Otto pbraiotmcnto, IliIIIM!!!ItS:ME verilseMents, to seenre inertion, Must handed in tty Wednesday evening, unless , they are less than three squares in length. tin advertisements not ordered for a speci fied time will be continued at the expense of the parties. - Advertising accounts are payable quarterly. Attorneys will be held responsible for advertisements published by their orders, and the bills Rill he made out Miten . names. The advertising rates on our first page till be strictly adhered to, oto, A. ALLEN, Attorney at LAW. Cor., of State and'lth Sta., over Nick's Drag Store., Erie, Pa. jaal%ll4l' Wanted. T KEYSTONE PAIL EARTORY, Erie. m,sueordsßirch Bolie, 6 feet long and frzril.S to 16 inchcs in diameter. White Birch ,ref , rled• . Furs Lost. BOrr the 10th or 11th of February, sonie , v bere between the residence of IL 14. lion ter soil the en dersigned, a Lady's Tippet, lined with brotro silk. A liberal reward will be paid (writs rerocerS• JOITN DUNLAP. . A4signee's Sale. 1) \ vinTrE OF AN ORDER of the District ) c o urt of the United States for the Western District of Penn's, I will sell at public sale at ralon, Erie County Aa., at the Bennett 11012.8 e, alO o'clOCk a. m., on the llth day of March, SS9, one handred shares of the capital stock of the rides and Titusville Ral,road Company, a I L of oil steek, and all the book accounts, of R. IL Frisbee, bankrupt. Terms of sale--t.ash. febTisc. lihN H.Y RERLET, Assignee. Administrator's Notice. T ETrEsS OF AD - MINISTRATION on teo L t.te ot Andrew baker, dec'd, Into of Greene CO. , PS4, bovittg Ixen granted to the undersigned, notice t o hereby glvenin debted to the sumo to make immediate pay ment, and presentg claims afgalust said otate w ilt p them, duty nuthenttmeted, for aettleinent. 11. L. PINNEY. 6w% Administrator, _Administrators" Notice. r ErrEfts OF A pmINISTRATION on the es- Lkte of James Tate, deed, late of Summit tp , Erie co:, Pa., haying been granted to the undeTalgued, notice is hereby given to all indebted to the same to make immediate pay meat, and those hiving clams against said es tate will present them,duly authenticated, for eettlemeni. MARTI:IA TATE • 11. L. PINNEY, Administrators. f Assignee in Bankruptcy. N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United J. States, for the Western District of Penn's., in the matteroi Win. V. Woods, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notiev, of his ppoint; vent as assignee of Wm. V. Woods,of Union, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., Feb. A. D., HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee, Atty. at Lavr, No. I= Peach bit„ Erie, Pa. fe1f2541 Assignee In Annkruptei. IN THE DIsTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District? of Penn'a, lathe matter of G. W. Browning, bankrupt. The ankimsigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment am Assignee of G. W. Drowning, of Union, to the county of '+„:rie, and State of'Peun'a,with kg said district, who has been adjudged a bank nipt upon his own petition by the District Court of saki District. Dated at'Erle, Pa., Feb. a), .4. f t o., ITENEY Ilt. RIBLET; Assignees, Atty. at Law, No. 11:3, Peach St., Erie, Pa. - 'Voluntary Bankruptcy', films Is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th day of Jan., A. D., /Ste a warrant In Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of It. S. Hunter, of Erie city, Erie county, and State or Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bank rupt on laiiown petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and tlie transfer of any property by him are torbiden by law; that a meeting of the creditors ar k sald bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more As,signees of his estate, will be held at a Conn of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register in the city of Erie, Pa. before S. E. Woodruff. Esq., Register in sald'Distrlct, on the Bth day of Aprll, A. 1). at to o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. H. Marshal, Messenger. 13y 0 . P. Davis; Dept. U. S. Marshal. feb2s-4w , Assignee in Bankruptcy. Is THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the Western District of Penn's., sin the matter of Solomon Cohen, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby givei notice of his ap peinnuent as assignee of Solomon Cohen, of Erie, In the county of Erie and State of Peim'a, within said diatrict, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon lila own petition, by the District Court of said district/dated at tkq, Pi., Feb.l9, A. D. 1669._ HENRY M. RIBLET, Amignee, Atty. at Law, No. I:C3 Peach St., Erie, Pa. felsri4t. Notice of a Proposed sewer. WanEIU sundry owners f real r tat butting on tatstr the city Erie, fietween Tenth and Twelfth streets, believed to be a majority of the property owners between chid points, have petitioned the City Councils for thC construction of a sewer in said streets, between said pointo; therefore, notice is here by given to alkilvisons having objeetlotus to the construction of such sewer at the expense of said owners to appear before the said Councils at their session rooms, on the 2:d day of Febru ary, inst., at 7,o'elock. p. in., and show to said! •coanclls that said petitioners do not, if the fact constitute . a majority of said property bwtv•rs, or owners of real estate tietween the jvAntit aforesaid. By order of the Connelts of MP city of Erie. ~ , E. I.IABI3ITT, city !solicitor, AMERICAN Life Insuranpe. _Company, OF , PHELADELPFIIA, South East Corner 4th and. Market Sts. Organized An Old Company—Nearlk2o yeah A Sound Company—Assets, $2,590,000! A Satf, Conipany--14ever lost, a dollar of In vestments? An k:a terpris lag Company—Bmlne- largely tnereAsed artatulllly ! A Pining Company—SO per cent. paid to 3ltt. riot ix)lley-holders: • NOME COIP.VI\II7 Phitadcilpas And Penssylvfmtans, 114SIME T VIE • ivrE I C.A Nv.! I:4u captt9t do better. you IuUrAIO Orue 3011N , 8. 0133223 W. B. GRAY, agent, • Walther's Block, Eighth fit., Erie, I' teles.2m. IP YOU WISH Try the Combination of y ALLEN, ATWOOD & DATES' `,) Great Mammoth Sale, LICFS'AED BY THE C. S. (;tIV'T Having had larger experience, n•c are confi dent of success lu our ONE DOLLAR. SALE, w'e will pmsont In any perwth newitng na a elub in our GREAT ON . E,' DOLLAR :4 A1,11.a Bak Dress Pattern, Piece_ of Sheeting, Sewing Ma. ebine, a carpet; a Watch, Etc., Rte. ALL FREE OF COST.' (ireatest inducements ever offetcd. Carta:it and 6..'1.1np1e soot free to any address ATWO .1) & BATES, Nos 57 Milk, 78 and 84 Devonshire St., feb7.s-Iw. Boston, Mass. The Christian; 00 Cents !I • 1 . LARGE, live 8 page mCdathly religious and family paper full of facts, providences, tneldents, music, Poetry, true stories, P l eturesi reading tor young, old, saints, sinners. one a nd .Z. , 10 sectarianism, controversy,. politics,. Putrs4 pills or_ retent medicines. GO cents a year, tc , *pes 25. Yor Sunday Schools, 10 copies 4. Send ,0 cents f r three specimens before you forget. it. Vol. 4 begins January, MI tik o ,..paea new live tracts for 81. Address' I. gAtrl'lN QS, Scriptural Tract RepositorY, /9 'Judah St. 