1i, 8734 eta., 4.) eta., 45 et.y.„ 50 cta,, 02.; eta., and 7•S eta AI:VICCASI, Si et& 4323 4 '; 7&etm, and 3734, eti: One hundred literals Cashmere Plaids, worth 50 cents. for 23 rents Socvnty,fli-e piect% NI/ Serge Aress Goods, 11.1 CeUttl; Two hundred pieces aliwool French Merinos, %T eta, R7)..i eta, and SLOO. • Li - 4 Fifty Niece Empress Cloth/4 75 cts, .67;4 cts,and 11.0 .• - • . . The ahave Dress GoCals were purelnused at the late. New York auctions, at About ONE-HALF the 'usual - price: They are all warranted pertert: and drat -class geode. „ - .. Fire ‘Huniired pair Whitet Biauketq, Gocid ,Quality; 134,00 'and- ss.oo'per Pair. ',LINEN NAPKINS, TABLE LINEN'S. TOWEL&CRASH. . . • CLOAK S; CLOAKINGS,Q CLOAKINGi. An•endlesit variety ar very Low Prices, _, • • • , s e - • Fifty pieces -Electra Tapestry Carpeting, 50 & 621,,Et5. . . • • • • . • . • The above are only a few of the many bargains we have.. Our ato:,•lc is fulland complete in . every department. Should any Mae after reading this advertisement' have doubts in regard to the cheapness of our goods, let. them call with this advertisement and ,ilidipf for...theinselves. • . great many of these goods are eheaper.than they hate been for thspast ten years.'. • Remember the place, the only ONE PRWE L DRY GOODS STORE in Erie, where all goods at all times are sold at • • , • • , . , ~ .: , . NEW , YORK. ' 'WHOLESALE .. PRICES ! .:, ilee3;o l, -Iy. TEAS AN 0 3 1 .1 1 ,E 4 'BY THE siNouper-kfinca, CAII * 6O PRICES. 4 Siviig of One-Half tO One-Third 'I The .G;e4t Tea' aoinpainy of Boston, -= • Would respectfull; info - tin th e.. ; I l a t v tz e an i or of - 441: AiLtd re au.rroundlng oohntry, that they No, :5 NOBLE ERIE, And haVe fitted it r.p ,4n Oriental :ityle iluct• are ,now•prepared to ihrnish every one' with prime Teas and Cotirla r irt Cargo Prime: Our store In radewill•be Known ail the • WESTERN jIItIENTAL NEA COMPANY ! .. . , . , . . .-- • : ~.., . It Is getlerally understood that Teals - retailed fats largs.r advance on lie origlaa ' 1 cost tidal any other article in. the long list - of hollerbold ittortiii,wllicti may be partially accounted for by recollecting (7111.&VT N UNSER "A,NI.) IMMENSE , AIIIOUNT 7 ,OI , PROFITS which accumu lateron it between the cultivation in Vhina and Japan, and .the eanimment hare, including the American Commbodon lionise ttiere ;Alm Dritx.rter, the. Banker who furnishes it he each= e; lien middle men or speculators: the wholesale-00m; and the retailer. Each of these mat e large, and many of them enormous prOlits,.froM,iittich ft le evident that, the consumer le com pelled to pay many times the origlnal cost for a pure article, or forced to use an adulterated or " It is with 'Veleta trPretnedy this erilihat our gigantic. enterprise . WASdforMed CrWer a year ago -which has been a perfect Success,atidweluiveyentored . to open it ritore.ln Erie, e • sir that We may better aCtanninottatu our dustomere vteitot New Yore State., , v - And in the following lists which we have selected-with great rare, wili - be found TEAR which will cult • ' . i.... . ; .E.7.* - t-i.z,..lipody ,- '1.4 'rat os t".i • arid lErvee.y.btscl.v's - Vairsou., I. . . ~.. , ~. •1 , Experience show s that the best are tar the cheapest onactount or their greet strength and tlavor. The duty ou a pound of gOod tea Is,no more than on an Inferior s,tue. In prdering our ruatorriere will ple? note the auftexed • , . ' . . . . Fair, :Goo,. to Choice quality. • Sl.OO Finest Flavor, very highly recommended.. 1.10 Fair_ • • • ' Japan, Uncolored. Good. ......... ...... . Fair. • ' ......- 4 1.00 Choice qualltY 4.10taL., - -' - • ...“ - 1.101 Finest-P laver, full. Strength, very highly Choice b quallty.. •:. ... . ... ... L... 1.25 ' ..neeonittiehded tlnest I. laver, jail at r - eilit . i . a•e?-3 , 7 itTili . ly • ..• . • -., . •.t GurotiVrder; (Grego.) •, _ recommended • 1e3:5 i - puirli4 gyiirdifist, (lileek,.l • I Good i...• ... ~ .. ...... .. - ....5......—.e . • 1.40 Fair '.J...... 9Cc. • Choice Quality' •••, .-.1 't, -, 1.60 , Good Sl4O ! Fluent Flavor, full•Arength, very highly - ' chotee•Quiditi 0 ........ .... z.. ....--.. 1.10 . recommendoX. ...... ._.......,..,....... ...... .... 1.65 Finest Flavor , fell strengbi. ;:rell — /4 111 Y • '0 ' Mli.e.d, (( or .7apl.z and Mael.) . ' recommended • • 1.0) , Fair . - . ' 80c... ' ' /rOl2llll 1 511033, (Gram) , . ' P Good.: • ....._:31.00I Choice Onsaity. .:..... ........ -- .• —..51.01t• .....:, 1.10 Finest. Flavor, tal.eirehilth . ' r : _ry iiliiiii - . • - ..... 1.25 I, recommended..., ----....—..-..-...... I.ld Good. Choice ThIS is an Immense institution of itself, and lb undoubtedly the largest in the country. It is a fact generally understood that a large proportion of the Coffee Imported Is picked gree n:-and the pods opened by eztiffelal heat. This Is never so, good as that which ripens naturally, The coffee buyers of this Tea Company thoroughly understand this, and examine nearly every - cargoof coffee mported to the United Statesood select only the fall grown, tield-lipened. for them.. All the Coffee sold by this Company is ROASTED AND GROUND DAILY, by limn* lees, ma,. rime its'ainolute purity. and freshness. which they guarantee: The 'Company are roasting ail th,dr coffee. 0114 new principle, which renders them partictilarly pure. nil acidity being removed by their precept of cooking , enabling Persons now to take - coffee who have • been . etip•ssrl ,te continue Its rdn. ' • • • The are deb* an Velment* tipsiness in their Coffee Department, and selltne more PL''RE.OO than any other house in the countryi To assist customers to niaking lap their orders, the/I:Wowing Descriptive List is offered by/he Com with no little pride, as =bre? clue the largest and,ruest,carehllly seLetted, assortment of ever:opened la'-this country,- • - . . LIST OF COFFEES .AND rALE OF- , Pit.A . CE Si . , . . . . Breaktisat ,Con e . !