'Boston Mass. 4w A 10.1.1:1 CLEMEN^3_, A. OKAY CLEME Who le Y, ,Mannfocturere andle Dealers In Cal. e,n ett. Land and Meek Planer; also of Bone lent and Guano. Agents for the sale of Munn .ezOent. Oates cOrnerof EleVentbk and French s trtets, Erie, Pa innl43ra Onee Mere in the Field. ita.ls7Y PERSON'S who, in seals gone b .I.ra were in the habit of using CARTER N BOEE A. I NERVE LIELMM4rr, but who of late yaws have bond it difficult - to obtain, owing to the proprietor having ceased to pre pare it , except in qtuantities, are hereby informed that I have resumed the are of tills most vrdnahle Liniments-oncesoopn thrauftl Part , of the country—W intend,p glt In every , store where mem clefts are sold,in this and the adjoining counties. my old enetotaera In particular and the public in general inar now feel sure of get. tit z this article at all times in its. toll strength and Purity. Prictcb.y Bottle;40 Cents. - J. 8. CARTER:. -jan2l4l • • L...l6::STlghli r - -, ITAvING bought Vie 'bugle notel, hi Water al ford, would inform the public that he boa tuorotuMl7 refitted tho same, and le noliltadY • to e teommodate all lu Me best of style. Mt . E ., table ls 'bountifuly: supfeed, attd the 'Arlo Worked fi l th the enotemt of lighore. t 11be23-11t .. . WEEKLY :OBSERVER NOTICE.—After this date no paper will 9 sent from this o j pee, for any lezrgth of time, without payment in advanie, unless by the order of partwi whose re.sponeibeity ire are ye guttinted with. All subscriptions must' be nettled r?nnaully. Bills will be sent at Ott dose •of each year to those who are, arrears. Jobbing accounts are- due *as ,soon as the work is delivered._ ,:c„ - • feblB-tf. Ormarsram.—Rev. Threw 4. Cases", of this city, ruad Rev. ice . giph Dunniof New York, were on Sunday last, ordained to the Priesthood, in St. Patric.ks Cathedral, Fourth street The ordinationeeremony was perform ed by Bishop Mullen. assisted by a number of c/o:mien of _his rilocejte. The' church was crowded to its'utmost - capacity 'during the progress of the Imposing ceremony. NoT Lumx.—The following has been go ing the rounds of the New York press, unit; we find it copied into several Perunsylvania r journals, including the Dispatch : "A. man from the interior of Pennsylvania. lost his pocket book a day or two ago. A by-sunder saw the thief but refused to de. scribe the pick-pocket. In explanation of this steange' refusal he asked the vie din," why did you charge me ten cents for 'a drink- of water when I was in the army at. Gettys burg?" There was nothing more to he said after that." We are astonished to see papers in our own State giving currency to statements of this kind. It is extremely improbable that any such occurrence as the above transpired, and the New York press only make use of it to cast slurs upon the residents of this State. Guam or Wivan Lore.—At the meeting of Councils on Monday night the Commit tee to whom was referred the application of Messrs Janes, Walker, Vincent and Mar shall asking. for a grant of fifteen of the city water Lots; handed in their report. They recommend that this number Of Jots be sold to the applicants f0r1 , 5,000, and that they further bind themselves in the sum of $25,000 to erect a blast ftirnace thereon within one year from the lat - of April nest. The capaci ty of this furnace must be at least equal to that of The netting° Valley Iron works of Meigs Boyce, Rawle S Co., and the bond to be given. under the .tom© restretiona and conditions imposed upon Henry Rawl() mad his associates. Councils adopted the report of the Committee, and, as the applicants in both cases are among our most wealthy and energetic citizens, we may look for the early completion of an enterprise that will give a new impetus to the,, business and prosperity of the city. THE PROPOSED NEW RAILROAD - .."-The new. route contemplated by •the Pennsylva nia RailrSad Company, to which we referred a couple weeks ago, is designed chiefly for the transportation of freight at slow speed. The proposed bianeh ' , road wilt' leave the Philadelphia Erie . ste'the,snouth of Ben net's branch of the Sits - tuella:no, and follow. that stream to the summit, and down tge_ waters of the lied Bank to its , contluence with the Allear7, and theve to Dttsburgh. Upon no Mori of this ,route is there a gradient exceeding sixteen feet per mile, ex cept for about four miles at thp stimmit, where -the grade will be 48 feet i )lnd abotit the same distance near the mouth'of the Ma honing, where it wilbreach about 55 feet to the mile. The lattei grade' maybe avoided by continuing .up {he aide hill alter striking this creek, iittul intersecting" We Alleg4ny Valley Railroad' lower down; but the iy - Ork would be expensive mot:would retard the completion of, the mad. It is not proposed to extend the Philadelkhia•L- Erie line be-- yond Brookville injhis - direction, as it will be there met by L7ii Western Pennsylvania or Alleglieny. Val;ey it dlro Id, the charters of both of w,hich comp: odes cover the ground. Prom ilrof4, - ,ville - the Philadelphia Ile carried Westward ly, south . of the Lakes:connecting , therewith by branch.roads. The giatling of .this rail way for *bout 20 miles' Vriow Under con tract, and till of its, expensive sectkona,will be let as soon as the line is Carefully located. This line will be constructed with the':view to cheapen the cost, Of freight transPortatioa, so as to com Pete with water lines leading to New York. • • ,• , A tiotutuliu. rtsvuung.—,A' physician of Williamsport, having for a long time suspec ted the fidelity of his Wife, a few days since resolved to set a trap - ,by,which•tO discover whether his suspicions were well founded or not. He cut away oqe of- the'panels of the door leading - to thejr sleeping apartment, in such a manner as to bi easily removed from the-Outside,and then gavd notice that he was - mins away and would be absent for some time: He left quit/tight but returned about two - o'clock in the morning, and, pro- ceeding to his wife's room, he-removed the panel and unlocked the ,door. Entering the room, his worst suspicions were verified, for there, .in - Unconscious • slunitlr, reposed his wife and her paramour. He quietly went to his 'study, saturated a sponge with chloro- Tenn; secured his case of instruments,-and re turning applied the sponge to the nostrils of each alter: watery. Be then horribly mutila ted hii-4/IkOLISCIOUS rival by cutting and slash body in a number_of . places, and fin ished up.lile:job.tor fastening a padlock to his wife'kpen3on, then callingat dip ,residence of brother physician, told Ihere,as a 'case at his house • which', required' attention, and took the train for patty "unknown. The Vietlin of this. awful, revenge was a Well known - gambler of Westfield, and his dead body was taken through our, city on .Satur day to his former home,. •,:. ismo. X : XVI Prexident Loco, - LtiatsLes.cos. —Representatitie Stranahan introduced the fallowing hills in to the Legislature on Monday : An act pro hibiting the licensing of any billiard tables or bowling alley in or near Edinboro. An act to prohibit the selling of liquor to stu dents of the Xo'rtnal School at Rodiaboro. An mot to authorize the transfer of prisoners to the Warren county jail during the construc tion orthe Erie jail. An adtlitithoi*ng the Road Commissioners of Wayne tp. to levy and collect a siecial tax, not to exceed 15 mil* on the dollar, to pay the indebtnesss of saig township. An *act to incorporate the Union Mills Savings Institution cif this cotm ty.3 An act' for the better protection and . maintenance of the poor in Erie county, and to equalize. the burden - of taxation for - the, same. Mr. Rea also introduced a bill to amend the road laws - in the township of Girard and Springfield.: Walnut;Trroi's Ditirtm.! .. .y.