• f i *.--ii, .. .:: : : orkatia ,J# Ms... " • • • • Roaste4 and Ground Mixed. , • • ---23 c I 1t" .10 4 i -s--7 - ''' •••- '''''''' - - -- .• - . I Retard Pure---..,....--.4...-4......•........, ::. 20e ' 1 ',, Old Cii4rarsitilnt Js 1. *. ' _sse I Raw.. .............. -.:-..1.-- . ....- ~—...„..„..Z.....2* ..,..3 0 , , Roasted,— ...- 7 ...........—...v,;..." 7 .---:-,—..b00 - i Ground Puia.—.—......--;,...-.:.....;..:.v , „Kt • f Best Old Noolui. , - 'c' ~. ----,. - ...r....Z......Z0 i itair.........---.....—..:4:-..-.i..-.:-•...' ..:32•‘ ~....„......350 I -.. ...... ~....843 I Ototn24 Pu re" . . . -:.--...., -f- - .-••••••• ~..., I,,se L. H. ItALLL: 'Raw. - Rana Led ...... riroand Raw .RDaated (hound Pure • • NE I I 3E3 30 It it • . . TWa is the true Mele Berry MIKT.X. OLD GOVERNALENT 4.474;ccirvirE, ' Warranted t e richest flavored, strongest and best Coffee in the wbleb we have the only lorin the niteol States. Raw _E3 P lE C I A L I= ... , . . ,i. .. . • AA a /ruttier of convenience le our distance customers *care ertenglinr Withatillablepeiloci In all parts of the country west of New York State, to set as ouragentesnd dbitaltrute ourgowe la their locality, at our warehouse price, thereby saving thefrelghtfrota Bust. on. We would like to liornisPuhd with any gentleman or liWr Who wo al Me Mt eat aa on agents In getting up clubs. at fair seauninetou allowed agents. Direct sit olden got teituougliemicesto dee . 11,4100 ! W , itiffiriaN ISM 0011PalirT, 1114 Pa. I:o3ldirriNi i . trietii Fit C:l.'o Double: Goods the past . Ten Days. coLORTID ALPACC-114, 3:?5 ctft, 45 eta, .;O eta, and 6 23-.; eLP 'Three Hundred pieces Eliglish Merit:pia, ieghtyarct;for Only 4.00 I.®C 3Prk)p!ing, oritntat Era CompanVo Double !Volumn,, : 4 ' Which 1E! the 2 Lnrgefit- in ib'r SCALE: OF PRICES. Oolong; Clortr Ucoffee . - 7D.-epekrtan.eirit.; Dinner Costae: institution Coffee. Ground Pun.. 75, SO, eont9 and 61.00. fi'hoole Cava DRESS: =GOODS ! Fifty plecea Cashmere Plaids for3accilta Thirty plece:s heavy Mohair Melds, 30 cents Nos. e, and 7 NbBLE BLOCK, Bit& lON MEI Finest Flavor, fall strength, vtql; Welly `.7 recozamended— .140 Elyson, (Green.) ",; ..._.exec N 0 . T I 0 E. New York, Ang.lsth MIL Allow nie to eall your attention to my PREPARATION OF CrIPIMPOUND 'EXTRACT , The oomponent_parts are lIITCHt.. Logo LEAP, CURERS, JUN ER ! MODE or PREPABATIOR.—BtIeuti in vacuo t Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine , gin. Cubebs extracted by displacement by liquor obtained from Juniper Berries, contal n- lag very little sugar, a snuilrproport lon of spirit, and nioreindatable than any-now in use. The active properties are by this mode extracted. Buchn as prepared by Druggists generally, of a dark color. It is a plant that emits Its fra grance; the action of a tame destroys this (its active pritickile) leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is the color of ingredients. ?The Boehm In soy Preparation 'Predominates; • th e smallest quantity of the other ingredient are added; to‘preventlerrnentationt upon In. spection,, it will be found not to boa TMcture, a t Made In Pharmaeopcea, nor is If aSy rti p; -•an d therefore can be asol.ln cases wherede•rer or innamation exists. In this you have the kri owls ed H ge o of in th et h in a g t ryeodine w n Mend mode o i f t h pr epa i r a at ion. that upon meet withyear an l predation, With a feeling of confidence, . I am, veu res_pectfully, H.. T. HELMBOLD. Chemist and Druggist of 16 Years' Expert ' ence in Philadelphia and now located at his Drug and Chemical Warehouse,. 594 ' 'Broadway, New York. . From- the largest Munditeturing! Chemist' in the "I am acquainted with Mr. H. . Relmbold ; he occupied the Drug store op LW my resl - and was successful in co ducting the Waimea where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterpriee - • • • WILLIAM WETenEl3tol, Firm of Powers & Welghtmen,Msaluketur • lag Chemists, Ninth and BrowaSM A rldla. weakness arising from indiscretion. The' alt-• haunted powers of Nature which are actitunpao vied by so many alarming symptoms, among into the enjoyments of society. - - The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system which H. Imliold's Extract Dacha invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Cozutnmptirm or Insanity ensues: duns peculiar to Females - is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis.or iletentiott. Painfulness, or Suppression Custotnary Ever ' nations, Ulcerated or Lel:arms State of I.7tertts. and all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence ' la or the deellneor change in life. - 11111.1MOLD`s FLtiti Ezrascr Boone Axis hi- PROVED MHZ WASH will radically exterminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dlssi nation. at little ex pense,little Or naellange In diet, no Inconvenience or exposure; corn pletety taaperceding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercnry, in alt throw diseases. • all diseases of these organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause origina ting, and no matter of how long atanding. 4 It is plaant in tante and odor. "immediate in action, and more strengthening than any of the , preparations of bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate • constitutions, procure the remedy at once., The refuter mast be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above ,diseases, it is certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. - isiniDO()(oß4loll6/14hit4tri01 The office of the late Patriot and 'Union hav ing passed tato the hands of the undersigned they propoSe to supply a tieuum that has long existed in the newspaper press of interior Penn sylvania. From some cause or other the reading =wen Of the Democratic party of the great interior I counties of the Mate have been compelled, ei ther to do without the latest news or patronize Ijournals whose political sentiments were, dis tasteful to them. The Morning Patriot Is Intended to supply this want. , Its proprietors are determined that:lm effort Tshellbe spared, on their part, to make it fully equal, as a news Paper, toanyof its competitors. Whatever thik electic wires are able to cot:ma i ramie. up tothe hour of going to prees„ will be furnlidied in its-columns very morning ; and r its largwaize will enable It to give quite as much reading Matter as any of its contemporaries. As an advocate of sound political sentiments, favoring no faction; clique or section, but devo ting its entire energies mote good of tho whole party . ; as a vehicle Of thelatest news, and a • Chronicler of pausing e\ eats, we are deterrultn d It shall not be excelled; and we confidently ap peal to a ditierimitutting public for that, appre-, elation and Cncopragemehtwhich are indispen• sable to sticeeiel. F'fir the balls, oiip year In advance, 57.00 Six mentos, " • LEO Coplae, Three Cents. . . . THE WEEKLY PATRIOT.: It is the determination of the proprietors 01 the Patriot to make their weekly journal fully equal to :what.the Fatriot and Union was In its ysilmiest daye. It will bo abe of the largest weekly papers in the State, and special penis will be taken to till its columds with such read ing matter as will be alike interesting and ttie fa to the Farmer, the Mechanic mid the Man of Business, and to make Stan agreeable and, welcome visitor in every (=By. • I.'*. nevem should, subscribe to the paper . printed fu his own county, and we do not mean urenter into competition with the local papers of the State, But, many people take their home paper and a city paper in addition. , ;To such we • Yell([ greeting: . TERMS: Single copy, one year —.42 CO eiz months. 185 Ten copies, one year ..—.23 CO Twenty copies, one yeas. ' • OU Fiftyd copies address ) ono 00 Ons bend u lZ 00 All orders should be addressed to 33. N. METRIU4.4 CO., , jy2-tf Harrisburg, ps. While Ren Must Rule America. Now is the Urns to =bat:ribs for the Best • . New York Weekly Published.. ESE NEW YORK DAY • BOOK ! pf . , FOR 11361:6.. , . . -, - .. Devoted to White SupremacyiState Equality and Federal Union. Thepaperotthepoopie. A Political NewspaperAlaraily Literary . Paper. and an Agricultural Paper. Now 1 is the time to form Clubs. •• The New York Day Book is an earnest, out- Spoken and Independent paper, devoted to the equality, fraternity and proeperlty of the Demo-, cratto -inane% aud• the defense of the greed American system of Federated States ' on a White .basis;• eittablished by Washingto n' and the fathers of American liberty, It holds that this glorious Aruericao system of se,lf-govern- Mg States and botriogeneous ci Ivce ship, which in sevent,y.years of pea , sand prosperity, never 'shed one drop of-Anierlcan blo d i r er convicted single citizen of disloyalty, orly taxed the people one dollitr for its-support„ and might be safelyesterided over the Whole-"boundless continent," was 'the beat government on the' earth, and must be restored"asit was" made by Washington, or the whole land must needs col lapse into chaos, anarehy and rain. , The Day Book, therefore, demands the resto ration of the White Itepublic, and as this must be and will be accomplished either though their reason, or the blood_ and suffering of the people, it earnestly labors for the former, and by boldly grappling with , the errors, lunacies and crimes of Efkmgreltsm, it strives its utmost - to save the country from the awful necessities of the latter. ' The Day Book will, however, hereafter be ! more than ever devoted to all the market purpo• I sea of *roma paper. Comm-ions that it reach ea thousands of families who take noother journal, beyond perhaps Abelr local paperflt will continua and improve -its "News of the Week", Summary, so as to present a transcript of. the World's events In each-issue. DI "Fam ily Department" will embrace the best original ,; and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart ment" will be fully- sustained, and being the only paper of Useless made up expressly for • country circulation, it is confident it is Worth Isionble the price of-a weekly hurriedly , reprint, ed from a doty ' , r : I r t slues full and complete re therrtsoK°rVStly. t. eta: iri 'P rovisions and - Cotton Marketa, and a Week 'y review of Financial• matters, to gether.wlth the markets, by telegraph from New Orleans, Chicaso,Charlestan,PMadelphta,' [ Re., .te., up to time of Erolps. to press, , , ' Term - a—Owl& in Advance. . , Onecopy one year x. On Three copies one - year • • SOU Five &mica one year, and one to the getter. up of thfi Flub . , Iditio”- - - Adialtlooil .7 6? - ples.. , - 1 7. Teh (ivies one year, and one to the getter up of the club - . 2.. —.. .... 17 (0 Additional copies...-., 1,70 Twenty copies one year, and one-to the get-' ter up of the club ~- ... . . .. - 40 00 Additional 00p1e5,...-2..- .... ..:-... 1 50 - - ..... _ Send - for Specimen eoples and , Handbills for use wherever they ean be advantageously dlr tributed. and give us the names and post-aloe addresses ofll who, would be 111tely to sub, scribe or get u clubs, AN HORTON it CO, ' No 182 Nassau St.. New York. .... 