—The parade of the Irish American Benevolent Associa tion and the members of the Fire Depart ment, on Monday afternoon was a very credit able affair. Several hundred l wen were in the procession, and two bands tarnished most excellent music. After parading a number of streets they separated, and in the evening a social re-usion. was held- at Brown's Hotel. A large, number of ladies and gentlemen were present, several:speeches were made, some beautiful songs were rendelred in fine style, and the piano,' 'controlled' skil ful fingers, discouiseil sweet music: 'The festivities were protracted until longs after midnight, add the occasion, will not sooti be forgotten by all who were 'fortunate enough to be present. • , FROM TILE WESTERN PART O$ TILE Coax-, TV.--OUP correspondent "Baas". , sends ,us the following items fromi a yiesurn part e' thi county - ' Mr. Maynard, of 'pringlield. wan misty injured a few - 'days- state," by being' thrown front:his wagon. 'Ma shoulder was dislocated t 6 ,: the. fall. '..The w wok(' Over tiff, brtrislok hlm ,conalderably; Ji ii very slat, in the Western path of the nous% anionzsmall - chtldrett i wlth wluttnp. pean uta b e a coil oL diaternpar. ERIE, PESN'A, FEBRUARY 23,180 Court Proceedings,- - The regular - term of the Court of Quarter 'Sessions commenced on Monday, the 22d frig., !fon. John P. Vincent presiding. The following cases were disposed of : George Bird—charged with receiving stolen goods. This case was tried at a for mer _term of Court, but the jury failed to agree. A petition from a number of citizens of :Wayne tp., iisking that a mite pros; be en tered, bras presented to the Court The -re cognizance of thedefer4ant,finfeltedit last term', w ordered remitted, and rwlie pros. entered on paynient-of coats. "_ On Monday-afternoon the roll 'of Grand Jurors was called, and, previous to being" sworn, they were addressed by the Judge. In the course of his instructions he re marked :."kaut informed that thereis scarce ly ail eatingWawa or saloottln 'the city that does not have a lottery once a week. If it man has a horse or a watch, he puts it up at a good price and disposes 'of it by lottery, and the excuse is that the churches set the _example." The law relating to such illegal practices was read, and the Grand Jury in formed that it watt their duty to do some thing toward preventing the habitial infrac tion of this law. Iu the, case of Barbara Wolff—indicted for selling liquor pn Sunday, a nolle pros, was entered Cm payment of costs. , • Cont. vs. Clark McSparren, indicted for maintaining a nuisance—verdict not guilty, art4:teuity pay Abe 'costa, The defendant hi:owktier of the Eric City Mills, located, near the depot. A smallidream, called IchabOd Run, has been dammed up for the purpose of supplying the-mill with water. Com plaint was made- that in summer time the sluggish water becomes noxious and un healthy. Several witnesses testified that a• very unwholesome odor .arises from the stream in warm weather and alit sickness is caused by the Saute. The counsel for the defence proved that the disagreeable smell complained of was caused by the &posits of offal and filth thrown into the dam, and that the culvert over Peach street, the city in 18t15, had prevented the flow of water and caused- the stream to rise about fifteen inches higher, thereby Making It a reservoir that retained all &Testis. The Court held that as the city had erected the dam, and not Mr. MeSparren, a mistake had been made in selecting the decadent, arid the jury were so instructed. ' James Hayes,-indicted for stealing a horse, buggy and harneas from Mr. Chambers, of Harbor Creek, plead guilty ; sentenced to four years imprisonment In eenitentiary. •Lovitt Sterling, indicted fur larceny, in ap propriating two one hundred dollar notes, and other property, to which Mr. Churchill, of Le&ea, laid claim. • Verdict guilty. Sentenced to penitentiary for three years. Kavanaugh, plead not guilty to the soft int peachritenrof having surreptitiously obtained possession of Philip McGuire's, pocket-hoOk, containing $45. The evidence would seem to indicate that Mr. Kavanaugh was guilty, at least so,thought the jury, and he was sen tencedlo restore' the stolen property, pay a fine of Copiiiict costs, and be committed to the Weitern Penitentiary for the space of three years. - , • • Michael Tirana vras found guilty of selling liquor witliont" a license, and sentenced •to pay,a fine of 4r,49 fartbe benefit of, thitaat lifilf Creek school district, $5 for 'the' law library, and the costs of prosecution, and to stand committed until these 'accumulated pentilties'were ,forthcoming. • The point vas made that Amon's:wife; was the Party' Ntirj sold tbe•liquor, but the Court held that a man Ns:n*4 'responsible for his better half's On - Janet. • Peruis and Sarah Clark, indicted for . conspiracy. Verdict "not guilty; but J. E.. Fenno to Pay the costs, -- Jazites llorrig an, indicted for "wilfully, maliciously and riotously 'disturbing the pi - ace at an election." Verdict "not guilty," but defendant to pay the costs. In this case. Mr. Ilorrigan was charged with making a riotous demonstration at the polls in Corry, at the last Presidential eleaion. We under stand that the suit was,brought at the insti gation of a ibw violentpartis who discov ered, some time after We election, that Mr., , i llorrigan bad voted the Democratic ticket, and who, until that time, were, under the im pression that ho had not'done so. trimen dons disturbance and t:eiy riotous demon , ' stration was immediately charged upon this gentlenuin; and,as the constable who returned him testified, it would not have been consid ered a returnable offence bad not certain party influences compelled him to make the return. . Nicholas Boardman, indicted for sodomy. Verdict "not gnilfr." but guilty of an attempt to commit the 'crime. The defendant in this case was charged with committing a crime against, nature upon the person' of a ,litde boy, son of Mr. Frederick Brown, of McKean township. The evidence was not sufficient, to convict him of the actnal commission of the crime, but was strong enough to show that an attempt bad liken made and so the verdict was returned. . • , Oar rennet closes with the proceedings np to Wednesday evening. Anvzirrist Yorn Bruno SALES nt Purses.—The season is approaching when vendues of personal s , property will be com mon in all "sections of the.county., We al lude to the subject thus early for the purpose of reminding our country readers who in tend to sell oat during the coming. spring, that too much attention cannot be paid to. adiirlising thoroughly. Advertise your sales #ii,the nees*PaPere. It may cost you a few dollars but will probably add twice as much .to your proceeds. A handbill is only seen by, few, but the newspaper reaches the many. It goes into the houses, and is read by all the members of the family. In this way your itr will get greater publicity, and will in do e a larger 0 - tuber of persons to attend. • Fatiants OP Wzrroisn Saturday night the "human velocipede" came to a ball' at Buffalo, New York. He alleges that be is compelled to stop for want of funds, and the reporter of the Sun—who was agzompany-, Ing him in his great walk—states that Wes ton, and the reporters of 'several newspapkts t are now at the American Hotel, in Buffalo, in an almoSt destitute condition. At the time he broke down, Weston was ten days behind time, but he was stilt confident of ac coritplisthlnghis 5,000, mile walkand baying threellays to spare. 