1.23 Eiiiiiiiii .fireenbacks for • Bonds, • EQT.YAL .. TAXATION If "legal tended'' are good enough Tor the std. dier, merchant, fanner, mechanic, labor ,er, and all others who pay taxes, ltuti are good enough for • rich bondholders.who • . • pay no taxceL. • • TM PITTSBURGH POST, 'nu; only Dehmemtic dally In Western Penn syNanize; and &that-class newspaper. of the latest tntelligenco from all parts of the world, full local and ‘ornmercialtepott‘togoih* wit'' er vi a'east amount of taisctellantstus matter, deltse,red to subscribers In /Pittsburgh and neighboring elites arid teen= at low price of Mite= Cecil IVrealk b* MIA Zig/18., nags a Year. THE WEEKLINPOST, lalrealatlett larger than any Won- 01 91",sweek 1 7.Pe• per published in Pettnsylvanla. A large gigot Pogo PaPer, forty-elght colunituof matter con tains re lending Odt as publiShed in the Daily P ost? full rep orts the: doings ot the Ittunti—„late telegninue, cable, Meal and market reports, steribuitura4 poetry, stories,. etc., , malted to any address at. TWO DOLLARS A, TEAR, . Or ?tress ordered in dubs five and crest t. • ONE DOLLA.II4 AND NV= CRINTIL Mg. Circulate Ms Post and increAse the Demo era* lc vote. All ordets must be accompanied with the cash, and no deSlatlOn• made from the terns' Orli abcpw. Sptcltnea events mailed to any addross, free of charge. Address' the publishers, ,JAS. P. BARK & mrs'6B. Pittsburgh, Pa.. ita 40a WANKS ! MAXIM t 'oconpkdo assort _Fla went of every kind of - Wanks - needed by Attorney', Just! blee and Business Wm: for rode at the orr"o YOB PRINIINO of emery kind; In laze of J mill quaoLltles, plain or colored, done la tits e, and at moderate ;Week at the 0 0/noot k • aV - 5LA10041../t eoniplete rustor ont of every Wad olltlardia needed by Ye, Justices, Constables and Baldness, 'Maw tarsals st do Observer QS* TUB Illttnizio of etery- • luta, ha large or • man qoatittfles. plain or* gored. doze Obsomir o d of..zoodaniukmikop. Vie PitOSI 3 MCTU . S. TERMS: 4:1e44. Ei9~'~l~'Y~i~ED'~ ~~Y&t4: HALL & WARFEL, •WFIOLL.,ALE AND REITAIL. DR.UGGISSTS!' ALSO. IMPORTI4RB OF FREfNCH • WINDOW; - Aiul Photographic Glagi! 630 State &rein, Erie, Oil. We have lately received another large In voice of FRENCH GLARE, dhect frogs the fianntacturers In Europe, making our present supply the hugest In any house west of New Yolk, Our ston - k La store Embraces Nearly . Every Size, both of Double atfflingleiltrength.— Dealers and other's in want of Glass will FA VOR THEIR INTERESTS brextuninlng our stack Large .sandfrz , prices before .bune- le- elsewhere-- a of Syi ingle end Daub Strength Glow Imported expressly - for HOUSE AND STORE I , IIONTS. The Sup .rjor quality of French Olass overall other kinds in 'ELEA it- NIMIS,STRAIGHTNESS, BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH Is roily admitted, end the Tritlinif Excess In price over American is of NO At COUNT; considering its betterqina.ltiet In ev e ry respect. A liberal discount made oh lobbing lots- to the trade. • AIERICAN GLASS. We have allies large aidock.of American Glass of '4 , lngle and Double strength. which we are selling at. low Rates, both In " , jobbing lots to dealensand In retell pareeLs tomtit buyers. Paints, (His, Varnishes, Ate. 1. Ibis department we keep well' supplied with every article used In the Planting Line, from a harrow to the finest house Included. The quality of these articles F not• excelled; and warare selling at lowest tuarlcetrnle4. Dye Woodocand Dye HMO. In this class of goods our stock Is extensive and complete, Including the !Leanne dyes, and we.are otnring strong Inducements both to Wholesale and Retail buyers. Drags, Medleizies, ChemteaLs, ae., Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent 'mew- Perfumerietc Toilet Articles, and 311scel 'anions Goods Is extensive, having frotn,long experience been bought with much care; and the public can depend upon finding the largest stock of the kind to Western Penn'a., which we are selling at close figures either in whole or broken packages. janitAirn. J.. E. ASHBY & CO., W holeaale sna zeta I BOOK BINDERS, - . STATIONERS, MEI Blank Book ManufatetumrA. Magazines, Music nuoks, den., lx,uud iu any style desired, and Li the neatest and 0. twat manner. • AR Wads of Rail Road, Commercial, LEM Blank MANN'S COPV ING 1300 K-14, And Paper id' all tilzea on hand !)r made „ • to order. • t RITMO OF ANY - Particular PATTERNi Dime with neatness afid dispatch. • N 7 lO CI S OF ALL.KINDS ON HAND Anuiliis branches. dime toarder ucathesa and dispatch • S. F.. ARIIRY & CO., te t reet, %light's Block. Erie. Pa janT/39:1y The . New York Sun, An Independent Daily Newspaper, political and general, giving all the News in a fresh, read • able, attractive manner, condensed so that a Mildness marl - can find time to read the whole. Charles A. Ikuta, Editor and Manager. Prise fa a year,ll,so for three months. TEM WEEKLY BUN. Prepared with great care for country subscri beta. Political news thoroughly kcontlerusek Farmers' Club fully reported. -Markets accu rately given. Horticultural and Agricultural Department edited' by Andrew S. Fuller. Great variety of interesting miscellaneous muting, snaking It a Erst-rate GENERAL FAMILY NEWBPAPEIL Those who wish for a thor oughly sellable paper for the pending most Dn. portrait Presidential Campaign, will find THE 'WEEKLY RUN efactly what they need. Price, $1 a yeari 20 coplea . ,Mono address, ; becopies to one address,437,so; ZOO copies to one address THE SZICIAVEETCLY BEN: game site and character as the WeeklY, but furbishing twiceus much read matter and giving the news with greater ness. Great pains will also be taken in making up the polit ical news of the day for this paperi so that the reader, whatever he his politics, will find the SEMI-WFRtfir.Y SUN to be an - accurate' and comprehenve compendium that lltil infor mation. i ntam, we mean this shall be the most valuable campaign paper in the coun try. Price, $2 a year; 10 copies to ono address, 118; MI copies to one address, 835; 59 copies to one address, 180: always in advance. Address, ttitYZ-Chy., THE PUN New York City. SIECUJEtik.7r3( Life Insurance Co., NEW YORK. Asmets, - Vee. 1, 1867, . _ $1,286;390.24. Buyv.u.o, IN. Y. IBGS. • This certifies that we, the undersigned. have examined into the merits of the SECURITY 'LIFE INSURANCE: COMPANY, and believe it. to be sound, reliable and equal to the beat in, America. 