'As thia — la the second failurerbo has attributed to scardity of funds, we conclude that big walking, ass pecuniary transaction, is not very profitable. - - . Fvici:t - Accmuter.—A rumor was -ctimmt in 'l4 city on Saturday that Getup TabOr, Esq., a well known and highly respected citi zen of Union, had been killed at Warren on the 10th inst. It gives tei much plaits= lie able to State that the' rumor was uncoil ed, although.a sad accident 'occurredfn Nar-, ren :on that day by which a getelleinaitnamed .Gepite - W. 'Tabor, of Pine Circle 0)4=14, came to his death. lie Was Aide:kiting to get im 'beard a pusenger„ins - faait wasshut leg, whenjae. accl4ol+ l 34ly: slipped and fell beneathitlie Wheels - Orthe 'eat wliare ke was crObed itxsttel(at . tuul tier as ta:proditoe death wlthfit,a Sew mehntes. ” • Jianiona Accroua ,--11. yrutng son of pa tiluteidar was riding on the front of an eagitte.-oni the Buffalo to Edo rind. oa Thtusdsl of jatr = irk; And. attempting ti jump'riff 10: tba p4pase :of eitenglng switch, lie slipped" and :fell wit/I%bn( leg 'sato* the track. The limb i: , was canside . :stay. mingled • by tint now•astcher, end* tbe llttlo felkoti only tatted .mmswar from, Want death byseirpg tolditf one of the nun bars of thelmateirork and , haiging on tintitmt Pied from hitt pelikelLS paidtion Autobiogrspittr. !ki:lo7 ilyirt 4 Gitiose." [the following editorial from the daily Republican of Friday is so strikingly. beau -14 awl priginal that we cannot Amon* to Labe trlittlittid to the ttyp or% timeituitired subscribers of that wonderful paper : We take the liberty of 4tiding it into chapters, and head lines, in , er to ~bring pu t ; it Ter i:: Re the more plain ly .. -. CHAPTER Goose's Prefate—Whys and Wherefores of this Eventful History. iathei day: the suggested thit. - all :the applicants for postmastershlp here should send their papers down lo.the Observer office and have them weighed, and that the "win; ner of the "heavy weight", he forthwith de clared the Inctumbegt bt the alliee. ' • CHAPTER IL—The Goose, as Champion of 'Light Weights" sees axi Obvisionsligiggestiort. The suggestion was oblAons from the "heavy weight" the editor of that sheet had given to the subject in severatriumhers of his paper,. , - „ CHATTER lil,—The R . cpuhtteari Goose makes our Billy Goose one of her Confidants. ' We asla are had high authority for saying sucks decision would be "sound on the Re publican goose." CHAP= IV: The Goose Explain; Ilia nun- ly inatory—Begins Life ai a Daakikr. Anxious to know all abotit his relatives. the editor of that sheet wants • tO know bpi long We have "been sound on the Republican goose" that tit should speak with such posi-' Hee knowledge as to what would riscy his ntatenial relative. ?UM'TER V.—ln Seconds" ils Trans. formed from a Donkey Into a Full Fledged G9ose. Willing to afford our cotetnporaty till the information he wants on Ibis interesting sub ject, we reply that-to the beat of our knowl edge and belief-it was just about Varoseconds Previous to writing the paragraph that an disturbs his goose-ine reflections.- PpiT sottPT- I lt might have tent a Pruetlon Less. It might have been a fraction of a second more or less; We really can't say. POST SCRIPT No. 2.--The Lorigth - of his Eats =de the Task a little Dlftlealt, and "Thu. was kr precious." All we recollect about it is that , our "time was'so precious" that we really hadn't time to make a "note of it," as Capt. Cottle says. CHAPTER Vl.—Thcr Goose again Refers to his Fatally Record. Again, so anxious is the editor of that pa per to find out the doings of his aquatic pro jenitor, that he propounds another "goOse” question, namely—whether the "Republican goose" has adopted us as one of its "gos lings." CHAPTER Vil.—The Old Goale Tells the Sllty Goose ConfidentlaUy that he is not her Gos- 1M We have made the necessary Inquiries, and we are glad to assure our cotemporary, an the authority of the.old "goose" herself, that she has not; that the position is not filled— CHAPTER VIII.—She may adopt one Some Day, but it will not be a Donkey In Disguise. —that when ebe adopts another "gosling" she will choose' one like the editor of the Observer, with well-developed pin leathers— CHAPTER IX.—The / in one of 1114 Aqua tic Excursions nuik a Startling Discovery, Uses Soap fort First Time, is Taken Sick mid Otto p a Disgusting Quantity of Old. Bite. • effect hatred - of that article which so tually spoils all water for little "gos lings to paddle ht., familiarly known as— soap. ENO OF TIM STORY AND OF TIM 911 Ly aooss Tin PatLit:patents swn Eats Rstutoan. —Prom the published statement of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, who are the lessees of the Philadel phia 4V-Erie road, -we gather the folloWing report of the earnings and expenses of the latter thoroughfare, for. the year 1868: The 'amount arreceipts from passenger travel was $331,437; from freight, V,101,013, and from' miscellaneous sources s7l,loB—making the total earnings`during that period $2,804,250. The total , expenses foot 4 $2",:q7,125, including the thirty per cent. of the earn ings which is payable to theP.4k R.R.R. Co. The loss to the company operating the line thus amounts to $83,274, or • $271,177 less than the loss of the preceding year. This exhibit shows a flattering increase in the baaixtess and earnings of the road, under the etlicientmausgement of the lessees. The increase can be ascribed principally to the development of the freight traffic, and the decrease in the relative expenses arises from the tact that the great outlays of the prece ding year, when the road was very defectiie, placed it in a condition which diminished the eapentes arising from - its former incomplete cbnstructlon. Rernsorrox.—"Under a misapprehension of the facts," Mr. P. T. Barry withdraws the accusations publicly malt: against the honor of Mr. Barrett, and gives him a certificate as being - "arr honest and -upright young Man, and deserving of public confidence," in con- sideration whereof we presume Mr. Barrett withdraws hts suit for libel which he pre ferred against Mr. Barry. It often proves a very disagreeable matter to rush into print and afterwards find out that statements which are publicly paraded are made without foun dation in fact, - and We are glad - to see in this instance that the proper. amends has been made by. Mr. Barry when he discovered that he had' iterated charges wittiont - sufficient proof to verify them. We hope out friends will immediately establish the entente conf late, by mutually forgetting the cause of their re cent unpleasantness. Ws announced last week that the tie vote for Burgess, at the recent municipal election at Warren, had been decided In favor of Mr. S. J. Page. by- the contestants drawing)ots. 'The - Warren - Ledger: DOW puts a' new face on the matter by stating that't,he act of the Legisbattre, passed 183-1; which provides that in case the same number of ballots are cast for opposite candidates the parties shall gamble for the office; will not answer in this case. The borough was incorporated about two yews before. this act was- passed, and the-law only applies to boroughs "here after incorponded." From this the Ledger is led to infer that Mr. Page is not legally qualified to act as Burgess; at least until the matter is determined in Court. DELEGATB.B ELECTED.—The ClituntY Com mittee of Crawford county met at Meadville last wet, and elected Thos. W. Grayson Senatorial, and John G. Burlingham and Thds. D. Nash Representative delegates -to the next Democratic:. State Convention. These are most excellent selection; and we congratulate:our. Crialbiti count)! brethren upon,the good judgment they have displayed. The Senatorial delegate belongs to Crawford this year by virtue of the system of Acres ton' which has existed ever since the district was. organized, aud which. has _worked so pleasantly in the tduit iL is tat laely tt r A be interfered with-LI:1r along tinii id come: The de/egales were letiiiithota instrietlimst- tqunrtett ItstisnAD. We The - great East" and Weit railroad lines are tigaink:ai ente , :tirithr onis !Anther: Weatteard ; Wind .freight. has been reduced! from $1.70 to 40 `cents per 100 pounds, and .e corresponding reduction in passenger „rates is predicted. This will not be Tetr good f o r the stockhold ers,, but the public will for, a time reap the benefit • As seksi as the 0:int:I among rival lines is 5e 1 404, the Wit reilthe inereased'so that ; compensation far Wises will soon be blade . , • galinn4rx lqcssruanzam.—An attempt trurtassie trulueetbmittitt Lott totietAro to -thatirielt-blockttin !Peach street; &We the depot. A quantity of oil Was poured on the ;flow 4 attd Ward. but %Ito. Ewes, died out, without.coMmunicating with the boards. IR ADDITION IC) . t il e candidates . mentioned jest feel: *e' hat :the : Itayot.,4l.ten A. Craig; Janice of the Peso, West Ward, ;Daniel Sullivan; ' ,Coruttable; West Ward, -David Dor:merman. .11s. John J. Doughistis'also named es a candidate ;the Justice of the Peace in thaVest - Wird. • L(HCAII.IiitEVITLES. THE first day of• Sintag. according to the "Impose; is the 20th of March. TIIS North East Star has been enlarged to the extent of a . column on each page. Tan price of petroleum has advanced ma terially within the past few days. Tan life of Dr. W.lli. Jennings, of Titus ville, who' accident :4V Poiktoned hiln 3 e/ it recently, was insured for $15,000. 1? us said that ,petitions are in circulation in various towns along the Lake Shore tail road PraYinc the company to dispontinne the running of trains -0m Sunday. - Passings desiring to visit Washington city during the inauguration ceremonies, can procure excursion tickets, good for the round trip, for $19.05. Tug seventeenth of next month is &int Patrick's Day. We presume our. Irish fel low citizens will take some - method to' ap propriaely celebrate this festival of Ireland's great apostle. . on the Lake Shore Railroad is very brisk at present. The average number of freight cars, passing over it reaches two hundred per day. There is also an Increase in the passenger traffic. Tim Warren county Democratic Commit tee will meet at the Carver Rouse oil Tuesday, March 24, for the purpose of selecting a del egate to represent that county in the State Convention. A. GREAT many are prevented from :going to church on Sunday, on account of wet ' weather or disagreeable walking, hilt these causes do not prevent a single man from at tending to his business on week days. Tan store of Beecher Nam), at North East, was entered by burglars a few nights ago and- robbed of ' about - MO worth In money and goods. An attempt IPRE also to *rob a hardwaie firm in the same town, but the burglar was discovered and com- - pelled to beat a hasty retreat. TR: Pennsylvania Central Railroad Com pany has purchased the elevator and dock connected with the same for the reported sum of $200,000. If these figures are cor rect, the former. proprietors have received a handsome return for their Investment, and alI other citizens will rejoice over their good fortune. A, MAN named Jacob Yehi, who resided in the vicinity of Warren, was walking on the railroad track in the direction of that town, on Tuesday of last week, when the -Aneom modation train west came along, and before he could leave the track he was struck by the coil-catcher of the engine and thrown into the ditch by the roadside. When taken up life was extinct. A:StSDnTDCAL considerably the worse for liquor went to the Court House on Tuesday, while the Court was in session, and, as the proceedings were doubtless calculated to pro duce-drowsiness, he concluded to indulge in &little snooze. Ills dreams were probably of an unpleasant naturO, as he woke up by giving vent to a regular Indian "war whoop."- His Honor kindly consigned him to jail.un , til he would recuperate. Ttios.z 4,f our readers wishing Marble Work of any • kind should not fail to visit the establishment of E. Leonhard, on Ninth street, between State and Peach. Be is un questionably The best workman in the city, and some of his specimens would do credit to the finest establishment in the country. Mr. L. has lately arrived among us from Europe, where his reputation stood so high that he was selected to execute the monument erected by the Duke of Nassau in memoiy of his de ceased wife, which is yeaily visited by thou; sands of admirers from all parts of the world,' and regarded as one of the most beautiful ever erected. New Publications. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for March con tains a number of excellent sketches, poems, &c., furnished by Bayard Ta y lor, John G. Whittier, James Parton, Mn. H. 1 Stowe, Alice Cary and others,' - • GALAXY is rapidly earning a reputa tion second E' no other publication of the kind in the country. The March number is replete with .choice literature, and we hove no hesitation in recommending the magazine to all who desire to suhs'cribe for a tirst-class Monthly. Tun NURSERY for March will gladden the hearts of the little ones, as Its contents are carefully compiled with the view of catering to the tastes of childhood. Parents who de sire to promote the pleasure and enjoyment of their children , and, at the same time, im prove their minds, should subscribe for this attractive monthly magazine. • Tan Esquimau ALMANAC !mi) Pourwst. Msztrar. the title 'ot a volume issued by Faran cLean, proPrieters of the Cincin , sari Enquirer. It contains a great variety of useful and valuable information. As a book for political reference It will prove indispen sable. Price 25 cents. • JCMJ:LICD. thyPortts—Suirrt—ln North East, ort the 17th inst, by Rev. Mr. Rusted, Mr. S. M. Gifford, of North East, to Miss Lori M. Smith, of Concord. Snirmomi—Gautokm—ln North EMI, Fox: 17th, by Rev. Thomas Guy, Mr. Jerry Simmons and Miss Hattie Graham, 'di of North East. ' WALLacn—Bcrnaten—ln LeEkruf tp., on the 16th hut., Mr. 3Luila Wallace to Mtge Sarah -Burger. DIED. filmirtorsoN—On the 12th inst., in Buffalo, Frederick Stephenson, father of J. G. Ste- phenson, of Elk Cre q fk township, aged 68 CoLE—In North East, on the 14th fast., Mr. Dgrius Cole, aged 85 years: Mot tax—Or eimsnmptlon, in `Erie, on 22d inst, John C. Moran, aged 48 years and 4 • months. • Noonxs—ln Butted°, on the 20th Inst.,"Mrs: Margaret Noonan, formerly of this. city, aged -about 85 years. THE AIIERI6IN LIFE IFISMAREE COM rAiiiroar • PutLantrultta..