'Sidney Shepard A Co., Wholesale, hardware . Dealers. A. F. Tripp, firm of Sidney Shepard A . CO: Simons.* Maley, Commission Merchants. • Dudley's CO., Oil Refiners. i E. P. Burke, Farmers' * Mechanics` Nat.•l3anlr G. A. Williams, • " si J. 0. RobsonA Goldsmiths' and Jewelers. • Simon Neff Boot and Shoe Dealer.' • • lA Cm7Y.Supt. Foreet. Lawn Cemetery. - George F. Lee Attorney and Counselor. Cyrus P. 100; ale Co. Savingi Sank. Joseph It. FaireAdld,llegister in,liankruptey. • • AU persons desiring well to eall oh . ••„ • , • • • .• . .„ , M. M.- , 31001tE Erie ;;- Ta' , Geo:ma' Aiwilscese.mter4 anik' • • • • • W :Aimee P. Crook, having taken hie tan, Jas. deras a partn, name the Ist day of Aprli, lata,c the erns of James P. Crook & Bon, de sires to have a settlement otirik, old accounts. All persons knowing. themselves indebted to him are requested to can and settle without de. lay.' , • JAMES P. CROOK & SONY' Nam' In ' ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, • - - And • Montana:mesa of • • lATINDOW SAEIT:PIiA3II.I I / 4 DCORS & WNW.' • Moulding,, and Picket Fence, gerolifikwhig; ithitcblng and Planingdone to order: - t3lloll..oll•lPcraPh - Beta/eon Yourtblizakilfili Ste., Erie, Pi. ; WQ reepectirdlY,ddi the attention of the' pub 'He to oar facilities mr doing work in the heat of style. promptly and on reasonable terms. tittw up entirely newabope, with in= sv machinery we feel ockalideat of giving Uon. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. mv2rei-tr. JAMg9 P. - CROOR hSCA • . . . .ALE xamwrity ! , ‘GFECP..: .113A1M166, POrtnerli with 'l:katlieut it Baker loOlif4r, paving . Wien tfie well known Brewery o giZiA below , Vortneili centupled' by Wm.' Utak woullt: lona firs,oldseqriulatoncnit laid the' publfq" • rally that he IS now *ming a very superior Quality ord3e.. /lota his tang ezisirlenni gad tadiritiOneees,tm Ss fatly preiwroS toWsitiut twat of satisiiintion.• Dealers lifeldirttect to• (711ilif s• • (Mg; Z. MARVIN'S rArrzzeT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES. Ate most desirable: for quality, finish 'and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFE.S cannot be Sledged! • Cannot be Wedgedl Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send fora catalogne to MARVIN 4k. 43(0 (oldest rare maticesetarers) (265 Broadway, New York. Principal 721 Chestnut St.o Phila. Wareboueee 108 Bank'St., Cloveland,O And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. THE UNDEU/ST.GrNE.I3. Having purchased the Interest of the Wins. 'Vlncenta In the , FLOUR AND TEED' ,BUSINEf3& Of the late Arm, want/ 'respectfully - solicit a. mutt/nuance of favor from the .friends and pa trons of the hones, and the public in general, pledging himself that be will avail time!' try to sell good and reliable • • , Veed and Gai:ain At the lowest"priee for cash In land. Front MY long mtplerience in this branch of the trade, Oust I know what the publfe demand, and that lem prepared to meet, that want. , Returnhmzmy thanita .. to the. public for their 'Werra patronage Intim In the' past, I hope by, strict atTention to nay business and their wants, to Merit a eoritinuance of their patronage In the future. 4 , • • THE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, " AND ORA nv -IftTSTIC ESP., *Will be continued, in all its departments, at the ERIE MILL, PARADE STREET, --' awl the iitore, EASTo Between BroWn's HOicl4lld /iced House, 7. , Where the public will ands wild stock always for sale, with competent 'and polite men on hand to supply their wants. H. It I/AVE/MICH. ' NEW LOCATION'. GI-. P. I:lA_NTIfil • liras removed to Whittich's Block, turner of State and Teuth Streets, Erie, Pa., where he has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Or Groceries Fruits, Vegetables, * Previsions and every - thing usually kept in a drat-class grocery establishment. We are determined not to be surpassed, and invite all who want any thing in our line to call, feeling assured that we shall be able to give satisfaction both as to qual ity of wesis and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. We have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT , Po which we ash the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied with F.111:11T13, VEGETABLES, ETC. apr2:oB-tf. • J. W. AYRES, . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! Havingt, purchav4l the entire stock of Furni ture of Messrs. Moore A. giblet. I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET,' Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large assortment of . Parlor, Chamber and Bed Room Seta l ALSO, , . • BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, DEWS, And, In fact everything lathe line of Furniture. I am prepared to raanufacture to order any style that may be called for. Remember, No. 7i3 State street, east side, between -Seventh and Eighth streets. anZll7-if. JOEL'S W. AYREH. GREAT RED - UCTION .