--This institution, which has been for many years well known among our citizens, is one which presents superior claims to public•cattfidence. Being both a stock and mutual Corporation, It pos sesses the advantages of both withotit the ob.. jectionable features of either. The stock holders are Persenalik.liable for the security of policy holders, and -the mutual policy holders, without sharing the risks, participate to the fullest, extent , m the • profits of the co 'T m he in y. " me last year was double that of the previous year, and its outgoes consist mainly of death losses and dividends to mu-: tual policy holders,—which have been for many years 50 per cent. The assets of the company . , as shown by their advertisement, in another column, are nearly $2,500,000. Its policies being all non-forfeitable, its dividends meeting future premiums, and its life lxilicieslielng 01 Made- at the age of eighty years, must commend' it to every prudent person. Every, facility is given to. assurers consistent with security, assisting, theiti id 'their -payments 'lf necessary, by, granting loans for. tempoiary aceAmunoda thin: AU the favorite forms of_ life , . endow 'meat, And reranun producing `txthcies • are issued; - and we may say with safety, that this Company, has no superior the' United ,States. ~";•• - • - - • 'hts luosi Vatic Colsatuz; trittiseAdvertiise= meat splicers in another column, is. one of the oldest anti most !thoroughly established Busing Colleges in -Vie •country, enjoying, by-far, the largest patronage of any similar Inatitntion'in the United States,* The princi: pals are men of .large experience in their pro feesiou, enjoying thp : 'contldence and esteem of the business community, 1141* eminently qualified for the distinguished. pOiltiona they occupy. For the large' and beautifully Blue tasted circular of the collez,e, ecintalrupg full ppa~rrti~culars, address the Principals, Smith & Voitley Pattaburtli Pa. • LEGAL linetswa.—We multi:4llmm harmed of-blanks that our assortruput.. tho most complete hi the.chy, comprismg. every' sort generally_ In use by Tuatices. Attorneys, Con stables, Property Owners Hula ilusiness•men. They are all prepared by ez.“- - Wen,. got up in the beet style - and sold at tii.most reasonable.prices. A. liberal 'deductlon will inido" to dealers or others - puithastot ib large.quantitles. -' • . • ,172.54 f. N'eto sabbertioentn*. Poor House Statement. --,AtfiniSW THOMISM THOMAS . I fV/I.LIS • :sand JACOB HANSOM Evp., Director* of e Poor and House of Employment for the County of Erie, inAceount with she County of Erie for the year A. D. lats: ItECEIPT4I. Jam 1-To cash In Treasury as per Au ditor's report $ 775 57 1 Tocash (rural-U. Conidaissieners 80,000 00 ; 9 property Feb. 4To cash from Willy Preston, • hoard March 4 To cash(ratline. KolOfor Mra. lifatthslen - .. 4 467'51 April itTo cash from Zle of clover see d 24 00 8 To cash from warrant issued In error 19 60l " 10 To cash from sale of Barley gpzy May 4 Tocash bo from rd Ohlwller for M. • Weigle's --;"r To - cash hom y J -- C, Harrison lOr 14 56 TbOnsasWilsolre board. • .„ .31/ 07 " 30 Tomah from sale of see clover d 18 00 JlllllO 4 To cash on °eel R R Urea 1 30 17 To cash from t Kolb for Mrs. Matttualerr.-.- • • lei :a July 7 Tomah from sale of c lover bay. 1 00 Aug. 0 To cash from Geo W GunnisOn, Each 4 liquor tines 103 CO Sept. 2To cash from C. Kolb for Mrs ' Matthaien IS 75 " 3To cash from Geo W Gunnison, Esq. 4 liquor fines 100 00 7To cash from flabermea'S ftnes.. 50 CO Oct. BTo cash frontJ ellarrison tor T. ' Wilson's boaisl " 10 To cash from F Curtze, Esq, one liquor fine Nov. 6To cash on acct R K fares.„__. " 12 To cash from F ,Curtze, Esq, 3 liquor Ibsen ....• ... ...... 75 COI " t 2. To cash from F Ohlw il' er for Si Weigle's board .. ..... , 35 fa " 14 To cash from Geo W Guimhs;O, Esq, I liquor fine Bee. 4To cash from 0 Kolb for Mrs Matthalen /8 75* Jan. 4TO cash from sale ofsheep shims -cA uo Warrants in circulation-- ..... 828 z , Total a 32,410 .17 Sitrgisnrrtruki , L. Bedsteads 810,00, brushes 87,00 Clothing and trunks 68,50,chatrs, stools, etc, $3,00 11 :A Blacssmithing $51.90. bags $7.50 .19.40 Burying the dead t1),65, butter 1,12.k1e... 41 65 Books and stationery 827,98, Beef 6800,26 PZ 21 Commission to Hayes &Kepier for sale 01 the Jesse Wail's property 27 00 Constables fees 853,46, coning $lO7. .. . ... .._ 1.18 48 Clockis and repairs 60.50, corn illai lii . - .A DrY goods 5061,48, drugs and medicines 634,11; 9% .5.7 Flour &In 8Z.77,Z, groceries $1,355,111 1,5)C 31 Houseates for house 14,94, hay 133,82-- 36 76 and kitchen Eurnituro 89 79 Harness and reptdr5..........,- , IZ. 75 Justices fees M,21, lime T3)111..........-... `•' 21 Mutton 85.418, police fees 530,00_. _.. _ kr2 18 Out.door paupers of all grades • 11,41)3 52 Labor on farm 5.1"5, plaster 6.1,50 212 50 Printing et paper 8:-V,30, potatoes 5191.23 2.1) 53 Plow points and plows $2,00. pork 8667,73 0( 711 Physician to out •door paupers 241 72 Poor house law 81,5 f), puilaps and re- Repairs on' buggy..' . . .' . ....,._. Removing pauperSV aria lieit'fie .... . . . . It II (rues to out-door. paupers I rissing through the county hl9 ii ti Sheep $9l, soap $l5, seal 65 ......... 111 00 Salary of A. Thompson director 1!,4" yes 160 2i " Thomas WLElls 150 2 1 " Jacob Hanson " 4:1; 00 -Dr R Dickinson physician Iyr .31)0 00 " Dr Geo E Darling physician in. Erie I year —..-.--. :s2 00 " Dr P G Barrett physen in Erie GO 06 " Dr B E Phelps physician In Corry 1 year 510 00 G W Walker attorney 1 year 50 00 " Calvin Pool, steward .575 00 " Miss Pool, seamstress - " 78 00 " Win M Arbuckle, clerk and treasurer 1 year 400 00 Stationery, stamps, books and ink 9 TA Taxes Kai, turnips 810, thrashing 679,u1 Id 64 Tobacco 8G2,55, hunting new farm 91,15 413 '7O Wheat gius, wool 9178,a0 ........ 486 .10 Western Penu`a Hospital . WA 62 Half of one liquor tine returned...._..._ 25 00 Printing law proceedings of new Board and annual statement fit 110 Coal for house . :18 40 Sundries boughtzt the Knapp sale Religious and educational expenses__ Ansonnt of warrants Issued '& 7 1,675 30 Waents In circulation last settlement 7,.t1 02 Cash on dep't In Erie Co Savings Bank 8010 00 Cash on hand In treasury 1,9.31 85 Total We, the undersigned, Auditors for the county of ,Erla.baslng met together at the aim of the County Commissioners of said county, and bay ing carefully examined the accounts of the Di rectors of the Poor and Alms House of Foie county, do report and certify that we find tlaeln correct as stated in above account. 0 Iven under our hands and seals this Iltb day of January, A D.113q. " [Rioted! • • 3L HARTLITID [ F. F. STOWS (1, THOMAS EVANS Win M Arbuckle, Treasurer, in account with the Directors of the Poor forthe year It DE.. . Jan ITo cash In Treasu r y as per Aidi. LOTS report ... To requisition on Co . l.3onaTnissiOnelrs... To cash for sundries as per Direefont . account 812 as X 1,817& : ......«. CU. Bywarrants redeemed....-....".. ...... By deposit in Erie 'nine Savings and Loan Rani:M.Bpar cent tutorest.:;.... 8,000 00 By cash In Treasury 1,987 Si Total .... ...... ..... ..... We, the undersigned, Anditorafor the county or Erie; having - met together at the Mee of County Commissioners of said county,and hav ing carefully examined the accounts of NVltt a Arbues le, Treasurer for the Directors of the Poor and Alms House of Erie county for the Year A D, leBs, as stated In' above account, do report them correct; and that we find due the Directors of the Poor, and in the hands of said Treasurer, the stan . of one thousand nine htni dredaxul eighty-seven dollars and eighty-five cents ($198: s'o and deposited In the Erie Dime Savings and Loan CO's Bank on call, bearing d per cent Intr.:eat eight thousand dollars (,18,0tal.) 