„. IN PRICES 2 • • COLE BON • . . . Hareem' and similar Mag azines. at •75' cents • • .1 • . and sisulkir Magazines, at MAO per Volum% ' andgasper'* Fran* Leelte's papers, at 22.25 per 3T,!•1". • , • • • - are aLsoi4sting and issuing • - • .. -13 'ELBo ok: AT .11,EDIICED titian 4 over Keyncirie nee i3tnts,and ah streets; ' • orouis.. • (3 0 x, VA-:.T-4, 2 an".‘ DESIGNER' & DEGORILittE ARTIST • . Neatest, Cheapest, and Beat Sign Painting West of New York . City„ Parlors, iiwlle , ChuTehe fa. &0.. • . Presiaiediti t4arkaatest atYle of tlie art. , , Qenefat Dadirnin&Mralliag ModeMft trie Patent, °Mee. and every deeerippon_ et Ores reentalTidnting executed phila3pti.y.' Ronan! Farrar 8a11,A704 woad door , rawer-IL • Tb , t4eati[iatt Maas.: I% am, nOw prepared to fu h conatatat , plotroient to all 'chums aaaatttt their houses, far fht4trp ranger= new. Uill3tand Profitable. - Ftftreentt to le 'per 'evening le *w ally earned.and the WO arid eincoorn.2 an much aa Hien. Oreat loduoaruenta ert Erred. • AU what see this nom° . pleees-nend , me pelt uuldreu, and tea the -business °far them. ivlvel. If not well aatisEeda pa7ll - for . metroohle at wilting to wie.- - PtaU,partiettlank mt . free.. Barnale sent brutall to /events. . Addrsoa X. C. ALLEN, Apirnsta;lfe. 'Jamie filif lOW it* tatArgst GET TOUR f9K,IRT A3 ♦T TIM Kew York Hoop Skirt HanafactOry 1004 Mato- Street. Fate, 1N!... Ladies'. - MisseSl' and• Children's 'loop Skirts of Styles Constant!) on hand Ladles can have their- !loop . Skirts made to order, so that they will fit, and have no trouble whatever. The New York Itooprtlittrt Factor/ have experienced hands in both otir utandfac luring and repairing departments. all our Skirts are made or the Beet of Flezl bie isteel and Materiel- Our Skirts are so constructed that the sPrilags fold Inwardly, and readily yield to' the slightest pressure, thus allowing them to callapee so that the skirt occupies the smallest poselble space while sitting, riding or in passing a crowd, and 'yet the moment the pressure is reams ed,,Alte eltirt resumes its original and beautiful shape. We do a I sell these famoutt Skive at half price, but sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other place in Erie.* Ladles who can not afford to buy Skills every little while can have their old ones repoired for a mere trifle W Be sure to visit thesNeW fork Hoopstkirt Manufactory before purchasing elsewhere. Country merchants will do well to give UM a call. NATHAN COHEN, Sueeegsot to A. F. Cohen & Bro., dee2l No. 10%4V;tate street;Flrle. Ps. • • Cor. of Penn and St. Char Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA., • , ,The Largest, Cheapest and most Suecessfal Practical Business College U THE UNITED STATER. Fifteen Thouiand Studen94 From. nifty - Three States In Ten Yam „_ • FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR; Contalnl i nfhi t Td i uf gn owg:n n , f oji n t w ill444 Course Piemium Penmanship , VLew of the College Building, llffetent De partroehts, City of Ylttßborgh, rte., etc., address the Principals, SMITH d 2 ccvssa - .. - mw. --- myl9%ki. Pittablugh, STEREOSCOPIC :~ ~:]y,', f:' CHEOMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, is - it/ it.. srlostloa a. tbs Troia to Ittotr est/salvo lissortmn.t ee: MI Slays..( •t.o.t ras ,alaostitet, mossfaalsro sat eseareartsi Wo pabost sow resr Maass/ osk,ses a 6teitosto7.:* Vlowls Motets/ • litssik. ; .111. - ,..1 Cs., Cabo, , C Iti.on I Central tart. Nit Cassals. NI :a/s.; Trmtas ts,lo, • Vecrtse/S. Wk.., alrento,. I Ortat W. , -. I Tie £54.., W4...5 , .... N 2 . 4 . ,.. • , &Mans, , Dolsersrs. ; Isms. Was roast I lastloilsnt , :ta, ' SAlsst. to . to. Oat Itipertod Vitas mlassis • Wt. ..g.t...t. iSolatti it.. asleast pro-Sart... qt la, a init.., 41 F. Italsco, ;An). ass Wet stunt pitatocrspltsts, oss/Istlas it totter(...!, 'I I ?Oct/. 1 Ilkts. I ire'ster. ry r.noasa ; ranap.,., I Puts. I O•notzat I taglasi. ; •satt s. Ikesttudo i /,..7. II pale, I Me real...W:4 Taaarsna. , l'aarataee...• a t cusd. I.• pp.. Trtaa•a. Vrnalli" try.lal i et:Ae., 1 f 1.14./.... T. r• I . 13.4.. 4.... 4. THE LANDS OP TEE Bums.. • *ow awl latssetif *televise oat*. Lias,ll*..l**2•o4 TrtoA. rat Core.* mei *rim. We a* Illes **lmes lent.* Anent% .. 111:11111[1111 OW* if CWS. , or Ire 'tun wiesei4l menace, Avalefee Pl*, Benda of I lola 0 I-11 Plholegraohle 'nee.* Diritartlase. the Mae. UV Illetalazd. Wet*. se: •1717.011C0PL1.-9•• maim . taetat• •••7 4el. ..60.n • 1•••• met el Mu kW. Hp. St 114 10.01 raOTOGRAPRIC •LlWllli.—Oat Masahes. et algal (a sal tat wu thaarbra u. r ovary so ratanf to watt; sal lasay Vil at abac V l es &ED ar ma* to rigr wen sedl at, arta ar Mm Mw aba aka. Ilzra• shool4 c.l tall wet Ware =Lag ttar CHROMOS. Thsaa belartral ►t M... that wear ie Ort/serastaftrart Paw..., at out rate their root tetrare 'array bra trt 0.1 . Learra. wttw Vlarula sc:t as 4 top trsa• r ma Inver scr. E. &H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 BROADWAY, N. Y., Importers euvl Staters of Pbotegrobio-Mateztals GERMAN SAVINGS INS rtuTION, Corner Eighth and State Ste., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Thu Institution is now open for the twit:taxa tion of butane,. Orrice BOURSI: 9 A. 11. to 4 P. Si. SATCUDAYS: i A. Si. to 8 P. Si. Rix Per Dealt. Interest 47111. be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. iDrRECTORS J. Elchenlaub. P. A. Becher. 'F. P. Ltebel, F. ticl2nelder. John Genshelzaer. • OFFICF.RS: John Gensbeinier,President Matthew 50biaad0cker,......0.L—.....„-Treaatirer. F. Schneider; Secretary. mysra—ly. ~ V . 11.130 31A11,13:X..E. WORKS. K. A. DUNNING, • No. 1018 Peach Streit § between 10th and klkth, P.shr, Pa. Nnzinizrektso t9nibitones, and inatetantleS* , &e... : 1 have on toad a large aiiiitnieni. meats Anil headstones ..warions leg; in • American and Italian. triarble;• and a cons of *the bottWorkmen in the state. Ail orders will be promptly attended to and Satisfaction guar-, an. Hy work is warranted unsurpassed. and I cannot be undersold by =tone- , Ohtani and Initection,or stock and prices epiiclteda AGENTS VAMM2:I' FOR • . . • Secrete oecthe, Great. A Wink •desetiptive. of the. Virtues and the Vices, the , Mysteries; Miseries . attd,Crintris orlorewYOrk ty. - ; IF YOU wish krknow how (Plumes ate " • and Tort- n a day ; how Shrewd Alen °re started In Walt Street ; how Countrymen are swindled hYPiliarpers; how 311bl:dens and ger chards are _Blacknamed ; how Dance Halls and Concert Saloons are managed; how Derailing Rohs& mad+ Lotteries are -conducted; -how- tock - and ,01.1 Corapanles °Agnew- , and koW the BiAbles Thirst, read this work. It'contalits V" earaighlire : tells l about the Miller ed mea of New. and la the spiciest and Cheapest work of Y or k nd published. PRICE OlfiX MO PER tory. Bend for'Cliculano and see our twins, and rs full description of Unworn: Address RiNES 111101 REA CO. Philadelphia, Pa. _. CAUTlON.—lnfettor works Oa almltaiChar antyr are belnactreulated. Bee that ,the tizta yon bur coatalula fine away - Lao and- soh at =NM eQPY: .• tabll-2w *NTS WA/ in Pon. NigliSeenes in the Bible: BY REV. PANIEE MAReff, Mioll FULIs free s Rowing, clear, s p arklin .L ,pure and Graceful sty le; for poet/view, g for beauty of thought and rich glowing MittOn; for nice analysis of character, g ra — p r, deilneatfomi and rim simollinbip; for life.iikt pictures. glowing WOODs raid 4 ppy 1/luntri, - nous, this work [nn; no count. Atom connn.l del ions tie the titsove,haver been receive.] 4 Bishop. Simpson. Rey. Albert homes ;.„ p or t er , ha], LLD. W. A. St, arm', D. 13 ;6, , Dna I:minimal], U.P., 1. V.P. Wile; L, b., ttel W.4 - ladher, mat. and leadin g , and toe press of ail denominations. for circular containing the ti.kine. Aq. u q are ever) where meeting with unpurallt It Is a most brautittal l Yl li nstroted-a?" 1 ' tra , lit_ lY Cound honks and Pleases evers l, o4. Commission*, *lOO to $2OO per mouth . "Itk -- C - iirillng to abLlity and ettergy. Atidre u zw,ol,r,g; meta:mil( , u Philartelhhta, Pai,cittettinat I, 0., Ch If! Or St. 41.1. fet,ll-za Guardians' Sale. - Ely Vila-L*l'ot aq order of the Orplianv D Court ot 'Erie Otinitty,Albere will he wi t twinkle, on Fitt DAT. ftb, Ise), l eciticjE, p. en., at Drake.* =Au, War tin. po em Dee , hereinafter described, -Fe ,tntereeta, by bluintliana aneenognen land tadanee b' the adult owners of ,the ~,keberibeid real eatate, lying, being and sitta., the township of Washington, tennis of :Erie, and Annulled-on the-North by Lefever Mottlandis of Chanel; on the hind of Taw; on the Sonth by Enunty lan a d, Join Ine part of sante pleeeilit Crawford and West by land of- Henry Grim; and tattling $5 acres More ot tens. being pan, or 1 , acres art apart:to thy belts - of-John Writ of partition in the tir Whims Court of ersi. ford county, at Nu. 20. April Term, 1%3. Utriz which there are 60211 e improvement, a n d able timber.. 'The tin =CO of said niece, t.,1„, . 16 3 acres adjoining; In Craillind county, win sold at the aurae issue.) TEitint.-One-third of-t_ purchase hand, onc=lidril in One year. and the In two years. Deferred mei/tato oi...trut h ! by approved senility, with - interest, p a , a b, annually. Poises...ion given Ito medlately. • WILLIAM J. CLPAILENs, Guardian of Xerxes tiring. who tuna one..sim undlV hied Inter 6d In said land. L.O. BfrkiCliAltn Guardian of Hiram Legran, -Lemuel Dada , Thomas Lecortea and Andrew tiro.s, who have, a.four-flfteenth 'fled lhterest in said din& • 11. di. PruX.Lorr, Attorney, Meadville.—fb4.3 A.uiltorl zeal. Capital - 13500,000. . . triTAL-- PAID MiXO.OO3. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANN - opened for hi:minim on MONDAY; DECEMBER. ani, 1881, In the banking office Itoccupiedby thr cupied bY Bergh/AA/Vs Bank. Brown's Bonding. unriii-eso corner of State street and public Park. W 11. L. scori. Prest.. Wid. C. MUM. Cat. num:gross: Dea WMers.. L. ikitYTT, of Arm of J. Hearn & go., Co‘ l . JOE.I. /STARTER, of Arm of Belden, t McCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Cord Dealer. W. S. BROW ,N Agent Buffalo & Erie R. R. JOHN C. BURGESS, of firm of Clemenk.,Cautc• ey & Burgess, 117bolesale Grocery...) 0. E. CROIJCII, of firm of Crouch sc Bro., Floca• Merchants, M. BARR, of firm of Barr. Johnson ,b Sea. man, Stove Manufacturers. F.p. FAMtAR, of Ann of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREISIGAKER., Grocer. della NEW LIVERY, Boarding ,and Sale Stable, Corner of French and 7th Sts. •(SHE SItSCRIBERS having taken the &WA. I lately occupied by Wenner & Johnsen,' wonid Inform the public that they have par. chased an ' ESTIRELY NEW STOCK - of Horses, Harness and Carriages, and are pre. pared to give perfect satisfaction to all who nay favor them with a call. We have the best stale in Northwestern Pennsylvania. tny2i-tf BRECUT BROS. FOR 061111 4 111 r L (Ll'densed by the United States Authorities: - I - I BEAT O.7N.TE DOLLAR SAL.E.;-liry and PA cy. Goods, Silks, Woolens, Cottons, Carpet. Ings, Boots and Shoes, Silver-Plated liars, Watches, sewing Machines. Cutlery, &c., to tw sold at the average price ofsl.oo each. Our com missions or clubs exceed those of other mitb lishments,and our goods are warranted to give satisfaction.. Clubs of ten and upwards recebt articles valued at from 83 to $/OB+ New drerlia: and full particulars