'liven under our hands and mlllBOllOlllll day of January, A 11, 1 , 30. [Signed HARTLEIII I I.Sj F STOWE [LW, THOMAS EVANS :Lel . No of ontecloor paupers Jan I s Me& ..... No taken charge ofdnring, the pat • Total pled and discharged during the year Remaining on hand Jan /, No of inmates in Rouse Jan 1," 184 E it,tinsitted during the year Total Died 19, discharged 65, out ou trim es, bound oat Remaining in House Jan 1, .... ... 111 ' tiales6B; females 43-111. • WHERE Eons—America Irehind 2); Ger many 21; England 3; in the Poor Rouse 3-111. PHYSICAL CONDITIQH.-Deal and dumb 3; crip ples 17; , insane lik idiotic 11; blind 6; , beloleas 4 consumptive 1; foolLsh 2.; feeble minded 2, fits 1; rheumatic 1-111. Agft of Paupers nnw in Poor Rouse--1 to 5,6; 5 tole, 6; 10 to 15, ICk 13 tts 0,10; 20 to 30, 8; 811 to. 40,13; 40 to 50,10; 50 to 60,10; 60 to 70, 17; 70 to FO, 11; SO to 90, 4-111, ,Tll.,urstErr—lteals and lodgingat, rule, Corry and , Unfortfor out-door trot:Went pauper% 5.5.; and transient paupers at Poor Some, from one night to two weeks, of all grades, Zl. • Produce of Farm for the year ending 'Decem ber 31, 1368-.6 beeves slaughtered, quarters weight, 8,266 tbs; 3 vests 292 Ms; 52 sheep 2,030 Ins; ,13 hogs 3,950 ibs; 6 hides sold to Gunnison 440 lbs; 'skins tanned on shares; Mlitheep pelts sold for Md 2 0 5 o ba a l e a y; o9wodoc bibs hgo n ldo b /57 bush ldhpot ; tatoes; 354 do turnips: 20 do onions; 90 do cur. raring 15 do beets; 2,1340 heads cabbage; 4100 Ina gr6pm. 23' tons tap; 80 bushels elOver seed- 200 sipploen 20 do tomatoes; 150 winter squasb. Amok on Farnt-130 chlckens; M geese; 12 tur keys; 21 ducks; 6 hives bees; 10 shoats; 10 cows; 4 horses. Articles mantilhamed in the House-for-the year ending December 31, 18438--51 en's coats Z, to 70,vests 110;shirts 10% stockings 60, shoes 45. inandkerchiefs 501 overalls 50. Bop's coats 23, pants 38, shirts gi,lshoes 13, stockings 20, aprons 10. Women's caps 18, dresses 63, chemises 70, aprons 75, shoes 23, stockings fr. hendkerchms , petticoats 52, night dresses 14. Girls' dress es 37, aprons chemises 34, petticoats '33. shoes 12, stockings 20. 100 dozen - candles, 35 barrels soap, 300 lbs butter. All of which is respectfully submitted. [signed THOMAs •WILLIs, .T.ACOB HANSON, _ ANDREW THOMP.goN, Intrectorse, te1).3. - ;4‘v fI%IOVED W. W. Pierce & Co. Removed! Removed! W. W. PIERCE dr CO. have moved their hardware, Sto re and Agricultural Implement Store from 830 State street, to the . REED HOUSE ROW NORTIt-EAST SII OF THE PARK. They havithe Lamed EStahlishment to their line In, the city of Erie, and aye filling it with ari,lmmense stock of Pirstelass Goods. Removed ileinoved I! Rimmed I! I sirToßeef Rouse Block..' Ibt-4w . W. W. plsainr. t. CO. .10EMEMNSEMINCIER Br, Solt, DEALias mouth* and: 43eilt4 kiniiislting Goods i CORDER OF SEVENTEI BTRELT, ERIE. PA.. • • Agents Wanted, r °4 r a t iltelt u nt ate gu e sgti n gtilleg en ' gr t t . ave_ro Engraved bySartain. Size by 19, fr.-ea. -4 1On pet , cent. to, agents. ' Addeetli GOOMPIMET & CO.. Chicago, Or. No 57. , New Book-400 trliE Fludners%and' Mechanics. Attintiel esll- 1. ted .by George Waling; Jr:, anthem of "Draining for Profit," "Elamrib t esof Agrleni ture," de; A book ofgfeat• livery one. Scud' for lapW wtratilar; Agent *anted. TREAT dc CO., Publishena, 631 ,Droadway, New York, • 4W Go ere or Neck - • CIA'S POSITIVELY SECURED by the proper Nu use of Galvanic Electricity. It is believed that every case is curable, no matter hprar, Wt. The very warstenses can n it they desire, test the virtues of this harmless agent by calling at the office of y . •Dtt. fehl&t.f." • .trOttn. l 'Aiiiiiito, - .ldolo or tomato. I[2l-13V Ettl , TOWN 'Atttt ern toW3I the new' S.- Violet dnlr; mannesetured< by ramrifr CO., 500 Areb stneclintladelphle., , Send 56 eta. for sample, , fet4B.3rot, 'Z' . 47pb) abbertistmento. BEI BIICIIV. afroni the Dispemsatory VT the tiottidStatesol DICRS3fA c'RENATA—nucmy LEAVER - - - • PEOPERVIES.—Their odor is strong, diffusive; and somewhat aromatic, their, taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. AlEmeat, Paornarint atm Buohn leaves aro gently stimulant,with a peculiar ten dency to the prinary,Ordans. They $ 21, 14 11 4n-InoOnttiothtt Or the VrittarY Organs:sue as Gravel, hron c Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Broth!), Mama of the Prostrate Gland, and Ite. .tention Or Incontinence of the Urine, from a lostiOr tube r° UM Partaconeerned In its evacu ation. The remedy has also been recommended la Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous attrections and Dropsy. Hsasnumn's EXTRACT ErCRIT is. ,used by persona from the ages of It to 25, and from 35 to 5 5, or in the decline or change of life ;• after Con finement, or Labor FainarliedMettinsi In children. _ • ' In tilketlimsrcenliftrio femile4, the kitract Buchan.; unequalled by any other remedy, as In Chlorosis 9 r Retention, Irregularity, Painful ness or supprftsioa Cur.toßtary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Eschfrrotts state of the Uterus, Leo earthen or Whites. 100 0(/ . . . . , DISMASEA OF THE MAI:MP:R., RIDISAYS,IIRAV. NI. AND EMOYISMAI. ISIVSLLIMmI—Th is =edict Ile inereasesthe powerof Digestion and escheat he Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Un natural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pairtnnti inflammation. - _ MLitt nouns EXTRA MIMIC nes cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been giv en. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and bi n ate niatien el the Kidneys Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Ns; eases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bled tier, Calculus, Gravel, Brick. Dust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Dischargers, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attend ed With the follotringsymptema: Indisposition to I ,, ertion. Loss of` Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak NCITCS, Tremb. ling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vlsion,Pain In the Back,flot Rands; Flushing of the Body, Dryness of tbe Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal La.Vll - of the Muscular 'Oaten:l. etc. - Intlasnor.tes ExTItACr Bran; Is Diuretic and Blood-PurLfyiar. and Ctires.all Diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and !mail. rittes of the blood, etc., superseding Copaiba in affections for which it La used, such as Goner rhaa, Gloats of long standing, and SYPitilille Affections—ln these diseases, 'll i ad In connec -1;1. Dori with E.Larnofn's MAE WAArt. Bold by Druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware o counterfeits. Ask for Heimbold's. Titke no of er. . Price-642S per bottle; ore bot tles for SO Delivered to any address. De. scribe syz Monts In all oonstaunications. Address ILL T. lIELMBOLD, 591 Broadway, N: Y. • I . None are Genuine unless done up In steel-en graved WraPPer,Wlth BMW-simile of my Chem ma! Warehouse, and signed t'ehlS-2,1n, N. T. LIELMBOLD. HE 25 00 2 00 , s 1 w ell S. TODD PERLEY'S x-vr.ioNsi 4 A 71 4 60 10 00 Claim arid ColleCtlon A GME TV UN', Ocoee 49 North-West Park, 4rie, Pa: MAUR AtiENCY, after FOUR YEARS of very j successful experteuee, continues to give special attention to the Collection of all kinds of Claims arising out of the late war. Army and Navy Bounties; per Ana of Con -greaa from 1.081 to 1887. Arrears of Pay, Mixers' and Privates' Claims, Increases of Pay under late nets of Con. • grew, Claims of Prize Money, Mi• /age, -Lost Clothing Pensions and increases of same for all Soldiers losing use of fiend, Foot or Limb; also, Soldiers' Children's Pension, in addition to ihe Mothers'. , Also, Pensions for De dent Fathers Moth ers. Brothers and Ststors. All Pensions now payable from ds,tod pf Dis charge. Arrears under this act promptly collected.