sent free. N. B MOM:MAK & CO, novl3-3m. 40 Hanover St. Jioston Msss. JAJS E.:cut pi:cowl-I.ER%, State Street, °Nast te Brotzt's Hotel, have the largest assort/neat of Eye Glasses and Spectacles :Ever brought to this market. We , would call'specially the attention of tin public to our ilikeritO•TEMPErtED CRYSTAL SPECTACLE& which we warrant not to break, and will gives new pair for every broken one returned. ' Also, on hand a large . assoitznent of Scot tkh Pebbles, Glaasea to Rubber, Steel, Shell and Gold Frames. We Can snit Every Sight Ault warrant to give perfect satisfaction in every way. decl7-tf.' aw Mill for Sale. y-plir. undersigned offer at private sale their 1 Valuable Saw Mill property on Walnut Creek, upon the McKean road, about six milts from Erie, 'The Mill runs bp- water power, iY double geared, was built new three years ago, and is in good order throughout. The Mill has a large patronage and-a in one of the best k cations in the county - - Fourteen acres ,of land ! are attached; with the water privilege. There are twogood-Frame Dwelling Houses and Barn On the premises: Theplace' Is' Ss capital situation for a Grist Mill ra being on an ea ten rely traveled road, and In a rich agricultural section: For - further particulars address the undersigned at Erie, Pa., orsee th em personally on the premises DEBLITJ & GEIST. declo-2m.* _ - DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. THE DISTRICT 'COURT of the Dalt& States, for the Western District) of Penn:a Walter S. liakne, &bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts and other claims provable maim' said Act, bylorder of: the Court notice Is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interest ed to appear on the 7111 day of Jan. 1868, at 2 o'clock, P.M.. before 8. E. Woodrnff, Esq., Reg - later, at his office . In Erie, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said IsankrUpf. Andflarther tice Is hereby given, that...act second and third meetings`of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 27th and 28th sections of said act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. Mc:CANDLES: 4 I Clerk of C . S. District Court forsallt District n0v12.2t To the LADIELS who suffewfroru weakness (term, the back and of the limbs, with bearing-doxn pains, so it is with difficulty that they can stand or walk erect, can be relieved at once, and radically cured bytweartug Aim* FRENCH SUPPORTER, anew and elegant device, ne‘er before known hr used in this country. For fu! information. call (Irwin or address ivith stamp. E. J. FRASER, ti. P.. sep24-tf , Erie, Pa. % . olissitary lilliskraptcy. 'rills is TO GIVE NO r/VE that on the Oth day. ocian..., A..D.,118.1, a warrant in 'Lai:. ruptey was issued against the estate of Sy IN anus H. Hill, of Corry, Erie county, and state ..t Penns3lyamm.who has been adjudged a bank rupt on his own petition; that The payment kd any dents and delivery otnnv property beton g• lug SO him, for his use, and the transTer of any property by Min are itirbidden •by law; that a meeting or the creditors of said bankrupt. to prove ihelr'debts and to choose one or mere Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be boldha at,Sllll,Ol2lCe of the Register, in the city of Erie, Pa., b.!fore S. E. Woodruff,EnCl ~Re&j.erktis a ixid, D jstrlet on the 'Ztit day-oflZ a 'ffIOSIXFI A. nowtrr, U. S. Marshal. Messenger , By (1. P. Davis, Dept. U. b. Marshal. [Licensed by the . United States Government GOOD = NEWS , FOll. CONSUMERS OF Staple and Fancy Goods, =ROM:MOUT THE COUNTRY. HARRINGTON dr. CO., OF FIFTEEN years' standing as Jobbers and Retailers of the abovewods, in Boaton Lind vicinity brave concluded to offer the people of the whole country the advantages of their re• impertations and agencies for American mamnfactorieN through the popular ONE POL LAIL SYSTEM. Otir Premium List to Agents, and Exchange - List for Agents sad patrons, are -not. eetiall' 4 by any house in the country. • Best New Tort ' • • Boaton references given when required. .Sent for free Citcular. Bannucurros a co., der.S.Sin P. . Box Atz ,„ Bummer SL, Boston. , ' 44ailabitesitibi'is Notice. ETTEESI of Administration on tint estate a James O. Jackson, decd, late of Erie City, Laving been_ granted to th e Undersigned , notice is hereby. given to gat Indebted to the same to Make, immediati payment, and those having claims against said estate wilt preient them; duly authenticated for 'settlement • . • JOBS W. HA YS, Erie, Jan. 7,431 Mir - Administrator. „ . Voluntary 'Bankruptcy. Tars is TO °I'VE NOT= that on the 6th I day of Tien„ D.. 1340, a warrant, in back ruPftelf was: hamedfskainsilhe estate Of 13 F. - Sloan.of Erie city, Erie (~a nd State of l'enas . Vanla, who line ad4cdged a bankrupt on his own petition Vtliat the , payment .df ant 'debts and aeliVelTOPany'property belonging to Wm, for his tate, and the transfercif any PfuPo' ty by him are forbidden by law that u meeting of the - creditors otsald bankrupt, in prove ttit!ir debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Cann of BatOiniptcY. Übe holden at the orrice of the Register In the city of 'Erie, Pa.,_before' 13, E. Woodruff-, clay Register' in said District, on the Zth Feb., A. 11., isce at 9 Welock, A.-M. - 4'..1011A8 A. ROWLEY, 1L S. Marshal, memeDger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. tr. S. Marshal. • 111011LANfla .1: WANKS —A complete assort, LS meat, of every kintUof Blanks, needed by Islionteys, Jostroes c Oatuita" Mee and Busloess Mon, for sale et the O'Dwyer office. PIUNTING • of livery ce.. be quanUtteklilsdn or colored. done_ Ilse best stylkrind wolerste plea. lib 6 ' • t F..l i p ianl4•4w