- - Claims tor lionsas kilted in action. Additional Bounty collected for soldiers who have lost their dllicharge; city, county and State bounties promptly collected; pay on pensions promptly collected; pay for rations, while held as prisoners of war, collected. Copies of laws giving additional bounties and increases of pensions furnished•on request In person or by mail. _NO CHARGE FOR COUNSEL. 9 Wi 30 00 .g.T.:, la 17 Information in rejrod,ta the 68.33 per montli bounty Rh - el' freelx Tit any time, ti.s • . also In ail eases relative to ex ` • peeted aneea. • Mr. Perley having had over forir years' expe rience in the H. S. Treasury Department, and having been Corresponding &cretins , of the , Pennsylvania Soldiers' Relief Association, and Commissioner for Soldiers for Pennsylvania during the war, is enabled to bring unequalle,k facilities and experience to the bu-barms. Refers by special permission id Ex-Governor Andrew (1. Curtin, Mom G. W. Scoamd. Judge S. P. Johnson, Cols. S. P. Dick, Andrew Swan, 0. L. Woodwiint, 'Harrison Allen, IL L. Brown, Ex-Mayor. A. king. Hon. Win. L. Scott. etc., etc. fcblB-6m. 6175 67 110,000 OD 'Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the Partition of the Real Es tate of Richard and James Crowley. ISTo. Id May Term, Itdl. • - In the Orptintre Court of - Erte Co. 'VOW, to wit' February let, M 4, on petition of EllenO'B. Crowley, widow of James Crawley ; deed, the Court appoint tient:lmin Grant, 1.5 q., Auditor to examine t , i , o will and make report as to the proper distribution of the real and personal property of said Jas. CroW leyodee'd, in pursuanco,of the 'mid • will, and What Wither order at" the..t mart should' be made. -Par Cur. - _ All persons Interested will Please take notice that I will attend to dudes of the above rip pontmeutAt my office; No. 505 'French street An the city - cot t to Pa., on the second Monde In March, 1869. at 2 o'clock. p. m. feb4 4w . BENJAMIN GRANT. Auditor. HAYES & KEPLER, REAL lESI'rA.TE 2,O'X 1,451 INSURANCE .-AGENTS. (louses foi• Sale, New 114 story 'House of T. Chrtstopli, oil But• Tato at., bet. Chestnut and Walnut sta. 2 Goal I Story Houses, with lot 80x105 each, on 11th near 12th at. R. R. Owners have left town slut Will a .. 01,1 cheap, For Rent. 2 Ttntetnenta; 5 mom each. CM 811 between Myrtle and Chestnut, at 11110 and SAO per an num. Possession humedlatety, For Rent::-Duelling Efentso of Capt. Dunlap's nu fiaesalmaitt., about 8 rooms, eeliar, water, Wrgarden, fruit, &a.' A goad tenant can v n e a. at it 17 5 per annum' - For Rent; on W. 4th street, bet. gassatraS • and Myrtle. a well nnisholAwening. Price, s2soper annum: Posseesion given at once. Jams-119 Goods for the Season. - A full stock of assorted 41GFIFLADAD 3M ILI lES AT' Low rem- for cish, AT THE FAIKILY GROCERY AND PROVIS ION STORE OF CRAIG & MARSHALL, 24 West Park. - • • HAVING A,FUtL ASSORTMENT OF Fresh and New Groo s in ottr line. We offer FOR SALE AT - CASH, As low as the sante can bo had west of punk). Our Groceries having - been C arefully S ele a ted, ,Families can rely upon getting What they purchase. -We dellyer goods to all ports of the City free. deck TS-tf. rATARRR REmEcile: LUTE do net wish to Inform you, reader;that I'V Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has dis covered- a relpedy -.that cures Oonsumption, whea the litaigg ate half Consumed, in short, will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make =OM Uve forever, and leave death to play for want' of work, and is designed to make our sublunary rphere a blissful varadlse, to which•Reavett itself shall be but aside show. Yon hove, heard enough of stst kind of hum buggery, and "tve do, ot wonder that you , have 'by th is time heroine disgusted with It: lint whom we tell you that Dr. sage's Catarrh Reme dy WILL POSITIV81. 1 ( COW:TUC WORST CASES Of CAVARUIL we only assort that which thousands can testify ha. TrYttandyoti will be convinced. We will pay, $lOO .Reward for a case of Catarrh that cannot cute. - • Itor Salo by most Diusststs Everywhere. :Papas ONLY 50 cams. bent by Mail post paid. for, Sixty Cants, - Botts Packages for $1 . 00; or 1 Dozergot #5,110 Mad a two cent stamp for Dr. se's Tet on Ratarrh, . Address the Pro prietor. R. V. PIERCE, U. D ra declo-3. BtorTzto. i 4. V. Cynthia • Poe,. bY her_ ileXt -- ,frieng. Ira C. • natih. vs. Conrad roe'. in the -i.;ourt pf Common Pleas of 'Erie Count). i Npal February 'Term TFA', TirldOril' n tho above case WM be - taken before the - undershimed on the 17th of Feb., "Ww.. 41 . 3.o •Pck; S. tn., where all interested will appear. • , F CAMPIIAVSEIV, fb7-Sp Commissioner. YOB FRINTIIW 'of , every kind, in large or azaallAnsatitlao,•ptaln or'eotared. draw In tnebestatee; and •a= Inoderins prism, at the 9Setrep. ague. • • EEI IMO 'Not Ice. eb Slibtztiorminta. MOST COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. 'pl \ " PRESSES m 3 The Best Workmen: r0:1z.1) ;WA :)) z Printing Office, Oppecol!e Bremer; Hotel. Hsi lug tlttetrup our Office lu the MOST coMPLZTE MANNER, We are prepared to do Or 408 WCo la Y DESCRIPTION', In g Atyle or unsurpassed neatness, and at prices to compete with the largeat ottlees in the country. Our PhiESSiel are of the MOST IMPROVED FIND, our TitrE all NEW, and Of the NEAT EST STELES. and our WOttlatEli the best that can be found. With the Machinci7 and Material we now possess, we fe el warranted in claiming that 2 , 10 QFFICE in the State EXCELS, and only . one or two equal ur, In facilities for turning out work In a RAPID & SATISFACTORY MANNER. Orders for every style of PLAIN, COL9RED, AND PRINTINYQ Etee,eived, i t .apt wortstrarranted not .to be inferi or Soshat done In the Eastern cities. Apectal attention given to the printing of CARDM, LETTER & BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, ISII'A.:X•pIWMIVTFI. And all . .kicuis of work Inoue by Buslncas Every varrety or Paper, Card Board, Etc., Etc., That can be called tot/constantly 'kept on hand ENGIRIMG,, LITSOARAPHINO, ETC. Ltsive made arrangements with the /sagest and best establishment in Beffale * far artisr f aVO any sort of Takoradi:lg _ ; that may be needeit, bias good style and at a • LESS PRICE THAN IF THE ORDER WERE SENT TO TRF-11. DIRECT Patties woxitlus cuts or BUILDINGS, 311LC,EtINERY, SEALS, AUTOGRAPHS, - PORTRAITS, By entrusting them to us will be seemed of a POO piece of work In tke moat prompt and eat ignetgrY ratePter, , Engravings tarnished either on Woods Stone or Metal. :,. Book Binding, Ruling, ETC, ETC. In Ulla department we have facilities that are unsurpassed. Persons hating prbiUng to be done that rr. (lobes Failing or, Binding in eonneettoo, wilt tutd it to their Interest to entrust it to us. We will guarantee that It shall La perforate,' In a workmanlike manner, and that the charge Will be se Moderate altar' be aftbrded,, We are determined to compete with the beat, anti only oak a trial to satisfy tiny one that aha claim no more than we are Justly entitled to. Tho bent atuvortniont of LECAL BLANKS. In the elty Attorney's, Justice* of the Paws and Mama. ble'e Blank" of the most, approved throw MOM NOM fa every kind and kr. CICEPTS: single or in books, • fetekt 08NA.2dENTAL M S PS, STC.,